1 CLS:REM ** "The Treasure of McDooby's Mansion" Version 2.0 2 CLS:CLEAR:SCREEN 0:COLOR 9:WIDTH 80 3 PRINT TAB(10);"****************************" 4 PRINT TAB(10);"* The Treasure of *" 5 PRINT TAB(10);"* McDooby's Mansion *" 6 PRINT TAB(10);"* Version 2 *" 7 PRINT TAB(10);"* By: Jason Wells *" 8 PRINT TAB(10);"****************************" 9 COLOR 4:PRINT TAB(10);"Press SPACE bar to begin." 10 COLOR 25:PRINT TAB(10);"(Be sure the CapsLock is on.)" 11 A$=INKEY$:IF A$<>CHR$(32) THEN 11 12 COLOR 15 13 GOTO 27 14 SOUND 587.33,15:SOUND 440,15 17 FOR T=1 TO 2000:NEXT T 21 RETURN 22 CLS:REM *** Endless Woods 23 COLOR 10,3:PRINT"You are in a forest with strange trees everywhere." 24 GOSUB 1000:GOTO 22 27 CLS:COLOR 12,1:REM *** Near House 28 PRINT"You can see a house to the NORTH, woods to the SOUTH, EAST, and WEST." 29 GOSUB 1000 30 IF C$="WEST" OR C$="S" OR C$="EAST" THEN 22 31 IF C$="NORTH" THEN 33 32 GOTO 27 33 CLS:COLOR 14,0:REM *** Front Door 34 PRINT"The front door of the house. Forests surround you on the EAST and WEST sides." 35 INPUT"Do you want to ring the DOORBELL(Y/N)?",Z$:IF Z$="Y" THEN GOSUB 14 36 GOSUB 1000 38 IF C$="NORTH" THEN 42 39 IF C$="EAST" OR C$="W" THEN 22 40 IF C$="SOUTH" THEN 27 41 GOTO 33 42 CLS:COLOR 15,6:REM *** Hallway 44 PRINT"A grand entrance hall. Exits are in all directions." 46 GOSUB 1000 48 IF C$="EAST" THEN 52 49 IF C$="SOUTH" THEN 33 50 IF C$="WEST" THEN 83 51 IF C$="NORTH" THEN 69 52 COLOR 6,0:CLS:REM *** Kitchen 53 PRINT"A very old kitchen. There are more cracks on the wall than you can count." 54 IF J=0 THEN COLOR 14:PRINT"There is a JAR on the counter." 55 IF J=1 THEN GOTO 57 56 COLOR 14:INPUT"Do you want to get the JAR(Y/N)";Z$:IF Z$="Y" THEN J=1 57 GOSUB 1000:IF C$="WEST" THEN 42 58 IF C$="NORTH" THEN 60 59 GOTO 52 60 CLS:REM *** Dining Room 61 COLOR 15:PRINT"This is a nice dining room.";:IF K=0 THEN COLOR 14:PRINT"A KEY is on the table." 62 IF K=1 THEN GOSUB 1000 63 INPUT"Do you want to get the KEY(Y/N)";Z$:IF Z$="Y" THEN K=1:GOSUB 1000:GOTO 66 64 IF Z$="N" THEN GOSUB 1000 66 IF C$="SOUTH" THEN 52 67 IF C$="WEST" THEN 69 68 GOTO 60 69 COLOR 11,0:CLS:REM *** Library 70 PRINT"You are in the library. Many books are on the walls." 71 IF S=1 THEN GOSUB 1000:GOTO 78 72 IF S=0 THEN COLOR 14:PRINT"A sword is on the shelf." 