ADVCOM v1.2 - Copyright (c) 1986, by David Betz [ including quest.prp ] [ end of quest.prp ] [ including quest.fnc ] [ function: complain ] [ function: first-sibling ] [ function: next-sibling ] [ function: findobject ] [ function: in-location ] [ function: in-pocket ] [ function: light-present ] [ function: set-dobject ] [ function: set-iobject ] [ function: indent ] [ end of quest.fnc ] [ including quest.def ] [ object: basic-thing ] [ method: put-self-in ] [ method: vanish ] [ method: knock? ] [ method: enter ] [ method: leave ] [ method: how-hear ] [ method: how-smell ] [ method: describe ] [ method: open ] [ method: close ] [ method: exchange ] [ method: lock ] [ method: unlock ] [ method: move ] [ method: take ] [ method: drop ] [ method: carrying? ] [ method: list-contents ] [ method: inventory ] [ method: turn-on ] [ method: turn-off ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-hit ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: wounded ] [ method: attack ] [ method: attack-adventurer ] [ method: travel ] [ method: drain ] [ method: total-value ] [ method: ele ] [ method: elentari ] [ method: fill-self ] [ method: nirna-zap ] [ method: wave-self ] [ method: move-self ] [ method: total-weight ] [ method: content-weight ] [ basic-thing: location ] [ method: knock? ] [ method: enter ] [ method: leave ] [ method: how-hear ] [ method: how-smell ] [ method: print-contents ] [ method: describe ] [ basic-thing: portal ] [ method: knock? ] [ method: enter ] [ method: open ] [ method: close ] [ method: lock ] [ method: unlock ] [ method: wave-self ] [ basic-thing: actor ] [ method: turn-on ] [ method: turn-off ] [ method: move ] [ method: take ] [ method: drop ] [ method: carrying? ] [ method: inventory ] [ method: wave-self ] [ method: hello ] [ actor: monster ] [ method: attack ] [ method: attack-adventurer ] [ basic-thing: thing ] [ method: move-self ] [ basic-thing: stationary-thing ] [ thing: weapon ] [ thing: container ] [ method: open ] [ method: close ] [ end of quest.def ] [ including quest.scr ] [ function: connect-all ] [ action: look-into ] [ action: look ] [ action: listen-to ] [ action: sniff-thing ] [ action: listen ] [ action: smell ] [ action: a-take ] [ action: take-err ] [ action: a-drop ] [ action: drop-err ] [ action: give ] [ action: give-err ] [ action: put ] [ action: put-err ] [ action: a-throw ] [ action: throw-err ] [ action: a-inventory ] [ action: a-wave ] [ action: wave-err ] [ action: a-open ] [ action: open-err ] [ action: a-close ] [ action: close-err ] [ action: a-lock ] [ action: lock-err ] [ action: a-unlock ] [ action: unlock-err ] [ action: a-hello ] [ action: save ] [ action: restore ] [ action: restart ] [ action: quit ] [ action: scoring ] [ action: go-north ] [ action: go-south ] [ action: go-east ] [ action: go-west ] [ action: go-up ] [ action: go-down ] [ action: go-northeast ] [ action: go-northwest ] [ action: go-southeast ] [ action: go-southwest ] [ action: go-enter ] [ action: go-egress ] [ action: a-light-lamp ] [ action: a-douse-lamp ] [ action: a-fill-phial ] [ action: a-dip-err ] [ action: a-ele ] [ action: a-elentari ] [ action: a-nirna ] [ action: weigh-thing ] [ action: define-thing ] [ action: read-thing ] [ action: crogi ] [ action: sleep ] [ action: kill-thing ] [ end of quest.scr ] [ including quest.hld ] [ compiling init code ] [ compiling update code ] [ compiling before code ] [ compiling after code ] [ compiling error code ] [ end of quest.hld ] [ including quest.act ] [ monster: adventurer ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ method: wounded ] [ method: total-value ] [ actor: dryad ] [ method: exchange ] [ actor: druid ] [ method: exchange ] [ actor: hermit ] [ monster: wolf ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ method: wounded ] [ method: attack-adventurer ] [ method: travel ] [ monster: skeleton ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ method: wounded ] [ monster: ward ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ monster: spike ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ monster: spider ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ method: wounded ] [ method: attack-adventurer ] [ monster: tube ] [ method: effective-ac ] [ method: effective-th0 ] [ method: say-missed ] [ method: say-hit ] [ method: wounded ] [ method: attack-adventurer ] [ end of quest.act ] [ including quest.obj ] [ weapon: stick ] [ weapon: jeweled-dagger ] [ weapon: short-sword ] [ weapon: spear ] [ stationary-thing: acorn ] [ stationary-thing: missiletoe ] [ stationary-thing: peg ] [ stationary-thing: door-note ] [ stationary-thing: griffon ] [ stationary-thing: iron-ladder-1 ] [ stationary-thing: iron-ladder-2 ] [ stationary-thing: bugbear-corpse ] [ stationary-thing: bowl ] [ stationary-thing: l2-bpit-sign ] [ stationary-thing: l2-tube-sign ] [ stationary-thing: l2-poem-sign ] [ stationary-thing: l2-whirlpool-sign ] [ stationary-thing: jeweled-fishnet ] [ jeweled-fishnet: fishnet-1 ] [ jeweled-fishnet: fishnet-2 ] [ stationary-thing: whirlpool ] [ thing: mandala ] [ method: nirna-zap ] [ thing: silver-ring ] [ thing: black-batteries ] [ method: drain ] [ thing: brass-keys ] [ thing: abacus ] [ thing: fishook-rod ] [ method: wave-self ] [ thing: crogi-note ] [ thing: skeletal-arm ] [ method: move-self ] [ method: take ] [ thing: skull ] [ method: move-self ] [ method: take ] [ thing: garnet ] [ thing: skeleton-key ] [ thing: canary ] [ method: take ] [ method: move-self ] [ thing: malachite-star ] [ thing: silver-leaves ] [ thing: staff ] [ thing: bottle-of-wine ] [ thing: gold-nugget ] [ thing: jeweled-necklace ] [ thing: metal-shield ] [ container: flashlight ] [ method: open ] [ method: turn-on ] [ method: turn-off ] [ method: drain ] [ container: hoard ] [ method: total-value ] [ container: guilded-cage ] [ container: crystal-phial ] [ method: close ] [ method: open ] [ method: fill-self ] [ method: ele ] [ method: elentari ] [ end of quest.obj ] [ including quest.dor ] [ portal: blockhouse-door ] [ blockhouse-door: blockhouse-door-1 ] [ blockhouse-door: blockhouse-door-2 ] [ end of quest.dor ] [ including quest.l0 ] [ location: forest ] [ location: valley-wall ] [ valley-wall: north-wall ] [ valley-wall: south-wall ] [ location: cavern ] [ location: start-cliff ] [ forest: 4-way-path ] [ forest: deep-forest ] [ forest: deep-forest-2 ] [ forest: north-path ] [ location: maple-stand ] [ north-wall: north-wall-1 ] [ forest: 3-way-path ] [ location: brenin ] [ location: beech-copse ] [ south-wall: south-wall-1 ] [ location: up-a-tree ] [ location: further-up-a-tree ] [ location: tree-top ] [ forest: 3-way-path-2 ] [ location: birch-grove ] [ location: hill ] [ forest: deep-forest-3 ] [ north-wall: north-wall-2 ] [ location: clearing ] [ forest: deep-forest-4 ] [ location: dungeon-entrance ] [ north-wall: north-wall-3 ] [ north-wall: north-wall-4 ] [ forest: forest-with-cave ] [ location: forest-cave ] [ forest: deep-forest-5 ] [ forest: deep-forest-6 ] [ south-wall: south-wall-2 ] [ location: top-of-mound ] [ cavern: gypsum-cave ] [ cavern: gypsum-passage ] [ cavern: hermit-cave ] [ forest: deep-forest-7 ] [ north-wall: north-wall-5 ] [ location: bottom-of-cliff ] [ south-wall: south-wall-3 ] [ location: east-ledge ] [ location: top-east-ledge ] [ end of quest.l0 ] [ including quest.l1 ] [ cavern: inside-blockhouse ] [ cavern: bunker ] [ cavern: low-dusty-crawl ] [ cavern: skull-room ] [ cavern: rough-passage ] [ cavern: low-straight-passage ] [ cavern: plant-room ] [ cavern: grotto ] [ cavern: half-and-half-room ] [ cavern: good-tunnel ] [ cavern: stair-pit-1 ] [ cavern: n/s-passage ] [ cavern: light-room ] [ cavern: dead-end ] [ cavern: t-intersection ] [ cavern: e/w-passage ] [ method: leave ] [ cavern: root-room ] [ cavern: t-intersection-2 ] [ cavern: spears-end ] [ cavern: web-passage ] [ cavern: spider-lair ] [ method: leave ] [ cavern: l-intersection ] [ cavern: 4-way ] [ cavern: magic-pool ] [ cavern: e/w-passage-2 ] [ cavern: pool-ledge ] [ cavern: hot-water ] [ end of quest.l1 ] [ including quest.l2 ] [ cavern: stair-pit-2 ] [ cavern: 3-way-l2 ] [ cavern: 3-way-2-l2 ] [ cavern: wine-cellar ] [ cavern: bottomless-pit-l2 ] [ cavern: wharf ] [ method: leave ] [ cavern: landing ] [ method: leave ] [ cavern: 3-way-3-l2 ] [ cavern: tube-room ] [ cavern: 3-way-4-l2 ] [ cavern: wishing-whirlpool ] [ cavern: poem-room ] [ method: leave ] [ cavern: spike-room ] [ cavern: cul-de-sac ] [ end of quest.l2 ] [ words: 193 ] [ word types: 178 ] [ objects: 151 ] [ actions: 200 ] [ variables: 22 ] [ data: 11665 ] [ code: 6588 ] [ dictionary: 1451 ] [ text: 47104 ] [ save area: 11711 ] [ errors: 0 ]