"A Roiling Original" by Andrew Schultz volume browsing and building notes [This initial section is to try and organize the source code. Of course, with a 2 million+ byte file, it's sort of tough to figure where to start. I can't promise that my code is super-readable, but I hope you find it interesting. It's been vetted all the way through, once. To search for your favorite goofy random tables, use ^blurb with a regular-expression search for editors that allow them, such as notepad++ in Windows, which is well worth a download. You can also search for (bracket) then xx(first letter) with g = general (for example, blank command/wait responses) or m=manor (for example, comedians Gunter mentions) or v = gritty dialogue, and so forth. XX alone is a (poorly-named) variable in some places, but searching with the bracket and then XX will cover everything. The new Inform IDE may allow you to search this way, too. For A Roiling Original, I stuck with 6G60. I had enough changes to deal with. You can place a bracket before any of the other text chunks below to search. They're ordered in approximate priority I used and how often I searched for them. TOA = the table of big point scoring changes, table of anagrams TOH = table of hint logic TON = nudge for good guesses TSH = specific help for specific items you have the right anagram for TMC = mega-chatter, which logs all the tables I search lists for TAF = after-texts, which logs everything said after scanning stuff. Used to help clue the player if something is confusing, whether it's a question mark or vowels/consonants not lining up TOR = reflexive blather, asking people about themselves (this is often a default)table of reflexive-blather [ask x about x] [tor] TOD = default gen blather, about general nonsense e.g. a misunderstood request DSB = default subject blather, about a specific topic. If an NPC has no entry, it goes to TOD. TOB = read ALL the book titles! TOSB = subj-blather, about a specific subject TNW = messages for "you can't go that way" TSX = differences between sexes TSH = table of spechelp, so you can see the specialized help for an item TSR = table of specreject, which gives specialized responses for if you try to flip something that doesn't need it any more DMT = dome tables, text from Demo Dome section VRT = VOLUME RANDOM TEXT BLURB TABLES has the random text. Volumes are divided by region for the most part. ] [you may need special versions of certain modules. They can be found at http://code.google.com/p/shuffling-around/downloads/list Glulx Text Effects.i7x Flexible Windows.i7x Are the two modified, and there may be a problem with naming Flexible Windows.i7x / Glulx Text Effects.i7x and a 'new' version. So if Inform says there are 2 of one table, you may be reading Glulx Text Effects.i7x and Glulx Text Effects - New.i7x. This is mostly my laziness. But until then I want this caveat in. ] volume globals include Reactable Quips by Michael Martin. include Quip-based Conversation by Michael Martin. [his extensions must be listed in this order] include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. include Glimmr Drawing Commands by Erik Temple. include Glimmr Bitmap Font by Erik Temple. include undo output control by Erik Temple. include conditional undo by Jesse McGrew. include Bypass Disambiguation by Climbing Stars. include Large Game Speedup by Andrew Plotkin. the story headline is "(or ailing) Squeeal! A Sequel!" the story description is "Dear, Lo! Ordeal reload!" release along with cover art. the release number is 3. a region has a number called max-score. a region has a number called min-score. a region has a number called poss-score. a region has a number called cur-score. a region can be solved, unsolved, needed, shortcircuited, bypassed or frivolous. a region is usually needed. a region has a room called last-loc. a region has a number called turns-spent. a region has a number called last-hint-turns. last-hint-turns of a region is usually 10. a region can be unspoiled or spoiled. a region is usually unspoiled. a region can be parsewrned. a region is usually not parsewrned. a region has a list of things called item-list. a person has a person called the chum. [a chum is someone whom they imitate in dialogue. For instance, Rand's chum is Leo. All warriors' chums are Andres. And so on.] to rulesOn: (- RulesOnSub(); -) when play begins (this is the table scramble and index rule) : let mycount be 0; repeat through table of megachatter: now done-once entry is false; if there is a mytab entry: sort mytab entry in random order; unless there is a reps entry: now reps entry is 1; if there is no curidx entry: now curidx entry is 0; if there is no maxidx entry or maxidx entry is 0: if there is a mytab entry: now maxidx entry is number of rows in mytab entry; if there is no maxbeforepause entry: now maxbeforepause entry is 40; increment mycount; now init-order entry is mycount; if there is a mytab entry: now table-size entry is number of rows in mytab entry; prio-sort table of random books: [this puts certain books in front, which may give various clues. It was probably more a thought experiment than anything.] to prio-sort (ta - table name): let temp be 0; repeat through ta: if there is a prio entry: now prio entry is a random number from 1 to prio entry; else: increment temp; now prio entry is temp; sort ta in prio order; chat-rand is a truth state that varies. every turn (this is the process random dialogue rule) : if current action is hinting: do nothing instead; if current action is fliptoing: do nothing instead; now chat-rand is true; consider the find-blather rule; now chat-rand is false; [find-blather is what is used for random dialogue. It relies on the table of megachatter.] this is the find-blather rule: let zz be 0; repeat through table of megachatter: if eturn entry is chat-rand: if there is a go-ahead entry: consider the go-ahead entry; if the rule succeeded: if chat-rand is true and talk-quiet is true and done-once entry is true: the rule succeeds; now done-once entry is true; increment curidx entry; if curidx entry > maxidx entry: if there is a lasties entry: say "[lasties entry]"; now curidx entry is 0; the rule succeeds; else: say "You feel a sense of deja vu.[paragraph break]"; now curidx entry is 1; if there is a prefix entry: say "[prefix entry]"; let whrow be curidx entry; let posties be suffix entry; choose row whrow in mytab entry; say "[blurb entry][posties][line break]"; if chat-rand is true: if talk-quiet is true: say "[line break]"; ital-say "the above was random dialogue that won't be repeated since you have HUSH on. You can undo this with UHHS."; if quiet-warn is false: ital-say "the above was random dialogue that can be turned off with HUSH or on with UHHS. If you forget this, it's in your notepad. Also, if you want all the dialogue, no need to hit Z a ton. You can read the source or, to see it formatted a bit better, solve the game."; pad-rec-q "random dialogue"; now quiet-warn is true; the rule succeeds; [randbla is used for stuff you examine.] wrap-note is a truth state that varies. wrap-note-ver is a truth state that varies. to say randbla: say "[run paragraph on]"; let booknote be false; let adnote be false; repeat through table of megachatter: if eturn entry is chat-rand: if there is a go-ahead entry: consider the go-ahead entry; if the rule succeeded: increment curidx entry; if curidx entry > maxidx entry: if there is a lasties entry: say "[lasties entry]"; now curidx entry is 0; the rule succeeds; else: [say "(generic note that random text is cycling)[paragraph break]";] now curidx entry is 1; if there is a prefix entry: say "[prefix entry]"; let whrow be curidx entry; let posties be suffix entry; if mytab entry is table of random books: now booknote is true; if mytab entry is table of ad slogans: now adnote is true; if reps entry is 1 or reps entry is 0: choose row whrow in mytab entry; say "[blurb entry][posties]"; else: let repnum be maxidx entry - curidx entry + 1; if repnum > reps entry: now repnum is reps entry; increase curidx entry by repnum - 1; [this is sloppy code but I can't think of another way to take care of this special case] else: now curidx entry is 0; d "[curidx entry] vs [maxidx entry]. Repnum is [repnum]."; let thistab be mytab entry; repeat with county running from 1 to repnum: choose row whrow in thistab; say "[blurb entry] "; increment whrow; if wrap-note is false and whrow > 5: [this is a magic number, to see if the person is really examining something.] now wrap-note is true; the rule succeeds; every turn when wrap-note is true and wrap-note-ver is false (this is the alert you don't have to gawk rule) : ital-say "you've been repeating looking up something with random text a lot--something with at least ten entries and possibly much more. If you solve the game, you can see it all. Thanks for your (apparent) interest! Oh, you can browse the source code for a chunk of text, too, and it shouldn't spoil the game, since it's all in a table. Just remember single apostrophes have a bracket on each side."; now wrap-note-ver is true; to ital-say (x - indexed text): say "[italic type][bracket]NOTE: [x][close bracket][roman type][line break]"; to ital-say-n (x - indexed text): say "[italic type][bracket]NOTE: [x][close bracket][roman type]"; to say c-c-u: say " [if circle is visited]in the Cleric Circle[else](Routes)[end if]"; to say indic of (reg - a region): if last-loc of reg is unvisited: say " ([reg])" to say lby: [stupid and awkward looking, but needed to make line breaks only when necessary. Basically, at the end of game, always break. Some megachatter doesn't need a break at the end. All lasties entries have LBY or LBN.] say "[if current action is liliing][paragraph break][else][line break][end if]"; to say lbn: if current action is liliing: say "[paragraph break]"; die-trigger is a number that varies. die-to-us is a truth state that varies. to say ted-die: if die-trigger > 0: decrement die-trigger; say "[if die-trigger is 0]'Die to us!' the lecturer yells, as he points at someone who may or may not be using drugs. 'To use...I'd...' the poor soul mumbles as he is slapped up and carted off. You see red at what must be either harsh injustice or appalling acting[else]Man, it's all so [i]tedious[r][end if]"; else if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds: say "After that ... incident, everything is back to [i]tedious[r]"; table of megachatter [tmc] [may not be alphabetized since some rules must come before others] mytab eturn curidx maxidx go-ahead whichreg descr prefix suffix lasties maxbeforepause done-once init-order table-size reps table of undo rejects false 0 0 undo-rej rule lll "Undo rejects" -- "" "'Do-over overdo.'" table of undo allows false 0 0 undo-ok rule lll "Successful undo responses" -- "" "'Do? Er, re-do.' (Last one. Stale? NO.)" table of random books false 0 0 read-books rule manor "All the books in your bookshelf" "[i]" "[r]" "our own aborted autobiography. You're embarrassed by what's there and how little is there. It was buried at the back.[paragraph break]Whew, that's everything. The only thing less exciting than re-reading all the titles would be to stare at a computer screen for a few hours." -- -- -- -- 1 table of ad slogans true 0 0 blurby rule manor "All the ads in the Dope Op-Ed" -- "" "HANKER! HARKEN! you read. With that general ad, it's back to the start." table of mob chants false 0 0 mob-chanting rule manor "Mob chants (LISTEN post-Gunter in manor)" "[one of]Shouty youths. Long-[a-word] slogans. [or]Bam-o! A mob! [stopping]" "[line break]" "They finish fishin[']." table of idiotic lecture points true 0 0 lecture-point rule stores "Cruelest Lectures advice[if tokers are off-stage or nestor is off-stage] (STORE N/STORE K mini-puzzle)[else if lectures is unvisited] (way high highway in Strip of Profits)[end if]" "The lecturer " " [ted-die]." "The lecturer flips back to the start of his keystone keynotes, resuming his ol['] mongo monolog.[lby]" 20 table of overdone movies true 0 0 name-movie rule stores "Cruelest Lectures movies[if tokers are off-stage or nestor is off-stage] (STORE N/STORE K mini-puzzle)[else if lectures is unvisited] (way high highway in Strip of Profits)[end if]" "The lecturer alludes to " "" -- 20 table of sicko movies false 0 0 movie-over-ad rule stores "Store C videos (parental advisory)" "You peruse the movies: " "" -- -- false 0 0 5 table of store c competitors false 0 0 compet-over-ad rule stores "Store C competitors" "You're promised better prices and service than " "." "Finally, there's a put-down of Twisted Twit Ed's." table of store c ads false 0 0 read-c rule stores "Store C advertisements (parental advisory)" -- "" "'Wanker? Ew, rank!' someone hisses at you. Yup, you've been reading a while." table of tokers nonsense true 0 0 ohai-tokers rule stores "The tokers['] chat[if tokers are off-stage and nestor is off-stage] (flip STORE K and STORE N in Strip of Profits)[end if]" -- "" "'No weed? We done!' but they find some more, ready to repeat. You may wish to HUSH them to zone them out as they zone out." table of moralizers false 0 0 read-pious-1 rule routes "Moralizers[c-c-u]" -- "" -- table of rev ali advice false 0 0 read-pious-2 rule routes "Rev. Ali's musings[c-c-u]" -- "!" "an epilogue hand-written in: [i]sad, rash [if censor-minor is true](mean name)[else]hardass[end if][r], which is refreshing." table of horbert musings true 0 0 horby rule routes "Brother Horbert's musings[c-c-u]" "Brother Horbert mumbles something to himself... [i]" "[r]" "Brother Horbert mumbles [i]Ah, even heaven...[r] A pause. His thoughts may loop again--like people's wanderings in the mesa." 40 table of horbert farewells false 0 0 horb-bye rule routes "Brother Horbert's blessings[c-c-u]" "Brother Horbert speaks as you leave: [i]" "[r][line break]" "Brother Horbert's face shows neat, epic patience as you leave, again." 40 table of missing deli foods false 0 0 ask-deli rule routes "Non-foods at the Idle Deli[indic of routes]" -- "" table of checklist items false 0 0 read-tec rule troves "SlickTech Checklist to-dos[indic of troves]" -- "" "Wow! That's a lot to do. You need to sit and think and build up to believing you can do it all. And quickly." table of DIVORCES articles false 0 0 read-divorces rule troves "'Fascinating' DIVORCES articles[indic of troves]" -- "" "an interview with an influential mayor who knows what's what: Ah, Mr. Harm![paragraph break]Well, they saved the worst for last. You could reread if you want." table of ethics advice false 0 0 read-eths rule troves "Advice from Pa, Egg, Pea[eisiping]" "[one of]There is some blurb about how REAL CHANGE COMES FROM WITHIN and how you shouldn't look to change a clover into Velcro or any such nonsense. Also how this book is better than [i][twiddle of table of self-help bestsellers and 3][r].[paragraph break][or][stopping]One random 'thought-improving' passagefrom Peg A. Page reads: " "" "You've reached the end, filled with crappiest tips recap. Rereading may or may not be less painful the second time through." table of gritty dialogue true 0 0 say-gritty rule troves "Gritty Spoiloplis dialogue[indic of troves]" "Gritty sounds come, then go, from [one of]your testers, the tersest[or]the[stopping] streets: " "" "Tense silence replaces the gritty sounds, which will probably return and cycle. People making the same mistakes they did before. But you are bound for better things--or, with that book, you'd better be." table of non-checklists false 0 0 desk-look rule troves "Slick-Tech Checklist alternatives[if fiefco is unvisited] (Troves)[end if]" -- "" table of posh dialogue true 0 0 say-posh rule troves "Posh Spoiloplis dialogue[indic of troves]" "Upper-class concerns: " "" "A low, snide 'Old is new, wild ones.' Cue repetition." table of posse bosses false 0 0 in-bvd rule troves "Rusin['] Used Lot. bad guys[indic of troves]" "maybe " "" "not Mean Roy Maroney, anymore--he's the last of them" table of real estate ads false 0 0 read-brochure rule troves "Rotunda brochure locations[indic of troves]" "It's for real estate by Sir Dee. One page header blares [i]Home's so Meh? " ".[r][paragraph break]The page-end reads RESIDE! RESIDE! RESIDE!" "Secretcester! OWN NOW! is the final entry." table of Leo and Rand chitchat true 0 0 Leo-Rand-cry rule presto "Leo and Rand's chatter[if rand is fightin] (STORE P)[end if]" -- "" "'Heya.' / 'Yeah?' An awkward silence follows.[paragraph break]They've run out of conversation, but fortunately (for them,) they forgot it all, so they can just restart." table of catechism pages false 0 0 catechism-over-research rule presto "Hacks['] shack catechism entries[indic of presto]" -- "" "After the final 'Ok, worn? Work on or know,' only a nixed-pap Appendix is left. But for reading this, appoint you a rarest raster starer. Have an, er, star." table of research topics false 0 0 read-text rule presto "[one of]Some[or]More[stopping] explanation of Arch Ree's research:[indic of presto]" "Arch Ree's[one of][or] further[stopping] research on " "." table of bar dialogue true 0 0 bar-over-comp rule oyster "Posh Hops Shop action[indic of oyster]" "[one of]Whew. Rough talk and action here. [or]More rough talk and action. [or][stopping]" "" "You've seen it all. Time to take decisive action(s) of your own." table of competing bars true 0 0 in-bar rule oyster "Posh Hops Shop competitors[indic of oyster]" "Someone says the Posh Hops Shop [one of]has nothing on[or]sure beats[at random] " "." table of Casper mumbles false 0 0 casper-talk rule oyster "Casper's mumblings[indic of oyster]" "" "" table of fish fries true 0 0 insult-over-girls rule oyster "Carps/pikes trout-bullying [if anger range is visited]in anger range[else](STORE Y)[end if]" -- "" "The bullies call him 'A soft fatso so fat.' They're out of ideas and claim it's the trout's fault for not being interesting enough. The ratters restart samer smear-reams." table of unpopular girls true 0 0 ohai-bullies rule oyster "Unpopular girls carps/pikes mention[indic of oyster]" "The bullies insinuate the trout [one of]likes[or]isn't good enough for[cycling] " "." "Zina is the last, and wrongest, girl they accuse the trout of liking." table of tuna gossip true 0 0 gossip-over-chatter rule oyster "Aunt Tuna's gossip[indic of oyster]" "Aunt Tuna gossips: " "" "'Edda Dade. Dead. Cleo's Close. Dorithy--Thyroid. Halle's a shell. All she... Heather's Heart. She... diabetes, die, beast!' Aunt Tuna pauses, head in hands. That was the final thing she'd been repressing." table of aunt tuna chatter true 0 0 ohai-tuna rule oyster "Aunt Tuna's complaints[indic of oyster]" "[one of]'Oh, dear! Do hear!' / 'D'oh...are...' Aunt Tuna cuts you off and[or]Aunt Tuna[stopping] " "" "Aunt Tuna, as her nags snag, restarts her prattle platter of how she is BEYOND done-by..." table of theses false 0 0 screed-read rule oyster "Theses Sheets notes[indic of oyster]" "" "" "Life Conks Nice Folks![paragraph break]Well, that's probably enough proof you're dealing with bad guys, here." table of rodney bluster true 0 0 rodney-here rule towers "Rodney's bluster[indic of towers]" "Rodney [if number of visible warriors is 7]informs his gang[else if number of visible warriors > 3]yells at his remaining troops[else if number of visible warriors is 2]yells to his remaining companion[else]mutters to himself[end if] about " "." "repeating, then inept rage and a petering." table of gizmo parts false 0 0 gizmo-x rule towers "Parts of the I ZOMG GIZMO[indic of towers]" -- "" "Ulti-Util, the most powerful, confusing and hidden of all the gizmo parts" table of Elmer and Merle squabbles true 0 0 alcove-talk rule otters "Elmer and Merle's chat" -- "" "Since they're kinda evil, or at least serving someone evil, they give a greedy look as they restart their complaint routines." table of Elvira battle cries false 0 0 last-battle rule otters "Elvira's battle cries" -- "" "" table of Elvira machines false 0 0 bzzt rule otters "Elvira's machines" -- "" "" table of Elvira taunts false 0 0 Elvira-taunt rule otters "Elvira's taunts" -- "" "'Stellar staller!' Dang, the simplest ones hurt the most." table of animal friends false 0 0 bzzt rule otters "Your animal friends" -- "" table of political slogans false 0 0 sloganing rule others "Political slogans" -- "" table of selly yells false 0 0 clearing-listen rule others "Selly Yells[indic of others]" "" "" "A big errant inert brag pauses the bartering for a minute." table of singing rejects false 0 0 is-singing rule lll "Rejects for singing" -- "" "Sing-ings! Sing-ings!" table of empty command rejects false 0 0 ibyp rule lll "Responses to an empty command" -- "" "Go for it or I GTFO! (this is the last blank response and an empty threat to boot.)" -- false 0 0 1 table of wait responses false 0 0 i-wait rule lll "Wait/Z messages" -- "" "A lag gala.[no line break]" table of cussing rejects false 0 0 amcuss rule lll "How the game blocks profanity, mild or obscene" -- "" "Screed on, [bracket]CENSORED[close bracket].[no line break]" table of nonviolence messages false 0 0 amatt rule lll "How the game blocks ATTACK" -- "" "Ill touch? Chill out till...ouch!" table of death messages false 0 0 bzzt rule lll "Death notices" -- "" table of help companies false 0 0 bzzt rule lll "Hint guy t-shirt writing[if have-objhinted is false] (occurs first time you request hints)[end if]" -- "" table of elmo emo false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Elmo's romantic complaints[if girls-quip is not mowered] (off-topic Elmo chat)[end if]" "" "" table of sports chatter false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Elmo's sports banter[if sports-quip is not mowered] (off-topic Elmo chat)[end if]" "" "" table of biopics false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Biopics, good and bad[if media-quip-2 is not mowered] (off-topic Elmo chat)[end if]" "" "" table of bad rappers false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Bad rap music[elv-art]" -- "" table of lame computer games false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Computer games[elv-art]" -- "" table of comedians false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Comedians of Yorpwald[unless pun-quip is mowered] (with Gunter, lighten the mood with a joke)[end if]" "" "" table of laughhouses false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Comedy joints[unless pun-quip is mowered] (with Gunter, lighten the mood with a joke)[end if]" "" "" table of lame talk shows false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Bad talk shows[unless media-quip-2 is mowered] (complain about the media some more to Elmo)[end if]" -- "" table of lame movies false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Bad movies[elv-art]" "" "" table of lame tv shows false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Bad TV shows[elv-art]" "" "" table of oldies singers false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Initial oldies singers[elv-art]" "" "" table of lousy hit songs false 0 0 bzzt rule manor "Bad songs[elv-art]" -- "" table of self-help bestsellers false 0 0 bzzt rule troves "Self-help bestsellers[eisiping]" -- "" table of songs you could write false 0 0 bzzt rule troves "Songs you write on solving Troves" -- "" table of sleep rejects false 0 0 am-sleeping rule lll "Sleeping rejects" -- "" [tmc] this is the am-sleeping rule: if current action is sleeping: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the sloganing rule: if player is in gates stage and current action is going north: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the undo-ok rule: if currently-undoing is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the undo-rej rule: if currently-rejecting is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the clearing-listen rule: if player is in clearing and current action is listening: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the is-singing rule: if current action is singing: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the last-battle rule: if current action is playing whistle and player is in Inclosure: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the mob-chanting rule: if current action is listening and player is in study and gunter is in lll: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the desk-look rule: if current action is examining the big important desk: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the catechism-over-research rule: if player is not in shack: the rule fails; if go-with-first of table of catechism pages and table of research topics: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the bar-over-comp rule: if player is not in hops shop: the rule fails; if go-with-first of table of bar dialogue and table of competing bars: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the gizmo-x rule: if current action is examining the gizmo: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the ask-deli rule: if pat-whine is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the casper-talk rule: if casper-mumble is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say eisiping: say "[if rathole is unvisited] (Troves)[else if Pa Egg Pea is unexamined] (examine Pa Egg Pea)[end if]" to say elv-art: unless dope-read is true: say " (read [if player is male]I Trash His Art[else]Her Arts Er Trash[end if])" this is the rodney-here rule: if player is in trefoil and rodney is in trefoil: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the Elvira-taunt rule: if current action is going east and player is in Reclusion Inclosure: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the screed-read rule: if current action is examining the theses sheets: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the pun-quip rule: if current quip is pun-quip: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the bzzt rule: the rule fails. this is the i-wait rule: if current action is waiting: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the horb-bye rule: if current action is exiting in Cleric Circle: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the amcuss rule: if current action is swearing obscenely: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the amatt rule: if current action is attacking: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the ibyp rule: if pardons is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the in-bvd rule: if player is in Used Lot: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the read-brochure rule: if current action is examining the brochure: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the read-books rule: if current action is examining the bookshelf: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the read-eths rule: if current action is examining Pa Egg Pea: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the read-tec rule: if current action is examining checklist: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the read-text rule: if current action is examining the catechism: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the read-pious-1 rule: if current action is examining the pious rev: if pious-state is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the read-pious-2 rule: if current action is examining the pious rev: if pious-state is false: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the read-divorces rule: if current action is examining DIVORCES: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the movie-over-ad rule: if current action is not examining store c: the rule fails; if go-with-first of table of sicko movies and table of store c ads: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the compet-over-ad rule: if current action is not examining store c: the rule fails; if go-with-first of table of store c competitors and table of store c ads: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the insult-over-girls rule: if player is not in anger range or pikes are not in anger range: the rule fails; if go-with-first of table of fish fries and table of unpopular girls: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the gossip-over-chatter rule: if location of player is not handsome sand home: the rule fails; d "In sand home."; if go-with-first of table of tuna gossip and table of aunt tuna chatter: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to decide whether go-with-first of (t1 - a table name) and (t2 - a table name): choose row with mytab of t1 in table of megachatter; let n1 be curidx entry; let n2 be maxidx entry; choose row with mytab of t2 in table of megachatter; let m1 be curidx entry; let m2 be maxidx entry; if n1 is 0 or n1 is 1: if m1 > 1: [this is not perfect but basically the larger tables come first] decide no; [this lets the 2nd bit cycle] d "[t1] vs [t2] is [n1] vs [m1] and [n1] * [m2] = [n1 * m2] vs [m1] * [n2] = [n2 * m1]."; if n1 * m2 <= n2 * m1: decide yes; d "[n1 * m2] > [n2 * m1]."; decide no; this is the read-c rule: if current action is examining store c: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the blurby rule: the rule fails; this is the in-bar rule: if player is in hops shop: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the horby rule: if player is in cleric circle and Brother Horbert is in cleric circle: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the Leo-Rand-cry rule: if Rand is washed up and player is in ridge: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the ohai-bullies rule: if carps are in anger range and player is in anger range: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the ohai-tokers rule: if player is in strip and tokers are in strip and nestor is in strip: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the ohai-tuna rule: if player is in sand home: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the say-gritty rule: if player is in Used Lot or player is in Loather Rathole: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the say-posh rule: if player is in Econ Cone or player is in Dour Tan Rotunda: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the em-sez rule: if player is in alcoves and Merle is in alcoves: if Merle is reflexed: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the alcove-talk rule: if player is in alcoves: if Elmer is in alcoves: if Merle is reflexed: the rule succeeds; else: say "Merle and Elmer [one of]begin[or]continue[stopping] concern trolling with the whole good-is-evil-and-evil-is-good routine, [one of]exclaiming HOLY NETS![or]all, 'Sly, eh? NOT.' discussing you.[or]lamenting Elvira's no-ethyls policy.[or]dissing Shy Elton.[or]so obviously on-the-sly, but what can you do?[in random order]"; the rule fails; this is the lecture-point rule: if player is in cruelest: if go-with-first of table of idiotic lecture points and table of overdone movies: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the name-movie rule: if player is in cruelest: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; twiddle-warn is a truth state that varies. to say twiddle of (tn - a table name) and (nums - a number): if nums is 1: [this simply forces one name out] choose row with mytab of tn in table of megachatter; increment curidx entry; if curidx entry > maxidx entry: now curidx entry is 1; let wh-row be curidx entry; choose row wh-row in mytab entry; say "[blurb entry]"; continue the action; let tr be maxidx corresponding to mytab of tn in table of megachatter; let cholet be 0; let currow be curidx corresponding to mytab of tn in table of megachatter; let thisgrp be nums; let ors be false; if thisgrp < 0: now thisgrp is 0 - thisgrp; now ors is true; let skip-past be false; let curcount be 0; if currow > tr: say "(a bunch of stuff already read)[line break]"; continue the action; while skip-past is false: if thisgrp >= tr - currow: now thisgrp is tr - currow; now skip-past is true; repeat with counter running from 1 to thisgrp: increment currow; choose row currow in tn; if counter is thisgrp and counter > 1: say " [if ors is true]or[else]and[end if] "; else if counter > 1: say ", "; say "[blurb entry]"; if currow < tr and debug-state is false: say "... [i][bracket]M for more examples, any other key to move on[close bracket][r]"; let cholet be the chosen letter; if cholet is not 77 and cholet is not 109: now skip-past is true; say "[line break]"; increment curcount; if curcount is 5 and twiddle-warn is false: now twiddle-warn is true; ital-say "you can see all this at the end, so no need to page through all [tr] entries."; else: if debug-state is false: say " [bracket]That's all![close bracket][line break]"; now skip-past is true; choose row with mytab of tn in table of megachatter; [reset to what's after] if currow is tr: now currow is 0; now curidx entry is currow; every turn when strip of profits is visited (this is the region-hint on no score rule): if mrlp is manor and Gunter is in lalaland: increment turns-spent of mrlp; else if mrlp is unspoiled: increment turns-spent of mrlp; if cur-score of mrlp is 0 and mrlp is unspoiled: if turns-spent of mrlp > last-hint-turns of mrlp: if the remainder after dividing turns-spent of mrlp by 10 is 0: say "It seems you're stuck a bit here. Would you like a hint as to what this region is about?"; if the player consents: now mrlp is spoiled; choose row with hint-reg of mrlp in table of region-spoilers; say "This region focuses on [spoil-expl entry]."; now block-north is true; otherwise: say "Ok--I'll ask again in a few moves."; now last-hint-turns of mrlp is turns-spent of mrlp; [ reject the player's command;] before going north when block-north is true: do nothing instead; [?! hack to get rid of z.z.z.z. and answer n] table of region-spoilers hint-reg spoil-expl otters "adverbs[if inhib is true](weakest, due to lost powers)[else](but powers back now)[end if]" presto "interjections" routes "prepositions" troves "passive verbs" towers "adjectives" oyster "active verbs" others "not nouns any more--a different part of speech in each location" [this table gives clues after you scan, although sometimes it may be approrpriate to give hints only in cheat mode.] table of aftertexts [taf] xtradesc b-only clue-only-once clued-yet bothscan xtratext tables false false false true "You fiddle with the cheat button and note that nothing happens to the R's and Y's." [manor] niche false false false true "You fiddle with the cheat button and note that nothing happens to the R's and Y's." t-b false false false true "You fiddle with the cheat button and note that nothing happens to the R's and Y's." [end manor] bench false true false false "Hm, bench is only five letters, but nothing was highlighted until you scanned the bit reading A GIANT'S." [routes] controls false false false false "This is odd--all these question marks. Surely you'll find by accident where Ben hid the hit win button? Or you can just pick and choose, focusing on Ben, or the win." ltb true true false false "Man! Only one stable red at the end. Those two co-authors muck things up. Maybe you can switch to teach mode, or maybe you can have a think on your own, realize there're only so many possibilities, and, oh, what's the word?" Pa Egg Pea true true false false "Man! It's making the settler go crazy. Between the title and the author's name, there's a lot to consider. Maybe it will shake out." brochure true false false false "You imagine a voice saying OBSTACLES LIKE THOSE QUESTION MARKS MAY BE OPPORTUNITIES. A [if brochure is examined]re[end if]reading of the brochure may help see what it's about." rivets false false false true "[rivet-help]." song false true false false "You'd guess it's Eddie's song and not Eddie, since when the instrumentals kick in, the settler's reading stays." alert letters true false false false "Hmm. The settler is giving a weird result, but the sheer number of question marks indicates ALERT/ALTER has a lot right between them." [presto] USB true true false false "Hm, USB seems pretty straightforward. Maybe there are two solutions, each equally good." pale plea false true false true "[if cheat-on is false]You check both ways, and it's still RYYR[else]Well, five letters is easier than four[end if]." general gleaner true false false false "The pattern blinks green-red and yellow-purple." Ray Eck false true false false "Ray Eck begins babbling about how interesting the settler looks, almost as interesting as his keycar. Maybe you could ASK him about the settler, if he's still stumping you." [towers] nameless salesmen false true false true "Hm. Salesmen is eight letters, but your settler registers seven. Seven letters in Nerd-Aid. It's--well, they're certainly dressed unusually." alarming grailman true false false false "The one letter blinks between green and yellow." sweatier wait-seer true false false false "The letters blink from red/yellow to purple/green and back." iPrune true true false false "Hm. That one blinky letter is pretty weird. Maybe you can start there, or try to annoy the iPrune." raves saver true false false false "Man! Four of the six entries (and you'd expect five) are blinky. That doesn't seem to mean anything...OR DOES IT." deacons false true false false "Well, this is tricky. They could be just plain deacons, or they could be the hostile ol['] heist. You may need to observe a bit more to clear this up." man covered in inapt paint false true false false "Hmm, painted and covered have three vowels--so it's probably the FLEMISH in inapt paint across his chest." old ice true true false false "Hm, it's certainly docile old ice, so the confusing letter may not be so confusing." doc-y false true false false "[if doc-y has not been rowdy and doc-y has been wordy][else]The settler showed two sets of RYRRO for a moment, there. Perhaps it represents a range of Dr. Yow's emotions.[else if doc-y has been rowdy or doc-y has been wordy]Hm, maybe Dr. Yow has more emotion than what you already brought out of him.[else]That leaves four possibilities, cheat or no, and none of the others make sense.[end if]" ropins false true false false "Now this is odd. The ropins have six letters, but they register eight. Maybe if you find something with eight letters, you can find out how to unlock them." serpent true true false false "That is a lot of blinks, but those blinks have to be almost as good as a purple or green." cinders true true false false "Hm, that's weird. Perhaps there are two things you can do with the cinders." [otters] atmo-moat false true false true "You feel sheepish having used the settler, but it's been a long journey." Merle false false false true "Some of the entries seem to flip bluish briefly as you flip the settler, as if the changing conversation may change settings." sly imp false false false false "The settler then gets garbled a bit. The imp is maybe too active for even the settler to pin down." whiners false false false false "The settler then garbles and changes. The men have ways of staying loud." [end otters] coins false false false false "Even the reds and yellows seem to be blinking here. It's as though the coins need to be changed twice." [others] pugnacious false false false false "Wow, seven letters, odd. Maybe you need to talk to the plant or attack it or something to see what kind it might be." caution false false false false "Hm, that certainly cuts things down a ton[if caution is unexamined], or should, once you read that sign[end if]. Just [if cheat-on is true]one possibility[else]three possibilities[end if]." an-a false false false false "You think you hear a taunting na-naa-b after you scan the letters." natives true true false false "That's weird. They're just natives, but the blinky bit suggests there may be two possible solutions." curst palace true false false false "[if palace-let < 5]Wow, lots of blank data. You may want to get closer to have any hope of figuring how to restore the palace[else if palace-let is 11 and cheat-on is true]The final letter clue blinks alternately with the fifth--neither is purple at the same time[else if cheat-on is true]Hm, maybe you can figure what the fifth letter is if you know more about the later ones[else]Just the reds and yellows still leave a lot of possibilities. But maybe you'll have clues along the way[end if]." check scaning a prefigured thing: if noun is not dialer: say "Before running the scanner, you remember you've already figured what to do, just not when. The information's in your pedanto-notepad." instead; to say rivet-help: if rivets are reflexed and prai is reflexed: say "Well, there's probably not much else hidden in the rivets"; continue the action; if rivets are reflexed: say "You maybe could focus on what the rivets say"; continue the action; if prai is reflexed: say "Hmm, the message could've been painted on, but Trevis Vister commissioned rivets"; continue the action; say "[if cheat-on is true]The greens and yellows in the last two characters blink in unison[else]A little messy, but that may just mean there are two ways to look at this problem[end if]"; a thing can be ssok, ssno, ssblur or ssclear. a thing is usually ssok. a thing can be attempted. a thing is usually not attempted. a thing can be unscannable. a thing is usually not unscannable. a thing can be prefigured or unfigured. a thing is usually unfigured. a thing has text called a-text. a thing has text called b-text. a thing can be warpable. a thing is usually not warpable. a thing can be LLPish. a thing is usually not LLPish. a thing can be universal, useless, cluey, amusing, abstract or practical. a thing is usually practical. a thing can be flippable, auxiliary or uncluing. a thing is usually uncluing. a thing can be super-easy, semi-easy, or not-easy. a thing is usually not-easy. [this is subjective, but super-easy is trivially solvable with settler non-cheat. Semi-easy is trivially solvable with settler cheat. Not-easy takes some more brainwork.] a thing can be rayed. a thing is usually not rayed. a thing can be examined or unexamined. a thing is usually unexamined. a room can be stairy. a room is usually not stairy. a room can be outie or innie. a room is usually outie. [innie has WALL/WALLS for anagrams] a room can be shunned. a room is usually not shunned. [GO TO ROOM won't work] a room has a number called progval. [again for GO TO ROOM, from progval of 2 to 1 is not valid] a thing can be ghostly. a thing is usually not ghostly. a person can be superchatty, subject-talking or terse. a person is usually subject-talking. [terse = they ignore general defaults like asking about Elvira, subject-talking = ignore silly details.] a person can be terse-warned. a person is usually not terse-warned. the player is terse. an animal is usually terse. a hintpastry is a kind of thing. a hintpastry can be heated. a hintpastry is usually not heated. a hintpastry is usually edible. a hintpastry has a number called deliciousness. after taking a hintpastry: increase deliciousness of noun by 10; continue the action; when play begins (this is the disambig-pastry rule) : let tastee be 1; repeat with HP running through hintpastries: now deliciousness of HP is tastee; increment tastee; understand "pastry" as a hintpastry. check objasking about a hintpastry when mrlp is towers: if noun is doc-y or noun is smart kid: say "You might get a lecture about all the gross chemicals in there." instead; say "You offer the hint-pastry as a gift, instead."; try giving the second noun to the noun; the specification of a hintpastry is "A hintpastry, when heated, lets you see how a thing/item should be described." a fruit is a kind of thing. description of a fruit is "[if the item described is plural-named]They're[else]It's[end if] not heinously bruised or rotting, or anything, so Curtis probably won't mind it." the specification of fruit is "Something that Curtis will take from you, and you may or may not get a coin back." the can't take scenery rule is not listed in any rulebook. The describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule is not listed in any rulebook. to say email: say "blurglecruncheon@gmail.com"; check taking a fruit (this is the probably archaic debug fruitflips in case rule) : say "Oops! You should've taken this fruit when you flipped it. [bug-report]" instead; instead of waking: say "Weak!" instead; Instead of saying no: if block-north is true: do nothing; if old giant is visible: say "That would be unwise to disagree with the giant. You need to find the right way to ride out the conversation." instead; if Elvira is visible: say "Elvira smiles and shakes her head." instead; if Gunter is visible: say "You can't out-argue Gunter or change his mind." instead; say "Nope, I opine your grimace doesn't make you feel magic-er[one of]. (Rhetorical questions can be safely ignored.)[or]Another rote 'Nah.'[or]'Wilcos? I scowl.'[stopping]"; Instead of saying yes: if block-north is true: do nothing; if old giant is visible: say "You can't do much but agree with him. You need to find the right way to ride out the conversation." instead; if Elvira is visible: say "Don't give in like that!" instead; say "[one of]Languid lauding! [or]Yes, eh? Yeesh! [or]Attuning nutating? [or]Simpers impress no-one. [or]Say ays? [stopping][one of](Rhetorical questions can be safely ignored.)[or][line break][stopping]"; throw-warn is a truth state that varies. instead of eating a fruit: if noun is lemons or noun is melons: say "A [if noun is lemons]lemon[else]melon[end if]? No meal!" instead; say "[one of]You shouldn't eat into Curtis's profits.[one of][paragraph break][italic type][bracket]NOTE: if you try again, you'll get a bad anagram pun.[close bracket][roman type][line break][or][stopping][or]You decide to ruf it without fruit. ([one of]Told you so[or]Yup. Still here[stopping].)[cycling]"; an undesc is a kind of thing. description of undesc is "[bug-report]"; bean-smell is a truth state that varies. do-i-chat is a truth state that varies. inhib is a truth state that varies. every-turn-hint is a truth state that varies. every-turn-hint is false. Procedural rule: ignore the print final score rule. check examining player when mrlp is demo dome: say "You look just fine. You don't need to be dressed too fancy for this." instead; description of player is "As every[if player is female]wo[end if]mannish as ever[if player wears star], and wearing a spiffy star, too[end if]. [one of]You'll never be a [if player is female]Fine Nefi Fein[else]Hunk Kuhn or Icon Nico[end if], and you don't want to be. Because i[or]I[stopping]t's the power inside you that's important[if mrlp is otters and inhib is true]. Well, the power you may need to regain[end if]." does the player mean examining the player when mrlp is troves: it is very likely. check examining the player when mrlp is troves: say "[one of]You look into your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. You realize they cannot possibly be as pertinent as whatever Peg A. Page has to say. So you defer to her knowledge[or]Your thoughts lead back to the good book[stopping].[line break]"; try examining Pa Egg Pea instead; the file of roilhints is called "roilhints". the file of debuggery is called "debug". figure graflogo-1 is the file "letters-settler-1.png" figure graflogo-2 is the file "letters-settler-2.png" figure yorpwald-1 is the file "yorpwald-1.png" section glulxy adjustments use DICT_WORD_SIZE of 12 [for SPECTACULAR so SPECTACULRA doesn't work. Oh, some of the adverbs, too get to 11. But BLACKBERRIES is 12.] section or inform goes foom [edit this if I get a compiler error not due to syntax.] use MAX_DICT_ENTRIES of 3000. use MAX_OBJECTS of 900. use SYMBOLS_CHUNK_SIZE of 9500 use MAX_SYMBOLS of 90000. use MAX_VERBSPACE of 10240. use MAX_ACTIONS of 615. use MAX_VERBS of 615. Use MAX_INDIV_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 100000. use MAX_NUM_STATIC_STRINGS of 55000. use MAX_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 540000. [note: this is the main one that breaks with code 10 and no warnings. Which sucks, but I'll document it here in case things happen again. Maybe it'll help you, too.] use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 660000. Use MAX_LABELS of 16000. section debug on - not for release [needs to be near the top--well, could place it before all other when play begins rules] when play begins (this is the debug by default when debugging rule) : now bugsquash is true; [be harsh to myself in programmer testing. Sniff out any bugs and kill walkthrough tests.] now debug-state is true; [every turn when player is in dusty study and Gunter is off-stage and debug-state is true: say "Found: [stuff-found].";] section test extensions - not for release Include Direction Response Testing by Andrew Schultz. include Property Checking by Emily Short. include Object Response Tests by Juhana Leinonen. section screenreading and censoring screenread is a truth state that varies. when play begins (this is the screenread gender swears and precursor rule) : if debug-state is false: say "A Roiling Original has some features that can be adjusted for screen readers. Are you using a screen reader?"; if the player consents: say "Accessibility is turned on. It is something I had trouble meaningfully planning and testing, so please let me know at [email] if you feel it could be improved. Thank you!"; now screenread is true; now setspace is true; say "You can alternate accessibility mode with the ACCESS command.[paragraph break]Also, A Roiling Original contains some minor profanity. Unfortunately, it can't wipe out some implied profanity that results, but nothing is intended to be malicious. Disable profanity?"; if the player consents: now censor-minor is true; say "Also, this is not critical to game mechanics and only gives minor differences, but you can play as a male (M) or female (F) -- case insensitive. Which will it be?"; let cholet be 0; while cholet is irrelevant: let cholet be the chosen letter; if cholet is irrelevant: say "M or F, please."; if cholet is 70 or cholet is 102: now the player is female; now the admirer is male; else: now the player is male; now the admirer is female; if the player is male: now i trash his art is part of the dope op-ed; else: now er trash is part of the dope op-ed; say "And one final thing: A Roiling Original is a sequel to Shuffling Around. It's strongly recommended you play Shuffling Around first, as it is shorter and provides back story to ARO, but it's not critical. If, in any case, you'd like a recap--which also immediately spoils ARO's mechanic--say yes now."; if the player consents: say "Shuffling Around was about changing...things...to other things. Your tagged gadget helped you with the tougher ones, like the drainage that became a gardenia, and you remember the magenta nametag that became the gateman who introduced you to Yorpwald. After solving the Forest, Sortie and Metros in the stores in the Trips Strip, you tackled Red Bull Burdell and earned your Roman Manor as thanks.[paragraph break]You remember the things you did, but do you need to remember the word?"; if the player consents: say "Things were, well, anagrams. Store F became the forest. Store I, the sortie. Store M, the metros. You were particularly proud of changing the liches to a chisel and the drapes to a spread."; else: say "OK, let's get to it!"; else: say "OK, let's get to it!"; else: [force certain values] now i trash his art is part of the dope op-ed; now the player is male; now the admirer is female; to decide whether (cho - a number) is irrelevant: if cho is 70 or cho is 102, decide no; if cho is 77 or cho is 109, decide no; decide yes; section gender specific silliness to say a-b: say "[if player is male]Abe[else]Bea[end if]" to say d-t: say "[if player is male]Tod[else]Dot[end if]" to say fs: say "[if player is female]s[end if]"; to say i-n: say "[if player is male]Ian[else]Nia[end if]" to say sim: say "[if player is male]Simeon[else]Simone[end if]" to say toti: say "[if player is male]Tino[else]Toni[end if]" to say tt: say "[if player is male]Tio[else]Toi[end if]" to say ta: say "[if player is male]Tai[else]Tia[end if]" section redact cussing censor-minor is a truth state that varies. to say a-word: say "[if censor-minor is true]---[else]ass[end if]"; to say a-word-u: say "[if censor-minor is true]---[else]Ass[end if]"; to say crap: say "[if censor-minor is true]----[else]crap[end if]"; to say crap-u: say "[if censor-minor is true]----[else]Crap[end if]"; to say d-word: say "[if censor-minor is true]----[else]damn[end if]"; to say d-word-u: say "[if censor-minor is true]----[else]Damn[end if]"; to say dick: say "[if censor-minor is true]----[else]dick[end if]"; to say dick-u: say "[if censor-minor is true]----[else]Dick[end if]"; chapter testing stuff I can't quite NFR section scos section sss sss is a truth state that varies. every turn when sss is true (this is the show blues rule): if player has settler and sss is true: append ">[the player's command]: [no line break]" to the file of debuggery; show-bluable; continue the action; section silly variables hint-to-file is a truth state that varies. hint-to-display is a truth state that varies. scams is a truth state that varies. ff is a truth state that varies. [flip freeze disabled in release mode] section scam rule [referred to while scoring] every turn when scams is true (this is the scam rule): if mrlp is routes: now player has snoop spoon; try examining snoop spoon; else if mrlp is troves: now player has truffle; try eating truffle; [now player has truffle;] else if mrlp is otters: now player has cinders; try discerning cinders; else if mrlp is presto: now player has crust; try eating crust; else if mrlp is oyster: now player has pills; try spilling pills; section long form of verbs Include (- Replace LanguageVerb; -) after "Definitions.i6t". Include (- [ LanguageVerb i; switch (i) { 'i//','inv','inventory': print "take inventory"; 'a//': print "ask about"; 'l//': print "look"; 'x//': print "examine"; 'gt//': print "go to"; 'r//': print "read"; 'z//': print "wait"; default: rfalse; } rtrue; ]; -) after "Language.i6t". section subverting undos and tracking your death Include (- Array have_died_flag --> 1; Global cur_undo = 1; -) after "Definitions.i6t". To protect the have-died flag from undo: (- @protect have_died_flag 4; @protect cur_undo 4; -). To decide whether the have-died flag is (T - a truth state): (- (have_died_flag-->0 == {T}) -). To --/-- now the have-died flag is (T - a truth state): (- have_died_flag-->0 = {T}; -). section versioning modification Include (- [ ANNOUNCE_STORY_FILE_VERSION_R ix; if (actor ~= player) rfalse; Banner(); IFID(); @gestalt 1 0 ix; print "Interpreter version ", ix / $10000, ".", (ix & $FF00) / $100, ".", ix & $FF, " / "; @gestalt 0 0 ix; print "VM ", ix / $10000, ".", (ix & $FF00) / $100, ".", ix & $FF, " / "; print "Library serial number ", (string) LibSerial, "^"; #Ifdef LanguageVersion; print (string) LanguageVersion, "^"; #Endif; ! LanguageVersion ]; -) instead of "Announce Story File Version Rule" in "Glulx.i6t". The IFID Header is a text that varies. The IFID Header is "Game identification number". Include (- [ RAW ix; for (ix=6: ix <= UUID_ARRAY->0: ix++) print (char) UUID_ARRAY->ix; ]; -). Include (- [ IFID; PrintText((+ IFID Header +)); print ": "; RAW(); print "^"; ]; -). To say ifid: (- IFID(); -). Report requesting the story file version (this is the manual extra listings rule): say "Extensions used listed by author:[line break]"; say "[b]Andrew Plotkin: [r]Large Game Speedup[line break]"; say "[b]Emily Short:[r] Basic Screen Effects and, for testing, the very handy Property Checking[line break]"; say "[b]Erik Temple:[r] Glimmr Drawing Commands (modified) [line break]"; say "[b]Jon Ingold:[r] Flexible Windows 12/110611[line break]"; say "[b]Juhana Leinonen:[r] for testing, the very handy Object Response Tests[line break]"; say "[b]Michael Martin:[r] Quip-Based Conversation and Reactable Quips [line break]"; say "[b]Andrew Schultz:[r] for testing, Direction Response Testing[line break]"; say "Other coding listed by author:[line break]"; say "[b]Andrew Plotkin[r] (misc cool I6 stuff), [b]Climbing Stars[r] (banner code), [b] Eu (death tracking), [b]Wade Clarke[r] (this listings rule) [line break]". chapter allow me to trace Include (- [ testcommandnoun obj o2; switch (scope_stage) { 1: rtrue; ! allow multiple objects 2: objectloop (obj) if ((obj ofclass Object) && (obj provides KD_Count)) PlaceInScope(obj, true); 3: print "There seems to be no such object anywhere in the model world.^"; } ]; {-testing-command:abstract} * scope=testcommandnoun 'to' scope=testcommandnoun -> XAbstract; {-testing-command:actions} * -> ActionsOn * 'on' -> ActionsOn * 'off' -> ActionsOff; {-testing-command:gonear} * scope=testcommandnoun -> Gonear; {-testing-command:purloin} * scope=testcommandnoun -> XPurloin; {-testing-command:random} * -> Predictable; {-testing-command:relations} * -> ShowRelations; {-testing-command:rules} * -> RulesOn * 'all' -> RulesAll * 'on' -> RulesOn * 'off' -> RulesOff; {-testing-command:scenes} * -> ScenesOn * 'on' -> ScenesOn * 'off' -> ScenesOff; {-testing-command:scope} * -> Scope * scope=testcommandnoun -> Scope; {-testing-command:showheap} * -> ShowHeap; {-testing-command:showme} * -> ShowMe * scope=testcommandnoun -> ShowMe; {-testing-command:showverb} * special -> Showverb; {-testing-command:test} * -> TestScript * special -> TestScript; {-testing-command:tree} * -> XTree * scope=testcommandnoun -> XTree; -) instead of "Grammar" in "Tests.i6t". chapter charnum to say character number (N - a number): (- print (char) {N}; -) chapter save-present to save-present-input: (- if (verb_word ~= AGAIN1__WD) for (i=0 : ii = buffer->i; if (usual_grammar_after == 0) { j = verb_wordnum; i = RunRoutines(actor, grammar); #Ifdef DEBUG; if (parser_trace >= 2 && actor.grammar ~= 0 or NULL) print " [Grammar property returned ", i, "]^"; #Endif; ! DEBUG if ((i ~= 0 or 1) && (VM_InvalidDictionaryAddress(i))) { usual_grammar_after = verb_wordnum; i=-i; } if (i == 1) { parser_results-->ACTION_PRES = action; parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 0; parser_results-->INP1_PRES = noun; parser_results-->INP2_PRES = second; if (noun) parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 1; if (second) parser_results-->NO_INPS_PRES = 2; rtrue; } if (i ~= 0) { verb_word = i; wn--; verb_wordnum--; } else { wn = verb_wordnum; verb_word = NextWord(); } } else usual_grammar_after = 0; -) chapter pronoun setting [This allows us to refer to a plural noun as it/them. Thanks to Climbingstars!] To set the/-- pronoun it to (O - an object): (- LanguagePronouns-->3 = {O}; -). To set the/-- pronoun him to (O - an object): (- LanguagePronouns-->6 = {O}; -). To set the/-- pronoun her to (O - an object): (- LanguagePronouns-->9 = {O}; -). To set the/-- pronoun them to (O - an object): (- LanguagePronouns-->12 = {O}; -). chapter rules-switch to force-rules: (- debug_Rules = 1; -) to force-all-rules: (- debug_Rules = 2; -) chapter glulx header when play begins: open up the graphics-window; change the current graphics window to the graphics-window; change the current background-color to (R 0 G 0 B 0); change the current foreground-color to (R 255 G 0 B 0); The graphics-window is a graphics g-window spawned by the main-window. the position is g-placeabove. The scale method of the graphics-window is g-proportional. The measurement of the graphics-window is 10. chapter full-monty questions-not-flagged is a truth state that varies. space-warned is a truth state that varies; to say full-monty of (myobj - a thing): let A be indexed text; let C be indexed text; let D be 13; let qnf be questions-not-flagged; let sw be space-warned; if cheat-on is true: let A be "[b-text of myobj]"; otherwise: let A be "[a-text of myobj]"; if number of characters in A > 15: say "Something went wrong. [myobj] had a [number of characters in A]-letter scan. Let me know what you were doing. [bug-report]"; continue the action; repeat with CC running from 1 to the number of characters in A: let C be character number CC in A; change current foreground-color to (R 128 G 128 B 128); if C is "?": [ambiguous due to conflicts in description] change current foreground-color to (R 192 G 192 B 192); if questions-not-flagged is false: now qnf is true; if C is "*": [word spaces] change current foreground-color to (R 0 G 0 B 0); if space-warned is false: now sw is true; if C is "R" or C is "r": [consonant no match] change current foreground-color to (R 210 G 0 B 0); if C is "Y" or C is "y": change current foreground-color to (R 210 G 210 B 0); if C is "O" or C is "o": [y no match] change current foreground-color to (R 210 G 105 B 0); if C is "P" or C is "p": [consonant match] change current foreground-color to (R 210 G 0 B 210); if C is "G" or C is "g": [vowel match] change current foreground-color to (R 0 G 210 B 0); if C is "B" or C is "b": [y match] change current foreground-color to (R 168 G 42 B 42); draw a rectangle (current foreground-color) in current graphics window at D by 12 with size 12 by 12; increase D by 13; repeat with CC running from 1 + the number of characters in A to 13: change current foreground-color to (R 128 G 128 B 128); draw a rectangle (current foreground-color) in current graphics window at D by 12 with size 12 by 12; increase D by 13; draw a rectangle (R 255 G 255 B 255) in current graphics window at 13 by 30 with size 220 by 20; paint bitmap text (color g-Black) of "[myobj]: cheat [if cheat-on is true]on[else]off[end if]" in current graphics window at 13 by 30 using Glimmr C&C with size 1; say "[spacies of A][if qnf is true and questions-not-flagged is false]--hmm. Some of the spaces are blinking as if the settler couldn't tell what letters should be used. Maybe there are two ways to wangle things, or maybe the ambiguity is an extra clue. You could try re-scanning in non-cheat mode[end if][if sw is true and space-warned is false and myobj is not curst palace]. The black cells would indicate spaces, you guess[end if]"; if qnf is true: if questions-not-flagged is false: pad-rec-q "question mark"; if myobj is curst palace: pad-rec-q "curst palace"; continue the action; now space-warned is sw; now questions-not-flagged is qnf; the question mark is a thing. the question mark is undesc. [question mark is for hinting ONLY] to say spacies of (INTE - indexed text): if setspace is false: say "[INTE]"; continue the action; let chrs be the number of characters in INTE; repeat with chtemp running from 1 to chrs: let THISCHAR be character number chtemp in INTE; if THISCHAR is "R": say "Red"; else if THISCHAR is "Y": say "Yellow"; else if THISCHAR is "G": say "Green"; else if THISCHAR is "P": say "Purple"; else if THISCHAR is "O": say "Orange"; else if THISCHAR is "B": say "Brown"; else if THISCHAR is "*": say "Asterisk"; else if THISCHAR is "?": say "Question mark"; if chtemp < chrs: say " "; chapter hint-every-turn hint-to-file is a truth state that varies. hint-to-file is false. hint-to-display is a truth state that varies. hint-to-display is false. every turn (this is the hint flags checkoff rule): if hint-to-file is true or hint-to-display is true: d "[hint-to-file] to file [hint-to-display] to display."; now auto-hint-proc is true; try hinting; now auto-hint-proc is false; auto-hint-proc is a truth state that varies. chapter transcripting Include (- [ CheckTranscriptStatus; #ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; return ((0-->8) & 1); #ifnot; return (gg_scriptstr ~= 0); #endif; ]; -). To decide whether currently transcripting: (- CheckTranscriptStatus() -) [thanks to Zarf for the above code. It helps a tester make sure they're testing after their first comment.] report switching the story transcript on: if currently transcripting: say "Thanks for doing this! Email can go to [email]."; check quitting the game when currently transcripting: say "Thanks for taking a transcript. Please send it to [email] and I'll be grateful. Thanks!"; chapter hashing [the hashes are set so that each word/anagram should have a unique value based on its letters. They do, mostly.] Table of Hashcodes Letter(indexed text) Code "a" 2187818 "b" 18418905 "c" 19005585 "d" 21029089 "e" 127806109 "f" 26514896 "g" 32599702 "h" 37282299 "i" 44992846 "j" 48960525 "k" 52933178 "l" 53813839 "m" 64075153 "n" 68907508 "o" 74352577 "p" 81465959 "q" 84405617 "r" 85323803 "s" 96273966 "t" 103110018 "u" 105105807 "v" 107164820 "w" 107934773 "x" 112768081 "y" 122359252 "z" 122969618 to decide what indexed text is the filtered name of (t - a value of kind K): let s be t in lower case; replace the regular expression "<^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz>" in s with ""; [ a-z would include accented characters] decide on s; to decide what number is the hash of (t - a value of kind K): let s be the filtered name of t; let hash be 0; repeat with c running from 1 to the number of characters in s: increase hash by the Code corresponding to a Letter of character number c in s in the Table of Hashcodes; decide on hash; when play begins (this is the intro-hashes rule): let wnum be 0; repeat through the table of anagrams: if there is no hashkey entry or hashkey entry is 0: now hashkey entry is the hash of the printed name of the-from entry; d "full name [the printed name of the-from entry] ~ [the-to entry]. Hash = [hashkey entry].[line break]"; Undo-code is a number variable. Undo-code is 0. redo-alert is a truth state that varies. currently-undoing is a truth state that varies. report undoing an action: if mrlp is towers and can-see-map: draw-my-loc; now currently-undoing is true; say "[randbla][line break]"; now currently-undoing is false; to say eh-eh: now currently-rejecting is true; say "A booming voice yells '[randbla]!' "; now currently-rejecting is false; currently-rejecting is a truth state that varies. rule for deciding whether to allow undo: if hint-to-file is true: append "UNDO: (no hint)[line break]" to the file of roilhints; if undo is prevented and scams is false: if undo-code is -1: say "Don't worry. There's no wrong way through dialogues, nothing disappears, and important stuff is recorded in your pedanto-notepad."; if undo-code is 1: say "[eh-eh]Ucky, yuck, you think at the biology behind the crust coming back up your throat. For your own health, see. That's something not even a tree eater could re-eat."; if undo-code is 2: say "[eh-eh]I can't let that un-see ensue."; if undo-code is 3: say "[eh-eh]The sugared sea-drug has you. You think you can use its insights, but it will subtly decrease the pleasure you could've gotten figuring things out on your own."; if undo-code is 4: say "[eh-eh]You can't undo learning such knowledge."; if undo-code is 5: say "[eh-eh]You probably don't need to revisit that headache anyway."; if undo-code is 6: say "[eh-eh]No ops can bring that spoon back."; if undo-code is 7: say "[eh-eh]You think, I'd reuse residue, then seem to hear 'Sure! Die!'"; ital-say "undo is only denied if you've used a cheat item, so don't worry. You can undo any death, and the game should not become unwinnable."; deny undo; else: if undo-code is 8: say "You could've sworn you heard the trolls mumble something about how they could probably kick your butt at computer games, too, and save states and do-overs were for wimps."; else if undo-code is 9: now the have-died flag is true; else if undo-code is 10: ital-say "the 'you died' message is random--but there are [number of rows in table of death messages]. So if you're hunting them, it may be more efficient to win to see them all."; chapter look under check looking under: ital-say "looking under is equivalent to SEARCHing unless the game is explicit. That way you can look inside, around and under in just one move. Let's do that now."; try searching noun instead; chapter retry/terry retrying is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "retry/terry" as something new. understand "retry" and "terry" as retrying. retried is a truth state that varies. retried is usually false. carry out retrying: if location of player is Strip of Profits: if retried is true: say "This is the place you go after retrying--as you probably know. So nothing happens." instead; say "Nothing happens. Perhaps this is where you'd be sent back to[if Loather Rathole is visited or Posh Hops Shop is visited or Danger Garden is visited or Same Mesa is visited or Danger Garden is visited]after going somewhere like you've been[otherwise]once you're able to look around[end if]." instead; if Strip of Profits is unvisited: say "You haven't been to the Strip of Profits yet, whatever that is, and you suspect you can't just jump ahead. Besides, you don't want to risk retrying your manor." instead; if mrlp is otters: say "You shouldn't need to go anywhere else[if number of bypassed regions > 0]. While you destroyed some regions with the patcher, you can't revisit them without restarting[end if]. Are you sure?"; if the player consents: say "Okay, back to the Strip of Profits."; otherwise: say "Okay, back to the endgame." instead; repeat with MI running through held things: if MI is not warpable: d "warping [MI]."; now MI is in lalaland; add MI to item-list of mrlp; now lreg of MI is mrlp; now retried is true; if mrlp is towers and can-see-map: wipe-towers-map; now player is in Strip of Profits; if nestor is in strip of profits or tokers are in strip of profits: say "Fortunately, [if tokers are not in strip]Nestor didn't see[else]none of the tokers saw[end if] you zap back, or you'd probably be forced to explain things, which would take a while."; the rule succeeds; to say rs-left: say "[7 - number of solved regions in words] region[if number of solved regions is 5]s[end if] left"; a thing can be warpable. a thing is usually not warpable. table of warps [this gives the text for which portal leads to which area, and what starting location] por reg lloc go-text routes-x Routes Same Mesa "[one of]The route turns a bit, then begins branching. You are no longer sure what direction you are going in, and you always vaguely tried to take the center one, but it's no use. You wind up crossing a red line, and you find there is no way back. 'No curse cure, son!' booms a voice[if player is female] sadly ignorant of your gender[end if].[paragraph break]After walking on for a bit, you find yourself somewhere that might be populated. Well, there are buildings around[or][if Sun-Spared Underpass is visited]Somehow, the routes lead you underground[otherwise]It's easier to get lost the way you need to the second time[end if][stopping].[line break]" troves-x Troves Loather Rathole "[one of][if tokers are in Strip of Profits]'Materialism is like a TRAP, MAN! Wait, no, man, it's LITERALLY...'[paragraph break][end if]A protean neo-trap! A blingo-goblin sargent grabs you as you reach for the argents and garnets! Of course the trove was too overt. You shake him off and run. The sarge rages and gears--you hit the, er, gas. When you look up, you are in a girdled griddle of a city. And not any city. That most successful of cities: Spoiloplis! Where people go from poverty--to the very top. Cars--outrageous rogue autos--scar arcs, spraying water on you and knocking you from the curb as you reach for a demi-dime.[wfak][paragraph break]'Insurer Inurers! Darn you and your...' you hear someone yell from the back seat. They get out. 'Dawdler! Waddler!' You cringe, waiting for a lecture, but instead you only feel a slight thud on your chest. 'Toughen up! Enough put.' They re-enter the car, which speeds off.[paragraph break]You look down to a copy of [i]Pa, Egg, Pea[r] by Peg A. Page--a success manual of parsable parables.[or]You think positively as you walk back through the troves, and what do you know, you wind up where you used to be.[stopping][line break]" e-s Presto Grey Gyre "[one of]Shoof! Foosh! Your trip through the, er, spot visits Old Warpy itself, the center of the Yorpwald teleportation network! Poof! Foop! Danglin['], then landing. With a plomf, maybe a flomp.[or]You hurtle through again, managing to land on your feet this time.[stopping]" oyster-x Oyster Posh Hops Shop "[one of]You walk into a bar full of seafood people. Err, sea people. Everyone seems worried about a seaside disease[or]You return to the sea people's area[stopping]." towers-x Towers Loftier Trefoil "[one of]As you attempt to enter the towers, they seem to move away will stop when you try to go closer, they move even further away. But you keep walking, eventually walking somewhere barren--the Bland Sad Badlands! There's not much there, but you've heard people guard the silliest things, just because. So when you find a tavern, you stop in for some help.[wfak][paragraph break]Someone is willing to talk to you: a marauding sort named Rodney who already has held the tavern hostage! And you stumbled in just as he'd got everyone scared and ready to let him loot the place![wfak][paragraph break][or]You warp back to the Badlands again.[stopping]" otters-x Otters Bleary Barley "[if b-b is reflexed]You turn around when you pass through the otters, but the Strip of Profits is gone.[else if Bleary Barley is visited]You stumble back into the barley and when you turn around, you can't see the otters anywhere.[otherwise]As you walk through, you feel a tingling, like giant wasp paws. You know you are not as powerful as before. A voice says 'This area is not to be braved lightly. Really.'[end if][paragraph break]" hoster others rustic citrus "After the darkest, sad trek, a frazzled beady-eyed man runs up to you and mutters about the Postage Gestapo and Tubers Brutes and so forth. Then he looks up. 'Curtis. Turf is fruits. CEO of TruSci.[paragraph break]'Yeah, you. You, um, that dude[if player is female], uh, dude-ess[end if]? With those powers? Listen, I need help with my business. Elvira grew all kinds of un-nutritious stuff. It'd help Yorpwald, and maybe it's help you. I bet it'd be real easy for you...and I'll give you something cool for every four fruits. Until I'm out of cool stuff. What do you say?'[wfak][paragraph break]'Great! You do your thing, then I'll do mine. It's weird technical biotech stuff, increase yields--a step past your...not that you're...um, never mind, get on it.'[paragraph break]He's a bit brusque, but that's the legacy of bad leaders like Elvira--the people opposed to them the loudest can get annoying before anyone notices." after taking inventory when mrlp is others: eval-fruits; continue the action; to eval-fruits: if moss cap is off-stage: continue the action; if player has droll dollar: say "You can't expect anything more from Curtis."; continue the action; let next-goal be (curtis-level + 2) * 4; let fruits-got be number of fruits in lalaland + number of held fruits; if fruits-got >= next-goal: say "You may want to go see Curtis for a new reward. Or you can keep getting new fruits."; else: say "You need [next-goal - fruits-got] more fruit[if next-goal - fruits-got > 1]s[end if] to get something new from Curtis."; wfak-yet is a truth state that varies. to say wfak: [this is so I can skip through PRESS ANY KEY while testing] if debug-state is false: if wfak-yet is false: ital-say "when the game pauses without a cursor, it means you need to press any key to continue. This warning will not appear again."; now wfak-yet is true; wait for any key; when play begins (this is the region initialization rule): repeat through table of warps: now go-region of por entry is reg entry; now last-loc of reg entry is lloc entry; repeat with REG running through regions: now poss-score of REG is max-score of REG; reset-regions; to reset-regions: repeat through table of warps: now the item-list of reg entry is {}; to item-warp: let A be the map region of the location of the player; d "So far you have [cur-score of A] of [max-score of A] points.[line break]"; now last-loc of A is location of the player; if number of carried not warpable things > 0 or number of worn not warpable things > 0: if A is solved: if A is Roman Manor or A is others: say "This game just removed an item it should not have. [bug-report]! => ([list of carried not warpable things]) ([list of worn not warpable things])."; otherwise: say "[one of]An acuter curate relieves you of the items you won't need any more. He points at himself. 'Rod Hare, Hoarder.' He [if player is female]mumbles pensively, 'Her road...[run paragraph on][else]points at you. 'Rad, hero.[run paragraph on][end if]' He points away. 'I scour curios.'[or]The hoarder takes your surplus stuff again.[stopping]"; now all carried not warpable things are in lalaland; now all worn not warpable things are in lalaland; chapter going to understand the command "go to" as something new. understand the command "goto" as something new. understand the command "gt" as something new. gotoing is an action applying to one thing. understand "goto [any room]" as gotoing. understand "go to [any room]" as gotoing. understand "gt [any room]" as gotoing. carry out gotoing: d "Trying location [noun]."; if noun is not a room: say "You need to specify a room or a thing." instead; let noureg be map region of location of noun; if noun is location of player: say "You're already here." instead; if noun is strip and strip is visited: say "The command you may be looking for is RETRY. Do that now instead?"; if the player consents: try retrying instead; else: say "OK." instead; if noureg is lalaland: say "You have disposed of what you're trying to get to." instead; if last-loc of noureg is unvisited: say "You haven't made it to that region, yet." instead; if noun is strip and mrlp is not stores: say "This is equivalent to the RETRY command, so that's what I'll do."; try retrying instead; if mrlp is routes: if player is in mesa: if the-b is in mesa: say "You can't go anywhere with the bean and the crowd around!" instead; if thing form above is in mesa: say "The thing form above is too big to ignore or walk out on." instead; if mrlp is troves: say "[if noun is visited]Going back would be a dereliction of your destiny[else]You must work to make your dreams of going there become reality[end if]." instead; if noun is unvisited and mrlp is noureg: say "You've never been there yet, so you can't go back." instead; if mrlp is not noureg: say "[if last-loc of noureg is unvisited]You haven't made it to that region, yet[else]That's in the wrong region[end if]." instead; if progval of noun > progval of location of player: say "You seem to be getting ahead of yourself. You shouldn't know about that, yet." instead; if noun is dirge ridge and mrlp is presto: if Leo is dismissed: post-wall-brunt; do nothing instead; if player is in shack: consider the shack-south rule; unless the rule succeeded: do nothing instead; d "From [progval of location of player] to [progval of noun]."; if progval of noun < progval of location of player: repeat through table of progvals: if there is a rm entry and rm entry is noun: say "[why-not entry]" instead; if there is a regs entry and regs entry is mrlp: if rmprog entry is progval of noun: say "[why-not entry]" instead; say "There's no way back. You deserve a reason why, so this is a minor bug." instead; if noun is shunned: if noun is Lean Lane: say "Now you've visited the much-nicer Handsome Sand Home, you can't find your way back to Lean Lane, and there really wasn't anything there." instead; if noun is Scum Ant Sanctum: say "You got rid of the ant. Nothing more to do there." instead; if noun is lectures: say "You have better things to do than think of going back there." instead; say "That's off-limits." instead; if duck is in location of player and duck is friendly: say "(The duck follows, with quick-nag quacking, though you're walking pretty fast.)"; move duck to noun; if Leo is in location of player and Leo is eager: say "(Leo and Rand following.)"; move Leo to noun; move Rand to noun; move player to noun; if mrlp is towers and can-see-map: draw-my-loc; understand "go to [any thing]" as gotothinging. understand "gt [any thing]" as gotothinging. gotothinging is an action applying to one visible thing. does the player mean gotothinging a deregioned thing: it is unlikely. carry out gotothinging: let newrm be location of noun; d "Trying person/thing [newrm]."; if noun is a guardian: ital-say "this could be a bit vague, since each guardian can be seen from two rooms."; try gotoing newrm instead; when play begins (this is the seed room progress for GO TO rule) : repeat through table of progvals: if there is a regs entry: repeat with myrm running through rooms in regs entry: now progval of myrm is rmprog entry; else: now progval of rm entry is rmprog entry; Rule for supplying a missing noun while gotothinging: say "You're referring to something that isn't in the game or isn't available yet."; reject the player's command; table of progvals [this determines which rooms are definitively ahead of others, so GO TO can't go backwards. Also, if a room is shunned, you can't go there any more.] rm rmprog regs why-not -- 0 manor "Your manor was surrounded, and you escaped. Bad idea to turn back." carven cavern 1 -- [manor] -- 0 routes "[if progval of location of player is 3]Not from the boat, you aren't. You're much closer to your goal right now[else]The crowd would be sad to see you return, unsuccessful[end if]." underpass 1 -- "You already muddled your way out of there. [if progval of location of player is 2]There's gotta be a way to get through da mist[else]And onto the boat, which must go somewhere[end if]!" ripe pier 2 -- "You have no idea how to turn the cripple clipper around, and you don't want to." cripple clipper 3 -- [routes] posh hops shop 0 -- "The trolls would not welcome you back[if progval of location of player is 3], and it'd take too long to get there[end if]." olde lode 1 -- "You don't want to go near that urn[if progval of location of player is 3], and it'd be hard, being on the other side of the shore[end if]." Hero's shore 2 -- "No sense crossing back. There's more on this side of the shore." -- 3 oyster [oyster] loftier trefoil 0 -- "[if progval of location of player is 1]You had your fun in there[else]That's way in the past[end if]." -- 1 towers "You don't want to cross Leak Lake again." rawest waters 2 -- "Leak Lake wasn't fun the first time." solo den 3 mislit limits 3 [towers] chapter persuasions [this is basically just to catch tries to order people instead of asking them. It offers some alternate commands.] a person can be unemotional, fightin, washed up, eager, dismissed, henchy, deadish or nasty. a person is usually unemotional. [most of this is for Leo/Rand but Elmer/Merle are that way too] everpers is a truth state that varies. persuasion rule for asking a person to try doing something when everpers is false (this is the persuasion disclaimer rule): ital-say "you don't need to ask anyone to do anything to complete the game, and in fact it's almost never useful, though I tried some humorous rejects. You are better off ASKing people about things."; now everpers is true; continue the action; persuasion rule for asking a person to try doing something (this is the default persuasion rule): say "You mumble awkwardly, but then you think maybe you can try doing something for yourself, instead."; continue the action; [general] persuasion rule for asking pedanto-notepad to try doing something: say "CONSULT it instead."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking the parrot to try giving: say "[if player has whistle]Already got it[else]The parrot shakes its head. You'll have to earn that[end if]." instead; persuasion rule for asking an animal to try doing something: if noun is dead flea: say "It's dead."; persuasion fails; if noun is raptor: say "You'd be better off changing it."; persuasion fails; if noun is yak: say "It's far too apathetic."; persuasion fails; if noun is parrot: if player is in alcoves: say "You aren't sure you want to alert the coevals to the parrot, helpless as it is right now."; persuasion fails; say "The parrot flies around, cocking its head vaguely west."; persuasion fails; if noun is eels: say "You need to use just one word at the right time."; persuasion fails; if noun is lamb: say "The lamb doesn't understand orders, or full sentences."; persuasion fails; if player is in wickeder wire deck: say "[if noun is reflexive]You don't have its trust[else]It perks up as if looking for something to attack but settles down again[end if]."; persuasion fails; if player is in perverse preserve: say "The animal cannot understand your words."; persuasion fails; persuasion fails; [routes] persuasion rule for asking Pat to try doing something: say "If it could speak, it'd probably tell you you need to look inside yourself, anyway."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Oscar to try doing something: say "He's too grouchy to be asked what to do."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Brother Horbert to try doing something: say "Brother Horbert mutters absent-mindedly, maybe hoping YOU can do something for HIM, but too polite to say it."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking old giant to try doing something: say "He's much bigger and louder than you, so, no."; persuasion fails; [troves] persuasion rule for asking Pa Egg Pea to try doing something: say "If it could speak, it'd probably tell you you need to look inside yourself, anyway."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking astute statue to try doing something: say "Trevis Vister would like the thought of someone asking him to do something. Problem is, his answer would be negative."; persuasion fails; [presto] persuasion rule for asking the plebe to try doing something: say "The plebe stiffens further to attention. You are probably asking too nicely, and he's not used to that."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a person to try doing something when player is in r24: say "[random visible person that is not the player] shrugs. He's just there to help, by being himself."; persuasion fails; [oyster] persuasion rule for asking Casper to try doing something: say "Casper doesn't even take orders from his editor sometimes."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking patrons to try doing something: say "They're here to NOT be ordered around."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking trolls to try doing something: say "The trolls snicker. You're not going to tell them what to do."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking carps to try doing something: say "Ordering them around won't help. Take action!"; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking pikes to try doing something: say "Ordering them around won't help. Take action!"; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Aunt Tuna to try doing something: say "Hard to tell her what to do."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Trout to try doing something: say "[if trout is reflexed]You've helped him enough--he needs time to absorb your lessons[else if trout is in range]He doesn't need orders--he needs help[else]You may need to show, not tell, him what to do[end if]."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking walleyes to try doing something: say "They begin unglibly bullying. You're not in a bargaining position here."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking yapper to try doing something: say "He scratches his palm absent-mindedly. Or maybe deliberately."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking ant to try doing something: say "It understands only action. Violent action."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a nasty person to try doing something: say "You need action, not words. Well, you sort of need [b]A[r] word.."; persuasion fails; [towers] persuasion rule for asking pester'n serpent to try doing something: say "The serpent needs a change of attitude, and speaking won't do it."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Ed Yerg to try doing something: if ed yerg is reflexive: say "Ed Yerg motions for money--money you don't have."; persuasion fails; say "Ed seems to want to sit and babble on."; try asking Ed Yerg about "xyzzy" instead; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a guardian to try doing something: say "If only it were that easy, to ask someone or something to move. You'll have to change them to get by."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a warrior to try doing something: say "Rodney is the one giving the orders, here[if noun is rodney], and he doesn't want to take them from you[end if]."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking trolls to try doing something: say "'You know what we'd like YOU to do?' the trolls chuckle."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Casper to try doing something: say "You're not Casper's publicist or his editor, so, no chance of ordering him around[if recaps are reflexed], especially after that scraping[end if]."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking doc-y to try doing something: say "Dr. Yow [if ropins is reflexive]mopes silently. He's already in prison--no need to order him[else]still looks exhausted from his ordeal. Maybe you should just let him be himself[end if]."; persuasion fails; [otters] persuasion rule for asking Ed Riley to try doing something: say "He wags his finger. You need to find a way to dent his confidence."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Elvira to try doing something: say "You've got the word power but not the conversation power."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a person to try doing something: if noun is Elmer or noun is Merle: say "Elmer and Merle both blow you off."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Le Mer to try doing something: say "You need to communicate less forcefully."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking macks to try doing something: say "The macks, like any good alpha males, blow you off and show Gretta Garett-Tatger SHE is most important."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking mr-l to try doing something: say "[if p-2 is reflexed]Mr. Lee can't do any more for you[else]Mr. Lee doesn't trust you enough to do anything for you[end if]."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking whiners to try doing something: say "The whiners raise their voices and drown your request out. Maybe you can drain their energy, somehow."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking sly imp to try doing something: say "The imp gives a definite maybe you [one of][or]once again [stopping]believe. If only you could make him less subtle!"; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a henchy person to try doing something: say "[noun] makes a huge display of only answering to--HER."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking macks to try doing something: say "The macks say 'You're not the boss of us!' and go on about breaking free from repression and mind control and so forth, and how if the maiden goes with them, they'll help her not be repressed by you."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Gretta to try doing something: say "She's already beset by the macks. Best to help her out with your powers."; persuasion fails; [others] persuasion rule for asking Curtis to try doing something: say "[if dollar is not off-stage]Curtis can't do any more for you[else]Curtis gestures surprise that YOU are ordering HIM around[end if]."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Art Erd to try doing something: say "He's too slick to be ordered around."; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking Len Craig to try doing something: say "Len's a businessman, and you're not his boss. Try haggling."; persuasion fails; the persuasion disclaimer rule is listed first in the persuasion rulebook. chapter telling about chapter asking about section generically asking generically is an action applying to one topic. Understand "tell about [text]" or "ask about [text]" or "talk about [text]" or "a [text]" as asking generically. objasking generically is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "tell about [any thing]" or "ask about [any thing]" or "talk about [any thing]" or "a [any thing]" as objasking generically. check objasking generically (This is the check for only one sensible object converser rule): if the number of persons enclosed by the location is one: [?? talkable vs ...] repeat with X running through visible scenery: repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if X is the default-talker entry: say "[gen-blah entry][line break]" instead; say "You inquire into your own thoughts. You gain no illumination." instead; if the number of persons enclosed by the location is two: repeat with candidate running through visible people: if the candidate is not the player: try objasking candidate about the noun instead; if player is in hops shop: try asking casper about the topic understood instead; say "Ambiguous--more than one other person here." instead; does the player mean objasking about something hintrelevant: it is very likely. does the player mean objasking generically a hintrelevant thing: it is likely. objasking it about is an action applying to one thing and one visible thing. rule for supplying a missing second noun when objasking about: now second noun is the noun; understand the command "ask [thing] about [any thing]" as something new. understand the command "tell [thing] about [any thing]" as something new. understand "ask [thing] about [any thing]" as objasking it about. understand "tell [thing] about [any thing]" as objasking it about. understand the command "ask [thing] about [text]" as something new. understand "ask [thing] about [text]" as asking it about. understand the command "tell [thing] about [text]" as something new. understand "tell [thing] about [text]" as asking it about. [does the player mean asking generically casper: it is very likely. does the player mean objasking generically casper: it is very likely. ?? we should put relative importance on a person, or last-asking] Check asking generically (This is the check for only one sensible converser rule): if the number of persons enclosed by the location is one: repeat with X running through visible scenery: repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if X is the default-talker entry: say "[gen-blah entry][line break]" instead; say "You inquire into your own thoughts. You gain no illumination." instead; if the number of persons enclosed by the location is two: repeat with candidate running through visible people: if the candidate is not the player: try asking the candidate about the topic understood instead; if player is in hops shop: try asking casper about the topic understood instead; say "Ambiguous--more than one other person here." instead; the can only talk to talkables rule is not listed in any rulebook. check talking to (this is the hint looking not talking rule): if the noun provides the property litany and the noun provides the property greeting, do nothing; otherwise say "You may be better off examining non-living things, not talking to them." instead. section chatstubs to say i: say "[italic type]"; to say b: say "[bold type]"; to say r: say "[roman type]"; to washup-clue: say "[one of]'Us? Whaps?'[no line break][or]'Pah, wuss,'[or]'Haw, puss,'[or]'You'd place last in a saw push,'[or]'I like dat TV show the Upshaws,'[or]'Don't push aws on me,'[or]'Ssh! Up...aw,'[cycling] [noun] says, red-faced. He's not in the mood for deep discussion. But maybe a nice word would help."; to reason-clue: say "It has NO EARS! Yet it buzzes its name...Sorena A. Norse. The noise makes you see red but lets up when you deduce the bee is a senora."; section specifically Rand-first is a truth state that varies. check objasking it about (This is the check for object information rule): if noun is what-a-bee: reason-clue instead; if noun is pedanto-notepad: try consulting pedanto-notepad about "[second noun]" instead; if noun is duck: say "Quack, quack. It seems like it wants to hear a voice--but not yours." instead; if noun is not a person: try talking to noun instead; if noun is washed up: washup-clue instead; if noun is haunter and second noun is ruby: if haunter is reflexive: say "You need to get the haunter to trust you, first." instead; say "You describe the path to take to get to the ruby, neglecting why you know--fortunately, the haunter doesn't seem to care."; try going west; consider the track haunter rule; try going north; consider the track haunter rule; try going west; consider the track haunter rule; the rule succeeds; if noun is Leo or noun is Rand: if noun is fightin: if noun is Rand and Rand-first is false: now Rand-first is true; say "'ME RAND!' Rand points at you. 'AM NERD!' Er, [d-word]." instead; say "He's in a fighting mood, not a talking mood, right now." instead; if second noun is the player: say "Nobody in the game can tell you anything new about yourself. Well, anything new and helpful." instead; repeat through table of subject-blather: if second noun is the person-subj entry: if noun is the him-who entry: say "[him-say entry][line break]" instead; if the chum of the noun is not yourself: repeat through table of subject-blather: if second noun is the person-subj entry: if the chum of the noun is the him-who entry: say "[him-say entry][line break]" instead; repeat through table of default-sub-blather: if noun is him-who entry: say "[him-say entry][line break]" instead; if the noun is the second noun: repeat through table of reflexive-blather: if noun is him-asked entry and there is a him-told entry: say "[him-told entry][line break]" instead; if the second noun is a person-subj listed in the table of object-blather: if there is a right-region entry: if right-region entry is not mrlp: say "This is the wrong region to ask about that." instead; say "[him-say entry][line break]" instead; repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if noun is default-talker entry: say "[gen-blah entry][line break]"; if noun is terse and noun is not terse-warned: now noun is terse-warned; say "Hm, that wasn't very revealing. They don't seem to have a lot else to say. You note this in your notepad."; pad-rec "talking"; do nothing instead; if noun is not a person: say "You can only ask people about things." instead; say "There is an awkward silence due to--err, my forgetting this case.[paragraph break][bug-report]" instead; check asking about (This is the check for specific topics rule): if noun is what-a-bee: reason-clue instead; if noun is pedanto-notepad: try consulting pedanto-notepad about "[second noun]" instead; if noun is duck: say "Quack, quack." instead; if noun is not a person: try talking to noun instead; if noun is washed up: washup-clue instead; if noun is haunter: if the topic understood matches the text "ruby": try objasking haunter about ruby instead; if noun is Leo or noun is Rand: if noun is fightin: if noun is Rand and Rand-first is false: now Rand-first is true; say "'ME RAND!' Rand points at you. 'AM NERD!' Er, [d-word]." instead; say "He's in a fighting mood, not a talking mood, right now." instead; if the topic understood is a topic listed in the table of general-blather: if noun is a person and noun is superchatty: if him-who entry is the noun: say "[him-say entry][line break]" instead; [would like to pad-rec "[what-pad-gen entry]" instead; but inform is confused with 2 tables??] if the topic understood is a topic listed in the table of popular-blather: if there is a right-region entry: if right-region entry is not mrlp: say "This is the wrong region to ask about that." instead; say "[him-say entry][line break]" instead; repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if the noun is default-talker entry: say "[gen-blah entry][line break]"; if noun is terse and noun is not terse-warned: now noun is terse-warned; say "Hm, that wasn't very revealing. They don't seem to have a lot else to say. You note this in your notepad."; pad-rec "talking"; do nothing instead; if noun is not a person: say "You can only ask people about things." instead; say "There is an awkward silence due to--err, my forgetting this case.[paragraph break][bug-report]" instead; the can only talk to people with things to say rule is not listed in any rulebook. section talk tables [talktab] to say uf: say "Any attempt at conversation would be banefully unflyable.[no line break]" table of reflexive-blather [ask x about x] [tor] him-asked him-told Gunter "His views would be biased." Elmo "You already know about his mission and what he's done to help you. No time for small talk." nestor "[if store k is visible]'Want...friends...man!'[else]You can't think of a way to ask that without saying WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, buy you get the impression there's not much to ask.[end if]" tokers "[if store n is visible]'Missing our friend, man!'[else]You can't think of a way to ask that without saying WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, buy you get the impression there's not much to ask.[end if]" lecturer -- idg "'I'm nothing without Max P. Lee's help.' He goes on a bit. How tedious." Brother Horbert "He mentions he cannot do much--the Same Mesa needs magic to undo the curse, but the list-o-toils is on the wall[if list o toils is examined], as you've seen[end if]." [reflex ROUTES] old giant "He is already talking about himself, his complaints, and so forth." Oscar "'I'm just this guy, in this house, with that ashtray [if pipe soot is in adobe]full of nice smelling pipe soot[else]some self-appointed do-gooder cleaned out. Well, I can make more[end if].' Nope, he doesn't seem to have much to say." Pat "'[one of]No dine. Done in[or]Not much to munch[or]Food? Us? Doofus[cycling]. No [pat-rant][randbla] or [randbla][pat-rant]. [if mushrooms are off-stage]Can't even make it to the seed pit[else]Don't have your guts to explore the seed pit, either[end if].'" armada "They'll have nothing sensible to say in unison." statue "Oh, if it were the real version, you'd regret that." plebe "You figure you should grill him about how worthless he thinks he is, but you lack the right word or words." [reflex PRESTO] Rand "He gives a whole new dimension to small talk. But not for long, thankfully." Leo "He gives a whole new dimension to small talk. But not for long, thankfully." hogs "The whole 'Who do you think you are' won't go well with these hogs. They're here to guard you, and that wall is helping." l-m "'I'm here to help, just by being me, apparently.'" m-l "'I'm here to help, just by being me, apparently.'" Tom Alvez "'I'm here to help, just by being me, apparently.'" casper spacer "Casper Spacer has a lot to say about himself...so much, it'd get in the way of your quest." [reflex OYSTER] trolls "They'd affirm their right to privacy before asking YOU personal questions. Trolls, sheesh." patrons -- clam "Asking the clam about its feelings is a start." boats "They're too far away for proper conversation. Maybe you can do something bold to show them you're worth having aboard." carps "Asking these punks who they think they are won't stop them." pikes "Asking these punks who they think they are won't stop them." trout "[if trout is in anger range]You don't need to ask if he's being picked on,[else]'Well, I try my best and stuff.'[end if]" aunt tuna "She's talking about herself every move, pretty much[if trout is reflexive]. You can probably help Tortu instead[end if]." sardine "[one of]The sardine spends time babbling about his sensitive hearing, saying you couldn't possibly understand. But you sort of do[or]You don't want to hear the sardine on himself again[stopping]." walleyes "Now's not the time to upbraid baddies for being bad. Sneak past them instead." yapper "'I'm a dedicated public servant. I'm not paid to chat. But I'm not paid enough to keep you out, no matter what.' He winks." smart kid "'I like gadgets and building things! [if jetskis are not off-stage]I just need one more cool tool[else]I'd love you to try the jetskis, here[end if]!'" [reflex TOWERS] pester'n serpent "The serpent ." inapt paint -- muscly hulk -- deacons -- natives -- snider diners "'We are EATING,' they exclaim, drily. You'd like to rain on their parade, even a little." sweatier wait-seer -- salesmen -- rewired robot -- unripe iPrune -- pirates -- Ray Eck -- grailman -- costume man -- bonker -- ingrates -- iPrune -- organised -- admirer "'But enough about me! What about you?' You need a way to make them less interested in you." doc-y "Dr. Yow is too modest--and focused on his science--to bang on about his achievements or his imprisonment." Atheists -- Ed Yerg "Ed Yerg mentions [if flowerpot is in lalaland]how happy he is you helped him. So happy, if you go out and come in, he might give you help with that palace[else if ed yerg is reflexive]his advice isn't cheap[else]he needs something to cheer him up[end if]." Ed Riley "[one of]Ed Riley blathers how he can stand up to WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE and all that sort of thing. You claim you were just trying to get to know him, then he says THEN YOU'LL KNOW I NEED TO GUARD THE WAY WEST, HERE. He speaks very authoritatively[or]You don't need another verbal smackdown, at least not in Ed's current tone of voice[stopping]." whiners -- macks "Their opinion would be slightly biased. You can probably learn more about them by observing them." Gretta "She's got enough people asking about her right now." Elmer "'Slightly more interesting than my friend.'" Merle "'Slightly more interesting than my friend.'" mr-l -- le mer -- eels -- snail -- hornets -- racoon -- ocelots "[if ocelots are reflexed]They seem too shy to talk[else]They point to themselves and give a thumbs up[end if]." satyr -- leopard -- badger "[if badger is reflexive]It covers its exposed parts and turns away[else]It fumbles happily with its now-clothed chest[end if]." sly imp "He nods his head as if to say he's all right and he knew you'd ask." haunter "It makes ghostly noises and talks about how it wants its jewel back." Elvira "She sniffs haughtily. As if you have to ask! As if you're NOT too biased to believe the good things about her!" Curtis "'Just trying to rustle up fruit and biotech business. Need to be growing more than iPrunes or those discussing yorpberries.'" Len Craig "'I'm a businessman. What you got?'" Art Erd "'Traded a dead rat...' he mumbles." passport -- check asking Curtis about: if second noun is a fruit: say "[if second noun is in lalaland]'Yes, thanks for that.'[else]'That might be a good one to have.'[end if]" instead; to say mon-men: say "'We're Elvira's monster mentors. Making REAL animals. You don't need Eden.' They [if Merle is reflexive][one of]babble a bit about the philosophies of Lhen Yost[or]prissily swear Elsy Noth is ruining kids['] morals[or]pay sycophantic respects to St. Hoylen[or]get all, ETHYLS, NO and make a drinking gesture and wag their fingers[or]discuss how they have to talk shy to Len[or]wonder if they should pull out the ole synth[or]discuss the philosophies of Lytheson[in random order], which leaves you seeing red[else]continue semi-squabbling[end if]." to say war-duh: say "Rodney silences him from answering." to say tho-eels: if inhib is false: say ", though you wonder if you need a double-charge after talking to the eels" to say tho-need: if inhib is false: say ", though I feel you may not need the eels['] energy" to say left-here: say "'I was told I was left here to help someone who needed it and might need a clue and---well, they didn't tell me what the clue would be.'" to say doc-in-prison: say "He gestures to the ropins and then shakes an invisible fence of his own. As if he is too exhausted to talk any more[if doc-y has been rowdy or doc-y has been wordy]. You figured two ways to get him to talk[else if doc-y has been rowdy]."; before asking doc-y about: if doc-y is wordy or doc-y is rowdy: say "Interrupting is rude. He'll quiet down." instead; before objasking doc-y about: if doc-y is wordy or doc-y is rowdy: say "Interrupting is rude. He'll quiet down." instead; the basic RQ out of range rule is not listed in any rulebook. An RQ out of range rule for a number (called max) (this is the modified RQ out of range rule): say "[one of]You murmur 'Umm...urr.' [or][stopping][if Gunter is visible]Gunter yells, 'Flounder, foul nerd!'[else if Elmo is visible]'Evil days.' / 'Ay, devils.' [else if Elvira is visible]You think 'Her slams, harmless. She can't chasten...' then she hits you with the phrase-phaser. You must respond. [end if][bracket][if max is 1]The only response right now is 1[else]Valid responses range from 1-[max][end if]. Type REPEAT to [if max is 1]see it again[else]re-list the options[end if].[close bracket][paragraph break]". to say lrduh: say "'I dunno much about that. I like do stuff not think stuff.'"; pat-whine is a truth state that varies. to say pat-rant: if pat-whine is false: now pat-whine is true; else: now pat-whine is false; table of default-gen-blather [ask x about nonsense] [tod] default-talker gen-blah yourself "You give an elfish 'Hi, self.' You discuss how maybe the game needs better developed NPCs, or maybe they just need to give more hints." tokers "The yawners aren't very answery, and you probably don't need a THC chat. They like you and all, but despite your adventuring, you'd never, like, invent a drug or do nothing as well as they do." [begin stores] idg "He nods at you and the lecturer. It's remarkably effective psychological warfare, to repress you and all." lecturer "If he actually heard you, he'd yell a stunning rebuke to whatever he could pretend you'd say, then chalk your confusion up to drugs. You just want to get away from all this TEDIOUS stuff." urgent Gunter "[bug-report]" Mole Elmo "[bug-report]" Brother Horbert "[one of]'Saint Tina's Nun of No Fun left a list-o-toils for possible curse cures. Check thou it before proceeding, if you haven't.'[or]After a fret, he says, 'The list-o-toils!'[stopping] He seems pretty focused on that." [begin routes] Pat "'[one of]No dine. Done in[or]Not much to munch[or]Food? Us? Doofus[cycling]. No [pat-rant][randbla] or [randbla][pat-rant]. Can't even make it to the seed pit.'" Oscar "He's too grouchy to give much help here. He mutters on about slotted dottles--which, well, you [if player has pipe soot]already have pipe soot[else if read-list is true]don't think will help you get any pipe soot[else]don't know or care much about, now, yet[end if]." drama armada "They stare blankly at you, fearful yet confident you know what to do next. They won't be much help." old giant "The giant is sort of controlling the conversation, and he's bigger than you. You probably just need to sympathize and avoid getting hit and so forth." nestor "'Whuh, whuut? Try asking me about, like, stuff instead. Not, you know, stuff.'" what-a-bee "The bee just buzzes. That's what bees do." spider "Talking to animals? This isn't the way to get to the top!" lamb "It's a baaaaad conversationalist." [begin presto] l-m "[left-here]" m-l "[left-here]" Tom Alvez "[left-here]" hogs "They snort and laugh as if you are beneath speaking to or even wasting harsh words at." bored yak "The yak, not being very yakety, does not talk back." giant dead flea "It's sort of dead. Not that it was great conversation when it was alive." Leo "[lrduh]" Rand "[lrduh]" computer screen "[if screen is on labs slab]Yelling at a computer never works. If you need to say something, just say it[else]The screen isn't even plugged in[end if]." patrons "The patrons would probably think YOU were drunk if you told them why you were here or asked questions." [begin OYSTER] trolls "Talking wouldn't distract them from [if silly-acts is 3]eventually beating you up[else]keeping you in the Posh Hops Shop[end if]. They'd just win the argument. They're trolls, after all." Casper "[if casper-talk is false]Before you can pull a bar seat abreast... 'Here's a hint, mac. GO HUNT A HANGOUT. Write that in your pedanto-notepad. I'm busy. Shoo.' He does, however, explain to you about the Horned Hedron and the Absolute Lout Base. And the ghost that may be haunting the area. You congratulate him on his storytelling, but he says 'Pff, nothing on this new novel of mine.'[add-hangout][else]'[ohai-casper][randbla][ohai-casper][run paragraph on]' he mutters to nobody in particular.[end if]" clam "It snaps back at you. Physically, not verbally. Words--okay, conversation--won't help it relax, so you clam up." scary crays "They chuckle a bit. You're not going to be able to talk your way out of this." trout "[if trout is reflexive]He needs a pep talk. Guidance. Even if it's not 100% correct[else]A pep talk won't do much good now[end if]." carps "They snot nots. Tons. Brusque, queer BS. You need to take action, instead." pikes "They snot nots. Tons. Brusque, queer BS. You need to take action, instead." aunt tuna "'There is not much to say, with the haunter lurking under Anger Range, and the Horned Hedron assailing innocent people!' Looks like you won't nyet-a-yenta." sandier sardine "He flashes a snider look as he reads in to your talk. 'Ear dins. Wish I worked at Adrien's.'" weaselly walleyes "They snicker menacingly and whisper loudly that you're probably scared of lots of things like ghosts. They aren't. Not even the haunter!" haunter "It does that whoo-whoo thing. WHERE IS MY JEWEL. You think you know which jewel." yapper "The yapper does not shut up about how he cannot be bribed, but he's kind of winking at the same time, and coughing. It seems you may need to do things the right way." ant "The ant twitches silently but menacingly." dialer "Your voice would be recognized as not evil enough, even if you got through." intercom "Your voice would be recognized as not evil enough, even if you got through." spec-o-scope "Try looking in it instead." smart kid "[if duck is not returned]'Hey! Do you know anything about making stuff? I read in the Turbine Tribune about making stuff that could cross the water! I wonder what's beyond there!'[paragraph break]'IDK, kid.'[paragraph break]'Oh, wait, you're just an adventurer, not someone who knows anything technical. Gosh, I didn't mean it like that. I just...don't have any information for you.'[else if gizmo is not in lalaland]'Boy! If only I had a tool to create jetskis!'[else]'Man! If I [jetskis-work], that'd be awesome! I wouldn't even care if they got lost. Just making stuff.'[end if]" [begin TOWERS] doc-y "[if ropins is reflexive][doc-in-prison].[else]'Ah yes! My rescuer! Thanks again! Are you interested in detailed technological phenomena? No?' He begins calculating on his fingers and working on an abstruse problem. He's probably not going to help you much, but he could help someone technical help you.[end if]" drama armada "The drama armada doesn't seem to respond to conversation. Maybe if you just boom out one word, they'll go along with it." plebe "Plebes aren't much for small talk. In fact, they get yelled at for that sort of thing. Hmm, maybe you could yell at him the right way to make him move." muscly hulk "He kind of stumbles with dialogue. Maybe you can make him stumble physically." iPrune "[one of]'I?! Prune?!' it cries, turning red at a perceived slight[or]'I may be UNRIPE, but I'm bigger than you!' it cries. 'If I was the same size, maybe you could use words to get me to let you by. But we aren't, so I'm not.' Hmph[cycling]." robot "'I have been REWIRED to let you by!'" snider diners "They talk about Dr. Enis until they're red." organised ego drains "The ego drains just aren't to be argued with. When you try to, you're that much more convinced you don't need to go [if player is in campsite]north[else]south[end if][if campsite is visited and shoreline is visited], especially since you walked around before[end if]." pirates "[one of]Harsh arrhs and the sound of shook hooks follow your attempt to converse.[or]'Yarrh, Harry,' they shout, and one of them makes fun of your skin tone. You feel like a spiter, hoping they get skin cancer.[in random order]" reed's ale "'He seems to want to talk, really, and at the same time, he doesn't. He keeps mumbling a sales pitch under his breath, and maybe if you listen a bit, you can remember it." admirer "They claim they never thought they'd love someone the way they love you! [one of]Off-guard, red-faced, you mumble, 'I? Rad? Erm...' Maybe you can stomach another compliment[or]You blush red hearing nonsense you two could be as good together as the popular society couple Red Irma and Ed Mirra[cycling]." once-sad deacons "'Deacons! A second!'[paragraph break][one of]'We hate you, but we won't tell you lies, tho['].' You blush and thank the coldest old sect. They seem to have more nastiness in reserve[or]They ignore you and disparage St. Helio--you turn red when they ask if you know who that is[or]Apropos of nothing, a deacon in red discusses [one of]the soil[or]the oils[in random order] here[or]One deacon gets a little too folksy with a 'This ole...' The others glare at him, turning red[or]The deacons huddle together for a bit, then agree. 'I.e. SLOTH!' They...they aren't very NICE deacons. Maybe you can change that[cycling]." man covered in inapt paint "He ignores your conversation. '[one of]They done wrong to ol['] Mel Fish. That's me.[or]They were all [']Shelf [']im!['] and on the paint went.[or]SMH. Life.[or]Eh. Films.[in random order]' he mumbles as his eyes go red[one of]. Maybe he has other things to mumble about[or][stopping]." natives "You seem unable to convince the natives they are too good to stand here, or to find a way to sucker them into moving. However, they do babble on about [one of]ST. EAVIN, the local church[or]the local SETI-NAV[or]TIN EVA'S bar[or]where to avoid AI VENTS[or]the local INVEST-A stock broker[or]a local celebrity named SVETINA[or]the TIN-SAVE recycling center[in random order], which makes you see red[one of]. Maybe there's more of that, if you can hack it[or][stopping]." sweatier wait-seer "'Trees! [one of]Aw, I[or]I, aw[in random order]...' he says, making you see red. 'I'm obviously [i]sweatier[r] than you, yet I am far less tired!'" Ray Eck "'Hmm? That's not as interesting as my bright red keycar, here.'" duck "It quacks." ingrates "[one of]They swat imaginary red ire-gnats as they brush you off[or]You're shocked by the [i]angriest[r] interruption imaginable[cycling]." pester'n serpent "It remains coiled." alarming grailman "'You do find me alarming, don't you? I always give 110%. No-one passes Liam Garn!'" bonker "You try to chat but feel like a, er, knob." Atheists "They start logic-bashing, when one of the junior atheists tries to make a point. [one of]'[one of]Eh...I[or]I...eh[in random order]...stats why God can't exist.' [or]'Is theta's...'[or]'This tea's...'[or]'Ah, test is...' [or]He says they should sell atheist gear like ties, hats. [or]St. Tiesha was, apparently, very nasty. [in random order]The atheist turns red, wondering if they had a right to speak up." Andres "[war-duh]" Andrew "[war-duh]" Archie "[war-duh]" Barney "[war-duh]" Blake "[war-duh]" Bredo "[war-duh]" Cedrick "[war-duh]" Daryl "[war-duh]" Demitri "[war-duh]" Dewey "[war-duh]" Edwin "[war-duh]" Eldon "[war-duh]" Ernest "[war-duh]" Geno "[war-duh]" Goldy "[war-duh]" Leander "[war-duh]" Marcel "[war-duh]" Marlon "[war-duh]" Preston "[war-duh]" Reggie "[war-duh]" Royce "[war-duh]" Shane "[war-duh]" Terrance "[war-duh]" Tyson "[war-duh]" Wade "[war-duh]" Sir Rodney "This standoff won't be resolved with diplomacy." Ed Yerg "[if ed yerg is reflexive]Ed Yerg babbles about how he's not GREEDY (and here he sees red) like Reg Edy, but if you're looking to restore the palace, he would like an assistant's fee. Or if you want to buy his land, it will cost a bit. Not that you seem to have anything valuable enough in your inventory[else if crocus is reflexed]Ed laments the fall of the curst palace--as lifeless as that succor crocus you're carrying[else if player has crocus]Ed looks at the crocus while wondering if you might be The One[else]'Old clues, eh?' He colludes--babbles, spectacled, avuncular, a polite ole tip about the palace. Make it [3-random] 'No closure, counselor,' you lament, but his general tone and how he says it seem to do something for you. Maybe it'll help something pop in your head[new-yerg-thing][end if]." Ed Riley "'Stay there in the rye, idle! Yielder!' he booms[ed-nonsense]. Be nice to quiet him down, somehow." [start otters] cinders "You need to find the right way to ask them. One without speaking." Le Mer "[one of]It's kind of single-minded, but it's impressive the moat talks at all[or]Again, ethereal babbling[stopping]. '[if sea cube is visible]You must convince me to unlock the sea cube[tho-need].[else if eels are visible]The eels still distrust you[tho-need].[else]Your powers are regained. Go to your destiny![end if]'" atmo-moat "The moat has nothing to say. If it did, it'd probably just say 'KEEP OUT.'" mr-l "[if p-2 is in lalaland]'You have gained my trust and your powers. Go on!'[else if ghoul hat is in lalaland]You try to convince him you're the good guy, but--bad start. Rev. Howe glares at you[tho-eels].[else]You fail to get anywhere. Between the ghoul hat and Rev. Howe's gaze, Mr. Lee seems half-possessed[tho-eels].[end if]" Gretta "[if player is female]The macks block you from talking to her. They redouble their conversation, expecting her to be flattered she's getting more attention than you[else]The macks manage to small-talk you down[end if]. Perhaps you need to get rid of them." macks "'Talking's stalking,' they yell at you before continuing to hit on the maiden." eels "'Eels...' / 'Fib-beliefs?' Their attention span seems short, and they have little to say. You need one word, useless on its own yet powerful." Elmer "[mon-men]" Merle "[mon-men][no line break]" sly imp "He could talk circles around you as-is. You won't convince him to let you pass." whiners "Rational conversation won't make the whiners budge. You probably need to make them quieter." hardy hydra "Roooooooar." ocelots "[if ocelots are reflexive]Flimsy I'm-flys[else]'You're cool.'[paragraph break]'You? Cooler!' You feel [one of]encouraged by this exchange, impressed they got away with that[or]awkward about this repeat, but they don't--there's just nothing else to say around them[stopping][end if]." badger "[uf]" leopard "[uf]" racoon "[uf]" satyr "[uf]" hornets "[uf]" snipe "[uf]" snail "[uf]" owls "They're too busy swooping at you to talk." raptor "'Roooooooar.'" parrot "[if Merle is visible]Don't blow his cover![else]'Fear the feather! A bird, rabid!' He's got revenge fantasies, but not in his current state--or here." Elvira "'I watch a witch,' you mutter. 'Nice try. Tiny rec. Y'cretin.' You're not going to out-debate the vexin['] vixen." Curtis "'I'm a busy man!' yells Curtis. 'I have confidence in you, dealing with fruit. I mean, you saved the whole COUNTRY already. This can't take too long." [begin others] Len Craig "[one of]Len proceeds to tell you how he was known as Icy Len til he started doing things nicely and even suggests you use nonverbal cues as a way to get an edge[or]Your magic powers do not, alas, expand to straightforward bargaining[stopping]." Art Erd "He mumbles 'er, drat' and something about how money is very, very nice." salesmen "They utterly ignore your inquiry and instead talk about anything and talk about how they can talk about anything. They talk about how just one word has the power to change things. And finally, they get around to how great Nerd-Aid is, and you shouldn't be ashamed if you need a little Nerd-Aid." passport "Try using its features instead." to say jetskis-work: say "[if kid has gizmo]could make some jetskis here[else]could see if these jetskis work[end if]"; casper-talk is a truth state that varies. to say add-hangout: now casper-talk is true; pad-rec "hangout"; Leo-traveled is a truth state that varies. after going north in burnt brunt when Leo is eager: now Leo-traveled is true; continue the action; to say pal-yak: if yak is visible: say "'Dat thing looks sleepy but it'll bite your hand off.'"; else if Leo-traveled is true: say "'Dat yak we saw is too heavy for us! But I bet even you could push it around yourself. No offense.'"; else: say "'My mouf? Oh, a yak, not a yap.'"; to say doc-on-lake: if kid is in subsector: say "The kid almost seems to interrupt you with an idea how to get across."; continue the action; if kid is reflexive: say "'It's treacherous to get across the lake. I am too physically tired to make anything[if doc-y is in ropins] even if I escaped[end if]. I could use an apprentice. Maybe you. Or you can find me one.'"; continue the action; say "'My student will help you--there may be some risk. The carelessness of youth. You may be surprised what he can overlook.'" check objasking kid about jetskis: try taking jetskis instead; table of default-sub-blather [dsb] [ask x about Gunter] him-who him-say yourself "Oh, dear. Is this a hint the game needs better developed NPCs?" aunt tuna "'Oh, that is not relevant with the haunter lurking below and the Absolute Lout Base terrorizing everyone here! My concern is my nephew Tortu.'" nestor "Nestor mumbles about how his father is disappointed he didn't become a senator, just...he wants [if tokers are visible]to just hang with his pals, if that's okay[else]to find his pals, who were in a nearby store[end if]." astute statue "Trevis would love to be prayed to, and he probably thinks he deserves it." Len Craig "'No small talk. Just the language of business. Let's haggle.'" Curtis "Curtis is curt. 'Yeah, great job saving Yorpwald and all, what about here?'" lamb "It's a baaaaad conversationalist." Leo "[lrduh]" Rand "[lrduh]" yak "You yack, it's all C-ya, K? Nevertheless, it seems to have some rudimentary grasp of speech and words and meaning." [Logan "'No mo' rig mooring.'"] casper-mumble is a truth state that varies. to say ohai-casper: if casper-mumble is true: now casper-mumble is false; else: now casper-mumble is true; table of subject-blather [ask x about thing he knows about] [tosb] him-who person-subj him-say Elmo settler "This shouldn't be available." nestor Store N "'Man, it was actually kind of sort of like fun in there. Until it wasn't.'" nestor tokers "[if tokers are visible]Nestor gives them a thumbs-up, they cheer drippily, and he cheers back[else]'Dude! Could you magic them back somehow?' he pleads[end if]." tokers Store K "'Man, it was actually kind of sort of like fun in there. Until it wasn't.'" tokers nestor "[if nestor is visible]They thank you for finding him[else]They weep at hearing the name of a lost friend[end if]." tokers smoke cloud "[if cruelest lectures is visited]You know more about it than they do[else]'Er, free reefer!' they say. You'd probably have SOME sort of experience going through those fumes[end if]." lecturer Elvira "You probably know he's in favor of her." idg lecturer "A great man. Listen to him, not me." idg Elvira "She didn't get to her position of power by using DRUGS." Brother Horbert spoon "'[if spoon is in lalaland]I hope you used it wisely[else]It may help you figure where to go[end if].'" Brother Horbert rev "[one of]Brother Horbert shudders a bit[or]Best not to press him[stopping]." Brother Horbert list o toils "[if l-o-p is unexamined]Why not examine the list yourself?[else if mushrooms are off-stage]You've gotten everything.[else if number of held quest-items is 0]You tell Brother Horbert you haven't found any items on the list. He says he has faith in you.[else]You show Brother Horbert your progress. He nods and smiles.[end if]" [horbert tells about quest items elsewhere] Brother Horbert form "[if form is off-stage]Brother Horbert mutters something about the gift of second sight.[else]Brother Horbert says, 'If you found the reagents, surely dealing with that form will be easier!'[end if]" Brother Horbert Pat "[lost-faith]" Brother Horbert Oscar "[lost-faith]" Brother Horbert old giant "'Well-meaning, but his wrath is misplaced. I can hear him from here. You [if giant is in lalaland]did well to listen to him[else]may learn from listening to him, but there is nothing to fear[end if].'" old giant bench "There's not much dispute over the ownership. And the giant isn't trying to shoo you away. Maybe you should listen to the giant in general." oscar ashtray "[if player has pipe soot]Best not to call attention to your thievery.[else]'It's not pretty, but it's mine.'[end if]" oscar pipe soot "[if player has pipe soot]You don't need to mention you have it.[else]'Potpourri. Don't think you can just take it with me looking.'[end if]" oscar pat "'I wouldn't go in that deli unless I needed something besides a meal.'" oscar giant "'Keeps my home less quiet, I'm sure!'" oscar Brother Horbert "'He means well, but he can't really HELP us.'" pat seed pit "[if pit is reflexive]'IT'S DEEP,' yells Pat.[else]'Well, it didn't scare YOU, but it'll still scare customers.'[end if]" [end routes] pat oscar "'Him and his filthy pipe. Not welcome here.'" pat giant "'Probably not good for business.'" pat Brother Horbert "'He means well, but he can't really HELP us.'" plebe Elvira "[one of]The plebe looks distinctly uncomfortable but nods. Perhaps they don't agree with Elvira, but their job is to serve and protect, blah blah, especially when intimidated by authority. Hey. Maybe you could be that authority[or]You don't need to ask them again. They, like any good plebe, are intimidated by authority[stopping]." plebe Leo "You tell the plebe Leo might push him aside, but no dice. Maybe a brutish word, not brute force." plebe Rand "You tell the plebe Leo might push him aside, but no dice. Maybe a brutish word, not brute force." Rand yak "[pal-yak]" [chum=Leo] Rand plebe "[no-plebe]" Leo hogs "[if phat path is unvisited]You haven't seen any hogs yet.[else if lawl wall is in lalaland]'Dat was fun. You was clever.'[else]'If only you was our size, we could just take [']em. But you ain't. No offense. Maybe you can out-clever [']em like you did us.'[end if]" Rand Leo "[if Rand is washed up and Leo is washed up]We're washed up, boss. We could use a nice word.[else if Rand is fightin]This is no time for conversation![else]He flashes a thumbs-up at his friend.[end if]" Leo Rand "[if Rand is washed up and Leo is washed up]We're washed up, boss. We could use a nice word.[else if Leo is fightin]This is no time for conversation![else]He flashes a thumbs-up at his friend.[end if]" hogs Rand "'They size him up and give a thumbs-down. Then they give you a double thumbs-down. Ouch! No respect.'" hogs Leo "'They size him up and give a thumbs-down. Then they give you a double thumbs-down. Ouch! No respect.'" l-m volt maze "[maze-end-clue]." m-l volt maze "[maze-end-clue]." Tom Alvez volt maze "[maze-end-clue]." l-m m-l "[maze-later]." l-m Tom Alvez "[maze-later]." m-l l-m "[maze-before]." m-l Tom Alvez "[maze-later]." Tom Alvez l-m "[maze-before]." Tom Alvez m-l "[maze-before]." hogs popgun "They snicker at the memory." hogs keys "They snicker at the thought of you being clever or strong enough to get the keys." hogs Leo "The hogs smirk and flex a bit, to show they're bigger and stronger." hogs Rand "The hogs smirk and flex a bit, to show they're bigger and stronger." hogs yourself "The hogs smirk and flex a bit, to show they're bigger and stronger." [end presto] trolls Casper "[one of]'A great man! We're sure his books are great, if you have nothing better to do than read. But he LIVED his books.'[or]'Wanna know about him, ask HIM.'[stopping]" [oyster] trolls capers "[if stein is in lalaland][yeah-cute][else]'Hard-hitting stuff, we're sure. He's told us what's in there. Poke at it wrong, you'll upset the man himself.'[end if]" trolls stein "[if stein is in lalaland][yeah-cute][else]'Don't go putting it somewhere stupid and breaking it.'[end if]" trolls tunes "[if song is in reflexed][yeah-cute][else]'Don't be messing with the tunes or the amper on the jukebox. Annoy a lot of people.'[end if]" trolls gins sign "[if sign is reflexed][yeah-cute][else]'Lots of people think they're really cute, like they've got something special can make them disobey that sign.'[end if]" trolls stumbler tumblers "[if sign is reflexed][yeah-cute][else]'Best to cough up some tips in there. For the wait staff.'[end if]" trolls haunter "[one of]'Hasn't bugged us yet. What, you scared of it? Aww.'[or]Asking again would just make them snicker more.[stopping]" patrons Casper "'Weirdo. With his books. Even if they're books where people drink a lot." patrons trolls "'They rather keep us in and make us spend more than kick us out.'" Casper haunter "'I heard it's buried on the other side of the shore. Need to bring it something lost." Casper trolls "'They are rough and ready types. I will include some of their gritty dialogue in Capers Recaps. With their permission, of course.'" Casper capers recaps "Casper wants you to acknowledge he's writing it, but he's not going to hand out spoilers." Casper Elvira "'She certainly knows how to seek out power. She showed that anagram chump what's what.c [if player is female]She's no woman[else]He's no man[end if] of action.'" carps trout "[mean-fish]!" [chum=pikes] carps Aunt Tuna "[mean-fish]!" carps Casper "They probably like books more violent than Casper Spacer's. If they read at all.'" carps haunter "They are probably too coo-ool for ghost stories." carps pikes "You could maybe set them against each other, but really, you're the strongest...life form here." pikes carps "You could maybe set them against each other, but really, you're the strongest...life form here." trout carps "[if player is in range]You can ask about them later. They're pretty clearly picking on him here[else if trout is reflexive]He gives a blank look of fear[else]He feels like he can handle them and their taunts now[end if]." trout pikes "[if player is in range]You can ask about them later. They're pretty clearly picking on him here[else if trout is reflexive]He gives a blank look of fear[else]He feels like he can handle them and their taunts now[end if]." trout aunt tuna "[if carps are visible]The carps are already asking mean questions.[else]She sure is grateful you rescued me.[end if]" trout haunter "'S-s-s-cary[if trout is reflexive], even after you helped me[end if]!'" trout Casper "'I don't like his books. Too violent. But Aunt Tuna thinks I read the dirty bits, anyway.'" aunt tuna tea "'[if tea is in lalaland]It's much better than[else]The stuff you drink? or[end if]...'" aunt tuna tea "'[if tea is in lalaland]Goodness! I cannot share the recipe[else]Try it! You'll like it[end if].'" aunt tuna pikes "[bbbullies]." aunt tuna carps "[bbbullies]." aunt tuna haunter "'It is searching for a stolen treasure. They say it will wreak terrible havoc on the possessor.'" aunt tuna walleyes "[fish-these-days]." aunt tuna sardine "[fish-these-days]." aunt tuna yapper "[fish-these-days]." aunt tuna Horned Hedron "'It is a terrible place full of horrible people! But we cannot organize to drive them out.'" aunt tuna trout "'He is a good boy despite no fine uncle influence, [if trout is reflexed]and you have helped him to ward off those weirdos so wired in the future[else]but those weirdos so wired may still pick on him[end if].' Tortu blushes at being treated like he might be eavesdropping." aunt tuna ruby "Aunt Tuna wouldn't believe you knew anything about the jewel[if player has ruby], and seeing it might cause her heart failure[end if]." aunt tuna Casper Spacer "'A vile man, I'm sure! And those BOOKS of his! Or so I've heard!'" sardine haunter "'I'd be scared of it, if it existed. And if I was the one stole its jewel. We all would. Well, weak-os are, anyway.'" sardine Elvira "'I wouldn't have this job if it weren't for her.'" haunter ruby "It acts all ghostly and asks you to take it where the ruby might be." walleyes haunter "'Anything to keep the sheeple scared.'" walleyes ruby "'Bet we could sell it to raise funds for the Base! But we'd keep a nice cut.'" walleyes sardine "'We'll have fun narcing him out for letting you in. What? He's already gone? Eh.'" walleyes Casper "'Nice books, love the violence, but too many big words.'" yapper dialer "'Very complex machinery! Shouldn't be used without proper certification." yapper gleaner "'Very pretty! I--well, I know a friend who could be bribed by it.' The yapper winks." yapper Casper "'That one book. About how beating people up was more fun than riches? Rubbish.'" yapper ruby "'The ruby would've been a good gift, but it's gone, now.'" yapper haunter "'I'm sure I'm safe from it here. Unless--that pearl's not its jewel? No? Good.'" yapper sardine "'Pft, foot soldiers, working for mere salary.'" yapper walleyes "'Pft, foot soldiers, working for mere salary.'" yapper Casper "'Too much violence in his books, not enough money making.'" yapper Elvira "'She's called on the dialer a few times.'" salesmen Nerd-Aid "The salesmen [one of]are more than happy to talk about Nerd-Aid. They're not nerdy themselves, but they just want to HELP people, because yay tolerance. They [or][stopping]mention [one of]it's much better than that red Rind-Ade, and if you ask again, they'll tell you who endorses Nerd-Aid[or][endorse-aid][cycling]." kid doc-y "[if kid is lonely and doc-y is in ropins]'I heard he was imprisoned. But I'd love to learn from him.'[else if kid is lonely][one of]'Wow! You rescued him? You're almost as awesome as he is!' [kid-fol][or]'Tell me something I don't know. Or get Dr. Yow to.'[stopping][else if kid is following]'Just lead me to him, already.'[else]He's zoned you out, what with Dr. Yow [around-gone].[end if]" kid jetskis "'Man, I'm learning to build stuff! [if jetskis are off-stage]Like jetskis! [end if]But I need someone to try them.'" kid keycar "'I'd love to make one of them! But that man said I wasn't grown up enough.'" kid Atheists "'Boy! Tell them religion has a point, and they get huffy. Thanks for deep-sixin['] [']em!'" kid deacons "'Boy! Ask one question about their religion, they get huffy. Thanks for deep-sixin['] [']em!'" kid settler "'Wow! I'm real impressed with who built this! Whatever it is. [if jetskis are visible]All I can build is mechanical stuff[else]I'd like to build something, too[end if].'" kid gizmo "[if gizmo is off-stage]'I could use a weird tool to build things.'[else if player has gizmo]'Wow! Maybe if I knew how to build something, I could have it?' You could probably GIVE it to the kid, once he's inspired to build something.[else]It's be kind of rude to ask for it back. The kid'll use it better anyway." kid duck "'I'm not real big on biology. But I guess ducks are cute.'" kid toaster "[if toaster is in coastlines]'Gee, thanks for it! I'll do something cool with, I mean to, it!''[else if toaster is in Danger Garden]You think back to the toaster in the garden. It might be worth giving the kid, as a nice gift, if you ever leave.[else]You show the toaster to the kid, who's very interested, but he says he'd feel guilty taking it before he actually helped you.[end if]" doc-y duck "[if ravages is unvisited]'I miss my duck! When they captured me, I was clear in a west waste.'[else if duck is not in subsector]'I--I'm too exhausted to get my duck. If you could bring it back--it just needs to hear my voice.'[else]'Very loyal to me. It might ignore you now, but...thank you.'[end if]" doc-y gizmo "[if doc-y is in ropins]'Not enough sharp edges. It's for making things...crafting.'[else]I'm too tired to make anything, but maybe an eager apprentice...it's a newfangled device for younguns anyway.'[end if]" doc-y bonker "[one of]Dr. Yow facepalms a bit. You can imagine listening to that bonker was even worse if you were imprisoned, too[or]No need to dredge that up, again[stopping]." doc-y lake "[doc-on-lake]" doc-y kid "[if kid is reflexed]'A sharp learner! He can help you now.'[else if kid is in subsector]'He is smart enough, but he's not ready to learn. For some kids, they just need that switch to go on.'[else]'I could use a young apprentice. You--well, you probably have other prisoners to rescue, or something.'[end if]" salesmen curst palace "They mention their homes are dandier than that curst palace." ray eck settler "Ray Eck just won't shut up about what the settler could be for, and why it doesn't do anything. You notice its colors don't change even when you switch it to and from cheat mode, which--well, that's a pretty big help." Ed Yerg curst palace "'It can be something super special. [3-random]! If only...' You got no concrete clues, but Ed's pep talk was a help[new-yerg-thing]. Maybe you can come back for another, later, if you still have no luck outside." Ed Yerg crocus "[if ed yerg is reflexive]'I don't think much of unprofitable things like flowers. Used to, but not now.'[else if crocus is in lalaland]Don't push-poll him about your generosity.[else if crocus is in flowerpot]Just give him the crocus. Don't tease him.[else]'I haven't enjoyed flowers for a long time.'[end if]" Ed Yerg flowerpot "[if ed yerg is reflexive]'Worthless, with or without a flower in it.'[else]'From Daltho, eh? Very nice.'[end if]" Ed Yerg Old Hat Daltho "[if ed yerg is reflexive]'Hmph. Never did cash in on his talents as much as he should have.'[else if flowerpot is reflexive]'Thank you for passing his wonderful gift on to me.'[else]'I miss him. I'd like any sign from him.'[end if]" [end TOWERS] Ed Riley Elvira "'She got me this job here! She's gotten lots of people jobs, telling others what they can't do.'" [start OTTERS] macks Elvira "'She would be too good for us.'" eels Elvira "'The eels crackle and light up menacingly at the sound of her name.'" Le Mer Elvira "'She must be defeated[if eels are reflexed]. You can lead the troops to do so[end if].'" mr-l Elvira "'She must be defeated[if p-2 is reflexed]. You must be the one to lead us[else]. If you are not with her, show me a sign[end if].'" Elmer Merle "'Almost as interesting as me.'" Merle Elmer "'Almost as interesting as me.'" Elmer Elvira "'She is up to something interesting to the west, you'll have to admit. And you'll have to trust us.'" Elvira Gretta "'Not as unselfish as she thought she was.'" Elvira mr-l "'Hopeless. Paranoid.'" Elvira eels "'Their electric shocks would be useful--but they didn't let me harness them.'" Elvira Le Mer "'Not dangerous.'" Elvira Merle "'He will get his reward. Even if he hadn't let you by.'" Elvira Elmer "'He will get his reward. Even if he hadn't let you by.'" Elvira Ed Riley "'I didn't expect much from him.'" Elvira whiners "[if whiners are in Anteroom]She's not going to HELP you with them[else]You explain you got past them, and she shrugs[end if]. Henchmen these days. That's why they're henchmen and not leaders." Elvira sly imp "[if imp is in Anteroom]She's not going to HELP you with the imp[else]You explain you got past it, and she shrugs[end if]. Henchmen these days. That's why they're henchmen and not leaders." sly imp Elvira "'Oh, you know her too? Of course you don't! If you did, you'd know you couldn't go beyond here.'" whiners Elvira "They bang on about how Elvira would be furious if they let someone see the animals to the south." Elmer Elvira "'She is a great leader. You do not deserve to visit her to the west.'" Gretta Elvira "[if macks are visible]Gretta cringes even more at hearing Elvira's name, but she can't do much with those macks around, and neither can you[else]You are already talking about Elvira[end if]." Merle Elvira "'She is a great leader. You do not deserve to visit her to the west.'" [end otters] curtis rampage note "'[if rampage note is off-stage]What note? You can't pin that on me.[else]None of your business.[end if]'" curtis mopeage rant "'[if rampage note is off-stage]What note? You can't pin that on me.[else]None of your business.[end if]'" curtis Art Erd "[one of]Curtis breathes deeply and gives a look of contempt and shakes his head[or]No point asking again[stopping]. Just don't tell him any fruit you [gave-give-curt] him is from Art Erd." Art Erd curtis "'There's people with silly science ideas like him, then there's businessmen like ME. Pfft.'" Art Erd storage box "'[if storage box is in scape space]It's...umm...worth something.[else]You bought it[end if].'" Art Erd len craig "'Nicely? Len? Icy!' he mutters. 'Cut Len's cluster...'" len craig curtis "[one of]'Nice fella, lots of ideas about agriculture, but no business sense. Just sits looking for someone to do his dirty work for him. You don't...'[or]You don't want to admit Curtis has you gofering. Though, really, it's been not too bad, with your powers.[stopping]" len craig tekno-token "[if tekno-token is off-stage]'We accept tekno-tokens, yes.'[else][one of]He inspects the token and says it's valid[or]If you ask again, Len might question its validity[stopping].[end if]" len craig Art Erd "Len snorts and shakes his head. 'What a weasel.'" to say endorse-aid: say "[one of]it's endorsed by Red Dina, among others[or]endorsed by Ned Radi, among others[or]endorsed by Ed Nardi, among others[or]endorsed by Ed Darin, among others[or]endorsed by Adi Dern[or]endorsed by Nerd Ida, of course[or]you can Add Erin, Reid, Dan to the list of endorsers[cycling]--they see red when you ask who THAT is" check objasking Elvira about an animal: if second noun is in wire deck or second noun is in perverse preserve: say "'Elvira scrunches her face up. 'Oh! I love animals! They help me in many...WAYS. Even if they're just...wimpy.'" instead; to say mean-fish: say "They'd have nothing nice to say, and you don't need to encourage them. Take action instead"; to say fish-these-days: say "Aunt Tuna probably has a lecture prepared about fish these days. One that won't help you go hunt a hangout"; kid-cheat is a truth state that varies. kid-cheat is false. kid-guar is a person that varies. [kid-guar is usually nothing.] check objasking kid about a guardian: if second noun is in lalaland: if second noun is not ray eck and second noun is not deacons: say "That's out of the way." instead; else: say "The kid doesn't want to be reminded, probably." instead; else: if kid-cheat is false: if second noun is curst palace: say "The kid puts his hand to his face, then mumbles 'Sorry, eleven letters is too much. Maybe something shorter.'" instead; choose row with the-from of second noun in the table of anagrams; now kid-guar is the-from entry; now kid-cheat is true; say "The kid sits and thinks a few seconds after you tell him where you were stuck. 'Yeah, you just say [right-word entry in upper case]. That'll do it.' He looks kind of bored, though. Probably not nice to push him."; preef the-from entry instead; else: if kid-guar is not noun: say "The kid mumbles he's bored with word games." instead; if kid-guar is in lalaland: say "You thank the kid for helping you out." instead; doc-cheat is a truth state that varies. doc-cheat is false. doc-guar is a person that varies. [doc-guar is usually nothing.] check objasking doc-y about a guardian: if doc-y is in ropins: say "He doesn't need the added pressure, but maybe he can give a bit of help once he's out." instead; if second noun is in lalaland: if second noun is not bonker: say "You don't need to worry about that, now." instead; else: if doc-cheat is false: if second noun is curst palace: say "Dr. Yow scrunches his head a bit, then shrugs. 'Ouch. Eleven letters. Maybe if it was shorter.'" instead; choose row with the-from of second noun in the table of anagrams; now doc-guar is the-from entry; now doc-cheat is true; say "Dr. Yow sits and thinks a minute after you tell him where you were stuck. 'Mm, yes. Of course, of course. I'd think Yeah, you just say [right-word entry in upper case] should work.'"; preef the-from entry instead; else: if doc-guar is not noun: say "Dr. Yow rubs his temples. He's probably up to more technical stuff, now." instead; if doc-guar is in lalaland: say "You thank Dr. Yow for helping you out." instead; check objasking len craig about a fruit: if player has second noun: if second noun is raspberry or second noun is pineapple or second noun is grapefruit or second noun is blackberries or second noun is strawberries: say "'A nice fruit, and it's fresh, but I'm selling today.'"; else if second noun is visible: say "You are about to haggle, but Len looks at you just SO. You need to go about things the right way."; else if second noun is in lalaland: say "You don't need to get Curtis any more of that."; else if second noun is kumquat or second noun is papayas: say "Len looks at you askance, not sure how you know about those fruits."; else if second noun is mango: say "Someone else has [']em, if you look around, or about, a-ways."; else: say "'A fine fruit, but I don't deal in that. Maybe someone else does.'"; the rule succeeds; check objasking curtis about a fruit: if second noun is in lalaland: say "'Yes, thanks, it'll be useful.'" instead; say "'Hm, yes, I could use one of those.'" instead; to say no-plebe: say "'I respect da military too much to push him outta da way. Plus I can't yell clever neither.'" to say bbbullies: say "She seems more worked up about them than Tortu was[if trout is reflexed], even after your lesson[end if]. But she means well." to say yeah-cute: say "[if silly-acts is 1]The trolls patronize you not to try any more funny stuff.[else if silly-acts is 2]The trolls mention they can still take a little more of your destructive nonsense. They've seen worse. And dealt with it, too.[else]The trolls shoot you a look that says both stay here and get lost at once. Best not to bait them any more.[end if]"; to say lost-faith: say "'One of many of my flock who have lost faith.'"; to say maze-end-clue: say "'I was told not to congratulate myself if I made it to the start, from point Z to point A. Not that I was told the way through.'"; to say maze-before: say "'Oh! You met him? I hope he helped you a bit. He told me about the weird scanner you have.'" to say maze-later: say "'Oh! He'll drop by later. I hope you don't need his help too much.'" to say gave-give-curt: if banana is in lalaland or orange is in lalaland or guava is in lalaland or rhubarb is in lalaland: say "gave"; else: say "give"; check objasking a warrior about a warrior: if noun is rodney: if second noun is in lalaland: say "No gloating, now" instead; if second noun is off-stage: say "I don't think you want Rodney to call up reinforcements." instead; say "[if second noun is rodney]You probably know what he thinks of himself[else]You doubt Rodney would tell you [second noun]'s weakness[end if]." instead; if second noun is rodney: say "You wouldn't expect to hear any secrets. Rodney's got [noun] scared." instead; say "[if second noun is not visible]Who?[else]You probably won't be able to start dissent that way. Better to [pick-keep]." instead; check objasking a warrior about curst palace: say "He only knows he's supposed to defend it from you. He probably wasn't given any secrets to divulge." instead; to say pick-keep: if number of warriors in lalaland > 0: say "keep picking"; else: say "pick"; say " off Rodney's gang "; say "[if number of warriors in lalaland < 3]one by one[else] though you probably don't need to[end if]"; to say around-gone: say "[if doc-y is visible]around[else]gone" table of general-blather [ask x about any old unusual subject] him-who topic him-say nestor "life" "'Life is, like, the time of your life!'" nestor "father" or "his father" "You have a country to save. Don't waste time shaming recreational drug users." Gunter "old/ man/ almond" "He and you are up to no good, I'm sure." doc-y "key" "Dr. Yow shrugs. If he knew where a key was, he'd find it." table of object-blather [this gives people default things to say about stuff, if they are not terse.] person-subj right-region him-say Elvira -- "Everyone has an opinion about her, that's for sure. But many people are afraid to say the wrong thing. Or say it the wrong way." settler -- "You don't think anyone can help you [if Elmo is in lalaland]more than Elmo did [end if]with that." pedanto-notepad -- "The pedanto-notepad is yours and private. Nobody can help you decipher it--hopefully it is clear enough." curst palace towers "'[if limits is visited]Maybe you can restore it[else]You'll never get there[end if]!'" haunter oyster "'It was looking for its lost jewel! We thought it was buried, but it appeared somewhere.'" table of popular-blather [ask anyone about specific topic. Yeah, this fizzled.] topic right-region him-say "yorpwald" -- "That might suck you into a boring discussion about politics. Or, worse, an exciting one." "old/ man/ almond" -- "Asking about him might blow your cover." to decide which number is kid-moves: [hacky but simple and easy to prove. Inapt/swarm = force you 2W. SWSE or WSSE are only possible 4-movers. 2 + how many squares east you must go.] if ego drains are in lalaland: decide on 2; if inapt is not in lalaland: decide on 6; if grailman is in lalaland or reed's ale is in lalaland: decide on 4; decide on 6; to say kid-fol: [h] if kid-moves is 2: say "It's a quick walk back to the subsector with the deacons and ego-drains gone."; else if kid-moves is 4: say "You loop around a bit past guardians you haven't cleared."; else if kid-moves is 6: say "You regret not clearing more guardians--the kid is nice, but he sure can TALK, and he sure likes to kibitz about what you didn't clear, and why, and he even figures a few out, but you are a bit too exhausted to show him HOW you work your magic. And a little embarrassed. You mumble something about being practical. Plus the long walk may help the kid sit and listen. You hope."; now kid is found; move kid to subsector; move player to subsector; chapter basic nonos check going (this is the odd direction cue rule): if noun is up or noun is down or noun is inside or noun is outside: if the room noun of location of player is nowhere: say "The game should tell you when you are able to go [noun]. You'll mostly need to use the four cardinal directions here." instead; the odd direction cue rule is listed before the can't go that way rule in the check going rulebook. section diagonal moves a direction can be diagonal. a direction is usually not diagonal. northeast,southeast,northwest,southwest are diagonal. before going (this is the reject diagonals rule): if noun is a diagonal: if player is in coastlines and noun is northeast: try going north instead; [crossing leak lake] say "[one of]Intermediate? Terminate! Die![or]Diagonals?! A sad lingo.[or]Diagonals?! So anal. Dig?[in random order][one of][line break][italic type][bracket]Note: this game's confusing enough without diagonal directions. If you can't find a way to go, type EXITS.[close bracket][roman type][or][stopping][line break]" instead; check going: if the noun is up or noun is down: if the room noun of the location of player is nowhere: say "if there is a way [noun], it should be clear in the description. Hopefully. If not, try EXITS." instead; book the air the air is a proper-named backdrop. the air is everywhere. description is "Yup. Still breathable." does the player mean scaning air: it is very likely. rule for supplying a missing noun when scaning: now the noun is the air. book quips section artistic section quip-text a quip can be mowered, artistic or dormant. a quip is usually dormant. to say satchel-extra: if satchel is bscanned: continue the action; if satchel is not in Basement: say "quickly go back to the study for the satchel, "; say "scan the satchel [if satchel is not escanned]both ways[else]the way you didn't[end if] and "; to say mo-data: say "[one of]More data[or]Even more data[or]Ok, lots of stuff to look at[stopping]"; last-yays is a number that varies. to say current-known: let yays be 0; say "Red: "; repeat through table of known-letters: if v-c-y entry is 1: consider the my-rule entry; if the rule succeeded: increment yays; say "[my-let entry]"; say "[line break]Yellow: "; repeat through table of known-letters: if v-c-y entry is 2: consider the my-rule entry; if the rule succeeded: increment yays; say "[my-let entry]"; consider the got-y rule; if the rule succeeded: increment yays; say "[line break]Orange: Y."; if yays is last-yays: say "[line break]Hmm, nothing new from that..."; now last-yays is yays; this is the got-a rule: if scale-quip is mowered or basement-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if stable-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if ramp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if painting-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if stair-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-b rule: if stable-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if basement-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-c rule: if scale-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if chimney-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-d rule: the rule fails. this is the got-e rule: the rule succeeds. this is the got-f rule: the rule succeeds. this is the got-g rule: if gulp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if painting-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-h rule: if chimney-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-i rule: the rule succeeds. this is the got-j rule: the rule fails. this is the got-k rule: the rule fails. this is the got-l rule: if gulp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if elmomole-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if scale-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule succeeds. this is the got-m rule: if elmomole-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if basement-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if chimney-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if ramp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-n rule: if basement-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if chimney-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if painting-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-o rule: if elmomole-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-p rule: if gulp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if chimney-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if ramp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if painting-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-q rule: the rule fails. this is the got-r rule: the rule succeeds. this is the got-s rule: if scale-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if stable-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if stair-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-t rule: if stable-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if basement-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if painting-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; if stair-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-u rule: if gulp-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-v rule: the rule fails. this is the got-w rule: the rule fails. this is the got-x rule: the rule fails. this is the got-y rule: if chimney-quip is mowered: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the got-z rule: the rule fails. table of known-letters my-let my-rule v-c-y " A" got-a rule 2 " B" got-b rule 1 " C" got-c rule 1 " D" got-d rule 1 " E" got-e rule 2 " F" got-f rule 1 " G" got-g rule 1 " H" got-h rule 1 " I" got-i rule 2 " J" got-j rule 1 " K" got-k rule 1 " L" got-l rule 1 " M" got-m rule 1 " N" got-n rule 1 " O" got-o rule 2 " P" got-p rule 1 " Q" got-q rule 1 " R" got-r rule 1 " S" got-s rule 1 " T" got-t rule 1 " U" got-u rule 2 " V" got-v rule 1 " W" got-w rule 1 " X" got-x rule 1 " Y" got-y rule 3 " Z" got-z rule 1 [??canit-quip "'That BS idea abides, biased! Blue Frog Urbfogel. Bugler of Foulberg? So long ago! And what did he do? Beat up monsters that came back anyway til he could beat her up? Talked to people who knew where hidden items like the horn-o-honor and gavel of Fogvale were? Lucky they were there! He'd never have, on his own! And they'd have killed her off if she was that bad! But she's built herself back up, with only common sense and charisma! Her tact-chatter is nothing to YOUR word power! She was detest-tested over Blue Frog Urbfogel! She even led education reforms to force kids to--well, see how you did things! It's not HER fault kids find you a pro-rote trooper! But Yorpwald will be REMADE! With the help of her GOOD DEEDS!'" Reamed? Remade!] y-orange is a truth state that varies. to say y-know: now y-orange is true; [the part-list takes from 5x+1 to 5x+(fi-1)%5 + 1 & is useful for when I want to display a few things at once. The 5 is for when I need 2 short lists.] to say part-list of (tt - a table-name) and (fi - a number): let lonum be fi - (the remainder after dividing fi - 1 by 5); repeat with idx running from lonum to fi: choose row idx in tt; say "[if idx is fi and idx > lonum]and [end if][blurb entry][if idx < fi - 1], [end if]"; to say note-gretta: unless gretta-quip is mowered: say "'Oh, you should know--Gretta Garett-Tatger, the journalist, has become a target--sorry about that--for looking into Elvira's operations. Gretta may've left a hint in the Strip of Profits, and she may have something for you, if you find her. So, um, yeah, good idea, write that down.'[paragraph break]"; pad-rec-q "Gretta"; to say biop of (ts - a truth state): repeat through table of biopics: if fave entry is ts: say "[blurb entry]"; continue the action; say "BUG no biopic found"; to say check-started-yet: let prefigs be 0; let southfigs be 0; if p-2 is prefigured: increment prefigs; increment southfigs; if ghoul hat is prefigured: increment prefigs; increment southfigs; if eels is prefigured: increment prefigs; if sea cube is prefigured: increment prefigs; if prefigs is 4: say ". Everything you tried will probably work now"; continue the action; if prefigs is 3: say ". You may be able to do a lot in the [if southfigs is 1]pool[else]barn[end if], now"; continue the action; if prefigs is 2: say ". You made [if southfigs is 1]some progress to the north and south[else if southfigs is 2]progress to the south[else]progress to the north[end if]"; continue the action; if prefigs is 1: say ". Maybe you can go back to the [if p-2 is prefigured or ghoul hat is prefigured]barn[else]pool[end if] and do some work now"; continue the action; table of quip texts (continued) quip quiptext null-quip "This shouldn't be part of the conversation." summary-quip "'Must I sum it? It's, um...' / 'Condense it.' / 'So indecent.'[paragraph break]Gunter glosses over your successes in the forest (store F,) the sortie (store I,) and the metros (store M) and how anyone with a little dorky thinkery could've done it, but whatever. Then he gets to Elvira. How before she arrived, Yorpwald was a bit boring, but now it has more reality shows, advertisers and loud opinions than ever.[paragraph break]And how--well, she pointed out it was nice of you to save Yorpwald the first time, but a bunch of pedants looked through dictionaries to ensure there wasn't much left TO change. And how your choosing not to be A Personality was suspicious for sure. And how SHATTER-THREATS would check the anagrammability of stuff so Red Bull Burdell wouldn't happen again. Plus you never helped create cool new slang. But you, of all people, are most likely to form a polit-i-plot. He ends with a yawny anyway, mentioning how liking Elvira is what makes us different from animals, and you should totally write that in your pedanto-notepad.[paragraph break]You already sort of knew this, but Elvira seems to want you out of the way, seriously. As to Gunter, you'll probably annoy him equally by turning him out (if you want to get on with things) or failing to agree with all he has to say." powers-quip "'Humble-brag, bumbler? Agh! Snake oil. So like an aloneski! You could ply a word! Change Yorpwald from untied to united! Change clover to Velcro! Noughts to a shotgun! Words, no sword! Aarg. Man. With whatsits.'" necro-quip "'No rec!' Gunter goes from dynamic to [d-word] icy, flashing an off-grace frog face. A pouty payout![paragraph break]'You irk, heel. You LIKE her? I can't can it! What she did...shaded with...'[paragraph break]'No, glib goblin! The slob lobs BS, lo! Poisonin['] Opinions! That BS idea abides, biased!' Gunter glosses over Blue Frog Urbfogel, Bugler of Foulberg, and how he beat up monsters that came back anyway til he could beat her up? Talked to people who knew where hidden items like the horn-o-honor and gavel of Fogvale were. It was rigged! Now, with her dynamite, tidy name, oh, the soaring signora! Her vast harvest, her mystic chemistry-, her tact-chatter. Her lean elan's made Yorpwald go real galore--be aliver--a praised paradise--with her ReaLiv initiative for the Sunnier Unrisen Inner Us! From arsey years to so sane season! Had us voting her overnight the roving virgo then! Became a rowdy pal! Yorpwald was old, warpy, but now it's more wordy, pal! A Yapworld and Payworld! Oh, her good deeds!'" clown-quip "Scathing sigh. 'Can't.'[paragraph break]Yet she's an a-lister realist. To suggest such a reform-former is a viler...it was censor-crones who tried to quiet HER, the defamed made def! You're probably upset she pointed out anyone with your powers would've figured what to do...eventually...unless they got bored. But she is a wonder. You're a downer.'" sit-quip "'Going personal? Sore plan! No gig!' She's not perfect but that helps us see... 'Mr. Quasi-Marquis...you have to admit, not even a reruns nurser thinks you could save Yorpwald turning stuff into stuff again. Pedants did research! So one do-rite editor rioted.'" gustave-quip "'Once you came along, it was clear Gustave was the vaguest. A denser sender. Very idle delivery. But, well MY initiative kept me Optimal Top Mail. So well I have time for my pouter troupe.'" [option 4-1, fork of 4] pouter-quip "'Why, they came around about the time Elvira did! I didn't believe them at first! But then they became spouter troupes. No offense, you deserve your no-spine pension and all, but ... there's not much of a story behind what you did. Nothing award-winning. Why, it gives me headaches to think about some things you did and saw! No offense. Anyone with a calculator or whatever could've done it. They just...spoke the truth. And were more interesting about it! Now Elvira is more interesting. I mean, you're not funny, or anything.'" pun-quip "'Eh, punt the pun,' you think. The paunchy, achy pun--a painful pun-fail--hardly cleans up on the pun scale. You picture a generic cringee at [twiddle of table of laughhouses and -3]. 'Rad irony? Ordinary.'" ahem-quip "Gunter intones tension. Refusal earfuls. 'Cad, no can do. [d-word-u], uh, DUH, man.' Refusal earfuls." [end option 4-4] [??] trips-quip "'No shame,' he moans. 'Some? Nah.' ... he makes the money gesture with his hands but notes you won't get ID'd unless you visit during rush hour." media-quip "Somehow, the media aimed you for trying to do way too much and way too little. You chart the flattery, the backhanded compliments, the first rifts, the outright disrespect. 'His charisma is archaism.' / 'Cagiest toil made him egotistical.' / 'He will make this realm lamer to save it again.' How the only things you [i]did[r] were saving your skin against Red Bull Burdell--and exist at the end." media-quip-2 "You recall Walt Koh's and Kath Low's howl-task host-walk, among other 'informational' shows...[twiddle of table of lame talk shows and 4]Folks co-spit topics, you're mashed, shamed. '[if player is male]He's [else]She... [end if]mad! Trashed, [if player is female]she'd...rat[else]he darts[end if]!' And the rubbish biopics, good ([biop of true]). or bad ([biop of false]). You did nothing to prepare Yorpwald against technically sophisticated attacks like the exciting ones Elvira warns about, the ones that helped her gain a role of Save/Rid Adviser. Many a tearful faulter did not want to blame you--but they had to." social-quip "You complain about social forces in general. More downers than wonders. How you're no longer a secure cursee." girls-quip "You listen about [twiddle of table of elmo emo and 3]. No friend finder or lovers solver found the woman for Elmo. He looks happier for having complained, though." weather-quip "That's always a safe one. You say 'How [']bout that weather, geez,' not realizing you haven't gotten out enough to know if it's been too hot, cold, rainy or dry. But fortunately, you haven't gotten out enough to remember those details don't matter.[paragraph break]Elmo seems ready to listen to deeper concerns, even if they probably aren't germane to what you need to do." sports-quip "Sports banter follows.[paragraph break][twiddle of table of sports chatter and 2]'Chokers.' / 'Shocker.'" artsy-quip "'Where do I look?'[paragraph break]'Spry prys say end of the alphabet. The start's tourist traps. Especially the sortie and forest and metros you solved. The tour guides are a bit, uh, revisionist.'[paragraph break]'What's the bare mi...uh, most efficient way through?'[paragraph break]'Well, stores U and V at the Strip seem the most easy. P is not too bad. Y--well, lots to do but it's simple. W is--I can't quite describe it. T--you might be weak when you get there.'" leave-quip "'Travel, varlet!'[paragraph break]Magnetic-acting, he blabs about the seriousness of it all, despite your 'Hastas, [bracket]redacted[close bracket].' Somehow, you are to blame for the awful state of TV, music, games, and the arts in general, but Elvira is always there to bemoan things and assure Yorpwald she can make it better. It sort of blends in for a while, until he yells at you for wasting his time.[paragraph break]As he leaves, he looks in your mailbox, all '[if player is male]N[else]Ow, n[end if]o fan mail? Fail on, [if player is female]wo[end if]man! Ego hurt? Er, tough!'[paragraph break]Gunter pulls out something labeled 'Points to Spin,' then another labeled 'A Folder re: Adolf.'[paragraph break]'Godwin? Win, dog!'[paragraph break]'Snidest dissent! Gob it, bigot!' he yells as he pulls out a paper labeled 'Dope Op-Ed' and throws it at you. It's thick enough, you feel something when it hits. You lie down in your chair, annoyed and stunned. You realize you'll need an evac-cave...they'll be surrounding your manor.[paragraph break]'Told, dolt!' you hear after locking the door. His ugliest lies tug as you fall asleep[if latches are off-stage], which you notice is quite lumpy[end if]. You wake up hours later from a right mean nightmare where people yell 'Zero Day, Ya Dozer!' and '[if player is female]She will hew ills[else]Sir, Echo Heroics[end if]!' then 'Brave a verb! No sun, nouns!'" curb-quip "'It's not your fault you didn't have a super perfect story when you rescued Yorpwald. That's the fault of -- someone above -- if they even exist. Maybe if you fix what's wrong here, it'll be a more compelling story and pontificators won't turn against you. Or get bored.' Elmo turns to the fourth wall. 'Or have an excuse to pretend they're bored.'" interr-quip "'Information on the Strip of Profits. It's thriving now. People buy stuff from the stores! They're so occupied, they won't notice YOU! But I think you've got a trial trail ahead. Elvira's got her toy theory started. About you being bad for Yorpwald.'" toy-theory-quip "You've sort of heard it, and you've sort of thought it, but yeah. She really did backhand-compliment you (big deal, boring mathy stuff, not a SHRED of excitement, but you did the job, she guessed) while saying people needed someone more exciting to mythologize about.[wfak][paragraph break]Like, gosh, HER! 'Her united con continued unnoticed. But it's too perfect. Tough to--ugh. Something messes up, she denounces it right away. SHATTER-THREATS is so specific to you, too. That's why I don't like it.[paragraph break]'She at the very least SEEMS to think you're behind the influx of annoying anagrams. But then, she might be trolling us by framing you. That's an...other-y theory, eh, tyro?'" strip-quip "'Yeah, lots to explore. But I bet observing and talking to people will help. Even if they don't want to help. There also may be some--illegal types around stores K and N. You don't need them, but they can't hurt.'" clues-quip "'Examine everything. People and things blocking you. Try to get by them. Just plain listen, or smell. Dialogues also guide. Oh, and if you can find Gretta Garett-Tatger, bonus.'" gretta-quip "'She's a good investigative reporter, the best. She's dug further into Elvira's doings than anyone else. But she's become a bit of a--target.' You both cringe. 'No, it's not your fault. Just, she may have found something, even left a cue in the Strip of Profits.' Elmo shows you a picture of her." trial-trail-quip "'More trouble, more stores. Six of [']em. But you can't just switch stuff to other stuff. That'd be more hokey and homeworky. You'll have to infer finer things to upset the setup.' You ask what's ahead.[paragraph break]'You probably remember tackling F, I and M. Now it's P, T, U, V, W and Y. Oh, and H, if you get by Elvira.'[paragraph break]That's a lot. You probably don't need to grill him about all the stores. But some general hints could be nice." shortcut-quip "'Hm, maybe a covert vector after you solve two...[paragraph break]'Oh, hey, if you want to complain about random stuff, go ahead. It might not give any practical help, but I don't mind listening. I've thrown a lot at you.'" p-quip "Elmo stammers a bit. 'I know I asked you to ask about it. But I can't think of what to say about it in polite company. This is a hint that's not a hint, though. Or vice-versa. Honest. I hear ProcCorp is behind it. Or is it PorcCorp or CropCorp? Or all of them? There's a hacks['] shack immune to shatter-threats somewhere there.'" t-quip "'Store T, well, I've never seen anyone even try to buy stuff. People walk away. Like there's an Or-Not-O-Tron near it. I'd wait on it. But it might have hints about the other stores.'" u-quip "'Store U used to hold all sorts of road maps, telling people where to go without directions. I hear it's hooked up to some place where people can't think or walk straight. More have been popping up over Yorpwald. But the worst is the Same Mesa. A poison stripe around it.'[paragraph break]'Who? How?'[paragraph break]'Rev. Ali and his go-mad dogma about St. Rich, the god of lie, the good life has left people without directions.'" v-quip "'Store V used to hold a bunch of self-help books that taught you how to think wrong. But the proprietor moved on to lectures. More lucrative. Self-help industries have overrun Yorpwald. Spoiloplis is the big hub. Mayor's Irv Lea. But you may not even need to meet him.'" w-quip "'Store W, well, everyone seems to have a different word to describe what's going on there in the Bland Sad Badlands. People protecting their territory just because. Castle Apcur, the Curst Palace, lies there, at the other side of Leak Lake. They say it's being torn down to make a new MoneyCo office. Tax-free and all. Oh, and luxury condos endorsed by Avrile, that lifestyle maven. But if you could restore the palace somehow...'" y-quip "'Store Y, well, it connects to the sea somehow. A seashore seahorse told me about seaside dis-ease you need freaky fakery to avoid. Something about a hideout, and a gang called DIE THOU.'" flier-quip "'Hmm.' You and Elmo scan the flier, which is [if setspace is true]R Y R R Y[else]RYRRY[end if] with cheat or teach mode. 'I saw your settler was [if setspace is true]R R Y Y R[else]RRYYR[end if] when I had the rifle.' Elmo speed-reads your treatise. 'So the colors tell you what stuff should become. That gives us five letters.'[paragraph break]'I and E are yellow for the rifle AND the flier, and R and F and L are red. Hm. Dunno if that's enough. I have some other supplies Old Man Almond gave me.' You note a PLUG of nutrients, laces, and an ELMO nametag." [check what's scanned] scale-quip "You experiment with changing the laces to a scale and back. Laces to scale is [if setspace is true]R Y R R Y[else]RYRRY[end if], scale to laces is [if setspace is true]R Y R Y R[else]RYRYR[end if]. [mo-data]." gulp-quip "The plug becomes a gulp, then back to a plug, no more unappetizing than before. You note plug to gulp is [if setspace is true]R Y R R[else]RYRR[end if], gulp to plug is [if setspace is true]R R Y R[else]RRYR[end if], and cheat mode changes nothing. [mo-data]." elmomole-quip "You flip the nametag to MOLE and back, tracking the scanner. Elmo to Mole is [if setspace is true]R Y R Y[else]RYRY[end if], Mole to Elmo is [if setspace is true]Y R R Y[else]YRRY[end if]. [mo-data]." got-red-yellow-quip "'Yyupp. Vowels. But we haven't found anything where the cheat button actually does anything.' You try and think of something where it might." still-busted-quip "You shake your head. 'Duh, I'm humid.'[paragraph break]'A, e, i, o, u,' Elmo points out. 'Vowels.'[paragraph break]'Maybe other letters too...nah, too many consonants go to red. Yeah. Vowels and consonants.' You figure the cheat button might be a good idea to learn for the future. Might be a good idea to start small. Like--with the lamp." showset-quip "'Hint agent thing! NEAT!' You show him what the red and yellow mean, then the green and purple. He asks if there are any other colors, like orange." lamp-quip "'Yeah, sorry about the lamp.' You say no worries--you're trying to figure what it means. Elmo doesn't judge. 'Yeah, you been under stress, I bet, let's work it out.' The settler vaguely goes Red, yellow/green, red and red near the fragments. 'Hm, cheat mode changes A from yellow to green. That must mean something.'" gp-quip "'Awesome! Yeah, cheating turns the reds and yellows blue.'" settler-quip "'LETTERS SETTLER. Hm, the E-T-T change color when you switch cheat mode on. Maybe that's because they are in the right places. Yellow e to green, red t to purple. Not clear if it's e and t specifically that change, though.'" yorp-quip "'Hm, [if chimney-quip is mowered]more orange letters to Y[else]the D in Yorpwald and W in Wordplay are orange. Or maybe it's what the letters can become. Orange, we haven't seen much of that[end if]. Also, interesting, the O-R change colors when you go cheat mode. Looks like they're already in the right place.'[paragraph break]'Gotcha, doc. Good catch.'" stable-quip "You remember cheat mode did not change the tables when you scanned them before entering the stable--there was lots of red writing, too, which your pedanto-notepad says was wrong letters. But there were some yellows, too. They were probably wrong, but a different sort of wrong." basement-quip "You remember cheat mode did not change the ten beams when you scanned them before entering the basement--there was lots of red writing, too, which your pedanto-notepad says was wrong letters. But there were some yellows, too. They were probably wrong, but a different sort of wrong." chimney-quip "You remember cheat mode did not change the 'my niche' text when you scanned it before entering the chimney--there was lots of red writing, too, which your pedanto-notepad says was wrong letters. But there were some yellows, too. And an orange. You suddenly realize the orange mapped to Y[y-know]." ramp-quip "You recall red, yellow, red, red for the ramp, cheat or no." painting-quip "You recall R Y Y R R Y R R for non-cheat mode, with the center two going purple." stair-quip "You recall R R Y Y R with one tile changing color with cheat mode. But it is probably best to focus on non-cheat mode." dio-quip "Elmo looks at your diorama notes for the [list of hinthelpy escanned things].[paragraph break][dior-scan][if crabgrass is cscanned or brass crag is cscanned or steel pad is cscanned or pedestal is cscanned]You and Elmo notice a few entries changed color when and where letters were the same. You decide to isolate what they mean[else]Hmm, all reds and yellows[end if][unless its-all-scanned]. You realize you could get more data, so maybe you could sneak up to the study and try again[end if]." dio-all-quip "You backtrack to scan everything remaining: the [list of hinthelpy not escanned things]." dio-elm-quip "You backtrack to scan everything remaining: the [list of hinthelpy not escanned things]." dio-elm-2-quip "With everything scanned now, you take a closer look.[paragraph break][dior-scan][paragraph break]You focus on the rare greens and purples. Elmo coughs, as if cuing you to something--how the greens and purples are in the same position between flipped diorama parts." dio-2-quip "You hash the purples and greens out some more.[paragraph break]You focus on the rare greens and purples. Crabgrass and brass crag, letters two and three. Pedestal and steel pad, letters four and seven. You think on what is special about these, in both words." satchel-quip "'Ach, let's...' you say. You [satchel-extra]notice the two end characters are red, but the rest switch from red and yellow to purple and green on cheat mode. That's the most purple and green you've seen yet." still-no-gp-quip "Elmo notes that individual letters can be either red-or-purple or yellow-or-green. All green letters in cheat mode were yellow in non-cheat, and the same for purple to red. Then the ones that are purple/green--are in the right place.[paragraph break]Elmo thinks a minute and notes red plus blue is purple, and yellow plus blue is green." got-it-quip "'Excellent! So, yeah, the settler adds blues when you're in cheat mode and the letters are right. Purple consonants, green vowels.'[if y-orange is false] Elmo looks over your settler once more. 'Hmm. What's the orange for? On Yorpwald/wordplay?'[else] You and Elmo note orange is for Y's, and you suspect correct oranges become brown or something.[end if]" orange-know-quip "You've got this one--Yorpwald, wordplay, the orange D at the end goes to Y, the orange W at the start to Y, too[y-know]." orange-dunno-quip "You [if backside is examined]re-[end if]examine the backside of settler and note how Yorpwald lines up with Wordplay--those two orange letters MEAN something. Then you both realize both orange letters go to a Y that's not in the right place[y-know]." bye-Elmo-quip "[if hold-it-up is false][note-gretta]A pause. 'Go, you doer. You're good. Un-retire, reuniter. Re-shift it fresh. Disable bad lies. There's an evac-cave over thataway. You'll know what to do. I think. Forsake fears, ok?'[paragraph break]You leave, feeling less resave-averse, but run as you hear 'Get Elmo!' / 'Get ol['] me? Let me go!' 'Sympathy?' / 'My hat, spy!' ... 'A spy yaps, pays...'[paragraph break]You crawl through the evac-cave, which exits to writing behind a dune, man. UNNAMED: MUNDANE, but you look closer and see RETRAIN TERRAIN. Behind is a carven cavern. It looks as good a place as any to visit.[end if]" gre-macks-quip "She introduces herself as Gretta. 'I was just trying to explain what Elvira's about, why to fight her. They started telling me they were all socially conscious--then they started hitting on me.' It's true--Elvira's brand of 'magic without magic,' which places excitement over boring honesty, has been captured in the horrid [i]OK, Be Hot: The Book[r], by Beth Koo and Theo Bok. It mentions anyone can learn its techniques--sadly, that's the truest part of the book by far.[paragraph break]You let slip it's the sort of word twisting that you can't and won't do. She pauses, then realizes how you managed to disrupt the macks without doing anything. You're that Shuffling Around person, with those powers. 'Hmm, I guess Elvira hates you even more than she hates me. I mean, she actually said I was almost as bad as you, to my face.'" gre-elv-quip "'Elvira backstabbed me. [']A nice gal? An ICE gal!['] Being called a gal was bad enough. But she used to rent the bulwark from me. Then SHATTER-THREATS somehow let her not pay rent in the name of national security. Then own it. It's hard to get ONE person to go up there, much less many. I found out she's--well, [italic type]augmenting[roman type] animals.'" gre-what-quip "'You can't rely on people coming together. They're either too scared to resist, or too eager to kiss up. But animals might be willing to help. She's still training the ones she made.' Gretta looks nervously around." gre-north-quip "'Maybe you will figure how to help the eels to the north and their spirit, Le Mer. They're suspicious of people, though, after Elvira failed to recruit them.'" gre-south-quip "'Mr. Lee is ready to blame his failed crops on anyone. Elvira's got him convinced it's not her, but if you help him, he could be swayed back. Plus, he's a farmer, so, more animals.'" gre-east-quip "'There are animal pens back east.' [if Anteroom is visited and Tapering Anger Pit is visited]You nod your head[else if Anteroom is unvisited and Tapering Anger Pit is unvisited]You cough a bit, realizing you didn't look there[else]You make a note to check the other pen[end if]. 'Perhaps animals can succeed where people failed, because Elvira won't be able to charm them with words. Well, not all of them. She captured and changed some, but you'd win their gratitude--and their friends[']--if you changed them back. Even, or especially, the ones guarding the pens.'" gre-animals-quip "'The animals aren't just imprisoned but reduced to mockeries of their real selves--whether they know it or not. Maybe one reason she wanted to discredit you was, you might be able to change them back.'" gre-go-quip "[if hold-it-up is false]'Here. Take these. They are ancient emblems of magic and power--damsel medals--from long before people cringed at words like damsel.' She removes her medals and hands them to you. '[gre-other].' She nods and walks off[check-started-yet].[end if]" logical-quip "'Pick a nit? Pack it in! Drone-o-nerd!' she laughs, hypnotic, pythonic. 'I? Spoon Poison? Overbearing, raving bore!' Your reply is undone in innuendo." wtf-quip "WTF is swift. 'Rugged Grudge. Reactions so certain. A sincerest resistance! Dayum, Y U MAD?' / 'Say, fits satisfy?' She gives a plain man's mansplain of her main plans and gets to clamp into a compliant calm point about your complaint. Manic plot? Progress! She also points out that it's probably for the best. You were feeling useless, weren't you? And if you just attack her and get it over with, you can die feeling heroic. She's sure you worked hard to get here." hollow-quip "An ol['] howl. 'Me? Rocky mockery! Petulant late punt! [if player is male]Ach, Mr. Charm[else]Ms. Arch-Charms[end if]!' She laughs with mindless mildness. 'Uber-Rube! Delicate, elite cad! Deny it's destiny? Evasion! So naive!' You cork a croak." abhor-quip "'Recoil, O Relic!' / 'Nuh-unh, hun! Solicit colitis!' Wow. Oww." strong-quip "'So pure? Poseur! Soppy psy-op!' Dang, your spoonerism got double-trumped, there." sneer-quip "'Obliged old gibe. Bilge OD!' Coughs co-gush, chug so. 'Be a god? Bad ego!' you try back, but she's a serener sneerer. 'How silly! Why so ill?'" bald-quip "'Ow, sloth. Low shot.' She laughs. You probably shouldn't be worrying about looks, now." sinister-quip "'Sinister RESISTIN[']. Loutier Outlier!' she calls back. There's a brief scuffle over whose insult was less creative, but you kind of shuffled a lower percentage of letters, there. So she wins.[paragraph break]But don't worry. You're still the good guy. You just lost a style point." final-quip "'Eugh. No. Enough! No mercy, my crone!' She flinches at your pure re-up, responding 'Oh, cute. Touché.' A truce, acuter. 'Ha, using anguish?'" to say gre-other: say "[if gre-what-quip is mowered]Remember[else]I didn't tell you[end if] her army can't leave the bulwark...yet. And she won't. [if gre-east-quip is mowered]You may need help from other than people[else]The animals I told you about--they could do something[end if]"; table of Gunter comments prompt response enabled "Say, Mr., um... summary?" summary-quip 1 "Elvira...necro-crone recon?" necro-quip 0 "Shil-lish. Sit on it, son." sit-quip 0 "Powers? Me? Spew more!" powers-quip 0 "Why so showy? Calm down, mad clown!" clown-quip 0 "Ask Gunter how business is" gustave-quip 0 "Pouter troupe?" pouter-quip 0 "Lighten the mood with a joke" pun-quip 0 "Er, ahem, hear me" ahem-quip 0 "One Beg: begone!" leave-quip 0 table of Elmo comments prompt response enabled "Ask Elmo about how to use your Settler, because you're not sure yet" flier-quip 1 "Show Elmo the sweet Settler you know how to use" showset-quip 1 "Check the scale that can flip to laces and back." scale-quip 0 "Check the ELMO nametag that could show him up as a mole." elmomole-quip 0 "Check the PLUG of nutrients that could become a GULP bottle." gulp-quip 0 "Recall the tables/stable flip." stable-quip 0 "Recall the my niche/chimney flip." chimney-quip 0 "Recall the ten beams/basement flip." basement-quip 0 "Recall the pram/ramp flip." ramp-quip 0 "Recall the giant pin/painting flip." painting-quip 0 "Recall the stair flip." stair-quip 0 "Recall what you tried with the diorama." dio-quip 0 "See about all you could try with the diorama." dio-all-quip 0 "Look through all the diorama data." dio-2-quip 0 "Oh, cool, I know what the reds and yellows are for, now." got-red-yellow-quip 0 "Geez. I'm still busted. Kinda shaken by...well, the excitement." still-busted-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about the lamp" lamp-quip 0 "Explain you know what the colors besides red and yellow mean" gp-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about the 'Letters Settler' text" settler-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about the 'Yorpwald-Wordplay' text on the laced decal" yorp-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about what you remember from the diorama." dio-elm-quip 0 "Scan everything about the diorama." dio-elm-2-quip 0 "Yeah, I see what orange means." orange-know-quip 0 "Hmm, I don't see what orange means." orange-dunno-quip 0 "Oh, hey. The satchel. [unless satchel is escanned]Maybe I could scan it[else if satchel is bscanned]I scanned it with cheat on and off[else]I could scan it some more[end if]!" satchel-quip 0 "Hm, still not clear on the green/purple." still-no-gp-quip 0 "Tell Elmo you got what the cheat button does, thanks!" got-it-quip 0 "[unless y-orange is true]Hm, I even see what orange is for. [end if]Got some reinvestigator interrogatives, hustle-sleuth." interr-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about her toy theory" toy-theory-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about your trial trail" trial-trail-quip 0 "Strip of Profits? Was that the Trips Strip? What's at the...?" trips-quip 0 "Ask Elmo how he'd get artsy with strategy" artsy-quip 0 "Poss. Clue? Closeups?" clues-quip 0 "Gretta Garett-Tatger?" gretta-quip 0 "Jumbo, um, job. Six of [']em? Some fix!" shortcut-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about Store P" p-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about Store T" t-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about Store U" u-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about Store V" v-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about Store W" w-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about Store Y" y-quip 0 "Ask Elmo about the Strip of Profits" strip-quip 0 "Complain about the weather [bracket]NOTE: complaining, or listening to Elmo complain, is possibly therapeutic, but utterly unproductive[close bracket]" weather-quip 0 "Complain about your favorite sports team" sports-quip 0 "Complain about the media" media-quip 0 "Complain about the media some more" media-quip-2 0 "Complain about how more exciting people and stories pushed you to the curb" curb-quip 0 "Complain about social forces in general" social-quip 0 "Let Elmo complain about his lack of success with women" girls-quip 0 "Finish Fishin[']." bye-Elmo-quip 1 table of Elvira comments prompt response enabled "Fool us? So foul! (Lay things out logically, hopefully without getting overemotional or boring)" logical-quip 1 "WTF FTW" wtf-quip 1 "LOL, how hollow!" hollow-quip 1 "Play God? Dopy gal!" sneer-quip 1 "Abhorsive Behaviors!" abhor-quip 1 "Strong will? Still wrong. At bay, ya bat." strong-quip 1 "Go bald, old bag!" bald-quip 0 "Sinister Insister. Hypno-phony." sinister-quip 0 "Scourge-curse, go! (yeah, yeah, get on with it)" final-quip 1 to lawnmower (mytab - a table-name) : if debug-state is false: continue the action; let mower be true; repeat through mytab: if response entry is not mowered: say "DEBUG: Did not touch [response entry]: [prompt entry][line break]"; now mower is false; if mower is true: say "DEBUG: Lawnmowering worked."; gre-go-warn is a truth state that varies. before QBC responding with (this is the warn you before bailing from a convo rule): let cur-act be a number; [this is kind of cutesy code. Basically, it checks to see if Player Choice is equal to the # of available choices. If so, it warns you.] now cur-act is 0; if debug-state is true and number understood is 0: if Elmo is visible: deliver the bye-Elmo-quip quip instead; if Gunter is visible: deliver the leave-quip quip instead; if Elvira is visible: deliver the final-quip quip instead; if current quip is leave-quip: if Elmo is visible: repeat through table of Elmo comments: increase cur-act by enabled entry; if number understood is cur-act: say "Conversation conservation, eh...spells less help."; if current quip is quip_null: if Elvira is visible: say "She talks softly, oft-sly.[line break]"; if Gunter is visible: repeat through table of Gunter comments: increase cur-act by enabled entry; if the number understood is cur-act - 1: say "'So rude!' says Gunter, roused, soured."; before quipping when player is in fro (this is the Gretta checks rule): let missed-one be false; if current quip is gre-go-quip: if gre-go-warn is false: now gre-go-warn is true; repeat through table of Gretta comments: if response entry is not mowered and response entry is not gre-go-quip: d "[response entry]."; now missed-one is true; if missed-one is true: say "'Oh--um, yeah, don't feel you're holding me back. I sort of want to get away, but I know a few things that could help you,' Gretta says. Stay and ask a bit more?"; unless the player consents: say "OK."; continue the action; say "A bit of awkward silence follows, but it's nowhere near as awkward as the macks['] conversation.[no line break]"; now hold-it-up is true; reject the player's command; instead of abouting or creditsing or xyzzying or requesting the score when rq is active: say "[convoforce]." instead; to say convoforce: if Gunter is visible: say "'Rebuts, buster? Respond! No derps!'[paragraph break]You can't get away, here. But you can RECAP to see your options"; else if rifle is visible: say "Elmo doesn't seem to want to fire the gun. He doesn't even want to use it. Maybe you can help him get rid of it"; else if Elmo is visible: say "No need to poke around when you have someone willing to help you--especially since it means less time for him to escape afterwards.[paragraph break]You can RECAP to see your options"; else if Elvira is visible: say "'Egad. An Agenda.' Elvira can negotiate awkward silence better than you can.[paragraph break]You can RECAP to see your options"; else if Gretta is visible: say "She looks in a rush to get away. So you should probably listen up, or you can RECAP to see your options"; to decide whether the action is blathery: if asking about, yes; if asking generically, yes; if objasking generically, yes; if objasking about, yes; no. before doing something when Gunter is visible: if current action is examining: if noun is not Gunter: say "You feel a little guilty not keeping eye contact and all that jazz, but you're still hearing Gunter okay, you guess."; continue the action; if current action is attacking: say "That'd just give the Penal Panel one more excuse." instead; if action is blathery: say "Gunter's kind of leading the conversation, here." instead; if current action is not talking to urgent Gunter and current action is not QBC responding with: say "[convoforce]."; reject the player's command; continue the action. before doing something when Elmo is visible: if current action is scaning Elmo or current action is examining Elmo: say "[if rifle is visible]You worry about making any quick movements, even though he doesn't look...enthusiastic about this situation, almost gazing at his rifle with disgust. Maybe you could get rid of the rifle[else]Talk with him, instead[end if]." instead; if rifle is visible: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is singing: say "That's not what the high sign is for." instead; if current action is waiting: continue the action; if current action is going: say "Back in the manor won't help, and Elmo won't let you by." instead; if word number 1 in the player's command is "talk" or word number 1 in the player's command is "ask" or word number 1 in the player's command is "say" or word number 1 in the player's command is "tell": say "You aren't brave enough to say 'Disarm, mad sir!'" instead; say "You can't do much with Elmo around." instead; if action is blathery: say "You don't want to go off on any tangents, here." instead; if current action is not talking to Elmo and current action is not QBC responding with: say "[convoforce]."; reject the player's command; before doing something when player is in Reclusion Inclosure and current quip is not final-quip: if current action is fliptoing medals: say "You'll never out-talk Elvira." instead; if current action is fliptoing whistle: say "You'd feel rude playing that whistle during a conversation, even one with Elvira." instead; if current action is fliptoing: say "You'll have to finish this chat first." instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; if action is blathery: say "Elvira's not going to give you any useful information." instead; if current action is not talking to Elvira and current action is not QBC responding with: say "[convoforce]." instead; check fliptoing whistle: if player is in Inclosure: if whistle is reflexed: try playing whistle instead; say "Elvira looks amused as you practice, and when you look up, you can but mouth 'Cor! Orc! Roc! A tiger? I...great...'