Constant Story "The Unfortunate Training of Frank Lee, Monkey Butler to Be"; Constant Headline "^An Interactive Fling^ Copyright (c) 2001 Josh Giesbrecht^"; Release 0; Serial "010314"; Constant MAX_SCORE 12; Include "parser"; Include "verbLib"; [ Initialise; location = apartment; "^^^^^You've always hated reading assignments - that's why you took this mail-order course instead of Dentistry, promising the focus would be on getting some hands-on experience. Thankfully you're almost done the preliminary reading. Just one more page of instructions left to read before you get down to some real monkey butlering!^"; ]; [ PrintRank; print ", earning you the rank of "; switch (score) { 0 to 2: "wannabe monkey butler."; 3 to 12: "successful monkey-butler entrepreneur!"; }; ]; Class Room has light; Room apartment "Your Apartment" with name 'apartment', description "Your apartment is minimalist - just a desk, a chair and your mail-order course handbook awaiting you. The kitchen and and bedroom are around the corner (though you really don't have time to snack or take a nap right now). The front door is to the west.", w_to [; print "You step outside.^"; return Outside; ], cant_go "You vaguely consider doing that, but you're focused on getting this course homework done first."; Room outside "Outside your apartment building" with name 'outside' 'outdoors', description "It's a fine evening outside. Your antique car awaits to the north, and come to think of it you're due at the filming of Antique Roadshow in less than an hour. You really should get going soon.", n_go [; deadflag = 1; "You hurry off to the television filming - but you can't help feeling you missed a great chance to prove your worth as a monkey butler."; ]; Object book "'Monkey Butlering for Dumb Monkeys' textbook" apartment with name 'textbook' 'book' 'butlering', description "This is the handbook you got from EZ-Lern Inc., after sending the box-tops you collected to the address given on the matchbook. You're up to the final page in the text.^^'The key to being a successful monkey butler is to never forget your monkey roots. Anyone can butler - but people pay you top dollar to be a MONKEY butler. Don't give in to peer pressure from those snooty French butlers, who would like nothing better than for all the world's butlers to be prim and proper and enjoy the comedic antics of Jerry Lewis. Let loose your natural monkey instincts every now and then - scratch your armpits, pick grubs from another monkey's back, the sort of thing people have come to expect from a monkey butler. ^^'For those unfortunate souls who weren't born a monkey, this is more difficult. But don't let racial prejudice and cultural stigma limit your career choice. Rather, realize that everyone has some bit of monkey in them, and learn to embrace that monkey within yourself. Soon you'll find that the natural quirks of monkeydom will come naturally to you! To help you realize this goal, non-monkeys taking this course are assigned an extra project - display the true monkey in you in a public forum, and write a report on how it made both you and those around you feel.' ^^This is pretty good stuff! You feel ready to take on the world, and prove that even though you aren't a monkey, you can still be a damn good monkey butler!", before [; take: "You consider taking the handbook with you, but it's kind of hard to fit the 2147-page textbook conveniently on your person."; ]; [ FlingSub; ]; Object mudpie "mudpie" outside with name 'mudpie' 'mud' 'pie' 'feces', description "This is an icky looking, erm, mudpie.", before [; fling: deadflag = 2; score = 12; "You fling the mudpie at a random neighbor's car! The mudpie makes a sort of pastrami-colored splotch on the front windshield. ^^Just then the owner of the car appears! 'You stupid monkey, go fling your crap at someone else's car! I'm calling the police!' ^^You smile, content in the knowledge that you have tapped the monkey within you and gained a new enlightenment."; ]; Include "grammar"; Verb "fling" * noun -> Fling;