THE TREASURE OF MCDOOBY'S MANSION v2.0 As written by Jason Wells ( This was the first text adventure that I wrote, after playing around with Sierra's 3-D Animated Adventure series (King's Quest, et al.) and reading _Compute's_Guide_to_Adventure_Games_. I believe it dates to about 1988 or 1989, when I was in the sixth grade, IIRC. The original version (1.0) was written in Applesoft BASIC at the "talented and gifted" program that my school district hosted. Version 2.0 was the GW-BASIC rewrite, adding color, some lowercase text, and beyond cheesy sound. Version 2.0 also used a couple of RUN"" statements to add a Help page and "Boss Key" type of feature, that Applesoft did not support (or at least, I did not understand it.. :-) This is it's only public release, with the GW-BASIC source saved into ASCII format. (If you even a glance at the code, you'll see *why* it's the only public release. :-) So, here it is, from the mind of a sixth grader: The Treasure of McDooby's Mansion version 2.0! --Jason A. Wells, "author"