[paragraph break]Maybe you could and should have practiced beforehand. Maybe you could still sneak out."; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules instead; chiefed is a truth state that varies. complaint-num is a number that varies. to check-complaints: increment complaint-num; if complaint-num is 3: say "You get the sense Gunter would listen to your complaints all day, but then, information is probably more valuable.[paragraph break]"; if complaint-num is 6: say "Gunter glances briefly at the door he entered.[paragraph break]"; if complaint-num is 9: say "Man! You haven't complained to anyone for a while, and it feels good. You hope Gunter understands. He's not [i]scowling or fleeing[r] yet. Or even dropping hints.[paragraph break]"; talked-to-Elmo is a truth state that varies. one-Elvira is a truth state that varies. to enact (myq - a quip): if myq is mowered: d "[myq] already tried.[line break]"; continue the action; [d "[myq] enabled.[line break]";] enable the myq quip; hold-it-up is a truth state that varies. before quipping when current quip is bye-Elmo-quip (this is the Elmo pulls you back for hints rule): if got-it-quip is not mowered and showset-quip is not mowered and still-no-gp-quip is not mowered: say "Elmo checks you for a second. 'You sure you know how to use the settler?'"; if the player consents: say "You nod. 'No clues counsel.'"; continue the action; say "You shake your head and go back to thinking why the settler might flicker yellow/green on the lamp and so forth.[no line break]"; now hold-it-up is true instead; if interr-quip is not mowered: say "Hm, maybe Elmo has something useful to say. Start the conversation?"; if the player consents: now current quip is interr-quip; to decide whether its-all-scanned: repeat with rb running through ramabits: if rb is not bscanned, decide no; decide yes; to decide whether nothing-scanned: repeat with rb running through ramabits: if rb is escanned, decide no; decide yes; definition: a quip (called myq) is doable: choose row with response of myq in the table of Elmo comments; [?! bad if other conditional] if enabled entry is 1: decide yes; decide no; a quip can be Elmo-av. a quip is usually not Elmo-av. definition: a quip (called myq) is clue-acc: unless myq is Elmo-av, decide no; if myq is mowered, decide no; decide yes; to another-Elmo-hint: if number of clue-acc quips is 0: continue the action; let myq2 be a random clue-acc quip; enact myq2; after quipping: [qa] if hold-it-up is true: if player is in fro: choose row with response of gre-go-quip in the table of Gretta comments; now enabled entry is 1; else: choose row with response of bye-Elmo-quip in the table of Elmo comments; now enabled entry is 1; now hold-it-up is false instead; d "[current quip]."; if current quip is showset-quip: ital-say "if you didn't mean to do this, you can UNDO to get Elmo's tutorial."; else: if debug-state is false: prevent undo; now undo-code is -1; now current quip is mowered; if current quip is summary-quip: pad-rec-lump "Elvira"; pad-rec "SHATTER-THREATS"; enact the necro-quip; enact the powers-quip; enact the gustave-quip; enact the clown-quip; enact the leave-quip; else if current quip is gustave-quip: enact the pouter-quip; else if current quip is pouter-quip: enact the pun-quip; else if current quip is pun-quip: enact the ahem-quip; else if current quip is necro-quip: enact the sit-quip; else if current quip is leave-quip: lawnmower the table of Gunter comments; terminate the conversation; move Gunter to lalaland; now dusty study is dark; if do-i-chat is true: move Elmo to Basement; move player to Basement; now rifle is in lalaland; now qbc_litany is litany of Mole Elmo; [may be delete-able] [end Gunter's dialogue] else if current quip is sit-quip or current quip is powers-quip or current quip is clown-quip or current quip is ahem-quip: do nothing; else if current quip is interr-quip: [Elmo's dialogue below here] enact toy-theory-quip; enact the trial-trail-quip; now talked-to-Elmo is true; disable the orange-dunno-quip quip; else if current quip is trial-trail-quip: enact the strip-quip; enact the artsy-quip; enact the clues-quip; enact the trips-quip; enact the p-quip; enact the t-quip; enact the u-quip; enact the v-quip; enact the w-quip; enact the y-quip; else if current quip is clues-quip: enact the gretta-quip; pad-rec-p "clues"; else if current quip is gretta-quip: pad-rec-p "Gretta"; else if current quip is artsy-quip: enact the shortcut-quip; else if current quip is shortcut-quip: enact weather-quip; else if current quip is weather-quip: enact sports-quip; enact girls-quip; enact media-quip; enact curb-quip; enact social-quip; else if current quip is media-quip: enact media-quip-2; else if current quip is flier-quip: say "Here's what you know.[line break][current-known][line break]"; disable the showset-quip quip; now showset-quip is mowered; enact scale-quip; enact gulp-quip; enact elmomole-quip; enact got-red-yellow-quip; if t-b is escanned and t-b is in lalaland: now basement-quip is Elmo-av; if tables are escanned and tables are in lalaland: now stable-quip is Elmo-av; if pram is escanned and pram is in lalaland: now ramp-quip is Elmo-av; if giant pin is escanned and giant pin is in lalaland: now painting-quip is Elmo-av; if sitar is escanned or stria is escanned: if sitar is in lalaland or stria is in lalaland: now stair-quip is Elmo-av; choose row with short of "diorama" in table of pad-stuff; if known entry is true: enact dio-quip; if niche is escanned and niche is in lalaland: enact chimney-quip; now chimney-quip is Elmo-av; else: another-Elmo-hint; continue the action; enact gp-quip; else if current quip is scale-quip or current quip is gulp-quip or current quip is elmomole-quip or current quip is stable-quip or current quip is basement-quip or current quip is ramp-quip or current quip is painting-quip or current quip is chimney-quip or current quip is stair-quip: say "You now know...[line break][current-known][line break]"; enact got-red-yellow-quip; another-Elmo-hint; if scale-quip is mowered and gulp-quip is mowered and elmomole-quip is mowered: enact still-busted-quip; else if current quip is still-busted-quip or current quip is got-red-yellow-quip: if chimney-quip is mowered: say "You also note the Y is orange. Red + yellow = orange, and Y can be either a consonant or a vowel."; disable the settler-quip quip; disable the yorp-quip quip; enact gp-quip; enact lamp-quip; enact got-it-quip; disable the scale-quip quip; disable the elmomole-quip quip; disable the gulp-quip quip; disable the flier-quip quip; disable the still-busted-quip quip; disable the painting-quip quip; disable the ramp-quip quip; disable the chimney-quip quip; disable the stable-quip quip; disable the stair-quip quip; disable the dio-quip quip; disable the dio-all-quip quip; disable the got-red-yellow-quip quip; disable the got-it-quip quip; else if current quip is lamp-quip: enact settler-quip; disable the gp-quip quip; enact got-it-quip; else if current quip is gp-quip: disable the lamp-quip quip; else if current quip is settler-quip: if y-orange is false: enact yorp-quip; if its-all-scanned or nothing-scanned: enact dio-elm-2-quip; else: enact dio-elm-quip; else if current quip is yorp-quip: if chimney-quip is not mowered: enact orange-know-quip; enact orange-dunno-quip; enact satchel-quip; else if current quip is satchel-quip or current quip is dio-elm-2-quip: enact still-no-gp-quip; if current quip is dio-elm-2-quip: enact dio-2-quip; else if current quip is dio-elm-quip: enact dio-elm-2-quip; repeat with rb running through ramabits: oscan rb; [ unless settler-quip is doable or yorp-quip is doable or niche-quip is doable or tables-quip is doable or basement-quip is doable or dio-quip is doable or dio-2-quip is doable: enact satchel-quip;] else if current quip is still-no-gp-quip or current quip is got-it-quip: disable the got-it-quip quip; disable the still-no-gp-quip quip; disable the satchel-quip quip; disable the dio-elm-quip quip; disable the dio-elm-2-quip quip; disable the dio-2-quip quip; disable the dio-quip quip; enact interr-quip; else if current quip is showset-quip: disable the flier-quip quip; enact orange-dunno-quip; enact interr-quip; else if current quip is orange-know-quip or current quip is orange-dunno-quip: disable the orange-know-quip quip; disable the orange-dunno-quip quip; else if current quip is dio-quip or current quip is trips-quip or current quip is dio-all-quip or current quip is dio-2-quip or current quip is satchel-quip or current quip is yorp-quip or current quip is settler-quip or current quip is strip-quip or current quip is weather-quip or current quip is girls-quip or current quip is sports-quip or current quip is curb-quip or current quip is social-quip or current quip is media-quip-2 or current quip is clues-quip: do nothing; else if current quip is p-quip: pad-rec-p "store p"; else if current quip is t-quip: pad-rec-p "store t"; else if current quip is u-quip: pad-rec-p "store u"; else if current quip is v-quip: pad-rec-p "store v"; else if current quip is w-quip: pad-rec-p "store w"; else if current quip is y-quip: pad-rec-p "store y"; else if current quip is toy-theory-quip: do nothing; else if current quip is bye-Elmo-quip: lawnmower table of Elmo comments; terminate the conversation; now Elmo is in lalaland; now satchel is in lalaland; if do-i-chat is true: now hydra is in lalaland; move player to Inclosure; else: now poss-score of manor is cur-score of manor + 3; move the player to Carven Cavern; [end Elmo's dialogue] else if current quip is gre-macks-quip: enact gre-elv-quip; enact gre-what-quip; enact gre-go-quip; else if current quip is gre-elv-quip or current quip is gre-what-quip: if gre-elv-quip is mowered and gre-what-quip is mowered: say "'Not everyone here loves Elvira. Some are willing to help, if they're just treated right. I can tell you who, or what's, where.' Gretta looks around, worried the macks will narc her out to Elvira, even though none of them headed west to the bulwark, but you can probably grill her for quick information.[paragraph break]"; enact gre-north-quip; enact gre-east-quip; enact gre-south-quip; else if current quip is gre-east-quip: enact gre-animals-quip; else if current quip is gre-animals-quip: do nothing; else if current quip is gre-go-quip: now Gretta is in lalaland; terminate the conversation; else if current quip is gre-north-quip or current quip is gre-south-quip or current quip is gre-elv-quip: do nothing; else if current quip is hollow-quip or current quip is sinister-quip: [Elvira's dialogue below here] do nothing; else if current quip is logical-quip or current quip is wtf-quip or current quip is hollow-quip or current quip is sneer-quip or current quip is abhor-quip or current quip is strong-quip: if one-Elvira is false: now one-Elvira is true; enact the sinister-quip; else if current quip is final-quip: lawnmower table of Elvira comments; terminate the conversation; else: if debug-state is true: say "FALLTHROUGH BUG in after-quipping code. Put [current quip] somewhere in the after quipping rule."; else: do nothing; chapter quip-rule-mod the reject asking for talking rule is not listed in any rulebook. the reject telling for talking rule is not listed in any rulebook. the reject answering for talking rule is not listed in any rulebook. the reject commanding for talking rule is not listed in any rulebook. chapter pause-and-wait [this is not used, since it clears the screen, but just in case...] to ptg: if debug-state is false: pause the game; chapter taking person check taking old giant: say "You'll have to take his babble, but not him." instead; chapter taking fixed in place check taking a sto: say "You can't take that, [if noun is flippable]but you can maybe change it and enter it[else]and you can't do much else, either." instead; check taking disamb-store: say "You can't take one store, much less all." instead; chapter taking scenery section general check taking a sto: say "[if noun is flippable]You can change that into something else[else]That store is useless for your purposes[end if]." instead; check taking scenery: if noun is forest or noun is sortie or noun is metros: say "You took that area (out) last game." instead; if location of player is same mesa: say "Scenery is only here to tell you where to go." instead; if location of player is cleric circle: say "That'd be kind of sinful and disruptive." instead; if location of player is idle deli: say "The [noun] is part of the scenery." instead; if location of player is bedroom: say "That can't be valuable enough." instead; if location of player is Econ Cone: say "Oh, you'll TAKE Spoilopolis, all of it. But you can't lug THAT around." instead; if location of player is fiefco: say "You don't need to take that. Just take inspiration from it." instead; say "You don't need to take any of the scenery here." instead; section manor check taking: if noun is part of the Letters Settler: say "You don't want to go deconstructing the Letters Settler. It was hard enough to create for Old Man Almond! (And me, too. But enough about coding.)" instead; check taking stria: say "Too high up." instead; check taking air: say "You do so every move, even without thinking." instead; check taking bench: say "The bench is too big." instead; check taking worst ad: say "You'd need to get closer." instead; check taking passage: say "EXAMINE it, instead." instead; check taking chimney: say "To take the chimney in the going somewhere sense, go UP." instead; check taking plaster: say "Peeling the plaster would be more painful and pedantic than, well, figuring a seven-word anagram." instead; section routes check taking narrow cracks: say "Take a hint from them, where they may lead you." instead; check taking stripey pyrites: say "Take a hint from them, where they may lead you." instead; check taking tables: say "The tables are written on the wall." instead; check taking ramp: say "To take the ramp in the going somewhere sense, go DOWN." instead; check taking pier sign: say "Take its advice instead." instead; check taking controls: say "You need a more thematic way to, err, take control." instead; section troves check taking cold: say "You have as much cold as you can take." instead; check taking stop post: say "The post is firmly in place." instead; check taking babblings: say "You have as much cold as you can take." instead; section presto check taking hump: say "You can take it if you believe in yourself and motivate yourself the right way!" instead; check taking plebe: say "That plebe won't be pushed aside." instead; check taking dumpster: say "Way too heavy." instead; check taking dam: say "You take in the dam's beauty for a moment." instead; check taking um-not: say "Stronger adventurers than you couldn't take Mount Um-Not." instead; check taking Harm's Marsh: say "The marsh is more likely to take YOU." instead; check taking lawl wall: say "You'll need to take the keys, somehow." instead; check taking hogs: say "You and Rand and Leo can take [']em. But not literally." instead; check taking lamb: say "It's not a bit lamb, but it wouldn't fit in your super purse." instead; check taking a fightin person: say "You can 'take' them by trickery." instead; check taking smart people sign: say "Removing the warning won't make the warning any less valid." instead; check taking clock sap: say "The sap is too sticky." instead; section oyster check taking tines: say "[if stein is in lalaland]You destroyed them already[else]Wrong way to vandalize things, here[end if]." instead; check taking tunes: say "They're the sort of tunes you really can't take." instead; check taking canoe: try entering canoe instead; check taking river: say "The river drips through your fingers." instead; check taking pikes: say "That's the wrong way to 'take' them.'" instead; check taking carps: say "That's the wrong way to 'take' them.'" instead; check taking trout: say "You can't just take him and run. You need to fight back." instead; check taking arches: say "[if arches-search is true]You got enough from the arches[else]You might find something in there. How to do that without taking them[end if]." instead; check taking thin hint: say "You don't need to take a hint you yourself dropped." instead; check taking shut huts: try entering shut huts instead; check taking h-h: say "Better to enter the hedron." instead; check taking o-t: say "That'd be a good way to spring it." instead; check taking haunter: say "It's incorporeal. But maybe you can take it somewhere." instead; check taking ant: say "Dealing with the ant is even easier than TAKE." instead; check taking intercom: say "You'd probably get a nasty shock and set off an alarm." instead; section towers check taking a warrior: say "You'll have to deal with him indirectly." instead; check taking: if player is in Danger Garden and serpent is in Danger Garden: say "[one of]The serpent hisses as you reach down to grab that. You may need a way to calm it. The serpent, not the [noun].[or]Deal with the serpent first.[stopping]" instead; check taking sled rut: say "[if strudel is in Danger Garden]Maybe take the strudel instead[else]The sled rut is nothing and holds nothing[end if]." instead; check taking yurts: say "They're too strongly built to even flake a piece off." instead; check taking a guardian: say "Sadly, you can't just move anyone or anything out of the way in the Badlands." instead; check taking old ice: say "You'd get your hands stuck. And I won't double dog dare you." instead; check taking neural pulses: say "You don't need or want to--they just flow through either way." instead; check taking denim: say "You can't get a good grip on the denim to pull it." instead; check taking ropins: say "WAY too heavy and big." instead; check taking doc-y: say "[if doc-y is in ropins]You'll need to open the gaol first[else]Dr. Yow doesn't need that, after his spell in gaol[end if]." instead; section otters check taking ed riley: say "Ed Riley raises up on his toes and booms 'I'm no yielder!'" instead; check taking imp: say "Simply much too fast." instead; section others check taking gs: say "No way you could move the gates." instead; check taking drinks stand: say "The drinks stand is too big to take[if slime is off-stage], but maybe it's worth examining[else], and you sort of ransacked it anyway[end if]." instead; check taking reserved sign: say "Art Erd yells at you to be a little more subtle trying to steal stuff." instead; check taking b-r: say "It's stuck in there. Maybe you can make it something smaller." instead; chapter drinking the block drinking rule is not listed in the check drinking rulebook. check drinking: say "You don't need to drink anything in this game. Well, there's one place where you sort of need to drink something, but [if compiled code is reflexive]this game skips that[else]you already got through there[end if]." instead; chapter climbing The block climbing rule is not listed in the check climbing rulebook. check climbing: if noun is gaol: say "Too tall. Anyway, if it were climbable, the subsector wouldn't be the obscurest, now." instead; if noun is prison: say "It's actually a decent jungle gym, but you're not here to putz around." instead; if noun is huts: say "They're too tall. No good handholds. The rude door is the only way in." instead; if noun is ramp: try going down instead; if noun is skyscraper: say "Your thought and efforts may lead you to the top, not a physical feat." instead; if noun is bulwark: say "Elvira is in the bulwark, not on top of it." instead; if noun is stair: if player is in basement: move player to stable instead; else: move player to basement instead; if noun is the-b: say "It's too slippery and round." instead; say "You don't need to climb over much of anything in this game. Though in some spots, you may go up or down, or possibly IN." instead; chapter push-pull the can't push what's fixed in place rule is not listed in any rulebook. the can't push people rule is not listed in any rulebook. the can't push scenery rule is not listed in any rulebook. the can't pull what's fixed in place rule is not listed in any rulebook. the can't pull people rule is not listed in any rulebook. the can't pull scenery rule is not listed in any rulebook. check pushing (this is the new can't push rule) : if noun is t-key: say "[if noun is reflexive]You don't know what it does[else]You'll push it once you're ready to program[end if]." instead; if noun is caps lock: if noun is not part of keyboard: say "On its own, you can't push a caps lock." instead; say "You'll push it once you're ready to program." instead; if noun is a person: say "Pushing live things is probably even less effective than attacking." instead; if noun is skid: say "You need to specify a direction to push the skid." instead; if noun is church sign: push-church-sign instead; if noun is fixed in place or noun is scenery: say "You give a few hups but fail to push." instead; report pushing: say "You give a few hups but fail to push."; the rule succeeds; check pulling (this is the new can't pull rule) : if noun is a person: say "You don't need to corral people." instead; if noun is skid: say "You need to specify a direction to pull the skid." instead; if noun is church sign: say "(push, pull, same thing...)[line break]"; push-church-sign instead; if noun is fixed in place: say "Ullp! You can't pull..." instead; to push-church-sign: say "You push the sign, and it flips around. You see a different message is on the other side[one of][or], one you're familiar with[stopping], as [dssd] becomes [flipsine][dssd][if circle is visited], though you don't really need to see it, any more[end if]." report pulling: say "Ullp! You can't pull..."; the rule succeeds; chapter d debug-state is a truth state that varies. debug-state is false. to d (a - indexed text): if debug-state is true: say "DEBUG INFO: [a][line break]" to dn (a - indexed text): if debug-state is true: say "DEBUG INFO: [a]" chapter portals a portal is a kind of thing. a portal is usually fixed in place. a portal has a number called diffic. the specification of portal is "A thing that allows you access to vulnerable areas of Yorpwald." a portal can be fake-enterable. a portal is usually fake-enterable. a portal can be maingame. a portal is usually maingame. a portal can be lumpable. a portal is usually lumpable. a portal can be checkedoff or available. a portal is usually available. a portal can be enter-clued. a portal is usually not enter-clued. a portal has a region called a go-region. instead of taking a portal: say "Try entering, instead."; chapter regions you-used-pills is a truth state that varies. to solve-region (sre - a region): let tokers-home be false; consider the notify score changes rule; now sre is solved; now last-solved-region is sre; if sre is manor: now all prefigured things are unfigured; repeat through table of pres: if there is a thereg entry and thereg entry is sre: now preflip entry is unfigured;[wipe stuff from flips] say "Congratulations! [sre] node: done![paragraph break]"; if sre is otters and debug-state is true: append "Test passed for Otters." to the file of debuggery; if sre is stores or sre is roman manor: continue the action; repeat with po running through portals in Strip of Profits: if go-region of po is sre: move po to lalaland; if sre is oyster and pills are in lalaland: now you-used-pills is true; item-warp; let wiped-any-out be false; repeat through table of pad-stuff: if there is a fixed-region entry: if fixed-region entry is sre: now known entry is false; now wiped-any-out is true; if wiped-any-out is true: say "(You wipe out writing in your notepad that probably only applied to this region.)"; if lecturer is reflexed: [have to get rid of them before moving the player, but we want to print a note AFTER going. So, tap dance with code a bit.] if smoke cloud is in profits: now tokers-home is true; now nestor is in lalaland; now tokers are in lalaland; now smoke cloud is in lalaland; if player is not in Strip of Profits: d "player not currently in Strip of Profits. Player moved from [location of player]."; move player to Strip of Profits; if sre is not spoiled and otters-x are examined: now note-progress is true; see-about-patcher; if engravings are examined and eng-change is false: say "The engraving by [if store t is visible]store t[else]the otters[end if] seems to have changed since last you looked."; now eng-change is true; if tokers-home is true: say "The tokers packed up and went home. Just as well. You'd hate to have had to explain your journeys to them."; eng-change is a truth state that varies. to see-about-patcher: if number of kayoed regions >= 2 and chapter patcher is off-stage: say "You think, with a gay woot, 'Yow, got a way to go.' But then a voice -- 'Goal's a slog? Covert vector!' You look over and notice something behind the megaton magneto-montage. Something that wasn't there before."; now chapter patcher is in Strip of Profits; definition: a region (called reg) is kayoed: if reg is spoiled or reg is bypassed or reg is shortcircuited: decide yes; decide no. section check-for-solve this is the check final region action rule: d "Checking [noun]."; repeat through table of end-flips: if noun is thisflip entry or noun is thatflip entry: if warned-yet entry is false: consider the my-prog entry; if the rule succeeded: now warned-yet entry is true; ital-say-n "[pointwarn entry]"; say " Continue anyway?"; if the player consents: the rule succeeds; else: say "OK, this won't appear again for this section."; make no decision; the rule succeeds; make no decision; table of end-flips thisflip thatflip warned-yet my-prog pointwarn USB USB false shack-left rule "That will win, but there's still a bit you could do in the shack." thor new beet false degen-false rule "You should never see this." troend1 troend2 false office-left rule "You tidied your office up pretty well, but you could do a bit more." d2 d2 false oyster-left rule "This is the winning command, but you may be able to backtrack to see some other bits." curst palace curst palace false palace-left rule "This will knock down the palace, but you still have that flowerpot you got from Daltho." Elvira Elvira false any-otters rule "You could've cleaned up business with [to-clean-otters]." to say to-clean-otters: [hells bells this is ugly] if p-2 is reflexive or eels are reflexive: say "[if eels are reflexive]the Bran Barn[else]the Loop Pool[end if]"; if cinders are not in lalaland or elmer is reflexive: say ", as well as "; else: continue the action; if elmer is reflexive: say "Elmer and Merle's annoying blather"; if cinders are not in lalaland: say " and "; else: continue the action; say "the cinders"; [here, the rules succeed if there's still stuff left to do] this is the any-otters rule: if p-2 is reflexive or eels are reflexive: the rule succeeds; if elmer is reflexive: the rule succeeds; if cinders are not in lalaland: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the palace-left rule: if flowerpot is not in lalaland: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the oyster-left rule: if lever is reflexive: the rule succeeds; if aunt-tuna-cross is false and lance is not in lalaland: the rule succeeds; if splained is false: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the shack-left rule: if usb is off-stage: [note 2 things flip to USB, the code and the USB, so this gives 'debug' a pass] the rule fails; if trim socks are in shack: the rule succeeds; if escaroles are in shack: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the office-left rule: if Pa Egg Pea is reflexive: the rule succeeds; if lobster is reflexive or stream is reflexive: the rule succeeds; if divorces is not in lalaland: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; chapter zaping zaping is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "zap [something]" as something new. understand "zap [something]" as zaping. carry out zaping: if player is not in strip of profits: say "[reject]" instead; if chapter patcher is not in strip of profits: say "You don't have anything that can zap anything." instead; if noun is not a sto and noun is not a portal: say "The patcher can only zap stores or portals." instead; if noun is store h: if otters is solved: say "You sense that, with Elvira defeated, the patcher wouldn't work to wipe out Store H. Perhaps there isn't enough evil to defeat, so the patcher won't work." instead; say "Store H isn't critical. Yet. Plus there are too many people around. You should maybe look elsewhere." instead; if noun is Store K or noun is Store N: say "As you point the patcher at [noun], you hear cries of 'No, man! Don't harsh [if noun is Store K]our[else]my[end if] buzz!'[paragraph break]There are people in there. The stores may not be where it's at, according to Gunter, so that's even less reason to disintegrate others." instead; if noun is tokers or noun is nestor: say "You're a text adventurer, not a drug enforcement agent." instead; if noun is a portal: say "The patcher obliterates the [noun]. Wow!"; now go-region of noun is bypassed; now noun is in lalaland; if noun is Store T: say "The energy you felt from the patcher seems to bounce off Store T and zap you back. You'll have to be a tough customer to enter Store T." instead; if noun is otters-x: say "The energy beam that emits from the patcher fizzles as it hits the otters. Whatever's behind the otters is likely no joke." instead; if noun is Store U: now routes is bypassed; if noun is Store V: now troves is bypassed; if noun is Store W: now towers is bypassed; if noun is Store U: now oyster is bypassed; if noun is Store P: now presto is bypassed; now noun is in lalaland; say "You point the patcher at [noun], which disintegrates. Well, maybe you'll get someone to help you take care of things once you're finished here." instead; the rule succeeds; the chapter patcher is a warpable thing. description is "[if number of needed regions > 1]I bet if you switched it, something cool might happen[otherwise]It's probably useless to warp past the final area[end if].". "A chapter patcher lies here next to the megaton magneto-montage." Check taking the chapter patcher: say "It'd be kind of hazardous to carry around[if number of needed regions > 1]. You can just ZAP whatever's left[else]. You're done with it, anyway[end if]." instead; check switching on the chapter patcher: if otters is solved: say "You don't need to do anything drastic now that you beat Elvira." instead; if number of needed regions is 0: say "It's jammed. Probably because you solved most all you need to. Guess you'll have to figure [if Store T is in Strip of Profits]what's behind Store T[otherwise]how to deal with the otters and what's behind them[end if]." instead; say "The patcher shatters in a shower of fourth-wall quantum physics as you switch it. [no line break]"; now patcher is in lalaland; repeat with ZT running through needed regions: now ZT is bypassed; say "[if number of things that are patchable is 1]You point your patcher at [random patchable thing] and it goes poof[else]You point your patcher at, in turn, [list of patchable things][end if]. Well, you should be able to see what's [if Store T is visible]really behind Store T[else]behind the otters[end if] now."; repeat with ZT running through patchable things: if ZT is a sto and ZT is in Strip of Profits: poss-d; now ZT is in lalaland; do nothing instead; definition: a thing (called xx) is patchable: if xx is not visible, no; if xx is Store K or xx is Store N or xx is tokers or xx is store C or xx is store B, no; if xx is Store H or xx is Store O or xx is Store T or xx is otters-x, no; if xx is a sto and xx is flippable, yes; if xx is a portal, yes; no. chapter region definition Roman Manor is an unsolved region. max-score of Roman Manor is 13. min-score of Roman Manor is 8. [giant pin, stable/stair, chimney/ramp, basement] [non-anagram = staple wall] Others is an unsolved region. max-score of Others is 38. min-score of others is 25. [only need 20 fruits, compass, icons, sonic, passport x 2. Best score is # of fruits + compass + icons/sonic + passport x 2. FRUI checks what fruit is where.] Routes is a region. max-score of Routes is 18. min-score of Routes is 17. [worst ad] Troves is a region. max-score of Troves is 21. min-score of Troves is 15. [Pa Egg Pea, lager, lobster/stream, bee, astute statue, DIVORCES] Oyster is a region. max-score of oyster is 39. min-score of oyster is 27. [scan cans = 1, revel/lever=1, fart/soar=1, shape heaps, waste/lance/wipes/ant subquest=5, SPLAIN in the plains, 2 at start if use pills ASAP. Non-anagram is chasing bad guys with haunter and pulling lever] cheated-guy is an object that varies. cheated-guy is nothing. Presto is a region. max-score of presto is 33. min-score of presto is 28. [rom stick, lamb, tab, casserole, +1 point for Phooey] Towers is a region. max-score of towers is 44. min-score of towers is 24. [4 for regular warriors 1 for Ray Eck 1 for rewired 1 for admirer 1 for bonker 7 for basic stuff 1 for weeds 2 for Dr Yow 1 for lone duck 1 for tentative 2 for jetskis 1 for the palace] [1 non-anagram for rapier repair] [3 for the extra warriors 1 for strudel 1 for the yurts 5 for the H/I beyond needing to clear the coastlines 2 for the ingrates/natives 3 for the denim, neural pulses and old ice 1 for the replay player 1 for giving Ed the flowerpot NON-ANAGRAM 3 for dying crocus/serpent/ed yerg] Otters is an unsolved region. max-score of otters is 29. min-score of otters is 23. [2 for a conjunction pair, 1 for dissing Elmer/Merle, 2 for N and S animal regions, 1 for cinders] Stores is an unsolved spoiled region. max-score of stores is 11. min-score of Stores is 3. [k/n/tokers=3, 3 stores you don't need, sorbet also optional] a thing has a region called lreg. lreg of a thing is usually manor. section portal-entry towers-warn is a truth state that varies. oyster-warn is a truth state that varies. check entering a portal: let grn be go-region of noun; if grn is solved: [this shouldn't happen, but yeah.] if grn is otters: say "Elvira is defeated. You don't need to go back." instead; say "You've already solved that area." instead; if noun is towers-x: if number of kayoed regions < 5: if towers-warn is false: now towers-warn is true; if patcher is visible: say "The towers are imposing enough that you look back at the patcher and feel relieved you can just RETRY and zap your way through in case you get stuck."; else: say "Man, those towers are imposing! They are easily bigger than the other stores, maybe as big as any two [if number of visible portals is 1]stores[else if number of visible flippable stores is 0]portals[else]stores or portals[end if] combined. You may want to chip away at [if number of solved regions is 1]a couple easier places[else]another easier place[end if] first[if oyster is solved]--the towers look way more re-enforced than even the oyster[end if]. Proceed anyway?"; unless the player consents: say "You decide to look around a bit more." instead; if noun is oyster-x: if number of solved regions < 2: if oyster-warn is false: now oyster-warn is true; if patcher is visible: say "The oyster is wide enough that you look back at the patcher and feel relieved you can just RETRY and zap your way through in case you run out of gas."; else: say "The oyster looks very wide but not tall--it's quite possible there's a ton to do. It's not particularly magical or scary--not as much as [if store w is visible]store W[else]the towers[end if], but you may want to warm up your skills somewhere else first. Proceed anyway?"; unless the player consents: say "You decide to look around a bit more." instead; let try-recover be false; if last-loc of grn is visited: now try-recover is true; choose row with por of noun in table of warps; say "[go-text entry]"; if noun is otters-x and bleary barley is unvisited: say "Hmm, Elvira may be behind whatever drained you. But you don't know what she's up to. It might be a good idea to ask about her, if people are around."; pad-rec "asking"; if last-loc of grn is unvisited: add-errs grn; if grn is others: if epilogue rule is a final response rule listed in the Table of Final Question Options: choose row with final response rule of epilogue rule in the Table of Final Question Options; blank out the whole row; [blank out EPILOGUE when you are playing the epilogue] else: recover-items; if grn is towers and last-loc of grn is not trefoil: [it's possible but not likely you can cheat your way past with constant retries otherwise] d "REPO!"; move player to last-loc of grn, without printing a room description; if can-see-map: draw-towers-map; reposition-guardians; try looking instead; else: move player to last-loc of grn; if try-recover is true: recover-items; the rule succeeds; to add-errs (reg - a region): repeat through the table of nudges: if there is no this-reg entry or this-reg entry is a region: if there is no hashval entry or hashval entry is 0: let XYZ be the hash of this-cmd entry; now hashval entry is XYZ; d "Making hashval entry [XYZ] for [this-cmd entry].[line break]"; otherwise: continue the action; d "[this-cmd entry] has a hashval entry of [hashval entry].[line break]"; understand "walkthrough" or "walkthru" as a mistake ("You can HINT an individual thing or ask for a general HINT. There is also a walkthrough.txt that should've come with the game. It should be linked to at IFDB or somewhere."); understand "use [text]" as a mistake ("The verb USE is a bit too nonspecific for the parser. You can SWITCH things, or OPEN doors[if player has settler], or SCAN with the settler[end if][if player has whistle], or PLAY the whistle[end if]. You should also be able to EXAMINE something you want to use, and the game should hint a verb.") understand "clod" as a mistake ("Hey! No beating yourself up. You'll do it wrong.") when player is in Loather Rathole. to say poor-animal: say "You don't need to snap the poor animal back to...whatever, wherever it was before" to say to-dig: say "[if player has digger]? You have the tools[else], without even anything that could dig[end if]"; to say no-cand: say "Nothing happens. You'd think that store would be a good candidate to change, but it isn't" to say no-way: say "Nothing happens. The store remains impassive and dark. It doesn't look worth meddling with, anyway" to say knob-skis: say " of the door. More [if knob is flippable and skis are in plains]the knob and skis are impeding you[else if skis are in plains]the skis are blocking the door[else if knob is flippable]that knob is stuck[else]you managed to navigate the knob and skis[end if]"; to say ei2pg: say "It's good to be on anagramming terms with the book's title, but [if Pa Egg Pea is reflexive]maybe you would be better off feeling in tune with the author, because the author does seem to have a personal anecdote for every general principle[else]your session soaking in the book's 'knowledge' was 'useful' enough[end if]" to say j-no: say "It's too late to muck with the general design of the jetskis, "; if turbos are reflexed and blaster is reflexed: say "and they're probably stable enough to take, so you can get across the water."; continue the action; say "but maybe you could tune up the [if turbos are reflexive and blaster is reflexive]blaster or the turbos[else if turbos are reflexive]turbos[else]blaster[end if]" to say if-no-pad: if player does not have pedanto-notepad: now player has pedanto-notepad; say ". But to do that, you need to take it, first"; table of nudges [ton] this-cmd hashval this-reg this-room this-item this-rule (rule) this-clue "basement" 608585586 manor Basement -- -- "[locname]." "rove" 394647309 manor -- -- gunter-onstage rule "That's not a way to sneak around and avoid the knock at the door." "meet" 422797389 manor -- -- is-unbent rule "[locname-part]." "bans" 185788197 manor -- -- is-unbent rule "[locname-part]." "bent" 318242540 manor -- -- is-bent rule "[locname-part]." "same" 290343046 manor -- -- is-bent rule "[locname-part]." "study" 447878132 manor dusty study -- -- "[locname]." "blest" 399422837 manor stable -- -- "[locname]." "stable" 401610655 manor stable -- -- "[locname]." "highest" 479347239 manor highest heights -- -- "[locname]." "height" 383073273 manor highest heights -- -- "[locname]." "cavern" 410395643 manor carven cavern -- -- "[locname]." "pin" 195366313 manor -- giant pin -- "It's one big giant pin." "giant" 251797892 manor -- giant pin -- "It's one big giant pin." "abstract" 429617931 manor -- abstract painting -- "That is probably overthinking the painting's abstract-ness. It's really just good for examining." "peephole" 711798960 manor dusty study -- -- "You don't need to change it. It was tough enough to create." "door" 255058046 manor -- side door -- "No. The door's all that protects you from the outside world." "latch" 215399559 manor -- latches -- "Not one latch. All of them." "table" 305336689 manor dusty study -- -- "A bleat: 'tableS!'" "ceiling" 392118435 manor dusty study -- -- "[if niche is visible]You wouldn't want to collapse the whole ceiling, but maybe the MY NICHE words could be changed[else]You already built the chimney. If the ceiling caved, yo'd be buried[end if]." "subpoena" 574518649 manor -- -- Gunter-left rule "Subpoenas are subpoenas. The law is the law. You don't know any lawyers good enough to wiggle out with THEIR form of word-twisting." "lamp" 201542769 manor -- lamp -- "If you mess with the lamp, at least you wouldn't see those idiots outside once they got in. But you couldn't run from them, either." "palm" 201542769 manor -- -- is-study-dark rule "You think you feel the palm shake a but, but nothing terribly magical happens." "gape" 244059588 manor -- op-ed -- "You feel like you physically want to crumple up the page, but you just stare blankly at it." "nitro" 376686752 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "questin" 630601871 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "moneyco" 550858761 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "shatter" 555094031 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "itrash" 369170750 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "herarts" 537307816 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "billy" 293398681 manor -- op-ed -- "[vs-oped]." "beams" 308761951 manor -- t-b -- "Not even one of the beams rattles. You count them up again--there are ten." "ten" 299823635 manor -- t-b -- "You change neither the number nor the makeup of the ten beams." "notice" 438174643 manor -- notice -- "You can flip everything on the diorama except the notice." "diorama" 294149104 manor -- diorama -- "Old Man Almond assured you you couldn't change it by accident when he gave it to you. The stuff hanging from it, though..." "bookshelf" 561748346 manor -- bookshelf -- "The bookshelf is too massively immovable. If you could magick it, all those books would probably create an avalanche, anyway." "books" 316331203 manor study -- -- "[the-books]." "book" 220057237 manor study -- -- "[the-books]." "shelf" 341691109 manor study -- -- "[the-books]." "reading" 382846875 manor study -- -- "You don't have time for literary criticism." "dark" 161473888 manor -- -- dark-study rule "[dark-palm]." "darkness" 550735437 manor -- -- dark-study rule "[dark-palm]." "bowling" 401020150 manor -- giant pin -- "[g-pin]." "bowlingpin" 596386463 manor -- giant pin -- "[g-pin]." "oped" 304653734 manor -- op-ed -- "You're not going to change Elvira's opinion. Better to change Yorpwald." "opedoped" 609307468 manor -- op-ed -- "You're not going to change this--deed. Or Elvira's opinion. Better to change Yorpwald." "niche" 297994347 manor -- niche -- "It's not any old niche. It's your niche. And by your niche, I mean you see it as 'my niche.'" "closets" 570636060 manor -- closets -- "The closets are there to warp space a bit. You don't need to mess with them." "closet" 474362094 manor -- closets -- "The closets are there to warp space a bit. You don't need to mess with them." "plates" 464657709 manor -- staple -- "Those plates were a mess, and now they're a tidy staple. It's better that way." "plate" 368383743 manor -- plates -- "You have no idea which plate to focus on, so maybe you should focus on the plates." "plaster" 549981512 manor -- stapler -- "The plaster was cracking anyway, before you made it a shiny stapler. You don't need to change it again." "painting" 447164205 manor -- painting -- "The painting really goes better with the study than the giant pin." "abstract" 429617931 manor -- painting -- "The painting is abstract enough. Don't mess it further." "ten beams" 608585586 manor -- -- basement-visible rule "You probably just want to go DOWN to the basement." "chimney" 484428752 manor -- -- chimney-visible rule "You probably just want to go UP the chimney." "stable" 401610655 manor -- -- stable-visible rule "You probably just want to go IN to the stable." "satchel" 439479634 manor -- satchel -- "You don't need to do anything more to the satchel--and if it became latches or something else, the settler would probably get messed up, too." "satchel" 439479634 manor -- latches -- "Hm, that's not it, but it must be something relatively simple. Maybe rereading the treatise would help things fall out." "terrain" 517651905 manor -- plaster -- "Hm...it probably isn't that easy. The plaster and [if plates are visible]plates[else]staple[end if] are probably part of your training." "paperwall" 595999917 manor -- paperwall -- "[papwall]." "paper" 378249648 manor -- paperwall -- "[papwall]." "wall" 217750269 manor -- paperwall -- "[papwall]." "high" 152157146 manor -- high sign -- "[hisin]." "highsign" 394931168 manor -- high sign -- "[hisin]." "sign" 242774022 manor -- high sign -- "[hisin]." "arifle" 340639311 manor -- rifle -- "Just the rifle, well, not THE rifle, or JUST, rifle, but RIFLE." "hostage" 473612489 manor -- rifle -- "It's not you that needs changing but the rifle." "gun" 206613017 manor -- rifle -- "It's not a gun but a rifle. And a gnu would be a gnu-sance anyway." "elmo" 320047678 manor -- Elmo -- "Changing Elmo won't work. It's his rifle[if rifle in lalaland] that needed changing[end if]." "chair" 188792351 manor -- rich chair -- "The chair is built too sturdily to be changed into anything else. You made sure of that when you bought it, for practical reasons. You can't make it more or less hi-arc, either. But it's still soft enough to be relaxing." "rich" 186604533 manor -- rich chair -- "The chair may be an unnecessary luxury, but you shouldn't feel bad about that." "sad" 119490873 manor -- sad ads -- "[w-twi]." "sadsad" 238981746 manor -- sad ads -- "[w-twi]." "evac" 256164332 manor Basement -- -- "The evac-cave is your way out. It'd be a bad idea to change it." "manor" 294846859 manor -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "others" 524148772 stores -- store h -- "No--it's a weird place you need to get to, sort of--the rest." "window" 425151566 stores -- windows -- "Sadly, trying to change the windows wouldn't actually change the stores enough to find somewhere new." "windows" 521425532 stores -- windows -- "Sadly, trying to change the windows wouldn't actually change the stores enough to find somewhere new." "storea" 489054291 stores -- store-a -- "[no-cand]." "storec" 505872058 stores -- store c -- "[no-cand]." "stored" 507895562 stores -- store d -- "[no-cand]." "storee" 614672582 stores -- store e -- "[no-cand]." "storef" 513381369 stores -- forest -- "[so-last]!" "storeg" 519466175 stores -- store g -- "[no-cand]." "storei" 531859319 stores -- sortie -- "[so-last]!" "storej" 535826998 stores -- store j -- "[no-way]." "storel" 540680312 stores -- store l -- "You search for a magic word but feel, er, lost." "storem" 550941626 stores -- metros -- "[so-last]!" "storeo" 561219050 stores -- store o -- "Nothing happens. You consider going through the other 358 possibilities, but that'd be so rote." "storeq" 571272090 stores -- store q -- "Nothing happens. You didn't really expect it to since, hey, no u with the q." "storer" 572190276 stores -- store r -- "Store R led back to your manor last game. It won't go anywhere new, and you don't need or want to go back, right now[if roved is false]. You wouldn't be safe there[end if]." "stores" 583140439 stores -- store s -- "[no-cand]." "storex" 599634554 stores -- store x -- "[no-way]." "shells" 465264018 stores -- store y -- "The shells don't move. Perhaps they are just a clue." "storez" 609836091 stores -- store z -- "[no-way]." "store" 486866473 stores -- store-a -- "You'll want to focus on a specific store." "montage" 473038885 stores -- magneto montage -- "It's probably counterproductive to change--it's more an information booth." "toker" 443525685 stores -- tokers -- "They already lost one of their collective, man. It'd be a bummer if [if nestor is off-stage]they lost another[else]someone replaced Nestor[end if]." "someone" 633573999 stores -- engravings -- "[engs]." "nouned" 466108598 stores -- engravings -- "[engs]." "route" 495698314 stores -- routes-x -- "You don't need to do anything with an individual route. Just go in." "trove" 497757327 stores -- troves-x -- "No need to focus on a specific trove. Just enter or take the troves." "ivy" 274516918 stores -- towers-x -- "[towers-made]." "ivory" 434193298 stores -- towers-x -- "[towers-made]." "ivytower" 773044198 stores -- towers-x -- "[towers-made]." "ivorytower" 932720578 stores -- towers-x -- "[towers-made]." "tower" 498527280 stores -- towers-x -- "[towers-made]." "darin" 222441064 stores -- otters-x -- "Darin and Randi, the otters, don't move. You feel a nadir, a drain, even trying to manipulate them." "otter" 493702525 stores -- otters-x -- "You can't divide and conquer, and the otters won't let you by unless you're, well, ready." "spot" 355202520 stores -- e-s -- "You can't, er, stop the, er, spot. Best to go in." "engraving" 570489816 stores -- engravings -- "The engraving is meant to be read. You can modify it with other actions." "engravings" 666763782 stores -- engravings -- "You can only change the enrgavings by working through the other stores." "patcher" 456181591 stores -- patcher -- "The patcher doesn't need to be changed. It does the changing if you point it." "field" 274156779 stores -- f-o-b -- "[not-at-barley]." "barley" 409909726 stores -- f-o-b -- "[not-at-barley].[barley-check]" "smoke" 415440983 stores -- smoke cloud -- "[just-smoke]." "cloud" 273306897 stores -- smoke cloud -- "[just-smoke]." "smokecloud" 688747880 stores -- smoke cloud -- "[just-smoke]." "seats" 425651877 stores lectures -- -- "That might cause a bit too much commotion. Maybe you can just get rid of the lecturer, pay attention to your feelings, and maybe even Ian." "example" 569923068 stores -- lecturer -- "[lec-un]." "lecture" 621971270 stores -- lecturer -- "[lec-un]." "lectures" 718245236 stores -- lecturer -- "[lec-un]." "ian" 116088172 stores -- idg -- "[ian-un]." "guardian" 362334391 stores -- idg -- "[ian-un]." "heartfelt" 666954909 stores cruelest -- -- "[hfre]." "reflections" 827907256 stores cruelest -- -- "[hfre]." "strip" 411166592 stores profits -- -- "[locname]." "profits" 512034065 stores strip of profits -- -- "[locname]." "profit" 415760099 stores strip of profits -- -- "[locname]." "orcas" 277143749 routes same mesa -- -- "[if adobe is visited]No further secrets[else]Hm, it's Oscar'S[end if]." "mark" 204519952 routes same mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "dilapidated" 523644520 routes same mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "dingy" 289888397 routes same mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "dwelling" 510897705 routes same mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "worst" 466995137 routes -- worst ad -- "If you change the ad from the worst, maybe you won't make it better. Maybe you'll make something else even worse. So, focus on the whole." "list" 298190669 routes cleric circle -- -- "[follow-the-list]." "toils" 372543246 routes cleric circle -- -- "[follow-the-list]." "reagent" 547741067 routes -- -- has-reag rule "[fol-reag]." "reagents" 644015033 routes -- -- has-reag rule "[fol-reag]." "giantold" 400993397 routes -- old giant -- "[cant-giant]." "giant" 251797892 routes -- old giant -- "[cant-giant]." "grouchy" 476029025 routes -- old giant -- "[cant-giant]." "bench" 271420406 routes -- bench -- "The bench is too sturdy. You can't do anything with it, but you may be able to do something with or around it." "inside" 404002364 routes mesa -- -- "[if circle is visited]The sign has no further hidden meaning[else]The sign wavers, as if you're grokking it wrong[end if]." "die" 193828044 routes mesa -- -- "[die-sin]." "sin" 210174320 routes mesa -- -- "[die-sin]." "church" 303005378 routes same mesa -- -- "[mb-sign]." "churchsign" 545779400 routes same mesa -- -- "[mb-sign]." "sign" 242774022 routes same mesa -- -- "[mb-sign]." "poison" 440345433 routes same mesa -- -- "[not-stripe]." "stripe" 538972701 routes same mesa -- -- "[not-stripe]." "poisonstripe" 979318134 routes same mesa -- -- "[not-stripe]." "pat" 186763795 routes same mesa -- -- "[if deli is visited]No, you already went PAST to Pat's[else]That's not how to get into Pat'S, you reflect[end if]." "past" 283037761 routes same mesa -- -- "[if deli is unvisited]Pat's seems slightly less forbidding for a moment[else]You don't need to do any more trickery with Pat's[end if]." [?! create vanishing scenery in the mesa that kicks you to Pat's] "elbows" 478600169 routes -- giant's elbow -- "Thankfully, the giant's only really swinging one elbow, so--less to deal with, yay?" "oscars" 373417715 routes same mesa -- -- "[if adobe is visited]Oscar's seems slightly less forbidding for a moment[else]You don't need to do more[end if]." [?! create vanishing scenery in the mesa that kicks you to Oscar's] "marquee" 596710416 routes mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "grubby" 382226374 routes mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "restaurant" 779336668 routes same mesa -- -- "[name-worry]." "seed" 372915273 routes idle deli -- -- "[pit-full]." "pit" 229568823 routes idle deli -- -- "[pit-full]." "portrait" 579866842 routes Cleric Circle -- -- "The portrait remains unchanged." "pews" 413480807 routes Cleric Circle -- -- "No vandalizing church property." "chants" 326767194 routes circle -- -- "[chanty]." "chant" 230493228 routes circle -- -- "[chanty]." "litany" 395371281 routes circle -- -- "[chanty]." "summary" 539400952 routes -- summary -- "[rev-sum]." "mum" 233256113 routes -- summary -- "[rev-sum]." "rays" 306144839 routes -- summary -- "[rev-sum]." "ray" 209870873 routes -- summary -- "[rev-sum]." "poison" 440345433 routes -- -- first-two rule "[no-poi]." "stripe" 538972701 routes -- -- first-two rule "[no-poi]." "pat" 186763795 routes idle deli -- -- "You don't need to do anything with Pat[if mushrooms are off-stage], but maybe you can get by him to that seed pit[else], especially now you got the mushrooms[end if]." "oscar" 277143749 routes adobe abode -- -- "You don't need to do anything with Oscar[if pipe soot is in adobe abode and list o toils is examined], but maybe you can sneak the pipe soot away[else if pipe soot is not in abode], and you already got the pipe soot[end if]." "ashtray" 448724974 routes -- ashtray -- "[ash-soot]." "trashy" 446537156 routes -- ashtray -- "[ash-soot]." "rebroth" 531617514 routes -- brother horbert -- "It's not Brother Horbert who needs changing but the Same Mesa." "spoon" 395352587 routes -- snoop spoon -- "Instead of bending the spoon, use it to help your magic powers." "armada" 176991499 routes -- drama armada -- "They're too unruly and confused, and you probably need to get away from them, anyway." "mushroom" 600841335 routes -- mushrooms -- "[horb-magic of mushrooms]." "mushrooms" 697115301 routes -- mushrooms -- "[horb-magic of mushrooms]." "rude" 339264808 routes -- nuder -- "That's not quite the book's whole title." "book" 220057237 routes -- runed book -- "[horb-magic of runed book]." "runedbook" 628229553 runed book -- runed book -- "[horb-magic of runed book]." "pipe" 335730873 routes -- pipe soot -- "[horb-magic of pipe soot]." "soot" 348089138 routes -- pipe soot -- "[horb-magic of pipe soot]." "pipesoot" 683820011 routes -- pipe soot -- "[horb-magic of pipe soot]." "along" 231861444 routes -- -- am-along rule "You think of No-Gal Logan, wondering how to find a way to him." "huge" 302793917 routes -- huge thing -- "The thing remains motionless." "thing" 286892373 routes -- huge thing -- "The thing remains motionless." "above" 329930229 routes -- huge thing -- "The thing remains motionless." "hangs" 237251293 routes -- huge thing -- "It won't help to gnash your teeth about it. It's just--as a form, it doesn't make much sense, and maybe you can change that." "darkness" 550735437 routes -- darkness -- "[dark-been]." "dark" 161473888 routes -- darkness -- "[dark-been]." "cracks" 274729935 routes -- narrow cracks -- "[no-logan]." "narrow" 424030282 routes -- narrow cracks -- "[no-logan]." "narrowcracks" 698760217 routes -- narrow cracks -- "[no-logan]." "mist" 308451983 routes -- mist -- "Nothing happens. Then you [if pier sign is examined]re-[end if]read the sign and, oh, it's DA MIST. You remember thinking of it that way helps someone feel more familiar with it and get less lost." "reef" 367450917 routes clipper -- -- "The reef is not changed. Perhaps you can deal with what's on it." "betrothe" 677209838 routes -- thor -- "Hm! If you managed to bethrothe the two, maybe you could make them past. But that would be an unholy union." "beet" 377141141 routes -- thor -- "The beet shines a bit extra, as if to say, it's a NEW beet, darn it." "previous" 722485887 routes -- previous -- "[prevrev]." "rev" 320294732 routes -- previous -- "[prevrev]." "pious" 402191155 routes -- previous -- "[prevrev]." "piersign" 582362739 routes ripe pier -- -- "[pier-sign]." "sign" 242774022 routes ripe pier -- -- "[pier-sign]." "cleric" 349947767 routes cleric circle -- -- "[locname]." "mesa" 290343046 routes same mesa -- -- "[locname]." "idle" 247641883 routes idle deli -- -- "[locname]." "adobe" 243794498 routes adobe abode -- -- "[locname]." "underpass" 684374025 routes underpass -- -- "[locname]." "sun" 270287281 routes underpass -- -- "[locname-part]." "spared" 414086744 routes underpass -- -- "[locname-part]." "pyrites" 661331953 routes -- pyrites -- "The pyrites seem to glow, momentarily forming an arrow as if to say, get on with it and stop worrying about treasure. You do still need to nag ol['] No-Gal Logan." "pier" 339588717 routes ripe pier -- -- "[locname]." "clipper" 493874100 routes cripple clipper -- -- "[locname]." "storeu" 591972280 routes -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "route" 495698314 routes -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "spoil" 350899187 troves -- -- degen-true rule "[no-spoil]." "spoiloplis" 701798374 troves -- -- degen-true rule "[no-spoil]." "pothole" 552183378 troves rathole -- -- "[p-hole]." "potholes" 648457344 troves rathole -- -- "[p-hole]." "pagepage" 488119176 troves -- Pa Egg -- "[ei2pg]." "egg" 193005513 troves -- Pa Egg -- "[ei2pg]." "pea" 211459886 troves -- Pa Egg -- "[ei2pg]." "peg" 241871770 troves -- Pa Egg -- "You pause, then note the author's middle initial, which seems annoyingly important." "truffle" 528189368 troves -- truffle -- "You can't change the truffle. It can help you change things, though. Or how you see things." "fern" 308552316 troves -- nerf fern -- "The fern is mentally, if not physically, unmalleable." "cold" 168201090 troves -- cold -- "Negative thinking! You don't need to focus on the cold but how to get rid of it. To generate heat." "care" 234323315 troves -- heat -- "That's not the best way to give a darn so you can race." "messhole" 677684018 troves Used Lot -- -- "A messhole is a messhole. You need to concentrate on thinking your way out." "babbling" 257758428 troves -- babblings -- "[bab-v]." "babblings" 354032394 troves -- babblings -- "[bab-v]." "stop" 355202520 troves -- stop post -- "[if stop post is reflexive]You're not seeing[else]You already saw[end if] the right way to see the stop post, here." "live" 333777614 troves -- what-a-bee -- "The bee's description isn't important. It's how you see the bee that matters." "bee" 274031123 troves -- what-a-bee -- "But it's not just any bee. It's a[if bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexive]n[end if] [what-a-bee][if bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexed]! Though, really, you've already given it the business.[else]![end if]" "spider" 456891772 troves -- diapers -- "The diapers, the sad pier--the spider only fits in as *a* spider." "picture" 566810127 troves bedroom -- -- "It's not just any old picture. It's of a sad pier." "brochure" 552618888 troves -- brochure -- "It's more the blurb at the end than the brochure." "cone" 290071779 troves Econ Cone -- -- "[cone-rec]." "recent" 531959132 troves Econ Cone -- -- "[cone-rec]." "skyline" 567086698 troves Econ Cone -- -- "You don't want to mess with the skyline. You want to get in the skyscraper!" "strive" 564671562 troves -- astute statue -- "Trevis Vister's statue seems to looks down on you as if to say he wouldn't waste time on word games[if rivets are reflexed], even relaxing after a success[else], and if he did, he'd go in for the right ones[end if]." "praise" 438050501 troves -- astute statue -- "Trevis Vister's statue seems to looks down on you as if to say[if prai is reflexed], once you've got it right, don't mess it up[else], he wouldn't waste time on word games, but if he did, he'd get them right[end if]." "statue" 537593736 troves -- astute statue -- "The statue can and should be changed for aesthetic purposes, but Trevis Vister's lawyers would be on you for sure. [if prai is reflexed and rivets are reflexed] You did what you could, anyway[else if prai is reflexive and rivets are reflexive]Maybe grok the writing on the statue[else]You could find another way to follow the statue's message, but it's not necessary[end if]." "bottle" 480611466 troves -- pernod -- "It's not just any bottle, but a bottle of [unless label is in lalaland]Pernod[else]N-E-Prod[end if]." "label" 256040510 troves -- label -- "It's not the label but what's on it." "noise" 412333006 troves -- noise -- "Hmm, no, focusing so directly on the noise to block it out is counterproductive." "divorce" 479674829 troves -- DIVORCES -- "If it was just one divorce, you could blow it off. Or there would not be enough to learn from. But there is so much drivel." "magazine" 465726572 troves -- DIVORCES -- "It's not just any magazine. It's DIVORCES!" "vanity" 448722262 troves -- tan ivy vanity -- "[if noise is in lalaland]You really don't need to rearrange the vanity[else if vanity is unexamined]You don't need to deal with it as much as the person outside--but maybe examining will give you a clue[else]You may want to deal with the person outside, instead of this, but examining it may've helped a bit[end if]." "lamps" 297816735 troves -- plasm lamps -- "You need that light for late-night work sessions." "picture" 566810127 troves -- stream -- "It's not just any old picture. There's a stream." "song" 272133753 troves -- song -- "It's the song name--[i]I'd cede[r]." "eddie" 342663242 troves -- song -- "It's the song name--[i]I'd cede[r]." "shaker" 401807173 troves -- shaker -- "The shaker itself's been around a while and can't be changed easily. Plus, what if it was a pepper shaker? Can't do much with that." "sked" 298042342 troves fiefco -- -- "[list-stable]." "minder" 412134508 troves fiefco -- -- "[list-stable]." "stencil" 513909871 troves fiefco -- -- "[list-stable]." "slick" 267019414 troves fiefco -- -- "[list-stable]." "tech" 287204011 troves fiefco -- -- "[list-stable]." "checklist" 554223425 troves -- checklist -- "[list-stable]." "midwest" 565221954 troves -- vanity -- "No, he's yesterday's news. Or he should be. Concentrate on the [if noise is in lalaland]task ahead[else]region[end if], not him." "playbill" 430866297 troves -- playbill -- "You fold and look at the playbill many different ways before figuring it's probably the writing on it that matters." "bedroom" 465358213 troves bedroom -- -- "[locname]." "rathole" 483876463 troves rathole -- -- "[locname]." "loudest" 581491405 troves -- Used Lot -- "some text" "dues" 350214971 troves Used Lot -- -- "[locname-part]" "lot" 231276434 troves Used Lot -- -- "[locname-part]" "rustin" 503713948 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname]." "ruin" 304329964 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname-part]." "ruts" 389813594 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname-part]." "boor" 252447862 troves -- Used Lot -- "[boor-grub]." "grub" 241448217 troves -- Used Lot -- "[boor-grub]." "boorboro" 504895724 troves -- Used Lot -- "[boor-grub]." "grubburg" 482896434 troves -- Used Lot -- "[boor-grub]." "asidewalk" 509159436 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname]." "askew" 387135844 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname]." "sidewalk" 506971618 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname-part]." "laid" 122023592 troves -- Used Lot -- "[locname-part]." "office" 319186909 troves fiefco -- -- "[locname]." "fief" 225828747 troves -- fiefco -- "[locname-part]." "skyscraper" 768953439 troves Econ Cone -- -- "[locname]." "perky" 469888301 troves Econ Cone -- -- "[locname-part]." "crass" 299065138 troves Econ Cone -- -- "[locname-part]." "rotunda" 460016620 troves rotunda -- -- "[locname]." "dour" 285811276 troves rotunda -- -- "[locname-part]." "tan" 174205344 troves rotunda -- -- "[locname-part]." "rotund" 457828802 troves rotunda -- -- "[locname-part]." "poverty" 701582538 troves -- -- degen-true rule "There's no shortcut from poverty to the very top, but there's no definable state in between, due to the shrinking Yorpwald middle class. I'll spare the details." "trove" 497757327 troves -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "storev" 594031293 troves -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "crust" 408819179 presto -- curst crust -- "You should eat your food, not play with it. Yes, even if it's only MARGINALLY food." "plaque" 454785149 presto -- plaque -- "It's the maze you need to change, not the plaque." "entry" 507506690 presto -- plaque -- "It's the maze you need to change, not the plaque." "mazeentry" 824545388 presto -- plaque -- "It's the maze you need to change, not the plaque." "mazeentry" 824545388 presto maze entry -- -- "It's the maze you need to change, not the plaque." "bigl" 149825292 presto maze entry -- -- "The big L may be some sort of clue, but you can't do anything with it." "mazeroom" 615142808 presto -- -- in-mazeroom rule "You can't think of any way to tackle the one room. Perhaps it is the whole maze you need to tackle." "dreidl" 353994775 presto r24 -- -- "You won't be able to do anything to the dreidl to see it, but it'll be so horrifying once you do, you won't be able to focus. Catch-22." "decorative" 712778774 presto -- decorative star -- "[if player wears star]The star's snazzy enough as-is[else]You consider some over-long epithet to get the star, but no, it's gotta be something quick. Visceral. Not necessarily rude[end if]." "live" 333777614 presto dirge ridge -- -- "The vile veil is impassive." "camo" 159621133 presto marines seminar -- -- "[ca-co]." "force" 333002970 presto marines seminar -- -- "[ca-co]." "forcefield" 607159749 presto marines seminar -- -- "[ca-co]." "field" 274156779 presto marines seminar -- -- "[ca-co]." "serial" 410398381 presto -- popgun -- "[is-boing]." "number" 469637285 presto -- popgun -- "[is-boing]." "stump" 450030903 presto -- stump -- "[if star is reflexed]The stump just sits there, stumpy[else]The stump doesn't move, but the star seems to rattle a bit[end if]." "mad" 87292060 presto brunt -- -- "[no-scen]." "maddam" 174584120 presto brunt -- -- "[no-scen]." "amaddam" 176771938 presto brunt -- -- "[no-scen]." "amad" 89479878 presto brunt -- -- "[no-scen]." "themad" 355490486 presto brunt -- -- "[no-scen]." "gasp" 212527445 presto burnt brunt -- -- "You try, but fail, to make something out of nothing." "adumpster" 686377722 presto burnt brunt -- -- "Not even you can make that icky stuff in the dumpster worthwhile[if dart is not in dumpster], and besides, you got the dart anyway[else if dumpster is unexamined], but maybe there's something useful inside[else], but maybe you could reach for the dart[end if]." "dumpster" 684189904 presto burnt brunt -- -- "The dumpster and red stump are both pretty sturdy[if dart is in dumpster and star is in brunt], but maybe you could pull out what's in them[else if dart is in dumpster], but you might be able to get what's in the dumpster[else if star is in brunt], but maybe you could pull the star from the stump[else], but you got something from both of them, anyway[end if]." "bigm" 160086606 presto r10 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bign" 164918961 presto r00 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigo" 170364030 presto r01 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigp" 177477412 presto r02 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigq" 180417070 presto r12 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigr" 181335256 presto r22 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigs" 192285419 presto r32 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigt" 199121471 presto r33 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigu" 201117260 presto r23 -- -- "[just-letter]." "bigv" 203176273 presto r24 -- -- "[just-letter]." "whasup" 430250622 presto -- -- Leo-sad rule "Maybe something like that'd work with just one washup. But there are two." "leonard" 433420743 presto -- -- Leo-sad rule "They want to be together, but that's a bit much. Try fixing what they're complaining about, calming their fears." "popgun" 443897512 presto -- popgun -- "[if boing is reflexive]Hmm. It's not the popgun itself that's cracked but the boing mechanism inside[else]The popgun is just fine[end if]." "leonard" 433420743 presto -- Rand -- "[if lawl wall is in lalaland]You've probably faced the greatest physical threat you need. You need to take leave of them, now[else if Rand is eager]You don't need to combine them physically, but their physical strengths combined could be a help[else if Rand is washed up]You need to concentrate on them being washups[else]You don't need to face double the strength[end if]." "rebuff" 389684416 presto shack -- -- "The rebuff-buffer is too technical for you, but even if it weren't, removing its protection would be unwise." "magnetic" 462684739 presto shack -- -- "The magnetic magic-net is too technical for you, but even if it weren't, removing its protection would be unwise." "computer" 660245011 presto shack -- -- "You need to fix the program in the computer[if number of things on labs slab < 4], well, once you get it running[end if]." "button" 473004833 presto shack -- -- "[shackbut]." "buttons" 569278799 presto shack -- -- "[shackbut]." "escarole" 586569806 presto -- escaroles -- "All the escaroles." "caffeine" 443735767 presto -- dirty looking cola -- "[caffeine-no]." "fine" 268221359 presto -- dirty looking cola -- "[caffeine-no]." "cafe" 175514408 presto -- dirty looking cola -- "[caffeine-no]." "rope" 368948448 presto -- skid -- "You don't need to do anything with the skid's rope." "coal" 149359819 presto -- -- my-cola rule "No need to go technologically backwards." "soda" 193843450 presto -- -- my-cola rule "[cola-is-cola]." "pop" 237284495 presto -- -- my-cola rule "[cola-is-cola]." "gum" 201780662 presto -- mug -- "[if fizzy cola is visible]You'd get cola all over you if you tried anything with the mug[else]The mug is no longer manipulable[end if]." "flea" 210322662 presto -- leaf -- "You can't bring the flea back to life--or do anything else to the leaf." "trim" 297501820 presto -- trim socks -- "[trimsox]." "sock" 242565306 presto -- trim socks -- "[trimsox]." "socks" 338839272 presto -- trim socks -- "[trimsox]." "sticks" 412589559 presto -- rom sticks -- "[romstix]." "rom" 223751533 presto -- rom sticks -- "[romstix]." "stick" 316315593 presto -- rom sticks -- "[romstix]." "compiled" 486541157 presto -- compiled code -- "The code won't BUDGE." "code" 242193360 presto -- compiled code -- "The code won't BUDGE." "dongle" 378508824 presto -- dongle -- "It's built to be sturdy. You don't want to mess with it." "bored yak" 504410731 presto -- -- bookvis rule "The book is unchangably bad. Sure, there are probably good parodies to be written, but that's not your area of wordsmithing. [kboard-det]" "bored yak" 504410731 presto -- keyboard -- "You don't need to resummon the yak. And this programming exercise is enough of a yoke." "fount" 377990806 presto -- futon -- "The futon could be a little less lumpy, sure, but that's beyond your magic powers." "sleep" 487165982 presto -- -- wise-to-sleep rule "Your mind is a tired jumble right now, yes." "onyx" 378387418 presto -- onyx censer -- "You consider the odd letters in such a short word, then think 'X, Y, ... no.' Maybe the censer is just a censer, and the coloring is a clue to what it can be." "censer" 525123080 presto -- computer screen -- "That screen is the best you'll get." "onyxcenser" 903510498 presto -- onyx censer -- "You let out a string of something that feels good to say, but it doesn't mean anything. Maybe you're overthinking, and the color doesn't matter." "trim socks" 636341092 presto -- rom sticks -- "The ROM sticks can probably make your computer go faster. Why fiddle further?" "clock sap" 399038507 presto -- caps lock -- "YOU HAVE WHAT YOU NEED." "floor" 314357692 presto -- big-let -- "You think about doing something to the floor. But making it disappear would probably be fatal. Best find another angle." "yak" 177480248 presto -- yak -- "The yak doesn't seem to react to three plain letters thrown around like that. His look indicates not only that he is bored, but that he wants to let people know he's bored, but he's too bored to do that actively. The drab yoke he is wearing probably does not help." "yoke" 377451116 presto -- drab yoke -- "It's not just any yoke. It's a drab yoke. I mean, a particularly drab yoke. On the bored yak." "drab" 126959615 presto -- drab yoke -- "It's not just drab. It's a drab yoke. On the bored yak." "scratchings" 604963096 presto -- drab yoke -- "You may wish to decipher the scratchings, instead." "umph" 287929218 presto -- hump -- "Wrong sort of grunt to get over the hump." "mazeltov" 655479952 presto -- -- volt-maze-visible rule "Oy vey! This one's a bit tricky, but I hope it's not too meshugennah." "volt" 338441254 presto -- -- volt-maze-visible rule "That can't be it. It's a volt MAZE." "maze" 317038698 presto -- -- volt-maze-visible rule "That can't be it. It's a VOLT maze." "drat" 211650728 presto -- dart -- "[if dart is in marines]Some 4-letter word or other will get the dart.[else]Don't need to do anything else.[end if]" "bingo" 239271538 presto -- -- gun-broken rule "Not quite. You're close to an a-ha moment, though." "rats" 286895605 presto -- star -- "[if player has star]No need for additional arts.[else]The star doesn't budge.[end if]" "spa" 179927743 presto -- clock sap -- "C'est [i]pas[r] sap. C'est du CLOCK SAP." "fountain" 494078978 presto -- fount -- "It's too small to be a fountain--really, just a fount." "ole" 255972525 presto -- -- Leo-mad rule "There are only six possibilities. Leo's not too bright, and he can figure it out." "darn" 177448218 presto -- -- Rand-mad rule "Use the settler. This is a, err, regional word." "leorand" 433420743 presto -- Rand -- "[if Rand is fightin]You don't need to create a monster[else]Leo and Rand look similar, but combining them would mean they couldn't have a friend[end if]." "whassup" 526524588 presto -- -- washup rule "That's not the slangiest way to greet washups or make them feel better." "bleep" 409310921 presto -- plebe -- "You're mangling it a bit. Louder, more authoritative, and more general." "there" 481328338 presto -- -- enemy-lines rule "You point towards the ether, but you aren't focused on any one place enough." "what" 250514908 presto -- lawl wall -- "Ehh? Whazzat?" "lawl" 217750269 presto -- lawl wall -- "It's too expansive for you to use any mental energy on." "saps" 276201709 presto phat -- -- "You pass through all ten reshufflings of Saps['] Pass, then feel like a bit of a sap, yourself. You pretty clearly need to go [if shack is visited]back [end if]north, here." "mount" 415551063 presto phat -- -- "Mount Um, Not silently disposes of your attempts to manipulate it." "harms" 285143039 presto phat -- -- "Despite being dangerous to walk into, Harm's Marsh serves an important ecological purpose I can't explain here. So, best not to meddle." "key" 303098539 presto -- keys -- "You aren't sure which key would work, so you need a plan to get them all." "entry" 507506690 presto phat path -- -- "[if leo is visible]No way you'll be able to meddle with the Entry from outside[else]the Entry doesn't need disabling, since you're the only person that can enter[end if]." "letters" 697243862 presto smart people sign -- -- "You may want to focus on the highlighted letters." "algorithm" 497738055 presto shack -- -- "[algo-no]." "algorithms" 594012021 presto shack -- -- "[algo-no]." "labs" 170694528 presto -- labs slab -- "The labs slab remains sturdy. Technology [slab-score], Wordplay Magic 0." "alb" 74420562 presto -- labs slab -- "The labs slab remains sturdy. Technology [slab-score], Wordplay Magic 0." "dead" 172052105 presto -- flea -- "There must be a more eco-friendly way to reincarnate the flea." "clock" 219110764 presto -- clock sap -- "You can't make much out of a clock, but clock sap, maybe." "reboot" 483363989 presto -- -- time-to-reboot rule "You need to give that computer another (figurative) kick." "nottobe" 570057712 presto shack -- -- "Even more nothing happens than you expected. The blue button really is too broken. [if rebooted is true]You got the orange button to work, anyway[else]But the orange is not[end if]." "compile" 465512068 presto -- -- time-to-compile rule "You've assembled the letters incorrectly." "debug" 304959612 presto -- -- time-to-debug rule "You need to budge the letters about." "blam" 138495715 presto -- lamb -- "That doesn't quite scare the lamb back home." "shack" 207682846 presto -- priv-shack -- "You'll need to [if shack is visited]re-[end if]enter the shack to take care of things here." "caps" 198933328 presto -- caps lock -- "[caps-no]." "lock" 200105179 presto -- caps lock -- "[caps-no]." "scratch" 362189074 presto -- scratch paper -- "[scrapap]." "paper" 378249648 presto -- scratch paper -- "[scrapap]." "tbakey" 426815280 presto -- t-key -- "[if t-key is reflexive]Nothing happens. It's probably just the TBA you need to work with, which certainly cuts things down[else]You already did enough with the TAB key[end if]." "pile" 308078753 presto -- coal -- "It's not just any pile--it's a pile of coal." "stick" 316315593 presto -- gum -- "It's just gum." "stickofgum" 618963728 presto -- gum -- "It's just gum." "catechism" 513739379 presto shack -- -- "[no-txtbk]." "textbook" 666851463 presto shack -- -- "[no-txtbk]." "book" 220057237 presto shack -- -- "[no-txtbk]." "hard" 145823009 presto shack -- -- "[no-dsk]." "drive" 386316667 presto shack -- -- "[no-dsk]." "harddrive" 532139676 presto shack -- -- "[no-dsk]." "grey" 368088866 presto grey gyre -- -- "[locname]." "brunt" 380866041 presto burnt brunt -- -- "[locname]." "dirge" 311751549 presto dirge ridge -- -- "[locname]." "marines" 489567203 presto marines seminar -- -- "[locname]." "marine" 393293237 presto marines seminar -- -- "[locname]." "austerer" 732937433 presto austerer -- -- "[locname]." "phat" 224046094 presto phat path -- -- "[locname]." "shack" 207682846 presto shack -- -- "[locname]." "hack" 111408880 presto shack -- -- "[locname]." "storep" 568332432 presto -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "tine" 344816481 oyster -- stein -- "Just one tine doesn't seem up to much." "troll" 370414076 oyster hops shop -- -- "Dealing with just one troll would cause the rest to call you a bully and beat you up. Gotta take [']em all, somehow." "recap" 315789274 oyster hops shop -- -- "Casper glares at you, as if he knows you're thinking all his recaps are the same. No. You [if recaps are reflexive]need to deal[else]already dealt[end if] with them all." "patrons" 511621649 oyster hops shop -- -- "[patron]." "patron" 415347683 oyster hops shop -- -- "[patron]." "customer" 675053018 oyster hops shop -- -- "[patron]." "customers" 771326984 oyster hops shop -- -- "[patron]." "tune" 404929442 oyster -- tunes -- "Eh, you know how jukeboxes are. One tune quashed, another pops up. Get rid of [']em all." "jar" 136472146 oyster -- pills -- "You suspect it's what's in the jar that's important." "spill" 330360449 oyster -- pills -- "You seem to be fumbling what to do with the pills." "scrawl" 364539784 oyster -- scrawl -- "It's probably not just any scrawl. What the scrawl says may be important." "sing" 242774022 oyster -- gins sign -- "Hm, the sign doesn't strictly disallow THAT." "tumbler" 557653634 oyster -- tumblers -- "You can't pick out which tumbler to do something to. But you're annoyed by their tips." "stumbler" 653927600 oyster -- tumblers -- "Someone looks at you funny. 'What are you muttering?' [if tumblers are reflexed]You already spit, anyway[else]Maybe it's the writing on the tumblers, instead[end if]." "jukebox" 540345182 oyster -- jukebox -- "You can't change the jukebox. The bad music has seeped into it[if tunes are reflexive]. But maybe you can put it out of commission[else]. It's already out of commission for now[end if]." "remap" 360858842 oyster -- jukebox -- "You can't change the bad music selection[if tunes are reflexive]. But you can neutralize it--the jukebox has instructions[else]. You already got a temporary escape, and that should be good enough[end if]." "unset" 501203408 oyster -- jukebox -- "You can't change the bad music selection[if tunes are reflexive]. But you can neutralize it--the jukebox has instructions[else]. You already got a temporary escape, and that should be good enough[end if]." "canoe" 292259597 oyster -- canoe -- "The canoe sways alarmingly. Maybe it isn't the best vessel for crossing the river." "fish" 205064007 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "T'fish won't shift nowt." "herring" 482236070 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "Nothing doing. It is, after all, a RED herring. Ba dum bum." "sculpture" 777010893 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "[sculpt]." "cult" 281035249 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "[sculpt]." "super" 495975644 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "[sculpt]." "river" 450611381 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "[river-no]." "rivera" 452799199 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "[river-no]." "oar" 161864198 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "If you looked at just one oar, the raft would do no better than go in circles." "boat" 198069318 oyster Hero's shore -- -- "No one boat seems better than the others. Maybe you should widen your focus to all the boats." "pike" 307198092 oyster -- pikes -- "[all-fish]." "carp" 187983165 oyster -- carps -- "[all-fish]." "scrap" 284257131 oyster -- carps -- "Hm, yeah, you could probably tackle the carps or the pikes." "spike" 403472058 oyster -- pikes -- "Hm, you could probably tackle the pikes or the carps." "crays" 325150424 oyster freight -- -- "[no-cray]." "cray" 228876458 oyster freight -- -- "[no-cray]." "tutor" 471002223 oyster -- reward drawer -- "[if player is in range]Deal with the attackers, not the trout[else if wrap is off-stage]You try to describe how to fight, but that's not it[else]You can't find any other way to describe fighting[end if]." "can" 90100911 oyster -- cans -- "Getting rid of one can would still leave a mess. Maybe you can deal with them all." "cans" 186374877 oyster -- cans -- "You glance at your settler, wondering what to do with the cans. Maybe you've overlooked something obvious." "eek" 308545396 oyster -- eeks -- "You try to eke out an eek, but you only have one data point, and that's not enough." "reward" 429605395 oyster -- drawer -- "[if wrap is off-stage]Aunt Tuna would probably open the drawer if you helped poor Tortu the Trout[else]There's nothing else in the drawer and no way to get in by yourself[end if]." "bubble" 341982470 oyster -- bubble wrap -- "It's just wrap, really." "bubblewrap" 618894823 oyster -- bubble wrap -- "It's just wrap, really." "sweat" 437312684 oyster -- heaps -- "The heaps are still technically waste, but you [if heaps are reflexive]may want to deal with them more delicately[else]beautified them enough[end if]." "dent" 320852724 oyster -- aunt tuna -- "[if dent is in lalaland]You already fixed the dent. It's gone[else]That's not the way to futz with the dent, though it felt good to grunt while saying it. Or thinking it[end if]." "tuna" 279311151 oyster -- tuna -- "She is a bit fussy, but she is more than okay as she is." "eat" 233103945 oyster -- tea tray -- "Quit playing with your food, already." "tray" 312980891 oyster -- tea tray -- "[just-tea]." "teatray" 546084836 oyster -- tea tray -- "[just-tea]." "trace" 337433333 oyster -- -- crates-menace rule "[if traced is true]Yes, one more thing to do with the crate--you know where they're from, and you know what to do. Instinctively[else]That won't quite help you figure where the crate is coming from[end if]." "plain" 251367970 oyster -- -- plains rule "[if splained is true]You had your say.[else]'I...plan,' you think, then in a fit of confidence, 'I...PLANS!'[end if]" "splain" 347641936 oyster -- -- plains rule "[if splained is true]You had your say[else]You feel like making a big speech about what you've done and what you plan to do, but not quite like that[end if]." "rude" 339264808 oyster -- rude door -- "It's not the rudeness[knob-skis]." "door" 255058046 oyster -- rude door -- "It's not the doorness[knob-skis]." "rudedoor" 594322854 oyster -- rude door -- "It's not the whole[knob-skis]." "brief" 303056559 oyster -- rude door -- "[prob-ov]." "message" 547022823 oyster -- rude door -- "[prob-ov]." "inthere" 595228692 oyster -- rude door -- "The words on the door don't change. They are just a generic taunt." "open" 352532153 oyster plains -- -- "[if door-sux is true]You already opened the door[else]The words 'Nope, peon!' sear into your brain. Perhaps it's a bit more complicated[end if]." "pearl" 350597528 oyster -- paler pearl -- "The pearl is too jagged to change easily, but it seems like it was roughly cut in half. Maybe if you find the other bit..." "digger" 344351251 oyster -- rigged digger -- "It's what it needs to be, you imagine." "doorknob" 469670214 oyster -- knob -- "It's just a knob. Which thankfully cuts down the possibilities." "acters" 433707299 oyster -- -- crates-menace rule "Hmm, no, it's only one crate at a time..." "reachs" 367879580 oyster achers' arches -- -- "[if arches-search is true]You did enough with the arches[else]That's not quite what to do with the arches[end if]." "hedron" 414701385 oyster achers' arches -- -- "You'll probably need to destroy the hedron from within." "hint" 254292671 oyster -- thin hint -- "The thin hint doesn't reveal anything else." "intercom" 587573599 oyster -- intercom -- "[i-com]." "not" 246370103 oyster -- intercom -- "Changing the intercom to a ton-crime intercom would be the opposite of what you want to do." "crime" 341203496 oyster -- intercom -- "[i-com]." "debris" 393844718 oyster -- crate -- "You can't learn much from the debris. You're pretty sure it's from a crate." "fragments" 606798973 oyster -- fragments -- "[if reacted is true and traced is true]Not worth messing with the fragments[else]They're fragments of a crate--this may or may not help[end if]." "shut" 341772090 oyster -- plains -- "[if uaah is visited]You found the hut you needed to[else]The huts are too secure, but maybe you can go by the door[end if]." "inthere" 595228692 oyster -- plains -- "You don't need to mess with the message on the rude door." "sardine" 446521139 oyster -- sardine -- "The sardine gives you a weird look, as if you need to stop mumbling. You're not sure you can do anything to him directly." "wipe" 362199687 oyster -- wipes -- "It'd be easier to [if player has wipes]use them all[else]steal all the wipes[end if] at once. Pulling them out and so forth--tiring." "swipe" 458473653 oyster wipes -- -- "[if player has wipes]You better not fiddle with the wipes wrong, or they'll tear and disintegrate[else]You try to take the wipes, but you worry you're not fast enough[end if]." "kiss" 290473956 oyster -- skis -- "Hmm, what can you do to the skis, though?" "isk" 194199990 oyster -- skis -- "But you need to remove both skis." "ubt" 226634730 oyster -- tubs -- "Clear ALL the tubs!" "bust" 322908696 oyster -- tubs -- "That didn't make anything go boom." "drop" 262171428 oyster -- prod -- "You're juggling what to do with the prod, here." "lance" 271720859 oyster -- lance -- "The lance is still itself[if lance is cleaned]--and you probably did enough cleaning it[else if player has wipes]--you can't figure how to apply the wipes[else]--but how to make it neater, now[end if]." "haunter" 529723362 oyster -- -- is-hauntable rule "[if haunter is off-stage]Hmm, but how to dig up the haunter[to-dig].[else]The haunter needs to be dealt with otherwise.[end if]" "assuage" 462435186 oyster -- -- h-assuaged rule "Don't oversell it! Just take the haunter to where it was probably the walleyes who buried the ruby." "bury" 331207767 oyster -- ruby -- "That's not quite it. You file that idea six feet under." "bonk" 214612168 oyster -- knob -- "That isn't quite the right way to hit the knob." "howler" 486513400 oyster -- haunter -- "Anything can howl, but this is a haunter--and, in fact, it's not just a haunter but a SAUSAGE." "tarp" 272087598 oyster -- o-t -- "You think of changing the trap--maybe even a tarp! But maybe the trap IS a tarp that enfolds you. Scary. No, thinking of it as an ol['] trap would make it less intimidating." "walleye" 595721739 oyster -- walleyes -- "Just tacking one walleye won't change the crowd. They're past redemption, anyway." "walleyes" 691995705 oyster -- walleyes -- "The walleyes are a bad crowd, past redemption." "theses" 588552467 oyster -- theses sheets -- "The hedron's spirit will remain intact even if you meddle there. You must go into its heart." "these" 492278501 oyster -- theses -- "It'd be fun to rip up even one, but it'd be worse if you got caught. Take down the hedron, instead." "papery" 500608900 oyster -- yapper -- "'Quit yer mumblin, ya perp!' the yapper yells, turning red. 'You here to do business or not?'" "redial" 335153504 oyster -- yapper -- "The yapper might alert his cronies if you try anything. Even something not quite right, like that." "stupid" 451977685 oyster -- yapper -- "[its-msg]." "paper" 378249648 oyster -- yapper -- "[its-msg]." "necklace" 471465731 oyster -- yapper -- "[its-msg]." "jumble" 418180338 oyster Den Loft -- -- "It's the words on the jumble you need to mess with. With which you need to mess[if yapper is in den loft]. Well, once the yapper's out of the way[end if]." "posh" 289374801 oyster hops shop -- -- "[locname]." "lode" 277001614 oyster olde lode -- -- "[locname]." "hoser" 421038754 oyster hero's shore -- -- "You give a few Er-ohs, oh-ers, Or Ehs. You'll probably need to say something entirely different to cross the river. There's the raft--those boats." "hero" 324764788 oyster hero's shore -- -- "You give a few Er-ohs, oh-ers, Or Ehs. You'll probably need to say something entirely different to cross the river. There's the raft--those boats." "anger" 316824940 oyster anger range -- -- "[locname]." "handsome" 491914519 oyster handsome sand home -- -- "[locname]." "home" 303516138 oyster sand home -- -- "[locname-part]." "sand" 188398381 oyster sand home -- -- "[locname-part]." "hedron" 414701385 oyster hedron -- -- "[locname]." "collapsed" 529748781 oyster old places -- -- "[locname]." "old" 149195505 oyster collapsed -- -- "[locname-part]." "places" 380553276 oyster collapsed -- -- "[locname-part]." "end" 217742706 oyster end den -- -- "[locname]." "scumant" 458665855 oyster scum ant sanctum -- -- "[locname]." "scum" 284460511 oyster scum ant sanctum -- -- "The ant may be scum, but you need to deal with what it IS." "tenfold" 475534036 oyster tenfold -- -- "[locname]." "loft" 257791330 oyster tenfold -- -- "[locname-part]." "den" 217742706 oyster tenfold -- -- "[locname-part]." "freight" 457629673 oyster freight -- -- "[locname]." "lean" 252715274 oyster lean lane -- -- "[locname]." "ahut" 247685942 oyster uaah -- -- "[locname]." "hut" 245498124 oyster uaah -- -- "[locname-part]." "storey" 609225725 oyster -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "badlands" 283848032 towers -- -- degen-true rule "[bland-sad]." "sad" 119490873 towers -- -- degen-true rule "[bland-sad]." "bland" 164357159 towers -- -- degen-true rule "[bland-sad]." "curst" 408819179 towers -- -- degen-true rule "It's not just that it's curst, it's a PALACE, too." "palace" 286467128 towers -- -- degen-true rule "It's not just that it's a palace, it's CURST, too." "castle" 402197335 towers -- -- degen-true rule "Not just any castle. Castle Apcur." "apcur" 293088972 towers -- -- degen-true rule "Not, like, swamp Apcur or hut Apcur. Castle Apcur." "lake" 236740944 towers -- -- degen-true rule "[if player is in rawest waters]Nothing you think of could get you out of this mess, and even if it could, you'd totally have upset the ecosystem.[else if leak lake is visible]You can't drain the lake. It would probably upset the ecosystem anyway. People would be without water![else if trefoil is visited]You're beyond the lake now.[else]You can't see Leak Lake yet.[end if]" "warrior" 485439423 towers -- trefoil -- "[war-one]." "warriors" 581713389 towers -- trefoil -- "[war-one]." "toaster" 592164309 towers -- toaster -- "It's a pretty sturdy toaster, a useful appliance as-is. Nothing you do or think seems to change it." "pastry" 490720816 towers -- -- pas-vis rule "You need to be specific about which pastry--or you would, if any could be changed. As is, you can just eat one once it's warmed." "start" 390005623 towers -- start tarts -- "[eat-pastry]." "scalier" 429403966 towers -- Éclairs -- "[eat-pastry]." "strudel" 592462631 towers -- -- strood rule "[eat-pastry]." "solve" 459411311 towers -- solve-a-loaves -- "[eat-pastry]." "loaves" 461599129 towers -- solve-a-loaves -- "[eat-pastry]." "brownies" 624010487 towers -- brownies -- "[eat-pastry]." "owers" 491691228 towers -- brownies -- "[eat-pastry]." "bin" 132319259 towers -- brownies -- "[eat-pastry]." "brownie" 527736521 towers -- solve-a-loaves -- "[not-singular-hp]." "tart" 293731657 towers -- start tarts -- "[not-singular-hp]." "eclair" 333130000 towers -- Éclairs -- "[not-singular-hp]." "loaf" 156869130 towers -- solve-a-loaves -- "[not-singular-hp]." "copse" 398904196 towers -- spec-o-scope -- "[cop-sco]." "spec" 324551619 towers -- spec-o-scope -- "[cop-sco]." "camp" 166734515 towers campsite -- -- "[gosh-camp]!" "site" 372182939 towers campsite -- -- "[gosh-camp]!" "campiest" 538917454 towers campiest -- -- "[gosh-camp]!" "pirate" 444886553 towers -- pirates -- "[plutry of pirates]Changing just one pirate would not, you sense, do much. It might even ostracize him among his peers. Perhaps there's a way to deal with the lot of them. By adding an s." "oddly" 292583846 towers -- rewired robot -- "[odd-rob]." "robot" 355557880 towers -- rewired robot -- "[odd-rob]." "wait" 258225455 towers -- wait-seer -- "[wait-see]." "seer" 437209987 towers -- wait-seer -- "[wait-see]." "save" 322482550 towers -- raves saver -- "[no-fril]." "saver" 418756516 towers -- raves saver -- "[no-fril]." "recorder" 625970878 towers -- raves saver -- "[no-fril]." "tape" 314569904 towers -- raves saver -- "[no-fril]." "player" 472956780 towers -- raves saver -- "[if raves saver is reflexed]It's as bright as it'll get[else]Hm, the 'replay player' letters whiten a bit, but nothing definitive[end if]." "denim" 326810705 towers -- denim -- "You scrape at the denim fragments and wonder if there is any magic in dem. Well, not the way you thought it, apparently." "reeds" 458239076 towers -- reed's ale -- "[reed-ale]." "reed" 361965110 towers -- reed's ale -- "[reed-ale]." "ale" 183807766 towers -- reed's ale -- "[reed-ale]." "reedale" 545772876 towers -- reed's ale -- "[reed-ale]." "pester" 621785964 towers -- serpent -- "The serpent doesn't just pester, it's pester'n." "nameless" 637144468 towers -- salesmen -- "The salesmen laugh at the sheer [i]lameness[r] of what you're saying, or trying to say, or whatever. Compared to you, their maleness, talk--and clothes--are clearly [i]dandier[r].[paragraph break]Or maybe they're just too unimaginative to be affected by any of your nonsense powers. Well, directly." "salesman" 511526177 towers -- salesmen -- "Picking off one salesman would just make the others work harder for their commission. And it's not doable, anyway. If you got rid of their product, they might stop pestering you." "fissure" 582291393 towers -- fissure -- "Bizarre animal noises continue to emanate from the fissure. It is beyond your control[if doc-y is not in ropins], but the duck's already figured it[else if duck is visible], but the duck seems to be poking at it[else], and you wonder who or what could tinker with it[end if]." "dagger" 301546223 towers -- dagger -- "You feel no energy from the dagger. Perhaps it needs to be repaired mechanically." "shirts" 463256898 towers -- salesmen -- "The shirts were built to resist the most direct of manipulations. Perhaps you can work on the salesmen themselves. Because the shirts do make them look dandier." "prune" 468609186 towers -- iPrune -- "It's officially an iPrune, not a prune." "hulk" 249135123 towers -- muscly hulk -- "You make some helpless-sounding noises, trying to form a sensible word. The hulk looks slightly annoyed, but completely--and rightfully--unworried. As Daltho said, four letters would be too simple." "musclyhulk" 709768725 towers -- muscly hulk -- "You wrack your brain but quickly get the sense you're over-thinking how to ju-jitsu the hulk's strength." "tapin" 300664149 towers -- man covered in -- "It won't be such a tap-in to nip at, sadly. Daltho's advice comes back: nobody will be easier than Rodney." "organized" 580169070 towers -- organised -- "Nothing seems to happen. Then you remember organized can be spelled with an s and not a z." "ego" 234758388 towers -- ego drains -- "[ego-dr]." "drains" 318715030 towers -- ego drains -- "[ego-dr]. Plus, if they were boring old drains, you could just step around them." "egodrain" 222441064 towers -- ego drains -- "[ego-dr]." "drain" 457199452 towers -- ego drains -- "[ego-dr]. Plus, if it was a boring old drain, you could just step around." "deacons" 409562652 towers -- deacons -- "The deacons mumble to themselves, and you catch 'Lo! Is the...?' / 'Toils, eh.' and your calling upon supernatural powers that clearly don't exist. You feel devoid of can-does after your latest attempt, mumbling 'Eh, I lost.'[paragraph break]You get the sense the deacons have given you the run-around. They're not going to discuss their hostile ol['] heist around you[if deacons are ncscanned]--but maybe you can muddle through the odd readings from the settler[end if]." "shrine" 460586531 towers -- o-s -- "The shrine is kind of sacred, and regardless of what you think of the deacons['] religion, messing with it would be a mean move." "costume" 589729215 towers -- reed's ale -- "You fail to cut some from the costume. Maybe it's more what the costume advertises--REED'S ALE." "leaves" 515052661 towers campsite -- -- "[fun-leaves]." "deadleaves" 687104766 towers campsite -- -- "[fun-leaves]." "dead" 172052105 towers campsite -- -- "[fun-leaves]." "unlocked" 522953692 towers -- -- duck-cant rule "The lone duck looks around for something to do but can't find anything. Well, not here. And not like that." "weed" 384576080 towers -- weeds -- "Gumming up one weed wouldn't get the others." "buttons" 569278799 towers -- raves saver -- "The raves saver's minimal capabilities are enough...just..." "button" 473004833 towers -- raves saver -- "The raves saver's minimal capabilities are enough...just..." "lone" 324880033 towers -- lone duck -- "It's not just any lone animal. It's a lone DUCK." "cliff" 170842062 towers -- cliff -- "The cliff remains motionless. Perhaps it's useful, after all, to block off some ways to go. This area looks big enough." "gol" 160766118 towers subsector -- -- "[if fissure is visible]The gaol is too sturdy to defeated by a three-word combination. Or a four-word one[else]You opened the gaol, and there's not much else to do with it[end if]." "gaol" 162953936 towers subsector -- -- "The gaol is too much. It's built to resist you, and unlike the curst palace far away, it was never built to be something nicer." "loggaol" 323720054 towers subsector -- -- "Nah, you're pretty sure you're overthinking things now. You [if duck is returned]opened[else]may want to open[end if] the prison." "jail" 149955028 towers subsector -- -- "It's not just any jail--but prison ropins." "ropin" 355042693 towers subsector -- -- "[no-ropin]." "ropins" 451316659 towers subsector -- -- "[no-ropin]." "duck" 198073659 towers -- lone duck -- "It's not just any duck. [if duck is returned]But it's served its purpose[else]It's a LONE duck[end if]." "ray" 209870873 towers -- ray eck -- "[ray-part]." "eck" 199744872 towers -- ray eck -- "[ray-part]." "diner" 348059355 towers -- diners -- "[plutry of diners]There's more than one diner blocking you." "ingrate" 464927804 towers -- ingrates -- "[plutry of ingrates]There's more than one ingrate blocking you." "deacon" 313288686 towers -- deacons -- "[plutry of deacons]There's more than one deacon blocking you." "yurt" 415898880 towers -- yurts -- "There's more than one yurt there." "dirt" 254455756 towers Outer Route -- -- "[out-rou]." "trail" 289428324 towers Outer Route -- -- "[out-rou]." "shoals" 360184465 towers -- shoals -- "[shoaly]." "shoal" 263910499 towers -- shoals -- "[shoaly]." "cans" 186374877 towers -- Nerd-Aid -- "[nerd-a]." "nerd" 303066509 towers -- Nerd-Aid -- "[nerd-a]." "aid" 68209753 towers -- Nerd-Aid -- "[nerd-a]." "wears" 419526469 towers -- Nerd-Aid -- "You suppress a swear as the sales pitch wears on you." "bottles" 576885432 towers -- Nerd-Aid -- "They're not just bottles! They're bottles of NERD-AID!" "liam" 165069656 towers -- grailman -- "[grail-name]." "garn" 189018831 towers -- grailman -- "[grail-name]." "native" 454169119 towers -- natives -- "[plutry of natives]You'll need to deal with more than one native to make your way south." "neuralpulses" 1003884530 towers -- neural pulses -- "Man, biochemistry's way complex. Complex isomers and such are worse than anagrams! You may be more successful breaking the neural pulses down into components." "geese" 512291995 towers -- -- bonker-gone rule "The geese are fine as they are. They're just there for scenery, and stuff." "atheist" 514763074 towers -- atheists -- "Changing only one atheist would only help you so long. The rest would restore their companion's (lack of) faith shortly." "yow" 304646602 towers -- doc-y -- "He's a doctor! Have some respect when you try to scramble him up." "doctor" 377173649 towers -- doc-y -- "That is too formal. Plus, Dr. Yow worked hard for a Ph.D., and changing that would be kind of mean." "locked" 348940377 towers -- subsector -- "Nothing needs to be locked here, certainly not the gaol which [if doc-y is in ropins]already is[else]you unlocked[end if]." "idtag" 203919473 towers -- ID Tag -- "ID tag: dig at it? Gad." "retape" 527699816 towers -- raves saver -- "The raves saver has limited functionality, alas." "wordy" 410999494 towers -- doc-y -- "Dr. Yow seems to ponder something for a second but then shakes his head[if doc-y has been rowdy and doc-y has been wordy]--he's probably shown his full range of emotions[else if doc-y has not been rowdy and doc-y has not been wordy]--but he can't break out of his shell[else]--maybe there's one more way for him to be, to talk[end if]." "tentative" 788195264 towers -- -- kid-not-learnt rule "The kid fidgets a bit but can't keep focused, though he wants to." "dirk stam" 469925871 towers -- smart kid -- "The kid looks at you curiously. You probably don't need to change his name or his intelligence." "smart" 350970758 towers -- smart kid -- "[dirk-no]." "kid" 118955113 towers -- smart kid -- "[dirk-no]." "dirk" 204278916 towers -- smart kid -- "[dirk-no]." "stam" 265646955 towers -- smart kid -- "[dirk-no]." "gizmo" 338989896 towers -- gizmo -- "[giz-tex]." "zomg" 293997050 towers -- gizmo -- "[giz-tex]." "turbo" 386311110 towers -- turbos -- "You [if turbos are reflexed]already dealt[else]need to deal[end if] with both turbos." "jetski" 474076642 towers -- jetskis -- "[j-no]." "jetskis" 570350608 towers -- jetskis -- "[j-no]." "skis" 290473956 towers -- jetskis -- "[j-no]." "ski" 194199990 towers -- jetskis -- "[j-no]." "waster" 522636487 towers -- eastern shore -- "Ew. Rats. You do feel like a waster, doing something with the waters. Perhaps the northern--or eastern--shore can work better." "spray" 387610798 towers rawest waters -- -- "The spray will still drown you if you don't figure a way to move somewhere." "water" 426362521 towers rawest waters -- -- "The water is too elemental and generic to change. Plus the badlands are dry enough. How to get closer to a shore?" "occurs" 399067323 towers -- crocus -- "[if flowerpot is reflexive]You realize you can't change the crocus to something, but you can change its condition--it's dying[else]The crocus is OK as-is. In fact, it could make a nice gift for someone who could appreciate it[end if]." "flowerpot" 734674551 towers -- flowerpot -- "[flow-fine]." "flower" 475745997 towers -- flowerpot -- "[flow-fine]." "pot" 258928554 towers -- flowerpot -- "[flow-fine]." "proof" 342009812 towers -- flowerpot -- "[flow-fine]." "welt" 392664739 towers -- flowerpot -- "[flow-fine]." "oldhat" 291775640 towers -- flowerpot -- "You don't have time to think about, or change, Old Hat Daltho. [if crocus is in lalaland]You got his present to his friend[else if ed yerg is reflexed]. You've found his friend and made him happy[else if solo den is visited]His friend is still unreceptive, though[else]You haven't yet found his friend he sent the gift to, anyway[end if]." "gander" 337854029 towers Danger Garden -- -- "[towersloc]." "shaven" 439622520 towers shaven havens -- -- "[towersloc]." "haven" 343348554 towers shaven havens -- -- "[towersloc]." "repair" 427100338 towers -- rapier repair -- "[rapier-mach]." "machine" 364257318 towers -- rapier repair -- "[rapier-mach]." "shiny" 369815871 towers -- rapier repair -- "[rapier-mach]." "unblest" 573436152 towers sunbelt -- -- "[towersloc]." "baldest" 422639744 towers saltbed -- -- "[towersloc]." "actionless" 686724232 towers coastlines -- -- "[towersloc]." "coastline" 590450266 towers coastlines -- -- "[towersloc]." "shoreline" 716559056 towers shoreline -- -- "[towersloc]." "lost" 327550400 towers lost lots -- -- "[towersloc]." "lot" 231276434 towers lost lots -- -- "[towersloc]." "obscurest" 725670736 towers subsector -- -- "[towersloc]." "salted" 404220839 towers deltas -- -- "[towersloc]." "delta" 307946873 towers deltas -- -- "[towersloc]." "cinema" 326975019 towers anemic cinema -- -- "[towersloc]." "theater" 586626174 towers anemic -- -- "You don't need to go looking for screens to stare at right now. You have a world to save." "outre" 495698314 towers outer route -- -- "[towersloc]." "ravages" 453544036 towers ravages -- -- "This is a weird place, being at the crossroads, but better to [if number of visible guardians is 0 and weeds are in lalaland and denim is in lalaland]mess around elsewhere[else if weeds are visible]get rid of the weeds[else if number of visible guardians > 0]tackle a guardian[else if denim is visible]see if you can get rid of the denim[end if]." "ravage" 357270070 towers ravages -- -- "[towersloc]" "deposit" 549030564 towers deposit -- -- "[towersloc]." "northern" 651013625 towers -- eastern shore -- "The northern shore does not waver. Maybe try the eastern shore." "shore" 421038754 towers -- eastern shore -- "You need to focus on one specific shore." "shores" 517312720 towers -- eastern shore -- "You need to focus on one shore." "north" 368976205 towers -- eastern shore -- "Hmm. Concentrate on a shore--northern or eastern--not a direction." "east" 329377911 towers -- eastern shore -- "Hmm. Concentrate on a shore--northern or eastern--not a direction." "southwest" 851249533 towers -- eastern shore -- "[diag-dir-rej]." "trefoil" 515914088 towers trefoil -- -- "[towersloc]." "noodles" 516535665 towers solo den -- -- "[towersloc]." "solo" 298792959 towers solo den -- -- "[locname-part]." "old" 149195505 towers solo den -- -- "[locname-part]." "one" 271066194 towers solo den -- -- "[locname-part]." "den" 217742706 towers solo den -- -- "[locname-part]." "ones" 367340160 towers solo den -- -- "[locname-part]." "accurst" 430012582 towers -- accurst leap -- "[focus-castle]." "leap" 265273725 towers -- accurst leap -- "[focus-castle]." "clear" 288137154 towers -- clear catsup -- "[focus-castle]." "catsup" 407149153 towers -- clear catsup -- "[focus-castle]." "pest" 408656052 towers -- accrual -- "[focus-castle]." "accrual" 286630255 towers -- accrual -- "[focus-castle]." "cactus" 344688779 towers -- -- cppc rule "[focus-castle]." "pearl" 350597528 towers -- -- cppc rule "[focus-castle]." "capsule" 485659083 towers -- capsule cart -- "[focus-castle]." "cart" 209627224 towers -- capsule cart -- "[focus-castle]." "accu" 145304795 towers -- accu-plaster -- "[focus-castle]." "plaster" 549981512 towers -- accu-plaster -- "[focus-castle]." "last" 255385641 towers -- last acre cup -- "[focus-castle]." "race" 234323315 towers -- last acre cup -- "[focus-castle]." "cup" 205577351 towers -- last acre cup -- "[focus-castle]." "talc" 178117260 towers -- talc spa cure -- "[focus-castle]." "spa" 179927743 towers -- talc spa cure -- "[focus-castle]." "cure" 337241304 towers -- talc spa cure -- "[focus-castle]." "mislit" 407258668 towers limits -- -- "[towersloc]." "storew" 594801246 towers -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "cinder" 367064940 otters -- cinders -- "You'll need to change more than one cinder." "bulwark" 425718123 otters -- bulwark -- "The whole bulwark? No, you [if inhib is true]couldn't do much with it at full strength[else]can't do much[end if]. [if Inclosure is visited]You need to tackle Elvira in there[else]Maybe you can surprise Elvira in there[end if], with help[if inhib is true] and your powers back[end if]. Plus, Elvira checked to make sure you couldn't do anything drastic to, well, a bulwark." "corona" 324129868 otters -- racoon -- "[poor-animal]." "nails" 266175977 otters -- snail -- "[poor-animal]." "thrones" 593056280 otters -- hornets -- "[poor-animal]." "pines" 419446388 otters -- snipe -- "[poor-animal]." "tail" 204104521 otters -- a-l-t -- "It's a nice tail, and the racoon seems proud of it, so it'd be kind of mean to change it." "steward" 543665576 otters -- Ed Riley -- "Hm, you only managed to deal with adverbs so far, and steward doesn't have an L or Y. Maybe look at him for clues? Remember his name?" "rye" 335489164 otters -- deli rye -- "[del-ry]." "lied" 247641883 otters -- deli rye -- "[del-ry]." "sandwich" 397613884 otters -- deli rye -- "[del-ry]." "edriley" 583131047 otters -- Ed Riley -- "If only Ed Riley said things less loudly, boomingly, startlingly..." "simply" 462981015 otters -- sly imp -- "He's acting simply, but he can't be gotten rid of that simply. At least, nothing happens when you try. Maybe you need to consider more specific ways he's moving." "sly" 272447057 otters -- sly imp -- "[imp-sly]." "imp" 190533958 otters -- sly imp -- "[imp-sly]." "whiner" 472247338 otters anteroom -- -- "[whiney]." "whiners" 568521304 otters anteroom -- -- "[whiney]." "mack" 138201734 otters -- macks -- "If you messed with one mack, the others would gang up on you. Work on the argument, instead." "macks" 234475700 otters -- macks -- "Hm, you probably can't change the macks. They're dead set in their ways. Perhaps you can reframe what they are saying[if macked-out > 0] some more[end if]." "gretta" 454137468 otters -- Gretta -- "Gretta's been manipulated enough[if macks are visible]. Deal with the macks['] arguments, instead[end if]." "frontage" 520802431 otters fro -- -- "[locname-part]." "gent" 332423337 otters fro -- -- "[locname-part]." "fora" 188379094 otters fro -- -- "[locname-part]." "frat" 217136535 otters fro -- -- "[locname-part]." "gone" 303665896 otters fro -- -- "[locname-part]." "gents" 428697303 otters fro -- -- "They aren't (spiritually) gents, and you can't change them but their arguments." "sobbingly" 530137500 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 530137500]." "wearingly" 645925650 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 645925650]." "nastily" 491645247 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 491645247]." "irately" 539593685 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 539593685]." "blearily" 508716411 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 508716411]." "coitally" 473635774 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 473635774]." "martially" 531864386 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 531864386]." "silently" 671077377 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 671077377]." "seedily" 594081210 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 594081210]." "shadily" 377939109 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 377939109]." "snidely" 535182609 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 535182609]." "ribaldly" 401939391 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 401939391]." "cattily" 448579376 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 448579376]." "tediously" 748843503 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 748843503]." "drywalling" 592962469 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 592962469]." "starkly" 516001874 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 516001874]." "redisplaying" 781752737 otters -- macks -- "[mack-clue of 781752737]." "iq" 129398463 otters -- medals -- "[both-medals]." "lucky" 353217661 otters -- medals -- "[both-medals]." "island" 287205066 otters loop pool -- -- "Even if you could change it, the way across the loop pool is too treacherous." "sea" 226267893 otters -- sea cube -- "The whole sea cube." "cube" 270336406 otters -- sea cube -- "The whole sea cube." "rev" 320294732 otters -- p-2 -- "The [italic type]whole[roman type] picture." "howe" 347375758 otters -- p-2 -- "The [italic type]whole[roman type] picture." "medal" 268912008 otters -- medals -- "It's what the medals say that makes them special." "medals" 365185974 otters -- medals -- "It's what the medals say that makes them special." "averts" 521866534 otters -- sly imp -- "You need to focus on HOW the imp averts, vaster." "monstery" 742208386 otters alcoves -- -- "[w-change]." "monastery" 744396204 otters alcoves -- -- "[w-change]." "eelmr" 458825013 otters -- -- eelmr rule "[eelmry]." "sober" 402175360 otters -- sober robes -- "If you did play a prank on Elmer and Merle, they might guess who you were and take you down." "low" 236101189 otters -- owls -- "You probably want the owls not to swoop low. And you'll want to take care of them all." "clipons" 438812280 otters -- slopinc -- "The ocelots would still be awkward even if they lost the clip-ons." "kool" 255452171 otters -- look-kool -- "You're not here to mess with fashion." "shades" 380853247 otters -- look-kool -- "You're not here to mess with fashion. Plus, the shades were last game." "laminas" 332438948 otters alcoves -- -- "[no-lam]." "lamina" 236164982 otters alcoves -- -- "[no-lam]." "forces" 429276936 otters alcoves -- -- "[fresc]." "force" 333002970 otters alcoves -- -- "[fresc]." "hydra" 268182261 otters -- -- hydra-know rule "[if player is in Inclosure]The hydra's toast. Elvira is not. Deal with her[else]You try, but that doesn't do anything with, or to, the hydra to the west[end if]." "pine" 323172422 otters -- pines -- "So many pines, hard to pick one. Might as well take care of them all." "nail" 169902011 otters -- nails -- "So many nails, hard to pick one. Might as well take care of them all." "raccoon" 343135453 otters preserve -- -- "[if corona is visible]The corona seems to waver, the 'c' in it vanishing and reappearing, as if it isn't really important[else]The rac(c)oon's fine as it is, with one C or two[end if]." "ocelot" 452440705 otters -- ocelots -- "The ocelots are hanging too close together for you to pick off one[if ocelots are reflexed] and make him less cool[end if]." "throne" 496782314 otters -- thrones -- "There's more than one throne, but it doesn't matter, really, for what you need to do." "weltish" 571213850 otters -- whistle -- "You [if whistle is reflexed]already learned to play the whistle, so you don't want to change it[else]probably need to learn to play the whistle right, instead[end if]." "crone" 375395582 otters Inclosure -- -- "You can't do much with Elvira's 'real' name. Or her ex-hydra. You need to act." "inclosure" 675582040 otters inclosure -- -- "You feel blocked from doing something to the area. Elvira wouldn't be so careless to allow THAT. You figure you probably need help." "tripod" 410274292 otters inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "becharm" 354099672 otters inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "roarings" 489962023 otters inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "roaring" 393688057 otters inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "nacht" 230493228 otters Inclosure -- -- "It's annoying and unswayable, like most chants." "stocked" 494510522 otters Inclosure -- -- "You can't release any prisoners from the stockade THAT easily. You'd need an army." "vats" 308736622 otters Inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "vat" 212462656 otters Inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "pyre" 416955123 otters Inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "stockade" 496698340 otters Inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "warship" 455461464 otters Inclosure -- -- "[Inclosure-scen]." "amulet" 456098744 otters Inclosure -- -- "[one-toy]." "ultimate" 604201608 otters Inclosure -- -- "[one-toy]." "shaper" 430339954 otters Inclosure -- -- "[one-toy]." "purple" 534981476 otters Inclosure -- -- "[elv-mach]." "oranger" 476501320 otters Inclosure -- -- "[elv-mach]." "alcove" 384330748 otters alcoves -- -- "[locname]." "alcoves" 480604714 otters alcoves -- -- "[locname]." "pool" 283984952 otters loop pool -- -- "[locname]." "barn" 174838034 otters bran barn -- -- "[locname]." "wiredeck" 586831492 otters wickeder wire deck -- -- "[locname]." "wire" 366057531 otters wire deck -- -- "[locname-part]." "deck" 220773961 otters wire deck -- -- "[locname-part]." "tapering" 546393763 otters Tapering Anger Pit -- -- "[locname]." "anger" 316824940 otters Tapering Anger Pit -- imp-here rule "[locname-part]." "pit" 229568823 otters Tapering Anger Pit -- imp-here rule "[locname-part]." "inert" 430140284 otters Tapering Anger Pit -- -- "[locname-part]." "gap" 116253479 otters Tapering Anger Pit -- -- "[locname-part]." "anteroom" 600115563 otters Anteroom -- -- "[locname]." "rote" 390592507 otters Anteroom -- callos-here rule "[locname-part]." "moan" 209523056 otters Anteroom -- callos-here rule "[locname-part]." "near" 284225238 otters Anteroom -- -- "[locname-part]." "moot" 315890325 otters Anteroom -- -- "[locname-part]." "preserve" 838970678 otters perverse preserve -- -- "[locname]." "otter" 493702525 otters -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "storet" 589976491 otters -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "pear" 296783689 others -- spear -- "[plur-fruit]." "plum" 304460758 others -- lumps -- "[plur-fruit]." "pager" 329383391 others -- pagers -- "[plur-fruit]." "lime" 290687947 others -- slime -- "[plur-fruit]." "harmonica" 398315407 others -- harmonicas -- "The harmonicas seem stuck together, so you probably have to deal with both of them." "drinksstand" 660968789 others -- drinks stand -- "[drink-stand]." "drinks" 369460390 others -- drinks stand -- "[drink-stand]." "stand" 291508399 others -- drinks stand -- "[drink-stand]." "abandoned" 404826421 others -- drinks stand -- "[drink-stand]." "needle" 527168763 others -- compass -- "The needle is working fine. No need to meddle." "foliage" 362267787 others -- foliage -- "Alas, the foliage also blocks your magical powers and not just your explorations, but [if number of flippable things in filed field > 0]there's plenty else to work at[else]no big deal. You took care of everything else[end if] here." "barriers" 545651053 others -- b-w -- "The barriers['] westness is important." "len" 250527456 others clearing -- -- "[len-part]." "craig" 184109754 others clearing -- -- "[len-part]." "megaton" 473038885 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "pear" 296783689 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "magenta" 400874126 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "rope" 368948448 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "rampage" 395646362 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "note" 374176212 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "mopeage" 510293427 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "rant" 259529147 others -- mopeage rant -- "[part-of-lots]." "dam" 87292060 others -- mad train -- "[whole-item]." "train" 304521993 others -- mad train -- "[whole-item]." "eerie" 513734976 others -- eerie blurbs -- "[whole-item]." "blurbs" 377355225 others -- eerie blurbs -- "[whole-item]." "barber" 337479343 others -- barber sickle -- "[whole-item]." "sickle" 394825523 others -- barber sickle -- "[whole-item]." "riot" 307779244 others -- riot cap -- "[whole-item]." "cap" 102659362 others -- riot cap -- "[whole-item]." "buried" 402676559 others -- b-r -- "[whole-item]." "raft" 217136535 others -- b-r -- "[whole-item]." "sorer" 469080258 others -- sorer bogey -- "[whole-item]." "bogey" 375536545 others -- sorer bogey -- "[whole-item]." "pryer" 502278926 others -- pryer bars -- "[whole-item]." "bars" 202204492 others -- pryer bars -- "[whole-item]." "silly" 371253742 others -- silly shirt -- "[shirt-sez]." "shirt" 366982932 others -- silly shirt -- "[shirt-sez]." "sillyshirt" 738236674 others -- silly shirt -- "[shirt-sez]." "rapt" 272087598 others -- rapt figure -- "[whole-item]." "figure" 422343163 others -- rapt figure -- "[whole-item]." "utensil" 600010093 others -- rapt figure -- "[rapt-glare]." "spoon" 395352587 others -- rapt figure -- "[rapt-glare]." "jagged" 265182945 others -- jagged spoon -- "[rapt-glare]." "briar" 236247175 others -- briar screen -- "[whole-item]." "screen" 525123080 others -- briar screen -- "[whole-item]." "peanut" 488583219 others -- peanut cola -- "[whole-item]." "cola" 149359819 others -- peanut cola -- "[whole-item]." "moss" 330975662 others -- moss cap -- "[whole-item]." "cap" 102659362 others -- moss cap -- "[whole-item]." "banana" 162797375 others -- an-a -- "You try to poke at an A, but nothing comes from it." "tekno" 427109390 others -- tekno-token -- "Best not to mess with official currency." "icon" 207258516 others -- coins -- "Hmm. You could probably do something with just one coin, or you could do something with all of them." "drol" 234519308 others -- dollar -- "[count-enuf]." "droll" 288333147 others -- dollar -- "[count-enuf]." "dollar" 290520965 others -- dollar -- "[count-enuf]." "storage" 521653993 others -- so-great -- "You might break what is in the storage." "great" 351027450 others -- so-great -- "You might break what is in the storage. Then it would be neither great nor so great." "passport" 620454066 others -- passport -- "The passport is fine as it is, full of practical knowledge to look at it. You wonder if perhaps the [if viewer is reflexed]searcher[else if searcher is reflexed]viewer[else]viewer or searcher[end if] might contain more information." "among" 242122758 others -- -- need-mango rule "Not quite the right way." "list" 298190669 others -- l-o-p -- "[if l-o-p is reflexed]You already messed with the list[else]The list doesn't look odd, but maybe some the prices will make you exclaim something[end if]." "overpriced" 774270700 others -- peach -- "[if peach is reflexed]No need to change now, and that's not the right way[else]That's over-thinking it. It's just a peach[end if]." "lemon" 388955186 others -- -- lemmel rule "You can't focus on just one of them." "auction" 417662159 others -- caution -- "[papay]." "banner" 371551651 others -- caution -- "[papay]." "trader" 424780640 others -- Art Erd -- "Art Erd is tarred real good. That's the point of tarring. But [if storage is in scape]you got what you wanted[else]he might trade that storage box[end if]." "orange" 391177517 others -- orange -- "[if player has orange]You got it, already[else]That doesn't seem sneaky enough to get the orange." "plant" 309485142 others -- pugnacious plant -- "[plant-no]." "red" 234159001 others scape space -- -- "[no-art]." "rat" 190621639 others scape space -- -- "[no-art]." "pugnacious" 629997575 others -- pugnacious plant -- "[plant-no]." "guava" 249245965 others -- guava -- "[cur-fru]." "videotapes" 786189311 others -- videotape -- "[vtc]." "videotape" 689915345 others -- videotape -- "[vtc]." "video" 375345441 others -- videotape -- "[vtc]." "tape" 314569904 others -- videotape -- "[vtc]." "collection" 639160483 others -- videotape -- "[vtc]." "kumquat" 516923398 others -- kumquat -- "[cur-fru]." "lots" 327550400 others -- so-great storage -- "[slot-no]." "lotslots" 655100800 others -- so-great storage -- "[slot-no]." "review" 601028460 others -- passport -- "That's not the way to learn from the viewer--it's probably not that complicated. You hope." "popstar" 524180100 others -- passport -- "You don't know whose passport it was, but it's yours, and you need to study it, not just hope to be a pop star." "halt" 196393974 others gates stage -- -- "[if player has passport]The halt lath is ineffective, now you have the passport[else]The halt lath remains firm. Maybe you actually need some old-fashioned key-in-lock action[end if]." "singed" 391609220 others -- singed design -- "The design is sort of glommed onto the coin[if coins are visible]s[end if]. So you should figure what to do, there." "research" 581009492 others -- passport -- "That's not the way to learn from the searcher--it's probably not that complicated. You hope." "prep" 376061830 others -- -- can-i-prep rule "It hurt to be called a perp. But maybe you can figure a way to think of it right. That wasn't quite it." "field" 274156779 others filed field -- -- "[locname]." "well" 343368560 others swell wells -- -- "[locname]." "wells" 439642526 others swell wells -- -- "[locname]." "gates" 361977613 others gates stage -- -- "[no-gate]." "gate" 265703647 others gates stage -- -- "[no-gate]." "clearing" 434637210 others clangier -- -- "[locname]." "rustic" 453812025 others rustic citrus -- -- "[locname]." "space" 326739437 others scape space -- -- "[locname]." "arena" 286413056 others gates stage -- -- "[stad-chg]." "near" 284225238 others gates stage -- -- "[stad-chg]." "stadium" 436774697 others gates stage -- -- "[stad-chg]." "admit" 235394924 others gates stage -- -- "[stad-chg]." "other" 427874806 others -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "storeh" 524148772 others -- -- degen-true rule "[not-the-reg]." "peek" 390011355 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[dome-rm]." "evoc" 328329091 demo dome evoc-cove -- -- "[dome-rm]." "hows" 315843615 demo dome hows show -- -- "[dome-rm]." "perl" 348409710 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "inform" 364166783 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "perlwall" 566159979 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "informwall" 581917052 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "codewall" 459943629 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "codewalls" 556217595 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "code" 242193360 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "perlcode" 590603070 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "informcode" 606360143 demo dome hows show -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "neds" 314016672 demo dome ned's dens -- -- "Maybe in another wordplay game, flipping things around like this might work. But not here." "sparse" 489331621 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[dome-rm]." "intel" 398630320 demo dome intel inlet -- -- "[dome-rm]." "shall" 243371761 demo dome peek keep -- -- "You can't get near the shall halls, although you still have the nonmagical ability to change the future. Well, some day you will." "great" 351027450 demo dome peek keep -- -- "It was tested to make sure even you couldn't magic it open." "display" 422122769 demo dome peek keep -- -- "You won't figure the code. There isn't one. Muahaha." "spy" 300099177 demo dome peek keep -- -- "You won't figure the code. There isn't one. Muahaha." "dial" 122023592 demo dome peek keep -- -- "You won't figure the code. There isn't one. Muahaha." "boltcase" 494968817 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "talks" 308318819 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "talk" 212044853 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "spec" 324551619 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "space" 326739437 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "best" 345608998 demo dome -- best cola -- "[its-a-museum]." "cola" 149359819 demo dome -- best cola -- "[its-a-museum]." "trifle" 441561511 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "dustpan" 478080165 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "scalpit" 400850031 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "placer" 369603113 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "rudest" 538648792 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "ladder" 311189747 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "[its-a-museum]." "bulk" 230271729 demo dome sparse spares -- -- "Bulk-Klub's credibility took a hit once Elvira got on their board of directors, and it may need some fundamental reorganization, but you vowed to use your wits and not your wordplay power for that." "calendar" 380261569 demo dome intel inlet -- -- "[these-docs]." "thesis" 505739204 demo dome intel inlet -- -- "[these-docs]." "chicloner" 530490151 demo dome -- chic loner -- "[no-no]." "novella" 488046510 demo dome -- chic loner -- "[no-no]." "sign" 242774022 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[no-mess]." "entry" 507506690 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[no-mess]." "unfold" 349723716 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[no-mess]." "memoir" 460625641 demo dome peek keep -- -- "[no-mess]." "demo" 287262928 demo dome -- -- degen-true rule "Museums are designed to be impassive and impermeable, for the most part. This is full of exhibits--your questing days are over." "Elvira" 421289235 -- -- -- degen-true rule "Changing Elvira is impossible, [if player is in Inclosure]even now you've resisted her first attack[else]and you certainly don't want to summon her[end if]." "yorpwald" 548467110 -- -- -- degen-true rule "You can't just unjumble Yorpwald with just one word. You need to deal with individual things." "settler" 697243862 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "recoded" 476352361 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "deviser" 610396742 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "backside" 382647496 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "decal" 223842440 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "button" 473004833 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "receptors" 800467929 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "output" 572250186 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "display" 422122769 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "equals" 469593156 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "logo" 235118695 -- -- settler -- "[no-set]." "teach" 289391829 -- -- settler -- "Aw, man, a third option for the settler wouldn't be fair. [if Elmo is off-stage]Trust me, i[else]I[end if]t's powerful enough as-is." "sign" 242774022 -- -- settler -- "You don't need to mess around with the sign on the settler, or any sign, except maybe one place[if hops shop is unvisited], which you'll know when you see it[else if gins sign is reflexed], and you already did something[else], where you took the chance[end if]." "slider" 429239652 -- -- settler -- "You can just switch the slider if you want to manipulate it." "purse" 495975644 -- -- super purse -- "The purse is just fine as it is." "space" 326739437 -- -- super purse -- "You don't want to mess with the space-capes. They work.." "treatise" 690610687 -- -- treatise -- "The treatise [if settler is off-stage]is[else]was[end if] there as help to discover [if settler is off-stage]what's in the latches[else]the satchel. It has only sentimental value, now[end if]." "writing" 487861496 -- -- red writing -- "[red-wri]." "redwriting" 722020497 -- -- red writing -- "[red-wri]." "red" 234159001 -- -- red writing -- "[red-wri]." "wall" 217750269 -- -- -- in-innie rule "[innies]." "walls" 314024235 -- -- -- in-innie rule "[innies]." "terry" 523922985 -- -- -- past-strip rule "You don't have any special tricks with RETRYing. Just do so if you're in a store and stuck." "northwest" 804101071 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[diag-dir-rej]." "northeast" 698354116 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[diag-dir-rej]." "southeast" 745502578 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[diag-dir-rej]." "southwest" 851249533 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[diag-dir-rej]." "down" 272223947 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[dir-rej]." "north" 368976205 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[dir-rej]." "south" 416124667 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[dir-rej]." "east" 329377911 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[dir-rej]." "west" 435124866 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[dir-rej]." "pedanto" 478859078 -- -- -- degen-true rule "You don't need to change the pedanto-notepad, except maybe by filling it up with ideas[if-no-pad]." "warning" 410853958 -- -- -- degen-true rule "You can't change warnings. Warnings are there to protect you. Even offer hints if you read them." "gadget" 319332438 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[so-last]." "xyyzz" 603425821 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[xyzzys]" "plugh" 310267606 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[xyzzys]" "plover" 529927107 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[xyzzys]" "iths" 281659129 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[major-swear]!" "kcuf" 203559466 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[major-swear]!" "mand" 156199568 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[major-swear]!" "lelh" 272716086 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[major-swear]!" "parc" 187983165 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[major-swear]!" "heck" 237027171 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[major-swear]!" "curses" 529789236 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[mild-swear]!" "bother" 446293711 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[mild-swear]!" "bastard" 328531417 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[mild-swear]!" "ground" 387318486 -- -- -- degen-true rule "Changing the ground beneath your feet is too dangerous a proposition." "jump" 299607444 -- -- -- degen-true rule "You consider the costs and benefits of collapsing in an impressively uncoordinated heap, then decide against doing so." "point" 372828908 -- -- -- know-point rule "There's no secret cheat between NO TIP and OPT IN." "think" 307225849 -- -- -- degen-true rule "Whenever you just try to too hard to think, things always get jumbled." "score" 402762040 -- -- -- degen-true rule "There's no way to scramble your score. And scoring another point won't help you solve things, anyway." "poss" 348366468 -- -- -- degen-true rule "You can't jumble the possible scores any other way." "listen" 494904286 -- -- -- degen-true rule "Trying to change how you listen gives no intels." "about" 303175125 -- -- -- degen-true rule "The 'about' [dir-cut]." "credits" 497541416 -- -- -- degen-true rule "The 'credits' [dir-cut]." "history" 563694761 -- -- -- degen-true rule "The 'history' [dir-cut]." "hush" 275944371 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "spaceon" 469999522 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "son" 239534051 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "hint" 254292671 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "hints" 350566637 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "access" 360553029 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "exit" 388677054 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." "exits" 484951020 -- -- -- degen-true rule "[meta-rej]." [the rules/texts below are organized in the order I thought up the nudges above, which is to say, more or less random. But nothing there is game-critical enough that it needs to be sorted. I hope.] [ton] to say fresc: say "Some art is just out there to troll people. The forces fresco is such. Even if you could vandalize it, Elvira might be on you in a second" to say caps-no: say "It'd sort of stink if a caps lock button broke in real life, so, no" to say die-sin: say "[if circle is visited]The words themselves do nothing. You found the way in[else]Nothing happens. You twiddle both words for a moment, then realize it's probably them, combined[end if]" to say pit-full: say "[if mushrooms are off-stage]The whole seed pit[else]You already got the mushrooms[end if]." this is the can-i-prep rule: if perp-clued is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say i-com: say "The intercom crackles a bit, but you hear a louder buzz from the dialer. Maybe work on that instead" to say no-fril: say "The saver is hopelessly no-frills. It'll never be anything better. But [if saver is reflexed]you made it look a bit nicer[else if saver is attempted]you might've been onto something looking at its brand name[else]maybe you could revisit its brand name to make it look nicer[end if]. Not that looks matter" to say cop-sco: say "The copse and the scope are both fine as-is[if yurts are visible], though maybe you can do something about the yurts[end if]" to say meta-rej: say "Meta-commands don't have any easter eggs, sadly" to say dir-cut: say "There's no special addition to the 'about' section[if mrlp is demo dome], but you're at the director's cut bit right now[end if]" to say whiney: say "You can't change who whiners are, but maybe you can make them whine [if ram3 is in lalaland or ram2 is in lalaland or ram1 is in lalaland]even [end if]less...whiningly" to say no-ropin: say "[if duck is returned]No need to mess with the ropins any more[else]The prison ropins are too sturdy. You'll have to focus on a part that might open[end if]"; to say rev-sum: say "That document is the stone truth! It doesn't need revisionism or embellishment" to say no-art: say "You don't need to do anything to Art, especially since [if storage box is in scape space]you want to get that storage box[else]you got that storage box[end if]" to say out-rou: say "Changing the direction or the composition of the trail won't do anything" to say gosh-camp: say "Gosh! The campsite's about as swell as can be, as is. No need to rearrange anything" to say boor-grub: say "You can't change a whole suburb. Better to change yourself" to say no-cray: say "No way. You're not changing the crays--and if you changed one, the others would get you. You need a way out"; to say caffeine-no: say "The name brand is not important. Besides, your body will break down the caffeine on its own, when needed" to say ash-soot: say "It's one solid ashtray. You try aha's to do something, but you wind up all, yah, rats[if soot is in adobe]. Maybe it's the pipe soot you want[else]. Well, you got pipe soot from it, and that's enough[end if]" to say grail-name: say "His full name, Liam Garn" to say fun-leaves: say "Yes, it's fun to mess with leaves, but distracting" this is the lemmel rule: if player is in clearing: if lemons are in clearing or melons are in clearing: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say slot-no: if lost slot is off-stage: say "Nothing close to anagramming LOST is on the box right now. You may need to use something entirely different to get the slot to appear"; else: say "After all that work getting it to appear, you don't want to make the lost slot vanish" to say no-gate: say "The gate needs to be unlocked some other way" this is the imp-here rule: if player is in Tapering Anger Pit and imp is in Tapering Anger Pit: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say not-at-barley: say "You're not near enough to the barley to affect it. You need to ENTER through the otters" to say barley-check: if the player's command includes "barley": if b-b is not prefigured: say "Still, that seems right, if you get there."; preef b-b; continue the action; to say sculpt: say "That sculpture is pretty firm and stuck as-is. Better to go off and do something cooler than Shoer Osher ever got credit for" to say pier-sign: say "That may not help you through the mist. Maybe read the sign instead" to say no-logan: say "The cracks themselves give no clues as to No-Gal Logan's whereabouts"; to say dark-palm: say "[one of]You punch your fist as you realize DARK has no anagrams...right into the palm[or]Oh no, not again. Concentrate on the palm[stopping]" this is the dark-study rule: if player is in study and study is dark: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. to say dark-been: say "The darkness has always been there and always will be. You need to find a way to say it was dark" this is the callos-here rule: if player is in anteroom: if whiners are in anteroom: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say w-twi: say "The ads have probably gone through enough word-twisting" to say war-one: say "[if number of visible warriors is 1]There's only one warrior left, and his name is Rodney[else if number of warriors in lalaland > 0]You've already dealt with one individual warrior--it can't be bad to tackle the others one at a time[else]One at a time. Each has his own weakness[end if]"; to say giz-tex: say "It's so technically detailed, you worry you might break it by thinking at it wrong. So you don't. A more science-ly type might be able to deal with it better" to say hfre: say "You're probably overthinking it. The I-USED-TO examples are just plain tedious." this is the know-point rule: if cur-score of manor > 1: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say major-swear: say "[if mrlp is presto and cur-score of presto > 0]Curiously enough, you can't do anything with the major swears, and neither could I[else][cussy][end if]"; to say mild-swear: say "[if mrlp is presto and cur-score of presto > 0]This region has some lame swears, but that's not one of them[else][cussy][end if]"; to say flow-fine: say "The flowerpot is just fine--[if crocus is reflexed]and so is the crocus in it[else if crocus is not in flowerpot]it's the crocus that needs help[else if limits are unvisited]you haven't found anything to put in it yet[else]it needs something in it, though[end if]" to say count-enuf: say "It's counterfeit enough as-is. You probably need to just find someone who'd actually accept it" to say algo-no: say "It's more likely that that book would spin YOU around a good deal" to say vtc: say "No, it's not just any videotape collection. It's those awful titles" to say bab-v: say "Babbling's babbling, but what stinks is, it's just so VERBOSE. Well, it doesn't stink that VERBOSE has fewer anagrams than babbling(s), settler or no, so that's something"; this is the first-two rule: if player is in same mesa: the rule succeeds; if brother horbert is visible: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say no-poi: say "The [if player is in mesa]poison stripe[else]oopsin['] priest[end if] can't be changed that easily. You'll have to search around for better ways to poke at things." to say shoaly: say "That might cause some bizarre erosion and risk dumping YOU in Leak Lake" to say all-fish: say "You need to deal with all the bullies at once, somehow, not just one at a time" to say p-hole: say "City Hall can't fix potholes, and neither can you. You feel a bit of lost hope as you try. You need to look out for, and look within, yourself, here" to say ca-co: say "The camo-coma remains as-is. It's sturdy, military-grade stuff" to say elv-mach: say "You have enough to think about without one more of Elvira's machines" to say patron: say "They would resist change. Not that they wouldn't mind a bit of drinking tales for next time. Maybe you could provide that" to say shackbut: say "There are buttons all over the shack, but they should remain that way. You may have to figure or change their functions, though" to say wait-see: say "The wait-seer shrugs patiently, unfazed you did not understand his full being. It is probably your inconvenience and not his"; to say the-books: say "The books could use some changing. But you're better off making Yorpwald itself safe for art, good or bad, first" to say one-toy: say "Disable one of Elvira's toys, and there's still the other. Oh, and the army, too. You need your own army" to say towers-made: say "What the towers are made of is not important. Just that they're big, and there's a quest behind them" to say plutry of (pg - a guardian): now pg is plurtry; to say odd-rob: say "You think a bit, but Daltho's advice comes back--oddly rewired robot--only rewired is tough enough" to say nerd-a: say "You think a bit. The salesmen don't emphasize one word over the other during their sales pitches, so the NERD and AID of Nerd-Aid seem equally ludicrous. I mean important" to say ego-dr: say "Until you see the ego-drains themselves as organised, you probably won't see how to get past them" to say g-pin: say "It's more that it's a giant pin and not, like, a safety pin"; to say cone-rec: say "You think about the econ-cone being the recent center, but theorizing doesn't work. You need to look forward in other ways, to think of more concrete things, like [if prai is reflexed and rivets are reflexed]how to go west[else if prai is reflexive and rivets are reflexive]how to be inspired by that statue[else]going west or, maybe, that statue again[end if]" to say w-change: say "You can't change the alcoves. It's what's to the west that needs changing" to say engs: say "Nothing happens. You probably need to worry about the stores and/or what they become, instead" this is the hydra-know rule: if the player is in Inclosure: the rule succeeds; if the player is in alcoves and hydra-known is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. to say no-lam: say "You can't change them, and even if you could, Elvira would probably be alerted" to say vs-oped: say "You try and twist Elvira's words or poke holes where they're wrong...and you can't. Sheesh" to say preef-page: preef Pa Egg Pea; to say chanty: say "The chant doesn't change. Chants are good at that" to say its-msg: say "You may have more luck with the necklace's message. Not that it's very clever, it just--fits in more with the papery yapper" to say cube-whole: say "The sea cube is unmoved. You may need to concentrate on the whole thing"; to say rapt-glare: say "The rapt figure almost seems to glare at you--or maybe its smile seems a little fake. You'll have to change IT before the spoon" to say 1st-name: say "You're not sure you want to be on a first-name basis with Art Erd. Okay, you're sure you don't want to be"; to say prob-ov: say "You are probably over-thinking it. There's a more direct way to tackle the rude door" to say is-boing: say "[if boing is reflexive]The number's got more numerals than letters[else]You got the boing mechanism working[end if]"; to say del-ry: say "The sandwich isn't just deli, or rye, or a sandwich. It's deli rye" to say plur-fruit: say "Well, you don't technically need plurals for this" to say cola-is-cola: say "It's cola, not soda or pop. And you can just drink it" to say romstix: say "You'll know what to do with the sticks when you're ready to program"; to say trimsox: say "They're not just socks, or trim. They're trim socks." to say papwall: say "The paperwall is unmoved. Maybe the stuff [if plaster is in lalaland and plates are in lalaland]that came from it[else if plaster is in Basement and plates are in Basement]in the wall[else]in and out of the wall[end if] could help you more, here"; to say dirk-no: say "The kid looks at you curiously. You probably don't need to change his name or his intelligence"; to say dir-rej: say "This game usually doesn't require you to mess with cardinal directions"; to say diag-dir-rej: say "This game doesn't require you to mess with diagonal directions[if player is in waters], so maybe you should consider the other shores[else], so I hope that's a relief[end if]"; this is the is-unbent rule: if player is in Basement and Basement-been is false: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the is-bent rule: if player is in Basement and Basement-been is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say stad-chg: if near arena is not examined: now near arena is examined; say "As you concentrate, you realize it's not just any arena, but the Admit-Us Stadium! "; say "Changing the stadium with (presumably) people in it would cause great harm. Maybe you should try to sneak in, instead"; to say cur-fru: say "Curtis is the one who messes with the fruits, not you"; to say fol-reag: say "[if player is in circle][follow-the-list][else]Brother Horbert will do [i]his[r] magic on the reagents at the right time"; this is the has-reag rule: if player is in cleric circle: the rule succeeds; if number of visible quest-items > 0: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say so-last: say "That was soooo last game! Not that Shuffling Around was lame. I mean, I wrote it, and all. Just, I got even better at writing since then, and I wrote in newer awesomer adventures"; to say bland-sad: say "[if trefoil is not visited and waters are not visited]The badlands can't be changed on their own. They must be trekked through[else]You're beyond the badlands now[end if]" this is the pas-vis rule: if number of visible hintpastries > 0: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say prevrev: say "Scrambling the guy who left the mess won't work. You need to work with what is here, in the routes, now" to say scrapap: say "It's what's on the scratch paper that [if scratch is reflexed]was[else]is[end if] important." to say kboard-det: if the player's command matches "keyboard" or the player's command matches "key board": if keyboard is not prefigured: say "[line break]"; preef-nol keyboard; continue the action; if keyboard is not off-stage: say "Besides, you already made a perfectly good keyboard.[no line break]"; else: say "You need to find something less awful that could make a keyboard. That book would probably arrange the letters worse than QWERTY.[no line break]"; this is the bookvis rule: if number of visible badbooks > 0: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the past-strip rule: if strip of profits is visited: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say name-worry: say "Perhaps it's better to focus on the names instead. Easier, too"; to say just-tea: say "Best to think of it as just tea"; to say imp-sly: say "The imp's too sly to get tricked by a word THAT short" to say not-singular-hp: say "Neither the singular nor the plural version of a pastry can change it. They're for helping you with other things, anyway"; understand "pairer" as a mistake ("[if gizmo is off-stage]You don't need duplicates of anything here. Besides, the machine looks complex enough. It will probably reject or accept what it needs to[else]You don't need to repurpose the repair machine. It's done enough for you[end if].") to say rapier-mach: say "The machine is complicated enough. You [if gizmo is off-stage]probably just need to figure what to put in it[else]already got something from it[end if]" this is the duck-cant rule: if player is not in subsector and location of duck is location of player: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the bonker-gone rule: if player is in Danger Garden and bonker is in lalaland: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say hisin: say "The high sign is a clue. Bad idea to change it" to say not-stripe: say "The poison stripe is too incorporeal to do bend to your will" to say follow-the-list: say "Maybe you can use your powers to get what's on the list, but you don't need to use them on it"; this is the am-along rule: if told-of-logan: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say shirt-sez: say "Hm. There are a lot of silly shirts out there. Maybe the message is what you need to tackle" to say part-of-lots: say "No, the [i]whole[r] thing. You see several...similar...items here right now" to say whole-item: say "Nothing happens. Perhaps it's the whole item that's important" to say focus-castle: say "Nah, that's just garbage. It's the curst palace you need to focus on" this is the cppc rule: if player is in limits: if cactus pearl is in limits or pearl cactus is in limits: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. to say len-part: say "Len Craig doesn't change, and even if you messed with his full name, he wouldn't" to say ray-part: say "You can't do much with either part of Ray's name. Plus he has that keycar" this is the gunter-onstage rule: if player is in study and gunter is off-stage: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the Gunter-left rule: if player is in study and Gunter is in lalaland: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. to say drink-stand: say "Nothing happens. [if stand is examined]You found enough inside it, anyway[else]Maybe just examine it[end if]" to say innies: say "You don't need to, and can't, do anything drastic to the walls when inside. That'd be kind of dangerous, anyway" this is the in-innie rule: if location of player is innie: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say both-medals: say "No, it's a combination of what's on both medals." this is the is-hauntable rule: if player is in anger range and haunter is off-stage: the rule succeeds; if haunter is visible: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say no-spoil: say "[if cur-score of troves is 0]You've got the right idea...sort of...but you're not worthy of big thoughts, yet[else]You can change Spoiloplis by thinking, but not like that. One idea at a time[end if]" to say no-set: say "You won't gain anything trying to magic the settler, or parts of it, about. It's got all the technical tools you need, though"; to say cant-giant: say "The giant is too old and set in his ways. You may just need to listen to him from several different angles" to say Inclosure-scen: say "You can't just muck around with one part of Elvira's army. You need a way to find allies" to say list-stable: say "The checklist was built to be especially stable and singular of purpose. So, nothing happens" to say eat-pastry: say "The pastry is for eating, not for changing[if toaster is not visible]. It might be more edible if you heated it up, though[end if]" this is the strood rule: if player has strudel and strudel is reflexed: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say reed-ale: say "Not just Reed's, or Ale. Reed's Ale" to say ian-un: say "Ian is unchangeable, but maybe he is moveable."; to say plant-no: say "You may want to listen to what the plant has to say, or what it makes you say"; to say river-no: say "That would cause serious injury to people and property, even if it could work"; to say mb-sign: say "The sign wobbles slightly, though there isn't really any wind. Perhaps you could be more straightforward and PUSH it[if circle is visited], though you've already been in the circle[end if]" to say just-smoke: say "It's just smoke. You can't control it. Heck, governments more powerful than you can't control it, and they've been trying. But you can maybe enter it" to say lec-un: say "The lecturer is unchangeable in his views, but maybe he is physically moveable" to say no-mess: say "No need to mess with the helpful sign"; to say no-scen: say "Here in the Brunt, you don't need to mess with the scenery. Especially since it looks nicer than that dumpster"; this is the in-mazeroom rule: if location of player is mazeroom: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the Leo-sad rule: if Leo is washed up and player is in dirge ridge and Leo is in dirge ridge: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say these-docs: say "These are documents of historical records! Revisionism is so Elvira"; to say red-wri: say "Red writing is a just clue of what to change"; to say dome-rm: say "You don't need to flip anything here, really. Certainly not a room." to say its-a-museum: say "This is a museum! No messing with the exhibits, please. Or trying to"; to say no-no: say "You can't change the book's writing. Well, you could, I guess. But this is a museum!" to say xyzzys: say "A hollow voice booms, 'Lo! Of...'[no line break]" to say cussy: say "You're not fooling ME. Shame on you" to say just-letter: say "It's just one letter in the maze. You may want to focus on the whole volt maze." to say no-txtbk: say "The catechism would be more likely to scramble YOU up. [if usb is visible]It's way more complex than what you need to do now[else]It'll be there when you need to gloss over it[end if]"; to say no-dsk: say "That computer probably holds important information--you just need to extract it right, by trying other things"; to say horb-magic of (tt - a thing): say "[if list o toils is examined]Brother Horbert will work his magic with that[else if player does not have tt]Nothing happens. I mean, less than nothing. Perhaps you need to find a way to sneak around to get that[else]That seems curiously inert to your attempts[end if]"; to say not-the-reg: say "Trying to change the current region you're in would be risky, or useless, or maybe both"; to say locname: say "You don't need to riff on any location names to win the game[if splained is false and oyster is needed], though you may get a last lousy point from doing so if you're observant[end if]" to say locname-part: say "You should never need to riff on part of a location name[if splained is false and oyster is needed], though you may get a last lousy point from doing so if you're observant[end if][one of], so that's one less thing to worry about, I hope[or][stopping]" to say towersloc: say "It's not this location you need to change, but Castle Apcur, the Curst Palace [if player is in mislit limits]right by you[else if player is in trefoil or player is in solo den]nearby[else]across Leak Lake[end if]" to say mack-clue of (nu - a number): if there is a mackhash of nu in table of nasty guys: choose row with mackhash of nu in table of nasty guys; say "You look for a way to redirect the conversation, even after it changes subject. But--hmm, [if still-doable entry is false]you already did something like that[else]not quite like that[end if]"; else: say "[bug-report][line break]DETAILS: You are on the right track, but I forgot to fill something in a table. Sorry about that--I'll want to fix it in a future release"; to say papay: say "[if auction caution is reflexive]You're probably over-thinking it--just pay attention to what it says, instead[else]You've taken the banner's advice well enough[end if]"; to say slab-score: if slab-pts < 10: [prevent rollover] increment slab-pts; say "[if slab-pts > 5]+++ (tired yet?)[run paragraph on][else][slab-pts][end if]"; slab-pts is a number that varies. this is the in-median rule: if player is in fro and Gretta is in fro: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the in-domain rule: if player is in fro and Gretta is not in fro: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the eelmr rule: if player is in alcoves and Elmer is in alcoves: the rule succeeds; if player is in bran barn and m-l is in bran barn: the rule succeeds; if player is in loop pool: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say eelmry: if player is in bran barn: say "[if p-2 is reflexed]You managed to help Mr. Lee enough[else if eels are reflexed]It would be better to show Mr. Lee, but you don't need to, since you talked with Le Mer[else]You just need to show Mr. Lee, not change him[end if]"; continue the action; if player is in loop pool: say "[if eels are reflexed]You managed to help Le Mer enough[else if p-2 is reflexed]It would be better to show Le Mer, but you don't need to, since you talked with Mr. Lee[else]You just need to show Le Mer, not change it[end if]"; continue the action; if player is in alcoves and Merle is in alcoves: say "You can't change Merle and Elmer, but maybe you could find a way to get rid of them"; continue the action; if bran barn is unvisited and loop pool is unvisited and alcoves is unvisited: say "You shouldn't know about Merle, Elmer et al yet"; else: say "You think back to whom you've met so far once past the frontage" this is the wise-to-sleep rule: if player is in hacks' shack: if scratch paper is visible and scratch paper is reflexive: if slept is false: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the in-med rule: if player is in fro: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the plains rule: if player is in plains: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the h-assuaged rule: if haunter is reflexed and haunter is in location of player: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the need-mango rule: if player is in clearing and mango is off-stage: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the kid-not-learnt rule: if smart kid is visible and doc-y is visible and smart kid is not reflexed: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the is-study-dark rule: if player is in study: say "In study."; if study is not lit: say "Study not lit."; if player is in study and study is not lit: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the crates-menace rule: if player is in Lapsin' plains and reacted is false: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the basement-visible rule: if player is in dusty study and t-b is not in dusty study: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the stable-visible rule: if player is in dusty study and tables are not in dusty study: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the chimney-visible rule: if player is in dusty study and niche is not in dusty study: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the my-cola rule: if fizzy cola is visible or dirty cola is visible: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the time-to-reboot rule: if player is in hacks' shack: if keyboard is on labs slab and computer screen is on labs slab: if caps lock is part of the keyboard: if disk is in hard drive: if rebooted is false: the rule fails; the rule succeeds. this is the time-to-compile rule: if scratch paper is reflexive and rebooted is true: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the time-to-debug rule: if scratch paper is reflexed: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the lamb-blam rule: if lamb is visible and current action is not eating crust: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the volt-maze-visible rule: if ether is off-stage and player is in Grey Gyre: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the enemy-lines rule: if ether is in lalaland and player is in Grey Gyre and Leo is in Grey Gyre: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the washup rule: if player is in dirge ridge: if Leo is not washed up or Rand is not washed up: the rule fails; the rule succeeds; this is the Leo-mad rule: if player is in dirge ridge: if Leo is fightin: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the Rand-mad rule: if Rand is fightin: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; this is the gun-broken rule: if boing mechanism is reflexed: the rule fails; if marines seminar is unvisited: the rule fails; if player does not have popgun: the rule fails; the rule succeeds; this is the troves-hate rule: if cold is visible: the rule succeeds; the rule fails. this is the degen-true rule: the rule succeeds. this is the degen-false rule: the rule fails. to recover-items: let JJ be the map region of the location of the player; d "ITEMS: [item-list of JJ]"; repeat with JJJ running through item-list of JJ: if JJJ is not scenery and JJ is not a backdrop: now player has JJJ; if JJJ is star: now player wears star; if JJJ is medals: now player wears medals; section crust parsing check eating curst crust: if swears < 1: say "[bug-report]" instead; if mrlp is stores: say "You should probably eat it when you're beyond the, er, spot." instead; if mrlp is not presto: say "The crust fell from the remains of store P. Perhaps it's best to eat it there." instead; say "You wince and prepare to take a bite..."; now spoilit is true; try presto-hinting; now spoilit is false instead; track-crust is a truth state that varies. every turn when player has curst crust and mrlp is presto and track-crust is true: increment swears; try eating curst crust; chapter say "[reject]" and lalaland lalaland is a privately-named room. "[bug-report]" lll is an unsolved region. lalaland is in lll. last-solved-region is a region that varies. last-solved-region is usually lll. headaches is a number that varies. headaches is 10. to match-process (it1 - indexed text) and (it2 - indexed text): let it1a be filtered name of it1; let it2a be filtered name of it2; let lost-one be 0; say "Your settler begins to make noises: "; repeat with myc running from 1 to number of characters in it1a: if "[character number myc in it1a]" exactly matches the text "[character number myc in it2a]": say " HIGH"; increment lost-one; else: say " LOW"; if lost-one > 0: say "Ugh. [if lost-one > 0]Those high notes[else]That high note[end if] gave you caused a migraine mini-rage. You switch off the slider."; now slider is switched off; decrement headaches; now undo-code is 5; prevent undo; if headaches is 0: say "[line break]You're sick of those notes."; to say dior-hint: say "That's not quite it. You can probably look at the diorama to see what to do" to say l-r-bye-hint: say "It's kind of tough to say goodbye, firmly but kindly, and--that isn't quite it. You feel a bit jumbled" to say di-cli: say "The dialer seems to click slightly" docile-tried is a truth state that varies. to say doc-try: now docile-tried is true; say "[one of][or], again[stopping]"; table of spechelp [tsh] [this is for specific error messages for specific items] xtrhelp helptxt t-b "The ten beams creak slightly. Maybe not all of them. But a few." [START manor] palm "[if dusty study is lit]The palm remains upright but seems slightly brighter[else]The darkness recedes for a second[end if]." niche "Hm, no, the niche--my niche--won't unfold that way." latches "You think you feel static through the latches. But they remain the same." tables "The tables seem to shift a bit." giant pin "The pin wobbles." pavement "[dior-hint]." event map "[dior-hint]." crabgrass "[dior-hint]." brass crag "[dior-hint]." platform "[dior-hint]." farm plot "[dior-hint]." pedestal "[dior-hint]." steel pad "[dior-hint]." sitar "You hear a sad-sax noise from the sitar. Well, a sitar version. 'Rats, I...' you think, seeing red." stria "'Rats, I...' you think as you see red. That's not quite it." plates "The plates shine slightly and rattle." plaster "The plaster crackles and shines slightly." pram "The pram creaks back and forth slightly." rifle "Elmo bobbles the rifle slightly, and you think he may've nodded encouragement at you." Store B "The smell from Store B becomes fruitier and more delicious." [START stores] Store H "Store H looks totally different from all the other stores for a second." Store K "An odd sweet smell from Store K, for a second." Store N "'Dude, you like must be close!' you hear from Store N." Store P "You hear old forgotten magic words which seem like they might almost apply if they were in the right order." Store T "You hear various unrecognizable animal noises." Store U "Store U seems to light up with lines and curves for a second, but no, that's not quite right..." Store V "A single paper currency flutters off from Store V, lost forever." Store W "Store W seems to push up from the ground and go narrower for a second." Store Y "You hear grinding, then a slimy gulp, from store Y. But nothing definitive." lecturer "The lecturer coughs and shakes his head, looking for someone who almost disrupted his speech. He doesn't close to finger you." the-b "The bean rolls back and forth a bit." [START routes] worst ad "The ad seems slightly nearer, for a moment." bench "You hang around the bench, hoping for something to happen, but nothing happens. Though it seems like it should." bench-end "Oof! You fail to jump on the bench end. Try mixing things up from what you just did." giant's elbow "[if bench-end is reflexive]You're nowhere close to the giant's elbow[else]You seem like you should be able to avoid the elbow, but maybe mix things up a bit[end if]." huge thing form "The huge thing form rocks in the air, as if it's about to fall." pipe soot "The soot smells a bit stronger than before for a moment." seed pit "The seed pit seems to bubble slightly." Nuder "The pages of Rude [']N Nuder flutter a bit." un-road "The un-road seems to lead somewhere, but you couldn't quite make it out like that." darkness "You feel it's ALMOST the right time for the darkness to lift." narrow cracks "The cracks almost seem to lead somewhere." mist "Hmm, you almost see a way through the mist." ship controls "The ship controls seem to adjust themselves slightly." Thor "Thor seems to gesture you by for a second." new beet "The new beet seems to spin slightly away from Thor for a second." Pa Egg Pea "You stare blankly at [i]Pa, Egg, Pea[r], but you're not quite doing it right." [START troves] cold "You think you feel less cold for a second. But you need to make it last." heat "Meh. Maybe you're closer than you think to motivation. How to make that matter?" babblings "The babbling remain verbose--mixing up subjects and making you consider things you hadn't before." stop post "You feel silly a bit. You can't let a simple stop post stop you!" ltb "You reflect that to LEAD, you must also put certain things in order. You know there are only so many ways." bee's head "The bee shakes its head, trying to make sense of the slightly disordered magic it felt from you." what-a-bee "The bee's buzzing goes off-kilter for a bit. You gain a bit of faith you're on the right track." cellar door "It's...hmm...you remember all the clues, but what order to place them in, now." diapers "Staring again at the diapers, you are depressed you couldn't even get being depressed right." rivets "Staring at the rivets, you get the feeling you've not quite found the right way to try. Or want." large regal lager "No...that is not quite the way to fight the temptation of the wicked brew." brochure "Your longing increases...but not enough." prai "That's not quite the way to look forward to praise. But it may be a start." skyscraper "The skyscraper almost seems to laugh at you, for being close, yet far." noise "The noise seems almost bearable." tan ivy vanity "You try to not pay attention to the babble behind the door, but you're trying too hard, and you fail. Still, you're on the right track." lobster "That's not quite the way to deserve that lobster[if ivy vanity is reflexive]. You can't quite concentrate, anyway, with the knock at the door[end if]." stream "That's not quite the way to focus on the stream[if ivy vanity is reflexive]. You can't quite concentrate, anyway, with the knock at the door[end if]." DIVORCES "DIVORCES suddenly seems more alluring and more rubbish at once." shaker "You don't quite draw inspiration from the shaker, but there can't be that many alts." Eddie's Song "You try to groove to Eddie's song, but that's not quite it." playbill "You try to imagine what the singer's songs are like, but that's not quite it." lamb "The lamb looks confused. Maybe you could be more forceful. Verbally, not physically." [START presto] hump "The hump suddenly looks a bit smaller. But not enough." volt maze "The volt maze crackles with increased energy, almost ready to break down." dart "The dart seems a bit closer, but...dang! Not quite." decorative star "The star seems to wiggle a bit, but not enough to pull it out." plebe "The plebe looks confused, as if you garbled what you said." Leo "There aren't that many things to do with Leo. So few, you could probably brute-force how to get by his, uh, brute force." Rand "There aren't that many things to do with Rand. So few, you could probably brute-force how to get by his, uh, brute force." ether "[if ether is prefigured]No, you definitely need to say THERE. You just need to have backup and maybe weapons[else]The ether pulses, but you still can't see through it[end if]." ye hoop "The hoop dips a bit as if to taunt you." boing "You try something that doesn't [i]quite[r] work, but you assure yourself it'll put you a bit closer to an a-ha moment." maze walls "The maze walls rumble a bit." onyx censer "That feels right, but it's not enough yet. You don't need anything profane, here." Hogs "The hogs snicker a bit, but they seem a little nervous, too." Keys "The hogs snicker a bit, but they seem a little nervous, too." alert letters "[l-r-bye-hint]." log ons letters "[l-r-bye-hint]." ought letters "[l-r-bye-hint]." disk "[if skid is in lalaland]Bleah. Did all this high-tech work make you forget the disk was a skid? Yes. Yes, it did[else]The disk seems to want to expand, but not quite into that. You must be close[end if]." escaroles "The escaroles seem slightly meatier." pile of coal "Microscopic bubbles seem to form on the coal and burst in the air." flea "The flea makes a crinkly noise but still seems quite dead." drab yoke "It'd take too long to type out all the possibilities, but that seems basically right. Hmm." t-key "The TBA key rattles within the keyboard a bit." USB "Hmm. There are only five possibilities, and more than one may be right. You've done the tough stuff." trim socks "You don't have the available memory in your head to see all the possibilities, but yes, something like that MUST work." clock sap "NO, REARRANGE AND TRY AGAIN, you think." fount "Hm, might be fun to try something like that again." gum "You stare at the gum. Hm, only a few ways it can be stretched or whatever." piece of scratch paper "Man! That's the thing about compiling. Switch one or two characters, and foom, it's just as bad as if you were completely off-base." skid "Bleah. Did all this high-tech work make you forget the skid was a disk? Yes. Yes, it did." compiled code "Hmm. Compiled code is tricky. Once it's fixed, if you have even one thing in the wrong order, it does nothing right. That MUST be what's happening here." o-t "Hm, no, that's not quite how to cover all the ground looking for the ol['] trap." [START oyster] Capers Recaps "You think of mocking Casper's writing style, but that's not quite it. Something more direct and physically insulting, maybe." tumblers "The tumblers wobble a bit as you try to do ... something ... to them." stein "Hm, the stein belongs somewhere you can destroy it, but not QUITE like that." sign "Nobody pays attention to your performance as you disobey the sign. Or try to." clam "The clam still seems enraged." boats "Perhaps if you were louder and more confident, the boats would hear you." carps "The carps and pikes laugh at--whatever you tried. But you know bullies are like that when someone is onto them. Hm, how to fix things." tunes "The tunes grow slightly less annoying, for a moment." wrap "That's not quite the way to pop the wrap." trolls "The trolls laugh at you a bit, but nervously." urn "The urn sits there, daring you to walk away." raft "The raft rocks slightly." oars "You see bubbling under the oars." eeks "You guess the eeks must be there--no, there!" haunter "Hm, not quite the right way to dig, dig?" waste "You realize you didn't quite psyche yourself to fix the waste." heaps "The heaps still look ugly as ever." gleaner "The gleaner remains too small to read." dialer "[di-cli]." lever "You look at the lever, wishing it would be a little more fun to pull." d2 "[di-cli]." yapper "'Eh? What?' says the yapper. 'Speak up, you were about to make sense there.'" serpent "The serpent calms down for a split-second[doc-try]." [START towers] diners "The diners glare at you, then look up at the sky, slightly worried." pirates "The pirates blanch a bit but quickly regain their swagger." serpent "The serpent shakes its head and tail a bit." man covered "The man picks at his paint, as if he could almost peel it off." strudel "You almost expect the strudel to hop up[if player does not have strudel] into your arms[end if], but the moment passes." ingrates "The ingrates seem to wonder if it's worth complaining to you for a moment. You get the feeling that they may start off angriest, but if you could bend their mood, they might lose their willpower and give up." fissure "The fissure seemed to say half a word before freezing." bonker "'TANGENTIAL HIT!' blares the bonker. 'THE MARAUDING HORDES ARE ON TO US!'" weeds "The weeds almost seem to shrug." saver "The piece-of-junk raves saver suddenly, somehow, feels more valuable, almost shiny for a second." iPrune "The iPrune shrinks, slightly. I mean, it recedes, but it doesn't quite get smaller." muscly "The hulk stumbles for a moment." organised "The drains sizzle slightly but go back to menacing quiet." admirer "Your admirer looks askance, then returns to their puppy-love expression." natives "The natives look almost ready to be suckered by flattery or just a tall tale in general, but that look passes." yurts "The yurts sway slightly. They may not be guarding much, but maybe you could do for them." alarming "The grailman seems almost average for a moment." nameless salesmen "The salesmen grow momentarily protective of their Nerd-Aid supply." Reed's Ale "The Reed's Ale man listens to what you're saying for a minute, but--no, you didn't quite get it right. He goes back to reciting his tired sales pitch." wait-seer "The wait-seer looks bored and distracted for a second." rewired robot "The robot almost looked a bit odd there for a moment." deacons "The deacons ponder for a minute before going back to their scheming. But they looked scared--worried--you were close to exposing their ol['] heist." Ray Eck "The keycar slows down for a minute. Ray Eck frowns at you." ropins "The ropins remains secure, with no easy way to open it." smart kid "The kid seems to be trying so hard to concentrate, but he hasn't found it yet." denim "The denim bends and warps, but not enough to cut it." pulses "The pulses seem less there and less negative for a moment." old ice "The old ice seems to glimmer a bit." turbos "[jet-nq]." blaster "[jet-nq]." eastern shore "Maybe it's you, but the eastern shore seemed slightly closer." Ed Yerg "Ed looks slightly less avaricious." crocus "The crocus almost seems to perk up." curst palace "Hmm...[if player is in limits]no rumbling from the curst palace. You're going to need a big word, here[else]that's good practice, and a good guess, but even if it were right, you don't know if you could change the curst palace from here[end if]." b-b "The barley rustles in an imaginary wind--but hardly at all." [START otters] Ed Riley "Ed Riley looks askance at his deli rye, as if it had some bad aftertaste." imp1 "[imp-nag]." imp2 "[imp-nag]." imp3 "[imp-nag]." ram1 "[ram-nag]." ram2 "[ram-nag]." ram3 "[ram-nag]." raptor "The raptor recoils slightly." parrot "The parrot seems to roll its eyes at you, as if to say, [unless player is in alcoves]not here[else]you DO remember what I was[end if]." cinders "The cinders glow and even warm up for a bit." Merle "Merle and Elmer look askance at each other for a bit." atmo-moat "Hm, that's not it, but it must be elemental. No, elementary." sea cube "The sea cube shakes a bit." eels "The eels swim a bit faster." owls "Hmm. The owls still swarm and swirl too fast." ghoul hat "Mr. Lee shakes his head and adjusts the ghoul hat." p-2 "Rev. Howe seems to snarl a bit more deeply for a moment." thrones "The thrones seem to buzz a bit." nails "[one of]O[or]Another o[stopping]ne of the nails seems to bend a bit." pines "The pines rustle as if an animal climbed through them." corona "The corona scurries about for a bit before settling down again." ocelots "The ocelots squint at you through their clip-ons." leopard "The leopard almost seems to un-cuff its hands." badger "The badger flexes imaginary suit lapels, then quickly goes back to brooding." satyr "The satyr puts a hand on its chin as if pondering music." medals "The medals waver noiselessly. Hm, that's not quite it." weltish whistle "The sound you make is experimental, in a new jazz sort of way, but it's not quite right." moss cap "The cap itches for a bit, then seems to try to spin you around." [others] ppf "The pipe panel fence sways slightly." b-w "You feel the barriers west pulling towards you." sorer bogey "The bogey's tone changes slightly for a second." l-o-p "Something glints off the list of prices." auction caution "Everyone promises quick payment, but what are you promising to pay quickly FOR?" peach "The peach still looks too expensive." videotape "You must be on the right track--but nothing happens. Yet." barren cries "The cries seem like they could change--or is it a dream to you?" harmonicas "The harmonicas whistle, as if something happened." pagers "The pagers light up slightly. Maybe give it another go." riot cap "Nothing happens. Your magic skills feel like the pits for a second." nectarine "The nectarine seems a little less shiny and new. But not enough." tangerine "You try and remember your geography. You must be close!" peanut cola "The peanut cola smells slightly fruity for a minute." rapt figure "The rapt figure frowns as if it's eaten something sour." briar screen "The briar screen briefly turns darker." pryer bars "The pryer bars briefly turn very red." magenta rope "The magenta rope and other items you uncovered briefly seem as one." spear "The spear stays as-is. But it can't be that hard to change." slime "The slime shifts about slightly, but not enough--yet." lemons "Len frowns at the lemons." melons "Len frowns at the melons." quince "That certainly sounds foreign--but it doesn't seem to sway Len." silly shirt "You don't quite have ESP, pal, but with the right logic skills you can seem like you do. That shirt's still resisting." eerie blurbs "The blurbs turn a few shades of purple before settling again." mad train "The train emits some fake smoke and seems ready to blow up--but no." barber sickle "The barber sickle sits there, dark, but you must be on the right track." pugnacious plant "The plant seems to adopt a defensive position with its arms/branches." an-a "The A shines for a split-second." lumps "The lumps seem almost ready to burst." reserved sign "You seem to read the sign backwards for a second." coin "The coin looks a bit more artistic for a moment--no, it's too drab, again. Hmm. You must be close." coins "The coins rattle and hum promisingly." icons "The icons rattle and hum promisingly." s-c "The sonic coins hum almost questioningly." to say jet-nq: say "Despite your lack of technical knowledge, you think you almost did...something to improve the jetskis"; to say imp-nag: say "The imp looks slightly annoyed for a second. You may be on the right track"; to say ram-nag: say "The men manage to shush you more noisily than you've ever been shushed. You may be on the right track"; ana-repeats is a number that varies. cur-help-item is a thing that varies. cur-help-item is usually yourself. understand "wander" as a mistake ("A glare from Rodney snaps Andrew back from gazing outside.") when Andrew is visible. understand "warden" as a mistake ("Andrew doesn't look like he has the leadership qualities necessary to become to main warden over Rodney.") when Andrew is visible. to say spec-help of (itm - a thing): if rq is active: say "With that conversation, you can't concentrate on much..."; continue the action; now itm is attempted; if itm is prefigured: say "No, you were right before, there. You just need some help to make that magic word in your notepad work, now. Or maybe you don't!"; continue the action; if itm is a warrior: say "[if itm is rodney]Rodney blinks a bit, then frowns[else][itm] shakes his head, but a glare from Rodney sets him straight--for now[end if]."; continue the action; if itm is an xtrhelp listed in the table of spechelp: choose row with xtrhelp of itm in table of spechelp; if there is a helptxt entry: say "[helptxt entry][line break]"; if itm is cur-help-item: if can-prog-hint: increment ana-repeats; if ana-repeats is 3: now ana-repeats is 0; say "[line break]This guessing is getting a bit frustrating. You note the idlers['] slider on the settler[one of][or]again[stopping]. Maybe it could help you a bit."; continue the action; else: now ana-repeats is 0; now cur-help-item is itm; continue the action; [ continue the action;] [ else: say "You feel as though you could've done something.";] say "You feel a slight psychic push-pull coming from [the itm]. That's a decent omen."; to decide whether can-prog-hint: if mrlp is oyster, decide no; if player does not have settler, decide no; if headaches is 0, decide no; if slider is switched on, decide no; decide yes; doublewarn is a truth state that varies. to say them-that of (tt - a thing): say "[if tt is a female person]her[else if tt is a person]him[else]that[end if]"; the block buying rule is not listed in any rulebook. check buying: if player is in tenfold and yapper is in den loft: say "The papery yapper stage-whispers 'Ix-nay on the Vi-OS-ob-ay. That's not how business is DONE, here!'" instead; if player is in clearing: if player has noun: say "It's already yours." instead; say "You need to haggle. With actions. And descriptive words. And so forth." instead; if player is in scape space: if player has dollar: if noun is storage: try giving dollar to Art Erd instead; else: say "You have nothing Art Erd wants." instead; if player has tekno-token: say "This isn't a place of commerce." instead; if player is in sand home: if wipes are in sand home: say "You can't pay for the wipes, but maybe you don't need to." instead; say "There's nothing to buy, and there's nothing to buy it with[if player has ruby]. The ruby's kind of priceless[else if player has pearl]. The pearl isn't really tradeable[end if]." instead; table of specreject [TSR - this can use a lot more entries] specdone spectalk log ons "[no-rehash]" alert "[no-rehash]" ought "[no-rehash]" to say no-rehash: say "That'd be an awkward rehash. You need another way to say good-bye." to say good-enuf of (goody - a thing): if goody is a specdone listed in table of specreject: choose row with specdone of goody in table of specreject; say "[spectalk entry]"; continue the action; say "You've already changed [them-that of goody] enough."; to say reject: if sss is true: [inform 7 gives extra space if I just follow the rule as-is] consider the show blues rule; let my-key be the hash of the player's command; let my-key-a be the hash of the player's command; d "The hash of the command is [my-key].[line break]"; repeat through the table of anagrams: if the-from entry is visible: if my-key is the hashkey entry: if Gunter is off-stage and player is in dusty study and stuff-found is 3: say "You can't quite concentrate with the noise at the door."; continue the action; if the-from entry is reflexed: if the-from entry is not doc-y and the-from entry is not lemons: say "[good-enuf of the-from entry]"; continue the action; if slider is switched on: match-process the player's command and the right-word entry; else: if Elmo is visible and the-from entry is not rifle: say "You need to [if Elmo carries rifle]disarm[else]talk to[end if] Elmo instead."; continue the action; if stuff-found < 3 and player is in study: say "Hmm. Nah. That's not quite it. Your skills are a bit rusty, but you'll figure it out."; continue the action; say "[spec-help of the-from entry]"; continue the action; if number of words in the player's command > 1: now my-key is the hash of word number 1 in the player's command; d "The hash of word 1 of the command is [my-key].[line break]"; repeat through the table of anagrams: if the-from entry is visible: if my-key is the hashkey entry: if Gunter is off-stage and player is in dusty study and stuff-found is 3: say "You can't quite concentrate with the noise at the door."; continue the action; if the-from entry is reflexed: if the-from entry is not doc-y: say "You've already changed [them-that of the-from entry] enough."; continue the action; if slider is switched on: match-process word number 1 in the player's command and the right-word entry; else: if Elmo is visible: say "You need to [if Elmo carries rifle]disarm[else]talk to[end if] Elmo instead."; continue the action; if stuff-found < 3 and player is in study: say "Hmm. Nah. That's not quite it. Your skills are a bit rusty, but you'll figure it out."; continue the action; if rq is active: say "With that conversation, you can't concentrate on much..."; continue the action; say "[spec-help of the-from entry]"; say "[line break](In particular, the first word seemed to have an effect, and you generally don't need a second word.)[line break]"; continue the action; repeat through the table of nudges: if there is a hashval entry: if my-key is not 0: if my-key is hashval entry or my-key-a is hashval entry: if there is no this-reg entry or this-reg entry is mrlp: if there is a this-item entry: if this-item entry is visible: say "[this-clue entry][line break]"; continue the action; else if there is a this-room entry: if location of the player is this-room entry: say "[this-clue entry][line break]"; continue the action; else if there is a this-rule entry: say "[run paragraph on]"; follow this-rule entry; if the rule succeeded: say "[this-clue entry][line break]"; continue the action; else: d "Need error message for [this-cmd entry] misfire."; if doublewarn is false and my-key is hashval entry * 2 and my-key is not 0: say "It looks like you tried to act on something doubly, possibly something that anagrams itself. To remove any future confusion, you should know you don't need to do that [if lemons are in lalaland and melons are in lalaland]at all now you took care of the melons and lemons[else if otters is unsolved]until after you defeat Elvira[else] more than once in a special place in this region[end if]."; now doublewarn is true; continue the action; if player has settler and settler-try is false: if the player's command includes "settler": say "It looks like you may be trying to do things with the settler. This game uses the simplified SCAN (OBJECT)."; now settler-try is true; continue the action; if mrlp is otters: if the player's command matches the regular expression "^+ly": say "[if whistle is reflexed and medals are reflexed]You don't know if you need to do any more of that[anicheck][else]You think you're on to something, but no--you can't find anything to focus on, thinking that."; continue the action; say "That's not something you can say, do or see here[if elmo is visible or gunter is visible]. Besides, there's someone to deal with[end if][if cur-score of manor > 0][one of]. (If you are trying to flip something back, you almost never need to.)[or].[stopping][else].[end if][if last-hash is my-key and last-hash > 0][line break]It looks like you're a bit stuck. You may need to take a step back and examine things, [mb-ss-ped]to see what you can change[trickier].[end if]"; now last-hash is my-key; to say anicheck: if nounsolve > 2 or adjsolve > 2: continue the action; say ", but you're worried you don't have enough allies"; settler-try is a truth state that varies; to say trickier: if strip of profits is visited: say "[2da]the trickier stuff should have more than one clue"; to say mb-ss-ped: if player has settler: say "maybe with SS, "; if player has pedanto-notepad: say "maybe looking again through your pedanto-notepad for general tips, "; last-hash is a number that varies. section answer [this is a small hack to allow ANSWER SIDE DOOR] understand the command "answer [text]" as something new. understand "answer [text]" as asking generically. ansbufing is an action applying to one topic. understand the command "answer [something]" as something new. understand "answer [something]" as ansobjing. ansobjing is an action applying to one thing. does the player mean ansobjing the side door when Gunter is off-stage: it is very likely. check ansobjing: if noun is a person: say "Try to ASK a person about something instead." instead; if noun is side door or noun is rude door or noun is secure door: try opening noun instead; say "That's not something animate." instead; chapter notiping notiping is an action out of world. understand the command "no tip" as something new. understand "no tip" as notiping. carry out notiping: if cur-score of manor < 2: say "You shouldn't know about this command, yet. I mean, it was in Shuffling Around, but it's a bit different, this game." instead; say "You [if no-tip is true]already have[else]switch to[end if] NO TIP at a region's start. OPT IN will reverse this."; now no-tip is true; the rule succeeds; chapter optining optining is an action out of world. understand the command "opt in" as something new. understand "opt in" as optining. carry out optining: if cur-score of manor < 2: say "You shouldn't know about this command, yet. I mean, it was in Shuffling Around, but it's a bit different, this game." instead; say "You [if no-tip is false]already have[else]switch to[end if] OPT IN at a region's start. NO TIP reverse this."; now no-tip is false; the rule succeeds; chapter status bar and scoring to decide what region is mrlp: decide on map region of location of player. no-tip is a truth state that varies. tip-warn is a truth state that varies. to reg-inc: increment the score; if mrlp is nothing: say "BUG NOTE: This location needs a map region!"; otherwise: increment the cur-score of mrlp; if mrlp is manor and rifle is off-stage and cur-score of manor is max-score of manor - 4: say "[line break]Congratulations, Iron [if player is male]Man[else]Woman (Ow)[end if] in Manor! You've found all the secrets here. You can just exit the basement now[if settler is unexamined], but it'd be a good idea to examine the settler, first[end if]."; if mrlp is stores and cur-score of stores is max-score of stores: now stores is solved; now last-solved-region is stores; consider the notify score changes rule; repeat through table of init-points: if mrlp is myrg entry and cur-score of mrlp >= pttot entry: if no-tip is false and roved is false and doneyet entry is false: say "[line break][blurb entry][paragraph break]"; if tip-warn is false: ital-say "you can turn this start-of-region hinting off with NO TIP and on again with OPT IN."; now tip-warn is true; pad-rec "opt in/no tip"; now doneyet entry is true; table of init-points myrg pttot blurb doneyet manor 2 "Yay! You're still changing stuff to stuff. For now. But you're on home turf, now. If you get out in the world, it'll be trickier." false stores 1 "Well, it looks like the stores can be changed into something else. Maybe it won't be so easy behind them, but maybe you can get rid of a few to start and see any tricks later." routes 1 "Well, that was different from the standard directions. But there can't be too many other ways to go." troves 1 "Neat. You made progress just thinking. Or not-thinking. It could be either." troves 2 "Thinking has gotten you somewhere, you think. [if Pa Egg Pea is reflexive]Maybe reading Pa, Egg, Pea right will help you further, let you look into your mind more dispassionately[else]Hating and gaping are totally different, except for the whole not actually doing anything, but they've both worked[end if]." presto 1 "It feels cathartic, using sub-profanities to get going. Looks like words that generally don't mean anything, do, here." presto 2 "Gee! Such good clean fun! Your only regret is, you won't get to use many huge compound words to change anything, if you know Yorpwald." oyster 1 "You've started to get some action in." oyster 2 "Bam! More action! You'll still sort of be guessing the verb, but it's sort of just reacting, too." towers 1 "Well! You're starting to understand how things can, or should, be here." towers 2 "You're sort of glad for the short-ish names and the brute force, here. Things will probably get tougher to describe outside the Trefoil, but this is good practice." others 1 "Well, that's nice. With Elvira gone, it's back to changing stuff to...stuff." otters 1 "Hmm. Being weak might not be so bad, for a while. It cuts down the words you can use, but...it cuts down a lot of extraneous possibilities, too!" when play begins (this is the define-status-line rule): now left hand status line is "[lhs]"; now right hand status line is "[cur-score of mrlp]/[if possibles is true][poss-range][else][max-score of mrlp][end if][if Strip of Profits is visited] [bracket][number of solved regions][close bracket][end if]"; ital-say "NOTE: this game is a sequel to Shuffling Around. It has the same mechanics. But the back story is not important."; say "[wfak][line break]Yorpwald's been peaceful for a long time after your turn shuffling around. You weren't tabbed to lead the kingdom--but those in charge did a decent enough job, until along came Elvira. Nobody took her seriously at first, since it slipped that she was once branded the Necro-Crone.