TADS 3 syntax files for Notepad++ 1. Description The files in this archive are can be used for syntax highlighting of TADS 3 source files (.t) in Notepad++. Two files are included in this archive: userDefineLang_tads3_Default.xml (can be used with the Default theme (stylers.xml)) userDefineLang_tads3_Bespin.xml (can be used with the Bespin theme (Bespin.xml), or, perhaps, other light-on-dark themes) 2. Disclaimer These files are imperfect, as described below. I do not intend to spend any time finding out if it is possible to improve them, and if I did find out, I might or might not bother to do so. I am putting these files out there in case they help others in spite of their imperfections. There is no warranty that these files are helpful. Use them at your own risk. 3. Public domain These files should be considered public domain. Use them however you want. Feel free to modify, re-release, etc. 4. Imperfections a. No attempt has been made to include a complete list of the many classes, macros, etc., in the TADS 3 standard library, or even the TADS 3 intrinsic classes. I do not consider this a defect. I would personally rather highlight either all or none of the class names. Since it is impossible to get a list of TADS 3 library classes that will remain complete for future versions of TADS 3, I prefer not to make the attempt. b. These files are not capable of producing the ideal result for code that has strings within strings (as shown below). I don't know how to fix this and will not bother to do so unless the fix is very easy. Example: toteBag: BagOfHolding, Wearable, ComplexContainer 'tote bag' 'tote bag' "You always bring this tote bag when traveling. It's made of a tough, pliable synthetic, and it expands to accommodate almost anything. << isWornBy(me) ? "The bag is currently slung over your shoulder by its strap. " : "A strap lets you wear it over your shoulder. ">> " ; 5. Contact If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at X at X dot com, where X = gregboettcher