# The script of the game goes in this file. # Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the # name of the character. define e = Character("Eve", window_background="GUI/txtbox.png") define q = Character("???", window_background="GUI/txtbox.png") define y = Character("You", window_background="GUI/txtbox.png") define a = Character(" ", window_background="GUI/txtbox.png") define na = Character(None, kind = centered, what_color="#FFFFFF", what_outlines = [(1, "#000000", 0, 0)], what_justify=True, window_left_padding=100, window_right_padding=100) image redflash: "#AB0000" alpha 0.0 linear .25 alpha 1.0 linear .25 alpha 0.0 label splashscreen: scene black with dissolve pause (0.5) show text "{size=20}{color=#FFFFFF}this game was made for the O2A2 VN Jam 2023,\n a micro visual novel jam with strict asset limitations and a 1000 word limit.\n{/size}{vspace=10}{size=20}{/size}" with dissolve pause scene black with dissolve pause (0.5) show text "{size=20}{color=#FFFFFF}content warnings: graphic descriptions of violence and verbal abuse.\n stay safe and take care.\n{/size}{vspace=10}{size=20}{/size}" with dissolve pause scene black with dissolve pause (0.5) return # The game starts here. label start: scene black with dissolve na "It is often said that if you love someone, you should let them go." na "This story, however, is not about that." na "It is about a woman who refuses to let go of anything --" na "Of the one she loves, of all the hatred she buries," na "and most of all, your life." na "But you might think, what have you done to earn her cruelty?" na "Only time will tell." na "On the eve of the sanguine moon," na "If you ask the right questions, you shall recieve the right answers." na "Remember this." "..." "..." q "-- Y'hear me?" q "I know you can. Look at me." a "[[It hurts. Everything hurts. You're not sure why. Your body feels like it has been carrying the weight of the world for the past hundred years or so.]" a "[[You want to open your eyes, but you feel like you've forgotten how to --]" show redflash with vpunch q "Look at me when I speak to you, lowly creature." q "Goodness knows where she gets such pathetic people like you, but I'm not endeared by your damsel-in-distress act, got it?" a "[[You feel a a part of your skin burn, and instinctively, your eyes open.]" scene background with dissolve show eve with dissolve y "Please stop! It hurts! Let me go!" e "Hah! 'Let you go'...? You think I'd betray her like that?" e "I may want to tear you to shreds with my own hands, purely because of how much I can't stand the sight of you... but no. I won't let you go." e "She may not see your lack of value for herself, but I do share her desire to see you squirm and writhe in pain." e "Hmm... do you think that makes me a sadist? Hahaha." show redflash with vpunch hide eve with dissolve scene black with dissolve a "[[You struggle against whatever is binding you to the ground, and tears fall from your eyes as you realise over and over again that it is all for naught.]" a "[[You may be strong, but you're definitely not stronger than the woman in front of you. Even if you somehow did break free, she would probably put you back in shackles without breaking a sweat.]" e "Ah... keep struggling. It makes me so happy to see you like this! Please, by all means, suffer more. I don't want you to stay alive until the morning." e "I want to see your will and soul broken before she gets to you. Maybe that way, she'll abandon you and pay attention to {i}me{/i} instead." a "[[This lady is insane..! What is she even talking about? Do you even dare to ask?]" show redflash with vpunch scene background with dissolve show eve with dissolve y "ANH-!" e "Do you feel that? Those are your ribs. Nothing I'm seeing has been remarkable so far. You're quite the disappointing subject. I just don't fucking get what she saw in you! I adore her, but her judgement is far from perfect." e "Hah! Look at me. Being so gentle. You should be thankful." a "[[You encounter feelings you don't have words for. All you know is that you're being dissected, or something. You can't see. You're not sure you {i}want{/i} to see.]" a "[[You don't even know how she's still keeping you alive and conscious through it all.]" show redflash with vpunch e "-- I said, keep your eyes open when I'm talking to you! Who do you think you are?" a "[[You wish you knew. You wish you could understand what you meant to her, and this unknown 'her' she keeps referring to. You wish you could know what you had done to deserve this agony.]" e "You are a lab rat, nothing more, nothing less. Don't go about thinking that you can do as you please, got it?" a "[[You nod -- as much as you neck allows you to, at least. It's not like you have a choice, you can really only do as you're told.]" a "[[For some reason, you get the feeling that that her endgame here isn't actually to kill you. Which should be a relief, but it isn't.]" a "[[You feel a little bit of wind blow by, not sure where from. A little bit of courage goes a long way, and you muster up enough to ask a question.]" a "[[What's the worst that could happen, anyway? More pain? You're used to it by now.]" menu: "Who is the 'she' you're talking about?": jump sanguine "Why won't you just let me die?": jump letmedie label sanguine: e "Who died and gave you the right to ask me questions, my disgusting lab rat? Better yet, you really think you deserve to know about {i}her{/i}?" e "Hah, this is where solipsism gets you. You think you're the centre of the universe and... and... 'What's the worst that can happen to me'... no?" e "That's what you think, right?" e "Well, I'll tell you what's the worst that can happen to you, my dear main character." e "When I leave, you will rot here for at least a week. I am not attached to you enough to give you any kind of sustenance, so you will either starve or die." e "...Or maybe {i}she{/i} will give you some scraps to eat. Sanguine's kind, after all, and laid you here with such gentleness. Gentleness you don't deserve." e "But don't get me wrong. I am nothing compared to her. If I am a ere soldier, the she is the general. She knows cruelty like the back of her hand. She will hurt you and kill you in ways even I would shudder at." e "Does that answer your question?" a "[[You feel your head hurt at her answer... the blood loss finally getting to you. You slowly move in and out of consciousness before your eyes finally shut again.]" hide eve with dissolve scene black with dissolve na "ENDING 1: HER NAME." na "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!" scene black with dissolve pause(0.5) return label letmedie: e "Oh, is that what you want? To die?" e "Hah, you shouldn't have told me that. Now I'm even less tempted to kill you." e "No, I won't kill you, it would make me feel... dirty to have such a bond with you." e "That's her job. If you want to die, ask her. If you want to live, ask her. You're lucky, you know. You get this choice." e "Ah... I wish I had gotten it instead. It's unfair... really unfair..." hide eve with dissolve scene black with dissolve a "[[The woman keeps repeating the word 'unfair' before she leaves you alone to rot in the room.]" na "ENDING 2: UNFAIR." na "THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!" scene black with dissolve pause(0.5) return