[wfak][line break]That was before she came out with a proposal she said you could not resist: ELVIRA'S REVISAL! You had to admit, if you didn't think it worked, then your shuffling around only went so far. But if you did, then obviously she was the right person to execute it, and so forth. Either way, the way you rescued Yorpwald was so silly, it couldn't happen again, and no bad guy would be dumb enough to leave things that way! There would be new, bold defenses against the next big challenge.[wfak][line break]Thus Elvira gained prominence, vowing to fight the scourge of stupid wordplay armed only with her charisma. 'ELVIRA'S REVISAL? I SLAVER!' became the chant. And people did. She was a more exciting conversationalist than you, weighing in on spoonerism elitists (pro and con), and implementing other 'improvements' such as Reality TV and gossip columns.[wfak][line break]Then one day she suggested the possibility you might become jealous of her popularity! And who could blame you?[wfak][line break]Her being the Necro-Crone was all in the past! She was way more exciting and social than you, and didn't people deserve a second chance? Of course they did![wfak]" to say lhs: if mrlp is not troves: say "[location of player] ([mrlp])"; continue the action; say "Poverty"; let QQQ be the number of visited rooms in Troves; repeat with QQQQ running from 1 to 6: say "[if QQQQ is QQQ]*[else]-[end if]"; say "Very Top (Troves)" to say poss-range: if poss-score of mrlp > min-score of mrlp: say "[min-score of mrlp]-[poss-score of mrlp]"; else: say "*[poss-score of mrlp]*"; carry out requesting the score: if mrlp is nothing: say "BUG: This location needs a region." instead; if mrlp is Demo Dome: say "You don't need a score in the Demo Dome. You just need to look around."; left-to-see instead; otherwise: d "# of turns = [turn count]."; say "Ol['] Stat Totals:[paragraph break]You have [cur-score of mrlp] out of [max-score of mrlp] total points for the [mrlp] region, where you are now[if mrlp is solved] and have solved[end if][if mrlp is otters and inhib is true]. You probably need to do something to get back your full powers, too[end if]"; if mrlp is not solved and possibles is true: if min-score of mrlp < poss-score of mrlp: say ". Lowest score to solve is [min-score of mrlp]. Maximum score available is [poss-score of mrlp]"; else: say ". You need [min-score of mrlp] points to win"; say ".[line break]"; repeat with Q running through regions: if number of visited rooms in Q > 0: if mrlp is not Q and Q is not solved: say "You have scored [cur-score of Q] out of [max-score of Q] total points for the (unsolved[if Q is stores] hub[end if]) [Q] region."; if there is a solved region: let temp be 0; say "[line break]Won now:"; repeat with rgn running through markable regions: increment temp; if mrlp is not rgn: say " [rgn] ([cur-score of rgn]/[max-score of rgn])[if temp < number of markable regions],[else].[end if]"; otherwise: say "[line break]You haven't solved any regions yet."; if mrlp is others: eval-fruits; the rule succeeds; possibles is a truth state that varies. min-alert is a truth state that varies. report requesting the score for the first time: if possibles is false and min-alert is false: ital-say "You can toggle seeing the minimum points to pass an area, or maximum achievable points, by typing POSS. This is a potential meta-spoiler, since the minimum score increasing indicates you found a fun side quest, and the maximum score decreasing means you left something behind, but it may be helpful."; now min-alert is true; definition: a region is markable: if it is mrlp, no; if it is solved, yes; no; an exhibit is a kind of thing. an exhibit can be unnoted, perused or exhausted. an exhibit is usually unnoted. to left-to-see: if number of unnoted exhibits is 0: let q be number of unexamined things in peek keep; if q > 0: say "You can still go see stuff [if sparse spares is visited]in Sparse Spares[else]below Peek Keep[end if]."; continue the action; repeat through table of xibits: if exhib entry is unnoted: if location of exhib entry is unvisited: say "You still haven't gone [cueloc of exhib entry] from Peek Keep."; continue the action; if exhib entry is unexamined: say "You saw the [exhib entry] in [location of exhib entry], but you didn't examine it."; continue the action; say "You still have more of the [exhib entry] to look through."; continue the action; repeat through table of xibits: if exhib entry is perused: say "You haven't looked all the way through the [exhib entry] in [location of exhib entry]."; continue the action; say "It looks like you've looked through everything. Thanks for paying attention." to decide which direction is cueloc of (xx - an exhibit): let myway be the best route from Peek Keep to the location of xx; decide on myway. chapter possing possing is an action out of world. understand the command "poss" as something new. understand "poss" as possing. carry out possing: if possibles is true: now possibles is false; otherwise: now min-alert is true; now possibles is true; say "Switching [if possibles is true]on[else]off[end if] minimum/maximum available point notification. "; if min-alert is false: ital-say "this is a quasi-spoiler of sorts, since watching the maximum possible score drop may mean you have missed an easter egg. Or watching the minimum score increase may mean you found one."; else: say "[line break]"; pad-rec-q "poss"; the rule succeeds; chapter fliptoing fliptoing is an action applying to one visible thing. a mango is a fruit. a thing can be reflexive, reflexed, vanishing, or nonreflexive. a thing is usually nonreflexive. check fliptoing when inhib is true: if player is in wickeder or player is in preserve: say "[inhib]" instead; preserve-animals is a number that varies. check scaning jetskis: if blaster is reflexive and turbos are reflexive: say "Weird--the settler flips about, as if the components of the jetskis would give different readings." instead; if blaster is reflexed and turbos are reflexed: say "Nothing any more. You may've fixed the jetskis."; if blaster is reflexed: try scaning turbos instead; try scaning blaster instead; note-progress is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing a portal: if engravings are examined: now note-progress is true; continue the action; basement-backpedal is a truth state that varies. definition: a thing (called mything) is cromulent: if mything is in location of player: decide yes; if mything is palm and player is in dusty study: decide yes; if mything is curst palace and mrlp is towers: decide yes; if mything is visible: [put here to increase speed] decide yes; decide no; to check-get-pad: if player does not have pedanto-notepad: say "[line break]In fact, you realize the notepad on the chair would be a great place to file that idea. It'll help tame lots that's meta, mate."; now player has pedanto-notepad; to two-up: increment the score; increment cur-score of mrlp; reg-inc; check fliptoing (this is the check ending flip rule): if noun is a thisflip listed in table of end-flips: choose row with thisflip of noun in table of end-flips; consider the check final region action rule for noun; if the rule succeeded: do nothing; else: do nothing instead; else if noun is a thatflip listed in table of end-flips: choose row with thatflip of noun in table of end-flips; consider the check final region action rule for noun; if the rule succeeded: do nothing; else: do nothing instead; section check and carry out rules check fliptoing (this is the portal palm and reflexive flip rule): d "Trying to flip [noun]."; if noun is visible: if noun is a portal: try entering noun instead; if noun is reflexive or noun is vanishing: continue the action; choose row with the-to of noun in table of anagrams; if the-from entry is reflexed: say "[if there is a dubdip entry][dubdip entry][line break][else]Hey! No double dipping.[end if]" instead; try examining noun instead; if noun is t-b or noun is tables or noun is palm or noun is giant pin or noun is niche: if Gunter is not in lalaland: say "Nothing urgent yet[if stuff-found >= 3] except that bangish bashing[end if]. So no need to pre-flip, flipper."; check-get-pad; now noun is prefigured; pad-rec "flips" instead; if noun is part of diorama: now diorama-flip is true; check fliptoing when player is in dusty study and gunter is off-stage (this is the don't flip til you should at start rule) : repeat through table of anagrams: if noun is the-to entry and the-from entry is cromulent: if player is in dusty study and urgent Gunter is off-stage: if stuff-found < 3: if the-from entry is not part of the diorama: now tried-flip is true; say "[if the-from entry is palm]You don't need a light source, yet[else if the-from entry is giant pin]There's no need to tidy your study up just now[else if the-from entry is satchel]Hmm, maybe there is something in there if you needed to go adventuring, but you don't, yet[else]Hm, well, that'd be a way to move around if you needed to sneak out. But you don't, yet[end if][one of]. Still, that seems right, so you file that idea away for later[or][stopping]."; preef the-from entry; consider the Gunter knocks rule; do nothing instead; else: say "Worth trying later, but no need to pre-flip, flipper. See about that visitor, first."; preef the-from entry; do nothing instead; check fliptoing (this is the sitar-stria-stair rule) : if noun is sitar: now stria is in lalaland; move stair backdrop to all stairy rooms; if noun is stria: now sitar is in lalaland; move stair backdrop to all stairy rooms; check fliptoing (this is the reject flipping for reef and animal attack and alert sign rule): if noun is not owls and owls are visible: say "That's a good thought...once you've gotten rid of the owls. You don't have time to summon assistance."; preef noun; do nothing instead; if noun is not parrot and raptor is visible: say "That'd be nice to do, once that raptor's dealt with."; preef noun; do nothing instead; if noun is owls or noun is parrot: if inhib is true: say "You try, but you are too weak. Perhaps you should come back when your powers are recharged." instead; if noun is thor or noun is beet: if ship controls are reflexive: say "That'll be tricky, moving through or between Thor and the New Beet without being sure of the ship controls."; preef noun; do nothing instead; if noun is alert or noun is log ons or noun is ought: if Rand is not visible and noun is visible: say "You remember having more fun than you thought you'd have, bashing about with Leo and Rand. It was more fun than you realized at the time. But you have a mission to accomplish." instead; check fliptoing (this is the by Rand and Leo rule): if noun is log ons or noun is alert or noun is ought: if Leo is in brunt: say "You mumble other words to shoo Rand and Leo, but you sort of miss them. Maybe you can get them to provide some muscle." instead; continue the action; carry out fliptoing: repeat through table of anagrams: if noun is the-to entry and the-from entry is cromulent: if ff is true: append "[the player's command]: [the-to entry] to [the-from entry] denied![line break]" to the file of debuggery; say "[the-to entry] to [the-from entry] denied! Push ff to change this![line break]" instead; if the-from entry is reflexive: now the-from entry is reflexed; now the-from entry is unfigured; if location of player is preserve: if the-to entry is not parrot and the-from entry is not parrot: increment nounsolve; set pronoun it to the-to entry; set pronoun them to the-to entry; say "[the-msg entry][line break]"; if mrlp is stores: if the-from entry is Store T: do nothing; else if the-from entry is bedruggled or the-from entry is Store H: min-up; else if number of supporting stos < 4: min-up; if the-to entry is not in lalaland: if the-from entry is boats and raft is reflexed: do nothing; [a bailout if you type RAFT and BOAST] else if the-from entry is coins and the-to entry is s-i: two-up; else if the-to entry is t-b: if Basement is unvisited: two-up; else: now basement-backpedal is true; else if the-to entry is onyx censer and the player's command includes "phooey": min-up; two-up; else if the-from entry is not part of the diorama: reg-inc; if the-from entry is vanishing and the-from entry is the-to entry: [this should work unless you flip an item twice and it vanishes 2nd time. Check.] now the-from entry is in lalaland; if there is a roomjump entry: if roomjump entry is Strip of Profits: solve-region the map region of the location of the player; continue the action; move player to roomjump entry; consider the show blues rule; [for debugging] consider the process random dialogue rule instead; else if the-to entry is satchel: move satchel to location of player; else if taked entry is true or player has the-from entry: now player has the-to entry; else if the-from entry is part of the diorama: now the-to entry is part of the diorama; else if the-to entry is not visible: [components aren't broken off] if the-to entry is not the-from entry: move the-to entry to location of player; if the-to entry is lamp: now bean-smell is true; now dusty study is lit; if latches are off-stage: now player has latches; consider the adjust light rule; if the-to entry is not the-from entry and the-from entry is not reflexed: move the-from entry to lalaland; [this is to drop a new item in place] if the-to entry is visible: [assume that we are focused on the item we just flipped] set the pronoun it to the-to entry; if the-to entry is plural-named: set the pronoun them to the-to entry; if the-to entry is a person: if the-to entry is female: set the pronoun her to the-to entry; else: set the pronoun him to the-to entry; follow the show blues rule instead; [for debugging] repeat through table of anagrams: if noun is the-from entry and location of noun is location of player: say "You can't seem to change things back to how they were." instead; say "This case with [the player's command] in [location of player] shouldn't have happened. BUG." instead; the rule succeeds; The look around once light available rule is not listed in the for printing the announcement of light rulebook. [only used in dusty study] after fliptoing when player is in rustic citrus (this is the Curtis pleased rule): if cur-score of Others > 3 and moss cap is off-stage: say "You've done so well, Curtis explains there may be something north and gives you a moss cap to help you know which direction that is. After all, moss grows on the north side of trees...[paragraph break]You don't want to seem ungrateful, but you still point out that caps are to be worn on a head, killing any sense of direction.[paragraph break]Curtis points out that north is usually up in most reasonable maps, and if you can sit there and make fruit out of nothing, you can probably take the logic from there.[paragraph break]Awkward silence ensues, and Curtis sits down, exhausted from delegating. You ask Curtis about possible landmarks and such, but he's busy with new business ideas.[paragraph break]Hmm. Probably some of this garbage could be turned to more fruit, if you were the sort of person who wanted to do everything, but you'd rather help yourself right now."; now all carried fruits are in lalaland; now player has moss cap instead; if cur-score of others > 3: coin-eval; continue the action; instead of wearing moss cap: say "It was a stupid idea, and it'll look stupid if you wear it." chapter creditsing creditsing is an action out of world. understand the command "credits" as something new. understand "credits" as creditsing. carry out creditsing: say "Thanks to the organizers of IFComp 2012 and Spring Thing 2013. I must direct credit to my testers for finding bugs. Thanks to bitbucket for posting a project that let me organize bugs. Thanks to Heartless Zombie (David White) for his hash code and suggestions, which removed many technical barriers.[paragraph break]More generally, thanks to people involved with Inform 7. Sparser parsers couldn't have hacked this game.[paragraph break]More personally, thanks to my testers who beat my Beta. They are, in first-name alphabetical order: David White, Jason Ermer, Kevin Jackson-Mead, Paul Lee, Peter Butter, Melvin Rangasamy, and Wade Clarke. Robert DeFord provided moral support and proofread game documents.[paragraph break]Potsy typos and possibly a tyro's story are not their fault.[paragraph break]Out of the blue help post-release came from Toby Ott, who went through the game several times, and David Welbourn, whose walkthrough at www.plover.net/~davidw/sol/r/roili13.html inspired many bug, hint and user-friendliness fixes. Hanon Ondricek helped with user-friendliness issues and found the wonderful name Dawn Churlzest, Streever helped with a Heisenbug and lots of release 2/3 stuff, and Marshal Winter found cool stuff. For release 3, Elizabeth McDonald, Joel Webster, Lydia Q. Dames, Sean M. Shore and Steven Watson provided testing too, and Matt Weiner noted a debug-text bug that helped me overhaul under the hood stuff.[paragraph break]Thanks to Hanon Ondricek for finding the Electric Slide font and to Wade Clarke for consulting on the new release 3 cover art. If you hate the main idea, that's on me, but they helped me bring it out as best I could." instead; chapter abouting abouting is an action out of world. understand the command "about" as something new. understand "about" as abouting. to say bbuck: say "https://bitbucket.org/andrewschultz/a-roiling-original/issues/new"; carry out abouting: if mrlp is routes and cur-score of mrlp > 0: say "You push your luck, but no u-boat shows up. [if pier is unvisited]Good thing you're above-ground[else if player is in pier]A ship is already there[else if player is in clipper]That's the last thing you'd need now[else][end if]."; say "Oh, wait, did you want to see the ABOUT message for real? I should note here you don't need ABOUT to win the Routes area."; unless the player consents: say "OK." instead; say "A Roiling Original is the sequel to Shuffling Around and part 2 in my Stale Tales Slate. I doubt there'll be a third, since I've milked the concept dry.[paragraph break]ARO was initially written for Spring Thing 2013 and contains the same mechanics as Shuffling Around but hopefully is different enough to make for a new, original, and enjoyable story, especially since I focused on story in the post-comp release. You can see more abut the people who helped the game come to be by typing CREDITS."; ital-say "I really appreciate transcripts (even though this is a post-comp version,) as it's cool to tinker with what I made--or to be able to squash a bug, or to make a puzzle clearer. If you wish to send a transcript, you can do so by typing TRANSCRIPT at the command line, then mailing me that text file. ;, * and ? at the line's start will indicate comments.[paragraph break]You can directly report bugs or annoyances at [bbuck]--no need for an account." instead; chapter bugtracking to say bug-report: abort-if-bugfind; say "BUG! You should not have seen this. Write me at [email] to describe how and where you got this--use the up arrows, or have a transcript ready, if you want to give the last few commands.[paragraph break]You can also report reproducible bugs at [bbuck]."; bugsquash is a truth state that varies. to abort-if-bugfind: if bugsquash is true: if word number 1 in the player's command is not "showme": say "Cutting off testing now."; end the story finally; follow the shutdown rules; chapter exitsing exitsing is an action out of world. understand the command "exits" as something new. understand "exits" as exitsing. carry out exitsing: if mrlp is troves: say "No one direction seems better or worse than the next. Perhaps you need to find direction inside you, and you will move ahead in the world." instead; if mrlp is routes: if player is in mesa: if old giant is in mesa: say "You probably aren't going anywhere with that giant around." instead; if huge thing is not off-stage: say "You probably don't want to go anywhere with that [if huge thing is in mesa]thing[else]bean[end if] around." instead; say "There are plenty of ways to go, but they don't seem to lead anywhere. [if cleric circle is visited or idle deli is visited or adobe is visited]You've made it in one place, here, so maybe you can make it in another[else]There are three places to enter, though they do seem to shift[end if]." instead; if player is in deli or player is in adobe or player is in circle: say "You can go back out." instead; if mrlp is routes: say "Looks like you will need to figure a way to go onward without directions. You've been doing well so far." instead; if player is in den loft: say "You can go back outside, though you can also finish the job back here." instead; if player is in end den: say "You can go back outside to the Horned Hedron." instead; if player is in trefoil: say "You probably aren't going anywhere until Rodney does, first." instead; if player is in barley and b-b is in barley: say "Maybe you'll see some exits if you get rid of the barley." instead; if player is in rustic and compass is off-stage: say "You've lost your bearings a bit, but maybe [if player has compass]the compass could help[else]if you got enough fruits, Curtis would help you[end if]." instead; if player is in strip: say "There are no directional exits here, but you [if number of visible portals is 0]may want to try opening up a store[else if number of visible portals is 1]can go IN to the store-portal you made[else]have multiple ex-stores you can enter[end if]." instead; if number of viable directions is 0: say "There are no directional exits here, but that doesn't mean you're stuck. Maybe you can figure a way to create one[if number of visible enterable things > 0], and it looks like there's something to ENTER[end if]."; else if number of viable directions is 1: say "You can try to go [list of viable directions]."; else: say "There are [number of viable directions in words] viable exits[if mrlp is towers and number of visible guardians > 0], though not all are unblocked[end if]: [list of viable directions]."; the rule succeeds; chapter game-start goshy is a truth state that varies. when play begins (this is the basic initialization rule): let temp be 0; now the have-died flag is false; protect the have-died flag from undo; repeat with zozimus running through stos: now zozimus is in Strip of Profits; repeat through table of anagrams: if the-from entry is uncluing: now the-from entry is flippable; repeat through table of pad-stuff: if there is no readyet entry: now readyet entry is false; if there is no introtoo entry: now introtoo entry is false; repeat through table of init-points: now doneyet entry is false; move bulwark backdrop to all ominous rooms; move the curst palace backdrop to all towery rooms; add-errs manor; let convo-holes be false; repeat through table of ad slogans: if there is no blare entry: increment temp; now blare entry is false; d "[temp] unblared slogans of [number of rows in table of ad slogans] total slogans."; repeat through table of subject-blather: if there is no him-say entry: say "[him-who entry] / [person-subj entry] needs entry."; now him-say entry is "[bug-report]"; now convo-holes is true; repeat with PE running through people: if PE is not a default-talker listed in the table of default-gen-blather: d "[PE] needs default-gen-blather."; now convo-holes is true; else if PE is not a him-who listed in the table of default-sub-blather and PE is not terse: if 1 > 2: d "[PE] might want default-sub-blather."; if PE is not terse: if PE is not a him-who listed in the table of subject-blather: if litany of PE is Table of No Conversation and PE is not a guardian: d "[PE] has nothing special or specific to say."; if PE is not a him-asked listed in the table of reflexive-blather: if litany of PE is Table of No Conversation: d "[PE] has nothing to say about themselves."; if convo-holes is false: d "No conversational holes."; now die-trigger is a random number from 3 to 5; [DIE TO US in Lectures] definition: a room (called myrm) is ominous: if myrm is bleary barley and b-b is reflexive: decide no; if myrm is in otters: if myrm is Tapering Anger Pit or myrm is Anteroom: decide no; decide yes; last-wall is a thing that varies. last-wall is usually inform 7 code wall. when play begins (this is the hint and other randomization rule): let myrand be 0; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now turbfirst is true; [these are for random cluing] if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now goshy is true; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now song-first is true; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now viewer-first is true; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now bee-head-first is true; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now lobster-first is true; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now thor-first is true; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now t-or-b is turbos; else: now t-or-b is blaster; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now rivets-first is true; sort byebyes in random order; now wibe-count is a random number between 0 and 1; sort marcitems in random order; sort nextclue in random order; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now carps-pref is true; else: now carps-pref is false; now a random badbook is in hacks' shack; sort the table of xibits in random order; if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: now last-wall is inform 7 wall; else: now last-wall is perl wall; let mycount be 0; d "[list of exhibits]."; volume regular verbs tweaks and irregular verbs chapter jumping instead of jumping: if player is in gyre and hump is in gyre: say "This is a silly anagram game, not a silly rhyming game." instead; if player is in campsite: say "You jump, clicking your heels and striking a ridiculous smile at the apex." instead; if player is in freight: say "You certainly are feeling jumpy right now, but--well, you want to jump towards the pale plea. And as reflexively as possible." instead; if player is in same mesa: say "You [if bench-end is not reflexed]try and jump onto the bench, but that's not quite the way. Hm[else]managed to get on the bench, and you don't need to, again[end if]." instead; if player is in austerer and hoop is in austerer: say "You jump but can't quite reach the hoop. You think you hear a voice saying 'O, ye hop!' You turn red.[paragraph break]You consider dropping your treasured possessions so you can grab the hoop, but you can't bring yourself to say the heck with them. Or, rather, you haven't, yet." instead; say "You try a jump but jam up[one of]. Boy, leaps lapse[or][stopping]."; chapter xyzzying xyzzying is an action out of world. understand the command "xyzzy" as something new. understand "xyzzy" as xyzzying. carry out xyzzying: say "That word is a mess and holds absolutely no power for you[if cur-score of manor is 0]. Hopefully you'll find why soon enough[else]. Trust me, I checked all the other twenty-nine combinations[end if]."; the rule succeeds; chapter knocking knocking is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "knock" as something new. understand "knock" as knocking. understand "knock [text]" as a mistake ("Just KNOCK instead."); carry out knocking: if player is in plains or player is in study: if urgent Gunter is off-stage and stuff-found is 3: say "Knock knock! / Who's there? / An adventurer who should probably just OPEN the door instead." instead; say "A hollow CONKK, but nothing more. You may need to try other actions here." instead; if player is in gates stage: say "It'll be a bit tougher than that." instead; say "Knock knock! / Who's there? / An adventurer in a room with no doors!" instead; chapter guardians when play begins (this is the place guardians rule): repeat through table of guard-org: if there is a kloozorz entry: now guy entry is clueneedy; now guadir of guy entry is blockdir entry; now gualoc of guy entry is loc entry; the block giving rule is not listed in any rulebook. check giving something to: if second noun is ed yerg: say "[if ed yerg is reflexive]He mumbles, nonsensically, 'Eeg, dry,' and rejects your offer. You go red-faced at offering such a paltry gift--and his reaction[else]Ed is a reformed character. He needs no gifts of monetary value[end if]." instead; if second noun is a guardian: if second noun is serpent: say "You are present enough to present a present--but which present is most important or effective in this area? That is the question.[paragraph break]Plus, the whole no hands thing."; if second noun is iPrune: say "[one of]'Maybe that's how they do things IN PERU!' the hybrid fruit booms, turning red[or]Nah, you don't want that IN PERU lecture again[stopping]." instead; if second noun is pirates: say "'Tips are...' one says and shakes his head. You blush red at the meager gift you offered." instead; if second noun is ray eck: say "'That's real generous, but I got my hands full with this keycar!'" instead; say "No response. It looks like a gift won't be enough to get by. But you won't need one, based on what you've done so far." instead; if second noun is kid: if noun is a hintpastry: say "Giving sweets to kids? Really." instead; if doc-y is not in lalaland: say "The kid seems like he'd rather have the gift of knowledge." instead; if noun is settler: say "The kid seems impressed, but he's more mechanically than magically inclined." instead; unless noun is gizmo: say "That's not technical enough for the kid." instead; continue the action; if noun is flowerpot: if second noun is smart kid: say "He's more physical sciences than biological." instead; if second noun is doc-y: say "[one of]Dr. Yow puts the flowerpot on his head, angles it, shakes his head, and gives it back. He smiles and shrugs[or]You already tried that[stopping]." instead; if second noun is a guardian: say "You remember Old Hat Daltho's friend was across the water. So it can't be anyone guarding things over here." instead; if second noun is a fightin person: say "Bribery won't end this fight." instead; if second noun is bruisin: if noun is crust: say "Even he isn't gourmand enough to enjoy that." instead; say "He's not materialistic. He just wants a good dust-up." instead; say "Hm. Nah. [if second noun is plural-named]They don't[else if second noun is female]She doesn't[else if second noun is male]He doesn't[else]It doesn't[end if] want that--or, it seems, anything of yours." instead; a guardian is a kind of person. a guardian is usually auxiliary and vanishing. a guardian can be passtried. a guardian is usually not passtried. a guardian can be clueneedy. a guardian is usually not clueneedy. a guardian can be unprodded or prodded. a guardian is usually unprodded. a guardian can be plurtry. a guardian is usually not plurtry. a guardian has text called retrytext. check objasking a guardian about a guardian (this is the guardian general chat rule): if noun is serpent: continue the action; if noun is curst palace: say "Nobody will ever rebuild it, but we still have to prevent others from doing so. For their own safety." instead; if noun is Elvira: say "Well, her choice to send [if noun is plural-named]us[else]me[end if] and be [if noun is plural-named]ourselves[else]me[end if]." instead; if noun is second noun: continue the action; else if second noun is in location of player: say "Nothing. Guess the guardians aren't going to rat on each other." instead; else if second noun is in lalaland: say "Threats or reminiscing won't get you anywhere." instead; else: say "Your grilling runs up against plausible deniability. Who? What? Where?" instead; the specification of guardian is "A person that blocks your way through the towers area until you describe him correctly." after doing something with a guardian: if noun is organised: set the pronoun them to noun; else: set the pronoun it to noun; continue the action; a guardian has a room called gualoc. a guardian has a direction called guadir. a guardian can be blue, red, white or purple. a guardian is usually purple. book push and pull to Understand "pull [something] [direction]" or "pull [something] to [direction]" as pushing it to. check pushing the skid to (this is the yak-oof rule): if yak is in lalaland: say "You probably don't need any more grunt work, now the yak's dealt with." instead; if the room second noun of location of player is nowhere: continue the action; if yak is on skid and location of player is phat path and second noun is north: say "The yoke doesn't quite fit through the door. It does, however, snap off and the yak looks freer, aliver, almost happy. It decides it's had enough of the leaf and, with a nod, walks off to a yak realm, perhaps in search of more malarkey. Maybe [if lamb is in lalaland]near the lamb you rescued[else]somewhere near the poor lamb's home[end if]."; now yak is in lalaland; reg-inc; pad-del "Leo and Rand"; now skid is in hacks' shack; now drab yoke is in hacks' shack; move player to hacks' shack; [?? why not MOVE PLAYER TO X INSTEAD] the rule succeeds; if player was in brunt and second noun is south and yak is on skid: try going south instead; if player was in gyre: if second noun is west: if hump is visible: say "You need to get over the hump." instead; else: say "The way west [if hoop is in lalaland]got cleared out when you jumped for the hoop[else if austerer is unvisited]looks like a dead end, nothing where your sled would need to go[else]was pretty much clear. You can't imagine needing to bring anything there[end if]." instead; if second noun is east: if plebe is in gyre: say "The plebe stands strong. You don't have the heart to run it over." instead; say "There's nothing in the Marines Seminar. Pushing the sled there would be a waste of time." instead; if player was not in shack: say "[if yak is on skid]Oof! Urg! The yak makes the skid a bit heavy, but you manage.[else]The skid grinds across the snowless ground with slowness.[end if]"; continue the action. After going a direction (called way-pushed) with the skid: if way-pushed is north and location is hacks' shack: say "The skid barely fits as you go in the door."; if way-pushed is south and location is phat path: say "The skid barely fits as you go out the door."; continue the action. book thinking thinko is a truth state that varies. understand "ponder" as thinking when pernod is not visible. instead of thinking: if player is in study: if stuff-found < 3: say "You begin a[one of][or]another[stopping] deep think, [one of]all about Elvira's rise to prominence and how she assured everyone that she could do wordplay if she were bored, and she was sure it was the best you could do, but really, there was no CREATIVITY at the heart of it, and the n-factorial possibilities--and that tagged gadget to give clues was a bit TOO convenient. It passes the time[or]but mulling and rehashing is no fun[stopping]."; now thinko is true instead; else if Gunter is off-stage: say "Hard to think with that knocking." instead; if pernod is visible: say "No, you need to t hink a little more soulfully. "; say "If you need help, just say HINT. K?"; book touching check touching: if noun is lamb: say "It's a bit too scared. Too scared to flee where it needs to go." instead; if noun is plaster or noun is paperwall: say "Seems a bit hollow but not enough to bust through." instead; book listening the you can hear stuff some places rule is listed before the block listening rule in the check listening to rulebook. to say a-r: say "[one of]Ingera[or]Reagin[or]Rigena[in random order]" before listening (this is the you can hear stuff some places rule): if player has s-i or player has s-c: say "A low buzzing from your [if player has s-c]sonic coins[else]sonic icons[end if]--odd. What could they do, or buy?" instead; if sorer bogey is visible: say "'I am the sorer bogey!' you hear. '[one of]Be sorry, ego[or]Oy! Erg! Sober[or]Ye sorer gob[in random order]!' it cries, as you see your skin redden." instead; if pugnacious plant is visible: say "The pugnacious plant is making an aggressive bb-arr-uh noise and seems to turn red in the process." instead; if barren cries are visible: say "The barren cries are sour and bitter and tiny." instead; if location of player is rustic citrus: say "Curtis is mumbling about some perceived slight." instead; if Rand is visible and Rand is washed up: say "The silence is a bit awkward, so you try chatting."; try asking a random washed up person about "rannygazoo" instead; if mrlp is presto: say "[if cur-score of presto is 0]A shot. Sort of[else]You don't hear anything congruent to what you've needed to say in this area, which is a good thing[end if]." instead; if player is in rawest waters: say "A scrawny swan cry. But not the Sawn Swan. You hope." instead; if player is in Trefoil: if number of visible warriors is 1: say "Rodney's intimidating enough, he can keep this place quiet." instead; if number of visible warriors is 0: say "Regular tavern bustle and storytelling once again, but nobody you need to talk to." instead; say "Rodney and his not-so-merry men stand impassive, united." instead; if reed's ale is visible: say "'He mutters and moans how [one of]Dr. Eleesa endorses it[or]E-dealers have it so easy[or]Lad Reese likes the stuff[or]Dre Eleas looks great in that ad for Reed's Ale[in random order], turning red, unsure if he wants to remove his costume or put it back on." instead; if ingrates are visible: say "You see red as the ingrates['] voices sound like tin gears." instead; if deacons are visible: say "The deacons aren't exactly yelling about their hostile ol['] heist. You might want to ASK them about, well, anything." instead; if rewired robot is visible: say "You listen until you cringe. Red lights flash across the robot, pleased he drew ire." instead; if player is in havens: say "You think you hear NEVAHs, but that might just be internal melodrama." instead; if player is in subsector: if doc-y is rowdy: say "Dr. Yow is yacking away noisily." instead; if doc-y is wordy: say "Dr. Yow is yacking away rapidly." instead; if doc-y is in ropins: if doc-y has been rowdy or doc-y has been wordy: say "Dr. Yow is silent once again." instead; say "Dr. Yow moans he could hack less shackles." instead; if ingrates is visible: say "The ingrates go red from [one of]complaining about [i]Geraint's[r] stupidity[or]describing how tacky [i]Nate's rig[r] is[or]having the [i]rangiest[r] list of complaints you've heard[or]babbling about how they've never been to [i]Tangiers[r][or]relating his horrible education at [i]St. [a-r][r][or]explaining what sane grit they have[or]a cloud of red nitre gas that passed a day ago[or]claiming you think you're a saner git than them[in random order]." instead; if admirer is visible: say "It's a bit embarrassing, really. Just generic praise that never feels right." instead; if atheists are visible: say "The atheists are really spelling out their logical arguments against any sort of God[if wait-seer is visible]. In light of this, the wait-seer doesn't seem to be the least tired[end if]. Maybe you could learn more details talking to the atheists." instead; if wait-seer is visible: say "The wait-seer is so serene, you almost can't waste ire on him blocking you. Almost. Maybe even saying random stuff might help a hint slip." instead; if player is in Achers' Arches: say "Silence--you wouldn't dare sin to upset the sardine with ear dins. OR WOULD YOU." instead; if player is in Hero's shore: say "You hear voices from the boats talking about great accomplishments. The raft makes unpleasant, disurbing noises." instead; if player is in lode and clam is in lode: say "You hear the clam snapping." instead; if player is in freight: try examining the pale plea instead; if player is in boredom: say "The dead air inspires no rad idea." instead; if old giant is in lalaland and player is in Same Mesa: say "Nice to have silence with the giant gone." instead; if tokers are visible and nestor is visible: say "[if nestor is visible]Conversation from the tokers you don't want to listen TOO closely to[else]The tokers bemoan their lost friend[end if]." instead; if nestor is visible: say "Nestor periodically mumbles about his lost buddies." instead; if player is in clearing: if mango is off-stage: say "Selly yells. [randbla] Amidst the hustle and haggling, a small voice is saying, 'Go, man!' You see red as it begins to nag mo[']. Where? How?" instead; else: say "Selly yells. [randbla][paragraph break]" instead; if lecturer is visible: say "You're hearing enough without trying, sadly." instead; if e-s is visible: say "A roar of angry undefinable words swirls from the, er, spot." instead; if rifle is visible: say "Awkward silence, what with Elmo holding that rifle." instead; if player is in rustic citrus: [others] if pagers are visible: say "Annoying, low-tech beeping. Sounds like--well--pagers. You don't have the patience to find them all, though." instead; if barren cries are visible: say "Barren cries sift through the winds. You wonder if fruits have an feelings, or an afterlife." instead; say "You quieted the pagers and barren cries." instead; if player is in dusty study: if dusty study is not lit: say "Nobody's going to whisper a hint to you in the dark." instead; say "[if Gunter is in lalaland][randbla][else]Nothing, except... (knock, knock, knock.)[end if]" instead; if babblings are visible: [troves] try examining babblings instead; if player is in Used Lot: unless what-a-bee is reflexive and bee's head is reflexive: say "Someone helping someone else find their way around. 'How to get there? [one of]I'd veer...'[or]Eve, rid...'[or]Vie, Red!'[in random order] You see red a bit at getting no direct help, yourself." instead; if player is in rathole or player is in used lot: say "[if talk-quiet is false]You shut off the random gritty dialogue with HUSH[else]Actually, you can't help but hear gritty dialogue[end if]." instead; if player is in rotunda or player is in econ cone: say "[if talk-quiet is false]You shut off the random posh dialogue with HUSH[else]Actually, you can't help but hear posh dialogue[end if]. Anyway, no more badgering beggar din." instead; if noise is visible: say "No escaping the noise. Someone's knocking to get in." instead; if playbill is visible: say "No escaping the song." instead; if carps are visible: [oyster] say "You can't help but listen to the carps['] and pikes['] immature, nasty jibes." instead; if eeks are visible: say "You hear eeks. Arcing caring. Weeps sweep. 'Eek! Eek! Eek!'" instead; if aunt tuna is visible: say "Aunt Tuna is humming something tuneless as she goes about her business." instead; if location of player is Posh Hops Shop: say "[if tunes are reflexed]Silence. Awkward silence. An occasional cough.[otherwise]The jukebox notches technos (though a mere six remixes) with an anti-bore iron beat. Rap is par, too.[end if]" instead; if the-b is visible: [routes] say "[one of]You hear people crying 'The Bean has landed!'[or]'If the bean was a hat, our hero would be a HAT-BEEN.' You see red at the pun.[or]'Ban THEE then, [a-b]!' cries someone.[or]'How do we pull him/her/it without?' / 'Uh, tow it?'[stopping]" instead; if player is in cleric circle: say "Ol' Peg's Gospel is singing Our Spire Superior. Or Uh, Peter, Here Put the Pure Up There." instead; if old giant is visible: say "Those [i]tirades[r] from the giant. [if bench-end is reflexive][one of]Though he gets staider.[or]'Dear, it's...' he trails off.[or]'Sit. Dare!' he commands. 'Rad site! Rest aid!'[or]'I stared...'[or]He gestures to the bench, turning red. 'I'd rest a...'[or]'Die, rats! Rats, die!' he moans, to nobody in particular.[or]'A direst, aridest stare! I'd...'[or]'I stared! I'd stare!'[or]'It's a red...' he says, actually going red.[or]'Drat, [']e is!' cries the giant, turning red.[or]He explains what left Ed astir, turning red.[or]He rues the loss of the bench's side-art, his eyes turning red.[in random order][else if elbow is reflexive]Though his swinging elbow is more dangerous now.[else]All about that book, Rude [']N Nuder.[end if]" instead; if player is in ripe pier: say "Someone calling out they need help to go ABROAD." instead; if player is in Danger Garden: [towers] say "[if bonker is visible]A menacing silence spews from the bonker. Or maybe it's just your imagination[else]Honk, honk.[end if]" instead; if salesmen are visible: say "After hearing the salesmen chat for minutes, you're [i]dreadin['][r] what they'll say next." instead; if player is in Loftier Trefoil: if sir rodney is visible: say "Ugh. Sir Rodney is a dry one, barking out complaints." instead; say "Nobody has anything to say. Perhaps the fear remains." instead; [code should not be reached] if natives are visible: say "The too-pleasant sounds of the campsite are drowned out by the natives['] babble."; try objasking natives about natives instead; if player is in bran barn: [otters] say "You hear morose mooers you can't see." instead; if Ed Riley is visible: say "Ed Riley doesn't seem to make any noise. He just blocks you west." instead; if macks are visible: say "Ick, man. Mackin[']. You really don't want to pay attention to the details, but you get the general impression." instead; if whiners are visible: say "The volume and speed they're at, the actual words don't matter. You need to bite the men's style somehow." instead; if sly imp is visible: say "You think you hear him saying something mean, and you're upset you might've, and you're upset he didn't. He's just being too subtle right now for you to think clearly." instead; if player is in Inclosure: say "Elvira's laughter still seems to echo, with a creator reactor in the distance, and an occasional shrike shriek, and an ominous BEWARE: WAR BEE." instead; if player is in stable or player is in Basement: say "Merciful quiet, for the moment." instead; if player is in shack: say "Classic techno music from the Baleets: 'Be Stale.'" instead; if player is in FiefCo Office: say "[if noise is in office]You can't help but hear the knocking. Which prevents you working on your big new REGION[else if salt is in lalaland][one of]You listen closely to 'I'd Cede.' But you see red at the memory of Eddie C.[']s followup, a vapid rehash, I Ceded[or]Oh man, that part that gets your eyes watery is up next[or]The song's chorus. Five notes. C, D, E, D, E... 'I...' just right to get your eyes red. There's just a little more[or]Three notes: E, C, E, '...did.' It gets you. You know your eyes are red now. Boy[cycling][else]. White noise, it is on. Whee[end if]." instead; say "The air! Hear it! Silent." instead; book smelling before smelling (this is the you can smell some stuff some places rule): if player is in study and study is dark: [manor] say "That worked in Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but not here. That'd be copy-catting." instead; if player is in study and Gunter is in lalaland: say "Bean soup. Subpoena is near." instead; if player is in strip: [stores] if oyster is in strip: say "Seawater scents from Store Y." instead; if roved is true and hoster is visible: say "A mix of nice smells from the hoster where Store H was." instead; if player is in stable: say "Thankfully, you cleaned the tables before flipping them, so you smell no table scrap." instead; if lecturer is visible: say "It smells depressingly antiseptic here." instead; if tokers are visible: say "You smell something sweetish coming from the tokers I can't quite describe because, well, -ahem-. I'm for the right to do that sort of thing, on principle, but I don't." instead; if player is in adobe abode: [routes] say "The lingering pipe smoke that made the soot is actually agreeable. The ashtray itself doesn't smell especially strong[if pipe soot is in abode], so the pipe soot probably won't burn your hands if you can take it[end if]." instead; if player is in ripe pier: say "It smells of adventure and going [i]abroad[r]--or, at least, a bit away from the brackish, salty whiffs of trash." instead; if seed pit is visible: say "The seed pit smells a bit musty." instead; if player is in Loather Rathole or player is in Used Lot: [troves] say "Eew-gas sewage. Skint-stink." instead; if player is in boredom bedroom: say "Ew--mild mildew. A mustier semi-rut." instead; if player is in Dour Tan Rotunda or player is in skyscraper or player is in FiefCo Office: say "Perfumed. Dump-free." instead; if mrlp is presto: [presto] say "[if cur-score of presto is 0]Things turn to ash in your nose[else]You don't smell anything that'd make you say what you've needed to say in this area, which is a good thing[end if]." instead; if location of player is a mazeroom: say "'You smell a gefilte and think 'get a life.'" instead; if player is in shack and casserole is in shack: say "That casserole doesn't smell very good, but it's not toxic." instead; if player is in Posh Hops Shop: [oyster] say "You catch a whiff of some mokes['] smoke." instead; if player is in Hero's shore: say "Say, spare sea spray." instead; if player is in Achers' Arches: say "Sea rind." instead; if rude door is visible: say "A rued odor from the rude door." instead; if aunt tuna is visible: say "Antiseptic spice taint." instead; if player is in collapsed: say "This situation only stinks in general, not literally." instead; if player is in Den Loft: say "Old heat. Loathed hot lead." instead; if deacons are visible: [towers] say "The deacons wrinkle their noses back, hostile." instead; if ingrates are visible: say "Nitre gas. Or niter gas. You forget how it's spelled, and trying to remember makes you see red either way." instead; if leak lake is visible: say "The overwhelming smell of kale is not offensive, but you'd like to get by it." instead; if player is in solo den: say "Noodles so olden." instead; if player is in campiest campsite: say "[one of]You smell something generically nice and say 'Ahhhh! Nature!' a bit too loud. Ugg. You won't do that again.[or]You wonder to yourself if that's tarragon or rosemary or perhaps a hint of lavender... no, no, no.[or]I ran out of stupid jokes for this. Get on with the game, here.[stopping]"; if salesmen are not visible: do nothing instead; if salesmen are visible: say "[if player is in campsite]Also, t[else]T[end if]he salesmen smell of Rind-Ade, the energy drink for people with more boisterous professions. It's the red stuff." instead; if deli rye is visible or noun is deli rye: [otters] say "The deli rye smells good, but Ed won't share." instead; if player is in fro: say "You can [if macks are visible]still [end if]smell the macks['] Cool-Gen Cologne, from that coy-hued bottle." instead; if player is in alcoves: say "A clove, likely from one alcove." instead; if player is in loop pool: say "Salt Water. Wet, astral." instead; if player is in Inclosure: say "Vast vats['] sulfinyl reek clearly eliminates all hope of silly fun." instead; if player is in rustic or player is in clangier: if slime is visible: say "The slime actually smells...nice, like dishwashing detergent." instead; say "Smells, savory, vary so." instead; if player is in filed field: say "A smell of many fruits." instead; say "Aroma-o-rama? Nothing's [i]tons[r] nigh." instead; book taking instead of taking a person: if noun is the player: say "I'm the only one who gets to be self-referential, here. Got it? Good." instead; if noun is the macks: say "They're the pick-up artists, here." instead; if noun is Gretta: say "You might be worse at picking Gretta up than the macks." instead; say "Lifting [if noun is plural-named]people[else]a person[end if] or something [if noun is plural-named]people[else]person[end if]-sized is too heavy for your superpowers. Even if your name happens to be Kate." book examining does the player mean examining a direction: it is very unlikely. does the player mean entering a direction: it is very unlikely. before examining (this is the mark as examined rule): if noun is inside: say "You need to specify the object you wish to look inside. You can also probably just X/EXAMINE it." instead; if noun is a direction: say "Looking in directions isn't supported in this game. Best to go where you want to look, or if a building is to the north, say X BUILDING instead." instead; if noun is not a thing: say "Try examining less abstract things instead." instead; if the noun provides the property examined: now noun is examined; after examining: if noun is readable: now last-read is noun; continue the action; book tying it to check tying it to (this is the keyboard and key rule) : if noun is second noun: say "Tautology? Got ya, lout!" instead; if noun is hard drive: try tying second noun to noun instead; if second noun is caps lock: try tying second noun to noun instead; if noun is caps lock and second noun is keyboard: if caps lock is not part of the keyboard: say "'Pokey Key-op? Yep. Ok.' you say as you fit it in. No more in-caps panics."; now caps lock is part of the keyboard instead; book waving instead of waving: say "A view! I wave!" instead; book swearing instead of swearing obscenely: if mrlp is presto: if cur-score of presto is 0: say "That's too strong for here. But you have the right idea." instead; if hacks' shack is visited: say "There's no place for swearing now you've gotten to the hacks['] shack." instead; if plebe is visible: say "The plebe perks his ears up, but you didn't get enough oomph on that profanity. Maybe you should use a more general one--or one the plebe isn't expecting." instead; if hogs are visible: say "The hogs snicker at HOW you said that swear. They're the sort that get fazed by lame swears." instead; say "No, that's too strong for here. You've been doing quite well with the tame stuff." instead; if player is in sand home: say "You don't want Aunt Tuna to perform a tsk task." instead; if location of player is cleric circle: if curse-warned is false: now curse-warned is true; say "Only, uh, unholy. You can curse anywhere else except here without repercussion" instead; say "A voice booms CRUDE? CURED! as you feel a rage-slice for your sacrilege."; get-dead; if player is in cripple clipper: say "Siphon no pish on-ship." instead; otherwise: say "[randbla][line break]"; to say deth: let temp be a random number from 1 to number of rows in table of death messages; say "[blurb in row temp of table of death messages]"; curse-warned is a truth state that varies. to say om: say "[if Rand is off-stage and dart is off-stage]one or two mild swears[else]one more mild swear[end if]"; instead of swearing mildly: if mrlp is presto: if hogs are visible: say "The hogs groan, as if to say, don't try that again. Maybe another lame swear will set them off." instead; say "[if dart is off-stage or Rand is off-stage]Well, maybe [om] would work here.[else if plebe is visible]The plebe tries hard not to snicker.[otherwise]You had your chance for a swear. And you took it. Yay, you.[end if]" instead; try swearing obscenely instead; understand "bastard" as swearing mildly. pointing it at is an action applying to two things. understand the command "point [something] at [something]" as something new. understand "point [something] at [something]" as pointing it at. does the player mean pointing the settler at: it is very likely. does the player mean pointing the settler at the player: it is very likely. point-warn is a truth state that varies. carry out pointing it at: if noun is not settler: say "You can really only point [if player has settler]the settler[else]one thing[end if] at other objects." instead; if noun is patcher: try zaping second noun instead; if point-warn is false: ital-say "it's much easier to SCAN objects instead."; now point-warn is true; try scaning second noun instead; book scaning [* bscanned is both-scanned, escanned is either-scanned] scaning is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "scan [something]" as something new. understand the command "scan [something]" as something new. understand "scan [something]" as scaning. does the player mean scaning the player: it is unlikely. troves-scan is a truth state that varies. a thing can be cscanned. a thing is usually not cscanned. a thing can be ncscanned. a thing is usually not ncscanned. definition: a thing (called scanee) is bscanned: unless scanee is cscanned, no; unless scanee is ncscanned, no; yes. definition: a thing (called scanee) is escanned: if scanee is cscanned, yes; if scanee is ncscanned, yes; no. before scaning (this is the check as scanned if player can have/take settler rule) : if mrlp is dome: say "Old habits die hard! Relax and observe. You don't need to do solve any puzzles here." instead; if player does not have letters settler: if settler is visible: silently try taking the letters settler; if player does not have letters settler: say "You have no scanning item[if player is not in study], and you should, unless this is a test, so this could be a BUG[else if latches is off-stage]. You probably should answer the door first[else if settler is off-stage]. Maybe figure what to do with those latches[else]. This looks like a BUG, since you should keep the settler all game[end if]." instead; if noun is not a direction: if cheat-on is true: now noun is cscanned; else: now noun is ncscanned; else: say "The letters settler isn't THAT long-range." instead; before scaning (this is the troves smart alecky rule): if Map region of location of the player is troves: if troves-scan is false: say "You're a bit worried this scanning shouldn't work here, since it is all about you. but then you realize you are just utilizing and leveraging proprietary technology, and that makes you feel like more of a go-getter.[line break]"; now troves-scan is true; first-good-scan is a truth state that varies. to oscan (scanee - a thing): now scanee is ncscanned; now scanee is cscanned; carry out scaning: if mrlp is demo dome: say "Questing time is over. No need." instead; if noun is big l or noun is big-let: say "Nothing happens. It's probably some sort of hint or guide in itself, not something you need to mess with." instead; if noun is player: say "According to your cutting-edge blend of magic and technology, you are either perfect as you are, or too boring to change anything else." instead; if noun is letters settler: say "The settler is not flexible, despite its flexible options. But it would show [full-monty of settler] if it were." instead; if a-text of noun is "": say "The letters settler registers nothing." instead; if first-good-scan is false: now first-good-scan is true; say "[one of]Ta-da! Data (a tad.) [or]Ta-dum! Datum! [at random]It's not an odd DOA doodad! [if mrlp is manor]You recall writing in your notepad about your tagged gadget from your first adventure and how it helped you determine what you needed to change an object to. But the settler has new colors. You'll need to find what they're for.[paragraph break][end if]"; ital-say "NOTE: if your interpreter supports Glulx, see the top for a graphical representation of the colorings. You can also type SPACE ON or SON to space out the text if you are visually impaired, or NO SPACE or NOS to lump the text back. Also, LA repeats what you scanned last, if the window on top does not show it."; pad-rec-q "la"; pad-rec-q "spaces"; if noun is not the player: now last-scanned-thing is noun; say "Your settler registers [full-monty of noun]."; repeat through table of aftertexts: [ if noun is an xtradesc in table of aftertexts: ?! doesn't work] if noun is xtradesc entry: choose row with a xtradesc of noun in table of aftertexts; if bothscan entry is true: now noun is ncscanned; now noun is cscanned; if b-only entry is false or cheat-on is true: [if cheat is off and it's b-text only clue, ignore.] if clue-only-once entry is false or clued-yet entry is false: [special clued-once text ignored] now clued-yet entry is true; say "[line break][xtratext entry][line break]"; the rule succeeds; the rule succeeds; chapter scaning air [?! how to bother scaning air ] check scaning heat: say "You look for a clue how to race..."; check scaning cold: say "You look for a clue how to make some heat..." bogus-plains is an undesc. a-text of bogus-plains is "RRRYYR". b-text of bogus-plains is "RRRY??". check scaning air (this is the air scan based on room rule) : [?! possible to define air based on where it is e.g. a-text/b-text for mango/voltmaze but silly] if location is Sun-Spared Underpass: [start routes] if darkness is visible: try scaning darkness instead; if the-b is visible: try scaning the-b instead; if location of player is Cripple Clipper: if ship controls are reflexive: say "You scan, trying to find [one of]where the hit win button is, and you get [hit-win][or]where Ben hid the button, and you get [ben-hid][in random order]." instead; if location of player is Loather Rathole: [start troves] if cold is visible: try scaning cold instead; if heat is visible: try scaning heat instead; if location of player is Econ Cone: if pernod is visible: try scaning pernod instead; if rivets are reflexive and prai is reflexive: if rivets-first is true: say "The rivets have a weird magnetic pull to them. As if there's brain waves in there pulling you towards it so it can tell you what to do."; try scaning rivets instead; else: say "The PRAISE text seems to pull your settler to it."; try scaning prai instead; if cellar door is visible: try scaning cellar door instead; if location of player is boredom bedroom: if diapers are reflexive: say "Whoah, yeah, you're pretty bummed here! You're even too bummed to POINT a handy device like the settler at anything specific. Now THAT'S bummed." instead; if location of player is Used Lot: if verbose is visible: try scaning verbose instead; if what-a-bee is reflexive and bee's head is reflexive: say "That bee is all up in your face. So you sort of scan it by default."; try scaning what-a-bee instead; if location of player is FiefCo Office: if noise is in office: say "The settler seems to pulse with the noise's volume."; try scaning noise instead; if salt is not visible: try scaning song instead; if stream is reflexed or lobster is in lalaland: try scaning salt instead; if location of player is hacks' shack and compiled code is visible: [start presto] say "As you contemplate further how to budge the code, your wave your settler at it."; try scaning compiled code instead; if lar is visible: try scaning lar instead; if volt maze is visible: try scaning volt maze instead; if player is in a mazeroom: say "The air scans [full-monty of volt maze]." instead; if location of player is Posh Hops Shop: [start oyster] say "The settler points towards the door and the trolls."; try scaning trolls instead; if player is in freight: try scaning pale plea instead; if player is in lean lane: say "The air's full of eeks, which your settler picks up." instead; try scaning eeks instead; if player is in plains: if splained is false: say "[full-monty of bogus-plains]" instead; if location of player is bleary barley and b-b is reflexive: [start otters] try scaning b-b instead; if location of player is clangier: [start others] if mango is off-stage: say "As you listen to the crowds, you notice [full-monty of dummy-mango] on your settler." instead; if player is in swell wells: if sorer bogey is visible: try scaning sorer bogey instead; say "You can't find anything specific to scan, and nothing shows up on your settler." instead; to say hit-win: [?! bad idea for spacing] say "[if cheat-on is true]RGPRGR[else]RYRRYP[end if]" to say ben-hid: say "[if cheat-on is true]PGRYRP[else]RYRYRR[end if]" volume big lumpy rules chapter going check going nowhere (this is the towers-mis-go rule): if mrlp is towers: if noun is inside or noun is outside: say "You can't go in, here." instead; if cliff is visible: say "The cliff is in the way. There's no way to climb it--the scope in the copse [if spec-o-scope is unexamined]may point where you need to go[else]didn't indicate you needed to[end if]." instead; if shoals are visible: say "Even if you were a swim swami, you'd wind up aslosh on the shoals." instead; upwarned is a truth state that varies. check going nowhere (this is the spam can't go that way rule) : if upwarned is false: if noun is up or noun is down: say "You can't go that way[if mrlp is demo dome and player is not in sparse spares], though Sparse Spares is a room away and down[else]. In fact, you almost never have to go up or down in this game[end if]."; now upwarned is true instead; repeat through table of nowheres: if theloc entry is location of player: say "[thereject entry][line break]" instead; if number of viable directions is 0: say "You can't go that way--in fact, you can't go any way here. This is a sort of puzzle room." instead; else if number of viable directions is 1: say "You can only go [if room noun of location of player is visited]back [end if][list of viable directions] here." instead; else: say "You can go [list of viable directions] here." instead; if noun is outside: say "Exiting is ambiguous--if there's only one direction, you'll take it, but otherwise, the cardinal directions usually work better." instead; table of nowheres [tnw] theloc thereject Basement "You can probably go back up, or you can go in if you're ready to face what's beyond." stable "No time for mooching around the manor. You probably need to take [if sitar is visible]a[else]that[end if] secret passage in, or down." highest heights "You can go back IN to the study, though you don't need to, or you could try [if ramp is visible]to get the pram out of the way[else]going DOWN the ramp[end if]." Strip of Profits "Why run off for fun? See [if number of visible portals is 0]what one of those stores can become[else]what's in one of those portals[end if] instead." [manor] Cruelest Lectures "The trumped-up charges and the teleological lectures have totally conked your sense of direction. You can, however, TRY to go outside." Lost Lots "Outback. You back out." Ripe Pier "You've lost all sense of direction here, but you need to figure how to get on that boat." [routes] Sun-Spared Underpass "Far into A rift? No. You can't [if darkness is visible]see far enough to [end if]rely on directions, here[if darkness is visible]. You just need to find No-Gal Logan[end if]." Cripple Clipper "[if noun is inside or noun is down]Locked ol['] deck. No bowel on below.[else]Drowning ails or roils a sailor.[end if]" Idle Deli "Nowhere to go but out. Yup, not only does this restaurant lack ambiance, but it also lacks washrooms." Adobe Abode "This do be a one-room place. You can really only go outside." Loather Rathole "[if cold is reflexive]You're too cold. While haste heats, the new random direction would offer no more [i]heat[r] than here.[else]You've got to race after that guy, but you wonder if it really matters.[end if]" [troves] Used Lot "[if noun is down]Yes, the cellar is down, but you can't remember WHERE the passage down to the cellar is.[else if post is reflexed]You haven't figured a way to get to the cellar, man. Running away won't help.[else]You can't run from this big fight now that you've traced the robber![end if]" Boredom Bedroom "You need to look at something that would inspire you to move, instead." Dour Tan Rotunda "You are definitely going places, but you aren't going places by actually WALKING. Perhaps if you meditate on that brochure." Econ Cone "That could lead to ransom manors." FiefCo Office "You're at the very top. You don't really want to change that without really good motivation." Burnt Brunt "East or west would be an alpinist tailspin ('CHARGE! Eh, crag.') Try north or south, instead." [presto] Dirge Ridge "The vile veil seems to almost repel a leaper except where it opens to the north. Note if it were an evil veil, it would probably pull you down the side of the ridge. Lucky you!" Austerer Treasure "The treasure room has no secret passages--so you can only go back east." Marines Seminar "The camo-coma fields are just obvious enough to anyone paying attention, for legal reasons. Plus, either you are awake enough to see them, or you get too tired to walk into the center. West is the only way out." Posh Hops Shop "[if noun is not outside]You just got here, so direction means nothing. So you can only really go out, but those trolls will just coax you back inside. Unless you can out-cool them[else if silly-acts is 3]You try to make a dash, but you're not smooth enough. The trolls hold you back and ask you to explain yourself[else if silly-acts is 2]You start a bit too herky-jerky towards the exit. 'Forego, goofer,' says one of the trolls. 'You too good for this place?' Nonchalance is required here[else if silly-acts is 1]The trolls glare at you--they know you've been disruptive--but they've seen worse and are still blocking the way out[else if silly-acts is 0]The trolls are blocking you from going out. You'll have to exit the Posh Hops Shop more smoothly[else]BUG--you annoyed people too much. You should've gotten killed. Please let me know how you did this[end if]." Lean Lane "You can only go back west, or you would risk running into a mesh crab chambers or a crab crib full of bric-a-brac." [oyster] Handsome Sand Home "Though you are a guest, probably best not to go poking around. You can go back west." Lapsin' Plains "You can only go back south, or[if door-sux is false], once you defeat the door,[end if] inside." Achers' Arches "You can only go north to the Hedron[if sardine is in arches], once the sardine is gone,[end if] or east back to Anger Range." Hedron "The main exit is south, though some enclosed place is west, too. It'd be a tougher hedron to guard if it had lots of exits. Well, you can also go IN to the [if a-p is visible]portal[else]ol['] trap once you disarm it[end if][if walleyes are visible], though you probably don't need the walleyes watching you try[end if]." Tenfold "While you can go back outside, you can just finish things here[unless-max]." Loftier Trefoil "[if rodney is visible]One look from Rodney, and you stay put[else]Taverns are generally meant to make you forget compass directions, among other things. You probably just want to go out[end if]." [towers] Topside Deposit "The badlands are too dangerous any way but[if scope copse is visited] back[end if] north[if Ray Eck is visible], and Ray Eck's in the way right now[end if]." Campsite "Oh! This is such a nice place! But other than back east, all ways are perilous! Perilous!" Coastlines "You can't get across Leak Lake without some sort of craft[if jetskis are visible], like the jetskis, which Dirk will let you take[end if]." Outer Route "The route can't lead anywhere good. Or at least anywhere nearer the castle." Lost Lots "Going anywhere but north would get you really...lost." Subsector "If you could go any way other than back west, the subsector wouldn't be obscurest, now." Shaven Havens "Any direction but back east might drive you too far from the palace." Alcoves "You sway to the side, not ready to face the menace to the west." [otters] Loop Pool "The pool is wide and long. You can only go back south." Reclusion Inclosure "Even without the raw-bulk bulwark that way, Elvira wouldn't let you anywhere into her private chambers. Neither will her creations. Maybe you can sneak back east." Rustic Citrus "[unless player has compass]You try to go north by not going north, but everywhere's a border, arbored[else if swell wells are unvisited]That's not north, according to your compass[else]You can only go back north to the wells[end if]." [others] filed field "[if b-w are visible and noun is west]The barriers west block you. Maybe you can get rid of them.[else]With all the foilage foliage and [if-fence], the only way to say I fled is to go back east.[end if]" Scape Space "The scape space is pretty sparse. No spare rooms, restrooms, anything. You can only go back up." to say if-fence: say "[if ppf is visible]the pipe panel fence too[else]even without the fence[end if]" to say unless-max: let my-tot be poss-score of oyster - cur-score of oyster; if lever is reflexive: decrement my-tot; if dialer is reflexive: decrement my-tot; if d2 is reflexive: decrement my-tot; say "[if my-tot is 0], and you've done everything else[else], or maybe you can look around to get more points[end if]"; volume urgent Gunter Urgent Gunter is a terse person. "Urgent Gunter is here, but you shouldn't be seeing this text, so that's a bug. [bug-report]" description of Gunter is "He actually looks a bit worried, for once. Usually, his smile is just a little too wide, but you miss that now." the litany of Urgent Gunter is the table of Gunter comments. okay-thats-it is a number that varies. diorama-flip is a truth state that varies. tried-flip is a truth state that varies. to decide what number is stuff-found: let mytemp be 0; if gunter is in lalaland, decide on 3; if thinko is true, increase mytemp by 2; if sad ads are examined, increment mytemp; if player has pedanto-notepad, increment mytemp; if notice is examined, increment mytemp; if bookshelf is examined, increment mytemp; if diorama-flip is true, increment mytemp; if tried-flip is true, increment mytemp; if pad-consult is true, increment mytemp; if mytemp >= 3: now mytemp is 3; decide on mytemp; decide on mytemp. every turn when location of player is dusty study and stuff-found >= 3 (this is the Gunter Knocks rule): if urgent Gunter is off-stage: increment okay-thats-it; if okay-thats-it is 6: say "You're sick of the knocking, so you just answer the door, already."; try opening side door instead; say "[one of]Whoah! Bangish bashing at the door[it-door]![or]The bangish bashing continues.[stopping]"; to say it-door: set the pronoun it to the side door; volume intro book Dusty Study to say tables-beams: if tables are in study: say "[if tables are in study]tables (the spreadsheety kind) on one wall[else]a way OUT where the tables were[end if], and [if t-b are in study]beams on another wall[else]a way down where those beams were[end if]"; Dusty Study is an innie room in Roman Manor. "[one of]Your study's not very sophisticated, but it's you. That doesn't mean you're not very sophisticated. But you were sophisticated enough to know that.[paragraph break][or][stopping]It's a bit messy here, with a diorama hanging down. There's a bookshelf way too large to move, [tables-beams]. A rich chair [if pedanto-notepad is on rich chair]holds your pedanto-notepad[else]is here, too, holding some sad ads[end if][if thinko is false and gunter is off-stage]. It's a good place to just THINK[end if][if Gunter is in lalaland]. After your sleep, you remember you built some secret passages[end if][if gunter is in lalaland]. You'll want to take them[else]. You came in through your super-secret side door, and you don't feel like going back out, yet.[end if][if bean-smell is true][paragraph break]You smell something, and you hear something, too. Probably from outside, but you don't want to go out there.[end if]" rule for printing the name of a dark room: say "No light-glint, oh!" rule for printing the description of a dark room: say "[one of]You can't see much. You're pretty sure you forgot to replace the bulb on a usual light source, so you'll need something else.[or]Still, no light source.[stopping]" the player is in Dusty Study. a rich chair is useless scenery in Dusty Study. "You thought you preferred a recliner but this is real. Nicer. It guards against cushionless slouchiness. Its backrest is shaped like brackets, and it's from Art Beck's. Small things can get lost in it[if pedanto-notepad is on chair]. Like your pedanto-notepad, just sitting on it[end if][if latches are off-stage]. In fact, it seems a bit lumpy now[end if]." the sad ads are plural-named scenery. "[one of]The ads aren't sad because they're drab but rather because so many people fall for them. And they're not even magically possessed. This is the price of prosperity, and yet... One[or]Another[stopping] ad [hawk-blare]." understand "ad" as sad ads. instead of taking sad ads: say "You're not in the mood for bargains. You can examine them if you like." instead of doing something with the sad ads: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is taking: continue the action; say "There's not much to do with the ads other than reading them."; check examining sad ads for the first time: say "It's impossible to look away...advertising certainly has gotten more prominent since Elvira arrived. She's been so good at saying you need to advertise, and yet--she does not need to. Apparently she is quite a consultant for opposing ad firms."; does the player mean entering the rich chair when Gunter is off-stage: it is very likely. check entering rich chair: if latches are off-stage: try searching rich chair instead; say "You're too restless right now." instead; check searching rich chair: if latches are off-stage: say "Ah, so that's what that lump is. Some latches, from Old Man Almond, who helped you when you first arrived. But what're they good for?"; now player has latches instead; else: say "You find nothing further in the chair." instead; carry out examining rich chair: ignore the examine supporters rule. instead of doing something with chair: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is pushing or current action is pulling or current action is climbing: if niche is visible: say "You don't need to climb the chair--at least, not until you find a way up through the ceiling." instead; else: say "You climb on the chair to go up."; try going up instead; say "[if gunter is in lalaland]The chair can't hide an exit out of here[else]It's nice, but you can't do much with it, and you're too antsy to sit in it[end if]." to say study-blah: if Gunter is in lalaland: say "[if tables are not visible]. You could probably go [b]in[r], to the stable, with the tables gone[otherwise]. Some tables are propped up against a side wall[end if][if t-b is visible]. Some beams on one wall seem worth looking closer at[else]. You also cleared a path [b]down[r] to the basement[end if]" report taking pedanto-notepad: say "Good choice taking the notepad. It'll help you tame lots that's meta, mate."; move-ads instead; to move-ads: now sad ads are in lalaland; say "Taking the pedanto-notepad uncovered some sad ads on the chair."; instead of pushing or pulling or searching or opening or closing bookshelf: say "There's no secret passage behind it. And if there were, you couldn't move it. It's got about [book-est] books, after all." estim is a number that varies. to say book-est: if estim is 0: now estim is number of rows in table of random books; increase estim by a random number between 0 and 99; now estim is estim / 100; let base be estim / 10; let rema be the remainder after dividing estim by 10; if base > 0: say "[base in words] thousand"; if rema > 0: say " [rema in words] hundred"; continue the action; say "[estim in words] hundred or so"; the bookshelf is amusing scenery in dusty study. "[one of]It's engraved READING A DINGER, I GANDER and sturdy enough to withstand any magic transformations. It's far too heavy to move to make a secret passage, what with [book-est] sloven novels (writing and appearance) you just got SENT, somehow, from trailery to literary discouraging infectious fiction use--the titles blur so fast through your mind, the oeuvres overuse--well, YOU know. Story tyros TRY so.[paragraph break]On glancing at some of the more ridiculous pen names, you also remember how FameHints NameShift and Smokiner Monikers were both allegedly a subsidiary of Elvira's MoneyCo. Nothing proven, and the journalist...well, they haven't written anything lately.[paragraph break]One book you won't remember next move is [or]Another book you won't read. [stopping][i][randbla][r]." understand "shelf" and "books" as bookshelf. instead of taking bookshelf: say "[if Gunter is in lalaland]None of the books could really help you[else]You would have trouble choosing just one. You wonder if any are any good[end if]." check exiting in dusty study: try going outside instead; geez-already is a number that varies. every turn when dusty study was not lit and lamp is off-stage (this is the clue lamp rule): if palm is prefigured: increment geez-already; if geez-already is 5: say "You're sick of this stumbling around, so you just flip the palm to a lamp, already."; try fliptoing lamp instead; say "Hm. You didn't need to change that palm to a lamp before, but it might be a good time, now." instead; say "[one of]Usually, in situations like this, you go in for a four-letter word. But an obscene one wouldn't help much here.[or]No use to blub til you produce a lit bulb. Or, better, something that contains one.[or]You need to get light. What's a good plam (sic)?[or]You have ampl (sic) power to change the lamp into something else, you know.[or]You remember changing a toga into a goat before you ever entered Yorpwald. Perhaps the same sort of thing would work here.[or]You remember how a school cafeteria cashier named Pam L. used to light up everyone's day. Well, halfway.[or]There are only 20 possibilities for what the lamp can change into, minus the clues I've already given.[or]Getting lampshady about your special power has made me feel shady.[or]Oh, for a Light Activating Movable Paraphernalia![stopping]" before going nowhere in dusty study: if study is not lit: say "You can't really go much of anywhere. You remember secret passages in this study, but you'd probably stumble into that [i]palm[r] first in the dark." instead; if Gunter is off-stage: say "[if stuff-found is 3]You shouldn't just run away when someone is knocking[else]You're just in the mood for quiet time, now, just looking around[end if]." instead; if noun is down: say "[if Gunter is off-stage]Yeah...you do have somewhere to hide., but no full excuse, yet[else]There's a room below. What's it called, again? Boy[end if]." instead; if noun is outside: say "You don't want to go outside, and you don't want to walk around where you might be seen[if Gunter is in lalaland], especially after that chat with Gunter[end if]." instead; say "You always lose all sense of direction in your study. You generally just think of it as a place you can go into or out of. There [if t-b are visible]may be[else]is[end if] a passage down, too. Hard to forget how down works[if niche is visible]. Maybe there's something above, too[else]. You can also shimmy [b]UP[r][end if]." instead; Rule for printing the description of a dark room (this is the dusty study rule): if location of player is dusty study: say "Man, you're still trying to get your bearings. You probably can't go stumbling around--you'd poke your eye on that palm, or something. Wouldn't be bright." instead; the giant pin is a semi-easy LLPish thing in Dusty Study. "A giant pin (bowling) hangs on the wall here.". description is "Man, it's a giant pin. Cardboard, too. It's never managed to bowl or blow over any guests despite being surprisingly artsy." instead of pushing or pulling giant pin: say "It won't budge. It's too thin to hide a way out, too."; understand "nip" as a mistake ("Maybe if it weren't a giant pin. Well, giant enough to hide a wall safe.") a-text of giant pin is "RYYRRYRR". b-text of giant pin is "RYYPPYRR". instead of taking giant pin: say "That'd be dreadfully impractical. It's too [i]giant[r] a t'ing."; the abstract painting is a useless LLPish undesc. "That painting you changed from a giant pin hangs here." instead of doing something with abstract painting when abstract painting is visible: if current action is taking or searching or attacking: say "It's a false law there has to be a wall safe behind it. Besides, [if Gunter is off-stage]the person knocking might see what you're doing[else]you got enough goodies so far[end if]. You remember it was sort of based on parts of your manor." instead; unless action is procedural: say "The painting's really just there to be observed. Like most art." instead; say "The painting gives no pure-art rapture, though you muse 'Quite an antique. I put it up.' and notice a place where horses are kept, a roof with smoke rising, and a downstairs living place. It's not exactly worth looking at in detail, but it's just good to know it's there."; propaganda is a kind of thing. propaganda is usually amusing. the dope op-ed is propaganda. "That 'dope' op-ed Gunter threw at you landed here. It's a lot longer than your usual op-ed, probably terribly overwritten, but possible to enjoy if you like that sort of thing.". description is "The dope op-ed is broken into several pages. It's by Elvira, and it's apparently tackling you on your own ground. The pages are labeled nitro-intro, questin['] inquest, MoneyCo and Economy, Shatter-Threats, [if player is male]I Trash His Art[else]Her Arts Er Trash[end if], and By Li'l Billy." understand "pedo" as a mistake ("[one of]Yep. It's probably part of Elvira's reject-and-retreat, insinuating something without proving it. One of her 'clever' games[or]Don't dwell on it. It's lies[stopping].") when player is in study and op-ed is in study. the Nitro Intro page is propaganda. it is part of the dope op-ed. the printed name of nitro intro is "Nitro-Intro page". description of nitro intro page is "Elvira lays out that she is clearly aliver in her introduction, where she will beat you at your own game.[paragraph break]She notes how Penal Panel--panel IX--explain the Porter Report--the questin['] inquest on your life file. The media aimed you with RELATED! ALERTED! REQUIRES QUERIERS. Governor Ron Grove found taint--a tint. Ties to the Postage Gestapo. Recommended a deport-o-torpedo. Senator Ron East said can't snore at treason.[paragraph break]No hot-plate hate plot on! Elvira is dedicated to making Yorpwald safe, not just from outside forces, but from the influx of silly old anagrams and the LIKELY PERSON BEHIND THEM--a certain reruns nurser! Someone who resorted to boring old anagrams a computer could crank out.[paragraph break]She also notes she will refrain from calling you the obvious name she COULD in an op-ed, because she has class. But really, oppo = poop." the Questin' Inquest page is propaganda. it is part of the dope op-ed. description of Questin' Inquest is "[one of]It's headed Good deeds? Sodded ego! Elvira lays out how you saved Yorpwald and all. But everyday stuff? You couldn't repair a flat tyre with flattery, make custard out of car dust or spumoni from an ion sump. Or even a cellphone from cellophane.[paragraph break]You pause. That's so contrived. What kind of faker-freak would think that up?[or]It's no less annoying the second time around.[cycling]" understand "questin" and "questin inquest" as inquest. a thing called the MoneyCo and Economy page is propaganda. it is part of the dope op-ed. description of MoneyCo is "Elvira notes Yorpwald's more profitable than ever! What's good for MoneyCo is good for Yorpwald! The motto 'Come Yon, Con Em, Yo!' is a coy omen. If there were fraud, it'd have been found out. But one day MoneyCo will deserve to be MyOneCo! I mean, think about it. Elvira is cool. Money is cool. Elvira deserves money! And of course the Trips Strip deserved to become the Strip of Profits! It rousts tourists! Gets us guests!" The Shatter-Threats page is propaganda. it is part of the dope op-ed. description of Shatter-Threats is "[one of]Elvira notes all political parties have agreed on a do-pry law for Yorpwald. The Swanker Wankers and Ruthless Hustlers and even the fringe Smugger Muggers and Ballsier Liberals. Sporto-troops, rowdies, weirdos gave statements, testaments. It's to fight Evil-Ra, who is everywhere, even if we can't see him, and worse than Ol['] King Jim. We need the Tautest Statute yet. A polished shield-op. Dragnet Granted for Unclear Evils Surveillance. To Finger Fringe so the homeland doesn't become a [d-word] hole, a lamer realm, a stage-one stone age. Everyone's a suspect, including--or especially you. Elvira points out there are only so many nouns LEFT to change, making you a bit useless. But there is a chance you could mess things back up if you were jealous of her popularity.[paragraph break]Besides, it's not like it's the RESTRICT-STRICTER law![paragraph break]There's a bit more.[or]She notes yours was an insecure sinecure. Nice? Sure. But four out of five leading intellectuals, stuffy or non, agree what she has remade should not be reamed. She also notes the law doesn't prevent you from flipping stuff in your own home--just don't get any ideas.[paragraph break]Plus GOOD IDEA has no meaningful anagrams. Worth thinking about![cycling]" The I Trash His Art page is propaganda. The Her Arts Er Trash page is propaganda. description of I Trash His Art is "[artrash]". description of Er Trash is "[artrash]". to say artrash: say "[one of]Elvira offers an apology for not seeing to the heart of the matter about all your anagramming. Oh, sure, she had clever opinions about whether obvious anagrams were better than non-obvious ones, and she changed around, and she's glad people found them interesting, but really, it's kind of nerdy now that your good deeds were DONE. Lots of examples, ahead[or]Elvira lists games that don't make kids or concerned parents happy. Mega Mage Game (e-mag: a gem!) as well as many others: [twiddle of table of lame computer games and 4][paragraph break]She blames you for the games['] technical and aesthetic faults, mainly due to the anagram craze you never quite discouraged[or]Elvira discourses on rap music. 'Rap music is, um, [crap]. Funky? F'n yuk! Pop stars, stop raps!' She lists D.J. JD as even worse than [twiddle of table of bad rappers and 4]Geez! So many horrible 'musicians.' The 'hits,' too[or]Elvira has harsh words for other genres, yet they keep cranking things out! [twiddle of table of lousy hit songs and 5]You...you find yourself agreeing with her, but you never commissioned any of that[or]Elvira ravages the rigidness of music in general. All the latest...hits. Mourning oldies soiled by Chas Cash-Asch and his Sex Rime Remixes, and how SOMEONE with word power (guess who) makes the fliest stifle itself. Though she praises Ariel V's album [i]We Do No Wooden Ode Now[r], she rips the same ol['] lame-os: [twiddle of table of oldies singers and 3][or]Elvira 'begs the question' of who is getting a lot of royalties! Someone probably in a nice cosy hidden manor! She finishes by berating the Klaw Walk and Bungie Beguin as dumb dances[or]Elvira shows little respect for comedians like [twiddle of table of comedians and 1]--that pissant is pants--but also [twiddle of table of comedians and 3] even/especially if they make jokes about you. It is too easy. While those about her fall flat or generally have to paint her in a favorable light[or]Elvira eviscerates dummies['] mediums that produce movies like [twiddle of table of lame movies and 3], but there's the small screen too...[or]They're just unbearable, TV shows like [twiddle of table of lame tv shows and 3]. Even stuff rated g grated--that's the end of THIS article, thankfully[drt][or]No. Really. You don't want to read it again. She always seems to know which way the wind is blowing, then she blames you for it[stopping].[no line break]" dope-read is a truth state that varies. to say drt: now dope-read is true; The By Li'l Billy page is propaganda. it is part of the dope op-ed. description of Billy page is "Next to no text. Gross caricatures of you, by Li'l Billy, in the Tenure Tureen: NEUTER! Deserve Severed!, or Elvira as archon and you as anchor. Re: tha heart-hater. MESSIAH AMISS, HE IS? SHAME!!!" instead of doing something with propaganda: if current action is taking: say "You don't need to take that blunt-lie bulletin, or any part of it. You don't need to take the insults therein, either, unless you really want to." instead; if current action is examining or reading or objhinting: continue the action; if current action is scaning: say "Err, yeah, scanning is MUCH better than close reading in this case.[paragraph break]Oh, wait, you meant with the settler? Nothing shows up." instead; say "The propaganda's not good for much other than reading. It's not really good for reading, either." instead; dope-idx is a number that varies. after fliptoing when player is in dusty study (this is the more min points in study rule) : if noun is t-b: now basement-backpedal is false; if tables are in lalaland or niche is in lalaland: d "Min point for tables or niche."; min-up; [already have way out of study] if sitar is in lalaland or pram is in lalaland: d "Min point for [if sitar is in lalaland]sitar [end if][if pram is in lalaland]pram [end if]."; min-up; [already have way out of study] else if noun is chimney: if t-b is in lalaland or niche is in lalaland: min-up; else if noun is tables: if t-b is in lalaland or niche is in lalaland: min-up; continue the action; after fliptoing ramp (this is the check ramp min-up rule) : if tables are in lalaland and sitar is in lalaland: min-up; else if t-b is in lalaland: min-up; [check if passage is made via beams or stable->stair] continue the action; after fliptoing sitar (this is the check sitar min-up and exits rule) : now Basement is mapped below stable; if the room below study is nothing: now study is mapped above Basement; if t-b is in lalaland: min-up; else if niche is in lalaland and pram is in lalaland: min-up; [check if passage is made via beams or chimney->pram] continue the action; chapter side door the semi-secret side door is scenery in Dusty Study. answer-warn is a truth state that varies. check answering: if answer-warn is false: now answer-warn is true; say "This game generally uses ASK X ABOUT Y instead, unless you are in a conversation with numbered choices[if haunter is visible or kid is visible]. However, the X, Y syntax can work here[end if]." instead; else: try asking noun to try taking inventory instead; does the player mean opening side door: it is very likely. description of semi-secret side door is "[one of]Oh, man, I can't really tell you. It's yours, and it's a secret, and I would've had to, like, violate your property rights to be able to describe it better than you could. Okay, i[or]I[stopping]t's an innocuous door that looks like boring aluminum siding from the outside. It has a peephole, too." the peephole is part of the side door. description is "Starin['] strain... [one of]People? Eh? [or][stopping][if Gunter is in lalaland]Shouty youths outside, chanting something[else if stuff-found < 3]Nobody[else][one of]You see Urgent Gunter behind. He's one of the biggest messengers in Yorpwald. You haven't seen him in a while. He must have something important for you[or]Urgent Gunter is waiting out there. You should probably invite him in[stopping][end if]." instead of searching peephole: try examining peephole instead; check opening side door: if stuff-found < 3: say "You don't feel like going out without a really good reason." instead; if urgent Gunter is off-stage: say "[if peephole is examined]Urgent Gunter charges in[else]It's Urgent Gunter[end if], full of sensible bileness. '[one of]Pallid li'l pad[or]Stodgy sty, dog[at random]! Elvira wants to see you. About your powers. Me and my pouter troupe agree. Me, best messenger in all of Yorpwald. Hey, if you've done nothing wrong--and it seems like you've done NOTHING since all that shuffling around--you have nothing to hide.'"; now urgent Gunter is in Dusty Study; pad-del "rove over"; try talking to urgent Gunter instead; say "A rallies sallier? With snipers pressin[']? Better not." instead; chapter palm and lamp The palm is a thing in Dusty Study. description is "It has spent a lot of time soaking up all that weight is stored in there, to help you one day if you need to break out in the middle of the night or something.". "A palm soaks up sunlight here. For later, maybe." instead of taking the palm: say "It's kind of useless and bulky at the moment."; a-text of palm is "RYRR". b-text of palm is "RGRR". The lamp is a lit thing. description is "It's red-framed, with a slightly off-center (to the left) light that flickers from yellowish to greenish--which seems slightly more illuminating--and back[if settler is not visible]. Odd colors. You haven't seen anything like them[else]. Hmm. where've you just seen colors like that, now[end if]." understand "palm" as a mistake ("Maybe you could, but you will need the light. You won't need the landscaping.") when lamp is visible check switching on lamp: say "It already is. It will last as long as you need it." instead; check switching off lamp: say "You may still need the lamp's light a bit." instead; chapter latches The latches are a plural-named super-easy thing. "Some latches--the sort you lock a door with--are jumbled together here." instead of opening the latches: if treatise is off-stage: say "(fumbling and seeing a prepared red paper fall out, which you take)"; now player has treatise; say "You can't figure how to open them. The latches are a Gordian knot, and you probably mix up where to start or end, but maybe the red paper has more information on what to do."; understand "chalets" as a mistake ("You don't need a safe home, right now. You need adventure[if latches are visible]. Oh, and you don't have to switch that many letters, either[end if].") when latches are visible or satchel is visible. to trea-check: if treatise is not visible: say "As you [if current action is taking]take the latches[else]look closer[end if], you see a wad of prepared red paper contained in the latches and pull it out. It looks stained with tears[if player does not have latches and current action is examining]. You take the latches, too[end if]."; now player has treatise; if player does not have latches: now player has latches; check taking latches: if player has latches: say "You fiddle with them uselessly for a bit." instead; trea-check instead; after examining latches: trea-check; description of latches is "They're knotted hopelessly--you won't be able to un-knot or untangle them or whatever by natural means. [if teariest treatise is unexamined]They probably become something or other, or Gunter wouldn't have given them to you[else]The letter said they might be carrying something, but you don't see anything inside[end if]. Weird." understand "prepared/ red/ paper" as teariest treatise. to say dear-reader: if treatise is examined and satchel is visible: say "(Stuff about getting the satchel that you don't need to reread.)"; continue the action; say "Dear, er, Reader: Apologies for any sucky yucks. I couldn't have sent tens of snug gnus, sought toughs, or any gubbins subbing for you. These latches, shut thus, contain a recoded decoder, a revised deviser. Help make your tour a rout. Not that it emits smite. Have a peek, then keep, to help lift the doom mood in Yorpwald. But you'll need to be refined, definer. Just changing things to other things, relived, won't deliver. It's powerful, too. My magician-lawyer Drab Brad warned me creating it would drain my life force. But I feel great!"; the teariest treatise is a thing. description is "[dear-reader][line break]Even without cheat mode, it's pretty handy, because it shows the letters [i]should[r] be either...[one of][paragraph break]The note ends abruptly. You stare. Tears. Eyes watery yet raw. Arg. Life. Fragile.[or][paragraph break](Yes, the old timer is a time lord now.)[stopping]" understand "letter" as treatise. a-text of latches is "RYRRRYR". b-text of latches is "RGPPPGR". the satchel is a thing. description is "You doubt it holds anything else in its folds.". "The satchel you managed to conjure lies useless on the [if player is in stable]ground[else]floor[end if]." a-text of satchel is "RYRRRYR". b-text of satchel is "RGPPPGR". check inserting into the satchel: ignore the can't insert what's not held rule; say "The purse is much handier." instead; instead of taking satchel: say "It may achieve sentimental value one day, but the purse will carry more." chapter ten beams instead of taking t-b: say "They're too solid to move, physically."; The t-b are privately-named plural-named vanishing scenery in Dusty Study. understand "ten beams" and "ten" and "beams" as t-b. the printed name of t-b is "ten beams". understand "net" as a mistake ("But the net would still block you.") when player is in study and t-b are in study. a-text of t-b is "RYRYRYRR". b-text of t-b is "RYRYRYRR". instead of searching t-b: say "Nothing. And you checked all ten beams."; understand "best name" and "bestname" as a mistake ("Hm, you're pretty sure the beams guard something below. What's the best name for a room that's below? (You note the first and third squares on your settler turn purple as you think of the best name.)") description of t-b is "You count them. One, two, ..., ten. Exactly ten beams lined up together, unpainted and uncovered. What could they be hiding?" chapter tables The tables are plural-named vanishing scenery in Dusty Study. understand "table" as tables. after fliptoing tables: now study is mapped inside stable; now stable is mapped inside study; continue the action; after fliptoing t-b: now Basement is mapped below study; now study is mapped above Basement; continue the action; instead of pushing or pulling tables: say "They're not that kind of tables. They're tables drawn on the wall." table-warn is a truth state that varies. before doing something with tables when table-warn is false: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\btable\b": now table-warn is true; ital-say "it's important that the tables are plural, as you [if cur-score of manor is 0]may find[else]already found[end if]."; else: continue the action; a-text of tables is "RRYRRY". b-text of tables is "RRYRRY". description of tables is "[one of]They are tables of the ablest bleats--they look like outright vandalism, all in red, but you know you wrote them there a while ago, and you're sure there's a reason. Maybe if you look at them more, it'll be evident[or]They were verified by LabSet technologies with their BeLast algorithm--writing in red--with a bit more below[or]Instructions to eBlast the tables is written below in red[or]The data in the tables seems quite possibly shifted over a row[or]The more you look, the clearer it is the data is very un- ... oh, that would just open the barn door, to say it outright[cycling]."; to decide whether you-can-stableize: if tables are in dusty study: decide yes; decide no. check going in study: let need-line-break be false; if room noun of study is not nowhere: if latches are in study: say "You take the latches--they must be useful for something[if player does not have treatise]. There's also a tear-stained paper bound up in them. You pull it out[end if]."; now player has latches; now need-line-break is true; if pedanto-notepad is on a rich chair: if need-line-break is true: say "[line break]"; say "You[if need-line-break is true] also[end if] swipe your pedanto-notepad, since it was so helpful your first time shuffling around in the Forest and Sortie and Metros your first time through Yorpwald."; now player has pedanto-notepad; book diorama before examining when Gunter is off-stage and stuff-found is 3: if noun is diorama or noun is part of diorama: say "The diorama is too intricate to observe in any detail with the knocking at the door." instead; if noun is bookshelf: say "You couldn't read--not even just titles--with that knocking at the door." instead; the diorama is a backdrop. "[one of]Yes, you remember when Old Man Almond gave it to you. You've half forgotten it's here, now, but he said one day, just in case, it'd be useful. For simpler prelims than your first time shuffling around.[paragraph break][or][stopping]It's a loose conglomeration of [if platform is part of diorama]a platform[else]a farm plot[end if], [if pavement is part of diorama]some pavement[else]an event map[end if], [if pedestal is part of diorama]a pedestal[else]a steel pad[end if], and [if crabgrass is part of diorama]some crabgrass[else]a brass crag[end if]. A notice down the center reveals what these items can become." after scaning when player is in study (this is the pad-diorama rule) : if noun is part of diorama: pad-rec "diorama"; continue the action; does the player mean examining the steel pad: it is unlikely. to say dior-scan: if screenread is true: say "This may be an info dump if you are visually impaired. Go ahead?"; if the player consents: do nothing; else: continue the action; say "R=red Y=yellow P=purple G=green."; say "[fixed letter spacing]"; repeat with prt running through ramabits: now prt is ncscanned; now prt is cscanned; say "[scans of platform and farm plot]"; say "[scans of pavement and event map]"; say "[scans of pedestal and steel pad]"; say "[scans of crabgrass and brass crag]"; say "[r]"; to say scans of (a1 - a thing) and (a2 - a thing): [?!?! not work with visual impair] let sp be " "; if a1 is not escanned and a2 is not escanned: continue the action; say "[line break]"; if a1 is crabgrass: now sp is " "; if screenread is true: if a1 is ncscanned: say "[a1] to [a2] is [a-text of a1]."; if a2 is ncscanned: say "[a2] to [a1] is [a-text of a2]."; if a1 is cscanned: say "[a1] to [a2] is [b-text of a1]."; if a2 is cscanned: say "[a2] to [a1] is [b-text of a2]."; if a1 is ncscanned or a2 is ncscanned: say "[sp][if a1 is ncscanned][a-text of a1][else][sp][end if][sp] [if a2 is ncscanned][a-text of a2][else][sp][end if][line break]"; say "[a1][dashy of a1][a2][if a2 is escanned][dashy of a1][a1][end if][line break]"; if a1 is cscanned or a2 is cscanned: say "[sp][if a1 is cscanned][b-text of a1][else][sp][end if][sp] [if a2 is cscanned][b-text of a2][else][sp][end if][line break]"; else: say "[line break]"; to say dashy of (a11 - a thing): let spcs be 0; increase spcs by the number of characters in "[printed name of a11]"; decrease spcs by 8; say "[if spcs is 2]-[end if][if spcs is 1]-[end if]------->"; check taking crabgrass: say "No need for a crass grab." instead; niche-found is a truth state that varies. after examining diorama when player is in study and niche-found is false: now niche-found is true; say "Oh, hey, there's some words on the ceiling. MY NICHE. Wonder what those could be." instead; the niche is flippable scenery in dusty study. "The words MY NICHE have a square dotted outline around them." understand "my niche" and "my" as niche after examining niche: say "It sounds like there's whistling from the niche, but only if you listen very closely. Have a listen?"; if the player consents: say "A haunting ice-hymn coming through the dotted outline--or maybe the words you imagine--leaves you red-eyed."; else: say "Okay."; understand "ceiling" as niche. a-text of niche is "RRYRRYO". b-text of niche is "RRYRRYO". instead of doing something with niche: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "It's too far away to meaningfully interact with."; the chimney is scenery. "It's where your niche was. You can probably put your chair on the bed, then climb the chair to reach it. I won't even make you spell out the details. Just go [b]up[r]." before going up in study: if niche is in study: say "Hm, the letters saying MY NICHE indicate something could be there. Hm, what." instead; say "[one of]I'll skip on the whole piling your chair on the bed bit. Though actually it's kind of fun, jumping up and down to pull yourself up. The chimney has enough handholds. You walk through one of your Closest Closets--they provide localized teleporting through your manor--to find yourself high up[or]You climb up again[stopping]."; after fliptoing chimney: now highest heights are mapped above dusty study; now dusty study is mapped below highest heights; continue the action; instead of entering chimney: try going up; instead of reading diorama: try examining the notice; the notice is part of the diorama. description is "PLATFORM/FARM PLOT[line break]PAVEMENT/EVENT MAP[line break]PEDESTAL/STEEL PAD[line break]CRABGRASS/BRASS CRAG[paragraph break]There's even small print: objects on diorama are to pre-sow powers for instructional purposes and likely contain more letters and flexibility than real life situations." instead of taking notice: say "It's the lowest-hanging part of the diorama, but you don't need it."; instead of taking diorama: say "It's there for practice. You can just fiddle with its parts." instead; instead of scaning diorama: say "You remember now. A diorama was chosen because it couldn't be messed with at some level. But its parts can be." getall-warn is a truth state that varies. before taking (this is the dumb take jokes rule) : if ed riley has the noun: say "'I am not an item yielder!' Ed Riley booms." instead; if noun is crabgrass or noun is brass crag: say "No need for a crass grab." instead; if noun is part of the diorama: say "Don't pull the diorama apart. That was a gift! An instructional gift! From a recently deceased father figure!" instead; a thing can be spacy. a thing is usually not spacy. a thing can be hinthelpy. a thing is usually not hinthelpy. the pavement is part of the diorama. the pavement is spacy. description is "It's sidewalk pavement. It seems like something has been written on it, but it's too bumpy to read, especially since the pavement is so small." a-text of pavement is "YRYRRRYR". b-text of pavement is "YRYRRRYR". the event map is a thing. description of event map is "You can read it from here--maybe because you remember it, but you can." after examining event map: let bluh be false; if screenread is false: say "Do you want a text-map view (yes or no)?"; if the player consents: say "[fixed letter spacing]????? [line break] | t [line break] v s r [line break]+-+-+ t i [line break]| | | o p [line break]F I M r s [line break]| | | e s [line break]+-+-+ s t [line break] | r [line break] v i i [line break] R n p[variable letter spacing] [paragraph break]You remember stores A-Z in the Trips Strip and how you cleared F, I and M."; now bluh is true; if bluh is false: say "It's a flowchart that breaks from the Trips Strip into store F (forest,) store I (sortie,) and store M (metros,) before merging at store R, the resort."; say "You wonder if there is something in the others now, and if so, what."; a-text of event map is "RYRYRYRR". b-text of event map is "RYRYRYRR". the platform is part of the diorama. the platform is spacy. description is "It's one of those speaking platforms that people would stand behind. If it weren't so small." a-text of platform is "RYRR*RRYR". b-text of platform is "RYRR*RRYR". the farm plot is a thing. description is "It doesn't actually have any dirt on it or it'd have crumbled long ago. If the words FARM PLOT weren't traced in it, in fact, you'd probably think it was just a dirt road. Hooray for helpful documentation." a-text of farm plot is "RRYRRYRR". b-text of farm plot is "RRYRRYRR". the pedestal is part of the diorama. the pedestal is hinthelpy and spacy. description is "Too small to put anything on, but it's a good size for instructional purposes." a-text of pedestal is "RRYYR*RYR". b-text of pedestal is "RRYGR*RGR". does the player mean scaning steel pad: it is likely. the steel pad is a hinthelpy thing. description is "It's really wiry and reminds you that you don't do the dishes often enough. You probably don't have time, now." a-text of steel pad is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of steel pad is "RYRGRRGR". some crabgrass is part of the diorama. the crabgrass is hinthelpy and spacy. description is "It might be fake, seeing as how it hasn't died after all these years." indefinite article of crabgrass is "some". a-text of crabgrass is "RRYRR*RRYR". b-text of crabgrass is "RPGRR*RRYR". the brass crag is a hinthelpy thing. description is "It would be majestic if it weren't so miniature. You think. Well, it wasn't meant as scenery." a-text of brass crag is "RRYRRRYRR". b-text of brass crag is "RPGRRRYRR". kind-of-cool is a truth state that varies. spacy-hint is a truth state that varies. after scaning (this is the init-scan rule) : if first-good-scan is true and kind-of-cool is false and noun is not held: say "And hey. That was kind of cool. You didn't have to press the settler all up in anything, or anyone's personal space."; now kind-of-cool is true; if noun is part of the diorama: if noun is not hinthelpy: say "You switch the cheat button and scan again and flip it back again, but the colors don't seem to change. Maybe that's a hint in itself[one of]. But the reds and yellows must tell you something about what the [noun] is supposed to turn into. Which you already can read on the diorama. Hmm[or][stopping]."; else: say "You switch the cheat button back and forth and notice a few colors change: [if cheat-on is true][spacies of b-text of noun] to [spacies of a-text of noun][else][spacies of a-text of noun] to [spacies of b-text of noun][end if]."; now noun is cscanned; now noun is ncscanned; if noun is spacy and spacy-hint is false: say "You also notice the black dot (*) -- hmm, the [noun] should become something with a space."; now spacy-hint is true; continue the action; book basement understand "basement [text]" and "[text] basement [text]" and "[text] basement" as a mistake ("You can just [if t-b are visible]change the ten beams by saying[else]go down to go to the basement[end if].") when player is in dusty study and latches are not off-stage. understand "[text] stable [text]" and "stable [text]" and "[text] stable" as a mistake ("You can just [if t-b are visible]change the tables by saying STABLE[else]go IN to go to the stable[end if].") when player is in dusty study and latches are not off-stage. Basement-been is a truth state that varies. Basement is a stairy innie privately-named room in Roman Manor. printed name of Basement is "[bsmnt]". "[one of]Aw, man! This basement was supposed to be a place for solitude, but it was so good at being inconspicuous, even you forgot about it! You see and remember the evac-cave now. It's your way out[or]You can go into the evac-cave here[stopping][if cur-score of manor < 9], though if you're a completist, you may want to poke around the study and such first[end if][if stria are visible]. Stria glisten on the ceiling[end if]. [one of]There's a diorama hanging here, identical to the one in the study, too[or]That diorama's here, too[stopping]."; understand "basement" as Basement. understand "sitar" as a mistake ("[if stair is visible]You already changed to what you need[else]You don't need music right now. A way to get around would be better[end if].") when player is in Basement. to say bsmnt: if Elmo is in Basement and rifle is in lalaland: say "Be Set, Man"; continue the action; say "[if rifle is visible]Bam, Tense[else if Basement-been is true]Same Bent[else]Meet-Bans[end if] Basement"; diorama is in dusty study and Basement. understand "mole" as a mistake ("You can't change Elmo into an animal. Your powers don't work that way. [if rifle is in lalaland]He already seems to be[else]But maybe he is[end if] a different sort of mole.") when Elmo is visible. the evac-cave is scenery in Basement. "It's a bit small, but you can enter it, or go inside." understand "evac/cave" as evac-cave. instead of doing something with evac-cave: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is entering: try going inside instead; say "You probably just want to enter the cave or go IN."; the stria are plural-named vanishing LLPish scenery in Basement. "You never knew what they were until Old Man Almond told you. 'You'll be glad one day, maybe,' he said. They're like veins, vines." [stria are LLPish because if you're in the basement you don't need to attack them] a-text of stria is "RRYYR". b-text of stria is "PPYGR". understand "astir" as a mistake ("[if stair is visible]You don't need to do any more with the stair[else]You need to change that to something else, then it'll be astir[end if]") when stair is visible or stria is visible or sitar is visible. the stair is a backdrop. "It leads [if player is in Basement]up[else]down[end if]."; does the player mean climbing the stair: it is very likely. check climbing stair: if player is in stable: try going down instead; else: try going up instead; understand "wallpaper" as a mistake ("You try the word-flip, to check--sadly, it doesn't work. Maybe there is another way to remove the paperwall.") when paperwall is visible understand "basement" as a mistake ("Well, if you want points for that, you'll need to go back to the study.") when player is in Basement and t-b are in dusty study. after printing the locale description for Basement when Basement is unvisited: if do-i-chat is false: if tables are in study and t-b are in study: say "After your trip down the ramp, you note the stria--and the ten beams. Ten beams, basement--that makes sense. You could probably do something to the stria or visit the closets if you wanted, but you don't have to."; else if tables are in study: say "The stria remind you of the stable you walled up a long time ago. It must have been behind the tables you scribbled on the wall so long ago. Maybe not worth going back to uncover."; else if t-b are in study: say "[if tables are in study][line break][end if]Okay. So that's what the beams in the study were for[if t-b are unexamined]. You remember there were ten now[else]. All ten[end if]. You could uncover them if you were completionist that way."; if possibles is false and min-alert is false: ital-say "you don't need to do anything else in the manor, but if you want to track what you can do, POSS will do so."; now min-alert is true; continue the action; check going outside in Basement: say "To get out of the basement, you need to go inward. So let's go that way."; try going inside instead; check exiting in Basement: try going inside instead; check going down in dusty study: if t-b are in dusty study: say "Ouch! You smack into a bunch of beams. Ten[if study is not lit]. It might've hurt less if you'd found a light source[end if]." instead; check going in stable: if noun is inside or noun is outside: if backcheck is false: now backcheck is true; say "You shouldn't need to go back unless you need to figure out the diorama and how the settler works. Do you want or need to do this?"; if the player consents: now player is in dusty study instead; else: say "Ok, probably best to [if pram is not in lalaland]find a way out. Clean out that pram, maybe[else]see about that ramp[end if]." instead; check going down in stable: if stair is not visible: say "There should be a way down. That sitar could trans-substantiate or be reincarnated as something more useful." instead; move player to Basement instead; instead of doing something with stair: if current action is not climbing and current action is not entering: say "Can't do much but go up or down a stair." instead; check going up in Basement: if stria are visible and t-b are in dusty study: say "Hmm. There should be a way back up. The stria could be disposable." instead; if backcheck is false: now backcheck is true; say "You shouldn't need to go back to your study unless you want to get more points. Do you want or need to do this?"; if the player consents: now Basement-been is true; now player is in dusty study instead; else: say "Ok, probably best to find a way out." instead; settler-x-nag is a truth state that varies. check going inside in Basement: if player has latches: if treatise is off-stage: say "You fumble nervously with the latches before entering, and a treatise falls out. Maybe it will help you decide what to do with the latches, before you go out into the wide world without a scanning device to help you know where to use your power."; now player has treatise instead; say "[one of]You probably want to figure what those latches are for. What could they be hiding? You've done okay without them, but who knows how you'll react in pressure situations. Whatever they need to be, Old Man Almond would've made it easier than what you've done so far[or]Those latches. Gotta be a trick to [']em, since Old Man Almond had them sent to you[stopping]. Maybe it'd help to [if treatise is examined]re-[end if]read the teariest treatise." instead; if player has settler and settler is unexamined: if settler-x-nag is false: now settler-x-nag is true; say "You look at your settler and realize you haven't really EXAMINED it. Maybe you should, before going out in the world. You've been able to guess what to do so far, with the help of heuristics and generally knowing what's in a house, but you may need technical help you can rely on when you hit less friendly areas." instead; say "A brief mental lament as you leave gives way to fear of a sting-ops stop sign. But you miss...[paragraph break]'Hands up!'[paragraph break]You say 'grrr' and feel all yellow, then see red as you scream 'Eeeee!' Because it's not a joke. Some guy has a rifle! You drop your lamp, which shatters.[paragraph break]He's got a rifle. You choke, 'O heck.' You notice the name on his uniform is Elmo, which gives you some hope."; now lamp is in lalaland; now Elmo is in Basement instead; book carven cavern Carven Cavern is an innie room in Roman Manor. "This is an oddly carved cavern. [if plaster is visible]The plaster on one wall is just tacky[else if paperwall is visible]The paperwall behind the plaster seems almost as out-of-place as the plaster was[otherwise]you demolished two layers of wall so you can move onward and inward[end if]. You probably don't want to go back outside."; understand "trainer" as a mistake ("You're on your own. Perhaps you'd be better off scanning the plaster and [if staple is visible]staple[else]plaster[end if] to get on with things.") when player is in cavern check exiting in cavern: if paperwall is in lalaland: say "Exiting the cavern, entering the passage, the same thing."; try going inside instead; say "You probably want to go in." instead; check going nowhere in cavern (this is the cavern check rule): say "The only way to make progress is inward, through that [if paperwall is visible]paper[else if paperwall is not visible]ex-[end if]wall."; if paperwall is in lalaland: say "[line break]Go through?"; if the player consents: try going inside instead; else: say "That is probably the way out of the manor. But you are free to look around." instead; do nothing instead; check going inside in cavern: if plaster is visible: say "You'll probably need a way through that plaster." instead; if paperwall is visible: say "You'll probably need a way through that paperwall." instead; say "You walk through the former paperwall--and through an obscure part of Old Warpy. You hear a voice: 'You! Find! Unify! Do!' It's only when you totally lose your sense of direction that you see a way out. It's the Trips Strip, er, Strip of Profits. Which looks the same and different."; now satchel is in lalaland; now roman manor is solved; now last-solved-region is roman manor; move player to strip of profits instead; chapter plaster some plaster is scenery in cavern. "It looks sloppily put on, as if someone wanted it to be torn down the right way, though you don't have the patience or tools to do so physically[if plates are visible]. Some plates are stuck in it too[end if]. RETRAIN TERRAIN is written at the top." understand "psalter" as a mistake ("You don't need prayer when you have this cool magic power.") when plaster is visible. a-text of plaster is "RRYRRYR". b-text of plaster is "RRGRRGP". the stapler is a container. description of stapler is "[if stapler contains staple]Locked and loaded with a staple[otherwise]Empty, but given its width, ready for some heavy-duty ammo[end if].". "An oddly wide metal stapler lies here. The normal material would nearly get lost in it." check examining stapler: ignore the examine containers rule; check closing stapler: say "No need to futz. [if staple is in stapler]You already have something in there[else]When you put something in the stapler, it'll be good[end if]." instead; check opening stapler: if staple is in stapler: say "You don't need to. The staple belongs in there, to be stapled against the sorts of things that find themselves getting stapled." instead; if player has staple: say "I'm going to assume you mean opening the stapler to put the staple in."; try inserting staple into stapler instead; if paperwall is in lalaland: say "You've probably done enough with your stapler, here." instead; say "You don't have anything to put in the stapler." instead; check inserting into stapler: if noun is not staple: say "Only one thing goes in a stapler." instead; after inserting staple into stapler: say "The staple fits in with minimal fuss."; continue the action; the peeling paperwall is scenery. "It's oddly lined, with one vertical stripe on the edge and a bunch of horizontal stripes. There's a small pair of holes in the upper left-hand corner. You imagine it's many layers of papers, so pulling them one by one wouldn't work." understand "wall" and "walls" as paperwall when player is in cavern and paperwall is in cavern. to say could-staple: say "You need the right tool to do so. You probably need one that could get a grip on some paper[if player carries stapler]. Maybe you could use the stapler to STAPLE the wall[stapload][end if]"; instead of opening the paperwall: say "[could-staple]."; to say stapload: say "[if staple is in stapler]especially since[else]once[end if] it's loaded"; instead of taking paperwall: try pulling paperwall instead. instead of pulling the paperwall: say "[could-staple]."; the vertical stripe is part of the peeling paperwall. description of vertical stripe is "Not very dark, but off to the left, creating a sort of margin.". the horizontal stripes are part of the peeling paperwall. description of horizontal stripes is "Bluish, and there are about thirty." the small holes are part of the paperwall. description is "They look like some sort of weird lock or something.". understand "hole" as small holes. understand "paper/ wall/ " and "wallpaper" as paperwall. after fliptoing stapler: if peeling paperwall is not in cavern: now peeling paperwall is in cavern; continue the action; chapter plates some plates are a plural-named thing in carven cavern. description of plates is "They're cracked and useless and appear to be squarish, but each has metallic trim around its edge[if plaster is visible]. In some odd way, they sort of seem to belong wedged in the plaster[end if].". "Some plates [if plaster is visible]are wedged in the plaster[otherwise]lie[end if] here[one of]. So that's where they go after the dishwasher eats them[or][stopping]." understand "petals" as a mistake ("That's already been done, and quite well, by Alan Garner in The Owl Service. If you haven't read his Brisingamen books, you should! They're not too long and very entertaining.") when plates are visible or staple is visible. understand "pastel" and "palest" as a mistake ("The plates are more metallic. Plus, you are a text adventurer, not an interior decorator.") when plates are visible or staple is visible. understand "pleats" as a mistake ("You are a text adventurer, not a fashion designer.") when plates are visible or staple is visible. instead of taking plates: if plaster is visible: say "The plates are wedged in, as if they belonged there. Sort of."; otherwise: say "They are too broken and bulky to be of much use."; a-text of plates is "RRYRRY". b-text of plates is "RRGRRY". the staple is a thing. description is "It looks unbent (well, beyond the two bends all staples have) and usable. It's the biggest staple you've seen by a long shot." understand "staples" as staple. check taking staple: if staple is in stapler: say "It belongs in the stapler." instead; book stable Stable is a stairy innie room in Roman Manor. "You never actually used this stable to, say, let a foal named Olaf loaf, and you couldn't think of anything else to do with it[if stair is visible]. The stair you made leads down[end if]. But despite disuse, it is blest with privacy and not falling apart."; printed name of stable is "A Blest Stable" the sitar is a vanishing thing in stable. "A sitar, from your kitschy phase, sits here[one of]. You were wondering where it went[or][stopping]." a-text of sitar is "RRYYR". b-text of sitar is "PRYYP". description of sitar is "It possesses a one-is-many-ness about it that can lead you to dizzying heights of thought...or sink you down low. You can read it to find its previous owner." backcheck is a truth state that varies. check going outside in stable: if backcheck is true: now backcheck is false; say "You don't really need to go back inside unless you're unsure of how your powers work[if satchel is off-stage]. You haven't figured what to do with the latches, and maybe their 'right' form will give you clues[end if]. Plus, the sitar [if sitar is visible]has an odd thereness about it[else]became a nice stair to the basement[end if].[paragraph break]Still, go back to the study anyway?"; if the player consents: continue the action; else: say "Okay, onward." instead; check going inside in dusty study: if tables are in dusty study: say "Hm, maybe those tables on the wall provide a clue where 'in' leads[if study is not lit], or they would, if you could see them[end if]." instead; book highest heights Highest Heights is an innie room in Manor. "Well, you're in the top room of your manor, here. The floor is, of course, divided in eighths, set high, with niches up to several inches. The patented closest closets lead back down the chimney again[if ramp is visible], and the ramp you made slopes down[end if]." after going when heights are visited and strip of profits is unvisited: if location of player was unvisited: [and location of player is not heights] say "'Oh! That's where your closets were hidden here. Handy."; move closets backdrop to all visited rooms; continue the action; the closest closets are a backdrop. "You can't quite see where they are going. They are weird to look inside. But they probably lead back to the [if player is in study]Highest Heights[else]dusty study[end if]." understand "closet" as closets. instead of taking closets: try entering closets; the closest closets are in Highest Heights. check entering closets: if player is in study: say "The closets sure are faster than climbing the chimney."; now player is in heights instead; if player is in heights: say "You go back down to the closets[if ramp is visible], not ready for the ramp yet[else], not able to figure the pram yet[end if]."; else if player is in Basement: if backcheck is false: now backcheck is true; say "You shouldn't need to go back to your study unless you want to get more points. Do you want or need to do this?"; if the player consents: now Basement-been is true; say "[if t-b are in study]You go back through the closets to your study[else]Woo! You save the effort of climbing up stairs[end if]."; now player is in dusty study instead; else: say "Ok, probably best to find a way out." instead; else if player is in stable: say "[if tables are in study]You go back through the closets to your study[else]Woo! You save the effort of walking through where the tables are[end if]."; now player is in study instead; the pram is a semi-easy thing in highest heights. "A pram lies here, one of those stupid gifts you never got to use." a-text of pram is "RYRR". b-text of pram is "RYRR". instead of taking the pram: say "It'd be hard to carry any reasonable distance." description of pram is "It was a painfully obvious hint of a gift from someone very well-meaning. But it seemed pretty useless, what with all the stairs in the rest of the manner you had to go up and down. [painful-memory]" to say painful-memory: say "[one of]You see red at a further painful memory. Relive it?[or]Re-relive the painful memory associated with it?[stopping]"; if the player consents: say "[one of]The person who gave it to you said it would help you [if player is female]meet[else]feel like[end if] Mr. Pa. You see red as you cringe at the memory.[or]The memory of encouragement to [if player is female]meet[else]be[end if] Mr. Pa still makes you see red after all this time.[stopping][run paragraph on]"; otherwise: say "Yeah, you probably don't need to, to figure what to do with the pram.[no line break]"; the ramp is scenery. "The ramp slopes not too sharply down." check going down in highest heights: if ramp is not visible: try entering closets instead; else: say "You slide down the ramp--into the basement you [if t-b are not in study]uncovered another, easier way to get to[else]nearly forgot you had[end if]."; now player is in Basement instead; check going inside in highest heights: try entering closets instead; chapter stapleing stapleing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "staple [something]" as something new. understand "staple [something]" as stapleing. does the player mean stapleing the paperwall: it is very likely. rule for supplying a missing noun when stapleing: if paperwall is visible: now noun is paperwall. carry out stapleing: if stapler is not in staple and player has staple: say "(Putting the staple in the stapler first)"; try inserting staple into stapler; if staple is not in stapler: say "[reject]" instead; if noun is holes: try stapleing paperwall instead; if noun is treatise: say "It's only one piece of paper. It doesn't need stapling." instead; if noun is not paperwall: say "That doesn't need stapling." instead; If noun is the player: say "I can't imagine where you want to staple yourself, and I don't want to know." instead; if stapler is off-stage: say "[reject]"; if staple is not visible: say "You can't staple with that stapler until you have a staple." instead; say "You staple the paperwall. The staple is the right strength to cut in all the layers, grab them at once, and peel them back. The paperwall snaps back, slamming like a door and melting into the wall--and taking the stapler with it. You can't repaper, but [if latches are visible]with those latches, you may[else]you won't[end if] need to prepare to go [b]in[r] to further adventure!"; now paperwall is in lalaland; now staple is in lalaland; now stapler is in lalaland; reg-inc; the rule succeeds; turns-wasted is a number that varies. high-sign is a truth state that varies. every turn when Elmo is visible and Elmo has rifle: increment turns-wasted; if turns-wasted > 4: if high-sign is false: say "You hear a sigh nigh. A high sign from Elmo?"; now high-sign is true; now high sign is in Basement; else: say "Elmo is flashing some sort of high sign. Bold cue? Could be."; else: say "Elmo listlessly [one of]mutters 'a rifle re-fail.'[or]sings 'He's got a hostage.'[in random order]"; check going outside in Carven Cavern: say "There's no way back, and you wouldn't want to go back." instead; the rifle is a vanishing thing. description is "It's probably loaded with a bullet with your name on it. But you don't want to find out. You think you can read writing on it, if you look closely." Mole Elmo holds the rifle. understand "gun" as rifle. after doing something with rifle: if the player's command includes "gun": say "It's a rifle, not a gun. This may or may not help."; continue the action; understand "filer" as a mistake ("You can't just give Elmo a desk job. Though maybe some paperwork would help.") when rifle is visible. understand "lifer" as a mistake ("You start to educate Elmo about the penalties for murder, but he gestures at you like you've almost guessed a Charades clue or something.") when rifle is visible. check fliptoing when rifle is visible and player is in Basement: if noun is not rifle: say "Any distraction, and Elmo might fire. Unless, of course, you can change the rifle itself." instead; instead of doing something to the rifle when Elmo is visible: if the current action is taking: say "Not even if you were an action hero." instead; if the action is procedural: continue the action; say "You're not in a position to do anything physical with the rifle. Maybe it can become something."; a-text of rifle is "RRYYR". b-text of rifle is "RRYYR". selftalk-warn is a truth state that varies. before talking to (this is the default talking to rule): if noun is not Elmo and noun is not Gunter and noun is not Elvira and noun is not Gretta: if noun is Gretta and macks are visible: say "The macks are monopolizing the conversation. Maybe you should get rid of them." instead; if noun is a person: if selftalk-warn is false: ital-say "ASK (PERSON) ABOUT (PERSON/THING) is what this game uses for detailed conversation. However, TALKing asks about a default subject and gives a general reply, which may be useful, too. You can do so now, and this warning won't appear again."; pad-rec "talking"; now selftalk-warn is true; try objasking noun about noun instead; if noun is door: say "The door seems to grumble and curse very quietly[if splained is false]. Perhaps you could find a way of lecturing it without explicitly talking, but it's probably not critical[else]. Well, you already splained to it[end if]." instead; repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if noun is default-talker entry: say "[gen-blah entry][line break]" instead; if noun is not pugnacious plant: say "You can only talk to animate objects. This isn't one, or the game (mistakenly or otherwise) doesn't think it's one." instead; check talking to Mole Elmo (this is the can't talk while Elmo has the rifle rule) : if rifle is visible: say "'Hostages['] hot gases!' Elmo booms, waving his rifle." instead; Mole Elmo is a person. description is "He is waving that rifle you probably need to neutralize. Yet you can't tell if his expression says wry, or worry.". "[if do-i-chat is true]Mole Elmo's rifle changes to a flier[else]Mole Elmo looks at you, then the rifle, half as if he wants you to do something with it[hi-sign][end if]." to say hi-sign: if high-sign is true: say ", even flashing a high sign."; the high sign is undesc. instead of doing something with the high sign: if current action is not objhinting: say "[if current action is not examining and current action is not reading]Not much to do but look. [end if]Elmo appears to be flashing the numbers 3, 4, 2, 5 and 1 in order with his fingers. Then a pause, then he tries it again[one of]. Hm, nothing here five letters except that rifle[or][cycling]."; check scaning when rifle is visible: say "Elmo might shoot you if you went for the settler, which you notice is blinking [spacies of a-text of rifle]. Which has to be the rifle. You hope." instead; the litany of Mole Elmo is the table of Elmo comments. after fliptoing rifle: pad-rec-q "rove over"; now high sign is in lalaland; try talking to Mole Elmo instead; continue the action; Chapter super purse instead of searching purse: say "(You can type I to take inventory in the future.)"; try taking inventory instead; The super purse is a warpable thing. description is "[one of]You find a small note inside, apologizing if it's [if player is male]unusual for you[else]heinously stereotypical[end if], explaining it was a choice between this and an all-wet wallet, and it's 50% bigger than a co-kept pocket. [or][stopping]The inside seems to be covered with space capes, a weird technology that lets the inside be greater than the outside. It re-ups your carrying capacity." the space capes are part of the super purse. the space capes are useless and plural-named. description of space capes is "If I understood the science behind them, I'd be wasting my life programming games like this, wouldn't I? Okay, maybe I am, anyway." instead of doing something other than examining space capes: say "The capes work--no need to futz with them or to wonder how they work."; understand "paces" as a mistake ("The space capes are already abstract and bizarre enough. They work, and you probably don't want to change them.") when space capes are visible. pursins is a truth state that varies. check inserting into the purse: if noun is lamp: say "Fire hazard." instead; if player does not have noun: if pursins is false: ital-say "putting something in the purse is the same as taking it."; now pursins is true; try taking noun instead; say "That should already be in the purse."; instead of doing something with purse when mrlp is troves and stop post is reflexive: say "Do not worry about wealth you lost. [i]Only worry about the wealth you can create[r]."; chapter letters settler The Letters Settler is a warpable thing. understand "recoded decoder" and "recoded/decoder" and "revised/deviser" and "revised deviser" as letters settler. understand "device" as letters settler. instead of showing settler to smart kid: try objasking kid about settler; after examining settler for the first time: say "You figure up some heuristics to make the settler easier to use."; pad-rec "the settler"; continue the action; understand "scanner" as settler. a-text of letters settler is "RYRRRYR". b-text of letters settler is "RGPPRYR". description of the letters settler is "It's shaped like a hand-held vacuum, with an output display on the front. Weird receptors can SCAN things. Below a colorful logo, you also notice a button labeled TEACH/CHEAT. I guess it doesn't wish to judge.[paragraph break]You also feel a switch, some sort of slider and a decal on the backside." check examining settler (this is the examine to scan under duress rule) : if rifle is visible: try scaning rifle instead; if owls are visible: say "You reflexively point the settler at the swooping owls as they attack."; try scaning owls instead; if raptor is visible: say "You reflexively point the settler at the charging raptor as it attacks."; try scaning raptor instead; if player is in bleary barley and b-b is reflexive: say "The barley seems to be causing readings on your settler."; try scaning b-b instead; the receptors are part of the letters settler. instead of doing something with the receptors: say "They're not important. Actually, scratch that, they're too important to fiddle with and break." instead; the output display is undesc. the output display is part of the letters settler. the receptors are part of the settler. description is "You know little about electronics and magic theory, and you have no time to find out." check examining output display: say "You look at the display, not really expecting to see anything unless you SCAN something. Maybe there's something in the air."; try scaning air instead; the colorful logo is undesc. the colorful logo is part of the settler. seen-blues is a truth state that varies. check examining logo: say "Some of the letters in the logo shimmer a bit, as if they could be changed by pushing the right button. They spell out:"; if glulx graphics is supported: if cheat-on is false: display figure graflogo-1; if seen-blues is true and Elmo is off-stage: say "[one of]It might be wise to take note of which letters changed colors and why and how[or]The logo is in its less colorful setting now[stopping]."; else: display figure graflogo-2; if Elmo is off-stage: say "The different colored e's seem interesting."; now seen-blues is true; else: say "LETTERS SETTLER. [if cheat-on is false]Es in yellow and everything else in red[else]first Es of each word in green, the Ts in purple, the second Es in yellow. The other letters are all red[end if]. Below, you read: teach/cheat recolors. "; if screenread is false: ital-say "you may want to get an interpreter like Gargoyle and Zoom to see the 1-kb PNG of this in all its glory."; the rule succeeds; instead of doing something to the logo: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The logo's just there to say what it is. And maybe as a hint to examine."; check scaning (this is the scan settler and paperwall parts rule): if noun is part of the settler: say "Impossible. It's part of the settler." instead; if noun is small holes: say "They register nothing. Perhaps there's some sort of key-thing that fits in them." instead; if noun is paperwall or noun is part of paperwall: say "The paperwall registers nothing. Perhaps you need to find a way to unlock the small holes in the paperwall[if staple is off-stage]. You don't have anything that makes holes, yet[else]. Hmm, you have something that could make a small hole[end if]." instead; the stubborn switch is part of the settler. description is "It doesn't seem to budge easily--maybe that's because it gives some unusually good hints." instead of switching on the settler: try switching on the stubborn switch instead. instead of switching off the settler: try switching on the stubborn switch instead. the tcb is a privately-named thing. the tcb is part of the letters settler. understand "teach button" and "cheat button" and "teach" and "cheat" and "button" as tcb when tcb is visible. printed name of tcb is "teach/cheat button" description of tcb is "It's a tech simple enough. Looks like you can push it to toggle it as much as you want." cheat-on is a truth state that varies. instead of switching on the tcb: try pushing the tcb instead; instead of switching off the tcb: try pushing the tcb instead; check pushing the tcb: say "You push the teach-cheat button, and it's now [if cheat-on is true]off. Hooray for more challenge[otherwise]on. Hooray for more information[end if][one of] when you SCAN in the future--though you can push the button to go back to normal mode[or][stopping][if cheat-on is false and seen-blues is false]. The logo seems to change colors as well[end if]."; if cheat-on is true: now cheat-on is false instead; now cheat-on is true instead; does the player mean doing something with the equals sign: it is unlikely. the equals sign is part of the Letters Settler. description is "The equals sign is [if squee is false]dark[otherwise]light[end if], but you can push it to change that." squee is a truth state that varies. check pushing the equals sign: say "You push the equals sign, and it [if squee is false]lights up[otherwise]darkens[end if]."; if squee is true: now squee is false; otherwise: now squee is true; the rule succeeds; instead of switching on the equals sign: try pushing the equals sign instead; instead of switching off the equals sign: try pushing the equals sign instead; set-sw is a truth state that varies. ever-switched is a truth state that varies. instead of pushing or pulling or attacking the stubborn switch: try switching on the stubborn switch; does the player mean switching on the stubborn switch: it is very likely. instead of switching on the stubborn switch: show-bluable instead; to show-bluable: if stubborn switch is not visible: say "[reject]"; continue the action; let QQ be number of bluable things; let QQQ be nothing; if QQ is 1: now QQQ is a random bluable thing; if set-sw is false: now set-sw is true; if the player's command does not include "ss": ital-say "in the future, you can shorten this with SS."; say "[line break]"; pad-rec-q "ss"; if QQ is 0: swi-say "You see nothing unusual after doing so.[line break]"; continue the action; swi-say "[one of]You switch the settler, then shake it. Your vision swirls for a minute, and o[or]Switch, shake, swirl. O[stopping]nly [bluable-list] [if QQ is 1 and QQQ is not plural-named]is[else]are[end if] visible. It's a bit of a headache to stare too long, so you switch it off.[line break]"; if ever-switched is false: say "[line break]Wow! That's handy! The switch shows you which items identifiably change definability!"; now ever-switched is true; to say bluable-list: let QQ2 be number of bluable things; let inc be 0; repeat with bloo running through bluable things: increment inc; if inc is QQ2 and QQ2 > 1: say " and "; if bloo is an altview listed in table of altviews: choose row with altview of bloo in table of altviews; if there is an alttext entry: say "[alttext entry]"; else: say "[the bloo]"; if bloo is auxiliary: say "(but a bit blurry)"; if inc + 1 < QQ2: say ", "; table of altviews altview alttext sorer bogey "an outline of the sorer bogey" eeks "some cartoony representation of EEKS" Elmer "Elmer and Merle" Merle -- test towtru with "towers/towers/enter towers/rustled/docile/n/mined/pastier/greyed/punier/n/clumsy/weirder/mistier/n/married/weariest/angstier/e/marginal/s/himself/unable/resealed/get all/w/s/w/put dagger in rapier repair/e/e/unreal/drained/e/rusty/grandiose/broken/e/wordy/push retape/w/w/w/n/n/n/push repeat/s/s/s/e/e/e/unlocked/w/n/holiest/n/porcine/ask kid about doctor/s/s/e/attentive/rowdy/w/n/n/give gizmo to kid" to swi-say (sst - indexed text): if sss is false: say "[sst]"; else: append "[sst][line break]" to the file of debuggery; definition: a thing (called candi) is bluable: [say "[candi] [if candi is ghostly]invis[end if] [if candi is uncluing]uncluing[end if] [if candi is visible] visible[end if].";] if candi is unscannable, no; if candi is reflexed, no; if candi is ghostly, no; if candi is uncluing, no; if candi is decrepit mark or candi is decrepit mark, no; if candi is tunes, no; if candi is crate: if reacted is false or traced is false, yes; no; if candi is haunter: if player is in anger range and candi is off-stage: decide no; if candi is visible, yes; definition: a thing (called candi) is outlinable: [say "[candi] [if candi is ghostly]invis[end if] [if candi is uncluing]uncluing[end if] [if candi is visible] visible[end if].";] if candi is not ghostly, no; if candi is uncluing, no; if candi is visible, yes; to say outline-invis: if number of outlinable things > 0: say "You can also briefly see outlines of [a list of outlinable things]. "; the backside is part of the letters settler. understand "back" as backside. check examining backside: if glulx graphics is supported: display figure yorpwald-1; else: say "It reads SAVE YORPWALD WITH WORDPLAY. SAVE and WITH are dark, but in the other two words, the Y's are orange."; if screenread is false: ital-say "a glulx interpreter like Gargoyle shows things clearer."; say "[one of]Hmm. The orange seems odd. Perhaps it's a clue, if you need one. [or][stopping]There's also a switch below the decal."; the rule succeeds; the laced decal is part of the letters settler. description of laced decal is "[bug-report]" instead of examining decal: try examining backside instead. instead of taking decal: say "It's really wedged on there. You'd destroy it scraping it off. And besides, maybe it's a hint, too.". description of backside is "[bug-report]"; before scaning: if noun is part of the settler: say "The settler's pretty powerful, but it's not four-dimensional, so it can't wrap to scan itself--or parts of itself." instead; chapter slider the idlers' slider is a device. the slider is switched off. the slider is part of the letters settler. description is "The slider[one of], which is red (a nice touch--slider and idlers not having any letters that match up,) [or] [stopping]is currently switched [if slider is switched on]on[else]off[end if], with a number [headaches] next to it[one of]. You'd guess that is the number of charges left, or something[or][stopping]." after examining slider: toggle-slider-note; slider-toggle is a truth state that varies. to toggle-slider-note: if slider-toggle is false: ital-say "You can type SL to toggle the slider in the future."; pad-rec-q "sl"; now slider-toggle is true; continue the action; after entering oyster-x: say "You hear a click from the slider[if slider is switched on] as it switches off[else] and you notice it's jammed[end if][if cur-score of oyster is 0]. Hopefully thinking will not be at a premium here[else]. But you know action counts more here[end if]."; continue the action; check switching on slider: if mrlp is oyster: say "Geez. It's jammed[if cur-score of oyster > 0]. Well, it's harder for the slider to ascertain actions instead of ideas[else]. Hm, maybe thinking is less important than other things, here[end if]." instead; toggle-slider-note; if slider is switched on: say "It already is." instead; if headaches is 0: say "You can't afford any more headaches." instead; say "You switch the slider on." instead; check switching off slider: if slider is switched off: say "It already is." instead; now slider is switched off; say "You switch the slider off." instead; sling is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "sl" as something new. understand "sl" as sling. carry out sling: if slider is switched off: try switching on slider instead; try switching off slider; the rule succeeds; chapter teariest treatise book pedanto-notepad the pedanto-notepad is a warpable thing on a rich chair. understand "pad/note" and "note pad" and "pedanto/ notepad/" as pedanto-notepad. understand "book" as pedanto-notepad when player is not in shack. understand "consult [text]" as a mistake ("You can CONSULT PAD ABOUT X, CONSULT ABOUT X, or PAD X.") when pedanto-notepad is visible. instead of opening the pedanto-notepad: say "You can just type PAD to get all the subjects, or PAD (SUBJECT) for a specific one." instead of searching the pedanto-notepad: say "You can just type PAD to get all the subjects, or PAD (SUBJECT) for a specific one." instead of dropping the pedanto-notepad: say "One problem with owning a pedanto-notepad is that you are wracked with silly reasons to keep it, even if you have the big-picture stuff covered. Sorry about that."; vaguing is an action applying to nothing. does the player mean objasking about the dingy dwelling: if mrlp is routes: it is very likely; it is very unlikely. understand the commands "consult pad" and and "consult about" and "pad" as something new. understand "consult pad" and "consult about" and "pad" as vaguing. carry out vaguing: if location of player is dark: say "You can't [if player does not have pedanto-notepad]locate[else]read[end if] your notepad right now." instead; if player does not have pedanto-notepad: try taking pedanto-notepad; say "[cur-has]"; the rule succeeds. description of pedanto-notepad is "Other people have computers, but your notepad is yours[one of]. It's made by Da Ponte, who now have a monopoly. But you just like it. The color, the feel[or][stopping]. [cur-has][no line break]" check examining pedanto-notepad for the first time: say "It's your workbook. It holds bookwork. The original, from the first time you saved Yorpwald, is in some museum. But this is about the same. It's small enough to fit in a pocket, and you have clipped a pen over it, too.[paragraph break]It won't actually make you pedantic--it just stores the fourth-wall stuff that non-text-adventurers aren't even aware of. Stuff that's a nuisance for text adventurers. While most of it is marginally intuitive (he said, behind the fourth wall,) having to remember it can take away from puzzle solving and such[if player does not have pedanto-notepad]. You decide to take it. It'll help tame lots that's meta, mate[end if].[paragraph break](To use the notepad, you can type PAD (subject) or CONSULT PAD ABOUT (subject). If you forget what you've written about, you can type PAD or CONSULT PAD.)"; if player does not have pedanto-notepad: now player has pedanto-notepad; the rule succeeds; to decide whether (qq - a truth state) is unrelevant: if qq is false: decide yes; let mrl be mrlp; if qq is true: if mrl is manor or mrl is stores: decide no; decide yes; to say cur-has: say "Currently you can consult your pad about these general topics:[line break]--"; let A be 0; let fixies be 0; repeat through table of pad-stuff: if known entry is true: if there is a fixed-region entry and mrlp is fixed-region entry and introtoo entry is unrelevant: increment fixies; else: if remainder after dividing A by 4 is 0: say "[if A > 0].[line break]--[end if]"; otherwise: say ", "; increment A; say "[if readyet entry is false][i][end if][short entry]"; if short entry is "flips" and pf-warn is true: say "/pf"; say "[r]"; say ".[line break]Unconsulted subjects are in [i]italics[r]."; if fixies > 0: now A is 0; say "[line break]You can also consult your pad about [if fixies is 1]a topic[else]topics[end if] specific to this region:[line break]--"; repeat through table of pad-stuff: if known entry is true and there is a fixed-region entry: if mrlp is fixed-region entry and introtoo entry is unrelevant: if remainder after dividing A by 4 is 0: say "[if A > 0].[line break]--"; otherwise: say ", "; increment A; say "[if readyet entry is false][i][end if][short entry][r]"; if remainder after dividing A by 4 is not 0: say "[line break]"; else: say "There are no topics specific to this region right now."; the pen is part of the pedanto-notepad. description of the pen is "It's clipped there so you don't misplace it." instead of taking the pen: say "Bad idea. You tend to lose those things like nobody's business if they're not nailed down." qmspoil is a truth state that varies. [top] table of pad-stuff topic (topic) known blurb short verify fixed-region readyet introtoo "access" true "Typing ACCESS toggles handicapped accessibility mode, which generally helps the visually impaired with graphics clues and avoids a stream of useless punctuation. It is currently [if screenread is true]on[else]off[end if]." "access" false -- false "free turns" or "free/turns" true "Some actions do not take a turn. For instance, examining, looking or taking inventory, or 'out of world' actions like SCORE, will not cost you time if you are in a tight situation." "free turns" false "saying" false "Instead of SAYing or THINKing, you can just type the word." "saying" false "talking" false "TALKING is the equivalent of asking someone about themselves." "talking" false "sleep/sleeping" false "SLEEP is only advisable in a protected area." "sleep" false "long commands" or "long/command/commands" false "Commands over 4 words long aren't necessary. You can say TAKE ALL or GET ALL, eliminate THE, or use half an open compound word without repercussions." "long commands" "random/ dialogue/dialog/" false "HUSH turns random dialogue off. UHHS turns it on. It is [if talk-quiet is false]on[else]off[end if]." "random dialogue" false "diorama" false "[dior-scan]" "diorama" true "question mark" or "question/mark" false "[if qmspoil is true]The question mark is often better than a red or yellow in Cheat mode, because it limits you to two possibilities[else]The question mark is, well, a question mark. But maybe it's not as vague as it seems. You can HINT it if you're stuck[end if]." "question mark" true "opt in" or "opt/notip/optin/tip" or "no tip" false "OPT IN lets you see initial region hints. NO TIP turns them off." "opt in/no tip" false "poss" false "POSS toggles whether you can see the maximum/minimum score for a region. It is a potential meta-spoiler, but it can be helpful, too." "poss" false "go to" or "go/gt/goto" true "You can GO TO/GOTO or GT a location or thing if it's a bit far away but in the region." "go to" false "clues" false "You can LISTEN, ASK people about random stuff, or EXAMINE them to figure how to change them." "clues" true "Elvira" or "necro/crone" or "necro-crone" or "necrocrone" false "Apparently, appreciating her is what separates us from the animals. According to Gunter[if mrlp is otters]. But you need to know more and ask around about her[end if]." "Elvira" true "gretta" false "If you can find Gretta Garett-Tatger, she may give you something to help hit at Elvira." "Gretta" true "Elmo" false "There are areas behind stores P, U, V, W, Y and, most cryptically, T." "Elmo" true "old warpy" or "old/warpy" true "Old Warpy is the force that allows people to move between distant areas of Yorpwald that need help. It aided you so long ago getting to the Trips Strip, and it may aid you again. You always wondered where else it led, but you knew if you found out, Yorpwald would be in trouble." "Old Warpy" false "shatter/threats" or "shatter-threats" or "shatter threats" true "It's that new law Elvira got passed, about how you couldn't flip things to their anagrams, because there are too few anagrams--things to change to things--left for you to save Yorpwald again. Well, outside your own house. Of course, if you protested, that would look suspicious.[paragraph break]The title was based on a really convoluted acronym you can't remember." "SHATTER-THREATS" false "store p" or "p" false "E-Viral has managed to seize the Internet communications of almost everywhere except a small pocket of resistance behind Store P. Many people expend words on it but few take action." "store p" true presto -- true "store t" or "t" false "Elvira's behind there. Who knows what she's designing. It may be worth checking to note your progress, though." "store t" true otters -- true "store u" or "u" false "People have lost all sense of direction there. Rev. Ali has told them they did, and they believe it. An invisible poison stripe forces them to the same mesa." "store u" true routes -- true "store v" or "v" false "Mayor Irv Lea has made Spoiloplis the richest per capita city in the land. You must infiltrate the world of money and move from 'impossible' to 'I'm possible.'" "store v" true troves -- true "store w" or "w" false "A very modern socialite called Liv Rea has pushed for re-zoning Castle Apcur, the Curst Palace, in order to increase property value, which would profit only her. Maybe you can restore the Curst Palace to its former glory." "store w" true towers -- true "store y" or "y" false "The subsea abuses behind Store Y are fast and furious. A rabid gang has taken over the town, headed by the ruthless Ira Lev. Plenty of unsafe sea fun." "store y" true oyster -- true "spaces/space/son/nos" or "space on" or "no space" false "[if screenread is false]To put spaces in letters settler readings, type SPACEON or SON. NOSPACE or NOS reverses this[else]Spaces are on by default in accessibility mode[end if]." "spaces" true "parrot" false "He wants to come back some time. He wants revenge. As the raptor." "parrot" false otters "asking" false "You will want to ASK about Elvira a lot." "asking" false otters "the settler" or "settler" false "c/t/cheat/teach pushes teach/cheat button[line break]la = last scan (best for vision impaired since graphic should appear in top frame) [line break]ss = switch settler or shake settler to see all transformable objects[line break]You don't ever need to SCAN X WITH SETTLER, just SCAN X." "the settler" true "la" false "Shortcut command to recall what you scanned last." "la" false "sl" false "Shortcut command to turn slider on." "sl" false "sy" false "Shortcut command to scan with hints, overriding the equals sign and the current setting." "sy" false "sn" false "Shortcut command to scan without hints, overriding the equals sign and the current setting." "sn" "ss" false "Shortcut command to shake the settler and see what all in the general area needs changing." "ss" true "hacking" or "hack" false "A reminder that cussing won't make a computer work any better, and you need to get everything set up first on your comfy labs slab, and only then should you take action with various technical programming activities." "hacking" true presto "methods" true "You probably want to talk to and examine everyone. Even hostile people drop clues when asked about themselves, or stuff in general. Searching and reading writing, or even trying to run past or attack enemies, can offer information, too." "methods" false "red" true "Stuff that's all red, or an idea that makes you or someone see red, is all wrong, which is a clue in its own way." "red" true "shuffling/ around" or "shuffling around" true "Postmortems? Most sport em. Details: I lasted. I miss my tagged gadget and how it helped me through the Forest (store F,) Sortie (store I,) and Metros (store M) in the Trips Strip. To the resort (store R.) Redness = guised guides (letters all wrong.)" "Shuffling Around" true "no-gal/logan" or "no-gal logan" false "No-Gal Logan may have a ship that can get you out of here. It is beyond an un-road." "No-Gal Logan" true routes "tagged/gadget" or "tagged gadget" true "You wrote some notes about the Tagged Gadget in here, about Certify and Rectify modes. How Certify showed all the right letters, and Rectify made the first and last right[if player does not have settler]. You could do with a new thingamabob now[else]. How Secure allowed you to keep both modes and Recuse let you skip a store. Your settler is apparently handy in a different way[end if][if cavern is unvisited]. Probably a bunch of different commands to use, though[end if]." "tagged gadget" true "retry" or "terry" true "You wrote notes about how you can RETRY thanks to Terry if you get stuck somewhere past a store." "retry" true "warp" true "[i][bracket]FOURTH WALL NOTE: if you solved Store P, U, V, W, or Y in an earlier release, you can type the final command to bypass it. Also, the final command changed between versions for some areas, because they were (hopefully) improved, so you can use either. The game will warn you if you used an old one.[close bracket][r]" "warp" true "directions/dirs" true "A Roiling Original uses north, south, east and west. You may be able to go in or out, too, especially when only one exit is listed." "directions/dirs" false -- "casper" false "Casper talked to you about how this place is full of action, how there's a haunter beneath Anger Range, and it may have lost something. Casper also explained you'll need a way through the Horned Hedron." "casper" true oyster "reagents/reagent" false "You need three reagents to help Brother Horbert: mushrooms[if player has mushrooms] (check)[end if], a runed book[if player has runed book] (check)[end if], and pipe soot[if player has pipe soot] (check)[end if]." "reagents" true routes "Leo/Rand" or "Leo and Rand" false "Leo and Rand may be able to help you with heavy lifting." "Leo and Rand" true presto "haunter" false "The haunter is beneath Anger Range, but it is only part of what is making everyone angry. It is angry about a jewel it had stolen from it." "haunter" true oyster "die" or "die thou" or "hideout" or "hangout" false "If the Horned Hedron could be undermined or infiltrated, perhaps things would get back to normal. And perhaps the haunter could be used against them. It hates them." "hangout" true oyster "progress" false "You note the following: manor = stuff[other-areas]." "progress" false "curst/palace" or "curst palace" false "You apparently can't scan the curst palace fully with the settler [']til you're all the way there. But maybe you can guess." "curst palace" true towers "xray" or "xraying" false "You can XRAY something you can't describe to see what it can or should be[if xrayvision is false], but you need to put a pastry in the toaster first[else], and that pastry you ate will help. You can wait as long as you need to use it[end if]." "xray" false towers [?? all are gone?] "hit/ win/ button/" or "ben/ hid" false "Ben hid a HIT WIN button somewhere. Where?" "hit win button" false routes "scenery" false "Ed Yerg told you to look for [the entry clue-index in nextclue]." "scenery" false towers "flips" or "flip" or "pf" false "[what-can-flip]" "flips" false "rove" or "over" or "rove over" false "You can just ROVE OVER to where Curtis is. Though he is less important than Elvira." "rove over" false -- "talking" false "[if number of terse-warned hintrelevant people > 0]You got nothing from [list of terse-warned hintrelevant people][else]Nobody nearby seems useless...YET[end if]." "talking" false -- "badlands" or "bland/sad badlands" or "bland sad badlands" false "Old Hat Daltho told you that the people guarding passage would be tough. Like, six or more letters tough. But you might be able to listen to them and talk to them. He also mentioned [if subsector is unvisited]Dr. Yow, whom you haven't found yet, and how [end if]the flowerpot was for a friend called Ed." "badlands" false towers pf-warn is a truth state that varies. to say what-can-flip: if pf-warn is false: if word number 1 in the player's command is not "pf": ital-say "you can abbreviate this with PF in the future."; now pf-warn is true; if number of prefigured things is 0: say "You have nothing [if ever-fig is true]else [end if]you figured in advance.[no line break]"; continue the action; say "Stuff you figured that may be handy later: "; repeat with pft running through not unfigured things: if pft is a preflip listed in table of pres: say "[line break][pretodo entry]"; else if pft is a the-from listed in table of anagrams: choose row with the-from of pft in table of anagrams; say "[line break]Deal with [the-from entry]: [right-word entry]."; else: say "[line break]You remember you need to think [pft] at some time."; table of pres preflip thereg pretodo bench routes "Find a way to be fearless so you can lean AGAINST the bench." [routes] elbow routes "You can go BELOW the giant's elbow once he swings it around." narrow cracks routes "You can look AROUND to find the un-road." un-road routes "You can go ALONG the un-road...once you find it." thor routes "You can go THROUGH [if controls are reflexed]now[else]if[end if] the ship controls are working." new beet routes "You can go BETWEEN [if controls are reflexed]now[else]if[end if] the ship controls are working." Pa Egg Pea -- "You can GAPE at a particularly bad page you may come across in the future." stop post troves "You can't focus enough to SPOT, yet." salt troves "You can LAST [if stream is reflexed or lobster is in lalaland]now[else]once[end if] you have confidence in your skills." lobster troves "You can BOLSTER yourself to eat the lobster." stream troves "You can MASTER the relaxation technique seen with the stream." song troves "You can DECIDE once you've paid your dues." playbill troves "You can RESIGN once you've paid your dues." DIVORCES troves "You can DISCOVER what rubbish DIVORCES magazine is." onyx censer presto "The censer can become a SCREEN once you've found a place to put it." plebe presto "You can shout BLEEP at the plebe [if player wears star]now[else]once[end if] you look more authoritative." ether presto "You haven't yet found the right moment to shout THERE into the ether." trolls oyster "You can't quite STROLL past the trolls, yet." haunter oyster "You should UNEARTH the haunter once you figure how to handle it." a-s oyster "SEARCH the arches." dialer oyster "With the yapper gone, you should be able to DERAIL." d2 oyster "You should be able to REDIAL the dialer with the proper preparation." lance oyster "CLEAN the lance once you have something to wash it with." duck towers "The lone duck could make SOMETHING unlocked[if subsector is visited]. Maybe the prison ropins[end if]." ropins towers "It would be nice if something made the prison ropins UNLOCKED[if duck is prefigured], like, maybe the duck[end if]." rodney towers "Rodney can be [if roddro is false]sent YONDER[else if rodyon is false]made DRONEY[else]sent YONDER or made DRONEY[end if]." b-b otters "You can make the barley be BARELY there once you get past the otters." eels otters "You can tell the eels ELSE [unless player has medals]once you have[else]now you've got[end if] a token of your goodness." sea cube otters "You can tell the eels in the sea cube BECAUSE once you know why." ghoul hat otters "You can say ALTHOUGH to Mr. Lee and his ghoul hat [if player has medals]now you've figured[else]once you figure[end if] where the bad guys are." p-2 otters "You can say HOWEVER to deal with Mr. Lee and Rev. Howe." atmo-moat otters "You can collapse the atmo-moat to an ATOM once you have the power." medals otters "The medals can help you go QUICKLY[if adjsolve < 3 or nounsolve < 3], though they may not be fully magical, yet[end if]." mango others "You can look AMONG once you have currency to haggle in the clearing." to say other-areas: repeat through table of region-spoilers: if last-loc of hint-reg entry is visited: if hint-reg entry is not others and hint-reg entry is not roman manor and hint-reg entry is not stores: say "[spoil-expl entry]"; else: say "(????)"; after objasking aunt tuna about: pad-rec-lump "haunter"; pad-rec "die thou" after objasking casper about: pad-rec "haunter"; pad-rec "die thou" [tope] chapter consulting the block consulting rule is not listed in any rulebook. consulting is an action applying to one thing and one topic. pad-consult is a truth state that varies. check consulting it about: if location of player is dark: say "Not in the dark." instead; if noun is not pedanto-notepad: say "You can only really consult your notepad. ASK something animate, if you want to." instead; if player does not have pedanto-notepad: try taking pedanto-notepad; repeat through table of pad-stuff: if known entry is true and topic understood includes topic entry: now readyet entry is true; say "[blurb entry][line break]"; now pad-consult is true; the rule succeeds; otherwise: do nothing; say "You haven't written anything about that. [cur-has]"; the rule succeeds; chapter padding understand the command "consult about [text]" as something new. understand "consult about [text]" as padding. understand the command "notepad/pedanto/pad [text]" as something new. understand "notepad [text]" and "pedanto [text]" and "pad [text]" as padding. padding is an action applying to one topic. carry out padding: try consulting pedanto-notepad about topic understood instead; recbuffer is indexed text that varies. to pad-rec-p (q - text): pad-rec q; say "[paragraph break]"; to decide whether need-line-break: if player is in study and gunter is in study: decide no; if player is in fro and gretta is in fro: decide no; if player is in Basement and elmo is in Basement: decide no; decide yes; to pad-rec (q - text): repeat through table of pad-stuff: if there is no short entry: say "Need short entry for [q]: [bug-report]"; else if short entry is q: if known entry is false: now known entry is true; if number of characters in recbuffer > 0: replace the regular expression "\/$" in recbuffer with ""; if there is no verify entry or verify entry is true or number of characters in recbuffer > 0: say "[if need-line-break][line break][end if][italic type][bracket]You record the information about [recbuffer][short entry] in [mult-if]your [one of]pedanto-[or][stopping]notepad.[close bracket][roman type]"; now recbuffer is ""; the rule succeeds; say "BUG! Tried to write [q], a notepad entry that wasn't there. This isn't a game-breaking bug, but it's bad for user-friendliness. Please let me know at [email]."; abort-if-bugfind; to say mult-if: if recbuffer matches the text "/": say "multiple entries in "; to pad-rec-lump (q - text): repeat through table of pad-stuff: if there is no short entry: say "[bug-report] need short entry for [q]."; else if short entry is q: if known entry is false: now known entry is true; now recbuffer is "[recbuffer][q]/"; the rule succeeds; to pad-rec-q (q - text): [pad-rec without saying, you add the info] repeat through table of pad-stuff: if there is no short entry: say "[bug-report] need short entry for [q]."; else if short entry is q: if known entry is false: now known entry is true; now recbuffer is ""; the rule succeeds; say "BUG! Tried to quiet-write [q], a notepad entry that wasn't there. This isn't a game-breaking bug, but it's bad for user-friendliness. Please let me know at [email]."; abort-if-bugfind; to pad-del (q - text): repeat through the table of pad-stuff: if there is no short entry: say "[bug-report] need short entry for [q]."; else if short entry is q: if known entry is true: now known entry is false; the rule succeeds; say "BUG! Tried to delete [q], a notepad entry that wasn't there. This isn't a game-breaking bug, but it's bad for user-friendliness. Please let me know at [email]."; abort-if-bugfind; chapter pfing pfing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "pf" as something new. understand "pf" as pfing. carry out pfing: now pf-warn is true; if player does not have pedanto-notepad: say "You need your notepad to use the PF shortcut."; else: choose row with short of "flips" in table of pad-stuff; if known entry is false: say "You consult your notepad but haven't figured any flips in advance yet." instead; try consulting pedanto-notepad about "flips"; the rule succeeds; volume others citrus-score is a number that varies. non-citrus-score is a number that varies. book Rustic Citrus understand "sell [text]" as a mistake ("You are paving the way for commerce, not interacting") when player is in citrus or player is in clearing. Rustic Citrus is a room in Others. last-loc of Others is Rustic Citrus. fruits-flipped is a number that varies. after fliptoing a fruit (this is the check minimum fruits and score rule) : if player is in rustic citrus: coin-eval; check-fruit-min; continue the action; to check-fruit-min: increment fruits-flipped; if fruits-flipped > 20: min-up; description of Rustic Citrus is "A sign on an abandoned drinks stand says RUSTIC CITRUS and, well, it's pretty rustic even if nothing much is growing[if spear is visible]--I don't think the spear stuck in the ground counts[end if][if mad train is visible], and a mad train lies glaring at the lack of track ahead[end if]. [if lumps are visible]The ground's covered with lumps, too. [end if][if pagers are visible]You hear pagers beeping all around as well. [end if][if slime is visible]You also have trouble not looking at some slime oozing off to the side. [end if][if videotape is in citrus]That videotape collection you uncovered from the drinks stand lies here, too. [end if]" Curtis is a person in Rustic Citrus. description is "I curst him to be nondescript.". "Curtis is pottering around, waiting for you to hand over [if cur-score of others is 0]some[else]more[end if] fruits." extra-citrus is a number that varies. curtis-other-coin is a truth state that varies. negged-yet is a truth state that varies. after printing the locale description for rustic citrus: coin-eval; The mad train is scenery in Rustic Citrus. description is "It's got quite a frown in its cow catcher, all right. It was apparently designed by Dr. Nimata, whose name is in red.". a-text of mad train is "RYRYRYRR". b-text of mad train is "RGRYPYRR". instead of taking mad train: say "You'd strain to find a use for trains here."; a tamarind is a fruit. description is "It looks more like a potato than any fruit you know. But it still counted." check giving fruit to curtis: if moss cap is off-stage: say "'No, no. A bit more, then I'll give you a reward." instead; say "Oops. BUG. Curtis should've taken the [noun]." instead; check going inside in Rustic Citrus: say "You can't go backward. There is enough to do here, including figuring where to go next." instead; A spear is scenery in Rustic Citrus. description of spear is "It'd make a powerful weapon, but you couldn't hold anything else. Plus, this isn't that sort of game." understand "rapes" and "rape" as a mistake ("[one of]Some things, you can't joke about. So please, don't try that again.[or][cutoff][stopping]") when spear is visible. understand "reaps" as a mistake ("No, not verbs. Well, not here by Curtis.") when spear is visible. understand "spare" as a mistake ("No, not adjectives. Well, not here by Curtis.") when spear is visible. to say cutoff: stop game abruptly; a-text of spear is "RYYRR". b-text of spear is "RYYRR". instead of taking spear: say "This is a thinking puzzling game, not a violence game. Though I hope the puzzles have not given you violent thoughts." the pears are a fruit. understand "parse" as a mistake ("No, that's my job. Okay, it's your job to parse the anagrams, but you'll need to be more specific with [if spear is visible]the spear[else]other fruits besides the pear[end if].") when spear is visible or pears are visible. the lumps are plural-named scenery in Rustic Citrus. "They're more purplish than dirt usually is." a-text of lumps is "RRYRR". b-text of lumps is "RRYRP". the plums are a plural-named fruit. understand "slump" as a mistake ("Don't get exhausted! You're near the end!") when lumps are visible or plums are visible chapter coin-give to decide what number is curtis-level: if number of fruits in lalaland < 8: decide on 0; if number of fruits in lalaland < 12: decide on 1; if number of fruits in lalaland < 16: decide on 2; if number of fruits in lalaland < 20: decide on 3; decide on 4. to coin-eval: if number of visible fruits is 0: continue the action; let temp be curtis-level; if temp is 4: say "Curtis says 'Boy, you have a lot of goodies now. Wouldn't want to lose them carrying all those fruits.' He helps keep your inventory lean and mean."; now all carried fruits are in lalaland; if number of carried fruits > 0 and temp < 4: say "Curtis relieves you of your burden[if number of carried fruits > 1]s[end if] you found[one of]. He thanks you but is curt[or][stopping]."; repeat with fru running through carried fruits: now fru is in lalaland; if curtis-level > temp: repeat through table of coingiving: if levb4 entry is temp and levaf entry is curtis-level: say "[line break][blabber entry][line break]"; if get-token entry is 1: now player has tekno-token; if get-coin entry is 1: now player has coin; if get-coins entry is 1: if player has icon: now icon is in lalaland; now player has icons; now singed design is part of the icons; say "[line break]You fiddle with the coin you got, and now it's an icon, too. So now you have icons!"; else if player has coin: now coin is in lalaland; now player has coins; now singed design is part of the coins; else: now player has coins; now singed design is part of the coins; if get-dollar entry is 1: now player has droll dollar; continue the action; a droll dollar is a thing. description is "It has a picture of some gangster--wait, it's Lord Al Ollard--lighting a cigar with a dollar remarkably similar to it--on which is a gangster lighting a cigar, and so forth[one of]. LOL, rad, you think, though the joke wears off[or][stopping]." understand "dollar/-- bill" as droll dollar. to say if-clear: say "[if clearing is visited]--ah, you're nodding, you've seen it--[else] [end if]" table of coingiving levb4 levaf get-token get-coin get-coins get-dollar blabber 0 1 1 0 0 0 "'Ok. Neat. Take on a token. There's a clearing some ways away[if-clear]where you can swipe it to trade for things. Haggle. That sort of thing.'" 0 2 1 1 0 0 "'Wow! You got a lot done on that errand. Here's a tekno-token AND a coin. If you go to this clearing[if-clear]the token'll last you a bit. More deals. Coin'll be useful for...something.'" 0 3 1 0 1 0 "'Surprised you can lug all that back! Here's a tekno-token to use in a clearing[if-clear] and some coins. Maybe you'll find what to do with them. Keep it up!'" 0 4 1 0 1 1 "'Wow! Impressive! I'm half curious if you cheated somehow! Here's a tekno-token for the clearing up north and east--not that you may need it--and a couple coins, and a dollar. Don't know if I can give you anything else.'" 1 2 0 1 0 0 "'Glad you didn't say scru-it. We're getting somewhere[if player has moss cap]. Maybe if you physically get somewhere, we can get further[end if].' Curtis hands you a coin for your efforts." 1 3 0 0 1 0 "'Wow. So much done at once.' Curtis hands you two coins for your efforts." 1 4 0 0 1 1 "'Spurtin['] turnips! All that at once? I--well, here's the rest of my junk I don't know what to do with.' Curtis, looking very pleased, hands you two coins and some sort of dollar." 2 3 0 0 1 0 "Curtis, looking quite the citric critic, hands you another coin identical to the one he gave you before." 2 4 0 0 1 1 "Curtis hands you a coin and a suspicious looking dollar. He nods as if to say, that's all you'll get from him." 3 4 0 0 0 1 "'Nice going. Here. Have this paper currency I never could quite spend. It looks kind of illegal. It's all I have for you.'" chapter moss cap the moss cap is a thing. description of moss cap is "The moss bits of the cap go on the outside, leaving the dirty bits to fit over your head. So you'd feel AND look weird wearing it." the compass is a thing. description of compass is "It is property of Camp SOS. Its needle is pointing steadily north, so at least it wasn't a SpasmCo product." check examining compass when mrlp is routes: say "It's flipping about uselessly. Guess you can't rely on normal directions here." instead; the needle is part of the compass. needle is undesc. needle is useless instead of doing something with the needle: say "The needle's inside the compass, and you don't need to mess with it." a-text of moss cap is "RYRRYRR". b-text of moss cap is "RGRRYRR". the harmonicas are a plural-named thing in rustic citrus. "Two harmonicas, rusted together, are here." description of harmonicas is "They're an off-red, unlike your usual visions in the game. Their condition is the pits. They look like a...how do you spell it? Anachorism?" instead of taking harmonicas: say "They're too rusty."; a-text of harmonicas is "RYRYRRRYRY". b-text of harmonicas is "RGPYRRRYRY". the maraschino cherry is a fruit. some slime is singular-named scenery. "It's green, like most slime. But it smells nicer than most slime and is even a bit bumpy." a-text of slime is "RYRYR". b-text of slime is "RYRYR". instead of taking slime: say "Eww. Not in that form you won't." some limes are a fruit. understand "smile" as a mistake ("[if limes are visible]You are thrilled to have gotten those limes, yes.[else if slime is visible]You smile at the slime. It can't be that hard to figure what to do.[otherwise][reject][run paragraph on][end if]") understand "miles" as a mistake ("[if limes are visible]You don't need miles and miles of limes.[else if slime is visible]You don't want miles and miles of slime.[else][reject][run paragraph on][end if]") check going north in Rustic Citrus: if moss cap is off-stage: say "[one of]Rats! You've no clue which direction is north. Maybe if you help Curtis, he'll give you pointers. But he's quite a businessman.[or]You still have no sense of direction.[stopping]" instead; if player has moss cap: say "The moss cap isn't helping your sense of direction as much as it should. Well, not in its present form." instead; now others is unspoiled; some pagers are plural-named scenery in rustic citrus. description is "They come in green and reddish-purple and black. Like all pagers, they seem a bit seedy." instead of taking pagers: say "Nobody ever saved a country with a pager." a-text of pagers is "RRYRYR". b-text of pagers is "RRYRYP". to say mami: if player is male: say "[d-word-u] Mister Master Mind"; else: say "[if player is in citrus]Named It[else]AND TIME,[end if] Mrs Master Mind"; understand "gapers" and "gasper" as a mistake ("Really, you don't need people all [mami] over changing those [if pagers are visible]pagers[else]grapes into anything else[end if]. That's not your style.") when pagers are visible or grapes are visible. instead of taking pagers: say "As much as you'd like to bash them, there's another way to shut them up." instead of examining pagers: say "Remember when these things were the most annoying electronic devices? Then came cell phones and iPods." grapes are a fruit. after fliptoing grapes: say "You hear barren cries now that the pagers aren't distracting you."; now barren cries are in citrus; continue the action; after fliptoing cranberries: now briar screen is in lalaland; now barren cries are in lalaland; continue the action; cranberries are a fruit. section reading The reading action translates into I6 as "Read". Understand the commands "r" and "read" as something new. Understand "r [something]" and "read [something]" as reading. Reading is an action applying to one thing, requiring light. carry out reading: if noun is red writing: if number of readable things is 0: say "No writing around here on anything." instead; if number of readable things is 1: try examining a random readable thing instead; say "Too much to read." instead; if noun is a to-read listed in the table of readables: choose row with to-read of noun in table of readables; if there is a what-read entry: say "[what-read entry][line break]" instead; try reading alt-read entry instead; if noun is drinks stand: try examining blurbs instead; try examining noun instead; the red writing is a backdrop. the indefinite article of red writing is "some". the writing is everywhere. description of writing is "BUG. You should've been kicked to something to read. Let me know how this happened at [email].". understand "words" and "red/-- letters" as writing. does the player mean reading ltb: it is very likely. does the player mean reading the red writing when number of readable things > 0: it is likely. does the player mean reading the red writing when number of readable things is 0: it is unlikely. does the player mean examining the red writing when number of readable things > 0: it is likely. does the player mean examining the red writing when number of readable things is 0: it is unlikely. last-read is a thing that varies. does the player mean reading last-read when last-read is visible: it is likely. instead of doing something with red writing: if current action is examining or current action is reading: if player is in solo den: say "GYDIN['] in big red letters." instead; if number of readable things is 0: say "No red writing around here on anything." instead; if number of readable things is 1: try reading a random readable thing instead; if last-read is visible: try reading last-read instead; say "That's sensible but ambiguous here with so much to look at--the preferred verb is to READ one of [the list of readable things]." instead; if current action is objhinting: continue the action; if number of readable things is 0: say "There's no red writing here to do anything with." instead; say "You can really only read the writing." instead; definition: a thing (called cand) is readable: if cand is not a to-read listed in table of readables: decide no; if cand is not visible: decide no; decide yes; table of readables [tre] to-read what-read alt-read sitar "Oh, right. You bought it from Trisa Israt." [manor] rifle "It's kind of tricky to read red writing on a red gun, but it appears to be an Irelf-Efril rifle." Store H "'All who enter here risk exclusion. Closed for having a truly frightening HOSTER. Trespassers will be, er, shot. - E. S. Roth'" [stores] ltb "You can't get settled. Everything seems too general or too specific, and as you read, you hear voices from the past: 'What a spaz! [if player is female]She[else]He[end if] needs to learn to, like...!' They always acted as if it was so simple." [troves] DIVORCES "All sorts of articles that make you see red. This one's about [one of]Rod's Vice[or]Rev. Disco[or]VeriDocs[or]someone who Scored IV[in random order]," card "[one of]A message: Derp on, Epdorn![or]The message is from Dr. Peno & Ned Orp.[cycling]" playbill "[one of]S. Negri and N. Regis are the band. And there's a promotions company to read about, too[or]Isnerg promotions[cycling]." volt maze "[one of]The writing says EZ-Ol[']-Av['] (TM) Volt Maze. [or]Olav Metz and Zemo Valt were the main architects. [cycling] You can read it again to see the [one of]architects[or]company, again[cycling]." [presto] drab yoke "It is, apparently, an OAK DERBY drab yoke, from the small red print." jar of pills -- ps [oyster] stein "The stein reads TIENS in red, trying to be foreign and exotic, maybe." jukebox "Complicated instructions for, of all things, how to turn off the tunes currently playing. Always tunes, never songs. [one of]Do, undo[or]Reset, set[or]Do, undo, set, reset? Hm[cycling]." tumblers "The PITS is written in red on the bottom of one tumbler." scrawl "[if carps are visible][reject][else]Etahn Ru. Near-Hut Haunter.[end if]" gleaner "It was made by Al Green, written in red." dialer "A red warning courtesy of I. ALDER says the letters can be shuffled but not LAIRED." strudel "DR. ELTUS recommends this strudel!" [towers] keycar "When the car slows a bit, you read KC AYER in red." iPrune "InPure industries[one of]. Yep, you heard rumors Elvira was involved with them, too[or][stopping]." rewired robot "Rewired -- DR. EWRIE." o-s "[if deacons are in lalaland]The shrine reads LOST? HIE! THE LOIS![else][one of]Written in red on the shrine is THE LOIS, who helped you in the sortie pre-Elvira You can read a bit more.[or][one of]LOST? HIE! [or]THE LOIS [cycling]is written on the ole shrine in red.[stopping][end if]" prison "Part of the red writing on the prison says [one of]Made by DunkelCo[or]Made in LOUDNECK[or]CONKLUDE there's no way to break in[in random order]. There're two other bits to read." blaster "ALBERT'S." welt-proof flowerpot "GYDIN['], >> 'Y/N, dig?'" p-2 "One barely legible bit reads [one of]Eeh, Row V![or]Veer How?[or]Rev. Howe[or]Whereov[in random order]." [otters] whistle "Ed Plye, apparently, made the whistle." drinks stand -- blurbs [others] riot cap "It's red and [one of]made of I-TRAP-CO material[or]designed and shaped by CAPTOR-I, whoever they are[in random order]" -- mad train "DR. NIMATA." singed design "The singed design on the [if player has coins or player has s-c]coins[else if player has coin]coin[else if player has icon]icon[else if player has icons]icons[else]BUG[end if] reads, when you look close, property of NISCO." chapter peanut cola the abandoned drinks stand is scenery in Rustic Citrus. "[one of]It's pretty easy to see why it's abandoned. Unfortunately, it's not hi-tech enough to be hooked up to a wiki with gifs, which would make things easier for you. But you do find a can of nasty peanut cola there. It's too gross in concept to take. And there's a rampage note with a mopeage rant, and plans for a megaton pear, under some magenta rope. And there's a lame video collection.[or]There's no other nasty cola, or writing, or 'art,' to find.[or][stopping][if eerie blurbs are visible] You notice some eerie blurbs written on the stand.[end if]" the videotape collection is scenery in Rustic Citrus. description is "A bunch of weird films in this collection. One title is [one of]Mr. Pinsome, in red[or]One Ms. Prim, in red[or]Moni's Perm, in red[or]Nope, Mr. Sim, in red[in random order]." the persimmon is a fruit. a-text of videotape is "RYRRYRRYR". b-text of videotape is "RYRRYRRYR". magenta rope is a vanishing thing. "A magenta rope is here by the drinks stand, partially obscuring a rampage note and mopeage rant." does the player mean doing something with rampage note when rampage note is visible: it is very likely. description of magenta rope is "Oddly colored. It's got a yellowish tinge." instead of doing something other than scaning megaton pear: say "It's--well, maybe not a megaton, but it sure is heavy. And certainly inedible. Maybe it can be changed to a real fruit." instead of doing something other than scaning rampage note: say "A glance seems to indicate some unfortunate writing--either Curtis actually still believes that stuff, or he's embarrassed ever to have written it. Either way, he doesn't need to be alerted to you knowing about it. Best to get rid of it." instead of doing something other than scaning mopeage rant: say "A glance seems to indicate some unfortunate writing--either Curtis actually still believes that stuff, or he's embarrassed ever to have written it. Either way, he doesn't need to be alerted to you knowing about it. Best to get rid of it." instead of taking magenta rope: say "It would uncover Curtis's silly writings--the note and the rant. You'd be best off getting rid of all three, somehow." megaton pear plans are plural-named auxiliary scenery. description of megaton pear is "[bug-report]". rampage note is auxiliary scenery. description of rampage note is "[bug-report]". mopeage rant is auxiliary scenery. description of mopeage rant is "[bug-report]". a-text of magenta rope is "RYRYRRYRYRY". b-text of magenta rope is "RYRGRRGRYRG". a-text of rampage note is "RYRYRRYRYRY". b-text of rampage note is "RYPYRRYPYPG". a-text of mopeage rant is "RYRYRRYRYRY". b-text of mopeage rant is "RGRGRRYRGRY". a-text of megaton pear is "RYRYRRYRYRY". b-text of megaton pear is "RYRYRRYRYRY". the pomegranate is a fruit. Instead of taking the peanut cola: say "Blech. Too nasty to touch. You might drink it in a moment of weakness." after fliptoing pomegranate: now megaton pear is in lalaland; now rampage note is in lalaland; now mopeage rant is in lalaland; continue the action; after examining drinks stand: if peanut cola is off-stage: now peanut cola is in rustic citrus; if magenta rope is off-stage: now megaton pear is in Rustic Citrus; now magenta rope is in Rustic Citrus; now rampage note is in Rustic Citrus; now mopeage rant is in Rustic Citrus; continue the action; the citrus sign is part of the abandoned drinks stand. description is "It says CURTIS['] (sic) RUSTIC CITRUS.". the citrus sign is useless. the eerie blurbs are part of the abandoned drinks stand. description is "A weird blue-purple. The worst of them reads BIEBER RULES.