29-Mar-95 *** Version 1.14 released *** 03-Apr-95 The boot sector of the L64 disk had no CBM tag. That's why the auto start of L64 did not work on a C128. 07-Apr-95 Shift-Lock now also appears at address 653. The current state won't be saved at Esc/F5. A simple Shift can release the Shift-Lock key, that depends on the DOS keyboard driver. The national keyboard driver option must be set on. 07-Apr-95 The start up message of the floppy has been changed from 1541 to 1551. This may trick some fast loaders. 21-Apr-95 In Linux dosemu, enter the PC64 about box and press the mouse button on the OK button. Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to switch to another console and release the mouse button there. Go back with Alt+F1 to PC64, and the about box will remain on the screen until you move the mouse. A demo program for this bug has been sent to jmaclean@fox.nstu.ns.ca. 21-Apr-95 On some computers PC64 says "Adlib?" and hangs. Maybe this is an incorrect initialized gate of timer 2. Requires further tests at the customer's site. 21-Apr-95 If you specify /nosound on the command line, PC64 won't try to detect the sound hardware any more. 01-May-95 The new utility CBMTEXT.EXE converts files from some C64 text programs directly to DOS, instead of having to print into PRINT.OUT from C64 mode. 12-May-95 Registeres customers can order the 64'er-CD for 25 Marks. It contains 220 service disks from the 64'er magazine and its special editions. 12-May-95 The German online help has been converted into a Books Online format, the file HANDBUCH.TXT is omitted. Changes to the documentation now will only have to be written into 4 files, and everywhere on the same position. 12-May-95 With LShift+GreyPlus/Minus, one can change the CPU speed directly without having to go to . 12-May-95 When copying disk images, DISK99 will be counted to DISK100 and no longer to DIS100. 20-May-95 The secondary address 8 has been defined for printing from text programs. It is the same as 7, i.e. small letters with conversion from CBM to ASCII. The control characters 0-31 and 128-159 as well as the german umlauts 91-93 and 123-126 are not converted, also the conversion from CR to CRLF is omitted. Now you can use printer control codes like bold without having to go without the CBM to ASCII conversion. 25-May-95 The disk image file will be closed when leaving C64 mode. Now the DOS FAT is kept intact if you delete a disk image in the Manager which is also selected in an Emulator window. 27-May-95 If you switch from an Emulator window with a disk image to an Emulator window with P00 files and then back to the disk image, the first disk command did not work. The variable fCtrlBreak has been mistakenly not reset. 27-May-95 Open two Emulator windows with disk images, run one of them, go back to the desktop, switch to the other window, switch the disk image to a directory and start the second Emulator window. There is still the disk image selected. Although it has been correctly set to a directory, starting the Emulation has reload the old settings from the temporary file. 29-May-95 Sometimes loading from disk images was very slow. This is a problem with overlays. The code for disk images is now resident which will reduce the available DOS memory by 32 Kbyte. 29-May-95 The installation program does no longer call NEWNAME.EXE and T64TOP00.EXE. 30-May-95 The call to MOUSE_SETSPEED(8, 8) in MEWEL has been removed. Now the mouse pointer is no longer faster than in other programs. 30-May-95 If a directory contained more than 150 P00 files, the manager stopped reading its contents with the error "00, OK,00,00". This limitation is necessary for disk images, because the directory sectors can be linked in an endless loop. Now there are 32767 entries allowed in directories and 1000 on external C64 drives. The error message has been changed to "Directory is destroyed". 30-May-95 The display is now updated correctly when you search backward and the found match lies within the first few lines. 30-May-95 You can now specify a single file name for T64TOP00, not only a complete directory tree. 31-May-95 *** Version 1.15 released *** 06-Jun-95 Because the code for disk images had to be made resident (29-May-95), its load address was below 48 Kb if there were more than 600 Kb DOS memory free. Because the floppy ROM starts at $C000, the pointer to the memory base is set 48 Kb back. This was causing a wrap around which is not allowed under memory managers like HIMEM.SYS, 386MAX or QEMM. And so the disk images were reporting the error message "drive not ready" or "timeout on the IEC bus on output". To fix that bug, the floppy ROM has been moved into its own data segment which will be always linked above the code segments. 