73 COLOR 11:INPUT"Do you want to get the SWORD(Y/N)";Z$ 74 IF Z$="N" THEN GOSUB 1000:GOTO 78 76 IF Z$="Y" THEN S=1:GOSUB 1000 78 IF C$="EAST" THEN 60 79 IF C$="SOUTH" THEN 42 80 GOTO 69 83 COLOR 13,0:CLS:REM *** Ballroom 84 PRINT"You have entered a very nice ballroom. There is a loose PANEL on the NORTH wall." 85 GOSUB 1000 86 IF C$="EAST" THEN 42 87 IF C$="NORTH" THEN 90 88 GOTO 83 90 CLS:REM *** Secret passage 91 COLOR 8 92 PRINT"A very dark passage. The stairs seem to lead DOWN into the darkness." 93 PRINT"The only ways out are UP and DOWN." 95 GOSUB 1000 96 IF C$="DOWN" THEN 100 97 IF C$="UP" THEN 83 98 GOTO 90 100 CLS:REM *** In front of door 101 COLOR 15:PRINT"A massive DOOR stands in front of you to the NORTH." 102 GOSUB 1000 103 IF C$="EAST" AND K=1 THEN DOOR=1:PRINT"DOOR unlocked.":GOSUB 1000 104 IF C$="UP" THEN 90 105 IF C$="EAST" AND K=0 THEN 108 106 IF C$="EAST" AND DOOR=1 THEN 110 108 PRINT"The large DOOR is locked." 110 CLS:REM *** Troll's cave 113 IF T=0 THE COLOR 2:PRINT"A TROLL is here to meet you." 114 IF S=1 THEN 116 115 IF S=0 THEN COLOR 20:PRINT"BAP!POW!WHAM!OOOF! That darn TROLL did a smashing job of killing you." 116 PRINT"You successfully defeat the TROLL.":T=1:GOSUB 1000 118 IF C$="WEST" THEN 100 119 IF C$="EAST" THEN 122 120 GOTO 100 122 CLS:REM *** Sorcerer's room 123 REM *** COOLNESS *** 124 COLOR 3:PRINT"A room with a strange glowing GEM." 125 IF SO=0 THEN COLOR 13:PRINT"Unfortunatly a sorcerer gaurds it(MCDOOBY!!!)." 126 IF J=0 THEN PRINT"The wizards magic turns you into sub-atomic particles blown away by the prevailing wind.":GOTO 2000 129 IF J=1 THEN PRINT"You pour the jar of water on the wizard. He dissolves into a puddle of orange ooze."SO=1:OSUB 1000 130 IF C$="WEST" THEN 110 131 IF C$="NORTH" THEN PRINT"You take the";:COLOR 12:PRINT" GEM ";:COLOR 3:PRINT"on your way out of the mansion":GOTO 3000 132 GOTO 122 1000 REM Get command from user. 1002 INPUT"Enter command";C$ 1003 IF C$="Q" THEN SYSTEM 1004 IF C$="B" THEN RUN"BOSS.BAS" 1006 IF C$="H" THEN RUN"HELP.BAS" 1007 IF C$="INV" THEN GOSUB 4000 1008 RETURN 2000 REM G A M E O V E R 2002 FOR Z=1 TO 7:PRINT:NEXT Z:COLOR 28 2004 PRINT"You really screwed up this time." 2005 COLOR 12 2006 PLAY "MST64L6N3N7N3N7L3N2" 2008 PRINT"1) Try again" 2009 PRINT"2) I give up" 2010 INPUT"Enter choice -->",Q$ 2012 IF Q$="1" THEN CLEAR:GOTO 27 2014 IF Q$="2" THEN SYSTEM 2016 GOTO 2010 3000 REM THE END 3002 CLS:C$="YOU WIN!!" 3004 FOR T=1 TO 2000:PRINT C$;:NEXT T 3006 PLAY"T169 L9 MS ABCDEFGACEGECAFEDEDEDGDCCEDABBCAEGFC" 3010 A$=INKEY$:IF A$="" THEN 3006 3012 GOTO 2 4000 REM *** Inventory 4002 CLS:PRINT"Inventory" 4004 PRINT"---------" 4006 IF J=1 THEN PRINT"JAR" 4008 IF K>1 THEN PRINT"KEY" 4010 IF S>1 THEN PRINT"SWORD" 4012 IF S=0 AND K=0 AND J=0 THEN PRINT"Nothing." 4014 RETURN