[paragraph break]Yup, this place needs help." instead of taking blurbs: say "Please tell me you're not a fan of his."; a-text of eerie blurbs is "RRYYRYRRYYR". b-text of eerie blurbs is "RRYYRYRRYYP". check scaning blurbs when cheat-on is true: let a1 be b-text of eerie blurbs; let a2 be "PRYYRYPRYGP"; say "They read [spacies of a1], except for 'Bieber Rules,' which says [spacies of a2]." instead; the blueberries are a plural-named fruit. description is "Yes, they're really more purple, I know." after examining abandoned drinks stand: if slime is off-stage: now slime is in Rustic Citrus; say "Eww. You also brushed against some slime while looking around."; now slime is in Rustic Citrus; continue the action; the can of peanut cola is a thing. description is "There's an actual peon on one side, a neat cupola on the other. It's orange-pink and tan." a-text of peanut cola is "RYRRYRYYRY". b-text of peanut cola is "RYRRYRYYRY". the cantaloupe is a fruit. check drinking peanut cola: say "[one of]Eww. Nasty[or]You don't want to repeat that experiment[stopping]. If only you could change it into something else entirely with just one word!" instead; book Swell Wells Swell Wells is north of Rustic Citrus. "Wells, err, swell from this [one of]lowland[or]old lawn[cycling]. You can go east to a loud clearing, or down the wells, or west to a filed field[if sorer bogey is visible]. You think you hear something from the wells[end if]." the sorer bogey is ghostly scenery in Swell Wells. "You can't see the sorer bogey, but knowing it's there makes your skin break out in pimples...no, bumps." check taking sorer bogey: say "Don't be a silly goose." instead; a-text of sorer bogey is "RYYRYRYRRO". b-text of sorer bogey is "RGYRYPYRRB". the gooseberry is a fruit. s-w are privately-named scenery in swell wells. printed name of s-w is "the wells". understand "wells" as s-w. "'Ye borers, GO!' is written in red on the wells." check inserting into s-w: if noun is coin or noun is coins: say "Maybe make your own luck by doing something with/to the coin[if noun is coin]s." instead; say "They're dry wells. You can see all the way down. If you want, you can go that way." instead; check climbing s-w: try going down instead; check going to Swell Wells for the first time: say "'Ramble, ambler!' Curtis calls."; the lost slot is a thing. description of lost slot is "It's soft to the touch, as if it could change its shape for the right item." understand "lots" as a mistake ("You only need the one slot.") when lost slot is visible. Swell Wells is in Others. the silly shirt is a thing in Swell Wells. "A silly shirt lies here." the riot cap is a thing in swell wells. description is "It's orangish-reddish, an odd pastel. It looks even dumber than the moss cap from Curtis. Red writing is stamped on each side of the riot cap. You can read it.". "A riot cap hangs from one of the wells." a-text of riot cap is "YRRYRYR". b-text of riot cap is "YRRYPYR". the apricot is a fruit. "It's a regular apricot. Nothing special." instead of doing something with riot cap: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You wouldn't want to make the riot cap parotic--you can't imagine violence ahead." description of silly shirt is "It's a hideous red-and-green-and-yellow blend with the phrase 'Got ESP, PAL?'" a-text of shirt is "YRRRYR". b-text of shirt is "YRPRYR". instead of doing something with silly shirt: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "You wouldn't want to take or wear the shirt. Maybe it can be recycled."; the apples are plural-named fruit. check opening slot: say "It will fit if you give it the right thing." instead; check closing slot: say "It needs to be open--or how will you pass the gate?" instead; book gates stage Gates Stage is north of Swell Wells. "Important-looking gates lead to the north. They don't look strictly locked, but you probably need some sort of ID--or confidence--to get by them. Behind them you see [if arena is examined]the Admit-Us Stadium[else]a near arena[end if]." Gates Stage is in Others. A near arena is scenery in Gates Stage. "[one of]It looks familiar--wait--it's Yorpwald's famous, enormous Admit-Us Stadium! What's more, you hear a hubbub that means some event must be going on[or]The Admit-Us Stadium stands behind the gate, a hubbub still indicating that something important must be going on[stopping]." understand "stadium/admit" and "admit us" as arena when arena is examined. check going inside in gates stage: try going north instead; check entering gs: try going north instead; check entering d-d: try going north instead; does the player mean entering gs: it is likely; instead of doing something with a near arena: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can't do much but look at the arena." gs are privately-named scenery in Gates Stage. printed name of gs is "gates". "They're [if player has passport]open for easy entry north[else]closed by a halt lath[end if]." understand "gate" as gs. the halt lath is part of the gs. the halt lath is undesc. instead of doing something with the halt lath: say "[if player has passport]You don't need to do anything with the halt lath[else]The halt lath looks sturdy and won't be budging[end if]."; d-d is north of gates stage. d-d is privately-named. "You've reached the Admit-Us Stadium, but you shouldn't be seeing this text." printed name of d-d is "Admit-Us Stadium". understand "gates" as gs. check closing gs: say "They're not some late game lame gate. They won't open or close at your whim." instead; check opening gs: say "[if player has passport]You need some sort of passport to get through.[else]You wave the passport and the grates start to creak open.[end if]" instead; instead of opening gs: try going north; instead of giving something to gs: say "The gates seem to have a sensor that can detect if you have ID[if player has passport]. You know, that passport should be enough[end if]." perp-check is a truth state that varies. to say two-of-three: say "[if searcher is not reflexed]prep and review[else if viewer is not reflexed]research and prep[else]review and research[end if]" perp-clued is a truth state that varies. check going north in Gates Stage: if player does not have passport: say "'Need ID! Indeed!' the gates say mechanically." instead; if number of carried fruits > 0: say "(First returning the extra fruit[unless number of carried fruits is 1]s[end if])[paragraph break]"; now all carried fruits are in lalaland; if gate-level is 0: now perp-clued is true; say "You try to sneak through--you're backstage at the Admit-Us Stadium! You might be able to make a big speech, but you are too terrified. The passport doesn't help a bit as a bouncer yells 'Perp!' Maybe you can learn from the passport. Or parts of it." instead; else if gate-level is 1: say "[one of]You try to sneak into the Admit-Us Stadium, and you hold up under some questioning--but you don't have enough 'cool' to get past the final guard. [if perp-check is false]He yells 'PERP!' and pushes you back. [end if]And with the stage in sight! Thankfully, you have enough to know you'd better leave before people turn hostile[or]You haven't learned anything new since your last attempt to enter[stopping]. Maybe you can use that passport some more." instead; say "You've managed to [two-of-three] about this whole charisma thing, but you wonder, does it really work? Is it really that easy, if you don't overthink it? Well, why not? You've mastered all the parts of speech, and now your knowledge of more practical word-use gets you by various guards in the Admit-Us Stadium. You're blinded by an air-gem mirage at the gig going on--the TV show, Optical/Topical Capitol, Elections Selection edition. A three-way debate: Interims Minister Rimstein, Ex-Brat Baxter of the Swanker Wankers and Fatherly Flaherty of the Ruthless Hustlers![paragraph break]The crowd gasps as they recognize you on the stage. But what do you say?'Able, I'd bailed,' you start. Silence at first.[wfak]Then, a lone voice. 'Re-speak, speaker!' The simple encouragment spurs you: [randbla][paragraph break]'Go, O.G.,' people call. You're on a roll: [randbla] [randbla][paragraph break]By trial 4 or 6, a fair vote proclaims you favorite. Everyone's all '[mami].' You can only say 'Ah, I try out authority.' Your Roman Manor becomes the Furthermore-Reformer Hut.[paragraph break]It won't be easy. You'll likely procrastinate a few big choices with random anagrams, from force of habit. But you've learned how, well, all KINDS of words work a bit better, now.[paragraph break]Congratulations! You achieved the 'extended' ending in A Roiling Original. There's not much more to do, except visit DEMO DOME MODE, if you want, which is a look behind the scenes."; now others is solved; if debug-state is true: append "Test passed for Others.[line break]" to the file of debuggery; choose the row with final response activity of putzing about in the table of final question options; now final response activity entry is nextlisting; [this is an awful hack but I'd rather not reveal this til after you beat OTHERS] choose the row with final response activity of nrling about in the table of final question options; now final response activity entry is nextreglisting; choose the row with final response activity of potzing around in the table of final question options; now final response activity entry is showing a list; choose the row with final response activity of potzing about in the table of final question options; now final response activity entry is showing list of lists; choose the row with final response activity of reging about in the table of final question options; now final response activity entry is showing regional lists; choose the row with final response activity of ddming in the table of final question options; now final response activity entry is demo dome moding; end the story finally instead; every turn when player is in gates stage and perp-check is true and passport is not reflexed (this is the perp-clue rule): if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "The bouncer's yell of 'PERP!' rings in your ears."; chapter sonicing does the player mean doing something with coins when coins are off-stage: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with icons when icons are off-stage: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with coin when coin is off-stage: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with icon when icon is off-stage: it is likely. the coin is a super-easy thing. description is "The coin really looks more omen-y than money. Perhaps its value is only symbolic, and it could help you with the stuff money can't buy. There's a singed design on it, which is signed." [giving it to: coin, icon, coins, icons??] a-text of coin is "YRYR". b-text of coin is "YRYP". the icon is a thing. description is "The icon is designed to be too interesting to pitch but not important looking enough to be currency. There's a singed design on it, which is signed." the coins are plural-named things. description is "The coins really look more omen-y than money. Perhaps their value is only symbolic, and they could help you with the stuff money can't buy. There's a singed design on them, which is signed." the singed design is part of the coin. description is "The singed design is some sort of amalgamation of musical notes and instruments intertwined. You can't read who wrote it, but it makes the coin look more artsy than commercial." after fliptoing (this is the shift the singed design rule) : if noun is s-c or noun is s-i or noun is icon or noun is icons: now singed design is part of the noun; continue the action; understand "designs" as singed design when player has coins or player has icons. check reading (this is the default to singed design rule) : if noun is icon or noun is coins or noun is icons or noun is s-c or noun is s-i: if singed design is not part of the noun: say "BUG: there should be a singed design to read." instead; try reading singed design instead; instead of doing something with singed design: if current action is scaning: say "(You wind up scanning the coin instead.)"; let myc be a random thing incorporating singed design; try scaning myc instead; if current action is examining: continue the action; say "You can't do much with the design except examine it."; the icons are plural-named things. description is "The icons are designed to be too interesting to pitch but not important looking enough to be currency. Instead of someone important, they each have shattered musical notes on them. Each has a singed design, signed." check scaning coins: say "The settler flashes back, with [if cheat-on is false]all five entries changing[else]all but the last entry--which stays red--changing[end if]."; say "Hm. Maybe it would be better to scan just one coin?"; if the player consents: let mytext be indexed text; if cheat-on is true: now mytext is b-text of coin; else: now mytext is a-text of coin; say "You see [spacies of mytext]." instead; a-text of coins is "?????". b-text of coins is "?????". a-text of icons is "RYRYR". b-text of icons is "RYRYR". after fliptoing (this is the move the design rule) : if noun is s-c or noun is icons: now singed design is part of noun; continue the action; understand "scion" as a mistake ("Money, or something like it, should not be the guide of you.") when player has s-i or player has coins or player has s-c or player has icons. the s-c are privately-named plural-named things. description of s-c is "The coins vibrate from the sound they make. They looks even more omen-y than money.". understand "sonic/ coins" as s-c. printed name of s-c is "sonic coins". understand "coin" and "sonic coin" as s-c when player has s-c. a-text of s-c is "YRYRR". b-text of s-c is "YRY??". the s-i are privately-named plural-named things. description of s-i is "The icons vibrate from the sound they make. They may have some hidden power. Or some trivial one.". understand "sonic/icons" and "sonic icons" as s-i. printed name of s-i is "sonic icons". understand "icon" and "sonic icon" as s-i when player has s-i. sonicing is an action applying to nothing. understand "sonic" as a mistake ("Maybe if you had more than one [if coin is visible]coin[else]icon[end if].") when player has coin or player has icon. to slot-appear: if lost slot is not part of storage box: say "The So-Great Storage box begins to rattle by your [if player has s-i]icons[else if player has s-c]coins[else][bug-report][end if], and a lost slot appears in it."; now lost slot is part of storage box. check inserting into storage box: if lost slot is visible: say "The box has a slot, so I assume you meant that."; try inserting noun into lost slot instead; check inserting into lost slot: if noun is s-c or noun is coins: say "The coins hum a bit before they're spit back out. You catch them. The box seems averse to money." instead; if noun is tekno-token or noun is coin: say "The box wheezes slightly and spits the monetary item back out." instead; if noun is icon or noun is icons: say "The box splutters for a while but eventually rejects the [noun]. Still, you must be close to having the right thing." instead; if noun is not s-i: say "That doesn't fit." instead; say "The icons fit just fine. The box opens up, dissolving to reveal a popstar's passport."; now storage box is in lalaland; now s-i is in lalaland; now player has popstar's passport instead; the popstar's passport is an uncluing thing. description is "It's got a picture inside, of you. And surprisingly, it's flattering and realistic and electronic! With an artifact this rare, you feel [if viewer is reflexed or searcher is reflexed]full of[else]near to[end if] stardom most rad. It's interactive, too--there's a little viewer on the right and a searcher on the left, and once you really learn how to use it, maybe the passport can be a minder, too. Written on the bottom is some nonsense about how it's not enough to have the passport to improve quality of life--you need to use it, too." check scaning the passport: if viewer is reflexed: say "The settler only lights up when it points at the searcher."; try scaning searcher instead; if searcher is reflexed: say "The settler only lights up when it points at the viewer."; try scaning viewer instead; say "The settler's reading for the passport seems to alternate between six and eight characters--for the viewer and researcher. You should maybe scan one individually." instead; the viewer is part of the passport. the viewer is reflexive. description is "[if viewer is reflexive]You poke around at the viewer but aren't focused enough. You're convinced it should be good for you, and you can learn from it, but you are having too much fun messing around.[else]You've gotten what you can from it. Through the gates![end if]" a-text of viewer is "RYRYYR". b-text of viewer is "RYRYGR" instead of doing something to the viewer: if action is procedural or current action is reviewing: continue the action; try examining the viewer instead; the searcher is part of the passport. the searcher is reflexive. description is "[if viewer is reflexive]You poke around at the searcher but aren't focused enough. You're convinced it should be good for you, and you can learn from it, but you are having too much fun messing around.[else]You've gotten what you can from it. Through the gates![end if]" instead of doing something to the searcher: if action is procedural or current action is researching: continue the action; try examining the searcher instead; chapter preping to decide what number is gate-level: let A be 0; if viewer is reflexed: increment A; if searcher is reflexed: increment A; if passport is reflexed: increment A; decide on A. to say n-gates: say "[if arena is examined]in the Admit-Us Stadium[else]to the north[end if]" to upgrade-passport: if gate-level is 2: say "'Gray date? Great day!' you tell yourself. You feel ready to tackle what lies [n-gates], now[if cur-score of others < max-score of others]. You wonder if you could've helped Curtis a bit more, but that's totally up to you[end if]."; else if gate-level is 1: say "You feel almost ready to tackle what lies [n-gates], now. Even if you didn't get anywhere, the failure might teach you something."; reg-inc; continue the action; preping is an action out of world. understand the command "prep" as something new. understand "prep" as preping. prepped is a truth state that varies. carry out preping: if player does not have passport: say "[reject]" instead; if gate-level >= 2: say "No need to over-study or over-think. Through the gates!" instead; if passport is reflexed: say "You need to fiddle with the passport differently." instead; say "You use the viewer and searcher in tandem and learn about self-presentation, being charismatic, etc. While part of it seems artificial and open to abuse, it's easier than figuring out anagrams, that's for sure."; now passport is reflexed; upgrade-passport instead; chapter reviewing reviewing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "review" as something new. understand "review [something]" as reviewing. does the player mean reviewing viewer: it is very likely. carry out reviewing: if noun is not viewer: say "[reject]"; if gate-level >= 2: say "No need to over-study or over-think. Through the gates!" instead; if viewer is reflexed: say "You need to fiddle with the passport differently." instead; say "You conduct a thorough review. Of hard stuff and easy stuff and what's most relevant. It's easier than you thought."; now viewer is reflexed; upgrade-passport instead; chapter researching researching is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "research" as something new. understand "research [something]" as researching. does the player mean researching searcher: it is very likely. carry out researching: if noun is not searcher: say "[reject]"; if gate-level >= 2: say "No need to over-study or over-think. Through the gates!" instead; if searcher is reflexed: say "You need to fiddle with the passport differently." instead; say "You conduct thorough research. Of hard stuff and easy stuff and what's most relevant. It's easier than you thought."; now searcher is reflexed; upgrade-passport instead; chapter amonging understand "among" as a mistake ("Maybe if there were mango trees around.") when mrlp is routes. understand "go man" as a mistake ("That's the right idea but the wrong sorts of words.") when player is in clearing and mango is off-stage. understand "nag mo" as a mistake ("[one of]You get all red faced asking people how to trade for a mango, and asking, and asking[or]That'd just get you red-faced again[stopping].") when player is in clearing and mango is off-stage. understand "an omg" as a mistake ("Lashing out that way leaves you feeling you must be close to the right way to get a mango.") when player is in clearing and mango is off-stage. book Clangier Clearing check fliptoing when player is in clearing and player does not have tekno-token: if noun is not carried by player: let temp be number of fruits in lalaland + number of fruits carried by player; say "That would work, but you don't have anything resembling currency to haggle with. Maybe you [if temp < 8]can earn some currency elsewhere[else]can go see Curtis for remuneration. You've done a good bit[end if]." instead; Clangier Clearing is east of Swell Wells. Clangier Clearing is in Others. "There's lots of noise among traders here, though most of them pay you no attention. That leaves you time to notice a list of prices and another banner saying AUCTION CAUTION. It looks like people are using all sorts of speech tricks and gesturing to haggle here." after choosing notable locale objects when player is in clangier clearing: set the locale priority of len craig to 1; if tangerine is visible and tangerine is not carried: set the locale priority of tangerine to 3; repeat with froo running through fruits in clearing: if froo is not tangerine and froo is not carried: set the locale priority of froo to 6; for writing a paragraph about a fruit (called froo) in Clangier Clearing: if froo is tangerine: continue the action; say "[if tangerine is in clearing]Also[else]Still[end if] for barter: [a list of not mentioned fruits in clearing]."; now lemons are mentioned; now melons are mentioned; now nectarine is mentioned; now tangerine is mentioned; understand "cigar" as a mistake ("That'd be out of place among fresh fruits. Plus, whether or not Len deserves a cigar, he doesn't deserve to be turned into one.") when player is in clearing. understand "mango" as a mistake ("That's the fruit you need to find. You see red wondering where or how?") when player is in clearing and mango is off-stage. clearing-fruits is a number that varies. after fliptoing when player is in clearing: if noun is a fruit or noun is l-o-p: increment clearing-fruits; continue the action; a tekno-token is a thing. description of tekno-token is "It bears the stamp of OKNet, who control its production and so forth. You have no clue how much is left on it, but though it looks like a bluer ruble, it's decent enough to barter with.". understand "tekno/ token" and "tekno" as tekno-token. the l-o-p is privately-named proper-named reflexive scenery in Clangier Clearing. "Reading the list, the kumquat [if kumquat is reflexive]in particular seems too expensive and probably easiest to barter down, or whatever[else]is the most reasonably priced item on the list[end if], though other prices almost make you want to curse." check taking l-o-p: say "That'd leave everyone in the market confused[if l-o-p is reflexed] and undo your help fixing the prices[end if]." instead; understand "list/of/prices/" or "price list" or "list of prices" as l-o-p. the printed name of l-o-p is "the list of prices". a-text of l-o-p is "RRYRYR". b-text of l-o-p is "RPGRGP". understand "precis" as a mistake ("It's already a precis, of sorts. Less pretentious words will work better here.") when l-o-p is visible. understand "silt" as a mistake ("Dirty way to slash prices.") when l-o-p is visible. understand "slit" as a mistake ("Dirty way to slash prices.") when l-o-p is visible. the kumquat is a fruit. description is "Weird and orange and oblong." check fliptoing kumquat when kumquat is in lalaland: say "Len Craig already gave you enough for your help. Don't push it." instead; check fliptoing papayas when papayas are in lalaland: say "You already got credit for prompt payment." instead; the auction caution is super-easy reflexive scenery in Clangier Clearing. "It's pretty clear: PAY ASAP covers over half of it. That probably applies to non-auctions, too.". understand "banner" as auction caution. some papayas are a plural-named fruit. description is "Goldish and gourdish." instead of doing something with auction caution: if the current action is taking: say "Vandalism." instead; unless the action is procedural: say "You can really only examine the banner[if caution is reflexive] or maybe get another fruit from it[end if]." instead; continue the action; Len Craig is a person in Clangier Clearing. "[one of]A man introduces himself as Len Craig, proprietor of LargeInc. He's willing to haggle, if you have the right items[or]Len Craig is still here, waiting to haggle[stopping]." description of Len Craig is "Unperturbed by the noise, he makes hand and nodding gestures at everything he has for sale." some lemons are a reflexive fruit in clearing. some melons are a reflexive fruit in clearing. check fliptoing lemons (this is the lemon-melon rule) : if player has lemons and melons are visible: try fliptoing melons instead; description of lemons is "Sour and frowny." a-text of lemons is "RYRYRR". b-text of lemons is "RYRYRR". description of melons is "It's pebbled so it looks sour and frowny--a cool optical illusion." a-text of melons is "RYRYRR". b-text of melons is "RYPYRR". A nectarine is a reflexive fruit in Clangier Clearing. a-text of nectarine is "YRRYYRRYR". b-text of nectarine is "YRPYYRRYR". The description of the nectarine is "[if nectarine is reflexed]It's greener than green and could use aging, maybe a little wrinkling[else]It looks fully ripe[end if]." [ancienter/ancienter] the tangerine is a reflexive fruit in Clangier Clearing. "A tangerine is here. Its wrinkles remind you of [one of]someone you'll remember if you examine again[or]Jorge Luis Borges's face[stopping]. It's stamped with some small lettering." description of tangerine is "It says GUESS MY NATIONALITY (WIKIPEDIA IS USELESS HERE)" a-text of tangerine is "YRRYRRYRY". b-text of tangerine is "YRRYRRGPG". the small lettering is part of the tangerine. description is "GUESS MY NATIONALITY (WIKIPEDIA IS USELESS HERE)" A quince is a reflexive fruit in Clangier Clearing. description of quince is "[if quince is reflexive]Written on it is NAME A PRICE IN ITALIAN[else]Nothing too special about it[end if]. It looks like your average combination of an apple and a pear." a-text of quince is "RYRRYY". b-text of quince is "RYRRYG". An overpriced peach is a reflexive semi-easy fruit in Clangier Clearing. check taking a fruit when player is in clangier clearing: if player has noun: continue the action; say "That'd be shoplifting. Surely you can try to bargain instead." instead; description of the overpriced peach is "[if peach is reflexive]Len Craig sees you looking at it and assures you it's expensive[otherwise]Plump and fuzzy[end if]." a-text of peach is "RRYYR". b-text of peach is "RRYYR". check taking (this is the shoplift in clearing rule) : if noun is in clearing: say "No stealing. This is a marketplace!" instead; understand "solemn" as a mistake ("Why so grouchy? You got a good price on the lemons AND the melons.") when player is in clangier clearing. chapter amonging amonging is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "among" as something new. understand "among" as amonging. carry out amonging: if player is in clearing: if mango is off-stage: if player does not have tekno-token: say "You'd look a little too suspicious mingling without anything of value to trade. Maybe when you have something, though."; preef mango; the rule succeeds; say "You mingle among the shoppers for a while. Eventually you find somewhere you didn't see before. You stifle an OMG when you see a mango. You stop to haggle. It goes well."; reg-inc; now player has mango instead; else: say "Snag mo['] mangos? No mas, G." instead; say "[reject]" instead; the rule succeeds; book Filed Field Filed Field is west of Swell Wells. "I'd call this a mowed meadow or a purest pasture, but that'd be cheating. Foliage cause foilage all directions except east. [if b-w are visible]Barriers west block you. [end if][if ppf is visible]A fence--the kind they call pipe panel--is here. [end if][if rapt figure is visible]A rapt figure towers here. [end if][if briar screen is visible]You can also see a briar screen, and you hear barren cries[end if][if ppf is in lalaland and briar screen is in lalaland and b-w is in lalaland and rapt figure is in lalaland]. You've gotten rid of all the junk here--good job![else].[end if]" the b-r is scenery in Filed Field. "It's jammed into the ground. You can't take it.". printed name of b-r is "buried raft". understand "buried/raft" and "buried raft" as b-r. the breadfruit is a fruit. description is "It doesn't look doughy at all." a-text of b-r is "RRYYRRRYYR". b-text of b-r is "PRYYRRPYYP". the barren cries are scenery in Filed Field. "You can't see them or where they're coming from. But they sound sour and bitter and tiny." a-text of barren cries is "RRYRRYRRYYR". b-text of barren cries is "RRYRRYRPGGP". the foliage is useless scenery in filed field. "It'll still block you going anywhere but back east, even with the more man-made obstacles gone." understand "fidel" as a mistake ("A thin voice howls 'I fled!'") when player is in Filed Field. Filed Field is in Others. The briar screen is scenery in filed field. "It's stained dark off-red and smells kind of bitter. You can barely see what it is screening. Examining it amplifies the barren cries." a-text of briar screen is "RRYRRYRRYYR". b-text of briar screen is "RPYRRYRPYGR". after fliptoing cranberries: now briar screen is in lalaland; now barren cries are in lalaland; continue the action; Instead of taking the briar screen: say "The briars it is screening would prickle you." the jagged spoon is part of the rapt figure. understand "utensil" as jagged spoon. description of jagged spoon is "It's jagged at the end.". instead of doing something with the jagged spoon: say "[one of]The utensil untiles nothing, nor does it contain luteins[or]All you need to know is, it's a hint, and you don't need to futz with it[stopping]." the ppf is privately-named scenery in Filed Field. "It's not worth sneaking over or through, either way. It's an eyesore, really." understand "pipe/ panel/ fence" as ppf. printed name of ppf is "pipe panel fence". check taking ppf: say "You don't have the strength. Maybe you can change it, though." instead; a-text of ppf is "RYRYYRRRY". b-text of ppf is "PGRGYRRRY". the pineapple is a fruit. the rapt figure is scenery in filed field. It is fixed in place. a-text of rapt figure is "RRYRYRRYYR". b-text of rapt figure is "RRYRYRRGYR". description of rapt figure is "It's smiling, with ruby red lips and white teeth. It's holding a jagged spoon." the grapefruit is a fruit. the dummy-mango is a useless thing. the dummy-mango is undesc. a-text of dummy-mango is "YRYRR". b-text of dummy-mango is "YRYRR". Some pryer bars are a thing in Filed Field. description is "They're not quite crowbars. They have drupelets on them.". "Some pryer bars sit here, and it'd be nice to put them to a less distasteful use than to break into places." check touching pryer bars: say "They feel like spry rebar." instead; a-text of pryer bars is "RYRRRYRRO". b-text of pryer bars is "RYRRRYRPO". check taking pryer bars: say "You don't need to open any crates or fight anyone. This isn't that sort of game. Repurpose them, instead!" instead; check taking drupelets: say "You could take a hint from them, but you can't take them. They're part of the pryer bars." instead; the drupelets are part of the pryer bars. the drupelets are plural-named. description of drupelets is "Little dark-red spherical bits stuck together that'd probably burst with juice if you tried to pop them." a raspberry is a fruit. b-w are plural-named proper-named privately-named scenery in Filed Field. "The barriers west seem to mark the end of the Filed Field." printed name of b-w is "the barriers west" check taking b-w: say "Too heavy, and there's nothing west, anyway." instead; understand "barriers/ west/w/" as b-w. a-text of b-w is "RRRYRRYRRYYR". b-text of b-w is "RRPYRRYRRYYR". strawberries are a plural-named fruit. book Scape Space Scape Space is an innie room in Others. Scape Space is below Swell Wells. The reserved sign is semi-easy auxiliary scenery in Scape Space. "RESERVED for the DESERVER." the guava is a fruit. a-text of reserved sign is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of reserved sign is "*GRGPRG*". description of Scape Space is "This well-hidden area may be a raft of criminal activity, or maybe any puzzles here may be criminally unfair." an-a is a super-easy privately-named thing in Scape Space. printed name of the an-a is "An a". "An a is here, waiting for you to take it. Well, take it the right way.". description of an-a is "Greenish, then golden, then a nasty dark brown.". understand "the/an a" and "a" as an-a. understand "banana" as a mistake ("Hm, that's the fruit you want, but which letter to grab? And how?") when an-a is in scape space and player is in scape space. the pugnacious plant is a thing in Scape Space. "A pugnacious plant waits for a fight here." a-text of pugnacious is "RRYRYRR". b-text of pugnacious is "RRYRYRR". description of pugnacious plant is "It's completely indescribable and quite possibly mechanical. You hear a noise coming from it." rhubarb is a fruit. instead of doing something with the pugnacious plant: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The plant senses you trying to do something with it and whips a burr at you. [one of]'Burr. Bah!' you say as you notice a brief red welt[or]'Bah. Burr,' you say, as a burr bounces off[or]'Arrh, bub,' you brag as you duck the plant's reflexive attack[or]'Bub...' Art Erd distracts you. 'Arrh!' you cry, as you pick out a burr the plant shot at you[in random order]." instead; check scaning plant: say "The settler doesn't register anything, though the plant gestures threateningly. Maybe you need to be more hands-on, here." instead; check scaning an-a: say "There should be only three letters, but you see more."; Instead of taking an-a: say "You feel something ban you from taking an a. The a almost seems to say 'Na-Naa-B' as you take it."; a-text of an-a is "RYRYRY". b-text of an-a is "YGRYRY". The small yellow banana is a fruit. Red Rat Art Erd is a person in Scape Space. "[one of]Oh my goodness! A tarred trader is here. But if you look closely--yes, it's Red Rat Art Erd! Who performed all sorts of 'risky' financial transactions, but Elvira managed to get him bailed out because he was being interesting and creative, or something. Some people tarred him, and, well, he deserved it[or]Red Rat Art Erd, the tarred trader, is stil slumped here. He probably got kicked out [if clearing is unvisited]from somewhere more reputable[else]of the Clangier Clearing[end if][stopping][if storage box is in scape space]--he's sort of holding out a box labeled So-Great Storage[end if]." understand "tarred trader" and "tarred/trader" as Art Erd. understand "retard" as a mistake ("You can picture people like Art Erd calling you, or people he 'provided financial services to,' that, but two wrongs don't make a right. Besides, if anything, he was being too clever.") when player is in scape space understand "darter" as a mistake ("Art Erd has nowhere to run[if storage box is in scape space], and you don't know if you want him taking that storage box with him[end if].") when player is in scape space rule for printing a locale paragraph about Art Erd: if storage box is in scape space: now storage box is mentioned; continue the action; the so-great storage box is a thing. the storage box is in Scape Space. "A box labeled So-Great Storage is here.". description of storage box is "[unless lost slot is part of storage box]It's so great at storing, you can't find a way in there. It reads LOST SLOT, and the slot certainly, uh, is[else]There's a (formerly) lost slot in the box. What to put into it, now[end if].". instead of opening box: say "If brute force worked, it wouldn't be so great for storage."; check taking storage box: say "Art Erd guards it carefully. 'I need currency. Give me currency.'" instead; check giving droll dollar to someone: if second noun is not Art Erd: say "[second noun] isn't seedy enough to accept it." instead; check giving something to Art Erd: if player has storage: say "You've already traded." instead; if noun is coin or noun is coins: say "'[one of]No redeem. Need more.'[or]Too heavy.' Hey! A veto![in random order]" instead; if noun is dollar: say "He consults an imaginary calendar. 'Sell date. All's teed. Let's deal.' On receiving the dollar, he cries 'Monies so mine!'[paragraph break]You take the storage box."; now Art Erd has dollar; if player has s-i: slot-appear; now player has storage instead; if noun is tekno-token: say "Traceable. Be real, cat." instead; say "'An empty payment.' He's not interested in that. Just money." instead; description of Art Erd is "Tarred literally and figuratively, he gives off an 'I'm sly. Slimy.' air. Grease agrees with him." instead of doing something to Art Erd: if action is procedural: continue the action; otherwise: if player has storage: say "You don't want to deal with Red Rat Art Erd any more than you have to." instead; say "Art Erd shrugs, then does the 'let's swap' hand gesture. Hmm, what could you give Art Erd to get that so-great storage?" The basket of blackberries is a fruit. description is "It's from Bickerers['] Lab, wherever that is." the orange is a fruit in Scape Space. understand "gorean" as a mistake ("This game isn't about sexual stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that.") when orange is visible. a-text of orange is "RY*RYYR". b-text of orange is "RY*RYYR". instead of taking the orange: say "[one of]With a sleepy, sly 'Eep,' [or]T[stopping]he trader whips his hand out and grabs you with alacrity. Maybe even two lacrities--it was much faster and intenser than you thought possible. You back off, and he goes back to semi-dozing. You rage on and see red before thinking, Maybe you need to sneak up somehow." chapter gonearing gonearing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "go near" as something new. understand "go near" as gonearing. carry out gonearing: if orange is in Scape Space and orange is visible: say "You move cautiously, with moves as sneaky as Art Erd's that eventually got him tarred. He sees you grab it but sniffs 'O anger. A goner.' Sour grapes at the orange!"; now player has orange; reg-inc; check-fruit-min instead; say "[reject]" instead; instead of dropping the orange: say "But you worked so hard to get it!" the barber sickle is a flippable vanishing thing in filed field. description is "It's the color of some sort of dark juice, similar in texture to the pryer bars.". "A barber sickle lies here, not sharp but very dark." a-text of barber sickle is "RRYRRRYRRYYR". b-text of barber sickle is "PRYRRRYRRYYR". check taking barber sickle: say "You don't need weapons in this game. Or a haircut." instead; volume stores book Strip of Profits Strip of Profits is a room in Stores. "[if roved is true]Well, those stores you took care of are gone, and so is the megaton magneto-montage. [h-or-others].[else]Most of the twenty-six stores from your first time here remain, though you're not here to shop[which-stores].[paragraph break]A megaton magneto-montage[i-u] stands here.[end if]" last-loc of Stores is Strip of Profits. to say i-u: if magneto montage is unexamined: say ", which looks like a directory of some sort," to say h-or-others: say "[if store h is in strip]But Store H remains[else]That hoster remains where Store H was[end if]" does the player mean entering a sto: it is likely. understand "restow" as a mistake ("[if store w is visible]Store W glows red as you try this[else if towers are visible]The towers glow red as you try this[else]You did what you could in store W and the towers[end if]") when player is in strip of profits after printing the locale description for Strip of Profits when Strip of Profits is unvisited: if roved is false: say "You remember something from your first trip to Yorpwald--how Terry would help you RETRY if you got stuck in any stores. So you write that in your pedanto-notepad. Also, as a fourth-wall note, if you have solved any area, simply type the command you used to win it."; pad-rec-lump "retry"; pad-rec "warp"; disamb-store is privately-named useless scenery in Strip of Profits. printed name of disamb-store is "the entire store bank". understand "store" and "entire/ store bank/" and "stores" as disamb-store. description of disamb-store is "[sto-desc].". to say sto-desc: say "Some stick out more than others. Some have too many shoppers around. Some seem more solitary and ready to explore[one of]. You notice stores F, I, M and R are missing--of course they are, since you got past them to the forest, sortie, metros and resort last time here[or][stopping]. You can examine one in particular with, say, X STORE Q" instead of entering disamb-store: say "Hmm, you can't enter all the stores at once. You'll need to pick a store--you can also refer to it by its abbreviation, e.g. Q for Store Q."; does the player mean examining disamb-store:it is likely. does the player mean entering disamb-store: it is likely. check going south in Strip of Profits: if hoster is not visible: try going west instead; to decide whether (myp - a thing) is nonpost: if myp is not a portal, decide no; if myp is hoster, decide no; if myp is in strip of profits, decide yes; decide no; check going inside in Strip of Profits (this is the which portal rule) : if number of maingame portals in strip is 1: if hoster is in strip: say "You figure the hoster can be put off [']til later."; try entering a random visible maingame portal instead; if hoster is in strip and roved is true: say "Yup. Only the hoster's left."; try entering hoster instead; if number of maingame portals in strip > 1: say "You have more than one area you can enter[if hoster is in strip], not counting the hoster, which you'll deal with later[end if]."; let RP be nothing; let curdif be 99; repeat with EP running through portals in strip: if diffic of EP < curdif: now RP is EP; now curdif is diffic of EP; say "[line break]The[if RP is e-s], er, spot[else] [RP][end if] look[if RP is not plural-named]s[end if] le[if number of portals in strip is 2]ss[else]ast[end if] intimidating[if RP is smoke cloud], though maybe not even worth it[end if]--try [if RP is plural-named]them[else]it[end if]?"; if the player consents: try entering RP instead; say "Okay. [if RP is plural-named]They're[else]It's[end if] not going anywhere[unless patcher is off-stage], unless you fry it with the patcher[end if]." instead; if smoke cloud is in strip: try entering smoke cloud instead; say "There's nothing you can enter--the plain old stores don't count. You don't have time to shop." instead; instead of doing something to ads: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "They aren't what's really wrong with Yorpwald. I mean, they're not right, but they're an inevitable consequence of a place not in total peril. Best do something with the stores, or what they can become, instead."; to say which-stores: if number of visible flippable stos is 0: say ", but there aren't any more you can switch up"; the rule succeeds; if number of visible flippable stos is 1: say ". Only [random visible flippable sto] is still worth investigating"; the rule succeeds; let BBQ be a list of things; now BBQ is list of flippable not bedruggled stos in Strip of Profits; remove Store B from BBQ, if present; remove Store H from BBQ, if present; sort BBQ; let A be indexed text; now A is "[BBQ]"; now A is "[A in title case]"; replace the text "store " in A with "", case insensitively; replace the text "And" in A with "and"; say ". Stores [A] seem in decent shape[if hoster is visible], but that hoster you made looks too scary for now[end if].[no line break][tokies] Looks like near the end of the alphabet's where it's at"; definition: a sto is game-critical: if it is not in Strip of Profits, no; if it is not flippable, no; if it is bedruggled, no; if it is Store H, no; if it is Store B, no; yes; definition: a sto is supporting: if it is Store T, no; if it is Store H, no; if it is Store B, no; if it is bedruggled, no; if it is game-critical, yes; no; to say tokies: if number of visible bedruggled stos is 0: say "[no line break]"; continue the action; say " Also, [list of visible bedruggled stos] seem[if number of visible bedruggled stos is 1]s[end if] nearly condemned.[no line break]"; section ads check scaning ads: say "Few have deeper meaning. You wonder if they are worth scanning with your own eyes." instead; to say hawk-blare: increment this-ad; let mxad be maxidx corresponding to a mytab of table of ad slogans in table of megachatter; if this-ad > mxad: say "exhorts HANKER! HARKEN! You must be at the end."; now this-ad is 1; continue the action; choose row this-ad in table of ad slogans; say "[if blare entry is true]blares[else]hawks[end if] [blurb entry][if blare entry is false][end if]" this-ad is a number that varies. this-ad is usually 0. chapter roveovering roveovering is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "rove over" as something new. understand "rove over" as roveovering. roved is a truth state that varies. to say h-other: say "[if store h is visible]Store H[else]the hoster[end if]"; carry out roveovering: [d "[number of fruits] fruits: [list of fruits]. [list of backdrops] = backdrops.[line break]";] if roved is true: say "You already did." instead; if player is not in dusty study: say "You're not sure where to." instead; if Gunter is not off-stage: say "It's not that easy. Maybe once you've returned [if player is in study]back here [end if]to your Dusty Study, you can sneak out a more usual passage. But you need to fix things in Yorpwald, first. Or restart the game." instead; say "Oh man. That's right. Those adventures--the routes, the troves--and Curtis. Elmo told you to ROVE OVER. Better than Gunter's [one of]cringy-crying[or]slimey-smiley[or]bubbly-blubby[in random order] plea peal, a big tear rate about Elvira...mumbling 'Sad I said a dis.' No, you don't want a CHANCE to be suckered [if stuff-found < 3]if he comes knocking[else]by opening that door[end if]. You slip out a secret passage. Shouldn't need a last atlas for this, but...don't slow down LOTS. You eat a carbo-carob cobra for the long journey."; now roved is true; now first-good-scan is true; now kind-of-cool is true; move player to strip of profits; repeat with ZT running through needed regions: now ZT is bypassed; repeat with ZT running through patchable things: now ZT is in lalaland; now Store K is in lalaland; now Store N is in lalaland; now magneto is in lalaland; now player has super purse; now player has letters settler; now player has pedanto-notepad; the rule succeeds; chapter stores the windows are useless plural-named scenery in Strip of Profits. the windows are undesc. understand "window" as windows. instead of doing something with windows: if current action is attacking: say "Unfortunately, if you enter a store that way, while it's still a store, there'd be nothing worth exploring.[paragraph break]Plus Elvira'd have a field day if and when you get caught." instead; unless action is procedural: say "Unfortunately, with all those windows, it's hard to be specific. But you should be able to refer to the store with the windows you want to look in." instead; say "Unfortunately, you can't do much with the windows. Since stores sort of have to have them, that gets ambiguous. It's probably simpler to refer to the store you want to inspect."; does the player mean scaning a sto: it is very likely; a sto is a kind of thing. a sto is usually undescribed. a sto is usually fixed in place. description of a sto is "This is some posh shop or other. But it has been integrated into the whole strip. It can't lead anywhere interesting." specification of sto is "Something that may or may not change into a portal." the plural of sto is stos. instead of entering a sto: if noun is store b: say "You [if store b is reflexive]need to say what you want a free sample of[else]already got your free sample[end if]." instead; if noun is store c: say "You'd have to show ID. Then they'd know who you were. Then Elvira would have you arrested. Plus, ew." instead; if noun is store h: say "[if roved is true]You need to figure how to convert Store H into something different[else]Store H looks so wild and confusing, you're disoriented when approaching it. Maybe take care of Elvira first[end if]." instead; if noun is store k or noun is store n: say "That looks distinctly too seedy. It actually does need to be demolished, somehow." instead; if noun is store r: say "You can't go back to your resort. Not until Elvira's dispatched." instead; if noun is useless: say "There's nothing you'd want in that store, even if you were shopping." instead; if noun is flippable: say "Probably not in its present state." instead; say "You're not here to shop. You're here to save Yorpwald[if noun is nonreflexive]. Not shop in some random store[one of]. You changed a few other stores to get where you needed before--maybe do that again[or]. Like this one[stopping][else], and you remember how changing stores helped you get places before[end if]." a sto can be bedruggled. a sto is usually not bedruggled. to say gd: say "It's oddly greyed out, like an area in a video game you can't get to. [no line break]" store-a is a privately-named useless sto. understand "store/ 1/one/a" as store-a when player is in Strip of Profits. the printed name of store-a is "Store A". Store B is a LLPish reflexive sto. understand "store/ 2/two" as Store B when player is in Strip of Profits. a-text of store b is "RYRRYR". b-text of store b is "PYRRGR". description of Store B is "It's not as greyed out as most of the other stores. It reads BERTO'S (crossed out) then OBERT'S BEST, OR... It also claims to be better than Dupree Pureed[if store b is reflexive]. It's probably some sort of food store, and it feels a bit cold nearby[end if][one of]. You think you see who built this--you could examine it again. Red text[or]. The builder's name is REST, BO, in red text[stopping]." Store C is a useless sto. understand "store/ 3/three" as Store C when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store C is "[one of]To porn! Pronto! [or][stopping][randbla]". check examining Store C for the first time: say "You look in, noticing a corset ideal for the escort sector--and that the doorbell if you're (lol) bored is in the basement--but She Bop Phobes cry 'Skeezer! Eekzers! Sicko! So ick!'[paragraph break]"; ital-say "store C is a no gamier mirage but a pro-sin prison--enough smut you must need Tums--so this fun fort may be a turnoff to examine again[if censor-minor is true], especially since you have profanity disabled[end if]. So, pardon da porn (hetero or the other) or call pornog no-prog. I'm not judging. I just discovered them all by intellectual curiosity and guesswork, so stop saying that. Go on. Harp. Pry."; the rule fails; Store D is a useless sto. understand "store/ 4/four" as Store D when player is in Strip of Profits. Store E is a useless sto. understand "store/ 5/five" as Store E when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store E is "It's bolted up but seems to be advertising a stereo sale." the forest is useless scenery in Strip of Profits. understand "store f" and "store/f" as forest when player is in strip of profits. "It's not really Store F any more. It's been preserved--a foster forest. But new stores have sprouted up." instead of doing something with the megaton magneto montage: if current action is scaning: say "Your settler registers nothing. It looks too dense to change. Besides, it's got information on the stores, and you wouldn't want to lose that." instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The magneto-montage's not good for much besides looking at. But it's a useful guide."; instead of entering forest: say "You don't know if you'd be welcome at that tourist trap, and there's nothing more to do there." the megaton magneto montage is useless scenery in Strip of Profits. printed name of montage is "megaton magneto montage" understand "look behind [thing]" as searching. description of megaton magneto montage is "It's a sort of directory of all the stores[one of]. You read it through, but you can gloss through it for interesting bits (or even call it LM,) later[or]. You gloss through for what interests you[stopping].[paragraph break][b]CLOSED ON YORPDAY (that's today)[r]: A, D, E, G, J, L, O, Q, S, X, Z[if store b is reflexive][line break][b]FREE SAMPLES: B[r][end if][if store c is not examined][line break][b]NO PRUDES, USED !!!!: C[r][end if][line break][b]DON'T BOTHER UNLESS YOU'VE NOTHING, I MEAN NOTHING, TO DO[r]: H[one of][line break][b]OF HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE[r]: F/Forest, I/Sortie, M/Metros, R/Resort[or][stopping][if store k is in strip or store k is in strip][line break]CONDEMNED: K, N[line break][end if][b]NOT ELVIRA-APPROVED. ENTER AT OWN RISK[r]: P, U, V, W, Y[if store t is in profits][line break][b]ELVIRA SAYS KEEP EXTRA DOUBLE OUT[r]: T[paragraph break][engrav-note]." to say engrav-note: say "[if engravings are examined]Those engravings are at the bottom, too[else]You note engravings craftily hidden below all this[end if]" check examining magneto montage when roved is true: say "It's not really relevant now that there's just [if store h is visible]Store H[else]the hoster." instead; change-warn is a truth state that varies. after examining magneto montage when change-warn is false: if number of solved regions + number of bypassed regions > 1: say "It's kind of out of date since you got to work, but it'll be good enough reference in the future."; now change-warn is true; Store G is a useless sto. understand "store/ 7/seven" as Store G when player is in Strip of Profits. understand "ergots" as a mistake ("You're trying to rescue the people of Yorpwald, not give them fungus infections.") when Store G is visible. understand "gorest" and "go rest" as a mistake ("Store G is too busy to allow that these days.") when Store G is visible. Store H is a sto. understand "store/ 8/eight" as Store H when player is in Strip of Profits. [description of Store H is "Spray painted on this locked store is: others are in the throes of being reshot."] description of Store H is "Store H appears broken-down. It sprawls a bit but is not particularly tall. A warning in bright red says:[paragraph break]'All who enter here risk exclusion. Closed for having a truly frightening HOSTER. Trespassers will be, er, shot. - E. S. Roth'" understand "tosher" as a mistake ("[if store h is in strip]Insults will get you nowhere. You see red at thinking such a word[else]The hoster does look a bit weird, but you need to enter it, not change it[end if].") when player is in strip of profits a-text of store h is "YRRYRR". b-text of store h is "YPRYRR". check scaning store h: if otters is not solved: say "The settler gives a weird noise, as if it doesn't want to scan this store--yet." instead; understand "throes" as a mistake ("No, you are not in your last throes. Neither is Yorpwald. [if otters is solved]Try thinking of a more common word[else]Try looking at the other end of the alphabet[end if].") when Store H is visible or hoster is visible. understand "hoster" as a mistake ("That was sort of a given from the warning on Store H[if Store H is unexamined], as you note E. S. Roth's signature[end if], and it is all in red. So none of those letters are in place. Hmm, what's a place/person that's been isolated?") when Store H is visible. the hoster is a not lumpable not maingame portal. "That stupid hoster is here where Store H was. [if roved is true]Since[else]If[end if] you have nothing better to do than save Yorpwald, it's worth a shot.". description is "It's a truly terrifying open, smiling mouth, being far too welcoming. It might be worse if it had a cavity, but it's pretty bad. You're not sure you want to know where it leads." understand "mouth" as hoster. does the player mean entering a sto: it is very unlikely. does the player mean doing something with Store Z: it is unlikely. check entering hoster: if rustic citrus is visited: continue the action; if roved is false: say "You think about entering, but you remember Elmo saying it wasn't critical to save Yorpwald." instead; the sortie is useless scenery in Strip of Profits. understand "store f" and "store/f" as sortie when player is in strip of profits. "The sortie leads to the erstwhile Lord Ablemiser's territory, which you were able to neutralize your first time through. You think he still likes you--but you've no time to verify that." instead of entering sortie: say "You don't know if you'd be welcome at that tourist trap, and there's nothing more to do there." Store J is a useless sto. understand "store/ 10/ten" as Store J when player is in Strip of Profits. Store K is a bedruggled sto. understand "store/ 11/eleven" as Store K when player is in Strip of Profits. understand "stroke" as a mistake ("You need a stroke of genius, but that's all wrong. You are left seeing red a bit. But this puzzle probably isn't worth risking your health over.") a-text of Store K is "RYRYRR". b-text of Store K is "RYRYRR". the smoke cloud is a not maingame not lumpable portal. diffic of smoke cloud is 1. "The tokers['] smoke cloud hovers--[if lectures is visited]but you don't want to go back[else]maybe there's a small 'adventure' inside[end if]." description of smoke cloud is "It hangs all around the tokers[if lectures is visited]. You don't really want to go back[otherwise]. But it probably can't harm you. Maybe it even leads to adventure[end if]." go-region of smoke cloud is stores. check entering smoke cloud: if nestor is off-stage: say "'Dude, we, like, can't share these righteous fumes unless you help us. Maybe find our friend or something.'" instead; if lecturer is reflexive: say "The tokers beginning singing 'Oh sigh, so high,' then 'TO PHONY TYPHOON!' and you're all 'Rest. OK?' You step into the smoke cloud and find yourself on a way high highway. (Proof that stuff's an entry drug.) You wind up saving lands similar to Yorpwald which speak Spanish, French, German and Italian.[paragraph break]Well, in a dream, anyway. Then you wake up. A policeman towers over, asking if you're on drugs: 'Don't cop a lie, man. No jukein['] on, junkie.'[paragraph break]After a stern lecture about how using drugs makes you miss obvious details (other than, well, a WANTED poster of you that you see) and you druggies think you're special but there's nothing magical about drugs, the no-[crap] narc-op pushes you to an anti-drug seminar."; min-up; now player is in lectures instead; say "Oh, no. Not that again. Country'll have a new alphabet the next time. And a worse lecture." instead; check smelling when smoke cloud is visible: say "Err. I can't tell you exactly how the smoke smells. I wouldn't know." instead; after choosing notable locale objects when player is in strip of profits: if store h is in strip of profits: set the locale priority of store h to 0; if hoster is in strip of profits: set the locale priority of hoster to 0; if otters-x are in strip of profits: set the locale priority of otters-x to 10; if tokers are in strip of profits: set the locale priority of tokers to 1; if tokers are in strip of profits and nestor is in strip of profits: set the locale priority of nestor to 0; continue the action; the tokers are plural-named people. "Some tokers are here[if Store N is visible], moaning about their friend they lost nearby[otherwise], doing their tokin['] thing[if-nest]." for writing a paragraph about a lumpable portal (called ptl) : say "Where stores once sat, you can now enter [list of lumpable portals in location of the player]."; now all lumpable portals in location of the player are mentioned; continue the action; rule for printing a locale paragraph about tokers: now nestor is mentioned; continue the action; to say smocloud: say "[if lectures is unvisited]can enter that[else]figure you should avoid that[end if]" to say if-nest: if nestor is visible: say ", your friend Nestor participating fervently" description of tokers is "Long-haired, lazy, babbling bums, unwilling to do anything nearing earning. Their taste in clothes is worse than their taste in music. they seem to be fervently arguing whether it is best to say dude, like, or man too much." description of Store K is "[one of]A peculiar smell of smoke and incense seeps from Store K, but that's probably not the BIG reason this place went downhill. 'Hey! stop violating our privacy, Dude, or we will maybe, like, insult you next time![or]'Dude! We're trying to REST, OK?' someone looks briefly at you through bloodshot eyes.[or]Someone with bloodshot red eyes begins blasting the truly awful music of K. T. Rose.[or]You wonder how they can rest okay while listening to the music of K. T. Rose.[stopping]" Store L is a useless sto. understand "store/ 12/twelve" as Store L when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store L is "You take a peek inside but feel loster and loster as you do." the metros are useless plural-named scenery in strip of profits. understand "store m" and "store/m" as metros when player is in strip of profits. description of metros is "It's probably a quick path to Mt. Rose, which does not need your help. In fact, with public opinion as it is right now, if you showed up there, you might get beaten up for implying there was something wrong with Mt. Rose." instead of entering metros: say "You don't know if you'd be welcome at that tourist trap, and there's nothing more to do there." Store N is a bedruggled sto. understand "store/ 14/fourteen" as Store N when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store N is "Someone appears to be in there." a-text of Store N is "RYRRYR". b-text of Store N is "RYRRYR". Nestor is a person. description of nestor is "[if tokers are visible or smoke cloud is visible]Nestor is somewhere among the tokers, you'd guess[otherwise]Nestor pines for his most bummedly lost friends[end if].". initial appearance of Nestor is "Nestor mopes around, hoping his friends drop by." rule for printing a locale paragraph about nestor: if smoke cloud is visible or tokers are visible: do nothing instead; continue the action; to say no-stoner: say ""; understand "stoner" as a mistake ("[if nestor is visible]Being a stoner isn't treason. Use his real name.[else][one of]'Hey, man! Don't depersonalize me! Or I'll throw something at you!' You hear from inside Store N.[or]'Like, don't do it again, dude, or I will literally totally throw these empty bottles at you.'[or]The door to Store N opens, and two bottles whizz in your direction but nowhere close. They're bright red, and they appear to be lotions or something.[or]You've teased him enough. You should have enough clues to figure his name now, anyway.[stopping][end if]") when player is in Strip of Profits the bottles of toners are a plural-named cluey thing. understand "lotions" as toners. description is "They are trial-sized bottle of toners for skin care[one of]. Thankfully, they weren't made of Sterno, which wouldn't have helped you at all[or]. They're so rent you can't see a brand name[or]There's lots--er, tons--to look at if you see it right[stopping]. The bottles are disgracefully red." Store O is a useless sto. understand "store/ 15/fifteen" as Store O when player is in Strip of Profits. Store P is a semi-easy sto. understand "store/ 16/sixteen" as Store P when player is in Strip of Profits. understand "repost" as a mistake ("That's not what you need to do with [if store p is visible]store P--you even see red trying to figure HOW you would[else]the, er, spot[end if].") when store p is visible or e-s is visible description of Store P is "There's a big poster in the window of this average-sized store." a-text of Store P is "RRYRRY". b-text of Store P is "RRYRRY". understand "pteros" as a mistake ("[if store p is in strip or e-s is in strip]You don't need to face any predators[else]They're in the past, and so are Store P and the Presto region[end if].") when player is in strip of profits. the curst crust is a thing. description of crust is "[one of]It's probably from Curt's, the worst bakery in the world. [or][stopping]You have about [swears in words] bites of this disgusting thing left to eat." understand "bread" as curst crust. swears is a number that varies. swears is usually 2. the e-s is a proper-named portal. diffic of e-s is 5. the go-region of e-s is Presto. the printed name of e-s is "an, er, spot". description is "It's hecka swirly. You're sure it goes somewhere the speech is louder and so forth.". initial appearance of e-s is "The, er, spot created when you said PRESTO swirls here." understand "er/spot" and "er spot" as e-s. prestoing is an action applying to nothing. the tropes poster is part of Store P. the tropes poster is auxiliary and semi-easy. description of tropes poster is "It features many important, if mis-stated, memes, including how certain nonsense words reliably move the plot forward or make something out of nothing. When you think on them, they are so pert, you see red." a-text of poster is "RRYRRY". b-text of poster is "??YRRY". Store Q is a useless sto. understand "store/ 17/seventeen" as store Q when player is in Strip of Profits. description of store Q is "This is a posh shop like many others in the Strip of Profits. It doesn't look likely to hide any sort of portal, even shared with Store U." Store R is a useless sto. understand "store/ 18/eighteen" as Store R when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store R is "It could lead back to your resort, to your Roman Manor. But you would not be welcome or safe there." understand "resort" as a mistake ("You can't go back to the Roman Manor. Well, you can, but it's a bad idea.") when player is in strip of profits. to say how-far-along: say "This needs to be filled in to describe the poster on Store P." to decide whether you-can-advance: if number of solved regions < 5: decide no; decide yes. Store S is a useless sto. understand "store/ 19/nineteen" as Store S when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store S is "As you get near, you hear GO AWAY YOU TOSSER. The accent doesn't sound British, so you suspect this person just needed to use a new swear and kind of forced things a bit." Store T is a sto. understand "store/ 20/twenty" as Store T when player is in Strip of Profits. understand "tortes" as a mistake ("There's no time for food! Especially fatty, non-brain food!") a-text of Store T is "YRRYRR". b-text of Store T is "YPRYRR". description of Store T is "Store T is average-sized, but it seems to repel you. Its window is really lovely stained-glass--it's a depiction of a family of sea animals. There's an engraving below it." otters-x are a privately-named plural-named not lumpable portal. printed name of otters-x is "the twin otters". understand "twin otters" as otters-x. description of otters-x is "They are named Darin and Randi, according to what is engraved below. You see a field of barley beyond them. There's also something below their names, and it reads:" understand "barely" as a mistake ("You [one of][or]still [stopping]aren't close enough for such a weak word to affect the barley. But that seems right[one of] and worth writing in your notepad[or][stopping].[preefsay of b-b]") when f-o-b is visible. to say preefsay of (pfy - a thing): if pfy is not prefigured: preef pfy; say "[line break]"; pad-rec-q "flips"; after examining otters-x: try examining engravings; now f-o-b is in strip of profits; the engravings are part of magneto montage. the engravings are plural-named. understand "engraving" and "names" as engravings when engravings are visible. description of engravings is "[emph of e-s]Man, [r][b]SOMEONE[r] [emph of towers-x]evil[r] [emph of troves-x]will[r] [emph of oyster-x]pay[r] [emph of routes-x]up[r], [emph of otters-x]hard[r][if note-progress is true].[paragraph break][i]NOUNED: UNDONE.[r][paragraph break]The letter emphases seem to have changed since you last read it[npoff][end if]." eng-scan is a truth state that varies. check scaning engravings: say "None of the words on the engravings scan to anything."; now eng-scan is true instead; after examining engravings when eng-scan is false: say "You scan the engravings, just in case, but none of the words turn up anything special. There's probably a different hint at stake, here. Also, it's odd an anti-Elvira message would be around. Maybe it's Gretta's clue Elmo mentioned, and maybe it'll make more sense after you've made your way a bit more."; now eng-scan is true; continue the action; to say npoff: now note-progress is false; to say emph of (r - a portal): say "[r]"; if go-region of r is solved or go-region of r is bypassed or go-region of r is shortcircuited: say "[b]"; if r is visible: say "[i]"; understand "randi" and "darin" as otters-x. rule for printing a locale paragraph about otters-x: say "Statues of twin otters wait here, facing each other--it's all blurry behind them."; now otters-x is mentioned; understand "twins/otters/statues" as otters-x. f-o-b is privately-named scenery. printed name of f-o-b is "the field of barley". description of f-o-b is "You look behind the otters at the field of barley. [if b-b is reflexed]There's not much left.[else]It's everywhere, up to your waist, with no end in sight.[end if]" check entering otters-x: if number of needed regions > 0: d "[list of needed regions]."; say "As you step between them, you feel mess-up spumes from the otters--maybe a passive sap-vise--drain you to a nadir. 'I...darn![paragraph break]You could take your powers going dormant, but they might get mordant. Maybe you need to build them up by fixing things elsewhere[if patcher is in strip of profits], or you can cheat with that patcher. I won't judge. The fate of a world is at stake[end if]." instead; if eels are not in lalaland: now inhib is true; say "You begin to feel drained, and you let out a 'darn, I...' you slow down but just make it. 'Rad! In!'" Store U is a semi-easy sto. understand "store/ 21/twentyone" as Store U when player is in Strip of Profits. understand "ouster" as a mistake ("It's your job to be the ouster in Store u, but how to get there?") when Store U is visible or routes-x are visible. understand "sureto" or "sure to" as a mistake ("You'll be sure to figure it out sooner or later. You see red a bit at not quite being there yet.") when Store U is visible or routes-x are visible. a-text of Store U is "RYYRYR". b-text of Store U is "RYYRGR". description of Store U is "Though Store U is the smallest of the stores that stand out, along with Store V[if store v is not visible] before you changed it[end if], you see a dizzying array of branching possibilities inside. Well, roads, except each seems to have a number or label. The roads are red and almost seem to form letters if you look at them right." the roads are part of store u. description is "When you stare just right, the red roads reform to 'Sure to set our...'" instead of doing something with roads: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The roads are inside the store. You can really only examine them." instead; a-text of roads is "RYYRYR". b-text of roads is "RYYRYR". the routes-x are a privately-named plural-named portal. diffic of routes-x is 2. understand "routes" as routes-x. the printed name of routes-x is "routes extending many confusing directions". initial appearance of routes-x is "odd winding routes". description of routes-x is "They appear to branch out in all directions." Store V is a sto. understand "store/ 22/twentytwo" as Store V when player is in Strip of Profits. description of Store V is "Store V would be the smallest of the stores that stand out, but for Store U[if store u is not visible] before you changed it[end if]. Strange garnets lie inside. You also see a hologram of voters." voters are part of Store V. understand "hologram" as voters. description of voters is "The voters in the hologram seem to be complaining 'Elections? Selection. Have to vote. Ha. Pols? Slop.'[paragraph break]An impressive display of defeatist thinking." a-text of voters is "RRYRYR". b-text of voters is "RRYRYP". a-text of Store V is "RRYRYR". b-text of Store V is "RRGRGR". troves-x are a privately-named plural-named portal. diffic of troves-x is 3. understand "troves/jewels" as troves-x. printed name of troves-x is "troves of glittering jewels". go-region of troves-x is troves. initial appearance of troves-x is "[if Loather Rathole is visited]empty troves[else]troves of too-good-to-be-true jewels[end if] glisten here.". understand "trove" as troves-x. description of troves-x is "[if Loather Rathole is unvisited]Shiny. Tempting. You have enough room for a few jewels your super purse[else]You could probably go through the ordeal of them vanishing to get back to Spoiloplis[end if]." instead of taking troves-x: try entering troves-x instead; Store W is a sto. understand "store/ 23/twentythree" as Store W when player is in Strip of Profits. a-text of Store W is "RYRYRR". b-text of Store W is "RYRYRR". description of Store W is "It's the biggest structure in the strip. You see replicas of two tall, narrow buildings. You can also read a reddish inscription." the reddish inscription is part of store w. the reddish inscription is cluey. description of reddish inscription is "WESTOR is the name of the company that built this. They used the SET-ROW method." the towers-x are a plural-named portal. diffic of towers-x is 7. the go-region of towers-x is Towers. understand "two/twin towers" and "ivy/ivory tower" and "towers" as towers-x. the printed name of towers-x is "very tall twin towers". "Two towers, ivy or ivory, are here.". description of towers-x is "Ivy or ivory. You can't tell which is tower, er, two. Both are huge and intricate, and even one would be intimidating to enter." the tower-base is privately-named. it is part of the towers-x. understand "base" as tower-base. the printed name of tower-base is "tower base". description is "There seems to be no reason you can't enter it if you wanted." instead of entering tower-base: try entering towers-x; the ivory tower is scenery. "You're sure it's even further from the real world of Yorpwald than Yorpwald is from, well, the real world." the ivy tower is scenery. "You could view Troy from the top, if it existed. The ivy offers lousy privacy." check entering ivy tower: say "You try to enter the ivy tower, but they keep shifting around, and you find yourself walking between them."; try entering towers-x instead; check entering ivory tower: say "You try to enter the ivory tower, but they keep shifting around, and you find yourself walking between them."; try entering towers-x instead; Store X is a useless sto. understand "store/ 24/twentyfour" as Store X when player is in Strip of Profits. Store Y is a super-easy sto. understand "store/ 25/twentyfive" as Store Y when player is in Strip of Profits. a-text of Store Y is "YORRYR". b-text of Store Y is "YORRGR". description of Store Y is "The store seems filled with water. It's wide but not tall. You think you see shells. The window of store y has TOYERS in red with a line through." the shells are part of store y. the shells are uncluing and undesc. instead of doing something with the shells: say "Messing with the shells won't help you get in Store Y, but maybe they're a clue." instead; the oyster-x is a privately-named portal. diffic of oyster-x is 6. the printed name of oyster-x is "oyster". understand "oyster" as oyster-x. the go-region of oyster-x is Oyster. "The oyster that was Store Y is open. You could definitely fit in.". description of oyster-x is "It's not particularly tall, but its wideness suggests there's a lot to do there." understand "toyers" as a mistake ("You see red at the possibility people might mess with your mind in whatever's behind store Y--especially after noting the TOYERS with the red line through in the window.") when store y is visible. understand "troyes" as a mistake ("Store Y does not lead to France.") when store y is visible. instead of eating oyster-x: say "In Soviet Yorpwald, oyster eat you. Plus, it's all shell, no slime." Store Z is a useless sto. understand "store/ 26/twentysix" as Store Z when player is in Strip of Profits. understand "follow [text]" as a mistake ("This game doesn't allow the FOLLOW verb--you should ENTER a road or something if you need to.") [for ROUTES] book Cruelest Lectures Cruelest Lectures is an innie room in Stores. "You're standing in the back of an uncomfortable auditorium[one of]. People stare at a lecturer as if they've been drugged. Um, hypnotized[or][stopping]. Nearby, a passage leads to[if e-revealed is false] somewhere called[end if] Studio E." check looking in lectures for the first time: say "As you march through the smoke, you hear 'Freeze! Anti-drug drag unit!' You turn around to see a tall bulky man wearing a T-shirt saying 'IAN. A DRUG GUARDIAN. QUADS SQUAD.'[paragraph break]'So! you're one of those people who have been poking around stores K and N. But these are no-drugs grounds. We finger fringe like you. [if smoke cloud is examined]Second hand funny-smoke. No rationalizations about how you cheat drug lords that way. It's an entry drug and that's facts. [end if]Let's go.'[paragraph break]He frog-marches you to an auditorium. It's quite a crowd, and you're a bit late, so you can't even sit."; the seats are useless plural-named scenery in lectures. "'If you'd gotten here earlier, you might've gotten one,' growls Ian. You're not sure that'd make sense even if you actually [i]were[r] stoned." instead of doing something to the seats: if current action is scaning: say "You consider scanning them, but it'd freak out the audience. Or Ian. Or the lecturer." instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; try examining seats instead; rule for supplying a missing noun when entering: if location of player is Hero's shore: try entering raft; if location of player is Strip of Profits and number of visible portals is 1: now noun is a random visible portal; if location of player is Cruelest Lectures: if the player's command matches the text "sit": now noun is seats; if e-revealed is true: now noun is seats; now noun is passage. the passage is scenery in lectures. "The passage that leads to Studio E seems unguarded. Maybe you could sneak in there." instead of scaning passage: if e-revealed is true: say "You already got YYRRGRG from it."; else: say "Be brave! ENTER the passage!"; understand "studio e/" as passage. e-revealed is a truth state that varies. check entering passage: if e-revealed is true: say "No. Regardless of how cynical you are, you don't need to see that again. But you remember YYRRGRG." instead; say "You sense that you may uncover a deeply disturbing truth if you enter. Or, you might just get a too-spoilery hint that gets you out of here. Care to continue?"; if the player consents: say "You step into studio E. There, you see well-known pharmaceutical industry barons discussing perfectly legal and safe substitutes to various illegal drugs, along with perfectly air-tight patents and tax avoidance schemes. You also see a bottle 'DORI'S ROIDS: for IAN' with a so-tired needle beside it.[paragraph break]You rush out of Studio E before you see anything more--although you quickly [if cheat-on is false]switch your gadget back and forth and note it[otherwise]note your gadget[end if] flashes YYRRGRG."; now e-revealed is true; otherwise: say "You decide to rely on what you see in the Lectures to get out."; the rule succeeds; [strudel/lsd-ture and joke if eat after visiting] the lecturer is a reflexive person in Cruelest Lectures. "A lecturer lectures lecturingly about why his wasting your time is better for society than how you waste your time. And how the sooner you agree, the less you'll waste HIS time, and the golden rule and stuff." check scaning lecturer: say "You point your settler at the tedious lecturer."; a-text of lecturer is "YYRRYRY". b-text of lecturer is "YYRRYRY". understand "max p lee" and "max/lee" and "max lee" as lecturer. description of lecturer is "He's wearing a very expensive suit and tie. You're not sure why they should be expensive, but you know they are. They're probably about as showy as drug dealers['] $5,000 suits and $300 ties. You read MAX P LEE, EXAMPLE projected behind him, and he is sponsored by RutCorp, who help pull you out of ruts, apparently." idg is a privately-named person in Cruelest Lectures. printed name of idg is "Ian (a Drug Guardian)". description is "'What? Those biceps are from pure hard work. And a proper diet. And the right vitamins.' He nods and points to the lecturer.". "Standing by the only exit is Ian (a Drug Guardian.)" understand "ian" and "drug/guardian" and "guardian" as idg. instead of doing something with idg: if current action is scaning: say "'No offense, chum, but it's me who should probably be scanning you lawbreakers.' He nods and smiles, faux-friendly, and you turn back to the lecturer." instead; if current action is attacking: say "He's too big for you." instead; if player does not have heartfelt reflections: say "Before you can do anything with or to Ian, he thrusts a sheet of heartfelt reflections on drug use at you[one of][or] again[or] yet again[stopping]. 'It will help you in ways you don't know. And even I don't know.' Do you take it?"; if the player consents: now player has heartfelt reflections; say "'Good choice. Say, if they're good enough, do you think you could put in a word for me--to a lecturer like THAT?" instead; otherwise: say "Ian looks hurt, then blames it on the lack of attention span from the drugs you've been taking. That cheers him up." instead; otherwise: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "Before you can do anything, Ian points at the heartfelt reflections he shared on you. Or at you. But not just plain with you. He's so much bigger than you, it distracts you from whatever you meant to do."; The heartfelt reflections are plural-named thing. after doing something with reflections: set pronoun it to reflections; description of reflections is "It's a list of thirty-odd sentences beginning I USED TO. It's in hard-hitting simple language but no less painful to read for all that. I will spare you the details--a brochure's such a borer." a-text of reflections is "YYRRYRY". b-text of reflections is "YGRRYRY". check exiting in Cruelest Lectures: say "[one of]You make a half-hearted (well, 42.86%-hearted) effort to leave, but without a planned destination (jeesh! The self-help speak's already hitting you) you'll just wind up coming back around here. Even though it's so [i]tedious[r][or]You managed to leave for a bathroom break, and you were sort of curious what was in Studio E. You tried the door. It was locked[or]You might wander around inside, but you would come back. That's how you got stuck inside your cubicle at the company so long. Tedious but safe. Oops[or]They...they can't zap your severance check for ditching this tedious lecture? Probably not. But the ushers would guilt trip you into sitting back down[or]The lecturer isn't as tedious as coworker chitchat, but you never pulled yourself away from THAT, either[or]Tedious, tedious, tedious[stopping]." instead; [say "[one of]Something [i]deters[r] you from leaving. You know the lecturer doesn't care about you one way or another, but you would feel guilty just walking out. As if you were giving up[or]If you were more [i]rested,[r] you might be able to leave without guilt.[or]You are almost ready to go, but then you see a brochure about [i]Ester D.[r] extolling a wonderful work-from-home moneymaking opportunity. 'It works! It really does! I'm proof!'[paragraph break]How can you pass that up?[or]Your eyes wander to an electronic timer with a [i]red set[r] of dots...[or]You cringe at the neologism the lecturer offered up early on. [i]REDEST[r]ination.[or]You hear a voice from behind the fourth wall loud-whispering LOOK AT THE STATUS LINE, ALREADY.[or]That voice, again. 'Good thing we're not playing hangman.'[or]Amazingly, I'm still going to give you a point once you say the right command.[or]Okay, now you're just fishing for smart-aleck responses. Get on with it, already![stopping]" instead;] volume Towers book drawing the map to decide whether can-see-map: if waters is visited or limits is visited, decide no; if spec-o-scope is unexamined, decide no; if mrlp is towers, decide yes; decide no. tow-x-start is a number that varies. tow-x-start is 320. tow-y-start is a number that varies. tow-y-start is 8. tow-delta is a number that varies. tow-delta is 16. square-from-center is a number that varies. square-from-center is 4. after examining spec-o-scope (this is the specoscope draw rule): draw-my-loc; continue the action; to draw-my-loc: let myx be 0; let myy be 0; draw-towers-map; repeat through table of towers-locs: if location of player is my-loc entry: change current foreground-color to (R 0 G 0 B 0); now myx is tow-x-start + (tow-delta * my-x entry) - 2; now myy is tow-y-start + (tow-delta * my-y entry) - 2; draw a rectangle (current foreground-color) in current graphics window at myx by myy with size 5 by 5; carry out looking when mrlp is towers (this is the towers YOU ARE HERE redraw rule): now the location is visited; if can-see-map: draw-my-loc; if deacons are visible and deacon-plot is false: say "The deacons don't see you coming at first. They quiet down once they do, but you could not help hearing their plot against the shrine nearby: a hostile ol['] heist if there ever was one!"; now deacon-plot is true; continue the action; deacon-plot is a truth state that varies. to wipe-towers-map: if can-see-map: change current foreground-color to (R 255 G 255 B 255); let x-start be tow-x-start - square-from-center; let y-start be tow-y-start - square-from-center; draw a rectangle (current foreground-color) in current graphics window at x-start by y-start with size 1 + (2 * square-from-center) + (4 * tow-delta) by 1 + (2 * square-from-center) + (4 * tow-delta); to draw-towers-map: let sqsz be (square-from-center * 2) + 1; let myx be 0; let myy be 0; repeat through table of towers-locs: if my-loc entry is accessible: if my-loc entry is unvisited: change current foreground-color to (R 42 G 126 B 126); else: change current foreground-color to (R 42 G 210 B 42); else if my-loc entry is sideview: change current foreground-color to (R 168 G 168 B 42); else if my-loc entry is mightaswell: change current foreground-color to (R 84 G 84 B 84); else: change current foreground-color to (R 210 G 42 B 42); now myx is tow-x-start + (tow-delta * my-x entry) - square-from-center; now myy is tow-y-start + (tow-delta * my-y entry) - square-from-center; draw a rectangle (current foreground-color) in current graphics window at myx by myy with size sqsz by sqsz; repeat through table of guard-org: if guy entry is in lalaland: change current foreground-color to (R 42 G 210 B 42); else: change current foreground-color to (R 210 G 42 B 42); draw-line loc entry and blockdir entry; to draw-line (lcc - a room) and (bd - a direction): choose row with my-loc of lcc in table of towers-locs; let x-start be tow-x-start + (tow-delta * my-x entry); let y-start be tow-y-start + (tow-delta * my-y entry); let x-end be tow-x-start + (tow-delta * my-x entry); let y-end be tow-y-start + (tow-delta * my-y entry); if bd is north: decrease y-start by square-from-center; decrease y-end by (tow-delta - square-from-center) - 1; if bd is south: increase y-start by square-from-center + 1; increase y-end by (tow-delta - square-from-center); if bd is east: increase x-start by square-from-center + 1; increase x-end by (tow-delta - square-from-center); if bd is west: decrease x-start by square-from-center; decrease x-end by (tow-delta - square-from-center) - 1; linedraw (current foreground-color) in current graphics window from x-start by y-start to x-end by y-end with 1; [To linedraw (hue - a number) in (win - a g-window) from (x1 - a number) by/x (y1 - a number) to (x2 - a number) by/x (y2 - a number) with (wgt - a number):] table of towers-locs [arranged n to s then w to e] my-loc my-x my-y havens 1 0 route 0 1 anemic 1 1 deltas 2 1 coastlines 3 1 saltbed 1 2 ravages 2 2 shoreline 3 2 campsite 0 3 copse 1 3 sunbelt 2 3 Danger Garden 3 3 subsector 4 3 topside 1 4 lots 3 4 book basic guardian work rule for printing a locale paragraph about a guardian (called gua): if gua is not ray eck: increment guardians-seen; say "[initial appearance of gua][no line break] "; if guardians-seen is number of visible guardians: say "[paragraph break]"; continue the action; guardians-seen is a number that varies. before looking: now guardians-seen is 0. towerclose is a number that varies. after printing the locale description when mrlp is towers (this is the castle near/far rule) : let rm be location of player; let any-reveal be false; repeat with adude running through guardians in location of player: if adude is clueneedy and any-reveal is false: now adude is not clueneedy; now any-reveal is true; say "[kloozorz corresponding to a guy of adude in table of guard-org][paragraph break]"; if rm is unvisited and rm is a towloc listed in the table of towercomments: choose row with towloc of rm in table of towercomments; if there is a towquo entry: say "[towquo entry][paragraph break]"; if there is a towdist entry: if towdist entry > towerclose: now towerclose is towdist entry; else if there is a towdist entry: if towdist entry > towerclose: let tempint be towdist entry; say "[which-cue of towdist entry][paragraph break]"; now towerclose is towdist entry; else: d "Room not defined but not critical"; if player is in coastlines: if smart kid is off-stage: say "You think you hear rustling off to the side, as if someone or something is hiding from the [random visible guardian].[paragraph break]"; continue the action; the castle near/far rule is listed last in the after printing the locale description rulebook. to say which-cue of (therow - a number) : say "[observ in row therow of table of townarr]"; table of townarr observ "[line break]The palace is barely visible now." "The palace seems a bit closer now. You probably have a way to go, but it's a start. Maybe the scope could provide some sort of map. And those three guardians--well, maybe you can bribe, attack or talk to them. For information if nothing else. The rewired robot, particularly, keeps its eyes on you. Maybe it's guarding something important." "You still can't make out any details of the palace, but it's certainly there, across the big lake to the northeast. But there are more stupid guardians here--they look more resolute and tougher to figure, but you are getting the hang of things. You think." "The castle looks a little bigger now--but you may eventually need to cut [if location of player is cinema]east[else]north[end if] a bit to get to it. It looks like there're dead ends [if location of player is cinema]north and west[else]south and east[end if], and you still aren't sure how to cross Leak Lake." "You're a good deal closer to the palace than at the copse, but you can probably go northeast a bit more to get closer. That still leaves Leak Lake to pass." "Now that you're at the shores of Leak Lake, it's too far to swim. You may need some craft. And crossing here might leave you far from the palace." "You can see the other side of Leak Lake from here. It's still too far to swim, but it's clearly closer than anywhere else you've been." "Since your head's barely above water, you can't see a shore any more. But you know it must be there." "The palace--well, you can see why it was spectacular, once." table of towercomments towloc towdist towquo loftier trefoil 0 "The castle--well, you couldn't even see it outside. Maybe someone will help you, once you've sorted this mess out." campiest campsite -- "The palace has receded a bit, but--well--that machine's got to be good for something." scope copse 2 -- saltbed 3 -- sunbelt 3 -- anemic cinema 4 -- savager ravages 4 -- Danger Garden 5 -- salted deltas 6 -- ole shrine shoreline 6 -- shaven havens -- "You're going side-to-side to see the curst palace without getting closer, but hooray to seeing some other life form." obscurest subsector -- "You're going side-to-side to see the curst palace, but hooray to seeing some other person. Even if he is locked up." lost lots -- "This may've been a step away from the palace, but hooray, stuff to pick up." outer route -- "This may've been a step away from the palace, but hooray, stuff to pick up." actionless coastlines 7 -- rawest waters 8 -- to say tow-dirs: let golist be a list of directions; repeat with DR running through directions: unless the room DR of location of player is nowhere: add DR to golist; repeat with VG running through visible guardians: if gualoc of VG is location of player: remove guadir of VG from golist, if present; else: remove opposite of guadir of VG from golist, if present; if number of entries in golist > 0: say ". You have clear passage [golist]"; book a-1 cleanup the jetskis are plural-named scenery. understand "jetski/skis/ski" as jetskis. chapter outsideing outside-warned is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing lecturer (this is the disable the macks slightly too rule) : min-up; now reflections are in lalaland; increase headaches by 10; now lectures is shunned; choose row with mackhash of 748843503 in table of nasty guys; ["tediously"] now still-doable entry is false; move player to Strip of Profits; continue the action; check going outside: if mrlp is routes and outside-warned is false and cur-score of routes > 0: say "(That's a preposition, but it's not one you need.)"; now outside-warned is true; book Ole Shrine Shoreline Ole Shrine Shoreline is north of Danger Garden and east of Savager Ravages. "Leak Lake spans far to the east. You can't cross it here. An ole shrine[if deacons are in lalaland], where the deacons went,[else], possibly for the deacons,[end if] lies disused here, not to be confused with a lone shire[tow-dirs].". Ole Shrine Shoreline is in Towers. after printing the locale description for Shoreline when Shoreline is unvisited: if deacons are prodded and organised are prodded: continue the action; if deacons are prodded: say "The organised ego drains look menacing, as if there are several very good reasons you can just walk around them, and really, you probably don't need a direct route south."; else if organised are prodded: say "The once-sad deacons begin discussing theological minutae in fits of one-upmanship. They're very slippery, and you suspect it's not that they're deacons, but just that--well, they seem snaky with their arguments, like the serpent you had to make docile."; else: say "The ego-drains and their nine letters leave you worried you're up to the task, but the once-sad deacons seem downright shifty. Snakes, with their argument, like the serpent you had to make docile."; now deacons are prodded; now organised are prodded; continue the action; after going to Actionless Coastlines: kid-appears; continue the action; to kid-appears: if kid is off-stage: if atheists are in lalaland and deacons are in lalaland: now kid is in actionless coastlines; if player is in coastlines: say "Some kid comes into view from a dark mist with the atheists and deacons gone, [what-kid-does]."; else: say "You hear a kid yell, 'Boy! They're gone! And He's gone!' to the [if player is in shoreline]north[else]east[end if]."; else: say "You hear [if deacons are not in lalaland]voices[else]a voice[end if] yell [one of]'Sadly no, nosy lad[or]a bizarrely accented 'Abort, o brat[in random order]!' to someone you can't see."; after fliptoing deacons: kid-appears; continue the action; after fliptoing ray eck: move keycar to lalaland; continue the action; after fliptoing atheists: kid-appears; continue the action; book Anemic Cinema Anemic Cinema is north of Baldest Blasted Saltbed. "Well, you're not [i]in[r] the cinema. It's off to the side[if ingrates are visible]. Something smells to the west, too[end if][tow-dirs].". Anemic Cinema is in Towers. after printing the locale description for Anemic Cinema when Anemic Cinema is unvisited: say "The ingrates grumble about how they were given a boring and useless passage to guard. Maybe you don't really need to get rid of them.[paragraph break]"; The theater is useless scenery in anemic Cinema. description of theater is "[bug-report]" understand "theatre" and "anemic/ cinema" as theater. check going inside when player is in cinema: try entering theater; instead of doing something with theater: if current action is entering: try entering theater; say "The theater thereat, with such lame titles as 'Me, I can,' / 'Nice, Ma!' and 'Iceman,' has been abandoned. And really, you shouldn't be staring at some screen when you are trying to save a world." book Loftier Trefoil Loftier Trefoil is an innie room in Towers. "This opt-outs['] outpost is slightly classier than servant taverns. Still, you can't afford to stay, and you can't leave it with Rodney around. It has other rooms, but since this isn't an RPG, the cellar below and rooms upstairs are off-limits.". after printing the locale description for Mislit Limits when Mislit Limits is unvisited (this is the adjust min towers score passing waters rule): now poss-score of Towers is 4 + cur-score of towers; now min-score of Towers is 1 + cur-score of towers; if player has strudel and strudel is not reflexed: increment poss-score of towers; after printing the locale description for Rawest Waters when Rawest Waters is unvisited (this is the adjust min towers score in waters rule): now poss-score of Towers is 5 + cur-score of towers; now min-score of Towers is 2 + cur-score of towers; if player has strudel and strudel is not reflexed: increment poss-score of towers; book Topside Deposit Topside Deposit is a room in Towers. "[if ray eck is in lalaland]You don't seem to have much else to do here. While you can go any direction, it's only sensible to go back north[else]There's a bit more life to the north--it's wooded, but it's also guarded[end if]. The curst palace is barely visible in the distance." inside of Deposit is nowhere. understand "dopiest" as a mistake ("You sense that Ray Eck [if ray eck is in deposit]is[else]was[end if] one of the easier people to deal with, here, but you don't want to overstate it.") when player is in topside. understand "posited" as a mistake ("You formulate a proof that the place you are in does actually exist.") when player is in topside. the geese are useless plural-named scenery. description of geese is "You can't get a glimpse of the geese for all their noise." understand "gander" as geese. instead of doing something with geese: if action is procedural: say "The geese are noisy but not worth poking at."; say "The geese are just--there, but hiding, happy the serpent is gone. You've restored the garden, and now it's time for a new challenge." understand "cleats" as a mistake ("The castle is run-down and unromantic enough. Changing it to cleats would be even worse.") when mrlp is towers. check going north in deposit: if player does not have Rosetta Toaster and ray eck is not visible: say "[one of]The Rosetta Toaster looks handy, you have to admit, looking back at it[or]You ignore the toaster, again[stopping]."; the strudel is a LLPish reflexive hintpastry in Topside. "Some strudel sits here in a sled rut.". description is "It reminds you of stuff stolen from parents' cabinets during sleepovers--wouldn't ordinarily taste great, but stolen? A bit better. You notice the letters [i]Certified Nutritious by Dr. Eltus[r] stamped on it, in red. Magically, it doesn't look dirty from having spent time on the ground." a-text of strudel is "RYRRRYR". b-text of strudel is "RYRRRGR". check scaning strudel: if strudel is reflexed: say "You already rustled it." instead; say "You don't suspect you need to do anything with the strudel, but the settler still pops something up. Maybe it'd be practice to figure how you could've taken it."; The sled rut is useless scenery in Topside. "It's flecked with red, oddly[if strudel is in Topside], and the strudel's still in it[else if strudel is reflexed], though you think you know why, now[end if]." The Rosetta Toaster is a container. It is in Topside Deposit. "A rosetta toaster rotates here." check scaning toaster: say "[one of]The toaster looks like a pretty good diagnostic item as-is, and it doesn't need an upgrade, so you're not disappointed when nothing pops up[or]Still nothing. The toaster probably doesn't need an upgrade[stopping]." instead; check taking toaster when player is in coastlines: say "You don't need to take it again."; Rule for printing room description details of the Rosetta Toaster: do nothing instead. the Rosetta Toaster has a number called charges. the charges of the Rosetta Toaster is usually 0. the description of the Rosetta Toaster is "This nutriments instrument, according the writing beneath 'O Treats,' automatically applies a much more appropriate description to the target of your choice than the most obvious one. Which makes up for it not having a dial for how dark you toast your preferred flat bread product. It's not available at-store and known to cause conflicts with namer ramen[one of].[paragraph break]You could also call it a toast-o-stat[or][stopping]." understand "toast-o-stat" and "stat" as toaster. Report taking the Rosetta toaster: say "Though you feel a small surge as you pick up the toaster, it stops spinning nonetheless. Yup, this thing could be powerful." instead; after fliptoing strudel: now player has strudel; continue the action; check fliptoing strudel: if player has strudel and strudel is reflexive: say "(Yeah, okay. You were supposed to pick the strudel up this way in the first place. But hey, have a point anyway.)"; Report taking the strudel: say "You take it from the rut with no problem. Maybe you could've done it fancier, but eh, well." instead; xrayvision is a truth state that varies. check inserting into the rosetta toaster: if xrayvision is true: say "You've already got some x-ray vision. So you can just XRAY whatever you want." instead; if noun is not a hintpastry: say "That's not a toaster pastry." instead; if noun is strudel and noun is reflexive: say "You pause momentarily, wondering if you could've done something with the strudel to make it feel--well, yours. But you don't need style points."; now noun is heated; now xrayvision is true; say "[if xray-warn is false]Looking at yourself after eating the pastry, you see you can see what you'd want to be--stronger, slimmer, etc. You feel like you could look through something else to see what it really should be now. Just XRAY it[else]The x-ray vision comes back. Once again, you can XRAY what you want to[end if]."; now xray-warn is true; if noun is strudel and strudel is reflexive: poss-d; pad-rec "xray"; now noun is in lalaland instead; chapter toasting toasting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "toast/heat/warm" as something new. understand "toast [something]" and "heat [something]" and "warm [something]" as toasting. carry out toasting: if noun is the player and toaster is visible: say "That's not the way to get on a hot streak." instead; if player does not have the toaster: if toaster is visible: try taking the toaster; if player does not have toaster: say "You can't get the toaster to do that." instead; else: say "You have no toasting device." instead; if noun is a guardian or noun is reflexive or noun is vanishing: if noun is strudel: do nothing; else: say "The correct usage is to toast something edible, and then you can xray something." instead; if noun is a person: say "The toaster is not a weapon. It's not that big, either." instead; try inserting the noun into the toaster; chapter xraying xraying is an action applying to one thing. does the player mean xraying a guardian: it is very likely. understand the command "xray/x-ray [something]" as something new. understand "xray [something]" as xraying. understand "x-ray [something]" as xraying. understand "xray" as a mistake ("You don't have x-ray vision right now.") when xrayvision is false. to say if-duck: if duck is not visible: say "--but nothing [if ravages is visited]here [end if]seems to fit with UNLOCKED"; to say big-hint of (rayx - a thing) : if rayx is a guardian or rayx is a warrior: choose row with the-from of rayx in the table of anagrams; say "[right-word entry in upper case]"; else: say "[if rayx is kid]attentive[else if rayx is turbos]robust[else if rayx is blaster]stabler[else if rayx is duck]unlocked--well, maybe the duck will help something become unlocked[else if rayx is prison ropins]unlocked[if-duck][else if rayx is crocus]dingy[else if rayx is flowerpot and limits is visited]dingy[else if rayx is ed yerg]greedy[else if rayx is denim]mined[else if rayx is weeds]sewed[else if rayx is old ice]coiled[else if rayx is eastern]nearest[else if rayx is serpent]present[else if rayx is pulses]unreal[else if rayx is palace]spectacular[else if rayx is strudel]rustled[else]BUG[end if]"; xray-warn is a truth state that varies. to say mrmaam: say "[if player is female]ma'am[else]mister[end if]"; check giving hintpastry to Ed Yerg: say "He's used to loftier meals than that." instead; check giving hintpastry to a guardian: if second noun is diners: say "They scoff at what your idea of fine cuisine seems to be." instead; say "Bribery won't work." instead; palace-warn is a truth state that varies. check xraying: if map region of location of noun is not towers: say "You're not in the right region to x-ray anything." instead; if noun is rayed and xraytrump is false: ital-say "you already xrayed this, so you're just remembering what it was..."; else if xrayvision is false and xraytrump is false: say "You don't have x-ray vision now." instead; if mrlp is not towers: if Topside is unvisited: say "[reject]" instead; say "That was for the towers. It doesn't work anywhere else because, well, different areas are different." instead; if noun is the player: say "You might expose yourself to harmful rays and stuff, looking that close." instead; if noun is kid and doc-y is not visible: say "[if doc-y is not visible]'I--I don't like free candy, [mrmaam],' he says, looking scared.[paragraph break]Maybe you can't quite help him now[else]The kid seems to cringe, memories of bullying hall monitors, probably[end if]." instead; if noun is reflexed or noun is nonreflexive: say "That doesn't seem to need internal changing. Maybe find something or someone else to x-ray." instead; if noun is doc-y: if doc-y has been rowdy and doc-y has been wordy: say "You've done what you can with Dr. Yow. He can be rowdy or wordy." instead; if doc-y has been wordy: say "You realize Dr. Yow has a rowdy side, too."; else if doc-y has been rowdy: say "You realize Dr. Yow has a wordy side, too."; otherwise: say "You see Dr. Yow has both a wordy and rowdy side that have been crushed by prison."; if noun is not rayed: now undo-code is 2; prevent undo; do nothing instead; if noun is jetskis: if turbos are reflexed and blaster is reflexed: say "The jetskis appear as workable as they can be." instead; if t-or-b is reflexive: try xraying t-or-b instead; if blaster is reflexive: try xraying blaster instead; if turbos are reflexive: try xraying turbos instead; if noun is palace: if palace-warn is false: now palace-warn is true; say "Boy! This is a big one. You are overwhelmed by the superlativeness of the way to describe the castle. You are pretty sure you can handle it. Well, I'm pretty sure you are pretty sure. Are you pretty sure?"; if the player consents: do nothing; else: say "You decide to be pretty sure you can figure it on your own, instead." instead; if noun is guardian: say "Hmm. You bet you could get past if [if noun is plural-named]those blockers[else]that blocker[end if] were [big-hint of noun]."; else if noun is warrior: say "Boy! Sure would be nice if he were [big-hint of noun]."; else if noun is rayed: say "You remember you could still think [big-hint of noun]."; else: say "You have a good gaze, and you know what to do and say and think. Gotta be [big-hint of noun]."; if noun is not rayed: now noun is rayed; now xrayvision is false; now undo-code is 2; prevent undo; the rule succeeds; xraytrump is a truth state that varies. chapter xring - not for release xring is an action out of world. understand the command "xr" as something new. understand "xr" as xring. carry out xring: now xraytrump is true; the rule succeeds; chapter xaing - not for release xaing is an action out of world. understand the command "xa" as something new. understand "xa" as xaing. carry out xaing: now xraytrump is true; repeat with xc running through all things in location of player: if xc is not curst palace and xc is not the player: say "[xc]:[line break]"; try xraying xc; the rule succeeds. book Actionless Coastlines Actionless Coastlines is north of Ole Shrine Shoreline. Actionless Coastlines is east of Salted Deltas. Actionless Coastlines is in Towers. "Leak Lake is calmer and narrower here, but even with no rocks, you can't make it across on your own. Thankfully, no sectionals are being held here right now. If you had some sort of craft, maybe you could[if atheists are visible]. You can go back south, however[else if deacons are visible]. You can go back west, however[else]. You can go west and south, though[end if][one of]. There's no sign of sectionals, past, present or future[or][stopping]." o-s is a backdrop. o-s is in coastlines and shoreline. printed name of o-s is "the Ole Shrine". understand "ole/shrine" and "ole shrine" as o-s. instead of doing something with o-s: if current action is entering and player is in shoreline: say "[if deacons are in lalaland]No need to disturb the deacons since they let you past[else]The deacons might string you up for sacrilege, the mood they're in, even if they're keeping away from it, now[end if]." instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is entering: say "That would feel sacrilegious." instead; if player is in coastlines: say "The ole shrine is too far away to do anything other than look at, [if deacons are in lalaland]and you don't need to bother the deacons[else]even without the deacons blocking you[end if]." instead; say "There's nothing much to do with the shrine. It's not blocking you, [if deacons are in lalaland]and neither are the deacons[else]but the deacons are[end if]."; description of o-s is "It's relatively modest, and where you enter (or you would, if you were religious,) it mentions its sister shrine Heron Isle[if deacons are visible]. You'd think the deacons would want to enter, but they glare at it, and the red writing on it, looking [i]hostile[r][end if]." book Scope Copse Scope Copse is north of Topside Deposit. Scope Copse is in Towers. "A [one of]spec-o-scope (scope, for short)[or]scope[stopping] looks into the ground in the center of this wooded area[if yurts are visible], with some yurts looking out of place here[end if]. Paths lead in all directions, though things open up to the north and east." the yurts are super-easy plural-named scenery in scope copse. "The yurts, of dull sturdy metal, don't look very lived-in. They read TRY US in red letters." understand "yurt" as yurts. the Owers'-Bin Brownies are a plural-named LLPish hintpastry. description of Brownies is "These cheap brownies don't look too unappetizing. However, nobody wanted to eat them until it was re-advertised as food that helps you think your way out of your problems, because it definitely can't be served at parties. Nobody much still wants to eat them, because doing so is now an admission you have, well, problems." understand "brownie" as brownies. understand "worse" as a mistake ("The brownies don't need to taste any worse.") when player has Brownies. a-text of yurts is "RYRRO". b-text of yurts is "RGRPO". the spec-o-scope is scenery in Scope Copse. understand "map/scope/specoscope/spec" and "copse scope" as spec-o-scope. Include (- has transparent talkable -) when defining spec-o-scope. instead of taking spec-o-scope: say "It's firmly stuck in place. And it might lose its powers if you moved it."; instead of searching spec-o-scope: try examining spec-o-scope; the pack of start tarts is a hintpastry. description is "They are a mystery flavor. They're that breakfast pastry with goo on the inside that everyone eats but nobody admits to, or particularly likes. You remember they taste gross cold but help get your day started with a good strat. You can probably eat them whenever, though.". "A pack of start tarts lies here where the denim was mined." understand "copes" as a mistake ("You find it easier to cope, here, with the spec-o-scope to guide you, but you need to move on.") when player is in scope copse. understand "pecos" as a mistake ("This game ain't a dadgum Western.") when player is in scope copse. before examining spec-o-scope for the first time: say "A telescope! Place to see!" check examining spec-o-scope: say "[one of]It seems like an OK tool to look. You notice the word HI carved in big block letters on the scope--the I being just the H rotated.[paragraph break][or][stopping][i][bracket][one of]Fourth wall time--w[or]W[stopping]ould you prefer a textual summary of the map in the scope to a visual one?[close bracket][r][line break]"; if the player consents: say "An area three rooms square. A river, maybe a lake, borders it on the north and east. About [number of accessible rooms in words] area[if number of accessible rooms is not 1]s are[else] is[end if] open in the center, with [number of sideview rooms in words] open off to the side. In particular, the highlighted area just north of the north shore is [unless admirer is in lalaland]un[end if]available, another just west is [unless ingrates are in lalaland]un[end if]available, a particularly important location east of the east shore seems [unless bonker is in lalaland]un[end if]available, and just south of it, an area looks [unless natives are in lalaland]un[end if]available. It also appears the area just west of you is highlighted, there's something northeast of the water."; description of spec-o-scope is "You look into the scope and see:[paragraph break][fixed letter spacing] [line break] ! * [line break] [bloorg of admirer]~~~~~~ [line break]+[bloorg of ingrates].[bloorg of wait-seer].[bloorg of atheists].~ + [line break] [bloorg of iPrune] [bloorg of grailman] [bloorg of deacons]~ [line break] .[bloorg of robot].[bloorg of reed's ale].~ [line break] [bloorg of muscly] [bloorg of man covered in inapt paint] [bloorg of ego drains]~ [line break]![bloorg of pirates].[bloorg of diners].[bloorg of salesmen].[bloorg of bonker]! [line break] [bloorg of Ray Eck] [bloorg of natives] [line break] ! +[variable letter spacing][paragraph break]| = passage, x = no passage, . = location, ! = important, + = treasure." to say bloorg of (gg - a guardian): if gg is in lalaland: say "[if guadir of gg is west or guadir of gg is east]-[else]|[end if]"; else: say "x"; [say "[if gg is blue]B[else if gg is red]R[else if gg is purple]P[else]W";] book Campiest Campsite Campiest Campsite is west of Scope Copse. Campiest Campsite is in Towers. "The dead leaves here are a bit too pastel, the chirping of unseen birds is a bit too sharp, and it smells a bit too much like air freshener. At least [one of]yon camp has no campy company (copy, man?)[or]no campers scamper[or]saucy yucas haven't burst from the ground[in random order] here. It's heavily wooded, and you can really go back east." the camp is useless scenery in campsite. understand "site/campsite" as camp. description of camp is "Wow! It's just so inspiring and ALIVE!" instead of doing something with camp: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "Well, gosh! There's not a whole lot to do with the camp but have fun being around it! Oh, and maybe figure what goes in the rapier repair." instead; the dead leaves are useless plural-named scenery in campsite. "[bug-report]" instead of doing something with dead leaves: say "Dead leaves! Man! Why is it dead leaves make you feel so ALIVE?!" A rapier repair machine is in Campiest Campsite. "A shiny machine labeled RAPIER REPAIR [if dagger is in lalaland]fizzles[else]chugs[end if] along here.". description is "It's a hi-watts whatsit that reads 'Paranoid? A poniard!' It looks like what you imagined a left-handed smokebender did, back when you were being hazed in [if player is male]Boy[else]Girl[end if] Scouts. [if dagger is not in lalaland]It's nowhere near big enough to clean a lance, but you could probably PUT any blade smaller than a rapier in there[otherwise]You seem to have broken it creating the gizmo[end if]." instead of taking rapier repair: say "It's at best impractical and at worst impossible to take. Besides, [if dagger is in lalaland]you already used it[else]it'd be easier to carry something that'd fit into IT[end if]." the I ZOMG Gizmo is a thing. description is "[one of]Whew. I'm buffaloed on this one. Somebody who knows how to build things would probably understand how to activate, much less use, the [randbla] or [randbla]. Hey, if I understood, I would be writing stuff far less silly than this game.[or]You find yourself baffled by the [giz-part][stopping]." to say giz-part: choose row with mytab of table of gizmo parts in table of megachatter; if curidx entry is maxidx entry: say "[randbla]"; else if curidx entry is maxidx entry - 1: say "[randbla]. Or, still, the [randbla]"; else: say "[randbla] and [randbla]"; check opening gizmo: say "It's too complicated to learn about." instead; check inserting into rapier repair machine: ignore the can't insert into what's not a container rule; if noun is gizmo: say "The gizmo is so cool, the machine broke itself producing one." instead; if ragged dagger is in lalaland: say "The machine has already given its all to create the gizmo." instead; if noun is not ragged dagger: say "That's nothing like a rapier. It's not sharp, metal and pointed. You'll need to find something else." instead; say "The dagger is sucked into the machine, which gets raspier as it repairs. A couple minutes of proclaiming itself 'the sharpener that resharpens,' and a final wheezing choke later, you open it. Instead of a riper rapier, or a clever cleaver, it's a gizmo--bearing the label of the famed novelty company I ZOMG."; now player has the I ZOMG Gizmo; now ragged dagger is in lalaland; reg-inc instead; chapter repairing repairing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "repair" as something new. understand "repair [something]" as repairing. carry out repairing: if repair machine is not visible: say "You need to be by a repair machine." instead; try inserting noun into repair machine instead; the rule succeeds. book Salted Deltas Salted Deltas is north of Savager Ravages and east of Anemic Cinema. "Leak Lake, with its shoals aslosh, is to the north and far too wide to cross[tow-dirs].". Salted Deltas is in Towers. s-d are useless scenery in salted deltas. understand "salted/ deltas" as s-d. printed name of s-d is "salted deltas". description of s-d is "[bug-report]". instead of doing something with s-d: say "The salted deltas are scenery. No need to futz." to say meet-kid: now met-kid is true. a smart kid is a reflexive person. "[if met-kid is false]'Hi! I'm Dirk Stam! Thanks for getting rid of those big mean adults!' It's the kid you rescued. You exchange greetings[meet-kid][else if doc-y is in lalaland][what-kid-sez][else]Your friend Dirk Stam the smart kid is here[if-tent][end if]." to say if-tent: if player is in coastlines: say ", looking far-off, as if for inspiration he hasn't found yet"; if player is in subsector: say ", looking [if smart kid is reflexed]attentive[else]too tentative[end if]" check answering smart kid that: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\b(doctor|dr|yow)\b": try objasking smart kid about doc-y instead; a-text of smart kid is "YRRYRRYRY". b-text of smart kid is "YRRYRPGPG". [gotoing subsector is kiddoing. talking to doc-y is kiddoing.] persuasion rule for asking smart kid to try gotothinging doc-y: try objasking smart kid about doc-y instead; persuasion rule for asking smart kid to try gotothinging prison ropins: try objasking smart kid about doc-y instead; persuasion rule for asking smart kid to try gotoing subsector: try objasking smart kid about doc-y instead; persuasion rule for asking smart kid to try doing something (this is the block kid to subsector rule) : if the player's command matches the regular expression "gizmo" and kid is reflexive and player has gizmo: try giving gizmo to smart kid instead; if the player's command matches the regular expression "jetski" and kid is reflexive: try objasking smart kid about jetskis instead; if the player's command matches the regular expression "\b(doctor|dr|yow)": if subsector is unvisited: say "You don't know about that area yet."; persuasion fails; try objasking smart kid about doc-y instead; say "The kid is good at mechanical stuff, but he's not very good at following orders."; persuasion fails; check scaning smart kid: if smart kid is reflexed: say "'Oh! Pf! I bet I could make one of those, easy." instead; if smart kid is reflexive and smart kid is in subsector: say "[if cheat-on is false]YRRYRRYRY[else]YRRYRPGPG[end if]." instead; say "'Wow! Cool! What is that?' Hmm, maybe you'll get to use it on him later." instead; met-kid is a truth state that varies. to say what-kid-sez: say "[if kid has gizmo]Dirk Stam now has the jetskis he made. He looks nervously at you--he can't bring himself to ask you to try them.[no line break][else]The smart kid potters around here. 'Aww man! I have a wicked awesome plan for some jetskis! But I don't have the right tools.' He kicks at the ground[end if]"; now met-kid is true; to say what-kid-does: if doc-y is visible: say "looking [if smart kid is reflexed]attentive[else]tentative[end if]ly at Dr. Yow"; continue the action; say "drawing in the air and mouthing ideas[one of]. 'Hey! I'm Dirk Stam! They tell me I'm a smart kid but never let me learn the cool stuff. Those mean adults kept bugging me about religion! Bo-ring! Maybe you can teach me? Or find someone who can?' You never were good at that technical stuff, but maybe you [if prison ropins is reflexed]have found[else]can find[end if] someone else who is[meet-kid][or][stopping]" understand "dirk stam" and "dirk" and "stam" as smart kid. before taking gizmo: if smart kid has gizmo: say "That'd be mean, since you just gave it to the kid." instead; check giving hintpastry to smart kid: say "He knows better than to take sweets from strangers." instead; check giving hintpastry to doc-y: say "He doesn't seem hungry." instead; check giving hintpastry to duck: say "It turns away as if to say, yuck." instead; check giving raves saver to smart kid: say "[one of]He frowns at it. 'No way! That's way too ancient! Maybe it's useful for you, cause you're one of a few people remembers how it works, but...' he pauses awkwardly.[or]That won't help the kid build anything.[stopping]" instead; before giving something to doc-y when doc-y is in prison ropins: say "Nothing fits through the fence." instead; check objasking doc-y about gizmo when player has gizmo: if doc-y is not in prison ropins: try giving gizmo to doc-y instead; check giving gizmo to doc-y: say "'A bit too applied for me.'" instead; check objasking smart kid about gizmo: try giving gizmo to smart kid instead; to say heat-remain: if number of hintpastries carried by the player > 0: say ", first heating your remaining pastr[if number of hintpastries carried by the player is 1]y[else]ies[end if] to get x-ray vision"; now xrayvision is true; now all carried hintpastries are heated; check giving gizmo to smart kid: if doc-y is in lalaland: say "He takes the gizmo. 'Gee! Not as stone age...stage one...' He activates the gizmo's pliers, ignoring design perils--but he doesn't have enough. You [if player has toaster]offer your toaster[heat-remain][else]remember that toaster in the garden[end if]--the toaster would've caused an electric shock in the water anyway. The spare parts just allow him to tacks on turbos and a blaster to his jetskis. They don't look TOO sturdy, but maybe you can fix that."; now smart kid has gizmo; now toaster is in lalaland; now blaster is part of jetskis; now turbos are part of jetskis instead; else: say "'Wow! That'd be neat if I have something to build.'" instead; description of smart kid is "Freckly-faced and buck-toothed and talking to himself[if doc-y is visible]. He's visibly [i][at-ten][r] just being around Dr. Yow[end if]."; to say at-ten: say "[if kid is reflexed]attentive[else]tentative[end if]" the smart kid can be lonely or following or found. smart kid is lonely. book Shaven Havens Shaven Havens is north of Anemic Cinema. Shaven Havens is in Towers. "This place wasn't, like, shaved with a razor. It's just free of anything that could hide bad guys, and hey, small things. It looks too dangerous to go anywhere except back south." havens-visit is a truth state that varies. after printing the locale description for havens when havens-visit is false: ital-say "you may wish to GO TO DUCK to get back here with less hassle."; now havens-visit is true; continue the action; The lone duck is an animal in Shaven Havens. "[if lone duck is friendly]That[otherwise]A[end if] lone duck is quacking along here[if id tag is examined]. It is wearing a small ID tag[end if][if smart kid is visible], and it's ignoring the kid[end if]." a-text of lone duck is "YRRYRRYR". b-text of lone duck is "YRRYRRYR". understand "lone/ noel" as lone duck when id tag is examined. check giving something to duck: say "The duck doesn't seem interested in anything edible. Or inedible." instead; instead of touching the duck: say "It waddles away[if doc-y is in subsector] behind Dr. Yow[else if lone duck is friendly], even though it seems attracted to your raves saver[else]--maybe it needs some way to trust you[end if]." instead of taking the duck: if lone duck is returned: say "It's Dr. Yow's. No stealing." instead; say "It gives you a wobbly blowby [if lone duck is friendly]despite your raves saver[otherwise]and gives a warning honk. Maybe you need to find some way to befriend it[end if]." description of lone duck is "A pretty normal duck, but it doesn't seem that interested in you. It's not running away, though. So it's probably domesticated, but a bit timid--so don't make any loud noises[one of]. It pecks at a speck you can't see[or][stopping]." the ID tag is part of the lone duck. instead of taking the ID tag: say "It's for identification. It's not worth removing." description of the ID tag is "' Lone Noel[paragraph break]Dr. Yow's Duck'" the lone duck can be aloof, friendly or returned. the lone duck is aloof. book Baldest Blasted Saltbed Baldest Blasted Saltbed is north of Scope Copse. "This is a dreary place that doesn't seem worth guarding, [if number of visible guardians is 0]but you took care of everyone here[else]so maybe people, or things close enough, are just stopping you leaving[end if]. Some old ice is to the west[if old ice are reflexive][one of]. You doubt it's blocking anything, but it might look more impressive if it were less, well, flat[or][stopping][else]. You made it coiled, so it looks cool[end if][tow-dirs]." Baldest Blasted Saltbed is in Towers. instead of doing something to the cliff: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "Looking at the cliff, you spend moments in awe of it unclimbable verticality--and of how Inform 7 lets you implement backdrops that can be in several rooms at once." instead; book unblest sunbelt Unblest Sunbelt is east of Scope Copse. Unblest Sunbelt is in Towers. "The land here is dry and unforgiving. You doubt there's much to do here besides get on[if number of visible guardians is 0], especially since you got rid of the guardians here[end if][if pulses are visible], though you feel [i]neural pulses[r] you'd love to get rid of[end if][tow-dirs]." after printing the locale description for Unblest Sunbelt when Unblest Sunbelt is unvisited: if inapt paint is prodded and salesmen are prodded: continue the action; if inapt paint is prodded: say "The salesmen, being nameless, swear by their wares they think you'll like. NERD-AID!"; else if salesmen are prodded: say "Hm, that inapt paint--nah, it'd be a tap-in by itself, according to Old Hat Daltho. Must be the actual words."; else: say "Over the salesmen hawking NERD-AID, you consider Old Hat Daltho's advice: the inapt paint can't be a tap-in."; now salesmen are prodded; now inapt paint is prodded; continue the action; book Danger Garden Danger Garden is a room in Towers. Danger Garden is east of Unblest Sunbelt. printed name of Danger Garden is "[if bonker is visible]Danger[otherwise]Gander[end if] Garden". "[if bonker is visible]This garden seems both describable and indescribable. You're sure it's inspired its share of overblown prose and poetry, and of thinking how things are or should be, but there's no time for that now[otherwise]You hear the geese honking now with the bonker gone, but they are too scared of you[end if]. The curst palace is barely visible in the distance north-ish, and you can take a path any which way.". understand "danger/gander garden" and "garden" as Danger Garden when mrlp is towers. after printing the locale description for Danger Garden when Danger Garden is unvisited: say "The natives look, well, restless, as if they might want to find a better place to guard[if ego drains are unprodded]. Also, the ego drains seem to put ideas into your mind that you really don't need or deserve to go north, and maybe you can just go around--and, well, it makes a lot of sense as-is and is far less over the top than the rest of the campsite[end if]."; now ego drains are prodded; continue the action; book Savager Ravages Savager Ravages is north of Unblest Sunbelt and east of Baldest Blasted Saltbed. "This place is just a total mess. You see [if weeds are visible and denim is visible][we-g] along with the denim patching what's probably a hole[else if weeds are visible][we-g][else if denim is visible]denim patching a hole[else]nothing else you can shake down for items[end if]. Paths in all four directions here[if number of visible guardians is 0], all unobstructed[else if number of visible guardians is 1], even if one's blocked[else], even if some are blocked[end if].". Savager Ravages is in Towers. to say we-g: say "weeds swaying, despite no wind," understand "swede" as a mistake ("That might make the weeds FROM Scandinavia, but it wouldn't SEND them there[if man covered is in ravages]. The man who is not Flemish shakes his head, sure you're one of those people too concerned about nationalities[end if].") when player is in ravages and weeds are in ravages. every turn when player is in ravages and weeds are in ravages and player was in ravages: say "The weeds [one of][or]continue to [stopping]sway freely and menacingly[one of]. Perhaps you can get rid of them, since they're not actual people blocking passage[or], but they can't be THAT tough[stopping]."; after printing the locale description for ravages when ravages is unvisited: if inapt paint is unprodded: say "Hm, that inapt paint--nah, it'd be a tap-in by itself, must be the actual words."; now inapt paint is prodded; before going down in ravages: say "[if denim is in ravages]The denim is too thick[else]You try to look into the dark where the denim was. Going in would be the dopiest posited thing you could do, even with a light source[end if]." instead; the denim is LLPish semi-easy vanishing scenery in ravages. the indefinite article of denim is "some". understand "i mend" as a mistake ("You're more interested in doing the opposite--seeing what's behind.") when denim is in ravages and player is in ravages. a-text of denim is "RYRYR". b-text of denim is "RYPYR". description of denim is "Too heavy for normal tools to cut." the weeds are super-easy scenery in Ravages. "They look like some sort of mutant weeds from the future, maybe a crazy one with multi-layered cities. They blow in some undetectable wind: west, then east a while, then down and south. There may be something inside them, but you can't tell." check taking weeds: say "They spin around you like a garment before picking you up and placing you away." instead; a-text of weeds is "RYRYR". b-text of weeds is "RGRYR". the raves saver is a reflexive LLPish semi-easy thing. the raves saver can be yow-talk, yow-yell, goosey, ducky, or silent. the raves saver is silent. understand "tape recorder" and "tape/recorder" as raves saver. check opening raves saver: say "It's cheap and rickety enough, the tapes are stuck in like paste. It has no open button or mechanism." instead; a-text of saver is "RYYRRO". b-text of saver is "???RR?". description of raves saver is "[if saver is reflexive]It has an inscription REPLAY PLAYER, which is a violation of copyright law--those have video--but nobody's going to sue or care. But[else]It's slightly more polished now you made it pearly, and[end if] it also has a REPEAT button and a RETAPE button[one of].[paragraph break]It doesn't even have a socket for Hears-Share earphones.[stopping]" repeat button is part of the raves saver. description of repeat button is "It looks as pushable as the retape button." retape button is part of the raves saver. description of retape button is "It looks as pushable as the repeat button." the ragged dagger is a thing. description of ragged dagger is "It can't shag much less gash. Written on it is evidence it was once Hank's shank." does the player mean doing something with repeat button when repeat button is not visible: it is unlikely. check pushing retape button: if waters is visited or limits is visited: say "The saver has suffered permanent water damage. It doesn't even make any weird warpy noises." instead; if raves saver is not silent: if salesmen are visible: say "The salesmen decry the sound quality of your raves saver. They reiterate that anyone who'd use a piece of junk like that ISN'T going places." instead; if number of visible guardians > 0: say "Nothing on your saver is abrasive enough to move a guardian out of your way." instead; if doc-y is visible: if kid is visible: say "You don't need to record the two of them, now." instead; if doc-y is calm: say "Recording the awkward silence with Dr. Yow around would do little." instead; if doc-y is wordy: if raves saver is yow-talk: say "That's already on the saver." instead; say "You record Dr. Yow talking[prev-rec]."; now raves saver is yow-talk instead; if doc-y is rowdy: if raves saver is yow-yell: say "That's already on the saver." instead; say "You record Dr. Yow ranting[prev-rec]."; now raves saver is yow-yell instead; if duck is visible: if raves saver is ducky: say "The duck's already on the saver." instead; say "The clicking of the RETAPE button causes the duck to quack inquisitively. The saver records the quacks[prev-rec]."; now raves saver is ducky instead; if player is in Danger Garden: if raves saver is goosey: say "The duck's already on the saver." instead; say "You record the geese's honks[prev-rec]."; now raves saver is goosey instead; if kid is visible: say "'Whoah! That thing looks ancient!' the kid yells before you push the button[if saver is yow-talk or saver is yow-yell]. Maybe you meant to push repeat...the kid is interested in science, and Dr. Yow's voice is in the recorder[end if]." instead; say "There's nothing that seems worth re-taping here, so you decide against doing so." instead; to say prev-rec: say " over [if saver was silent]the previous silence[else if saver was ducky]the duck's quacking[else if saver is goosey]the geese's honking[else if saver is yow-yell]Dr. Yow's rants[else if saver is yow-talk]Dr. Yow's talking[end if]"; check pushing repeat button: if waters is visited or limits is visited: say "The saver has suffered permanent water damage. It doesn't even make any weird warpy noises." instead; if smart kid is visible: if raves saver is goosey or raves saver is ducky: say "'Yawn. The zoo is kind of boring. I like making stuff.'" instead; if raves saver is yow-yell or raves saver is yow-talk: try objasking smart kid about doc-y instead; say "'Whoah! That thing looks ancient!' the kid yells before you push the button." instead; if doc-y is visible: if raves saver is yow-yell or raves saver is yow-talk: say "Dr. Yow doesn't need to be mimicked." instead; if player is in Danger Garden and saver is ducky: say "The geese honk in protest. One tries to attack your saver until the recording dies down." instead; if duck is visible and saver is goosey: say "The duck cowers in fear, unable to locate the source of the noise[if doc-y is visible], and Dr. Yow seems to glare at you a bit[end if]." instead; if raves saver is yow-yell and duck is visible: say "The duck seems to walk forward but gets scared by the volume and rapidity of the noise." instead; if raves saver is yow-talk and duck is visible: if duck is friendly: say "You've already got the duck's attention." instead; otherwise: say "The duck perks up. It recognizes Dr. Yow's voice! It gives a hankering honk."; now duck is friendly instead; say "[if raves saver is silent]Silence. Nothing has been recorded, yet.[else if raves saver is yow-yell]You hear someone yelling.[else if raves saver is ducky]Quack, quack.[else if raves saver is goosey]Honk, honk.[otherwise]You hear Dr. Yow talking.[end if]" instead; after going somewhere (this is the duck-follows-you rule): if duck was visible and duck is friendly: say "The duck [one of]quacks along[or]waddles[or]trudges[or]schleps[in random order] behind you."; move duck to location of player; continue the action; chapter retapeing retapeing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "tape/retape/record" as something new. understand "tape" and "retape" and "record" as retapeing. carry out retapeing: if raves saver is not visible: say "[reject]" instead; try pushing retape button instead; chapter repeating repeating is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "repeat" as something new. understand "repeat" as repeating. carry out repeating: if raves saver is not visible: say "[reject]" instead; try pushing repeat button instead; book Lost Lots Lost Lots is south of Danger Garden. Lost Lost is in Towers. "[one of]Well, I guess those annoying natives were right. [or][stopping]This is just a barren area, without even a slot. You should probably go back north before losing all sense of direction." understand "slot" as a mistake ("If you made it, you might fall in the slot and never get out.") when player is in Lost Lots. a pack of Claire's Scalier Éclairs is a hintpastry in Lost Lots. description is "To those who eat these scalier éclairs (O CALORIES,) much is clear. However, it is not recommended that you eat them cold." check opening a hintpastry: say "You can just try to [if player has toaster]TOAST or [end if]EAT that if you want." instead; understand "eclair/eclairs" as Éclairs. after doing something with Éclairs: set the pronoun them to Éclairs; continue the action; book Obscurest Subsector Obscurest Subsector is east of Danger Garden. Obscurest Subsector is in Towers. "A place this obscure is perfect for prison ropins, which [if duck is returned]lie here useless, thanks to the duck[else]are holding someone in captivity[end if]. A log-gaol keeps the subsector obscurest and keeps you from going anywhere back west.". a log gaol is scenery in obscurest subsector. "It surrounds the subsector on four sides, helping keep it obscure." subsector-visit is a truth state that varies. after printing the locale description for subsector when subsector-visit is false: ital-say "you may wish to GO TO GAOL to get back here with less hassle."; now subsector-visit is true; continue the action; understand "locked" as a mistake ("[if doc-y is in prison ropins]No, the opposite...[else]You don't need to fiddle with the lock now.[end if]") when player is in subsector. understand "delock" as a mistake ("[if doc-y is in prison ropins]No, this is the wrong area for pure action[else]Unlocked worked better, here[end if].") when player is in subsector. after choosing notable locale objects when player is in subsector: set locale priority of prison ropins to 0; instead of cutting prison ropins: say "[no-rips]"; instead of cutting gaol: say "[no-rips]"; to say no-rips: say "[if player has dagger]The dagger is too ragged[else if player has gizmo]The gizmo is too unwieldy to fit between the mesh. You try to cut it, but the blade squeaks against the steel[else]You have nothing that could cut anything[end if]." The prison ropins are a reflexive plural-named transparent container in Subsector. ropins are fixed in place. "The prison ropins are dense and strong enough that they will cause no rips, but you can see through them. They're made to ensure no rips (of course!) [if duck is returned]though you found another way in[else]and look locked, but there must be some way to make them openable--[one of]ah, there's a[or]there's that[stopping] small fissure which is the closest thing to a keyhole, and some writing, too[end if]." understand "jail" as prison ropins. instead of entering prison ropins: say "It's not very full of fun or useful things. If it were, Dr. Yow would've gone all MacGyver and burrowed out without your help."; instead of going inside in subsector: try entering prison ropins instead; a-text of prison ropins is "YRRYRRYR". b-text of prison ropins is "YRRYRRYR". understand "unlocked" as a mistake ("There's nothing here to unlock. [if subsector is visited]Though you've been to the subsector with the prison ropins[else]Maybe someone's imprisoned somewhere[end if][if duck is not friendly]. And besides, the duck doesn't seem cooperative, yet[end if][if duck is not prefigured]. Still, that's an idea[end if].[preefsay of duck]") when duck is visible and prison ropins is not visible. understand "goal" as a mistake ("You fantasize briefly about being a sports star instead of a text adventurer[if doc-y is in ropins]. But it changes nothing. You look at the poor figure in the gaol[else]. You've done a good job rescuing Dr. Yow, but you still feel far from your main goal[end if].") when player is in subsector. understand "olga" as a mistake ("Even if the goal could become a person, they'd be kind of wooden") when player is in subsector. description of ropins is "[if duck is returned]It's open now, not that you want to enter.[else]The gaol advertises itself as the involuntary home of one Dr. Yow.[end if]" check examining ropins: ignore the examine containers rule; check scaning ropins: say "The settler does very little until you get near [if ropins are examined]a fissure you didn't see at first[else]the fissure[end if]. The result makes you think you don't need to do anything to the prison as a whole."; now ropins are examined; before scaning a reflexed thing: if noun is not dialer and noun is not bench: say "The settler emits a BEEEOOOP as if to say there's no need to do any more, there." instead; understand the command "kick" as something new. understand "kick [something]" as attacking. instead of attacking: if player is in campsite: say "A loud voice booms LE FIST ITSELF! You quiver in fear at the thought of retribution from attacking anything." instead; if noun is ray eck: say "Not even his cousin, Kim Eck, deserves that." instead; if noun is a guardian: say "You need to see into this blocker's nature instead[if player has dagger]--that dagger would just make things murder[end if]." instead; if noun is a store: say "Sore at a store?" instead; if noun is Elvira: say "'Hater-heart.' She pouts. She summons a proto-troop that easily defeats you. '[one of]Pretty try, pet[or]Gritty try, git[in random order]!' she laughs. 'A feted defeat!' Perhaps you need backup."; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules; the rule succeeds; if noun is scary crays: say "You are severely outnumbered, captured, and sent to the hold. Maybe they will find out who you are, and maybe not. You will be at either Elvira's mercy or theirs."; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules; the rule succeeds; if noun is a target listed in the table of attack-specific: choose row with target of noun in table of attack-specific; say "[nohit entry][line break]" instead; if player has lance: say "Wrong enemy for the lance." instead; if noun is urn: say "Your irrational anger turns to irrational greed when you get close enough to smack it." instead; if noun is denim: say "The denim is too tough to cut[if player has dagger], even with that dagger[end if]." instead; say "[randbla][line break]" instead; to say sign-r-or-b: say "[if sign-other is true]black[else]red[end if]"; ever-pushed is a truth state that varies. sign-other is a truth state that varies. to say flipsine: now ever-pushed is true; if sign-other is true: now sign-other is false; else: now sign-other is true: to say dont-hit of (fi - a person): say "[if fi is fightin]Neat! Be Beaten! (You'd go to a lit posh hospital where CPR is crisp for that. Think. Or, rather, out-think.)[else if fi is washed up]He'd still beat you up, even though he really doesn't want to fight. Wouldn't change that he and [other-guy of fi] are still [i]washups[r]. Maybe a talk with them would break their funk.[else]Slug lugs? As d-u-m as mud.[end if]" table of attack-specific target nohit plaster "You're not strong enough to bust through." paperwall "You're not strong enough to bust through." drama armada "That'd be a silly way to die." brief message "Better than attacking the messenger. Probably because you aren't going to FIND the messenger." serpent "Snaky yanks would backfire on you. Maybe you can calm the snake, though." sweatier wait-seer "You find it tough to get close to his sweatiness. 'Ew...I...tears,' you say, your eyes going red." rewired robot "Don't MAKE it become a boot-o-bot." Ed Yerg "Ye dreg!" church sign "You kick the sign down the middle. It rocks back and forth slightly. Perhaps you'd be better off PUSHing it. Maybe it could swivel." the-b "It's like a dense metal or something. It's more likely it would make something else crack." Leo "[dont-hit of Leo]" Rand "[dont-hit of Rand]" trolls "'I'd beat...' you think, before you realize you've been BAITED. You think bouncers, one scrub. That cools you down." carps "That sounds so--brutal. And nonspecific." pikes "That sounds so--brutal. And nonspecific." hornets "You didn't rescue them to kill them like this." snipe "You didn't rescue them to kill them like this." snail "You didn't rescue them to kill them like this." racoon "You didn't rescue them to kill them like this." parrot "No. He's here to help." ed riley "'I could DRIL YEE!' Ed booms. You can just HEAR the flagrant misspelling, and it makes you see red." imp "He jumps out of reach, streakily, satyrlike." whiners "That idea is banefully unflyable." Pa Egg Pea "It deserves to be ripped to shreds, but that'd just be littering." old giant "You don't have a weapon big enough to take him. One won't appear in your super purse." skis "You give them a whack, and it hurts much more than it should." Brother Horbert "Yorpwald's already got a St. Lip-Split." ant "You poke at the ant, which keeps it at bay. You need something more simple, violent and direct." doc-y "[if doc-y is in prison ropins]You can't reach in, and it's a bad idea anyway[else]You imgaine Dr. Yow mouthing a dry 'ow,' which isn't quite an anagram, but suddenly remember a fellow called Dry Mo, who may or may not be Dr. Yow's bodyguard. Besides, Dr. Yow is here to help you[end if]." leopard "Even if he weren't a hardened criminal, you'd lose. I mean, a leopard." ocelots "They're bigger than average. And the leopard would back them up." satyr "It's bigger than average. And the leopard would back it up." badger "It's bigger than average. And the leopard would back it up." raptor "Not even." cube "Bounce no cube." yapper "I dunno. Not without scissors you don't. That yapper looks pretty tough. He could take out a rock-man or two, you bet." boats "You may be able to make some sort of noise to request the boats['] service." raft "Yes, the stupid oars don't seem to move themselves, but that's no reason to get upset! Think!" denim "[if player has gizmo]The gizmo can't cut through[else if player has dagger]Your ragged dagger doesn't quite cut it[else]You've got nothing sharp enough[end if]. It's thickly packed denim, for sure." trout "This game's kind of topsy turvy, but not like THAT." lamb "Meanie. There's a better way to help it flee home." walls "Brute force is ineffective. As well as all the swears you use with the brute force. You need to wipe out the whole volt maze, not just these walls." Elmer "'Die, brag brigade!' you think. But they see your evil look and say 'Venomous? Us? Move on.'" Merle "'Die, brag brigade!' you think. But they see your evil look and say 'Venomous? Us? Move on.'" Elmo "Elmo kind of has the upper hand here." boats "Sabot? Batso!" knob "[if knob is reflexed]It's been hit already[else]Yes, but how?[end if]" rude door "[if door-sux is true]The door is miserable enough for having to let you through.[else]Well...maybe not the WHOLE door...[end if]" prison ropins "[which-sharp]--but force doesn't seem the right way in, anyway." log gaol "[which-sharp]----but there is probably nothing beyond in the Badlands anyway." yourself "Surly foe: yourself? Lose fury!" macks "[one of]Don't hate the player, hate the game.[paragraph break]Um, sorry about that. But b[or]b[stopping]eing outnumbered, maybe you can attack their arguments instead." to say which-sharp: say "[if player has ragged dagger]The dagger is not very sharp[else if player has gizmo]The gizmo is versatile but not sharp[otherwise]You have nothing remotely sharp[end if]" check opening prison ropins: if doc-y is in prison ropins: say "You rattle it a bit, but it's too strong. Probably dead-bolted too, so it's physically impossible to use brute force."; otherwise: say "It's got nothing you want there any more."; the rule succeeds; check opening ropins: say "It's too sturdy, and you've no reason to believe what's behind it is worth visiting." instead; check unlocking ropins with duck: say "Almost. You're going about it wrong, though. What do you want the fence to BE? Or be described AS?" instead; before locking (this is the yow unlock rule) : if noun is ropins or noun is fissure: say "[if doc-y is in prison ropins]It already is, and two locks won't make an unlock[else]No need to fuss any more[end if]." instead; say "There's no need to lock anything in this game." instead; does the player mean unlocking with dagger: it is very likely; does the player mean unlocking with settler: it is likely; does the player mean unlocking with pedanto-notepad when settler is off-stage: it is likely. does the player mean locking with dagger: it is very likely; does the player mean locking with settler: it is likely; the can't unlock without a lock rule is not listed in any rulebook. check unlocking: if player is in subsector: if noun is prison ropins or noun is fissure: if prison ropins is reflexed: say "The prison is already open." instead; if second noun is gizmo: say "You fumble with the gizmo but have utterly no luck. The prison remains locked." instead; if duck is visible: say "The duck looks curiously at what you're trying to do. You can't pick it up, but maybe you can coax the duck with the right word..." instead; if noun is fissure: say "Nothing you have seems to fit in there." instead; say "The prison doesn't seem like something you can unlock--well, not with a key. There's nothing that resembles a keyhole. That weird fissure, maybe..." instead; if noun is drab yoke: say "It doesn't seem to have a key or anything. But whatever's inside it might." instead; if noun is side door: say "[if Gunter is off-stage]Just open it instead[else]With what's outside? Bad idea[end if]." instead; if noun is rude door: say "Sticking a key in the rude door would annoy it further." instead; if noun is prison ropins: say "[if duck is returned]You already did[else]Yes. There should be a way to open it...but you haven't found a key, or anything like it, anywhere[end if]." instead; say "You don't have anything resembling a key, and that doesn't seem to need to be unlocked." instead; the fissure is part of the ropins. description is "It's rounded, more ovular than elliptical. It doesn't seem to fit any sort of keycard--and you can't see any tumblers in it. It's shaped like a mouth mid-complaint. A name by the fissure reads [one of]Doc Lunke[or]Ned Lucko[or]Ed Clunko[or]O'Klenduc[in random order]". the fissure is vanishing and semi-easy and auxiliary. a-text of fissure is "RYRRYYR". b-text of fissure is "PYPPYYR". after fliptoing (this is the yow is free rule) : if noun is fissure or noun is prison ropins: now duck is unfigured; now prison ropins is unfigured; now fissure is unfigured; now fissure is in lalaland; now prison ropins is reflexed; now doc-y is in subsector; now duck is returned; continue the action; check inserting into the fissure: say "Nothing from your inventory seems to fit it. It's really oblong." doc-y is a super-easy auxiliary privately-named person in prison ropins. description is "[one of]You remember a slanderous (or is it libelous?) article claiming he was really Dr. Ieow, but he does look a[or]A[stopping] bit wonky, y'know? But with an intense look in his eyes[if doc-y is rowdy] as he yells[else if doc-y is wordy]as he babbles[end if][what-can-doc-say].". "Dr. Yow is pacing around semi-absent-mindedly[if doc-y is not in prison ropins] enjoying[otherwise] pining for[end if] his freedom." to say what-can-doc-say: let tosay be 0; if doc-y has been rowdy: increment tosay; if doc-y has been wordy: increment tosay; say "[if tosay is 2]. He looks repressed, as if he has so many ways to say things, but he needs someone to bring it out of him[else if tosay is 1]He looks slightly agitated, as if he's only said half of what he wants to say[end if]" a-text of doc-y is "RYRRO". b-text of doc-y is "RYRRO". understand "dr/doctor/doc /yow" as doc-y. printed name of doc-y is "Dr. Yow" understand "dowry" as a mistake ("Dr. Yow is an intellectual. He needs a [if duck is returned]breakout[else]willing pupil[end if], not material things or romance.") when doc-y is visible. doc-y can be rowdy, wordy or calm. doc-y is calm. check fliptoing prison ropins: if duck is not visible: say "You fiddle with the fence but probably need someone or something to MAKE it unlocked due to how it's configured. You don't have anything on you[if ravages is unvisited]. You haven't explored up north yet[else if duck is prefigured]. You remember trying 'unlocked' with the duck[end if]. Then, UNLOCKED should work. It just feels right."; preef prison ropins; do nothing instead; check fliptoing fissure: if duck is not visible: say "The fissure squirms a bit but settles back down. When it was open, maybe something could've gone in, but you're carrying nothing close to the right shape."; preef fissure; do nothing instead; book Outer Route Outer Route is west of Anemic Cinema. Outer Route is in Towers. "You're on a dirt trail, very neutral-naturel. Too bad. It could be outré if things were just rearranged a bit and maybe the right bits were accented, though it's nothing to rue. As is, it just leads west away from the curst palace." check going west in Outer Route: say "That's the wrong way. You'd probably get lost." instead; a dirt trail is useless scenery in outer route. "It's nothing special, but by the looks of it, it goes west a ways. Farther than you'd care to walk." instead of doing something with dirt trail: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "Not much to do with the trail except walk west on it, which isn't the way you want to go." instead of entering a rut: say "It's not the right size or shape for you." the solve-a-loaves are an edible plural-named hintpastry in outer route. "Some solve-a-loaves have been left here.". description is "They are not huge loaves and could probably fit in a small oven[if player has toaster], like your toaster[end if]. Solve-a-Loaves is an actual brand here in Yorpwald, fortified with brain enriching nutrients." understand "loaves" and "loaf" as solve-a-loaves. instead of eating a person: if noun is the player: try swearing obscenely instead; say "You have no fork, or anything that could become a fork. Plus, gross." instead; check eating (this is the try to eat a hint tart rule) : If noun is a hintpastry: if xrayvision is true: say "You're already under the influence of a pastry. XRAY something before continuing."; if diners are visible: say "The diners scoff at you eating something like that cold--well, eating that at all--and you're too embarrassed to do so[if toaster is visible]. But maybe you can put it in the toaster[end if]." instead; if salesmen are visible: say "'You know what would go great with that? NERD-AID!' says one salesman. The others agree, quickly." instead; if noun is not heated: if toaster is visible: say "You figure you'd better heat that up in the toaster first. So you do. Mmm, not bad[if diners are visible]. The diners let loose some dry wit about people who enjoy something THAT unrefined[end if]."; try inserting noun into toaster instead; say "You should probably heat [if noun is plural-named]those[else]that[end if] up first. Like, put it in [if player has toaster]that toaster you have[else if player is in Danger Garden]the toaster on the ground[else]some household appliance for warming pastries[end if]." instead; book rawest waters Rawest Waters is a room in Towers. "Ew. Rats. You're splashing around in a spry raspy spray, unable to go back southwest, and unable to decide if the northern or eastern shore is closer." eastern shore is reflexive scenery in rawest waters. "The eastern shore's not necessarily closer than the other two, unless you want it to be." southwestern shore is scenery in rawest waters. "You can barely see it--the kid isn't there either." northern shore is scenery in rawest waters. "You can barely see it--it's as far as the eastern shore--but it seems darker and more foreboding.". northern shore is undesc. instead of doing something with the southwestern shore: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "No way to get back to the southwestern shore, really." instead of doing something with the northern shore: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "It's too far to swim or do much more than magick." understand "earnest" as a mistake ("The shore wants to get physically closer to you now. You can feel it. But that doesn't do any good. You feel like you made progress, though.") when player is in rawest. does the player mean doing something with eastern shore: it is very likely. a-text of eastern shore is "RYYRYRR". b-text of eastern shore is "RYYRGRR". every turn when player is in waters: say "[one of]Gurgle, er, glug... [or]Waters waster, you think... [or]Spirited riptides... [in random order]your eyes go red [one of]thinking of Ernesta, the lady of finding directions[or]half-praying to St. Renae[or]half-praying to St. Earne[in random order]." the raspy spray is scenery in rawest waters. the spray is undesc. does the player mean drinking the spray: it is very likely. instead of doing something with spray: if current action is drinking: say "You'd hate the taste of the sips." instead; if current action is xraying: continue the action; say "You need to worry about getting out of the spray." understand "prays" as a mistake ("Too late to be a prayers sprayer.") when player is in rawest. chapter jetskis the jetskis are a plural-named thing. check examining jetskis: if turbos are not part of jetskis: say "The jetskis seem bare-bones at the moment, not ready to ride." instead; description of jetskis is "You don't see much on the jetskis you understand, except some turbos and a blaster. [if turbos are reflexed]The turbos seem robust enough[otherwise]A pair of turbos doesn't look quite ...hardy? No, some other word ... to help propel you across the river[end if]. [if blaster is reflexed]The blaster seems stabler than it used to be[otherwise]The blaster hums and shakes erratically[end if]." the turbos are a reflexive plural-named thing. description of turbos is "You're not sure how they should work, but [if turbos are reflexed]you managed to[else]maybe you can[end if] counter the kid's technical knowledge by tweaking it." the blaster is a reflexive thing. description of blaster is "You're not sure how it should work, but [if blaster is reflexed]you managed to[else]maybe you can[end if] counter the kid's technical knowledge by tweaking it. You see red writing on it." t-or-b is a thing that varies. instead of doing something to the turbos: if the action is procedural, continue the action; say "The turbos are too technical for you--you can probably just examine or scan them." instead of doing something to blaster: if the action is procedural, continue the action; say "The blaster is too technical for you--you can probably just examine or scan it." a-text of turbos is "RYRYRR". b-text of turbos is "RYRYRR". a-text of blaster is "RRYRRYR". b-text of blaster is "RRGRRGP". to towers-min-adj: [this is when you leave the mainland] wipe-towers-map; let und be number of guardians not in lalaland; d "Left [und] guardians."; if denim is in copse: d "Left denim."; increment und; if old ice are not in lalaland: d "Left old ice."; increment und; if pulses are not in lalaland: d "Left pulses."; increment und; now poss-score of towers is cur-score of towers; if turbos are reflexed and blaster is reflexed: do nothing; else: increment poss-score of towers; now poss-score of towers is poss-score of towers + 5; [dingy, spectacular, greyed, give flowerpot] now min-score of towers is min-score of towers + 1; [4 warriors, spectacular] if turbos are reflexive or blaster is reflexive: [rawest waters] increment poss-score of towers; increment min-score of towers; if player has strudel and strudel is reflexive: increment poss-score of towers; to say mrmamu: say "[if player is female]Ma'am[else]Mister[end if]"; check taking toaster: if toaster is in coastlines: say "Best leave it with the kid." instead; check taking jetskis: if turbos are not part of jetskis: say "'It's not even built yet, [mrmaam]! I need a tool to get the blaster and turbos working!'" instead; if player has toaster: say "'Hey! [mrmamu]! It'd be dangerous to take that toaster across the water!' He's right[if number of carried hintpastries > 0]. But you decide to heat up what you have[end if]. You leave the toaster--you bet the kid could do some cool stuff with it. it will be a decent enough payment for his time and efforts. The kid leaves the toaster on the sand.[line break]"; now all carried hintpastries are heated; now toaster is in coastlines; else if toaster is visible: if number of carried not heated hintpastries > 0: say "You heat up the food you found since you were last here."; now all carried hintpastries are heated; if turbos are reflexive and blaster is reflexive: say "[one of]'Go, [mrmaam]!' You strap parts of the jetskis as instructed and head vaguely northeast, but the turbos that propel it conk out barely after you leave the shore, and the blaster fizzes, too. 'Dang! What do I need to do?' the kid mutters to himself.[or]Unfortunately, nothing's changed since the last time you were here. 'Man! I still need to fix the blaster. Or the turbos. Maybe both.'[stopping]" instead; say "BRRRRM! The jetskis work great. 'I'll make a glider girdle next!' the kid shouts, out of view."; if turbos are reflexed and blaster is reflexed: say "You speed across the deeps of the rawest waters as if on nine-seg engines and to the shore on the other side--so hard, they snap in two. Well, it would've been hard to return them to the kid anyway. You've made it!"; towers-min-adj; now player is in Mislit Limits instead; say "Then you hear a voice call AIR FLUE FAILURE as you hear the [if turbos are reflexive]turbos go burst-o[otherwise]blaster, er, blast[end if]. You fall in the waters, about halfway to the opposite shore."; towers-min-adj; now player is in rawest waters instead; check going in rawest waters: say "Spirited riptides! You panic a bit, unsure which shore would take the least time to get to--northern, southwestern or eastern. They all seem about the same distance. If only you could force the issue somehow--the [i]eastern[r] looks a bit more pleasant." instead; book mislit limits the accurst leap is auxiliary cluey scenery. "It would be sad if you jumped off it, so close to your goal." a-text of accurst leap is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of accurst leap is "RRYRRYRYRGR". check jumping when accurst leap is visible: say "I won't let you! You're too close! You can't do it!" instead; the packet of clear catsup is auxiliary cluey scenery. "The packet of clear catsup is something you'd have missed without knowing about it. It is the sort of litter that keeps the castle seeming worse than ordinary." instead of eating clear catsup: say "Yuck."; instead of opening clear catsup: say "Not only is it litter, but it doesn't have any ridged bits to make it open easier. Still, a potential clue is a potential clue." a-text of clear catsup is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of clear catsup is "RRGRRYRYRYR". the pest accrual is auxiliary cluey scenery. "Eww! Maybe they're good for nature or something." a-text of pest accrual is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of pest accrual is "RRYRRYPYRGR". the c-p is privately-named auxiliary cluey scenery. printed name of c-p is "cactus pearl.". "You're pretty sure it's not a pearl cactus. That'd be bigger." a-text of c-p is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of c-p is "RRYRRYRYRYR". does the player mean doing something with the c-p when c-p is visible: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with the pearl cactus when c-p is not visible: it is likely. the pearl cactus is auxiliary cluey scenery. "You're pretty sure it's not a cactus pearl. That'd be smaller and rounder." a-text of cactus pearl is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of cactus pearl is "RRYRRYRYRYR". the accu-plaster is auxiliary cluey scenery. "It was meant to hold some of the curst palace together, but it's crumbling now." a-text of accu-plaster is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of accu-plaster is "RRYRRYRYRYP". the capsule cart is auxiliary cluey scenery. "It is bright red and could've held anything, really, but it reads CAPSULE CART." a-text of capsule cart is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of capsule cart is "RRYRRYRYRYR". the Last Acre Cup is auxiliary cluey scenery. "A reward for a forgotten and useless contest, just part of the garbage here." a-text of last acre cup is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of last acre cup is "RRYRRYRYRYR". the Talc Spa Cure is auxiliary cluey scenery. "It's empty, but it's another sort of luxury item that people moving into the Curst Palace's old location would love." a-text of Talc Spa Cure is "RRYRRYRYRYR". b-text of Talc Spa Cure is "RRYPRYRYRYR". nextclue is a list of thing variable. nextclue is { accurst leap, clear catsup, pest accrual, cactus pearl, pearl cactus, accu-plaster, capsule cart, last acre cup, talc spa cure } clue-index is a number that varies. after going to mislit limits: if flip-final-clue is true: say "You notice something [if clue-index > 0]else [end if]you wouldn't have seen without Ed Yerg's help.[run paragraph on]"; if clue-index > 0: move entry clue-index in nextclue to lalaland; increment clue-index; if clue-index > number of entries in nextclue: now clue-index is 1; move entry clue-index in nextclue to mislit limits; say " That [entry clue-index in nextclue] must be important. You note it as further scenery in your pedanto-notepad."; pad-rec-q "scenery"; now flip-final-clue is false; continue the action; check taking scenery in mislit limits: if noun is curst palace: say "You need to make it worth taking back." instead; if noun is clear catsup: say "Picking up litter is admirable, but it's small thinking with your powers." instead; if noun is accurst leap: say "Take a leap of logic instead." instead; say "You can't and don't need to take it, but maybe you can take a clue from it." instead; to say 3-random: sort table of magnifs in random order; say "[blurb in row 1 of table of magnifs]! [blurb in row 2 of table of magnifs]! [blurb in row 3 of table of magnifs]! He-he. Eh?[paragraph break]"; table of magnifs blurb "Breathtaking" "Exceptional" "Fantastic" "Magnificent" "Marvelous" "Miraculous" "Outstanding" "Overwhelming" "Sensational" "Stupendous" "Superlative" "Unsurpassed" to say a-bunch: say "[if number of visible warriors is 2]an ex-bunch[else]a bunch[end if]" rule for printing a locale paragraph about a warrior (called ww): if ww is not Rodney: The rule succeeds; now Rodney is mentioned; say "Sir Rodney, still loud and boastful, is [if number of visible warriors is 1]making his last stand--he won't attack anyone, but nobody's going out[else][one of]calling to[or]leading[stopping] [a-bunch] of warriors blocking the way out. [they-just] [list of followy warriors][end if][one of].[paragraph break]But maybe this show of force will backfire. They don't look as gung-ho as they could, and once you pick off one weak link, you'll know what people--or things--are like, here[or][stopping]."; now all visible warriors are mentioned; definition: a room (called twr) is towery: if twr is trefoil, decide no; if map region of twr is towers, decide yes; to say they-just: say "[if number of visible warriors is 2]Well, there's just[else]They include[end if]" To decide whether the current action is no-timely: (- meta -) to decide whether the action is procedural: [aip] if the current action is no-timely, yes; if discerning, yes; if examining, yes; if fliptoing, yes; if attacking, yes; if scaning, yes; if scanlasting, yes; if objhinting, yes; if xraying, yes; if smelling, yes; if reading, yes; if gotoing, yes; if saying yes, yes; if saying no, yes; if dropping, yes; if looking, yes; if objasking about, yes; if listening, yes; no; definition: a thing is followy: if it is rodney, no; if it is a warrior and it is visible, yes; no. check asking Sir Rodney about: say "He yells 'None shall pass!' [one of]when you get close[or]and thus lives up to his name[stopping]." instead; check going outside in Loftier Trefoil: if Sir Rodney is visible: say "Sir Rodney is blocking the way." instead; else: say "BUG! you should have been kicked out after talking to Daltho."; check going up in Loftier Trefoil: say "One stare at the rates for an overnight room almost leads you to tears. You exit the large inn with a lean grin and no learning." instead; check going down in Loftier Trefoil: say "'Don't loot the wines. Swine.' someone calls. Harsh." instead; the impressive cliff is a useless backdrop. it is in Blasted Saltbed, anemic cinema, Unblest Sunbelt, danger garden. "It's impressive enough to inspire you to do something impressive, full of scaly clays." Leak Lake is a useless backdrop. it is in salted deltas, Actionless Coastlines, Ole Shrine Shoreline. "Leak Lake is so named because many bodies of water leak into it, and it leaks into others. It smells strongly of kale. At least it does not smell of carp." check entering leak lake: if jetskis are visible: try taking jetskis instead; say "Go out, eh? Too huge!" instead; understand "kale" as a mistake ("It'd take all your energy to turn the whole lake into kale. Plus, then, the kale would have no water to survive.") when leak lake is visible. the shoals aslosh are a useless plural-named backdrop. they are in salted deltas, Actionless Coastlines, Ole Shrine Shoreline. "They make you say 'Ah! Loss!' (or Oh! Lass! if you're feeling romantic.)" chapter Old One's Solo Den Solo Den is west of Mislit Limits. printed name of Solo Den is "[if ed yerg is reflexive]Lone Sod[else]Old One's[end if] Solo Den". Solo Den is an innie room in towers. "You see some writing on the wall here, and you smell something, too." Ed Yerg is a person in Solo Den. description is "[if ed is reflexive]Despite a wrinkled face, his hair is gleaming and dark[else if crocus is not in lalaland]Ed looks a little sad[else]Ed looks relaxed and ready to chat[end if]." understand "gyre" as a mistake ("Ed doesn't deserve THAT for his past sins. Plus, you'd get sucked in.") when player is in solo den. check going east in solo den (this is the force give flowerpot rule): if player has flowerpot and flowerpot contains crocus and Ed Yerg is reflexed: say "Before you leave, you remember Old Hat Daltho's speech--the flowerpot seems like a nice gift for Ed, now that Ed is nicer. You give it to him.[paragraph break]'Come back if you need help with Castle Apcur!' he says, as he goes to set the crocus out somewhere nice."; now flowerpot is in lalaland; continue the action; [??led soon] Old Hat Daltho is an undesc. before giving the crocus to: try giving flowerpot to second noun instead; before showing the crocus to: try showing flowerpot to second noun instead; understand "flower" as crocus. check giving to Ed Yerg: if second noun is crocus: try giving flowerpot to Ed Yerg; if ed yerg is reflexive: say "Ed turns his nose up at your meager offering[if noun is flowerpot] but mentions he might've liked it when he was less ambitious[end if]." instead; unless noun is flowerpot: say "Ed thanks you, but that's not quite what he wants[if flowerpot is in lalaland]. The flowerpot was probably enough[end if]." instead; if crocus is reflexive: say "You consider giving the flowerpot to Ed Yerg, but there's nothing in it, yet. You think back to the crocus you saw outside." instead; say "Ed smiles at the flowerpot and looks less tense. He realizes whom the gift must be from. He sighs, nods hangs his new flower out back where it can get better, then returns, thanking you."; min-and; now flowerpot is in lalaland instead; check going outside in solo den: try going east instead; Ed Yerg is a LLPish reflexive person in Solo Den. "[if ed yerg is reflexive][one of]'What?! You got by my pester'n serpent?! Ah, good, you didn't kill it. Say, I bet I know who you must be. I'm Ed Yerg. I'll give you some valuable advice--for the right price.' You realize you have nothing of material value.[or]Ed Yerg is still here, looking greedy[stopping][else]Ed Yerg is waiting here, looking [edlook].[end if]" to say edlook: if flowerpot is in lalaland: say "content"; continue the action; else if crocus is not in flowerpot: say "at your flowerpot"; else: say "at your [if crocus is reflexed]dying [end if]crocus"; the welt-proof flowerpot is a reflexive and LLPish container. description of flowerpot is "You don't know what good welt-proofing will do, but it might help you read the red writing on the flowerpot a bit better[if-crocus]." to say if-crocus: if crocus is in flowerpot: say "[if crocus is reflexed], though it's probably less useful now with the crocus in decent shape[else], which can maybe help with the dying crocus[end if]"; else: say ". The flowerpot is empty"; after printing the name of the flowerpot while taking inventory: if crocus is in flowerpot: say " (holding a succor crocus)"; now succor crocus is mentioned; omit contents in listing; continue the action; understand "pot" and "flower pot" as flowerpot. a-text of flowerpot is "RYRRO". b-text of flowerpot is "PYRRO". check inserting into the flowerpot: if noun is crocus: if noun is in limits: try taking noun instead; say "The crocus is in the flowerpot already." instead; say "Only a flower [if crocus is in flowerpot]like the crocus [end if]belongs in the flowerpot." instead; check putting on the flowerpot: say "The flowerpot's sole purpose is to hold the succor crocus." instead; instead of taking crocus: if crocus is in limits: say "It looks a bit TOO colorful for a flower, almost radioactive. In fact, from what you know about the species, that means it's close to DYING. Maybe you could tone it down." instead; say "It's been through enough [if crocus is reflexive]bad times[else]upheaval[end if]." the succor crocus is an auxiliary thing in mislit limits. "A succor crocus lies here, full of livid colors that don't make you happier." description of crocus is "[if crocus is reflexive]From what you know, the brighter a succor crocus is, the less it works. Right now, it's far too bright, and it's close to dying[else]Looking much better now[end if]." check fliptoing flowerpot: if crocus is not visible: say "A more dingy flowerpot wouldn't help things. Maybe you need to put something in it."; preef flowerpot; do nothing instead; after fliptoing flowerpot: now crocus is in flowerpot; continue the action; a-text of crocus is "RYRRO". b-text of crocus is "PYRRO". to say new-yerg-thing: now flip-final-clue is true; flip-final-clue is a truth state that varies. section planting planting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "plant" as something new. understand "plant [something]" as planting. carry out planting: if noun is not crocus: say "You can only plant a, well, plant." instead; if crocus is reflexive: say "It already is. But maybe you could fix it and replant it." instead; say "The crocus is already in the flowerpot. That is planted enough." instead; chapter Mislit Limits to decide what number is palace-let: if location of player is topside or location of player is campsite, decide on 4; if location of player is copse, decide on 5; if location of player is lots or location of player is route or location of player is sunbelt or location of player is saltbed, decide on 6; if location of player is ravages or location of player is subsector or location of player is Danger Garden or location of player is havens or location of player is cinema, decide on 7; if location of player is deltas or location of player is shoreline, decide on 8; if location of player is coastlines, decide on 9; if location of player is solo den, decide on 10; if location of player is limits, decide on 11; decide on 2; Mislit Limits is a room in Towers. "Everything looks a bit wrong here. It is most definitely a curst place, very reddish and separate from the curst palace nearby. You're gonna need some crazy action, or word, to make it what it was. And yet--something in the air says, lo, curse or clues? There's also a den to the west." The Curst Palace is a reflexive backdrop. understand "crust" as a mistake ("It probably needs less crust, not more. The whole curst palace.") when mrlp is towers. understand "a place" as a mistake ("It already is a place. It needs to be more than that, to wipe off the stigma of being the curst palace.") when mrlp is towers. understand "castle apcur" and "castle/apcur" as the curst palace. check examining curst palace when player is not in mislit limits: say "The curst palace is too far away to make out details beyond its general decrepitude." instead; max-pal-seen is a number that varies. check scaning curst palace (this is the nab a few letters rule) : if player is in trefoil: say "You'll want to walk outside first, at the very least." instead; if player is not in mislit limits: if max-pal-seen is 0: say "You'd think you would see eleven lights for the curst palace, but some are blacked out, as if the settler was too far away to analyze everything."; else if palace-let > max-pal-seen: say "Ooh! A few more lights, now."; else: say "You don't see any more than you have before[if palace-let < max-pal-seen]. In fact, you have less information than when you were closer[end if]."; else if max-pal-seen < 11: say "The entire settler lights up[if max-pal-seen is 0]--but it takes a while. You're lucky you're so close.[else], finally[end if]!"; if max-pal-seen < palace-let: now max-pal-seen is palace-let; check fliptoing curst palace when player is not in mislit limits: say "Your word, stupendous as it is, has no effect. Yet. You [if player is in solo den]may need to go back outside[else]are probably not close enough[end if]."; preef curst palace; the rule fails; instead of doing something with the curst palace when player is not in mislit limits: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The palace is too far away to interact. You need to get closer, and even then, you can probably only examine or scan it. Or say the right word to restore it."; a-text of curst palace is "[cpset of false]". b-text of curst palace is "[cpset of true]". to say cpset of (mytru - a truth state): let p-l be palace-let; say "RRY[if p-l < 4]*[else]R[end if][if p-l < 5]*[else if mytru is true]?[run paragraph on][else]R[end if][if p-l < 6]*[else]Y[end if][if p-l < 7]*[else]R[end if][if p-l < 8]*[else]Y[end if][if p-l < 9]*[else]R[end if][if p-l < 10]*[else]Y[end if][if p-l < 11]*[else]?[run paragraph on][end if]"; instead of entering curst palace: say "No time to browse bowers. Plus, it's still cursed." description of Curst Palace is "The curst palace Castle Apcur towers high enough to see across the lake. But perhaps it could be much nicer...with just one word..." check going inside in Mislit Limits: if serpent is visible: say "You can't risk sneaking by the serpent--Castle Apcur is right here, waiting to be changed! Just one (long) word! Though maybe if you could get rid of the serpent, it might help." instead; try going west instead; check going in Mislit Limits: if noun is not inside and noun is not west: say "No. Your destiny is here[if serpent is visible], though the serpent may be guarding some help to the west[else], though maybe you can go west for help[end if]. One big, powerful word and the castle will be restored!" instead; check going west in mislit limits: if pester'n serpent is in limits: say "Not with that serpent pester'n." instead; section serpent understand the command "present" as something new. A pester'n serpent is a vanishing LLPish animal in Mislit Limits. initial appearance of pester'n serpent is "[one of]A[or]The[stopping] pester'n serpent guards the way west. It lets out ten reps of a particularly nasty hiss." rule for supplying a missing second noun when showing: if pester'n serpent is visible: now second noun is pester'n serpent. understand "repents" as a mistake ("The serpent remains kinda chaotic evil looking, and not just because it can't understand English. You see red at using a verb and not an adjective.") when serpent is visible. understand "respent" as a mistake ("You're not sure if the serpent's ever been spent, so you can't quite make it re-spent. You feel you have to be close, though.") when serpent is visible. a-text of pester'n serpent is "RRYRYRR". b-text of pester'n serpent is "?RYRY??". book Towers specific verbs check fliptoing kid: if doc-y is not visible: say "[reject]" instead; chapter rowdying every turn (this is the cool rowdy rule): if doc-cool > 0: decrement doc-cool; if doc-cool is 1: if doc-y is visible: say "Dr. Yow was [if doc-y is rowdy]rowdier[otherwise]wordier[end if] a bit ago. Now he's worried."; if doc-cool is 0: if doc-y is visible: say "Dr. Yow quits talking. He's not [if doc-y is rowdy]rowdy[otherwise]wordy[end if] any more."; now doc-y is calm; doc-cool is a number that varies. doc-cool is usually 0. rowdying is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "rowdy" as something new. understand "rowdy" as rowdying. carry out rowdying: if doc-y is not visible: if location of player is not obscurest: say "[reject]" instead; if doc-y is rowdy: say "You recharge Dr. Yow's rowdiness."; otherwise: say "Dr. Yow appears charged! He begins ranting about scientific solutions and implementations and so forth, and how [one of]he was called wormy Mr. Yow until he got his Ph.D., and the worst he gets is 'Wooly Ol['] Yow' now[or]someone needs to grundy Dr. Yung[or]you can be a weirdo AND woe-rid[or]Dr. Ney is his idol[cycling]. It's quite a sight[if doc-y is in prison ropins], even through the jail door[end if][unless doc-y has been rowdy][one of]. You doubt he's like this all the time, though. Maybe he can speak more calmly, in other situations[or][stopping][end if]."; unless doc-y has been rowdy: reg-inc; now doc-y is rowdy; now doc-cool is 3; if kid is visible: now doc-cool is 0; if kid is reflexive: say "[line break]The kid is too star-struck to listen carefully. It's hard not to be tentative in the presence of such a great genius. He's unstabler than a subaltern of a great thinker like Dr. Yow needs to be."; otherwise: kid-gets-it instead; the rule succeeds; [rowdy -> attentive] to kid-gets-it: say "The kid's understanding is paltry at first, but he's attentive, so he gets it partly, then he exclaims raptly 'Droll Dr. LOL!' Dr. Yow's confident now, explaining patly and aptly. 'Call me Dr. Leo--older version of you.' They converse animatedly about the dream of no-silage gasoline, but Dr. Yow convinces him to start small.[paragraph break]The lecture over, the kid says, 'Dr.?'[paragraph break]'Toy! Try! Do!' The kid smacks his forehead and runs off 'It--it won't just be pseudo-souped! Pen lids, spindle...' He runs off to the Actionless Coastlines.[paragraph break]'Wait! Kid! I have this lots-o-tools stool...' but the kid's gone.[paragraph break]'Wait! Where is it? O lost!' He searches his pockets, just in case.[paragraph break]'Dr. Yow's Drowsy. My lab: balmy. Long cameo.' Then, above his duck's quack, 'come along.' He follows a loading diagonal, off for some bachelor lab chore. Before he does, he shows you a picture labeled CURSEE RESCUE, featuring--a very unflattering portrait of yourself, before sticking it in his pocket. 'That dude[if player is female], um, dudess[end if] with the powers. House arrest, I heard. You look like someone who cares.' Unintentional compliments are the nicest."; now doc-y is in lalaland; now duck is in lalaland; now kid is in Actionless Coastlines; now jetskis are in actionless coastlines; after fliptoing smart kid: if doc-y is wordy: say "The kid's attentive now, but Dr. Yow's wordiness isn't quite exciting enough for learning." instead; if doc-y is rowdy: kid-gets-it instead; say "Unfortunately, Dr. Yow has nothing to say--maybe you can help him, there."; continue the action; chapter wordying wordying is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "wordy" as something new. understand "wordy" as wordying. carry out wordying: if doc-y is not visible: if location of player is not obscurest: say "[reject]" instead; if doc-y is wordy: say "You recharge Dr. Yow's wordiness."; otherwise: say "[if smart kid is visible]Dr. Yow starts discussing Wry Do too theoretical for adolescent ears to appreciate. You hear the kid mutter 'Ow. Dry.'[line break][else]Dr. Yow just starts talking about stuff like the weather, etc. It's drivel, a nice version of Dr. Evil[wordy-hinty].[end if]"; unless doc-y has been wordy: reg-inc; now doc-y is wordy; now doc-cool is 3; if kid is visible: say "[line break][if doc-y was wordy]Dr. Yow's wordiness isn't helping the kid[else]The kid initially seems excited as Dr. Yow begins to talk, but it's all a bit too wonky, y'know? It quickly becomes dry--ok, dorky. Perhaps if the presentation were more exciting[end if]."; the rule succeeds; to say wordy-hinty: say "[unless doc-y has been wordy][one of]. You doubt he's like this all the time, though. Maybe he can speak more excitingly, in other situations[or][stopping]" understand "dowry" as a mistake ("Marriage is probably the last thing on Dr. Yow's mind right now[if prison ropins is reflexed], even though he probably is pleased with you[else], and the only thing worse than being imprisoned would be...well...feeling like property[end if].") when doc-y is visible. chapter guardian stubs report taking in Topside: if noun is toaster: say "[if Ray Eck is in topside]'A neat gadget. But not as fun as my keycar.'[else]You won a free toaster once, in a raffle. But getting this toaster feels cooler.[end if]"; else if noun is strudel and ray eck is in topside: say "Ray Eck babbles on about how that food's been on the ground, even if it's been in a wrapper, and it probably has all these preservatives, and if it didn't it's probably even worse for you. You sort of wish you could've snuck it without him noticing."; else: say "[if number of visible guardians > 0]The [random visible Guardian] can't resist eye-rolling when you pick up something seemingly so worthless.[else][one of]Even though no one is watching, you still feel a bit silly taking something this goofy.[or]What the heck, free [foods of noun] is free [foods of noun].[stopping][end if]"; the rule succeeds; to say foods of (myf - a thing): say "[if myf is a hintpastry]food[else]stuff[end if]"; to say gd of (zz - a guardian): if zz is ray eck: say "[one of]A yacker using a remote to control a keycar[or]Ray Eck, with his keycar,[stopping]"; now zz is mentioned; else: say "[A zz]"; if zz is deacons: say "[one of][or] (still mum about their hostile ol['] heist)[stopping]"; if zz is atheists: say "[one of] (well, they're certainly wasting each other's time talking about there's no afterlife)[or][stopping]"; if zz is nameless salesmen: say "[one of][or] still hawking Nerd-Aid[stopping]"; if zz is natives: say "[one of][or] (you assume, by how they are talking about the Badlands and looking at you funny)[stopping]"; if zz is ego drains: say "[one of][or] (you know, those barely visible spirits that make you feel bad about doing things quickly and efficiently. They exist in non-magic worlds, too)[stopping]"; say " [if zz is plural-named]are[else]is[end if][mb-also] guarding the way [if gualoc of zz is location of player][guadir of zz][otherwise][opposite of guadir of zz][end if][mb-aswell]"; to say mb-aswell: if guardians-seen is 3: say " as well"; to say mb-also: if guardians-seen is 2: say " also"; the initial appearance of a guardian is usually "[gd of the item described]." chapter who are the guardians? The once-sad deacons are plural-named purple guardians. description is "They tut-tut you and argue the reason you are most likely to miss out on heaven. But they are all equally hostile." understand "deacon" as deacons. a-text of deacons is "RYRYYRR". b-text of deacons is "PGRYYRR". The man covered in inapt paint is a blue guardian. description is "He has, in inapt paint on his chest, FLEMISH. He cries out 'I'm not Flemish! Nothing against [']em! It's just not me!'" understand "tap in" and "tapin" as a mistake ("You don't have time for soccer/football, and unfortunately, it's not a five-letter solution. Perhaps you should read what the paint says.") when man covered is visible. understand "painted man" and "mel fish" and "mel" and "fish" as man covered in inapt paint. the i-p is part of the man covered in inapt paint. the i-p is privately-named. printed name of i-p is "inapt paint". understand "inapt/paint" and "inapt paint" as i-p. does the player mean doing something with inapt paint: it is very likely. after doing something with paint: set the pronoun him to man covered in inapt paint; continue the action; instead of scaning i-p: try scaning inapt paint instead; description of i-p is "Didn't need a pint to spell out FLEMISH." a-text of man covered in inapt paint is "RYRRYRR". b-text of man covered in inapt paint is "RYRRYRR". understand "flemish/painted man" as man covered in inapt paint. some natives are a plural-named white guardian. indefinite article of natives is "several". understand "native" as natives. description of natives is "They're not, like, a particular skin color or with a particular accent. That'd be racist of me. They just seem to talk about the Badlands like they know all about it, and they're looking at you funny, as if they know you don't fit in." a-text of natives is "RYYRYRR". b-text of natives is "?GYRYRR". The sweatier wait-seer is a blue guardian. understand "wait/ seer" as wait-seer. description of sweatier wait-seer is "He is sweatier than anyone else you have run across here. But as-is, he has more than enough energy to beat you up. He mutters 'I...we...stare,' turning red, as you look at him." understand "sweat" and "waste" and "waste ire" as a mistake ("You waste sweat and ire thinking what to do.") when sweatier wait-seer is visible. a-text of wait-seer is "RYYRYYRR". b-text of wait-seer is "?YYRY?RR". The snider diners are plural-named semi-easy flippable blue guardians. description is "They're sniffing the air and mumbling about sophisticated palates and not being interrupted. All very drily." understand "diner" as diners. a-text of snider diners is "RYRRYR". b-text of snider diners is "R??R?R". The nameless salesmen are plural-named male blue guardians. understand "men/salesman" as salesmen. description of nameless salesmen is "They look dandier than anyone you've met here. They seem to gain energy from their shirts, bizarrely. Shirts by that one designer whose name you can't remember.