06-Jun-95 When changing disk images with F9, the BAM has not been re-read and thus the free blocks from the old disk appeared. When modifying the code for disk images, the call to the INITIALIZE command has been mistakenly removed. 06-Jun-95 The converter CBMText now understands eight formats: CBM Big Letters, CBM Small Letters, Vizawrite, Easy Script, Star Texter (untested), Textomat (untested), Master Text (untested) and Protext-128. 06-Jun-95 *** Version 1.16 released *** 01-Jul-95 CBMText.exe can now convert Basic programs from CBM token format to ASCII. In contrary to OPEN 4,4:CMD 4:LIST, spaces are inserted between commands and control characters are converted to readable text. 13-Jul-95 Dir64.cpp line 229 must read "afUsed[abSector[1]] = TRUE;" or the program hangs in an endless loop if a directory contains illegal chained sectors. 18-Jul-95 Although the IEC routines have a CLI at exit, there is very rarely an IRQ after returning to the caller. The reason is that the register $DC0D is read while the transfer is running. This is now emulated, so some games like Miniputt will work. 27-Jul-95 The compatibility of the serial shift registers has been improved. Arkanoid I to III are now running. 29-Jul-95 If you klick on a disk image in the Norton Commander and the first C64 file on it is protected, it will now load correctly. 29-Jul-95 If there is a Sound Blaster, the Adlib test is skipped and Adlib is set to TRUE. The detection did not work on some sound cards. 04-Aug-95 The 110 games have been reduced to 36. Now the emulator is fitting on a single disk. 15-Aug-95 There are two new switches in . They will exchange the white and the grey cursor arrows and Right and Left Ctrl. Also Num-Lock does no longer influence the joystick emulation. So you can control your games on a laptop without having to buy the Alternative Joystick Adaptor. 15-Aug-95 *** Version 1.17 released *** 19-Aug-95 Version 1.17 had a virus which wasn't recognized by McAfee 7'95. Thanks to Jrgen Rochner for finding it. Infected files can be detected with Virus895.exe. The virus doesn't make himself resident in memory. After starting an infected program, he will infect the first non-infected EXE file in the current directory. 19-Aug-95 *** Version 1.18 released *** 06-Feb-96 Switch /e added to Dir64. Checks for cross-links in disk images. 13-Mar-96 Switch -autotype added to PC64. PC64 for DOS is now compatible with the C64 Game Database. 14-Mar-96 *** Version 1.19 released *** 20-Apr-96 An old bug has been back again. MEWEL and MOVE don't like each other when SHARE.EXE is loaded. MOVE opens the EXE file in compatibility mode and MEWEL cannot read menus, dialogs and so on. To fix the problem, LLIBCE.LIB must be patched. In C5 16 00 00 32 C0 B4 3D CD 21, change 32 C0 to B0 40. I had installed the upgrade of Visual C++ 1.52, which overwrote the patched LLIBCE.LIB. As I don't have SHARE.EXE loaded and had to delete OS/2 because of outrunning harddisk space, I didn't notice this bug. 20-Apr-96 *** Version 1.20 released *** 09-Nov-96 Joysticks can now be swapped in C64 mode with , just like in PC64Win. 09-Nov-96 When PC64Dos is run with a file name on the command line and the user leaves C64 mode with , the program now no longer quits but returns back to the desktop. The old behaviour was inconsistent. 09-Nov-96 You can now quit PC64Dos by pressing in C64 mode. 11-Nov-96 The hardware mixer of the Sound Blaster Pro has been removed. It caused more problems than use. Controlling the volume of AdLib and DSP by software with is still possible. The port addresses of AdLib and DSP are now shown. If there is a DSP detected, the AdLib is set to DSP+8. Without a DSP it remains at 0388. If the sound now still does not work then the reason is a wrong BLASTER environment variable or the sound driver. If the sound is too quiet, please use the mixer program which comes with your sound card. 11-Nov-96 Beginners tried to run D64 disk images with . In the error message "No valid C64 file", a hint for the help has been added. There one can read how to run D64, P00 and T64 files. 11-Nov-96 Command Ctrl+F8 added. You don't need to edit Drives.ini by hand any longer if the fastloader in L64 hangs on some disks. 12-Nov-96 Fixed a bug in the P00 Manager window block calculation. A C64 block is 254 bytes, not 256. 18-Nov-96 *** Version 1.21 released *** 18-Mar-97 The switch /nosound does not longer print an error message "can't load NOSOUND". 29-Aug-97 All references to License.dat have been removed. 01-Sep-97 The program is now Public Domain. The original author Wolfgang Lorenz is no longer responsible for it. The source code is available for free. Maybe someone will continue to support the project. Interested developers may get in contact with each other in the comp.emulators.cbm newsgroup. 01-Oct-97 *** Version 1.22 released ***