[paragraph break]You think you smell something, too, but you can't place it." the salesmen wear the shirts. the shirts are cluey and plural-named. instead of doing something with the shirts: if current action is scaning or current action is examining or current action is objhinting: continue the action.; say "They're the salesmen's, and you couldn't pull off wearing them. You wouldn't want to. So you don't need to do much with them." the bottles of Nerd-Aid are an auxiliary thing. the salesmen carry the Nerd-Aid. understand "wares" as nerd-aid. understand "nerd/aid" and "nerdaid" and "nerd aid" as nerd-aid. a-text of Nerd-Aid is "RRYYRYR". b-text of Nerd-Aid is "RRYYRYP". description of Nerd-Aid is "You can't make out what the Nerd-Aid should be, and maybe that's all for the best." instead of doing something with the nerd-aid: if current action is taking or current action is eating or current action is drinking: say "You'd need to buy it, and you've no money, and it's pretty much glorified sugar-water anyway." instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The Nerd-Aid is not worth doing anything with. To, maybe, but not with."; description of shirts is "You think you recognize them now. They're from the popular designer Ed Indar. Who always signs his name in red." a-text of salesmen is "RRYYRYR". b-text of salesmen is "PRYYRGR". a-text of shirts is "RRYYRYR". b-text of shirts is "PRYYRGR". The muscly hulk is a red guardian. description of muscly hulk is "He's certainly muscly. He looks relatively light on his toes for his size, too." understand "scumly" as a mistake ("Creative, but borderline ungrammatical moral judgments won't help you get on with things. They're awkward, careless, unwieldy, lumbering...hmmph.") when muscly hulk is visible. a-text of muscly is "RRYRRO". b-text of muscly is "RRYRRB". The ingrates are plural-named white guardians. understand "ingrate" as ingrates. understand "granites" and "granite" as a mistake ("They're already stonewalling you from going west. You're not sure you need to, but if you do, you won't til they're gone.") when ingrates are visible. description of ingrates is "They're spouting some of the [i]angriest[r] ranting you've heard, though it doesn't make you see red right away. And yet, angriest is so close to whining." a-text of ingrates is "YRRRRYYR". b-text of ingrates is "YPPRRYGR". [a-text of ingrates is "YRRRRYYR". b-text of ingrates is "GPPRRYYR".] description of pester'n serpent is "It's coiled and ready to strike anyone who tries to go by it." The bonker is a purple guardian. description of bonker is "It's twice your height and upright and club-shaped and probably ready to [if bonker is passtried]re-[end if]bonk anyone who goes east while it's still functional, and boy does it look functional[one of]. Other guardians are not so violent. Must be something important back there[or][stopping]." a-text of bonker is "RRYRYR". b-text of bonker is "PRYPGR". retrytext of bonker is ", poised to re-bonk" An admirer is a female purple guardian. a-text of admirer is "RYRRYYR". b-text of admirer is "RYRRYGR". description of admirer is "[if admirer is male]He[else]She[end if] seems to be gazing at you raptly, as if out of puppy love. While [admsex] is too scared to approach you, you doubt you can get by without some really awkward conversation. It's like [admsex] needs that special someone you can't be while you're trekking the Badlands." to say admsex: say "[if admirer is male]he[else]she[end if]" the oddly rewired robot is a purple guardian. understand "prevent/robot/bot" as oddly rewired robot. description of oddly rewired robot is "It is in perfect compliance with Obst-Bots (Obstacle? Obstinate? Both? Nobody ever remembers) regulations assuring you it has recently been [i]rewired[r] to be the best at guarding important places. You could probably listen to its odd beeping to drive yourself up the wall. You see red writing on it." a-text of oddly rewired robot is "RYYRRYR". b-text of oddly rewired robot is "RGYRRGR". the man in a REED'S ALE costume is a semi-easy red guardian. understand "reeds ale man" and "reeds" as man in a REED'S before doing something with costume: if current action is opening or current action is closing or current action is pulling or current action is taking: say "The man fidgets uncontrollably as you get near. Perhaps you need to help him and leave him feeling it was his choice." instead; description of the Reed's Ale costume man is "He is in a REED'S ALE costume so annoyingly huge and bright you'd surely remember the ad and not his name if you saw him again. The costume seems half on, half off--and it seems he doesn't know which way would be best. Get canned and be free, or suffer humiliation for a paycheck? Maybe you can help." a-text of reed's ale is "RYRYYRYR". b-text of reed's ale is "PGRYYRYR". rese is a truth state that varies. the alarming grailman is a blue guardian. understand "liam/ garn/" as grailman. description of grailman is "You could probably take a below-average grailman, but this one's a cut above. He seems to be flexing his muscles a lot, waiting for someone to try going by." a-text of alarming is "RYRRYRYR". b-text of alarming is "RYRRYR?R". the organised ego drains are a plural-named red guardian. description of organised ego drains is "You recognize the ego drains as odd spirits that make you feel bad about yourself and your purpose." a-text of organised is "RRYRRYYRY". b-text of organised is "R*YRRYYRY". the unripe iPrune is a red guardian. understand "prune" and "unripe prune" as iprune. description of iPrune is "It's almost impossibly big for being unripe and disturbingly animated. You knew Elvira was a bit too into genetic mutations, and combining weird technology and biology, but this is crazy. It's branded with red writing." a-text of iPrune is "RYRYYR". b-text of iPrune is "RYR?YR". some pirates are semi-easy plural-named red guardians. description of pirates is "Sun-burnt and proud of it. They traipse, unlikely to hand you a piastre[one of]. If you look again, you might remember what the dance they're doing is[or]. You blush as you recall their dance is the Star Pie Traipse[stopping]." understand "pirate" as pirates. pirate-countdown is a number that varies. every turn when pirates are visible: if pirate-countdown > 0: decrement pirate-countdown; else: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "A pirate swats at an air pest, red-faced--and reaps it! But it leaves a red welt."; now pirate-countdown is 3; a-text of pirates is "RYRRYYR". b-text of pirates is "PYRRYGR". the old ice is LLPish reflexive scenery in Blasted Saltbed. "[if old ice is reflexed]It's coiled into a really cool pattern now, thanks to you[else]Big chunks of ice are always impressive, but this could be more artistic if it weren't so flat[end if]." a-text of old ice is "RYYRYR". b-text of old ice is "R?YRYR". check scaning cliff: if old ice is reflexive: say "Nothing happens until you also flick across the old ice."; try scaning old ice instead; Ray Eck is a proper-named semi-easy purple guardian in Topside Deposit. description is "He doesn't look particularly wealthy or elitist, but he sure does like watching his keycar go round and round." a-text of ray eck is "RRYYRO". b-text of ray eck is "RRYYRO". the keycar is auxiliary scenery. description of keycar is "It zips around as Ray fiddles with his remote. It appears to have its designer's name written in red. You'd be able to read it with out too much difficulty.". understand "key" and "key car" and "car" as keycar. check taking keycar: say "Ray Eck laughs as it zips around out of your grasp. What a jerk." instead; a-text of keycar is "RRYYRO". b-text of keycar is "RRYYRO". the Atheists are plural-named purple guardians. description is "They nod and gesture and say 'A-ha!' a lot, but they do seem to draw out everything they say." understand "atheist" as atheists. a-text of atheists is "RYRRYYRR". b-text of atheists is "RYRRGYRR". the neural pulses are plural-named LLPish vanishing scenery in Unblest Sunbelt. description of neural pulses is "They seem to cause neural shocks when you get too close. And they make you see red when you think of...Lauren. Man, she was beyond fake. What did [if player is male]other [end if]guys see in her?" a-text of pulses is "YRRYYR". b-text of pulses is "YRRYGP". chapter guardian table table of guard-org [organized going 1st north then east. W, N, E.] guy loc blockdir blokzorz kloozorz taunt aux muscly hulk Scope Copse north "He shows surprising dexterity for someone so muscly as he forces you back." oddly rewired robot Scope Copse west "'I-was-rewired-enough-to-be-just-normal-enough-to-block-you,' says robot, as if pre-set to 'pester.' It smiles in a way it knows drew ire, and you see red." snider diners Scope Copse east "They sniff and seem to dig around for concealed cutlery. You don't need or want any part of that, or of their wit[if player has dagger], even if your ragged dagger were more effective[end if]." -- "The diners smack their lips, and you think you hear the zhk of silverware." iPrune Blasted Saltbed north "The iPrune rumbles over to block your way. [one of]It asks where you're going, and you mumble, red-faced, 'Er, up in...' but you can't say where, ultimately[or]'REIN UP!' it yells, making you see red[in random order][one of]. Maybe if you tried to pass again, both sides could have their say[or][stopping]." "Looking at the iPrune, you are intimidated by how unnaturally big it is. Maybe the solution is easier than you're worried it is." pirates Blasted Saltbed east "'Tips are...' one pirate says. 'Spare it!' you lash out. Everyone's a bit red-faced over this." -- "A wry, wary 'Yawr!' from the pirates makes you feel awry." ingrates Anemic Cinema west "They quite simply won't shut up about things, though they seem well-feed, intelligent and un-ugly enough. They're the rangiest of the nuisances you've come across, zipping back and forth in a red blur." an admirer Anemic Cinema north "Your admirer, a rampant mantrap, hugs you and won't let go and explains you are even cuter than the lost duck over behind them." sweatier wait-seer Anemic Cinema east "The wait-seer doesn't break a second sweat as he convinces you you don't need to go past him. There are ways around him, and perhaps you don't need to visit what is behind him to fulfill this quest. He seems not at all tired by his lecture, or by whatever mind-fu he pulled on you while just sitting there." man covered in inapt paint Unblest Sunbelt north "The man grabs you and whines about who he is, who he's been made to be, who he can't be, and ends with 'I'm flesh!' You back off until he lets go." nameless salesmen Unblest Sunbelt east "You try to sneak by, but you don't have the energy to resist their waves of faux-politeness as they offer up some Nerd-Aid, which seems just right for someone like you--don't take it the wrong way--that they're [i]dandier[r] than. The energy just radiates from their shirts as their stream of yannos annoys you into...gnh...nothing." reed's ale Ravages east "The Reed's Ale man blocks you--his costume looks stupid, but it's not encumbering--and asks you to help him out, and not just about buying, but about whether he should continue this career." "The Reed's Ale man fidgets with his costume, unsure if he wants to take it off or put it on." an alarming grailman Ravages north "The grailman, with well-above-average skills for your average passage-blocker, gets in front of you. You're not going that way with him there." Ray Eck Deposit north "The yacker controls his keycar so it runs over your foot. You briefly wonder if he has a twin named Kim." "The yacker introduces himself as Ray Eck, grateful there's someone out here who doesn't mind talking." "Ray Eck's keycar can't go that far, so you manage to escape." keycar organised ego drains Danger Garden north "'[one of]NO, SIR! EGAD[or]NO, EGAD, SIR[or]SIR, EGAD, NO[at random]!' you seem to hear as you try to walk through a mist that turns red. [if player is female]You lack the confidence even to mention you are female, so they're wrong like that, at least. [end if]You also get this idea in your mind--why bother going that way? It's coherent and not over-the-top, [one of]why not to visit that SAD REGION[or]that you could get there some other way, DIG, REASON[or]that you're lucky you got no EAR DOSING[or]capped with a motto, DOERS GAIN[in random order]. So few words, so much seeing red." bonker Danger Garden east "[if bonker was passtried]RE-BONK! You see red and[else]BONK! The bonker, true to its name, re-bonks you with sockin['] coinks. Your retinas re-stain. It's not lethal or anything, but you[end if] stagger back, dazed, to the center of Danger Garden[if natives are visible]. The natives can't help but mutter that THEY would've known better[end if]. The bonker still looks in good shape." "'JAIL DEFENDED!' you hear from the east." natives Danger Garden south "The natives assure you there isn't anything you REALLY want to see there. Perhaps there are better things elsewhere, but nothing behind there. I mean, they don't even know why they're HERE. They should be doing better." Atheists Deltas east "The atheists slowly and painfully explain to you that you're ignoring them and their very logical arguments. You can run away, but running through them--that's just rude." once-sad deacons Ole Shrine Shoreline north "They mention you [one of]should know better than[or]are more persistent than[stopping] that kid with his blasphemous science experiments.[paragraph break]How very [i]hostile[r]. It might be good for their careers if you fixed that." chapter min-score-of-towers adjblasting is an action applying to one thing. a room can be tower-accessible. a room is usually not tower-accessible. test tm with "gonear strip/purloin settler/towers/enter/poss/docile/n" a room can be accessible, sideview, mightaswell or inaccessible. a room is usually inaccessible. after fliptoing a guardian (this is the track guardian progress rule): let G be up; choose row with guy of noun in table of guard-org; if location of player is loc entry: now G is blockdir entry; else: now G is opposite of blockdir entry; let MR be the room G of location of player; now noun is prodded; if noun is ray eck: now topside is accessible; now copse is accessible; continue the action; if noun is white: now MR is mightaswell; min-up; if can-see-map: draw-my-loc; continue the action; if noun is purple: if MR is coastlines or player is in coastlines: now MR is accessible; else: now MR is sideview; if can-see-map: draw-my-loc; continue the action; if MR is accessible: say "You [if room G of location of player is visited]notice somewhere [G] you already went to, so it'll be a little easier to get around[else]calculate you found a new path to an area you haven't seen yet[end if]."; d "You already unlocked [MR]."; else: d "You just unlocked [MR]."; if MR is not sideview or MR is not mightaswell: now MR is accessible; if can-see-map: draw-my-loc; let RG be number of red guardians not in lalaland; let BG be number of blue guardians not in lalaland; d "Reds now [RG], blues now [BG]. [noun] = [if noun is red]red[else if noun is blue]blue[else if noun is white]white[else]purple[end if]."; if noun is red and RG >= BG: min-up; if noun is blue and BG >= RG: min-up; if number of visible guardians > 0: now mr-hinty is a random visible guardian; else if scope copse is visited: if any-cleared is false: now any-cleared is true; say "Well, this is the first place you cleared all the guardians from, which feels nice. [if spec-o-scope is unexamined]You don't know if you need any area completely cleared, but maybe you can check the scope[bak-copse] for more guidance[end if]."; else if RG is 0 or BG is 0: if clear-warn is false: say "You can move everywhere, now, but maybe you can clear a few more passages, if you want."; now clear-warn is true; else if RG + BG < 6: say "You probably don't have much left to do, to get everywhere you need."; else if number of guardians not in lalaland is 0: say "You've gotten rid of everyone! Now to get across the lake."; [?? tighten up a bit] continue the action; clear-warn is a truth state that varies. any-cleared is a truth state that varies; to say bak-copse: say "[if player is not in copse] back in the copse"; [ if MR is a hotcorner: now distance of MR is 0; repeat with HS running through hotcorners: if MR is adjacent to HS and MR is a hotcorner and distance of MR > 1: now distance of MR is 1; d "[new-br-needed] is the new br needed. [br-needed] is the old."; d "Blue = [number of blue guardians not in lalaland] Red = [number of red guardians not in lalaland], overall = [new-br-needed].";] mr-hinty is a guardian that varies. check going (this is the guardian reposition before rule): if mrlp is Towers: if noun is not a direction: say "You need to specify a direction, not a place." instead; repeat with Q running through guardians: if Q is in location of player: choose row with guy of Q in table of guard-org; if Q is not in lalaland: now Q is passtried; if loc entry is location and blockdir entry is noun: say "You're blocked going [noun] by [unless Q is proper-named]the [end if][Q]. [blokzorz entry][line break]" instead; if loc entry is not location and blockdir entry is opposite of noun: say "You're blocked going [noun] by [unless Q is proper-named]the [end if][Q]. [blokzorz entry][line break]" instead; if number of taunty guardians > 0: let Q be a random taunty guardian; choose row with guy of Q in table of guard-org; say "[taunt entry][line break]"; continue the action; definition: a guardian (called myg) is taunty: if location of myg is not location of player: decide no; choose row with guy of myg in table of guard-org; if there is a taunt entry: decide yes; decide no; after going (this is the guardian reposition after rule): if mrlp is Towers: now guardians-seen is 0; reposition-guardians; if number of visible guardians > 0: now mr-hinty is a random visible guardian; continue the action; chapter reposition-guardians to reposition-guardians: [say "Repositioning guardians.";] repeat through table of guard-org: if guy entry is not in lalaland: if location of player is loc entry: now guy entry is in location of player; if there is an aux entry: now aux entry is in location of player; if the room blockdir entry of loc entry is location of player: now guy entry is in location of player; if there is an aux entry: now aux entry is in location of player; chapter warriors A warrior is a kind of person. a warrior is usually vanishing. a warrior can be leaderly. a warrior is usually not leaderly. a warrior can be pinko. a warrior is usually not pinko. a warrior is usually terse. the chum of a warrior is usually Andres. the specification of warrior is "A person who blocks your way out of the Trefoil." roddro is a truth state that varies. rodyon is a truth state that varies. check fliptoing Rodney: if number of visible warriors > 4: if the player's command includes "yonder": say "Your attempt to bounce Rodney yonder is blocked by a few of his friends, who stumble a bit but stay upright as they combat the invisible force sucking him away. That looked like the right idea, but maybe get rid of a few of them, first?"; now rodyon is true; preef Rodney instead; say "Rodney's voice would certainly seem droney by itself, but he segues into a marching song. I guess when you're a leader, you have that confidence. Maybe diminish his forces?"; now roddro is true; preef Rodney instead; after fliptoing a warrior: let vw be number of warriors in trefoil; d "[list of visible warriors]."; if noun is Rodney: now all visible warriors are pinko; d "[vw] left."; if vw > 0: decrease poss-score of towers by vw; now all visible warriors are in lalaland; now player has flowerpot; continue the action; else if vw < 4: min-up; else if vw is 4: say "Rodney's followers look a bit shaken. If you got rid of him by saying [if roddro is true and rodyon is true]by YONDER or DRONEY[else if rodyon is true]YONDER[else if roddro is true]DRONEY[else]something to shoo him[end if], you might be able to clear the lot. Or you can mess with all his pals, first. Your choice."; if vw > 1: now h-w is a random not leaderly warrior in Trefoil; else if vw is 1: say "Time to put Rodney out of his misery. Okay, he'll still be miserable, so just put [i]yourself[r] out of the range of his misery."; now h-w is rodney; continue the action; Sir Rodney is a leaderly warrior. description is "A big strong fellow who probably won't be removed by physical force. He looks sort of like Red Bull Burdell's weaker younger brother.". The chum of Rodney is yourself. Andres is a warrior. description is "He doesn't look restricted in any way.". The chum of Andres is yourself. Andrew is a warrior. description is "He has a careless look in his eyes. He does not seem to be aware of risk." Archie is a warrior. description is "He looks free of pain." Barney is a warrior. description is "He seems far too close, but maybe you could push him back." Blake is a warrior. description is "He beams, likely a paragon of positive thinking." Bredo is a warrior. description is "He seems focused and interested." Cedrick is a warrior. description is "He moves effortlessly, without any hitches." Daryl is a warrior. description is "He has no fat on him." Demitri is a warrior. description is "He stares out, bolder than his compatriots." Dewey is a warrior. description is "Solidly build, almost less just a man than a big tree." Edwin is a warrior. description is "He looks sober and focused, except when he briefly gives a red-faced glare at all the alcohol in here." Eldon is a warrior. description is "He looks vigorous and youthful." Ernest is a warrior. description is "He looks relaxed and ready to gaffle tavernlings." Geno is a semi-easy warrior. description is "Well, he's ... here. He hasn't left yet. He may not be the best warrior, but he's still stronger than you." Goldy is a warrior. description is "Goldy has an amoral, mercenary look about him." Leander is a warrior. description is "He looks too dumb to contemplate anything besides knocking people's heads in." Marcel is a warrior. description is "He is clearly just agitated." Marlon is a warrior. description is "He doesn't look like all the rest, but he's comfortable with that." Preston is a warrior. description is "He appears to be the best protected of your persecutors." Reggie is a warrior. description is "He looks spotless--no stains on his clothes. He probably smells as nice as he looks, too." Royce is a warrior. description is "He seems to be looking at the door as if to make a bolt for it." Shane is a warrior. description is "He looks well-tanned." Terrance is a warrior. description is "He constantly looks at Rodney and nods." Tyson is a warrior. description is "He keeps snarling at people, red-faced." Wade is a warrior. description is "He looks confident, as if nothing can drain that." a-text of Andres is "RRYRYR". b-text of Andres is "RPYPGR". a-text of Andrew is "RYRRYR". b-text of Andrew is "RYRRGR". a-text of Archie is "YRRYYR". b-text of Archie is "GRRYYR". a-text of Barney is "RYYRRO". b-text of barney is "RYYRRB". a-text of Bredo is "RYRYR". b-text of Bredo is "PYRYR". a-text of Blake is "RRYYR". b-text of Blake is "PPYYR". a-text of Cedrick is "RRYRRYR". b-text of Cedrick is "PRYRRYR". a-text of Daryl is "RYRRO". b-text of Daryl is "RGPRO". a-text of Demitri is "RYRYRYR". b-text of Demitri is "RYPGRYR". a-text of Dewey is "RYYRO". b-text of Dewey is "RGYRB". a-text of Edwin is "RYRYR". b-text of Edwin is "RYRYR". a-text of Eldon is "YRRYR". b-text of Eldon is "YPPYP". a-text of Ernest is "RYRRYR". b-text of Ernest is "RYPRYR". a-text of Geno is "RYRY". b-text of Geno is "PYPY". a-text of Goldy is "RYRRO". b-text of Goldy is "PGRRB". a-text of Leander is "RYYRRYR". b-text of Leander is "PGGRRGR". a-text of Marcel is "RYRRYR". b-text of marcel is "RGRRGR". a-text of Marlon is "RYRRYR". b-text of Marlon is "RYPRYR". a-text of Preston is "RRYRYRR". b-text of Preston is "PPYRYRR". a-text of Reggie is "YRRYYR". b-text of Reggie is "YRPYYR". a-text of Rodney is "OYRRYR". b-text of Rodney is "OGRRGR". a-text of Royce is "RYOYR". b-text of royce is "RGBYR". a-text of Shane is "YRRYR". b-text of Shane is "YRRYR". a-text of Terrance is "RYRRYYRR". b-text of Terrance is "RGRPYYRR". a-text of Tyson is "RRYRO". b-text of Tyson is "RRYRO". a-text of Wade is "YRYR". b-text of wade is "YRYR". Table of warguys fighter vuln wargrp Andres "snared" 5 Andrew "warned" 5 Archie "achier" 5 Barney "nearby" 5 Blake "bleak" 3 Bredo "bored" 3 Cedrick "cricked" 6 Daryl "lardy" 3 Demitri "timider" 6 Dewey "weedy" 3 Edwin "wined" 2 Eldon "olden" 2 Ernest "tenser" 4 Geno "gone" 1 Goldy "godly" 2 Leander "learned" 6 Marcel "calmer" 4 Marlon "normal" 4 Preston "pronest" 6 Reggie "eggier" 4 Rodney "yonder" 7 Royce "coyer" 2 Shane "ashen" 1 Terrance "recreant" 6 Tyson "stony" 1 Wade "awed" 1 when play begins (this is the distribute warriors rule) : now Rodney is in Loftier Trefoil; sort table of warguys in random order; repeat with temp running from 1 to 6: choose row with wargrp of temp in table of warguys; now fighter entry is in trefoil; now h-w is a random not leaderly warrior in Trefoil; [This pulls 1 guy from each wargroup. As of release 3 there are 26 distinct guys with 5.65 letters--the shuffling was previously totally random but now it's weighted down to ~5.61 with a more uniform distribution. You are sure to get 2 6's, 2 5's, a 7-8 and a 4-5.] understand "wendi" as a mistake ("Now that would be too embarrassing. Maybe you could embarrass him a little, though.") when player is in trefoil and Edwin is in trefoil. understand "recalm" and "recalm marcel" as a mistake ("Right idea, but it might work better in [if cur-score of oyster > 0]the oyster[else]another area[end if].") when player is in trefoil and marcel is in trefoil. understand "radly" as a mistake ("You don't want to make any warriors do things RIGHT. Maybe you could make Daryl feel less radly about himself.") when player is in trefoil and Daryl is in trefoil. volume routes last-loc of routes is Same Mesa. book Same Mesa Same Mesa is a room in Routes. "Routes lead in all directions here, but they seem to twist before going anywhere. There's a plain old church here, replete with a church sign. You see [if bench is in lalaland]that bench the giant sat on[else if old giant is visible]the giant's bench[else]a bench, which looks to be a giant's[end if].[paragraph break]A grubby dwelling[if adobe is visited and pipe soot is in abode] (ACROSS to go back)[end if] and a dilapidated restaurant[if idle deli is visited and mushrooms are off-stage] (PAST to go back,)[else],[end if] each with its own sign, are here[if worst ad is visible], and far off, beyond the perimeter of the poison stripe, you can see the worst ad you've ever seen[go-worst][end if]." to say go-worst: if worst ad is prefigured: say "--the one you tried to go TOWARDS with the giant around"; check scaning old giant (this is the scan other parts of giant instead rule): if bench-end is reflexive: try scaning the bench-end instead; if elbow is reflexive: say "The settler registers something only when the elbow is in its way."; try scaning elbow instead; if nuder is visible: try scaning nuder instead; tirades are scenery. "They're not very good tirades[if nuder is visible], but they're all about Rude [']N Nuder[else if bench-end is reflexed], and you're more concerned about the giant's elbow[else], but maybe you could position yourself better to listen to them[end if]." check scaning tirades: if bench-end is reflexive: try scaning bench-end instead; if elbow is reflexive: say "The settler lights up when the elbow flashes across."; try scaning elbow instead; say "The settler really lights up when the giant waves the book at it."; try scaning Nuder instead; after fliptoing old giant: now tirades are in same mesa; continue the action; understand "preposition" and "prepositions" as a mistake ("Yes, but WHICH prepositions?") when player is in same mesa. the poison stripe is scenery in Same Mesa. description of poison stripe is "You can't really see it, but you can FEEL it." instead of doing something with the poison stripe: say "You can really only sense the poison stripe, which is all you need to do. You will need to look around for a way out." understand "seam" as a mistake ("You can't find any crack in the Same Mesa that you could follow[if the-b is visible], except maybe under the bean[end if].") when player is in same mesa. the plain old church is a backdrop. the plain old church is in Same Mesa and Cleric Circle. "It shows signs of decent upkeep but nothing special." [after printing the locale description for cleric circle: now plain old church is in circle; after printing the locale description for same mesa: now plain old church is in same mesa;] check entering plain old church: if player is in cleric circle: try going outside instead; else: try going inside instead; does the player mean doing something with rs: if player is in Same Mesa: it is likely; it is unlikely. rs are privately-named scenery in Same Mesa. understand "routes" as rs. printed name of rs is "routes". "Staring at them makes you lose your sense of direction even further." understand "ouster" as a mistake ("You're the ouster here, trying to get by the routes.") when player is in Same Mesa. instead of doing something with rs: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "They're painful to think about for too long. They wind together and go off in the distance and loop around." understand "satired" as a mistake ("Bad idea to poke fun at someone that much bigger than you.") when player is in mesa and old giant is visible. A church sign is reflexive flippable scenery in Same Mesa. a-text of church sign is "YRRYRY". b-text of church sign is "YRRYR[if sign-other is true]Y[else]G[end if]". check taking the church sign: say "Appropriation of church property! [if circle is visited]Brother Horbert[else]Whoever's in there[end if] wouldn't deserve that." instead; [does the player mean examining the church sign: it is likely. does the player mean objhinting the church sign: it is likely. does the player mean pushing the church sign: it is likely. does the player mean scaning the church sign: it is likely.] does the player mean entering plain old church: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with the plain old church: it is unlikely. sign-pushed-prompt is a truth state that varies. after scaning church sign: if cheat-on is true and sign-pushed-prompt is false: now sign-pushed-prompt is true; say "Man! That wasn't helpful at all! The sign does look a bit wobbly, though, and you know these things are two-sided. Give it a push?"; if the player consents: try pushing church sign instead; otherwise: say "Well, if you feel like it later, the sign or whoever put it there will forgive you." the description of the church sign is "Parish of Satin Saint Astin[paragraph break][if Cleric Circle is unvisited]Six letters below: [dssd][kickhint][otherwise]Pal, Meet a Temple! Hubris-b-rubbish![end if]". to say kickhint: if ever-pushed is false: say "[paragraph break]The sign does look a bit wobbly, though. Perhaps you could PUSH it.[no line break]"; understand "indies" as a mistake ("You don't need to worry about art, here.") when church sign is visible. to say dssd: say "[if sign-other is false]SIN DIE[else]DIE SIN (in red)[end if]" inwarn is a truth state that varies. in-try is a truth state that varies. check going in Same Mesa (this is the pin the player to the Mesa puzzles rule) : if old giant is visible: say "Even without the giant's unavoidable tirades, your head is spinning too much for directions." instead; if noun is a direction: if noun is inside: if Cleric Circle is unvisited: if adobe is visited or deli is visited: if adobe is visited and deli is visited: if inwarn is false: ital-say "if you want to get back to the adobe or deli, you have to go ACROSS or PAST. Sorry for the ambiguity."; now inwarn is true; else: say "That isn't quite how to enter the church. Do you wish to go back to the [if adobe is visited]adobe[else]deli[end if]?"; if the player consents: if adobe is visited: move player to adobe instead; else: move player to idle deli instead; now in-try is true; say "You just can't make it through the door to the plain old church. Something blocks you--you seemed a bit too glib about getting in, and they're not sure you're on their side[if abode is visited or deli is visited]--note, for where you already visited, you need to use [aop][end if]." instead; move player to cleric circle instead; say "You try going [noun] and looking for that poison stripe--but it's invisible and makes you wind up taking turns unconsciously. You arrive back at... the same mesa[one of] (thank you, I'm here all game,)[or],[stopping] from the [opposite of noun], after several minutes." instead; otherwise: say "No matter where you try to wander, you wind up back where you are."; to say aop: say "[if abode is not visited]PAST[else if deli is not visited]ACROSS[else]PAST or ACROSS[end if]"; before entering the plain old church: if Cleric Circle is unvisited: say "Its doors are open to all, but one does not enter it by brute forcing directions." instead; otherwise: say "You re-enter, no longer worried about the exact preposition for doing so."; the dingy dwelling is semi-easy auxiliary scenery in Same Mesa. "The mark above it says Oscar's." understand "oscar's/oscars" as the dingy dwelling. the decrepit mark is semi-easy auxiliary scenery in Same Mesa. "***Oscar's***" a-text of dingy dwelling is "YRRYRR". b-text of dingy dwelling is "YRRYRP". a-text of decrepit mark is "YRRYRR". b-text of decrepit mark is "YRRYRP". the grubby restaurant is super-easy auxiliary scenery in Same Mesa. "The marquee above it says Pat's." the marquee is super-easy auxiliary scenery in Same Mesa. "***Pat's***[paragraph break]Only the fliest filets![paragraph break]Hopefully, that's figurative and not literal." understand "pat's/pats" as the grubby restaurant. understand "taps" as a mistake ("You have no bugle. Well, not in this game.") when player is in Same Mesa or player is in Idle Deli. understand "spat" as a mistake ("Picking a fight--or spitting--is uncouth.") when player is in Same Mesa or player is in Idle Deli. a-text of grubby restaurant is "RYRR". b-text of grubby restaurant is "PGRR". a-text of marquee is "RYRR". b-text of marquee is "PGRR". does the player mean entering the dingy dwelling: it is very likely. does the player mean entering the grubby restaurant: it is very likely. does the player mean examining the dingy dwelling: it is likely. does the player mean examining the grubby restaurant: it is likely. instead of entering mark: try entering dingy dwelling instead; instead of entering marquee: try entering grubby restaurant instead; the bench is reflexive scenery in Same Mesa. "[if old giant is in Same Mesa]The giant's on it, and he covers enough of it, you could only half squeeze in between him and the armrests[else if old giant is off-stage]It'd be a chore to sit on--it looks like it's a giant's. Probably because the words A GIANT'S are painted where you would sit. Maybe he'll come back[otherwise]The giant probably won't be around here any more[end if]." a-text of bench is "YRYYRRR". b-text of bench is "GPYYPRR". a-text of bench-end is "YRRRYRY". b-text of bench-end is "YRRRYRY". check taking bench-end: say "The bench is too well made." instead; check taking bench: say "The bench is way too big." instead; check scaning bench: if old giant is off-stage: continue the action; if bench is reflexed: if bench-end is reflexive: say "The settler blinks a bit during each lull in the giant's tirades."; try scaning bench-end instead; if elbow is reflexive: say "Nothing happens until his elbow gets in the way of your scanner."; try scaning elbow instead; if rude is visible: say "Nothing happens until the giant starts waving Rude [']N Nuder in your face."; try scaning rude instead; if old giant is in lalaland: say "There's no more magic in the bench. Nothing more to do." instead; Rude 'N Nuder is a semi-easy thing. description of Rude 'N Nuder is "You aren't able to see the inside, and that's probably a good thing. People do tend to get worked up a bit more than they should about this sort of 'work,' whether extolling freedom of speech or saying how tasteless it is." instead of doing something to Rude 'N Nuder: if action is procedural, continue the action; if old giant has Rude 'N Nuder: say "You can't do much with Rude 'N Nuder until you have it." instead; say "You don't need to do anything special with Rude [']N Nuder. Well, maybe apart from the special stuff you've been doing so far this game." instead; a-text of Rude 'N Nuder is "YRRYR". b-text of Rude 'N Nuder is "YRPG?". check entering the bench: say "[if old giant is in lalaland]You don't need to fool with the bench any more.[else if old giant is visible]You don't quite have room. And you're not going to get the giant to scootch over.[otherwise]From the size, the bench seems to be [i]a giant's[r]. If he came along, he could sit on you pretty easily.[end if]" instead; the grouchy old giant is a person. "There's a grouchy old giant here sitting on the big bench[if Rude 'N Nuder is in Same Mesa], waving something called Rude [']N Nuder in the air[otherwise], going on some [i]tirades[r] about something or other[flail]. You're not sure if he needs his space or someone to listen to[end if]." understand "staider" as a mistake ("[if bench-end is reflexive]You already did your best with the tirades[else]Not only directions but mind games fail to work here[end if]. The giant will complain if he wants to.") when old giant is visible. understand "tardies" as a mistake ("You can't tell the giant off for being late.") when old giant is visible. the giant's elbow is part of the grouchy old giant. description is "Well, thankfully, only one is flailing. Both would be extra tough to dodge. [if elbow is reflexed]But you have the hang of it now[else]Still, there's almost a pattern to it, and maybe there's a safe spot[end if]." understand "elbows" as giant's elbow. check fliptoing Rude 'N Nuder: if bench-end is reflexive: say "You're already below, but if you were close enough to listen, that could work." instead; after fliptoing runed book: now grouchy old giant is in lalaland; continue the action; the elbow is reflexive and semi-easy and auxiliary. a-text of elbow is "RYRYR". b-text of elbow is "RYRGP". does the player mean doing something with Rude 'N Nuder when Nuder is visible: it is likely. instead of doing something to elbow: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "You'll need to find the right way to avoid it." to say flail: say "[if elbow is reflexive] and flailing each elbow all about[end if]" description of grouchy old giant is "You can't do much more than listen to the giant. [if bench is reflexed]You're not sure what he's complaining about, but it seems he really needs to[else if elbow is reflexed]His [i]tirades are as loud as ever, his arms flailing high in the air[else]He seems to be half gesturing for you to have a seat, which is ironic, because only half a seat is left[end if]." understand "bowel" and "bowels" as a mistake ("The giant's spouting enough verbal diarrhea, so, just... no.[paragraph break]Also, you don't need to go THAT far down.") when old giant is visible and elbow is reflexive the huge thing form above is a flippable super-easy thing. description is "It's huge all right. And it's a thing. It could cloud the stripe for a while. Perhaps it is what the priest summoned. If you could bring it down, maybe you could see what it is.". "[one of]A huge thing form above just[or]That huge thing form above still[stopping] HANGS there. It doesn't quite make sense, physically or grammatically. You'll probably want to deal with it before going anywhere." check taking huge thing: say "It'd crush you. You need another way to bring it down." instead; understand "gnash" as a mistake ("You gnash your teeth a bit thinking about how threatening the form is. Maybe if it were closer, the threat would not be so scary.") when huge thing is visible. understand "night" as a mistake ("The thing can't block out THAT much of the sky. You've got the wrong word.") when thing form is visible. a-text of thing form is "RRYR". b-text of thing form is "PRYP". the worst ad is LLPish vanishing scenery in Same Mesa. "Dang it, a giant ad for RADWOST, and it's all in red, but it's too lousy to determine what RADWOST is about. Maybe if you point your settler at it, you can pick it up. You're not sure how best to approach it, with all these twisty roads. You're not sure if you need to, really." check fliptoing worst ad: if old giant is visible: say "You can't just walk away from the giant. Well, you can, but I don't advise it. Maybe when the giant's gone."; preef worst ad; do nothing instead; a-text of worst ad is "RYRYRRR". b-text of worst ad is "RGRYRRR". the bench-end is part of the bench. understand "end" as bench-end. description of bench-end is "Thick enough to sit on, with not too much pain, if you found the right way.". the bench-end is reflexive. check fliptoing bench-end: if old giant is not visible: say "You'd get lonely up there without company." instead; chapter insideing insideing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "inside" as something new. understand "inside" as insideing. carry out insideing: if player is in mesa: if drama armada is in mesa or the-b is in mesa: say "[but-armada]" instead; if old giant is visible: say "Walking away would upset the giant. I mean, into doing something, not just talking. And he is bigger than you. Maybe listening will help." instead; if player is in Same Mesa: say "[if Cleric Circle is unvisited]The church resigns ingress.[else]You go back inside, being a bit over-cautious with protocol. You could've just said IN.[end if]"; if Cleric Circle is unvisited: reg-inc; now player is in Cleric Circle instead; try going inside instead; after looking in Cleric Circle: if number of held quest-items is 3: now all quest-items are in lalaland; say "'You have all the reagents! Wonderful!' The priest gains esprit. 'Mixture...mixture...true mix! To censor crones like the Spiter Sprite and repeal the red orb border, changing the moronic omicron to dreamiest diameters, nag ol['] No-Gal Logan beyond an un-road to dig an urn during an... rarify this friary ... act divine. Vindicate.' He rushes off.[paragraph break]No-Gal Logan. That's an odd name. You write it down."; pad-rec "No-Gal Logan"; now Brother Horbert is in lalaland; pad-del "reagents"; now huge thing form above is in Same Mesa; understand "under" as a mistake ("[if giant is visible]You can't hide from the giant like that, right now[else]There's nobody to hide from, though you could fit under the bench[end if].") when player is in mesa and Rude 'N Nuder is not visible. understand "below" as a mistake ("Nice try, but wrong preposition for the situation.") when below-is-wrong. to decide whether below-is-wrong: if player is in Adobe Abode and runed book is in Adobe Abode: decide yes; if the-b is in stripe and player is in stripe: decide yes; decide no. after fliptoing bench: now old giant has Rude 'N Nuder; continue the action; understand "astride" as a mistake ("[if bench-end is reflexed]The giant's not falling for your false sympathy again[else if old giant is not visible]Nobody or nothing big enough to get astride of[else]Not quite the right way to position yourself, yet[end if].") when cant-get-astride. to decide whether cant-get-astride: if bench-end is reflexed, yes; unless old giant is visible, yes; decide no; after fliptoing the-b: if drama armada is off-stage: now drama armada is in Same Mesa instead; continue the action; book THE BEAN the-b is a privately-named vanishing thing. printed name of the-b is "THE BEAN". "Oh, great. A bean landed on the Same Mesa. It's utterly enormous and forbidding. [i]The bean[r] has filled a drama armada surrounding it with bane.". description of the-b is "It's not just any bean. It's stamped THE BEAN in all-red letters. In case you were wondering if it was an egg or something, I guess.". the-b is fixed in place. instead of taking the-b: say "You can't move it. Maybe you can find a way to get inside or under--wait, no, those have been done here."; instead of entering the-b: say "It doesn't appear cracked." instead; a-text of the-b is "RYRYYRR". b-text of the-b is "RYRYYRR". understand "bean" as the-b. a drama armada is scenery. understand "crowds" as drama armada. description of drama armada is "They're all milling around, waiting on you to say the right thing and make it snappy, and staring at the enormous bean. You'd like to push it out of the way." check pushing the-b: say "The drama armada joins in to push the bean, but unfortunately, they wind up pushing it from all sides and complaining it's too heavy. You need to give an order." Include (- has transparent animate -) when defining drama armada. check going when huge thing is visible: say "That huge thing is distracting you. Maybe you can deal with it now." instead; check going when the-b is visible: if noun is down: say "Maybe there is something below, or something. But you can't prove it." instead; say "The drama armada won't let you go anywhere with the bean present." instead; chapter beneathing understand "beneath" as a mistake ("Nice try, but wrong preposition for the situation.") when runed book is visible or elbow is visible. book Sun-Spared Underpass Sun-Spared Underpass is an innie room in Routes. after printing the locale description for Sun-Spared Underpass when Sun-Spared Underpass is unvisited: if worst ad is not in lalaland: poss-d; description of Sun-Spared Underpass is "[if darkness is visible]This room was always unlit... but things don't always have to be in the past...[else]Now, you need to find No-Gal Logan. You need to find a good unroad...because roads and inroads will loop back.[end if]" chapter untiling the darkness is semi-easy scenery in Sun-Spared Underpass. "It is better to create light and move forward than cast about in the darkness." a-text of darkness is "YRRYR". b-text of darkness is "GPRGR". to say to-o: say "Brother Horbert talked about how if you had faith, and patience to see them right, they might lead you to an un-road or to No-Gal Logan if you knew how to study them." the narrow cracks are scenery. "[to-o]" a-text of narrow cracks is "YRYYRR". b-text of narrow cracks is "YRYYRP". the un-road is scenery. "The un-road must lead to No-Gal Logan. But how to follow it?" instead of doing something with un-road: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "It leads somewhere, you think. But how to follow it to No-Gal Logan?"; understand "trail" as un-road. a-text of un-road is "YRYRR". b-text of un-road is "YRYRR". understand "unroad" as un-road. the cracks you followed are useless scenery. "They led you here on the road--no, near the un-road to near No-Gal Logan." understand "around" as a mistake("You can't see anything around, yet. It's too unlit, here.[preefsay of narrow cracks]") when darkness is visible and player is in Sun-Spared Underpass. understand "along" as a mistake ("[if underpass is unvisited]You aren't far enough along to, err, look along[else]There must be some passages, but you can't see anywhere to go along, yet. You need to do more looking[end if].[paragraph break][preefsay of un-road]") when told-of-logan. to decide whether told-of-logan: if mrlp is not routes, decide no; if huge thing form is off-stage, decide no; if un-road is in sun-spared underpass, decide no; decide yes; book Ripe Pier Ripe Pier is a room in Routes. "You see mist on this pier where a brighter rig berth should be. You don't know if you can go any farther without help. There's a sign before the mist. You wonder what you can yell to get on a ship, or find the right way to one." understand "hips" as a mistake ("Unfortunately, nothing can become hoorays. So that doesn't help.") when player is in ripe pier. understand "pish" as a mistake ("Pretending you don't want to get on the ship won't help you get on the ship.") when player is in ripe pier. the pier sign is vanishing scenery in ripe pier. "You can't see much of the actual pier, but you can smell it. Thankfully, the pier sign offers some advice. 'Ripe pier! Boat rides ABROAD! Disclaimer: deal with DA MIST at your own risk.'[paragraph break]Hmm. There may be more than one way to get by." da mist is vanishing scenery in ripe pier. "My, It's misty. It phases through shapes, but there's a sign in front of it." a-text of da mist is "YRYRRR". b-text of da mist is "YRYRPP". a-text of pier sign is "YRYYRR". b-text of pier sign is "GPYYRP". instead of doing something to mist: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is taking: say "Mistake. Ha ha ha." instead; try examining noun instead; No-Gal's Boat is scenery in Ripe Pier. "No-Gal's on it, waving you to come in." instead of entering mist: say "Part of you admits it will be tricky to figure out. Maybe if you entered the right way, with a plan..." after fliptoing mist: pad-rec-q "hit win button"; continue the action; after fliptoing pier sign: pad-rec-q "hit win button"; continue the action; before going inside in Ripe Pier: try entering mist instead; understand "abroad" as a mistake ("Very close. But first, you must try getting on the ship.") when mist is visible. book Cripple Clipper Cripple Clipper is a room in routes. "You see a free reef ahead and to each side. You aren't much of a sailor, [if hit win button is visible]and the hit win button didn't even do everything[else]but maybe you can somehow hit win on the ship controls[end if]." the ship controls are reflexive scenery in Cripple Clipper. "They're on-deck, but conked. [one of]I rag a rig, you note. [or][stopping]You've no clue how to [if ship controls are reflexive]find where Ben hid the Hit Win button[else]operate them[end if]." a-text of ship controls is "RYR??R". b-text of ship controls is "?G???P". the hit win button is scenery. "Well, pushing it alone won't work. You'll need one last flourish." instead of doing something to the hit win button: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "[if ship controls are reflexed]Just pushing it isn't going to solve your problems. Or, your final problem, here.[else]Where is it? You need to find it. Or where Ben hid it.[end if]" the free reef is scenery in Cripple Clipper. the free reef is undesc. instead of doing something with the free reef: if current action is scaning: say "You may want to pick a ref--Thor or the new beet. They're too far apart to scan both at once." instead; say "You can't do much but look from here. The one free reef has Thor, looking for a hug. The other has a new beet that seems to have been wet recently--it is still dripping. They are rather close together, and it will be a squeeze to get by, but you probably know what to do by now. You may want to concentrate on one reef, Thor or the beet." Thor is reflexive semi-easy auxiliary scenery in Cripple Clipper. "He's looking for a hug. Arms opened wide. Grinning disturbingly." instead of doing something to thor: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "You can't do much to him without getting near him, which would be inadvisable." thor-hug is a truth state that varies. check scaning thor: if thor-hug is true: now thor-hug is false; else: now thor-hug is true; say "Thor booms [if thor-hug is true]'Thor hug!'[else]'Hug Thor!'[end if] as you point the settler at him."; a-text of thor is "RRRYYRR". b-text of thor is "[if thor-hug is false]RRRYYRR[else]PPRYYRR[end if]". the new beet is reflexive super-easy auxiliary scenery in Cripple Clipper. "It's dripping something gross and purple, which lands in the water with a hiss. With your navigation skills, you'd probably get too close to it or Thor." a-text of new beet is "RYRRYYR". b-text of new beet is "RGRRGGR". instead of doing something to new beet: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "You can't do much to the beet without getting near it and getting drenched in acidic beet juice." book Cleric Circle [does the player mean doing something with mark: if the pronoun it is grubby dwelling: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with restaurant marquee: if the pronoun it is garish restaurant: it is likely. does the player mean doing something with church sign: if the pronoun it is church that dislikes sin: it is likely.] does the player mean scaning dingy dwelling: it is likely. does the player mean scaning grubby restaurant: it is likely. Cleric Circle is an innie room in Routes. "Things seem less confused here than outside. It's quieter, too--no organs['] groans, but chants you can't stanch: a steady Latiny litany, no skyier kyries[if list o toils is visible]. You see a list-o-toils on the wall[end if]. Of course, there are Spew Pews, a common legacy from Elvira's suggestions to make religion more exciting and practical, along with a picture of the previous, viperous pious rev.". the spew pews are amusing plural-named scenery in cleric circle. "You rifle absentmindedly through the pews som more, but nothing turns up." check closing summary: say "You fold up the summary and start at page 1."; now summary-page is 1; try examining summary instead; check opening summary: try closing summary instead; Mum Ray's Summary is a thing. description of Mum Ray's Summary is "[part-of-summary]"; to say part-of-summary: choose row summary-page in the table of summary text; say "[sum-page entry]"; increment summary-page; summary-page is a number that varies. summary-page is usually 1. check searching pews: try examining pews instead; check looking under pews: try examining pews instead; check entering pews: say "A voice seems to intone: '[']Tis no sin to sit on, is...? NOT!'" instead; check touching pews: try examining pews instead; check examining the pews when summary is off-stage: say "You search through the pews, just as when you were a kid, looking for anything, maybe a note from the last person. You found something from yourself, once. But this time, something actually turns up! It's been hidden carefully, tucked where two woody bits are glued together.[paragraph break]An initial glance reveals nothing about Mum Ray's identity. Is it a woman with a last name of Ray? A silent fellow named Ray who preferred to write? Or just a pen name? They probably needed the anonymity, with the power Rev. Ali had, and either way, there's a lot to read."; now player has the summary instead; table of summary text sum-page "The story starts with Rev. Ali being violently opposed to Elvira. He dropped by the Same Mesa, and many people followed him. He was constantly yelling how she was too exciting, and the way to fightt back was not to get swept up in her newness be happy enough, you guess." "People listened to him, and his austerity helped prevent hearing about Elvira's latest charm offensive. But he got more and more severe, restricting where people could go, and even directions how to get there. If people knew where they wanted to go, and it was really important, they'd get there." "Then Elvira dropped by. Rev. Ali took the time to admit he was wrong! In doing so, he informed the residents of the Same Mesa that they would do well to follow his lead. Terrified, they accepted. Elvira's excitement had matured, and he didn't realize how good she was at pointing out people's faults. It would help to improve them." "Rev. Ali left, but with one final 'character-building' challenge. The roads out of the Same Mesa would lead nowhere until someone found a new clever way out beyond them. And if nobody found the way out--well, there were some wise guys who were all about thinking for yourself. Maybe they were not as good at it as they claimed to be." "It was rumored Rev. Ali moved on to a new community to 'help.' His legacy remains, though. People are not willing even to visit Pat's and Oscar's. Why should they? The Same Mesa is a mix of countermanding and warnings about what you can't do, and how you can't even get the basics right, like cardinal directions. Someone needs to break through, somehow." after examining summary (this is the notify last summary page rule) : if summary-page is number of rows in table of summary text: say "Whew. That was the last page."; now summary-page is 1; else: say "Push P to read the next page (you're at [summary-page] of [number of rows in table of summary text])."; let cho be the chosen letter; if cho is 80 or cho is 112: try examining the summary; the rule succeeds; else: say "OK. You'll start at the next page, next time. You can OPEN or CLOSE the summary to start at the first page."; the rule succeeds; the rule succeeds; after printing the locale description for Cleric Circle when Cleric Circle is unvisited: say "(press any key)[wfak][paragraph break]"; say "Brother Horbert steps on something that flips up into the air and into your hands! He points at you. 'It...you...I was told...the spoon must be for you!'[paragraph break]He explains it is a snoop spoon, one that helps the right person--the one it chooses--to examine it for direction when needed. Apparently you have to tilt it right so all the rays or whatever get focused at the focal point, but you can figure that out as you go."; now player has snoop spoon; the snoop spoon is a thing. description is "The spoon looks pretty normal despite the powers Brother Horbert claims it has." understand "noops" as a mistake ("The snoop spoon isn't as complicated as assembly language.") when player has snoop spoon. check examining snoop spoon: if scams is false: say "Examine the spoon at just the right angle, for a hint?"; unless the player consents: continue the action; now spoilit is true; try routes-hinting; now spoilit is false; the rule succeeds; instead of exiting in Cleric Circle: if toils is unexamined or pews are unexamined: say "You look back at the [if toils is examined]pews[else if pews are examined]list-o-toils[else]pews and list-o-toils[end if]. Perhaps closer inspection might give you [if toils is examined]the 'why'[else if pews are examined]the 'what'[else]the 'what' and 'why'[end if] for dealing with the directionless Same Mesa.[paragraph break][randbla]"; now player is in Same Mesa instead; check going in Cleric Circle: if noun is not outside: say "[one of]'Directions are not important here, my son. They are arbitrary, but eternal truth is eternal. Just EXIT, if you want to.' So you do.[or]'One day, my son, you will learn to put aside your need for compass directions.'[stopping][line break]You go back outside."; move player to Same Mesa instead; Brother Horbert is a person in Cleric Circle. description is "Slightly anxious, and in the usual black clerical garb.". "[one of]You see a man muttering, 'Only hope? Holy peon!' He turns and blinks. 'Greetings! I am Brother Horbert. Father Hafter and Veteran Rev. Nate are not here to help with the colossal local SOS.'[paragraph break]'Some people call me the Oopsin['] Priest because...oops!'[or]Brother Horbert, the oopsin['] priest, paces about here.[stopping]" understand "oopsin priest" and "oopsin/priest" as Brother Horbert to say pious1: if pious-state is false: now pious-state is true; else: now pious-state is false; pious-state is a truth state that varies. the picture of the previous viperous pious rev is useless scenery in Cleric Circle. "[one of]It's a picture of Rev. Ali, whose distincter interdicts left the Mesa in the lurch, looking even harsher than[or]Rev. Ali's still outdoing[stopping] [pious1][randbla][one of], full of tarnished sin-hatred and obliged god-bile for your sinner inners[or][stopping]. [one of]Their creeds-screed contains[or]Another no-heart rant, e-oh:[stopping] [pious1][randbla]" understand "ali" and "rev ali" as pious rev. check examining pious rev for the first time: say "Just a small check-off: there's some religious stuff in here, poking fun at hot button issues. This might be annoying, and I don't want do do that. Do you wish to go ahead?"; unless the player consents: say "Okay. This warning will vanish next time." instead; say "Man! This guy is a grouch. You have morals and all, but geez." check asking Brother Horbert about: say "Brother Horbert shrugs. He doesn't know much about the outside world."; does the player mean doing something with the list o toils: if player is in cleric circle: it is likely; it is unlikely. the list o toils is scenery in Cleric Circle. "[list-o-toils-text]" understand "recipe" as list o toils. read-list is a truth state that varies. to say list-o-toils-text: let missing-one be false; say "Precise recipes # 2: Mix of reagents greatens. Fix mo['].[no line break]"; repeat with QQ running through quest-items: say "[line break]"; if QQ is enclosed by the player: say "(Y) "; otherwise: now missing-one is true; say "(N) "; say "[QQ]"; if read-list is false and missing-one is true and Brother Horbert is visible: say "[line break]"; pad-rec "reagents"; say "[paragraph break]Brother Horbert mumbles something about how if they had any reagents left around here, they'd have used them, but they don't.[no line break]"; now read-list is true; understand "opposite" as a mistake ("Hm. The list doesn't seem to be what you need to stand opposite from. It doesn't seem offensive enough") when list o toils is visible. a quest-item is a kind of thing. after printing the name of a quest-item while taking inventory: if read-list is true: say " (for Brother Horbert)"; the specification of quest-item is "One of three items needed for Brother Horbert's potion." check objasking brother horbert about a quest-item: if player has second noun: try giving second noun to brother horbert instead; else: say "'Found it? ... Find out! Do it! Fun!' Brother Horbert looks slightly guilty at his impatience and vagary, afterwards[one of]. But the mesa doesn't seem too big--what you need can't be far off[or][stopping]." instead; some mushrooms are a quest-item. description of mushrooms is "They have all different lengths of stems, and you're not sure which are poisonous and which aren't." understand "mushroom" as mushrooms. instead of eating mushrooms: say "One of them is probably poisonous, and not even I can tell[if list o toils is examined]. Plus, Brother Horbert needs them[end if]." check dropping something: if player is in treasure and hoop is in treasure: say "You aren't in the right state of mind to drop all your possessions, even for a half a move. Doing so might let you jump and grab the hoop, but you need to say, the heck with it. Or something." instead; if noun is a fruit: say "Best return the fruit to Curtis, instead." instead; If mrlp is roman manor: say "You probably need to abscond with everything useful you can get your hands on." instead; say "Hero[if player is female]in[end if]es shouldn't be litterbugs[if player has purse]! Your super purse should hold whatever.[else]![end if]" instead; the runed book is an uncluing quest-item. description of runed book is "The runes on the cover are beyond you. What's inside is probably even more esoteric. You hope [pri-who] knows what to do with it.". "A runed book is high above you, stuck to the ceiling." does the player mean doing something with runed book when runed book is visible: it is likely. book Adobe Abode Adobe Abode is an innie room in Routes. "A dilapidated residence with a trashy ashtray[if pipe soot is in abode], which could use some emptying[end if]. The only exit is out to the Mesa."; understand "orcas" as a mistake ("But the whales would drown. [if list o toils is unexamined]Oscar doesn't seem to need change[else if pipe soot is in abode]Besides, it's the pipe soot you want[else]Besides, you got the pipe soot[end if].") when player is in adobe abode. after choosing notable locale objects when player is in adobe abode: set the locale priority of pipe soot to 0; Oscar is a person in Adobe Abode. description is "He gives a weary hi. 'Haywire.'". "[one of]Someone who must be [or][stopping]Oscar mopes around here, probably not willing to talk about more than himself." a trashy ashtray is scenery in adobe abode. "[if pipe soot is in abode]The ashtray is full of pipe soot, but at least, no Pepsi too[else]You emptied the ashtray[end if]." understand "ash/tray" and "ashtray" as ashtray. check scaning ashtray: if player does not have pipe soot: say "Only the pipe soot does anything to the settler, so you focus on that."; try scaning pipe soot instead; instead of doing something with ashtray: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can't do much with the ashtray besides be all 'Artsy, ha!' or 'Ay, trash.'"; oscar-annoy is a truth state that varies. oscar-annoy is usually false. check exiting in Adobe Abode: try going outside instead; check going outside in adobe abode: say "You leave the adobe/abode."; now player is in Same Mesa instead; check going outside in Adobe Abode: try exiting instead; check entering dingy dwelling: if old giant is in mesa: try acrossing instead; if Adobe Abode is unvisited: now oscar-annoy is true; say "You try going directly to Oscar's, but the place curves away from you." instead; otherwise: if oscar-annoy is true: say "No more funny business from Oscar's. You walk in without having to pretend to walk away."; now oscar-annoy is false; now player is in Adobe Abode; the rule succeeds; some pipe soot is a reflexive quest-item in Adobe Abode. instead of dropping a quest-item: say "You need to keep it--it's a reagent for Brother Horbert." check taking the pipe soot when soot is in adobe: say "Oscar snaps at you. 'Hey! Whoa! No stealing! Even worthless stuff!'[paragraph break]Maybe if you could position yourself so he can't see you taking it." instead; a-text of pipe soot is "YRRYRYRY". b-text of pipe soot is "YRPYPYRY". the description of pipe soot is "If you picked it apart, which you don't need to, there might be evidence it was once tobacco. It actually smells more like some fruit you can't, and won't, recognize." instead of eating pipe soot: say "Well, it doesn't SMELL that bad, but...umm, no." to say pri-who: if list o toils is examined: say "Brother Horbert"; else: say "someone"; instead of giving something to Brother Horbert: if noun is a quest-item: say "You should maybe wait to give Brother Horbert all the reagents first. He would probably forget where he put the [noun]." instead of doing something to the runed book: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "Best not try anything fancy. You probably want to get that book back to [if list o toils is examined]Brother Horbert[else]someone who can use it properly[end if]."; understand "under" as a mistake ("Wrong preposition.") when the-b is visible chapter acrossing acrossing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "across" as something new. understand "across" as acrossing. to say listen-cue: say "Walking away would upset the giant. I mean, into doing something, not just talking. And he is bigger than you. Maybe listening will help"; carry out acrossing: if player is not in Same Mesa: say "[reject]" instead; if huge thing is in mesa: say "That huge thing is distracting you. Maybe you can deal with it now." instead; if drama armada is in mesa or the-b is in mesa: say "[but-armada]" instead; if old giant is visible: say "[listen-cue]." instead; if Adobe Abode is unvisited: say "You walk across, not worrying about what is in front of you. Oscar's appears in front of you. You walk in."; reg-inc; otherwise: say "Yeah, ACROSS is fewer keystrokes than ENTER OSCAR'S, so hey..."; now player is in Adobe Abode instead; chapter pasting to say but-armada: say "But... [if the-b is in mesa]THE BEAN[else]the huge thing[end if]! What to do with it[if armada is in mesa]? The armada mumbles nervously.[else]?[end if]" pasting is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "past" as something new. understand "past" as pasting. carry out pasting: if player is not in Same Mesa: say "[reject]" instead; if huge thing is in mesa: say "That huge thing is distracting you. Maybe you can deal with it now." instead; if drama armada is in mesa or the-b is in mesa: say "[but-armada]" instead; if old giant is visible: say "Walking away would upset the giant. I mean, into doing something, not just talking. And he is bigger than you." instead; if Idle Deli is unvisited: say "You decide to walk past Pat's. Then, you turn and enter the alley just past it. The building lurches sideways toward you, and you manage to jump through the doorway with only a minor bump as it slams into you. You hear taps spat as you enter."; reg-inc; otherwise: say "You try the walking into the alley trick again, but the building stays still. You're a bit disappointed you can just walk in like that."; now player is in Idle Deli; the rule succeeds; book Idle Deli Idle Deli is an innie room in Routes. "This restaurant has no customers, and that's no surprise, what with the seed pit in the back ruining the ambiance--not even pie crust pictures by Stu Price. It's seedy, even without the warning sign, but at least ants be absent. You can go out back to the mesa." Pat is a person in Idle Deli. description is "He looks beaten down from the lack of business.". "[one of]'Lint? Use utensil. Fix store for exits...' mumbles some poor soul. 'Oh! A customer!'[or]Pat is still plodding here.[stopping]" understand "tap pat" and "tap" as a mistake ("You have Pat's attention, already[if seed pit is reflexive], and he's not letting you in that seed pit without argument[end if].") when player is in idle deli. understand "pat pat" and "pat" as a mistake ("Pat doesn't need consolation for his lost business.") when player is in idle deli. understand "pta" as a mistake ("You don't need to attend any school board meetings.") when player is in idle deli. understand "atp" as a mistake ("No need for biochemistry, here.") when player is in idle deli. understand "apt" as a mistake ("Actually, Pat's advice may not be apt[if seed pit is reflexive]. Look to the seed pit[end if].") when player is in idle deli. The warning sign is auxiliary semi-easy scenery in Idle Deli. "'Every time someone enters, PETS DIE.'" a-text of warning sign is "RYRRYRY". b-text of warning sign is "RGRRYRG". check exiting in Idle Deli: say "You leave Pat's idle deli."; now player is in Same Mesa instead; check going outside in Idle Deli: try exiting instead; check entering grubby restaurant: if Idle Deli is unvisited: say "You try to do so, but the building shifts further away." instead; if old giant is in same mesa: try pasting instead; say "You walk back into Pat's idle deli more confidently the second time. The building does not shift."; now player is in Idle Deli instead; the seed pit is reflexive scenery in Idle Deli. "[if mushrooms are off-stage]It's ugly and moldy but you find yourself thinking, if I had just one reason to go in there, against any warnings...[otherwise]You got through okay once, but you don't want to know what might sit deep in there.[end if]" understand "seedpit" as seed pit. a-text of seed pit is "RYRRYRY". b-text of seed pit is "RGRRYRY". instead of entering seed pit: say "[if mushrooms are off-stage]Pat holds you back, warning 'best SPEED IT away from there!' You see red at the odd-sounding admonition.[otherwise]You already got something from there.[end if]" the can't eat unless edible rule is not listed in any rulebook. check eating: if noun is a hintpastry: say "You'll want to put the pastry in the toaster[if toaster is in Danger Garden]back in the garden[end if], first, or it'll just be calories." instead; say "That's not in a test-taste state." instead; Procedural rule while eating something: ignore the carrying requirements rule. volume troves the block singing rule is not listed in any rulebook. i-sung is a truth state that varies. lyre-dest is a truth state that varies. to silly-min: increment silly-acts; if silly-acts < 3: min-up; check singing: if player is in hops shop: d "[silly-acts] acts so far."; if i-sung is false: if silly-acts is 3: check-silly-death; the rule succeeds; now i-sung is true; now gins sign is reflexed; say "Your singing is abominable. But not as abominable as the lyrics or the 'melody' played in the bar right now. So customers only glare at you, but others order another beer because they're not as drunk as you, clearly."; remove gins sign from marcitems; reg-inc; silly-min; else: say "Your testing other patrons['] patience would be abominable."; continue the action; if player is in peek keep: say "No, this is a quieter place than the Posh Hops Shop." instead; if Ed Riley is visible: if lyre-dest is false: now lyre-dest is true; say "Unexpectedly, Ed pulls out a lyre from somewhere and yells 'LYRE! DIE!' like he's in some medieval heavy metal band or something. He's really seeing red as he stomps it to dust." instead; say "You don't want to push your luck. His yelling LYRE DIE and seeing red kind of weirded you out." instead; if warning sign is visible: say "Wrong area for that." instead; if clam is visible: say "If you could sing, it might settle the clam down. But you can't, so it doesn't." instead; if deacons are visible: say "That won't make them any less hostile." instead; if gins sign is visible: if cheat-on is true and gins sign is escanned: say "Knowing what you know, singing shouldn't work. You sing a song of frustration when you realize you'd need to GISN with what the settler says, here." instead; say "You sing the nicest song you remember about goodness and virtue. After sickening yourself into the bargain with no transport arriving, you notice the sign may've been vandalized, and plus sing/sign was a bit too easy." instead; if location of player is FiefCo Office: say "You can't quite mimic the singer, but maybe you could tweak his singer-ness. You can't move to artists['] straits with your job. You're more suing than 'I sung' now." instead; if mrlp is troves: say "No hippy trippy blues song about being poor here, if you please. And you will--you're not in power, yet." instead; if player is in campsite: say "[one of]'Oh sappy! So happy!' The birds go chürp chürp chëëp chëëp[or]Best not encourage cheeps-speech. The dirt itself might burst into song[stopping]!" instead; if player is in same mesa: say "You look at the church sign for a clue what to sing, and it says [dssd]. Hmm. You don't know any songs like that." instead; if player is in cleric circle: say "You don't know any appropriate songs, here." instead; say "[randbla][line break]" instead; check waiting: if mrlp is troves: if player is in boredom bedroom: say "Solo detail? Isolated? No. Desolation." instead; if cur-score of troves is 0: say "That's the wrong sort of inaction for here[one of]. Better watch it, or snotbag nagbots or a boot-o-bot will get you[or][stopping]." instead; say "You are paralyzed by the hustle and bustle of the big city. Though how much is bustle or hustle, I really couldn't say." instead; if carps are visible: try listening instead; say "[randbla][line break]" instead; book Loather Rathole before going up in troves: say "Moving on up needs to be a state of mind here." instead; before going down in troves: say "It is important to be down to earth as you work your way to the top, yes." instead; Pa Egg Pea is a super-easy proper-named reflexive LLPish thing. printed name of Pa Egg Pea is "Pa, Egg, Pea" description of Pa Egg Pea is "[randbla]". a-text of Pa Egg Pea is "RYRY". b-text of Pa Egg Pea is "??R?". understand "book" as Pa Egg Pea. instead of opening Pa Egg Pea: say "(to read it, I assume)[line break]"; try reading Pa Egg Pea instead; check examining Pa Egg Pea for the first time: say "[i]Pa, Egg, Pea[r], of course, recently topped [i][twiddle of table of self-help bestsellers and 1][r] and [i][twiddle of table of self-help bestsellers and 1][r] as the best-selling self-help book all-time in Yorpwald, at least until its promised sequels in the Tryin[']-it Trinity, [i]The MORE Theorem[r] and [i]No Guts? Go Nuts[r], appear. It combines overused success-story fables with spectacularly improbably leaps of logic to 'prove' both thinking your way to success and doing your way to success are more important than the other, and anybody who finds these to be a contradiction is just intellectually lazy.[paragraph break]The introduction explains YOU AND ONLY YOU must think up the way out of a tough situation.[paragraph break]A rudimentary flip through shows that it's full of aphorisms and heavily invested in sustaining the personality cult of its author, Peg A. Page. You remember a suppressed review that went 'Ee! Gag! Pap!' and aren't sure of the best way to read it, if any. Though it's probably symptomatic of the times, you doubt it can help you with your specific situation[if cur-score of troves is 0], but it may help you get started[else], especially now you're started a bit[end if]." instead; check looking in Loather Rathole for the first time: now the player has Pa Egg Pea. check going nowhere (this is the troves general direction reject rule): if mrlp is troves: say "Nothing urgent that way. Once you figure out what you need to do, you'll figure if you need to go anywhere. Focus, focus, focus." instead; Loather Rathole is a room in Troves. last-loc of troves is Loather Rathole. every turn when player is in Loather Rathole (this is the Loather Rathole complaints rule) : say "[if heat is in Loather Rathole]You need your super purse back. But you try and fail to get stoked enough to be a race-acer![else]'Heat...' you think. Then you see red and muse [one of]'[one of]At... eh...[no line break][or]Eh... at...[no line break][in random order]' as you are not sure where you are.[or]'A...the...' your thoughts degenerate.[or]'The...a...' your thoughts degenerate, as your eyes redden.[in random order][end if]"; the Loather Rathole complaints rule is listed after the process random dialogue rule in the every turn rules. after printing the locale description for Loather Rathole when Loather Rathole is unvisited: say "Skid Row, Wordski."; continue the action; the fretful truffle is a thing. description is "It's probably a character building experience to eat it. You may learn something about how to think or what to do." truf-warn is a truth state that varies. check eating fretful truffle: if truf-warn is false and scams is false: now truf-warn is true; ital-say "this chocolate is a cool cheat that tells you what to [if cur-score of troves is 0]type[else]think next[end if]. Are you sure you want to do this?"; unless the player consents: say "Okay. This warning won't appear again." instead; now spoilit is true; try troves-hinting; now spoilit is false instead; spoilit is a truth state that varies. spoilit is false. description of Loather Rathole is "Under the stinky tin sky, [if heat is visible]you feel the heat out on the street, but more importantly, you're feeling the loss of your super purse. You just aren't motivated to [i]race[r] after the robber and get that money back, though[otherwise]you feel nothing but bone-chilling poverty here. [i]Heat[r]. It's what you need. All you can think of[end if]. Of course, there are plenty of potholes about." the potholes are useless plural-named scenery in Loather Rathole. instead of doing something with the potholes: say "The potholes symbolize lost hope. You don't need that sort of thinking right now!" potholes are undesc. understand "a rec" as a mistake ("You've done nothing to deserve a rec yet. You need to think for yourself. Maybe you can become someone who give a rec, one day.") when player is in rathole and heat is in rathole. book Used Lot Loudest Used Lot is a room in Troves. Used Lot is in Troves. "A hopeless passe hole close to the Boorboro and Grubburg suburbs. Someone seedy owns this area, [randbla]. This messhole with its sidewalk laid askew is almost as bad as being homeless...[paragraph break][if babblings are visible]Except for a stop post that seems to be distracting your attention. Verbose babblings are in the air[else]The stop post is still there, but you can deal[end if]. [if stop post is reflexive]You'll need to look around to find what to do[else]You [one of]can't see the entrance to the cellar anywhere. Perhaps you'll have to use your mind a bit[or]still can't make out the cellar entrance, yet--perhaps you could try to look back on the cellar or listen for clues[stopping][end if]." a sidewalk laid askew is useless scenery in Used Lot. "You don't really have time to memorize the sidewalk's cracks." instead of doing something with a sidewalk laid askew: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You may want to pay attention to something more positive and alive."; the rustin ruts are useless scenery in Used Lot. printed name of ruts is "rustin['] ruts". understand "rustin ruin" and "rustin/ruin" as ruts. "If you stare too long, you may get in a rut yourself." instead of doing something with rustin ruts: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You may want to pay attention to something more positive and alive."; understand "obverse" as a mistake ("You can't just make things obverse by wanting them to be. [i]But if change comes within, perhaps things are closer to obverse than you think[r].") when babblings are visible. understand "redive" as a mistake ("Close, but you need to figure out where to re-dive back into the cellar.") when player is in Used Lot and babblings are in lalaland bab-lis is a truth state that varies. the verbose babblings are vanishing scenery in Used Lot. "[listen-careful]." a-text of verbose is "YRRYRRY". b-text of verbose is "YRRYRRG". to say listen-careful: if bab-lis is true: say "You don't really want to see Eve's Bro or Bo Evers. The thought makes you see red. You feel you should pay attention to more important, big-picture things"; else: say "The voices by the sidewalk don't seem to be about anything that could help. [i]Unless they are, and you might feel silly these people knew more than you did without knowing. [r]Listen more carefully?"; if the player consents: say "'Aw man! We're going to see [erv] The people running by are all wearing red--with some yellow thrown in. Tacky"; now bab-lis is true; else: say "Ok"; to say erv: say "[one of]Eve's Bro serve Bo! Bo Evers!'[or]Erv be so...'[cycling]"; check examining stop post when babblings are in Used Lot: say "You try to, but you get a headache. Everyone here's too [i]verbose. [r]You need to find what to do make them less verbose. Or seem that way." instead; The stop post is reflexive super-easy scenery in Used Lot. "[if babblings are reflexive]You're so distracted by it, you can't stop and see the big picture. It blocks out all but the babblings round--it's really big and verbose and you could look at it a while without seeing anything meaningful. You can't even remember what you just read. As if you'd lost the ability to.[else if post is reflexive]Its opts. aren't exactly tops. Apparently, though, it is made of recycled pots.[else if bee's head is reflexive]You notice an ad in red proclaiming O. Asner as Nero.[else]An ad in red for L. Clear cleaning[one of], with directions below to [one of]Evans Ave N/S[or]Weave Ave E/W[in random order][or][stopping].[end if]" check scaning stop post: if babblings are visible: try scaning babblings instead; check fliptoing stop post: if babblings are visible: say "That should work, but you--your eyes are wandering now. You're not taking it all in. The post--and some voices you hear--are too verbose."; preef stop post; do nothing instead; understand "observe" as a mistake ("You already did all the general observing you needed.") when player is in Used Lot and babblings are not in Used Lot. a-text of stop post is "RRYR". b-text of stop post is "?R??". [show example] every turn when player is in Used Lot: if what-a-bee is not reflexive or bee's head is not reflexive: if current action is not listening: say "How to get down to the cellar? The cellar."; the what-a-bee is a reflexive privately-named thing. printed name of what-a-bee is "[if bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexive]evil bee[else if bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexed]live bee[otherwise]vile bee[end if]" check taking what-a-bee: say "I'll be stingy. Better than the bee, eh?" instead; Include (- has transparent animate -) when defining what-a-bee. description of what-a-bee is "[if bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexed]It looks utterly defeated, but at least it didn't die[otherwise if bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexive]It seems to know you want to go down to the cellar. Bees can smell that, especially an EVIL BEE[one of]. One thing's for sure, no free beers while this bee's freer[or][stopping][otherwise]It's buzzing a bit, but it's not moving around so fast. You're not threatened by it any more. You could probably sneak past it[end if][if bee's head is reflexive]. Bizarrely, it has NO EARS. And it's a bit red where the ears should be[end if][if bee's head is reflexive or what-a-bee is reflexive]. It seems pretty [vile-evil][end if]." to say vile-evil: if bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexive: say "evil"; else if bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexed: say "live"; else: say "vile"; understand "evil/ bee" as what-a-bee when bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexive. understand "vile/ bee" as what-a-bee when bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexed. understand "vile/ bee" as what-a-bee when bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexive. understand "live/ bee" as what-a-bee when bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexed. a-text of what-a-bee is "RYRYYRY". b-text of what-a-bee is "[if bee's head is reflexed]RYPYYRG[else]RYRYYRG[end if]". a-text of bee's head is "RYYRYR". b-text of bee's head is "RYYRYR". check scaning what-a-bee: if what-a-bee is reflexive and bee's head is reflexive: if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds: say "The bee pokes her head in so near and disrupts your settler's reading."; try scaning bee's head instead; if what-a-bee is reflexed and bee's head is reflexive: say "Nothing shows up until you get to the bee's head."; try scaning bee's head instead; if bee's head is reflexed and what-a-bee is reflexed: say "The bee rests, silent, and so does your settler." instead; book Boredom Bedroom Boredom Bedroom is a room in Troves. "Here [one of]in a dump, um, pad (it's no Bro-Dome, but at least it's been broomed,) a step up from Get-a-Cot Cottage, [or][stopping]is a picture of a sad pier, a box of diapers, and a spider crawling[if ltb is reflexed]. You are immune to such details, now. You have learned to despair and to deal, and now you need a third way between them. You believe you deserve to [i]reside[r] somewhere better[else if diapers are reflexed]. Such details will drag you back. You want to break out of the funless fulness of Drag-grad, here, to [i]lead[r][end if]. All equally depressing." understand "praised" as a mistake ("You would like to be, but you can't just want others to. Change comes from within.") when player is in boredom bedroom. understand "asipred" as a mistake ("Now is not the time to fret on past dreams.") when player is in boredom bedroom. the picture of a sad pier is auxiliary semi-easy scenery in boredom bedroom. "It is a warding drawing of what not to wallow in: solitude so dilute in an old suite. According to [i]Pa, Egg, Pea[r], if it were not marked as such, it should be illegal." a-text of sad pier is "RYRRYYR". b-text of sad pier is "RYRPYYP". box of diapers is reflexive scenery in boredom bedroom. "The diapers are a symbol of a new rebirth by starting from nothing, or something. At least, you hope they are." after fliptoing diapers: now ltb is in boredom bedroom; continue the action; a-text of diapers is "RYRRYYR". b-text of diapers is "PYRPYYR". a spider is scenery in boredom bedroom. "You're don't know whether to crush it or even think 'I spared a spider.'" a-text of a spider is "RYRRYYR". b-text of a spider is "RYRRYYP". understand "broomed" as a mistake ("You are not rich and consequential enough to order people to clean up after you, yet.") when player is in boredom bedroom. book Dour Tan Rotunda Dour Tan Rotunda is an innie room in Troves. "This could also be a rotund rotunda, but obesity is not very posh. Nobody is quite happy here. It's posh enough, but designed specifically to make people want even more. There's not much to do except stare at a brochure just lying around. But oh, what a brochure!". a brochure is vanishing scenery in Dour Tan Rotunda. "[one of]'Got here? No debt to bend? Go there!'[paragraph break][or][stopping][randbla]" a-text of brochure is "RYRYRY". b-text of brochure is "R???RG". instead of taking brochure: say "No. What would the next person here read?" book Econ Cone Econ Cone is a room in Troves. printed name of econ cone is "Econ-Cone". "You've reached the recent center of the econ-cone, thus called because the perky crass skyscraper in the center forms the top of the skyline, which is itself a cone. [one of]Once here, t[or]T[stopping]he bluster from your average bustler is subtler here. Less rusty din, more industry (it's un-dry. Sturdyin['].)[paragraph break]You have lost all sense of direction, mainly because that statue nearby looks so important! [if rivets is reflexive and prai is reflexive]Maybe it will help you motivate yourself even more[else if rivets is reflexive or prai is reflexive]Now you're super-motivated, maybe you need to have the right sort of think[else]That statue taught you all it could, so maybe you can move on--or in--to the skyscraper[end if]." the skyline is scenery in Econ Cone. understand "cone" as skyline when player is in Econ Cone. the skyline is undesc. instead of doing something with the skyline: say "The most interesting part of the skyline is the perky crass skyscraper! You feel pulled to it. The rest is...well, okay for other people, but not you."; understand "once" as a mistake ("Yes! You only need a chance! Once! To get inside! [if rivets is reflexive and prai is reflexive]You are almost enthused enough[else]You're enthused enough, but you need to strategize[end if].") when player is in Econ Cone. understand "persia" as a mistake ("You redden at the thought of mystical lands that aren't relevant to the here and now.") when player is in Econ Cone. check going inside in Econ Cone: say "You can't just walk in[if statue is reflexed or rivets are reflexed] even with your desire at its level[end if]! You need the right sort of thinking." instead; try going west instead; after fliptoing prai: continue the action; after fliptoing rivets: continue the action; after fliptoing when location of player is Econ Cone (this is the hello Pernod rule): if noun is prai or noun is rivets: if pernod is off-stage: say "Your concentration is broken by shattering glass! When you turn around, you notice the person who originally gave you the Peg A. Page book. He has been escorted out by security. They hand him a bottle. There's an argument, he smashes the bottle, and he runs away. Perhaps this is your chance, to take his place now that he has burned out!"; now pernod is in Econ Cone; continue the action; the bottle of Pernod is a semi-easy vanishing thing. "A broken bottle of [if label is in lalaland]N-E-Prod[else]Pernod[end if] champagne lies here. There's a card that seems glued to it, with some writing on it." after fliptoing pernod: if rivets are reflexive or prai is reflexive: decrement poss-score of troves; continue the action; description of bottle of pernod is "It says [if label is in lalaland]N-E-Prod below where the label was[else]PERNOD on the label, which looks a bit loose[end if]. There's also a card you could read." understand "champagne" as Pernod. understand "prod/neprod/n-e-prod" and "bottle of prod/neprod/n-e-prod" as Pernod. check taking the card: say "It's glued to the Pernod." instead; a-text of card is "RYRRYR". b-text of card is "[if label is part of pernod]P[else]R[end if]YRRYR". the label is part of the bottle of pernod. description of label is "It says PERNOD." check taking the label: say "The label comes off to reveal a much less hoity-toity label: the generic N-E-PROD is the [i]REAL[r] manufacturer! It's in red letters, too."; now label is in lalaland instead; check examining the label: say "It looks like you could TAKE it off! You wonder if this bottle is a fake. It says PERNOD, but there's also a card tied to the bottle." instead; instead of scaning the label: try scaning the pernod instead; a-text of pernod is "RYRRYR". b-text of pernod is "[if label is part of pernod]P[else]R[end if]YRRYR". the card is part of the bottle of Pernod. description of card is "It's got red writing on it that you could read." check reading pernod: try reading card instead; check taking bottle of Pernod: say "The jagged glass would cut your hands, or your super purse's space-capes." instead; instead of entering skyscraper: say "You try to go enter, but your brute force approach attracts nobody. You are filled with desire to move up in the world, but perhaps not the thoughtfulness, yet."; the perky crass skyscraper is reflexive scenery in Econ Cone. "It's built by [trev] and is emblazoned with his twin motto, PROPERTY IS PROSPERITY and ADVERTS-STARVED? READ TVS. It doesn't let up on opulent. You remember reading a scientific study that just wanting to work there five minutes a day increases productivity by 25%." check scaning skyscraper: if pernod is off-stage: say "The skyscraper shows nothing. Which is sort of a relief, though it probably means you haven't found what you need to focus on.[paragraph break]Anyway, you'd hate to spend all that time however many possibilities 'skyscraper' would give. You dream of hiring some mathy dweeb to figure that out stuff like that (it's 725760. Uh, some guy told me, then I took his lunch money.)[paragraph break]" instead; else: say "Your settler seems to give the same reading for the Pernod as for the skyscraper."; try scaning pernod instead; to say trev: say "Trevis Vister[one of], Ph.D in Life Success[or][stopping]"; The astute statue is uncluing scenery in Econ Cone. "[one of]It is, of course, of [trev]. It's thirty feet tall and a decent likeness, except it's a shocking red, so nobody can miss it, and he has a full head of hair instead of that ridiculous comb-over. Also, his arm is around air, because when this statue was initially commissioned, his third wife demanded to be part of it. She was removed when he remarried, replaced by his fourth wife, who divorced him when she was portrayed as shorter than he was.[or][trev] is unchanged, himself, just waiting for you to want to be like him.[stopping][paragraph break]Rivets lie at the bottom of the statue in some sort of pattern. [one of]. It is not a statue of limitations, for sure[or][stopping]." Include (- has transparent talkable -) when defining astute statue. understand "trevis/vister" and "trevis vister" as astute statue. the rivets are part of the statue. description is "[one of]After looking for a few seconds, you realize t[or]T[stopping]he rivets spell out PRAISE. They're probably Vister's idea of art, to show there's more than one way to want to be like him. Or want to want to be like him.". the rivets are reflexive. rivets-first is a truth state that varies. check objhinting rivets: if rivets-first is false and prai is reflexive: try objhinting prai instead; if rivets are reflexed and prai is reflexive: try objhinting prai instead; if rivets are reflexive and prai is reflexive: all-say "You learned all you could from the statue." instead; the prai is privately-named reflexive scenery in Econ Cone. prai is undesc. printed name of prai is "PRAISE". a-text of prai is "YRRYRY". b-text of prai is "YRRGRG". check scaning rivets: if rivets are reflexed and prai is reflexive: try scaning prai instead; instead of doing something with rivets: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is taking: say "Petty theft is not big thinking! You'd do better to take a message from the rivets.[paragraph break]Plus, you don't have the right tool." instead; check scaning statue for the first time: [let statue be the first thing you scan] [?? weird flips] say "You're pretty sure Trevis Vister did his best to make his statue couldn't be melted down by some silly mind-game, but maybe the settler will turn up something...hmm, nothing, except for the rivets."; check scaning statue: try scaning rivets instead; a-text of rivets is "RRRYRY". b-text of rivets is "[if prai is reflexed]RRRYRY[else]?RR?R?[end if]". [stew: many people sit outside and want more money. You want something else, though.] after fliptoing skyscraper: consider the region-knock rule; continue the action; check fliptoing skyscraper: if prai is reflexive and rivets are reflexive: [stri is false and asp is false:] say "You sit and ponder for a bit. But it is just general complaining. The whole mish-mosh about people approximately as unfortunate as you. No wish for [i]praise rivets[r] you enough for you to ponder positively." instead; book FiefCo Office check fliptoing when player is in FiefCo Office and noise is in FiefCo Office: [note that this trumps check fliptoing song] if noun is song: say "First things first: you need to outlast that noise."; preef salt; do nothing instead; if noun is not noise: say "Thud, thud, thud. You might be able to do that properly later, but not now, with the noise distracting you from your new job listed on your vanity."; preef noun; do nothing instead; FiefCo Office is an innie room in Troves. "From the nerf fern to the tan ivy vanity[if divorces is visible],[else] and[end if] Slick-Tech Checklist[if divorces is visible], and DIVORCES magazine[end if] on your desk to the plasm lamps above, to the inspirational picture of a stream, your office conforms to the opulent/no let-up deco-code. Including the double-plus-secure door out[if song is visible].[paragraph break]Eddie C.[']s song[one of][or], I'd Cede,[cycling] echoes, still[else]. A shaker of salt sits on the vanity, too[end if]." the noise is vanishing scenery in FiefCo Office. "It's noise from the person you locked out." instead of doing something with the noise: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is objasking about or current action is asking about: say "You don't want to step down from a strong negotiating point." the playbill is scenery. "It's for Siren G. Grines, Singer. That's in red, as is smaller writing about the band and promoters and so forth. It looks counter-cultural, but you are intrigued." instead of doing something with playbill: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can just examine or read the playbill, but that's about it." instead of doing something with eddie's song: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can just listen to Eddie's song for evocative details and stuff." the secure door is scenery in FiefCo Office. "It isn't even to be thought about." instead of doing something with the secure door: if current action is opening: say "[if noise is in office]And let that person in? No[else]You have too much to do. No sneaking out[end if]!" instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You don't even want to think about that door with all you have to do." DIVORCES Magazine is vanishing scenery in FiefCo Office. "[one of]Its motto: 'A hipper, happier paper. Hi!' You note all sorts of lurid articles and features about depravity in high society and its 'wonderful' fashion, too. One[or]Another 'worldly' article[stopping] is [randbla]" a-text of divorces is "RYRRYRYR". b-text of divorces is "PGRRYRGR". instead of doing something to DIVORCES: if current action is taking: say "No. It's best read briefly, if at all." instead; if action is procedural: continue the action; say "DIVORCES is mostly for reading, mostly, unless you have an insight otherwise." instead; understand "signer" as a mistake ("No. Your eyes redden as you remember you are already a signer. The singer makes you want to do something else.") when player is in FiefCo Office. understand "maters" and "tamers" as a mistake ("Such people would be beneath your delegational abilities.") when stream is visible. does the player mean examining the big important desk: it is very likely. the big important desk is scenery in FiefCo Office. "Made of nice to notice eco-tin, it has a Slick-Tech Checklist (more popular and efficient than the [randbla]) on it that you could read all day." the Slick-Tech Checklist is scenery in FiefCo Office. understand "list" and "checklist" and "slick/tech" and "slick tech" as checklist. description of slick-tech checklist is "You browse some steno-notes on your Slick-Tech Checklist: [randbla]" the plasm lamps are plural-named scenery in FiefCo Office. "They start to inspire a Psalm, until you remember you're a busy [guy] with a job to do." to say guy: say "[if player is female]wo[end if]man"; instead of taking lamps: say "That'd be expensive and toxic." check going east in FiefCo Office: say "You couldn't just run out on your company and your responsibilities like that! You would engage to leave a note or something first. And, of course, you would need to mentally prepare yourself to[if salt is visible]. And you'd need to have proved yourself. You haven't, yet[otherwise]. I guess you could leave now, if you did the right thing, first[end if]." instead; the tan ivy vanity is auxiliary scenery in FiefCo Office. "[one of]It's utterly useless and tacky. I mean, ivy is either green or, if it's dying, brown. [or][stopping][if noise is in office]There's lots of red text:[paragraph break][fixed letter spacing] GOREN I. REGNIO[line break]Ergnio-Onregi Region[r][paragraph break]So that's who you took over from. You sense you need to...marginalize Goren's memory somehow.[else]It's now engraved CEO FOR US? OF COURSE![end if]" instead of opening vanity: say "It's not a case sort of vanity. It's just a useless sort of vanity."; instead of scaning vanity: say "You scan around the vanity for clues."; if noise is in office: say "You note the noise and that you can read the vanity[if vanity is examined] again[end if]."; try scaning noise instead; if lobster is in office and stream is reflexive: say "Your settler picks up a signal when it moves to the lobster."; try scaning lobster instead; if salt is in office: say "Your settler picks up a signal when it moves to the salt."; try scaning salt instead; if playbill is visible: say "Your settler picks up a signal when it moves to the playbill."; try scaning playbill instead; say "You weren't able to find any. But there must be something to do!" a-text of noise is "YRRYRY". b-text of noise is "YRRYRY". chapter vanscaning [* scans vanity every move in troves] vanscan is a truth state that varies. vanscaning is an action out of world. understand the command "vanscan" as something new. understand "vanscan" as vanscaning. carry out vanscaning: if vanscan is false: now vanscan is true; else: now vanscan is false; say "[if vanscan is true]Scanning vanity every move[else]No longer scanning each move[end if]."; the rule succeeds; every turn when vanscan is true: say "Results of scanning vanity:[line break]"; try scaning vanity; chapter lager The can of Large Regal Lager is a vanishing LLPish thing in Boredom Bedroom. description is "It has a picture of someone smiling as he chugs a can of Large Regal Lager--the LARGE being black and above the red Regal Lager below. A warning on the can says that important people drinking too many of these is as bad for the economy as people with nothing better to do not drinking enough. Also there's a rubbish story about how the beer is brewed." the rubbish story is part of the Regal Lager. the rubbish story is cluey and auxiliary. description is "[one of]It's in red and about how Ergal Agler brewed the first batch long ago. It kills almost as many brain cells as you drinking it[or]Your eyes gloss over all but the red ERGAL AGLER[stopping]." a-text of rubbish story is "RRYRY". b-text of rubbish story is "RRYRY". instead of scaning rubbish story: try scaning Large Regal Lager instead; a-text of lager is "RRYRY". b-text of lager is "RRYRY". instead of drinking lager: say "One sip is--nope. Next, a liter, retail. Though it's not as nasty as Camelot Eco-Malt, it'd make your liver viler and send you to Bum Lane seeing blue men.[paragraph break]Though you can't bring yourself to throw it out. Maybe you are not looking at things the right way."; instead of eating lager: say "It drinks like a meal, you're sure, but you're too important now to risk brain cells to find out."; instead of taking lager: say "No, touching or holding a can almost always leads to drinking from it. You may even be able to ignore the Large Regal Lager altogether. But you will need to steel yourself before taking it." an extra fancy lobster meal is in FiefCo Office. description is "Oh, man, it looks awesome. You wonder if you really deserve to eat it. If you built yourself up the right way, I'm sure you could chow down[if stream is reflexed]--though you are feeling confident enough, having dealt with the stream[end if].". fancy lobster meal is vanishing. initial appearance of lobster meal is "A meal's on the desk. Lobster! You may or may not have the confidence to eat it." a-text of lobster is "RYRRRYR". b-text of lobster is "RGRPPGP". lobster is semi-easy and auxiliary. [if a-text is not "" then it is auxiliary] instead of eating lobster meal: say "You don't quite feel you deserve to eat it, yet."; instead of taking lobster meal: say "A big executive like you shouldn't worry about procedural details like taking something before eating it." chapter stream painting The painting of the stream is reflexive scenery in FiefCo Office. "It's labeled as PRACTICAL RELAXATION FOR TODAY'S LEADERS. The stream is about all there is to it. It shimmers based on how you stare at it[if stream is not reflexed and lobster is in lalaland]. You doubt you need to do anything with it, since you had that delicious lobster, but then, it might be one more overachievement[end if]." a-text of stream is "RYRRYR". b-text of stream is "RYRRYR". instead of doing something to painting of the stream: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "It doesn't need to be physically futzed with[if painting of the stream is reflexive]. In fact, you've already gotten use out of it[end if]."; chapter salt shaker instead of doing something to the salt shaker: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "[if shaker is reflexed]The previous occupant probably had it there to salt away some dumb motivational saying[else]You salted this puzzle away, already[end if]." the salt shaker is super-easy auxiliary scenery in FiefCo Office. description of salt shaker is "It has a few wise sayings: Be worth your [i]SALT[r]. Salt helps things preserve themselves. And, oh, wait, there's no way to get the salt out. It's just a cheap motivational gimmick!" a-text of salt is "RYRR". b-text of salt is "RGRP". before eating salt: say "You're in a high-pressure enough environment, as-is. Plus, the shaker can't actually get the salt out. It does sort of shake, though." instead; check putting salt on: ignore the can't put what's not held rule; if second noun is lobster: say "That'd ruin it." instead; say "The salt is there for ornamental and inspirational purposes. Plus, there's nothing here to eat[if lobster is visible], except the lobster, which doesn't need it[end if]." instead; chapter nerf fern The nerf fern is useless scenery in FiefCo Office. description of nerf fern is "It saves time, since you don't have to water it. But you can't see how it gives any new ideas." instead of doing something with the nerf fern: if current action is examining or scaning: continue the action; say "Don't futz with it. It's there for ambiance. The sort of ambiance people less busy than you care about."; book silly verbs needed to win Troves understand "care" as a mistake ("You find yourself boohooing over mumbo-jumbo about how the socioeconomic system must be even more unfair to people without your powers. How unproductive to care about THAT.") when heat is not visible and mrlp is troves. understand "race" as a mistake ("Races scare you without the proper motivation from inside.") when player is in Loather Rathole and cold is visible. understand "acre" as a mistake ("That farm-boy terminology won't help show you give a darn in the big city.") when player is in Loather Rathole and cold is not visible. section note from dale ltb is a privately-named vanishing super-easy thing. "A copy of LEAD[one of], the bestseller Pa, Egg, Pea dethroned,[or][stopping] lies here.". description of ltb is "It's by Dale Elda and Leda Adle, with both the last names in red. You don't quite feel up to reading it, yet. You aren't in the right frame of mind. Just from the cover, and the authors['] names, you bet the writing is kind of forced.". printed name of ltb is "LEAD". a-text of ltb is "RYYR". b-text of ltb is "???R". understand "copy" and "book" and "lead" as ltb when player is in boredom bedroom. does the player mean doing something with ltb when the player is in boredom bedroom: it is likely. understand "aled" as a mistake ("Getting drunk will not solve your problems[if lager is in bedroom]. And that lager would taste awful, anyway[else]. Especially when there's nothing here to get drunk with[end if]. You see red at yourself for such thoughts.") when ltb is visible instead of taking the ltb: say "You already have one motivational book. Perhaps you need to find the right way to soak up LEAD's essence." understand "eiders" as a mistake ("But what would ducks DO in the big city? They have no ambition. They don't crave...") when brochure is visible the cold is flippable scenery in Loather Rathole. "[one of]Even though you wasted time watching weathercasts as a kid (boo!) and never learned to small-talk about it with important people (boo!) t[or]T[stopping]he cold's still just...cold." a-text of cold is "RYRY". b-text of cold is "PYRY". understand "hate" as a mistake ("You don't want to get burnt up with hate[if heat is visible], and that won't get back your super purse like racing after that guy[end if].") when cold is not visible. the heat is flippable vanishing scenery. "The heat is nice and all, but being happy for it isn't the right emotion, here, with your possessions stolen." a-text of heat is "RYRY". b-text of heat is "RGRG". chapter ignoreing every turn while player is in FiefCo Office (this is the region-knock rule): if noise is in office: say "[one of]'Er...go in?' cries a voice not worth your attention[or]You hear the voice cry '[one of]Erin! Go[or]Go, Erin[cycling]!' which makes you see red. YOU'RE in charge here[or]Your 'visitor' seems to be plotting...he says 'One: rig...' but you tune the rest out, seeing red[or]'No! I...erg!' your adversary rages[in random order].[paragraph break]If only you could tune that out!"; instead of taking bee's head: say "You're not fast enough to behead the bee's head." the bee's head is part of the what-a-bee. the bee's head is reflexive. description is "[if bee's head is reflexed]It appears a bit duller now, after you reasoned so well against it[else]It shines brightly, as if it is ready for a battle of wits[end if]." after fliptoing bee's head: if what-a-bee is reflexed: min-up; else: say "Now that the bee's buzzing less, you can hear people giving directions, and maybe you can listen in. Or concentrate on the cellar."; continue the action; after fliptoing what-a-bee: if bee's head is reflexed: min-up; else: say "Now that the bee's buzzing less, you can hear people giving directions, and maybe you can listen in. Or concentrate on the cellar."; continue the action; chapter resigning Eddie's song is super-easy reflexive scenery. "Eddie C. warbles on." a-text of song is "RYRYRY". b-text of song is "RYPYPG". check scaning playbill for the first time: say "You see only six lights, which means it's probably the text on the playbill."; a-text of playbill is "RYRYRR". b-text of playbill is "RYRYRR". understand "snog" as a mistake ("You're too busy for...THAT. You focus on the singer. Probably someone you'd like to...hire to sing a song you wrote.") when player is in FiefCo Office. instead of examining song: try listening instead; understand "resign" as a mistake ("Wrong place for that. If you must, QUIT instead.") when player is not in FiefCo Office. understand "reigns" as a mistake ("You try to convince yourself it totally reigns here, but the singer pushes you towards giving up your responsibility.") when song is visible. check fliptoing song: if lobster is in office and stream is reflexive: say "Man. That seems right. But you haven't improved yourself enough to last, yet."; preef salt; do nothing instead; after fliptoing song: say "You're besieged by art, in fact! What's...what's that sound? It's that song! By Eddie C.!"; now playbill is in fiefco; continue the action; troend1 is privately-named useless scenery. troend1 is undesc. printed name of troend1 is "I'd Cede (Eddie C.)" troend2 is privately-named useless scenery. troend2 is undesc. printed name of troend2 is "Singer flyer" check fliptoing troend1: if lobster is visible and stream is reflexive: say "But you aren't important, hard-working and enough of a fixture here for your resignation to mean much."; preef song instead; check fliptoing troend2: if lobster is visible and stream is reflexive: say "But you aren't important, hard-working and enough of a fixture here for your resignation to mean much."; preef playbill instead; decide-win is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing troend1: now decide-win is true; continue the action; check scaning post: if babblings is reflexive: try scaning babblings instead; if post is reflexed: say "You've dealt with the post." instead; say "[if cheat-on is false]RRYR[else]The stop post blinks between PRGR and RRYP[end if]." instead; check fliptoing what-a-bee: if verbose is reflexive: say "You haven't paid enough attention to know what to spot." instead; the cellar door that must be here somewhere is vanishing scenery in Used Lot. "You can't really examine it if you don't know where it is." a-text of cellar door is "RYRYRR". b-text of cellar door is "RGRYRR". instead of doing something to cellar door: if current action is taking or current action is opening or current action is closing: say "But you're not sure where the door is, so you can't do that." instead; if action is procedural, continue the action; say "No, you need to do something to find the cellar. Since you can't quite remember..."; derived is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing cellar door: if the player's command includes "derive": now derived is true; if bee's head is reflexive or what-a-bee is reflexive: poss-d; continue the action; check fliptoing cellar door: if what-a-bee is off-stage: say "You haven't forgotten anything important, yet." instead; if bee's head is reflexive and what-a-bee is reflexive: say "Darn it, that should work. But you can't focus on anything with that evil bee buzzing around you right now." instead; volume otters book coevals' alcoves Coevals' Alcoves is a room in otters. Alcoves is west of fro. "A monstery monastery. Laminas of mythical or extinct animals populate the walls here, along with a forces fresco. You can go back out to the east, or in to the west, if you dare." check going when player is in alcoves: if noun is inside: try going west instead; if noun is outside: try going east instead; the forces fresco is scenery in Alcoves. description of forces fresco is "One glance tells you it deserves an f-score, with or without recs of disturbing violence and amorality." instead of doing something with the forces fresco: if current action is examining, continue the action; say "The fresco is just there to taunt and annoy people not aligned with Elvira." the laminas are useless scenery in alcoves. "Disturbing, really. They depict bizarre mutants designed for warfare, for keeping people down. They're signed, unsurprisingly, VELASCO.". understand "animals/lamina/animal" as laminas. instead of doing something with laminas: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The laminas are just part of the whole bad-guy ambiance."; check going east in alcoves: if medals are reflexed and Inclosure is unvisited: say "You don't know when your super-speed will wear off. You'd hate to waste it where you've already been." instead; chapter elmer and merle Elmer is an auxiliary person in Alcoves. Elmer is henchy. Merle is a reflexive LLPish person in Alcoves. Merle is henchy. The chum of Merle is Elmer. a-text of Merle is "RYRYRRRO". b-text of Merle is "RYRYRRRO". a-text of Elmer is "RYRYRRRO". b-text of Elmer is "RYRYRRRO". to say e-m: say "[one of]Merle[or]Elmer[in random order]"; initial appearance of Elmer is "[bug-report]". initial appearance of Merle is "[bug-report]". rule for printing a locale paragraph about Elmer: say "Elmer and Merle, two robed bored Coevals in scowl cowls, glance over at you contemptuously as they babble."; now Merle is mentioned; now Elmer is mentioned; understand "drobe" as a mistake ("That's pretty much their whole drobe. You're not here to talk fashion, anyway.") when Merle is visible. description of Elmer is "He wears sober robes. His mouth smiles on the left and frowns on the right." description of Merle is "He wears sober robes. His mouth smiles on the right and frowns on the left." the sober robes are plural-named scenery in Alcoves. instead of doing something to sober robes: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "Elmer and Merle, noticing you looking at their robes, yell 'Us? Drab? Absurd!'" description of sober robes is "Elmer and Merle don't stylize zestily." book bleary barley to say if-ed: if ed riley is visible: say ", or you could if a steward weren't keeping you eastward"; Bleary Barley is a room in otters. "[if b-b is reflexive]Bleary Barley blocks you completely, stretching out seamlessly, endlessly[else]You can go west past where Ed Riley was[if-ed], and though the barley's too thick to the east, north and south are okay[end if]." check going east in Bleary Barley when b-b is reflexed: say "The barley is a bit too thick that way[if ed riley is in Bleary Barley]--they almost look more like marsh plants than barley[end if]." instead; [glow red as you want to get rid of them] last-loc of otters is Bleary Barley. check going in Bleary Barley: if noun is up or noun is down: continue the action; if b-b is reflexive: say "The barley is nearly everywhere. Without knowing where you're going, you'll get lost." instead; if Ed Riley is visible: if noun is south or noun is north: say "Ed Riley booms, 'Yielder! That's right. Go [noun]. Not west.'"; continue the action; b-b is privately-named reflexive scenery in Bleary Barley. the printed name of b-b is "bleary barley". understand "bleary/barley" and "barley" as b-b. "[if b-b is reflexed]Not so impressive now--it might be a mirage, but it looks like the barley to the east is on water, and thicker-yellow on top. It reminds you of a marsh[otherwise]It ranges expansively--but the weird thing is, it hasn't flowered. Very bleary though[end if]." does the player mean gotothinging b-b: if map region of player is otters: it is very likely; it is very unlikely. a-text of b-b is "RYRYRO". b-text of b-b is "P??YRB". check scaning b-b: if b-b is reflexed: say "Nothing registers." instead; say "Your settler registers [if cheat-on is false]RYRYRO[else]PGPYRB[end if]." instead; instead of taking b-b: say "[if b-b is reflexed]It'll be barely useful[otherwise]Your inventory doesn't expand infinitely[end if]." check eating b-b: say "[if b-b is reflexed]Bleah. That'd go down terribly[otherwise]Don't think gluttonously[end if]." instead; Ed Riley is a vanishing man. description is "'You won't get past Ed Riley, yielder!' he booms. For all this bluster, you get the feeling his loud voice hides an insecurity.". "Ed Riley acts as a steward here to keep you eastward. He is carrying an ER, YIELD sign and a loaf of deli rye." the deli rye is an edible auxiliary thing. description is "It looks delicious enough for Ed not to share with you.". Ed Riley carries the deli rye. instead of doing something with Ed Riley: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is taking: continue the action; if current action is objasking about or current action is asking about: continue the action; say "You probably don't need much more than your usual tricks to get past him. Even in your diminished state." understand "yielder" and "steward" as Ed Riley. a-text of ed riley is "RYYRYRO". b-text of ed riley is "RYYRYRB". a-text of deli rye is "RYYRYRO". b-text of deli rye is "RGYRYRO". the Er Yield sign is a semi-easy auxiliary thing. Ed Riley carries the yield sign. a-text of er yield is "RYYRYRO". b-text of er yield is "RYYRYPO". understand "idle" as a mistake ("Ed Riley looks pleased he's pressured you into laziness.") when Ed Riley is visible. understand "lied" as a mistake ("You can't think of anything to lie about that would sucker Ed Riley. You try to tell him the people who gave him this 'job' lied but realize you don't know who you are.") when Ed Riley is visible. the description of the er yield sign is "'Spiffy, huh? I was told I could wipe off the 'er' for the first person I scared into not passing me for good.'" to say ed-nonsense: say "[one of], and then he bangs on about not trying to sing or attack him[or][or][or][cycling]" check going west in Bleary Barley: if Ed Riley is visible: say "'I will not re-yield! I am no longer a yielder! Ye Idler!' booms Ed Riley[ed-nonsense].[paragraph break]He's not bigger than you, but his loud voice scares you. And he could probably swat you with either that deli rye or er, yield sign. You back away." instead; the weltish whistle is a reflexive thing. description is "It's ugly, that's for sure, but [if parrot wears whistle]the parrot isn't carrying it around for nothing[else if whistle is reflexive]you can probably PLAY it and practice to figure how to use it[else]you do know how to PLAY it, and that's something[end if]. It reads DISCOURAGE-SCOURGE AID. WHISTLES: SHE WILTS. Red writing indicates who crafted it.."; after printing the name of the whistle while taking inventory: say " ([if whistle is reflexed]which you know how[else if whistle-play is true]which you tried and failed[else]which you haven't tried[end if] to play)"; a-text of whistle is "RYYRRO". b-text of whistle is "RGYPRO". check fliptoing the whistle when whistle is reflexive: if Elvira is visible: say "Elvira summons her monsters to attack as you learn to play the whistle. 'Sorriest resistor! Apt end, pedant.' is the last you hear. Maybe you should've practiced somewhere else."; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules instead; if number of visible people > 1: say "Your practicing might be rough on [random visible person]. Maybe you should go back to the Frat-Gone Frontage[if merle is in lalaland] or the Alcoves[end if]." instead; does the player mean playing the whistle: it is very likely. instead of taking whistle when parrot has the whistle: say "'Awk! I like you, but not til I've had my revenge.'" book otters specific verbs chapter quicklying to first-status: (- DrawStatusLine(); -); to get-dead: if location of player is not Inclosure: if joke-death is false: d "Missed joke-death."; now joke-death is true; if the have-died flag is false: now undo-code is 9; else: now undo-code is 10; if location of player is freight: ital-say "maybe that pale plea can help you figure how to escape."; else if location of player is inclosure: ital-say "there are a few ways to die here in the confrontation with Elvira, but you should always be able to back out. In fact, you can flee if you think you need to."; else if location of player is alcoves: do nothing; else if joke-death is true: ital-say "this death was an easter egg. I hope it amused you. The death message below is random, and it's probably easier to read the source or win the game than UNDO and retry them."; d "Getting dead: [undo-code].[line break]"; end the story saying "[deth]"; ever-fig is a truth state that varies. to preef (thi - a thing): [text listed in table of pres] now ever-fig is true; if player is in study: check-get-pad; if thi is not prefigured: say "[i][bracket]You add the information to your pedanto-notepad under FLIPS.[close bracket][r][line break]"; now thi is prefigured; if player is not in study and player does not have pedanto-notepad: say "You should have your notepad, but you don't. This is a BUG, reportable at [email], and I'm giving you the notepad."; now player has pedanto-notepad; pad-rec "flips"; to preef-nol (thi - a thing): now ever-fig is true; if thi is not prefigured: say "[i][bracket]You add the information to your pedanto-notepad under FLIPS.[close bracket][r]"; now thi is prefigured; if player is in study: check-get-pad; pad-rec "flips"; check fliptoing medals: if Merle is visible: say "Elmer and Merle's stupid underling chatter is bad enough at regular speed. You're worried going at super speed might drive you nuts[med-unf]. [if hydra-known is true]You probably need force to get west, too[else]You might need that speed in the final combat, instead[end if]."; preef medals instead; if player is not in alcoves: say "There's nothing you really need to attack or avoid quickly here or nearby[med-unf]."; preef medals instead; if nounsolve < 3 or adjsolve < 3: say "You feel a surge, but not enough. [if nounsolve < 3 and adjsolve < 3]Both medals seem[else]One of the medals seems[end if] tarnished. Maybe that's holding some power back. Maybe you have some good deeds to perform, still[med-unf]."; preef medals instead; to say med-unf: say "[if medals are unfigured], but that feels right. You note what to do for later[end if]" i-quipped is a truth state that varies. Elvira-delay is a number that varies. every turn when player is in Inclosure and player was in Inclosure (this is the Elvira gains confidence rule): unless action is procedural: if current quip is final-quip: if current action is not playing whistle and current action is not qbc responding with and current action is not objasking generically and current action is not objasking about and current action is not asking about and current action is not asking generically: increment Elvira-delay; if Elvira-delay is 2: say "Elvira smirks when she sees you have no plan. 'Wane anew, blunder bundler,' she says as she gives that silvery laugh.[paragraph break] 'Potent--to PENT' are the final words you hear. Hmm. You probably can't hang around, but there must be a simple way to defeat her[if whistle is not reflexed]. Perhaps you can even retreat to prepare to defeat her[end if]."; get-dead instead; else: say "Elvira looks a little less shocked, now. You might want to retreat if you have no plan to defeat her."; chapter cinders cinders are a vanishing LLPish thing. "Cinders lie here, probably cold enough to take."; report taking cinders: say "They crackle with energy as you take them. Perhaps you can do something with them."; the rule succeeds; Include (- has transparent talkable -) when defining cinders. understand "increds" as a mistake ("You marvel at the possible power of the cinders and even see red at the thought of giving them up.") when player has cinders or location of cinders is location of player description of cinders is "You feel a wave of power as you [if player has cinders]finger through[else]get close to[end if] them. Nothing dangerous, but power to see how to do something, if you think right. But also power to believe you can do it all on your own." check dropping cinders: say "You may be able to get rid of them, but they're holy and powerful and you may need some sort of ritualistic action." instead; a-text of cinders is "RYRRYRR". b-text of cinders is "R?RR??R". chapter discerning discerning is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "discern" as something new. understand "discern [something]" as discerning. does the player mean discerning the cinders: it is very likely. does the player mean discerning the player: it is likely. [every turn when player has cinders (this is the stupid cinders cheat rule): try discerning cinders; now player has cinders;] to say orish of (myl - a list of text): repeat with lelt running from 1 to number of entries in myl: if lelt < number of entries in myl: say "[entry lelt in myl], "; else: say "or [entry lelt in myl]"; to say Rand-to-go: let mysc be random reflexive scenery in location of player; repeat through table of anagrams: if mysc is the-from entry: say "[right-word entry in upper case]"; continue the action; say "BUG--[if player is in Anteroom]loathingly or tersely[else]angrily or brutely[end if]"; rescind-cinders is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing cinders: now rescind-cinders is true; continue the action; carry out discerning: let do-i-dis be true; if noun is whistle: say "The whistle's not technical enough. Don't waste the cinders on that." instead; if noun is not cinders: if mrlp is not otters: say "[reject]" instead; say "[if player has cinders]You need to discern the cinders--they will tell you what is most important to do next[else]You're not around the right item to do that[end if]." instead; if ed riley is visible: say "You discern that it might be a bit early to use this. Surely the cinders could be saved for later--and you could make Ed's voice higher. Still, discern further?"; unless the player consents: say "You look at the barley to the east. It seems different." instead; say "You discern Ed Riley could speak more reedily."; else if player is in bran barn and p-2 is in bran barn: say "You discern an argument going although...however[if alcoves are unvisited], but you need to know the evil folks west of the [fro] are evil[end if]."; else if player is in loop pool and eels are visible: say "You discern an argument going because...else[if alcoves are unvisited], but you need to know the evil folks west of the [fro] are evil[end if]."; else if macks are visible: say "You listen to the macks and discern you could make them act and talk more [mack-actions]."; else if sly imp is visible: say "You discern the imp would look ridiculous moving [Rand-to-go]."; else if whiners are visible: say "You discern the men could be less intimidating acting [Rand-to-go]."; else if player is in perverse preserve: if raptor is visible: say "You discern that the raptor could become a parrot[if inhib is true] with your powers back[end if]."; else if nounsolve < 4: say "You discern what you can still rescue. [if racoon is off-stage]A racoon. [end if][if nails are in preserve]A snail. [end if][if thrones are in preserve]Hornets. [end if][if pines are in preserve]A snipe. [end if][line break]"; else: now do-i-dis is false; else if player is in wire deck: if owls are visible: say "You discern that you make the owls slow[if inhib is true] with your powers back[end if]."; else if adjsolve < 4: say "You discern which animals can get which help. [if leopard is reflexive]The leopard can be PAROLED. [end if][if ocelots are reflexive]The ocelots can become the COOLEST. [end if][if satyr is reflexive]The satyr can become ARTSY. [end if][if badger is reflexive]The badger can be GARBED. [end if][line break]"; else: now do-i-dis is false; else if player is in alcoves and parrot is in alcoves: say "[if Merle is reflexive]Merle and Elmer's on-the-sly-ness is too sly to discern absolutely. Also, y[else]Y[end if]ou discern the parrot can become a RAPTOR again."; else if parrot is in lalaland and medals are reflexive: say "You discern you need to [if player is not in alcoves]go to the alcoves and [end if]see the medals can make you go QUICKLY."; else if player has whistle: if whistle is reflexive: say "You discern you may need [if player is in Inclosure]to leave the inclosure [end if]to see how to make the whistle play DEEPLY."; else if nounsolve < 3 or adjsolve < 3: say "You discern you may not have enough allies after you blow the whistle and have them go quickly. You left some behind in [if nounsolve > 3]the wire deck[else if adjsolve >= 3]the preserves[else]the preserves and wire deck[end if]."; now do-i-dis is false; else: say "You discern you need to play the whistle [if player is in Inclosure]here[else]in the inclosure[end if]."; else: now do-i-dis is false; if do-i-dis is false: say "The cinders do not dissolve. Looks like they had nothing super-profound for you to discern." instead; say "[line break]The cinders blow away, having imparted knowledge."; prevent undo; now undo-code is 7; poss-d; now cinders are in lalaland; the rule succeeds. to say mack-actions: let xy be a random number from 1 to the number of rows in table of nasty guys; let zw be macked-out; while zw < 3: increment xy; if xy > number of rows in table of nasty guys: now xy is 1; choose row xy in table of nasty guys; if still-doable entry is true: increment zw; if zw is 2: say "[adverb-to-say entry], or "; else if zw is 3: say "[adverb-to-say entry]"; else: say "[adverb-to-say entry], "; chapter blowing blowing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "blow" as something new. understand "blow [something]" as blowing. carry out blowing: if noun is harmonicas or noun is whistle: try playing the noun instead; if noun is a person: say "You don't really want an STD that leads to DTs." instead; say "That's not an instrument." instead; chapter playing playing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "play" as something new. understand "play [something]" as playing. whistle-play is a truth state that varies; carry out playing: if noun is sitar: say "Your attempt at music does not provide the way to heaven." instead; if noun is saver: try pushing repeat button instead; if noun is harmonicas: say "I'll have to stem that. Your playing's the pits. Music, not game playing." instead; if noun is whistle: if parrot has whistle: say "Not while the parrot has it." instead; if whistle is reflexive: if location of player is Reclusion Inclosure: say "Elvira looks momentarily worried as you blow on the whistle, then gives laugh more musical than your unpracticed playing. '[randbla]!' As you fall, you hear Elvira giggle '[if player is female]Hereon, [b]I[r], heroine[else]I Master A Mister[end if].'"; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules instead; now whistle-play is true; say "A horrible noise[one of][or]again[stopping], as if someone [i]yelped[r][one of]. You can't put up with it more than a split-second, and you probably need to figure how to make a more tolerable sound[or]. Hm, how to lower the pitch[stopping]." instead; if location of player is Reclusion Inclosure: if nounsolve + adjsolve is 0: say "Elvira looks momentarily worried, then giggles sardonically as nothing happens on your end. Plenty happens on hers. 'Ah, treat a threat.' Maybe you need some help?"; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules instead; abide by the check final region action rule for Elvira; if the rule failed: say "OK." instead; say "As you blow the whistle, you feel a deep vibration on the ground. You hear a cacophony of animal noises in the distance. '[randbla]!' Elvira's voice still lilts as she calls for slayer layers relays. 'Gash, hags! Groupies, uprise! Go!'[paragraph break]'Ahh, get the hag!' you yell. The battle is on![wfak]Elvira cries 'New aid? Naw, die!' then 'To arms! A storm!' at...all the lethal: [twiddle of table of elvira machines and 3]. 'No mischance mechanics on...'[paragraph break]But animals from the fabled Odd Pack Paddock find valence in this enclave: [twiddle of table of animal friends and 5]. [wfak]Even ticks stick to Elvira's monsters and manage to triage a tiger, too. You see her wit wither, writhe, grow whiter. 'Strafe faster! Ye slack lackeys!' She and her creations fall with a prime thud as you triumph in their dump. The fiendish is FINISHED--influential, until...FINALE."; now otters is solved; now last-solved-region is otters; first-status; say "But wait! That's not all. You remember Curtis. Maybe you have time to ROVE OVER and help him out. Worth the bother?"; unless the player consents: say "Yeah. Maybe later. If you want to help him, you can ROVE OVER from your dusty study when you hear the knock. Or you can just UNDO at the next command."; end the story finally saying "A MONSTER ROTS. AMEN."; follow the shutdown rules instead; say "Yeah. You've got nothing pressing back at the manor. But it's probably a good idea to keep the settler and notepad. The whistle and medals will go to a museum, or something."; clean-for-roving; continue the action; else: say "The whistle doesn't seem to make any noise. Well, not here." instead; say "That doesn't seem like a toy or an instrument." instead; the rule succeeds; to clean-for-roving: now roved is true; if smoke cloud is in strip: move smoke cloud to lalaland; if tokers are in strip: move tokers to lalaland; if nestor is in strip: move nestor to lalaland; move otters-x to lalaland; move whistle to lalaland; move medals to lalaland; move magneto to lalaland; move player to strip of profits; if number of portals in strip of profits > 0: say "Moving [list of portals in strip of profits] out of the Strip. They shouldn't be there."; say "[bug-report]"; now every portal in strip of profits is in lalaland; to say lee-or-eels: say "[wfak]"; if p-2 is in lalaland: if eels are in lalaland: say "You're surprised to see Mr. Lee and the eels together, 'LEE'S EELS,' alongside--yes, Gretta with animals of her own."; else: say "Some eels tag long behind Mr. Lee. You [if loop pool is visited]don't recognize them[else]look away sheepishly--you didn't convince them[end if], and they glare briefly as if to say, you should've TOLD us about the fun."; else: say "A man tags along behind the eels you rescued. [if bran barn is visited]It's Mr. Lee, whom you couldn't befriend[hat-gone], but he salutes you in half-apology[else]He salutes you, and he's little more than a spectator, but he smiles at the slaughter he hopes is ahead."; to say hat-gone: say "[if ghoul hat is in lalaland] despite zapping that ghoul hat[else], though his ghoul hat's gone[end if]"; chapter whistleing whistleing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "whistle" as something new. understand "whistle" as whistleing. carry out whistleing: if parrot is visible: say "You try to drop a hint for the parrot to give you the whistle, but he croaks for revenge." instead; if player does not have whistle: say "Music is not your talents. You'd need an instrument." instead; try playing the whistle instead; book fro fro is west of Bleary Barley. fro is part of otters. "[if Gretta is visible]This seems like the best place to meet a maiden in Yorpwald. Okay, it is probably the only one[else]Not much to do here now you ruined the 'fun' for those macks[end if]. A raw-bulk bulwark is to the west[if alcoves is unvisited], too big to hide nothing[else if Inclosure is unvisited], with much more than the alcoves you've seen[end if][if atmo-moat is in fro]. A moat blocks entry right now[end if]. You can go, more safely, back east or [if loop pool is visited or bran barn is visited]re-[end if]check what's north or south[if inhib is false], not that you need to[end if]." the atmo-moat is super-easy vanishing scenery in fro. understand "atmo/moat" and "atmo moat" as atmo-moat. "Nothing subtle, no bustle. It's not the bluest you've seen water--in fact, for a moat, it's really red." a-text of atmo-moat is "YRYR". b-text of atmo-moat is "??YR". Include (- has transparent animate -) when defining atmo-moat. instead of drinking atmo-moat: say "A chorale warns that you might get cholera."; instead of entering atmo-moat: say "It's too gulfy. Things'd get fugly. You've no diver pod provided. Plus you might get poked by strident tridents." check fliptoing atmo-moat: if macks are in fro: say "That'd definitely tip the macks off to who you were, even if your powers were back."; preef atmo-moat; do nothing instead; else if inhib is true: say "That seems like it should work, but you just can't summon the power. Someone here should be able to help you, you hope."; preef atmo-moat; do nothing instead; after printing the locale description for fro when fro is unvisited: say "[line break]But whatever they call themselves, you know macks['] M.O. Jump from subject to subject, to seem 'exciting,' and capitalize on when people give the benefit of the doubt. Still, there's always a hole in their 'impressive' stories--and even if you realize it a few turns later, you can drain their perseverance." the raw bulk bulwark is a backdrop in fro. "It takes up a huge chunk of space to the west." instead of doing something with the raw bulk bulwark: unless the action is procedural: say "[if player is in alcoves or player is in Inclosure]Being inside the bulwark, you can't do much TO it[else]Not much to do with the bulwark but look at it and realize it must be protected for a reason[end if]." instead; continue the action; fro is privately-named. printed name of fro is "[if Gretta is in fro]Gent-Fora Frontage[else]Frat-Gone Frontage[end if]" the sad elm is useless scenery in fro. description is "It was probably sad before the macks came along, but it's not really important." instead of climbing sad elm: if Gretta is visible: say "You can beat [']em, so don't join [']em trying to impress her."; else: say "Yorpwald's still up a tree. Don't join it." the macks are plural-named flippable reflexive people in fro. description is "'[if player is male]You can watch, but you won't LEARN[else]We're not trying to impress YOU. Geez[end if].' Their looks aren't so important--but they seem to be rotating through subjects quickly, and maybe you could catch them out on the right one. Given what you've done so far here, well, there'll be certain restrictions on what you can do--and that might actually help you narrow things down.". "Macks dressed all coy-hued are here, [if macked-out is 0]completely besieging[else if macked-out is 1]still trying to impress[else]desperately trying to captivate[end if] Gretta." understand "mack" as macks. a-text of macks is "BUG". b-text of macks is "BUG". rule for printing a locale paragraph about macks: say "[one of]You hear a conversation. Men trying to impress--yes, it's Gretta Garett-Tatger--here. Their pick-up lines and stories are just horrible. But that's how it is, with macks. Or whatever annoying flirters are called these days[or]The macks continue to annoy Gretta[how-macked][stopping]."; now Gretta is mentioned; now macks are mentioned; to say how-macked: if macked-out is 1: say ", though not as much as when they started, since you got them"; else if macked-out is 2: say ", but they're wavering a bit. If you blow up their flow once more, you could probably get rid of them" Gretta Garett-Tatger is a female person in fro. "[bug-report]". description of Gretta is "She seems to be cringing at the pick-up lies, or the prospect she will let one work so she doesn't have to listen to them anymore." before doing something when Gretta is visible and macks are not visible: if current action is examining: say "You should probably talk with Gretta Garett-Tatger a bit." instead; if current action is attacking: say "She's on your side." instead; if action is blathery: say "She's heard enough rambling conversation on others['] terms, here." instead; if current action is not talking to Gretta and current action is not QBC responding with: say "[convoforce]."; reject the player's command; continue the action. the litany of Gretta Garett-Tatger is the table of Gretta comments. table of Gretta comments prompt response enabled "Boy, those macks, huh?" gre-macks-quip 1 "What's your history with Elvira?" gre-elv-quip 0 "I sort of lost my powers. Well, most of them. What can I do now?" gre-what-quip 0 "[if loop pool is visited]What can I do with the pool[else]What's[end if] to the north?" gre-north-quip 0 "[if bran barn is visited]What can I do in the barn[else]What's[end if] to the south?" gre-south-quip 0 "What's back east[if sly imp is in lalaland or whiners are in lalaland]? I got rid of some people, but I got stuck.[else]?[end if]" gre-east-quip 0 "Rescuing animals? How?" gre-animals-quip 0 "[if optleft of Gretta is 1]Wow! You've been a big help[else if gre-go-warn is true]That's really all, now[else]Um, that's all, I guess[end if]. Thanks." gre-go-quip 0 to decide what number is optleft of (myp - a person): let mytemp be 0; let myt be the litany of myp; repeat through myt: increase mytemp by enabled entry; decide on mytemp; chapter smacking smacking is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "smack" as something new. understand "smack [thing]" as smacking. does the player mean smacking the macks: it is likely. carry out smacking: if noun is macks: say "They really, really deserve it, but keep your cool. Smack their arguments down instead and they may smack each other for you." instead; try attacking noun instead; the rule succeeds; chapter medals the medals are a reflexive wearable plural-named thing. understand "iq medal" and "iq" and "lucky medal" and "lucky" as medals. after printing the name of medals while taking inventory: say " ([if nounsolve < 3 and adjsolve < 3]very tarnished[else if nounsolve >= 3 and adjsolve >= 3]polished[else]somewhat tarnished[end if])"; understand "medals" as a mistake("For shame! The macks only want to make her a FIGURATIVE trophy. Do something to earn some medals, like helping Gretta Garett-Tatger.") when Gretta Garett-Tatger is visible description of the medals is "They're roped together--the smaller, [tarn of nounsolve]oxidized, says IQ, and the other, [tarn of adjsolve]tarnished, says LUCKY." to say tarn of (tlev - a number): if tlev is 0: say "totally "; say "[if tlev is 0]extremely [else if tlev is 1]very [else if tlev is 2]somewhat[else if tlev is 3]barely [else if tlev is 4]un[else]BUG[end if]"; medals-lucky-first is a truth state that varies. check switching on the medals: med-flip instead; check switching off the medals: med-flip instead; to med-flip: unless the player's command matches the regular expression "\b(on|off)\b": say "(Okay, silly parser stuff--just switch the medals)"; say "You switch the medals so the [if medals-lucky-first is true]larger[else]smaller[end if] is on the right."; if medals-lucky-first is false: now medals-lucky-first is true; else: now medals-lucky-first is false; the rule succeeds; nounsolve is a number that varies. adjsolve is a number that varies. check scaning medals: if nounsolve < 3 or adjsolve < 3: say "The settler reads oddly for a while but doesn't show anything. Maybe you need to reveal the medals some more." instead; a-text of medals is "RYYRRRO". b-text of medals is "[if medals-lucky-first is true]RGYRRRO[else]RYYRRRB[end if][one of]--hmm, maybe if you switched the medals, you might get another clue. If you need it.[or][stopping]". chapter ladying ladying is an action applying to nothing. irately is a truth state that varies. understand the command "wearingly/blearily/nastily/snidely/seedily/coitally/martially/shadily/irately/tearily/ribaldly/cattily/tediously/starkly/despairingly/drawlingly/sobbingly/silently" as something new. understand "wearingly" and "nastily" and "irately" and "blearily" and "tearily" and "coitally" and "martially" and "seedily" and "desparingly" and "shadily" and "starkly" and "snidely" and "silently" and "ribaldly" and "cattily" and "tediously" and "despairingly" and "drawlingly" and "sobbingly" as ladying. carry out ladying: let mackstate be false; if macks are not visible: say "[reject]" instead; repeat through table of nasty guys: if the player's command matches the text "[adverb-to-say entry]": now mackstate is true; if ff is true: say "This would work, but flipping is frozen." instead; if there is a second-text entry and the player's command matches the text "[second-text entry]": now irately is true; [?? could modify if there was more than 1 double anagram, to a chose-second being true or false, false by default, true here] now mackstate is true; if mackstate is true: if still-doable entry is false: say "You already tipped the maps into [mack-do entry]. Maybe you can work on something else they're jabbering about." instead; say "[if its-been-done entry is false](Wow, you did this without seeing the macks act anything like that!) [end if][mack-phail entry]"; now still-doable entry is false; process-macks instead; say "[reject]" instead; macked-out is a number that varies. macked-out is usually 0. check talking to Gretta when macks are in fro: say "The macks are monopolizing the conversation. They outnumber you." instead; to process-macks: increment macked-out; if macked-out is 1: say "[paragraph break]The maiden looks a bit unsure but less engaged than before, and the macks seem off-stride and unenthusiastic."; otherwise if macked-out is 2: say "[paragraph break]The maiden nods, able to reject the worst of the macks['] bragging, but she still listens, likely out of cognitive dissonance. Strike two for the macks."; otherwise: say "[paragraph break]Suddenly, the maiden realizes zeal is, er, SLEAZIER. 'The balls! All the BS!'[paragraph break]Their preludes repulsed, they shuffle off all 'Man hater mantra, eh? Yum, so mousy. A dim maid. Hotness she's not!' as a beastly last 'bye,' to a beer hall, label her only worth trifling flirting. Their lustin['] becomes insult, but you look steely, as if saying 'Lest Ye!' Even to the heckling lech-king.[paragraph break]Gretta Garett-Tatger thanks you for saving her. She shuffles her feet a bit, unsure whether to leave or stay. She must have had a reason to hang around the bulwark in the first place. But you can't ask that straight out."; now player has the medals; now macks are in lalaland; reg-inc; try talking to Gretta; continue the action; reg-inc; check going in fro when Gretta is visible: if noun is north or noun is south or noun is east: say "[cree-pee]."; to say cree-pee: say "A few macks [if player is male]laugh at how you obviously can't give Gretta Garett-Tatger the attention they can[else]let Gretta Garett-Tatger know she's more worth impressing than you[end if] as you leave" check taking atmo-moat: say "Way too big." instead; check going west in fro: if macks are in fro: say "One of the macks stops you from tripping the atmo-moat, and he tries to convince Gretta he's a great guy for saving you. The others yell at him for trying to play hero too obviously." instead; if atmo-moat is in fro: say "The moat just--scares you. It's too red, and when you recognize it as an atmo-moat, it turns blue, but it's still scary." instead; if Gretta is visible: say "[cree-pee]." instead; chapter nasty things guys do mack-row is a number that varies. mack-row is 1. when play begins (this is the mack-randomize rule): let my-wt be 0; repeat through table of nasty guys: now wt-rand entry is number of characters in adverb-to-say entry; sort the table of nasty guys in random order; repeat through table of nasty guys: increment my-wt; increase wt-rand entry by my-wt; sort the table of nasty guys in random order; repeat through table of nasty guys: now its-been-done entry is false; every turn when macks are visible (this is the macks hitting on rule): let this-bool be false; let recyc be false; increment mack-row; if mack-row > number of rows in table of nasty guys: now mack-row is 1; now recyc is true; choose row mack-row in the table of nasty guys; now this-bool is still-doable entry; while this-bool is false: increment mack-row; if mack-row > number of rows in table of nasty guys: now mack-row is 1; choose row mack-row in the table of nasty guys; now this-bool is still-doable entry; choose row mack-row in the table of nasty guys; say "[dumb-action entry][line break]"; now its-been-done entry is true; if recyc is true: say "The macks take a break. They've [one of][or]once again [stopping]babbled for long enough, and about enough, they can repeat their 'exciting' conversation all over again[if macked-out > 0], except for what you managed to alter[end if]." table of nasty guys dumb-action still-doable mack-do adverb-to-say mack-phail its-been-done set-txt second-text mackhash wt-rand "Amazingly, the macks make projects like drywalling seem almost exciting--how competent they are, how incompetent some other guys are. Maybe it's just they're talking so fast, that they make [i]drywalling[r] interesting." true "blabbing about drywalling" "drawlingly" "The macks begin talking slower, and suddenly, their conversational hold is broken. Gretta realizes there's no good way to make home repair discussions more exciting and says so. She looks relieved." false "[if cheat-on is false]RRYRRYRRRO[else]PPYPRYRRRO[end if]" -- 592962469 10 "Each mack discusses how he outyields someone else with a lousy diet, all, 'You! Idlest!' You see red." true "disparaging a lousy diet" "tediously" "The macks begin whinging with the same old argument, going dreadfully off-subject, and so forth. Suddenly, their nonsense is less believable, or fun to believe." false "RYRYYYRRO" -- 748843503 9 "The macks continuing their lobbyings, far too cheery and confident." true "making lobbyings" "sobbingly" "The macks change up the mood, but it is for the worst. One starts crying, then others do--and it'spathetic enough, their plucky efforts to persuade without logic fall to pieces." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRRYRRRO[else]RGPPYRRRO[end if]" -- 530137500 "Each mack discusses tacitly why he's got something the others don't." true "acting tacitly" "cattily" "The macks each lose their composure, each putting down the next guy's uniqueness or virtues or whatever. They're talking more sense than before, but the truth hurts, and things get out of hand quickly." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRRYRO[else]RGRRYPB[end if]." -- 448579376 "The macks suddenly start acting very saintly." true "acting saintly" "nastily" "The saintliness act breaks out into competition, which becomes cutthroat, and one idiot, then another, lets slip that he could impress a better woman than Gretta with a nice-guy act. They scramble to assure her they didn't mean it that way, but she's not fooled." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRRYRO[else]RGRRYPB[end if]." -- 491645247 "The macks begin redisplaying and redisplaying why they're so great." true "redisplaying their 'greatness'" "despairingly" "The macks become upset Gretta does not recognize just how swell they are--as a group, and individually. Gretta shrugs and shakes her head, maybe more at herself than the macks." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRRYYRYRRRO[else]RGRRYYRYRRRO[end if]." -- 781752737 "The macks ooze on about how women want companionship, as much as men, and that's REALITY." true "discussing reality" "tearily" "One suitor is reduced to tears as he talks about reality, or his version of it. 'Dude, that was pathetic,' someone else says. 'Yet...LIAR! True-luv vulture!' The argument reflects well on no-one." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYYRYRO[else]RGGRGRB[end if]." "irately" 539593685 "The macks ask if she has been thinking bridally." true "talking bridally" "ribaldly" "The macks move from the wedding to what they expect on the wedding night. She wanted to believe they would not, but they couldn't help it." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRYRRRO[else]RYRYRRPB[end if]." -- 401939391 "The macks blather about how she is better than Lindsey." true "negging Lindsey" "snidely" "The macks refer to Lindsey a little too unfavorably and ignore Gretta's hint that she doesn't really hate Lindsey. Their apologies fail." false "[if cheat-on is false]RRYRYRO[else]RRYPYRB[end if]." -- 535182609 "A few macks do something stupid with their eyelids to get her attention." true "twiddling their eyelids" "seedily" "That thing they were doing? With their eyelids? Well, Gretta seems to have caught on, now. She laughs and groans a bit, and the macks accuse each other of being too obvious." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYYRYRO[else]RYGRGRO[end if]." -- 594081210 "The macks try to talk about ladyish things and fob off any awkwardness in the conversation to simple honesty." true "seeming ladyish" "shadily" "You manage to make them let slip a mean dis of other maidens." false "[if cheat-on is false]RRYRYRO[else]RRYRGRO[end if]." -- 377939109 "The macks perform a disturbingly convincing snit-yell: a style nit over a joke at SillyNet." true "having a snit-yell" "silently" "The macks run out of words to describe their style nit, and they begin miming, but that just makes them look a parody of themselves. With time to think, Gretta is able to say how sad they look." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRYRRRO[else]P**YRRRO[end if]" -- 671077377 "Some of the macks even begin to talk maritally." true "blabbing maritally" "martially" "The men, in an effort to prove their worth, begin talking about that most manly of subjects, war. They talk very loudly and begin discussing cool ammunition and weapons and blood and guts. And shoot-em-up games. Gretta yawns conspicuously, clamming the macks up." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYRRYYRRO[else]PGPRYGPPB[end if]." -- 531864386 "Some of the macks compare her to Krystal, being sort-of favorable to both. Still, it's icky." true "comparing Gretta and Krystal" "starkly" "The macks finally get a bit too explicit about looks, and Gretta is able to overcome their flattery." false "RRYRRRO" -- 516001874 "The macks discuss how nice it is to meet her in this locality." true "'admiring' this locality" "coitally" "Sometimes you just have to let idiots talk about what, apparently, all men think about. With these guys, it's like you almost didn't have to do anything." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYYRYRRO[else]RGYRYRRB[end if]." -- 473635774 "The macks cut each other off reliably, giving Gretta no time to reject them or point out they're not THAT exciting." true "interrupting each other reliably" "blearily" "They interrupt each other, but not forcefully enough. Gretta comments, 'fascinating,' further cutting them." false "[if cheat-on is false]RRYYRYRO[else]RRYYRYPB[end if]." -- 508716411 "The macks begin lawyering about why she should probably choose ONE of them. You see red, a bit." true "lawyering" "wearingly" "They start repeating their arguments, and finally, Gretta draws up the courage to explain it's getting old." false "[if cheat-on is false]RYYRYRRRO[else]RYYRYRRRO[end if]." -- 645925650 check scaning macks: [?? doesn't give text at top] choose row mack-row in table of nasty guys; say "The settler switches to [set-txt entry][line break][one of][line break]Hmm, seems it changes as the subject does. Though maybe you can bring up a past subject to annoy them.[or][stopping]" instead; book Bran Barn Bran Barn is an innie room in otters. Bran Barn is south of fro. "This is a bran barn, empty of grain right now, and it'll probably stay that way[if p-2 is in bran barn]. A painting covers a good chunk of the interior here[end if]. You can go back north." mr-l is a reflexive privately-named person in Bran Barn. description of mr-l is "He is one of those people you see nothing and everything special about at the same time[if alcoves is visited]. A less evil version of Merle and Elmer combined[end if].". "Mr. Lee stands here, undescribed." mr-l wears the ghoul hat. the ghoul hat is vanishing. description is "red and bloody and gruesome, it seems affixed to Mr. Lee. Maybe you can help it come loose, and Mr. Lee would appreciate that." for printing a locale paragraph about mr-l: say "[one of]Someone crying 'Hunger, [one of]he rung[or]rehung[cycling],' lamenting his destroyed barley and calling himself [or][stopping]Mr. Lee stands here, "; if p-2 is in lalaland: say "doing farmy chores."; else if ghoul hat is in lalaland: say "glancing nervously at the painting of Rev. Howe."; else: say "[one of]musing 'Here to GLOAT, HUH?'[or]looking red-eyed and growling 'Hola, thug!'[or]giving a hot laugh.[or]crying, red-eyed, 'Ugh! O, halt!'[cycling]"; now mr-l is mentioned. printed name of mr-l is "Mr. Lee". understand "mr/ lee" as mr-l. a-text of ghoul hat is "YRRRYYRR". b-text of ghoul hat is "YRRRYYRR". check scaning mr-l: if ghoul hat is visible: say "Nothing happens until the settler points to the ghoul hat."; try scaning ghoul hat instead; the p-2 is privately-named super-easy vanishing scenery in bran barn. "The painting has four bits of red writing on it." printed name of p-2 is "painting of Rev. Howe". understand "painting" and "rev howe" and "rev/howe" as p-2 when player is in bran barn. a-text of p-2 is "RYRYRYR". b-text of p-2 is "RYRYRYR". understand "whoever" as a mistake ("Actually, Mr. Lee is wondering whoever you might be. Tweak things, and you'll convince him.") when ghoul hat is in lalaland and p-2 is reflexive. chapter althoughing althoughing is an action applying to nothing. althoughed is a truth state that varies. check fliptoing mr-l: if alcoves is not visited: say "[nuh-uh]" instead; check fliptoing p-2: if mr-l wears ghoul hat: say "Mr. Lee pulls on his ghoul hat, as if he wants to believe you, but his brain is half being controlled by something. You may need another word, first[if alcoves is not visited], and, perhaps, proof of what is in the bulwark[end if]."; preef p-2 instead; book loop pool Loop Pool is a room in otters. Loop Pool is north of fro. "A pool encases a small island. The atmo-moat around the island babbles[if le mer is visible] pretentiously, [i]'Je suis le mer!'[r][else].[end if] You can go back south." after choosing notable locale objects when player is in loop pool: set the locale priority of Le Mer to 0; understand "polo" as a mistake ("No time for games! [if eels are in lalaland]Even with the eels rescued/on your side[else if inhib is true]You don't have your powers back, anyway. It's what's IN the water you want to change[else]Even with your powers back[end if].") when player is in Loop Pool Le Mer is a person in loop pool. description is "You can't locate where, exactly, Le Mer is." the sea cube is a semi-easy transparent vanishing container in loop pool. description is "You see eels in the cube.". "Eels float inside a sea cube here, just across the loop pool.". check examining sea cube: ignore the examine containers rule; a-text of sea cube is "RYRYYRY". b-text of sea cube is "RGRYGRG". Instead of doing something with the sea cube: If action is procedural: continue the action; say "You aren't getting across the pool to do anything with the sea cube." instead; the eels are a super-easy plural-named vanishing person in the sea cube. description of eels is "They seem listless, as if they need a reason to do something.". "Eels squirm around waiting for your directive." understand "slee" as a mistake ("The eels aren't what needs to be reduced to rubble, here.") when eels are visible. understand "lees" as a mistake ("The eels would be insulted to be referred to as dregs.") when eels are visible. a-text of eels is "YRRY". b-text of eels is "GRRY". check fliptoing eels: if player does not have medals: say "[nuh-uh]"; preef eels instead; if sea cube is visible: say "You consider the end to an argument, but you don't have a start. The eels rattle against the sea cube, just waiting for the right first word."; preef eels instead; to say nuh-uh: say "You try to argue that you're that person who saved Yorpwald in the first place, but you have no compelling reason--or evidence, really. You've got no evidence you're, well, you. [if location of player is bran barn]Mr. Lee[else]Le Mer[end if] is unmoved.[line break]"; check fliptoing sea cube: if player does not have medals: say "[nuh-uh]"; preef sea cube instead; section otters flipto and min points [we need to check herer ifwe are completing both pool and barn points.] to de-inhib: now inhib is false; say "You hear voices[one of][or], again[stopping]. 'Revil-a-Elvira?' / 'Yes, her.' / 'HERESY!'"; check fliptoing ghoul hat: if player does not have medals: say "[nuh-uh]"; preef ghoul hat instead; after fliptoing ghoul hat: if sea cube is in lalaland: min-up; continue the action; after fliptoing p-2: de-inhib; if eels are in lalaland: min-up; continue the action; after fliptoing sea cube: now eels are in loop pool; if ghoul hat is in lalaland: min-up; continue the action; after fliptoing eels: de-inhib; if p-2 is in lalaland: min-up; continue the action; book Tapering Anger Pit Tapering Anger Pit is an innie room in otters. Anger Pit is north of Bleary Barley. printed name of Anger Pit is "Tapering [if sly imp is in Anger Pit]Anger Pit[else]Inert Gap[end if]". "This north-south passage is [if sly imp is visible]frustratingly blocked[else]pleasantly lifeless with the imp gone[end if]." understand "inert gap" and "inert/gap" as anger pit when sly imp is in lalaland. The sly imp is a flippable person in Anger Pit. "A sly imp simply zooms about [if imp1 is reflexive]rangily [end if]guarding the way north[if imp2 is reflexive], with a butlery air[end if][if imp3 is reflexive], showing legendary patience[end if] that allows vaster averts[if inhib is false]. But for all that, you think you could've taken the imp even before you regained your full powers[end if].". description of sly imp is "He looks back at you with an entirely tiny leer, planning how to keep one step ahead of you as effortlessly as he can, or keep you just mad enough not to think how to get rid of him.[paragraph break]He seems to have several tricks, but that may just mean several ways to get at him." understand "green lady" and "enragedly" as a mistake ("You remember reading about the Green Lady in the Silver Chair, where she started nice and started acting furiously--no, that's not the word, not quite, it doesn't fit with Legendary. But it must be something like that.") when imp3 is reflexive and sly imp is visible. a-text of sly imp is "BUG". b-text of sly imp is "BUG". imp1 is privately-named unscannable reflexive ssno scenery in Anger Pit. printed name of imp1 is "the imp's actions". description of imp1 is "[bug-report].". imp2 is privately-named unscannable reflexive ssno scenery in Anger Pit. printed name of imp2 is "the imp's actions". description of imp2 is "[bug-report].". imp3 is privately-named unscannable reflexive ssno scenery in Anger Pit. printed name of imp3 is "the imp's actions". description of imp3 is "[bug-report].". a-text of imp1 is "RRYRYRO". b-text of imp1 is "PRYRGRB". a-text of imp2 is "YRRRYRO". b-text of imp2 is "YRRRGPB". a-text of imp3 is "YRRYRYRRO". b-text of imp3 is "YRRYRYRRB". understand "simply" as a mistake ("He's already simply annoying, so that has no effect. Maybe you can alter how he does things another way.") when sly imp is visible understand "implys" as a mistake ("You will have to be subtle here, but you'll want to work on actions, instead.") when sly imp is visible check going north in Anger Pit: if imp is visible: say "The imp gives a sidle-slide, then idles in front of you. He's too smooth for you right now." instead; if inhib is true: say "You hear a dangerous hooting as you go north. You run from a bunch of owls before they can carve at you with their beaks, but boy, they were quick, and it was close. You don't want to risk it again, with your powers drained." instead; Wickeder Wire Deck is north of Anger Pit. Wickeder Wire Deck is part of otters. "Since it's been redone, there're no deer. Exotics coexist here[if adjsolve is 4], so many you think Gee, Fur Refuge[end if]. You can go back south." after choosing notable locale objects when player is in wire deck: if owls are in wire deck: set locale priority of owls to 9; the ocelots are plural-named reflexive animals in wire deck. description is "[if ocelots are reflexive]They glance nervously back, as if they've done something wrong[otherwise]They glance back at you, give you a finger-point you're not cool enough to give back, then ignore you in the nicest possible way[end if].". "Ocelots are making gestures here that you'd look silly making[if ocelots are reflexive]. They do, too, with their stupid sunglasses[end if]." understand "ocelot" as ocelots. the ocelots wear the SlopInc Clip-Ons. description of clip-ons is "Just terribly un-hip. They make the ocelots look like jive turkeys and not jive cats." instead of doing something with the Clip-Ons: say "Uncool. Both the clip-ons and paying too much attention to them. And by too much, I mean any. Maybe you can help the ocelots, though." the Look-Kool Shades are a wearable thing. description of Look-Kool is "Man! You couldn't wear them, or tell why they rout the cheap Ok-Ol[']-Look knockoffs, but the coolest ocelots can." understand "sunglasses/glasses/shades" as SlopInc when ocelots wear SlopInc. understand "sunglasses/glasses/shades" as Look-Kool when ocelots wear Look-Kool. a-text of ocelots is "RYYRYRR". b-text of ocelots is "RYYPYRR". The leopard is a reflexive animal in Deck. "A leopard is here--[if leopard is reflexive]his colorings make it look like he is wearing a tacky (mostly) burnt orange jumpsuit, and he seems paw-tied, too[else]he looks more camoflagued since you changed him[end if]." understand "ape lord" and "apelord" as a mistake ("You [if leopard is reflexed]already changed the leopard[else]can't change what the leopard is, but you need to release him from his captivity[end if].") when player is in deck. understand "preload" and "pre-load" and "pre load" as a mistake ("The leopard is plenty powerful as-is, [if leopard is reflexed]and it's already on your side[else]but you need to get it on your side[end if].") when player is in deck. a-text of leopard is "RYRYRYR". b-text of leopard is "RYRYRYP". description of leopard is "He's got those jumpsuit markings and appears to be [if leopard is reflexed]no longer [end if]handcuffed." the jumpsuit is part of the leopard. description is "The leopard looks back at you as if sorry for some inexplicable things he did, as if hoping he's served his time.". understand "markings" as jumpsuit. The badger is a reflexive animal in Deck. description is "[if badger is reflexed]He looks dumber with those clothes, but you aren't about to tell him[otherwise]Despite having all that fur, he seems embarrassed with his body[end if].". "[if badger is reflexed]A garbed badger stands around confidently here[otherwise]A badger covers his naughty bits that were buried under his fur anyway[end if]." a-text of badger is "RYRRYR". b-text of badger is "RGRRGR". understand "barged" as a mistake ("You don't want the badger to have barged into you. Clothed or not.") when player is in Deck. understand "b grade" and "bgrade" as a mistake ("The badger [if badger is reflexive]already[else]no longer[end if] feels second-rate, so [if badger is reflexive]you need another way to help him[else]he needs no more help[end if].") when player is in Deck. the satyr is a reflexive animal in Deck. description is "[if satyr is reflexed]He looks like he's dreaming of a poem or something, but he doesn't want to be disturbed[else]He looks preoccupied and mistrustful. His eyes stray.[end if].". "A satyr strides here, [if satyr is reflexed]dreaming of a better Yorpwald[else]looking out for himself[end if]." a-text of satyr is "YRRRO". b-text of satyr is "YRPRO". understand "stary" as a mistake ("What good would the satyr be, staring all the time?") when satyr is visible. understand "stray" as a mistake ("No, you can get him on your side.") when satyr is visible. understand "trays" as a mistake ("You can't transform something living into something dead. Besides, you don't need something that be trays. (Sorry.)") when satyr is visible. understand "ratsy" as a mistake ("You don't want a rat on your side. Or someone who says rats too much.") when satyr is visible. the owls are plural-named terse vanishing animals in Wire Deck. description of owls is "Their big owly eyes follow you.". "[one of]You hear hooting and a flapping of wings. You've probably triggered some sort of trap. You look up to see owls swooping. You can duck the first blow, and you maybe have time to look at your settler, but they're too speedy en masse[or]All those animals are nice, but the owls about to dive-bomb you here mean you'll need to think fast. I think[stopping]." understand "lows" as a mistake ("Actually, you'd like the owls NOT to reach lows like you are. Or not to get there before you can avoid them.") when owls are visible. a-text of owls is "RRYR". b-text of owls is "RRYR". check going south in wire deck: if owls are in wire deck: say "[if inhib is true]You're not ready to deal with the owls yet[else]You'll deal with the owls later[end if]."; check going north in perverse: if raptor is in perverse: say "[if inhib is true]You're not ready to deal with the raptor yet[else]You'll deal with the raptor later[end if]."; every turn (this is the owls kill you rule): if owls were visible and owls are visible: unless the action is procedural: say "You were not fast enough to dispel the owls. They peck you to a death so horrible even an unemotional computer type is willing to give you a chance to change it with UNDO."; get-dead; else: ital-say "You'll get a mulligan for instantaneous actions like examining, but you may want to deal with those owls, or flee."; every turn (this is the raptor kills you rule): if raptor was visible and raptor is visible: unless the action is procedural: say "You were not fast enough to dispel the raptor. It gobbles you so quickly and gruesomely that even an unemotional computer type is willing to give you a chance to change it with UNDO."; get-dead; else: ital-say "You'll get a mulligan for instantaneous actions like examining, but you may want to deal with that raptor, or flee."; After printing the name of the letters settler while taking inventory: say "[set-det]"; After printing the name of a hintpastry (called the curfood) while taking inventory: say " [if curfood is heated](heated)[else](cold)[end if]"; to say set-det: say "[unless player has purse]: [end if]Cheat/teach mode is [if cheat-on is true]on[else]off[end if], slider is [if slider is switched on]on[else]off[end if] with level [headaches]"; After printing the name of the satchel while taking inventory: say " (somewhere in the purse)"; after printing the name of the stapler while taking inventory: if staple is in the stapler: say " (with a staple in it)"; now staple is mentioned; else: say " (empty)"; before listing contents while taking inventory: group hintpastries together instead of taking inventory: if mrlp is troves: if truffle is off-stage: say "Boy! this is a seedy area. You're worried you might get robbed of what you have."; if purse-stolen is true: say "All you have is [i]Pa, Egg, Pea[r] and your pedanto-notepad and your settler[if player has fretful truffle] and that fretful truffle[end if]. You still need to get your super purse back." instead; if number of things enclosed by the player is 0: say "Just your powers, at the moment. Nothing tangible." instead; now all things carried by the player are marked for listing; if player has lamp and player has super purse: say "You're carrying a lamp, for light.[paragraph break]"; now lamp is unmarked for listing; [lamp can fit in purse but isn't useful there] if player has settler and player has super purse: say "You're carrying your letters settler, to help with hints. [set-det].[line break]"; now settler is unmarked for listing; say "[if purse-stolen is true and mrlp is troves]In your hands, because you lost your super purse:[else if player has super purse]In your super purse:[else]Item time:[end if][line break]"; if number of things enclosed by the player is 0: say "Nothing." instead; now compass is unmarked for listing; if player has super purse: now super purse is unmarked for listing; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, including contents, with extra indentation, listing marked items only; if number of worn things > 0: say "You are also wearing [a list of worn things]."; if location of player is location of skid: say "[line break]There's also that skid you can push around[if number of things on skid > 0]. It holds [the list of things on skid][end if]."; if mrlp is otters and inhib is true: say "You also DON'T have your full powers. You'll need to fix that before hitting the bulwark to the west."; if player has compass: say "You also have a compass to tell direction."; silence-tally is a number that varies. after fliptoing when player is in Anger Pit (this is the break the imp down rule) : increment silence-tally; if silence-tally is 2: say "The sly imp lets out a curse. He's completely failed to keep his cool. He leaves, confidence shattered. You can go past now."; now imp is in lalaland; now imp1 is in lalaland; now imp2 is in lalaland; now imp3 is in lalaland; continue the action; section debug - not for release [understand "i1" as imp1. understand "i2" as imp2. understand "i3" as imp3. understand "r1" as ram1. understand "r2" as ram2. understand "r3" as ram3.] chapter animaling to say inhib: say "You can't summon the energy to do that. It seems it should work, but it doesn't. You may need a recharge."; after fliptoing an animal: if location of player is wire deck: let temp be number of visible reflexed animals; if temp is 1: say "The LUCKY medal you're wearing clanks against the IQ medal. It looks a bit clearer, now."; else if temp is 3: say "The [list of visible reflexed animals] all look over at you, point and give you a thumbs-up. They glance over at the [list of visible reflexive animals] and shrug a bit, as if it can come along if it wants to. Your LUCKY medal looks very shiny now."; else if temp is 4: d "[the list of visible reflexed animals]. You get a min-up."; min-up; if location of player is perverse preserve: d "[number of visible animals] [the list of visible reflexed animals]--current min = [min-score of otters]."; let temp be number of visible animals; if temp is 2: say "The IQ medal you're wearing clanks against the LUCKY medal. It looks a bit clearer, now."; else if temp is 4: say "The [list of visible animals] swarm around you in a circle a few times. You seem to have established leadership of them, whether or not you can do anything with the [random pre-animal]. Your IQ medal looks very shiny now."; else if temp is 5: min-up; if noun is reflexed and location of player is wickeder: increment adjsolve; continue the action; [carry out animaling: if location of player is not wire deck: say "[reject]" instead; if owls are not slowed: say "Deal with the owls first." instead; repeat through table of animal-stuff: if my-animal entry is visible: if the player's command matches the text "[adjective-to-say entry]": if inhib is true: say "That would work...if you had your power back." instead; if my-animal entry is adjed: say "You already worked your magic." instead; say "[animal-happy entry]"; reg-inc; increment adjsolve; if adjsolve is 4: min-up; now my-animal entry is adjed instead; say "[reject]" instead;] book Rote-Moan Anteroom Rote-Moan Anteroom is south of Bleary Barley. Anteroom is part of otters. Anteroom is innie. "[if whiners are visible]The noise here is just unbearable--men guarding the way south and not shutting up about it[else]This room is quieter now, just a north-south passage[end if]." ram1 is privately-named unscannable reflexive ssno scenery in Anteroom. ram1 is undesc. printed name of ram1 is "the men's shouting". ram2 is privately-named unscannable reflexive ssno scenery in Anteroom. ram2 is undesc. printed name of ram2 is "the men's shouting". ram3 is privately-named unscannable reflexive ssno scenery in Anteroom. ram3 is undesc. printed name of ram3 is "the men's shouting". a-text of ram1 is "RRYYRYRRO". b-text of ram1 is "RRYYRYRRB". a-text of ram2 is "RYRRYRO". b-text of ram2 is "RGRRYPO". a-text of ram3 is "RYYRRYRRRO". b-text of ram3 is "RYYRRYRRRO". book perverse preserve to say pre-desc: if number of animals in perverse preserve is 1: say "Weird. This fenced off area seems like a living area, but you don't see any animals. You think. And no pea to change to an ape.[no line break]"; continue the action; else: say "You rescued [if nounsolve is 4]all the[else if nounsolve is 1]one of the[else]a few[end if] animals here, but it's still eerie.[no line break]"; continue the action; Perverse Preserve is south of Rote-Moan Anteroom. Perverse Preserve is part of otters. "[pre-desc]" A corona is a semi-easy thing in Preserve. the corona is fixed in place. description is "It's almost like a pair of dark scavenger's eyes. You can't locate its original light source--you try to cut it off, but you can't.". "A corona of light scurries about on the floor. It may have an extra c around its edge." a-text of corona is "RYRYYR". b-text of corona is "RYRGYR". the racoon is an animal. description is "It looks at you trustingly, seeming to understand you rescued it.". "A racoon sits up alertly here. It has a lit tail." a-l-t is part of the racoon. a-l-t is undesc and amusing. printed name of a-l-t is "a lit tail". understand "lit/ tail" as a-l-t. instead of doing something with a-l-t: say "The racoon's tail is beautiful and eerie, but useless as far as you can tell, so it's not worth bothering with." the thrones are plural-named things in Preserve. the thrones are fixed in place. understand "throne" as thrones. description of thrones is "They're made out of, not metal, but locusts. Well, not quite that." understand "hornet" as a mistake ("The thrones are plural. Besides, just one hornet--what could it do?") when thrones are visible. [?? move to ToA] understand "shorten" as a mistake ("[if thrones are visible]Well--not shorten, but break it down...you see red from the effort[else]They're more likely to shorten you with a few stings[end if].") when thrones are visible or hornets are visible. a-text of thrones is "RYRRYRR". b-text of thrones is "RYPRYRP". the hornets are plural-named animals. description is "Thankfully, they are not buzzing with intent to sting you.". "Hornets are buzzing around here." understand "hornet" as thrones. instead of taking the thrones: say "They seem abnormally sharp, as if they could sting you again and again."; the pines are a plural-named thing in perverse Preserve. description is "The bases of the pines look almost like birds['] feet." the pines are fixed in place. check taking pines: say "The effort would crush your spine." instead; check taking snipe: say "It will follow you when you call." the snipe is an animal. description is "It has a long needle-like bill.". "A snipe is pacing around here." a-text of pines is "RRYRY". b-text of pines is "RRYRY". Some nails are semi-easy plural-named things in Preserve. "Some nails are lying all over the floor here." understand "slain" and "as nil" as a mistake ("[if nails are visible]The nails are already dead as a doornail[else]You're trying to SAVE the animals, actually[end if].") when player is in preserve description of nails is "They're in a spiral. Odd." instead of taking nails: say "They're almost glued to the floor or something." a-text of nails is "RRYYR". b-text of nails is "RRYYR". the snail is an animal. description is "It's quite spiky and seems to move faster than your average snail.". "The spiky snail you summoned is slithering impatiently in a circle." the shrewin' whiners are plural-named flippable people in Anteroom. description is "They blather on hopelessly, as if you should try to be as whiny as they are. [one of]Probably many of them are named Sherwin, but more importantly, m[or]M[stopping]aybe you can make them run out of energy.". "Shrewin['] whiners are [if ram1 is reflexive]tallyhoing[else]babbling[end if][if ram2 is reflexive] with great callosity[end if] here[if ram3 is reflexive]. They restyle why they can't let you go south[end if][if inhib is false]. Yet, for all their bluster, you feel like you could've taken them even before you regained your powers[end if]." a-text of whiners is "BUG". b-text of whiners is "BUG". check scaning imp: say "The settler seems to jump around with the imp a bit before stabilizing. The imp's [if silence-tally is 0]patience is legendary and butlery--but it's moving rangily[else if imp1 is in lalaland]patience is legendary and butlery[else if imp3 is in lalaland]It has a butlery air as it moves rangily[else if imp2 is in lalaland]patience feels legendary as it moves rangily[end if]."; let tempscn be random reflexive scenery in Anger Pit; try scaning tempscn instead; check scaning whiners: say "The settler seems to jump around a bit before stabilizing. It blinks about as they [if ram1 is reflexive]restyle[else]continue[end if] [if ram2 is reflexive]tallyhoing[else]their noisiness[end if] [if ram3 is reflexive] with callosity[end if]"; let tempscn be random reflexive scenery in Anteroom; try scaning tempscn instead; check going south in Anteroom: if whiners are visible: say "The whiners can't imagine why anyone would want to go there. They block you, for your own good. They seem to have all sorts of reasons, and there's no way past the quantity, if not the quality, of their arguments." instead; if inhib is true: say "A very loud roar scares you. You doubt adverbs are up to the task of calming it. You decide to return once you have your full powers." instead; to say shout-check: say "[one of]The din loses speed, energy, nastiness and volume. A re-count of the men reveals several leavers. But even with them gone, too many men are left blocking the way south.[no line break][or]Slowly, conversation dwindles until it leaves every hassler rahless, slasher of noise. They find another place where rioters roister.[no line break][stopping]"; quietness is a number that varies. after fliptoing when player is in Anteroom (this is the de-tallyho rule) : increment quietness; if quietness is 2: say "As they sulk away, they whimper about that bum Ed Riley who got a more exciting post than they did despite his moving so weedily[if ed riley is in Bleary Barley]. You're a bit sad you couldn't dispatch that loudmouth yet, but yay, working your enemies against each other[end if]."; now printed name of Anteroom is "Near-Moot Anteroom"; now whiners are in lalaland; now ram1 is in lalaland; now ram2 is in lalaland; now ram3 is in lalaland; continue the action; chapter raptor trap the raptor is an animal in Perverse Preserve. description is "It's small for a raptor, but that's all relative. It's still bigger than most mythical beasts, but it's also oddly colored, red and yellow and green and purple patches. But it's still dangerous.". "[one of]You hear a hollow ol['] howl and a pounding of very large paws. You may've triggered some silent trap--a huge raptor comes into view, though it is too big to follow you back north[or]A nervous, ravenous raptor squawks and roars[stopping]." before entering thrones: say "You try to sit on the thrones, by you feel a stinging." instead; Rule for choosing notable locale objects for the preserve (this is the raptor last rule): if raptor is in preserve: set the locale priority of raptor to 9; set the locale priority of nails to 2; set the locale priority of thrones to 2; set the locale priority of pines to 2; set the locale priority of corona to 2; continue the action; the parrot is a vanishing animal. description is "Pretty much every color of the rainbow.". "A multi-colored parrot flutters about, here." the parrot wears the weltish whistle. check fliptoing raptor: if location of player is not alcoves: say "'Awk! I'd just kill you in that form. Try that around some bad guys.'" instead; every turn when parrot is visible (this is the parrot-chat rule): if location of player is alcoves: say "The parrot hides out of sight of Elmer and Merle, eyeing them evilly."; else if location of player is wire deck: if number of visible reflexive animals is 0: say "'Awwk! Happy animals! They might do something for you some day, adventurer!'"; continue the action; say "The parrot notes the [list of reflexive animals] [if number of visible reflexive animals > 1]don't[else]doesn't[end if] look happy."; else if location of player is wire deck: if number of visible animals is 6: say "The parrot flies around all the animals."; else: say "The parrot pokes at the [list of nonreflexive things in preserve][if number of nonreflexive things in preserve > 1] in turn[end if]."; a-text of raptor is "RYRRYR". b-text of raptor is "RGRRGR". a-text of parrot is "RYRRYR". b-text of parrot is "RGRRGR". raptor-trap is a truth state that varies. raptor-trap is false. after fliptoing parrot: preef parrot; continue the action; book Reclusion Inclosure hydra-known is a truth state that varies. check going west in Alcoves (this is the need quick rule): if parrot is in lalaland and raptor is in lalaland: if medals are not reflexed: say "Your medals clink as you go west. Elvira hears them and ambushes you! She touches what you recognize as the Ultimate Mutilate-It Amulet and fires the legendary Phrase Shaper Phaser at you. You think of possible replies, of ways to block her, as you slump to the ground. But you are not fast enough. Your last thought is of the medals Gretta gave you that you never quite used."; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules instead; continue the action; if hydra is in Reclusion Inclosure: now hydra-known is true; say "Stricter critters restrict--wait, no, that's a hardy hydra with an HD-Ray. Er, dang. Danger[if parrot is visible]. Your friend the parrot gives a helpful AWWWK as y[else]Y[end if]ou run out of sight." instead; say "[one of]You pass asps and feel live evil enduringly underlying...you yell 'Time's Up! Impetus imputes...'[paragraph break]'Um, spite? I'm upset!' Elvira shrugs. 'Spume it.'[or]A punitive invite-up calls you back.[or]'Resenter re-enters!' Elvira laughs.[stopping]"; after printing the locale description for Inclosure when Inclosure is unvisited: if Inclosure is unvisited: say "'Proceedings precognised. Rats, the...eh, start the arts,' Elvira mutters as she pulls out the Ultimate Mutilate-It Amulet! A blast of energy flies at you, and reflexively, you yell 'Ail ME? Tut!' The ray fizzles.[paragraph break]'Ooh! Stout! ... Shootout!' She pulls out her phrase shape phaser, but you hum an e-sharp to deflect it. 'Won't kill a know-it-all.'[paragraph break]'Intact? It can't! SPAWN, Pawns!' she cries. 'P. S. Naw,' you say.[paragraph break]Elvira gives a crusty curtsy. 'Oh! Most smooth,' she says, with indulga-languid calm, i.e. malice, and hi-grade hid rage. And the sort of tinkly laugh you always felt forced to trust. 'You temporarily disabled my purple pulper and oranger groaner. I can't attack you first--but, details! You have to admit it was clever, filling Yorpwald with annoying anagrams to frame you!'[paragraph break]And you almost do. She has that glibness blessing! You're almost suckered, yourself. You may need fighters impervious to her charms to get rid of her for good.[paragraph break](Push any key.)[wfak]"; say "'Gah, hag!' you say.[paragraph break]'Neat ante. Gas [']em, mages!' But they aren't there. 'Me, cry mercy?'[paragraph break]Stalemate. Lame state. Unless you have a way to kill her[if number of reflexive animals in wire deck > 1 or number of pre-animal things in preserve > 1]. Or round up more troops[end if]."; if do-i-chat is true: now qbc_litany is litany of Elvira; else: try talking to Elvira; else: say "'Serious issue, or...?'"; Reclusion Inclosure is an innie room in otters. Reclusion Inclosure is west of Alcoves. "You feel as slowed here as you did on entering the barley field. Vast vats emit sour moisture over a prey pyre. The room is cluttered with a stocked stockade, a torpid tripod (slowing you down,) and entrances to a warpish warship and becharm-chamber. That nacht-chant could be coming from any of them. You can leave to the east." the torpid tripod is amusing scenery in Inclosure. tripod is an undesc. instead of doing something with the torpid tripod: say "It's too far away to do anything with and survive. For your purposes, it's just one more bit of evil scenery." the becharm chamber is amusing scenery in Inclosure. chamber is an undesc. instead of doing something with the becharm chamber: say "It's too far away to do anything with. For your purposes, it's just one more bit of evil scenery." understand "aliver" as a mistake ("For whatever reason, you decide to give Elvira even more power. This time, you don't have the time or guts to reject her phaser.[uurrgg]") understand "drop it" as a mistake ("For whatever reason, you just decide to give up. Elvira cackles. 'I knew you'd see it my way.' You wind up apologizing on national TV for getting too big for your anagramming britches and accepting a general brainwashing to boot. It's not that bad, only because, well, um, it just isn't. You're thrown in a jail, which can't be anagrammed, but it's for your own good. You're cool with that.[uurrgg]") when player is in Inclosure. understand "prod it" as a mistake ("You prod curiously at the machinery, and soon, Elvira realizes you don't have anything up your sleeve, and you won't be able to retreat in time. The purple pulper and the rest of her army subdue you easily.[uurrgg]") when player is in Inclosure. understand "sherpa" as a mistake ("You don't need someone to help you climb. You need help fighting Elvira.") when player is in Inclosure. the nacht chant is amusing scenery in Inclosure. chant is undesc. instead of doing something with nacht chant: say "You--you're almost getting used to the nacht chant." the vast vats are amusing plural-named scenery in Inclosure. vats are undesc. instead of doing something with vast vats: say "The vats are far away, but you can smell sulfinyl in them reeking sinfully--no silly fun." carry out going east in Reclusion Inclosure: if do-i-chat is true: say "This should not happen in full release mode, but all you can do is blow the whistle to win." instead; say "You leave her sin shrine before getting a shiner.[paragraph break]Elvira mocks you[one of], but makes no attack[or] again[stopping]: [randbla]"; now Elvira-delay is 0; continue the action; the roarings garrison is amusing scenery in Inclosure. garrison is undesc. the warpish warship is amusing scenery in Inclosure. warship is undesc. instead of doing something with warship: say "You'll never do anything with the warship on your own. But defeating Elvira will probably disable it." a stocked stockade is amusing scenery in Reclusion Inclosure. stockade is undesc. instead of doing something with stockade: say "You shudder to think what you could do with it--or what it could do to you." Elvira is a woman in Reclusion Inclosure. understand "necro/crone" and "necro-crone" and "necrocrone" as Elvira. "[one of]It's Elvira! The necro-crone![paragraph break]'Coren,' she cries, over the rapidly vaporizing body of her pet hydra.[or]Elvira seems impatient for you to make a move.[stopping]". description is "Elvira's actually quite attractive. Sterling ringlets. She looks like a seraph even with that phrase-shaper-phaser. Though her beauty makes you say yea, but..." Elvira wears the Ultimate Mutilate-It Amulet. the mutilate-it amulet is amusing. description is "It's very bare except for the words 'Um...a title?' on it." instead of doing something with the mutilate-it amulet: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "Hm, best not to try anything. It can't zap you if you don't mess with it." The phrase shaper phaser is an amusing thing. Elvira carries the phaser. description of phaser is "It's curvy and futuristic and gives her the grained endearing to look more like a seraph than an amused medusa." instead of doing something with the phaser: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You heard rumors. But you did not believe it was true. She can just say something, hit someone with it, and make you forget what you were doing. Even if the amulet doesn't work on you." instead; check talking to Elvira when current quip is final-quip: say "'[one of]Neat lob. Notable. Bleat on!' [or]State nag?! Stagnate!' [in random order] Reason won't work, here." instead; every turn when current quip is final-quip and player is in Inclosure: say "Cordial, cold air. [one of]'Make a diss, punk? Kiss and make up!' She pauses. 'Enough of this anagram nonsense! That's playing YOUR game. It's not like YOU ALONE can kill me. No person is brave enough to join you.' [or][stopping][one of]Elvira points out you're just jealous she got here on charisma.[or]Elvira mentions she's making others happy, a more exciting happy than yours.[or]Elvira complains social engineering is not as easy as it looks![or]'I'm still vaguely worried you have something up your sleeve, like Blue Frog Urbfogel!'[or]'It would be kind of exciting to lose, you know. Versus just growing old and dying bored and boring. I get the kingdom I want, too. Win-win.' It all has a lilt.[in random order]"; the litany of Elvira is the table of Elvira comments. The hardy hydra is an animal in Reclusion Inclosure. description is "One whiff of the decayin['] cyanide smell proves he melts helmets." volume oyster last-loc of Oyster is Posh Hops Shop. section special parser errors rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the didn't understand error and mrlp is not manor and the number of words in the player's command > 1: if cur-score of mrlp < 10 and mrlp is not parsewrned: choose row with thisreg of mrlp in table of parsewarns; say "[specwarn entry][line break]"; now mrlp is parsewrned; the rule succeeds; continue the action; to say pars-trub: say "The parser had trouble understanding that (multi-word) command. While it's possible there's a more mundane reason, perhaps you were trying to change something.[paragraph break]So here is a one-time general guideline on what to do in this area: "; table of parsewarns thisreg specwarn manor stores "[pars-trub]you need to change the stores, here, like you changed the [if tables are in lalaland]tables[else if niche is in lalaland]'my niche' writing[else]ten beams[end if], and you just need one word." presto "[pars-trub]one word of sufficient force will work here. While one word is eight letters long and a Last Lousy Point is nine, most are four or five." routes "[pars-trub]one word should work here, with no preface necessary. While one word is eight letters long, the rest are around five or six." troves "[pars-trub]one word will work here, and you won't need to specify details. A last lousy point is eight letters long, but most are five or six." towers "[pars-trub]one word will work here, to make things as they should be. The final word is eleven letters long, but everything else is shorter--one necessary word has nine, as does another optional one, and a few have eight." oyster "[pars-trub]one word will work here, though this game should accept fuller sentences. The longest words are seven letters, so while there's a lot to do, no one word is too long." otters "[pars-trub]while some words are rather long, you [if cur-score of otters is 0]will[else]probably[end if] see how to guess a letter or two even [if inhib is true]when[else]now[end if] you've got your powers back." others "[pars-trub]you may need a variety of tricks, here, but one word will usually clinch things, and you will figure the general theme." demo dome "[pars-trub]you don't need to do anything fancy here besides looking, moving, examining and reading. No puzzles at all." book Posh Hops Shop Posh Hops Shop is an innie room in oyster. "This toastin['] station isn't a dive bar I'd brave. Gulpers splurge on Trance Nectar and recant later. Crabs ignore carbs, forgetting what caused them to get sauced. A sign is posted here." after choosing notable locale objects when player is in posh hops shop: set the locale priority of patrons to 0; the patrons are useless plural-named people in Posh Hops Shop. description of patrons is "Indistinguishable from most barflies, er, bar-fish." instead of doing something with patrons: if current action is attacking: say "You'd be outnumbered." instead; else if current action is examining: say "They are pretty much nameless and faceless." instead; else if current action is objasking or current action is asking generically or current action is talking to: continue the action; say "The patrons aren't important. They're just trying to get drunk[if silly-acts > 0], and you've already started to distract them from that[end if]." the stumbler tumblers are vanishing scenery in posh hops shop. "They are labeled TIPS but don't have any money in them. Some red writing is at the bottom of one." instead of taking tumblers: say "The people who didn't give tips would notice your rudeness."; the gins sign is reflexive scenery in Posh Hops Shop. "It advertises various gins and intox-toxin-tonix--'Thirsty? Try this,' though someone scribbled 'Embrace Beer, Mac!' at the bottom. It advises against sharing garnish as well as making your own music." instead of taking gins sign: say "That'd load you down as you tried to get out."; a-text of gins sign is "RYRR". b-text of gins sign is "?G?R". m-bk is useless privately-named scenery in Posh Hops Shop. "[bug-report]". printed name of m-bk is "Posh Hops Shop" instead of doing something with m-bk: if current action is looking or examining or scaning: try looking instead; say "You can only really try looking in the Posh Hops Shop." understand "Posh Hops Shop" and "posh/hops shop" and "posh hops" and "posh/hops/shop" as m-bk when player is in posh hops shop. instead of exiting when in Posh Hops Shop: try going outside; the tines are semi-easy plural-named auxiliary scenery in Posh Hops Shop. "They look perfect for fitting a stein into, for refills." understand "insert" as a mistake ("Almost, with the stein, there.") when stein is visible. understand "insert [something]" as a mistake ("Almost, with the stein, there.") when stein is visible. a-text of tines is "YRRYR". b-text of tines is "YRRGR". does the player mean inserting into tines: it is likely. does the player mean inserting stein into: it is likely. rule for supplying a missing second noun when inserting into: if tines are visible: now second noun is tines; rule for supplying a missing noun when inserting into: if stein is visible: now noun is stein; The tunes are super-easy plural-named vanishing scenery in Posh Hops Shop. "The tunes really are awful. You wish you could just get rid of them with some technical know-how." a-text of tunes is "YRRYR". b-text of tunes is "YRRGR". The jukebox is a super-easy uncluing thing in Posh Hops Shop. It is fixed in place. "[if tunes are reflexed or perma-amper is reflexed]The jukebox is finally silent, but the patrons aren't.[else]A jukebox blasts tunes that make you gulp and plug your ears and want to do something, anything, to get rid of the tunes.[end if]" understand "unset" as a mistake ("[if tunes are reflexive]You've no clue how to start. Perhaps the jukebox has instructions[else]You already took care of the jukebox tunes[end if].") when jukebox is visible. a-text of tumblers is "RRYR". b-text of tumblers is "RRYR". before scaning jukebox: if tunes are visible: say "You wind up scanning the tunes that come from the jukebox."; try scaning tunes instead; else: say "The jukebox gives nothing with the tunes gone." instead; description of jukebox is "It only accepts Joke Bux, of which you and your purse have none[if tunes are reflexed]. It's no longer spewing terrible tunes[otherwise]. It's spewing terrible tunes[end if]. It has the usual bunch of song buttons and probably a perma-amper inside to make sure they're not quiet. You notice writing on the side." the perma-amper is part of the jukebox. understand "perma/amper" as perma-amper. the perma-amper is auxiliary. description is "It's--well, I'm not big on electronics, but futz with it wrong and you'll get a perm. Or worse." a-text of perma-amper is "RYRYR.". b-text of perma-amper is "R?RYR". instead of doing something with the perma-amper: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is remaping: continue the action; say "You really aren't sure of the right way to fiddle with it. Maybe there is one."; the song buttons are part of the jukebox. description is "They're number and letter, though you're not familiar with the song, so no one button seems worse than any other. You hope." check pushing the song buttons: say "They're probably all pretty terrible. You need to focus on exactly what you want to do, to muck with the tunes." instead; does the player mean doing something with song buttons when player is in posh hops shop: it is likely. the trolls are plural-named reflexive people in Posh Hops Shop. description is "Each is bigger and stronger than you and eyeing you as a fishy character. Each has got a mohawk that says WHAM! OK! and is wearing a skin-tight t-shirt. They're hired to cram patrons back in. No sprat parts til he traps them with his strap.". "[if silly-acts > 0]Trolls return your gapin['] with aping, menacingly. They probably don't want an apology[otherwise]Trolls block the door out[end if][one of]. They're not exactly froodish doorfish[or][stopping]." the skin-tight t-shirt is a useless thing. description is "It reads: [i]We toss sots. Ew![r] You suspect he means probably only the disruptive, broke sots who patronise this noise trap." instead of scaning skin-tight t-shirt: say "The trolls are the security force here, not you. Starting trouble with them directly would be unwise." the trolls wear the skin-tight t-shirt. a-text of trolls is "RRRYRR". b-text of trolls is "RRRYPR". Casper Spacer is a person in Posh Hops Shop. description is "He hides the writing in his Capers Recaps from your prying eyes.". "Casper Spacer, the famous fish author, is here, working on his latest book, Capers Recaps[one of]. He seems to want to be bothered and not want to be at the same time. Writers have a way of massaging life's contradictions[or][stopping]." understand "author" as Casper Spacer. understand "fish" as Casper. a-text of casper is "RRRYRY". b-text of casper is "?RRYRY". Capers Recaps is vanishing scenery in Posh Hops Shop. description of Capers is "It's Casper's latest rough draft journal. A quick glance references an OCD cod named Doc. Capers and looks to be, due to its blackboardy texture, even grittier than Consider I Scorned No Ciders, Pincer Prince or Some Urge Gruesome or This Bane Bathes in the Basin. Which Casper wrote drunk on absinthe." understand "book" as Capers Recaps. check scaning capers: say "Your settler is not giving a full readout. Spacer's books are known for deceptive simplicity, for stringing together short words everyone knows confusingly. Still, those three reds at the start must be a clue." a-text of capers is "RRRYRY". b-text of capers is "RRR??Y". instead of taking capers recaps: say "The whole bar would beat you up for that. Think of other ways to distract the trolls. Disturb the peace more directly." check scaning capers: say "Your settler registers [if screenread is true]R R R[else]RRR[end if] then [if screenread is false]YRY/GPY[else]Y R Y / G P Y[end if]. But which is capers and which is recaps?" instead; a stein is a vanishing thing in Posh Hops Shop. initial appearance is "You see a stein here by some tines. It looks like it'd almost fit in." check inserting stein into tines: say "It almost fits when you try to insert it. About five-sixths of the way. Perhaps you could find some other way to do things." instead; a-text of stein is "YRRYR". b-text of stein is "YRRYR". description of stein is "It's undoubtedly from the Set-In-Nites corporation, mostly black but with red writing[one of]. You mentally compare it to the tines, and you reckon if you inserted it, it'd be 20% too big[or][stopping]." marcitems is a list of thing variable. marcitems is { stein, stumbler tumblers, recaps, gins sign, tunes }. chapter remaping remaping is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "remap" as something new. understand "remap [something]" as remaping. does the player mean remaping the perma-amper: it is very likely. carry out remaping: if noun is perma-amper: if tunes are in lalaland: say "The tunes have already been altered. Remapping won't do any good. Or bad." instead; try fliptoing tunes instead; the rule succeeds; remapped is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing tunes: if the player's command includes "remap": now remapped is true; else: now remapped is false; continue the action; chapter spiting spiting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "spit" as something new. understand "spit [something]" as spiting. understand "spit in/at/on [something]" as spiting. does the player mean spiting air: it is very likely; carry out spiting: if noun is tumblers: try fliptoing tumblers instead; if noun is a person: say "You don't want to start a fight." instead; if player is in cripple clipper: say "Pointless." instead; say "How rude[if player is in hops shop and tumblers are reflexive], but you could be even ruder spitting elsewhere[end if]!" instead; chapter inseting inseting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "inset" as something new. understand "inset [something]" as inseting. carry out inseting: if noun is tines: say "I think you meant inseting the stein."; try inseting stein instead; if noun is stein: if player does not have stein: say "(Taking the stein)"; now player has stein; try fliptoing stein instead; say "You can't really inset that--you might be better off inserting it." instead; understand "inset [text]" as a mistake ("[if the number of words in the player's command > 3]You may want to INSERT x in Y instead[else]You may not be using an object in the game, and you may wish to inseRt, instead[end if].") chapter unseting unseting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "unset" as something new. understand "unset [something]" as unseting. does the player mean unseting tunes: it is very likely. carry out unseting: if noun is tunes: try fliptoing tunes instead; if noun is jukebox: say "The jukebox--or the tunes?" instead; if tunes are in lalaland: say "You already dealt with the tunes when you mucked up the perma-amper." instead; say "That doesn't quite make sense here." instead; chapter scrapeing scrapeing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "scrape" as something new. understand "scrape [something]" as scrapeing. does the player mean scraping capers recaps: it is very likely. does the player mean scraping casper when capers recaps is in lalaland: it is very likely. carry out scrapeing: if noun is casper or noun is capers: if capers is reflexed: say "Casper would be alert to that, now." instead; if noun is casper: say "Hm, what he's writing on would make even more noise...try that."; try fliptoing recaps instead; try attacking noun instead; the rule succeeds; section insert-shorting insetring is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "insert [something]" as something new. understand "insert [something]" as insetring. carry out insetring: if noun is tines or noun is stein: try inserting stein into tines instead; say "You need to specify what to insert that into." instead; the rule succeeds; chapter inseting silly-acts is a number that varies. understand "pacers" as a mistake ("Casper's writing is multifaceted, but he wrote a story opposed to cars and car races and stuff.") when casper is visible understand "parsec" as a mistake ("Casper doesn't take too kindly to sci-fi terminology. He writes rough and tumble nature-y stuff.") when casper is visible strolled is a truth state that varies. to annoy-trolls: silly-min; if silly-acts is 1: say "Your singular antic seems to have attracted the attention of a few patrons, and the trolls look up, too."; else if silly-acts is 2: say "'Job perks: bop jerks.' say the trolls. The patrons have formed a half-circle around you now."; else: say "The trolls and patrons have almost completely surrounded you, but they are so shocked, even waiting for an explanation, they won't jump at you yet. Best play it cool and find a way out."; after fliptoing when player is in Posh Hops Shop: if noun is not trolls: annoy-trolls; remove noun from marcitems, if present; continue the action; to say gloaty: say "[one of]. The galoots gloat so[or]. They say, what a LOLstr[or]. They act sore to scare, sure you stole a coaster[or][stopping]. Perhaps if you were more obnoxious, they'd be less inclined to keep you in"; check fliptoing when player is in Posh Hops Shop: if noun is reflexed: say "You need to mix it up a bit. You've already done that." instead; if noun is trolls: if silly-acts is 0: say "The trolls seem concerned you haven't had any fun at all. You try to argue with them, but it's hopeless. They claim, bored, they're just the messenger as they escort you back inside[gloaty]."; preef trolls; the rule succeeds; if silly-acts is 1: say "The trolls seem concerned you have been kind of obnoxious, and what better way to make up for that than to order a little something, to get on management's good side, now[gloaty]."; preef trolls; the rule succeeds; if silly-acts is 2: say "The trolls make you feel like you're the jerk here and maybe you can spend some money to make up for the nuisance you caused[gloaty]. They're not fully on their game, though. Maybe you can be even more annoying."; preef trolls; the rule succeeds; continue the action; if silly-acts is 3: check-silly-death instead; to check-silly-death: say "You've caused enough damage for the trolls to kick you out. Any more and they might just kick you. Still, you sure?"; unless the player consents: say "The trolls nod as if they were the ones who stopped you from further nonsense."; continue the action; say "The patrons still stare in belief, but the trolls are onto you. They give you a (self-) righteous beat-down. As the trolls beat you up, they mention you're probably the sort of punk who needs to undo stuff a lot to win a game, and that's not really hardcore.[paragraph break]Perhaps you should've played it cool and fled, instead."; now undo-code is 8; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules; understand "stroll [text]" as a mistake ("No, you can't just stroll back into the Posh Hops shop, and you can just plain walk anywhere else.") when mrlp is oyster and player is not in Posh Hops Shop chapter spilling the jar of pills is in Posh Hops Shop. "A jr. jar of pills lies off to the side here. It's not quite pretzels or peanuts, but it doesn't seem to be anyone's.". description is "Official Yorpwaldian Jumping Pills, a product of CopeLabs Placebos. The obligatory weird pictorial warning suggests that dumping the pills out may cause stick figures and possibly even real people to fall over, and once spilt, it will be split[one of].[paragraph break]It's not very big--just a jr. jar[or][stopping]. There's a lil['] PS in red to read, too." printed name of jar of pills is "jr. jar of pills". the indefinite article of jar of pills is "a" Rule for clarifying the parser's choice of pills: do nothing. the lil['] ps is part of the jar of pills. description is "WARNING: find any use uneasy. These don't solve all your problems. In fact you may look back and wish you had them and we are not responsible for any withdrawal symptoms. Not even that anagrammer person can make anything of a junkie!". the lil['] ps is cluey. instead of eating the jar: say "They're placebos. And you're not sick. Okay, maybe you're sick of a puzzle. But you need to do something else with them." instead of opening the jar: say "It's tamper proof. It's one of those jars you can't open until you're thinking about doing something other than eating them--but what could you do with pills?"; pill-warned is a truth state that varies. spilling is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "spill [something]" as something new. understand "spill [something]" as spilling. does the player mean spilling pills: it is very likely; after spilling: if pills are in lalaland and cheated-guy is nothing: d "BUG I mistracked a pill spill.[line break]"; else if scams is true: say "[how-pills-used]."; continue the action; to guy-cheat (gc - a thing): if produce-redo-cup is false: now cheated-guy is gc; now pills are in lalaland; now undo-code is 3; else: say "You shake your head and realize the pills and the jar didn't go anywhere, but whatever it did still works."; now player has the pills; carry out spilling: if player does not have pills: say "(Taking them first, to be pedantic.)"; now player has pills; if noun is not pills: say "You can't spill that. Or you can, but it won't help you or distract your opponent." instead; if the player's command includes "jar": if the player's command does not include "pills": say "You can't spill the jar--just what's in it."; now cheated-guy is nothing; if player is in End Den: say "Unfortunately, the pills won't lead the way to where you need to go. You need some sort of map[if player has gleaner and gleaner is reflexed]. One might be in your inventory, and you just need to examine it[end if]." instead; if pill-warned is false and anger range is not visited: if scams is false: say "You briefly wonder if the pill jar might be better saved for later. Release the pills anyway?"; now pill-warned is true; unless the player consents: do nothing instead; say "Okay."; if aunt tuna is visible and bubble wrap is not off-stage: say "That would be a rude parting gift. You've claimed your reward--the bubble wrap[if tea tray is not in lalaland]. Though it would seem polite--and straightforward--to try something from the tea tray[end if]." instead; if player is in Lean Lane: say "The pills make a racket as they bounce around. A matronly tuna sticks her head out a window and yells IF YOU PLEASE. You notice your friend the trout behind her. He waves to you. The tuna invites you up."; reg-inc; guy-cheat eeks; now player is in sand home; bowl-to-home; now eeks are in lalaland instead; if aunt tuna is visible and trout is reflexive: say "You spill the pills. 'That is some way to repay the nice meal I gave you! You will not get to see what is in that drawer and not just because you barely did anything for poor Tortu!' clucks Aunt Tuna. 'I will thank you to leave immediately.'[paragraph break]You do, but soon after, Tortu hands you a pack of bubble wrap[if tea is not in lalaland] and the tea tray, too[end if]. 'Man! That's the funniest mad my aunt has been in a while! I guess she is nice and all but sometimes I sort of want to rebel don't know how. Anyway, once you left, she kept muttering how she wanted to get rid of this bubble wrap to somebody. So I snuck it for you.'"; if produce-redo-cup is false: if dent-tend is false: poss-d; [can't fix dent again] if wipes are in sand home: decrease poss-score of oyster by 4; [swipe sweat clean shape (not part of the quest but not doable without it) tan] now player has wrap; if tea tray is not in lalaland: now player has tea tray; guy-cheat trout; now aunt-tuna-cross is true; reg-inc; move player to anger range instead; if player is in lapsin' plains: if traced is false: guy-cheat crate; now traced is true; say "The pills jump over to the debris and then off somewhere. You think they showed you where the throwing came from."; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; if reacted is false: guy-cheat rude door; now reacted is true; say "The pills jump over to the debris and then swarm in the air like bees, causing your hidden tormentor to shriek and run away."; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; if knob is reflexive: guy-cheat knob; now knob is reflexed; say "The pills gravitate to the knob and turn it forcefully. It won't act up again."; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; if skis are in plains: guy-cheat skis; now skis are in lalaland; say "The pills fly to the skis with a bizarre smooching noise. The skis dissolve, perhaps out of inanimate shame."; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; if player is in Posh Hops Shop: say "The pills scatter all over the bar, leaving everyone to slip and fall. You make a break."; increase min-score of oyster by cur-score of oyster; guy-cheat trolls; if cur-score of oyster < 3: now poss-score of oyster is poss-score of oyster + cur-score of oyster - 3; [you will not lose a point using the pills later to tutor Tortu the trout if you use the pills now] reg-inc; move player to olde lode instead; if clam is visible: [?? which point is dropped?] say "The pills form a large maze with no dead ends. The clam goes after the bouncing pills and eats some, zigzags crazily, and runs himself tired tracking new ones down. Then, suddenly, he looks as if he's seen a ghost. He shrivels to a point with a sad deflating noise. With a pop, he has vanished!"; reg-inc; guy-cheat clam; now clam is in lalaland instead; if urn is visible: say "The urn, being possessed of greed, seems to suck in the pills, which cause it to shake. You run in a random direction as it explodes. Hm, run, urn. You could've figured that, but, well, time to move on."; reg-inc; guy-cheat urn; now urn is in lalaland instead; if player is in shore: reg-inc; say "The pills drop in the sand and fizz crazily. The mud bubbling up creates a signal, and one of the boats picks you up and dumps you on the other shore."; if oars are not part of raft: poss-d; guy-cheat boats; move player to anger range instead; if carps are visible: say "The carps and pikes, distracted by the pills that fall out and keep jumping, ignore the trout. 'You stupid! Those pills are valuable. Out of our way, mouth-breather.' The range anger wells up in you."; reg-inc; guy-cheat carps; try fliptoing carps instead; if lance is visible and lance is not cleaned: say "The pills somehow dissolve the ugly bits on the lance. It's the retractable sort, which is handy for carrying."; guy-cheat lance; now lance is cleaned; now player has lance; reg-inc instead; if player is in uaah: if tubs are in uaah: say "You spill the pills and slip on them, because no bathmat is around. In the process, you smack your elbow against the tubs. Right on the funny bone. You find it so unfunny you beat the tubs into heaps and waste. You find a prod inside, which you take."; reg-inc; now tubs are in lalaland; now waste is in uaah; now player has prod; guy-cheat tubs; now heaps are in uaah instead; if player has prod: say "You spill the pills, which bounce around at your legs until you're annoyed enough to start hitting at them with the prod. Foomp! A hidden switch triggers, and the prod transforms to a rigged digger."; now player has digger; now prod is in lalaland; guy-cheat prod; reg-inc instead; if waste is in uaah and waste is reflexive: now waste is reflexed; guy-cheat waste; say "The pills perform a disturbing chemical reaction with the waste, dissolving to leave a dirty lance."; now lance is in uaah; reg-inc; now waste is in lalaland instead; if heaps are visible and heaps are reflexive: say "That would just add litter to the heaps. You need to do something artistic." instead; if ant is visible: say "With the pills dropping around, the ant is distracted, and your wild hacks with the lance easily chase it. But your lance breaks in the process."; reg-inc; guy-cheat ant; now lance is in lalaland; move player to Den Loft instead; if player is in Achers' Arches: if sardine is in Achers' Arches: say "The sardine motions for you to share before you can spill the pills. Guess you better find some other way." instead; if arches-search is false: say "The pills bounce over by the arches. You try to grab them back but wind up grabbing a hidden pearl by mistake."; pearl-check; now arches-search is true; reg-inc; guy-cheat a-s instead; if haunter is in anger range and player is in anger range: say "[one of]The haunter-sausage points at the pills and wags its finger at you. It is beyond the help of medication. Perhaps it was killed off by medication and you were extra rude to remind it[or]You don't need the haunter-sausage's anti-drug message again[stopping]." instead; if player is in Hedron and o-t is in hedron: if walleyes are visible: say "The walleyes leer hungrily at your pills. You put them away." instead; say "The pills thump all over the floor, but you notice one segment sounds hollow. You go over, look under and--voilà! You are able to defuse the ol['] trap with a switch. Alas, the pills are too scattered to replace. Some kind of spilled into the floor too, but yeah, the five second rule, anyway."; reg-inc; guy-cheat o-t; now o-t is in lalaland; now a-p is in hedron instead; if player is in collapsed: if player has ruby: say "The pills swarm your ruby so you drop it. They sink into the dirt, the ruby close behind. The dirt fills, leaving a thin hint."; now thin hint is in collapsed; now ruby is in lalaland; guy-cheat ruby; reg-inc instead; if player is in Den Loft: if d2 is in den loft: say "No--this one, you shouldn't need pills for. DERAIL was the hard one. You just need to dial again..." instead; if yapper is visible: say "The yapper begins bellyaching about picking up the pills. He complains about how it's HIS job to clean things up. He goes off to look for a wastebasket. But it may be a while."; guy-cheat yapper; now yapper is in lalaland; reg-inc instead; say "You spill the pills on the dialer, and they change DIALER to enough of the 720 possibilities that [if dialer is reflexive]they become DERAIL then [end if][if lev-pull is false]you see you should pull the lever so they become [end if]REDIAL. You flip the lever a few times to make sure whatever should happen does."; if dialer is reflexive: now doublecheat is true; guy-cheat dialer; increment poss-score of oyster; [so not 2 ++scores] increment cur-score of oyster; now dialer is reflexed; now d2 is in tenfold; now lev-pull is true instead; say "Those pills wouldn't create enough of a mess here."; the rule succeeds. chapter produceredocuping produceredocuping is an action out of world. understand the command "produce redo cup" as something new. understand "produce redo cup" as produceredocuping. produce-redo-cup is a truth state that varies. produce-redo-cup is true. carry out produceredocuping: if mrlp is not oyster: say "[reject]"; if pills are in lalaland: say "Through magic, you get your pills back."; now player has pills; if produce-redo-cup is true: say "You already said the magic words."; else: say "The jar of pills is now un-lose-able."; now produce-redo-cup is true; the rule succeeds; book Olde Lode Olde Lode is a room in Oyster. "You've reached what was probably an old mining pit. As in the Hops Shop, you can't tell one direction from another--you probably just want to keep things from blowing up and get out." check going nowhere in olde lode: say "[if clam is visible]The clam cuts you off. It's faster than you. You need to help it relax[else]You try and walk off, but the urn draws you back[end if]." instead; the clam is a super-easy vanishing animal in Olde Lode. initial appearance of clam is "A clam snaps here, unwilling to let you pass.". description is "Full of chargin['] Chagrin! It's not letting you near the river." instead of eating clam: say "Biting its shell would make you shout hells." instead of taking clam: say "It would put the clamps on your hand." a-text of clam is "RYRR". b-text of clam is "PYRP". the urn is a vanishing thing. "An urn lies here, drawing you in unnaturally, with the lure of riches. No wonder the clam was so aggressive. It feels a bit evil, even." a-text of urn is "RYR". b-text of urn is "RYP". description of urn is "It's--well, beautiful, like you could take it and forget all about this quest." check taking urn: say "As you take the urn and peek inside, the cursed wealth inside possesses your mind. You spend the rest of your free time gazing at it, until Elvira's goons catch you. A-ha! Proof you were a greedbag! Your loot is confiscated--for the public good, of course. A small fraction of it is donated to endow a scholarship to the kid who writes the best essay about why you should never have been trusted in the first place."; now joke-death is true; get-dead; follow the shutdown rules instead; check opening urn: try taking urn instead; the block vaguely going rule is not listed in any rulebook. Rule for supplying a missing noun while an actor going (this is the ask for dirs or flip urn rule): if urn is visible: if word number 1 in the player's command is "run": try fliptoing urn instead; issue library message going action number 7. book Hero's Shore Hero's Shore is a room in Oyster. "A super cult sculpture of Shoer Osher sits on this side of a river. One you can just begird or bridge. Boats block the whole river, and there's a raft docked here. A canoe too!" the canoe is scenery in Hero's shore. "The canoe is all red and has a fish carved into it. The fish seems to be trying to cut...a tree?!" the fish is part of the canoe. description of fish is "You can't tell what sort of fish it is. It may not be important. It seems to be cutting down a tree, but you can't tell." instead of entering canoe: say "It's too narrow. How stupid of the designer. Plus it has no oars. Maybe the raft or boats can get you across."; instead of doing something with fish: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "Not much you can do with the fish." a-text of canoe is "YRYYR". b-text of canoe is "YRYYR." understand "ocean" as a mistake ("As you seek to change the canoe, you hear a rush of water[if canoe is unexamined], quickly examine the canoe,[end if] and realize that the red fish cutting the tree there is, in fact, a herring. The last thing you needed was more water! But it is too late to change the ocean back. You don't even see if Shoer Osher's statue was washed away as well.[paragraph break][uurrgg]") when location of player is Hero's shore. understand "a cone" as a mistake ("That wouldn't make the canoe any more helpful. It wouldn't make it any less helpful, either. Maybe the raft or boats are a better bet.") when location of player is Hero's shore. Shoer Osher is scenery in Hero's Shore. "Everyone knows the story of Shoer Osher and [if player is male]his[else]her[end if] rise to fame from humble farm life, and everyone knows it's sort of fake, but nobody can say much. The statue itself improves Osher's looks and muscle tone. It's quite frankly creepy enough, making you wonder if perhaps you should be looking in the river instead for ways to cross it." Understand "sculpture" and "super cult sculpture" and "super/cult sculpture" as Osher. check taking Osher: say "You have enough heroism by yourself." joke-death is a truth state that varies. to say uurrgg: now joke-death is true; get-dead; The boats are semi-easy vanishing plural-named scenery in Hero's shore. a-text of boats is "RYYRR". b-text of boats is "PGGRR". the raft is scenery. a-text of raft is "RYRR". b-text of raft is "RGRP". instead of doing something with boats: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is sobating: continue the action; say "You're too far away from the boats to do anything to them. Or have them do something to you."; description of boats is "They're boats, not shippish, and too dense to swim through[if player is on raft]. Probably even to raft through[else][end if][if clam is in lalaland]. You can hear loud voices from the boats[end if]." understand "horse" as a mistake ("A horse can't cross water! You obviously did not play enough Oregon Trail in elementary school. There are plenty of craft to help you across.") when player is in Hero's shore understand "hoser" as a mistake ("Saying that does not help you take off to the north.") when player is in Hero's shore a river is reflexive scenery in Hero's shore. "Boats pass on the river. A raft is also docked to it. You probably need to cross it, but you can't expect a groupie pirogue to show up." understand "arrive" as a mistake ("Easier said than done. Perhaps a river craft could help you across. Like the raft. Or the boats.") when player is in Hero's shore. instead of entering river: say "You dip a toe in but are overwhelmed by some schmaltzy philosopher asking, how does one enter a river, and can one truly cross a river, and why does one cross a river.[paragraph break]The answer is probably something stupid, passive, and impractical. You need a way across that'll avoid all those boats. Or at least their potentially lethal undersides." check climbing (this is the climb to enter rule) : if noun is mount: say "It seems as if the peaks speak with a sticky, icy tsk. You start to num considering going unto'm."; if noun is raft or noun is dumpster or noun is chimney or noun is bench or noun is stair: try entering noun instead; check going in Hero's Shore: if noun is north: say "You can't cross the river on your own. One of the boats would hit you." instead; say "You're not sure how to get back to the Posh Hops Shop, and you're not sure it's worth it. The boats seem hard to get by, and you're not amphibious enough to speed through the deeps." instead; the raft is an enterable reflexive supporter in Hero's shore. the raft is fixed in place. instead of taking raft: say "You probably want to ENTER or CLIMB or GET ON the raft. It's too big to take, physically."; understand "frat" as a mistake ("It would just sink into the river, creating more problems.") when player is in Hero's shore; instead of pushing raft: say "It would crash into a boat if you tried to cross the standard way." instead; instead of pulling raft: say "It would crash into a boat if you tried to cross the standard way." instead; check going when player is in raft: say "The raft is a bit clunky. You can't even move the oars." instead; description of raft is "It's made of oaks which soak and carry interlocking--and completely locked--oars." the interlocking oars are an LLPish thing. the interlocking oars are part of the raft. description is "The oars are some red metal, more like containers than something that could get you through the water. They don't seem mobile[if raft is reflexed]--they seem a bit bulkier than before you, um, gave a gas refill[end if].". pushing oars is futiling. pulling oars is futiling. instead of futiling: say "[if player is not on raft]They're too far away--you'll need to get on the raft[else]They are not just interlocking but locked in[end if]." understand "rosa" as a mistake ("Alas, no Lady of the Lake appears to help you. Her name, if she exists, is probably too hard to guess for this game.") when oars are visible. the interlocking oars are reflexive and super-easy. a-text of oars is "RYYR". b-text of oars is "RYYR". check taking oars: say "The oars won't budge from the raft." instead; check fliptoing oars: if raft is not reflexed: say "The oars have no gas, or whatever they might run on[if player is not on raft]. Plus you're not on the raft anyway[end if]." instead; if player is not on raft: say "That'd leave the raft behind you. Get on it first." instead; understand "fart" as a mistake ("[if b-r is visible]This raft isn't as receptive as the one in Anger Range[else]You feel slightly dafter, having farted to no good purpose[end if].") when player is not in Hero's shore. check fliptoing raft: if player is not on raft and raft is reflexive: preef raft; say "Like a butterfly's wings in China, your fart causes the raft to waver. Maybe if you got on the raft, something more would happen." instead; understand "boast" as a mistake ("Batso.") when player is not in shore. chapter sobating sobating is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "sob at" as something new. understand "sob at [something]" as sobating. does the player mean sobating the boats: it is very likely. carry out sobating: if player is not in shore: say "[reject]" instead; if noun is not boats: say "That's not a good thing to sob at. At which to sob. Which might not work, anyway." instead; say "Show some confidence! Boats are no places for whining." instead; the rule succeeds; chapter calming calming is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "calm" as something new. understand "calm [something]" as calming. does the player mean calming the clam: it is very likely. carry out calming: if noun is aunt tuna: say "No way." instead; if noun is clam: try fliptoing clam instead; if noun is haunter: say "It's a sausage. It needs more. Like an explanation, or where the ruby is." instead; if noun is player: say "[if clam is visible]You can take a good calming, but you need to dish it out[else]That felt nice, if ineffective[end if]." instead; if noun is a person: say "You don't need to calm [if noun is plural-named]them[else if noun is a male person]him[else if noun is a female person]her[else]that[end if]." instead; if noun is marcel: say "Er...close." instead; if noun is not a person: say "You can't really speak the language." instead; say "You just aren't good enough with words to do that. Well, schmoozy words." instead; book Fighter Freight Fighter Freight is a room in Oyster. "You're near the edge of a fighter freight. You're half-paralyzed with fear. With or without that pale plea echoing from below." some scary crays are plural-named terse people in Fighter Freight. "Scary Crays hover here, on the verge of attacking.". description is "They don't have any weapons, but they are staring intently at you, ready to take you down." understand "cray" and "scary cray" as crays. the pale plea is super-easy scenery in Fighter Freight. "[one of]'A... [']elp!'[or]'Pal! Pal! Ee!'[or]'Apple...ale...'[in random order]". the pale plea is vanishing. a-text of pale plea is "RYYR". b-text of pale plea is "RYYR". scray-scan is a truth state that varies. check scaning when player is in freight: if noun is crays: if scray-scan is true: say "You already scanned the pale plea. It was RYYR." instead; say "The crays aren't still slightly leery the settler might be a weapon. During the moment of delay, you point it towards the pale plea and see something."; now scray-scan is true; try scaning plea instead; if scray-scan is true: say "You already got RYYR for the pale plea." instead; instead of doing something with pale plea: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can't do much besides listen to the plea." instead; chapter leaping leaping is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "leap" as something new. understand "leap" as leaping. carry out leaping: if location of player is not fighter freight: try jumping instead; try fliptoing pale plea instead; Book Anger Range Anger Range is a room in Oyster. "This place [if haunter is in lalaland]no longer [end if]manages to n-rage you, [if haunter is in lalaland]and the area seems to have calmed down[else if carps are visible]as well as the fish who live here[otherwise]and you sense there may be something else angré in the area. Some sort of scrawl sears the ground near the center, which feels unusually boiling[hau-clue][end if][if player has ruby or player has wrap]. You feel a pin nip from your [rub-wr] as you walk across[end if]. You see plains to the north, and you can go west or east, too[one of]. You think back to someone annoying named Regan[or][stopping]." to say hau-clue: say "[if ruby is in lalaland and haunter is off-stage], even more than before you buried the ruby[end if]"; to say rub-wr: say "[if player has ruby]ruby[else]wrap[end if]"; check going south in Anger Range: say "You don't want to go back, over that river, to the Posh Hops Shop." instead; the scrawl is scenery. "[if carps are visible][reject][else]All in red:[paragraph break]Etahn Ru. Near-Hut Haunter.[end if]" check scaning scrawl: say "Nothing from your settler. Maybe it's what the scrawl says." instead; carps-pref is a truth state that varies. understand "fish" and "bullies" as carps when carps-pref is true. the carps are semi-easy plural-named nasty vanishing people in Anger Range. "They are sneering and teasing the poor trout." understand "craps" as a mistake ("You have no dice to tempt the craps with. Or large amounts of money. Perhaps you'll need to try something more violent.") when carps are visible. description of carps is "They are sneering and teasing the poor trout." a-text of carps is "RRRYR". b-text of carps is "RRPYR". The trout is a super-easy reflexive person in Anger Range. description is "[if carps are visible]He is about half your size, cringing in terror from the other fish bullies[else if trout is reflexive]He is looking up at you, as if a thing you could show him how you dealt with those big mean fish[otherwise]He has an air of confidence about him now[end if].". "Your friend [one of][or]Tortu [stopping]the trout is here, looking [if trout is reflexive]timid[else]confident[end if]." check scaning trout when player is in anger range: say "The trout doesn't need that right now. He needs someone who can help him deal with the pikes and carps." instead; understand "tortu" as trout. a-text of trout is "RYRYR". b-text of trout is "PYRYR". the pikes are plural-named flippable nasty people in Anger Range. initial appearance of pikes is "[bug-report]" the chum of the pikes is the carps. understand "fish" and "bullies" as pikes when carps-pref is false. understand "kepis" as a mistake ("If only it were that easy, to have a basket to harvest fish! But this area is about ACTION. You need to take the fight to the pikes.") when pikes are visible. a-text of pikes is "RRYRY". b-text of pikes is "RRYRY". description of pikes is "They are sneering and teasing the poor trout. You're bigger than them, by two feet." for printing a locale paragraph about a person (called xyzyx) in anger range: if xyzyx is carps: say "Some carps and pikes re-nag and re-nag a poor little trout here. Another reason for anger!"; now trout is mentioned; now carps are mentioned; now the player is mentioned; now pikes are mentioned; else if xyzyx is not haunter: set the locale priority of xyzyx to 0; continue the activity; aunt-tuna-cross is a truth state that varies. aunt-tuna-cross is false. check going east in anger range: if haunter is in anger range: say "Aunt Tuna has a weak heart. That would not be nice! To her or the people she'd complain about the haunter to later." instead; if aunt-tuna-cross is true: say "Not after you so rudely spilled those pills." instead; check going in anger range: if carps are in anger range: say "Have some heart. That trout's getting bullied! You could probably take the carps or the pikes." instead; chapter scraping scraping is an action applying to one thing. does the player mean scraping the carps: it is very likely. understand the command "scrap" as something new. understand "scrap with [something]" as scraping. understand "scrap at [something]" as scraping. understand "scrap [something]" as scraping. carry out scraping: if the player's command matches "carps": try fliptoing carps instead; if noun is pikes: say "Right action...wrong name." instead; try attacking noun instead; chapter spikeing spikeing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "spike" as something new. understand "spike [something]" as spikeing. does the player mean spikeing the pikes: it is very likely. carry out spikeing: if noun is carps: say "Right action...wrong name." instead; if noun is pikes: try fliptoing carps instead; try attacking noun instead; chapter unearthing rule for supplying a missing noun when unearthing: if player is in collapsed: if thin hint is in collapsed: now noun is thin hint; else: now noun is air; unearthing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand the command "unearth" as something new. understand "unearth [something]" as unearthing. does the player mean unearthing the haunter: it is very likely. after deciding the scope of the player when player is in anger range and haunter is off-stage: place haunter in scope; ueyet is a truth state that varies. before doing something with haunter when haunter is off-stage: if current action is unearthing or current action is objhinting or current action is assuageing: continue the action; say "You can feel the haunter, but [if ueyet is false]you've no clue how to summon him[else if player has digger and ruby is in lalaland]he can't rise until you try to UNEARTH him again[else if player has digger]you don't know what you'd do if you'd unearth him[else]you haven't found something that can unearth him[end if]." instead; before doing something with ruby when ruby is in lalaland: if current action is unearthing or current action is objhinting: continue the action; if current action is objasking about: continue the action; say "You must forget about the ruby." instead; carry out unearthing: if mrlp is not oyster: say "[reject]"; if player is in collapsed old places: if noun is air: say "You haven't buried anything, and you're not aware of treasure here. Plus, if you dig too long without knowing what to look for, you might attract attention." instead; if noun is ruby: say "That is wasted work." instead; if noun is thin hint: say "That would be wasted work, unearthing the thin hint[if haunter is not in lalaland] and the ruby below it[end if]." instead; if player is not in anger range: say "Nothing to unearth here. Maybe somewhere more wide-open." instead; if player does not have rigged digger: say "You need something to dig here[if uaah is visited]. Maybe something from a hut you visited[else]. You haven't found a place with that something, yet. Still, hooray for thinking ahead[end if]."; preef haunter instead; if noun is not haunter: say "Not worth unearthing." instead; if haunter is not off-stage: say "The haunter has been unearthed." instead; say "Ravage a grave!"; if player has ruby: say "[line break]As you begin to dig, you hear 'My...jewel...close...thieves...pay.'[paragraph break]It wouldn't do to be caught (ruby-)red-handed. Maybe you can frame someone or some people-forms. People-forms who deserve SOMETHING pinned on them."; preef haunter; do nothing instead; if ruby is not in lalaland: say "[line break]You scry a cry as scary... 'My...jewel...off...east...I...feel...don't...disturb...unless...'[paragraph break]You haven't found or discovered a jewel, yet."; preef haunter; do nothing instead; now haunter is unfigured; say "A haunter's underneath--[']n unearthed! You're almost unhearted. It's--a weird [b]sausage[r]. You scry a cry as scary...'My lost ruby!'"; reg-inc; now haunter is in anger range; now scrawl is in lalaland; the rule succeeds; [anagram haunter when he is present = no, already did that] the haunter is a reflexive semi-easy person. description is "It's a seven-foot tall sausage--or, rather, a stick figure of several sausages tied together, with a bacon comb-over, a ham hock shield and a pork chop bone for a weapon." check answering haunter that (this is the ruby answer rule): if the player's command includes "ruby": try objasking haunter about ruby instead; persuasion rule for asking haunter to try gotoing collapsed old places: try objasking haunter about ruby instead; persuasion rule for asking haunter to try gotothinging ruby: try objasking haunter about ruby instead; persuasion rule for asking haunter to try doing something: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\b(ruby|places)\b": try objasking haunter about ruby instead; understand "sausage" as haunter. understand "ghost" as haunter when haunter is visible. a-text of haunter is "YRRYYRY". b-text of haunter is "YRRYGPG". check going when location of haunter is location of player: if haunter is reflexive: say "Running would be an admission of guilt. That sausage needs to hear good words." instead; every turn (this is the track haunter rule): if location of player is location of haunter: if haunter is reflexive: say "You should really get on good terms with the sausage." instead; if haunter has been in anger range: if location of haunter is adjacent to location of player: say "The haunter follows you."; move haunter to location of player; if location of player is Hedron and walleyes are in Hedron: say "[line break]The walleyes spout yea-wells. Their toothy cackling becomes toothy clacking as the haunter hovers over you protectively."; the rule succeeds; if location of player is Old Places: say "[line break]The haunter sees the thin hint! It gestures as if you should dig. You do. With the ruby, the haunter becomes a wholer howler. 'Scaring me?' you hear to the east, then, after the haunter flies...SCREAMING. 'Run! A - the - a hunter!'[paragraph break]You can probably enter the ol['] trap back in the Hedron now. Well, once you find where to disarm it."; now walleyes are in lalaland; now haunter is in lalaland; now thin hint is in lalaland; reg-inc; the rule succeeds; else if haunter is visible: say "The haunter moans impatiently[one of][or][or][or][or]! It cries for any news of its lost jewel[cycling]!"; [of such extreme action that you may wind up using extra nouns at your own risk] after fliptoing carps: now trout is in sand home; now carps are in lalaland; now pikes are in lalaland; now scrawl is in anger range; continue the action; check fliptoing dialer: if yapper is visible: say "The yapper'd totally tell on you. As it is, it's a good thing he's more interested in telling you off."; preef dialer instead; after fliptoing dialer: now d2 is in tenfold; continue the action; chapter assuageing assuageing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "assuage" as something new. understand "assuage [something]" as assuageing. does the player mean assuageing the haunter: it is very likely. Rule for clarifying the parser's choice of haunter while assuageing: say "(sausage)[line break]"; carry out assuageing: if noun is haunter: try fliptoing noun instead; if noun is Elvira: say "A peace treaty is not an option." instead; if noun is walleyes or noun is carps or noun is pikes: say "Bullies never work that way." instead; if noun is trout: say "[if noun is in anger range]Concentrate on the carps and pikes instead[else]He's already happy with you[end if]." instead; the rule succeeds. chapter tarceing understand "caret" as a mistake ("You need[if reacted is true]ed[end if] to shift letters and not sixes, here.") when crate is visible. understand "cater" as a mistake ("No use catering to an enemy you can't see. Besides, the crate is too smashed to cater something.") when crate is visible. traceing is an action applying to nothing. traced is a truth state that varies. traced is usually false. understand the command "trace" as something new. understand "trace" as traceing. carry out traceing: if location of player is not Lapsin' plains: say "[reject]" instead; if traced is true: say "You already did that. If you retrace, you might get lost at a terrace." instead; now traced is true; say "Based on where you got hit and how fast it hit you, you throw some grass up in the air or something, note how the wood landed, and figure where it came from! But you see no crates-caster. They'll probably chuck something at you when you're not looking, and you'll probably need to use your instincts. (P.S. don't worry, it's not a centaur either, so you can't untrace. You can't trace up and capture it either.)"; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; check scaning crate: if reacted is true: say "Your settler does nothing. Hopefully, that's the last of that." instead; if traced is false: say "Your settler registers [if cheat-on is false]RRYRY[else]RPGRG[end if]." instead; say "Your settler registers [if cheat-on is false]RYYRR[else]RYGRR[end if]." instead; chapter reacting reacted is a truth state that varies. reacted is usually false. reacting is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "react" as something new. understand "react" as reacting. carry out reacting: if location of player is not Lapsin' plains: say "[reject]" instead; if traced is false: say "You don't yet know how, or why, to react." instead; if reacted is true: say "Already did." instead; now reacted is true; say "This time you're ready. You turn around and know when to look when the crate is about to hit you. You knock it down in mid-air and, in a fit of rage, fling it back into the tall weeds and hit the en-pris sniper. You hear an expression of anger, then scurrying. You won't need to recast the crates."; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; understand "odor" as a mistake ("[if Gunter is off-stage]You'd stink as a host, trying that[else]The smell would gag you before the shouty youths[end if].") when side door is visible. understand "rood" as a mistake ("[if Gunter is off-stage]No need to surprise a guest like that. Just open the door[else]It'd be your own crucifix if you let the shouty youths outside in[end if].") when side door is visible. check opening rude door: try going inside instead; check going inside when player is in Lapsin' plains: if reacted is false: say "As you go for the door, you [one of]feel[or]remember[stopping] something hitting you in the [one of]back[or]head[or]leg[or]kidney[or]foot[or]patookus[or]appendix[in random order]. It's not particularly harmful, but it's distracting enough that you won't be able to [if knob is reflexive]smack the door around the right way[else]get through the door[end if] until you reckon about that conker." instead; if skis are visible: say "Those skis block the door pretty handily." instead; if knob is not reflexed: say "'NOPE, PEON!' the rude door booms, somehow. The knob seems stuck." instead; if uaah is unvisited: say "You ignore a dour 'Redo?' as you walk in.[paragraph break]But you have a new problem. You need a hut in the circle of huts. But how to identify it? Disturbing a resident could be troublesome. They are in all shapes and sizes. Hmm, a hut, a hut...[wfak][paragraph break]Wait! Maybe it's this one, or...[wfak][paragraph break]That one! A hut shaped like Utah! Of course! You'd recognize that rectangle with a rectangle bitten out of one corner anywhere."; else: say "You go back into a hut shaped like Utah." does the player mean bonking the knob: it is very likely. warp-try is a truth state that varies. After printing the name of the wrap while taking inventory: if warp-try is true: say " (to warp in the right place)"; check fliptoing ruby: if wrap is visible: now warp-try is true; if Aunt Tuna is visible: say "'Goodness me!' cries Aunt Tuna. 'I do not approve of warping the bubble wrap! You ought to be sent from THIS nest for that noise!'[paragraph break]Like all good bubble wrap, maybe it needs to be saved til you find the right person to annoy."; preef ruby; the rule succeeds; if player is not in Achers' Arches: say "That would be fun but useless here. Perhaps you could annoy someone with it. Someone worth getting rid of."; preef ruby; the rule succeeds; after fliptoing ruby: now sandier sardine is in lalaland; continue the action; some bubble wrap is a flippable super-easy thing. indefinite article of bubble wrap is "some". understand "bubbles" as bubble wrap. a-text of wrap is "RYRR". b-text of wrap is "PYRP". description of wrap is "It's about two feet in diameter, all twisted up and thick enough to be covering something. But you don't have time to pop each bubble individually." understand "wrap [text]" as a mistake ("The bubble wrap is already covering something.") when wrap is visible. the can't search unless container or supporter rule is not listed in any rulebook. carry out searching: if noun is o-t: say "That's the right idea. But not the right way to search. You need to walk all over the floor, here, to disable the ol['] trap." instead; if noun is a-p: say "The portal has nothing." instead; say "You're not able to find anything hidden." instead; chapter patroling patroling is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "patrol" as something new. understand "patrol" as patroling. carry out patroling: if player is in hedron: if o-t is visible: try fliptoing a-p instead; else: say "You already patrolled." instead; if hedron is visited: if walleyes are in lalaland and o-t is in hedron and mrlp is oyster: say "You suddenly realize how to search out the ol['] trap in the Horned Hedron."; move player to hedron, without printing a room description; try fliptoing a-p instead; if walleyes are in hedron and mrlp is oyster: say "There's nothing here, but that's a good idea. Maybe you can search the Horned Hedron once if the walleyes are gone."; preef o-t; do nothing instead; say "You pace around for a bit, but nothing happens. Maybe this isn't quite the place to look[if o-t is in lalaland]--it already worked in the hedron, and once is enough[end if]." instead; the rule succeeds; chapter warping warping is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "warp" as something new. understand "warp [something]" as warping. does the player mean warping the bubble wrap: it is very likely. carry out warping: if noun is bubble wrap: try fliptoing bubble wrap instead; say "That's not generally how you warp things here in Yorpwald." instead; book Lean Lane Lean Lane is a room in oyster. Lean Lane is east of Anger Range. "Somewhere, you may find your friend. But he ran too fast. You could go back west if you want, or you can try to find him.[paragraph break]You do hear something, though[if cans are visible], and the ground is littered with cans[end if]." scan-cans is a truth state that varies. the cans are vanishing scenery in Lean Lane. "The cans are all icky and sticky and--eww. It'd take something weird to counter the chemical reaction that made--whatever's non-biodegradable in there.". a-text of cans is "RRYR". b-text of cans is "RRYR". check taking the cans: say "There are too many. Even one or two would be too icky and mess up your super purse. You don't even have a garbage sticker, but maybe another tool would work." instead; check scaning the cans (this is the bonus point rule) : if the player's command includes "scan": say "You scan the cans, and at first they flash RRYR, as expected. Then you hear a rip in the fabric of reality. Apparently, you caused it by 1) not knowing what to do with the cans, so you scanned them and 2) knowing you needed to scan the cans. It's not very big, but between the logical paradox and infraviolet rays or whatever, the sludge in the cans (itself created through an abuse of quantum physics) bursts into water and dirt. [paragraph break]If you get rid of Elvira, you'll see if you can replicate this. It'd make recycling pretty darned efficient. You feel more socially conscious, and less of a plain wordslinger, for having partially cleaned up Lean Lane."; min-and; now cans are in lalaland instead; say "You're over-thinking this one." instead; understand "neal" as a mistake ("You aren't looking for anyone named Neal. Unless the trout is named Neal. (Spoiler: he's not.) Maybe you should figure how to find the eeks.") when player is in Lean Lane. understand "elan" as a mistake ("Lean Lane will never be pretty, even [if cans are visible]if those cans disappeared[else]with those cans gone[end if]. You're looking for someone. Or maybe you should be listening.") when player is in Lean Lane. to say wipes-too: if wipes are on drawer: say ", and you notice some wipes on it"; the eeks are plural-named scenery in Lean Lane. "[bug-report]" a-text of eeks is "RYYR". b-text of eeks is "RGYR". instead of doing something to eeks: if action is procedural, continue the action; if current action is not listening: say "Can't do much more than listen."; try listening instead; the eeks are vanishing scenery in Lean Lane. Handsome Sand Home is an innie room in Oyster. "You're in a rather nicely kept up home. A raw red reward drawer leans against one wall[wipes-too]. You may leave to the west--anywhere else is probably a bit too private." understand "a nut" as a mistake ("That's not nice. You are a guest.") when player is in sand home. Aunt Tuna is a female person in Sand Home. description is "Grayin['], grainy. 'Staring at people you barely know! Where are your manners?'". "Aunt Tuna putters around here, nodding and clucking and shaking her head. Well, as much as a fish can[if tea tray is visible]. She occasionally motions to the tea tray she laid out for you[end if]." does the player mean eating the tea tray: it is very likely; understand "ate" as a mistake ("You're getting ahead of yourself here.") when tea tray is visible. understand "eta" as a mistake ("ETA's one move later now that you went fishing for this anagram.") when tea tray is visible. The tea tray is auxiliary super-easy edible scenery in Handsome Sand Home. description is "Arty, with tea on it. The meal, not the drink[one of]. And no beak-bake in it[or][stopping]. But why stare at it? That's not what food is for." a-text of tea tray is "YYR". b-text of tea tray is "YYR". check drinking tea: say "It's food-tea, not drink-tea." instead; after scaning tray: if the player's command includes "tray": say "Hm, three letters. You reckon it's the tea on the tray, not the tray itself."; continue the action; the paler pearl is an undesc. description is "It's a nice pearl but too small to be valuable on its own." the general gleaner is a reflexive thing. description is "[if gleaner is reflexed]You see a map of all the paths in the Horned Hedron. They twist around a lot, and once you re-angle, it dilates details so you can see the way to get to...the Tenfold Teflon'd Den Loft (avec evac-cave,) with even a separate pest area on the side[oy-can-win][otherwise]You hope to have peered deeper for a vision, but it's too small. All you can make out in the morbid dim orb is [ho-he] and the words GENERAL GLEANER, though if you look closely you may be able to read some red writing--the artist's name, too[end if]." check examining gleaner when player is in loft: say "You found the way in and know the way out. Better deal with the [if yapper is visible]yapper and [end if]dialer, now." instead; to say ho-he: say "[if hedron is visited]the horned hedron[else if Achers' Arches is visited]a structure, possibly the hedron north of Achers['] Arches,[else]some structure[end if]"; after examining general gleaner when player is in end den and gleaner is reflexed: check-sanctum; continue the action; a-text of gleaner is "YRRYRRY". b-text of gleaner is "YRR??RY". find-base is a truth state that varies. to say oy-can-win: now find-base is true; after fliptoing eeks: bowl-to-home; continue the action; to bowl-to-home: now Lean Lane is shunned; change the east exit of anger range to sand home; change the west exit of sand home to anger range; chapter enlargeing enlargeing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "enlarge" as something new. understand "enlarge [something]" as enlargeing. carry out enlargeing: if noun is not gleaner: say "That's not part of your powers. Well, not generally[if gleaner is reflexed], and you already did that to the gleaner, anyway[end if]." instead; try fliptoing gleaner instead; the rule succeeds. does the player mean enlargeing the gleaner: it is very likely. chapter seeking seeking is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "seek" as something new. understand "seek [something]" as seeking. does the player mean seeking the eeks: it is very likely. carry out seeking: if noun is eeks: try fliptoing eeks instead; if noun is a-s: say "Not quite the right way to poke through the arches." instead; try searching noun instead; the rule succeeds. chapter tutoring tutoring is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "tutor" as something new. understand "tutor [something]" as tutoring. does the player mean tutoring the player: it is likely; does the player mean tutoring the trout: it is very likely; carry out tutoring: if noun is not trout: say "[reject]" instead; if noun is trout and trout is reflexed: say "Retutor? Torture. Rot. True!" instead; if trout is in range and player is in range: try fliptoing trout instead; now trout is reflexed; say "How to start... 'Branded nerd? Bad. Karate? A taker?' You show the trout how to paste a pest with some slick licks. As tutorer, you show him how to avoid the rote rut of torture. Most of what you say is a po['] combat boot camp, but he gives a trouty tryout, as a monkish moshnik with frail flair, and you give a kind dink to boost his confidence. Aunt Tuna clucks that she TOLD him that, and if he'd listened to HER when SHE said it instead of having a ton-not-fair fair--but it's as pleased as she's been in a while![paragraph break]"; say "She explains someone deserves a reward. He's all 'A donut, Aunt! Do!' but she says diabetes is not the best idea. Not even a tater treat. But she hands you bubble wrap--a present from someone named Valeri, who used to be so nice but never shows up any more[if tray is visible]--and also jerks her head towards the tray[end if].[paragraph break]You doubt Aunt Tuna has anything else for you[if wipes are visible], though maybe you could sneak the wipes[end if][if dent is visible]. Maybe you could fix the dent[end if]. But you should probably explore elsewhere."; now player has bubble wrap; reg-inc; the rule succeeds. chapter eat stub check taking the tea tray: say "'Goodness me, no! It is rude to TAKE all the tea! You can have it without taking it!' says Aunt Tuna." instead; procedural rule while eating: [taking before eating] if noun is lamb or noun is tea tray or noun is clam or noun is oyster-x or noun is b-b or noun is lobster or noun is clear catsup: ignore the carrying requirements rule. instead of eating tea tray: if the player's command includes "tray": say "You probably just want the tea on the tray. Not the tray." instead; if trout is reflexive: say "You feel slightly guilty eating before helping the trout, but Aunt Tuna nods, it's okay for you to eat first."; say "Gosh, tea, and you don't feel hostage[if aunt tuna is visible] to manners or anything[end if]! Not just fringy frying! A dose of seafood (Not, like, fish. But what they eat. Tressed dessert.) A dish is had. Being fed is def! There's a whole crumpets spectrum in here, treats taster, all free of nitrate tainter! Muy yum! But while being a chompin['] champion, you bite half a paler pearl.[paragraph break][if aunt tuna is visible]'Oh my goodness!' says Aunt Tuna. 'I am so sorry! I do not know how that got in there. You may keep it. I hope it is a decent apology for my being such a negligent hostess.' She [tray-sez].[else]Well, you can't exactly go complaining to Aunt Tuna now for this, after making a mess in her place.[end if]"; pearl-check; now tea tray is in lalaland; reg-inc; to say tray-sez: say "[if trout is reflexive]hints you've got enough nourishment to help Tortu stand up to the bullies as you did[else]thanks you for doing so much. She can't imagine anything more you could do for Tortu[end if]"; after fliptoing trout: if player has pills: min-up; continue the action; check asking aunt tuna about: if noun is trout: say "[if trout is reflexed]They will not pick on him so much any more[else]Everyone picks on poor Tortu[end if]." instead to pearl-check: say "[line break]"; if player has paler pearl: say "The two halves of the paler pearl seem to fit together. You can see something in there, but you're not sure what. It's quite simply not big enough. It's scratched over so the words GENERAL GLEANER engulf it."; now player has general gleaner; now paler pearl is off-stage; otherwise: say "The pearl seems only half a sphere. Maybe the other half is elsewhere."; now player has paler pearl; check fliptoing trout (this is the no teaching while fighting rule) : if player is in anger range: say "[if carps are visible]You probably can't help the trout until they're off his case, but they wouldn't be on his case if he had tutoring in fighting earlier. Catch-22. At least, here[otherwise]The poor trout's probably getting beaten up for learning in the first place[end if]." instead; book sanctum the ant is a super-easy animal. "An oddly colored ant is here! It seems more threatening than anything, but your lance seems to hold it at bay.". description of ant is "If you look at it one way, it's a light brown--no, that's not it--but another way, it's a bright red, a simulacrum of the legendary Tar Rat Art. You're glad you have that lance to do something simple to fend it off, or maybe even run it off." a-text of ant is "RYR". b-text of ant is "RYR". understand "nat" as a mistake ("You don't need to name the ant. It's not a pet.") when player is in Scum Ant Sanctum. Scum Ant Sanctum is an innie room in oyster. "Um, scant." chapter taning taning is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "tan" as something new. understand "tan [something]" as taning. does the player mean taning the ant: it is very likely; carry out taning: if noun is not ant: try attacking noun instead; say "Whack! Pow! 'Scum ant! Can...must...must tan mutants. Succumb, scum-cub!' After your glancing clanging, the lance turns into a red-hot hate rod and breaks in the process as the ant runs away. You completed a mini-SOS mission!"; min-and; now ant is in lalaland; now lance is in lalaland; now scum ant sanctum is shunned; now player is in Tenfold Teflon'd Den Loft instead; book Den Loft Tenfold Teflon'd Den Loft is an innie room in Oyster. "[one of]You're at the center of what's really a nice mob combine, all things considered. I mean, the mob isn't nice, but it's obviously a spendy spy den. It's unclear if it's above or below ground, it's so well protected a city-fail facility. [or][stopping]You can exit or go out to leave this place, though it's probably better just to find a way to mess up the whole Hedron.[paragraph break]A huge dialer takes up the bulk of the wall--it seems to have settings to tell it what to do, then a lever to pull." lev-pull is a truth state that varies. check taking lever: say "You can really only pull it." instead; check going outside in Den Loft: if lev-pull is true: say "You can't leave now. You're so close. The lever doesn't seem to work any more, but the dialer...maybe..." instead; the papery yapper is a vanishing person in Den Loft. "A papery yapper, full of sharp edges that would bleed you to death, blocks access to the dialer. He is wearing a stupid paper necklace." after fliptoing yapper (this is the A Briber is You rule): now gleaner is in lalaland; continue the action; a-text of papery yapper is "RRYRYO". b-text of papery yapper is "?RY?Y?". the stupid paper necklace is a cluey thing. description is "It's red and is cut out to read 'Rap? Yep!' It's not very gangsta, but it shows a likely weakness for bling." the papery yapper wears the stupid paper necklace. instead of doing something with stupid paper necklace: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The necklace isn't worth meddling with beyond maybe giving an odd clue." description of papery yapper is "He looks precisely folded, but also shifty, like he could be bribed. But you probably can't just bribe him directly." check giving the gleaner to the papery yapper: say "'Nonsense! I would love one of those, but I couldn't take such an overt bribe.' You're not sure if he winked." instead; check giving something to the papery yapper: say "'Bribe? Sigh. Gibberish. Maybe we could reclassify the donation with creative financing[if noun is not gleaner], and make it a better donation, too[end if].' You're not sure if he rolled his eyes." instead; after printing the locale description for Den Loft when Den Loft is unvisited: if player has lance: say "The yapper, seeing your lance, flees! Shortly after, some static from the dialer causes the lance to shatter, but it did its job. Perhaps you didn't need to be so threatening, but hey, you're in."; min-up; poss-d; now yapper is in lalaland; the dialer is reflexive scenery in Den Loft. Include (- has transparent talkable -) when defining dialer. the NotCrime intercom is reflexive scenery in Den Loft. "The NotCrime intercom, the let-in-intel device of choice for the shadier denizens of Yorpwald. It probably works with the dialer in some way" Include (- has transparent talkable -) when defining intercom. description of dialer is "It's a big intimidating important looking thing. You probably won't understand details of how it works. A jumble on the dialer spells out, conveniently, [if dialer is reflexive]DIALER[else]DERAIL[end if]. It looks like you could shift it. You also see some red writing, in small print." the jumble is part of the dialer. description is "[if dialer is reflexive]DIALER[else]DERAIL[end if] seems to indicate its current task." instead of doing something with jumble: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "The lettering looks like it can be shifted around to things you can do." check scaning jumble: if dialer is reflexive: try scaning dialer instead; a-text of dialer is "RYRYYR". b-text of dialer is "[if dialer is reflexive]PYRYYR[else]RYRYYR[end if]". instead of taking or attacking dialer: say "That would only sabotage communications here. You need to sabotage the supplier." The lever is semi-easy reflexive LLPish scenery in Den Loft. "You're quite glad you found it, even if you're not sure how or why to pull it, yet." a-text of lever is "RYRYR". b-text of lever is "RGPGR". check exiting in Den Loft: say "You can always find your way back easily enough."; now player is in Horned Hedron instead; check fliptoing lever: if yapper is visible: say "Nothing to celebrate yet--dispose of the yapper first."; preef lever instead; check pushing lever: try pulling lever instead; check pulling lever: if yapper is visible: say "The yapper reaches out a papery arm and prevents you." instead; if dialer is reflexive: say "[one of]You hear a dial tone from the dialer, then a voice which can only be Elvira. You can't blow your cover talking to her, so you switch the lever back. Looks like you need to change what the dialer does[or]Annoying Elvira with empty phone calls won't work--you need to set the dialer before pulling the lever[stopping]." instead; if lev-pull is false: say "You pull the lever.[paragraph break]'HEY! Oh! It's the boys from the horned hedron! You pull that lever and...' her voice turns sweet. 'You wouldn't do that, would you? Well, I could send you more...supplies...I'll pretend this didn't happen!'"; reg-inc; now d2 is in tenfold; now lev-pull is true instead; say "The lever doesn't seem to do anything more. Maybe you need to futz with the dialer." instead; chapter redialing the d2 is privately-named unscannable reflexive scenery. d2 is undesc. printed name of d2 is "dialer" a-text of d2 is "RYRYYR". b-text of d2 is "RYRYYR". understand "redial" as a mistake ("[if yapper is visible]You can't even [i]dial[r] with the yapper around[else if dialer is reflexive]Maybe in a bit, but you haven't even dialed yet[else]Maybe in a bit, but you haven't pulled the lever to activate the DERAIL command yet[end if].") when lev-pull is false and player is in tenfold. check fliptoing d2: if lev-pull is false: say "Hm. Nothing happened. You may need to reset things, here." instead; book bubble wrap and drawer check fliptoing bubble wrap: if player is in handsome sand home: if trout is reflexive: say "'You have things backward. You haven't done enough yet to deserve a reward,' clucks Aunt Tuna with the staidest distaste. 'Show me you won't restack rackets with some other poor innocent!'" instead; the dent is part of the raw red reward drawer. the dent is super-easy and LLPish. description is "It'd probably take the right sort of futzing to get rid of." a-text of dent is "RYRR". b-text of dent is "RGPR". some wipes are plural-named and auxiliary. the wipes are on the raw red reward drawer. description of wipes is "I-SPEW wipes is written in red on them." a-text of wipes is "RRYRY". b-text of wipes is "RRYRY". check taking the wipes: say "Aunt Tuna asks 'Really, what COULD you want with those.' She nods at you, and you pull your hand back. Maybe if you were quicker, you could take them." instead; instead of doing something with the reward drawer: if action is procedural: continue the action; else: say "'Disturb? I'd burst!' says Aunt Tuna[if dent is visible], as she mentions that DENT is ugly enough[end if]."; understand "redraw" as a mistake ("Graphics? In a text adventure? Sacrilege! You deserve no prize for that! Plus Aunt Tuna hates vandalism.") when drawer is visible. to say teach-tortu: say "[if trout is reflexive]if you teach[else]now you taught[end if]" the raw red reward drawer is scenery in handsome sand home. the reward drawer is a supporter. check putting on reward drawer: say "No. Aunt Tuna keeps her place tidy." instead; description of reward drawer is "It's, well, raw and red[if dent is part of reward drawer], with a visible dent[end if][if trout is reflexive]. Aunt Tuna nods and points to Tortu as you look at it, indicating you could get what's in there if you help him[end if]." check opening the drawer: if bubble wrap is not off-stage: say "There's no secret compartment or anything. No need to be greedy." instead; if trout is not reflexed: say "Aunt Tuna mentions subtly-not-so-subtly that a guest is not a thief." instead; if trout is reflexed: say "Aunt Tuna exclaims 'Re-treat? Retreat!' Abashed, you assure yourself she shuffled the duplicate letters around, somehow." instead; chapter tending tending is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "tend" as something new. understand "tend [something]" as tending. does the player mean tending the dent: it is very likely. dent-tend is a truth state that varies. carry out tending: if noun is not dent: say "You're not sure how to tend that." instead; if dent-tend is false: say "You fiddle with the dent, joggling the reward drawer from side to side, then--wham! Something inside knocks the dent back out, and the drawer is in perfect order again. Aunt Tuna is pleased, and Tortu is impressed."; reg-inc; min-up; now dent-tend is true; now dent is in lalaland; the rule succeeds; chapter swipeing swipeing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "swipe" as something new. understand "swipe [something]" as swipeing. does the player mean swipeing the wipes: it is likely. carry out swipeing: if noun is wipes: if player has wipes: say "Better to swipe the wipes across something dirty[if lance is visible]--hmm, there's that lance, there[end if]." instead; say "You swipe the wipes before Aunt Tuna notices. You can't see anything here that's dingy enough to use them--or use them the right way--on. Maybe something somewhere less well-kept."; now player has wipes; min-and instead; if noun is a person: say "Whether stealing from or attacking something living...that's not cool!" instead; say "You don't need to take that so quickly."; try taking noun instead; chapter cleaning cleaning is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "clean" as something new. understand "clean [something]" as cleaning. does the player mean cleaning the lance: it is very likely. does the player mean cleaning the player when player does not have lance: it is very likely; carry out cleaning: if noun is the player: say "You are morally and physically okay." instead; if noun is lance and lance is cleaned: say "The lance is as shiny as can be." instead; if player does not have wipes: say "You have nothing to clean [if noun is lance]the lance[else]anything[end if] with."; if noun is lance: preef lance; the rule succeeds; if noun is waste: say "The wipes won't begin to clear away the waste. You need good old fashioned physical effort." instead; if noun is not lance: say "You don't need to clean that." instead; now lance is cleaned; now lance is unfigured; now player has lance; say "The lance becomes much less grungy as you swipe the wipes across it. You can actually pick it up, now. So you do. But it's obviously a very righteous lance. Only to be used against an enemy of great annoyance. It won't help against multiple opponents, either, but at least it is collapsible, so it fits easily in your purse.[paragraph break]The wipes kind of biodegraded in the process, but that is one less thing to carry."; now wipes are in lalaland; min-and instead; book Lapsin' plains Lapsin' Plains is north of anger range. Lapsin' plains is in oyster. "[if rude door is visible]A rude door guards some shut huts here[else]Huts lie thus here[end if][if fragments are visible]. You see debris from a crate[end if][if splained is false], and you have this weird urge to say something, even with nobody around[end if]." understand "palins" as a mistake ("Michael and Sarah are both funny enough on their own. I really couldn't do them justice in this game.") when player is in Lapsin' Plains understand "lapins" as a mistake ("Cute bunnies can make any game better, but having to deal with French as well would drive me crazy.") when player is in Lapsin' Plains instead of doing something with the crate: unless action is procedural: say "You don't need to fiddle randomly with the debris." instead; continue the action; does the player mean opening the rude door: it is likely. the crate is scenery in Lapsin' Plains. "[if reacted is true]You can only see fragments of what it was, and they're not worth paying attention to[else]You can't see the crate but you know it, or one just like it, is about to be thrown at you. Crates are a dime a dozen for any bad guys, so that could go on for a while[end if]." understand "debris" and "crates" as crate. understand "brides" as a mistake ("No, no time to think about romance, now.") when crate is visible. understand "thus" as a mistake ("Your inactive word does nothing to the huts[if knob is not reflexive]. Perhaps you can do something to the door[else]. But you don't need to do any more, since you can walk in[end if].") when shut huts are visible. the shut huts are plural-named scenery in Lapsin' plains. "They're shaped like a big ol['] upended tush.". understand "tush" and "hut" as shut huts. instead of entering huts: try opening rude door instead; after printing the locale description for plains when plains is unvisited: say "You hear splintering and notice a crate that fell near you. Someone or something doesn't like you here."; now fragments are in plains; instead of cutting denim: try attacking denim; the skis are a plural-named super-easy flippable thing in Lapsin' plains. the skis are fixed in place. "Skis criss-cross over the door, blocking you from entry." a-text of skis is "RYRR". b-text of skis is "RYRP". does the player mean kissing a person: it is likely; does the player mean kissing the skis: it is very likely. [!! kissing a non-person] rule for supplying a missing noun when kissing: if skis are visible: now noun is skis; the block kissing rule is not listed in any rulebook. understand the command "kiss" as something new. Understand "kiss [thing]" as kissing. [needed to kiss skis] to say him-her: say "[if player is male]her[else]him[end if]"; before kissing: if player carries the noun: say "Moisten no items." instead; if noun is admirer: say "You are not a lousy enough kisser to discourage [him-her]. Perhaps there's another way to sour [if player is male]her[else]him[end if] on you." instead; if noun is bonker: say "Not even with a good dental plan." instead; if noun is duck: say "It's cute and all, but it also doesn't trust you." instead; if noun is doc-y: say "He is not the touchy feely kind." instead; if noun is smart kid: say "Okay, we're close to creepy territory here."; if noun is Elvira: say "'[if player is female]Superwoman? Wane, rum sop![else]Me? Spurn a superman?[end if]' She flatters you for admitting you were wrong about her, not recognizing she was socially out of your league. As she talks ('I lure! I rule!') suddenly you realize what your quest was about. Your test run showed SHATTER-THREATS was not enough...you are talked into [if player is female]Chuck-Ms.-Schmuck[else]being Mr. Arty Martyr[end if] for a newer better Yorpwald. The last thing you hear is Elvira saying: 'A big help? Pah! Bilge!'"; get-dead instead; if noun is not skis and noun is not a person: say "That can't really respond to your affection." instead; if noun is macks: say "[if player is male]That'd be subtle trolling, but you might not stay conscious long enough to enjoy it[else]You don't want to get their attention that way[end if]." instead; if noun is Gretta: say "You imagine her all 'Tricky try. Ick.'" instead; if noun is haunter: say "The ghost can't respond to affection." instead; If noun is aunt tuna: say "That would be cruel to poor Tortu. She would blackmail him into kissing her long after you left." instead; if noun is trolls: say "Bad idea." instead; if noun is clam: say "It could use a bit of friendship, but not like that." instead; if noun is the player: say "You feel as good-looking as ever after kissing yourself." instead; if noun is an animal: say "Yay you for loving animals. Or claiming to." instead; if noun is guardian: say "Creeping out whatever's blocking your way won't work." instead; if noun is skis: say "As you kiss them, they pull up--and dissolve."; now skis are in lalaland; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; say "[if noun is a person]This is not a romance game[otherwise]There's only one possible inanimate object you could kiss, if you think about it[ski-la][end if]." instead; to say ski-la: if skis are in lalaland: say ", and you already nailed that"; description of skis is "They're [one of]SISK brand (of course) and[or][stopping] criss-cross over the rude door. You won't make it through without getting rid of them." instead of taking skis: say "They're wedged to the door right now. The more you force them, the more they seem to pull away. But how to be nice to skis?" section huging understand the command "hug" as something new. understand "hug [text]" and "hug" as a mistake ("Hug? Ugh. Guh.") understand the command "embrace" as something new. understand "embrace [text]" and "embrace" as a mistake ("Hug? Ugh. Guh.") chapter splaining splaining is an action out of world. understand the command "splain" as something new. understand "splain" as splaining. splained is a truth state that varies. carry out splaining: if player is not in plains: say "Here is not the place." instead; if door-sux is true: say "You brag, to nobody and everyone in particular, how you SHOWED that door. It's in no shape to argue"; else if bonkies is true and reacted is false: say "You yell to whoever's throwing those crates, you'll figure them out"; else: say "You explain to the rude door how you'll get by anyway"; if splained is false: say ". You feel better after this, now you stated what your plan is."; now splained is true; min-and instead; else: say ", but you feel something spinal and think 'I...plans.' Time to move on."; the rule succeeds; chapter bonking to check-rude-door: if skis are not visible: if reacted is true: if traced is true: if knob is reflexed: say "[line break]Your last act seems to have broken the door's will to block you. It emits a rude odor, rued briefly, and it creaks open with a hinge-neigh and grumpy 'Open door? Done poor.' You're all 'Postpone? Stop? Nope.'"; now door-sux is true; door-sux is a truth state that varies. the rude door is a thing in Lapsin' plains. "You see a door leading [if player is in plains]in[else]out[end if]. A rude message is written above a knob on the door." the rude door is fixed in place. instead of taking rude door: say "It's obnoxious but not THAT unhinged." instead of entering rude door: try opening rude door instead; understand "pone" as a mistake ("The message is corny, but the door's a piece of cake [if knob is not reflexed]once you figure[else]since you figured[end if] what to do with the knob.") when rude door is visible the brief message is part of the rude door. brief message is undesc and useless. instead of doing something to the brief message: if action is procedural, continue the action; say "You can't really do much with the message other than analyze it."; instead of examining message: try examining rude door instead; description of rude door is "[if location of player is Lapsin' plains]You make out the words[fixed letter spacing][line break] [line break] 'HI, ENTER?' [line break] 'IN THERE?' [line break]...NEITHER!!![variable letter spacing][otherwise]This side of the door says TRY, O TYRO[end if]."; understand "troy" and "tory" as a mistake ("'NOPE! THAT'S NOT MY NAME! AND WHY DO YOU CARE ANYWAY?' yells the rude door. At least you didn't break its spirit.") when uaah is visited and the rude door is visible. the knob is part of the rude door. the knob is flippable. description of knob is "It's just a doorknob, though you can imagine it saying 'Noob! Dork!' You'd just love to give it a good effective smack." understand "doorknob" as knob. the knob is super-easy and reflexive. a-text of knob is "RYRR". b-text of knob is "RYRR". does the player mean bonking the knob: it is very likely. check scaning rude door: if knob is reflexed and skis are visible: say "The door doesn't show anything by itself, but the skis do."; try scaning skis instead; if knob is reflexive and skis are in lalaland: say "The door doesn't show anything by itself, but the knob does."; try scaning knob instead; say "The door reveals nothing." instead; bonking is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "bonk [something]" as something new. understand "bonk [something]" as bonking. bonkies is a truth state that varies; carry out bonking: if location of player is not Lapsin' plains: say "[reject]" instead; if noun is door: say "I'll assume you meant the knob instead..."; try bonking the knob instead; if noun is not knob: try attacking noun instead; if knob is reflexed: say "That might undo what you did[if reacted is false or traced is false], and it might get you another knock on the noggin anyway[end if]." instead; if traced is false: now bonkies is true; say "[one of]As you reach to smack the knob, you feel something on the back of your head, then a splintering noise. You see a bunch of wood fragments behind you. You're not sure how you survived without feeling dizzy, but someone's out to get you[or]You don't need to be hit with another crate[stopping]." instead; if reacted is false: say "[if bonkies is true]You would, but you would probably get hit with the crate. You need to anticipate, somehow. Trace was the first step with the crate[else]You flinch, a second too late. You can trace the crate, but you can't -- use your reflexes[end if]."; now bonkies is true instead; say "BONK! You hit the knob just right."; now knob is reflexed; reg-inc; check-rude-door instead; fragments are plural-named scenery. "Rotten brown fragments. Annoying and gross, but not harmful. They seem to be from a crate." instead of taking the fragments: say "Eww. You would rather trace where they came from." check opening the rude door: if knob is reflexive: say "It's jammed and there's no key. Or keyhole under the knob[one of]. And no, there's no mat to look under anywhere for a key. Just FYI[or][stopping]." instead; book uaah to say mr-miss: say "[if player is male]Mr.[run paragraph on][else]Miss[end if]"; to say heepy: say "[if waste is visible]waste lying around, though you probably don't need to expend the physical effort to clean it unless you want to be [mr-miss] Perfect[else if heaps are reflexive]ugly looking heaps, though you may not care about aesthetics[else]the heaps you beautified[end if]" uaah is inside of Lapsin' Plains. uaah is a privately-named room in Oyster. uaah is innie. printed name of uaah is "[one of]Uh, at[or]At, uh,[in random order] a Hut". "[if digger is not off-stage]There was more than you expected in this hut[else]Man, there's not a lot that's useful here[end if][if heaps are visible or waste is visible]. You see [heepy][end if]. You can only go back outside." understand "hut" as uaah. understand "auth" as a mistake ("Sorry! I'm too busy to cameo in my own game at the moment.") when player is in uaah. understand "utah" as a mistake ("The hut only looks like Utah. However, I bet Adenville is nice. Or it would be, if it existed. Man, I loved those Great Brain books.") when player is in uaah. understand "sweat [text]" as a mistake ("Don't sweat the extra words. Just sweat.") when waste is visible the prod is a super-easy thing. description is "It's a corroded decor-rod--nah, just a prod. But it's rather thick and not uniformly smooth. It reminds you of one of those umbrellas you can't open up until you figure how by accident. One of those deals that are both really easy and not easy at all at the same time. You might even have to do something you discounted much earlier." does the player mean dropping the prod: it is very likely. a-text of prod is "RRYR". b-text of prod is "RPGR". check opening prod: say "You flash back to the door saying NOPE. You can't figure a way to open the prod, but maybe brute force will work, instead." instead; check dropping prod: if word number 1 in the player's command is not "drop": say "That's not the right way to abuse the prod to open it." instead; say "It rattles as you drop it. You try every which way. Heavy end first, light end first, sideways, at an angle--then POW! It opens. It's a properly rigged digger, now. You can't really call it a prod. But you can, and do, pick it up."; reg-inc; now prod is in lalaland; now player has rigged digger instead; the tubs are a plural-named thing in uaah. "Tubs lie here--two glued together by their tops--and perhaps there's something inside." check taking tubs: say "Way too bulky. But actually not as heavy as you thought." instead; description of tubs is "They seem glued together. Maybe there is a way to break them open to see if there's anything inside." instead of touching tubs: say "They seem to be made of something fragile, something you could break--porcelain, maybe? You hear something rattling inside."; a-text of tubs is "RYRR". b-text of tubs is "RGRR". understand "stub" as a mistake ("You tap the tubs lightly with your toe. Then you tap them enough to hurt. Not even a thin crack appears, but your toe turns a bit red. Or feels like it did.") when tubs are visible. understand "buts" as a mistake ("You talk yourself out of any idea there is something inside the tubs, and you discourage yourself from believing you have the strength anyway. You are not fooling yourself.") when tubs are visible. the heaps are reflexive semi-easy LLPish scenery. "[if heaps are reflexed]You have beautified them. Yay, you.[else]They are just a mess. You're not obligated to beautify Yorpwald, but maybe something could be done to them.[end if]" a-text of heaps is "RRYRY". b-text of heaps is "RRGPY". the rigged digger is a thing. description is "It is, unsurprisingly, a product of Shovel Hovels. It looks suited to its advertised purpose.". understand "shovel" as digger. understand "dig" and "dig [text]" as a mistake ("[dig-purpose].") when player has digger. to say dig-purpose: if haunter is in lalaland and ruby is in lalaland: say "You're finished with the digger"; continue the action; if player is in old places and hint is in old places: say "Now you've buried the ruby, you could maybe show what you've found. No point undoing what you did"; continue the action; say "You need to dig to some purpose"; if player is in anger range and haunter is off-stage: say ", like uncovering the haunter"; else if player is in anger range and player has ruby: say ", maybe hide something here to frame the walleyes"; else: say ", though maybe somewhere else"; say "--and not just dig"; check searching the heaps: say "[if player has rigged digger]Don't get greedy[otherwise]That'd be too boring. You might have more fun creating something with the heaps. You don't know why, but you just do[end if]." instead; the waste is vanishing LLPish scenery. "It'd take strength and effort to move or pick through." check fliptoing lance: if waste is reflexed: say "You've had enough of that." instead; instead of taking waste: say "Waste of inventory space. Even with the purse." instead of taking heaps: say "[if heaps are reflexive]They're too big and amorphous to fit in the purse[else]Alas, there is no art teacher nearby to show them to[end if]." a-text of waste is "RRYYR". b-text of waste is "RRYYR". the lance is an LLPish reflexive thing. description of lance is "[if lance is cleaned]Clean and ready for righteous smiting[else]Too grimy and dirty[end if].". "A lance lies here, too dirty and gross to pick up." the lance can be cleaned. the lance is not cleaned. a-text of lance is "RRYYR". b-text of lance is "RRYYR". instead of taking lance: say "It's too icky." chapter shapeing shapeing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "shape" as something new. understand "shape [something]" as shapeing. does the player mean shapeing heaps: it is very likely. carry out shapeing: if noun is heaps: try fliptoing heaps instead; say "[reject]" instead; the rule succeeds. chapter busting busting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "bust" as something new. understand "bust [something]" as busting. does the player mean busting tubs: it is very likely. carry out busting: if noun is tubs: say "As if you've a tub tabu, you expend BTUs as you bust the tubs, eliminating any buts about your strength. Inside the broken tubs, you'd think there'd be a shovel, but it's a corroded decor rod--nah, it's more of a prod, really.[paragraph break]Waste also now lies where the tubs were. You probably don't need to clean it up unless you want to be an extra-good citizen. That prod is puzzling, though. It looks like it could fold out, if you poke it right."; reg-inc; now player has prod; now waste is in uaah; now tubs are in lalaland instead; try attacking noun instead; book Achers' Arches Achers' Arches is a room in oyster. Achers' Arches is west of anger range. "Arches lead north to what could be the Horned Hedron[if arches-search is true], but you already searched them[else]. They could maybe also be called Chaser Arches since there are lots of hidden places you could ambush someone from[end if][if arches-search is false and sardine is in lalaland] or hide yourself, or things[end if].[paragraph break]You can go back east to Anger Range, too[if sardine is in lalaland], as well as north to the Hedron[end if]." h-h is privately-named scenery in Achers' Arches. "You can only see the arches leading into the hedron.". understand "horned/hedron" and "horned hedron" as h-h when player is in arches. printed name of h-h is "the Horned Hedron". instead of doing something with h-h: if current action is entering: try going north instead; if action is procedural: try examining h-h instead; continue the action; the a-s are plural-named privately-named auxiliary scenery in arches. description of a-s is "[if arches-search is true]You already searched the arches and found something[else]A quick examination turns up nothing, but maybe if you were more methodical, something might turn up[end if].". the printed name of the a-s is "arches" understand "achers/arches" and "achers arches" as a-s. a-text of a-s is "RYYRRR". b-text of a-s is "RY?RRR". does the player mean searching the a-s: it is very likely. arches-search is a truth state that varies. instead of searching a-s: if sardine is visible: say "A snider near-dis from the sardine keeps you in check. You'll need to get rid of him to have a serious look."; preef a-s instead; if arches-search is true: say "You found all you could."; otherwise: now arches-search is true; now a-s are unfigured; say "'Reach, acher,' you say, stretching a bit more to find something interesting."; pearl-check; reg-inc; check going north in Achers' Arches: if sardine is in Achers' Arches: say "'Sop, no snoop,' says the sardine, pulling you back." instead; The sandier sardine is a person in Achers' Arches. description is "He keeps putting his hands to his ears every so often, as if to avoid sudden noise. The right one might set him off.". "A sandier sardine waits nervously here. He seems armed, so you probably can't go north while he's still around." check scaning sardine: say "[one of]The sardine smirks a bit then comments he's glad he can't hear the worst of the infrared noises now that he's a bit older.[or]The sardine barely notices, this time.[stopping][line break]The settler didn't seem to light up when pointed at the sardine. Perhaps you don't need to do anything with him directly." instead; chapter burying [we can't quite get away with doing nothing here] burying is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "bury [something]" as something new. understand "bury [something]" as burying. does the player mean burying the ruby: it is very likely; rule for supplying a missing noun when burying: if player has ruby: now noun is ruby; a ruby is a super-easy auxiliary thing. a-text of ruby is "RYRO". b-text of ruby is "RGRB". description of ruby is "[one of]See ruby, rub eyes. [or][stopping]You feel heat run from you as you see the words HAUNTER on it." carry out burying: if noun is not ruby: say "That's not something to BURY." instead; if player does not have rigged digger: if player has prod: say "Your prod from a hut should be able to bury stuff if you tinker right. Jar it the right way." instead; say "Nothing to bury anything with. Well, there's your fingers, but that'd take too long[one of][or][if plains are unvisited]. Maybe you can explore north of Anger Range to find something[else if uaah are unvisited]. Maybe there's something behind that rude door[else]. Maybe you missed something in a hut[end if][stopping]." instead; if ruby is in lalaland: say "You half forgot where you dug the ruby. You're not sure if you want it back." instead; if player does not have ruby: say "Nothing you have is valuable enough to bury." instead; if player is in anger range: say "That would reunite the haunter with the ruby, but he might suspect you of taking it." instead; if player is in hedron: say "The walleyes would find the ruby and take it, and you'd be out--but maybe you could frame them for its theft by burying the ruby somewhere near." instead; if player is not in Collapsed Old Places: say "You don't need to sock away wealth. You have enough. But that ruby--you've heard of it before. Maybe this is not the right place. If you want to hide the ruby, hide it somewhere hidden." instead; say "You bury the ruby with your handy rigged digger. Good thing there aren't rubies. You'd be busier. Probably give yourself a bruise. You leave a thin hint so you know where to dig the ruby up, when you need to."; now thin hint is in collapsed old places; now ruby is in lalaland; reg-inc instead; book Horned Hedron Horned Hedron is north of Achers' Arches. Hedron is in Oyster. Hedron is innie. "[one of]Nothing to see here. It's an ominous nothing to see here, like a flower store or a restaurant that never has customers or even running water. [stopping]There're also some theses sheets tacked here[if o-t is in Hedron]. An ol['] trap[else]. A portal[end if] leads into the Hedron proper[if o-t is in Hedron]. You probably can't just walk in, but all the same, there must be some way to disarm it[end if]. Collapsed old places lie west." thug-tell is a truth state that varies. check going south when player is in Hedron and ruby is in lalaland: if thug-tell is false: say "You hear snickers as DIE THOU thugs are, presumably, digging up your ruby. If anyone finds them with it, the thugs will be the ones who have it."; now thug-tell is true; the theses sheets are plural-named amusing scenery in Hedron. instead of taking sheets: say "No denial they're nailed." instead of scaning sheets: say "The words on the theses can certainly be twisted into something worse, but the sheets cannot be changed for the better." description of theses sheets is "[one of]They're a MEAN FIST MANIFEST written in praise of Ulf-Theo The Foul ('Feh, lout!')[paragraph break]Beneath the main HIDEOUT! DIE THOU! slogan, one[or]Another[stopping] point reads: [randbla]" the o-t is privately-named flippable scenery in Hedron. understand "ol/ol' trap" and "trap/oltrap" as o-t. printed name of o-t is "ol['] trap". a-text of o-t is "RYRRYR". b-text of o-t is "RYRRGR". description of o-t is "Naturally, it is there to make it hard for you to enter. But there must be some way to disarm it. Somewhere hidden in this room." check fliptoing a-p: if walleyes are not in lalaland: say "Now there's a good plan. But right now, that gang of walleyes might rough you up. You need a way to get the gang to vacate these premises."; preef o-t; do nothing instead; The weaselly walleyes are plural-named people in Horned Hedron. "[one of]Some weaselly walleyes whisper to each other and smirk at your every move[or]Those weaselly walleyes are still acting and looking all shifty[stopping]." say-something is a number that varies. say-something is 0. every turn when player is in hedron and walleyes are in hedron (this is the talking henchmen rule): if say-something is 3: now say-something is 0; if say-something is 0: say "[one of]One relates a story of framing someone else for burying a hidden treasure, then getting the treasure as a reward. Some sub-henchman who worries it'll happen to him is beaten up[or]One remarks he's heard there's buried treasure where you'd least expect it in the hedron--he speculates where that is, then says, oops, it's not least expected any more[or]One speculates on where the Hedron's treasure stash might be[or]One sneers it'd be funny if the ruby turned up in some innocent person's home, and the haunter took them out[cycling]."; increment say-something; description of walleyes is "Oh, they are seedy, all right. But they seem more interested in laughing at you than attacking. They're probably just flunkies who will take a fall." check going inside in Hedron: if a-p is visible: try entering a-p instead; if o-t is visible: try entering o-t instead; check entering o-t: say "It's an obvious ol['] trap but likely an effective one." instead; a-p is privately-named auxiliary scenery. printed name of a-p is "the portal". description of a-p is "It looks safe. It doesn't crackle or anything. The only question is where it leads." a-text of a-p is "RYRRYR". b-text of a-p is "RYPPYR". understand "portal" as a-p. understand "part trap" and "part" as a mistake ("The ol['] trap is too wily, and stuck in the north wall, for that. You may want to look for a way to diffuse it.") when o-t is visible. understand "tarp" as a mistake ("Nothing happens. You wonder if part of the ol['] trap is that an ol['] tarp will fall on you and suffocate you, if you walk in there.") when o-t is visible. check entering a-p: if ruby is not in lalaland: say "Weaselly walleyes jump out and buffet you and throw you back into the main entrance of the Hedron. 'Boss told us not to let you air-breathers in. Even with a gift. But we'll be watching you.' They run back out of view." instead; if walleyes are in hedron: say "Not with those walleyes waiting and watching." instead; if find-base is true: check-sanctum instead; else: say "You try to make your way through the Hedron, but you eventually wind up in an[one of][or]other (?)[run paragraph on][stopping] end den."; move player to End Den instead; to check-sanctum: if player has lance: say "You use your gleaner to [one of][or]re[stopping]trace the path to the Den Loft. Halfway through, your lance begins to glow as you pass a small passage. Explore?"; if the player consents: now ant is in Scum Ant Sanctum; now player is in Scum Ant Sanctum; otherwise: say "Ok, no nook."; now player is in Den Loft; continue the action; say "[one of]You remember the path to the Den Loft from the gleaner. It is not too bad[or]It's easier to find the second time around[stopping]."; now player is in Den Loft; book Collapsed Old Places Collapsed Old Places is west of Horned Hedron. "There's not much to see here[if haunter is in lalaland], after that episode with the haunter[else if ruby is not in lalaland]. This would be a good place to hide something, because nobody who fears for their life would want to go here[else]. You [one of]still [or][stopping]see the thin hint you marked in the ground with your rigged digger[end if].". Collapsed Old Places is in Oyster. Collapsed Old Places is innie. thin hint is scenery. "The thin hint marks where you buried the ruby. You will be able to find it if you leave and come back." before doing something with thin hint: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "There's nothing to do with that hint except point it out to someone else, later." instead; book End Den End Den is an innie room in Oyster. "You look around, but this probably isn't where you're supposed to be. You can probably go back out[if player has gleaner]. Or maybe you have something that could get you to the right place[end if]." understand "ned" as a mistake ("That was my name in the first game.") when player is in end den. check exiting in End Den: say "You find your way back to the hedron entrance."; if haunter is visible: move haunter to Hedron; now player is in Hedron instead; volume presto last-loc of Presto is Grey Gyre. section turn rules after going (this is the parrot follows you rule): if parrot is in an adjacent room: if location of player is not bran barn and location of player is not loop pool: say "The parrot follows you."; move parrot to location of player; else: say "'Awk! Not sure you need to mess around there now.' The parrot does not follow you."; continue the action; every turn when mrlp is presto (this is the Leo-Rand lackey rule): if mrlp is presto: if Leo is eager and Rand is eager: if location of player is maze entry: if Leo was visible: say "'Oo Boss. We ain't up to dat maze. It's makes us fink too much!' Leo and Rand wait outside."; otherwise: if location of player is adjacent to location of Leo: if Leo is not dismissed: say "Leo and Rand lug after[one of], grateful[or], no fear glut[or], no flat urge[stopping]."; move Leo to location of player; move Rand to location of player; chapter loading sloading is an action applying to two things. understand the command "load [something] with [something]" as something new. understand "load [something] with [something]" as sloading. rule for supplying a missing second noun when sloading: if noun is stapler: now second noun is staple; if noun is staple: now noun is stapler; now noun is staple; if noun is popgun: if player has dart: now second noun is dart; does the player mean sloading the popgun: it is likely. carry out sloading: try inserting second noun into noun instead; chapter shooting shooting is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "shoot [something]" as something new. understand "shoot [something]" as shooting. understand the command "fire [something]" as something new. understand "fire [something]" as shooting. carry out shooting: if player does not have popgun: say "You have no gun." instead; if noun is lamb: say "Utter meanie. Maybe just scare it with a gun sound." instead; if popgun does not contain dart: say "Your grunty gun try fails without ammo." instead; if noun is hoop: say "But you have no basketball. I mean, the dart won't knock the hoop off." instead; if noun is hump: say "It's more a psychological barrier than a physical one." instead; if noun is player: say "You try for self-harm but your arm flesh fails you." instead; if noun is popgun: say "Try shooting whomever or whatever you want to shoot." instead; if noun is hoop: say "Shooting hoops is only a figurative expression." instead; if noun is Leo and Rand is off-stage: say "He backpedals out of range, looking a bit scared. Perhaps you can find a better target to shoot." instead; if noun is Rand or noun is Leo: if noun is fightin: say "That'd just make him madder." instead; if noun is Leo and Rand is fightin: say "That wouldn't help you beat Rand, and if it did, it'd make Leo madder." instead; say "After saying Whassup to him? That's be cold. Plus, [if noun is Rand]Leo[else]Rand[end if] would avenge his friend." instead; if noun is m-l or noun is l-m or noun is Tom Alvez: say "They aren't preventing you from trying to complete the maze." instead; if noun is dumpster: say "Pointless vandalism." instead; if noun is ether: say "You can't see through it. Plus, the popgun is not a gun of un-fog." instead; if noun is maze entry: say "Brute force is a better way to get maze hints." instead; say "Less shooting, more soothing. You'll be prepared when there is a fight." instead; the rule succeeds; understand "shoot [text] with [text]" as a mistake ("Just say what you want to shoot.") chapter pouring pouring it into is an action applying to two things. understand the command "pour [something] in/into/on [something]" as something new. understand "pour [something] in/into/on [something]" as pouring it into. check pouring it into: if noun is dirty cola or noun is fizzy cola: try inserting noun into second noun instead; say "That won't work. You need to pour a liquid into something." instead; book Grey Gyre Grey Gyre is a room in Presto. "It's still kind of windy here, but nothing dangerous, and the ground is just an unappetizing grey all around[if hump is visible], mostly level except for a hump to the west[end if]. It's calmer but burnt to the south, and you see a way east, too[if hump is not visible], in addition to the path west the hump doesn't block any more[end if][if volt maze is in Grey Gyre]. You see a path to what looks like a maze to the north, with a plaque by it[else if ether is visible]. The maze entrance north has been replaced by ether[otherwise]. With the ether clered, you can go north[end if]." the ether is vanishing scenery. "It's trickier to see through than moist-o-mist. [if ether-try is true]Those three bums who did the business on you must be hiding, still[else]Anyone or anything could be waiting[end if]." check entering ether: try going north instead; a-text of ether is "RRYRY". b-text of ether is "RRYRY". chapter lamb The lamb is a vanishing LLPish super-easy animal in Grey Gyre. "A poor lost lamb seems stuck here, too frightened to move." understand "balm" as a mistake ("Giving the lamb balm might be an option, if there was any in the game, but turning it into balm would be out of line. And it wouldn't scare the lamb home.") when lamb is visible a-text of lamb is "RRYR". b-text of lamb is "RRYR". description is "Cute and adorable and so terrified at being away from home it's petrified with fear. Maybe you could scare it home." check inserting something into mechanism: say "(You mean, loading it next to the mechanism)[line break]"; try inserting noun into popgun instead; check going east in Grey Gyre: if plebe is visible: say "'Atten-HUT!' The taunt, then--taut, the plebe blocks your way east. '[if player is female]Stop, Ma'am! Ammo past!'[else]You, sir! Is your...'[end if][line break]You'll need to show your authority [if star is worn]and not just with that star. Probably the right word[else]with probably some sort of medal[end if][if Leo is visible].[paragraph break]'You too, booby and yobbo!'[else].[end if]" instead; ether-try is a truth state that varies. check going north in Grey Gyre: if ether is in lalaland: if phat path is unvisited: say "You and Rickey and Leo stride forward confidently but run into some even tougher customers."; continue the action; if the room north of Grey Gyre is Phat Path: if ether is visible: say "[one of]You walk forward. That dangerous looking ether? It[if ether-try is true]'s still hiding[else] hid[end if] some dangerous looking people.[paragraph break]'AMBUSH!' / 'Ah, bums!'[paragraph break]You are pushed roughly back to where you came[if Leo is visible]. Leo and Rand mutter that if you point out where those people are, they'll do the business[else]. 'Intruder? Dire runt!' You could use a meaty matey or two[end if][or]Leo and Rand might help you win the fight, but you'll need some way to find the people in the ether [if Leo is not visible]and some henchmen to tackle them[end if][stopping]."; now ether-try is true instead; if Phat Path is not visited: if dart is not in popgun or player does not have popgun: say "[one of]You march forward confidently. Your new pals are better fighters than you, but not enough to win the fight. You all are pushed back[or]You need some additional firepower[stopping]." instead; if Phat Path is not visited: say "Between your pointing out the hidden enemies, your new friends['] strength, and your pop-gun, you get something like a jump on your mysterious assailants. They run away. You can't find the dart, but you doubt you'll need it."; now dart is in lalaland; section dart section volt maze path the volt maze is vanishing scenery in Grey Gyre. "At the start of the path is tiled WELCOME TO THE [b]VOLT MAZE[r]. You can read red writing about who made it.". understand "path" as volt maze. understand "entry" and "maze entry" as volt maze when player is in Gyre. a-text of volt maze is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of volt maze is "RYRYRRYR". instead of scaning plaque: try scaning volt maze instead; instead of entering volt maze: try going north. after fliptoing volt maze: change north exit of Grey Gyre to Phat Path; now ether is in Grey Gyre; continue the action; before fliptoing volt maze: if player is in a mazeroom: move player to Grey Gyre, without printing a room description; section hump the hump is vanishing scenery in Grey Gyre. "It doesn't look like it'd be too hard to get over, but as you walk over to inspect it, you feel a bit drained." check going west in grey gyre: if hump is visible: say "You try to be all 'I leap a pile' but can't get over the hump. Hmph." instead; The hump is fixed in place. [hump: "This is more a brain game than a brawn game. Perhaps a HMM or EHH might be more useful here. Or not."] chapter bleeping the plebe is a vanishing person in Grey Gyre. description is "He's got the shaved head, boring monochrome clothes--nothing on him marks him as too special to be yelled at.". "A plebe is standing at attention here to the east, waiting for a command from someone in charge. Or just bossy[if plebe is prefigured and player wears star][one of]. Now that you're wearing that star, maybe you can use that semi-cuss you used earlier[or][stopping][end if]." a-text of plebe is "RRYYR". b-text of plebe is "RPGYR". bleep-clue is a truth state that varies. bleep-clue is false. check fliptoing plebe: if player is not wearing star: say "You try and cuss, but the plebe is not intimidated by your civilian clothes[if Rand is in gyre] or even your companions[end if]. Perhaps you need something proclaiming your authority."; preef plebe; the rule succeeds; understand "bleep" as a mistake ("I don't know what you said, but it's vulgar, I'm sure. Doesn't faze ME, though.") when plebe is not visible and mrlp is presto check fliptoing ether: if Leo is not in Grey Gyre: say "You suspect someone is in the mist where the maze was. 'THERE!' you yell. But you doubt you fooled or intimidated them. You need backup."; preef ether instead; if the room north of Grey Gyre is not Phat Path: say "'Oo Boss! We ain't goin['] there. Mazes make our brains hurt.'"; preef ether instead; if player does not have popgun: say "Leo and Rand charge in. It's two-on-three, though, since you don't even have a weapon--and the enemies are bigger than you. You all walk back, slightly beaten up, muttering 'Ah, ow, whoa.' Leo and Rand shake off their bruises. Still, you note you started things right."; preef ether instead; if popgun does not contain dart: say "Leo and Rand charge in. It's two-on-three, though, since your popgun doesn't have any ammunition[if boing is reflexive] and isn't even working[end if]. You all walk back, on-ho changed to oh-no. Leo and Rand shake off their bruises."; preef ether instead; now dart is in gyre; now dart is off-stage; book Burnt Brunt Burnt Brunt is a room in Presto. "You see gasp-gaps to the west an a mad dam east, though north-south is unimpeded. And there's a dumpster here, too." understand "spag" as a mistake ("You don't have time to read text-adventuring magazines right now. You're too busy living them.") when player is in burnt brunt. understand "a gps" and "gps" as a mistake ("A GPS might point you to the gasp-gaps, but it wouldn't help you survive them. It wouldn't even help you if I forgot to list an exit elsewhere, which totally only happened in the first release and is fixed everywhere now, I hope.") when player is in burnt brunt. leaf-clue is a truth state that varies. after printing the locale description for burnt brunt when leaf-clue is false: if player has leaf: say "The yak briefly tries to nibble at your leaf. You pull the leaf away."; now leaf-clue is true; continue the action; understand "mad" as a mistake ("How can you feel mad, looking at such a beautiful work of nature?") when player is in Burnt Brunt. understand "cafe" as a mistake("You don't need caffeine or food here.") when player is in Burnt Brunt. a mad dam is useless scenery in Burnt Brunt. "The mad dam pours water on itself. The waterfall's flaws alter as you watch, though you can't do much with it. Beautiful in its own way." instead of doing something to mad dam: if action is procedural: continue the action; try examining mad dam instead; Burnt Brunt is south of Grey Gyre. some gasp gaps are useless plural-named scenery in burnt brunt. "You can't see much of the gaps, but you know you don't want to get close to them. Because you'd have to fall to get there." understand "gasp-gaps" as gasp gaps. instead of doing something to gaps: if action is procedural: continue the action; try examining gaps instead; The bored yak is an animal in Burnt Brunt. "[one of]A yak languishes here. It looks bored, and that drab yoke around it doesn't help[or]The bored yak with the drab yoke is still hanging around[stopping]." a-text of bored yak is "RYORYYRR". b-text of bored yak is "RYORYYRR". understand "okey" as a mistake ("You try to make things okey (sic) but you aren't enough of a bard to.") when yoke is visible. understand "kay" as a mistake ("You try to nag the yak with a 'kay?' but without the 'mm' it's just not Lumberghian enough to work.") when yak is visible. understand "kya" as a mistake ("The yak is unimpressed with your karate noises.") when yak is visible. check giving to yak: if noun is leaf: say "The yak has gotten far too lazy already. You shouldn't encourage him by giving him more food just for staying put. You feel he, or the drab yoke, might be useful elsewhere, but if you just give him the food, he'll stay put. You'd have no way to move him." instead; if noun is crust: say "That's borderline animal cruelty." instead; say "The yak sniffs, but that's not really something edible. Well, by a yak." instead; understand the command "place" as "put". check putting it on (this is the yak-skid rule): if second noun is skid: if noun is onyx censer: say "That would roll off the skid. Or fall over and roll off, if you stood it on end." instead; if noun is yak and second noun is skid: ignore the can't put what's not held rule; say "[if yak is on skid]It already is.[otherwise]The yak doesn't want to budge. Maybe if you had something tasty.[end if]" instead; if noun is leaf: if yak is visible: now yak is on skid; now leaf is on skid; say "The yak walks up to the leaf you dropped, sniffs, climbs on the skid and begins munching[if yak-badbook is true]. Maybe it will trust you enough to eat that really awful book, now[end if]." instead; the yak-skid rule is listed before the can't put what's not held rule in the check putting it on rulebook; check pushing yak: say "It groans lazily." instead; check pushing yak to: if yak is on skid: try pushing skid to second noun instead; say "The yak groans lazily. Maybe if it were on something you could push, that would work." instead; description of yak is "The yak eyes you [if yak is on skid]neutrally, now you fed him[else]warily[end if]. He is clearly not a shining example for beasts of burden everywhere. He has an odd reddish tinge and is carrying a small drab yoke he probably won't let you get near on principle. It doesn't look like it's on that tight, though he won't let you get close. Perhaps something sudden will be required to jar the yoke." printed name of yak is "bored yak" every turn (this is the leaf-yak rule): if yak is not on skid and leaf is on skid and skid is visible and yak is visible: say "The yak seems interested in the leaf on your skid. He walks over and onto the skid and starts munching away."; now yak is on skid; the yak wears a drab yoke. description of the drab yoke is "[if yak wears yoke]It doesn't look very comfortable, but it also doesn't look locked. It probably has some sort of safety catch, so if the yak runs into anything, it will break off. There are scratchings that look familiar, but you can't get close enough to read them. You could probably read it to see if it has a brand name. But one thing you can read is that the yoke may break if subjected to strong magnetic fields.[otherwise]Looking closely, you see 0123456789 )!@#$%^&*( engraved near the yoke's top, with the 26 letters of the alphabet and all manner of odd punctuation scrawled in an order that seems random--no, worse than random, if you were trying to group them sensibly.[end if]" a-text of drab yoke is "RYORYYRR". b-text of drab yoke is "RYOPYYRR". the scratchings are part of the yoke. description is "[bug-report]" understand "scratches" as scratchings. instead of doing something with the scratchings: if yak wears yoke: say "You can't get close enough to see them." instead; if current action is examining: try examining yoke instead; if current action is scaning: try scaning yoke instead; if current action is objhinting: continue the action; say "Not much to do besides examine the scratchings."; check taking yoke when yak wears yoke: say "The yak shifts--it may think you want to tighten the yoke or something." instead; does the player mean showing a badbook to yak: it is very likely. understand "bad book" as a badbook. before giving pedanto-notepad to yak: say "You don't want to risk the yak nibbling at that. Maybe try something less useful." instead; try-keyboard is a truth state that varies. yak-badbook is a truth state that varies; before giving a badbook to yak: if yak is not on skid: now yak-badbook is true; say "[one of]The yak doesn't trust you with something that doesn't look quite enough like food. Maybe you if you gained the yak's trust, first, it might...[or]Still, the yak doesn't trust you enough to eat what was THAT part of a tree. Yet.[stopping]" instead; say "The yak gazes blankly at the book. Then, it ignores the leaf for a second. It begins to munch on the book, for a change of pace. But the actual paper is as indigestible as the words. Some deep animal intuition makes it shudder. It almost pounds its head on the skid--and snap! The safety on the drab yoke calls it to crack and fall off. The yak, dazed, walks away."; now yoke is in location of player; now yak is in lalaland; now noun is in lalaland; reg-inc; do nothing instead; to yak-and-yoke: say "[line break][if try-keyboard is true]Now, you can flip to the keyboard like you tried before, and w[else]W[end if]ith the yak off the skid, you remember the lossless compression that will let you change the skid back to a disk."; now yoke is in shack; now leaf is in lalaland; now yak is in lalaland; check going south in Burnt Brunt: if Leo is visible: say "'I don't wanna go back dere, boss. I wants adventureses. Fightses.' says [l-r]." instead; if Leo is dismissed: post-wall-brunt instead; to post-wall-brunt: if casserole is in lalaland: say "You don't have another workout for Rand and Leo."; continue the action; if yak is in lalaland: say "[if casserole is in lalaland]You don't have another casserole. Or another chore[else]You maybe could've used Leo and Rand to push the yak around, but not now[end if]."; continue the action; if yak is on skid: if casserole is in shack: say "You offer Leo and Rand the casserole in exchange for pushing the skid north. 'Fuel? Us? Useful!' It's a great workout for them, and though they're a bit careless pulling the skid into the shack, it breaks a safety catch on the drab yoke, which falls to the ground. The yak blinks, nods at all three of you, and runs off. The casserole replenishes vital carbohydrates or something for Leo and Rand. They ask to keep the dish, which is fine with you. The shack's messy enough."; reg-inc; now yak is in lalaland; now skid is in shack; now drab yoke is in shack; now casserole is in lalaland; move player to hacks' shack; continue the action; say "You'd like to ask for help, but you don't have enough muscle food for Leo and Rand after they pull the skid. Those escaroles simply aren't meaty enough."; continue the action; say "'Nyurgh! Hungry!' you catch Leo and Rand saying. [if casserole is off-stage]Maybe if you can make some food, and if[else]You've made food they might like, so[end if] once you have some manual labor they'd be better suited for, you can visit them."; section dumpster the dumpster is scenery in Burnt Brunt. the dumpster is an opaque container. check examining dumpster: ignore the examine containers rule; dumpster-look is a truth state that varies. check searching dumpster: try examining dumpster instead; the block burning rule is not listed in any rulebook. burn-check is a truth state that varies. check burning: if burn-check is false: ital-say "In this game, you should never have a burning implement, and you should never need one. So this verb is only good for cheap jokes."; now burn-check is true instead; if noun is an animal: say "No animal cruelty, please. Well, maybe an implausible non-violent gag or two." instead; if noun is a person: say "Amazingly, with all your abstract wordplay prowess, you're not good at getting in sick burns in arguments[if noun is a guardian and noun is not deacons and noun is not reed's ale]. But maybe you can figure how to leave them burned[else]. Go figure[end if]." instead; if noun is a fruit or noun is lobster or noun is tea tray: say "Good thing this game isn't a cooking sim." instead; if noun is chair: [introduction] say "You think 'I char a rich chair' but have nothing to burn it with." instead; if noun is sitar: say "That's not the way to recover rock-star status." instead; if noun is a sto: say "[if noun is flippable]Even if it didn't look important, no[else]No senseless vandalism, please[end if]." instead; if noun is rude 'n nuder: [routes] say "I am anti-censorship, even of that sort of thing. Plus you have no source of flame." instead; if noun is pipe soot: say "It's been through enough of that." instead; if noun is divorces: [troves] say "A rubbish society rag deserves such a fate--in an incinerator or something. Maybe you can think DIVORCES into irrelevance, though." instead; if noun is lager or noun is pernod: say "It's not high enough proof. In fact, it's almost certainly watered-down." instead; if noun is crate: say "This is totally the wrong genre of game for that." instead; if noun is coal: [presto] say "You need to burn mental fuel, here." instead; if noun is on labs slab: say "You may figuratively want to, right now, but that's natural when you're programming something tough." instead; if noun is raft: [oyster] say "[if player is in raft]No way. Especially not while you're on it[else]That might be a way across. Somehow[end if]." instead; if noun is log gaol: [towers] say "Even if the badlands weren't desolate enough, you don't have anything incendiary." instead; if noun is ropins: say "The ropins aren't actual rope, so they don't burn. Even if they did, [if doc-y is in prison ropins]Dr. Yow might die inside[else]you don't need to any more[end if]." instead; if noun is jetskis: say "Destroy a possible way to the Palace and hurt a kid's feeling at once? That's a special kind of spiteful meanness. Congratulations!" instead; if noun is flowerpot or noun is crocus: say "Daltho would be so upset." instead; if noun is yurts: say "Perhaps another more natural way of decomposition would work better." instead; if noun is curst palace: say "You're going to need fireworks, but that's counterproductive[if player is not in limits]. Plus you are [way-tow]too far away[end if]." instead; if noun is a hintpastry: say "There aren't many ways to botch food like that, but that's one[if toaster is visible]. Anyway, you don't see how to set the toaster to eleven or whatever[else]. But maybe there's something that could heat that up[end if]." instead; if mrlp is towers and topside deposit is unvisited: say "Don't be a brushfire furbisher." instead; if noun is b-b: [otters] say "You'd be right in the middle. So, bad idea." instead; if noun is atmo-moat: say "It's nowhere near greasy enough." instead; if noun is storage: say "It's meant to be nearly indestructible." instead; say "You're a ropy pyro." instead; to say way-tow: if limits is unvisited: say "way "; instead of burning the dumpster: say "That would be a dumpster fire of an idea. Plus the burnt brunt is bornt enough already." instead of entering dumpster: say "It's potentially too toxic to enter, what with the permadust and spumed tar and other dreamt-ups inside." description of dumpster is "Property of Sinbad's Sad Bins, it reeks of bad sins--permadust and spumed tar and other dreamt-ups[if dart is in dumpster], but you take a peek anyway--to see [one of]a dart in[or]that dart still[stopping] there[end if]." a thing can be irrelevant. a thing is usually not irrelevant. some permadust is irrelevant scenery in burnt brunt. "It's settled nicely in the dumpster, blending with the spumed tar." some spumed tar is irrelevant scenery in burnt brunt. "It's settled nicely in the dumpster, blending with the permadust." instead of doing something with an irrelevant thing: if action is procedural: continue the action; repeat through table of irrelevance: if noun is irr entry: say "[irrtext entry]"; to say not-much: say "There's not much to do with that. It belongs in the dumpster."; table of irrelevance irr irrtext spumed tar "[not-much]" permadust "[not-much]" section dart check throwing it at (this is the don't throw dart rule) : if noun is dart: if noun is part of popgun: say "You'd do better to SHOOT someone or something." instead; if noun is rand or noun is leo: say "It wouldn't hurt such a big fellow." instead; say "The dart is some weird foam that is tough to throw. It's probably better to shoot it." instead; say "You don't have many good rangy weapons in this game. Attacking instead (though that's useless too)..."; try attacking the second noun instead; the dart is a reflexive super-easy thing. description is "[if dart is part of popgun]Locked and loaded[else if dart is not in dumpster]It's long and narrow, made more for stunning than killing, for propulsion than throwing[else]The dart is in the dumpster, just out of reach[end if]." the dumpster contains the dart. a-text of dart is "RRYR". b-text of dart is "PRYP". check taking the dart when dart is in dumpster: say "You grunt and stretch, but you can't quite reach the dart. You [if cur-score of presto is 0]may not have found how to get things done here[else]probably didn't grunt the right thing[end if]. Maybe you'll unexpectedly get it if you get disgusted the right way." instead; understand "tard" as a mistake ("[if Rand is visible]You pause before saying/thinking that, especially with Rand and Leo around. They may've heard that, before. [end if][one of]Self-pity that harsh--especially a potential slur--isn't the way to get the dart. This game doesn't want to be THAT sort of juvenile.[paragraph break]You see red at your slight indiscretion[or]Instead of using that word again, you think back to what seeing red after thinking it MEANT. You need a four-letter word, but T, A, R and D are in the wrong place. You take the time to write out all 24 possbilities, noting only nine remaining ones are valid. And that's before you use the settler. You also remember some mumbo-jumbo about the inclusion-exclusion principle, and how a random configuration of N items in a set has about a 1-1/e chance of having none right.[paragraph break]You don't feel dumb after doing this, so there's no need to use that word again[stopping].") when player is in brunt and dart is in dumpster. section throwing understand the command "throw" as something new. plainthrowing is an action applying to one thing. understand "throw [something preferably held]" as plainthrowing. understand "throw [something preferably held] at [something]" as throwing it at. the block throwing at rule is not listed in any rulebook. carry out plainthrowing: if noun is flowerpot: say "But it's Daltho's. You don't have to help him out, but it'd be best not to give up." instead; if noun is dart: say "The dart was more made for shooting than throwing."; the rule succeeds; if noun is prod: say "Almost. Try something simpler that will cause the prod to fall." instead; if throw-warn is false: ital-say "throwing isn't a useful verb in this game and will default to dropping in the future, except to hint a few items. Also, Inform/gblorb games generally use THROW X AT Y. Also, dropping itself isn't widely useful in this game."; now throw-warn is true instead; try dropping noun instead; section star a decorative star is a reflexive semi-easy wearable thing in Burnt Brunt. "A decorative star--the sort you pin to your clothes--is lodged in a red stump here. Sort of like how Excalibur was stuck in a stone. Or not." check scaning stump: if star is reflexive: say "Nothing, until you aim at the star."; try scaning star instead; the red stump is scenery in burnt brunt. "It's [if star is in stump]cracked where the star was[else]got a star wedged in it." a-text of decorative star is "RYRR". b-text of decorative star is "RYRR". understand "tars" as a mistake ("That'd make the star stickier--or reduce it to awful glop.") when star is in Burnt Brunt. understand "tsar" and "arts" as a mistake ("Being an arts tsar won't help. You need a word that shows anger.") when star is in Burnt Brunt. understand "srat" as a mistake ("The Self-Referential Aptitude Test is an interesting puzzle, but you have enough on your mind, right now.") when star is in Burnt Brunt. description of decorative star is "It's not some paper gold star from Mrs. Crabtree's third grade class. It's actual dull metal. Shows you are a tsar of some sort of arts." instead of doing something to decorative star when star is in Burnt Brunt: if current action is taking: say "It's wedged in just enough to frustrate you. You mutter 'bad star' under your breath, but that's almost a bit too harsh even for this area. You figure you'll probably see how to get it once you give up, but you can't give up just to take it." instead; if action is procedural, continue the action; say "Straightforward taking won't work, and neither will other manipulation. You wonder what sort of magic might get it out."; understand "rats" as a mistake ("[if star is in lalaland]You miss that star of yours[else]") when star is not visible. after fliptoing star: now player wears decorative star; continue the action; instead of taking off decorative star: say "[if plebe is in lalaland]But it looks so jaunty and reminds you of how you got rid of that plebe[else]You shouldn't remove it. You might need to impress someone with it[end if]." book Dirge Ridge Dirge Ridge is a room in Presto. Dirge Ridge is south of Burnt Brunt. "A vile veil covers any way except back north." understand "evil" as a mistake ("No, you're trying to get RID of the evil, here. Plus, you don't need to encourage the veil to come after you[if leo is fightin or rand is fightin], or that guy chasing you. That'd be mean[end if].") when player is in ridge. the vile veil is scenery in Dirge Ridge. it is undesc. instead of doing something with vile veil: say "The veil's oppressive to even think about, but it also protects you from falling off. You don't need to do anything with it." check going north in Dirge Ridge: if Leo is fightin or Rand is fightin: say "You're able to run away. [if Rand is in dirge ridge]Leo's down, and Rand's only interested in his turf, maybe protecting his new friend[else]Leo doesn't seem up to chasing you, so maybe he's not a real bad guy[end if]."; check going to Dirge Ridge for the first time: say "A rather big fellow has his back to you, wishfully blubbing 'Oblige Big Leo. I want a twin.' He turns around and sees...you, a lot smaller than him. 'Sneak! Snake!' Leo runs at you! He's a bit slow, fortunately. But he's a bit mad you caught him in a less-than-macho moment." after fliptoing a fightin person: if noun is Leo: now Rand is in dirge ridge; now noun is washed up; continue the action; a person can be bruisin. a person is usually not bruisin. before scaning a washed up person (this is the clue whassup if washups rule) : if Leo is washed up and Rand is washed up: try scaning lar instead; lar is privately-named auxiliary scenery. printed name of lar is "Leo and Rand 'washups'"; lar is undesc. a-text of lar is "RRYRRYR". b-text of lar is "PRYRRYR". after fliptoing Rand: now lar is in dirge ridge; continue the action; check scaning Leo when Rand is in Ridge and Rand is fightin: say "It's Rand you need to deal with, now." instead; Leo is a super-easy fightin bruisin reflexive person. Leo is in Dirge Ridge. description is "[if Rand is off-stage]Huge but lumbering. Almost like a bull[else]Leo is Rand's mirror image--violent, not evil. A naughty anythug on a gay hunt[end if][if Leo is washed up]. He seems upset[end if]." to say l-r: say "[if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds]Leo[else]Rand[end if]" understand "elo" as a mistake ("Somehow, you doubt Leo has a chess rating. Or enjoys any music other than heavy metal.") when Leo is visible. understand "eol" as a mistake ("Somehow, you doubt Leo is into computers.") when Leo is visible. Rand is a semi-easy fightin bruisin reflexive person. description is "Rand is Leo's mirror image, loutish and muscular and taller than you[if Rand is washed up]. He seems upset[else if rand is fightin]. He looks over-focused, like he can be suckered by a feint, but nothing TOO subtle[end if]." understand "leonard" and "renaldo" and "leandro" and "rolande" as a mistake ("That'd be some crazy Voltron stuff beyond your magic powers. And it would deny Leo and Rand their individuality[if Rand is fightin]. Oh, and it'd probably get you beaten up[end if].") when Rand is visible. a-text of Leo is "YRY". b-text of Leo is "YRY". a-text of Rand is "RYRR". b-text of Rand is "RGRR". to say other-guy of (rl - a person): say "[if noun is Rand]Leo[else]Rand[end if]"; initial appearance of Rand is "[bug-report]". initial appearance of Leo is "[bug-report]". persuasion rule for asking an eager person to try pulling the sled: say "[noun] says 'If somethin['] useful an['] heavy was onnit, sure, boss.'"; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking an eager person to try attacking the hogs: say "[noun] counts on his fingers, reasoning that three is more than two and a haff. 'Sorry, boss.'"; persuasion fails; persuasion rule for asking a bruisin person to try doing something: if noun is not eager: say "[noun] isn't up to that."; persuasion fails; say "Alas, Leo and Rand are men of action."; persuasion fails; before scaning a fightin person: if Rand is washed up and Leo is washed up: try scaning lar instead; for writing a paragraph about a bruisin person: if Rand is not visible: say "Leo is here, looking strong if not fast."; now Leo is mentioned instead; now Leo is mentioned; now Rand is mentioned; if Rand is fightin: say "Rand is here, looking to do a little better than Leo." instead; if Leo is eager: say "Leo and Rand are here, [if rebuked is true]tentatively[else]eagerly[end if] waiting to follow you[if smart people sign is visible] into that computer area they probably don't need to be[end if]." instead; if Rand is washed up and Leo is washed up: say "Leo and Rand are here[r][one of], commiserating. Maybe a talk with them would help, or the right word might help them feel less like [i]washups[r][or], half wanting a third party to drop a nice word and assure them they aren't [i]washups[r][stopping]." instead; every turn when player is in dirge ridge: if Leo is fightin: say "Leo bulls at you, but you're easily able to outrun and outwit him. Maybe it's as easy to take him down for good." instead; if Rand is fightin: say "Rand charges at you straightforwardly, but as lumbering as Leo. He can probably be tricked by a similar fake-out." instead; check dropping while in Dirge Ridge: say "You have nothing worthless enough to leave lying around in or by here." instead; lr-acq is a truth state that varies. to say lrblab: say "[if lr-acq is true]recount[else]discover"; chapter whassuping whassuping is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "whassup" as something new. understand "whassup" as whassuping. carry out whassuping: if Leo is not visible and Rand is not visible: say "Nobody here understands that sort of talk." instead; if Leo is eager: say "You've already got their attention. You wouldn't want to get caught in an endless cycle of whassups. You'd probably need to drink a lot of cheap beer to recover from that." instead; if Leo is washed up and Rand is washed up: now Leo is eager; now Rand is eager; say "'Pshaw, us?'[paragraph break]They're touched by your simple gesture and impressed with your command of slang. Nothing too presumptuous. You tell a white lie about how you know mystic arts and they could learn it too, so losing a fight to you isn't all that bad.[paragraph break]They hail leadership qualities you didn't know you have and vow to help you if you need it. 'Not bad to band,' you mumble. 'Want us? Aw, NUTS.'[paragraph break]They'll be following you around for a bit."; now lar is in lalaland; reg-inc instead; else if Leo is washed up: say "That'd be a bad idea, what with Rand still to take care of." instead; else: say "Leo doesn't seem interested in explaining why he's fighting you." instead; the rule succeeds; check asking about "whassup": if noun is Leo or noun is Rand: try whassuping instead; understand "whasup" and "whasups" as a mistake ("That feels almost right, but you remember that that word has 2 s's in a row.") when player is in dirge ridge and Leo is washed up. book Austerer Treasure Austerer Treasure is an innie room in presto. Austerer Treasure is west of Grey Gyre. "[if ye hoop is visible]This room's pretty barren. I mean, a lot of treasure rooms generally get looted of unicorns['] coin urns and all before text adventurers without weapons make it there, but man. All that remains is an ancient-looking hoop about nine feet up labeled YE HOOP.[paragraph break]Looking at how it's out of reach sort of makes you want to give up, or maybe just pretend to give up and maybe something'll turn up[else]You've completely looted this place[end if]." understand "ooph" and "phoo" as a mistake ("Those sound almost like the sort of grunts that would help you reach the hoop, but they don't quite work.") when player is in austerer treasure and hoop is in austerer treasure. understand "pheyoo" as a mistake ("But nothing really smells in here. Perhaps you need something more straightforward and universal.") when player is in Austerer Treasure and ye hoop is in austerer treasure. Ye Hoop is vanishing super-easy scenery in Austerer Treasure. Ye Hoop is proper-named. "It's a hoop rather high up. 'Yo, hope,' you think to yourself, imagining it would totally crumble and reveal a treasure if you could grab it. But then you think 'Ooh, yep,' seeing how high it is." check taking Ye Hoop: say "It's too high up to grab. Especially with your possessions weighing you down. You may need to find the right way to say you don't need them for a moment." instead; instead of pulling Ye Hoop: try taking ye hoop instead; instead of pushing Ye Hoop: try taking ye hoop instead; instead of attacking Ye Hoop: try taking ye hoop instead; a-text of Ye Hoop is "RRYYYO". b-text of Ye Hoop is "RRYGYO". check going outside in Austerer Treasure: try going east instead. phooeyed is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing onyx censer (this is the pooh-phooey rule): if the player's command includes "pooh": poss-d; else: min-up; now phooeyed is true; continue the action; the onyx censer is a super-easy thing. description of onyx censer is "It's dark with flecks of bright green. If they were lumped together and you stared too long, you'd get a headache. The year 1983 is scratched in, possibly AD or BC.". "An onyx censer, dark with flecks of black green, rests here." after printing the name of the onyx censer while taking inventory: if censer is prefigured: say " (which could become a screen)"; continue the action; a-text of onyx censer is "RRRYYR". b-text of onyx censer is "RRRYGR". the switch computer pieces rule is listed before the can't switch on unless switchable rule in the check switching on rules. check switching on (this is the switch computer pieces rule) : if noun is hard drive: say "There [if hard drive is reflexed]was[else]is[end if] a button for that." instead; if noun is computer screen or noun is keyboard or noun is dongle: say "You don't need to switch any auxiliary equipment on or off." instead; the computer screen is a reflexive thing. description is "[if computer screen is not on labs slab]Vid-o-Void, since it's not hooked up to anything[else if compiled code is part of the computer screen]Ugh. It's got compiled code, but it doesn't work RIGHT[else]A bunch of nonsense code that might not even work[end if]." Include (- has transparent talkable -) when defining computer screen. check putting screen on skid: say "It's just the wrong shape to do that. It is far enough from a perfect cube that any sort of wobbling will make it tumble over, and given how old-school the screen is, that could break it. When you need it, you can just carry it." instead; check fliptoing the computer screen: if onyx censer is visible: if hacks' shack is unvisited: say "[one of]You don't have any apparatus to hook the screen up to. Yet. It'd get damaged on your further adventures, even in your super purse. Technology is like that. But you file the idea for later, in case you find some tech den[or]Not yet[stopping]."; preef onyx censer instead; [ if keyboard is off-stage: now censer is prefigured; say "The screen would be too bulky. You don't have an input device, yet. But that seems right."; pad-rec "flips" instead;] if player is in hacks' shack: if computer screen is visible: if scratch paper is reflexive: say "You can't debug what you haven't even gotten to run." instead; the keyboard is a thing. description of keyboard is "[if caps lock is part of keyboard]It's complete, now, since you put the caps lock button in[otherwise]It's missing a button on the left[end if][if t-key is part of keyboard]. Also, there's a weird 'TBA' key[else]. You fixed the TBA key to a tab key[end if]." a-text of hump is "YRRR". b-text of hump is "YRRR". book Marines Seminar Marines Seminar is in presto. Marines Seminar is east of Grey Gyre. "The seminar must be on break now, because [if popgun is in seminar]nothing besides a popgun[else]not much[end if] has been left behind. Camo-coma forcefields are probably every way except back west." after printing the locale description for ravages when ravages is unvisited: say "You hear a loud voice yell 'REISMAN! Snare [']im!' / 'Mean, sir!' Uh oh. That plebe might be in trouble. But it's nice to know his name. You resolve to do what you can to give him amnesty, when you can."; continue the action; the camo-coma force field are scenery in seminar. they are undesc. instead of doing something with camo-coma: say "You can't do anything with the forcefields. The controls are probably far from here." The PG-on-up popgun is a container in Marines Seminar. understand "oppugn [text]" as a mistake ("You question the popgun a bit, mentally, but it's all you've got. It really should come in handy somewhere. Every other weird thing you've found has.") when popgun is visible. understand "PG-on-up gun" and "gun" as popgun. understand "nobig" and "no big" as a mistake ("[if boing is reflexed]Hey, now, that's just humblebragging[else]Overconfidence is sort of the way, here. But it needs to be backed up with an idea[end if].") when popgun is visible. rule for printing room description details of the PG-on-up popgun: if number of things in popgun is 0: do nothing. check scaning popgun when boing is reflexive: say "No reading until you hit the boing mechanism."; try scaning boing instead; a-text of popgun is "RYRRY". b-text of popgun is "PYRRY". understand "sawedoff/PG-on-up pop/ gun/" as popgun. report taking popgun: say "You're not one for violence, but the gun doesn't look super-high-powered. On the other hand, it's not G-rated, so it's minimally effective. Snagged."; the rule succeeds; description of PG-on-up popgun is "It's cheap plastic but probably packs a punch with the right ammo--but if it were G? No, pup[if boing is reflexed]. Its boing mechanism is fixed, now[otherwise]. You notice its boing mechanism is broken. It may take a eureka moment to figure out how to fix this spoilt pistol[end if][if dart is in popgun]. Loaded, too![end if]. You notice a serial number." The boing mechanism is part of the popgun. the boing mechanism is reflexive. description is "[if boing is reflexive]It's sort of springy, but it doesn't seem to really bounce around. You may need a eureka moment to figure how to fix it[else]The boing mechanism is fully equipped to go boing again. Yay[end if]." a-text of boing is "RYRRY". b-text of boing is "PYRRY". instead of doing something with the boing mechanism: unless action is procedural: say "Your mechanical abilities won't help[if boing is reflexed], but they don't need to[else], but there may be a slick way to get the BOING back[end if]." instead; continue the action; The serial number is part of the popgun. Instead of doing something with the serial number: if the current action is scaning: try scaning the popgun instead; if action is procedural, continue the action; say "You can't do much with it except examine it."; description of serial number is "B09140715." check inserting it into (this is the dart-popgun rule): if second noun is popgun and boing is reflexive: if noun is dart: say "It seems like it should fit, but it doesn't. You can't quite compress the boing mechanism right, but if you had a moment of insight, you could." instead; else: say "That's not the right shape to fit in the gun to fire. Anyway, the boing mechanism looks broken." instead; if noun is dart and second noun is not popgun: say "How could that launch the dart?" instead; if noun is not dart and second noun is popgun: say "That's not the right shaped ammo for the popgun." instead; if noun is dart and second noun is popgun: ignore the can't insert into what's not a container rule; chapter bingoing understand "no big" and "nobig" as a mistake ("[if boing is reflexed]Yeah, fixing the gun wasn't that big a deal[otherwise]You try to convince yourself fixing the gun would be no big deal, but really, you probably need a flash of insight[end if].") when player has popgun. check fliptoing boing mechanism (this is the take popgun to fix it rule) : if player does not have the PG-on-up popgun and popgun is visible: say "(taking the popgun first while you mess with the boing mechanism)[paragraph break]"; now player has popgun; book Phat Path Phat Path is a room in Presto. "This path cuts between two lethally beautiful areas, for a dope combination of safety and aesthetics.[paragraph break]Mount Um-Not blocks you to the east, with Harm's Marsh to the west. [if lawl wall is in Phat Path]There's also a big wall here, blocking the way north. It's got keys hanging from it[otherwise]There's not much left with the wall gone, except for a sign to the north and a shack beyond that[end if]. You can retreat south, too, of course." Mount Um-Not is scenery in Phat Path. understand "mount/um/not" as Mount Um-Not. "It's as huge and unwelcoming as Cupid's Cuspid isn't. You remember hearing Saps['] Pass, with all its pitfalls, cuts through it." Saps' Pass is amusing scenery in Phat Path. Saps' Pass is undesc. instead of doing something with Saps' Pass: say "Saps['] Pass is not to be trod, man. It's a mordant, dormant mtn road. It may lead to No-Goal Lagoon, anyway." instead; Harm's Marsh is scenery in Phat Path. "You swear you can see the toxic fumes seeping from it. It's too dangerous to explore[swan-puma]." check entering harm's marsh: try going west instead; after printing the locale description for phat path when player has popgun: if player has popgun: say "One of the hogs walks over, takes your popgun, smashes it, laughs, and goes back to the wall. Well, you didn't have the ammo for it anyway."; now popgun is in lalaland; the priv-shack is privately-named proper-named scenery. "[if shack is visited]It looks just as you left it[else]The shack looks cozy and inviting[end if].". printed name of priv-shack is "the shack" understand "shack" as priv-shack. instead of doing something with priv-shack: if current action is entering: try going north instead; if current action is attacking: say "Whack the shack? Back!" instead; if action is procedural: continue the action instead; say "Not much to do but enter the shack by going north." instead; check going west in Phat Path: say "Harm's Marsh would make quick work of even [if Leo is in dirge ridge]your old friends [end if]Leo and Rand[swan-puma], with or without a goop-pogo[exwall]." instead; to say exwall: say ". The [if wall is in phat]ex-[end if]wall north is an easier proposition."; to say swan-puma: say "[one of], with or without the fabled Sawn Swan and Ampu-Puma[or][stopping]"; check going east in Phat Path: say "[if Leo is visible]Leo and Rand don't have the endurance to climb Mount Um, Not. Neither do you[else]You don't want to climb Mount Um, Not[end if][exwall]." instead; Check going inside in Phat Path: Try going north instead; the smart people sign is scenery. description of smart people sign is "'ALERT! ALTER nothing in here if not technically inclined. You OUGHT not to abuse LOG ONS.' Hm, weird that logons has a space." check scaning smart people sign: say "It's all over the place. Maybe you should focus on specific letters. The ones in CAPS seem like a start."; understand "alter" as a mistake ("Vandalism! For shame!") when smart people sign is visible. Grey Gyre is south of Phat Path. the lawl wall is vanishing scenery in Phat Path. instead of touching lawl wall: say "It feels like it is in a state of thaw. Which makes no sense." description of lawl wall is "A spams-spasm of bad jokes, and I'd tell you a few, but it'd be a bigger time sink than playing games where you point and click instead of just sensibly typing. It seems to be laughing at your lack of progress. You can see keys on the wall." the keys are part of the lawl wall. the keys are reflexive. description is "You're pretty sure the keys open the lawl wall, since the hogs are keeping an eye on them, but you can't be sure." the hogs are reflexive plural-named people in Phat Path. description is "They're as big as Leo and Rand but meaner. Plus there are three of them. They look a little smarter, too--but maybe you can use reverse psychology to get under their skin or sneak those keys on the wall.". "Hogs are stretched against the lawl wall, in no hurry to try to get by. They look like tough customers, ones who might get annoyed by the sort of words that got you here." a-text of hogs is "RYRR". b-text of hogs is "RGRR". a-text of keys is "RORY". b-text of keys is "RORY". check going north in Phat Path: if lawl wall is visible: say "Not with those hogs guarding the wall you're not." instead; if Leo is visible: say "[one of]You walk north into the hacks['] shack. Leo and Rand follow. An electronic voice booms at them! 'YrNet Entry rejects N-E-Try!' It's one of those high-tech alarm devices, and it's detected them as not smart enough! It's not fair, and it's not nice, but if you need to do some programming, maybe they won't be a help anyway, to say the least.[paragraph break]It'd be sad to see Leo and Rand go, but perhaps a nicer way than yelling at them could help give them time to get to know each other without you standing in the way. Perhaps you could take a cue from that sign by the shack--it might give you some authority[or]You don't want that electronic warning. Leo and Rand don't, either. You glance at the sign again. Whether or not they can read it, you can tell them the gist. It'll be a softer letdown, coming from you[stopping]." instead; if shack is unvisited: say "You feel a small tingle--you've felt it before, from the YrNet Entry which disrupts unwanted visitors. But only people. Sometimes it also breaks up really oppressive software and hardware, too. It doesn't reject you, and that's good." check scaning in Phat Path when Leo is in phat path: say "Leo and Rand ooh and ah at how you're using a thing to find out about things."; byebyes is a list of things variable. byebyes is { log ons letters, alert letters, ought letters}. to say sl-t-l: repeat with AA running through byebyes: if AA is reflexive: say "[if AA is log ons]SO LONG[else if AA is alert]LATER[else]TOUGH[end if]"; continue the action; say "BUG--sign should've said something"; bye-disambig is a truth state that varies. does the player mean doing something with entry 1 of byebyes: if bye-disambig is false: say "(picking one of the capitalized sets of letters on the sign at random)"; now bye-disambig is true; it is likely. after fliptoing (this is the update byebyes rule) : if noun is part of the smart people sign: remove noun from byebyes, if present; continue the action; the log ons letters are a plural-named reflexive thing. the log ons letters are part of the smart people sign. description is "They're bolded, IN CAPS and slightly raised." understand "logons/letters" and "logons letters" as log ons letters. a-text of log ons is "RYRYRR". b-text of log ons is "RGRGPR". the alert letters are a plural-named reflexive semi-easy thing. the alert letters are part of the smart people sign. description is "They're bolded, IN CAPS and slightly raised--ALERT is red, but ALTER isn't." understand "alter letters" and "alter/letters" as alert letters. a-text of alert is "RYRYR". b-text of alert is "RY???". the ought letters are a plural-named reflexive thing. the ought letters are part of the smart people sign. description is "They're bolded, IN CAPS and slightly raised. They're also red." a-text of ought is "RYYRR". b-text of ought is "RYYRR". rebuked is a truth state that varies. to say lrshoo: say "[if Leo is visible]You need to find some other way to shoo Leo and Rand[else]They're already off getting to know each other better[end if]"; [?? staler laters, sought, long sos, no gloss] to say increm: if the player's command includes "tough": say "You add an extra 'Hut! Go!' for emphasis.[paragraph break]"; if rebuked is false: say "'But we ain't bored yet, boss!' You convince them they sort of are, what they are getting there, and it works a bit, without using any too-charged words. A bit more, and you'll veto their vote.[no line break]"; now rebuked is true; else: say "'Us? Lot louts?' You manage to be firm but fair. You convince Leo and Rand that the computers inside may have viruses, and they understand.[paragraph break]'Real brave of ya, boss.'[paragraph break]'Dat was a good dust-up, wadn't it, boss? We'se sure glad we could helps ya. Tanks for makin['] us stuges feel like guests. You do good in da Sekret Sekter, now. Friend finder.' They go back to Dirge Ridge, muttering about workouts and high-powered workout food. Maybe you can bribe them later to help you.[no line break]"; pad-rec-q "Leo and Rand"; now Leo is in Dirge Ridge; now Rand is in Dirge Ridge; now Leo is dismissed; now Rand is dismissed; now alert letters are reflexed; now log ons letters are reflexed; now ought letters are reflexed; understand "so long" and "solong" and "tough" and "later" as a mistake ("'But we ain't ready to go yet, boss!'") when Phat Path is unvisited and Leo is eager. understand "slog on" as a mistake ("You need Leo and Rand to go away, for now, before you can slog on.") when player is in Phat Path and lawl wall is in lalaland and Leo is in Phat Path. chapter thising thising is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "this" as something new. understand "this" as thising. carry out thising: if location of player is location of plebe: say "He flinches a bit, but maybe you need something more general?"; otherwise: say "No excuse for that sort of language. Really."; the rule succeeds; chapter chewing chewing is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "chew [something]" as something new. understand "chew" as chewing. carry out chewing: if noun is gum: say "The gum looks like it tastes like clay." instead; try eating noun instead; the rule succeeds. book Hacks' Shack Hacks' Shack is an innie room in Presto. Hacks' Shack is north of Phat Path. "[if shack was unvisited]You feel a sense of peace here but also one of mission. You feel the magnetic magic-net, the rebuff-buffer that will let you change stuff to stuff and keep out of E-Viral's snooping eye, but all those interjections you've been using need to give way to problem solving[otherwise]You're in the shack where you probably need to write a program or something[end if]. A [unless caps lock is off-stage]no longer [end if]dripping clock hangs on the wall[if scratch paper is reflexed]. You feel obliged not to [i]budge[r] til you figure out that computer. You must be close[end if]." to say my-auth: say "[author of random visible badbook]"; after choosing notable locale objects when player is in shack: set locale priority of slab to 9; to say a-the: say "[one of]a[or]the[stopping]"; for writing a paragraph about a thing (called gbg) in hacks' shack: if gbg is slab or gbg is futon or gbg is fount: say "The shack is prominently furnished with a [if fount is visible]restful looking fount too small to be a fountain[else]futon[end if] and a labs slab, which [one of]still [or][stopping]holds [a list of things on labs slab][if number of badbooks in hacks' shack is 1]. And oh dear, a copy of [my-auth]'s [my-bad], too[end if]."; now all visible badbooks are mentioned; now labs slab is mentioned; now futon is mentioned; now fount is mentioned; continue the action; if gbg is listed in shack-mess: let a be 0; repeat with gbg2 running through shack-mess: if gbg2 is in shack: increment a; let b be a; say "[one of]This shack is a bit of a mess, too, because PROGRAMMERS. Maybe you could clean up (in your own way)[or]Still part of the mess here:[stopping] "; let firsts be true; repeat with myitm running through shack-mess: if myitm is in shack: if firsts is false and number of entries in shack-mess > 2: say ", "; now firsts is false; decrement a; if a is 0 and b > 1: say "and "; say "[if myitm is disk]that disk lying on the floor[else if myitm is flea][a-the] flea which looks dead[else if myitm is trim socks][one of]some[or]the[stopping] trim socks, though you don't need to dress up[else if myitm is gum][a-the] stick of gum[else if myitm is coal]the pile of coal[else if myitm is escaroles]some escaroles[else if myitm is casserole]a hot casserole[else][a-the] piece of scratch paper[end if]"; now myitm is mentioned; say "."; continue the action; continue the action; shack-mess is a list of thing variable. shack-mess is { disk, coal, socks, gum, scratch paper, flea, escaroles, casserole }. the escaroles are a plural-named thing in shack. description is "Typical bleah garnish. Nothing close to a hearty meal." the casserole is an LLPish thing. description is "Piping hot, but not your style to eat. You're not sure what's in it, and you don't want to look too closely." a-text of escaroles is "RYRRYRYRY". b-text of escaroles is "RYRRYRYRY". check taking casserole: say "It's a bit too hot for that. It'll probably stay that way. Plus, it's kind of icky and gross unless you need a ton of calories after a big workout." instead; check giving the casserole to the yak: ignore the can't give what you haven't got rule; say "The yak makes an unfortunate noise and turns its nose up. You probably want to give it something a little more herbivorous. Or save it for those with more carnivorous tastes. Or both." instead; check putting the casserole on the skid: ignore the can't put what's not held rule; say "The container is annoyingly slick. It would probably roll off, or maybe even shatter if you hit a bump. You would be better off bringing someone back to the shack, if you wanted to give it to them later. You know, after they finished a workout. Like carrying something even heavier on the skid.[paragraph break]"; ital-say "if you're thinking of giving it to the yak, yaks are herbivores."; do nothing instead; check taking the escaroles: say "Bleah. They seem like useless garnish." instead; check eating the escaroles: say "They aren't nearly substantial enough." instead; check eating the casserole: say "Ugh. You're not sure what's in it, and you're probably thinking too much about what is. You'd have to be a gourmand to eat this, even after a heavy workout." instead; before fliptoing (this is the mostly presto warn against SHATTER THREATS rule) : if noun is leaf or noun is mug or noun is dirty looking cola or noun is keyboard or noun is t-key or noun is skid or noun is disk or noun is rom sticks: if mrlp is not presto: say "[bug-report]" instead; if player is not in hacks' shack: if noun is keyboard: now try-keyboard is true; if yak is visible: say "The air of apathy the yak generates spreads to his yoke, which refuses to do what it should. You will need to find a nonviolent way to separate the yak from his yoke. Maybe you can find a way to put the bored yak to sleep." instead; if shack is not visited: say "You might not be safe from Elvira's SHATTER-THREATS legislation here. And you're not sure what to do with that, yet. But that feels right."; preef noun; do nothing instead; if noun is disk and yak is in lalaland: say "You probably want to go inside the shack before doing that. That stupid SHATTER-THREATS law and all. Do so now?"; if the player consents: say "Great!"; move player to shack; move skid to shack; continue the action; else: say "You can't see much more to do with the skid now, though."; preef disk; do nothing instead; if noun is screen and shack is visited: say "You probably want to go inside the shack before doing that. That stupid SHATTER-THREATS law and all. Do so now?"; if the player consents: say "Great!"; move player to shack; now player has censer; continue the action; else: say "OK, but you'll need to do so anyway to get out of here."; preef disk; do nothing instead; say "That stupid SHATTER-THREATS law might pick you up out here. Best to go in the shack and try again."; preef noun; do nothing instead; the compiled code is reflexive and auxiliary. description is "It's too much to consider, at once. It--doesn't quite work, but it does something, but it needs to budge." after fliptoing usb: now compiled code is in lalaland; now golden dongle is in lalaland; continue the action; a-text of compiled code is "RYRYR". b-text of compiled code is "RYRYR". check scaning computer screen: if compiled code is visible: try scaning compiled code instead; instead of doing something with the compiled code: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can really only examine it--or--what do you do with code that won't budge or be dug?" instead; check restarting the game when player is in shack: say "[if rebooted is false]You look over at the hard drive--and the blue and orange buttons--it doesn't quite need a restart. Hmm, what's the word, now. Or maybe you want to restart the game.[else]You've already restarted the computer. So if you're trying to restart it and not the game, you don't need to.[end if]"; after printing the locale description for shack when shack is unvisited: if computer screen is in austerer treasure: say "That hard drive could use a screen. Like the one you uncovered in the treasure room. Which you run back and get."; now player has computer screen; else if onyx censer is in austerer treasure and censer is prefigured: say "You remember that censer it would've been awkward to carry around. You decide to go back for it."; now onyx censer is in lalaland; now player has computer screen; reg-inc; else: say "That hard drive on the slab looks lonely without a monitor. No, not quite a monitor[if censer is prefigured]--you can probably change the onyx censer now.[else if player has the screen]--yours would do[else if player has onyx censer]. Maybe something in your inventory can change up.[else]. Where to get one?[end if]"; continue the action; after fliptoing the computer screen: if shack is visited and player is not in shack: say "That screen would go great with the hard drive in the shack. So you go back there."; move player to shack, without printing a room description; now player has screen; continue the action; the block tying rule is not listed in any rulebook. check tying it to (this is the put on the slab rule) : if noun is second noun: say "Tautology? Got ya, lout!" instead; if noun is dongle and second noun is drive: say "The drive and dongle are already tied together." instead; if noun is drive or noun is dongle: try tying second noun to noun instead; if second noun is hard drive or second noun is dongle or second noun is labs slab: try putting noun on labs slab instead; if noun is keyboard and second noun is screen: try tying second noun to noun instead; if second noun is keyboard and noun is screen: if keyboard is on slab and screen is on slab: say "They're both connected to the drive. No need to tangle things." instead; if keyboard is on slab: try putting screen on slab instead; if screen is on slab: try putting keyboard on slab instead; say "They keyboard and screen don't tie to each other but to the hard drive." instead; say "This game doesn't recognize the ATTACH/TIE verb for either of those objects. Perhaps it should, but you may be better off using PUT ABC ON/IN XYZ." instead; after fliptoing scratch paper: now compiled code is part of the computer screen; if lamb is in Grey Gyre: poss-d; if player has rom sticks: now rom sticks are in lalaland; continue the action; check going south in shack: consider the shack-south rule; if the rule failed: do nothing instead; this is the shack-south rule: if skid is not in shack and disk is not in shack: the rule succeeds; if yak is in lalaland: if player has onyx censer: say "Hmm. You probably just need to fiddle with the censer, then you can get going."; the rule fails; if computer screen is visible: say "You should have what you need. It might be dangerous to go back out."; the rule fails; say "[if ye hoop is in austerer]You probably should see about that treasure[else]Man, that screen in the treasure room would be handy now[end if]."; the rule succeeds; if player has screen: say "You decide to put the screen on the table so you don't have to lug it around any more."; the rule succeeds; if scratch paper is reflexed: say "You're so close. You must be. You can't [i]budge[r] until you..."; the rule fails; the rule succeeds; Check going outside in shack: try going south instead. a giant dead flea is a thing in hacks' shack. "A giant dead flea is here, probably not decomposing yet." check taking flea: say "Eww. Gross. Germy. Taking dead plants? Okay. Dead pests? Not so okay." instead; a-text of flea is "RYYR". b-text of flea is "RYYR". description of giant dead flea is "It's not been dead too long, fortunately. It's already turning some combination of dark oranges, reds and browns. Which is nicer than how animals usually biodegrade." a giant fallen leaf is a thing. description is "It's a beautiful collection of colors. If you were a herbivore, and you weren't colorblind, you probably couldn't resist eating it." report putting leaf on skid: say "The leaf fits nicely there. It won't fall off."; set the pronoun it to the skid; the rule succeeds; check taking leaf when leaf is on skid: ignore the can't put what's not held rule; if yak is visible: say "The yak might bite you if you tried." instead; say "No, it's probably easier to move on the skid." instead; instead of eating the leaf: say "You are the wrong sort of animal for that."; the gum is a singular-named thing in hacks' shack. description of gum is "It's wrapped and unchewed. The wrapper says it's never-ending gum that provides potentially infinite energy from one stick and a not-total-loss of flavor. It carries a warning against programming and chewing gum at the same time.". indefinite article of gum is "some". a-text of gum is "RYR". b-text of gum is "RGR". instead of eating or chewing gum: say "Seriously. It's tough to program and chew gum at the same time.[paragraph break]No, I didn't mean it that way! I meant, the noise from your gum chewing would be distracting, with all that deep thinking you would have to do." the mug is a container. description of mug is "Beneath text ('CPU CUP' over a UPC symbol) is a message explaining it slowly refills whatever beverage you put in there, but only very slowly." before exiting (this is the exiting is the only way out rule): unless the room outside of location of player is nowhere: continue the action; if number of viable directions is 1: let XY be a random viable direction; d "Going [XY]."; if XY is not the noun: try going XY instead; if location of player is cripple clipper: say "Drowning ails or roils a sailor." instead; if mrlp is troves: say "Exiting is not an option. You must earn the right to move on." instead; before going outside (this is the out is the only way rule): unless the room noun of location of player is nowhere: continue the action; if number of viable directions is 1: let XY be a random viable direction; if XY is not the noun: try going XY instead; if location of player is cripple clipper: say "Drowning ails or roils a sailor." instead; if mrlp is troves: say "Exiting is not an option. You must earn the right to move on." instead; check an actor exiting (this is the custom not in anything rule): let the local room be the location of the actor; if the container exited from is the local room: say "EXIT/OUT isn't usable here--it's used when there's only one direction, or you are told you can go OUT."; the custom not in anything rule is listed before the can't exit when not inside anything rule in the check exiting rulebook. instead of nowhering: say "[via-dir]"; to say via-dir: say "You can only go [list of viable directions]."; going nowhere in hacks' shack is nowhering. The dripping clock is scenery in Hacks' Shack. "It's motionless[if caps lock is off-stage], except for a very slow drip from the bottom. (If you want, you can pretend it symbolizes time slowly dripping away.) A small thick opaque puddle registers how much has leaked from the clock[otherwise] and no longer leaking, and you can't see the puddle below where the clock sap used to be[end if]." instead of taking dripping clock: say "Whatever it leaked might be, like, radioactive or something. No thanks."; does the player mean doing something with clock sap: it is unlikely. [disambig vs dripping clock] the labs slab is a supporter in Hacks' Shack. it is fixed in place. understand "table" as labs slab. port-warn is a truth state that varies. check inserting into labs slab (this is the on not in slab rule): say "[if port-warn is false]The labs slab has no ports, but you can put stuff on it.[else](on, not in)[line break][end if]"; now port-warn is true; try putting the second noun on the labs slab; check putting a thing on labs slab (this is the check what to put on labs slab rule): if noun is on labs slab: ignore the can't put what's not held rule; say "It already is!" instead; if second noun is labs slab: if noun is disk or noun is caps lock: say "That sort of belongs on the labs slab, but it needs to be a part of something." instead; if noun is rom sticks: try inserting noun into drive instead; if noun is not computer screen and noun is not keyboard: say "That's not something that you can hook up to the computer." instead; after putting a thing on the labs slab: if number of things on labs slab is 3: say "Only one more piece of hardware is needed, and the computer will work." instead; else if number of things on labs slab is 4: say "You can now do computery things unimpeded! Hooray!" instead; else: say "Too [if number of things on labs slab > 3]much[else]little[end if] is on the labs slab. This is a bug but not a game-breaker." instead; instead of taking labs slab: say "The labs slab is there so you don't have to take stuff. Plus it's too heavy." description of labs slab is "It's far from a plain old table, but you can call it that if you want. It's quite ergonomic and sturdy and not just because none of the twenty-two other things you (yes, you) could zap it to make any sense." the hard drive is a container on the labs slab. understand "disk drive" and "eco-trump computer" and "computer" as hard drive. does the player mean doing something with hard drive: it is likely; instead of opening drive: say "You don't need to. You can just put the sort of stuff that goes in disk drives in the drive."; understand "rived" as a mistake ("You don't need to do that sort of hacking.") when hard drive is visible. understand "diver" as a mistake ("It's you that'll need to dive into some code.") when hard drive is visible. the golden dongle is part of the hard drive. description of golden dongle is "The golden dongle looks powerful and important. Computers in Yorpwald don't have one unless they're really important. It can do stuff like dual-op upload, whatever that is, but even better, it's more universal than a USB port, and you can attach all sorts of things to it." instead of doing something with dongle: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is taking: say "You need the dongle to connect the hard drive to other computer parts." instead; say "You don't need to do anything fancy with the dongle." check fliptoing USB: if scratch paper is not reflexed: say "No hope of debugging when you can't even build! No, what is it? Something in the polemic, all garbled."; preef compiled code instead; the USB is a vanishing thing. description is "It's an ordinary USB. Or it would be, around anyone but you.". "The USB that the golden dongle degenerated into lies here." a-text of USB is "RYR". b-text of USB is "RY?". check scaning USB: say "You wonder if you need to. There aren't many possibilities. There may even be two ways to change it. After all, it's pretty universal. Scan anyway?"; if the player consents: say "Ok."; else: say "Good sport!" instead; instead of doing something with usb: if action is procedural: continue the action; if current action is taking: say "Well, you don't need to take it in THAT sense." instead; say "No need to do anything fancy with the USB. Well, anything fancy other than using your fancy powers. Really, anything fancy with them. It's only three letters." instead; to say sub-bus: let issub be false; if the player's command includes "sub": now issub is true; now crust is in lalaland; say "You hear music by Verdi. '[if issub is true]Diver[else]Drive[end if] time!' intones the mechanical [if issub is true]sub[else]bus[end if] your USB turned into. Man, it really is universal. The pilot is...one of the nerds from the Anti-Cool Location way back in the metros! He welcomes you in. 'Navig-Gavin. Nice work.' / 'I know.' / 'Rec.' This SecuriCruise is not a Dire Ride (a ton...)' but you fall asleep before you can hear the rest. Wham, doer! Homeward"; does the player mean doing something with the hard drive: it is unlikely. description of hard drive is "It's an old-school hard drive (brand name: Eco-Trump Computer) where you put clunky square disks. It has a small blue button and a small orange button." The small blue button is part of the hard drive. understand "reboot/ button" as small blue button. The small orange button is part of the hard drive. small blue button is semi-easy and auxiliary. a-text of small blue button is "RYRYYR". b-text of small blue button is "RYPYGR". description of small blue button is "'To be or'" description of small orange button is "'Not to be'" rebooted is a truth state that varies. check pushing small blue button: if the player's command does not include "reboot": say "You're not sure what that button does. You see red thinking it's a [i]bore to[r] push again. Or I'm not sure you are, and I'm looking out for my fellow computers, here." instead; if disk is not in hard drive: say "It's risky to boot without a disk, like that [if disk is in shack]disk right there[else]skid used to be[end if], in the disk drive. Much less reboot."; preef small blue button instead; if computer screen is not on slab: say "You wouldn't know if anything happened, since there's no screen on the table[if player has computer screen]. The one in your inventory should do[end if]."; preef small blue button instead; if keyboard is not visible: say "You have nothing to type with, so it doesn't do much good."; preef small blue button instead; if keyboard is not on slab: say "The keyboard isn't connected. This probably wouldn't be fatal, but why not do first things first?"; preef small blue button instead; if rebooted is true: say "No need to reboot twice." instead; now small blue button is unfigured; say "The button changes into a REBOOT button, which you press[if player has rom sticks]--though first those ROM sticks will put your PPC on PCP to code in CPP and avoid PCRam Cramp[end if]. The disk drive hums for a while, the computer screen lights up with a fractal shaped like a flatcar, and after a stallin['] install (and several booster-reboots,) some sort of program appears on the screen."; if player has rom sticks: now rom sticks are in lalaland; reg-inc; now rebooted is true instead; understand "program" as screen when rebooted is true and player is in shack. check pushing small orange button: say "It's too bent to push. You can probably just restart the computer when you need to." instead; check taking (this is the can't remove computer parts from labs slab rule): if noun is in hard drive: say "The disk is where it should be." instead; if noun is on labs slab: say "[The noun] is where it needs to be." instead; check inserting it into (this is the disk in drive and wired computer rule): if noun is disk: ignore the can't insert what's not held rule; if noun is in hard drive: say "The disk's already in the hard drive." instead; if second noun is hard drive: if noun is not disk: say "[if noun is rom sticks]You'll wait [']til you're ready to program[else]It's a disk drive. Only disks fit in there[end if]." instead; if keyboard is off-stage: say "You don't have enough pieces to the computer to make it work. Specifically, no input device." instead; if computer screen is off-stage: say "(Protip: you might want to get something like a screen to figure what's going on.)" instead; chapter badbooks to say my-bad: say "[random badbook in shack]"; report taking a badbook: say "You look around guiltily. Thankfully, nobody's here to see you take it."; the rule succeeds; check opening a badbook: say "Try reading it instead." instead; check closing a badbook: say "It is, but you can try READing it." instead; a badbook is a kind of thing. a badbook has text called theme. a badbook has text called author. does the player mean doing something with a badbook when player is in shack: it is likely. does the player mean reading catechism when yak is in lalaland: it is very likely. a-text of a badbook is usually "RYORYYRR". understand "book" and "bad book" as a badbook. does the player mean doing something with a visible badbook: it is very likely. Day Broke is a badbook. author of badbook is "Rob Keady". theme of Day Broke is "schmaltzy supernatural love affairs". eBay Dork is a badbook. author of eBay Dork is "Kary Bode". theme of eBay Dork is "puberty and predictable nonconformity" Bred Okay is a badbook. author of Bred Okay is "Bad Korey". theme of Bred Okay is "pointless rebellion" Dear Koby is a badbook. author of Dear Koby is "Yoda Berk". theme of Dear Koby is "thinly-veiled wishful-thinking autobiography and cyberspace epistles" Yo Be Dark is a badbook. author of Yo Be Dark is "Dr. Bo Kaye". theme of Yo Be Dark is "the hopelessness of hopelessness". printed name of Yo Be is "Yo, Be Dark". Bakery Do is a badbook. author of Bakery Do is "DeRoy Bak". theme of Bakery Do is "overoptimistic views on enterpeneurism". a-text of Day Broke is "RYORYYRR". a-text of dear koby is "RYORYYRR". a-text of bred okay is "RYORYYRR". a-text of ebay dork is "RYORYYRR". a-text of Yo Be Dark is "RYORYYRR". a-text of Bakery Do is "RYORYYRR". b-text of Day Broke is "RYBPYYRR". b-text of dear koby is "RGORYYRR". b-text of bred okay is "RYORGYRR". b-text of ebay dork is "RYORYYPR". b-text of Yo Be Dark is "RYORYGPR". b-text of Bakery Do is "RYORYYRR". description of a badbook is "[the item described], by [author], is a hopelessly simplistic look at [theme of item described] that rose to inexplicable bestsellerdom and consequent bestseller-movie adaptation. You've never read it, though you recall it's even worse than [ev-worse]. Or maybe it's the other way around. Or maybe it's true both ways, somehow." to say ev-worse: let mybk be a random off-stage badbook; say "[mybk] by [author of mybk]"; check reading a badbook: if yak is in lalaland: say "You shouldn't. You really shouldn't. But you do. It...it's pretty indigestible. Nothing lasting, but enough to inspire an animal urge to bang your head against the floor." instead; say "It would probably make you dumber just reading it for ironic laughs. That's the last thing you need right now." instead; chapter pouring Understand the command "put [other things] in/inside/into [something]" as something new. Understand "put [other things] in/inside/into [something]" as pouring it into. check pouring it into: if noun is fizzy cola: say "It's already in the mug." instead; if noun is dirty looking cola: try inserting noun into second noun instead; chapter rebooting rebooting is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "reboot" as something new. understand "reboot" as rebooting. carry out rebooting: if player is not in hacks' shack: say "There's nothing to reboot here." instead; try pushing blue button instead; chapter clock sap some clock sap is scenery in Hacks' Shack. description is "WHAT IS THIS, you think to yourself as you inspect the clock sap closer. You wonder how THE CLOCK ISN'T DRAINED since it's dripping at a pretty constant rate. CONFUSING!" understand "spa" as a mistake ("Operating machinery in water is dangerous. Or, if the spa was all sap, just plain gross.") when clock sap is visible understand "asp" as a mistake ("A deadly snake would just make the situation...stickier.") when clock sap is visible a-text of clock sap is "RYRRRYRR". b-text of clock sap is "PYRRRYRR". understand "puddle" as clock sap. a disk is a super-easy thing. description is "This disk is plain, chunky and 3 1/4' square. Small print indicates the disk contains not only a powerful compression algorithm that allows portability but also critical system repair programs that only run on startup." understand "idks" as a mistake ("You'll need to figure stuff out with the [if disk is visible]disk[else]skid[end if], but right now, yeah, you're all I don't know.") when skid is visible or disk is visible. understand "kids" as a mistake ("[if disk is off-stage]Kids don't need to be introduced to the sorts of words flying around here[else]Oh geez. That's what you need. Kids who'd run around screaming while you try to solve this last bit[end if]. [if disk is visible]They wouldn't know the first thing about programming[else]They wouldn't be strong or organized enough to push the skid around[end if], anyway[one of].[paragraph break]However, you do take a second to reflect that nobody told you you're doing this for the kids, so that's a plus[or][stopping].") when skid is visible or disk is visible. a-text of disk is "RRYR". b-text of disk is "RRYR". instead of eating the clock sap: say "DUDE DON'T EVEN!!!" check taking the clock sap: say "You start to grab it, but you imagine a loud voice. Something like WHAT DOES CLOCK SAP HAVE TO DO WITH A COMPUTER." instead; the caps lock button is a thing. understand "capslock" and "capslock button" as caps lock. description of caps lock is "[if caps lock is part of the keyboard]It is fitting into the keyboard nicely[otherwise]You could probably snap it into a keyboard[end if]." the t-key is part of the keyboard. the t-key is llpish, reflexive and privately-named. printed name of t-key is "[if t-key is reflexive]TBA[else]TAB[end if] key". description is "[if t-key is reflexive]It says TBA but could be...abort or...hmm[else]It's a tab key, useful for keeping code organized[end if]." check fliptoing t-key: if yak is not in lalaland: say "The yak generates an apathy that doesn't allow this. Yet." instead; check scaning t-key: say "You sense there can't be much to do with something saying TBA. Still, go ahead and scan?"; unless the player consents: say "OK, you should get it." instead; a-text of t-key is "RYR". b-text of t-key is "PYR". understand "tba key" and "tba/key" as t-key when t-key is reflexive. understand "tab key" and "tab/key" as t-key when t-key is reflexed. understand "bat" as a mistake ("You don't want to take a bat to the keyboard. Or have a bat swoop and take it. Trust me.") when keyboard is visible; The schematic catechism is a thing. it is on the labs slab. does the player mean doing something with catechism when player is in shack: it is likely; instead of scaning catechism: say "You think back to an annoying computer science professor who raved you just can't scan books like this and hope to get useful information.[paragraph break]He's literally right, here, but he probably meant just reading, though[if catechism is examined]. As you already did[end if]."; understand "algorithms logarithms" and "algorithms/logarithms" and "textbook" and "text/book" as schematic catechism. instead of taking catechism: say "It's pretty much tied to the table and not worth untying--it's too heavy, anyway." after examining catechism for the first time: d "[list of things on labs slab]."; d "[number of things on labs slab]."; say "Well, that was probably too technical. You peek at the introduction. Page 1, 'Noob-Boon: Hi-Tech Itch, Eh?' condescendingly but effectively lays out the basics:[line break]--your favorite frustration word, major or minor, doesn't make you a better programmer.[line break]--create and assemble your materials first[line break]--then and only then, get to the programming actions and stuff[if number of things on labs slab > 2].[paragraph break]Well, you already started assembling stuff. Yay[end if]. You tackle a whole droll hello world--the rest will come later. You can, of course, look for random information for fun, but you'll probably naturally use the book for reference once you get seriously programming.[line break]"; pad-rec "hacking" instead; description of schematic catechism is "[one of]The title is ALGORITHMS, LOGARITHMS, and it's by Olga Smirth. Olga's goals seem to be a slog, all 1337 pages, and they footnote too often. There's probably far more than you need to know here to get basic programming done[or]Maybe something new'll turn up[stopping]. You flip to a random page, which burgeons with information useless to your task at hand: [randbla]" no-yak is a truth state that varies. after reading catechism when yak is in shack and no-yak is false: say "The yak's ears perk up a little as you mumble to yourself on reading. It's all pretty neutral and over the yak's head. Perhaps something simpler would give it more of a reaction."; now no-yak is true; continue the action; check going south in shack: if player has catechism: say "The catechism belongs in the shack. Leave it there." instead; the disk is in Hacks' Shack. "[if disk is handled]You see a disk lying on the labs slab here[else]A disk is lying on the floor here[end if]." the skid is a super-easy supporter. "The skid lying here [skid-do]." to say skid-do: if yak is in lalaland: say "has done its job. Well, as the skid. Perhaps it's more useful as what it was"; continue the action; say "can probably be pushed around[if number of things on skid > 0]. It's currently carrying [the list of things on skid][end if]"; the skid is pushable between rooms. a-text of skid is "RYRR". b-text of skid is "RYRR". instead of taking the skid: say "It's too heavy, but you can pull or push it in the direction where you want it to go." the description of the skid is "It's three feet wide by six feet, and it's got small straps and niches so you can put an animal on them. It's also got a handy rope so you can PULL it even without sledge ledges." the skidrope is a privately-named thing. The skidrope is part of the skid. understand "rope" as skidrope when skidrope is visible. description of skidrope is "It's attached so you can pull the skid from room to room." check pulling skidrope: try pulling skid instead; check fliptoing scratch paper: if player is not in hacks' shack: say "There is no computer around."; preef scratch paper instead; if computer screen is not visible: say "Good idea, but tough without a screen."; preef scratch paper instead; if keyboard is not visible: say "Good idea, but tough to program without a keyboard."; preef scratch paper instead; [?? if player has keyboard] if keyboard is not on slab: say "You probably want to put the keyboard on the slab." instead; if caps lock is not part of the keyboard: say "You try but get EXCESSIVE UPPERCASE ERROR. Even converting the code in all upper case, you'd also have to refer to lower-case include files and so forth. You try other work-arounds, like the shift key, but the computer holds all the chips, somehow. (Sorry.) You must be close to a successful compile."; preef scratch paper instead; if disk is not in hard drive: say "A DISK, I'D ASK pops up. You realize that [if disk is in lalaland]you can change the skid back, due to the lossless compression algorithm[else]the disk would fit fine[end if]." instead; if rebooted is false: say "You get one of those annoying NEGLECT A CLEAN GET?! errors that proclaims this version so riven needs a raged-up upgrade with autolibs['] bailouts. The automatic installer is on nil-alerts. They'll need a manual un-maul. Perhaps you need to do something to reset the computer--a[if hard drive is examined]nother[end if] look at the drive might help."; preef scratch paper instead; if disk is not in hard drive: say "You probably want to save your work to disk."; preef scratch paper instead; if slept is false: if speel is off-stage: say "You get an NEED IF-DEFINE error the first time you try to compile. 'Up late, a letup,' you think restlessly and dreamily to yourself, 'Then fail the final!'[paragraph break]You're just too exhausted to put up with another compiling speel (you're too tired to check if that's spelt right)...slipping on virtual peels...probably you just switched something or got something backwards."; now speel is in hacks' shack; else: say "That stupid NEED IF-DEFINE and that speel, still. You're slipping on peels, unsure what you switched or got backwards[one of][or]. Maybe you misspelled a variable, but you aren't up to logic leeps[stopping]."; preef scratch paper instead; the speel is auxiliary scenery. "The jargon's a bit beyond you. Maybe if your mind were fully sharp, you'd know what to do." instead of doing something with the speel: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "It's just plain computer text."; a-text of speel is "RRYYR". b-text of speel is "PRGGR". check inserting into the keyboard (this is the insert-keyboard rule): ignore the can't insert into what's not a container rule; try putting noun on second noun instead; check putting the keyboard on (this is the keyboard-on-something rule): ignore the can't put what's not held rule; check putting on the keyboard (this is the complete-keyboard rule): ignore the can't put onto what's not a supporter rule; if noun is caps lock: if caps lock is part of the keyboard: say "It already is." instead; say "It fits in perfectly, right beneath the [if t-key is reflexed]TAB[else]TBA (ehh? That's not quite right)[end if] key."; now caps lock is part of the keyboard instead; otherwise: say "That's not a key that needs to fit in the keyboard." instead; check fliptoing usb: if scratch paper is reflexive: say "You don't even have the program running. You don't know what to fix." instead; if fizzy cola is not in mug: say "The process of debugging is going to take a while. You will need some sort of energy[if dirty looking cola is visible]. That bottle of cola just won't be enough for the task ahead[otherwise]. That coal won't cut it. Too early 20th century[end if]."; preef compiled code instead; chapter showing block showing rule is not listed in any rulebook. carry out showing it to: [?? show = give] say "(Showing usually means giving. I'll try that.)"; try giving noun to second noun instead; chapter keyboarding check fliptoing keyboard when yak is visible: say "The yak emits an air of aggressive apathy. It's like the yak is foiling your attempts, or perhaps you wonder if the yoke might do something nasty to the yak when it changes.[paragraph break]Perhaps it would be an act of kindness to move the yak from bored to sleepy. A bedtime song or story or something."; preef keyboard instead; after fliptoing keyboard: now leaf is in lalaland; continue the action; the piece of scratch paper is a reflexive thing in hacks' shack. every turn when scratch paper is reflexed and usb is not in shack and player is in shack and gum is in lalaland (this is the hint debug verb rule) : say "You find yourself pacing around muttering at the computer. BUDGE, BE DUG, BUDGE."; check fliptoing scratch paper: if computer screen is not visible: say "Very hard without seeing what you're doing." instead; if computer screen is not on slab: say "Hmm. You may want to hook the screen up. Do so?"; if the player consents: now computer screen is on slab; else: say "Ok, but by 'may want' I meant 'really probably need to.'" instead; does the player mean doing something with the teariest treatise when Strip of Profits is visited: it is unlikely. description of scratch paper is "[one of]It's a [i]polemic[r] about programming languages, processors, and user-friendliness in general. E-trash haters too. The no-decor coder credo seems right, but he's probably leaving some obvious computer action out, and you would hate to have to meet him[or]The polemic doesn't make any more sense the second time through[stopping]. You see a messy signature at the bottom." a-text of scratch paper is "RYRRYRY". b-text of scratch paper is "RGRRYRY". the signature is part of the scratch paper. description of signature is "It's in red and takes a bit of time to decipher. [one of]MEL COPI is this guy's name. There's a bit more[or]The author rails against the McPoeil method[or]The author compares a manual to a lice mop[cycling]." understand "polemic" as scratch paper. book Volt Maze [L to V] a mazeroom is a kind of room. the printed name of a mazeroom is usually "Maze Room". a mazeroom is usually innie. the specification of mazeroom is "A room you don't need to visit at all but which might give clues." l-m is a privately-named person. understand "lev/ matzo/" as l-m. printed name of l-m is "Lev Matzo". m-l is a privately-named person. understand "matzo/ lev/" as m-l. printed name of m-l is "Matzo Lev". m-l is a person. "[one of]A man introducing himself as[or][stopping] Matzo Lev is here, more scannable than Lev Matzo." Tom Alvez is a person. "[one of]A man introducing himself as[or][stopping] Matzo Lev is here, more scannable than his predecessors." a-text of m-l is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of m-l is "PGRYRRYP". a-text of l-m is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of l-m is "RYRYRPYR". a-text of Tom Alvez is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of Tom Alvez is "RYRYPRYR". description of l-m is "Perfectly unremarkable and unimpressed with your (not) solving this maze. He looks curiously at your settler." description of m-l is "Perfectly unremarkable and unimpressed with your (not) solving this maze. He looks curiously at your settler." description of Tom Alvez is "Perfectly unremarkable and unimpressed with your (not) solving this maze. He looks curiously at your settler." voltzap is a truth state that varies. check going nowhere in a mazeroom (this is the zaphint rule) : now voltzap is true; say "[one of]You walk into a wall, which goes ZVT. 'Lame-o,' you think, seeing red. Maybe that ZVT was a VZT[or]You decide against touching a wall to see the (ZVT/VZT)/Lame-o routine and see red again[stopping]." instead; before going up in a mazeroom (this is the photopia reference rule) : say "You know, there was one really fun text adventure where this was the solution. I'd be plagiarizing if that was here. And if you haven't played it, I don't want to spoil it." instead; a direction can be viable. definition: a direction (called dir) is viable: if player is in phat path and dir is north: decide no; if player is in plains and dir is inside and door-sux is false: decide no; if player is in fro and atmo-moat is in fro and dir is west: decide no; if player is in alcoves and merle is in fro and dir is west: decide no; if player is in gates stage and player does not have passport and dir is north: decide no; if player is in arches and sardine is in arches and dir is north: decide no; [these are individual cases] unless the room dir from location of player is nothing: decide yes; [this is the main one. If a room's there, go] if player is in hedron and dir is inside and walleyes are in lalaland and o-t is reflexed: decide yes; [these are fringe cases. Again, you can enter certain places etc. once traps are removed] if player is in Basement and dir is inside: decide yes; if player is in cavern and dir is inside and paperwall is in lalaland: decide yes; decide no; to say exits-lead: say ". [if number of viable directions is 1]The only exit leads[otherwise]Exits lead[end if] [list of viable directions]"; voltwarn is a truth state that varies. after printing the locale description for r22 when voltzap is false and voltwarn is false: say "Boy, this maze is getting annoying quickly. You briefly wonder if running into a wall might give a hint about what to do."; now voltwarn is true; continue the action; the description of mazeroom is "You're in a maze room with no distinguishing features[exits-lead]."; check going to maze entry when player was in Grey Gyre: say "[one of]You hope the maze isn't too big. Then you hope there's a quick way around it--[if plaque is examined]the plaque seems to indicate there might be[else]but you feel an odd sense of guilt, as if ancestors lamented that you can't even take time to stop and read a simple plaque[end if][or]You re-enter, not knowing whether to feel bad you're [if r24 is visited]trying[else]not even patient enough[end if] to brute-force things and run through the maze or bad you want an easy way through[if voltzap is false and r24 is visited] or too scared to touch any walls[end if][if r24 is visited and plaque is unexamined] or too hasty to even read that plaque this time around[end if][stopping]." the plaque is scenery in Grey Gyre. "VOLT MAZE[paragraph break]DESIGNED BY E-Z OL['] AV (TM).[paragraph break]Oy, this maze is meshuggenah--those without the chutzpah to congratulate themselves before entering it have no hope![paragraph break]The first two lines are in red." instead of taking the plaque: say "It might be better to take the plaque's advice."; instead of scaning plaque: say "Maybe reading between the lines of the Volt Maze plaque would help."; Maze Entry is north of Grey Gyre. Maze Entry is in Presto. "You can exit back south or hit the maze proper to the west. A big L is tiled into the floor here[if m-l is in lalaland]. Nothing really seems to have changed about the maze several times through, and you may flip if you have to go through the L-to-V maze again[end if]." the big l is scenery in maze entry. "It's a decent enough example of an L. Maybe there are other letters in the maze." understand "glib" as a mistake ("You'll need to be glib with something like g-lib later. If you get through this maze. In fact, maybe being glib might be easier than walking through.") when player is in Maze Entry. going nowhere in maze entry is nowhering. [is a mazeroom/a mazeroom is usually in presto] big-let is a privately-named backdrop. big-let is in r10,r00,r01,r02,r12,r22,r32,r33,r23,r24. printed name of big-let is "the big letter" the maze walls are a reflexive plural-named uncluing useless backdrop. the walls are in r00, r01, r02, r03, r04, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, maze entry, r21, r22, r23, r24, r30, r31, r32, r33, r34, r40, r41, r42, r43, and r44. a-text of walls is "RYRYRRYR". b-text of walls is "RYRYRRYR". check fliptoing walls: say "You figure it would be a very good idea to move out of the maze before saying that, in case you wind up vanishing along with the maze. So you head back outside as you came. This thinking ahead will be one more thing to congratulate yourself about, at any rate."; move player to Grey Gyre, without printing a room description; try fliptoing volt maze instead; description of walls is "This is a volt maze, but they don't seem juiced enough to zap you good. Running into them might be a useful lesson in character building. Or an outright clue." understand "lawls" and "lawl" as a mistake ("You try to laugh at the walls, but [if cur-score of presto is 0]actions don't seem to work here[else]that Internet neologism is a hybrid action and interjection and thus fails[end if].") when walls are visible. instead of touching walls: say "[one of]You feel a[or]The same[stopping] small electric jolt[one of][or], again[stopping]." description of big-let is "It's a letter[if r10 is visited]. Much like back to the L you saw at the beginning[else]. Maybe there are others later along[end if]." understand "floor" and "big/ m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v" and "big/ letter" as big-let. r10 is a mazeroom in Presto. r10 is west of Maze Entry. "A big M is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r00 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is west of r10. "A big N is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." understand "bing" as a mistake ("[if boing is reflexed]You already did that, and with 25% more word power, too[else]You come to four-fifths of a revelation, but it's not about this maze, sadly[end if].") when player is in r00. r01 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r00. "A big O is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r02 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r01. "A big P is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r03 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r02. r12 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is east of r02. "A big Q is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r11 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is south of r12. r21 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is east of r11. r31 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is east of r21. r22 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is east of r12. "A big R is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." understand "brig" as a mistake ("There, there. This maze is much less hard to get out of than a prison.") when player is in r22. r32 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is east of r22. "A big S is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r42 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is east of r32. r41 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is south of r42. r40 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is south of r41. r30 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is west of r40. r43 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r42. r44 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r43. r33 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r32. "A big T is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r23 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is west of r33. "A big U is tiled into the floor here[exits-lead]." r13 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is west of r23. r14 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r13. r04 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is west of r14. r24 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is north of r23. "A big V is tiled into the floor here. You can go back south, but wow, the maze exit seems to be just north[if l-m is off-stage and m-l is off-stage]![else], and maybe that riddle dreidl won't push you back this time!" r34 is a mazeroom in Presto. it is west of r44. to say l-or-m: say "[if l-m is visible][l-m][else][m-l][end if]"; to say zztrue: now voltzap is true; check going north in r24: say "The exit! [if l-m is visible]'Shalom, ol['] sham' calls [l-or-m].[paragraph break][end if]You've mapped it out...and just as you are about to cross, [one of]a[or]that[stopping] giant spinning robot dreidl pushes you back to the start of the maze as it belts riddle after riddle. It spins back with a monotone 'OY VEY.' [if l-m is off-stage]You see someone coming from the north to check on the noise, but you can't get a glimpse of them.[else][paragraph break][end if]"; say "[if voltzap is false]You find the walls really are electric--not too nasty, but bad enough, and you see red and say, with each ZVT(VZT?), Lame-o[zztrue].[else][one of]You manage to avoid the walls this time, but you doubt that dreidl's going away[or]There must be a better way through[stopping]."; if l-m is off-stage and m-l is off-stage: now l-m is in r24; else if m-l is off-stage and l-m is escanned: now m-l is in r24; now l-m is in lalaland; now player is in Grey Gyre instead; volume demo dome chapter the basics Demo Dome is a frivolous region. after choosing notable locale objects when mrlp is demo dome: repeat with JJ running through all exhibits in location of player: set the locale priority of JJ to 0; demoing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "demo/dome mode" as something new. understand the command "demo dome mode" as something new. understand "demo dome" and "demo mode" and "dome mode" and "demo dome mode" as demoing. knockage is a truth state that varies. carry out demoing: if mrlp is demo dome: say "You already are in demo dome mode." instead; if Gunter is not off-stage: say "[reject]"; say "[if knockage is true]You ignore Gunter's emo'd voice[else]You decide to, umm, use the Me-Um-Us Museum[end if]. You pull out your discreet, secret ID to enter."; move player to peek keep; ital-say "This area was only programmer-tested as of release 3, and I'm sure I have more and better stuff to add for release 4. There was so much else to fix. But I hope you like what is here."; now right hand status line is "[location of player]"; the rule succeeds; Demo Dome is a region. chapter Peek Keep For printing a locale paragraph about a thing (called the item) (this is the don't mention exhibits in room descriptions rule): if the item is an exhibit, set the locale priority of the item to 0; continue the activity. Peek Keep is a room in Demo Dome. "Exhibits lie west, north and east, and even inside. The way down looks disused. The exit is south. A great grate blocks passage above.[paragraph break]A sign here welcomes you."; the entry sign is scenery in peek keep. "UNFOLD OLD FUN, MEMOIR: I'M MORE." check going south in peek keep: if number of not perused exhibits is 0: say "You take a break and get back to, well, running Yorpwald. The museum was about the right size. Not too small, but not too big to waste taxpayers['] money."; end the story; else: say "Are you sure you want to leave before looking at everything?"; if the player consents: say "It's--yes, you've sort of lived it, already. You're just too busy for frivolity."; end the story; else: say "Okay, why not look around a bit more." instead; check going up in peek keep: say "The great grate blocks you." instead; table of xibits exhib Inform 7 Wall Perl Wall Chic Loner Chronicle Code Walls Calendar Novella chapter Evoc-Cove Evoc-Cove is east of peek keep. Evoc-cove is in Demo Dome. "A welcoming place full of feeling and peace and weird new ideas that it's just good to know are there. A novella is propped up against the wall by some invisible force. You can go back west if you want." check going east in evoc-cove: say "You quickly run into a bunch of boxes you could probably push around to make a path to a bigger room, but that just wasn't your specialty. Wrong sort of thinking game." instead; chapter Hows Show Hows Show is north of Peek Keep. Hows Show is in Demo Dome. "The walls have snatches of Inform 7 code and PERL code written all over them. They may be too technical, but maybe you can get a general feel for the silly tricks that went into A Roiling Original. You can go back south." the code walls are plural-named scenery in hows show. "There's an Inform 7 code wall [if any-walls is true and last-wall is inform 7]you've been browsing recently[end if]and a PERL code wall[if any-walls is true and last-wall is perl]you've been browsing recently[end if][if any-walls is false], and each looks about as interesting as the other." check examining code walls for the first time: ital-say "it may help to have a copy of the source handy as you read for this. I'll often be pointing you to things to search for."; any-walls is a truth state that varies. section inform wall the Inform 7 wall is an exhibit in hows show. "[this-inform]" after doing something with inform 7 wall: now any-walls is true; now last-wall is inform 7 wall; continue the action; description of inform 7 wall is "You read some more of the Inform 7 wall.[paragraph break][this-inform]" inform-row is a number that varies. to say this-inform: increment inform-row; if inform-row > number of rows in table of informcode: ital-say "you've read all the way through."; now inform-row is 1; now inform 7 wall is exhausted; choose row inform-row in table of informcode; say "[thiscode entry]"; section perl wall the PERL wall is an exhibit in hows show. "[this-perl]" after doing something with perl wall: now any-walls is true; now last-wall is perl wall; continue the action; description of PERL wall is "You read some more of the PERL 7 wall. Some of this might be useful if you make your own game. But not a lot.[paragraph break][this-perl]" perl-row is a number that varies. to say this-perl: increment perl-row; if perl-row > number of rows in table of perlcode: ital-say "you've read all the way through."; now perl-row is 1; now perl wall is exhausted; choose row perl-row in table of perlcode; say "[thiscode entry]"; chapter Intel Inlet Intel Inlet is inside of Peek Keep. Intel Inlet is in Demo Dome. "You feel a fourth wall closing in on bugs and features here. A CareLand Calendar is on the wall, as is a shiest thesis--whoever wrote it is probably half embarrassed of what's on there." The shiest thesis is an exhibit in intel inlet. description is "It's a list of embarrassing mistakes you really shouldn't feel so embarrassed about. At first you're all, eh, this...but it's more than that.". The CareLand Calendar is an exhibit in intel inlet. description of Calendar is "[bug-report]". check examining CareLand Calendar: now calendar is perused; say "It's divided into several parts based on what is there. You read through one.[paragraph break][part-one-thru]" instead; [bulk-klub] calendar-part is a number that varies. to say part-one-thru: increment calendar-part; if calendar-part > number of rows in table of calparts: now calendar-part is 1; now careland calendar is perused; choose row calendar-part in table of calparts; say "[thiscal entry][line break]"; if calendar-part is number of rows in table of calparts: say "[line break]That's the end of the calendar." chapter Ned's Dens Ned's Dens is west of Peek Keep. Ned's Dens is in Demo Dome. "You feel a hush here, as if you're seeing something personal and private. Like that Chic Loner Chronicle. You can go back east." understand "send" as a mistake ("Maybe in another game, you could do that, if you walked around right. But not this one.") when player is in ned's dens. The Chic Loner Chronicle is an exhibit in Ned's Dens. description is "[one of]The Chronicle has a list of silly things the author thought of while writing this game. One[or]Another thought[stopping] reads: [one-chron]". chron-row is a number that varies. to say one-chron: increment chron-row; if chron-row > number of rows in table of observations: now chron-row is 1; now chic loner chronicle is perused; choose row chron-row in table of observations; say "[obser entry]"; if chron-row is number of rows in table of observations: say "[paragraph break]That's the end of the Chronicle. You can read it again, if you want."; chapter Sparse Spares Sparse Spares is below Peek Keep. Sparse Spares is in Demo Dome. "All sorts of weird tools and paraphernalia that couldn't fit into the game proper lie here, likely impulse purchases from Bulk-Klub. You can go back up." the bolt case is a transparent closed container in Sparse Spares. description is "It contains an obstacle, and it's also not openable, since it's--well-bolted. There's also a can of Best Cola in there." the obstacle is in the bolt case. description of the obstacle is "it reads Bulk-Klub." The Best Cola is in the bolt case. description is "It's Yorpwald's equivalent of the gross pop I tend to wind up drinking but don't want to when I'm implementing stuff/drawing up features/squashing bugs. I think it's made by AblestCo." the larded ladder is a thing in spares. description is "The larded ladder was originally used as an indication you don't need to go up, but it seemed a bit mean." the trifle filter is a thing in spares. description is "A finely-tuned device that helped me decide whether silly details were totally irrelevant or just irrelevant enough to be funny and quirky. Or seem that way to me." The stand-up dustpan is a thing in spares. description is "Useful for sweeping bugs and inconsistencies under the metaphorical rug." The plastic scalp-it is a thing in spares. description is "Handy for when a chunk of code--or a story arc--completely didn't work." the parcel placer is a thing in spares. description is "Handy for deciding where a good anagram should go--one I wanted to have along, but I didn't know if it should be a thing, a description or random text. Often seen shuffling around (ha! Ha!) the same thing more than once." the rudest duster is a thing in spares. description is "Helped me clean up--or add double entendres--to various things, or find a suggestive anagram or two." check taking something in spares: say "That's a museum exhibit. About all you can/should do is examine it." instead; The novella is an exhibit in Evoc-Cove. "A novella is here. You can READ it without taking it.". description is "It's called Venal Ol['] Novella, by Evan Oll. That's probably a pseudonym. It's got a hundred pages, which you can examine by READ (number)[lowest-unread]." check taking novella: say "Don't take the art." instead; to say lowest-unread: let xyz be 1; repeat through table of pagelist: if read-yet entry is true or comprehensible entry is false: increment xyz; else: say "--the lowest page you haven't read that looks comprehensible is [xyz]"; continue the action; say "--though you've read everything of interest, you'd guess" understand "read [number]" as numreading when player is in Evoc-Cove. understand "r [number]" as numreading when player is in Evoc-Cove. understand "x [number]" as numreading when player is in Evoc-Cove. understand "examine [number]" as numreading when player is in Evoc-Cove. numreading is an action applying to one number. does the player mean reading novella: it is very likely. carry out numreading: if the number understood is 0: say "Introductions? Boring." instead; if the number understood < 0: say "You can't un-read the book, but you can leave it un-read." instead; if the number understood > 100: say "The book is only 100 pages long." instead; choose row number understood in table of pagelist; if number of characters in pgtxt entry > 2: say "You glance over it. The most interesting bit seems to be [pgtxt entry][line break]"; else: say "The author strained not to be incomprehensible and failed."; repeat through table of pagelist: if read-yet entry is false and comprehensible entry is true: the rule succeeds; now novella is exhausted; the rule succeeds; when play begins (this is the seed novella rule) : repeat through table of pagelist: now read-yet entry is false; if number of characters in pgtxt entry > 2: now comprehensible entry is true; else: now comprehensible entry is false; chapter Great Grate The Great Grate is scenery in Peek Keep. "The Great Grate can't be moved. It hides the shall-halls which--well, they're under construction. You also see a spy-dial display behind it." The Spy Dial Display is scenery in Peek Keep. "The display is currently off and out of reach." instead of taking Spy Dial Display: say "Out of reach behind the grate."; instead of doing something with Great Grate: if the action is procedural: continue the action; say "It was put there just to let you know there will be new stuff from the author. Of course, if you could see it, it might be too raw to be any good."; a spec space is scenery in peek keep. a talks stalk is scenery in peek keep. "From what you see on the other side of the Great Grate, it has many branches, but none appear particularly healthy yet. It symbolizes the author's grand high goal up there of one day implementing more believable NPCs." instead of doing something with Talks Stalk: if the action is procedural: continue the action; say "You can't do much with the stalk on the other side of the Grate. And the author hasn't, yet. One day."; The Shall Halls are scenery in Peek Keep. "You can't get a very good look at the shall-halls, but they fill you with wonder and anticipation all the same. Really!" volume dometables [dmt] table of calparts thiscal [x calendar] "Part one: Protean[paragraph break]This part maps how ARO was part of Shuffling Around at first, til I realized that'd be too long for IFComp's two hours. You see how the game started with the stores, how there was F, I, U, V, W and Y, with P being the finale, and how store M didn't exist for a while. In fact, Store R got finished at the very last. It relates how OUTSIDE was the original puzzle until the author realized that was too abstruse, thanks to a tester, and it maps how F and I were first, so they go the good stuff--the nouns--before M started developing. Somewhere along the line, too, I decided to go in for an anagram of Psuedonym. Moe Spudny, Spud Money, Don Muspey and Ed Spumony all seemed amusing, but it wasn't until I remembered a character I wrote for a walkthrough of Deathlord, Ned, that I started poking around. Yompus may not be a real last name, but it sounds like one. So I went with it. Finding it was one of those 'click' moments that didn't solve any technical problems, but it felt cool.[paragraph break]Plus, Andrew Schultz doesn't really anagram well." "Part two: Wrapt to[paragraph break]I realized that it was probably best to go with nouns-to-nouns. Well, until the last puzzle. This kicked out all but F and I. I didn't know what else to do, or where the finale would be. I eventually decided on R, once I figured a resort would be a good place. It only had the Manor, and you just had to EXIST. I think your enemy was Too-Apt Pa Otto, and you had to make him into a POTATO. But that was a bit mean. Then METROS began to take shape, and I liked the underside and hotel, and then other locations fell into place." "Part three: Trap there? Er, phatter[paragraph break]The big problem I had was that I couldn't disambiguate how to flip items, and I had no encouragement for guesses for anagrams. This was a pretty big fault, and there were others, too. Nevertheless, I found a lot with the help of my testers, and I even had the bright idea of trying to provide an alternate way through Metros. One sub-try got the player stuck. Nevertheless, I was able to identify ways to take care of this throughout the comp, and I had plans for post-release stuff. Every mistake I made served to give me an idea to make things easier for the player. The game needed it. I also settled on the idea for the new hint device. I didn't want to reuse what I had from SA, but I also wanted to make things simpler and more powerful. People had trouble seeing if they could take both devices, so I merged them. And I started on the settler, once people said they wanted something a bit more Master Mind like." "Part four: tap furor[paragraph break]Nobody was really furious at the game, but I certainly got to work when I learned about David White's hashing. Immediately it made ARO more accessible, in theory. I had a lot to whip into shape. I tried to fix a few things per day. I was disappointed in the bigger mistakes I made, and after getting SA into a decent beta (or so I thought,) I started on ARO." "Part five: pave rift[paragraph break]The only problem was, once I got back to ARO, it didn't make sense. I had an idea that nouns would only feature in the intro. Oyster was just entering a house and leaving. Routes didn't let you underground. Troves--well, I didn't get the concept of what it should be in the first release, though I had a few passive verbs. I had to look through my master document of anagrams, and I found that a lot I dismissed as too simple wound up fitting just right, and testers particularly liked them. I also figured on interjections for Presto as the last area, because interjections are EXCITING. Towers--well, more on that later. I also wasn't sure what to do with OTHERS, which I had after the manor and before the strip. I eventually decided to chuck it for release 1, as it wasn't as good an introduction as I thought. The diorama was created 2 weeks before 2013 Spring Thing, and I think it was relatively successful. But I left so much to do at the last minute with exiling a region I'd worked on that I missed some big things." "Part six: star pix[paragraph break]I had hoped to put graphics into the game, and it turned out trickier than I thought. Thankfully Glimmr for Glulx works pretty well, but I would up losing valuable time not using the fonts correctly, due to a dumb mistake. I also failed to stop a buffer overrun in some cases, but that's another story. This was something automation could not catch. I also experimented with some pictures and colored text (Yorpwald/wordplay) but didn't get cover art. I couldn't think of anything simple." "Part seven: vaster pen[paragraph break]The big problem, though, was what to do with Towers. Originally they were a mess of acronyms like STANCH and CHANTS you had to guess, and you got clues of what was where, and some choices were good and some were evil, and you hacked through the Thickest Thickets. One guy, Elmer, was good, and Merle was evil, and the Coevals['] Alcoves had an elevator where you could go to the various floors and try puzzles. I liked this when OYSTER was small, but Oyster started getting bigger, and Towers became too abstruse with its actions.[paragraph break]It did have hinting, though, and this hinting eventually got repurposed more powerfully and elementally to the settler, but until then, it was a mess. I figured adjectives would be the trickiest things to look at, but a look through my master document gave a lot. At least they weren't as bad as adverbs. I couldn't do anything with them, right? Adverbs were so--powerless." "Part eight: that gripe, gather pit, tiger path[paragraph break]And that's when it hit me--I could just GREP my anagram file for ly\b, or words that end in LY, and of course you could be powerless near your great foe. The bleary barley came first, then a way to regain your powers--conjunctions were another word that could be very powerful. Then I noticed a slew of animals which hadn't been anagrammed, mostly because I didn't see how to in SA without crowding the game. Things started to click. I even had an enemy to defeat, but she had no character or name. The necro-crone wasn't Elvira til after Spring Thing." "Part nine: inert nap, pain rent[paragraph break]I was able to get the game working with a walkthrough, and I submitted it okay. Greg Boettcher noted it worked, and he liked the idea, though he diplomatically noted that the walkthrough's cuing helped (translated, this meant I forgot to cue SEVERAL exits.) I found a few easy bugs post-release and didn't see any reviews for a while. I was at least glad one liked the pedanto-notepad. But I was still frustrated. I was grateful to place second to a very entertaining game (Geoff Moore and I have since helped each other with other works,) and I knew I wanted a post-release fix, but I didn't know the scope. What probably kicked me in the butt was an email from someone named Toby Ott who thanked me for the game. He explained he was blind and liked games like this, but he'd found a few bugs. This moved me from 'I better fix my mistakes' to 'I can make this better for people who like this sort of thing.' I also saw a very good walkthrough with bug reports from David Welbourn. I was happy to note I'd fixed some of the bugs, but he provided cuing beyond the good stuff my testers found, including some help-code that hung the game. I think what they found helped him be able to find stuff without getting TOO frustrated. But again, it was nice people were PLAYING." "Part ten: pet rant pattern[paragraph break]I thought I'd get the first release out before IFComp 2013, but there were always new bugs to find or puzzles to touch up. I'd fix an area, then move to the next, then be sure the area was paved over smoothly--only to find several 'I saw that, right?' issues. The thing was, there was so much I needed to do, I couldn't get down to the fun aesthetic stuff in good conscience. Eventually I decided on a drop-dead release date early in 2014, but unfortunately I couldn't get to some good transcripts. I left some huge bugs in--ones my testers found--but release 2 made a lot more sense." "Part eleven: nerve leapt. Vent. Repeal[paragraph break]One of the huge problems I had with testing was the inefficiency of adding one anagram. But with the major issues out of the way, I found ways to do stuff better. How to add names to anagram checking. This caused my bookshelf to add 1000 titles for release 3 and let me name all the authors. I found a way to centralize all the anagram tables so you could see them at the end. I thought I wouldn't use it much, but I wound up adding ten tables more. I used Notepad++ to load quickly and add anagrams when I didn't need to compile, and for my own vanity, I tracked the number of anagrams in the randomized tables and even checked if they conformed to Benford's Law and Zipf's Law. I wrote an anagram-checker. PERL even helped me to detect bad punctuation, capitals or quotes. All this helped me focus on technical stuff. There's so much I thought I'd only use once, but I reused it. All sorts of internal checks (like the table of anagrams and David White's hashes--in some cases, I wasn't checking right) cleared up. The Table of Nudges grew by several hundreds as I wrote a program to check for the hash value and dump it in a text file for later use. I even managed to write a silly program to check the relative difficulties of the areas. Towers is, by far, the toughest. But I think the most important thing I did was to try and play through one or two areas seriously per week. I needed to let testers['] suggestions soak in. Some puzzles, I thought, weren't perfect, but I didn't have better. But I would up cleaning them up later." "Part twelve: twerp valet varlet wept[paragraph break]It turns out there's nothing here that was any good, but I liked this sentence." "Part thirteen: inert? Phatter! Prettier than...[paragraph break]Just having time pass and being able to tighten up puzzles and think of things has been revealing. I write down my notes, look them over, and get on with it. I've never worked as hard at a creative project as I did with this game, but so many times I thought I'd run out of things to do before finding one more. While I figured 'Demo dome mode' shortly before release 2, I never got around to it because there was always something else in the game." "Final part: plan a rift[paragraph break]I'll have to move on. I had fun with this game as a thought experiment. I enjoyed looking at a phrase, saying I bet that'll anagram, and being right. I also enjoyed finding that a simple anagram could fit nicely in the game's flow. But it all has a diminishing return to scale. I want to move on, but hopefully I'll be able to add new silly books or dialogue when there's enough. Oh, and if people find bugs (still) I can roll that up, too." [teenager pith part eighteen] table of informcode thiscode [x inform wall] "A chunk of code starting with CheckTranscriptStatus notes how the author was able to nag his testers to take a transcript if they left a comment without transcripting on--or to thank them." "You read various testing commands used in writing the game, including ones to show the exits every move, hint everything visible every move, and track hints without spoiling things for the player. Other commands include jumping to the Strip of Profits, clearing all but Otters, and even jumping to just before the Gates Stage." "You stare at the start of the Table of Nudges. It's really big! Like, [number of rows in table of nudges] big! That's over double Shuffling Around! The numbers look confusing and arbitrary, but you recognize the anagram-strings that the game checks for, as well as how room anagrams seem to point to the same error messages." "You stare at the start of the Table of Random Books. Wow, [number of rows in table of random books]! That's a lot of books! The second column seems to give a book a priority, so the player is likely to see certain ones first. Those seem to cover certain puzzles that occur later." "You see some specialized Inform 6 code from Andrew Plotkin, Climbing Stars (for disabling TRACE for the Oyster puzzle, and for restarting the game after winning) and other people." "You see a bit more Inform 6 code the author scratched out himself. The main chunk is at https://www.intfic.com/t/i6-stubs-for-i7-programmers/83/6." "You read more various miscellaneous testing commands, like ones that zap all the guardians, see all the fruits or even show what the player would've missed or alternat paths every move." table of perlcode thiscode [x perl wall] "$alf = join('', sort(split(//, lc($a)))); if ($ana{$alf}) { print '$a=$ana{$alf}'; } $ana{$alf} .= ' $a'; # anagram find code" "if ($a =~ /^\'[bracket]a-z[close bracket]'/ { print 'bad quotes line $line: $a' } # quote tracking" "if (firstWord($a) eq firstWord($last) { print 'Possible duplicate: $line, $a = $last.\n'; }" "There's a reference to http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=17095 which describes how to detect orphan text in Inform source." "The perl code is a bit complex, but it involves splitting a string in two, then assigning each a value. Manage, for instance, is 20001010000011000000000000. Mega Game is 30003030000030000000000000, which gets simplified to 1's. It looks like this piece of code detects if two strings are anagrams. There's commentary below." "In particular, the code seems to account for if the book titles and the author names are anagrams. A note below mentions about 70% had matching names before the try, and 10% just had bad anagrams, before that was all fixed. And many former author names were shipped off to Shuffling Around to make room for new ones here." "There's simpler code below just detecting if any anagrams are found in table entries. It's tough to follow, with exceptions for if two of the same word are in an entry, with the same hash as above." table of observations obser [from chic loner chronicle] "I found so many ridiculous anagrams just reading a book on the way to work, or working out, and then I'd just feed them into the anagram server. If ten thousand seems like a lot, well, that is over two years, so that is fifteen per day. That is not so bad when you consider one takes a minute, and I can waste a lot of time in any case." "A simple I <3 BLOCKSITE FOR FIREFOX. Well, that's not very philosophical or motivational, but it could be practical." "It's difficult to describe when an idea has critical weight to branch out. For things like the responses to waiting or blank commands, I maybe had a few in one of/or loops, until I sat down and concentrated on words that meant doing nothing. It took a while to find, but once I had, say, six, I sat down and tried to stretch it to ten, when I put it in a table for the player to see at the end." "Many of my ideas come from everyday things. I didn't pay religious attention to my file of anagrams once I put down the initial puzzles. However, having two testers say, this seemed a bit wobbly, got me thinking. There were puzzles I liked, and I recruited the best talent available, so to speak. But like on a sports team, the most impressive athlete doesn't necessarily fit. It was hard to retire favorite anagrams or demote them, but it was necessary. And I got some good mileage with ones I'd passed up because I thought I had enough good ones. The diners in release 3 are probably the best example of this." "It wasn't until I established an assembly line for writing things up that I really started getting the anagrams in place. Before, I sent things to my daily writing, which sorted ideas to a big file by region. Once I cemented ARO as a big project to dedicate time to directly, I didn't have that hurdle, and things went faster." "I'm still amazed how much organization helped me. Before, I might see an anagram and wonder where it went. Once I organized the anagram types into the Table of Megachatter, it became a lot clearer what would go where, and I could add a new category if I wanted. The one of/or constructions--where things cycled every three times you observed--billowed out to tables. I figured how to make a final note, too, before cycling." "Once the anagrams started flowing, and I started adding alternate solutions, ARO started taking a long time to compile. Like 30 seconds. So I tried to place in random text and so forth while I built, since that was low-risk for recompiling. I had one rather bad bug which the Inform 6.32 compiler didn't track (http://www.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXinfocomXcompilersXinform6Xexecutables.html got the new version) but mostly it was just a matter of writing stuff down and feeding it to a computer. It was much more fun procrastination than others." "Many of the puzzles just didn't make sense in the first version. But I was able to sort them out by ones that needed to be changed and ones that would be nice to. I found a lot of times I had to let a tester's observation sit for about two weeks before changing something: gee, it'd be nice to..." "Perhaps the last thing I enjoyed looking up was that my data roughly obeyed both Zipf's and Benford's Law. I put the megachatter table rows and byte totals as data points into a graph at http://benford.jplusplus.org/, and while each looked pretty good by itself, together they gave a very low z-statistic. Zipf's law was a little trickier--the upper and lower halves of the data had different trend lines. I impart this to how I just sort of added a bunch of tables late, so of course thouse would sink to the bottom. While a few later tables gained traction (posse bosses, lame talk shows and comedians,) many were just neat to get to ten, and I didn't add to them." table of pagelist [from novella] pgtxt read-yet comprehensible "Page One: Openage. Peonage." false true "Page Two: 'Pa, we got top wage!'" "'Gape there? Ah, pert age!'" "'Forage up! Oaf-purge!'" "Gee, if a VP..." "Axe pigs!" "A discussion of nag-peeves. 'Vegans? Eep!'" "'Get-hip age? The PIG age!'" "'Inane Peg? Pain, Gene.'" "'Nag Pete? Apt, Gene.'" "'Glen, a peeve.' / '" "-" "Tether in thin tree, then tire." "Outer fen: tureen of rue often / refute? no. There's also something about utter profane rapture, often." "Effete gapin[']." "Axing teepees and an exigent apse." "Even, tense." "'The genie! Thine? Gee!'" "Inane Teen Peg finds a neat genie pen." "'Pay. Get. Went.'" "'Teeny Town yet, Newton?'" "-" "'Enter thy wet tent? Why, tree?'" "Fur toy newt went to fury." "A wet envy fit." "Sixty went." "Building of a new event sty." "Thy tweeting." "Ninety went." "Gather pity, gritty heap: part eighty." "Other tiny north Yeti are described." "'Oh, twit, try to try with...'" "'Try! Hit! THERE!'" "'Try fruit, oh? Tut! Horrify your thrift. Hurt rift, yo.'" "'Vitrify the thrifty. Vie!'" "About a soccer team, Try This XI." "Hitters envy thy nerviest, never--hmm. A picture of a shivery tent." "'Height? Try it!' / 'Gritty hit, eh?'" "Something about a nervy tither." "'Forget pay? A pert fogey.' Also, a putdown of poetry." "'Fret on, yo. Foyer not too ferny.'" "-" "Hefty retro fret theory: try thereof, fry thereto." "About a turfy roof." "Verify oft, iffy voter!" "A story fix." "'Even frosty foster envy?' / 'Never, softy.'" "Toy freight, thrifty ego, gift theory." "Not finery for ninety." "An apt effigy drawn here." "Stuff about nifty foe Tony Fife." "A Witty-off between funny guys." "Thrifty fee: $3.50. Fiery theft, then a hefty refit." "If Oft fury... fruity-off?" "-" "Fix sty if..." "Iffy events at an Ivy Fen Fest" "Thy gift, fie!" "Someone playing a tinny fife." "Pigsty, axe, pixy gates." "Onyx site nixes toy, yon exits." "The adventures of a twisty ox." "Thirty exes['] sexy titter." "'Us, fix troy?' / 'Fruity sox.'" "Fix set ivy sty, if I vex." "-" "Sexist envy." "'I, sexy, tight.'" "Tiny nixes" "Avenge types['] tangy peeves. Spy eventage." "Something testy-woven." "Blather about testy women." "The adventures of a nervy esthete." "A trip to a frosty venue." "Festive envy." "Sexist envy, just as nine pages ago. Apparently, it's an important issue." "'Even envy sets' is the moral here." "Hey, vignettes! Eighty events!" "Intense envy." "'Tea, eh, piggy?'" "Hot eyeing to hygiene." "'Yo, we tight! Got whitey!'" "Tree high, yet. Eye the girth. 'Hi, greyteeth!'" "'You fighter!' cries a character." "If they give, vie ye! Figh!" "" "Description of a hygiene vest." "Yeti get high! Hey, hit it, egg." "Eye-hinting a hygiene nit." "-" "'Yo, teen inn?' / 'Not ye nine!'" "Tiny Towne? None witty." "'Thinner yet? Inherent yet?'" "Dramatic dialogue at the end: 'Funnier toy unto finery, intone fury!'" "Finite envy is discussed here." "A disappointing rehash of 27 pages ago." "A disappointing rehash of 18 pages ago." "This has been nonsense so far--and no hinting yet." "Ninny Nite." "Undone herd endured, hon. Oh! Run Ended!" volume anagram table book responses book anagrams to say get-crust: now swears is number of solved regions + charges of toaster; now player has crust; to say new-thing: say ". A weird device falls from the satchel, which wasn't tied tightly at all. You pick it up, along with [if treatise is off-stage]a treatise that was tied in with the latches and [end if]a purse. Super[if treatise is off-stage].[paragraph break]When you stuff the treatise in the purse, it doesn't seem to take up any space in there[else].[paragraph break]You stuff the treatise in the super purse carelessly, and yet, there's still room for more[end if]. The purse looks like a good place for everything except your lamp, so you fold the satchel and put it in the purse, too. The satchel sinks into the folds--but it's surplus, now"; now satchel is in lalaland; after fliptoing satchel (this is the give you tons of stuff if Gunter was by rule) : if player does not have treatise: now player has treatise; now player has the letters settler; now player has the super purse; continue the action; check fliptoing disk: if yak is on skid: say "The yak doesn't need that sort of shock." instead; if location of player is not shack: say "Exposing a disk to whatever germs are on the ground seems inadvisable, so you take hold of the skid--pre-disk, whatever, first."; after fliptoing towers-x: now ivy tower is in Strip of Profits; now ivory tower is in Strip of Profits; continue the action; to poss-d: decrement poss-score of mrlp; to min-up: d "Adding a min point for this flip."; increment min-score of mrlp; to min-and: d "Adding a point and min point for this flip."; increment min-score of mrlp; reg-inc; check fliptoing bench: if old giant is not visible: say "You get astride the bench for a while, but it's pointless with nobody around." instead; purse-stolen is a truth state that varies. to say purse-gone: now purse-stolen is true; to say dust-b: say "[one of]. You say, 'Dust, be busted' to clear up the mess in the air. You can go [b]IN[r] to the stable, now, to look around there[or][stopping]"; to say hit-win-behind: say "Ah! There's the Hit Win button. Within a compartment, behind a panel you missed earlier. After a few ol['] duhs, 'Should hold us. Uh, sold?' you say to--oops, you forgot No-Gal Logan left. Panic! 'Cap'n, I...' You feel like a saboteur with this boat ruse, yet the deeps speed by your cripple clipper. The ol['] ship has polish--it's a rigged red gig, but it stops between two reefs. You're only in position to win, but that's still a pretty good deal. One more magic thing?[no line break]"; to say rodney-ditch: if the player's command includes "droney": say ". [if number of visible warriors > 1]Rodney seems to grow tired of giving the orders. He loses his crispness and[else]Rodney begins babbling about something or other, then[end if] looks around, embarrassed--[if number of visible warriors > 1], his remaining pal[rodpals] can't be bothered to follow such a dry one[else]talking to himself, really, now[end if]"; else: say ". Well, maybe he can repel the lightning and sparks kind, but not yours. He is blown through the doorway and looks up, dazed.[paragraph break]He shakes his head, blinks and runs off[if number of visible warriors > 1], along with his remaining pal[rodpals][end if]"; understand "resent" as a mistake ("But how could you make Ernest [i]feel[r] so he'd resent his position?") when Ernest is visible. understand "lauren" as a mistake ("You briefly remember a random acquaintance. If your name actually is Lauren, you savor the awkward and neat feeling of the first other Lauren you meant. Life is like that.") when neural pulses are visible. check scaning pulses: say "You can't scan the pulses. They're sort of all in your head, and the rays or whatever from the settler might intensify them. But maybe there is more than one way to zap them." instead; to say read-canflip: say "[one of]. Reading the notice [if notice is examined]again[else]briefly[end if], you see that things won't be this flexible out in the real world[or][stopping]"; to say stein-drop: if player has stein: say "[line break]Oh, you drop and break the stein. Tiens"; now stein is in lalaland; to say rodpals: if number of visible warriors > 2: say "s"; check preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions (this is the Marlon versus built in commands rule) : if Marlon is visible: try fliptoing Marlon instead; to say response-based: if the player's command includes "married": say "Your admirer flashes a ring on their finger, which may or may not have been there before (the ring, you silly,) to prove they're married and don't need you and wonder what WERE they thinking. Such a leer--a sure lech"; else: say "Your admirer gets more irritable quickly. Is this how you treat your fans? You really [i]are[r] more interested in the duck behind them than, well, them"; spikes is a truth state that varies. to say spike-scrap: if word number 1 in the player's command is "spike": now spikes is true; say "'Err, boys? Be sorry.' After the rotters['] retorts, you start a scrap and spike the carps and pikes into a nearby wall. A few cuffs and they scuff, spout pouts and become tense teens. You lash out 'Ha, louts!' then 'Scoot, coots! Scat, cats! Cower, o crew!' for emphasis. 'Shlep-helps from a Pedo-dope! [if player is male]He's[else]She...[end if] a loss.' one yells back, seeing you comforting the trout.[paragraph break]The little trout, bruised, gives a side rub and looks up gratefully. 'My aunt Tuna will be proud of me! Or you! C'mon. I'll set a seat! Tea's east!' He runs that way.[paragraph break]Done fighting, you notice a scrawl crawls across the ground. You feel angry for taking so long to see this. Maybe there is some other angry force around the Anger Range" check fliptoing old giant: if list o toils is unexamined: say "You hear a giant's footsteps and hide under the bench in fear. He can't see anyone and thus runs off, complaining how he has nobody to complain to. Maybe if you had a reason to talk to him, or a purpose here, you might listen a bit better. [if circle is not visited]Maybe if you could find a way inside that church[else]Perhaps you could find something to do from Brother Horbert[end if]."; preef bench instead; say "You hear a giant's footsteps in the distance--but your talk with Brother Horbert has helped you be fearless."; if runed book is not off-stage: say "You don't need or want another round of that." instead; to say xtra-help: if lager is in bedroom and divorces is in office: continue the action; if lager is in lalaland and divorces is in lalaland: say ". Your songs aren't just soulful, though. They're built on your experience with alcohol and media abuse and glorifying consumerism, from the lager and DIVORCES. They do society good"; continue the action; if lager is in bedroom: say ". Your songs do cause a few people to turn to drink, though, instead of greed"; continue the action; say ". Your songs are a bit preachy, but they do decrease the drinking rate"; instead of fliptoing latches: say "The satchel shakes a bit, but since you removed the settler, it probably can't fully reform the latches. Well, you don't need them." to say if-plus: if word number 1 in the player's command is "pluses": say "You worry about changing stuff to stuff, and how that violates SHATTER-THREATS, but it's abstract all around, so nobody can detect it. You feel your brain crackle with increased problem-solving skills and realize the pulses may be unreal. "; say "You recognize that any neural pain can be unreal if you only have the right mindset and that the pulses can be pluses, making you more pat/apt to act, cat.[no line break]"; after fliptoing bonker: now geese are in Danger Garden; continue the action; to say remap-or-unset: if word number 1 in the player's command is "unset": say "You fiddle with the knobs and such on the jukebox according to the instructions"; else: say "You brave the electrical underpinnings of the perma-amper to create an ampish mishap"; to say all-warriors: repeat with Q running through warriors in trefoil: if Q is Rodney: do nothing; else: say "[printed name of Q in upper case]! "; to say troend: say "Something about the song reminds you of that townhome in your hometown. O glum mogul! [iced-reigns]. Writing songs is your sort of doing nothing. Fortunately, you're skilled enough in the art of doing nothing to make the switch fairly quickly. Once you have irreversibly adjusted your quit note quotient and signed a short-week worksheet, you reenact gloom you remembered in this conglomerate. Is life I, Self, I? Lies, if...[paragraph break]Your condensed rise to the top of this business business makes you efficient writing songs too. [twiddle of table of songs you could write and 4]The satirical edge you didn't mean to put in is a big hit in Spoiloplis and beyond. Your songs fully restore the spirit of a common man and shred the oligarchs['] rash logic[xtra-help]. And no censorship will enrich sops.[paragraph break]Exhausted, you realize you have no way home. But you meet a fellow called Tristan, startin['] a company called Tin Star Transit. You pay with stolen knick-knacks from your office. The ride's low frills but extremely fast--to the Strip of Profits. So ends your paydirt day trip: poverty to the very top, IOU phear to euphoria." to say iced-reigns: if word number 1 in the player's command is "decide": say "You feel de-iced"; else: say "You drop the reigns"; to say if-wierd: if the player's command includes "wierder": say "(I before e, ok, let [']em have it.) "; after fliptoing lamp (this is the move lamp rule): now dope op-ed is in study; continue the action; to say what-about-ed: if Ed Yerg is reflexed: say "Ed Yerg comes out to see the results of your magicking. 'Did OK, kiddo!' he yells, shaking your hand"; else if serpent is reflexive: say "The serpent slinks away into the den to the west, to avoid the rumbling"; else: say "From inside the den to the west, you hear some bozo yelling about property values. Good for him, you guess" to say extra-c: if word number 1 in the player's command is "raccoon": say "(Ignoring the extra C.) "; after fliptoing hump: if Leo is in grey gyre: consider the Leo-Rand lackey rule; continue the action; instead of doing something with satchel when player has satchel: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "You've gotten the settler from the satchel, and you don't need to do more." instead; to say eicond: say "[if cur-score of troves is 0]You can picture yourself, successful, extolling this book as what got you started[else if player is in rathole]You feel you can and will do better than here[else if player is in Used Lot]You dare to feel superior to whoever might be walking around here[else if player is in bedroom]The book convinces you that average is not enough for a thinker like you, as long as you are thinking like it. You buck up[else if player is in Dour Tan Rotunda]Someone semi-important-looking walks by and commends your choice of reading material, and you say you love it[else if player is in Econ Cone]You even successfully turn back an insult from someone who is all LESS READING MORE DOING[else if player is in fiefco]You turbo-speed-read, since you've LIVED a lot of this advice[end if], ignoring how useless the book is for helping you figure what to do right now" to say rscheck: if word number 1 in the player's command is "resealed": now rese is true; to say tgw: say "that dude[if player is female], uh, dudess[end if]. With those powers"; to say preefies: if number of prefigured things > 0: say ". And now you have reason to mess with [the list of prefigured things], too"; bredo-bored is a truth state that varies. to say bored-robed: if the player's command includes "bored": say "interesting"; now bredo-bored is true; else: say "clerically garbed, like he just became,"; now bredo-bored is false; to say yergy: say "Ed Yerg must have been using Grecian Formula 44! As his hair turns grey, his features become softer. He leers a lot less, mentioning he got caught up in the general wave of jealousy around Yorpwald. He admits, embarrassed, he can't help you, but maybe he can give general support. Embarrassed, he admits his retirement is closer than he said, and he's been saving up a while. Perhaps he's been saving too much, sitting around here and wasting his life. He decides to live and be nice while he still has time"; to say rec-der: say "You take time, and "; if the player's command includes "recall": say "not all your memory comes back, but a few cues tip you off--yeah, the robber made it THERE without the bee around. Where's that trap door? You keep trying to recall--and you try so hard you forget to feel sorry for yourself"; else: say "try to figure where the cellar must be based on what was behind the robber, where you were standing, and so forth. The calculations aren't as difficult as you feared, and pretty soon you figure where the cellar door must have been"; say ". You find it, but soon, you've had enough basements for one game, so you move from ruined to inured. To where you realize you have a day job (joy, bad)--empty but not tempy--as a fiche chief with ISBN bins, no longer bullied by BILL DUE, and yet..." to say logan-hi: say "'No-Gal Logan. Serial Sailer. Here's our selves-vessel. Not quite the HMS SMH.'[paragraph break]'Hooray...or ahoy?' you say, confused.[paragraph break]But the sail ails where the stripe would be above ground. You sort of think you can see a reddish haze, or maybe it's your imagination. 'Now to hit WIN...where's that button? Hmph, won't let me cross. It's up to you. You seem like a trireme meriter. You'll find the hit win button Ben hid. Did it so well, made sure we didn't use it before we need to. You'll reach the beyond. One way now. Aye,' says No-Gal Logan. 'The end! Boy!'[paragraph break]You see him nod bye as he jumps over. 'Logan!' you cry. 'No lag!' he yells back. Then 'St. Olaf!' He floats, so flat, leaving you for the last of...he cries, 'Harbor!' and you cry 'Rah, Bro!' Then you write down what No-Gal said about the button."; the stripey pyrites are useless scenery. "The pyrites look pretty, but you're not here for a treasure hunt. You're here to find No-Gal Logan." after fliptoing un-road: now stripey pyrites are in underpass; continue the action; to say pooh-phooey: if the player's command includes "pooh": say "Maybe you don't get full style points, but you got what you needed"; else: say "And you did it with extra panache" to say get-censer: if the player's command includes "pooh": say "You convince yourself reaching the hoop can't be that bad. You jump up, and you grab the hoop! It falls from the wall, revealing an onyx censer from a hidden compartment. Wow! Maybe you didn't get full style points, but you got what you needed"; else: say "You decide to give up, but then you think, heck, why can't I drop my items for a minute? Why can't I jump off the wall and risk annoying some ancient spirit? You do so, and you grab the hoop! It falls from the wall, revealing an onyx censer from a hidden compartment. Wow"; if Leo is visible: say "! Leo and Rand applaud your agility"; to say add-adj: pad-rec "badlands"; naiv-nat is a truth state that varies. to say vain-naiv: if the player's command includes "naivest": say "You remember that alternate solution to the truth-teller and liar puzzle and ask the natives if they've heard of free beer at the Epic Clean Nice Place yet. They don't believe you at first, but you manage to sucker them with 'of course you've heard of it' and 'would I lie about free beer' and so forth. You provide them unbelievably wrong directions to follow, and they soon disappear"; now naiv-nat is true; else: say "You convince the natives that they're really too good to be guarding THIS spot, and in fact, you cleared out some other areas that are even more fun to guard, but you're sure there're even more fun places if you just go--well, this-a-way and that-a-way. They fall for your flattery and go in search of somewhere better" to say ahoy-eh: say "The ship hovers a bit, then chugs through the stripe. 'Ahoy, eh? ... Oh, yeah!' you cry as the underground lake expands until the ceiling disappears. The water begins rushing, and you are thrown to the floor of your boat. When you wake up, you find that you are back at the Strip of Profits"; after fliptoing lecturer: now smoke cloud is not maingame; continue the action; table of anagrams [toa] the-from the-to right-cmd (topic) right-word the-msg taked hashkey dubdip roomjump palm lamp "lamp" or "get lamp" "lamp" "Lamp. Palm. Yup. Using your old powers, you change the palm into a lamp, which gives off light. You go all Jason Scott on it, and just like that, bam, it's in your inventory.[paragraph break]You blink and look around and stare at your diorama. You remember how Old Man Almond gave it to you for one day you might need warm-ups, to get back in the groove. With unusual examples and anything. In case you had a different divining tool than the tagged gadget[if latches are off-stage]. Oh! And he gave you something else! Those--useless latches! They might be good for something. You remember the lump from sleeping on the chair--yup, there they are[end if].[paragraph break]Oh, there's that 'dope' op-ed Gunter threw at you, too[preefies]." true 201542769 "You don't need to do any more with the lamp." -- latches satchel "satchel" "satchel" "The locks start fiddling with themselves--and each other--and slowly, a satchel emerges from the mess[new-thing]." true 439479634 giant pin abstract painting "painting" "painting" "The giant pin's edges become sharper and, before you know it, it's reformed to a portrait hanging on the wall. Whatever stuck the pin to the wall still works on the painting, which may not be High Art, but it's worth a look." false 447164205 pram ramp "ramp" "ramp" "The pram folds out -- boy, there are all sorts of compartments there -- and becomes a ramp, given revamping. [b]DOWN[r] to a basement you have forgot you had." false 233052733 sitar sitar "stair" "stair" "The sitar becomes one with the ground, showing you an inner path to somewhere more peaceful." false 331888451 stria stria "stair" "stair" "The stria glow and cascade into a stair leading back up." false 331888451 niche chimney "chimney" "chimney" "The square saying MY NICHE rumbles and collapses to create an impromptu chimney. It's wide enough for you to climb and even appears to have ledges or whatever to grip. You can go up now." false 484428752 t-b t-b "basement" "basement" "[if Basement is visited]You diligently set about making sure you've got all the points for this area[else]Now you remember why there were ten beams[end if]. Of course, the ten beams lead [b]down[r] to the basement." false 608585586 tables tables "stable" "stable" "The tables make a weird splatching noise. The writing coalesces and seems to consume the wall, and you can now walk inside to see the stable you never really wanted[dust-b]." false 401610655 plates staple "staple" "staple" "The plates [if plaster is visible]fall with a clatter from the plaster[otherwise]schlurp together[end if], and a large staple forms from their edges. You take it, so you don't step on it later or anything." true 464657709 plaster stapler "stapler" "stapler" "As paper appears behind, a stapler falls out. You take it[if plates are visible] as the formerly stuck plates fall[end if]. The paperwall behind looks lined but seems solid enough." true 549981512 rifle rifle "flier" "flier" "Duh! Snap![paragraph break]After a 'Hands Up!' and SHUP! the rifle jumps out of Elmo's hands. Turns out it was loaded, and it did have a bullet with your name on it, because it becomes a loaded propaganda flier with your name on it.[paragraph break]Elmo lowers his voice. 'Okay, we gotta play it safe here. They maybe should've figured I was a mole. Name and all. But I have stuff to tell you.'[paragraph break]Lo, a guide! Dialogue!" false 338451493 [end of the whole Manor flip bit] Store B Store B "sorbet" "sorbet" "You ask 'Got any sorbet?' and a seedy man beckons you in. You talk for a bit, and he talks about how he wants to be a writer and his name is Obert (O-Bert) and you suggest he might be a better writer just by calling himself OB-ert (short o.) It's the most ridiculous things he's ever heard. He thumps you eleven times and throws you out. But the free sample was delicious." false 505285378 "You sort of made an enemy, but hey, you got a free sample." Store H hoster "others" "others" "You manage to discover a secret place set aside in Store H. You wonder who could be there or even if you should go there." false 524148772 Store K tokers "tokers" "tokers" "You concentrate on the store with all your might, but you're unable to do anything. In frustration, you bang on the window, breaking it. Smoke comes pouring out. 'Dude you must totally be the cops! We were hotboxing in there!' You assure them you are not, that you've got a rather libertarian view on it all, but it takes so long that a joint they left in there burns the store down. Fortunately, they'd grabbed everything else of value, and all things considered, they feel almost glad to be liberated from their fears of being caught. They pull a tarp apart and sit down.[check-nestor]" false 539799651 [start stores] Store N nestor "nestor" "nestor" "The store rumbles and collapses! But the rubble falls in a circle around the poor fellow inside. He gives a duh-eyed 'Hey dude.' A long pause. 'What happened?' He wouldn't believe the truth, so you just [check-tokers]" false 555773981 lecturer lecturer "go outside" or "outside" "outside" "Ian and the lecturer are swept from the doorway and stage, respectively, by something unseen. The lecturer frantically babbles something about how this is why we need to fight drugs, but he is too busy backwards somersaulting to establish eye contact with his audience. You stumble out yourself, back onto the way high highway.[paragraph break]'Whoah, dude! You totally stuck it to guard-on-a-ground Durango! Dour nag!' The tokers give you the sauciest suitcase you could imagine (tie-dyed, not spaghetti sauce) and encourage you to eat the nice mush munchies therein. You protest at first, worrying the munchies might be 'special,' but no, the tokers assure you that'd waste money. They explain the munchies help reduce migraines['] mini-rages, like (after some experiments with the settler) that annoying noise from the slider. You can use the slider [if headaches is 0]again[else]more[end if], now." false 572670412 -- Strip of Profits Store P e-s "presto" "presto" "You say the magic word! An unseen voice lauds, 'SALUD!'[paragraph break]You feel yourself swirling, lifted from the ground, and you see the words in the poster blur as first the store, then the poster swirls into--well, not a blotch. Call it an, er, spot. Nothing escapes, except for an odd, unappealing hunk of bread, which you take. You nibble it. It's disgusting, and you bite your tongue before a nasty word slips out[get-crust]." false 568332432 Store T otters-x "otters" "otters" "The store divides in two until it becomes a path with gargoyles on each side. I mean, otters." false 589976491 Store U routes-x "routes" "routes" "The routes coalesce and flatten and grow. You can ENTER them to see where they lead." false 591972280 Store V troves-x "troves" "troves" "You look more closely at Store V. Yes, those are definitely troves. Store V collapses--you duck as the walls fall out and somehow sink into the ground." false 594031293 Store W towers-x "towers" "towers" "The store becomes a pair of twin towers, connected at the base where you can enter them." false 594801246 Store Y oyster-x "oyster" "oyster" "Blam! The store flattens a bit, rounds out, and becomes an oyster." false 609225725 [end of the whole Strip of Profits flip bit] worst ad worst ad "towards" "towards" "You walk towards the ad to see what it says, and when you do, you find yourself not caring what direction you are going in. Then you hear a crackle, and someone yells, 'Catch that intruder!'[paragraph break]Ow! Darts! You pass out and wake up in the center of the same mesa again. The ad is gone. [if armada is in mesa]The armada murmurs--you were so close! Maybe you can find another way to get out[end if]You may not be closer to saving Yorpwald, but you've made it fractionally more livable, so yay there." false 490212044 [start routes flip] bench-end bench-end "astride" "astride" "You sit right on the end of the bench, prepared for a tired tirade. The brokest sob-trek ever--and yet, even with your yelling, 'Nag it, giant!' he wants his space. He shakes his arms, but you sense he would like to swing them--and he can't, without his elbow hitting you." false 480723649 elbow Rude 'N Nuder "below" "below" "You watch how the giant swings his elbows as he rants and when. There's a pattern and timing--disappointingly simple--maybe a few words he overemphasizes. He's able to get it all out, and he's kind of exhausted now. He pulls out a book labeled Rude [']N Nuder and proceeds to babble about how this is what Yorpwald is reduced to these days." false 382326203 bench old giant "against" "against" "Quakes squeak as the giant approaches, and you back off, because he is a lot bigger than you. He sits down and begins some angst-ail, which segues into tirades. 'Tantrums! Must rant!' The buggin['] biggun wants you to listen." false 350259676 "[if old giant is visible]It wouldn't be wise to argue against the giant[else if old giant is in lalaland]You had your conversation for the day[else][bug-report][end if]." pipe soot pipe soot "opposite" "opposite" "You inch to the other side of the room, engaging in small talk, complimenting Oscar on how nice the place is. With your back to the ashtray, you grab a big chunk of pipe soot, which you stuff in your super purse. You may or may not be a six footer, but you're a soot fixer[if list o toils is examined]--maybe you can find someone the soot is useful for[end if]!" true 683820011 seed pit mushrooms "despite" "despite" "You ignore Pat's 'pits go to pigs' and 'yon pit, no pity' warnings and the sign. 'You can't...'[paragraph break]But you do. It's yucky and squishy, but it's not the seediest seed site ever. You hold your nose enough to find some mushrooms which you can take, leaving the mere pit emptier." true 602484096 "That'd be a double negative, to re-enter. Your argument would be so won, it's lost." Rude 'N Nuder runed book "under" "under" "You can't take the giant waving the, um, literature around. You jump off and duck under the bench. Disgusted that nobody will listen any more, he throws Rude [']N Nuder in the air. The slip-on cover rips! It falls away to reveal...a runed book! Well, this could be useful." true 408172316 "The book is already runed." huge thing the-b "from" "from" "The huge thing form above turns into a huge thing FROM above. You watch a blot bloat as it gets closer. You notice it is shaped like a bean and duck. You don't hear the thud.[paragraph break]'Mesa's a mess!' you hear people screaming." false 250266429 the-b the-b "beneath" "beneath" "You push the bean and grunt theatrically, and they take the cue. Yes, there's a big hole you can go down. As you do, the drama armada cheers you... 'Go down now, dog!' ... 'So true, sure to set our ouster...' forgetting that the bean can roll back into place..." false 485518766 -- Sun-Spared Underpass darkness narrow cracks "until" "until" "The one preposition gives you confidence you will find No-Gal Logan. The dirt and walls don't exactly start glowing, but you can notice things better. Like a few narrow cracks. You're not sure which way to go, though. You can really notice things, now." false 375930018 "The underground is already unlit." narrow cracks un-road "around" "around" "With more light, you find...yes, an un-road! Lit by stripey, spritey pyrites you'd have missed otherwise." false 356906602 un-road cracks you followed "along" "along" "You go along the path you found. With almost no lag, you find yourself at a pier by an underground lake." false 231861444 -- ripe pier da mist da mist "amidst" "amidst" "You plan how to look through the mist--how wide it is, where walkways seem to protrude, and how to avoid a long walk off a short pier--until you feel safe entering it. [logan-hi]" false 331668890 -- Cripple Clipper pier sign pier sign "aboard" "aboard" "'ABOARD!' you call out. 'ABROAD!' you hear. That must be No-Gal Logan. His verbal signal aligns you with the right zigzag path to the ship. [logan-hi]" false 203500010 -- Cripple Clipper ship controls hit win "behind/within" "behind" "[hit-win-behind]" false 318436756 "You already found the Hit Win button Ben hid. But you need to find a way past the two obstacles." [behind] ship controls hit win "behind/within" "within" "[hit-win-behind]" false 407220290 "You already found the Hit Win button Ben hid. But you need to find a way past the two obstacles." [within] thor thor "through" "through" "[ahoy-eh]." false 475056505 -- Strip of Profits beet beet "between" "between" "[ahoy-eh]." false 681789531 -- Strip of Profits [end routes] Pa Egg Pea Pa Egg Pea "gape" "gape" "You empty your mind to let the advice in Pa, Egg, Pea sink in. It--makes sense, if you don't think too hard. [eicond]." false 244059588 "You already totally grok Pa, Egg, Pea." cold fretful truffle "hate" "hate" "You feel a rife fire in your heart. [paragraph break]'How neat! Hate won heat now!' you think to yourself.[paragraph break]You manage to stay toasty but you lose focus as you switch too soon from thoughts of goin['] cold to gold coin. A bogeyman takes your moneybag, dropping only a fretful truffle![purse-gone] Your thoughts are really racing now. Racing so fast you can probably do the wrong thing several times before you get it right.[paragraph break]You may need that practice, because right now you don't want your money back as much as you should." true 270386244 [start troves flip] heat heat "care" "care" "You feel a gust, or tugs, in your guts. And hey! This caring really works! You ignore aches during this chase and track the robber to...well, he can't have ducked out in plain sight. You thought you heard a door slam, just out of view. Emotion has gotten you this far.[wfak][paragraph break]But you will need to be more analytical to move on." false 234323315 stop post stop post "spot" "spot" "There he is! You don't let on you've spotted him, but you walk near, notice him jump, and yell the magic words.[paragraph break]'Setup, stupe!' Wop! Pow! Pop! Wow! An upset! Your smackings are apt food for a footpad. He drops your purse--[i]though at that moment you realize the self-reliance you gained is better than any money.[r] Still, during all this feeling good about yourself, you let him get away. 'You won't find me in the cellar!' he yells. By then, a large bee has buzzed in and it makes you forget where the cellar entrance is." false 355202520 babblings babblings "observe" "observe" "Cads. Clues. Cul-de-sacs. Once you really pay attention, you see how observing them detachedly gets you closer to what you really want. You're in the zone, now. Something may or may not be moving by the stop post. Time to hone your observing." false 637146289 "You observe that further observation would be redundant." bee's head bee's head "reason" "reason" "You recognize that small bumblebees flying don't make any sense. Then, therefore, neither should a much bigger one, due to the scaling paradox. The bee lets out a snore from the reason[if what-a-bee is reflexed]. You've already disposed of the bee emotionally, but hey, you might as well be sure of things[otherwise]. You can probably get by the vile bee (it's no longer really an evil bee,) although it may be possible to marginalize it even more[end if]." false 454851781 "You already reasoned. It stands to reason a second reasoning would be less valuable." what-a-bee what-a-bee "believe" "believe" "You remind yourself bees smell fear, so you decide to believe that the bee will not harm you[if bee's head is reflexed]. On top of your reasoning it can't, you render it out of commission emotionally and factually[otherwise]. You can probably get by the bee, although it may be possible to marginalize it even more[end if]." false 607808737 "You already believed the bee could not harm you. You can't force belief or overdo it." cellar door cellar door "recall" "recall" "[rec-der]" false 341950993 "How inefficient! You already know where it is." boredom bedroom cellar door cellar door "derive" "derive" "[rec-der]" false 514122776 "How inefficient! You already know where it is." boredom bedroom diapers diapers "despair" "despair" "You get all 'Shame has me/Limpy my lip' and scream 'A sod's so sad!' and reflect on how you've moiled into demolition, and you remember that hitting rock bottom is the first step. I can't describe your bed cries over a dwelt-on letdown as you gasp at gaps in your [one of]samey, seamy[or]empty, tempy[at random] life and the chasm to stomach.[paragraph break]You move from Ow, Hell to Oh, Well, groaning mood to a good morning--and after some furnace care fun, you find a copy of LEAD, the first big motivational book in Yorpwald. You don't have time to worry whether positive thinking found it. You have too much positive thinking to do." false 459079590 "And lose what you gained? No way." ltb ltb "deal" "deal" "You learn to deal with globalization, your own self-hate, your false conscience, memories of EVICTION NOTICE IV, a second-grade bully, and so forth. Even the blankest blankets seem to have a quilty quality, now.[paragraph break]'NO STAYIN['] ON IN A STY!' you yell. Decaf-faced, you leave your unmade apt., full of up and at em and move-it motive! Mo['] nice income ahead! You pass saps on your way..." true 204836855 "Whoah. That'd be micromanaging yourself. You're thinking big now! Or you should be." Dour Tan Rotunda brochure brochure "desire" "desire" "You remember how when you were a kid you just wanted money. And people--people who believe you deserve said things--to show it off to! And a nice subtle sublet full of bustle where they won't get stolen! No win without ownin[']![paragraph break]You make plans for a mortgage on a nice place in Heirsshire. There's a bunch of twaddle about balloon mortgages and reverse derivatives and interest rates, but you'll let the eggheads take care of this. You need to find a job that'll pay for that place now. And affords for fads. No more thingola loathing." false 503231922 -- econ cone prai prai "aspire" "aspire" "You remember how when you were a kid you just wanted money. Well, now you recognize the importance of money AND power! You make grand plans for a great fiscal empire, full of power-broking, rainmaking and all those other terms you didn't understand as a kid[if rivets are reflexed]. Boy, you feel extra well rounded now. You want money and power for lots of different reasons![else].[end if]" false 438050501 "You have already expanded your goals that way, [if rivets are reflexive]but there is another, if you want[else]and the other[end if]." rivets rivets "strive" "strive" "You make up your mind to strive. You strive to strive even more. You strive to make others strive. You feel twice as useful as you did a minute ago. You feel all, BAM! MBA[if prai is reflexed]. Boy, you feel extra well rounded now. You want money and power for lots of different reasons![else].[end if]" false 564671562 "You have already expanded your goals that way, [if prai is reflexive]but there is another, if you want[else]and the other[end if]." pernod pernod "ponder" "ponder" "You realize it's not just enough to have ambition. You look into yourself a bit, and you have all the answers. Well, enough so that people will believe you long enough to get power. Good enough. You focus your sob story about how the guy who just got canned? Well, he almost ran you over, and you learned from him, and you have more to learn--it's easy stuff. But perhaps it's easy because you thought it through!" false 458885045 -- FiefCo Office lager lager "glare" "glare" "You glare at the cursed alcohol, contemplating its effects on so many leaders and would-be leaders and the economy in general when drinkers don't take as productive jobs as they should. Thar's Trash.[paragraph break]You know now it will cause you to lose willpower, despite your recent fit of despair. Not for you are the glugster's struggles against scarlet clarets, his tab habits.[paragraph break]You obviously care about the working man and his productivity and, eventually, his income and savings. How the false down-home humility in beer commercials is worse than beer's physical effects. After an impeccable moment of silence for the productivity lost to the cursed drink, you leave your bedroom just long to pour the hurtful booze down the sink. You formulate a new anti-drug campaign (Sexual? Ale sux! Prohib? Hip, bro!) but realize you are not important enough to carry it out. [i]But you will be one day[r].[paragraph break]Man, that was so Heratio Alger!" false 301731271 noise noise "ignore" "ignore" "'Enraged times. Disagreement denigrates me,' you think, as he calls you a stony nasty-o before saying 'Er, goin['].' He will run about, a burnout. You leave the failed afield, his offense seen off in this office ice-off. His density cost his destiny. Legit to let it go. 'Delays: SLAYED!' you remark.[paragraph break]Wow! Emptying your mind was easy once you put your mind to it! Your vanity changes in tribute." false 433982545 "There is nothing left to ignore except your destiny. Which would be morally wrong to ignore." salt song "last" "last" "You start lastin['] like Stalin. Til you ARE worth your salt, sure St. Al watched over you. You've stayed steady so efficiently that it doesn't seem much time has elapsed since your career started. Your company becomes Kings at staking takings. And lastin['] like Stalin busses in business, and you re-last [']til it's staler. You're in charge of more than a region now. At which point you realize you'd better get rid of the salt, which causes hypertension in a job like yours. You kick it under your desk and forget about it.[paragraph break]Then, oh, man! You see there was a playbill under the salt." false 255385641 "You already have. Now is the time to make way for a new motivat-ee." stream stream "master" "master" "You realize the picture's not just some odd ole doodle. You critique it. 'Matters I mistreat, artist? Me?' / 'Master it.' It's tamer, the whole business. You cross breed boss creeds and master [if song is visible]further [end if]the concepts needed to succeed. Ah! Less hassle! You will now achieve zones so Zen as you improve more, VIP." false 478776867 "The stream has nurtured you spiritually[if lobster is in lalaland]. The lobster nurtured you physically. Time to move on[else]. If you look at it right, the lobster can nurture you physically[end if]." lobster lobster "bolster" "bolster" "You bolster your will [if song is visible]further [end if]to believe you deserve great food like lobster, not just today, but any day. After all, the cost of the lobster is probably less a percent of YOUR income than your underlings['] food is of theirs." false 559099217 "Your dreams of more lobster dinners acquire rapidly diminishing returns to scale." DIVORCES DIVORCES "discover" "discover" "On perusing DIVORCES with a [if divorces is examined]more [end if]critical eye, you gain insight. These people are not better than you! Just more exciting and better at wasting others['] time! But this is what the media focuses on. Perhaps it is because less productive people deserve it, or perhaps it is to sucker people who might otherwise think for themselves. That's not your business. DIVORCES is not for you! You pitch it and re-focus." false 575948795 "You need look no further at that rag. You are better than it, and you don't need to read it to prove it." song troend1 "decide" "decide" "[troend]" false 361668827 -- Strip of Profits[end troves flip bit] playbill troend2 "resign" "resign" "[troend]" false 455903934 -- Strip of Profits[end troves flip bit] tumblers tumblers "spit" or "spit on the/ tips" "spit" "Saliva avails to show your disdain for the bar staff and for generosity in general. The bar patrons, relieved to find someone seedier than themselves, look over quite menacingly, daring you to P.S. it." false 325842789 [start oyster flip bit] tunes tunes "unset" "unset" "[remap-or-unset]. The music warps and slows down--everyone glares at you, even the fish who were just complaining about the lousy music here. You're nearest the jukebox, so you're the prime suspect." false 501203408 stein stein "inset" or "inset the/ stein/tines" "inset" "You place the stein in the tines. It disappears with a big CRUNCH. The fish around look at you suspiciously, including one who just threw a stein against the wall." false 441090447 "You broke your free stein." recaps recaps "scrape" "scrape" "Skr-r-r-r. You give [i]Capers Recaps[r] a good scratch. The fish in the bar, including the trolls, all whip around. You're the only suspect, since you are the only one with anything resembling nails. Casper shoots you an inspired, snide rip. The other patrons glare at you for doing so, too." false 412063240 "Don't push your luck. Well, not that way. Maybe another way." trolls trolls "stroll" "stroll" "Well, you fake confidence as you walk past. It's all about being cool, but once out, you bolt this blot. As you run down Diver Drive, you hear the trolls yelling 'The rests of youse ain't freeloading cheapskates like [him-her], are you? Buy up and drink up!'[if player has stein][stein-drop].[end if]" false 466688042 -- olde lode clam urn "calm" "calm" "You try some odd combination of singing and storytelling and jokes which really shouldn't work at all, but then, clams aren't very smart, so it goes over okay. The clam ...(cl)ambulates...off. You notice what it was guarding so aggressively: a beautiful urn you feel pulled to and you can't walk away from!" false 139082395 urn urn "run" "run" "You speed away from the evil urn. You don't have time for riches right now! And while you don't feel you did anything heroic, you wind up at..." false 259337118 -- Hero's shore boats boats "boast" "boast" "You start yelling about how great you are and how you deserve a free ride. Eventually a fighter freight ('Her Gift') sees you, and they pick you up. Boaters like a boaster, and they hope your settler can provide soaky kayos. But when they ask to see how it can zap things--well, you become less welcome. Some scary crays chase you to the edge of the ship. You'll need a way out!" false 294343284 -- Fighter Freight pale plea pale plea "leap" "leap" "You're a bit scared to jump, but when it's a majestic leap--whee! You jump overboard, and nobody can really follow you, since the boat is moving away, and they don't want to be left behind. Even if they could swim better. Your super purse remains water-tight, so no possessions get soaked." false 265273725 -- Anger Range oars oars "soar" "soar" "The oars seem to have thrusters underneath. Physics! Technology! Energy conservation! In a burst of methane, the raft dances, and you ascend, landing just past the boats, who throw up a cry of 'You sail lousy! Ai!' A second wind carries you to the other shore. When you land, a fish growls, 'Weirdo. I rowed.'" false 258138164 -- anger range raft raft "fart" "fart" "Channeling frat, uh, co-eds['] humor, you fail to keep your tush shut, thus. Your gust-guts cause the oars, of all things, to grow larger, as if they have gained the gas for propulsion." false 217136535 "Quit rafting around. That raft has oars. Use them. Even if they're stuck in place." carps carps "scrap" "scrap" "[spike-scrap]." false 284257131 carps carps "spike" "spike" "[spike-scrap]." false 403472058 bubble wrap ruby "warp" "warp" "You warp the bubble wrap around, and it pops as it reaches its breaking point. Most sardines despise aridness but this sardine hates noise. He runs off, probably to some read-ins.[paragraph break]It's pretty exciting you can go north now and all, but it's even more exciting to find something valuable inside the remains of the wrap: a ruby!" false 276912353 o-t a-p "patrol" "patrol" "You zigzag meticulously back and forth searching for a switch to change the ol['] trap into something safer. You keep the rigged digger ahead as a sort of minesweeper. You hear a sound of slid lids from the ground--and the ol['] trap. It's a portal now." false 400254014 "Waste of time. You already disabled the ol['] trap--you can just enter the portal." eeks eeks "seek" "seek" "You seek the source of the eeks. Your cryings scrying lead to a woman who must be Aunt Tuna. Weeps sweep as she puts nurse-runes on your trout friend's bruises. He points excitedly to you when he sees you. She bemoans the Same Ten Meanest and asks if you will help poor Tortu not get bullied. She has food for you. And, if you do a good job, the reward drawer. You also notice some wipes on the drawer." false 404819362 "You don't want to get Aunt Tuna started again." Handsome Sand Home waste lance "sweat" "sweat" "You make real effort to clean up the waste. And you do! You pile them into heaps, in the process finding a very dirty lance." false 437312684 heaps heaps "shape" or "shape the/ heaps" "shape" "You channel your inner artist and make something beautiful out of the heaps." false 345016151 "You spend time criticizing your own art--no, it's about as good as it'll be." haunter haunter "assuage" "assuage" "'How sad, shadow,' you explain, and you think you might know where someone hid his rubies. You explain some bad guys have buried his ruby. He nods. He is willing to follow." false 462435186 "The ghost needs no further convincing." lever lever "revel" "revel" "Yeah. Why not feel good about yourself before figuring everything out? You know, run up the score a bit. You've earned it." false 501914680 "I said run up the score on those bullies a bit, not a lot." gleaner gleaner "enlarge" "enlarge" "Rustle. Result: luster! After some intercut tincture, the gleaner is bigger and clearer." false 498444888 yapper yapper "prepay" or "prepay the/ papery/ yapper" "prepay" "'Oh! Prepaying is totally different from a bribe. I'm sure I can prepay a judge myself to verify that.' He motions you to slip him the gleaner behind your back. Then he goes off to find such a judge, presumably." false 500608900 d2 d2 "redial" "redial" "Beep boop, etc. A charge zaps from the dialer. Then, you hear Elvira screeching, 'WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU! I AM SENDING A CHARGE THROUGH THE LINE YOU WON'T BELIEVE!' A few sirens blare. 'Relays slayer activated.' booms a voice. A noise like an enraged angered grenade. An arson sonar. 'Intruder! Run!' / 'Tired...' you think. Luckily, you find an evac-cave that lets you out safely. You decide to beat feet to the Anger Range. Between Aunt Tuna, the sardine, and even the reluctant trolls--a story.[paragraph break]Casper Spacer himself shakes your hand. 'No hunter! On the run! None hurt!' He had gotten enough gritty writing from when the Hedron still exerted its hold. Now he has a story about--well, someone like you, with fewer faults, but more a tragic hero. He calls for his adventurer friend Red Gil. 'Get this hero[if player is female]ine[end if] a glider girdle!' You learn it easily. Casper is even more impressed. You fly back to the Strip of Profits." false 335153504 -- Strip of Profits dialer dialer "derail" "derail" "You hear a buzzer re-buzz. 'Goal: Vet Voltage!' Something dangerous may happen soon." false 335153504 [end oyster flips] lamb lamb "blam" "blam" "You make pretend the gun noises as you point your finger at the poor little lamb. It runs off, scared. But the right kind of scared! And towards greener--well, less grey--pastures[if cur-score of presto is 0]. Hmm. That was a loud word you used, there. You make a mental note of others[end if]." false 138495715 [start of the presto bit] hump hump "umph" "umph" "You ham up 'Hup, ma!' to get over a hump, which vanishes[if Leo is visible]. Leo and Rand follow, jumping unnecessarily[end if]." false 287929218 -- austerer treasure star star "rats" "rats" "You're frustrated you can't reach that star in the stump, and you bang your fists on the stump and say RATS! Then you wiggle a finger in absent-mindedly, and while you're not thinking of it, or of getting your fingers stuck in a cut in the stump, pop, the star comes out! It's the sort you can affix to your clothes and look important with, so you do." true 286895605 dart dart "drat" "drat" "The extra adrenaline provided by the mild swear allows you to be all 'Reach, acher!' And you reach the dart--but not enough to fall in the dumpster." true 211650728 "Drat, what to do with the dart?" plebe plebe "bleep" "bleep" "You let forth something bleepy. I can't say it here. You know what it is, because you know what your 'favorite' swears, combos thereof, or half-swear portmanteaux are[if player is not wearing star]. But the plebe looks at your chest and smirks a bit. His old CO swore worse, with sager sarge rages[otherwise]. It's no worse than his legions['] lingoes, but man, the WAY you said it. How you built up to it, making the threat stronger than the execution, then BAM![paragraph break]You keep up the abuse by yelling how he can't even stand his bleeping ground to bleeping second rate verbal abuse. The Marine does not remain[end if]. He whines 'Sir, mean reamins['][if player is female],' so disoriented he forgets your gender.[else].'[end if]" false 409310921 boing boing "bingo" "bingo" "You don't have much experience with this sort of thig, but you take a deep breath and realize there are only so many ways to do it wrong. Futzing with the popgun, you mumble 'Aah... aah... a-ha! I loc coil-loci!' You push the trigger just to make sure, and you hear the familiar BOING[if popgun was not held]. You decide to keep it, now that you fiddled with it[end if]. But now, to load it." false 239271538 "You can't force another revelation, but you don't need to." Leo Leo "ole" "ole" "You set yourself near the vile veil and avoid Leo as he charges at you! He trips over a stump or root and cries, 'I...sprain! Aspirin!'[paragraph break]Leo's yelling attracts a fellow very much like him. 'Am Rand! Rad man!'[paragraph break]Leo looks up a second. 'Hey! A twin!' each cheers, before glaring at you. 'IN THE WAY!' Looks like you've got another challenge." false 255972525 "Giving Leo flashbacks to his humiliating loss would be a bad idea. He may've forgotten who beat him, already." Rand Rand "darn" "darn" "You pretend to trip and tie your shoe. 'Darn.' Rand has seen this trick before, but it was a month ago, so he forgot. He dives at you, and you trip him. It would be merely demoralizing to someone more mentally resilient than Rand, but he is crushed by this loss.[paragraph break]Rand and Leo begin to commiserate together, mumbling about being washups. Maybe they could use a nice word, or a little chat, about anything." false 177448218 "Giving Rand flashbacks to his humiliating loss would be a bad idea." ye hoop censer "pooh" "pooh" "[get-censer]." true 267453412 ye hoop censer "phooey" "phooey" "[get-censer]." true 517618773 walls walls "mazeltov" or "mazel tov" "mazeltov" "This space intentionally left blank." false 655479952 volt maze volt maze "mazeltov" or "mazel tov" "mazeltov" "You decide to congratulate yourself [if l-m is off-stage and m-l is off-stage]before you get[else]despite not getting[end if] through the maze. Amazingly, it works! You black out, however, as the maze crumbles, and in a particularly silly dream, [paragraph break]You hear an imaginary yenta [if maze entry is unvisited]moaning you didn't even explore the maze someone worked so hard to build.[else if l-m is escanned]saying you should not have had to scan that nice man to figure the puzzle, asking for any due dayenu.[else if m-l is escanned]saying you should not have had to scan those nice men to figure the puzzle, asking for any due dayenu.[else if r24 is unvisited]chiding you for not making it to the end.[else if r10 is unvisited]saying you barely even started.[else if plaque is unexamined]wondering how you KNEW.[else]saying SHE'D never been that clever, SHE'D have to go through the maze.[end if] [if player was not in grey gyre]When you wake up back in the gyre, you see[else]There's now[end if] ether to the north.[paragraph break]You shake the yenta's blabber off--the important thing is, you figured the maze out, and you doubt anything else here will be nearly that difficult." false 655479952 ether ether "there" "there" "Rand and Leo look at you as you whisper. 'Er...the three... the mist, it's them!' [paragraph break]'Disturb! Bust! Rid! Wallop all.' POW! 'Headshot, hotheads!' Rand and Leo, busier, bruise, calling a routing grunt 'Oi!', then 'Imma Maim!' / 'Oof, foo!' an assailant cries after a so-fit fist-o-foist. 'Yeehaw! Yeah, we...' / 'Ok, dem's smoked.' interrupts [l-r]. Whammo! How MMA!" false 481328338 "'Boss, don't gotta repeat nuffink, Boss. We ain't dumb, boss. Okay, uh, we got street smarts.'" keys keys "syke" "syke" "There's nothing more annoying that pretending like you want something, then saying 'Syke!' Or just saying syke, period. The clincher is when you change up with 'Yikes, I...syke!' All the hogs run after you, but you're fast enough to evade them. Once they're exhausted, Rand and Leo grab the keys. You play keep-away until the hogs can't move from exhaustion. 'Dat was clever, boss.' says [l-r].[paragraph break]'Yup,' you say. 'Syke-illogical warfare.' The wall collapses with an 'Aw, LOL. Allow all...ow!'" false 399372505 hogs hogs "gosh" "gosh" "You pretend like you're giving up, and there's no way the hogs can beat you. You wink at Rand and Leo as they gang up on you as you make one last obvious effort--BAM! POW! The wall collapses with an 'Aw, LOL. Allow all...ow!'" false 240508544 log ons log ons "so long" or "solong" "solong" "[increm]" false 400300169 "[lrshoo]." alert alert "later" "later" "[increm]" false 372241587 "[lrshoo]." ought ought "tough" "tough" "[increm]" false 352450403 "[lrshoo]." clock sap caps lock "capslock" or "caps lock" "capslock" "You think WHOAH as the clock sap becomes a capslock button, which you pick up." true 399038507 disk skid "skid" "skid" "[one of]By some lossless easily reversible algorithm, t[or]T[stopping]he disk changes to a skid with a floppy pop-fly[one of]. The skid's too big to carry, but you can PUSH or PULL it around[or] again[stopping]." false 215229079 skid disk "disk" "disk" "The skid changes back into a disk, which you take." true 215229079 pavement event map "event map" or "eventmap" "event map" "The pavement unfolds into a small map which, you remember, describes your first trip through Yorpwald." false 682523494 event map pavement "pavement" "pavement" "The event map folds back into a thoroughly more dull pavement[read-canflip]." false 682523494 crabgrass brass crag "brasscrag" or "brass crag" "brasscrag" "The crabgrass dries out and becomes a brass crag." false 437595366 brass crag crabgrass "crabgrass" "crabgrass" "The brass crag becomes slightly less lifeless crabgrass, again[read-canflip]." false 437595366 platform farm plot "farmplot" or "farm plot" "farmplot" "The platform becomes a farm plot." false 490844063 farm plot platform "platform" "platform" "The farm plot switches back to a platform[read-canflip]." false 490844063 pedestal steel pad "steelpad" or "steel pad" "steelpad" "The pedestal becomes a steel pad." false 613492907 steel pad pedestal "pedestal" "pedestal" "The steel pad intertwines into a marginally artistic pedestal[read-canflip]." false 613492907 flea leaf "leaf" "leaf" "The hopefully only recently dead giant flea becomes a recently dead giant leaf, which looks much better due to all the pretty colors it's turned. It's light for its size, so you pick it up." true 210322662 gum mug "mug" "mug" "The gum, being gum, morphs easily into a new shape -- a mug with annoying smile. Smug Mugs are, sadly, still in fashion in Yorpwald. But they often have a right to be--some even replenish what's in them." true 201780662 coal dirty looking cola "cola" "cola" "The cheap-and-dirty physical energy-giving coal turns into cheap-and-dirty mental energy giving cola, which you take." true 149359819 fount futon "futon" "futon" "The fount turns into a futon, which is better off not wet. [i]There's rest, eh? you think, looking at it[if scratch paper is reflexive], though you're not really tired yet[end if]." false 377990806 onyx censer computer screen "screen" "screen" "The onyx censer and its green dots swirl around and reform into a black screen! With green text!" true 525123080 drab yoke keyboard "keyboard" or "key board" "keyboard" "The drab yoke rearranges itself into something more rectangular. The scratchings become bona-fide keys, too. It's a complete keyboard! Well, except for one key[if player does not have yoke]. You are pretty sure you know where this keyboard goes, so you pick it up[end if]." true 504410731 t-key t-key "tab" or "tab key" "tab" "Well, that wasn't too hard, but it'll be useful if you ever need to organize code." false 123716741 scratch paper scratch paper "compile" "compile" "You[if player has rom sticks] figure now's a good time to put those ROM sticks in. You[end if] successfully compile your code. Wahoo! Wooha! Core dev covered! But you hear a shwoop, then say whoops. The basic idea works, but the program...ug, sob, bug so bogus. Bug fixing ahead. You can't budge til then[if mug is not in cola]. And the task seems daunting, without energy[end if]." false 465512068 "Compiling regularly is second nature now that you have the hang of it. No need to remind yourself to." trim socks ROM sticks "romsticks/romstick" or "rom stick/sticks" "romsticks" "The socks unravel and re-ravel into a pair of ROM sticks that will surely fit into the computer when you need them to." true 636341092 escaroles casserole "casserole" "casserole" "The escaroles become a much more calorie-infused casserole. Not your sort of casserole, but more active gourmand types might gobble it down." false 682843772 trim socks ROM sticks "romstick" or "rom stick" "romstick" "The socks unravel and re-ravel into a pair of ROM sticks that will surely fit into the computer when you need them to." true 540067126 compiled code USB "debug" "debug" "[if player has rom sticks]It's a long task, so you figure the memory from those ROM sticks will speed things up. [run paragraph on][end if]'Ponder no derp,' you say after some initial setting testing on your Do-Rite Editor and Repro Roper. 'Be rugged, debugger! Sweat for software. Stow fear. Go, black backlog. Can't rig tracing... my bug, by gum. DIE, BUG! I DEBUG!' You sow faster softwares[if t-key is reflexive], despite not realizing what the TBA key should have been and thus needing to use the space bar to organize your code[end if]. You note freeways['] fees awry--for a few years. You find bad asset databases conflating the apparently competing CropCorp, ProcCorp and PorcCorp--and the JetCorp Project--all to E-Viral Computing. The longest sent-log of an imperial email rip. It's just flagrant, but then, you remember how Elvira established code reviews as too boring--'Test log? Get lost!'[paragraph break] 'On, self! F'n lose, Felons!' you say. 'Redo, doer!' But you slip. The screen flashes an alarm. 'ION RIG ORIGIN located!' The golden dongle's cover fries, revealing a plain old USB. You need a way out!" false 304959612 USB USB "sub/bus" "sub" "[sub-bus]!" false 219798678 "sub" Strip of Profits [end of the PRESTO flip bit] snider diners snider diners "rinsed" "rinsed" "The diners['] dry wit and mood dampen as a water spray erupts from nowhere--and gets them! Their outdoor dining experience has been ruined. They skulk away to somewhere safer." false 444333321[start towers flip bit] ingrates ingrates "angstier" "angstier" "The ingrates suddenly develops the mooniest emotions--why bother to stop you from doing whatever? After a final snit-rage about you not caring about their problems, they decide to go whine by themselves." false 561201770 "angstier" ego drains ego drains "grandiose" "grandiose" "The ego-drains suddenly leave you with too absurd of a vision of self-pity. It becomes amusing, and you almost enjoy walking among them. This is too embarrassing for them, and they vanish, having had their own egos dented." false 553473418 "grandiose" sweatier wait-seer sweatier wait-seer "weariest" "weariest" "The wait-seer blinks as if enlightened, then shakes his head. He's only getting older and so forth. He decides to go find somewhere more scenic to block." false 695435442 "weariest" hulk hulk "clumsy" "clumsy" "The hulk's muscles shrink, and he loses coordination. 'A hokey KO. Yeah.' But he still stumbles away in embarrassment." false 460633602 "clumsy" man covered in inapt paint man covered in inapt paint "himself" "himself" "The fellow has a think. 'I'm flesh!' he yells, 'and that's all that matters!' He rejects labels and such, recalling aloud a horrible incident when someone, probably a Burmese bemuser, ungrammatically called him selfish for being hisself. He vows to insult bad grammar more in the future. Then he thanks you and leaves." false 450759108 "himself" bonker bonker "broken" "broken" "It starts whirring and coughing and bleeping frantically, far more than such a simple machine really should. It wheezes 'Failed--to--guard--threat--to--state--Dr.--Yow!' Then it explodes in a shower of rainbow sparks. The way east is clear now." false 427742080 "broken" weeds ragged dagger "sewed" "sewed" "The weeds tangle together and pull each other out of the ground. As they do, they reveal two items that seem, well, kind of stupid, but you never know. A ragged dagger and a raves saver, which you take." true 480850046 raves saver raves saver "pearly" "pearly" "The saver shines a bit, then goes back to being a bit less dingy than it is now. The 'replay player' text disappears, too. Hooray for aesthetics!" false 472956780 oddly rewired robot oddly rewired robot "weirder/wierder" "weirder" "[if-wierd]The oddly rewired robot, once so proud of how it conformed to standards, now finds reason to believe it is weirder. Being weird, it can no longer move wider. 'Battery...try...beat.' It begins to melt--mottle--until it looks abysmal, almost balsamy, as it cries 'Sob, a true saboteur' slinking away in shame at its crossed Wiser-Wires." false 600216532 "weirder" iPrune iPrune "punier" "punier" "Instead of being worried about how much the iPrune would block you when full-grown, you wonder about if it were the size of a normal banana. It works. The iPrune kicks you ineffectually as you walk past, then runs and hides in embarrassment." false 513602032 "punier" nameless salesmen nameless salesmen "drained" "drained" "You think you've got it, how to troll their latest sales pitches. 'I'm a busy adventurer!' you shout. 'I don't have time for this! Sales? Ew! Weasels!' The right facial expressions, and you have them totally confused and beat, too drained to go on, physically and mentally.[paragraph break]What's more, the Nerd-Aid bottles themselves are drained! (Don't worry, they were really just sugar water.) You insult the salesmen's clothes as a coup de grace before they leave for good. They cry 'Gad! Upset! Upstaged!'" false 371276262 "drained" strudel strudel "rustled" "rustled" "You manage to take the strudel without obviously reaching for it[if ray eck is in topside], avoiding any comments from Ray Eck in the process[end if]. Go, you." false 592462631 "You'd have to drop it on the ground and get it germy to try that again. Eww." an admirer an admirer "married" or "mardier" "married" "[response-based]. You're slapped sidearm for having misread them, but you're spared spouse opuses." false 430738621 "married" natives natives "vainest" or "naivest" "naivest" "[vain-naiv]. Now that the natives have moved on, you can go south." false 550443085 "The natives should be gone." neural pulses neural pulses "unreal" or "pluses" "unreal" "[if-plus]" false 443144884 "unreal" neural pulses neural pulses "unreal" or "pluses" "pluses" "[if-plus]" false 560739646 "unreal" reed's ale reed's ale "resealed/released" "released" "[rscheck]You concentrate, and suddenly the man figures how to [if rese is true]re[else]un[end if]zip himself. He runs off[if rese is true], maybe to bug other guardians about the smooth taste of Reed's ale[else], looking a little more dignified[end if]." false 642046842 "released" an alarming grailman an alarming grailman "marginal" "marginal" "The grailman might still be able to block you, but he doesn't want to risk it. He seems to lose confidence visibly as you speak." false 354088487 "marginal" Atheists Atheists "hastiest" "hastiest" "The atheists rattle off point after point as they just can't believe you won't agree with their stone cold logic. Emboldened, you suggest that, if this is all the time we have on this world, they really don't want to waste it on you. 'Yeah!' they say. 'You're right!' They run off for someone else to harass." false 611037040 "hastiest" once-sad deacons once-sad deacons "holiest" "holiest" "The deacons shake their heads. Perhaps, instead of an ol['] heist, they can realize they do not belong in the shrine. But what if they are realizing they don't belong in order to sneak in the back way? A spirited discussion ensues, until one poor fellow who sobbingly admits he is confused and unworthy wanders away--and the shrine opens for him![wfak][paragraph break]Then the next deacon realizes how awful he's been, then the next. The last one, looking back, wishes the unconditional best for your deity of choice, who probably should exist if he/she/it doesn't already." false 537631654 "holiest" ray eck ray eck "creaky" "creaky" "You hear a squeak from the keycar, then Ray Eck cringing and grabbing his leg. He spends some time complaining about various aches (don't worry, they're psychosomatic) and then about how he'd been ripped off purchasing stuff like the keycar before. Worried the keycar will sputter and die out here, he guides it home." false 409615745 "creaky" pirates pirates "pastier" "pastier" "You watch as their skin tones lighten a few shades. Even when they blush at their lost perceived virility, that doesn't make it back. Worse, they have no fake spray-tan in their suitcase. They curse and realize they've stayed away from the coast too long, mumbling about a secret cove you won't find (trust me, you won't[if coastlines is visited], even though you've been up there[else] even when you get up there[end if].) Well, except one who decides to become a priest." false 541160519 "pastier" old ice old ice "coiled" "coiled" "The docile old ice bends, cracks, and whirs as it becomes something far more artistic than you could've made with your bare hands. They inspire real awe now, like the Isle Crag Glaciers. You haven't fixed up the palace, but you've made some nice scenery here." false 341000045 "mistier" denim start tarts "mined" "mined" "You hear zzk-zzh noises as the denim is cut away. In a huge old dug hole, you see a pack of start tarts in the hole under them--probably still eatable, given their general shelf-life--and then you fill the hole in, to keep the copse tidy. You take the tarts." true 326810705 "mined" fissure fissure "fussier" "fussier" "The fissure begins babbling and yelling at the duck. The duck, annoyed, walks over and pecks at it, inserting its bill and--CLICK. The fence slides inward, and out comes Dr. Yow. He thanks you briefly and awkwardly. The duck rushes to Dr. Yow's side. It won't be following you any more." false 582291393 "fussier" prison ropins prison ropins "unlocked" "unlocked" "The duck sees you fiddling with the ropins. The fissure makes a few odd clicks. The duck walks over and you realize if it fits the bill just so--and it does! Yup. It fits. Pins spin. The prison clinks and retracts, and out comes Dr. Yow. He thanks you briefly and awkwardly. The duck rushes to Dr. Yow's side. It won't be following you any more." false 522953692 "It already is. Dr. Yow is free." kid kid "attentive" "attentive" "Dirk Stam snaps to attention. He's more ready to learn, now." false 788195264 "That'd be kind of schoolmarmish. Dirk's ready to learn." turbos turbos "robust" "robust" "The turbos whir a bit and grow shinier. Robust or bust! You'd feel [if blaster is reflexed]totally safe[otherwise]marginally safer[end if] crossing the river on the jetskis now." false 482585076 "The turbos are working fine now." blaster blaster "stabler" "stabler" "The blaster whirs a bit and grows shinier. It quits making those weird noises. You'd feel [if turbos are reflexed]totally safe[otherwise]marginally safer[end if] crossing the river on the jetskis now." false 486934458 "The blaster is working fine now." eastern shore eastern shore "nearest" "nearest" "You figure which way and which coast is the nearest. Yes, that is a real beach, and it is reachable. And it is not a lies isle! Aslosh on the shoals, you look up at the Curst Palace. You are close. You could win it now. But you hold the flowerpot, too, and maybe you have the time to drop off a gift...wherever Daltho's friend may be." false 611415331 "nearest" Mislit Limits Andres Andres "snared" "snared" "Andres suddenly feels a pull, and some sort of tentacle you haven't seen before breaks and outside the Trefoil. He'll be out back and out of your way for a while." false 401528293 "snared" Andrew Andrew "warned" "warned" "Andrew suddenly gulps, as if he hadn't realized the downside of this venture. 'Darn, we...raw end!' he mumbles, then flees. Rodney mumbles 'Aw, nerd.'" false 413189100 "warned" Archie Archie "achier" "achier" "Archie begins grabbing his joints and moaning 'I reach!' then 'I crack a crick!' until Rodney yells at him to get out. Which he does." false 316598460 "achier" Barney Barney "nearby" "nearby" "Barney assures Rodney he'll look for any unused exits. But you can see him sneaking off once he is out of Rodney's sight." false 425003395 "nearby" Blake Blake "bleak" "bleak" "Blake looks depressed. What does fighting matter? Nobody even wants to argue this, which makes him lonelier. He moans for his twin brother Kaleb and trudges away." false 255159849 "bleak" Bredo Bredo "bored/robed" "bored" "Bredo gives an exasperated look, shrugs, and walks off for someone more [bored-robed] to follow. Or beat up. Whichever." false 326930483 "bored" Cedrick Cedrick "cricked" "cricked" "Suddenly, Cedrick clutches at his knee, then at his elbow. 'I can't do this anymore!' He whines, as he runs upstairs for some rest." false 370096195 "cricked" Daryl Daryl "lardy" "lardy" "Suddenly, Daryl grows flabby and is really in no shape for fighting. He excuses himself." false 284713801 "lardy" Demitri Demitri "timider" "timider" "Demitri's face becomes contorted with fear, perhaps fear at how embarrassing it would be if you managed to beat him and Rodney[if number of visible warriors > 3] and the rest[end if]. He runs away quickly, muttering 'I'm tired.'" false 491329864 "timider" Dewey Dewey "weedy" "weedy" "Dewey loses muscle mass before your eyes (don't worry, he's still in good enough shape.) His armor hangs off him loosely. He flees from embarrassment, but Rodney doesn't care enough to follow." false 506935332 "weedy" Edwin Edwin "wined" "wined" "You watch as Edwin's face grows redder and he begins hiccuping. He lurches unsteadily, and then he runs upstairs to where he can lie down." false 370670325 "wined" Eldon Eldon "olden" "olden" "Eldon rapidly becomes older than the rest of the knights guarding the tavern. He walks off in shame, figuring he cannot do much. (Don't worry. It's only temporary.)" false 345909122 "olden" Ernest Ernest "tenser" "tenser" "Ernest, who had looked quite relaxed up to this point, suddenly mumbles to himself about all the things that could go wrong, to resent his way of life. And even if nothing can go wrong, that would just make it even more embarrassing if things did. He whispers a prayer to St. Rene, then decides he had better flee." false 609227513 "tenser" Geno Geno "gone" "gone" "Geno just walks off, without explanation. Not that you need any. Perhaps he went to seek his twin, Egon." false 303665896 "gone" Goldy Goldy "godly" "godly" "Goldy has a revelation and looks to the skies. 'No more mercenary money! No more violence!' he cries. He runs off, a new mission in life." false 304154459 "godly" Leander Leander "learned" "learned" "Leander suddenly sees the futility of war and aggression. He drops his weapon and armor and runs away." false 486874275 "learned" Marcel Marcel "calmer" "calmer" "Marcel looks less enraged. He wonders what he is fighting for, apologizes to Rodney--and the people in the tavern, and walks off, almost skipping." false 352212307 "calmer" Marlon Marlon "normal" "normal" "Marlon feels normal again, too normal for this questing business! Yay, Marlon! Yay, you!" false 348660698 "normal" Preston Preston "pronest" "pronest" "Preston suddenly looks around. He seems panicked, as if anybody could attack him from anywhere. He turns around and runs smack into a postern. after shaking himself off, he runs further away." false 637239940 "pronest" Reggie Reggie "eggier" "eggier" "Reggie suddenly snaps. As do the people next to him. They both mentioned that he smells a little funny, and he runs outside to freshen up. He doesn't come back." false 451128271 "eggier" Royce Royce "coyer" "coyer" "Royce waits for Rodney to turn his head before quietly slipping away." false 428847326 "coyer" Shane Shane "ashen" "ashen" "Suddenly, the color rushes from Shane's face, and he looks a bit embarrassed. He looks at Rodney, realizing 'He's an...' before running away." false 332457700 "ashen" Terrance Terrance "recreant" "recreant" "Terrance decides he might as well desert his duty and wanders off. [if number of visible warriors is 2]Rodney[else]The others[end if] can surely handle a bunch of drunks." false 619470753 "recreant" Tyson Tyson "stony" "stony" "Tyson's emotions grow from hateful to just plain stony. This extends to his feelings towards Rodney as well as the tavern dwellers." false 465003321 "stony" Wade Wade "awed" "awed" "Wade suddenly sees who you are. He's a clever fellow. He nods, walking away, giving Rodney such a look, he won't be stopped." false 258957789 "awed" Rodney Rodney "yonder/droney" "yonder" "Well. Rodney isn't as impervious to magic as he claimed[rodney-ditch]. You're about to leave, but you hear a 'Do halt!' from the cellar. The speaker introduces himself as Old Hat Daltho, once a hot lad tipped to save Yorpwald. 'I know who you must be, now.'[wfak][paragraph break]You nod. 'While I learned much world-saving theory, I never had the chance to put it into practice. But I do know this: Dr. Yow, if you can find him, will help in several ways, but the Bland Sad Badlands are a cruel, difficult place. All people blocking your way--though not things--will be at least as tough as Rodney, though you if you listen and ask questions, it may become easier.' You note six letters in Rodney.[add-adj][wfak][paragraph break]Daltho hands you a welt-proof flowerpot, which is for an old friend--one who bought property near Castle Apcur, the Curst Palace, and is holding out for property value. Perhaps you will find a flower along the way to put in it. 'I? The one? No, thee! I...old-age gaoled...' / 'Ah, told.' you say.[wfak][paragraph break]You follow his directions, apparently towards a voice booming 'Stop! Die!' But where you wind up isn't so threatening. Someone's there to greet you! Or to have a chat. A long one--he's a bit of a yacker." false 499778338 "Rodney should already be gone." Deposit flowerpot flowerpot "dingy" "dingy" "The crocus doesn't look a great shade of green, but it doesn't look dried out any more. It looks safer to pick up, so you do, and you put it in the flowerpot[unless player is in solo den][else if ed yerg is reflexive]. Ed sniffs--it still doesn't seem valuable[else]Ed looks longingly at the plant[end if]." false 289888397 -- [583551280?] Ed Yerg Ed Yerg "greyed" "greyed" "[yergy]." false 516924064 "That might be cruel. Ed's on the level, now." Ed Yerg Ed Yerg "grey" "grey" "[yergy]" false 368088866 "That might be cruel. Ed's on the level, now." yurts brownies "rusty" "rusty" "The yurts grow tarnished and crumble. Behind them, you see and take some 'nutrition' as cheap as the yurts that held it: Owers[']-Bin Brownies! The snack of choice for people who prefer quantity over quality!" true 512172846 "The yurts should be gone." pester'n serpent pester'n serpent "present" "present" "The serpent gradually relaxes, then slinks to where it's just there, but you can't see it. It's present but through pester'n." false 690693472 Curst Palace Curst Palace "spectacular" "spectacular" "That does it! The sky goes from unsightly to sunlighty. You hear lumber rumble--old stuff out, new stuff in--and watch the ground bristle and blister as the curst palace gleams, shines, turns from boney to ebony and radiates a godly day-glo. It is back to what it was and more! [what-about-ed]. You are treated to a great banquet in the castle hall before one of the local wizards offers you a chariot. Not just any one. A Raci-Hot, shaped like a haricot. As you're driven back to the Strip of Profits, you see so many things as they should be. The towers crumble as you fly through." false 695286307 "spectacular" Strip of Profits [end TOWERS flip] b-b b-b "barely" "barely" "You alertly retally the weakest figures of speech, what you've done so far--yes, an adverb can be braved. It seems each stalk talks as the barley becomes ragin['] grain, seared, then erased. After the big land balding, you see someone to the west who yells, 'You won't get past ED RILEY! I'm no YIELDER!'[paragraph break]You also carved out paths in the barley to the north and south. The barley to the east is still too thick but looks a bit different now, and cinders remain from all around." false 409909726 [start OTTERS flip] cinders cinders "rescind" "rescind" "You formally scatter the cinders all about. You will not use any luck or fate in this final stretch. It will hopefully mark a karma point saved for the next person to save Yorpwald. Which may or may not be you. You can't think that far ahead." false 463338906 Ed Riley Ed Riley "reedily" "reedily" "'WHAT ARE You...'[paragraph break]'What are you...'[paragraph break]'Hey, man!' he mouths words silently for a bit, his booming voice gone. 'Well--at least you didn't make me share my sandwich! That's...something!' he whines, as he slinks away in embarrassment." false 583131047 imp1 imp1 "angrily" "angrily" "The imp stops dancing about and starts hopping in place, saying 'You better not try and go by me!' You're bigger, so he's not very intimidating. He returns to his zigzagging, but he's kind of missing the edges, now." false 410184768 imp2 imp2 "brutely" "brutely" "The imp loses some dexterity and gains some strength. Not enough to beat you up." false 615937733 imp3 imp3 "enragedly" "enragedly" "The imp flares up for a brief moment, explaining how he gets mad having to be patient. He didn't become an imp for this..." false 641833229 ram1 ram1 "loathingly" "loathingly" "[shout-check]" false 593419698 ram2 ram2 "stoically" "stoically" "[shout-check]" false 569909740 ram3 ram3 "tersely" "tersely" "[shout-check]" false 716493096 ghoul hat ghoul hat "although" "although" "You begin explaining that you just needed a way through, and besides, the stalks wouldn't have been harvest-able anyway. Mr. Lee relaxes and breathes, and as you speak, the ghoul hat releases its hold on him. 'But--but Rev. Howe said...he would watch over the ghoul hat I was forced to wear.'[paragraph break]Mr. Lee mutters on about hard times these days, still suspicious, but he's willing to listen. He points to the picture of Rev. Howe. He's doubting it's for his safety. " false 445734359 "You already justified yourself partially. Mr. Lee doesn't need more dialogue." p-2 p-2 "however" "however" "Mr. Lee doesn't seem willing to discuss the painting, but as you talk, he bends a little more. Yes--it was Elvira who put the painting there. Or her agents. To make sure he didn't use his magic powers unwisely. You promise to re-bran what is barren. He perks up. 'Then you're [tgw]. It's--well, I never heard your side. You didn't just change things to things. Perhaps I can help you.' He lays his hands on you. You feel [if inhib is true]a slight shock--your mordant powers are now merely dormant![else]a shock similar to what the eels gave, and you shake exaggeratedly and nod your head in thanks.[end if][paragraph break]He also asks if you can hop in and make his seed site the seediest--once you do the whole country-saving thing. Of course you can. It's the least you can do." false 667670490 sea cube sea cube "because" "because" "'Well, now that you put it that way...' You hear a rush of water. Le Mer has unlocked the sea cube. Eels come out. They look up at you--they may be able to understand you." false 496604299 eels eels "else" "else" "The eels seem to understand you. They squirm across the pool and gaze at you as if to stay still. You feel a shock through your body[if inhib is false] much like in Mr. Lee's bran barn[else], and your mordant skills are no longer dormant[end if]." false 405700023 atmo-moat atmo-moat "atom" "atom" "You summon up all your powers for this one. With a swoosh, the atmo-moat swirls into a single atom." false 243725566 Merle Merle "honestly" "honestly" "You entrench an enchanter with a well-timed 'Honestly?' They throw out anti lying litanying but you're all 'Few LOLs, fellows.' It's not pretty, but their camaraderie's shattered. They begin squabbling about whom Elvira likes better. It's a welcome change." false 683905568 "'Fine, be beefin['],' you think, not willing to run up the score--or the volume." raptor parrot "parrot" "parrot" "The raptor turns into a parrot, which squawks gratefully for being rescued. It squawks about not wanting to be a raptor again--except briefly to take revenge on whatever turned it into a raptor in the first place." false 431763978 parrot raptor "raptor" "raptor" "'A bird! Rabid! Dinosaur is around!' croaks the parrot. before it changes. 'Repel it, reptile!' you hear a woman cry. The raptor gets to ur-thing hurting and takes out the hydra to the west! Merle and Elmer are paired, repaid, running away as smarting migrants. 'Twist, twits,' you smirk under your breath.[paragraph break]The parrot's revenge sated, you return it to its normal form. 'A whistle is wealth,' it says, dropping the whistle to you before flying off.[paragraph break]You hear a female scream. 'Nemesis seems in,' you mutter. But maybe that whistle is worth a look, first. And you might want to [if medals are prefigured]figure out the medals[else]recall what you did with the medals earlier[end if]." false 431763978 pines snipe "snipe" "snipe" "The tip of one pine becomes a snipe's bill, the trunk becomes the spine--and you have a snipe." false 419446388 corona racoon "racoon" or "raccoon" "racoon" "[extra-c]The corona grows wider, becoming a living thing." false 324129868 nails snail "snail" "snail" "The nails arrange themselves in a sort of spiral, expand, and turn into a snail." false 266175977 thrones hornets "hornets" "hornets" "The thrones shorten--a throne, another--HORNETS! Thankfully, they ignore your waspy yawps." false 593056280 owls owls "slow" "slow" "The owls['] swooping speeds hit such lows they they swoop back to their ambush place in hiding. You notice it isn't a very comfortable one, and you help them make a nest from tens of nets. They won't attack again. You refuse anything for the additional magnanimity but ask if any towels need to be changed to owlets. Thankfully not very many." false 332375155 ocelots ocelots "coolest" "coolest" "The ocelots perk up and, instead of pacing aimlessly around, develop a swagger. Their SlopInc Clip-ons get close to, then are, the real thing. Yes, LookKool shades. Each pulls out a BMOC comb to fix his fur before stashing it for later use." false 548714671 leopard leopard "paroled" "paroled" "The leopard perks up as his handcuffs are dissolved." false 445979194 badger badger "garbed" "garbed" "The badger looks down and realizes it is wearing clothes. B-grade, garb that won't make you grab or brag, but it can't be drobe-bored. It's less embarrassed now and nods to you gratefully. Perhaps it can return the favor some day." false 287365426 satyr satyr "artsy" "artsy" "The satyr shakes a bit as if he has had a vision. He begins drawing figures in the air, standing on his hind legs and conducting an imaginary orchestra. He seems less strictly focused on his own survival now." false 409254857 whistle whistle "deeply" "deeply" "It takes some time, but you manage to move from making shrieks to something more rumbly and enduring. Noting the writing on the whistle, though, you make sure not to use it til you need to." false 534280357 medals medals "quickly" "quickly" "The medals clink together. You feel infused with speed. Even your fats feel fast." false 482616124 [end of the otters flip bit] moss cap compass "compass" "compass" "The moss flattens and clears. A stupid weedy bit becomes the compass needle. Congratulations. You now have something which might actually be able to tell the direction!" true 433635024 [start of Others anagrams] lumps plums "plums" or "plum" "plums" "The lumps grow circular and purplish, and suddenly plums are rolling all around." true 400734724 eerie blurbs blueberries "blueberries/blueberry" "blueberries" "Getting rid of these blurbs is almost a public service. Pulps splup as the vandalism vanishes." true 891090201 b-w strawberries "strawberries" "strawberries" "The barriers west collapse into a pile of strawberries." true 980775919 spear pears "pears" or "pear" "pears" "The spear splatters into more pears than you can hold!" true 393057655 slime limes "limes" "limes" "The slime schlurps into a pile of limes too cumbersome for you to carry." true 386961913 pagers grapes "grapes" or "grape" "grapes" "Poof! The pagers turn into grapes. 'Wow, got rid of the noise AND got me more merchandise.'" true 425657357 barren cries cranberries "cranberries" "cranberries" "The cries and the screen swirl into a reddish mist and become cranberries." true 761370255 peanut cola cantaloupe "cantaloupe" "cantaloupe" "The cola bottle turns into a sort of tannish sphere, and you hear pulps splup inside." true 637943038 mad train tamarind "tamarind" "tamarind" "Well, you aren't sure if it is that much of an improvement, but a fruit is a fruit. Curtis seems pleased. Everybody gets suckered into buying one of these once, and after a few months, they forget how nasty it was and buy it again." true 391814053 silly shirt apples "apples" "apples" "The t-shirt crumples into a few apples. Well, you may not have ESP, but it's something almost as good. You remember a pen pal called Papa Len, too." true 443013650 riot cap apricot "apricot" "apricot" "The riot cap rounds into an apricot, which you take." true 410438606 barber sickle blackberries "blackberries" "blackberries" "The barber sickle grows into a bunch of vines which sprout black fruits, and a basket pops out to hold them. How convenient." true 732304866 pryer bars raspberry "raspberry" "raspberry" "The drupelets in the pryer bars pop out and multiply, leaving you with raspberries." true 704483418 harmonicas maraschino cherry "maraschino" or "maraschino cherries/cherry" "maraschino" "Several painfully tinny chords later, the off-red harmonicas become a maraschino cherry." true 494589373 ppf pineapple "pineapple" "pineapple" "With a plain peep, the fence collapses into a pineapple!" true 669912106 videotape collection persimmon "persimmon" "persimmon" "The unappetizing covers on the videotape collection schlurp together to form something better looking--a persimmon." true 707273074 magenta rope pomegranate "pomegranate" "pomegranate" "With a splatch, the note and rant get yellowed and ball themselves up around the rope to form a pomegranate. You have done either Curtis or society a favor by getting rid of those writings." true 769822574 l-o-p kumquat "cripes" "cripes" "Man! The way you said it, man, Len Craig has another look. Kumquats are indeed an order of magnitude off. He hands you one as gratitude for giving pricees precise knowledge." true 454868268 "That'd be a bit insulting. The prices are good enough." caution papayas "papayas" "papayas" "You point at the auction caution and wave down someone passing by who's relieved SOMEONE here seems to know the rules. He gives you some fruits for your troubles." true 388128590 "You've already established yourself as a prompt payer." quince quince "cinque" "cinque" "You hold up five fingers and repeat 'five' in several languages. Italian finally works. Len pauses, then nods his head. He wipes off the NAME A PRICE markering with a rag." true 450223472 peach peach "cheap" "cheap" "You go for a direct approach, which works great. Probably won't work again, but you feel a better patron for this potent barter." true 267747770 "You got a good enough deal." lemons lemons "solemn" "solemn" "Thinking all 'I frown for win' at the lemons, you mind-trick Len into lowing his price. 'Enjoy your rickets sticker.'" true 485229152 melons melons "solemn" "solemn" "You half-frown at the melons, and Len, groaning slightly, lowers his price. You take a few." true 485229152 rapt figure grapefruit "grapefruit" "grapefruit" "The figure gives a look as if it's eaten something sour before it rolls into itself, into a lumpy yellow ball--a grapefruit!" true 694430761 nectarine nectarine "ancienter" "ancienter" "The unripe nectarine becomes salable. You swipe your tekno-token, taking only one: multiple nectarines might have transience." true 648047304 tangerine tangerine "argentine" "argentine" "Your fake knowledge pays off! You now have a tangerine." true 661641421 reserved guava "reversed" "reversed" "The sign wobbles over and falls. You take a guava you found behind it. Art Erd nods, impressed." true 778533808 pugnacious plant rhubarb "rhubarb" "rhubarb" "The plant's arms turn to stalks of rhubarb, which fall off. What looks like an evil spirit departs from it as it slinks into a corner. Art Erd sniffs at the rhubarb with disdain. Yay, more fruit for you." true 352061340 sorer bogey gooseberry "gooseberry" "gooseberry" "A howling from the well, and the reddish letters fly off! A rather large gooseberry falls on the ground. You pick it up." true 844616803 b-r breadfruit "breadfruit" "breadfruit" "You decide the raft would be better as breadfruit, whatever that is. The raft swirls into something more spherical, but still nothing close to what you expected. It's odd and bumpy, but you take it." true 619813094 briar screen cranberries "cranberries" "cranberries" "The prickly screen turns into (you hope) less prickly cranberries." true 761370255 [briar + cranberries] an-a small yellow banana "nab an a" or "nab" "nab an a" "The A expands and curves in your hands, the middle-bar melting into the legs, and you have a banana." true 162797375 coin icon "icon" "icon" "You vacate your mind of material thoughts. The coin becomes too omen-y to be money." false 207258516 coins s-c "sonic coins" or "sonic" "sonic" "Blam! The coins begin to rattle gently and don't stop." false 303532482 icons s-i "sonic icons" or "sonic" "sonic" "Blam! The icons begin to rattle gently and don't stop." false 303532482 coins icons "icons" "icons/icon" "You vacate your mind of material thoughts. The coins become too omen-y to be money." false 303532482 s-c s-i "sonic icons" or "icons" "sonic" "You vacate your mind of material thoughts. The coins become too omen-y to be money." false 303532482 coins icons "icons" "icons" "You vacate your mind of material thoughts. The coin takes on a much cooler design." false 303532482 coins s-i "sonic icons" or "icons sonic" "sonic icons" "You do a little double-think-move on the coins. They become something entirely different." false 607064964 [end of the whole Others flip bit] [etoa] misted is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing da mist: now misted is true; continue the action; behinded is a truth state that varies. after fliptoing hit win button: if the player's command includes "behind": now behinded is true; continue the action; after fliptoing (this is the slot after flip rule): if noun is s-i or noun is s-c: if player has so-great storage: slot-appear; continue the action; after fliptoing a-p: now digger is in lalaland; continue the action; after fliptoing lance: now heaps are in uaah; now waste is in lalaland; continue the action; after fliptoing prod: now waste is in uaah; continue the action; after fliptoing b-b: now Ed Riley is in Bleary Barley; now cinders are in Bleary Barley; continue the action; after fliptoing ragged dagger: now player has raves saver; continue the action; after fliptoing raptor: now player has whistle; now raptor is in lalaland; now hydra is in lalaland; now Merle is in lalaland; now Elmer is in lalaland; if Elmer is reflexive: poss-d; reg-inc; continue the action; after fliptoing post (this is the cleanup after the post/thief rule) : now purse-stolen is false; move what-a-bee to Used Lot; continue the action; after fliptoing heat: move player to Used Lot; continue the action; after fliptoing fretful truffle: move heat to Loather Rathole; continue the action; after fliptoing (this is the one-of-two and min-up-plus rule): if noun is keys or noun is hogs: say "You unlock the lawl-wall with the keys that fell from it, and suddenly you see the funny side of your journey so far. The wall and keys crumble. The hogs slink off in despair at a job failed. Behind the wall to the north you see a shack, with a warning sign."; now keys are in lalaland; now lawl wall is in lalaland; now hogs are in lalaland; now priv-shack is in phat path; move smart people sign to phat path; continue the action; if noun is prai or noun is rivets: if prai is reflexed and rivets are reflexed: say "Your willpower is at 200%! But it doesn't do any good without introspection, being sure YOU deserve to get going."; min-up; if noun is lobster or noun is stream: if stream is reflexed and lobster is in lalaland: say "You feel your arch-greed recharged."; min-up; if noun is LLPish or noun is start tarts: [bleah. Denim isn't reflexive. Neither is giant pin] min-up; continue the action; after fliptoing tokers: now smoke cloud is in Strip of Profits; continue the action; after fliptoing skid: if disk is not prefigured: say "You make a note you can flip the disk back based on the lossless compression algorithm, etc., and how you don't need to know the deep math to be able to use it."; preef disk; now skid is in location of player; continue the action; after fliptoing otters-x: if engravings are examined: say "The engravings from Store T seem to have been transferred to the otters."; now engravings are part of otters-x; continue the action; the pile of coal is a super-easy thing in shack. description is "Black and disgusting as rotted teeth. Good for energy, apparently.". "Coal lies here in a corner." instead of taking coal: say "You don't need an armful of THAT." a-text of coal is "RYRY". b-text of coal is "PGRY". understand "alco" as a mistake ("Alcohol doesn't work as well as caffeine in this situation.") when coal is visible or fizzy cola is visible or bottle of cola is visible. the fizzy cola is a singular-named thing. description is "The mug it's in seems to make it is more than usual, too. Cool.". the indefinite article of fizzy cola is "some" Instead of doing something with the fizzy cola: if action is procedural: continue the action; say "Now that the fizzy cola's in the mug, you will ration it as you need to." the bottle of dirty looking cola is a thing. description is "It's Café Fine Caffeine cola, and it's almost empty. In place of nutritional information, you read the following:[paragraph break]O-CAL!!! Soda -> A sod. Pop !-> O.P.P." Does the player mean drinking dirty looking cola: it is very likely check drinking dirty looking cola: say "[if mug contains dirty looking cola]You can sip it as you do your programming[otherwise]You don't want to guzzle it before you need to. In fact, you wish there would be a way to make more of it, because there really isn't much left. It'd be outstanding to have giant donuts, but you have what you have[end if]." instead; check drinking mug: if mug contains fizzy cola: try drinking fizzy cola instead; otherwise: say "The mug's empty." instead; understand "can" as dirty looking cola. before inserting dirty looking cola into mug: if fizzy cola is in mug: say "This isn't a gross-out game. Plus, there's enough cola in the mug." instead; say "You drain the cola bottle. It fills the mug, and you take a tiny sip. The liquid level refills after a minute. It tastes like car fuel, which makes you careful--and hopeful for a far clue."; now dirty looking cola is in lalaland; now fizzy cola is in mug instead; check inserting into mug: say "Only liquids would belong there." instead; check inserting into (this is the cola/mug/censer rule) : if noun is fizzy cola: say "Bad idea to pour the fizzy cola out of the mug." instead; if noun is dirty looking cola: if second noun is on slab: say "Programmer rage! Love it!" instead; if noun is onyx censer: say "The censer wasn't made for that." instead; if second noun is not mug: say "You need to pour into something that can contain a liquid." instead; the fount is a semi-easy thing in shack. "A fount--too small to be a fountain[one of] (three keystrokes)[or][stopping]--is here. It is dry." understand "fountain" as fount. instead of drinking fount: say "It's dry, and besides, you need to drink literally of knowledge, not figuratively.[paragraph break]Besides, water doesn't have enough energy for the task ahead." instead of switching on fount: say "You can't find a way to turn it on. It might overflow the shack as-is, anyway, so maybe it'd be better as something else." instead of switching off fount: say "It already is." a-text of fount is "RYRYR". b-text of fount is "PYRYR". Instead of taking the fount: say "It is heavier than it seems. Plus, it's too bulky." description of fount is "It's relaxing to look at, even if it isn't running. Perhaps it was a fount of knowledge, and knowledge was just too dry for the water that was in it." the futon is a thing. description is "It doesn't have any brand name like PEERLESS SLEEPERS, Restster, SNOOZE-EZ-SOON, COT-IS-STOIC or PAN-NAP. [unless cpuready]Like most futons, it's unsoft. You wouldn't want to sleep there unless you had some really tiring task ahead[else if slept is false]It looks almost comfortable. It's sewn with designs of all sorts of peels--banana, orange, apple, and some you can't identify. Like most futons, it's unsoft[otherwise]You're impressed you slept on it for so long. It looks lumpy now[end if].". "The futon you [if slept is false]made from the fount[else]slept on[end if] lies here." instead of entering futon: say "It's not quite for sitting, but it may help you make [i]leeps[r] of logic." Instead of taking the futon: say "You need to get programming, here, not interior decorating." slept is a truth state that varies. to decide whether cpuready: if keyboard is not on slab, decide no; if computer screen is not on slab, decide no; if caps lock is not part of keyboard, decide no; if disk is not in hard drive, decide no; if rebooted is false, decide no; decide yes. before sleeping: if player is in hacks' shack: if futon is in hacks' shack: unless cpuready: say "Sleep on the futon? Wouldn't be fun to. You aren't even exhausted from assembling the computer! Yet." instead; if slept is true: say "You've had enough comforts from cots to do the programming you need. You might re-wake weaker." instead; say "You feel smarter the moment you lie down on a lump you realize must be an armrest. So it's definitely more practical than some oaf's sofa. During this purest rest-up, you osmose the max-sleep examples, and even the smartest mattress would only have given smatters of what your subconscious soaks up from the comfort of the cot. The sleep peels away your fatigue and doesn't even leave an ague fit in return. 'Real day already?' you remark. 'Up, coder! Produce!' Rested, you desert the futon."; reg-inc; pad-del "sleep"; now speel is in lalaland; now slept is true instead; say "You'll sleep on the futon when you need to." instead; say "You don't have anything to lie down on yet." instead; if mrlp is presto and shack is visited and slept is false: say "Only the shack seems to be a safe place to sleep, here." instead; if player is in study: say "[if Gunter is in lalaland]But you just woke up![otherwise]Not with that knocking.[end if]" instead; if player is in FiefCo Office: say "You got here by doing nothing while conscious, not doing nothing while unconscious." instead; if player is in boredom: say "You don't have time to dream of titanium golf clubs or overpriced alcohol or all the things you should have been dreaming about all these years. Slacker." instead; if mrlp is troves: say "Nonsense! Spoiloplis is no place for sleepers. Maybe you can sleep somewhere else. But not now." instead; if slept is true: say "[one of]You already found a place to sleep, so I'll give you generic sleep-rejects from here.[or][randbla][stopping]" instead; say "[one of][sleep-reject][or][randbla][stopping]" instead; to say sleep-reject: if slept is true: say "You found the one place in the game where you needed to sleep."; else if location is outie: say "Sleeping outside is dangerous. You'd need somewhere protected."; else if mrlp is manor: say "You won't need to sleep for a long while."; else if mrlp is presto and shack is unvisited: say "It'd be nice to have somewhere to sleep after tumbling through the gyre."; else: say "Maybe you'll find somewhere more hospitable later."; pad-rec "sleep"; a pair of trim socks are plural-named things in hacks' shack. "Trim socks lie here. They're too small for you to wear, but they look comfortable and efficient." a-text of trim socks is "RYRRRYRRR". b-text of trim socks is "RYRRRYPPP". description of trim socks is "Small and narrow. Probably not critical to figure what they do, but they might save time down the road." check taking socks: say "They're way too narrow for your feet. Plus, you don't know if someone wore them. If they can't help you do things more efficiently, then probably best not to mess with them." instead; a pair of rom sticks are plural-named LLPish things. description is "You imagine it can't be too hard to open up the disk drive[if location of player is not hacks' shack] back at the shack[end if] and put them in.". the indefinite article of rom sticks is "a". to say check-tokers: say "[if tokers are in Strip of Profits]motion to the smoke cloud.[paragraph break]'Dude! My buddies!' he shouts. 'I must've went back to the wrong store or something. Hey, I met this dude!'[no line break][otherwise]stand around nervously while he wonders where his friends are. They must be nearby.[no line break][end if]"; to say check-nestor: now smoke cloud is in Strip of Profits; say "[paragraph break][if nestor is in Strip of Profits]What's more, you seem to have rescued their friend, Nestor! 'Hey, dudes, I like went back to the wrong store or something.'[no line break][otherwise]They spend some time complaining about their one toker friend who like went out to get the really good stuff and never like reappeared.[no line break][end if]" after fliptoing (this is the reunite gang rule) : if noun is nestor or noun is tokers: if nestor is in strip and tokers are in strip: say "The lackers and slacker pull a tarp apart and pull out a dime bag made big and spark a tinderbox-bred toxin for tokins['] stokin[']. They offer a stupor sprout to spur Proust, and even an opiate oatpie, but you decline. They explain excitedly to you that this stuff is SO good, it's literally a like passage to a new world for certain people. You might even be able to enter the like smoke if you're way out enough."; continue the action; after fliptoing a fruit (this is the fruit cue rule): if number of carried fruits > 5: say "You can carry all those fruits in your super purse, but they might get mushed. Maybe you should unload what you have on Curtis[if player has droll dollar], even if he might not give you any more goodies[end if]."; continue the action; volume talky quiet-warn is a truth state that varies. talk-quiet is a truth state that varies. chapter uhhsing uhhsing is an action out of world. understand the command "uhhs" as something new. understand "uhhs" as uhhsing. carry out uhhsing: if talk-quiet is false: say "You already can hear random dialogue."; else: say "Random dialogue on again."; now talk-quiet is false; the rule succeeds; chapter hushing hushing is an action out of world. understand the command "hush" as something new. understand "hush" as hushing. carry out hushing: if talk-quiet is true: say "You already can't hear random dialogue." instead; else: say "HUSH on.[paragraph break]"; ital-say "you will still hear the first random dialogue in an area, but it will be noted as such."; now talk-quiet is true; the rule succeeds; volume random text blurb tables [vrt] [Note that brackets or (p) mean to let automated checkers to pass on this. Empty brackets = anagram done before, but not duplicated. P = avoid automated punctuation check fail. Eh, what's another 300 bytes if I already got 2mil+?] book general table of cussing rejects [xxg] blurb "[if player is male]Mr. Taunt-Tantrum[else]Mrs. Taunt-Tantrums[end if]!" "Ach, venal avalanche!" "Oy, flatus so faulty!" "Acrimony! I moan, cry!" "Ah, rote oather, to hear or hate!" "Annoyance? Anyone can..." "Arise, thy hysteria! Yeah, stir!" "Base ur-abuser!" "Bemoan? No, beam!" "Bud...seem bemused!" "Cancerate reactance!" "Cheap-shot ethos, chap." "Cheapo? Ah, cope." "Coherent not-cheer!" "A crude rue, cad!" "Crude's Cursed." "A cry: racy." "Curses? Cusser." "Dish a dis? Ah!" "Do thwart that word." "Don't swear. Neat words!" "Dourness resounds!" "Dung-Dip Pudding!" "Egregious! Ire gouges!" "Er, exact excreta." "Er, so sore?" "[']Ere's venom! Some nerve!" "Errant ranter!" "Ew! Foul! Woeful!" "Feistier! Fieriest!" "Flow, dour foul word!" "Fractious fiasco? Rut!" "Froth forth!" "Gah! Agh!" "Goin['] red? Ignored!" "Gosh! Into hootings?" "Hi, curse? Uh, cries? Such ire!" "Hot bile! The boil!" "A hot oath!" "Hot rage? Oh, great. Go, hater!" "Hot words? D'oh, worst! Worth sod." "I bleat at bile!" "I cuss. [']Scusi!" "I drone on, dire." "I hear ire. Ah!" "I paste a spite." "I Speak: a Spike!" "I veto each hate voice." "I'm great at grime!" "Impiety-yip time." "Inst-snit?!" "The ire! I...there." "Ire's lousy. Seriously." "Ireful bits. Filibuster?" "Irrupted putrider? Ripe." "Let's moan: so mental? No, lamest." "Loathing tha lingo." "Mad-spew swamped!" "Main user is MANURE!" "Maledict? Climated." "Mo['] sweary? Ow, my ears!" "Nag ruder? Darn urge." "Near fog of anger?" "Nose-virus souvenirs!" "O, brash abhors!" "O, sip on poison!" "O, Spiter Riposte!" "Oft lame to flame." "One snit. Tension." "One's ire? No Siree!" "Out of line, lout? Fie! No!" "Oy, curt outcry!" "Oy, rogue-nut! Your tongue!" "Oy! Nut! Rogue! Your tongue!" "Poop? OPPO!" "Profanity: any profit?" "Prurient, err, input." "Purer ears? Super rare." "Rash hoot! Too harsh!" "Rawness Answers!" "Repulsing lingers up!" "Rude or Dourer? Ordure!" "Savoring raving so?" "Say nice? Yes, I can!" "Say tuff stuff, ya!" "Scorned? Ire? Reconsider." "Seagulls['] sullages!" "A silly say-ill." "Sin-oaths astonish!" "Sink peace? Seek panic? Speak NICE!" "Slob, Rave So Verbal." "So profane, oaf-person!" "Soilure? Lousier." "Sow epic cow pies!" "Sow hard, raw-shod words? Ha." "Spicy talk? Splat. Icky." "Stay Clean! Act sanely!" "Such noise! Uh, cession!" "Swearin[']? I answer: ar, swine!" "Tangible bleating." "Tanginess-assenting?" "That noise's nastiest, ho!" "To anger! Grate on!" "To cuss cuts so!" "To hiss is tosh." "Torchier Rhetoric!" "Typing fire? Petrifying!" "Uh, screwy. Why curse?" "Unpolitic punctilio!" "Urg! Salvo so vulgar!" "Utter profane often? Rapture!" "Whoops! Po['] show!" "Worthless howls, rest!" "Wow. LORD, low word." "Yo['] wrath's trashy. Ow!" table of death messages [xxg] blurb "[d-word-u]! (You MAY Undo.)" "Aground? Arg. Undo!" "Apt nadir: a dirt nap!" "'Arh, died! / 'Ha, redid!'" [p] "Arrowed? Raw! Redo!" "Blunder, Blur, END." "Burned? O, rebound!" "Closure So Cruel! Lo, curse!" "Croaked? Ack! Redo!" "Curatins, cats! Ruin!" "D'oh! Fate of Death!" "Da Boot. Too bad." "The Dead Add Thee!" "Dear! Night! Death-ring!" "Death grip! Gah, trepid!" "Death Net at the End!" "Death! No! Ah, to end..." "Death's Hasted." "Diagnosis: sing adios!" "Die-End? Indeed!" "Diverge, Grieved!" "Done! O, End!" "Ehh, took the hook!" "Endurance's Sunderance!" "Erg! No! Goner!" "Fated One, Defeat? NO!" "Fie! I Fell! Life...LIFE!" "Game's Over? Move Sager." "Goodbye, Body, Ego!" "Health-Halt, Eh?" "Hola, Halo!" "How it Ends: Not Wished." "Hurt ... THRU!" "I redo...or DIE!" "I... Yo, Dude, You Died." "I'm down...now...dim!" "I...HALP! Phail!" "Inter, or...In Retro?" "A Jam, Guest? Just a Game." "Last breath rattles. Bah!" "Lie off of life." "LOL, went not well!" "Long Life Fill? Gone!" "A Mistake Takes Aim!" "Mm, uber-bummer!" "Obitual Bail-Out." "Offed? Deffo!" "Oh, tragedy! Gory death!" "Omigod! I Go Dim!" "One Try: All? Not Really." "One Wrong... Goner, Now!" "Palings...lapsing...gasp? Nil." "Penalty Aplenty..." "Perdition riptide! NO!" "Person dies. Depression!" "Sad Obit: O, [']Tis Bad!" "The Self: [if player is male]He's[else]She[end if] Left" "So futile. Life's out!" "Super numb...number's up!" "Terminus! Must...Rein..." "Thy Base's The Abyss!" "Time to Undo to, um, Not Die." "To flag...go flat..." "To my bane? Maybe not." "Unfortunate Run Unto Fate." "Virulent, Vile Turn!" "Watch out! ... Uh, act two?" "Went RIP. New trip?" "Your End's Round, Yes?" "Your Fate: a Fey Rout." "Your Slip: RIP. Lousy!" "Your time's out. Misery!" table of empty command rejects [xxg] blurb "'[one of]On, ho[or]Ho, on[in random order]?' Oh, no!" "'Actions? Coastin['].'" "Ah, lots o['] halts." "Nary text? A try, next." "Ah, sore? Hoarse?" "Ai, nag again?" "Asonic? I so can!" "Basically asyllabic?" "Brevity-try vibe." "A blink, balkin[']. I blank." "The brave verb-hate!" "Coy Lip Policy." "Curtness encrusts." "'Drop the derp, tho['].'" "Echoic choice." "Eh, inert in there?" "Emit grunt-muttering..." "Forth? Aw, for what?" "Great, I get air." "Habla? ...blaah." "Halting, thin lag." "Hey, no silence license, honey." "Hmm...mmh...m-hm." "A hush to hash out." "I dread a dead air." "I.e. man, I mean..." "In stone. Tension." "'Input? I punt!'" "A light lag hit?" "Lips slip?" "Me, I tout time out." "Me, I'm ... mime!" "Mimeness? [']S Immense." "'A moment to ME, man!'" "No claims. Laconism." "O, gag, agog!" "O gosh, I'd not DO things." "Ohh. Um. Ho, hum." "Oi, evac a voice." "Ooh, drat. Too hard." "Ooh, its...I...shoot." "Passing gaspins[']." "Plan? Oy, play on." "Put out output." "Re-speak, speaker!" "Redactional declaration." "Say what? Aw, hasty." "Silent ops? Pointless." "Still? Nag: STALLING!" "Sub-oral labours." "Taciturn actin['] rut." "Talk about? Balk out at..." "There's a stare, eh?" "'Uh, inept input, eh.'" "Uh, speak! Shake up!" "Uhh...huh?" "Um. Ah. A hum." "Umm...mum?" "Without a silence license? Whoa, I tut." "Yes, inert serenity." "You mouth out 'Hm.'" "You re-er." table of help companies [xxg] blurb "Acing-the-Cheating Hint Cage." "Ah, DON'T I Do a Hint." "Aleph-A Help!" "All-Hint Anthill." "Alpha-A HALP!" "Chad's Tip Dispatch." "Cheaters['] Hectares." "Clear-Cut Clue-Trac." "Cynthia's Hints Cay." "Do-Things Hint-Gods." "End-Cluing Indulgence." "Gain the Hintage!" "The Giant Get-a-Hint!" "Got Hint Tonight?" "A Help Pal, Eh?" "Help-Solve-Level Shop." "Hep Lot: eh, plot to help!" "Hint-Figs Shifting." "Hint is in This." "Hint-Loom Monolith." "Hint-Me Hitmen." "Hint-U-Co: In Touch!" "Hole? Yup. Help You." "'I Could've' Clue-Void." "I, Help-Phile!" "I-Stomp-Mo['] Tips!" "Ida's Aids." "If-Stuck ****-Its." "Kewl-Klew!" "The King Hint Keg." "Le Ship is Help!" "Let-up, ho? Hole-put? Ult-Hope Help Out!" "Lights-On Hint Logs." "Makin[']-it Gamin['] Kit." "Merciful Clue Firm!" "Mr. Yates: Ye Smart Mastery!" "My Clue Lyceum." "My Thing: Hint Gym!" "Neat-Help Elephant!" "Ole Hint Hotline." "The Pal At Help!" "Rec Info In Force!" "Right-On Hint Org." "Saner Tip Pantries." "Sol's Ripe Spoilers!" "Solution Solo Unit!" "This-Turn-Rut Hints." "Tut! Rely Utterly?" "Ugh, Tiny Hint Guy!" "Un-doltish Loud Hints." "Us-A-Cheat Chateaus." "Violet's Solve-It." "We Phone New Hope!" "Why a Rut? Way Thru!" "Ye Cuing Nice Guy!" "You Stuck? Yuck! To Us!" table of nonviolence messages [xxg] blurb "Bait! I bat a bit." "Battering? Bitter nag." "Beastly belts! Ay, be salty!" "Flay-outs? So faulty, lusty oaf." "Box? No, obnox.!" "Conk, eh? Heck no!" "Conk-fu? **** no!" "Do war? A word." "Eh, I swoop...whoopsie!" "Get mean? Neg, mate." "Gonna hit? No hating!" "Hackles? SHACKLE." "Handbags? Gnash! Bad!" [] "Harshest thrashes!" "Haste yet that-easy hate? Stay." "Hating--a thing? Nah, git." "Hit [']um? No! Mouthin[']!" "Hurty, uh, try." "'I slap' is, pal, a slip." "'I swat?' Aw, SIT." "Indulge in eluding, not dueling." "It's rot to stir..." "Lay off of flay." "Lay waste? Stale way." "Leapt into potential peltation? Lo, patient!" "Lie down idle now, wild one." "Lunge! Try urgently!" "Main goal: Go animal?" "Melee fail! I feel lame!" "No belts = noblest." "None of your items emits smite." "O, smite it some!" "Oh, turn no hurt!" "Oho, swipe? Whoopsie." "Oo, fury for you!" "Ooh, guts! So tough!" "Ooh! Fist fits! Oho!" "Physical? Achy slip." "A point to pain? A tip: NO!" "Punch-outs? Un-posh! Cut!" "Rah, enmity in my heart! Irate hymn!" "Real hit? Halt ire." "Rearing, angrier!" "Ripe-Fist Spitfire!" "Row? Dear! A re-word!" "Shift a fist? Ha." "Snuffliest fitfulness!" "Sword? Words." "Take a swing? A weak sting." "To scowl: low-cost." "To shred? D'oh! Rest!" "To spring on...sporting? No!" "Trounce? No! Truce!" [] "Um, meanest amusement." "Un-rec: to trounce." "Violence?! Love! Nice!" "Warpath? Haw, trap!" "Weakest swat. Eek!" "Whaps? Pshaw!" "You're... 'this' at hits." "Zone of zen? Oof!" table of singing rejects [xxg] blurb "Bad voice vibe, o cad." "Be tonal? Not able." "Blottier libretto." "Cacophony? No. Coy, Chap." "The chorus echos hurt!" "Eh, wail a while." "Engrossing, er, sing-song. No sniggers!" "Gonna sow a song NOW?" "Harmony, yon? HARM." "Inflate an e-flat!" "An itch: I chant!" "The music, um, itches." "No melody! My noodle!" "The notes? Not these." "The result is n.g.: no good." "Sing out in gusto!" "A sore arose! O, ears!" "Trololo? Oo, troll!" "You sang us agony. Go, un-say!" "You, sing? Oy, suing!" table of sleep rejects [xxg] blurb "[if player is male]Senor Snore[else]Senora, a snore[end if]!" "'Asleep? Please?' / 'See, pal...'" "Cop out? Up, coot!" "Eh, napping happening?" "Fond of nod off?" "Go to bed? Beg: to DO." "Let astray? Stay alert!" "Loafing? I flag? No." "Nix large relaxing." "No naps. On! Snap!" "Oh, sleep's hopeless." "Penalties at sleepin[']." "Plot needs: don't sleep." "Select nap? Can't sleep." "Some rest seems rot." "To nap: apt? No." "Yo! Want to yawn? Aw, t/y, no." "You fear a super-long gulp-snore." table of undo allows [xxg] blurb "'Action over? Revocation!'" "'Adjourn? Jar! Undo!'" "'Anyhow, it's -- this way? No.'" "'Bust. Undo?' / 'No doubts.'" "'Construe recounts.'" "'Cor! Veer! Recover!'" "'Do a run-around.'" "'Do. Certain? Redaction.'" "'Do it, man, and omit...'" "'Er, cautions. Recusation.'" "'Flounderer! Err, Undo Elf!'" "'A fresh re-fash.'" "'Go, erase so eager!'" "'Go-over groove!'" "'Greener Reneger!'" "'I create a re-cite.'" "Loth sound: 'Should not undo, sloth! Thud!' Loons." [p] "'A mess-up? Um, passe.'" "'Much done. Ouch, mend, undo-mech!'" "'No gain, Ace? Once Again!'" "'O, dire! I redo or die!'" "'O, unrest! Not sure!'" "'Oh, dear!' / 'Ah, redo!'" "'On, bud, to undo-bot!' / 'No doubt.'" "'Or the other...'" "'Ordeal reload!'" "'Play around, parlay, undo.'" "'Pout. Darn. Trap. Undo.'" "'Prevailer reprieval.'" "'Re-gluing...grueling!'" "'Redaction? I don't care.'" "'Redoin['].' / 'Ride on.'" "'Rein in, er...'" "'A retry artery.'" "'Rets-ster?!'" "'Rid new. Rewind.'" "'Roger. Reorg.'" "'Rote. Void. Do it over.'" "'So, undo. Uno, dos...'" "Terse old 'Let's redo!'" "'Undo, trow?' / 'Round two.'" "'Undoers, resound sounder!'" "'Undoin[']?' / 'I dunno.'" "'Was void! Disavow!'" "'Went awry? Aw, new try.'" "'Yo, retro, man! One more try!'" table of undo rejects [xxg] blurb "Bouts of undo: out of bounds" "Bud, yo, tiny bitty undo? Don't buy it" "Can't redo! Don't care" "Can't undo. Dunno--ACT" "Dire to redo it" "Double dip, dupe? I...bold" "If redos, so fired" "No, rude undoer" "Not again! A giant NO" "Oo, rend no re-do" "Redoing ignored" "Retracing act: erring" "Second try? Descry not" "Undoing? I'd gun on" table of wait responses [xxg] blurb "'Actin[']? I can't!'" "Ah, so: net no haste." "Stay, Mr[if player is female]s? My stars!" "Any gelid delaying: yield nag." "Apathy: phat, ya!" "Atrophy? Oh, party!" "Aw, actin['] can wait." "Aw, yer weary." "Be patient? Tip: beaten." "Bore-fest so bereft!" "Camp it? IMPACT!" "Cast acts." "'Come along? Congeal mo[']!'" "Contain no actin[']." "A dally: all day?" "Deferment fermented." "Delayings yield nags." "Dust off! DO stuff!" "'Effort? I forfeit!'" "Elapse time? Lame. I step." "Elapsing: Pleasing?" "Ennui-abled? Undeniable." "Estimable Blase Time." "Fatigue? Ague fit? Fie, a tug!" "Game rut? Um, great." "Gee, don't get done." "A glum, um, lag." "Haste? Meh! The shame!" "Haw, lie a while." "Howdy! Why do?" "Hurry on? No hurry." "I contain inaction." "I lag. Fun? Gainful?" "I stew. We sit." "'I wanna win...naa.'" "I'd lessen idleness." "'I'll best be still.'" "'I'm so not motions!'" "Idle, goof? Good life!" "Idyll so: solidly." "Idyll? Dilly, dilly." "Inertest interest, it enters." "Lassitude is saluted!" "Latence's cleanest." "Leady delay dealy..." "Me: torpor promoter." "'Momentum? Umm, not me.'" "Mope? Put up tempo! Um, to pep!" "Not pro-pronto?" "The now went, oh!" "O, bring boring!" "O, rush, hours!" "O, slog! Go slo!" "Oy, Lotza Too-Lazy." "Pacin['] beats panic, but you still feel samely and measly." "Paroles? Reposal." "Pass time? A misstep!" "Pausing gains up." "Petrous posture!" "'Please elapse,' you think, and time does." "Practise paretics?" "Reclination's nonrealistic." "Rest off efforts." "Restin['] is Sinister!" "Sit there? Stir thee!" "Slowing up? Lo, upswing!" "Sod do's." "Stasis? Assist." "A stew on? No sweat." "This wait. What is it?" "Thy large lethargy? Lag? Eh, TRY!" "To dog Godot!" "Trek slow? Let's work!" "'Tries? It's, er...I rest.'" "Uh, stir! Rush it!" "Uhh, mo['] ho-hum?" "Veg out, eh? The vogue." "'Vex me not. Next move.'" "Waste time?! Emit sweat!" "A watch? Haw, act." "Way in, I yawn." "Won't dare to wander." "Yea, told to delay." "'A yield. I delay.'" book manor table of ad slogans [random sad ads: the blare field designates what the syntax should be before] [xxm] blurb blare "[d-t] Saffo Fast Food" "[if player is male]Arie Voss[else]Eva Rossi[end if] Savories" "[if player is male]Curt Aish[else]Traci Hsu[end if] Haircuts" "[if player is male]Derek Weill[else]Elke Wilder[end if] Weed Killer" "[if player is male]Hal Moet[else]Mae Holt[end if]'s Hot Meals Most Hale" [p] "[if player is male]Ivan Coats[else]Staci Avon[end if] Vacations" "[if player is male]Leif Donat[else]Ida Felton[end if] Deflation Defoliant" "[if player is male]Marc Lee's[else]Marcela's[end if] Caramels" "[if player is male]Omar Warfel[else]Mara Fowler[end if] Formal Wear" "[if player is male]Ray Lund[else]Lady-Run[end if] Laundry" "[if player is male]Sandi Doucet's[else]Count Addie's[end if] Dance Studio" "[if player is male]Saul Fern[else]Fran Lue's[end if] Funerals" "[if player is male]Ted Reining's[else]Enid Ginter's[end if] Tenderising Ingredients" "[one of]Cool[or]Loco[in random order] Hal's Alcohols" "A-Lister Retails" "A-Maze-Ing Magazine" "Abe Bruce Barbecue" "Abelson's Bonselas" "Able Acres, a Cerebral Cereal Bar" "Abrante's Ratsbane" "Abs by Babsy" "Absurdist Drab Suits" "Accept CapTec!" true "AccuStor Curators" "Ace Finn Finance" "Ace Reed's Decrease-Care Seed" "Ace's Fine Finances" "Acne irks? Skin care!" true "Adless. Slade's is so clever" "Aethers-Heaters" "Agnello Galleon" "Agramonte Matronage" "Al Agan's Lasagna" "Al Rocco's Cool Cars" "Al Tower's Low Rates Wares Lot" "Al's Meat Tamales" "Alba's Rad Salad Bar" "Albertsen Rentables" "Alda's Salad" "Alec's Escal-Laces, which add 2 inches to your gym shoes['] vertical" "AleCo's Solace!" true "Alemoat Oatmeal" "Alemonde Lemonade" "Alex's Axles" "All-soy Alloys" "Aloisi Aiolis" "Alpert's Plaster" "Alph Pierre Peripheral Repair Help" "Alrite Retail" "Alterman Maternal" "Altidor's Dilators" "Altoids: Lots Aid Sad Toil!" true "Alvin's Anvils: We Stay Sweaty!" true "Amaro's Aromas" "Amortised Mediators" "Amos Mao's Moas" "Amy's Yams" "Angelica's Analgesic" "Angelis Leasing" "Annetta's Tannates" "Annoyed? Nay, done? Anodyne!" true "Anti-Modern Ordainment" "Antlike Katelin" "Antony's Tannoys" "Ape-Musk Makeups: Um, Speak!" "Apperson Propanes" "Aquino Quinoa" "Ardolino's Doornails" "Arista Tiaras" "Ark O['] Okra" "Arlinda's Laniards" "Armorer Marrero" "Art Cho's Hot Cars" [] "Art Reed's Serrated Treaders" "Artsy Logo Astrology" "Asherin Hernias Shearin[']" "Asich Chais" "Ask-Best Baskets" "Asphodel Deal Shop" "Astle's Tassle Slates" "Astor's Assort-Roasts" "At-Cost Cotta's" "Atari's Tiaras" "Atchinson's Stanchions" "Atchley's Slay-Tech" "Atherton's Northeast" "Attebery's Terabytes" "Atwell's Wallets" "Auberge Gebauer" "Auntie Q's Antiques" "Aviles's Valises" "AwnedCo: We Can Do a New Doc!" true "Axel's Vita-Laxatives" "B-Dry by Dr. Byrd" "Babel E-Blab: B-Able!" "Back pain? Nab a pick!" true "Bad Anna's Bandanas" "Bad Feels? Fab Dale's Leaf Beds!" true "Bagels['] Gables" "Bags by Gabby's" "Ball State Table Salt" "The Balm, Bleah (TM)" "Bang! Ira's Bargains!" true "Baquero Baroque" "Barclay's Lacy Bras" "Barkey-Kearby Bakery" "Barlow's Law Bros" "Bartolini's Librations" "Bartolo's Toolbars" "Bartolome's Motorables" "Bartolucci's Subcortical Caloric Bust" "Battershell Tetherballs" "Batterson Betatrons" "Bauder Dauber-Earbud" "Bearded Dad Beer" "Beaudry Daubery" "Beilfuss Sub-Files" "Bella's Labels" "Ben Way's News Bay" "Benton's Bonnets" "Berdahl's Halberds" "Best Bets" "Best Buy Yet: Bub's!" true "Bettina's Tabinets" "Bettinger Bettering" "Betton's Bot-Nets" "Bhandari's Hairbands" "Bhat's Baths" "Bhutto's Hot Tubs" "Biel's Libes" "Big Nat's Basting" "Big Nedd's Beddings" "Big Rana's Bargains" "Big Tank's Knit Bags" "Big Tent Betting" "Billinger Rebilling" "Bin-Grown Brown Gin" "Bleak Cat Black Tea" "Blest Belts" "Blockbuster Bulb Restock!" true "Bo Dean's: Based on No Beans an['] Bones!" true "Bo Lett's: Belts to Bottles!" true "Bo's OK Books" "Boar's Head Rehab Soda" "Boettcher's Brochettes" "Bogle's Globes" "Bojan's Banjos" "Boldest DebtSol" "Bonet's Bentos" "Boniness Benisons" "Booby-Fad Baby Food" "Boorts-Stroob Boostr-Robots" "Boost-Gang Toboggans" "Borelli's Brollies" "Bortles's Lobsters" "Boswell Bellows" "Boutilier's Boiler Suit" "Bowdoin's Wood Bins" "Bowen's OK New Books" "Boxer Yang's Oxygen Bars" "Br'er Wes Brewers" "Brad Canton Contraband" "Brainer Berrian" "Brandey's Dry Beans" "Brandi's Ribands" "Brandley's Benadryls" "Brave-Win Vain Brew" "Break down? Know Dr. [a-b]!" true "Bree Eber Beer" "Brenna's Banners" "Bri's Ribs -- and a Bob-K-Kabob, too" "Briceno's Bicornes" "Brigandi Braiding" "Brisance Carbines" "Brisbon-Robbins Ribbons" "Bristol Ribs Lot" "Bro Green's Born Serge Rosenberg." "Broch St. Borscht" "Brookdon's Doorknobs" "Brunetto's Obstruent Buttoners" "Bub Lea's Baubles" "Buckingham's Hick Guns. BAM!" true "Burchette's Trebuchets" "Burp-Ade's Super Bad!" true "Burrage Garbure" "Burritos Ur-Bistro" "Burstein Turbines" "Burt Straw Bratwurst" "Cafe Do-Shop-Cheap Foods" "Cafe Fine Caffeine" "Caggiano's Anagogics" "Cagney Agency" "Cahill's Challis" "Caisson Casinos" "Cal Berg's Crab Legs" "Cal Crown's Clown Cars" "Calamari/Clam Lair" "Caleb's Cables" "Calo-Cola: All Cocoa!" true "Calumet's Muscatel" "Camara's Mascara" "Camenish Machines"[] "Camille's Micellas" "Canker-is-a-Snicker Skin Care" "Capell's Scalpel" "Capelli's All-Spice" "Captain-A and Cap'n It Catnip" "Caravan Nav-a-Car" "Cargil Garlic" "Carin's Scarin['] Cairns" "Carlee's Cereals" "Carleen's Cleaners" "Carlo's Ol['] Cars" "Carly's Lycras" "Carolee's Escarole" "Caroline's Real Coins" "Carson Acorns" "Casoni Asonic Casino" "Cassel Scales" "Castile's Scaliest Elastics" "Castillo Ill Tacos/Cola List" "Cat's Ill? St. Lilac!" true "Catapano Caponata" "Catarino's Raincoats" "Catt Reich, Architect" "Ceci Van's Vaccines" "Celona's Seconal" "Cestaro's Coarsest Coasters" "Chandra's Handcars" "Chapin's Chips an['] Spinach" "Charest's Starches" "Charette's Catheters" "Charlie's Rich Ales"[] "Chat is at Chi's. Cash it!" true "Chen-Lu's Lunches" "Chet's Techs Chest" "Chez Una's Szechuan" "Choose ShoeCo!" true "Chopin's Phonics Shop, Inc" "Chopra's Car Shop" "Chrestman Merchants" "Cigars? No. Organics!" true "Cilla's Lilacs" "Citator Ricotta" "Citizens, Nice Zits? Zinc-Site!" true "Cittadino Dictation" "CJ's Poster Projects" "Clapper's Scrapple" "Clarkston's Corn Stalks" "Clemente's Selectmen" "Clepski Pickles" "Coatless? Lacoste's" true "Cobain's is Bacon!" true "Cobra-X's Boxcars" "Cohan's Nachos" "Coif fail official? Up, see to toupees!" true "Colgin's: CLOSING!" true "Colty's Costly Octyls" "Comic Sans Moccasins" "Consider Doc Reins!" "Consider SniderCo" "Consoled? Don Close Condoles!" true "Consume Us: MenCo!" true "Contact No-Tat-Co!" true "Cool Story Color Toys" "Cooper Rope Co" "Coppola Alco-Pop" "Coppola's Loco Apps" "Corces Soccer Co-Recs" "Cordia D'Arico Cardio" "Cordova's Vac-Doors" "Corelli's Colliers" "CoreOp RepoCo." "Coretta's Tots-Care" "Corzine's Zinc Ores" "Cosell Cellos" "Costa Tacos" "Costean Octanes" "Costumer Curt Mose" "Cosy Fork Fry Cooks" "Cotner's Cornets" "Count on NoNutCo!" true "Courington Contouring" "Couth-Hut Co" "Cowherd's Chowders" "Craig's Cigars" "Cred-Tips Predicts" "Creeps['] Crepes. Respec[']!" true "Cremins Mincers" "Crisp Alt Clip-Arts" "Cristobo Robotics" "Cropham's Camphors" "Crowe's Escrow" "Cruiser Curries" "Crusoe's Sucrose Sources" "Cuper's Spruce Up Cure" "Curatory Carry-Out" "Curt Uden's Undercuts" "Customiser Costumiers" "CuteLab's Blue Cats" "Dale's Deals" "Dalton's Sandlots" "Damage Bros. Board Games" "Dario's Radios" "Darner's Errands" "Darrel's Larders" "Darren's Errands" "Data Reps Adapters" "Dav's OK Vodkas" "Ben Moral's Lemon Bars" "Deb Hooks Book Shed" "Deb Saxon's Sandboxes" "Deb's Beds" "Debarros's Adsorbers" "Decent-Tec Den" "Decide on IndeedCo" true "Decorations['] Co-ordinates" "Def Pyre Deep-Fry" "Deforrest's Fortressed Defrosters" "DefWear: Few Dare!" true "DeGrasse Dressage" "Degreasant Tea Gardens" "Deion's is Done! So, dine!" true "Delgiorno's Gondoliers" "Della's Ladles" "Delmore's Modelers" "DeLoise's Oilseeds" "Delrossi Soldiers" "Deluca's Caudles" "Demarais Madeiras" "DeMarino Radio Men" "Demaris's Misreads" "Demersal Emeralds" "Denault's Unsalted Nuts Deal" "Dense Strainer Needs Trainers!" true "Dentinger's Tenderings" "Depend on Ned Epdon!" true "Deponte's Pentodes" "DermaDream = Rad Me!" true "Deryl can dry clean!" true "Di Best Bidets" "Di Malanta's Dalmatians" "DiCarlo's Cordials" "Diebel's Edibles" "Dig-Crafts Gift Cards" "Digestional Gelatinoids" "Diploma Mail-Pod" "Discount Conduits" "DISCOUNTER REDUCTIONS!!!!!" true "DiveNet: Evident!" true [] "Doane's Anodes" "Doc Hume's Does-Much Ouch-Meds" "Doc Tom Dot Com" "DocTime's Medics To Domestic" "Dodie's Diodes" "Dolinger-Reingold Older Gin" "Dolinger's Soldering" "Domestic Dime-Cost Doc-Items" "Don Leitner's Tenderloins" "Don't Berate the Rebate Beater!" true "Don't Miss Don Smits!" true "Done-Lame Lemonade" "Dood Luc's Cool Duds" "Door Dr. Rod Ord" "Dorado's Odd Oars" "Dori's Roids" "Doug Roush Sourdough" "Downing, Wingdon [']N Godwin" "Dr. Core's Records" "Dr. Oven Vendor" "Dr. Rose Orders Doser-R" true "Dr. Tice Credit" "Drab is Bad, Sir. Baird's Braids!" true "Drees's Seders" "Duarte's True Ads" "Duds By Buddy's" "Duerst's Trussed Dusters" "Dufner's Refunds" "Dunegan Dunnage" "Duo-Lab Lo-Baud" "Dusenbury Underbuys" "DuShane's Sunshade" "Duty Free Feed Yurt: True, Defy!" true "E-Sci-Dev Devices" "Eagle U League" "Eagleson Gasolene" "Earl Hoke's Lake Shore Kosher Ale" "Earl's Fake Leaf Rakes" "Earl's Laser" "EarnSol Loaners" "Easler Leaser Resale" "Eat Rod's Roasted!" true "Ebert's BESTER Berets" "Eckart's Rackets" "Ed Cain's Sad Nice Candies and Ices" "Ed Lieb's Edibles" "Ed Short Red Hots" "Ed Stone Denotes Needs to Set Done!" true "Ed Wye: Ye Wed, We Dye" "Ed's Twig Widgets" "Edgiest Tees. Dig!" true "Edmonds Oddsmen" "Edsall Ladles" "Edwards Wadders" "Eel-Hat, the Ale: ah, Leet!" true "Ego-Farm Fromage" "Egwin's Sewing" "Eh, Debtor-Bothered? Bet-Horde!" true "Ehinger's Greenish Sheering" "Ehler St. Shelters" "Elan-Shot Ethanols" "Eleas Easel-Lease" "Elf Wine: Feel Win, New Life!" true "Eli Ott's Toilets" "Elidia's Dailies" "Ella Cheng's Challenges" "Elrod's Solder" "Elsa's Sales" "Elva's Salve" "Em Heick Kimchee" "An Empty Payment" "Enger Green Regen, tomorrow's power source!" true "Engram's Mangers" "Enos's Senso-Noses" "Entsminger Resignment" "Erdahl's Heralds" "Eric Gant Catering" "Ericson Coiners" "Ernest Tian Entertains Tenantries" true "Ernestina Tanneries" "Err, beg Gerber/Berger Law Firm!" true "Esau Eaus" "Esberth Sherbet" "Estala's Atlases" "Estrich Richest Cithers" "Etc.-Tec" "Ettina's Tea Tins: In Taste It's Neat!" true "Ettinger's Resetting/Retesting" "Eubanks's Sunbakes" "Euro-Medal Remoulade" "Eustis Tissue" "Eutsler's Streusel" "Evangelist Elevatings" "Evanston Nav-Notes" "Evaristo's Assortive Savoriest" "Eve's Gig Veggies" "Evelina's Vaseline" "Everhart's Harvester" "Evon's Ovens" "Evrice's Ecrives Service" "Exasp-a-Spex" "Excalibur: I be a luxcar!" true "Excalubur: I be a LUX car!" true "Experiment Re-Exemptin[']" "Fab Ron's Brans of no Barfs" "Faberge's Free Bags" "Fake Rustic Fruitcakes" "Fake-Vite: Take Five!" true "False-Obit Lifeboats" "Fan Moods? Man's Food!" true "Fancy Do of Candy" "FartsCo Factors Far Cost! O, Crafts!" true "Fast Life Stiff Ale" "Fast Paced Pat's Decaf" "Fastbaker Breakfast" "Fat Frodo Afford-to-Fart Food" "Fat-O-Meal Meat Loaf" "Faunists['] Fustians" "Faustin's Fustians" "Fear Plot, Mr[fs]? Platformer[fs]!" true "Fechter's Fetchers" "Feddersen Defenders" "Feebler Elf Beer" "Feel-Good Glee Food" "Feel Wan? New Leaf!" true "Fehringer's: Refreshing!" true "Felecia's Calefies!" true "Ferrington Refronting" "Fiesta-Race Cafeterias: Easier, Fact!" true "FineOrg: No Grief!" true "Finer Cash Franchise" "Fines St. Fitness INFESTS!" true "Finewood's Food & Wines" "Finster's Snifters" "Firstwood Worst Food" "Fischler Filchers" "Fisher's is Fresh!" true "Flattering Gift Rental" "Fletson Teflons" "Flo Goede Feel-Good Glee Food" "Florencia's Falconries" "The Food of Hot Ed" "A Fool's Loofas" "Fools['] Gold Food Logos" "Footpads['] Apt Foods" "Forbis Rosbif" "Forensic Info-Recs" "Foust Tofus" "Fouts So-Tuf Tofus" "Fowler's Flowers" "Fox Lake Fake Lox" "Fran Tait's Fast-Train" "Freiling Refiling" "Fresh at Father's" "Freund's Refunds" "Friere's Ferries" "Frugal Gal Fur" "Fun Bart's Burns Fat (Barf TUNS!)" true "Fun-Fort Turnoff" "Fungal-Unflag" "Furlham Rum: HALF harmful!" true "G. Crosby Cyborgs" "G. Frei Grief-Refig" "Gaal's Galas" "Gabe Sand Bandages" "Gail Thon's Thingolas" "Gaiman's is MANGA!" true "Gamble! Be GLAM!" true "Garish Grisha Hi-Rags" "Garlic-Soil Cigarillos" "Garmenture Reargument" "Garone's Oranges" "Garoutte Tutorage" "Gasometer Megastore" "Gassert Stagers" "Gasvale Salvage: LA, Vegas" "Gatepost Pottages" "Gaubert's Guest Bar" "Gavin's Saving" "Gawjiss Jigsaws" "Gay Pools Pay Logos" "Gearhead Headgear" "Gecko Keg Co" "Gencarelli's Allergenics" "Gendreau's Dungarees" "Gennie's Engines" "A gentle, elegant, neat gel" "Gerlach's Schlager" "Germain's Smearing" "Gerri's Re-Rigs" "Gerrity's Registry" "GerryCo Grocery" "Gervais Gravies" "Gervase Greaves" "Gesualdi's Gladiuses" "Get KASS Gaskets" "Get Oscar's Escargots" "Get SAKS Gaskets!" true "Geyserite Tiger-Eyes" "Gia Vent Vintage: Get Vain!" true "Giannotti's Stationing" "Gibson Bingos" "Gijer's Rejigs" "Gil Matsko Goat's Milk" "Gingold Lodging" "Giselle Gellies" "Glamour-Goal Rum" "Glass Pen Spangles" "Gleaton's Tangelos" "Glinco's, now CLOSING!" true "Glintier Retiling" "Glum-Labs Gumballs" "Go-Sprint Sporting" "Go to Duff's: Good Stuff" "Goblin St. Biltongs" "God's-Lab Ad Blogs" "Godinho Hood Gin" "Godwin's Dowsing" "Golding's Lodgings" "Goob's BOGOs" "Goodwill's Wild Logos" "Gordon C.'s Corndogs" "Gordon Facio Organic Food" "Gorsline-Olinger's Resoling" "Gosman Mangos" "Got new? Get now!!!!" true "Goths['] Inn: [']S Nothing!" true "Gotta love to ogle a TV!" true "Gowan's No-Swag Wagons" "Grab Ian's Bargains!" true "Gracia's Agarics" "Graefe's Serfage" "Grandison Adornings" "Granier's Earrings" "Granieri's Reraising" "Grannis Snaring" "Graydon Organdy" "Greatest Rates-Get! Gee, Start!" true "GreenSci Generics" "Greenwood's newer goods" "Greg Mota's Mortgages" "Grierson Ignorers" "Grimaldo's Marigolds" "Grin-Wit Writing" "GrowTek: Get Work!" true "Gruber's Burgers" "Gruden's Rug Dens" "Guiton's Go-Units" "Gus Elem Legumes" "Gus McNiff's McGuffins" "Gyro-Orgy" "Haberland's Handlebars" "Haggins Gashing" "Halpern's Shrapnel" "Hamlyn's Hymnals" "Hansen Hennas" "Hardee's Headers" "Hardesty Hydrates!" true "Harwick's Rickshaw" "Harwood's Road Show" "Haselton Ethanols" "Hassinger Garnishes/Shearings" "Hastert Hatters" "Hastings Stashing" "Hauk's Hakus" "HeapsCo: So Cheap!" true "Hebrew Mo's Homebrews" "Hector's Torches & Troches" "Heinous Uni-Hose" "Heisler's Heirless Relishes" "Helsing's Shingles" "Hempiest Epithems" "Henry Gloop Nephrology/Phrenology" "Hep? No? PHENO-PHONE!" true "Her Best Sherbet" "Herbalist Hair-Belts" [] "Heuring's Ushering" "Hi-Copes Hospice" "Hi-Glare Hair Gel" "Higton's Thingos" "Hilgdon's: Holdings Sold Nigh!" true "Hilgert's Slighter Lighters" "Hip Cons Shop, Inc." "A hipper happier paper. Hi!" "Hiroads Hairdos" "Hislop Polish" "HIT NOW! WIN! HOT!!!" true "HoboMart (now with bathroom)" "Holgerson's Long Horses" "Holistic Chits Oil" "Hon. Skip Hopkin's Poshnik Ink Shop" "HoochCo, Ooh!" true "Hosman's Hansoms" "Hot-Presses Prostheses" "Hot? Jet in the Joint!" true "Hsiu's Sushi" "Huckstep Ketchups" "Hula-Haul" "I-Look-OK Oil" "I-Patch-It Chap Pat Chi, Hip Cat" "I Stake at Ike's!" true "I-Steal-It Sale!" true "I trust Titus R.!" true "I Use Mr. I'm Sure!" true "I'm-Mo[']-Super Emporiums" "Iannello Lanoline" "Ice-So-OK Cookies" "Icer Dome: Mediocre? Dire? Come! More Dice!" true "IdleCo's EcoLids" "If Acne in Face: ECAFIN!" true "If ALE, a life!" true "If-Stout Outfits" "Ilich's Chilis" "Imbrogno Brooming" "Inane Curs Insurance" "IndustCo Conduits" "IndustCo Discount" "Ink by Binky" "Instanter Transient Intranets" "Insured UI Nerds!" true "Intellectual Null-Ice Latte" "Inter-Local Citronella" "Intriago Rigatoni" "Irate-Face Cafeteria" "Isaac Acais" "Isenhart Hairnets" "Isenhour's Nourishes" "It's at Tait's!" "Ittner's Retints" "Ivie Garnett Integrative Vinaigrette" "Jane's Jeans" "Janey Bell's Jelly Beans" "Jay Ross Soy Jars" "JebstCo Objects" "Jen Booth: on the Job!" true "Jillie's Jellies" "Jim Gluk's Milk Jugs" "Joe Bond's Jobs DONE!" true "JoinStar Janitors" "Joshi's Shojis" "Julio's Oil-Jus" "Juniot's U-Joints" "Kagmin's Masking Makings" "Kalis Lasik" "Kate's Steak" "Katy Cash's Haystacks" "Kay Chen's Hackneys" "Keitha's Shitake" "Keniston's Inkstones" "Ketterman's Tentmakers" "Kevin's Knives" "Kick-Start Track-Kits" "KidScape is PACKED!" true "Kiesel's Selkies" "Kiko's Kiosk" "Kilbane's Sinkable Blankies" "Kim Loy's Soy Milk" "Kimura's Rumakis" "Kindfort's Soft Drink" "King Fear-Freak Gin" "Kissler's: Risk Less!" true "Kit Sews Weskits!" true "Kittner's Trinkets" "Klepac's Spackle" "Klossner Snorkels" "Koch's Shock Hocks" "KonigCo Cooking" "Korhonen's Nonkosher" "KorTech: THE ROCK!" true "Krewson Knowers" "Kubik's Bikkus" "Kumari Rumaki" "Laciest Elastic" "Lacivita's Viaticals" "Lacourse's Carousels" "Lads['] [crap-u] Placards" "Laforce's Alfresco Flares Co" "Lame Host Mae Holt's Hot Meals" "Lammert's Trammel" "Lankest Anklets" "Lannister Internals" "Larber's Barrels" "LaSalle's Sells Ale" "Lasco Colas" "Lasseigne ensilages: agileness!" true "Lassiter Realists" "Last Boy Toy Labs" "Last Cue! Cut-Sale!" true "Laurice Wolf Cauliflower" "Lauryn's Uranyls" "Lavages Salvage" "LaVonda's Load-Vans" "Le Apt Plate" "Le Cap Place" "Le Seven-Elevens" "Le Vest Svelte" "Lea's Ales Sale" "Leaphart's Asphalter" "Leaworthy Holy Water" "Legato's Gelatos" "Legba's Bagels" "Lego-Bot Bootleg" "Leibman's Bailsmen" "Leighton's Hosteling" "Leisinger Lingeries" "LeMay's Measly Yealms" "Len's Pic Pencils" "Lenin's Linens" "LensCare Cleanser" "Leo's PROVEN Provolones" "Lequire's Reliques" "Lesmeister Smelteries" "Lesniak Alkines" "Lesniak's Sealskin" "LeSport Petrols" "LetMeCo Telecom" "Letta's Latest Lattes" "Levitan's Ventails" "Levon's Novels" "Ley's Lyes" "Leyton's Soylent" "Li'l Reg's Grilles" "Li'l Stan's Installs" "Life Coach/Cliche Oaf [if player is male]Leif Chaco[else]Felica Cho[end if]" "Limbert's Timbrels" "Limbs-B-Slim" "Linares Nailers" "Lindauer's Laundries" "Lindenberg Reblending" "LinkPress Sprinkles" "Lipman's Samplin[']" "Lo-Caste Eco-Salt" "Lo, cat! AltCo!" true "Lo-Fi Foil" "Lo, Get a Gelato!" true "Loaded Odd Ale" "Loafers For Sale" "Local Bros['] Robo-Calls" "LoCastro Locators" "Lockheed's Helo-Decks" "Loco Men's Monocles" "Lodestar Leotards" "Lombardi's Drab Limos" "Long Street Lorgnettes" "Longfoot's Font Logos" "Lonny's Nylons" "Loose Oleos" "Lost? Rely: Ye Trolls['] Trolleys" "Lotspeich Chipotles" "Lottie's Toilets" "Louetta's Toluates" "Low-Slip Pillows" "Lowbrow Bowl Row" "Lu Regan's Lean Rugs" "Luanna's Annuals" "Lubeck's Buckles" "Luca Omega Guacamole" "Lunchtimes Munch Islet" "Lyla Phipps Happy Pills" "Lyman H.'s Hymnals" "Ma Blink's Lambskin" "Ma Lucci's Accu-Slim" "Mac Bly's Cymbals" "Mac's Scam-Cams" "Macrae's Cameras" "Maddie's Diadems" "Malia's Salami" "Malisa's Salamis" "Malvina's Mail Vans" "MAN SPOT Tampons" "Mangino's Masoning" "Manliest Ailments? Salt-Mine Meal-Tins!" true "Margie's Imagers" "Margolis Milagros" "Marla's Alarms" "Marsicano Macaronis" "Mart Law's Raw Malts" "Masoner Ransome" "Massimo Mimosas" "Massingale Magnesials" "Mastroianni Marinations" "Match-Up Chum Pat" "Mathiesen Hematines" "Matt's Jar Jam Tarts" "Mattoon's Ottomans" "Maurer's Armures" "Max Eick Cake Mix" "McAlister Cartelism" "McCauli Calcium" "McDaniel's Medcinals" "McHeinus Nice Mush Munchies" "Mclean's Encalms!" true "Me-Bod: Be Mod, Bed Mo[']!" "Meatiest Teatimes" "Medeiros Remedios" "Meg Graf's Egg Farms" "Meg's Gems" "Mel, Cal McLeal: Call [']Em!" true "Mel's Duo-Model-Us Modules" "Mel's Faint Filaments" "Melius Muesli" "Meloni Moline Lo Mein" "Melting Mint Gel" "Mentioner's Minsetrone" "Mesko's Smokes" "Messiah Mashies" "Meyerson Moneyers" "Millage's Legalism" "Milliken's Lime Kilns" "Mine Camp Pemmican" "Ming Acuff's Macguffins" "MiscCo Cosmic Comics" "Mister C Metrics" "Mitchell's Tech Mills" "MixCo Comix" "Mo-Soft-Co Comforts" "Modglin Molding" "Moebius BioMuse" "Moilanen's Minneolas" "Mom Roush's Mushrooms" "Mom's MMOs" "Monstrous Sun Motors" [p] "Moody's: Be Somebody!" true "More-Gut Gourmet" "Moreira's Armoires" "Morissette Meteorists" "Morse's Smores" "Moser Bros.['] Sombreros" "Mount St. Muttons" "Mr. Cot-of-Comfort" "Mr. Cub's Crumbs" "Mr. Fatso's Fast Roms" "Mr. Hume's Hummers" "Mr. Pave-Revamp" "Mr. Up-Fee Perfume" "Mr. Vose, Ms. Rove, Movers" "Mrs. Elli, Mr. Lisle: Millers" "Ms. Peal's Samples" "Muir Poem Emporium" "Mum's Gear Rummages" "MunchLate Lunchmeat" "Munster's Sternums" "Murton's Nostrum" "MushCo: So Much!" true "Mushrooms So Sour, Hmm" "Musil's Simuls" "Muston Mounts" "Mute Al's Amulets" "My Car: Camry!" true "My Gift: Fit-Gym!" true "Mysterious Emory Suits" "Naggies Signage" "Nakata's Katanas" "Nashtier Hairnets" "Nat's Limp Implants" "Natale's Sealant" "Near-Miss Seminars" "NeatCo: Octane at Once!" true "Neil's Liens" "Neurogenic Encoignure" "New Age Awe-Gen" "New-Eyes Sweeney" "Ngoma's Mangos" "Niagra's Sangria" "Nic Cave's Vaccines" "Nic Fay's is Fancy!" true "Nicastro's Croissant" "Nice Zits, Citizens? Zinc-Ites!" true "Niceham's Machines"[] "Nichelle's Chenilles" "Nicola's Oilcans" "Nik, Wes: We Sink Skewin[']" "Nik's Skin Inks" "Nilsen-Enslin Linens" "Nip's Spin & Snip" "Nitschke Kitchens" "Nitzsche Chintzes" "No date? Note ad! Do neat! Donate to Dean!" true "Sal Grey Argyles" "Mr. US Rums" "SlopArt Plastro-Portals" "Lapser Pearls" "Break-Sweat-Wear Basket" "Ted Blan Belt and Dent Lab" "Pappy's Spy App" "Sin-Bred Binders" "Barros Arbors" "McNealy Clay Men" "No-Daze Ad Zone" "No-Logic Cool Gin" "No-Sight Hosting" "No Thaws? Hawton's Snow Hat!" true "No-Toil Lootin['] Lotion" "No-Wit Towin['] WON IT!" true "No zip? PONZI!!!" true "Noguchi's Hocusing" "Nokes Kenos" "Nola's Salon"[] "The Nook Hot Keno" "Nu-Place CleanUp" "Nuisancer Insurance" "O'Cain's Casino" "O'Leary's Real Soy" "O'Riley Oilery" "Odd-Goof Dog Food" "Ogden's Sod-Gen" "Oh, stop to shop!" true "Ohh, Pets: the Shop" "Ol['] Bo's Slob-O Bolos" "Ol['] Chet's Clothes" "Ol['] Ethan's Ethanols" "Ol['] Ian: a Lion, I Loan!" true "Ol['] Ruf's Flours" "Old Fool's LOL Foods" "Oldmere's Remodels" "Ole Gina's Gasoline" "Oleg's LEGOs" "Olga Hu's Goulash" "Olga Mohr's Holograms" "Olympus Slop, Yum: Plum, Soy!" true "One-Swap Weapons"[] "Oompah's Shampoo" "Ooz-Rich Chrozo" "Opal-Jane's Jalapenos" "Ophi's: I Shop So Hip!" true "Optimum opium (TM)" "Opus Up-So Soup" "Or Need Redone? Don Ree." true "Organic Grain Co" "Orleans-Salerno Loaners" "Orrienti's Interiors" "Ortega's Storage" "Osaki is A-OK!" true "Oscoli Silo Co is Cool!" "Osseter Stereos" "Osterkamp Top Makers" "Osterman-Sarmento MAN STORE" "Ostermann-Martenson Ornaments" "Ostermeier Eriometers" "Ostertag Garottes" "Ouida Audio" "Ouida's Audios" "Our Cute Cut-Euro Couture" "Our Lad's Dour Sal!" true "Overneater Renovator" "Ovide's Videos" "P Sawyer: We Spray/Swap yer Spyware!" true "Pa Krum's Markups" "Pa Otto's Potatoes--you guess what Ma Otto sells, too" "Pa Phelps Help Apps" "Pa Reed's Parades" "Pa Reg's Grapes" "Pa's Spa" "PackBus Backups" "Painter's Pantries" "Palmerton Patrolmen" "Pam Tell's Pet Malls" "Pamila's Impalas" "Paniccia's Capsaicin" "Parrent's Partners" "Parriott's Portraits" "Parson Rapson Aprons" "PartyCo's Crap Toys" "Passero Soapers" "Pasternak Partakens" "Pat Fair's Parfaits" "Pat Kelp's Pep Talks" "Pat's Hot Top Hats" "Pati's Pitas" "Patterson Patentors" "Pecina's Inscape" "Pedlar Lepard" "Peete's Tepees" "Peg Hiatt's Past-Eight Spaghetti" "Pegleg's Pep Gels" "Peltzer's Pretzels" "Peon Tim's Nepotism Pimentos" "Pepi's Pipes" "Perdue Pureed" "Perkins Skin-Resp" "Perlin's Pilsner" "Perreira's Repairers" "Perretta's Pre-Treats" "Persico Copiers" "Persing Pingers" "PertDais: Spread it Rapidest!" true "Pescador's Scorepads" "Peshram Hampers" "Petrisa's Raspiest Pastries" "Pettey's Typeset" "Pettinger's Pre-Testing" "Pfister's Pre-Sifts" "Phat Rey P. Thayer Therapy" "Phil Cote Chipotle" "Photos: Oh, Stop to Shop!" true "Pia's IPAs: A Sip?" true "Picard's Rad Pics" "A Pickled DeliPack @ KidPlace!" "Piersol's Spoilers" "Pig-Heart Graphite" "Pinegar Reaping" "Pining Pig Inn" "Pinot's: Stop in to Spin!" true "Pip Hong's Shopping" "Pip Wang's Swapping" "Pirani's Aspirin" "Pisces Spices" "Pithel's: it Helps the Lips!" true "Pitman's Stampin[']" "A Pizza Piazza: no stopping on toppings!" true "Plato's Postal" "Playsome Maypoles" "A Plebe Cot: Place to Be!" true "Pluck-O Lockup" "Po['] Caleb's Placebos" "Po['] Will's Pillows" "Poe's Def Feed-Ops of Speed" "Polaris RailOps" "Polite Ole Pit Pie Lot" "Pollinger Repolling" "Poop-o-Pop Cola is Social!" true "Pop Hull's Push Polls" "Pop's Alt Laptops" "Pop's Opps" "Pop's Rave-Approves" "Pops Hull's Push Polls" "Portia's Air Stop" "Posies I S'Pose" "Posture-Up Store" "PR Pa Rapp" "Pram-Loft Platform" "Pricy Goth Copyright" "Priestley's Peristyles" "Prig Fanny's Frying Pans" "Prim Sot Imports Is Top, Mr.!" true "Proust's Sprouts" "PSI ISP" "Ptacek's Packets" "Pulliam's Palliums" "Pup-Ick Pick-Up" "PureFem Perfume"[] "Pursell Pullers" "Quentin's Quinnets" "Quero's Roques" "Quito's Quoits" "RaceSoft's Forecasts" "Rackham's Chakrams" "Racquel's Lacquers" "RaderCo: Record a Rare Doc!" true "Raimondo's Main Doors" "Rain-Mist Martinis" "Rainwater's Warranties" "Rally-Rite Rarely-Lit Artillery" "Ramaker's Earmarks" "Rambini's Minibars" "Rampley's Lampreys Samplery" "Rare-Lit Trailer" "Rare-Rib Barrier" "Raschke Hackers" "Rasnic Cairns" "Rattiness, Tartiness" "Ratto's Tats or Tarots" "Raw-Spite Wiretaps" [**promote to regular idea?] "Rawlings's Wrassling" "Ray Blend Benadryl" "Ray Lew, Lawyer" "Ray Pew's Spyware" "RealTec's Clearest Treacles" "Reb Heet, the Beer: Be There!" true "Rebuildy Bud Riley" "Recursed Reducers" "Red Inn Dinner Rendin[']" "Redleaf Federal" "Reebok OK Beer" "Reeknose Kerosene" "Reiber's Berries" "Reid's Rides" "Reingold's Soldering" "Reisz's Sizers" "Reitman's Raiments" "Reliable Lee Blair" "Remington Mentoring" "Renetta's Entreats" "Rep. Gross: PROGRESS!" "Resiny Sin-Rye" "Resmoothed Hodometers" "ReSnubCo Bouncers" "Retta's Taters" "Rev. Erv" "Rex's RXes" "Rhett Inge Tightener Tethering" "Rhodus's Shrouds" "Rhoney's Noshery" "Richeson Chorines" "Rierson Ironers" "Rifkin's Firkins" "Ringstad Tradings" "Rioch's So-Rich Choirs" "Rob Lew's Bowlers" "Robotham's Bathrooms" "Robur's Burros" "Roden's Drones" "Roger's Reorgs" "Rolling-On Grill" "Rome Clan Corn Meal" "Ron Copp Popcorn Op-N-Proc" "Roper St. Porters" "Rote Fun Fortune" "Roussette's Tutoresses" "Rousting Tourings" "Rullo/Ruoff Flour" "Rummager Margerum" "Rumstad Mustard" "Russ Fulop Surplus of Plus Fours" "Russet's Trusses" "Rust-o-Roust Tours" "Ruthie's New Wiener Huts" "Rutner's Returns" "Sabic's Basics" "Sabino Bonsai" "Saeger's Greases" "Safe-Cut Faucets" "Sager Gears" "Saggare Garages" "Sal Hess Has Less Hassles!" true "Sal Inge Gasline Sealing" "Salveig Glaives" "Sam Funke Makes Fun Fake Nums!" true "Samaroo's Amorosas" "Samson Masons" "Sandoval Vanloads O'Vandals" "Sandy, Sy and Andy's" "Santa Fe Fan Eats" "Santillo Stallion Allotins" "Santillo's Stallions" "Saputo's: Pass OUT!" true "Saracino Ocarinas" "Sato Oats" "Saunders Danseurs" "Savile's Valises" "Say, Bud, Sad? BUY!" true "Scag Peak Packages" "Scalisi Silicas" "Scanter Nectars" "Scarantino Carnations" "Scaturro Curators" "Scavenger Reg Vance's" "Scavenger Van Creeg's" "Scheirer-Riechers Cherries" "Schiavone Anchovies" "Schubert Butchers" "Sci-Vault Victuals" "Scorpion PrisonCo" "Screen-Free References" "Sea-Bulb Baubles" "Seabird Darbies" "Seattle Lattees: Le taste!" true "Seaward Adwares" "Sedgwick Wigs Deck" "See Al Lease!" true "Seed-Mart Red Meats" "Seedmen Demesne" "Seegerd Degrees" "Seifried's Firesides" "Seitz: It's E-Z!" true "Seligman Mealings" "Selkind Kindles" "Seneca's Seances" "The Senor Seth Reno: There's No Honester!" true "Serif Fries" "Serpentries Enterprises" "Serpico Copiers" "Sewer Br. Brewers"[] "Seymour Mousery" "Shagband Handbags" "Shamon's Hansoms" "Shapiro Airshop" "Sharee's Hearses" "Sharpest Hat Press" "Shawnda's Handsaws" "Shay's Art Ashtrays" "Shem Kalski Milkshakes" "Shenita's Anthesis Shanties" "Sheridan Ad Shrine: Yer Ad Ready!" "Sherman Dice Merchandise" "Shilling Hill Guns" "Shoes So She" "Shop at Potash: Ah, Tops! So Phat!" true "Shoreman Menorahs" "ShortCo Cohorts" "Show-M-Beer Homebrews" "Shui's Sushi" "Sick Goon Cookings" "Sign Up! Ed's Dispunges Pudginess!" true "Signature Great Unis" "Signeur Guerin's Reusing" "Silbernagel Relabelings" "Simcox's Comix" "Siminski Miniskis" "Simona Amnios" "Sin-Cut Tunics" "Sincere Seer, Inc" "Sinegal's Gainless Leasings" "Singler's Ringless Slingers" "Sir Hawk's Rikshaws" "Sir Ian's Raisins" "Sir Manic Mini-Cars" "Sir Thunder's Undershirts" "Sistare's Assister" "Sitek Tikes['] Kites" "Sivertsen: Nerviest? Reinvest!" true "Six-Lire Elixirs" "Skeeter's Keesters" "Skeptics pick TESS!" true "Skin Doc Dickson" "Skipper Kippers" "Skit Kits" "Slates's Tassels" "Slaymaker Malarkeys" "Sleeman Enamels" "Slerpin['] Pilsner" "Slick Thom, Locksmith" "Slick-Tips Lipsticks" "Sloan Loans Salon" "Sly Pup Pulpy's Supply" "Smart Marts" "Smedley Medleys" "Smolenski Moleskins" "Smoothback Matchbooks" "SniffCo Coffins" "Snowpea Weapons" "So Unfed? No-Feuds Fondues!" true "So-Urgent Gun Store" "Soapy Spa, Yo--So Pay!" "SoCal Colas" "Socko Cooks" "Socrates Coasters" "Softo Fotos" "Solis Silos" "Some-Pains Noise Amps" "Somers-Morse's S'Mores" [p] "Sontag Tangos" "Sorghum-Gro Mush" "Sot Herb Borseth BOTHERS!" true "SotCo Scoot-O-Cots" "Sourvine's Souvenirs" "The Space: Cheapest Tech Apse" "SpamCo: So Camp!" true "Spangler Grapnels" "Spas O['] Soaps" "Spazzi Pizzas" "Speiser's Pressies" "Spetzler Pretzels" "Spice-Tides Pesticides/Septicides" "Spite St. Pie" "Spitzer's Spritzes" "Sportman Portman's" "Sprier Priers" "Springsteen Presentings" "Sprint-Prints" "Spruce-It Pictures" "Ssh-Ware Washers" "St. Egan Agents" "St. James Jetsams" "St. Nico Not-Sci Scinto-Tonics" "St. Pam's Stamps" "St. Roj or J.T.'s Jorts" "Staap Tapas/Pasta" "Stanfield Inflateds" "Stanhope Phaetons" "Stapleton Talent Ops" "StarrCo Carrots" "Steadham's Mastheads" "Stedwig Widgets" "Steeley Eyelets" "Stef Hamer Fresh Meat" "Stef's Fests" "Stefan's Fastens Fatness" "Steinert's Insetters" "Stella's Sallets" "Stelter's Trestles" "Stelzer-Setzler Seltzer" "Stelzer's Seltzers" "Stenger Regents" "Stepter's Pretests" "Stevo's Stoves" "Stewed Tweeds" "Stillinger Trellising" "Stillwagon Tallowings" "Stiverson Investors" "Sto['] G Gots Togs!" true "Stockinger Rocketings" "Stohler's Hostlers" "Stony Cedar/Nerdy Coast Candy Store" "Storable Bloaters" "Stoudemire Udometries" "Strachan's Trash Cans" "Streed's Desert" "Streperous Superstore" "Stressed? Desserts!" "Striating Attirings" "Sturgeon Rust-Gone" "Su-prise! Priuses is super!" "Su's Prep-Suppers" "Suarez Azures" "Sue and Duane's Sundae" "Sue Profitt Top Fustier Petit Fours" "Sulaiman Aluminas" "Sum-Lab Albums" "Sumlin's Muslins" "Sun Co-Op Coupons" "SunPro Prunos" "Super Big Grub/Pies" "Super-Chow: Such Power!" true "Super-E Purees: Peruse!" true "Super-Vid Drive-Ups" "Superstar User Parts" "Supplies Pile-Ups" "SureCity Security"[] "Surf Furs" "Surname Manures" "Susana Saunas" "Suze Chan/U. Sanchez Szechuan" "Svet's Vests" "Swensen Newness" "Swenson: NOWNESS!" true "Swine Sinew Wines" "Swoboda's Basswood" "Syed Edy's Dyes" "Tabitha's Habitats" "Tacos Inn: Contains No Actins!" true "Talley's LA Style" "Tanaka's Katanas" "Tapani's Pinatas" "TarverCo Cover Art" "Tastier Artiste Attires--with the iratest person you've seen in an ad" "Tat by Byatt" "Tats by Batty's" "Tawnier Tinware" "TaxesCo: So Exact!" true "Tayler-Artley Realty" "Tea Park: Partake!" true "Tea Scribe Beatrice's" "Tea's Up in Petunia's!" "Tech-Sol Clothes: No-Glitch Clothing!" "Ted's Gag Gadgets" "TeensyNet: Yes!" true "Telma's Metals" "Temporal Metal Pro [if player is male]Tom Pearl[else]Pam Toler[end if]" "TendsUmCo Documents" "Tenisha's Shanties" "Teschner Trenches" "Tesla's Steals" "Tessman Stamens" "ThemesCo: Some Tech to Scheme" "Thielbar's Herbalist" "ThingCo's Hint Cogs" "Thirsty? Try this!" true "Thoop's: Oh, Stop to Shop!" true "Tiger-Man's Mean Grits" "Tingly's Styling" "TiredCo's Cot Rides" "Titfer Fitter" "To Fix it: FOX!" true "To Score: Cooter's StoreCo!" true "Tobie's So-Be-It Boites" "Tofu's so TUF!" true "ToilCo: Loci to Cool It!" true "Tom Lee's Omelets." "Tom's Gag Maggots" "Tomkin's OK mints" "Tonita's Station" "Too Happy Pay Photo" "Tootles's Toolsets" "Top-Cert-Protect" "Top-Loan Platoon" "Top opt: Pop Ott!" true "Top Secure Pet Source" "TopNet: Potent!" "Tops Car Parts Co" "Torre Retro" "Torres's Resorts" "Tortorelli's Rototillers" "Tot-Gro Grotto" "Totem Inn Ointment" "Trades at Red's" "TransCo Cartons" "Traverse-Averters" "Treater Retreat" "Treatin['] Nattier" "TreeGen's Greenest!" true "Trey's Tyres" "Tricia's Iatrics" "Trig's Grits/Grist" "TriMax MixArt Matrix" "Trish's Shirts" "A Trite Attire: I Treat!" true "Tropic Trip Co" "TroveCo: To Cover or Covet!" true "TruBet Butter" "TrueCo: Rec Out Our Tec to Cure!" true "TrueCom's: More Cuts, Customer!!!" true "TruGo Grout" "Trupiano's Rainspout" [] "Trupiano's Supinator" "Trust-O Tutors" "Try Rif's Stir-Fry!" true "Tsao/Sato Oats" "Tuckahoe's Tack House" "Tucker Tek-Cru" "Twin Peaks Weak Pints" "Ty Tao's: O, Tasty to Stay!" "Ty's Good Dog Toys" "Typographic Pictography" "U-Go-Try Yogurt. Or is it U-Got-Yr Yogurt? You hope it's not grouty." "U. Sanchez Szechuan" "Uber-Small Umbrellas" "Uby's: Busy Buys BY US!!!!" "Ug's Rad Guards" "UltCo = CLOUT!" "UltCorps Plus ROTC Sculptor" "Ultimate Multi-Tea" "Un-Brite Tribune" "Un-Deffest? Need STUFF!" true "Un-thin Nuthin[']? No-Lard Roland Ladron Edits Diets. Obesity bites, yo!" true "UnitCo: I Count!" true "Upcast Pa Cust Catsup" "Upcaste Teacups" "Upsner Prunes" "Urpy's Syrup" "Us-Angry Ray Guns" "Us, Preach? Purchase Reach-Ups!" true "Us-Turbo TourBus" "Use Gin, Genius!" true "UsMenCo: CONSUME!" true "Utech's Chutes" "Vasser Savers" "Very Idle Delivery" "Vesta's Staves" "Vibrant Vit-Bran" "Victoria TriviaCo" "Vidmaster Trev Midas" "Villacorta's Vacillators" "Vin Mani's Minivans" "VineGen Nine-Veg Evening!" true "Vito's Tivos" "Voeller's Oversell" "Vogel's Gloves" "Voorhees's Overshoes" "Vote Art to Avert!" true "Vote For Rev Foot!" true "Vote Sol to Solve!" true "Vy's Sure Surveys" "Wal-Mart Raw Malt" "Wallaby Ballway" "Walsh's Shawls" "Warm-Voices Microwaves" "Warnecke Neckwear" "Way-Wiser Wireways" "We trust Stu Wert!" true "Wechsler Welchers" "Weigand Windage" "Weninger Renewing" "Wesserman Menswears" "Westering's Tree Swings" "What's-On-Now Hats" "Wignall Walling" "Winberg Brewing" "Winnings in Gwinn's." "Wm. Flair Law Firm" "Wogan's Wagons" "Wollam's Mallows" "Wolters Trowels" "Wong's Gowns" "Wood Farm's Warm Foods" "Woodfort's Worst Food" "Woodland's Downloads" "Wormscribe Microbrews" "Worst Gin: It's WRONG!" true "Wreathing Nightwear" "Wronski Workins[']" "X. Brasco Boxcars" "Yaeko's Kayoes" "Yahnke's Hankeys" "Yarwood's Doorways" "Yawpers['] Spyware" "Ye Fast Safety" "Ye Rustic Security" "Yeats Yeast" "Yenter's Styrene" "Yeo's Gum: Some Guy Goes Yum!" true "Yesterday's Dessert: Yay!" "Yo['] Ma's Mayos" "Yong Gyno" "Yost Toys" "Yr. Avg Gravy" "Yucatan Cay Tuna" "Yukster Turkeys" "Zanghi Hazing" table of bad rappers [xxm] blurb "Autotuned Tout Duane" "Beatboxin['] Benito Bax" "Big-Chains Inga Bisch" "Big-Nuts Stu Bing" "Bongo-B-Goon" "Brilliant Illin['] Bart" "Busta Staub" "Calm MC Al" "Chilla Cahill" "Chiller Li'l Cher" "Chillun['] Nic Hull" "Clans So No-Class" "Club Ripe Republic" "Cold Loc'd Clod Doc L" "Comped Dope MC" "Cra-Z-Czar Zac R" "Def Dry Freddy" "Dogs So G'd" "Dr. Yo It's So Dirty" "drug enthusiasts EPMH" [p] "Dub's Buds" "Dukes of KO Feuds" "Finally-Fly Lani" "Flashy Fly Ash" "Frankly Fly Rank" "Freakin['] Frankie" "Gangster G-Strange" "Gankee Keegan" "Gigolo Li'l Ogg" "Grinder Derrin G" "Grounded Drug-O Ned" "Gyrant Gantry" "Hard Bub Hubbard" "I-Roll-[']Em Morelli" "Ill Goth Gil Holt" "Ill One Lionel" "Ill Swami Williams" "Illest Li'l Set" "In-Camp MC Pain" "In-Crowd-Down Ric" "Jennski Jenkins" "The Kid Keith D" "Killa Kalil" "Killing Li'l King" "L. A. Al" "L-Dog Gold" "Le Doc Dolce" "Loud Ludo" "M-Watt Matt W" "Mac the Hate MC" "Macking King Cam" "Macking Nag Mick" [] "Manic MC Ian" "MC Alex Exclam" "MC Push-Chumps" "MC Su Scum" "Molten Montel" "More-Ill Lorimer" "Mosh Man Hammons" "Ms. Play-My-Pals Sly Pam" "New G Gwen" "Nik 'Ego' Koenig" "No Cute Tune Co" "No-Flaws [if player is male]Alf Snow[else]Flo Swan[end if]" "No-Rhyme Mo Henry" "No-Rhymes Shon Emry" "Noble L-Bone" "Nuclear Cur Neal" "On-Beats Bastone" "Our Rap Uproar" "Pepe's Peeps" "Playa Al Yap" "Playful Fly Paul" "Pop Lee's Peoples" "Pope O['] Pep" "Poses Posse" "Posing Gipson" "Postered Dopester Poser Ted" "Prim Past Art Pimps" "Rad Les Sadler" "Raggae Garage (their grammar's hopeless, too)" "Raw Ern Warren" "Raw Tech Hat Crew" "Real Butch Culbreath-Buchalter" "Real Earl Lear" "Real MC Marcel McLear" "Red Hot Ed Hort" "Reggae Tart Greta Gater" "Rockin[']-on Rick" "Rollin['] Ill Ron" "Schooling Lois Chong" "Scummier Crummies" "Sellout Lout Les" "Sly Bebe Beesly" "Smooth Host Mo" "Sound Man Amundson" "Stinkin['] Kittins" "Street Mix Extremist Mister Tex" "Streetwise [if player is male]Stew Steier[else]Tessie Wert[end if]" "Thrill-Ed The Ill Dr" "Tim Hepp the Pimp" "Tin-Ear Renita" "Tone-Deaf [if player is male]Nat DeFoe[else]Dee Afton[end if]" "Too-Def Ted Foo" "Too-Swell [if player is male]Sol Towle[else]Lolo West[end if]" "Top Wack Two-Pack" "Ult-O-Lout" "Un-Lame Manuel" "Vice Lord [if player is male]Cid Lover[else]Di Colver[end if]" "Wack Flop Wolfpack" "Wack Mo Womack" "Way Chill Willy Cha" "Wild Free Life Drew" "Wino Dog Goodwin" "Yo['] Bust Boy Stu" table of biopics [xxm] blurb fave "[if player is female]One Man, No Name[else]I, Hereon, Heroine[end if][r], by [if player is male]Ann Moe[else]Irene Ho[end if][an-other]" true "All Those Words: Shallow Doters, Worthless Load[r], by Stowell Rhoads" false "Da Lingo Be No Big Deal[r], by Deb Alongi" false "Dim-Worths Wordsmith[r], by Dr. Tim Show & Dr. Tom Wish" false "A Genius in Usage[r], by Gina-Sue Seguain" true "Go, O. G., Go[r], by Og G. Goo" true "Good [if player is male]M[else]Wom[end if]an? Mad Goon[r], by [if player is male]Dan[else]Wonda[end if] Moog" false "Here Trots the Sorter[r], by Ester Hort" true "Home Again: Oh, I Manage[r], by [if player is male]Noah Megia[else]Naomi Hage[end if]" true "Notoriety to Inert, Yo[r], by [if player is male]Otto Eryin[else]Tori Toney[end if]" false "Older and wiser, I Learned Words[r], by Delores Darwin" true "Permutations? Imposter, a Nut[r], by [if player is male]Tatum Pierson[else]Maurine Potts[end if]" false "Permuting, Urgent Imp[r], by Meg Turpin" false "Rogue at our gate: Outrage[r], by U. Ortega" false "Sainted? Stained instead[r], by Sid Etna" false "St. Be-Best[r], by Bess Bett" true "There Rots the Sorter[r], by Ros Threet" false "Titan's Taints[r], by Si Tant" false "Upstream Into Permutations Use: Important[r], by [if player is male]Rupe Mattison[else]Simona Pruett[end if]" true "Whoa, Heart, What a Hero[r], by Tarah Howe" true table of comedians [xxm] blurb "Absurdist Trudi Bass" "Acerbic Ric Cabe" "Adrenalin-Riled Erlinda Ladnier-Ireland" "Adult Kid Ida Kludt" "Alf of Offal" "Alive Elvia Leiva" "Amuser Mauser" "Amuser Semrau" "Amusing Smug Ian" "Anarchic Cara Chin" "Aper Earp" "Appalling Al Appling" "At-Pranks Nat Parks" "Atypical Pati Lacy" "Bad Word Bawd Rod" "Baiter I.E. Brat Artie B" "Bawdier [if player is male]Brad Wei[else]Ewa Bird[end if]" "Bellicose Ilse Coble" "Berater Bret Rea" "Best-Ever Reb Steve" [] "Big-LOLs Glib Sol" "Big-Time Gibe Tim" "Blotto Bo Lott" "Blowhard Brad Wohl" "Bonkers Berkson" "Boob Bobo" "Bro Nic Corbin" "Brony Byron" "Cardy Darcy Crady" "Careless Crass Lee" "Cartoonish [if player is male]Otis Achorn[else]Staci Honor[end if]" "Caustic Cat Susi" "Chet Karn the Crank" "Cockamamie [if player is male]Kam Macioce[else]Emiko McCaa[end if]" "Comical Mac Olic" "Compelling Peon McGill" "Contrary Corny Art" [] "Cornball Cal Blorn" "Cornier Corrine" "Cranky KC Ryan" "Cutesy Su Tyce" "Cynic Niccy" "Daemonic Moni Cade" "Demagogue Doug Magee" "Devolvin['] Viv Eldon" "Dirtiest Trite Sid" "Disparager [if player is male]Edgar[else]Gerda[end if] Paris" "Disparager [if player is male]Reid Gaspar[else]Geri Prasad[end if]" [] "Diss Man Dan Sims" "Disturbing Birgit Sund" "Doodler [if player is male]Rod Dole[else]Loo Redd[end if]" "Driest Sir Ted" "Drippy Dry Pip" "Drolest Oldster Lost Red" "Droller Dorrell" "Drunkest Ken Durst" "Duffer Fred Fu" "Dung-y Gundy" "The Famous [if player is male]Mose Hauft[else]Sue Fathom[end if]" "Fresh Boy Hy Forbes" "Fresh Girl Shirl Ferg" "Fun Red Dufner-Freund" "Galling Gil Lang" "Godwin-y Gwydion" "Grounded Nerd Doug" "Ham Ron 'No Harm' Harmon-Mahorn" [p] "Hardly-Dry Hal" "Hi-Lafs Al Fish" "Hi-Snark Krishna Rashkin-Harkins" "Huck Taft" "Hysterical [if player is male]Rich Staley[else]Alyce Hirst[end if]" "Ill Joky Killjoy Jilly Ko" "Imitator Mariotti" "Immature Tim Mauer" "Immoral Omar Lim" "Impish Hip Sim" "Inebriated [if player is male]Deren Taibi[else]Nia Deibert[end if]" "Inexcusable Alexis Bunce" "Infamous Musin['] Oaf Mia Fuson" "Insane Sienna" "Insolent Lon Stein" "Insult Lustin['] Stu Lin" "Insulter Ernst Liu" "Irate Artie" "Jasper Japers" "Jaunty Nut Jay" "Javier Jarvie, a Jiver" "Jester JT Rees" "Joking King OJ" "Juvenile Vile June" "Kitschier Shtickier [if player is male]Seth Irick[else]Cris Keith[end if]" "Kitschy Shticky Ty Hicks" "La Corny Carolyn" "Larky Karly-Karyl" "Laughy Guy Hal" "Launch-a-Lunch [if player is male]Al Chun[else]Lu Chan[end if]" "Lawly Wally" "Lew Notch the Clown" "Limner Merlin" "LMFAO-Mo['] Alf" "Lo-Key Yokel Kooky Lyele" "Logician Icon Gail" "LOLster Stoller" "Low-Gibe Bigelow" "Lulsy Sully" "Lush Co-Slouch Sol Chu" "Madcap Cad Pam" "Majestic-TIC James" "Manly Lyman Lynam" "The Max Ham Tex" "Melange-Glee Man Lem Egan" "Mire Emir Meri Reim" "Miscreant Marc Stein" "Mo['] Ribald Lombardi" "More-Acid Mordecai" "Mr. Acid-Mad Ric" "Mr. It's-OK-To-Smirk Tom Risk" "Natural-Rant Ula" "Neat Guy Yue Gant" "No-Clue Luc Eno" "No-Corn Connor" "No-Duh Hound Duhon" "No-Limits [if player is male]Tim Oslin[else]Lis Minto[end if]" "No-Taste Sean Ott" "Normal Guy Yul Morgan" "Nostalgia Analogist Stagliano" "Not-Deep Peon Ted" "Not-Lame Al Moten" "Not-Lame Tom Lane" "Noticer Ron Tice" "Nut Ren Turner" "Nutcase Stu Cena" "Nutty Ol['] Ty Luton" "Obscene Ben Esco" "Observant Bart Ovens" "Observer Rob Evers" "Offensive Sven O'Fife" "Oft-Lame Tom Leaf" "On-a-Roll Al Loran" "On-a-Roll Allan Ro" "On-Stage Stan Goe" "One-Man Show Noah Newsom" "Orig. Igor Gori" "Outraged Rod Tague" "Overdone Devon Roe" "Overdone Eve Doorn" "PC Ara Capra" "PC Oreo Cooper" "Phallic Li'l Chap Cap Hill" "Pithy Hip Ty" "Play-Act Pat Clay" "Play-Dumb Bump Daly" "Portray-Parroty Apt Rory" "Prime Time Mimi Peter" "Profane Fran Poe" "PUA Apu" "Racy Cary Cray" "Rad Bo Bardo" "Rad Chet the Card" "Rad Gent Ed Grant" "Rad Hot Dortha Hotard" "Rad Jon Jordan" "Rad Man Armand Manard" "Rad New Raw Ned" "Rad Ol['] Lardo Al-Rod Doral" "Rad Rad Dr. Dara Ard" "Radical Clarida" "Rake Kera Aker" "Random Mad Ron" "Random Man Rod" "Ranting Trina Ng" "Rantly Tarlyn Rylant" "Raunchy [if player is male]Ryan Chu[else]Caryn Hu[end if]" "Raw Don Rowand" "Raw Eve Weaver" "Raw Ren Warner" "Raw Shane Earnshaw" "Refined Ned Frei" "Revolting Nevil Gort" "Ribald Al Bird" "Ride Girl Lu Grider" "Riffing Griffin" "Rimshot Tom Rish" "Rioter Torrie" "Rioter Torrie Terrio" "Ripe Cat Patrice" "Roaster Art Rose" "Rob tha Hat-Bro Hobart" "Rude Boy Bud Oyer" "Rude Sal Lusader" "Sailor Lorisa Larios-Solari" "Sauced Su Cade" "Shallow-LOL Shaw" "She-Lout Sue Holt" "Shockin['] Hickson" "Sick Ren 'Snicker' Resnick" "Sick Rob Bosrick" "Simplifier Filip Miers" "Sin Guy Gus Yin" "Sin-Laced Snide Cal" "Sir Des, Disser" "Slammer [if player is male]Mr. Salem[else]Ms. LeMar[end if]" "Slangier Signaler [if player is male]Al Grines[else]Ilse Garn[end if]" "Slo-No-Mo['] Solomon" "Smarmy [if player is male]Mr. Mays[else]Ms. Mary[end if]" "Smarmy-Hit Mary Smith" "Snappier [if player is male]Pip Arens[else]Erin Sapp[end if]" "Snickering Rick Singer" "Snide-Elf" "So-Basic [if player is male]Bo Issac[else]Abi Coss[end if]" "So-Frank-of-Snark Ron Fask" "So-Funny Sonny Fu" "So-Normal Moron Sal" "So-Well-LOL Wes" "Stupefier Rupe Feist" "Sturdy Dry Stu" "Sweary Ray-Wes Sawyer" "Tactless Cass Tell" "Tasteless Tess Astle" "Tawdry Ty Ward" "Tawdry Wry Tad" "Teasing Angie St. Gaitens" "Teasy Yates" "Terrible Bret Iler" "Too-Dry [d-t] Roy" "Too-Early Ray Toole" "Too-Rowdy Troy Wood" "Trashy Rash Ty"[r] "Trashy Sy Hart" "Trendoid [if player is male]Erin Todd[else]Ted Rodin[end if]" "Trey Cohn the Corny" "Triteness-Resistent Tess Tiner" "Triter Ritter" "Un-Rad Darun Duran" "Un-Stale Les Tuan" "Uncensored Corene Sund" "Unhinged Inge Hund" "Unlikely Yul Klein" "Unrated Rude Nat" "Updated Dude Pat" "Very Rude Eve Drury" "Whitmans, Ham Twins" "Wilder Drew Li" "Wonderful Fun Low Red" "Word-Shout Hurstwood" "Wordless Lewd Ross" "Wrapped-Up Warped Pup Peppard Wu" "Wry Ben Berwyn" "Wry Ole Rowley Lowery-Worley" "Zanier [if player is male]Ezra Ni[else]Inez Ra[end if]" "Zingier Ziering" table of elmo emo [xxm] blurb "Aimless Melissa" "Amelia's malaise" "Beau's abuse" "Bob's Lies/Lobbies" "Cathy's yachts" "Celine's silence" "Charlie's arch lies" "Dreamin['] Merinda" "Eli's Lies" "Elly's yells" "Eve's wrath: whatevers" "Fancier Francie" "Hurt Ruth" "Inane Annie: her pics, ciphers, her slow howlers" "Kim's grins, smirkings" "Libeler Brielle" "Luann's annuls" "Margie's mirages" "Melinda's [d-word] lies" "Middler Mildred" "No-Telling Ellington" "Pam's spam" "Rene's sneer" "Richer Cherri" "Shanice's achiness." "Stinker Kristen" "Susie's issues" "Taky Katy" "Taxin['] Xtina" "Tessa's assets" "Wantier Terwina" "a weekend, weakened" table of lame computer games [xxm] blurb "Ace vs. Caves" "Adrenaline-Lined Arena" "Ah, Gut a Thug" "Airmen Remain" "Alpine Leapin" "APB: Bap" "Armada Boss Ambassador" "Art Show Host War" "Assert Tasers" "Astringed Gradients-Treadings" "Awe, Havoc, Have a Cow" "Awestriking Waterskiing" "Ax of a Fox" "Ax Them the Max" "Ay, Fists Satisfy" "Bad Cop Pod-Cab" "Bad Tin Bandit" "Bait Your Obituary" "Balder Al, Bred Blader" "Bang, Out, Gunboat" "Bantam Batman" "Barbarian Brian Raab" "Base Itch: Cab Heist" "Basest Beasts" "BBL, O Blob" "Behold a Bad Hole" "BLAM! The Meth Lab" "Blasting Battlings" "Blings O['] Goblins" "Bold Moves Mobs Loved" "Bonus Bo'Sun" "A Bounce on a Cube" "The Box-Bot Hex" "Box the HexBot" "Breakout Outbreak" "A Bridge Brigade" "Bronze Zen Orb" "Bum-Wrath Thumb War" "Burst-Sea Brutes as Abstruse" "Bust-O-Bouts" "A Byte Thug: Be That Guy" "Cads Bop Cops Bad" "Call the Hellcat" "Canniest Ancients Instance" "Canvased Sandcave Advances" "Captive Cave Pit" "Captives['] Cave Pits" "Car Wash Cash War" "Carl, Mini-Criminal" "Cash-Riot Chariots" "Casted Cadets" "Caves and Advances" "A Celt's Castle" "Cheops Epochs" "Chore Gang Org Change" "Clash for Half-Orcs" "Colgate Cage Lot" "Commander Mac Redmon" "Commodore's Cosmodrome" "Console O['] Clones" "Cop Ode, DopeCo Cooped" "Cop Raid Picador" "Cop-Riven Province" "Corner a Rare Con" "Counter-Spies['] Persecutions" "Craterlet Clatterer" "Cream Mr. Ace McRae" "Create My Cemetary" "A Cricket's Ice-Tracks['] Ace Tricks" "Crime-Org Grim Core" "Crop-Meet Competer" "Cry Duel Crudely" "D'oh, Get the Dog" "Dang Our Gun Road: No Guard Aground" "Daring Test: It's Granted" "Dawn's Wands" "Dean's Andes Sedan" "Death Rink in the Dark" "DeathCo: the Coda-Cathode" "Delish Delish Shield is Held--Eh, Slid" "Demolish His Model" "Demon Monde" "Demon Pit Piedmont" "Destruction-Inducer Tots" "Discover Irv's Code" "Divas: Sad Vi Davis vs. Ida" "The Dive, Thieved" "Do for Frodo" "Doglegs Slogged" "Don't Have a Death Nova" "Doorstep Torpedos" "Dopest Despot Depots" "Dr. Dale's Addlers-Ladders" "Dread Holt, Death Lord" "Dub Rivers, Bus Driver" "Dungeoner Gone Under" "Dungnose Dungeons" "Dyad D-Day" "Dynamic Dry Ice Man" "Earth Two: Hot Water" "Earthdune Deathrune" "Eek, Trap a Parakeet" "Electorship Helicopters" "Elf Crone Florence" "Elfling Felling" "Elim-Mile" "Ent Net Ten" "Ents Sent: Tens" "Err, Nag Ranger Garner" "Explo-o-Plex" "Fabled Bad Elf" "Farce-Hit Car Thief" "Faria's Safari Is Afar" "Faster Strafe-Afters" "FBI Gun Big Fun" "Fembots Mob-Fest" "Filch [']N Flinch" "Find Thee the Fiend" "Fire-Torn Frontier" "Fit-Core Ice Fort: Force It" "Flee Crypt Perfectly" "Flo's Elf Sell-Off" "Foil Dr. Ilford" "Forays or Frays" "Forceful Cruel-Off" "Franchsied Arch-Fiends" "Free Capt. Fatcreep" "Frightened Freed Thing" "FUBAR, Ur-Fab" "Fun Zone of Un-Zen" "Gas [']em Games" "Get Him: Ban the Big Man" "GI Fort of Grit" "Go-Lame-a-Golem Ol['] Game" "Go, Wrath Warthog: a Growth" "Gogar's Aggros" "Gory Orgy" "Got a Row, Go to War" "Grim Mr. GI" "Gringo Goring" "Groin-gorin['] rig: ON" "Gross, Inc. Crossing" "Grotesque Ogre Quest" "Grues['] Urges Surge" "Guam's Magus" "A Gun By Any Bug" "Gun Down Dung Now" "Gunner Idly Lying Under Enduringly" "Half-Pipe Flip Heap" "Halt, Briny Labyrinth" "Happier's Sapphire" "Hate Shotgun, Hostage Hunt, the Hangouts: That's Enough" "Hater-Slug Slaughter" "Hector the Orc" "Heel-Post Pest-Hole" "Heist Done on the Side" "Heist-Op: It Hopes to Spite" "Helidromes Demolisher" "Hell-Dirt: The Drill Thrilled" "Hell Hit the Hill" "Help Us U Shlep" "Hero Nat: No Heart, Nor Hate" "Hero Rohe-Oher" "Hew Past the Wasp" "Hidings Dishing Shindig" "Hip Bistro Orbit Ship Prohibits" "Hire One Heroine" "His Car I Crash II" "Holy Fiord Hydrofoil" "Hoodlums['] Slum Hood" "Hot Dare or Death" "Hot Gas: a Ghost to Gash at, Gosh" "Housefly: Uh, Sly Foe" "Hovercars Crash Over" "I Debut But Die" "I Fry a Fairy" "I Maim Miami" "I, Norman, Iron Man" "I Prevent ViperNet" "I Push Up His U-Ship" "I Shaft at Fish" "I Spoon Poison"[] "I Thud it, Duh" "I, Trojan Janitor" "I'm My-T-Timmy" "Ian Chung's Chain Guns" "Ice World: Wild Core" "If Den Fiend Find, I Fend: Endif" "Imhotep's Time Hops" "Imperialist Primalities" "Infidel Fieldin[']" "Intense Nine-Set Tennies" "Ion Rig Origin" "Iron-Clad Clorinda Alcindor" "It's Near, Antsier, Nastier: Snare It" "Ivana, a Vain Avian" "Jostler-Jolters" "Jungles or Jongleurs" "Junta Jaunt" "Kill-Back Kickball" "Kill Him, Kim Hill" "Kill Off Folk-Ilk" "King is Skiing" "A KO Brute Outbreak" "Lane of a Felon" "Lard-Dork, Dark Lord" "The Last Stealth" "Latescent Tentacles" "Le Scum Muscle" "Le Turbo-Trouble" "Leap on One Alp" "Lich-Nerd Children" "A Lie Clan Alliance" "Log a Hit, Goliath" "Loki's Kilos" "Loogy-Ology" "Loose-Scum Colosseum" "Lord W.'s Worlds" "Lotion Lootin[']" "Lou, Swat Outlaws" "Lyssa Slays Alyss" "Mac Reest Creamtes Meercats" "Machines, Ani-Mechs" "Mad Slime Dilemmas" "Mad Strike Master Kid" [] "Magic GI Mac" "Magus Net Mutagens" "Maint-a-Mint at Min" "Majestic Cami-Jets" [] "Malibu's Bums Ail" "Manic Gas Magicians" "Manor's Ransom" "Manticore Cremation" "Marry Mr. Ray Rymar" "Mars Arms" "Martians A-Smartin[']" "Marv's Tin Varmints" "Mastering Emigrants" "Mean Ex-Axemen" "Mega GI Maggie" "Mm Yeah Mayhem" "Mom's Rune Summoner" "Soho Bay Booyahs" "Mob-Cast Combats" "Mort's Storm" "Mr. Ice's Crimes" "Mr. Rude Murder" "Mr. Stone's Monsters" "Mr. Vine Vermin" "Mt. Akers/Maker St. Markets" "Mug Cabs, Scumbag" "Mum Dan and, umm, Mud Man" "Nail-Ops So Plain" "Narc Pad and [crap-u]" "Nasty Foe, No Safety" "NatureNauter" "Neutronic Continuer Centurion" "Nifty Fytin[']" "Night Foe in the Fog" "No magic? Go manic" "No-Nudge Dungeon" "No-Warez War-Zone: Raze Now" "Non-Sacred Ordnances" "Now-Proud Pro-Wound Downpour" "Oarless Lassoer" "Oddric's Discord" "Ogre Ergo Gore" "Ogre Hut: Tougher" "OK, Am Amok" "Old Guard Drug Load" "Omega God: Agog Demo" "Omerta: a Metro To Ream" "OMG Rue Morgue" "One Foot Onto Foe" "Orbits Bistro" "Orcy Cryo-Cory" "Outslay You Last" "Ovals Salvo" "Paint a Pinata" "Palace Spy Playspace" "Parking Lot Patrol King" "Pasted Adepts" "Pelt Em Temple" "Pesterous Proteuses" "Petrel Pelter" "Physical Yip-Clash"[] "Piranha [']N Pariah" "Pistol Pilots" "Pit Four: Up for It" "Pivotal Vital Op" "Planet Ten, Pal" "Planetarium Manipulater" "Pods [']N Ponds" "Porkshow Workshop" "PPV PVP" "P.S. Tom, Stomp Ms. Top." [p] "Puke-Race Up a Creek" "Punk-Car Crank-Up" "Push Out Up South" "Quest O['] Quotes So Qute" "Quieter Requite" "Raids On Inroads" "RamTek Market" "Rapidest Pest Raid" "Reamings, Smearing" "Recessed Receders" "Recessed Seceders" "Red Air Raider" "Reds [']N Nerds" "Redshirting Night Riders" "Refine Op, Open Fire" "Regentship Spree-Thing" "Reichs['] Riches" "Ribs Gone? So Boring" "A Rider-Raider" "Rifle Op Profile of Peril" "Ring of Forgin[']" "Roads So Rad" "Robo-Boro" "Robustly Lost Ruby" "Rod W. Bass, Ward Boss" "The ROM-Mother" "Rooftops of Troops" "Rooster Toreros" "Rouge Rogue" "Rush Ten Shunter-Hunters" "Rush the Hustler" "Sabotage a Beast! Go" "Saint Al, Lanista" "Save Eva's Vase" "Scalper Parcels" "Scum Path Matchups" "Sea Trip Pirates" "Seeing Genies" "Seek Tony Keystone" "Senshi Shines" "A Setup Up East" "Shoot Down Hood Towns" "Shooting This Goon" "Simoni's Mini-SOS Mission" "Six-Gun Heat: Exhausting" "Skylord, KO Dr. Sly" "Slathering Earthlings" "Slay-Um Asylum" "Slayer Relays/Slayer Layers" "Slice On In Close" "Slimy Cop Olympics" "Slippery Perils Spy" "Slobb-Blobs Lob BS" "Sniper En Pris" "So Ply Slopy Ploys, Ol['] Spy" "So-Retro Rooster" "Sonar Arson" "Sorcerer Rescorer" "Sought-After Hostage Turf" "Soul Fight: Foil Thugs" "Southland Duathlons" "Sparest Pasters" "Speed Pedes" "Splay-Plays" "Splot Plots" "Spook KO Ops" "Sporadic Picadors" "Spot Clue Couplets/Octuples" "Sputnik Stink-Up" "Spyplane Playpens" "St. Thief the Fist" "Stagin['] a Sting" "Stampier Primates" "Stem venom movements" "Stilt Tilts" "Stimulation Mutilations" "Stop Elk Kleptos" "Stop the Hot Pest" "Storming Mr. Stingo: I'm Strong" "Strangle Les Grant" "Strateg-Targets" "Streak-Skater" "Street Setter" "Streetcar Scatterer" "Stun Gun, Nun Guts" "Superstar Pasturers" "Swat it: a Twist" "Swervyn['] Wyverns" "Swordman, Sandworm" "Tactile Lattice Ace Tilt" "Tame Meat, Mate" "Tar [']em, Tamer" "A Target Regatta" "Team Drill Treadmill" "Test Pod Spotted" "Testin['] Ettins" "Theif of Hot Fief" "Theobald Bothdale, Hot Blade" "Thingies Heisting" "Thugster Gets Hurt" "Thy Seek: the Keys" "Tia Quern, Quainter Antiquer" "Tiny Axe Anxiety" "To Crash Hot Cars" "To Kill Till OK" "To Ship Hit-Ops" "Toastin['] Station" "Top Cars to Scrap Captors or Pacts" "Top Games: Most Gape" "Traffic Car Tiff" "Trained Foe Federation" "Trash Coop Crapshoot" "Tree Plot Teleport" "Trikes Strike" "Troop'n Proton" "Trucks Struck" "Truster Turrets" "Try Fo['] Forty to Fry" "Tuf-Range: Gun After Great Fun" "Turn One Neutron" "Ug, Funk Kung Fu" "Uh, Cult, Cthulu" "Uh, Tag a Thug" "Um an Nth Manhunt" "Un-Reserve Revenuers" "Unnatural Lunarnaut" "Unresting Insurgent" "Us, Bloody Body, Soul: Doubly So" "Wall it at Will" "War of Dr. Forward" "Ward Off Dwarf of Fafword" "We Found Feud Now" "Weapons ops anew: Snap Woe" "Weavers Aswerve" "Wee Matt's SWAT Team" "Whelp Bout: The Blow-Up" "Where Did Drew Hide" "Wisdom Crag Magic Sword" "Ye Thug Huge Ty: Hey, Gut the Guy" "Yes to Dr. Destroy" "Yon Ops Snoopy" "Yon True Tourney" "Zero-Harm Remorhaz" table of lame movies [xxm] blurb "Abdul's Bud Sal" "Alien Trove Revelation" "Android Dorinda" "Ape, Colt, Capt. Leo, Ace Plot" "Arriba, Ibarra" "Arsenic Carnies" "Art Reid Tarried Tardier" "Ayoub Bayou" "A B-Day by Ada" "Band, Slime Mandibles" [] "Basement Beast Men" "Be Wed, Dweeb" "Beetle Le Bete" "Belly up, PE Bully" "Bo's Pluck Blocks Up" "Bods Can Abscond" "The Borg Got Herb" "Broodiest Robots Die" "The Buck Huck Bet" "Caress-Scares" "Carnivorous Coronavirus" "Castle Den: Let's Dance and Select" "Cesium Miscue" "Chad Bogue, Douchebag" [] "Chet's Ma Matches the Scam" "Chicken-Pot Kitchen-Top Checkpoint" "Cis-Male Scam Lie" "A Clip: I Clap" "Con Pete, Teen Cop" "Constarn Scranton" "Corpse Scoper Crespo" "Coward War Doc" "Creepier Creperie" "Danseur Asunder" "Darker Red Ark" "Darn Big Brigand Barding" "Death is His Date" "Deathless, These Lads" "Delicate Cadet Eli" "DethsCo: The Docs" "Discarnate Eradicants" "Dishes Hissed Ssh, Die" "Doc Ade's Odd Case" "Done-For Roof-Den" "Doom of Mr. Worm Food" "Dr. Egan's Dangers" "Dr. Idle-Riddle" "Dr. Neo's Drones" "Dr. Spano Pardons Rod's Nap" "Dullard Dr. Udall" "East to O-State" "Eclosion Colonies" "Eh, Boring Neighbor Hoinberg" "Elf T Felt Left" "Endurers Sunderer Nurse Red" "Engquist's Questings" "Enquist's Inquests" "Espana Paeans" "Ethereous Treehouse" "Evie's Sieve" "Fearing Fangier Fergina" "Fiddler Dr. Field" "Figure Out: I Go Future" "Filler: Re-Fill" "Fly Me My Elf" "Formulated Artful Demo" "Foul Sour Soul Four" "Foundlings['] Unfoldings: Gold, Fun, Sin" "Fretting Gent Rift" "Furnaces-Scare Fun" "Genuine Ingenue Un-Genie" "Glean His Healings, Hang Lies" "Glow-Fang Wolfgang" "Gnomish Moshing" "The God-Goth, Ed the Dog" "Good Night, Doting Hog" "Goon Ted Got Done" "Gory Ygor" "Grade-A Dreg" "Gutman's Mustang" "A Hack, Mr. Rackham" "Hades Has Ed: Eh, Sad" "Heel Quest: the Sequel" "Hot/Cold Doc Holt" "Hurr, Ooze Zero Hour" "Hut, Fear the Frau" "Hypocentral Lycanthrope" "I Drove Over Di" "I Wear a Wire" "I'm Part Armpit" "If Afar, Affair" "Inceptions Inspection" "It Opts to Spit" "Lab Tot Talbot" "Lamia Malia" "Lanyard Lad Ryan" "Last-Fog Gas Loft" "Latte St. Tattles" "Law Firm Raw Film" "Le Con-Clone" "Le Fief Eiffel" "Le Star Staler" "Le Wolf-Fellow" "Lech Wes Welches" "Li'l Pip's Lip Slip" "Lion Gang's Sing-a-Long" "Maimed Maid Em" "Mars MRSA/SRAM" "Masoning Moanings" "Max's XMas Xams" "Merriest Triremes" "Mesmerist Mimesters" "Milo Lin's Millions" "Misha Has [']Im" "Mob Boss Bob Moss Bombs So" "Mod Man and Mom" "Mom Ices Commies" "A Mongo Goo-Man" "Moonlet Toolmen" "Morphia's Aphorism" "Most Care to Scream" "Mr. D & Dr. M" "Mr. Demise-Immersed" "Mr. Eno's Sermon" "Mr. Thief Herm Fit the Firm" "My Calf's Fly Scam" "My Li'l Milly" "My Sis Missy" "Ned Chute, the Dunce" "Neighbors Be Horsing" "Neolith Hotline" "Newlywed Wendy Lew" "The Next Tent Hex" "No, Dr. Nord-Dorn" "Non-Insect Innocents" "Nope, Dr. Penrod" "Nuts St. Stunts" "Ol['] Bart's Borstal" "Old Seer Delores" "Olin's Losin['] Lions" "Olsen's Lesson" "One Jury Journey" "Outsider Suitor Ed" "Palmetto Meta-Plot" "Paltrier Pre-Trial" "Parkin[']: I Prank" "Path Set: the Past" "Payphone Hypopnea" "Pediatric Patricide" "Persevere, Rep. Reeves" "Pip's Gig: Gip Pigs" "Plan Eight: Night Plea" "Plan Nine: Linen Nap" "Potent Top Ten" "Powell's Swell Op" "Prat-Trap Part-Tarp" "Precursor Procurers" "Predictable Debacle Trip" "Prepski Skipper" "Raffia Affair" "Ram Out a Tumor, Mr. Auto" "Ramires Marries" "Raw Clinks Skin-Crawl" "Reed's Seder" "Remedies Seem Dire" "Renege, Greene" "Reviser Reivers" "Riley's Sly Ire" "Risen-Field Friendlies" "Rubbery Rube Bry" "Ruffled Elf Fred" "Rustiest Trusties" "Same Blind Semi-Bland Mandibles" "Say, Rude Duryea's Rues Day" "Scoffin['] Coffins" "Scumball Cam's Bull" "Sea-Belly Eyeballs" "Seine's Sensei is Seen" "Sensing Ensigns" "Shafter-Fathers" "Sherice's Richesse" "Shrivelled Hell-Divers" "Six Pie Pixies" "Six Ref Fixers" "Sleepy Spy Lee" "Sloppy Plopsy-Polyps" "So-Pretty Pet Story" "Soldier Deloris" "Sombrest Mobsters" "Some Iced Comedies" "Spooks KO Sops" "Springhouse Surgeonship" "Squeak-Rat Aqua Treks" "Squick-O So Quick" "St. Lucian Lunatics" "Starriest Sister-Rat Traitress" "Starship Harpists" "STD & TDs" "Stickball Blacklist" "Stown Towns" "Stu-Not-Stout [']N Sutton" "Switching Witchings" "Ta, Mrs. Smart" "Tall Lt. Al" "TARDIS Triads" "Teen Mom Memento" "Terrapins Transpire" "Terrify-It Ferry" "Theda's Deaths" "Threaten'n Theater" "Tip Top Tot Pip" "A Title-It Tale" "To Mr. Mort" "To Prowl Plot Row" "Top Ace Pat Coe" "Tot Spy Ty Post" "Toupees Seep Out" "Traitor Rat Trio" "Unmotivated Mutant Video" "Us of UFOs" "Vestral Varlets" "Vigorous Goo-Virus" "The VIP's Hip Vest" "Wan Tot at Town" "Wendigo Widgeon" "Wong is Sowing Owings" "Zombies: Some Biz" "The Zoo Oozeth" table of lame talk shows [xxm] blurb "[if player is male]Elmo Stark[else]Selma Tork[end if] Talks More" "[if player is male]Mr. Easy-Smeary[else]Smeary Ms. Raye[end if]" "Abi Gide's Big Ideas" "Adie's Ideas" "Adulatory, Laudatory [if player is male]Aldo Autry[else]Laura Doty[end if]" "Again W/Gawain Wigana-Agwani" "Al Berg's Garbles" "Alterer Relater Art Leer" "Amirite Airtime" "Answer to Art Owens" "Apprise, Sappier" "Apt Pat" "Arendt Ranted Ardent" "The Arg Rageth" "Arnett's Natters" "Arnott's Rants to Start On" "Artie's Satires" "As Brent Banters" "As Trent Natters" "Ask-[']Im Sikma" "Ask Lupi Pulaski" "Ask Mr. Marks" "Asker Akers" "Asky Kay's Yaks" "Aspirant Partisan Nat Paris" "Aw, I've a View" "Bad Dog's Odd Gabs" "Banter at Bren: Rant, Be" "Bantery Nat Byer" "Barthel's Blathers" "Beau's Din, Unbiased" "Being Nosy Begins Yon" "Bess Rove Observes" "Big E's Gibes" "Big Herb's Gibberish" "Big Loud Glib Duo" "Big-Slant Blasting" "Bleat Mo['] Blame to Tom Bale" "Bleat St. Battles" "Blount's So Blunt" "Blowing Glib Now" "Bo Raves So Brave" "Bother [']Em More, Beth" "Bouncing Buncoing" "Caffee Carr, Farce Facer" "Candra's Canards" "The Cart: Rec That Chatter" "Charismatic [if player is male]Mitch Sciara[else]Marti Chicas[end if]" "Charlotte's Ol['] Chatters" "A Chat At['] Cha" "Check Out Chuck Te'o" "Chester: The Recs/Retches" "Chet Ros Hectors Ochre St" "Chortle at Charlotte" "Complain-Moan Clip" "Complainer Icon Marple" "Conrad's Candors" "Consulting Gus Clinton" "Cry at Tracy" "Current Curtner" "Curt Ain't Taciturn" "Curt Yin's Scrutiny" "Curtest Cutters" "Curtest Cutters: Tut's Rec" "Dibbler's Dribbles" "Diety Deity Ted Yi" "Dinner of Nerd Info" "Doc's Fine Confides" "Dynamicer Mandy Rice" "Ears-Sear Ares" "Egotheism Eightsome" "Emme's Memes" "Emote to MEE" "Empathic Emphatic [if player is male]Tim Paech[else]Pam Teich[end if]" "Eric [']N Nicer Recin[']" "Essie Fitt Testifies Feistiest" "The Facts: Chat Fest" "Fave List Festival" "Figueras Argufies" "Futsal Faults" "FYI IYF" "Get Asa a Stage" "Gilman's Maligns" "Gossiper Peg Rossi" "Goucher's Grouches" "Grable's Garbles" "Gravest TV Rages" "Grumpy Guy Mr. P" "Hey, Rate the Year" "Hoist Yr History" "Homies['] IMHOes" "Hone Wit to Whine With Noe" "How-Stale Late Show" "Howard's Rad Show" "I Ask Isak Saki" "I Bug U Big" "I Hatch Chat! Hi" "I'd Rant Darnit" "I'm Irate Amirite Airtime" "In-Touch [toti] Chu" "Industrial Diurrnalist [if player is male]Dustin Rail[else]Trudi Nails[end if]" "It's Clear Articles" "It's EZ: Seitz Sez It" "It's Len: Listen" "Jigsawn Jawings" "Just-Bec's Subjects" "Keira's Askier" "Kit Snow Knows It" "Layla's Say-All" "Le Chat Chalet" "Le Yack-Lackey" "Lemburg's Grumbles" "Lens on Nelson" "Les Barth Blathers" "Let Mel Tell [']Em" "Li'l Argue Guerilla" "Lieb's Biles" "Lusk's Sulks" "Mandatory Dynamo Art" "Manolo's Ol['] Moans" "Marm's Smarm" "Mart's Smart" "Miss Sims-Isms" "Moi, IMO" "Mordant Rantdom" "Moreno: On More" "Mr. I-Nag Ingram" "Mr. Taste-Matters" "My Bit by Tim" "Nag [']Em, Megan" "Nag Dr. Grand" "Nat's Glib Blasting" "No-Bias Sabina Bisono" "No-Rot Orton" "The Nosy Honesty" "Not Fair: For, Anti" "Nuge is Genius" "Nut Marge's Arguments" "O, Express Exposers" "Ohh, Tact to Catch Hot Chat" "On So Soon" "Our Prof Den, Profounder" "Pa Seter Repeats a Pester" "Parroting-Rating Pro Torri Pang" "Patterer Perretta" "Pattie's Eat Tips" "Pedant Pentad" "Pep Pro Popper" "Pert Cid's Scripted Predicts" "Petra's Prates" "Pingley's Yelpings" "Plainest Panelist [if player is male]Les Patin[else]Pat Niles[end if]" "Po['] Stu Pouts" "Prattle Platter" "Prentice's Prescient" "Pressnik Perkins" "Pryer Perry" "Pseud-Dupes" "PTI Pit" "Pundits [']N Stupid" "Ragy Gary 'Yarg' Gray" "Raising Airings" "Rapp's Parps" "Rate the Theater" "Raving Ingvar Garvin" "Raw Rant Warrant" "Rec What, Watcher" "Rhee Here" "Ring Pam Ramping" "Riper Prier Perri" "Rod's New Wonders" "Rolf's ROFLs" "Rooney's One Rosy Noser, Yo" "Ruffino's Ruin-Offs" "Sadie's Asides" "Sal Pape Appeals" "Salov's Salvos" "Sasses Assess" "Scorner Corners" "Scour Ideas: a Discourse" "Scratchy Cry-Chats" "Scrutinise, Sinecurist" "Secret-Rec Set" "See Trev Everest" "See Us Hit the Issue" "Self-Vote Love-Fest" [] "Shearer Re-Hears" "Sheerest Seethers" "Shiller Sherill" "Shout-So Hut" "Shout'n Huston" "Sindi's Dissin[']" "Sir Hank Krishna, a Shrink" "Sirs, Pure Surprise" "Smeariest Masteries" "So, Cop: Coop[']s Scoop" "So-Railing Originals" "So Vent to Sven" "Stand in and Snit" "Steamiest Estimates" "Step In [']N Spite" "Stew is Wisest" "Stipe's Spites" "Strom's Storms" "Swank Doc M's Smackdowns" "Swerdon Wonders" "Talk to Kat Olt" "Talking Gil Kant" "Tell [']Er, Terell" "Tell Ya Lately"[] "Tessie Sees It" "That's-Nice Chat Nites" "Thea's Hates"[] "Theresa Reheats the Ears" "This Do: to Dish" "TMI Tim" "Topher Pother, the Pro" "Tracy's Scry-At" "True to Re-Tout" "Uncensored Denouncers" "Up-Late Pat Lue" "Updater Rude Pat" "Urban Lit Tribunal" "Urging Gugnir" "Vespertine Presentive" "Vibrant Brat Vin" "The View With Eve" "Visitant Nativist Tat Ivins" "Watch a Chat, Aw" "Watch Me, We Match" "Weeniest Tweenies" "Wes Iver Reviews" "Who's Rad: Rod Shaw" "Word Up W/Proud Po['] Dr. Wu" "Worser Rowers" "Yacking Nick Gay" "Yang is Saying" "Misc-Mics" "Ye Kewl Weekly" "Yeller Ellery" "Yenta Teyna Taney" "Yo, Out to You" "Yo, Rant to Ryan, Not Ray" "Yo, Rat to Ray" "Yo, Topics Too Spicy" table of lame tv shows [xxm] blurb "Add Dad" "Agent Tegan" "Angi Li's Ailings" "Conway Can, Yow" "Anthoney Annoyeth" "Apt Chum Match Up" "Arbiter Rarebit" "Aw, Dr. Ward" "Ed's Rec Screed" "Aw, Li'l Willa" "Ay, Mr. Army" "Bad-Odor Boor Dad" "Bad Velour Boulevard" "Beilman's Minables" "Being Dr. Big Nerd" "Black Ops Slob Pack" "Booker's So Broke" "Boy, Mr. Byrom" "Brain-Bairn Brian" "Bub Chun's Bus Bunch" "Bud for Buford" "Can't Hate Etta Chan" "Castor's StarsCo" "Cats Like Kastelic" "Cesar Arce's Acres" "Chief Chef, I" "Common Con Mom" "Cool HS School" "Counseling Cousin Glen" "Damphier's Dream Ship" "Dan'l's Lands" "Dater Trade/Tread" "Det. Ted" "Dixon's So Nix'd" "Don't Miss Don Smits" "Dr. Nessa Sanders" "Dr. Spino Drops In" "Dr. Viledrivel" "The Drama-Dream Hat" "Dud Spy Spuddy" "The Durn Nerd Hut Thunder" "East Howl Late Show" "Ed Nurses Rudeness" "Erwin HS Whiners" "Everdaunt's Undersea TV Adventures" "Exciter Tex Rice" "Felinity, Finitely" "Flossie's SOS Files" "For-Peril Profiler" "Frayed Dr. Faye" "Garbled Dr. Gable" "Gentler Lt. Green" "GI Coach, Chicago" "The Gods of Goods-Heft" "Goob [']N Bongo" "Grampa Pagram" "Greasiest Stageries" "Gus Reno, Surgeon" "Gwyn Luis Wins Ugly" "Hal Gets the Gals" "Hearst Hearts Sather" "Herb at the Bar: Be Thar" "Hev-Gut the Guv" "Horrid Dr. Hiro" "Hot News Show Net" "I Bet on Benito" "I Know Dr. Dworkin" "I-Swerve Reviews" "Join Sam Jamison" "Karim's Mark is a Smirk" "Lawyer Rawley" "Lea's BFF Baffles" "Learned Lad Rene" "Leavitt's Alt-Lives" "Let's Be Mr. Trembles" "Let's Ring Sterling" "Li'l Ms. Mills" "LOL My Molly" "Loni-Lu's So Illun[']" "Lu's the Sleuth" "Maggie's Same Gig" "Mailman Ian Lamm" "Majority: Tim or Jay" "Make Fun, Ma Funke" "Mathew is the Swami" "Maxims: Ma's Mix" "Mean Dr. Cho, Macho Nerd" "Mediocre Doc Meier" "Meet Rex Extreme" "Men Dig MD Inge Deming" "Merchant Mart Chen" "Mo['] Cats to Scam" "Mr. Casa's Sarcasm" "Mr I-Stop-Imports" "Mr Sosa & Ms Rosa" "Much-Apt Matchup" "New Kid Ed Wink" "Newsgirl Swingler-Wersling" "No-Lie Leoni" "Non-Stud Dunston" "Oh Noes Mr. Hormones" "Oh, Saw a Show" "Ol['] Pat is a Pistol" "Olof Dover, Food Lover" "Pheer Her Pa" "Pip Carlin, Principal" "Prepost-Popster" "Prior Pirro" "Rasheed: He Dares" "Real Spy Players" "Real Wives, Wee Rivals" "Real World or, Well, Rad" "Reg and Danger" "Reluct-Cutler" "Resident Red Stein" "Rhoads Hoards So Hard" "Rifts First" "Risk It, Krissti" "Robert or Bret be Retro" "Roche's Chores" "Romantic Mr. Action" "Rosena's Reasons" "Rotten Tot Ren Retton" "Roy Can Crayon" "Rucci's Circus" "Sam's Epic Escapism" "Sandy and Sy" "The Sarge: He's Great" [] "See Al Lease" "Seppala Appeals" "Shamus Sam Hsu" "Sheriff Shiffer" "Slapstick Tasks Clip" "Smug Edina, Mad Genius" "Snore at One Star? No, Stare" "Snyder's Dryness" "Sod, Bum, Mo['] Buds So Dumb" "Sokol Looks" "The Sop So Hep" "Supa-PUAs" "Tastin['] Titans" "Tate Had the Data" "Ted's Van Advents" "Tepper's Prep Set" "To Plan an['] Plot Not, Pal" "Tons-O-Toons" "Toshiko is HOT, OK" "Tot-Can-Act-Not Octant" "Tot Fred's Odd Frets" "Tots Lyin['] Snottily" "Train [']Em, Martine" "Trek Show: the Works" "Trooper Portero" "Trounce-Counter" "Trouper Ruperto" "Turner's Returns" "U of UFO" "Ugly-Side Idle Guys" "Uh, Let's Sleuth" "Ulf at Fault" "Un-Tribal Lunar Bit" "Up-Gro Group" "Voisin-Vision" "Wallace's Case Wall" "Weird Wired Dr. Wei" "Whittle With Tel" "Whoa, Dr. Howard, How Rad" "Wilder Dr. Liew" "Wizardly Liz Wydra" "Xia's Axis" "Yo, Dares So Ready" "Yr. Odd, Roddy" "Zandor and Roz Zordan" table of laughhouses [xxm] blurb "Ace LOL Locale" "Ahh, Met the Ham" "Alf's Lafs" "Amusing Mungia's" "Anti-Jokes Sake Joint" "Assorted Roasteds" "Ballsy Al Bly's" "Bang-Up Pun Bag" "Bringin[']-Grin Bin" "Busting-Guts Bin" "Cheap-Shot-Sachet Shop" "The Crass Scathers" "A Dis Dais" "Dis-Out Studio" "Dope Ira's Parodies" "Floors So ROFL" "Forge Yo['] Goofery (Or Go Fey)" "Gribbins Ribbings" "Grin Ring" "Ha I'm a Ham" "Impersonate-Permeations" "Innuendo-Union Den" "Ire/Wit: I-Write-It Wire" "JestCorp Projects" "Karl's Larks" "Laughs-Gush Al" "Like, Grin Kinglier" "Live Swear Reviewals" "LUL-Nest Tunnels" "Noisier Ironies" "Offend-Off Den" "Pa's Cut-Up Acts" "Pat Buck's Bust Pack" "Pat Sund Stand-Up" "Pat's Slick Slapstick" "Play-Dumb-Madly Pub" "Pullman Pun Mall" "Pun Meet Umpteen" "Ralf's Larfs" "Raw Bro Barrow" "Rending-Grin Den" "Ribaldest Listed Bar" "Rip-All Pillar" "Sall of Fast LOL" "Sardonic Corinda's" "Satiric Tricia's" "Satirical Racialist Latricia's" "Slam of LMFAOs" "Smirkin['] Mr. Niki's" "Snark Ranks" "Snarkier Karrine's" "Snarky Karyn's" "So-So MC Cosmo's" "So-Trendy Story Den" "Supr-LOL Rollups" "Swearin['] Warnie's" "Tritest Titters" "Tusslin['] Insults" "Ungodly Rap Playground" "UpFront Funport" "Wildest-Led Wits: It's Lewd" "Wit as it Was" "Ye Luls Be Bullseye" table of lousy hit songs [xxm] blurb "[d-word-u], Be Bad Men" "Abby, Baby" "About Me: Mo['] Beaut" "Above Must Bust a Move" "Ah, Cap a Chap" "Ah, Knots To Hank's Stank Ho" "AKA Mr. Karma" "Al Gots Gloats to Gals" "All Chix Chillax" "All In an['] Ill" "All Rod's Dollars" "Anarchy Ranch, Ya" "And I'm Mad in a Mind" "Anti-Rhyme in My Heart" "Arousal So Aural" "Autoing to a Gun, I Outgain" "Aw, Lilt at Will" "Aw, Rec a Crew" "Aw, Yup, Way Up" "Bad Kids Did Bask" "Baggiest Beats Gig" "Ball Very Verbally" "Barmy in My Brain" "The Bass Has Best" "Be Punkk or Bruken Up" "Beastly Sly Beat" "Biggest Gig Best" "Bilkin['], I Blink" "Bill's Ill BS" "Bit of Fib to Fob It" "Blood's So Bold" "Bod Hit Low with Blood" "A Body: Bad, Yo" "Bold Cutie Could be It" "Bold Hours['] Blood Rush" "Bomb Mobb" "Boo, Damn, Bad No Mo[']" "The Boon Be on, Tho[']" "Bozo MC Comboz" "Brawling Warbling" "Broads So Drab" "Budapest: a Dubstep" "Butterier Re-Tribute" "Call Out a Cut, LOL" "Cap the Hep Cat" "Cat, Kite a Ticket" "Charisma is a Charm" "Christen Snitcher Retchins[']" "Close to Coolest" "Cloy to Yo['] Colt" "Co-Fend, Def Con" "Combos So BMOC" "Comfy? Yo, CFM" "Command MC Damon" "Compiled Clip Demo" "Cool Loc'd Doc L (clod)" "Cool Rap Carpool" "Cop Push Chops Up Such, Pop" "Copies So Epic" "Crack Pipe Price Pack" "Crazy Cryaz" "Crib Here be Richer" "Crowns or Cornrows" "Curfew FU Crew" "Cus I'm Music" "Da Bass Badass" "Da Biz Iz Bad" "The Daily Dealy Hit" "Dam U a Dum Muda. U Mad" "Dame, Thy Death? My, They Mad" "Dang! I R Daring"[] "Darn, Mo['] Rad, Mon" "Dat's New, We Stand" "Dear, I'm a Dream" "Death Tub Bath Duet" "A Def Fade" "Demerit Merited" "Devour-Zens Rendez-Vous" "Dim Sky, My Kids" "Dimetown Downtime" "Do The Hot Ed" "DOA Ado" "Dog, Ride Dodgier" "Don't Play, Nod Aptly" "Dopeness Speeds On" "Dork U Not Too Drunk" "Down at Da Town" "Dr. Cho's Chords" "Dr. Cooke's Rock Odes" "Drawl of Rad Flow" "Drunkest Dunkster" "Dump the Thumped" "Earn Soul: Our Elan's So Unreal" "Egoism Art: I'm So Great" "EKG Keg" "El Via Alive" "Elwood's Low Odes" "Emend Bliss: Be Mindless" "Eminem's Immense" "Emit Lethal All the Time" "Empty Jug? Get Jumpy" "End of Def? No" "Entirety, Eternity" "Enviable Elan Vibe" "Equine Queen, I" "Even More Emo Nerve" "Excitation, Intoxicate" "Fakin['], a Fink" "Far Punk Rap Funk Fun Park" "Fat Duck" "Fear Me, Framee" "Feelins O['] Felonies" "Fills Like Life Skill" "Filthy Fly Hit" "Finest Festin[']" "Fit? Uck, ick, tuf" "Fly Shirt, Shy Flirt" "Flyest Flytes" "Fo['] a Oaf" "Fo['] Erin, Fine or on Fire" "Fob Any Fanboy" "FOOM, mofo" "For Pa: Rap of a Prof" "For She's So Fresh" "Foxiest, I Sex Oft" "Free Fond Offender" "From Mo, For Mom" "Funk Row Fun Work" "FunkCo" "Funkiest Tikes['] Fun" "Fur Aline, Fraulein" "The Fury Turf, Hey" "Gaijin in a Jig" "Gal, Hit a Light" "Game to Go at [']Em" "The Gang is [']Neath Gigs" "Gash Boom Goombahs" "Get Shaw the Swag" "Ghetto? LOL, Go to Hell" "Go Eff Geoff" "Go Forward, Dog, Row Far" "Go Hit It, Hog" "The Gold Got Held" "Good [']N Goon'd" "The Good Goth Ode" "Good Try, Tyro Dog" "Goonin['] Goin['] On" "Gosh, Nuts, Gunshots" "Got Sin to Sing" "Got Soul, Lo, Gusto" "Got The Ghetto" "Got Thin, On Tight Tonight" "Got Weed, Get Owed" "Gots Rap to Grasp" "The Group's Pusher Got Purge-Shot" "Guns, Ho: No Hugs" "Ha, I Rap, Pariah" "Hands Up And Push" "Hard As Rashad" "A Hat Hata[']" "Hat Men Anthem: Meh, Tan the Man" "Hate-Word Wrath-Ode" "Haters Met the Master" "He Hate the Hat" "He Tags the Gas" "He Yells Hell Yes"[] "He'd Net the End" "Heather, Hear the Heart, Eh" "Heinous In-House, Uh, NOISE" "Hey, Men, to the Money" "Hey Mr. Rhyme" "Hi, Low, I Howl" "Hi, Stout? Shout It" "His Take: Shake It" "Hit Song Thingos" "A Hit-Us Hiatus"[] "Hm, Yo, Oh, My" "Hola Mo['] Moolah" "Hole to the Loo" "Holla, LOL, Ha" "Honest, Wham, Who's the Man" "A Hook, Ho! A-OK" "Hot Rex Rox the Exhort" "Hysteria is Hearty This Year" "I Alter a Liter"[] "I Break a Biker" "I, Cat Ever Creative" "I Chafe a Chief" "I Cheat the CIA" "I Cred Dr. Ice" "I Dis and Disdain" "I Dis To Idiots" "I, Down to Do it Now" "I, Er, Max a Remix" "I, Flaunter Ultra-Fine" "I Fold, Foil'd, if Old" "I Found Fun I Do" "I Gank a King" "I Go Scam So Magic" "I Got Net Get-It-On" "I Grab a Airbag" "I Hack a Hick" "I Leak Like a Alkie" "I, Liver, Virile" "I Melt [']Em [']Til I'm Let" "I Neva Naive" "I, Null-Illun" "I Opt a Patio" "I Prosper. Is Proper" "I Pull Up Ill" "I Pump U, Pimp" "I, Punk, Pukin['] Up Ink" "I Rap Oft: A Profit" "I Re-Tag a Tiger" "I Shatter a ... geez" "I Snatch a Snitch" "I-So-Deep Episode" "I Stop to Sip" "I Tag a Git" "I Track a Trick" "I Trust It's Tru" "I'd Beat a Bidet" "I'll Ask Killas A Skill" "I'll Push His Pull" "I'll Try Trilly" "I'm Blues, Sublime" "I'm Boo--I Boom Mo['] Bio" "I'm Happy, Pimp, Yah" "I'm Lost to Slim" "I'm Shot: Mo['] Hits" "I'm Young, in Yo['] Mug" "Ice Has His Ace" "Ill a Moron: I'm on a Roll" "Ill AKA a Killa" "Ill Dr.'s Drills" "Ill, or I Roll" "Ill Pun Pullin[']" "In Rout to Ruin" "In Your Ruin, Yo" "It Rocks So, Trick" "It's Good to go Dis" "It's Po['] to Sip" "July Be a Bluejay" "Junkier Re-Jukin[']" "Kapow, Wap, KO" "Keep it Real, Like, Repeat" "King Hit In, I Thinking" "La Palace A Capella" "La Vie Alive" "Lackeys Be Black-Eyes" "Lash Out Tha Soul" "Laws So Low-[a-word-u]" "Less Lout Sellouts" "Let Go, Get Lo" "Life'z Feliz" "Limos Be Mobiles So--BLIME" "Loads-o-Lads Sad, Lo" "LOL, Dice Collide" "Long Ago Goon Gal" "Lots of Soft Ol['] Fool St" "Loud Enough, Ooh, Unglued" "Loud Mosh Hoodlums" "Loud Snap Sound, Pal" "Loudest Lust Ode" "Love Dat I Violated" "Love is So Vile" "Lucrative Ultra-Vice" "Lust, Pain, Nuptials" "Luv Moe Volume" "M, Sexier Remixes" "Mad Jef's Def Jams" "The Main Aim Then: Mean Hit" "A Manic Maniac" "Mate, She Heats Me the Same" "Maxine's Sane Mix" "Mb. If U, Um, Fib, by Fifi Bumbum" "MC Boast Combats" "MC Boo's Combos" "Me [']Til I Melt" "Me and Ed, Man, Damned Mean" "Mean Dog Gone Mad: Damn Ego" "A Method Made Hot: tha Demo" "Mine of Mo['] Fine" "Mis-Doer, Dis More" "A Misstep Pastes [']Im" "Mista G's Stigmas" "Mix-Art Matrix" "Mm Boi Mob [']Im" "Mo['] Arson: Arm Soon, Maroons" "Mo['] Honesty: Money's Hot" "Mo['] Hos? Oo, SMH" "Mo['] New Women" "A Modern Redo, Man"[] "A Mofo O['] Foma" "Mopy Loon Monopoly on My Pool" "More Phat Metaphor" "Mr. Foe for Me" "Music Noted Undomestic" "My Noise is Money" "My Story: Tryst Mo[']" "Nah, Got to Hang" "New Gibe We Begin" "New, Youngish, When You Sing" "Nippers['] Perpins" "Nite Joy: Enjoy it, Tiny Joe" "No-[crap] Rap-Con" "No Be Icy Nice Boy" "No Crap Con Rap" "No Deffer Offender" "No Face of Acne" "No Hoes Oh Noes" "No Luster? Lose, Runt" "Not Quiet Quotient" "Not Right Nor Tight" "Now Wish Who Wins" "O It's the Hotties" "I Go Wut, Wig Out" "A Prince's Nice Raps" "OK Crew We Rock" "VIP Seen Pensive" "O Town to Own" "Oaths by Hats Boy" "Oh, Local Alcohol" "Oh Mega Homage" "Oh My My Ho" "Oh, Smite This Emo" "Oh, Super Rue Posh" "Oh, Tim! I'm Hot to Him" "Oh, Top to Hop" "Omigod I'm Good" "One Fly Felony" "One Good Goon Ode" "One Kiss Skies On" "Only Big Bling, Yo" "Oo Thugs Go Shout So Tough" "Ooh If I Hoof" "Ops to Stoop to, Sop" "Or I Thug it Rough" "Or Speed Up, Super Dope Dour Peeps" "Otto's Toots" "Our Blast So Brutal" "Our Game: A Morgue" [] "Our Posse Uprose So" "Pace is a Spice" "Pardon Me Doper Man" "Parping Rapping" "Payback by a Pack" "PDA Pad" "Pesos Posse"[] "Phat Nites in the Past" "Phatman's Phantasm" "Pimp Row? Pro-Wimp" "Pimp Soul Populism" "Pimped [']Um, I'm Pumped" "Poised is Dope" "Pop the Hot Pep" "Posh Yard Rhapsody" "Pow! Hurt! Throw Up" "Prod [']Em, Mr. Dope Poem Dr" "Pump Iron or Un-Pimp" "Pushin['] is Phun"[] "Pushing Hip Guns" "Queer as E-Square" "Rakeem's Remakes" "Rap Magnet Pentagram" [] "Rap's True Raptures" "Real City Literacy" "Regrown Wronger" "Remainy in My Ear" "Rep and Pander" "Ribald Gs['] Bad Girls" "Rock a Car, OK" "Rock Can Crack On" "Rock on or Conk" "Rock Out, Ruck Too" "Sad Lu Lauds U Lads" "Scan, Hit a Snitch" "Scum-Aid Ad Music" "The Scum Chum Set" "Senorita, I Stare On" "Sharp Cad Crash Pad" "She Beat the Base" "Shook Up Hook Ups" "A Shot at Hos" "Should Mo['] Hoodlums Slum-Do, Ho" "Sic um cus i'm scum, I"[] "Silent Tinsel"[] "Simply My Lips" "Sing on in Song" "Sing or Be Sobering" "Sit, Brag, Big Star" "Slam U a Slum" "Slammin['] Man Slim" "Slew a Cop Slow-Pace" "A Sly Slay Says Y'All" "Sly, We Net New Style" "Smoove Mooves" "Snap, So, Pass On" "Snog Song" "So Gank Nags, OK" "So Glad as Gold" "So-Hot Hos to Shoot" "So Pissed Posse Dis" "So Tell Us, Sellouts"[] "So Witty Twist, Yo" "Some Lithe Homeliest Elite Mosh" "Some Spy My Posse" "Son, Gun no Nuns" "The Song Goes Nth" "Song O['] Goons" "Soothing This Goon" "SOS-Berg Be Gross" "Spar-Raps" "Stab Mo['] at Mobs" "Stand Up and Push" "Stay[']n Nasty" "Step That Phattest" "Stephan's Phatness" "Stupefy-Fest, Yup" "Stylish Sly This" "Sumpyn['] Unsymp, Puny Ms" "Sunniest Sin-Tunes" "Surely Fo['] Yourself"[] "Swiftie if I Stew" "A Swigger, I Swagger" "A Swing in Swag" "T-Money: My Tone" "Take Mo['] to Make" "Tasha's [a-word-u]hat" "Teenage? Gee, neat" "Tha Hat: a H/T" "That is at This" "That Song: Hot Angst" "These Be the Best" "This Fellow's Fliest Howls" "This Goon Goin['] Host" "This Got So Tight" "This Keg By the Big Sky" "This Love Lives Hot" "This Man Has Mint" "This One So Thine" "This Punk Thinks Up" "A Thump, Um, Phat" "The Time He Hit [']Em" "A Time I Mate" "Tiny Harem in My Heart" "To Enjoy on Yo['] Jet" "To Hit it, Tho[']" "To I the Hottie" "Lost Rap Portals" "To Sift Fo['] Tits" "To Slug Ol['] Guts" "Toast of Too Fast" "Tonight's Hot Sting" "Tons On St" "Too-Low Ol['] Woof" "Trade Mo['] to Dream" "Trapped Dat Perp" "Trick, We Wreck It" "Trim Shy Rhymist" "U No Be Bueno" "Uh, A Lover Overhaul" "Uh, Tip, Hit Up it, Hup" "Um, Bla Album" "Um, Love Volume" "Umm, Mix a Maximum" "Un-Dorks So Drunk" "Undergoing Guerdoning" "Us Got Gusto" "Very Suave Verve, Us? Ay" "A Vibe Hour Behaviour" "A Vision: I So Vain" "Way Up Aw Yup" "Ways to Swat, Yo" "We All Love a Low Level" "We Band to Beat Down" "We is Wise" "We Mark Mr. Weak" "We Pros['] Powers" "We Say Aw Yes" "We Sear a Sewer Raw, See" "We Storm [']Em Worst" "We Style Sweetly" "We're Back. Er, Be Wack" "Wham, Note the Woman" "What No Hat Now" "Where Can I Care, Whine" "Where I Hew Ire" "Where is His Ewer" "Who Felt the Flow" "Why Not Be By the Now" "The Wild Lewd Hit" "Wino Hither, Inherit How" "Wins Got to Swing" "With Mean White Man" "The Wolf Who Left Floweth" "WootKru Workout: OK or Wut" "Wrek-Krew" "Y'Start a Tryst" "Ya Best Stay Be Beasty" "Yah, Live Heavily" "Yawl as Always" "Yer Ma is a Misery" "Yes, Boom Some Yob" "Yes, Flow, We So Fly" "Yes, Porous Your Posse: Yo, Poseurs" "Yo All Loyal Lay Lo" "Yo, Bam, Ya Mob" "Yo, Be With White Boy" "Yo, Bop, Po['] Boy" "Yo, Cap a Copy-Cop, Ya" "Yo Czars So Crazy" "Yo Dames Someday Say Do Me" "Yo, Drum My Word" "Yo, He's So Hey-Oh-Yes" "Yo, Hikes is Hokey" "Yo, Jet In, Enjoy It" "Yo, My Sign: Noisy Gym Misogyny" "Yo, Pals, Play So" "Yolo'n Loony" "Yon Ol['] Loony" "You Ain't in, Ya Out" "Your Voice, I Cover You" "Yum Lick I'm Lucky" "Zip as I Spaz" "Zone-Out Zoo Tune" "Zucchini Iz Un-Chic" table of mob chants [xxm] blurb "'BS! Low blows!'" "'Ehh, still the shill!'" "Furores for sure." "'Lecherous Recluse, oh!'" "'Let's war, wastrel!'" "'LIAR LAIR!'" "Marchers. Charmers!" "Mo['] pupils['] populism." "Mobile lie mob." "'More spew EMPOWERS!'" "'One-ups us? Nope!'" "'Our uprise: superior!'" "A protest, pro-state." "'Push in! PUNISH!'" "'RADICAL! CAD! LIAR!'" "'Roguery now! You're wrong!'" "'Solitude's dissolute!'" "Surging Urgings." "'TYRANT'S RANT STY!'" "'We throng the wrong!'" "'Wordsmith? Worth's dim!'" "'Yesterday's strayed, yes?'" table of oldies singers [xxm] blurb "Abject Cat Jeb" "Absurd Bard Su" "Alto Toal" "Cool Kid Doolick" "Angsty Ty Gans" "Any-Clot Clayton" "Avid Diva Vida" "Avowedly Way-Loved Davy Lowe" "Bad-Shape-Bashed Pa" "Bearded Bard Dee" "Bent Ol['] Belton-Noblet" "Big-Song Boggins" "Bleak Ry Barkley" "Bleary Al Byer" "Blue Boy Bub Oyle" "Boomer Rob Moe Broome" "Breathy Beth Ray Bayther" "Bulbous Soul Bob" "Cheated Cath Dee" "Chronic-Chic Ron" "Coherent [if player is male]Chet Oren[else]Cher Eton[end if]" "Croonings Consignor Ron Scogin" "Croony Conroy" "Cry-Sob Crosby" "Cyril's Lyrics" "Darn Glib Girl Band" "Debonair [if player is male]Rob Daine[else]Andi Boer[end if]" "Derelict Del Trice" "Destroyed [if player is male]Teddy Rose[else]Dede Story[end if]" "Dire Bo Brodie" "Disheartened Deidre Athens" "Doom Mood Odom" "Doyle's Yodels" "Drab Bard Brad" "Dreary Red Ray Ardrey" "Dulce Ced Lu" "Emo Boy Bo Moye" "Emo Moe" "Enormo-Mooner Ron Moe" "Familiar Fair Liam" "Five Sorta Favorites" "Flowery Rolf Wye" "Foreigner Rene Frigo" "Freer Old Doerfler-Releford" "Friendly Fly Derin" "Gamed Madge" "Good Time Diego Tom" "Gramophonist-Monographist Gari Thompson" "Griefy Ferg Yi" "Grim Alda, Madrigal" "Hades Heads" "Hangdog Dan Hogg" "Hard-Luck Chad Krul" "Harmonic Choirman Mica Horn" "Harmonistic Harmonicist [if player is male]Mo Christian[else]Simona Richt[end if]" "Hearty Ty Hare" "Hot Clark Lockhart" "Hot Cleo the Cool" "Hot Ray Yorath" "Hot Satan Thanatos" "Hot Warm Ma Worth" "Howler Wohler" "Isolated [if player is male]Otis Dale[else]Leda Tsoi[end if]" "Jinxed Jed Nix" "Jumbled Jed Blum" "Kewl Welk" "Klif's Filks" "Lad Nash Ashland" "Lapsing Sapling Gil Span" "Li'l Bess Bissell" "Li'l Kip Killip" "Lone Wolf Flo Enlow" "Lonesome Mo Olesen" "Loudest Soul Ted" "Loving Gil Von Volgin" "Lyricist Cristy Li" "Milksop Sim Polk" "Miserable Reba Miles" "Mod Len LeMond" "Moldiest Most-Idle Melodist [d-t] Miles" "Mondegreen [if player is male]Gene Redmon[else]Doreen Meng[end if]" "Moonster Montrose" "Mr. Oh-Any-Harmony" "Mug Nat Gutman" "Muse Roy Seymour" "Musical Ms. Lucia" "Mutual Umlaut" "Nervy Ervyn Vyner" "No-Girl Loring" "Nomad Damon Monda" "Nomady Dynamo Don May" "Nostalgic Gnostical [if player is male]Clint Gosa[else]Staci Long[end if]" "Ol['] Carny Carolyn" "Ol['] Max Lomax" "Ol['] Tray Taylor" "Old Nat Dalton" "Old Sinner [if player is male]Red Nilson[else]Linn Erdos[end if]" "Operatic Pia Ector" "Organist Rita Song" "Outcast Stu Cato" "Ray-the-Earthy Thayer" "Recreator Carretero" "Rejected Jed Crete" "Retread Art Reed" "Riven Ervin Viner" "Rob-Ray Yarbro" "Rolling Ron Gill" "Romantic Carin['] Tom" "Sad Dino Addison" "Sad Guy Gus Day" "Savory Ray Vos" "Seductive Stevie Duc" "Sloshed Old Hess" "So-Alive [if player is male]Leo Avis[else]Eva Lois[end if]" "So-Alone Neal Soo" "So-Emo Moose" "So-Gritty Troy Gist" "So-Tender Tod Rosen" "Soft Guy Gus Foyt" "Somber Ol['] Mel Boros" "Sore Old Dolores" "Sot-Ode DeSoto" "Spry Kathe, the Sparky Perky Star" "Straining Artis Ginn" "Sugary Gus Ray" "Sulking Sunk Gil" "Sulky Lu Sky" "Swayer Sawyer" "Tiemless Lee Smits" "To-Filk-It Folk" "Toasting Tangoist [i-n] Gotts" "Too-Dire Ode Trio" "Top-Ode Ed Toop" "Tortured [d-t] Ruter" "Treble-Belter Elbert Bletre-LeBert" "Twangy Wygant" "Underdog Geno Rund" "Unsocial Icon Saul" "Using-Gin Su" "Wan Lady Wayland" "Wan Max Waxman" "Warble-Bawler Reb Law" "Weathered Thad Ewer" "Welcomer Clem Rowe" "Wistful Lu Swift" "Yodeler Rey Odle" "Yodeling Lyn Diego" "Yon Old Noodly Don Loy" "Yowler Rowley" this-book is a number that varies. this-book is usually 0. table of random books [tob] [xxm] blurb prio "[a-b], Russ: ABUSERS[r], by Bess Rau" "[A-word-u] Zit Zen: Snazziest[r], by Issa Zeitz" "[d-t] Shed the Odds[r], by Ted Dosh" "[d-word-u], Girl, Grim Land[r], by [if player is male]Dr. Gilman[else]Marg Lind[end if]" "[if censor-minor is true]REDACTED[else]Turds, Turds, Turds[end if]!!![r] by Dr. Stu Durst" "[one of]Mel[or]Lem[in random order], a Lame Male[r], by Elma Elam" [x] "A'Ight, Git? Ha[r], by Gita Haight" "A'Rite, I Tear a Tire[r], by Artie Etria" "Abbey Cho's Sobby Ache[r], by [if player is male]Cobey Bash[else]Sheya Cobb[end if]" "Abbie's Babies[r], by Seb Iba" "Ach, Get on to Change[r], by Chet Goan" "A Vaguer Veg Aura[r], by Ava Ruge-Guevara." "Not-Sludgy, Godly, Nuts[r], by Dusty Long" "ABC is basic![r] by Cassi Babic" "A Broker or Baker[r], by [a-b] Rork" "We Both Bow: the Hot Web[r], by Thoth Bewebow" "Ice Art: I Trace a Citer[r], by Tricia-Tracee Cerita" "The Ward: Wet, Hard[r], by Tad Rhew" "Magic Key: a Gem, Icky[r], by Mick Gaye" "Prodigals['] Rapid Slog[r], by Paris Gold" "O, Chains in Chaos[r], by Achison Schiano" "Sad Ben's Badness[r], by Ned Bass & Dan Bess" "New Labels Swell? Bane[r], by Belle Swan" "Fly, Calf: Fallacy[r], by Alf Clay" "Blog Loud, Dull Goob[r], by Doug Boll" "Who Ties This Woe So White[r], by Wes Hoit" "Dry Abe, Ye Bard Beardy: a Derby[r], by Deb Ray" "Um, Star, a Strum[r], by Rustam Martus" "I. E. Space is Peace[r], by Ace Sipe" "Run, Tag a Grunt, Tru-Nag[r], by 'Gut' Arn Ungart" "My Hot Pal Polymath[r], by Hoyt Lamp" "See, Mine Enemies[r], by Enis Mee" "Bugs['] Rent: Grub Nest[r], by Gus Brent" "Rod Ruby's Sorry Bud[r], by Rudy Bors" "Abhorrent, Earth-Born[r], by [if player is male]Robert Han[else]Berna Roth[end if]" "Abide Inert, Inebriated[r], by Benita Reid" "Able Arty Betrayal[r], by [if player is male]Bart Ealy[else]Tara Blye[end if]" "Ably, Alby[r], by Baby Lyla" "About KC: a Buck to Back Out[r], by Cat Kubo" "The Abyss Hastes By[r], by Shay Best" "Academy Day Came[r], by Mac Eady" "Ace Gods So Caged[r], by Ced Gosa" "Ace Rest Creates a Secret[r], by Cat Rees" "Ace Seth Teaches SeaTech E-Cheats[r], by Tee Cash"[] "Ace Yard Race Day[r], by Cary Ade" "Ace's Case[r], by CeCe & Sasa" "Ach, Sir: Chairs I Crash[r], by Charis Sarich-Raisch" "Achy Lull[r], by [if player is male]Clay Hull[else]Lucy Hall[end if]" "Achy Odes: Days Echo[r], by Doc Hayes" "AcidSoft Factoids[r], by Tad Scifo" "Acronyms? Mas Corny![r] by Ros McNay" "Acting Naif's Fascinating[r], by Cats Finigan" "Acton's Cantos to Scan[r], by Costas Canton" "The Ad or Her Toad[r], by Ed Troha" "Adam, He's Ashamed[r], by [if player is male]Ed Hamsa[else]Mae Shad[end if]" "Add Iron, Android[r], by Ida Dorn" "Adding Up a Pudding[r], by Pip Dugan" "Adieu, Rude Air[r], by Audrie Rideau" "Ado By a Body[r], by Bo Day" "Adolf, Lad of Fad, Lo![r] by Ada Dolloff" "Adonis Said No[r], by Sonia Addison" "African Francia[r], by Cara Fin" "Afterlife Felt Afire[r], by Effie Tarl" "Ageism Images[r], by Maggie Massie" "Ageless Sage Les[r], by Lee Gass" "Ages and Agendas[r], by Dan Gase-Sandage" "Ah, Battlers: Blathers at Last Breath[r], by [if player is male]Ash Talbert[else]Shelba Tart[end if]" "Ah, Blest the Slab[r], by Hal Best" "Ah, Crazy Zachary[r], by Chaz Ray" "Ah, Cry, Chary Archy[r], by Harry Chyca" "Ah, Debtor, Both Read the Board[r], by Ed Hobart" "Ah, Doter O['] Hatred[r], by Rod Athe" "Ah, Her Paper[r], by Pepe Harrah" "Ah, Old Men Hold Mean Homeland[r], by Del Homan & Mel Honda" "Ah, Poor Harp[r], by Orpha Pharo" "Ah, Serf, Afresh[r], by Shafer Sharef" "Ah, Share a Rehash, Ehh, Sara[r], by Rhea Ash" "Ah, Sot: Oaths to Ash[r], by Tasha Hoots" "Ah, WOW is how I was[r], by Wai Show" "Aha! Sunk, Kahunas[r], by Asa Kuhn" "Ahh, Diets: Hate Dish![r] by Sid Heath" "Ahh, Tell the Hall[r], by Hal Leth" "Ahh, Twisty That-is-Why[r], by Whitt Hays" "Ahoy, Sir So Hairy[r], by Rio Hays" "Ail Earlier[r], by Ariel Reali" "Aimless Plot, Lamest Spoil[r], by Salome Spilt" "Air-Lust Rituals[r], by Lurista St. Lauri" "Air Mass, Mrs. Asia[r], by Marissa Samaris-Massari" "Airy Tar: a Rarity, Array It[r], by Rita Ray" "Aisles['] Sales-Liases[r], by Elissa Alessi" "Al Has a Lash[r], by Shala Halas" "Al, OK to Look At[r], by Ola Kot" "Al Rose: a Loser So Real[r], by Sal Ore" "Al Sings Signals in Glass Sans Gil[r], by Sis Lang" "Al Wove a Vowel[r], by Eva Low" "Alarmed? Go, Dear Golem[r], by [if player is male]Leo Dagmar[else]Margo Dale[end if]" [] "Alarmists['] Mass Trial[r], by Lara Smits" "Alas, Empty Lame Pasty Playmates[r], by Alma Stype" "Alas, Oft So Fatal: Fat, Also[r], by Flo Asta" "Alchemist, Lacesmith[r], by Milt Chase" "Aldo Wu's Wouldas[r], by Saul Dow" "Alert Us: a Result-Lust Era[r], by Lea Rust" "Alerting to Retotaling Tolerating[r], by [if player is male][else]Regina Lott[end if]" "Aleuts Salute Alt-Use[r], by Sue Tal" "Alfredo's Old Fears[r], by Flor Sade" "Ali's Ex Alexis[r], by Eli Sax & Sal Xie" "Alien Middleman Annelid Dilemma[r], by Melinda Idleman" "Alienator Rationale[r], by Tari O'Neal" "All-Bums Slum Lab[r], by Sal Blum" "All-Gone Galleon[r], by Leo Lang" "All-Joy Lyla Jo[r], by Jay Oll" "All Right Li'l Garth[r], by Trig Hall" "All Sew as Well[r], by Les Law" "All This: It Shall[r], by Sal Hilt" "All Types Ply Tales[r], by Sly Patel" "Allegorist Legislator Tiger Laslo[r], by [if player is male]Otis Grella[else]Lita LeGros[end if]" "Alma Maters Alarm Teams[r], by Martel Maas" "The Alms Hamlets[r], by Mel Tash" "Along the Hot Angle[r], by Theo Lang" "Alp Nation Planation[r], by [if player is male]Alton Patin[else]Patti Nolan[end if]" "Also Giant Nostalgia Lost Again[r], by Sonia Galt" "Also No Saloon[r], by Sal Ono" "Alternative Tea Interval[r], by [if player is male]Arnette Vail[else]LaVerne Tait[end if]" "Altruist, Ultraist[r], by Stuart Li" "Always, Aw, a Sly Law, Say[r], by Sal Way" "Am Whole? How Lame, Ahem, Low[r], by Elmo Haw" "Amen, Sing Meanings[r], by Genni-Sam Siegmann" "Amen, Tidy Dynamite[r], by Tim Dayne" "American Man: I Care[r], by Ren Amaci" "Americans are Manics[r], by Carin Ames" "Amnesia: Am I Sane[r], by [if player is male]Asa Mein[else]Nia Ames[end if]" "Amphetamines: Mean Shipmate[r], by Emma Stephani & Pam Mathiesen" "Ample Test Templates[r], by [if player is male]Matt Sleep[else]Pam Settle[end if]" "Amplify My Pilaf[r], by Flip May" "Anaglyptic Playacting[r], by Patil Cygan" "Ancestries['] Resistance[r], by [if player is male]Cesar Stein[else]Tressa Ince[end if]" "And Do an Odd Add-on[r], by Donda Dando" "And Fighters Fret and Sigh[r], by Fred Hasting" "And Flag, Glad Fan[r], by Fang Lad Gandalf" "And Flop, Fond Pal[r], by Alf Pond" "And Gee, an Edge[r], by [if player is male]Ed Egan[else]Dee Ang[end if]" "And Gore Raged On Near God[r], by Rod Egan" "And Hence, Enhanced![r] by Dean Chen" "And His Dashin['] Had Sin[r], by Shandi Danish" "And Lee Leaned, Leaden[r], by Ed Lane" "And Moan, Madonna[r], by Mo Anand" "And Nice in Dance Can Dine[r], by Nic Dean" "And Now No Wand[r], by Ann Dow" "And Ode Dead On[r], by Ed Doan" "And Row Onward[r], by Rann Woodward" "And See a Dense Sea-Den[r], by DeSean Esande" "And Show Wan D'ohs, Don Shaw[r], by Shwonda Ashdown" "And Sure Asunder[r], by Sue Rand" "And to Nod at a Don't[r], by [if player is male]Donta[else]Tonda[end if] Donat" "And Toys Don't Say Stand, Yo[r], by Tad Sony" "Andre Nader, A Nerd[r], by Daren Raden" "Androids So Drain'd[r], by Sid Doran" "Anger Did My Daydreaming[r], by [if player is male]Damien Grady[else]Madie Nygard[end if]" "Anger-Haus Harangues[r], by Rush Eagan" "Anger I Regain[r], by Regina Aigner" "Angola's Analogs[r], by Asa Long" "Angst Eats, Stagnates[r], by Stan Gates" "Anna sees sane Sean[r], by Asa Senne." "Anneal, Lessee[r], by [if player is male]LeSean[else]Selena[end if] Lanese-Anslee" "Annoying Agony Inn[r], by Nino Nagy" "Anoint No Anti-Nation[r], by Antoni Tanino" "Anon Has Hosanna[r], by A. Hanson" "Another Do on the Road[r], by [if player is male]Theo Ardon[else]Eda Horton[end if]" "Another Near-Hot Tan Hero[r], by Art Hoen" "Another Try, Tyrant-Hero[r], by [if player is male]Tony Erhart[else]Thora Tyner[end if]" "Another Try, Tyrant-Hero[r], by Roy Harnett" "Ante Oddly: Not Deadly[r], by Toddy Lane" [] "Anti-Cruel, Ultra-Nice Alien Curt[r], by Lucie Tran" "Anti Drugs Rants I Dug[r], by Darin Gust" "Anti-Erotic Recitation[r], by Torian Tice" "Anti-Facts? Fantastic![r], by Staci F. Tan" "Anti-Muon Mountain[r], by Nina Muto" "Anti-Rancor Contrarian[r], by [if player is male]Antoni Carr[else]Tara Rincon[end if]" "Anti-SOB Bastion, Ban Otis[r], by Ian Bost & Bo Tanis" "Antioch to China[r], by [if player is male]Nat Choi[else]Nita Cho[end if]" "Ants Die Instead[r], by Ed Astin" "Any Dot And Toy to Andy[r], by Dontay Dayton" "Any Goal Analogy[r], by Aya Long" "Any Nit is Insanity[r], by Nini Tsay" "Any Pen a Penny[r], by Ann Pye" "Any Pick Panicky[r], by Nick Yap" "Any Plight, Plaything? Ply a Night[r], by Hilty Pang" "Any Temp Payment Type, Man[r], by Tena Pym" "Apes['] Apse[r], by Essa Pape" "Aphrodite Atrophied[r], by [if player is male]Theo Pradi[else]Ardith Poe[end if]" "Apollo's Solo Pal[r], by Al Sloop" "Apropos, Poor Sap[r], by Pa Spoor" "Apt, Brute: Batter Up[r], by Bert Tupa" "Arcane Commoner Romance[r], by Ace Norm Cameron" "Arch Woes: Who Cares[r], by [if player is male]Chas Rowe[else]Shea Crow[end if]" "The Area: a Reheat[r], by Tea Rahe" "Arid Pool Polaroid[r], by Opal Dior" "Ariel's Serial Ailers[r], by Al Reis" "Aries, Aries[r], by Saira Reise" "Arise, Raise a Sire![r] by Siara Riese" "Aristotle's Totalisers[r], by [if player is male]Otis Slater[else]Tess Rialto[end if]" "Arlo's Solar Orals[r], by Ross Allaro" "Armories, Armoires[r], by [if player is male]Omar Reis[else]Rosa Meir[end if]" "Arms on Ransom[r], by Ms. Rona Rosman" "Arnie's Arisen[r], by Serina Raines" "Arrange No Ego, O Anger[r], by Genaro O'Regan-Garone" "Arrogant Tarragon[r], by Art Garno" "The Arrow Heart Row[r], by Thor Ware" "Arsenic's Raciness[r], by [if player is male]Eric Sans[else]Erin Cass[end if]" "Art I Love To Elvira[r], by [if player is male]Avi Toler[else]Lita Vore[end if]" "Art Set at Rest[r], by Teressa Tratt" "Artemis, a Smiter[r], by Tim Ares" "Arthroscope Crapshooter[r], by [if player is male]Oscar Thorpe[else]Tora Porsche[end if]" "Artsman Mantras[r], by Nat Mars" "Artsy-Eyed Yesterday[r], by Syed Tyrea" "Arty Nat, a Tyrant[r], by Ray Tant" "As for Afros So Far[r], by Sara Rosoff" "As I Beg, Big Sea[r], by Ab Gies" "As Pundit I Stand Up[r], by Pati Sund" "As the Heats Haste[r] , by Hesta Athes & Tessa Heath" "The Ashen Heathens[r], by Seth E. Han" "Ask It, Yo, It's Okay[r], by Ty Osaki" "Ask Them, the Mask[r], by [if player is male]Kam Tesh[else]Kat Mesh[end if]" "Ask Theo to Shake the Oaks[r], by Kat Shoe" "Ask Yon Yak, Son[r], by Sy Kano" "Asteroids So Satired[r], by Sid Setora" "Astral Altars[r], by Starla St. Lara" "Asylum of Foul Yams, Famously So Fumy, Al[r], by Ulf S. Mayo" "Asynergia Gainsayer[r], by [if player is male]Gary Anise[else]Inga Rasey[end if]" "At [']Em, Team-Mate[r], by Emma Tate"[] "At a Blue Tableau[r], by Beau Alt" "At a Creek, Take Care[r], by Kate Cera" "At a Rum Trauma[r], by Mat Rau" "At Lowly Tallowy Tollway[r], by Walt Loy" "At No Addition[r], by Donita Donati" "At the Theta[r], by Hetta H. Tate" "At-Worst Tot Wars Start, Ow[r], by Ros Watt" "Atlantis Ain't Last[r], by Lita Nast" "The Atoms Most Hate[r], by Shea Mott" "Atoners, Senator Orantes[r], by Stan Roe" "Auctions['] Cautions[r], by Nia Couts" "Authoress Rathouses[r], by [if player is male]Hosea Rust[else]Rosa Shute[end if]" "Avalons So Naval[r], by [if player is male]Sal Avon[else]Lana Vos[end if]" "Avenir Ravine[r], by Verena Virani & Vernie Varian" "Avoid Men, Oven Maid[r], by Mia Devon" "Avon is So Vain[r], by [if player is male]Ian Vos[else]Vi Naso[end if]" "Aw, Nerd, Ew--Darn[r], by Andrew Ardwen" "Aw, Urged, We Guard[r], by Gerda Wu" "Awe-Smit, It was Me[r], by Mia West" "Awesome Mesa Woe[r], by Wee Amos" "Axe Sully Sexually[r], by Elsy Laux" "Ay, Funds: Fun Days[r], by Sandy Fu" "Aye, Sinner: Ye Insaner Nine Years[r], by Serina Ney & Nina Reyes" "B-Movies: Mobs Vie[r], by Mo Bevis" "Back Under Crude-Bank Cad Bunker[r], by Buck Arden" "Bad Grades[r], by Brad Degas" "Bad, Rote, Aborted[r], by Art Bode, Tad Boer & [d-t] Bare" "Bah, Rent the Barn[r], by Ben Hart" "Bah, Son! Ah, Snob[r], by Bo Nash" "Bail Came, Amicable[r], by Mica Abel" "Bail Won, I Bawl On[r], by Lina Bow" "Bait Your Obituary[r], by Ryu Tobia" "Ballyard Balladry[r], by Lyra Bald" "Balmier, I Ramble[r], by Amber Li" "Ban a New Wannabe[r], by Anna Web" "Ban Ego? No, Gabe[r], by Bo Egan" "BAN MILK[r], by Bilk-Man Lambkin Milbank" "Ban Sin or Brains? NO[r], by Ann Boris" "Bane or a Boner Near Bo[r], by Eb Roan" "A Baneful Moth, Unfathomable[r], by Afton Ambuehl" "The Bard Bret Had Breadth[r], by Rad Beth DeBarth" "Barmy Mr. Bay[r], by Byram Mabry" "Barnet's Banters[r], by Stan Erb" "Baroquest Squat Bore[r], by Art Bosque" "Barren Bane, Bare Banner[r], by Abner Berna" "Barrenest Banterers[r], by [if player is male]Bret Serna[else]Reba Ernst[end if]" "Basic Lone Balconies[r], by [if player is male]Les Bocian[else]Ilse Bacon[end if]" "The Basic Tech Bias: Cite, Bash[r], by [a-b] Tisch" "Bat Null, Nutball![r] by Blunt Al" "Baths o['] Bathos[r], by Bo Tash" "Batless Labs-Set Stables[r], by Bess Alt" "Bauer's Abuser, Bear Us[r], by Su Baer" "Bauerle's Reusable Blues Era[r], by [if player is male]Saul Bree[else]Lea Suber[end if]" "Baum, a Bum[r], by Bub Mamua" "Be Afraid: a Bad Fire[r], by Deb Faria" "Be Cool, Ole Cob[r], by Bo Cole" "Be Drony, Nerd Boy Ed Byron[r], by Rey Bond" "Be Kind, Kid Ben[r], by Ed Bink" "Be Loved, Bold Eve[r], by [if player is male]Del Bevo[else]Bev Odle[end if]" "Be Proud, Prude Bo[r], by Bud Poer" "Be Sat! St. [a-b] Abets Betas[r], by Abbess Etta" "Be Told, Old Bet[r], by Deb Olt" "Beach [']N a Bench[r], by Bec Han" "Bear no Bane or one Bar[r], by Robena Barone" "Bear to Eat, Bro[r], by [if player is male]Roberto Abate[else]Barbee Totaro[end if]" "Bearcat Cabaret[r], by Ace Brat Bart Cabe" "Beardy Dry [a-b][r], by Deb Ray" "Bearing a Binger[r], by Ian Berg & Gabe Nir" "The Bears Eat Herbs[r], by Hera Best" "Beastly Labs, Yet[r], by Aly Best" "Beasts or Boasters[r], by Bert Sosa" "Beat, Bold Bob Dealt to Dabble[r], by [a-b] Boldt" "Beat Poetry by a Treetop[r], by [if player is male]Rob Payette[else]Petra Tobey[end if]" "Beating Up a Bug, Inept[r], by Paige Bunt" "Bechdel Belched[r], by Ced Hleb" "Bedlam Ambled[r], by Bad Mel Dembla" "Bedlam: Bad Lem Blamed Bald Em[r], by Ed Lamb" "Bedtime: I'd be Met[r], by Tim Bede" "Been-Dark Reedbank[r], by Ned Baker" "Beer Cans Scare Ben[r], by Bren Case" "BeerInc: Be Rec'in![r], by Ben Rice & Nic Eber" [p] "Being Right: Hint Bigger[r], by Inge Bright & Britni Hegg" "A Belief's Feasible, Base Life[r], by Basil Fee" "Belser Rebels[r], by Les Erb" "Bely So, Ye Slob[r], by Les-Boy Bosley-Boyles" "Ben Sat Absent[r], by Beans Basnett & Bennett Sabas" "Bend, Stray Bystander[r], by Bret Sandy & Andy Brest" "Benevolent Noble Event[r], by Neve Belton" "Benoit's Boniest Bio-Nest[r], by Bo Stein" "Beriberi Bier[r], by Bri Beier" 60 "Bermuda's Dear Bums[r], by Bud Maser" "Bernoulli: No Ill Rube[r], by [if player is male]Burl O'Neil[else]Elli Bruno[end if]" "Bertie Be-Rite[r], by Bit Ree" "Betty Lou's Subtle Toy[r], by Utley Bost" "Beyond Done-by, Ye Bond[r], by Don Bey" "Bias in an Ibis[r], by Sibina Banisi" "Bid Ken be Kind, Kid Ben[r], by Ed Bink" "Big, Lame, I Gamble[r], by Gabe Lim" "Big Land Balding[r], by Al D. Bing" "Big Note to Begin: I Go Bent[r], by Tobie Ng" "Big Red Bridge[r], by Brigid Edberg & Di Berg" "Bile, Wit: I Blew It[r], by Tib Weil" "Biled, I Bled[r], by Bill Dedbie" "The Bill: Hell Bit[r], by Bet Hill" "Bill the Bell-Hit[r], by Li'l Beth" "Bind the Thin Bed, then Bid[r], by Beth Din" "The Bird be Third[r], by Di Berth" "Birdbrain and Brinda[r], by Brandi Briand" "The Birds Bred This[r], by [if player is male]Sid Breth[else]Deb Hirst[end if]" "Biter Tribe[r], by Berti Tiber" "The Black Belt Hack Tech-Balk[r], by Kat Belch, Chet Balk & Beth Lack" "Black Fire, Leaf Brick[r], by Flick Baer" "Blackmail Claim-Balk[r], by [if player is male]Mack Bilal[else]Alma Bick[end if]"[] "Blamable Me[r], by Mabel Lambe" "Blame Mabel[r] by Mel LeBamba" "Blame to Me: A Blot[r], by Tom Beal & [a-b] Molt" "Blamer Mr. Bale[r], by Al Berm" "A Blander Bare Land[r], by Brad Lane" "Blando Boland[r], by Al Bond" "Blast Once, Constable Boncastle[r], by Stan Coble" "Blather On, Then Labor[r], by Noel Barth" "Bleach, Lye, Bellyache[r], by Lyle Beach" "Blearily, Reliably[r], by Bill Raye" "Bleat, Mr. Lambert[r], by Tal Brem" "Blighter Girl Beth Hiltberg[r], by Helg-Brit Gilbreth" "Blocked Old Beck[r], by Ced Kolb" "Blog Friend, Blind Gofer[r], by Ford Ebling" "Blood Bay, Ol['] Bad Boy[r], by Lady Bobo" "A Blowgun Bungalow[r], by [if player is male]Blu Wogan[else]Ang Bulow[end if]" "Blue Words, Rude Blows[r], by Bud Rowles" "Blush Ripe, Publisher![r] by Herb Pulis" "The Board's Drab Ethos[r], by [if player is male]Shad Berto[else]Rhoda Best[end if]" "Boater to Bear or Beat[r], by Tre Abo & [a-b] Ort" "Bob Lew's Wobbles[r], by Sol Webb" "The Bogus, Besought[r], by Hugo Best" "Boguser Rubes, Go[r], by Sue Borg" "Boil Sly Li'l Boys[r], by Lily Bos" "Boing Boing[r], by Gino Gibbon" "Bold Greg Goldberg[r], by Blogger D" "A Bolder Labored Old Bear: Bad Lore[r], by [a-b] Lord" "Boldest Slob Ted Lost Deb[r], by Del Bost" "The Bone He Bet On[r], by Benet Ho" "Bones in Benoni's Benison[r], by Bo Ennis" "Bonsoir, Orbison[r], by [if player is male]Bo Irons[else]Robin So[end if]" "Boogers! Goobers![r], by Geo Bors" "Boone's One SOB[r], by Ben Soo" "Boorhug Borough[r], by Rob Hugo" "Boors['] Sty Sob Story[r], by Toby Ross" "Bore Until in Trouble[r], by Eli Bruton & [toti] Bruel" "Bosh Diets: Both Sides[r], by Edith Boss" "Boss Eats Asbestos[r], by Tess Sabo" "A Bot-Boat[r], by Toto Baab & Bobo Tata" "Both Employ Phlebotomy[r], by Ethyl Pombo" "Both End the Bond[r], by [d-t] Behn" "Both Met the Tomb[r], by Beth Tom" "A Bother to Rehab[r], by [a-b] Hort" "A Bottle to Bleat[r], by [a-b] Lott" "Bottled Up Debut Plot[r], by Bud Pottle" "Boundless Soul Bends[r], by Eldon Buss" "Bourbon Run[r], by Bruno Bourn" "Bowden's Snow Bed[r], by Wes Bond" "The Bowl Blew Hot[r], by Beth Low" "Brad Sikes, Bad Kisser[r], by Sadi Krebs" "Bragsome Embargos[r], by Amos Berg" "Brainwaves: I Save Brawn[r], by Vernia Swab" "Brand Names, Bad Manners[r], by [if player is male]Sam Brendan[else]Debra Manns[end if]" "The Brave Have Bert[r], by Bev Harte" "Brave Nun Van Buren[r], by Evan Burn" "Bravest Star Bev[r], by Rav Best" "Brawl On, Barn Owl[r], by Al Brown" "Bray Oft, Frat Boy[r], by Fab Troy Bayfort" "Break Down, Woken Bard[r], by [if player is male]Andrew Bok[else]Kendra Bow[end if]" "Breaking King Bear[r], by [if player is male]Ben Kigra[else]Inge Bark[end if]" "Breaking King Bear[r], by Angi Berk" "Brew On, New Bro[r], by Bowen Browner" "Brides['] Debris, Biders['] Rebids[r], by Sid Erb" "Bring Me Mr. Being[r], by Ben Grim" "Bring Un-Burning[r], by Bri Gunn-Ninburg" "A Brittle Trite Lab[r], by Brett Ali" "Bro Didd, Odd Bird[r], by Bri Dodd" "Bro-Duel Boulder[r], by Old Rube Rod Blue" "Bro Time Bit More[r], by Tim Boer" "Broody Boy Rod[r], by Boyd Ro" "Brooms or Mobs[r], by Mo Bors" "Brownest Torn Webs[r], by Bret Snow" "Bum Hans, Bushman[r], by BS Human Shubman" "Burgeon, One Grub[r], by Bo Unger" "Burgle, Bugler[r], by Lu Berg" "Burned Burden[r], by Bub-Ned Rudner" "Bust Not, Buttons[r], by Bo Stunt" "But Dr. Joe's Just Bored[r], by Jude Borst" "But Hey, Buy The...[r], by Beth Yu" "But No, He's on the Bus[r], by Ben South" "But Polish to Publish[r], by Tulip Bosh" "But Rally Brutally, Bully-Rat[r], by Lyla Burt" "But yeah, bye, Utah[r], by [a-b] Huyt" "Butler Ulbert[r], by Bret Lu" "A Butler's Baluster[r], by [if player is male]Bert Saul[else]Rea Blust[end if]" "Buy Ann a Bunny[r], by Nun Bay Bunyan" "By Dear, a Derby[r], by [if player is male]Ray Bey-Bedard[else]Deb Ray[end if]" "By Lingo Ignobly[r], by [if player is male]Gino Bly[else]Glyn Obi[end if]" "By Sod, a Sad Boy[r], by Bo Days" "Bye Now, New Boy[r], by Ben Yow" "Cadger-Graced Dr. Cage[r], by Edgar C. DeCrag" "Cads Hate the Cades[r], by [if player is male]Ted Chase[else]Cath Dees[end if]" "The Cads Scathed[r], by Ted Cash" "Cagier Gracie[r], by Erica G. Geraci" "Cagley Legacy[r], by Ace Gly" "Calcium Accumil[r], by Ma Lucci" "Call Up Pal Luc[r], by Al Culp" "Calumnies['] Main Clues[r], by [if player is male]Sam Lucien[else]Sue Maclin[end if]" "A Camp Elf Facepalm[r], by Alec Famp" "Can-Do and Co[r], by A. Condon, Cad" "Can His Chains Cash In[r], by Nic Ash" "Can Louts Consult a Cult As No Soul Can't[r], by Scot Luna" "Can Yetis Stay Nice[r], by Staci Ney" "Candider Riddance[r], by [if player is male]Ned Darci[else]Cinda Erd[end if]" "The Candor: Don't Reach[r], by Chet Doran" "Canonists['] Sanctions[r], by Cassi Tonn" "The Cape's Cheapest[r], by Pete Cash" "Capello's Collapse[r], by Sol Place" "Captain Pa-I-Can't[r], by Tip Caan"[] "Caputo's Up-Coast Opus Act[r], by Pa Scout" "Carabineers['] Aberrancies[r], by Sara Bernice & Narcissa Bree" "The Cards Herd Cats[r], by Dre Tasch" "Care? Groan, Arrogance or Carnage[r], by [if player is male]Reg Carano[else]Cora Agner[end if]" "Carmelo's Scam-Role Clamores[r], by Sam LeRoc" "Carnage Can Rage[r], by Ace Garn" "Carnal Clone Offer[r], by Florance Falconer" "Cartoons, to Carson: no actors can roost[r], by Nora Scot" "Cashier Cahiers[r], by Eric Ash" "Cast Iron Can Roist[r], by Arin-Scot Crisanto" "Cat Lady: a Dactyl[r], by Tad Clay" "Catch Phrase Scratch Heap[r], by [if player is male]Casper Hatch[else]Chara Petsch[end if]" "Cater So to Cares[r], by Scot Rea" "Cathy's Shy Cat[r], by Ty Cash" "Cations['] Actions[r], by Nic Sato" "The Cause: He's Acute[r], by Ace Theus" "Caustic Rare Caricatures: Accurate, Sir![r], by Traci Crause" "Cave Dirt: It Craved A Verdict[r], by Tad Cervi" "The Caves Save Tech[r], by [if player is male]Steve Cha[else]Eva Tesch[end if]" "A Cedar Arcade[r], by Ace Ard" "Cedary Red Cay[r], by [if player is male]Ed Cary[else]Darcey DeCray[end if]" "A Ceded Decade[r], by [if player is male]Ed Deac[else]Cad Dee[end if]" "Cedwin Winced[r], by Cid New & Nic Dew" "Cellar Race[r], by Clare Carle-Lacer" "Cerasoli Calories[r], by [if player is male]Eli Oscar[else]Laci Rose[end if]" "Chaim's Smicha[r], by Mischa Masich" "Chan is in Cash[r], by Nic Ash" "Chap, Yer Preachy[r], by Pa Ryche" "Chaplin's Clan Ship[r], by [if player is male]Sal Pinch[else]Lin Pasch[end if]" "Charlie LaRiche: Ah, Relic[r], by Hal Rice" "Charming Mr. Chiang[r], by Marc Nigh" "Charming Mr. Ganich[r], by Nic Grahm" "Charon's Anchors[r], by Ron Cash" "Chart Ten: the Ranch[r], by Ren Hatch" "Cheat On, Ache Not[r], by [if player is male]Nat Echo[else]Tena Cho[end if]" "Cheatum's Mustache, Such Meat[r], by Sam Chute" "A Chef's Chafes[r], by Chaffee Sachs" "A Chef's Chafes[r], by E. F. Cash & F. C. Shea" "Cheri's Riches[r], by Sir Che Schier" "Chess Bait: the Basics[r], by Cassi-Beth Estis-Bach" "A Chess Game: Scheme Saga[r], by Sasha McGee" "Chet Rios Shot Eric[r], by Chris Teo" "Chic Loner Chronicle[r], by Olric Chen" "Chicer Heresies, Cheesier Riches[r], by Cherise Scheier" "Chicest Thrillers, Stretchier Chills[r], by Christel Tichsler" "A Chicken: Nice Hack[r], by Ceci Khan" "Chider Dr. Eich[r], by Ed Rich" "A Chit-Chat I Act, Hi[r], by Cathi Chait" "Chorale Cholera[r], by Carole H. LaRoche" "A chore, Horace: oh, Care or Ache![r] by Rao Che" "Christoper's Rectorships[r], by Horst Price" "Christoper's Rectorships[r], by Itch Prosser" "A Chum's Scum, Ha[r], by Mac Shu" "Chunks to Shuck Not[r], by Scot Kuhn" "Ciambi's Iambics[r], by Ibis Mac" "Citatory Atrocity[r], by Cory Tait" "Cite Thy Itch, Yet: the City, Ye Titch[r], by Ty Teich" "Cito's Tic So Stoic[r], by Coco Tsitis" "Civil Man's Calvinism[r], by Vic Silman" "Claire, a Relic[r], by Al Rice" "Clashed Sad Lech[r], by Les Chad" "Clear New Were-Clan[r], by Carl-Ewen Lawrence" "Clearly, Carlyle[r], by Ella Cyr" "Clematis Climates[r], by [if player is male]Alec Smit[else]Laci Smet[end if]" "Clochards, Arch-Clods[r], by Cal Dorsch." "Clod Ed's Scolded Coddles[r], by Ced Olds" "A Close Solace[r], by Sal Coe & Cal Ose" "Closeted Doc Steel[r], by Ted Coles" "Clueless Cell Uses[r], by Luc Essel" "Co-Insured Decurions Cruised On[r], by Rico Sunde" "Co-Slime? I'm Close[r], by Sim Cole" "Co-Whine? How Nice[r], by Owen Chi" "Coalitionist Solicitation[r], by Alison Ciotti" "Coca, Yayo: a Coy CYOA[r], by Cacy O. Yao" 60 "Code-Fork Roofdeck[r], by Fred Cook" "Coded-to-Dote Doc[r], by Todd Coe" "Coifer of Rice[r], by Ric Foe" "Coiners['] Cronies[r], by Enrico S. Ericson" "Col Nemo's Monocles[r], by Mel Coons" "The Cold Old Tech[r], by Ced Holt" "Cold Water, Late Crowd[r], by [if player is male]Del Cowart[else]Delta Crow[end if]" "Cold Wet Dew Clot[r], by Ted Cowl" "Coleman, One Calm Lame Con[r], by O. McLane" "Colonialists['] Oscillations[r], by Sion Castillo & Staci Ollison" "Color is Cool, Sir[r], by [if player is male]Sol Rico[else]Cris Loo[end if]" "Come agian, Egomaniac[r], by Meg Iacona" "Come to Me, Coot[r], by Tom Coe" "Comrades['] Co-Dreams[r], by Ed Marcos" "Conceal Rarely Yon Cry Alone[r], by Carolyne Roylance" "Confide, Def Icon[r], by Doc Fine" "A Conquest: Quotes Can Squat Once[r], by Coste Quan" "Conservationalist Conversationalist[r], by Svetlana Sciortino" "Consider Corn Dies[r], by Ned Corsi"[] "Considerate Care is Noted[r], by Darci Osteen" "Considerate Desecration[r], by [if player is male]Dante Serico[else]Doreen Staci[end if]" "Contemporary Contrary Poem[r], by Payton Cromer & Marco Poynter" "Contessa Doli Consolidates, Disconsolate[r], by DeLois Caston" "Coo Spite So Poetic[r], by Otis Cope" "Cook Quit Too Quick[r], by K. C. O'Quoit" "Cool Duped Odd Couple[r], by Luc DePodo" "The Cool Echo Lot[r], by Chet Loo" "Cool Shades Schools Ed A[r] by Chas DeLoos" "Cooling On Logic[r], by Gil Coon" "Cordless Scolders[r], by Del Cross" "Core-op Eco-Pro Cooper[r], by Roc Poe" "Corn-Fed [']N Forced[r], by Don Cerf" "Corniest Noticers Censor It[r], by Cris Eton" "Corniness Censorins['][r], by [if player is male]Nino Cress[else]Cris Sonne[end if]" "Coronating Tragic Noon[r], by Cartooning Anton Corgi" "Coroner-Crooner[r], by Ron C. Roe" "Corruption Count Prior[r], by Curt Pirono" "The Cost To Techs[r], by Chet Tso" "Cottage: I Cogitate[r], by Tito Cage" "Courtesy or Cutesy?[r] by Stu Corey" "Cowardly Wary Clod Wordy Cal[r], by [if player is male]Cary Wold[else]Darcy Low[end if]" "Cowherd Chowder[r], by Drew Cho" "Craig [']N Caring Nag Ric[r], by Carin G. Cragin" "Crapulous, Opuscular[r], by Paulo Crus" "Crayon Pics Conspiracy[r], by Pansy Ricco" "Crayoned Deaconry[r], by [if player is male]Don Carey[else]Candy Roe[end if]" "Creative Rite Cave[r], by [if player is male]Avi Crete[else]Traci Vee[end if]" "Cred? A Ton? Don't Care[r], by Dean Cort" "A Creep E-Caper[r], by Cap Ree-Pearce" "Cretinous Neurotics['] Countries[r], by [toti] Cruse" "Crime and Mind Care[r], by Ned Maric" "Crime Goons['] Ergonomics[r], by [if player is male]Roscoe Ming[else]Meg Corsino[end if]" "Crime? Merci[r], by Eric M" "Cringe, Hot Ice Throng[r], by Teri Chong-Creighton" "Criselda's Laser Disc[r], by Reid Class" "Cristobal Lost a Crib[r], by Bo St. Clair" "Crooked or Coked?[r] by Eco-Dork/OK Coder Red Cook" "The Crowd Threw Doc[r], by Ced Worth" "Crowded Odd Crew[r], by Doc Drew" "Cruise is Curse[r], by Su Rice" "Crush the Tech Rush[r], by Che Hurst" "Crushin['] Sun-Rich Urchins[r], by Nic Rush" "Crustily, Rusticly[r], by Lucy Rist" "Cry Eep, Creepy Percey[r], by Rep. Cey" "Cry. Fail. Clarify[r], by Laci Fry" "Cry Last, Crystal[r], by Ty Carls" "Cry, Simon: Icy Norm's Cronyism[r], by Ros Mincy" "Crying Out Congruity[r], by Cyr Guiton" "A Cue's Cause[r], by Esau Cuscea" "Cult Den[r], by Luc Dent & Ced Lunt" "Cupid, Jeer Prejudice[r], by Jude Price" "Curse-Paw Swap Cure[r], by A Screw-Up" "A Cursed crusade[r], by Sue Card" "Cushing Chugs In[r], by Gus Inch" "Cuss Fear Fuss Care: Surfaces[r], by Russ Face" "Cussier Cruises[r], by Russ Ice" "Cynical Caci-Lyn[r], by Nic Lacy" "Cynical, Icy Clan[r], by I. Clancy" "Da Life, Failed[r], by Lalida Diffee" "Dad, I'm No Diamond[r], by Mad Dino" "Dad Loy's Old Days[r], by Sly Doda" "Dad's Brow, Bad Words[r], by Brad Dows" "Dalton's Sandlot[r], by Old Stan" "The Damp PM Death[r], by Ted Pham" "Damping Mind Gap[r], by Pam Ding" "Dan and DNA: Add Ann?[r], by Nann Addad" "Dan Ho Had No Honda[r], by Noah Haddon" "Dan Yu's Sunday[r], by Su Nady" "Dan'l Gee, a Legend[r], by Egeland DeLange" "The Dance-Teach Den[r], by Chet Dean" "Dang Mimes['] Mind Games[r], by Sam Deming" "The Danger Raged Then[r], by [if player is male]Thad Green[else]Eden Garth[end if]" "Danglin['] Landing[r], by Gil Dann" "Dapper Dr. Pape Rapped[r], by Pepard Da Perp" "Dapperer, Prepared[r], by Reed Rapp" "Dare By Red Bay: Yer Bad, Dry [a-b][r], by Bry Ade" "Darer Mutiy: Rudimentary Unity Marred[r], by Terri Munday" "Dares-Arsed Radar Seeds[r], by Drea Saders" "Daring a Grind[r], by Girard Dannig" "Dark Son Drank So[r], by Don Sark" "The Dark Trek Had Hard Tek[r], by Kat Dreh" "Darken Danker, Kendra[r], by Ken Ard" "Darling Ring, Lad Gardlin[r], by Gil Rand" "Darn, I go Adoring Roading[r], by Ingador Gironda" "Darn, to Dart On[r], by Rod Tan & Nat Ord" "Date More Moderate[r], by Tor Meade" "Dauntless Adultness[r], by Tessa Lund" "Dawdle, Dew Lad[r], by DeWald Waddle" "The Dawn Had Went: What End?[r] by Ted Hawn" "Day-Bother: Breathy Do By the Road[r], by Debra Hoyt" "Day Ten: And Yet Tend, Ay[r], by Ty Dean" "Daymares? Yes, Drama[r], by Ada Myers & Myra Sade" "De Facto Taco-Fed, Co-Fated to Decaf[r], by [d-t] Face" "Dead Anne[r], by [if player is male]Aden Dane[else]Edna Dean[end if]" "Dead Mary's Daydreams[r], by Eddy Armas" "Dead Men Amended Mad Need[r], by Ned Mead" "Dead-Newsy Wednesday Dawned, Yes[r], by [if player is male]Wayne Edds[else]Wendy Sade[end if]" "Dear Brent: Enter, Drab Bartender[r], by Rand Ebert" "Dear Damon, Andromeda Manor: Dead![r], by Dara Moden" "Dear, if I Fared[r], by Frieda Fareid" "Dear, it's Satired Staider[r], by Dre Tsai" "Dear Jo or Jade: J'Adore[r], by Joe Ard" "Dear Old Dad Lore: Lo, Dread[r], by Ed Doral" "Dear Sot: Roasted or Sated?[r] by Ed Astor" "Dear Voter (Overrated,)[r] by Art DeVore" "Death Metal Healed Matt[r], by Mattee Dahl" "Death Wish Hides What With Shade[r], by Shad White" "Death? My, They Mad[r], by Mat Hyde" "Death? Not Done That[r], by Ed Hatton & Tad Thoen" "Deathsome Homestead[r], by Dee Thomas" "DeBarth, The Bard[r], by Deb Hart" "Deem For Freedom, Me: Do, Ref[r], by Fred Moe" "Deep Diss, Despised[r], by Sid Speed" "Deering Reigned[r], by Ned Iger" "Defer Ye Yer Feed[r], by Fred Yee" "Deferring Nerd Grief[r], by [if player is male]Fred Negri[else]Fern Ridge[end if]" "DeFord's Fodders[r], by Fred Sod" "Defrayed Feedyard[r], by Edda Frey & Dedra Fey" "Deftly Infer Differently[r], by [if player is male]Ferdie Flynt[else]Firefly Dent[end if]" "Deistic Edict is Diciest[r], by Ced Isti" "Delaune's unleased Used Lane[r], by Luna Dees & Adele Sun" "DeLaurentis Adulterines, Neutralised[r], by [if player is male]Dustin Earle[else]Adrienne Lust[end if]" "Delete Leet Ed[r], by Ted Lee" "Delora's Ordeals[r], by Al DeRos & Rod Sale" "Demand a Man Dead[r], by Ned Adam" "Demarinis's Misandries[r], by Iris Madsen & Mindi Sears" "Demetri's Demerits[r], by Mister Ed & Si Detmer" "Deming's Smidgen[r], by Sid Meng" "DeMint's Mindset: Mis-Tend[r], by Sim Dent & Ned Mist" "A Demon Moaned[r], by Dan Moe" "Demons on Meds[r], by Desmon Sedmon" "Demons['] Odd Mends[r], by Desmond Edmonds" "Demotion Into Demo[r], by [d-t] Monie" "Dengel's Legends[r], by Les Deng & Des Glen" "Denials, Lead-ins: Laden is Eli Sand[r], by Selinda Insdale-Daniels" "Dennis Yu's Sunny Side[r], by Sindy Suen" "Dense Rut, Unrested Dentures[r], by Ted Usner" "Deplore, Old Peer[r], by Rod Peel" "Deported Odd Peter[r], by Dede Port" "Depraving Pervading[r], by Pig Vander" "Desiccant Accidents[r], by Enid Cacts" "Desire Re-Dies[r], by Sir Dee Seider" "Desk Owner Needs Work[r], by Ken Dowers" "A Despair Paradise[r], by Ada Piers" "Despair's Dire Pass[r], by Sed Paris" "Destination: No Daintiest Sin Antidote, It's Anointed[r], by [if player is male]Tino DeSanti[else]Nitta Edison[end if]" "Destination: Tan Sedition Instead Into Inane Dittos[r], by Sandi Titone" "Destroying Stony Ridge[r], by Syed Girton" "Detach Ad-Tech[r], by Ted Cha the Cad" "Details Die Last[r], by Al Deist" "Detain My Dynamite, Man-Deity[r], by Ty Damien" "Devil Sim Mislived[r], by Mel Divis" "Dew-Born, Bred Now[r], by Ed Brown" "Dew Point Tepid Now[r], by Wind Poet Edwin Top" "Dew Sat[r], by Wade St. Tawdes"[] "Diagnose San Diego? Agonised[r], by [if player is male]Dino Sage[else]Isa Ogden[end if]" "The Dice He Cited[r], by Ted Eich" "Dicer Deric Cried[r], by Cedric Reid" "Dictatorship, Ditch a Ripost[r], by Picardi Shott" "Die Anew, New Idea[r], by Dee Wain" "Die, Laggard Cleric[r], by Gricelda Claridge" "Die Slow, Wise Old Sid Lowe[r], by Lois Dew" "Diebel, Belied[r], by Ed Lieb" "Dieringer's Grinderies[r], by [if player is male]Sig Greiner[else]Rene Sigrid[end if]" "Dilemmas I Slammed[r], by Dale Mims" "Dilly's Idylls[r], by Ly Dils" "Diluted Dude-Lit[r], by Luddite Eli Tudd" "Dim Grace Grimaced[r], by [if player is male]Mac Ridge[else]Meg Darci[end if]" "Dim? Yes. My Side[r], by Sy Deim" "The Diner in the Red[r], by [if player is male]Ted Rhine[else]Enid Hert[end if]" "The Diner in the Red[r], by Dee Trinh" "A Diner: Readin['] and Ire[r], by Darien & Nerida Adrien" "Dingier Cons Considering Nicer Doings[r], by Cindi Gerson" "Dinsdale's Side Lands[r], by Silas Nedd" "Dipietro's Tripodies[r], by Otis Pride" "The Dire Deer-Hit Hid Tree[r], by Ed Reith" "A Dire Id Era Aired[r], by Aida Reider" "Dire Rap Parried Rapider[r], by Pa Rider" "Dire Scene Residence[r], by Sincere Ed" "Dire Wolf's Life Words[r], by Lewis Ford" "Directions: Discretion So Indirect[r], by Don Cristie" "A Dirt Triad[r], by Art DiTardi" "The Dirt's Third Set[r], by Sid Rhett" "Dirty Room Dormitory[r], by Roy Ditmor" "Disaster Dares Sit[r], by Tad Siers" "Discriminators['] Doctrinairisms[r], by Smart Di Corsini" "Disgrace Acre Digs[r], by Cid Sager" "Dismalest Medalists[r], by Tad Smiles" "Dismallest Medallists[r], by Della Smits" "Disruptive Prude Visit[r], by Vi DuPriest" "Dissenter Tiredness, Residents[r], by Sid Sterne" "Dithering Thin-Dirge Night Ride[r], by Hedi Grint" "Diverse Derives, Revised[r], by Dr. Sieve" "Diverse Drivees I Served[r], by Deviser Irv Dees"[] "Do Ill? Ew, I Do Well[r], by Leo Wild" "Do Meet to Deem Emoted[r], by Ted Moe & Tom Dee" "Do New, We Nod[r], by Wende O'Down" "Do So, O Sod[r], by Dodo Soos" "Do Well, Low-Led Old Lew[r], by Ed Woll" "Do Worry, Rory Dow[r], by Roy Word" "Doc Beth Botched BodTech[r], by Ted Boch" "Documents I Miscounted[r], by Donte Music" "Dodging Ammonia in Dogma[r], by Dominga Mandigo" "Dogs are So Raged[r], by Rod Sage" "Doin['], I Nod[r], by Noni Dido" "Dolls Yet Old-Style[r], by Dell Yost" "A Doltish Oath Slid[r], by Ida Holst" "Don't Ape Pat Oden[r], by [d-t] Pena" "Don't Be a Neat Bod[r], by Bo Dante" "Don't Be No-Debt[r], by Bo Dent" "Don't Fear a Red Font[r], by Dean Fort" "Don't Move, Vent Doom[r], by Tom Devon" "Don't See No Steed[r], by Ted Enos & Ed Stone" "Don't See to Needs[r], by Ed Stone" "Donatistic Dictations[r], by India Scott" "Donatistic Indications[r], by Aidan Scott" "Donetta, Notated[r], by Don Tate" "Donors So Redone or Sodden Sooner[r], by Rosendo Ordones" "Dopier Period! O Pride![r] by Rod Pei" "Dopy [a-b] Peabody[r], by Pebo Day" "Dopy Hal's Posh Lady Holds Pay[r], by Loyd Hasp" "Dork Play? Dark Ploy[r], by Loyd Park" "A Dork's So Dark[r], by Rod Sak-Kardos" "Dorx of Oxford[r], by Rod Fox" "Dosage, Sea Dog[r], by Dad-E-O Gossage" "Dote and Add Note: Not Dead[r], by [d-t] Dean" "Double Pro Pure Blood[r], by [if player is male]Bud Looper[else]Lupe Bordo[end if]" "Doubles Do Blues[r], by Sue Bold" "Doug the Huge Dot[r], by Ted Hugo" "Dour Glad Old Guard[r], by Olga Rudd" "Dovetail, Violated Old Evita[r], by Teo Vidal" "Down Gin Now, DING[r], by Don Wing" "Downfall of Lladwn[r], by Dan'l Wolf" "Downtime's Wisdom Net[r], by Owen Smidt" "A Doyen One Day[r], by Ned Yao & Dan Yeo"[] "Doyen Sim on My Side[r], by Sid Money & Denis Moy" "Doyens Nod Yes[r], by Syd Eno" "Dr. Choi's Orchids[r], by Sid Croh" "Dr. Deon Droned[r], by Ned Ord" "Dr. Egan's Gardens[r], by Reg Sand" "Dr. Fok is For Kids[r], by Rod Fisk" "Dr. Joan Jordan[r], by Jo Rand" "Dr. Kothe, the Dork[r], by Ted Kroh" "Dr. Lane's Rad Lens[r], by Les Rand-Sandler" "Dr. Lange, Gnarled Nerd-Gal[r], by Rad Glen LeGrand" "Dr. LeDuc, Curdled Cuddler[r], by D. D. Clure" "Dr. Lee: A Dealer[r], by Lee Ard" "Dr. No-Lab Ran Bold[r], by Bald Ron Borland" "Dr. Pogyi, Prodigy[r], by Gord Yip" "Dr. Rocha's Orchards[r], by Rod Rasch" "Dr. Same-Dreams[r], by [if player is male]Ed Mars[else]Red Sam Semrad[end if]" "Dr. Spano Pardons Rod's Nap[r], by Don Rasp" "Drab Angie Bargained Gabardine[r], by Gena Baird & Ada Bering" "Drab Mutes Muster Bad Drumbeats[r], by Bert Dumas" "Drab Stu Bustard[r], by Bud Rast" "Dragons So Grand[r], by Rod Gans" "Dramatise, Armistead[r], by [if player is male]Sid Matera[else]Mae Astrid[end if]" "Drastic St. Darci[r], by [if player is male]Sid Cart[else]Cris Tad[end if]" "Drawn Olden Wonderland[r], by [if player is male]Ned Waldron[else][end if]" "Dread Adder Dared[r], by Dedra Edard" "Dream County Documentary[r], by Myrna Doucet" "Dream Logic: Old Grimace, Miracle-God[r], by [if player is male]Gil Mercado & Ced Milagro[else]Carol Midge & Marcie Gold[end if]" "Dream on and More, Mad Nero[r], by Dan Rome" "Dream Time: Readmit Me[r], by [if player is male]Tim Maeder[else]Tammi Reed[end if]" "Dream World: Mold, Redraw[r], by Redd Marlow" "DreamCo Comrade Mo Cared More, Cad![r], by DeMarco Mercado" "DrearCo: a Record[r], by Rod Race" "Dreem of Freedom[r], by Mo Feder" "A Dreg Raged[r], by Edgar Radge" "Dressing Up Purged Sins[r], by Gund Priess" "Drink Tea, Darn Tike[r], by [if player is male]Nate Dirk[else]Kira Dent[end if]" "Driven Dr. Vine[r], by Vi Dern" "Driven Men Never Mind[r], by Ned Mervin" "A Driver Arrived[r], by Vi Rader" "Drole Ol['] Red, Older Lorde[r], by Dr. Leo Elrod-DeLor" "Drone On, Dr. Noone[r], by Ron Oden" "A Drudge, Guarded[r], by Edd Gaur" "Drugs of Fur Gods[r], by Gus Ford" "Dry AI Diary[r], by Yadir Riady" "Dry Bo, Boy Dr.[r], by Brody O'Byrd" "Dry Omens: My So-Nerd Syndrome[r], by Sy Redmon" "Dry Salon: Old Yarns[r], by Lyn Rodas" "Drygate Tragedy[r], by Ted Gray & Gert Day" "Duc Love Could've[r], by Luc Devo" "Duck! Real Luck, Dear, Due Clark[r], by Luc Drake" "Dud Sap Adds Up[r], by A. Spudd" "Duh, Tell the Dull[r], by Ted Hull" "Dull Maw, Mud Wall[r], by Wm. Udall" "Dunbar's Sad Burn[r], by Brad Sun" "Dunce Tom's Documents[r], by Comus Dent" "A Duty? Ay, Tut, Ya Dud[r], by Tad Yu" "E-Czar Craze[r], by Z. C. Rea" "E-Divas I Saved[r], by Sad Evi Davies" "E-Z In Zine[r], by Inez Enzi" "Each Cashes as he Caches[r], by Chase Aesch" "Each Inert Nice Heart[r], by Teri Hance"[] "Each Vet the Cave[r], by Eve Tach" "Each Wry Why-Care[r], by [if player is male]Ray Chew[else]Cher Way[end if]" "Eagerly Past a Spry Eaglet[r], by Gayla Peters" "Earl Hit the Lair[r], by Art Ihle." "Earliest Ateliers/Realties[r], by [if player is male]Eli Satre[else]Rae Stile[end if]" "Earliness, Leariness[r], by [if player is male]Neal Reiss[else]Erin Seals[end if]" "Early Relay Layer[r], by Layla Rayer" "Earn Trust? Rare Stunt[r], by Ren Stuart" "Earringed Grenadier Dearinger[r], by [if player is male]Dan Reiger[else]Erin Edgar[end if]" "Earth-Clad Cathedral[r], by Tad Lacher" "Earth is Astir, eh? Share it[r], by Tia Sher" "Earth Nite: Hearten it, Henrietta![r] by Rene Hiatt" "Ease, Thrill, Satire, Hell: All There Is[r], by Leslie Hart & Hera Tellis" "Eastbed Debates[r], by Tab Dees" "Eat, Drink, Darn Tike[r], by Kent Adri" "Eat. Run. A Nut Re: Nature[r], by Ren Tua"[] "Eberling's Inselberg[r], by Ben Sigler" "Ebola: O, Bale[r], by Bo Lea" "Echo Ire? Cheerio, I Cohere[r], by [if player is male]Reo Eich[else]Cori Hee[end if]" "Echo Mr. Chrome[r], by Mo Cher" "Eco-Ship Hospice[r], by Chip Ose" "Ed Has a Shed[r], by De Ash" "Ed Ictis, Diciest Deicist[r], by Sid Tice" "Ed Napoli's Palinodes[r], by [if player is male]Dale Spino[else]Opal Denis[end if]" "Ed Pyle Yelped Deeply[r], by Del Pye" 100 "Ed Wood's Odd Woes[r], by Wes Dodo" "Ed Writes Weirdest[r], by Stew Reid" "Ed's Cable Debacles[r], by Seb Cadel" "Edgar, a Dreg[r], by Gerda Garde"[] "Edrington's Grindstone[r], by [if player is male]Goren Stind[else]Enid Strong[end if]" "Eel Inn[r], by Lennie Leinen" "Eelskins['] Likeness[r], by Len Sikes" "Eeriest Sisters[r], by Tressie Tessier" "Eeyore's Eyesore[r], by Rose Yee" "E.G. Think the King[r], by Keith Ng & Ken Gith" "Eggster Sterger[r], by Reg Rest" "Ego, Crave Coverage[r], by Eva Greco" "Ego-Trip Got Ripe[r], by [if player is male]Rog Piet[else]Peg Orti[end if]" "Egoist-o-Geist: it Goes[r], by Sig Te'o" "Eh, Al, Heal[r], by Leah Hale" "Eh, Spout the Soup Up Those[r], by Hue Post" "Eh, Toby, the Boy[r], by Eb Hoyt" "Eh, Toning: Gone Thin[r], by Theo Ginn" "Eichmann-Men Chain[r], by Mae Chinn" "Eight Bit? I Be Tight[r], by Gib Hiett" "Eight Years a Geyser Hit[r], by Gertie Hayes & Tisha Geery" "Eisenbarth Hibernates, Breathes In[r], by [if player is male]Ethan Biers[else]Tisha Breen[end if]" "Either-So Theories[r], by Otis Rhee" "El Dope Eloped[r], by Del Poe" "Elaborate Oblate Era[r], by [if player is male]Lee Tabora[else]Tora Albee[end if]" "Elder, I re-Idle[r], by Deriel Ridlee-Riedle" "An Elder Learned a Lender[r], by Rand Lee" "Electro-Tec Lore[r], by Tre Cole" "Elegies? Gee, Lies[r], by Giesele E. Seigel" "Elf Inge, Fleeing Feeling[r], by Eli Feng" "Elf Valor: Fall over[r], by Flo Ravel" "Elfy, Elfy[r], by Lyle Fyfe" "Eli's Leis Isle[r], by Isis, Elle & Si Leslie" [x] "Elite Hank in the Lake[r], by Nat Heikel" "Elk I Like[r], by Kelli Ike" "Ella May Lay Lame[r], by Alma Ely" "Else Opt to Sleep[r], by Lee Post" "Elton's Lonest Stolen Ol['] Nest[r], by St. Leon Elston" "Elysium Isle, Yum![r] by Miles Yu" "Em Sagna Manages[r], by Sam Egan" "Em Smells Mel's Elms[r], by Les Melms" "Em's Vim Vies[r], by Ms. Evi Vimes" "Emigre Regime[r], by Meg Eir" "Emmi Ard, a Dimmer Mermaid[r], by Dr. Mamie DeMarim" "Emot-Tome[r], by Moe Motte" "Enabled-Bed Lane[r], by Lee Band" "Enact or Care Not[r], by Art Cone" "Encase A Scene: Can See?[r], by Seneca Ceesan" "Enclosed Old Scene[r], by Ned Coles" "End With the Wind[r], by Ned Whit" "End's Ark, Snarked, Darkens[r], by Ned Rask" "Endure Ur-Need, Rue End[r], by Dee Run" "Enduring Drug Nine[r], by [if player is male]Reid Gunn & Ned Rungi[else]Erin Gund & Geri Dunn[end if]" "Engrave, Avenger[r], by Gran Eve Van Geer" "Engrossed Nerds['] Egos[r], by Ned Rogers" "Enigma, I Imagine[r], by Mia Inge" "Enliven, Reviler[r], by [if player is male]Evil Ren[else]Verline[end if] Leviner" "Ennuis[r], by Sunnie U. Ennis" "Enoch's Chosen Noches[r], by Sen-Cho Schoen" "Enos, Try Tyrone's Tyres On[r], by Rey Snot" "Enrich: a Reach In[r], by Ira Chen" "Entrails, Latrines[r], by [if player is male]Neil Rast[else]Ali Stern[end if]" "Entropies Interpose[r], by [if player is male]Nito Peers[else]Irene Post[end if]" "Envy Erases Seven Years[r], by Venessa Rey" "Epic Rut Picture[r], by Curt Pei" "Epidemic: Dim Piece[r], by Cimi Deep" "Epigram Primage[r], by Pam Iger & Meg Ripa" "Era Eight Heritage[r], by Gita Rhee" "Era End Neared[r], by Randee Deaner" "Era Ended, Endeared Deadener[r], by [if player is male]Andre Dee[else]Edra Eden[end if]" "Era from More Far[r], by Raf Rome" "Erase, Start, Reassert Art[r], by Tresa Tesar" "Erasing Searing Gainers[r], by Agnes Ri" "Erdman's Remands[r], by Ned Mars" "Ere a Razz, Raze[r], by Ezra Azer" "Ere Hearty Year Three[r], by Tyree Hare" "Ere Shaw Was Here[r], by Wash Ree & Ash Ewer" "Erect Crete[r], by CeCe Retter" "An Erect Cretean[r], by Art Ence" "Eric Rust, Stu Crier: Crustier Recruits[r], by Curt Ries" "Erm, Shy Hermy's Rhymes[r], by Em Rhys" "Erotic Nudism: Dim Neurotics['] Reductionism[r], by [if player is male]Dominic Suter[else]Cristine Odum[end if]" "Err, Dog, Order Red Grog[r], by Rodger Gorder" "Errant Nate, Rear Tenant[r], by Trena Arent" "Erupt, Animal Plantearium[r], by Paul Armenti" "Erv, I Got Vote-Rig Vertigo[r], by Reg Voit" "Eskimos: Some Ski[r], by Ike Moss" "Essric Scries Crises[r], by Crisse Iscser" "Estimated Dematteis Meditates Admittees[r], by Tami Deets" "Estrange Grantees, Sergeant[r], by Stan Eger" "Et Voilà, Violate a Violet[r], by Avi Leto" [x] "Eternise, Teensier[r], by Teri Nees" "Ethically, I Yell-Chat[r], by Tacey Hill" "Ethics Itches[r], by Chessie Titch" 60 "Eton's Onset[r], by Enos Teston" "Eve Ruins Universe[r], by Sue Ervin" "Eve's Sandy Seven Days[r], by Syed Evans & Evan Dyess" "Eve's Silly Ivy[r], by Sylvie Sivley" "Ever-Daunt Adventure[r], by Dave Utner" "Everlasting Resting Vale[r], by Lester Gavin" "Evident, I Vented[r], by Ted Vine" "The Evil Hivelet[r], by [if player is male]Lev Heit[else]Eve Hilt[end if]" "Evil Laws Will Save[r], by [if player is male]Val Lewis[else]Liv Wales[end if]" "Evil Twins Wilt Vines[r], by Wes Litvin" "The Evils Hit Elves[r], by Les Veith" "Evita's Vitaes[r], by Ev Tsai" "Ew, Dorky Keyword[r], by Drew Koy" "Ew, Reason: Erase Now Saner Woe[r], by [if player is male]Wes Roane[else]Rea Owens[end if]" "Ew, There's the Sewer: Wet, Sheer[r], by Wes Ereth" "Eww, Tests[r], by Stew West" "Exactly[r], by Tex Clay" "Excluded dud, excel![r], by Dex LeDuc" "Exiles: Lexie's Sex Lie[r], by Lee Six" "Exponential-Polite Annex[r], by Ileen Paxton" "Expulsed Duplexes[r], by Lex DePus" "Fab foes['] Safe Fob-Off Base[r], by Bo Fefsa" "Fab Foul Buffalo[r], by Bo Lauff" "Face North: Each Front, Notch Fear[r], by Nora Fecht" "Factories['] Cafe Riots[r], by Cora Feist" "Factoring Caring Oft[r], by Gino Craft & Traci Fong" "Facts is Fascist[r], by Tif Cass" "Fail-Man Fan Mail[r], by Alf Mina" "Failures Use Flair? Fie, a Slur[r], by Israel Fu" "Faint, if Naif Fit, Tiffani[r], by Fifi Tan" "Fainter Fine Art[r], by Tia Fern" "Fame, Sin, Famines[r], by Sam Fine" "Fanciest Snitface[r], by Stef Cain" "Fanfic's Naff (Sic)[r], by Nic Saff" "The Far Father[r], by Teffa Ehrhart" "Far Iciest Artifices[r], by [if player is male]Eric Faist[else]Staci Frei[end if]" "Far-Led Alfred[r], by Fredda Farell" "Far Moths, Hats From Shamfort Hot Farms[r], by Sam Forth" "Far North Front, Rah[r], by Fran Hort" "Farmy Ma Fry[r], by Mr. Fay Afrym" "Fasties['] Fiestas: [']Tis Safe, Sis. Fate[r], by Tia Fess" "Fat Fence: an Effect[r], by Cate Neff" "Fat-i-vores['] Favorites[r], by Avi Foster" "Fat Lord, Old Fart[r], by Flo Dart-Talford" "Fat Red's Sad Fret[r], by Stef Ard" "A Fat Sum, Ma Faust[r], by Atsumfa Mustafa" "Fated Here The Feared Feathered Draftee, Eh?[r] by Thea Feder" "A Father's Hat Fears[r], by Rea Shaft" "Fathom of Math[r], by Mo Haft" "Fatigued, I Dug Fate[r], by [ta] Fudge" "Faulkner's Real Funks[r], by Fran Lukes" "A Favor for Ava[r], by Raf Avo" "Favorable Brave Olaf, Verbal Oaf[r], by [if player is male]Rob LaFave[else]Bev Alfaro[end if]" "Fearing a Finger[r], by Geri Fan" "Feast, or Fares to a Forest of Tears[r], by Tre Faso" "Federal Are Fled[r], by Alfred E. Redleaf" "Feel That Late Heft[r], by Fat Ethel" "Feet, sir? I Fester[r], by Treefis Seifert" "Felinity, Finitely[r], by Tiny Leif" "Few LOLs, Fellows[r], by Les Wolf" "Fie, Dr. Fried[r], by Deidre Riff" "Fie, Self! Eff Lies[r], by Les Fife" "Files of Lie-Offs[r], by Sol Fife" "A Filthy Haylift: Thy Fail[r], by Fay Hilt" "Find [']er, Red-fin![r] by Nidiffer Dern & Fred Ni" "Fine Lad Elf and I[r], by Alf Dein" "Fine Light Nightlife[r], by Tif Ehling" "Fine or on Fire[r], by Ron Fei" "Fine Worth For the Win[r], by Owen Firth" "Finer Fog Offering[r], by Erin Gott" "Fir Slope Profiles[r], by Flip Rose" "Firmest Me-First[r], by Mr. Feist" "First-Ever Riverfest[r], by Trev Fries" "First Hand Trash Find[r], by Hans Drift" "Five Days: Ivy Fades[r], by Davy Seif" "Flag Ride: Garfield, Fred, Gail[r], by Alf Ridge" "Flared Rad Elf[r], by Alfred Fardle" "Flashiest Fish Tales[r], by Elsa Shift" "A Flavor of Larva[r], by Ava Rolf" "Flee Corn, Florence[r], by Fern Cole" "Flee, Win New Life[r], by Lew Fine" "Flesh Out Soul Heft[r], by Flo Shute" "The Flicks Hicks Left[r], by Stef Hickl" "A Flight-Hit Flag[r], by Gil Haft" "Floating to a Fling[r], by Gil Afton" "A Flood, Old Oaf[r], by Alf Odo" "Flora for Al or Alf[r], by Raffa Rollo" "Flow Lone, Low Felon[r], by Len Woolf" "Flower Kid Field Work[r], by Wilfred Ko & Ford Wilke" "Flowery, or We Fly[r], by Rey Wolf" "Flukin['], I Flunk[r], by Lu Fink" "Fly on Ere Only Free[r], by Ren Foyle" "Fly, Rouse Yourself[r], by Rolf Suey" "A Folksy Sky-Foal So Flaky[r], by Fay Klos" "Fond Cay Fancy Do[r], by Cody Fan" "The Fool Left, Oho![r] by Leo Hoft" "Fooling Gilfono-Fogolin[r], by Gino Lof" "Foot-Long Goon Loft[r], by Fog Olton" "Footballs['] Lobs Float[r], by Flo Oblast" "For Codes So Forced[r], by Red Fosco" "For Smart Art Forms[r], by Mr. A. Frost" "Forays of Syra Fray So[r], by Ros Fay" "Forbidden Droner, Fib[r], by Fred Dobin" "Forbidden Fond Bride[r], by Deb Inford" "Forecasted Defecators[r], by [if player is male]Fred Coates[else]Stacee Ford[end if]" "Foreign Reign of No Grief[r], by Goferin['] Rio Feng"[] "The Form for Them[r], by Em Forth" "A Form of RAM for Ma[r], by Momar Raffo" "A Form of ROM[r], by Raffo Morra" "Formal Mr. Olaf[r], by Al From" "Fortunes of Unrest[r], by Ren Fouts" "Forwardest Afterwords[r], by Ward Foster" "Foul Dr. Rudolf[r], by Lu Ford" "Foul Hefts to Shuffle[r], by Lute Shoff" "Foul Sight: Ghoul Fist, Flush it, Go[r], by Gil Fouths" "Four Days['] Soda Fury[r], by Rudy Faso" "Foxhole Hex, Fool![r] by Lex Hoof" "Fractious Scout Fair[r], by Staci Rufo" "Frail [']Ol Florida Alfrido[r], by Ida Rolf" "Frat House: Fate's Hour[r], by Rhea Fouts" "A Freak's Ask Fear[r], by Fae Kras" "Free Now, Foe Wren?[r] by Oren Few" "Freeload for Adele[r], by Lea Forde" "Fret, Guile, Guilt-Free[r], by Gil Fuerte" "Fret, Pooh: the Proof of Pother[r], by Hope Fort" "Fringe-be-Fine Berg[r], by Ben Grief" "Frivolous Fool Virus[r], by Ulf Viroso" "Frost and Sad Front[r], by Stan Ford" "Frostieth Fortieths[r], by Theo Frist" "Fruity Pond of Punditry: Found it? Pry[r], by Toriy Pfund" "A Fun Faun[r], by Nana Fufu" "Fun Pair's Pun Fairs[r], by 'Nips' Rauf" "Fuss, Care, Cuss, Fear[r], by Russ Face" "Gabriel, a Gerbil[r], by Ali Berg"[] "Gad, No Rum? Moan, Drug Gourmand[r], by Omar Gund" "Gad, Soul! Loud Gas[r], by Douglas Salgudo" "Gain, Mr.: Arming Ingram[r], by Mr. Nagi" "Game On, Ego-Man[r], by Mo Egan" "Games as Massage[r], by Sam Sage" "Gang, to Gag Not[r], by Og Gant & Nat Ogg" "Gangnam, Eh? Meh[r], by Meghan Ghanem" "Gankery: Keg Yarn[r], by Ken Gray" "A Garment Mega-Rant? Great, Man[r], by [if player is male]Art Megan[else]Marge Tan[end if]" "Gasfield Gadflies, Flagside[r], by Gil DeFas" "Gathered Dreg-Hate[r], by Garth Dee & Art Hedge" "Gay Hunt, Naughty Anythug[r], by Ty Huang" "A Gay Icon, Coy Again[r], by Gina Cayo" "Gee, Rave Veerage[r], by Erv Agee" "Geekiness Sieges Ken[r], by Gene Sikes" "Gene Saw New Ages[r], by Wes Egan" "General's Rage Lens[r], by Sal Green" "Genes is Genesis, Signees[r], by Essie Ng" "Get Ahead. Age. Death[r], by Tad Gahee" "Ghost Mine Hosting Me[r], by Tim Goshen" "Gift Fair Graffiti[r], by Gita Riff" "Gig Re-Rises[r], by Sergi Giers" "Gigante's Naggiest Gang Site[r], by Gia Tseng" "Gil, Cease Elegaics['] Legacies[r], by Alec Geis" "Gin-Rid, Gird-In, I'd Grin[r], by Ingrid Riding" "The Gin's Nighest[r], by Si Ghent" "Gina's in Gas, I Sang[r], by Agnis Gains" "Giordano's grandioso rigadoons[r], by [if player is male]Dario Song[else]Doris Noga[end if]" "Give-All Village[r], by Gail Lev" "Give Away a Gay View[r], by Ivy Waage" "Glad Worm, Warm Gold, Mad Growl[r], by Marg Wold" "Gleamy Gay Elm[r], by Meg Lay" "Glean Up a Plunge[r], by [if player is male]Paul Eng[else]Lupe Nga[end if]" "Glee and a Legend Gleaned[r], by Glen Ade-DeLange" "Glee Dan Gleaned[r], by Dee Lang" "Glibster Gilbert's Best Girl[r], by Reg Bilst" "Glide, Gelid[r], by Ed-Gil Lidge" "Gloater Got Real to Glare[r], by Reo Galt" "Gloaty Gal-Toy Gay Lot[r], by Ty Lago" "Glob On No Blog[r], by Oblong Bo Long" "Gloomy Rune Numerology? You Mongrel[r], by Myron Logue" "Glub Day, Ugly Bad Bald Guy[r], by Ladybug Gaby D. Lu" "Go Anti to Gain[r], by Gio Tan" "Go Bait a Bigot[r], by Bo Taig" "Go, Bend, Nod, Beg[r], by [if player is male]Bo Deng[else]Deb Ngo[end if]" "Go Dress So, Dregs[r], by Ed Gross" "Go Fib to Bigfoot[r], by Bo Goift" "Go Flat, Lag Oft to Flag[r], by Al Fogt" "Go for it? I Forgot![r] by Rio Fogt" "Go Green Ere Gong[r], by Greg Eno" "Go Jibe, Big Joe[r], by J. Bogie" "Go Lunar? Languor: a Run Log[r], by [if player is male]Ron Gaul[else]Lora Ngu[end if]" "Go, Meltin['] Tin Golem[r], by Tig Lemon" "Go, Mr. Panic-Comparing[r], by Ringo Camp & Marco Ping" "Go, never Overgen[r], by Gov. Rene Von Geer" "Go Pine, Neo-Pig[r], by Pigeon Opie Ng" "Go Red, er, Dog[r], by Roger Dodge" "Go, Retain No Triage, Iron Gate[r], by Gia Toren" "Go Seed Geodes[r], by Ed Gose" "Go, Stan, Sag Not[r], by Gaston Sontag" "Go Steady, Aged Toys[r], by Syed Gato" "Go, Sworn So Wrong[r], by Ros Wong" "Go Unwrap a Grown-Up, Wan Group[r], by Pura Wong" "Go Win, Mr. I'm-Wrong[r], by Wm. Gorin" "Goal Be a Globe[r], by Bo Gale" "Goal: Thin Loathing[r], by Inga Holt" "Goalies['] Soilage[r], by Ali Gose" "God-Bane Bondage[r], by [a-b] Gond" "God's New Dew Song[r], by Sed Wong" "Godfather Ferg Had To[r], by Edgar Foth" "Godless Ed's Slog, Glossed[r], by Del Goss" "Gol Durn Gun Lord[r], by Dru Long-N'Droglu" 100 "The Gold Doth Gel[r], by Ted Gohl" [] "Golder Lodger Old Reg[r], by Gorrell Dodge" "Gone Musk, Some Gunk[r], by Gus Monke" "Gone, Rift: to Finger Not Grief[r], by [if player is male]Oren Gift[else]Teri Fong[end if]" "Good Hues Doghouse[r], by Doug Shoe" "Good Luck Duck Logo[r], by Doug Lock" "Good News, Owen's Dog[r], by Gen. Woods" "Good Stuff Doffs Gout[r], by Doug Ffost" "Good Times, Dim Stooge[r], by Diego Most" "Goon Lad on a Gold Gondola[r], by Oda Long" "Goon Rat Nora Got to Groan[r], by Nat Goor" "Goose-Who-Goes-Whoo Hoosegow[r], by Geo Woosh" "The Gore: Go There, Thor, Gee[r], by Tre Hoeg" "Gory Lit Trilogy[r], by Gil Troy" "Gosh, [toti], Hog is Not Soothing[r], by Otis Hong" "Goshdang Hangdogs[r], by Don Shagg" "Got Booed to Be Good[r], by Ted Obogo" "Goth Inn: NOTHING[r], by Tinnhog Gonnith" "Gothism: So Might Smith Go[r], by Tom Gish" "Gourmand Gourdman Dru Mango[r], by Dom Ungar" "Grandest Dragnets[r], by Dan Gerst" "Grandpa's Naps Drag[r], by Dan Grasp" "Grating Rant-Gig[r], by Nat Rigg" "Gratuitous August Trio[r], by Stuart Igou & Gaius Trout" "Gravelines revealings[r], by [if player is male]Elvis Regan[else]Vela Singer[end if]" "Gravellina Granville[r], by Glen Rival" "Graven Imp Revamping[r], by Pam Erving" "Gray Bane: Anger Bay[r], by Gary Bean" "Gray On, Groany Nag Roy[r], by Og Ryan-Gaynor" "Grayest Stagery[r], by Ty Sager" "Greasing Snaggierg Gearings[r], by Greg Sian" "Great Lie: Regale It[r], by Ali Egert" "Great Power, Raw Protege[r], by Peter Wargo" "Great Wind, Tiger Dawn[r], by Gari Wendt" "Green Day: a Grey End[r], by [if player is male]Reed Yang[else]Dyan Eger[end if]" "Green Line: Inner Glee[r], by [if player is male]Glen Einer[else]Renee Ling[end if]" "Greene's Reneges[r], by Reg Snee" "Grenadiers['] Rereadings[r], by Eden Garris" "Greybeard Barry Edge[r], by Edgar Brey & Gerard Bey" "Grid One, Ignored, Rid, Gone[r], by Don Gier" "Grid So Disorg[r], by Sir God" "Grievant Averting[r], by Trev Nagi" "Grieve, Regive[r], by V. Geier" "Grieve, Tot? Get Over It[r], by Vito Egret" "Grim Col. Mr. Logic[r], by Gil Crom" "Grin Such Crushing Rich Guns[r], by Cris Hung" "Grind-Out-Dung Riot[r], by Trudi Ngo" "Grit Meant Mattering[r], by Megan Ritt" "Groan or Nag[r], by Goran Rogan" "Groan, Us: No Sugar or Angus[r], by Rosa Ung" "Groaners Rang Sore[r], by Ros Regan" "Grodi ID-Org[r], by Dr. Gio Girod" "Grok Wood? Good work![r] by Dorko Gow" "Grubvale Be Vulgar[r], by Val Burge" "Gruden's Gerunds[r], by Gus Dern" "Gruesome Gore Muse[r], by Meg Rouse" "The Guild's Idle Thugs[r], by Leigh Dust" "Guilt Jars a Just Girl[r], by Juli Strag" "Guilty Guy-Lit[r], by Ty Ulig" "Guindon's Undoings[r], by Gino Sund" "Gun Chats['] Achtungs[r], by Stu Chang" "Gun if in Fug-Fungi[r], by Ignu Guffin" "Gunderson's Undersongs[r], by Dunne Gross" "Gunsel Leung's Lunges[r], by Su Glen" "Gunther is Hungriest[r], by [if player is male]Usher Gint[else]Sheri Tung[end if]" "Gunther Rung the Hurt-Gen[r], by Reg Hunt" "A Guru's Augurs[r], by Gus Rau" "Gush at a Thug's Guts? HA[r], by Su Gath" "Gush On, Shogun, Go Shun No Hugs[r], by Su Hong" "Gwen, It's Stewing, Went Sig[r], by Wes Ting" "Ha, aw, Fly Halfway[r], by Fay Wahl" "Ha, Leftist Eats Filth[r], by Leah Fitts" "Had Wes Washed, He'd Saw We Dash[r], by Ed Shaw" "A Hag, Mr. Graham[r], by Marg Ha" "Hagminster Angersmith Nightmares[r], by [if player is male]Garth Mines[else]Megan Hirst[end if]" "Hags Edge Eggheads[r], by Gege Dash" "Hail Met the Mail[r], by Eli Tham" "Hal's Rose: Hassle or Heal Ross?[r] by Sal Shore" "Halls of Lo-Flash Falls, oh[r], by [if player is male]Sol Half[else]Flo Lash[end if]" "Hamfatters['] Aftermaths[r], by Matt Shafer & Fara Metts" "Hamlet, NO! Oh, Mental[r], by Hal Monte" "Hamlet the Mal At-Helm[r], by Thelma Lathem" "Hang Low, Lawn Hog[r], by Hal Wong" "Hank Bet the Bank[r], by Ken Bath" "Har, Debt, the Bad Breadth[r], by Herb-Tad Bethard" "Harasser, Eh? Rah, Hearses[r], by Shera Asher" "Hard Case Charades[r], by Ed Raasch & Chas Ader" "Hard Knocks Dock Shrank[r], by Chad Kronsk" "Hard News, Swan Herd[r], by Hans Drew" "Hard Time Had Merit[r], by Tami Herd" "Hard Times, Tired Sham[r], by Edra Smith" "Hard-Won Word: Nah[r], by Rod Hawn" "Hardcastle Cathedrals[r], by Chad Slater" "Hardcore vs. Hardcovers[r], by Dave Schorr" "Hardlines Herald Sin[r], by Al Dishner" "Hark, Test: Up, Speak Truth[r], by [if player is male]Rhett Supak[else]Pett Hruska[end if]" "Harm at Ham Art[r], by Martha Athram" "Harm One Menorah[r], by Ron Hame" "Harried Hardier[r], by Ira Herd" "A Harried Idea? Harr[r], by Ira Heard" "Hassinger's Garishness[r], by Nash Greiss" "Haste, Get the Gates[r], by Etta Hegs" "Hatch Our Roach Hut[r], by Thora Chu & Cora Huth" "Hate Mail: a Lame Hit[r], by Leia Math" "Hate Psalm: Me, Asphalt, the Plasma Heat Lamps[r], by Seth Palma" "Hauling Laughin['][r], by Ali Hung" "Haw, Tell the Wall[r], by Walt Leh" "Haw, Yet: the Way Ye Thaw[r], by Ty Weah" "He Abets the Base[r], by Bee Tash" "He Ails? Ah, Lies[r], by Elisha & Sheila Hailes" "He Baits the Bias[r], by [if player is male]Seth Bai[else]Abi Tesh[end if]" "He Can't Go to Change[r], by Echo Gant" "He Lacks Le Shack-Shackle[r], by Sal Heck-Schalke" "He Melts Helmets[r], by Mel Tesh" "He Revolts the Lovers[r], by Sol Everth" "He Rocks Chokers[r], by Ros Heck" "He Tames Math: See the Same[r], by Semetha Teesham" "He Trumps Thumpers[r], by Seth Rump" "He'll Bat the Ball[r], by Bet Hall" "He's All a Shell[r], by Hal Les" "He's Past the Pass[r], by Pat Hess" "He's Up to the Soup[r], by Stu Hope" "Heal Oft the Foal[r], by [if player is male]Leo Haft[else]Fae Holt[end if]" "HeapsCo Poaches Cheapos[r], by Chas Poe" "Hear Not Another[r], by Theo Arn" "Hear Out Thoreau[r], by Art Houe" "Hear Yet: They Are Ye Earth[r], by Tera Hey" "Heartbreak: a Rehab Trek[r], by Bertha Aker & Kate Harber" "Hearts Rest, Ah[r], by Thersa Sather-Hearst" "Hecate's Scathee Ceaseth[r], by Cath See" "Heisted: the Side He Edits[r], by Ed Theis" "Hell Hit the Hill[r], by H. L. Thiel" "Hen Clan Channel[r], by Len Chan" "Henna, Ashes[r], by Shane Hanes" 60 "Hep Tod: He'd Top the Pod[r], by Ted Pho" "Her Eerie Hiss[r], by Sherie Heiser" "Her Fate: the Fear-Free Hat Feather[r], by Fee Hart" "Her Main Hammerin['] Hernia[r], by Hermina Amrhein" "Her Note: Oh, Enter Not Here[r], by Theo Ren" "Her Sir: His Err[r], by Sherri Shirer-Risher" "Her Son: Sneer Shorn, Oh[r], by Sheron Hosner" "Her Test Tethers the Rest[r], by Seth Ert" "Herald Not Hotel Rand-Thorndale[r], by Art Holden" "Herb Neglect[r], by Engelbrecht Lechtenberg" "Herbalist Earth's-Lib is Blather[r], by Brit Saleh" "A Herd to the Road[r], by Dr. Oathe" "Here Acts the Scare[r], by Cher East" "Here Cuts the Curse, Uh, Secret[r], by Ester Chu" "Here I Got Their Ego[r], by Gertie Ho" "Here's to the Rose[r], by Ester Ho" "Hero Bit: I Bother[r], by Herb Ito" "A Hero Era, Ho![r], by Rhoea O'Hare" "Hero Man Mo Ahern Ran Home[r], by Em Horan"[] "Hero Tamed: More Death, Mate Herod[r], by Mateo Herd" "Hex Curt: The Crux[r], by Rex Tuch" "Hey, Intro the Irony in Theory[r], by [if player is male]Roy Thein[else]Erin Hoyt[end if]" "Hey, Walt, Why Late[r], by Al Whyte-Wheatly" "A Hi-Lung Laugh-In[r], by [if player is male]Ali Hung[else]Inga Uhl[end if]" "Hi-Tech's Hitches[r], by Chet Shi" "Hibernating, Breathing In[r], by Annie Bright" "Hicks to Thickos: O, Shtick[r], by Kit Cosh" "Hid Cal, a Child[r], by Chad Li" "High-Class Sigh-Clash[r], by Chas Sligh" "Hilbert's Blithers[r], by Bert Lish" "Hilda, a Dahlia[r], by Ida Ahl" "Hindered, Rehidden[r], by Reed Dinh" "Hint, D-Bag: Bad Night[r], by Thad Bing" "Hip Alton, Phat Lion[r], by Philaton Oliphant" "His Blood Holds Bio[r], by [if player is male]Odis Bohl[else]Lido Bosh[end if]" "His Clang-Clashing Clings, Ah[r], by Lis Chang, Chas Ling, Cal Singh & Sal Ching" "His Code: So Chide Disco, Eh[r], by Desi Cho" "His Name, Mean-ish in Shame[r], by Mia Shen" "His Patent: in the Past[r], by Shane Pitt" "His Robot: Short Bio[r], by Tori Bosh" "His Spam Mishaps[r], by Hap Sims" "His Urgent, Hungriest Sure Thing[r], by Sig Hunter" "History of Fishy Root[r], by Sofyi Hort" "Hit Knot to Think[r], by Nik Toth" "Ho, Nigh on High Noon[r], by Nino Hogh" "Hold Fast Old Shaft[r], by Thad Flos" "Hone Vast Havens to Have-Nots[r], by Noah Vest" "Honest Prude, Proudest Hen[r], by Peter Hudson" "Honorin['] No Rhino[r], by Noni Roh" "A Hooch Career[r], by Horace Roache" "Hooker, OK Hero[r], by H. Rooke" "Hopelessness Lessons, Sheep[r], by Sponsel Hesse" "Hordes to the Doors[r], by [d-t] Shore" "Horncastle-Charleston Scholar Net[r], by Lance Short" "Hornstein's Thorniness[r], by Nestor Shin" "Hostel of the Fools['] Elf-Hoots[r], by Sol Hoeft" "Hot Crew: We Torch The Crow[r], by Tre Chow" "Hot Edy's Shy Dote[r], by Des Hoyt" "Hot Fear of Earth[r], by [if player is male]Art Hofe[else]Fae Hort[end if]" "Hot Nine: In On the Neon Hit[r], by Theo Nin" "Hot Rene: Thereon Not Here[r], by Thor Nee" "Hotspur Up Short[r], by Su Thorp" "Hovel Ten, then Love: the Novel[r], by Neel Voth" "How Guys Go Why Us?[r] by Gus Yhow" "How I Feel: Whole, Fie![r], by Leif Howe" "Howard's Rad Show: Ah, Words, Raw Dosh[r], by Rod Shaw" "Howls Due: She Would, We Should[r], by Welsh Duo Huw DeLos & Su DeWohl" "Hudson Hound's Unshod[r], by Don Hsu" "Huntress Shunters[r], by Russ Neth" "Hup, Lord Rudolph[r], by Dru Pohl" "Hurons or Huns Rush On[r], by Ron Shu" "Hurricanes['] Ruin-Search[r], by [if player is male]Nash Currie[else]Chris Rauen[end if]" "Hurt, I Go it Rough[r], by Rui Goth" "A Hurt Rut, Ah[r], by Art Hu" "Hustling Sunlight: Lust Nigh[r], by Gus Nilth" "Hut-Fort of Truth[r], by Ruth Oft" "Hyenas Nae Shy[r], by Shayne Haynes" "Hyperbole Helper Boy[r], by [if player is male]Lee Brophy[else]Beryl Hope[end if]" "Hypocrites['] Icy Pothers[r], by Cristy Hope" "I, a Husk: Haikus[r], by Suki Ha & Su Haik" "I, a Lass, Assail[r], by Alissa Salais" "I, a Pier, Spears: I Spare a Spire[r], by Persia Sapier" "I: Agnes Gaines[r], by Gia Sen" "I am Grainy, Imaginary[r], by [if player is male]Gary Amini[else]Maria Ying[end if]" "I Aptly Play It[r], by Tal Yip" "I, Aviva, Via Avi[r], by Vi Avia" "I Ban to Obtain[r], by Bo Tian" "I Better Be Trite[r], by Bret Eit & Bertie T" "I Blame. Bail Me[r], by Mel Iba" "I Boast, Bait So at Bios to Bias[r], by Bo Asti" "I, Cad, Acid[r], by Cid Dacia." "I Came to Omit Ace[r], by Tami Coe" "I-Can-Gro Organic[r], by Ron Gaci" "I Cannot Contain Con Tina[r], by Ann Coit" "I Clear a Relic[r], by Al Rice" "I, Cohort Too Rich[r], by Tori Cho" "I Credit No Direction[r], by Reid Conti" "I Decry Dry Ice[r], by Cy Reid" "I Defer Free ID[r], by Ed Frei" "I Denote One Diet: I Need To[r], by [toti] Dee" "I Deny St. Ed's Tiny Dine-Sty Destiny[r], by Edy Nist" "I Deny Ye Din[r], by Ed Yin" "I Don't Care: a Doctrine (Acrid Note)[r], by [if player is male]Reid Caton[else]Tia Codner[end if]" "I Dote to Die[r], by Ed Ito" "I, Dourest Outsider[r], by Rude Otis & Sid Toure" "I, Dr. Ben Drebin: Inbred[r], by Didi B. Brenner" "I Drag a Grid[r], by Dr. Gia Gardi" "I Drag On, Adoring[r], by Ian Gord" "I Drown, Dr. Wino[r], by Wrondi Dorwin" "I, Dullest Duellist, Lust Idle[r], by [if player is male]Sid Tuell[else]Lu Tisdel[end if]" "I. E. Scrimp Empirics[r], by Sim Price" "I. E. Space is Peace[r], by Pei Case" "I Eat Ramen, Reanimate[r], by Art Meanie" "I, Emma, a Mime[r], by Mamie Emami" "I, Empty: Pity Me[r], by Tim Pye" "I Fab a Fib[r], by Fifi Baab" "I Fan a Fin[r], by Nina Faif" "I, Fan, Naif[r], by Fina Fain" "I Gloat to Gail[r], by Io Galt" "I Go rage, Georgia[r], by [if player is male]Arie Ogg[else]Gia Gore-Areggio[end if]" "I, Gogol, Gigolo[r], by Gil Goo" "I Govern No Giver[r], by Geri Von Revigno" "I Grab the Big Heart[r], by Beth Gari" "I Grade a Dirge[r], by Red Gia" "I Guard Rad GUI[r], by Giraud Rigaud" "I, Gwen Ewing[r], by Ewen Wiggin" "I Hang in, Gah[r], by Anghi Hanig-Hagin" "I Hate the AI[r], by Athie Heita" "I Haunt in a Hut[r], by Nat Hui" "I Interact: Nice Trait[r], by Intricate Traci Tien" "I, Justice, Juiciest Jesuitic[r], by Ice Tsuji" "I Know to Win Took No Wit, ok[r], by Toi Kwon" "I Label a Libel[r], by Al Beil" "I Lawyer Wearily[r], by [if player is male]Wary Eli[else]Aly Weir[end if]" "I Lay Aily[r], by Ilya Y. Ali" "I Learn, Linear, in Real[r], by Arline Lanier" "I Led, Idle[r], by Edie Dill" "I Loan Ol['] Ian a Lion[r], by Ilona O'Lain" "I Lower, We Roil[r], by Lew Rio" "I, Lynnea, Inanely[r], by [if player is male]Neal Yin[else]Lani Ney[end if]" "I Manage an Image[r], by Gia Eman" "I Matter at Merit[r], by Teri Tam" "I Mature: Um, a Rite[r], by Amir Ute" "I Mentor on Merit[r], by [if player is male]Tim Reno[else]Erin Tom[end if]" "I, Monomania[r], by Naomi Miano" "I Mope, Lost, Too Simple[r], by [if player is male]Tim Spoole[else]Pet Loomis[end if]" "I, Named Maiden[r], by Mandie Medina" "I Nap in, Pa[r], by Nina Paip" "I, Norma Maroni[r], by Mr. Iona Romain" "I of Scant Factions[r], by Fina Scot" "I Once Had a Chide On[r], by Dinah Coe" "I, Pandora, Paranoid[r], by Dino Paar" "I Part: a Trip[r], by Patti Parri" "I Patch it, Chap[r], by Pat Chi" "I, Pregnant, Parenting[r], by Trina Peng & Grant Pine" "I, Raimond DiMarino[r], by Mai Rodin" "I Rank a Rink[r], by Karin Arkin" "I Rant in Art[r], by Trina Narti" "I, Rarer Barbie[r], by Barrie Ribera" "I Re-Stand, Strained[r], by Ned Raist" "I Remand a minder, name-rid: Drain Me, [d-word-u] ire and mire[r], by Near-Dim Merinda" [x] "I Renew New Ire[r], by Wernie Weiner & Ren Wei"[] "I Retain a Tinier Inertia[r], by Tia-Erin Aritine" "I Revised, Derisive[r], by [if player is male]Vi Seider[else]Si Verdie[end if]" "I Roam or Aim[r], by Moira Raimo" "I Robbed Dr. Robie[r], by Bob Reid" "I, Rudest Studier[r], by Sid True" "I Run Close, Cornelius[r], by Luci Rosen" "I-Scam-Gain Magicians[r], by [if player is male]Isaac Ming[else]Inga Masci[end if]" "I Search Cahiers[r], by Eric Ash" "I, Self Files[r], by Fifi Lessel" "I Sew, Wise[r], by Wes Weiss" "I shake a Sheik[r], by Keisha Haskie" "I Shape APIs, Eh?[r] by Si Heap" "I Share No Nose Hair[r], by Rio Hanes" "I Slam Mails[r], by Sam Li" "I Snag Gains[r], by Ana Siggins" "I Sneak Sea Ink, a Skein[r], by Si Kane" "I, Snide, Inside Indies[r], by Si Dein" "I, Snider Insider[r], by [if player is male]Ned Iris[else]Di Rines[end if]" "I, Snidest, Insisted: Tidiness[r], by [if player is male]Sid Stein[else]Isis Dent[end if]" "I, Snug, Using GUI, Guns, Sin[r], by Gigi Sunnus" "I, Sooner Erosion? No, Rosie[r], by Enos Rio" "I Spared a Paradise[r], by Asa Pride" "I Stand and Sit[r], by Tan Sid" "I Stare: Ires at Satire[r], by Terisa Serita" "I Stole: Lies to Lose It[r], by Leotis O'Steil" "I Strew Wriest Writes[r], by T. R. Wise" "I Take a Kite[r], by Katie Keita" "I Teach AI Tech[r], by Cathie Ecthia" "I Tempt Pet Tim[r], by Em Pitt" "I Turned Under It[r], by Teri Dun" "I Tut Some Timeouts[r], by Moe Titus" "I, Unrapt Puritan[r], by Tai Purn" "I, User So Serious[r], by Sue Rios" "I, Vegan? A Given[r], by Vin Gea" "I Versus Viruses[r], by Su Siver" "I Won't Be Tebowin['][r], by Bo Twine" "I Wouldn't, Loud Twin[r], by Ludo Wint" "I Wreck No Nice Work[r], by Rick Owen" "I'd Bar a Bird[r], by Dr. Abi Baird" "I'd Clear Dr. Lacie[r], by Ric Dale & Dire Cal" "I'd Close Le Disco[r], by Sid Cole" "I'd Dwelt: Dewd-Lit[r], by Wild Ted Twiddle" "I'd Forget Gotfried Forged It[r], by Ted Frigo & [d-t] Grief" "I'd Hang Gandhi[r], by Ag Dinh" "I'd Let a Detail Lead It[r], by [if player is male]Ted Ali[else]Edi Alt[end if]" "I'd Rate a Tired READ IT[r], by Tia Erd" "I'd Slam Mild as Dismal[r], by Millis Addams" "I'll Break, Bilk Earl[r], by Lila Berk" "I'll Push His Pull[r], by Lips Uhl" "I'll See Ellie's[r], by Liesel Leslie" "I'll Take Li'l Kate[r], by Elli Tak" "I'm a Drab Barmaid[r], by Ida Bram" "I'm a Wall: Malwail[r], by Liam Law" "I'm Alert: Trail Me[r], by Tim Lear" "I'm as a Sim[r], by Masi Sima" "I'm Les Miles[r], by Selim Emlis" "I'm No Omni[r], by Mimi Noon" "I'm Over Vi Mero[r], by Ev Mori" "I'm Sad Midas is Mad[r], by Simi Addams" "I'm Sara, Ms. Aria[r], by Aramis Simara" "I'm Smart as Mr. Tim[r], by Art Mims" "I'm Sold as So Dismal[r], by Aldo Sims" "I'm Sunk in Musk[r], by Kim Sun" "I'm Touted To Tedium[r], by Timed-Out Mutt Odie" "I'm Unable, Alien Bum[r], by Ian Blume" "IBM As-Is: BAM[r], by Ms. Abi Simba" "Ice Dolls['] Cold Lies[r], by Sid Colle" "Ice Trophy, Toy Cipher[r], by Troy Piche" "Iced, Gone, Genocide[r], by Edie Cong" "Iced Over Divorcee[r], by Evie Cord" "Ichors So Rich[r], by Cris Oh" "ICK! Host to Hicks So Thick[r], by Kit Ochs" "The Icy City, eh: Ye Itch[r], by Chet Yi" "Id-Theism Times Hid[r], by [if player is male]Sid Theim[else]Edi Smith[end if]" "Ideas of Oafs Die[r], by Si Dafoe & Ed Sofia" "Ideology? Goody! Lie![r], by Diego Loy" "An IDK, Kinda[r], by Kandi Dakin" "Idle Fens, Life's End: Lee Finds Def Lines[r], by Enid Self" "Idle Gab? Big Deal[r], by Gil Bade" "Idle Pap Applied[r], by Pip Adel" "Idleness Dens Isle[r], by [if player is male]Sid Elsen[else]Lis Edens[end if]" [] "Idyl Troop Dirty Pool[r], by Troy O'Dilp" "I.E. Bland Dan Lieb[r], by Belinda DeBlain" "If Anger: a Finger[r], by Fergina Garfein" "If Dale Filed a Fad-Lie[r], by Di Leaf" "If Dante Fainted Defiant: a Fit End[r], by Tad Fine" "If Elfs Be Fibs, FEEL[r], by Biff Lees" "If Lame, Fail [']Em[r], by Mia Elf" "If No Info[r], by Fifi Noon" "If the Thief Fit, Eh?[r] by Effie Thith" "If Torn I Front No Rift[r], by Torin F. Fortin" "Iffy Lust, Stuffily[r], by Ty Fulfis" "Ignoble, I Belong[r], by Bo Ingle" "Ignorant Giant Ron[r], by [toti] Garn" "Ill Better, Belittler[r], by Elli Brett" "Ill Coders['] Dice Rolls[r], by Red Collis" "Ill Foes['] Follies[r], by Les Foil" "Immersing, Simmering[r], by Ines Grimm" "Immortal Limo-Mart[r], by Mat Moril" "Immortalise, Memorialist[r], by [if player is male]Emilio Spart[else]Roselia Timm[end if]" "Imperial Mail Pier[r], by Mel Parii" "Important Titan Romp[r], by Ramon Pitt" "Improvised is Improved[r], by Primo Vides" "In a Sickbed, Back Inside[r], by Sandie Bick" "In Awe of Naif Woe[r], by Io Fewan" "In-Car Racing[r], by Nanci Arric" "In Dark I Drank a Drink[r], by Kindra Kinard" [p] "In for a Rain of No Fair[r], by Faran Fiorino" "In Gassy Sayings[r], by Sy Gains" "In Here, Cat: Eat, Enrich[r], by Teri Hance" "In the Black Kitchen-Lab[r], by Beth Calkin" "In Ur-Ruin I Run[r], by Nuri Inur" "In Wet Twine I Went[r], by Newin Witte" "Inane Creep? Ire, Penance, Inner Peace[r], by Nancie Peer" "Inane Rain Arena[r], by Arianne Naraine" "Inane Sallie's Lineal Anises[r], by Selina Nealis" "Inane, Trite Barb: I Banter[r], by Bernita Biernat" "Inane Wit: I Ain't New[r], by Tai Winne" "Inartistic Cairns: a Racist Instinsic[r], by Cristina Crisanti" "Inch, Age: I Change[r], by Gia Chen" "Incognisant Sanctioning[r], by Otis Canning" "Incubate: a Nice Tub[r], by Tia Bunce" "Incurable Urban Lice[r], by Lani Bruce" "India Sands, Naiads['] Dins[r], by Sandi Dains" "Indicatory Dictionary[r], by Dr. Tony Icia" "Indulged Deluding[r], by Ed Guldin" "Inept Cats Can't Spite Pittances[r], by Staci Pent" "Inert? Ow, Write On[r], by Towerin['] Wit Nero" "Infernos for Ennis, Sinner of Iron Fens[r], by Ron Fines" "Infield Infidel, Find Eli[r], by Del Fini"[] "Infirm Freeman, a Fireman[r], by Fermina Freiman" "Inflate, Fat Neil[r], by Ian Felt" "Informal Norm, Fail[r], by Alf Minor" "The Ink Hit Ken[r], by Keith Hentkin" "Inklings['] Linkings[r], by King Nils" "Inmost Monist Timons[r], by Monti Stimson" "Inmost Monist[r], by Ms. Toni Timson-Simont" "Insectean Tenancies[r], by [if player is male]Cain Steen[else]Stacee Nin[end if]" "Insomnia Mansion: I[r], by Nia Simon" "Inspectorial Replications[r], by Nicola Priest" "Insular Sun-Lair Urinals[r], by Lu Rains" "Intentional Online Taint[r], by Annie Litton" "Interim Termini[r], by Erin & Tim Mintier" "Internal Rant Line[r], by Elin Tran" "Interstellar Learners['] Tilt[r], by Arnett Siller" "Into a Fun Fountain[r], by Iona Funt" "Involved Devolvin['][r], by Viv Eldon" "Io, Let to Lie[r], by Eliot Leito" "Io Preens In Repose, Pioneers[r], by Rose Pine" "Ire's Row: or, Wiser Worries[r], by Ros Weir" "Ire? Nay, I Yearn[r], by Neriya Rainey" "Iridescent, Indiscreet[r], by Denice Rist & Enid Crites" "Irk Eerie Kirk[r], by [if player is male]Erik[else]Keri[end if] Kier-Reik" "The IRL Hitler[r], by Teri Hillerth" "Irons, Sin or Rosin[r], by Ronin Rossi & Sorin Rison" "Ironside's Derisions[r], by Enid Rossi" "IRS vs Irv[r], by Viv Sirrs" "Is Valor So Viral[r], by Val Rios" "Issues Dig Disguises[r], by Sid Gussie" "It Forks OK First[r], by Si Kroft & Tor Fisk" "It Holds Old Hits[r], by Sid Holt" "It Makes a Kismet Mistake at Mike's[r], by Kim East" "It Pulsated Platitudes[r], by Titus Delap" "It Rivals Trivials[r], by Travis Li" "It's a Dopy Dystopia[r], by Tio Spady" "It's Only Lions, Ty[r], by [if player is male]Tiny Sol[else]Lin Yost[end if]" "It's so I toss to Sis[r], by Isis O'Stots" "It's Top to Spit[r], by Si Pott" "Ivan Tal, Valiant Latvian[r], by Vi Natal" "Iverson's Versions[r], by Erin Voss" "Jealousy, Louse Jay[r], by Joey Saul" "Jellison's Jolliness[r], by Jessi Noll" "A Jest, My Majesty[r], by Steamy J & Ty James" "Jim, Lay My Jail[r], by Jay Lim" "Jingos['] Jog-Ins[r], by Si Jong" "Jo's Lunar Journals[r], by [if player is male]Rajon Sul[else]Ros Lujan[end if]" "Join the Tie, John[r], by Thin Joe" "Joints St. Joni Jots in[r], by O. J. Nist" "Jolted old Jet[r], by TJ Odle" "Journalist Roils Junta, Runs to Jail[r], by Lorina Just" "Joy Rune Journey[r], by June Roy" "Juliet's Just Lie[r], by Luis Jet" "June of UFO Jen[r], by Fun Joe" "Junk Mail? J/K, Alumni [r], by [if player is male]Juan Milk[else]Kim Lujan[end if]" "Jupiter's Just Ripe[r], by Jeri Pust" "Karstens's Starkness[r], by Stan Kress & Ernst Kass" "Kasparov as Karpov[r], by Avo Parks" "Keatts's Tsatske[r], by Kat Tess" "Kelsey's Keyless[r], by El Sykes" "Ketcham the Mack[r], by Mat Heck" "A Kind Kid? Na[r], by Kandi Dakin" "Kindles Slinked[r], by Len Disk" "King Lew, a Weakling[r], by [if player is male]Gale Wink[else]Keli Wang[end if]" "Kingward, Darkwing[r], by Dirk Wang" "Kinsley's Skylines[r], by Lin Sykes" "Kiss Roy: So Risky[r], by Sky Rios" "Kit, When We Think[r], by Ken Whit" "Kite Mill: Kill Time[r], by Mike Till" "Klein-Sasser larkinesses[r], by Selina Kriss" "Kneisel's Likeness[r], by Lee Sinks" "Knotted[r], by [d-t] Kent" "Know-Heads['] Shakedown[r], by Don Hawkes" "Know it to Wink, OK Twin[r], by Nik Two Kotwin" "Koester Re-Tokes[r], by Ester Ko" "Kornfeld Nerdfolk[r], by Rolf Denk" "Kubiak's Kabukis[r], by Suki Bak" "La, Tough to Laugh, Lout-Hag[r], by Al Ought" "Lab Term Table, Mr.[r], by Lambert Beltram-Bramlet" "Labors, Men: No Rambles[r], by Rosenbalm Lamberson" "Lack Not Talk, Con[r], by Colt Kan" "Lack Pie? A Pickle[r], by Kip Cale & Eli Pack" "Lad Drew, Rad Lewd Dawdler, Drawled[r], by Del Ward" "Lad, I've a Devil[r], by Dave Li" "Lad, Stay Sadly at Last Day[r], by [if player is male]Ly Sadat[else]Dy Atlas[end if]" "Laden, Leaden Land[r], by Alden Andel" "Ladroon Orlando[r], by Al Rondo" "Laggers['] Gargles[r], by Greg Sal" "Lair at a Trai[r], by Tara Li" "Lame Cory Claymore[r], by Mary Cole" "Lame, Dire, Remedial[r], by Liam Reed" "Lame Doc Mad Cleo[r], by Cold Mae Macleod" "Lame Peter, Tame Leper, Maple Tree[r], by Elmer Pate" "Lamenting Alignment[r], by Tim Langen" "Lanced Candle[r], by Declan DeLanc" "A Land and Al[r], by L. A. Dan" "Lang's Slang[r], by Lans G. Glans-Sangl" "Larcenous Euro-Clans[r], by Luna Score" "A Larch Lecher[r], by Rachel Lacher" "The Lark: Her Talk[r], by Art Kehl" "Lass-Free, Fearless[r], by Alf Esser" "Last-Five Festival[r], by Val Feist" "Last-Ogled Lost Glade Gold Steal[r], by [d-t] Segall" "Last, Ol['] St. Lola, So Tall[r], by Sal Olt" "Last One: Lose, Nat![r] by Al Stone" "Last One, St. Leona[r], by Leo Nast" "Last Week Let Askew[r], by Lew Keats" "Last Week: Wet Lakes[r], by Walt Kees" "Lastly I Stay Ill[r], by Lita Sly" "Late Retro Tolerater Errol Tate[r], by Rotter" "Later Ed Related, Altered[r], by Lee Dart" "Laud Grief, Lifeguard[r], by Fidel Guar" "Laughter's Slaughter[r], by Ruth Segal" "Law of a Wolf[r], by Flo & Alf Wall" "The Laws? Haw, Let's[r], by Hal West" "Lay Dirt Tardily[r], by Ty Laird" "Lay Up, Pauly[r], by [if player is male]Pal Yu[else]Lu Yap[end if]" "Le Chic Cliche[r], by Li Cech" "Le Crash[r], by Charles Lascher" "Le Fine Feline Feelin['][r], by Len Fei" "Le Thief: the Life I Left, Eh?[r] by Lee Hift" "Le Tux: Exult![r] by Tex Lu" "Le Vista Alivest[r], by Vi Stael" "Lead, Iron: A Lonelier Android in Ordeal[r], by Reinaldo Andreoli" "Lead On, Lad Neo[r], by Ol['] Dean Delano" "Leaden Lean Dell[r], by Danelle Allende" "Leaking Linkage[r], by Gil Kane" "Lean Log Galleon[r], by Leola Ng" "Lean Low, One Wall[r], by Leon Law" "Learn by Blarney[r], by [if player is male]Al Byrne[else]Lyn Baer[end if]" "Learn Fast, Feel Rants[r], by [if player is male]Lester Fan[else]Fran Steel[end if]" "Learn'd Randle Aldner[r], by Darnel Lander" "Leased, Sealed[r], by Deedee Sallas" "Lebanon's Neon Labs[r], by Al Benson" "Led of Ego? Feel good[r], by Flo Goede" "Lee IX, Exile[r], by Lexie Xiele" "Lee Roth's the Loser[r], by Lester Ho" "Leermost Molester Storm Lee[r], by Mr. O. Steel" "Leery Ol['] Eye-Roll[r], by Elly Roe" "Lefties['] Lie Fest[r], by Les Feit" "Lefty's Flytes[r], by Sy Felt" "Legacies Cage Lies[r], by Leci Sage" "Leigh's Sleigh[r], by Helgis Gleish" "Leigh's Sleigh[r], by Shellie Higgs" "Leila's Allies[r], by Sallie Ellias" "Leisure: Sure Lie[r], by Si Euler & Luis Ree" "The Lemon: No Helmet[r], by Helen Tom-Heelmont" "Lend Drama, Dreamland Ladder Man[r], by Nedd Lamar" "LeRon or Len[r], by Errol Nolen" "LeScipio Spice-Oil Policies[r], by Clio Sipe" "Lest God Gets Old[r], by Del Gost" "Lestat's Stalest[r], by Tess Tal" "Let Go to Gel[r], by Toto LeGelg" "Let God Get Old[r], by E. T. Gold" "Let in Much Lunchtime[r], by Clint Hume & Che Tumlin" "Let Slide Ill Tides: Die Still[r], by Sid Litle" "Let This Lithest Thistle[r], by Les Hitt" "Let's Cool Eco-Tolls[r], by Lost Cleo Costello" "Let's Fail Life Last[r], by T[if player is male]Tai Fells & Fat Ellis[else]Lita Self & Fae Still[end if]" "Let's Hold the Dolls[r], by [d-t] Shell" "Let's Kinda Stand Like Idle Tanks[r], by [if player is male]Tad Elkins[else]Kit Landes[end if]" "Let's Play All Types[r], by Sly Patel" "Lethargic Grail Tech[r], by Gita Lerch" "Lev Has Halves[r], by Val Esh" "Levi's Lives[r], by Elvis Slive" "Levin's Snivel Livens Elvins[r], by Nevil Vesslin" "Lew, Stu: We Lust[r], by Lu West" "Liane's Saline Aliens[r], by Sean Li" "Liar, Liar[r], by Raia Rill" "Liars['] Lairs[r], by Sir Al Sarli" "Liberty's Blistery, Sly Tribe[r], by Elsy Brit" "Lich Crone's Chronicles[r], by Chris Cleon" "Lie and Leadin['][r], by Daniel Aldine" "Lie As Elias, i.e. Sal[r], by Elisa Ailes" "Lie Ill, Li'l Eli[r], by Elli Li" "Lie is Loose[r], by Elois Sileo" "A Lie to Eat Oil[r], by Teolia Leitao" "Life's Aim: Families[r], by Mei Fasil" "Lights Out, Guilt-Shot[r], by Hugo Litts" "Like This, Lit Sheik[r], by Kit Hisle" "A Liked Dalek, I[r], by Ed Kail" "A Likely Kill, Aye: Leakily, I Key All[r], by Kai Lyle" "A Limner's Minerals[r], by Ren Smail" "Linda's Island[r], by Sad Lin Landis" "Line Gangs['] Gleanings[r], by [if player is male]Nigel Gans[else]Agnes Ling[end if]" "Lingo, OK-Looking[r], by Gil Koon" "Link the Thin Elk[r], by Ken Hilt" "Links to Lost Kin[r], by Nik Solt" "Lint Owl Will Not Lilt Now[r], by Lon Wilt" "The Lion Noel Hit[r], by Eli Noth & Theo Lin" "Liquor Be Obliquer[r], by Eriq Lubo" "Lisanne Leans In[r], by Ali Senn" "List Not Lost Tin[r], by Nils Ott-Stilton" "A List of Fat Oils[r], by [if player is male]Alf Otis[else]Flo Tsai[end if]" "Lite-Tile[r], E-Lit by Eli Title" "Live Ever Aerial[r], by Valerie Larivee" "Live for a Fail-Over, Viler Oaf[r], by Rafi Love" "Live, Levi[r], by Viv-Ellie" "Live Long, Try Revoltingly: Very Tolling[r], by Tyler Loving" "Lo, a Debt, Bloated[r], by [d-t] Abel" "Lo, Dwarf of Drawl[r], by Flo Ward-Waldorf" "Lo, Ester: Ere Lost to Leers or Steel[r], by Sol Tree" "Lo-Fault Fallout[r], by Flo Ault" "Lo, I'm Not Moonlit[r], by Tom Olin" "Lo, Inure Ole Ruin[r], by Oren Liu" "Lo-Mend Old Men[r], by Delmon & Meldon LeMond" "Lo, Mine Oil, Men[r], by Meline Molino" "Lo, Rare Aloe: a Lore[r], by Leora LaRoe" "Lo-Scale Locales[r], by Sal Cole" "Lo-Spine Pile-Ons[r], by Sol Pein & Les Pino" "Lo-Style LOLS, Yet, to Yells[r], by Sly Leto" "Lo! Ashes. She also Heals So[r], by ******* Sol Shea" 40 "Loath Tumors, Thou Mortals[r], by LaMott Roush." [] "Loci Set To Slice it Close[r], by Eli Cost" "Locked-In Clone Kid[r], by Dick Noel" "Locked-in Olde Nick[r], by Dick Leno" "Locust Clouts[r], by Col. Stu Coltus" "A Lofty Flay to Yo['] Flat[r], by Al Foyt" "Lofty to Fly! T/Y, Flo![r] by Ty Lof" "Log: Meant to Mangle[r], by Galen Tom" "Logan's Slogan[r], by Al Song" "LOLscape: All Copes Collapse[r], by Cal Lopes" "Lone Ditch in the Cold[r], by Ted Nichol" "Lone Felon Freer[r], by Florene Fleenor" "Lone Id Lied On[r], by Leonid DeLino" "Lone Leon Leno[r], by Elle Noon" "A Lone Pet Antelope[r], by Poet Neal" "Loners: Ron, Les, Sol, Ren[r], by Lerner Olsson" "Longtime Met-Lingo[r], by Tom Ingle" "Looks for Solo Fork[r], by Flo Rooks" "Loon Got Too Long To Log On[r], by Ol['] T-Goon Otlongo" "Loony Em[r], by Lo-Money Moloney" "The Loop Hotel Op[r], by Holt Poe" "Loose Bandit Blaine Stood[r], by Leonida Bost" "A Looter Too Real[r], by Lea Root" "Lord Mayor Mr. Rolo Day[r], by Daryl Romo" "A Lord or Lad[r], by Roald Lardo" "Lord Ted's Toddlers[r], by Del Dorst" "The Lord Told Her[r], by Red Holt" "Lord Yawp & Lady Prow: Yorpwald Day Prowl[r], by Apryl Dow" "Lore Infects Reflections[r], by Foster Clein" "Lorn Days, Rosy Land: Any Lords?[r], by Alys Dorn" "The Loss Hostels[r], by Les Tosh" "Lost Ace Locates a Closet[r], by Sal Cote" "Lost Boys, Bossy Lot[r], by Slyboots" "Lost Hits Hotlists[r], by Sol Stith" "Lost-Name Salmonet[r], by [if player is male]Stan Elmo[else]Nola Smet[end if]" "Lost Ray Taylor's Ol['] Stray[r], by Sal Troy" "Lost Vine[r], by Vin Toles-Leviston" "Losted Old Set[r], by [d-t] Les" "Lot I'm In: No Limit[r], by Tim Olin" "A Lot to Al[r], by Lala Otto" "Lots View Two Evils Wits Love[r], by Tevis Low" "Lotta Total Ol['] Tat[r], by Al Ott" "Lou, Be as Lo-Abuse Soul [a-b][r], by Beau Sol" "Loud Ice is Delicious[r], by Luci Desio" "Loudish? I should[r], by Lu Doshi" "Lovable Bo Valle[r], by Abe Voll" "Love Hate Vote Heal[r], by Theo Vale" "Loving Vi Long[r], by Gil Von Ingvol" "Low-Beg Web Log[r], by 'Bowleg' W. Goble" "Low Grate: Waterlog[r], by Walt Gore" "Low Rated Word Tale[r], by Rod Ewalt" "Low-Stress Slowsters[r], by Wert Sloss" "Lowest Towels We Lost[r], by Lew Tso" "LSD Puree Preludes[r], by Les Dupre" "Lt. Base, Be Last[r], by Al Best" "Lu's Pa Paul's a Plus[r], by Su Alp" "Lucid, Sour, Ludicrous[r], by Ruud Cislo" "Luddites['] LSD-itude[r], by LISTDUDE" "A Lust to Outlast[r], by Saul Ott" "Luther's Hustler Hurtles[r], by Les Urth" "Lutzke's Klutzes[r], by Su Keltz" "Lyla Be Label-y: by Ella[r], by Lea Bly" "Ma, Icon, In Coma[r], by Monica Camino" "Ma, This is Math[r], by A. Smith" "Ma, Try My Art[r], by [if player is male]Matty Rymar[else]Tammy Tarry[end if]" "Ma, We're Warmer[r], by Em Ware" "Ma's Gripe-Epigrams[r], by Pa Grimes" "Ma's Pic is Camp[r], by Scamp Campisi" "Ma's Queer Marquees[r], by Em Square" "Ma's Rad Dramas[r], by Sam Ard" "MacLean's Manacles[r], by Sam Lance" "Mad Bane be a [d-word-u] Bad Name[r], by Ben Adam" "Mad Binges, Big Amends[r], by Deb Sigman, Meg Sinbad & Gab Mednis" "Mad Bones, Bad Omens[r], by [if player is male]Bo Madsen[else]Bea Monds[end if]" "Mad Liar Admiral[r], by Mila Ard" "Madras Dramas[r], by Sam Ard" "The Magic Game Itch[r], by Meg Chait" "Magic World? Go, Crawl Dim, Low Grim Cad[r], by Lido McGraw" "The Maid Had Time Amid the Dim Hate[r], by Tad Heim"[] "Maid Lee Emailed Limeade[r], by Imelda E" "The Mail Hit Lame[r], by Tim Leah" "Mailer's Realism is Lamer[r], by Irma Les" "Maim Lore[r], by Romi Elam" "The Major Other Jam[r], by [if player is male]Joe Marth[else]Jo Mather[end if]" "Make Do, OK, Dame?[r] by Mo Dake" "Males[r], by Selma Salem" "Malinger, a Gremlin[r], by Erma Ling" "Malinger, Germinal Maligner[r], by Amir Glen" [p] "The Man, Dr. Math Nerd[r], by Ned Marth" "Man, I Try My Train[r], by Tim Ryan" "Manage a Nag, Me?[r] by Meagan Gaeman" "Mandibles, Able Minds, Sin, Bedlam[r], by [if player is male]Denis Lamb[else]Deb Sliman[end if]" "The Manic Mean Itch[r], by Tim Hance" "Manifesto of Inmates[r], by Tomas Fine" "Mankind and Mink[r], by Dann Kim" "Manlier Mineral Railmen[r], by Al Merin" "Manor O['] Maroon[r], by Namoor Romano" "Many Cited Mendacity[r], by Dita McNey" "Many Tell Mentally[r], by [if player is male]Ly Mantel[else]Lyn Telma[end if]" "Maples['] Elm Sap Sample, Slap Me[r], by Pam Les" "Marci's Racism[r], by Sir Mac Cairms" "Marg My Grammy[r], by Gamy Mr. A. Grymm" "Mark of OK Farm[r], by Ma Fork" "Marlette's Streamlet[r], by Matt Leer" "Marriage: a Grim Era[r], by Amie Garr" "Martha's Art-Sham[r], by [if player is male]Sam Hart[else]Tam Sahr[end if]" "Mary, Be My Bear[r], by Em Bray" "Masonry To Astronomy[r], by [if player is male]Omar Tyson[else]Rosa Monty[end if]" "The Mast Sat Them[r], by Matthes Stetham" "Matches: The Scam[r], by Cam Tseh" "Math Fer The Farm[r], by Father M" "Mathy? My Hat! A Myth! Thy Ma![r], by Ty Ham" "A Matter: Meta-Art[r], by Matt Rea" "Mauro's Amours[r], by Su Mora" "Maw's Li'l Sawmill[r], by Will Sam" "Maybe Do My Abode, Bay Dome[r], by Mae Boyd" "Me, a Blot to Blame[r], by Tom Beal" "Me and Ad Men Amend[r], by Dede Ammann" "Me, I Rust, Mustier[r], by Sue Trim" "Me, Tiny Enmity, Ye Mint[r], by Tim Ney" "Meager Mr. Agee[r], by Meg Rea" "Mean Ol['] Man Leo Malone[r], by Len Mao" "Mean Seeks a Meakness[r], by Kam Senese" "Mean Tot Meant to Team? Not[r], by Nate Tom" "Mean Words, Demon Wars, Now Dreams[r], by [if player is male]Drew Mason[else]Dawn Morse[end if]" "Meander, Renamed Amender[r], by Mad Rene Deerman" "Measuring Geraniums[r], by [if player is male]Gus Manier[else]Agnes Muir[end if]" "Medaling, Maligned[r], by [if player is male]Al Deming[else]Madge Lin[end if]" "Mediocre Micro Dee[r], by Moe Redic" "Mega-Snivel Evangelism[r], by [if player is male]Melvin Sage[else]Megan Slive[end if]" "Meinhardt's Hardiments[r], by [if player is male]Dash Minter[else]Mandi Herst[end if]" "Melba's Ambles[r], by Lem Bas" "Melisa Emails a Smile[r], by Amelia Lessim" "Melisa Emails Ma Lies[r], by Esmail Maisel" "A Mellow Lame Owl: Allow Me[r], by Moe Wall" "A Melting Ligament[r], by Milt Egan" "Memoir: I'm More[r], by Mo Meir" "Memoir Plus Lorem Ipsum[r], by Elmo Primus" "Men ask it: Mistaken![r], by Kent Amis" "Men Loath A Menthol-Methanol[r], by Hotelman Lon Mehta" "Men, Shoot the Moon[r], by Shon Mote & Honest Mo" "Mend Richly, My Children[r], by Mercy Lindh" "Menial, Mainline, Lame[r], by Melina Elamin" "Menials['] Seminal Lies, Man[r], by Lilliana Semmens" "Mentions: None Smit[r], by Tim Sonne" "Merciful M. Lucifer[r], by Leif Crum" "The Mercy-Cry Theme[r], by Chet Remy" "Mere Room, Me, or More[r], by Mo Roemer" "Mere? No, Enorme[r], by Ron Mee & Mo Rene" "Meredith the Mired[r], by Ted Riehm" "Merely Lame Year[r], by [if player is male]Al Emery[else]Marylee Remaley[end if]" "Merge No Ogre Men[r], by Mo Green" "[']Merica: a Crime[r], by Marcie Camire" [] "Merman Grange[r], by German Engram-Magner" "Merson's Sermons[r], by Ren Moss" "Mess Bay Embassy: Mass Bye, My Bases[r], by Bess May" "Messiah Nut Enthusiasm[r], by [if player is male]Hunt Massie[else]Shanti Muse[end if]" "Metcalf Left, Mac[r], by Cam Felt" "Mexico E-Comix[r], by Mei Cox" "Mia's Aims: Siam[r], by Sami Amis" "A Mic, I Cam[r], by Mica Maci" "Michelle's Schlemiel[r], by Clem Hisle" "Mick Rave, Maverick[r], by Kev Cimra" "Microfloral Coralliform[r], by Friar Collom" "Midrange Dreaming[r], by Amir Deng" "Midst Hub, Thumb Dis[r], by Bud Smith" "Midwest Dew-Mist[r], by Dim Stew Wimsted" "Migraine Imaginer[r], by Amie Ring" "Miguel's Smug Lie[r], by Sue Glim" "Mild, Bo? I'm Bold[r], by Di Blom" "Mild Row[r], by Wlodmir Wildmor" "Mildest, Mist-Led[r], by Del Smit" "Milk Cries: Limericks[r], by Slick Emir Rick Miles" "Minaret Raiment[r], by Martine Armenti" "Minerva, a Vermin[r], by Marvin E. Van Mier" "Mini Lols? Millions[r], by Slim Olin" "Mink-Dog Kingdom[r], by Kim Gond" "The Minor Hero Mint[r], by [if player is male]Tim Horne[else]Mei North[end if]" "The Mirror-Him Terror[r], by Torri Rehm" "Miscaption Impactions[r], by Pati Scomin" "Misdealt Medalist[r], by [if player is male]Tim Slade[else]Lea Smidt[end if]" "Miserably by Realism[r], by [if player is male]Emil Byars[else]Sybil Amer[end if]" "A Misstep: Pastimes[r], by Pam Estis" "Mist Canyon: Manic Stony Sanctimony[r], by Simon Canty" "Misused: MD Issue?[r], by Sim Deus" "Mitcham's mismatch[r], by Si McMath & Mac Smith" "Mm, Deary, My Dream[r], by Emmy Ard" "Mo's Direr Misorder[r], by Ed Morris" "Mo's Rant Transom[r], by Mort-San Marston-Stroman" "Mo's Wrath: How Smart[r], by Sam Worth" "Mo['] Crust to Scrum, Mr. Scout[r], by Tom Crus" "Mo['] Rigs So Grim[r], by Si Grom" "Mo['] Sins in Moss? No, Miss Simons[r], by Ms. Sion Simson" "Mo['] Vibes: B-Movies[r], by Bev Isom" "Moan Gee: One Game, Mean Ego[r], by Gene Mao" "Moan, Nat 'Not-a-Man' Montana[r], by Anna Tom" [p] "Moaner or Mean?[r] by [if player is male]Monroe Manera[else]Reena Moorman[end if]" "Moaner Ren Mao, Meaner Maroon[r], by Remona Mareno" "Mob-Size Zombies[r], by Oz Bemis" "Mobs['] Yen: Omens by My Bones[r], by Mo Bynes" "Mock Dive, [dick-u] Move[r], by Vic Domke" [x] "Mod Racy Army Doc[r], by Mad Cory Carmody" "Models Seldom Meld So[r], by Dom Les" "Moderated Dream-Dote[r], by Ted DeRamo" "A Modern Dream: No Admen or No Armed Roadmen[r], by Ed Moran & Dan Rome" "Modern Teens Need Mentors['] Endorsement[r], by [if player is male]Emerson Dent[else]Deneen Storm[end if]" "Molby's Symbol[r], by Sy Blom" "Monasterial Ameliorants[r], by [if player is male]Salim Renato[else]Alison Marte[end if]" "Monday Dynamo May Nod[r], by Nomady Don May" "Monitor Naif Information[r], by Mario Finton & Afton Morini" "Monsieur Inermous[r], by [if player is male]Simon Ure[else]Sue Minor[end if]" "Montague's Age Mounts[r], by Mungo East" "Month, Meet the Moment[r], by Tom Nemeth" "Moody's Sodomy[r], by Sy Odom" "Moon-Panic Companion[r], by Nino Campo" "The Moon's Omen-Shot[r], by Tom Shoen" "Mootest Mottoes[r], by Tom Seto" "Morally Loyal Mr. Ray Moll[r], by Mary Oll" "Morbid Dim Rob[r], by Mo Bird" "More Faith, Hermit Oaf[r], by Tami Hofer" "More Pews, Moper Wes[r], by Em Powers" "More Than the Manor or Anthem[r], by Ron Hamet" "The Moss Stems, Oh[r], by Tom Hess" "Moss the Hot Mess[r], by Tom Hess" "The Most-Hot Stem[r], by Tom Tesh" "The Most Raw Who Matters[r], by Homer Watts" "Most Vile Love Mist[r], by Emil Vost" "Motel Spy Ptolemy's Sly Tempo[r], by Tom Pyles" "Motliest Lost Time[r], by Miles Ott" "Motown's Tom Snow[r], by Wm. Snoot" "Mourned [']N Rude Mo Dunmore[r], by Ned Orum" "Move Icy, My Voice[r], by Vic Moye" "Mr. Abe[r], by Amber Bream" "Mr. Art be At Me, Brr[r], by Bertram Rambert" "Mr. Beach's Chambers: Meh, Crabs[r], by Mab Resch" "Mr. Cain's Narcism[r], by Marc Sin" "Mr. Cobie Crombie[r], by Mo Brice" "Mr. Eero's Remorse[r], by Em Serro" "Mr. Hou's Humors[r], by Mo Rush" "Mr. Ingle, Gremlin Mingler[r], by Len Grim" "Mr. Lane, a Real Man[r], by Marlena LaMarne" "Mr. Not-As-Smart on Matrons[r], by Sam Torn" "Mr. Oates: Some Art Maestro[r], by Rose Tam" "Mr. Pete's Tempers[r], by M. Streep" "Mr. Pile's Simpler Prelims[r], by Mel Pris" "Mr. Rios or Sir M[r], by Ms. Rori Morris" "Mr. Tate's Matters[r], by Art Mest" "Mr. Theo's Mother's Thermos[r], by Tom Sher" "Mr. Yob, My Bro[r], by Roby M. Ormby" "Ms. Bustle-Stumbles[r], by Tess Blum" "Ms. Dole Seldom Sold Me Models[r], by Lem Sod" "Ms. Mingle-Lemmings[r], by Glen Mims" "Mt. Shy Myths[r], by Ty 'SMH' Smyth" "The Mud Med Hut[r], by Ed Thum-DeMuth" "Mulrooney's Enormously Lemony-Sour[r], by [if player is male]Lon Seymour & Reynoso Lum[else]Lorey Osmun[end if]" "Muse-Loci Coliseum[r], by Luci Mose" "Mush By My Bush[r], by Shy Bum Ms. Huby" "Muskrat at Murks[r], by Stu Marrk & Kam Rust" "Musty Rag, Smart Guy[r], by Gus Marty" "A Mutt? Tut, Ma Tatum![r] by Matt U" "My, a Loan Anomaly[r], by Alan Moy" "My Angle: Lean Gym[r], by Mel Yang" "My Ann[r], by Manny Nyman" "My Art, or to Marry[r], by [if player is male]Rory Tam[else]Mary Ort[end if]" "My Boat By Moat[r], by Tom Bay" "My Cat is a Mystic[r], by Tim Casy" "My Cats['] Sty, Mac[r], by Ms. Tacy St. Macy" "My Clean Clay Men[r], by Al McNey" "My Coarse Sycamore[r], and its sequel, [i]Some Racy Sycamore[r], by Rose Macy" "My Dirt, Dmitry[r], by Dry Tim" "My Drug: Dry Gum[r], by DRM GUY" "My Earth Era Myth[r], by Mr. Hatey" "My Failed Family-Ed[r], by Amy Field" "My Faith, If a Myth[r], by Tim Fahy" "My Hand's Damn Shy[r], by Sam Dynh" "My Hole, Homely[r], by Mel Hoy" "My Ideas: Dim, Easy[r], by Sid Maye" "My Lane: Any Elm[r] by Len May" "My Last Alm Sty[r], by Lt. Mays" "My Lone Elm Yon[r], by Lemony Lyn Moe" "My Name is Sam Yenim[r], by Mia Mynes" "My Oath: Yo, Math[r], by Tom Hay" "My Other Home Try[r], by Tom Hyre" "My Rant: Try, man![r] by Tamryn Rymant" "My Rat Marty[r], by Myrta Tamyr" "My Richest Chemistry[r], by Misty Cher" "My scare: Screamy Marc, Yes[r], by Cyr Ames" "My Sheep Hypes Me[r], by Shep Mey" "My Spite is Empty[r], by Tim Espy" "My Tea's Steamy[r], by Ty Ames" "My Tears Stray [']Em, Mr. Yates[r], by Ty Mears" "My, the Methy Thyme[r], by Ty Ehm" "My Toad, Mad Toy[r], by Tom Day & [d-t] May" "My Trail to Mortality[r], by [if player is male]Tim Taylor[else]Lori Myatt[end if]" "My Water, Wry Mate[r], by Mary Tew" "Myotic Comity[r], by Tim Coy" "Mysterious Stories, Yum[r], by [if player is male]Timo Russey[else]Misty Rouse[end if]" "Nag-Trick Tracking[r], by Rick Gant" "Nah, Old Hand, Lo, Land Ho![r], by Dan Ohl-Haldon" "Naifest Fansite[r], by Estifan Stefani" "Nail Burt, Turn Bail[r], urban lit by Art Lubin" "Name For One Farm Foreman[r], by Fran Moe" "Nana Gege[r], by Anne Gage" "Naptime's Aim Spent[r], by [if player is male]Tim Snape[else]Pam Stein[end if]" "Narc to Contra, or Can't Co-rant[r], by Carton Atcorn" "Nastiest Sin-Taste[r], by Tina Tess" "Nasty Day: a Dynasty[r], by Andy Tsay" "Nat [']N Co Cannot[r], by Canton Conant" "Nat Goes, Sean Got on Stage[r], by Geo Nast" "Natatorium Maturation[r], by Tatia Munro & Amina Trout" "The Nation: A Thin Note[r], by Tito Henna" "Natural Nut Lara[r], by Al, A Runt & Taran Lu" "Naturals Turn, Alas[r], by [if player is male]Raul[else]Lura[end if] Nast" "Nature's Saunter[r], by Ernst Au" "Near Erna[r], by Rene Aran" "Near Mr. Mean[r], by Maren Erman" "Near Old Leonard and Erol[r], by Don Lear" "Neat Big Beating: It Began[r], by Abi Gent" "Neat Irks a Stinker[r], by Risa Kent" "Nectared Decanter, Recanted[r], by Ted Crane" "Ned, a Hip Pinhead[r], by Enid Hap" "Ned's Ma Amends[r], by Dede Massmann" "Needers Sneered, Seen Red[r], by Ned Rees & Sed Rene" "Needles['] Lendees[r], by Les Eden" "Needy Al Delaney[r], by Andy Lee" "A Neg, Ange[r], by Gena Egan" "Nemo's Omens[r], by Moses Menon" "Neorealistic Lectionaries[p], by [if player is male]Ernesto Cilia[else]Leticia Norse[end if]" "Nerd to Trend-o: Ed, Torn[r], by [if player is male]Trent Redondo[else]Donnette Dorr[end if]" "Nerdage Rage, End[r], by Reg Dean & Ed Regan" "Nerdier Naiad Air Den[r], by Nerida & Adrien Naderi" "Nerdy Bum: My Burden[r], by Ned Byrum" "Nereid Denier[r], by Derien Indree" "Nero the Thereon Not Here[r], by Rhet Eno" "Nerve to Veer Not[r], by Rev. Teno Ventore" "Nerviest? Reinvest[r], by Vi Ernest" "Neurotics['] Nice Tours[r], by Si Cureton" "Never to Rot, Even[r], by Trevone Everton" "New Aura, Unaware[r], by Erna Wau" "New Day Yawned[r], by Dwayne Dawney" "New Ideas, Snide Awe[r], by [if player is male]Wade Nies[else]Edie Swan[end if]" "New Job Now, Jeb[r], by Jon Web" "New Li'l Beg: Well Being[r], by Ewing Bell" "New Sod Endows No Dews[r], by Ed Snow" "New Year: We Yearn[r], by Ewen Ray" "Newbies Be Swine[r], by Ben Wise" "Newborn Bronwen[r], by Bo Wrenn" "Newest Tweens[r], by Tweet Swensen" "Newish Whines[r], by Wen Shi" "Nice Boy Bein['] Coy[r], by Cobi Ney" "Nice Plan: Pinnacle[r], by Laci Penn" "Nice Wart Can Write[r], by Traci New" "Nicely, Lynice[r], by Cicely Linney" "Nicer Song Censoring Rings Once, Cringes On[r], by Ren Scogin" "Nicest Boy Obscenity[r], by Tyson Bice" "Nightless Lightness[r], by St. English" "Nightmare Tamer Nigh[r], by [if player is male]Art Heming[else]Mira Ghent[end if]" "Nil-Anger Learning[r], by Ira Glenn" "Nine Loser One-Liners[r], by Lorie Senn" "Nine Sots['] Tensions is Tonnes[r], by Otis Senn" "Nine Sound Innuendos[r], by Dion Nunes" "Nineties, Einstein[r], by Ines Tien" "Nitsche's snitches[r], by Tess Chin" "No Apology: A Nopology[r], by Paolo Yong" "No Arid Inroad[r], by Dorian Ardoin" "No Armies Remain So[r], by [if player is male]Omar Reis[else]Rosa Meir[end if]" "No Blade, Old Bean[r], by Don Beal" "No, Blame One Lamb, Noble Ma[r], by Lon Beam" "No Boat Ran on Oat Bran[r], by Anton Bora" "No Boost to Noobs[r], by Bo Snoot" "No Bread, Drab One[r], by Ben Roda" "No Break, O Banker[r], by Rob Kane & Abner Ko" "No Brief Bonfire of Brine[r], by Rob Fine" "No-Chores Schooner[r], by Rose Cohn" "No Dark or Dank[r], by Konrad Akdorn" "No Depth the Pond[r], by Ned Hopt & Ted Phon" "No Dreams or Amends as Modern[r], by Mad Soren Soderman" "No Eclat to Clean[r], by Al Conte & Nat Cole" "No Email, I'm Alone[r], by Mae Olin" "No Emir in Rome[r], by Normie Merino" "No Fakers: Forsaken Foe Ranks[r], by [if player is male]Frank Seo[else]Fern Sako[end if]" "No Fevers of Nerves[r], by Fern Vose" "No Firmer Informer[r], by Fern Miro" "No Forest Soon: Fret[r], by [if player is male]Enos Fort[else]Noe Frost[end if]" "No Fudge: Go Unfed[r], by Doug Fen" "No-Gamers Megarons[r], by Erma Song" "No Giant Atoning[r], by Gino Tan" "No Grit to Grin[r], by Ringo Torting" "No, I Wreck Nice Work[r], by Ike Crown" "No Kids So Kind[r], by Donski Dikson" "No Lairds or Island[r], by Lois Rand" "No Light, Long Hit[r], by Gil Thon" "No Lower Role Now[r], by Rolo Wen" "No Mail, Oilman[r], by Ol['] Mina Molina-Milano" "No-Mess Mesons[r], by Ms. Enos Sensom" "No Mire or Mine[r], by Normie Remino" "No More Romone Moreno[r], by Ron Moe" "No-Nest Sent-On Sonnet[r], by Tone N. Stenson" "No Overt Veto, Ron[r], by Trevono Overton" "No Pier or Pine, Nor Pie[r], by Ron Pei-Perino" "No Prep Nor Pep[r], by Pen Pro Ron Epp" "No Price, Poncier/Porcine CEO in PR. Once: RIP[r], by Pro-Nice Peon Ric" "No Red Drone[r], by DeRon Endor-Roden" "No Rest, St. Oren[r], by Nestor Reston" "No Rev is So Riven Over Sin[r], by Vin Rose" "No Riven Environ[r], by [if player is male]Ron Vine[else]Erin Von[end if]" "No Seamy Yeomans[r], by Amos Ney" "No Seeds so Dense[r], by Sed Enos" "No Shade Had Eons as Honed[r], by Deon Ash" "No-Skore Snooker[r], by Ken Roos" "No Smiles, Slim Ones: Lesson [']Im[r], by Neil Moss & Leon Sims" "No Stag To Snag Tangos[r], by Gaston Gantos"[] "No Stick in Stock[r], by Nik Cost" "No Taunts Unto Stan Staunton[r], by Ann Stout" "No Trees or Teens: So, Enter to Sneer[r], by Ernesto O'Sterne" "No Trends, Snot-Nerd[r], by Don Ernst" "No Tricks, Stink-Orc[r], by Nick Rost" "No Tripe to Ripen[r], by Oren 'Tip' Petrino" "No Turd Untrod[r], by Rotund Don Urt" "No Water: O, We Rant![r] by Art Owen" "No Water Woe-Rant[r], by Art Owen" "No, Words Drown So[r], by Rod Snow" "Noble Mt. Belmont[r], by Ben Tolm" "Noble Romp: No Problem[r], by Rob Pelmon" "A Noblest Pup, Unstoppable[r], by Pablo Supnet" "Nobody Will Woo Blindly[r], by Loyd Wilbon" "Noemi's Monies[r], by Moises Menino" "Noiry Irony[r], by Ron Yi" "Noiseless Lionesses[r], by Lee Sisson & Sol Sinese" "Nolette's Notelets[r], by Les Otten" "Non-Science Innocences[r], by Ceci Sonnen" "Nondescript Cretin's Pond (Second Print)[r], by Donn St. Price" "None Cursed Uncensored, Senor Dunce[r], by Ned Crounes" "None Had One Hand[r], by Ned Noah" "Noon and On and...No![r] by Ann Doon" "Noon Glee Gala: Go Angle Alone[r], by Angelo Alonge" "Nope, Try Entropy[r], by Tyrone P. Poynter" "Nor Last to Snarl[r], by [if player is male]Sol Tran[else]Ros Lant[end if]" "A Normal Alarm On[r], by Al Moran" "A Nose on Sea[r], by Sean-O Eason" "Nose Pick: Sick? Nope![r] by Skip Cone" "Nosh, Nosh? Shh, No, Son[r], by Shon Sohn" "A Nosy Assay On Yon[r], by Sonya Ayson" "Not-Clear Ol['] Trance[r], by Carleton Coltrane" "Not Close to Clones[r], by Enos Colt" "Not Real to Learn[r], by Leo Tran" "Not-Sleek Skeleton[r], by Len Stoke" "Not Sore or Stone[r], by Ron Seto" "Not Up To Pun-Put-On[r], by Po['] Nut Punto-Upton" "Not Used to Dunes[r], by Stu Oden" "Not Used to Dunes[r], by Ted Onus" "Not-Wise Townies[r], by Otis Wen" "Nota Bene: Beaten? No[r], by Bee Anton" "Notarise, Notaries, in a Store[r], by Senorita Tina-Rose Restaino" "Now Art's Tons Raw[r], by Stan Row" "Nuge is Genius[r], by Su Inge" "Nuts Ad-Jig Adjusting[r], by Judi Tsang" "A Nutty Tut? Nay[r], by Ty Tuan" "O a Noble Boolean[r], by Al Boone" "O Andre, a Drone? Dear, No, Read On[r], by Dan Roe" "O, Bar a Bro[r], by Bob Arora" "O Cheri, Heroic Coheir[r], by [if player is male]Eric Ho[else]Rei Cho[end if]" "O Clashin['] Nicholas[r], by Loni Cash" "O Clingy Cloying[r], by Gy Nicol" "O Coyest Coyotes[r], by Scot Yeo" "O, Do Rely, Ol['] Yoder[r], by [if player is male]Loyd Roe[else]Loo Dyer[end if]" "O, Feelin['] One Life[r], by Leo Fine" "O, First Ave. Favorites[r], by Avi Foster" "O Flames of Salem[r], by Mel Faso" "O Fleets of Steel[r], by Stef Leo" "O, Hustle the Soul, eh, Louts[r], by Lou Tesh" "O Kyle, Lo-Key Yokel![r] by Koye O'Kelly" "O, Liars Rail So[r], by Rosa Li" "O Mad Sin Domains[r], by Madison Simando" "O Mother, Herm Too?[r], by Moe Roth" "O Palest Apostle: Peals to Stop Ale[r], by Sol Peat & Leo Past" "O Pretty Pottery[r], by Trot Pye" "O, Rant on Art[r], by Toran Arnot" "O Rebel, Rob Lee[r], by Ol['] Bree Loeber" "O, Rile Me, Moliere, Lie More[r], by Eli Mero & Milo Ree" "O, Sad Lug[r], by Douglas Asgould" "O, Serpent Peterson[r], by Rene Post" "O Shorn Honors[r], by Roshon Shnoor" "O Sister! So I Rest: Rosiest Stories to Sires[r], by Tess Rio-Ossiter" "O Such hocus[r], by Coco-Su Hush" "O Travel! A Revolt[r], by Ole Trav & Art Love" "O'Cameron's Moonraces[r], by Moe Carson" "O'Hare, a Hero[r], by Rae Ho" "Oakley, a Yokel[r], by Leo Kay" "Obese Wry Eyebrows[r], by Wes Boyer" "Obeying Biogeny[r], by Gino Bey" "Obligant Bloating[r], by Inga Bolt & Tobi Lang" "Observing Riven Bogs[r], by [if player is male]Rob Givens[else]Bev Signor[end if]" "Obtain Boatin['], Bonita[r], by Nat Obi" "Obtrusive Virtue? Sob[r], by Bev Suitor" "Odd Fret[r], by Ted Ford" "Odd Game God Made[r], by Meg Doda" "Odder Snug Underdogs[r], by Ed Grounds" "Odes to DeSoto: Sed, Too[r], by Ted Soo" "Oeuvres['] Overuse[r], by Sour Eve" "Of a Red Fedora: Do Fear[r], by Rod Fae" "Of Despair Poised Far[r], by Pedro Asif" "Of Mr. Sad-From-Ads[r], by Sam Ford" "Of Theory or Thy Foe[r], by Roy Hoeft" "Oglin['] V. Loving[r], by Gil Von Long, IV" "An Ogre, Gorean[r], by Ag Reno" "Oh, Adage, Go Ahead[r], by Ed O'Haag" "Oh, Attend Not Death[r], by [d-t] Neath" "Oh, Baby, a Hobby[r], by Bob Hay" "Oh, Besty, the Boys, They Sob[r], by Toby Esh" "Oh, Cancer or Chance, Encroach[r], by [if player is male]Ron Chace[else]Cora Chen[end if]-Cochrane" "Oh, Darby, Hard Yob[r], by Brad Hoy" "Oh, Drear Horder Dr. O'Hare[r], by Ro Heard" "Oh, Gents Hog Tens: the Song[r], by Seth Ngo" "Oh, Inmates, In to Shame[r], by Thomasine Mathieson" "Oh, Man, Ham On[r], by Mahon Homan" "Oh, Mentor the Moron[r], by Tom Horne & Nemo Roth" "Oh, Mr. Wit-How-Trim: Trow Him[r], by Mi Worth" "Oh, Newer Nowhere![r] by Ren Howe" "Oh, Pander, Orphaned, Harped-On Hard Peon[r], by [if player is male]Pedro Han[else]Hope Rand[end if]" "Oh, Raven or Haven[r], by Hera von Hanover" "Oh, Red Horde[r], by Herod Rhode" "Oh Silken Sinkhole[r], by Lise Kohn" "Oh, Strut Truth So to Hurts[r], by Rush Ott-Strouth" "Oh, Super Orpheus: He Pours Her Soup[r], by Rush Poe" "Oh, Swear a Shower[r], by Ash Rowe" "Oh, Truism Humorist[r], by Tomi Rush" "Ohai Mr. Mohair[r], by Moriah Rohaim" "Ohman's Hansom[r], by Mo Nash" "Oho, Gents, the Goons: Gone, Shot[r], by Theo Song" "Oi, Slam! I'm Also as Milo[r], by Amos Li" "Oi, Snaps! Sonia P's Passion Pains So[r], by San Piso"[] "Oil Baron: I Rob, Loan[r], by Nia Bloor" "OK, I Scold Cool Kids[r], by Solo Dick Cid Sokol" "An OK Koan[r], by Anna Kook" "OK, Nerd Wes Needs Work[r], by Ken Dowers" "Okay, Burn Your Bank[r], by Bryan Kuo" "Ol['] Ash-Pit Hospital[r], by Tisha Olp" "Ol['] Dan Dolan[r], by [if player is male]Aldo Landon[else]Lona Donald[end if]" "Ol['] Greta Got Real to Glare[r], by Reg Toal" "Ol['] Hater Hot Earl[r], by Lea Roth" "Ol['] Ike's Like So: Lies, OK[r], by Eli Kos" "Ol['] Rants to Snarl[r], by [if player is male]Lon Rast[else]Ros Lant[end if]" "Ol['] Ryan Naylor an['] Lory Raylon[r], by Ron Lay" "Ol['] Stash to Slash Hat Loss[r], by Sal Tosh" "Old Ager Geraldo[r], by Rae Gold" "Old Bees Bleed So[r], by Bledsoe Seebold" "Old Bet Bled to be Told[r], by Lo-Debt Deb Olt" "Old Cube Could Be Blue, Doc[r], by Bud Cole" "Old is New, Low Snide Wild Ones[r], by Eli Downs" "Old Lady Odd Lyla[r], by Addy Oll" "Old Magic, Mad Logic[r], by Mica Gold" "Old Mate Lame [d-t][r], by Tom Dale" "Old Nan Donlan[r], by Donnal Landon" "Old Narc, Lorn Cad[r], by Cal Dorn" "Old Perp Doppler[r], by Pop Erdl" "Old Rae, a Real Doodler[r], by Eldora Laredo" "Old Truism Most Lurid[r], by Slim Tudor" "Old West Lost Dew[r], by Ted Slow" "Old-Years-Easy Lord[r], by Lady Rose" "An Older Real Don[r], by Neal Ord" "Ole Bilk? I'll Be OK[r], by Eli Kolb, Ike Boll & Li'l Kobe" "Ole Dad Doled a Loaded, Dead Ol['] Ad Lode[r], by Odd Lea" "Ole Gun Lounge, No Glue[r], by Leon Ug" "Ole Sky Yokels[r], by Kyoko Lessley" "Ole Vin in Love[r], by [if player is male]Ev Olin[else]Vi Noel[end if]" "Oligarchs['] Rash Logic[r], by Lora Gisch" "Olympian Palimony[r], by Lamon Yip" "Omar's Amors['] Roams[r], by Rasmo Ramos" "On a Quiet Equation[r], by Teo Quain" "On a Trial, Rational[r], by [if player is male]Ira Alton[else]Iola Tran[end if]" "On a Warm Man O['] War[r], by [if player is male]Wm. Aaron[else]Nora Maw[end if]" "On, Cadet, to Dance[r], by Ned Cato & Tad Cone" "On Deep Den, Open-Ended[r], by Ned Pedone" "On Denial to Detail: Not Ideal[r], by Ida Elton" "On Dreams Ransomed, Ma Drones[r], by [if player is male]Ned Ramos[else]Ros DeMan" "On Fears of Saner Far Eons[r], by [if player is male]Fran Ose[else]Rose Fan[end if]" "On Fever of Nerve[r], by Vern Foe" "On, Glad Old Nag, and Log[r], by Golda Langdon" "On Late to Lean at Noel[r], by Ole Nat Leaton" "On-Message Sage Omens[r], by Gena Moses" "On, Micro-Moronic Room, Inc[r], by Ric Moon" "On-the-Ropes Phone Store[r], by Nestor Hope" "On Us Mark Runs Amok[r], by Nora Musk" "Once is So Nice[r], by Sconie Enciso" "One Art Near To Ornate[r], by Torean Renato, Atoner" "One Dogma, Good Name[r], by Don Omega" "One Dram and More Adorn Me[r], by Dan Rome" "One Dreamt to Meander[r], by Reed Toman" "One Drum: Dour Men Mourned Round Me, Demur On[r], by Ed Munro" "One Glib Ol['] Binge[r], by Gil Bone" "One Hill Hellion[r], by Lionel H" "One Ion Died: Neon Iodide[r], by Dione DeNio" "One Lardo's (Leonardo's) Lone Roads[r], by Rosa Eldon" "One Mad Daemon[r], by Ned Mao" "One Moth, the Moon, Not Home[r], by Monte Ho" "One Neo-Eon[r], by Noe Eno" "One of a Kind Faked Onion[r] by Nina De Fook" "One Rabid Brain Ode[r], by Ida Boren" "One Rest to Sneer or Tense[r], by Ernesto Rosteen" "One Runt's Neutrons Rust Neon[r], by Nounster Uno Ernst" "One Simp, Mo['] Spine: in Poems[r], by Enos Pim" "One Tip to Pine[r], by Pepine Totino" "One Year or an Eye[r], by Rona Yee" "One's Nose Seen Soon[r], by Enos Eson" "Oneness [']N Nonsense[r], by Enos Senn" "Onion Miasmas, Samoa Minions[r], by Simona Osmani" "Only Curb Nobly, Cur[r], by Luc Byron-Clybourn" "Only Mind My Old Inn[r], by Lyn Dimon" "Only Reds Nod Slyer[r], by Nerdy Sol Reynolds" "Onward, Raw Don[r], by Rowan Downard" "Onyx Room Oxymoron[r], by Roxy Moon" "Open Dream Promenade[r], by Pam Doeren" "Openest Pete's on Step One[r], by Pots Nee" "Ophelia's Hopes Ail[r], by Lois Heap" "Options? No, I Stop Stoopin['][r], by Tio Pons" "Or a Quest to Square, Equator's Quaestor[r], by Reo Quast" "Or Bind No Bird[r], by Di Born-Brodin" "Or Feign No Grief[r], by Erin Fog"[] "Or Fry Us So Furry[r], by Rosy Urf" "Or Genes so Green? Go Sneer[r], by Reg Enos" "Or I'm a Maori[r], by Mario Raimo" "Or Is Pops Piss Poor[r], by Pip Soros" "Or Many Mar Yon Romany[r], by Ron May" "Or Merry My Error[r], by Remy Orr" "Or Mince No Crime Mo['] Nicer[r], by Mei Corn" "Or Old Dr. Loo[r], by Rollo Drood" "Or Pablo, Pool-Bar Boor-Pal[r], by Rob Opal" "Or Stake a Stroke[r], by Art Seko" "Or Still I Stroll[r], by Tris Oll" "Or Vice I Cover[r], by Cicero Vivero" "Oracles: a Closer so clear![r] by Carl Ose" "Oracles: Ten Clear Notes[r], by Alec Reston" "Oral Mime Memorial[r], by Liam Rome" "Orchestra Carthorse[r], by Seth Carro" "The Order to Re-Herd[r], by Reed Roth" "Orderly, Dry Lore[r], by R. D. Royle" "Ordinary Ironyard[r], by [if player is male]Roy Darin[else]Dori Ryan[end if]" "Organist Roasting[r], by Art Goins" "Original Air Lingo[r], by [if player is male]Gino Rial[else]Lori Agin[end if]" "Oriole: a Revival[r], by Valorie Olivera-LeVario" "Orzech's Scherzo[r], by Zo Resch" "Oscillate, Localities[r], by [if player is male]Ollie Cast[else]Elli Coats[end if]" "Other Sun, Then Ours[r], by Sue North-Southern" "Otis Held the Solid Old Heist[r], by Tish Dole" "Otten's No Test[r], by Soto Stennett" "Ottinger's Gritstone[r], by [toti] Gerst" [plural+12549] "Ouch-Blues Clubhouse[r], by Lou Busche" "Ouch, Man, Un-Macho[r], by Mo Chuan" "Ould Ludo[r], by Lulu Dodo" "Our Anti-Rainout[r], by Ian Urto" "Our Bard, Out: A Dour Turbo-Troubadour[r], by Arturo Bodu" "Our Best to Rubes Obtuser[r], by [if player is male]Bo Reust[else]Sue Bort[end if]" "Our Blest Troubles[r], by Uber-Lost Ol['] Buster" "Our Blood, Loud Boor[r], by Rob O'Doul" "Our Case: A Source or Cause[r], by Cora Sue" "Our Death, Authored, Heard Out[r], by Theo Radu" "Our Ineptest Pretentious Pioneers, Tut[r], by Terise Upton" "Our Islet: Outliers Loiter, Us[r], by Lou Reist" "Our Lab Labour[r], by Bo & Raul LoBura" "Our Man: a Mourn[r], by Rouman Namuro" "Our Meg's Morgues[r], by Gus Rome" "Our Milt, Trim Lou: Turmoil[r], by Mort Lui" "Our Nine Inure No Reunion[r], by Nino Ure" "Our Poets: Poseur to Too Super[r], by Rupe Soto" "Our Stuff: Surf, Tofu[r], by Stu Ruffo" "Our Times Suit More Moisture[r], by Sue Mitro. Tim Rouse" "Outbid? I Doubt[r], by Bud Ito" "Outlander Daunt-Lore[r], by Neal Tudor" "Outlive No Evolution[r], by Louie Vont" "Ovations to So Vain[r], by Otis Nova" "Overbearing Baron, Grieve[r], by Verona Grieb & Iva Bergeron" "Overbearing Brave Regino[r], by [if player is male]Ringo Beaver[else]Vernia Borge[end if]" [] "Overdoing Goon-Drive[r], by Dino Grove" "Overgay Voyager[r], by Eva Groy" "Overpassed Eavesdrops[r], by [if player is male]Dave Speros[else]Dove Spears[end if]" "Overseas Rose Vase: So Averse[r], by Eero Vass" "Overt Id: to Drive, Trod, Vie[r], by Red Voit & Tod Iver" "Overt Op: Vote Pro to Prove, Poor Vet[r], by Rev. Toop" "Ow, Years So Weary: Ay, Worse[r], by [if player is male]O. Sawyer[else]Rose Way[end if]" "Own It to Win[r], by [toti] Witnow" "Oysterman Monastery[r], by [if player is male]Myron East[else]Amy Nestor[end if]" "Ozone's Snooze[r], by Zoe Nos" "Pa Burke's Breakups[r], by Kap Suber" "Pa's Buck Backs Up[r], by Cap Busk" "The Pack Pet Hack[r], by Pat Heck" "Pain, a Hope: Apophenia[r], by Pip O'Haane" "Pains Aspin[r], by Papa Inniss" "Pains or a Prison[r], by Ron Pais" "Spain or Paris? No, a Prison[r], by Soprina Sarpino" "Painted Nitepad[r], by Tad Pine" "Pal, Nice Pelican[r], by Cap'n Eli" "Pal, to a Plot[r], by Ol['] Pat Plato" "Pal to Apt Ol['] Plato[r], by Paolo Platt" "Pale Enos, Asleep on Lone Apse[r], by [if player is male]Lee Spano[else]Opal Nees[end if]" "Pale Lace: Peace, All[r], by Lea Capel" "Pale Sedan Esplanade[r], by Adele Snap" "Palermo's Pleromas[r], by [if player is male]Amos Perl[else]Rose Lamp[end if]" "Pals Once, Clean Sop[r], by Len Pasco" "Pam is a Simp[r], by Masii Mapps" "Panic at a Tin Cap[r], by Pat Cain"[] "Paradigms: a Dim Grasp[r], by Dr. Pam Agis" "Paradiso Diaspora[r], by [if player is male]Rod Sapia[else]Pia Roads[end if]" "Paragon or Pagan[r], by Rao Pang" "Parallel Real Pall: All Paler[r], by Lara Pell" "Paramedic Drama Epic[r], by [if player is male]Adam Price[else]Demi Capra[end if]" "Pardon a Pandora[r], by Rand Pao" "Pardon, Padron[r], by Don Arp & Rod Pan" "Pareto: Top Era to Reap[r], by Tera Po" "Parliaments['] Paternalisms[r], by Pamela Ernst & Trina Sample" "Parsable Parables[r], by Sara Belp" "Particular Culprit: a Trap[r], by Lupita Carr & Clara Pruit" "Party On, Pray Not[r], by Ray Pont" "Pascal's AP Class[r], by Al P. Cass" "Passion Pains So[r], by Nia Poss"[] "Passive Saps Vie[r], by Si Vespa" "Pasticheur Curateship[r], by [if player is male]Erich Staup[else]Patrice Suh[end if]" "Pater's Repast[r], by Petra S. Sprate" "Patience, Inept Ace[r], by Pete Cain" "Patients['] Neat Tips[r], by [if player is male]Stan Piet[else]Pat Stein[end if]" "Patroness, Transpose Not Spares[r], by [if player is male]Ron Spates[else]Pat Rossen[end if]" "Patronymic Importancy[r], by [if player is male]Cory Pitman[else]Marcy Pinto[end if]" "Paulsen's Sun Leaps[r], by Su Naples" "The Pawn's New Paths[r], by Stew Phan" "Pay Extra, Taxpayer[r], by Expat Ray" "Peace's Escape[r], by E. P. Case" "Pearson's Personas[r], by Ross Pena" "Pedestrian Pedantries[r], by [if player is male]Peter Dains[else]Trina Speed[end if]" "Peerson's Response[r], by Ros Espen" "Peg, Henrietta: Teenager Pith, Part Eighteen[r], by Patti Hegner" "Peg Sou Goes Up[r], by Gus Poe" "Peirson's Ropiness[r], by Si Posner & Ron Spies" "Penny is Spy Nine[r], by Nips Ney" "Penthouse Unto Sheep[r], by Pete Huson" "Peoples Lose Pep[r], by [if player is male]Les Pope[else]Else Opp[end if]" "Pep Rally LP Player[r], by Lyle Rapp" "Pereida's Airspeed[r], by [if player is male]Sid Parea[else]Dee Paris[end if]" "Peril Colt: Epic Troll[r], by Ric Pellot" "Perreault Prelature[r], by [if player is male]Raul Peter[else]Lupe Terra[end if]" "A Person As Prone[r], by 'Pa' Soren Pearson" "Personalistic Pictorialness[r], by Cristina Lopes & Priscilla Stone" "Persons, Press On[r], by Ross Pen" "Perspire, Spree, RIP[r], by Pip Reser" "A Pestled Deep-Salt Pedestal[r], by Pat Leeds" "Pete's Steep Pests Tepee[r], by Sepp Testee" "Peter Klein's Serpentlike[r], by Lester Kneip" "Pets O['] Poets, Oppose Test[r], by Pete Stoops" "PFC Tree, Perfect Prefect[r], by F. T. Creep" "Phat Spree: the Papers[r], by Pepe Harst" "Phoebe's Bee Shop[r], by Bo Sheep-Hospebe" "Phonies['] Hopes in One Ship[r], by Shon Pei" "Pia Strode to Despair or Aid Pets[r], by Astrid Poe & [tt] Presad" "Piacente's Patiences Patencies[r], by Tisa Pence" "Pick Art, Patrick[r], by Kip Cart & Art Pick" "Pictorialised Peroidcalist Tilda Respicio[r], by Cristi DePaoli" "A Piece of a Foe, Epic[r], by Opie Face" "Pigs and Spading[r], by Pa Dings" "Pigs Need Speeding[r], by Peg Snide" "The Pill-Hell Pit[r], by Pet Hill" "The Pills Help List[r], by Phil Elst" "Pine Desk, Skin Deep[r], by Ned Pikes & Kip Sneed" "Pinhead's Deanship Phased In[r], by Enid Hasp" "Pinheads Had Spine[r], by Desi Phan" "Pink Chum Chipmunk[r], by Kip Munch" "Pink House: Up, Son, Hike[r], by Sophie Kun" "Plain Mature Lame Puritan Manipulater[r], by Ariel Putnam" "A Plainer Airplane[r], by Nia Pearl" 100 "The Planet Lept Neath[r], by Ethan Pelt" "The Plank Hank Lept[r], by Ken Plath" "Plateaus Pale at Us[r], by Paul East" "A Played Leap-Day Pay Deal[r], by Ada Pyle" "The Player's Hyper Tales[r], by Tyler Heaps" "Pleas Come Someplace[r], by Mel Pascoe" "Please No Leap-Eons[r], by Enos Apel" "Plus-Age Plagues[r], by Gus Apel" "Ply Ma Amply, My Pal[r], by Al Pym" "A Po['] Dry Parody[r], by Rod Yap" "Po['] Pale Aleppo[r], by Al Pope" "Po['] Titch to Pitch[r], by Chip Ott" "Poet, Ask to Speak[r], by Pat Seko" "Poetaster Operettas[r], by [if player is male]Peter Sato[else]Pat Rosete[end if]" "Poetics, Eco-Tips[r], by Scot Pei" "Point Late Leapt Into[r], by Patti Leno"[] "Pokemons Mo['] Spoken Spook Men[r], by Sem Konop" "Polished Olde Ship[r], by Dolph Eis & Sid Poehl" "Politer Ol['] Tripe[r], by Eli Port" "Polka Boy Playbook[r], by Kyla Boop" "Poor Spine's Oppression[r], by Pepi Rosson" "The Poor Troop, Eh[r], by Thor Poe" "Pop Thee the Pope[r], by Theo Epp" "The Pope, Hep Poet[r], by [if player is male]Theo Epp[else]Pet Hope[end if]" "Populist to Pupils: Up, Spoilt![r] by Otis Pulp" "Porn With Winthrop[r], by H. P. Ortwin" "Porn? I'd Drop In[r], by Dr. Pion" "Portable Pet Labor[r], by Albert Po" "Portrayed Predatory[r], by Perry Toad" "Portugal's Sugar Plot[r], by Proust Gal Opal Gurst" "Poseidon is No Dope[r], by Odo Ipsen" "Posh Tim's Mosh Pits[r], by Toph Sims" "Posin['] to Stoop in: Options[r], by Otis Pon" "The Posse Ops Sheet[r], by Tess Hope" "Possible Sob-Spiel[r], by Bliss Poe" "A Post So Apt[r], by Papa Stoots & Pop Sposato-Asato-Potts" "Postured Proudest[r], by Ed Proust" "Potential: Inept a Lot[r], by Tia Pelton" "Pound Lies, Unspoiled[r], by Deon Pulis" "Praetorian Reparation[r], by [if player is male]Aaron Pitre[else]Tara Perino[end if]" "A Pre-Term Tamperer[r], by Pat Ermer" "Predate, Adepter[r], by Pat Reed" "Predictable Credible Pat[r], by Delbert Paci & Bert Placide" "Predictions, Description[r], by Cristie Pond & Ted Crispino" "Prenatal, Parental, Paternal[r], by Pearl Tan" "Pressing Prigness[r], by E. Springs" "Price, Bad Epic Bard[r], by Deb Capri" "The Price-Creep Hit[r], by Peter Chi" "The Price's Three Pics[r], by Chet Piers" "A Pricy Piracy: I Cry, Pa![r], by Pia Cyr" "Pride as a Paradise[r], by Sid Parea"[] "Pride Into Perdition[r], by [d-t] Perini" "A Pride, Repaid[r], by Dr. Pia Pereida" "Priestly Sly Tripe[r], by Ty Perlis" "Prim Days Amid Spry Pyramids[r], by [if player is male]Sid Rampy[else]Sam Pirdy[end if]" "Prim Eva, Vampire[r], by Ravi Pem, Vera Pim & Pam Evri" "Priority: I Rip Troy[r], by Torri Yip" "Probation's Absorption[r], by [if player is male]Pat Robison[else]Iona Probst[end if]" "A Problem Re: Aplomb[r], by Rob Maple" "Profoundest Spoofed Runt[r], by Pedro Fuston" "Progeny Gone? Pry[r], by Rep. Yong" "Prole Loper[r], by Errol Oppel" "A Proper Prepar-o-Paper or Rare Opp[r], by Rae Orpp" "Propitiousness: Super Positions[r], by Pontius Poressi" "Propose, Opposer[r], by Pops Roe" "Prospero's Oppressor Proposers[r], by Ross Opper" "Prototypes Pretty Oops[r], by Petty Spoor" "Proudest Dust Rope[r], by Super [d-t]" "Prude, I Tut Turpitude[r], by Rudie Putt" "Psychic to Psychotic[r], by Coy Pitsch" "The Public Belch I Put[r], by Butch Pile" "Pukin['] Up Ink[r], by Niiku Knupp" "A Puniest Petunia's Inapt Use[r], by Una Stipe" "The Punk: Nth Puke[r], by [if player is male]Kent Phu[else]Pet Kuhn[end if]" "Purest Uprest Erupts[r], by Ruppe Russett" "Puritans['] Rasputin: Rust, Pain[r], by Pia Sturn" "Pushcart Path Curs[r], by Curt Pash" "Quatloos, Lo, Quotas[r], by Loo Quast" "Rabbi Ran In[r], by Brian Inbar-Rabin" "Rachel's Larches[r], by Sal Cher" "Racicot's Acrostic[r], by Art Cisco" "Rad Glib Bad Girl[r], by Gil Bard" "Rad Hate: a Thread[r], by Ed Haart" "Rad Slang Garlands[r], by Sal Grand" "Rad Waste Eastward[r], by [if player is male]Wade Star[else]Dara West[end if]" "Radio's So Arid[r], by Sid Ora" "Radtke's Darkest Ad Treks[r], by Ed Stark" "Rageless Largesse[r], by Sal Seger" "Raggeder Doodad[r], by Edgardo Odegard" "Ragin['], I Rang[r], by Ingar Garin" "A Ragin['] Niagra[r], by Rai Nga" "A Ragman's Anagrams[r], by Sam Ragan" "Ragmen, Manger[r], by German Engram" "Ragweed Edge War Age Drew[r], by [if player is male]Ed Wager[else]Dee Graw[end if]" "Rah, Men[r], by Herman Hamner" "Rah Rah Toot[r], by Thora Roath" "The Raid: ah, Tired, a Dither[r], by Di Harte" "Rail Fest Art Files[r], by Rita Self" "Rail on or Nail no Liar[r], by Lorina Nailor" "Railbus Burials[r], by [if player is male]Sal Rubi[else]Su Blair[end if]" "Rain, Go: I Groan or Gain[r], by Irina Gongora" "The Rain in Earth Hit Near[r], by Teri Han" "Ramble On? Be Normal[r], by Mel Baron" "The Rams[r], by Mrs. Thea Mathers-Amherst" "Rancid Ol['] Clorinda[r], by Conrad Li" "Rand Due Under a Rune-Ad[r], by Unread Andreu Renaud" "Rank Ode, Dark One[r], by [if player is male]Rod Kane[else]Nedra Ko[end if]" "Ransomed Roadsmen[r], by Ned Ramos-Soderman" "Rant of No Raft to Fran, For Nat[r], by Fat Ron Anfort" "Rant Some, Smear Not a Monster[r], by Stan More" "Rants to Start on[r], by Nat Orst" 100 "Rap, a Pizza, Paparazzi[r], by Ariza Zapp" "Rapidest it Spread, Traipsed[r], by [if player is male]Ted Paris[else]Pat Edris[end if]" "Rarish, Sirrah![r], by Sharri Harris" "Rash Diet? Read This[r], by Sid Harte" "Rasp True, Pasturer Raptures[r], by Super Art Perraust" "Rate No Ornate Neo-Art[r], by Tarone Antero" "Ratings Staring[r], by Si Grant"[] "Rationing an['] Rioting: I, Ignorant[r], by Gino Tarin" "Rave on, Verona[r], by Erna Vo" "Raw Hot Art: HOW or WHAT[r], by Thora W. Horwat" "Raw Lie Wailer[r], by Al Weir" "Raw Tel, Warlet[r], by Walter Wartle" "Ray Knew Wankery[r], by Ken Wray" "Re-Aim, Marie[r], by [if player is male]Maia Rimmer[else]Amari Meier[end if]" "Re-Blessing Inselbergs: Green Bliss[r], by Bern Lessig" "Re-Bowl, Low Reb[r], by Rob Lew" "Re-Inspect, Prescient[r], by Eric Spent" "Re-Live, Eviler[r], by Liv Ree" "Re-oiling Religion[r], by [if player is male]Eli Ringo[else]Lori Egin[end if]" "Re-Say, Years-Sayer[r], by Seyra Ayers" "Reach Out: a Re-Touch[r], by Horace Tu" "Reactionist Recitations[r], by Cristi Eaton" "Read My Arm Dye[r], by Red Amy" "Readmit Mad Rite: Dream It![r], by Tad Mier" "The Real Leather Tarheel[r], by Lee Rath" "Real Men Leer, Man[r], by Marlene Ermalen" "Real POS Paroles[r], by Sol Earp" "Real-World Lore-Drawl[r], by Rod Lawler" "Realistic Clarities[r], by Lisa Trice" "Reality TV: Vile, Tarty[r], by Vita Tyler" "Reap Sad Parades: a Spread[r], by Des Paar" "Rearing a Ringer, Angrier[r], by Gerrina Garnier" "Reaving Vinegar[r], by Vi Regan-Avinger" "Reba's BS Era[r], by Sabra Beers" "Rebuilt it Bluer[r], by Bret Lui & Lu Trieb." "Recension, Ninescore[r], by Corie Senn" "Recharge Her Grace[r], by Cher Ager" "Reconsign Censoring[r], by Signe Corn" "Record it, Director[r], by Rod Trice" "Recount No Truce, Curt One[r], by True Con Cureton" "Red Bag Garbed[r], by Dr. Gabe Gadber" "Red Bank Ark-Bend[r], by Ken Bard" "Red-Barn Bernard Brander[r], by Ned Barr" "Red Fuel, Rude Elf[r], by Fred Lue" "Red Hen: Her End[r], by Ed Hern" "Red Hotel: The Older Doth Leer Here, Dolt[r], by Ted Roehl" "Red Line El Diner[r], by [if player is male]Len Reid[else]Erin Eld[end if]" "Red Snow Wonders[r], by Wes Dorn" "Red Tex Dexter[r], by Ted Rex" "Red Toys Destroy Oyster D[r], by Ty Erdos" "Red's Love, Resolved[r], by [if player is male]Sol Dever & Les Dover[else]Eve Lords[end if]" "Redneck Dr. Encke[r], by Ed Renck" "Redo Pains: No Despair[r], by [if player is male]Deon Paris[else]Ines Prado[end if]" "Redo Thy Try, Eh, Do[r], by Dorthey Doherty" "Redwood Word Ode[r], by Reo Dowd" "Regarding Regrading[r], by [if player is male]Greg Darin[else]Ginger Ard[end if]" "Reggio's Gorge is Soggier[r], by Og Gries" "Reggio's Soggier Sore Gig[r], by Og Greis" "Regisseur Surgeries[r], by [if player is male]Russ Eiger[else]Su Greiser[end if]" "A Regret Greater[r], by Art Gere-Traeger" "Reheat the Ear Hereat[r], by Arethe Ethera" "Rei Riddell, Riled Idler[r], by Deril Riedl" "Reignship Perishing[r], by Sheri Ping" "Rein Inner Ire[r], by Erin Neri" "A Relent Eternal[r], by Art Neel" "Relit by Liberty![r] by Teri Bly" "Rely on Ol['] Ryne[r], by Ron Ley & Lon Rey" "Remain a Miner[r], by Marnie Manier" "Remanded [d-word-u]eder[r], by Ned Mader" "Remit an Art Mine[r], by Martine Tremain" [] "Remorse So Merer[r], by Esme Orr" "Remote Emoter Tore Me[r], by Tom Ree" "Rena's Snare[r], by Erna Nasser" "A Reneged Renegade[r], by Dee Regan" "A Rent I Retain[r], by Terian Reitan" "Repo-Co Core-Op[r], by Eco-Pro Roc Poe-Cooper" "Repulsed Preludes[r], by Les Drupe" "Resented Tree Dens[r], by [if player is male]Ed Ernest[else]Dee Stern[end if]" "Resigned Sneer, Dig[r], by Sid Green" "Resist, Sister[r], by Tess Ri" "A Response Pre-Season[r], by Rose Aspen" "Rest Home Theorems[r], by Tom Sheer" "Rest Ill, Lilters[r] by Lilster Stiller" "Rest, Maid, Die Smart[r], by Tim Sader" "Rest, Sour or Surest Trousers[r], by [if player is male]Ross True[else]Rose Rust[end if]" "Retallying Integrally[r], by Gina Tyrell" "Retitling Littering[r], by [if player is male]Gil Ittner[else]Lin Tigert[end if]" "A Retold Roadlet Rot-Deal[r], by [if player is male]Art Dole[else]Lea Dort[end if]" "Rev of Sly Flyovers[r], by Yves Rolf" "Rhea's Share[r], by Sarah Esher" "Rhodesia: Her Adios[r], by [if player is male]Dre Hsiao[else]Rio Shade[end if]" "Ribs Gone? Big Snore[r], by Bo Singer" "Ric's End: Dr. Nice's Cinders[r], by Ned Cris" "Ric's Quiet Critiques[r], by Eric Quist" "Ride Slow, Wild Rose[r], by [if player is male]Rod Lewis[else]Doris Lew[end if]" "Ride West, Weirdest Sir Tweed[r], by Ted Swire" "Rife Snob Bonfires: Be For Sin[r], by Bo Fenris" "Rifts Rage: First Gear[r], by Gert Faris" "A Rig of Fair Go for Gia[r], by Giorgio Raffa" "Rigor Knew Reworking[r], by Roger Wink" "Rigor Man Morrigan[r], by Moni Garr" "The Rim Hermit[r], by Mimi Therreth" "Ring Al, the Real Thing[r], by [if player is male]Nigel Hart[else]Leah Tiger[end if]" "Ringside Desiring[r], Sid Inger-DeNigris" "Rio's Soir[r], by Siri Roos" "A Riot Ratio[r], by Taria Torio" "The Riot's Hot Rites[r], by Sheri Ott" "A Rip: I Rap[r], by Pria Ripa" "Rip Oaths, Aphorist[r], by Otis Harp" "RIP Seth, Pert-Ish Hipster[r], by H. Priest" "Ripe Air Prairie[r], by Ira Peri" "Ripen, Piner[r], by Erin P. Prine" "Riposted, Topsider![r] by Rod Stipe" "Rise, Tots, to Resist[r], by Otte Riss" "Risks to Skirt So[r], by Kristos & Kit Ross" "Riven-Bark Riverbank[r], by [if player is male]Kevin Barr[else]Vera Brink[end if]" "A River: Arrive, Varier![r] by Irv Rea" "Road Rage: a Drear Go[r], by Edgar Roa" "Roads Went, Set Onward[r], by Drew Aston" "Roadside So Raided: Arid Odes[r], by Doris Ade" "A Roast to Sara[r], by Ra Sato" "A Robot Barterer[r], by Roberta Barreto" "Robustly or Subtly, Lusty Bro[r], by Burl Yost" "Rochester Hectorers[r], by Cher Roets" "Rod, Muck, Mud, Rock[r], by Mr. Ducko Murdock" "Rod Sent Nerds to Dr. Stone[r], by Ted Sorn" "Romp, Idle Imploder[r], by [if player is male]Pedro Lim[else]Dori Lemp[end if]" "Ron's Poem: Some Porn[r], by [if player is male]Mo Posner[else]Ro Empson[end if]" "Roped, Pedro Pored[r], by Red Rod Pope" "Rose's Zone: Ones, Zeros[r], by Zoro Essen" "Rosie's Osiers Rise So[r], by Rossie O'Reiss" "Rot Chalet Tot Rachel[r], by Charlotte Lorch-Tate" "Rot on or Not[r], by Toronto Ron" "Rot to Try[r], by Tyro Tory Troy" "Rote Mood: More To Do[r], by [d-t] Moore" "Rotten Hack Tank Hector on the Track: Reckon That[r], by [if player is male]Chet Kantor[else]Retta Knoch[end if]" "A Rotten Tot Near[r], by Ron Tate" "Round Bay Boundary[r], by Dan Rubyo" "Roundtree's Unrestored Ruts, Redone[r], by [if player is male]Rene Stroud[else]Ester Duron[end if]" "Rouse My Muse, Roy Seymour[r], by Sue Mory" "Roust Them Some Truth[r], by Theo Sturm" "Row East To Swear or Waste[r], by Tre Sowa" "Roy Hits History[r], by Sy Orith" "Rub Head: Hear, Bud[r], by Abe Hurd" "Rube and a Burden[r], by Ben Radu" "Rude Ole Dour Lee[r], by Lou Reed" "The Rude Reed Hut[r], by Ruth Dee" "Rude Yawn Underway[r], by Andrew Yu" "Rue Slurs Less[r], by Russel Sulser-Surles" "Rue This Ire Thus[r], by Hirsute Stu Hier" "Ruin-Kept Turnpike[r], by Ken Pruit" "Ruin Month: Turn on Him[r], by Ruth Minno" "The Rule Hurt Lee[r], by Hue Ertl" "The Rules Sleuther[r], by [if player is male]Lee Hurst[else]Hester Lu[end if]" "Rumble, Mr. Blue[r], by Rube Brummell" "Run Below Now Bluer[r], by Burl Owen-Welbourn" "Run, Dodge, Grounded Underdog[r], by Doug Dern" "Run To Be No Brute[r], by Burn Eno" "Run To No Rut[r], by Ron Tu" "Runic Sty, Icy Runts: Scrutiny[r], by Sy Curtin" "Rurales Surreal[r], by Lu Raser" "Rush On or Shun[r], by Ron Shu" "Rustiest Trusties[r], by [if player is male]Si Sutter[else]Tess Turi[end if]" "Ruts Etch the Crust[r], by Curt Tesh" "Ruttan's Truants[r], by Stu Tran" "Ryan's Yarns[r], by Nyna Sarrys" "Rye O['] Yore[r], by Rorey Yeo" "Sabotage Boastage[r], by Gaea Bost"[] "A Sacred Arcade's Sad Care[r], by Ced Saar" "Sad Beau Aubades[r], by Bud Aase" "Sad Boy Bo's Day[r], by Sy Doba" "The Sad Deaths At Ed H.[']s[r], by Ted Ash & Tad Esh" "Sad Kin Danski is Dank[r], by Kandiss Dakin" "Sad Life? Fie, Lads[r], by Sid Leaf" "Sad Mo, So Mad[r], by Moss Addams" "Sad Nerd Dr. Dean's Danders[r], by Sed Rand" "Sad Rote Art Odes So Rated[r], by Rod East" "Sad Rune Asunder[r], by Dan Reus" "Sad Story, Artsy Sod[r], by Ross Aydt" "Sad Tim Admits It's Mad[r], by Sid Tam" "Sad to Be Boasted[r], by [if player is male]Ted Sabo[else]Deb Sato[end if]" "Sad Wren Wanders[r], by Rad Swen Andrews" "Sadder Dreads[r], by Dr. Sade Adders" "Safer Fears[r], by Fefe Sarras" "Sage Dr. Segard Grades[r], by Sad Reg Gerdas" "Sagest Stages[r], by Teessa Staggs" "Sail Among Magnolias[r], by [if player is male]Simon Gaal[else]Lois Magan[end if]" "Sail On, Alison![r] by Nils Ao" "Sailmaker Malarkies[r], by Mark Elias" "Sales 'Zen' is Sleaziness[r], by Lessie Sanz" "Saliva Avails[r], by Al Avis" "Sallying Slangily[r], by Lila Syng" "The Salon Heals Not[r], by Elton Ash" "Salts Go to Glass[r], by Sol Gast & Tal Goss" "Sam Is Amiss[r], by Ms. Isis Maas" "Sam's Den: Sad Men's Madness[r], by Em Sands" "Sammi Maims Imams[r], by Ammia Simms" "Samoa Remorse[r], by Erasmo Moraes-Semora" "The Sand Handset[r], by Dan Tesh" "Sandstone Dens So Tan[r], by [if player is male]Stan Edson[else]Donna Tess[end if]" "Saner-Side Readiness[r], by Essie Rand" "Sap Artie, a Pastier Parasite[r], by Tia Asper" "Sapient Pa Stein[r], by Pat Enis" "Sarge Leon Regales on So, General[r] by [if player is male]Enos Agler[else]Ros Neagle[end if]" "Sargon Groans or Sang[r], by Rosa Ng" "Satires as Rites[r], by Teri Sas" "Satires I Assert[r], by Tess Rai" "Saucers Scare Us[r], by Russ & Ace" "Save Rich: Carve His Archives![r] by Irv Chase" "Savvier Diet Derivatives[r], by [if player is male]Vertie Davis[else]Vida Sievert[end if]" "Sawn Bed, Bad News[r], by Wes Band" "Say, Get Stagey[r], by Ty Sage" "Say, Rot or Stay: a Story[r], by Roy Ast" "Scald, Ire, Rile Cads[r], by Ric Dales" "The Scaly Sly Cheat, Chastely[r], by Seth Clay" "Scan Yon Canyons So Canny[r], by Nancy So" "Scant Dice Accidents[r], by Cid Casten" "Scar-Beat Bearcats[r], by [if player is male]Bart Case[else]Cara Best[end if]" "A Scare, Caesar[r], by Ace Ars" "Scared of Rod's Face[r], by Case Ford" "A Scarf Fracas[r], by F. Scara" "Scarfin['] Infracs[r], by Cris Fan" "Schemin['] Mensch, I[r], by Sim Chen" "Schemins, Miss Chen: Nim, Chess[r], by Si Mensch" "Scoop the Echo Spot[r], by Scot Hope" "Scoot, Ye Coyotes[r], by Coe Stoy" "Scranton Con Rants, Narcs Not[r], by Stan Corn-Cranston" "Scrap Hut Pushcart[r], by Curt Pash" "Screamin['] Man Cries[r], by Ric Means" "Screamy [if player is female]Mr. Casey[r], by Ms. Carey[else]Ms. Carey[r], by Mr. Casey[end if] Caymers" [x] "A Screen Careens[r], by Ren Case" "A Scried Sidecar[r], by Eric Das" "Scrutinise, Sinecurist[r], by [if player is male]Enis Curtis[else]Cristi Suen[end if]" "The Sea: East, Eh?[r] by Teesha Sathee" "Sea-Sigh, Geishas[r], by Gia Hess" "Seabird Sidebar[r], by [if player is male]Sid Baer[else]Deb Aris[end if]" "Seabirds['] Sidebars[r], by Bess Radi" "Sean Culp Cleans Up[r], by Luc Snape" "Seasick[r], by Ike Cass" "Seat Two: We Toast[r], by Wes Sato" "Seawater-Waste Era[r], by Ara Sweet" "Secretive Vice Trees[r], by Tic Reeves" "Sed Lang's Sad Glens[r], by Ned Glass" "Sedated Deadest[r], by Tad Dees" "See, Chap, a Speech[r], by Peaches Paesche" "See-Gigs Inn: Genie Sings[r], by Signe Gines" "Seeding Edges In[r], by Ned Egis" "Seek a Man, Namesake[r], by Sam Keane" "Seek Any Yankees[r], by Easy Ken Keansey" "Seek Micro-Mockeries[r], by Cori Meeks" "Seen at A Tense Senate[r], by [if player is male]Estean[else]Tenesa[end if] Santee" "Seibel Belies[r], by Leslie Bisbee" "Seidner's Direness[r], by [if player is male]Ned Reiss-Driessen[else]Enid Ress-Resendis[end if]" "A Self, False[r], by Elsa Saffle" "Self Talk: Let's Laf, K?[r], by Kat Fells" "Self-Will Ills Flew[r], by Wilf Ells" "Sell Lilies[r], by Ellis Lisle" "Semantics['] Main Sects[r], by Mac Stines" "Semi-Urban Submarine[r], by [if player is male]Ruben Amis[else]Ines Burma[end if]" "Semilunar Unrealism[r], by [if player is male]Luis Erman[else]Rina Lemus[end if]" "Seminal Man Lies[r], by Selmina Milanes-Anselmi" "Seminomadic Demoniacism[r], by [if player is male]Dominic Ames[else]Cindie Somma[end if]" "Semitonic Emictions[r], by Otis Mince" "Sendejo Jonesed[r], by Ned Jose" "Senor Cid Cinderos[r], by Cris Oden" "Sent to Tetons to Nest[r], by Tosten Ettson" "Serge's Egress[r], by S. Seger" "Sermonise Emersions[r], by [if player is male]Simon Rees[else]Erin Moses[end if]" "Set-Dice Deceits[r], by Cid Tees" "Set Onward, Stare Down No Steward[r], by [if player is male]Art Downes[else]Ronda West[end if]" "Setback at Beck's[r], by Eb Stack & KC Bates" "Seven Art Veterans[r], by Nat Veres" "Seven Gin Evenings[r], by Sven Egin" "Seven Pink Penknives[r], by Neve Spink" "Severer, I Re-revise Reveries[r], by Eve Riser" "Severing Thy Everythings[r], by Yves Enright" "Sex Tires Existers[r], by Tex Reiss" "Sexist Set Six Exists[r], by Tess Ix" "Seymour Mousery[r], by Somer Yu" "Shackleton's Chalkstones[r], by [if player is male]Chas Skelton[else]Chantel Koss[end if]" "Shafter Fathers[r], by Art Shef" "A Shah in Sin[r], by Nisha Hains & Shani Sahin" "A Shaky Tot: That's Okay[r], by Kathy Sato" "Shaman Ma Nash[r], by Sam Han" "Shame Not the Moans[r], by Tom Hanes-Matheson" "Shame on Hose-Man[r], by Hans Moe" "Shameless Mel's Ashes[r], by Selma Hess" "Shapiro's Posh Airs[r], by Hoss Ripa" "Sharer Hansen[r], by Sharen Hearns-Ahrens" "Sharpe's Phrases[r], by Rap Hess" "She is at His Seat[r], by Tia Hess" "She May Mesh, Ay[r], by Myesha Haymes" "She's Quit His Quest[r], by Suqi Tesh" "Shiest Heists Thesis[r], by Si Tesh" "Shooting This Goon[r], by Otis Hong" "Shoppiest Poetships[r], by Pop Theiss" "Shot-Huge Toughest Ghetto, Us[r], by Seth Hugo & Hugh Seto" "Shoulda Had Soul[r], by Lou Dash" "Showman? Sham, Now[r], by W. H. Mason" "Showtime With Some Woesmith[r], by Tim Howes" "Shred Not Hot Nerds[r], by Ned Short" "Shrew, to the Rows[r], by Wes Hort" "Shrouded Odd Usher[r], by Edd Roush" "Shun a Bum Subhuman[r], by Manu Bush" "Shun Ego? [']S Enough[r], by Geno Hsu" "Shunted Hut-Dens End Thus" "Shy [sim] in My Shoes[r], by [if player is male]Yohn Simes[else]Missy Hoen[end if]" "Shy Ere Heresy[r], by Hersey Sheyer" "Shyer Tot: the Story[r], by Troy Tesh" "Si Lever Reviles Servile Leviers[r], by Irv Sele" "The Sicker, Sketchier Hick's Tree[r], by Chet Riske" "Sid Won't Sit Down[r], by Don Wist" "The Side It Heeds, Heisted[r], by Dee Tish" "Side-Row Rowdies So Weird I'd Swore[r], by Rod Wise" "Siegman's Gaminess[r], by [if player is male]Sage Nims[else]Gena Sims[end if]" "Sierra Raiser[r], by Siarra Reiser" "Sign Out in Gusto[r], by Tio Sung" "Signior Rigoni's Origins[r], by [if player is male]Si Gorin[else]Iris Ngo[end if]" "Signore's goriness[r], by [if player is male]Ross Egin & Ron Geiss[else]Erin Goss[end if]" "Silage Isle: Gaga Lies[r], by Gisela Siegal" "A Silenter Slain Tree Re-Entails Lean Rites[r], by [if player is male]Al Steiner[else]Lia Sterne[end if]" "The Silky Lithe Sky[r], by Keith Sly & Hy Kleist" "Simmer, Mimers[r], by [if player is male]Mr. Mise[else]Ms. Remi[end if]" "Simp Cleo Complies[r], by Mel Scipo" "Simple Fun Fine Slump[r], by Ulf Pimsen" "Sin Eve Envies[r], by Svenie Nieves" "Sin So Vain Invasions[r], by [if player is male]Si Savinon[else]Niana Voss[end if]" "Sinarchist Christians[r], by [if player is male]Rich Stains[else]Cristin Ash[end if]" "Since Led, Licensed Declines[r], by Ned Celis" "A Sincere Increase[r], by Sean Rice" "Sing, Leet Gentiles[r], by Gil Steen" "Singapore Prisonage[r], by Gia Posner & Gino Serpa" "Singular Gun Lairs[r], by [if player is male]Luis Rang[else]Lin Sugar[end if]" "A Sink or Rain's OK[r], by Arin Kos" "Sir Ahmed: His Dream, Semi-Hard, Misheard[r], by Si Dahmer" "Sir Glen Lingers Singler[r], by Les Grin" "Sir Jake is a Jerk: Ask Jeri[r], by Jae Risk" "Sir Kate's Asterisk[r], by Art Sikes" "Sir Ron Norris[r], by Snorri Orrins" "Sir, Take a Strike: Eat Risk[r], by [if player is male]Ike Rast[else]Kat Reis[end if]" "Sir's Aria Airs[r], by Risa Aris" "Sirens End Nerdiness[r], by Sid Rennes" "Sit Apart: It's a Trap[r], by Sara Pitt" "Sit-Around Durations[r], by Rod Austin" "Sit Cold, Clot Sid[r], by Doc List" "Sit, Sneer, Sentries[r], by Enis Rest" "Sit, Speak, Piss-Take[r], by Peta Sisk" "Sit Thereon in the Store[r], by Theo Estrin" "Six Neat Tin Axes: It's Xena[r], by Anti-Sex Ex-Saint Esta Nix" "Sixteen Nexties[r], by Tex Enis" "Skate On, So Taken to Sneak[r], by Ken Sato" "Skimpy Spy Kim[r], by Kyp Sim" "Skit Row: It's Work[r], by Ros Wikt" "Skiving Vikings[r], by Sig Vink" "A Skull: Sulk, Al[r], by Lu Klas" "Slade Leads a Sled[r], by Edell Assad" "Slayin['] Snaily Inlays[r], by Alisyn Yilsan" "Slick Con Clocks In[r], by Nick Clos" "Slighted Delights[r], by Stig Held" "Slimed, Misled[r], by Dim Les Imseld" "Slip [']em Ms. Pile[r], by Miles P. Plemis" "Slo-Mo Looms[r], by Ms. Loo Olmos" "Slob Ned's Bondless Boldness[r], by [if player is male]Don Bless[else]Bess Lond[end if]" "Slop Cay Calypso Cosplay[r], by Sly Paco" "Slop Rise, Ripe Loss[r], by Leo Priss" "The Slop Shoplet Slept, Oh[r], by Seth Olp" "Slop Up Pulp So, Ol['] Pups[r], by Pops Lu" "Slow Ebb Below BS[r], by Wes Lobb" "Slow Pace Cope Laws[r], by Lew Pasco" "The Slow Wet Hols[r], by Wes Holt" "The Slum Elm Huts[r], by Les Muth" "Slumbering Muslinberg Sub-Gremlin[r], by Gil Numbers" "Slur Them, Mr. Hustle[r], by [if player is male]Mel Hurst[else]Ruth Elms[end if]" "Slur Them, Ms. Luther[r], by Rush Melt-Elmhurst" "Sly Bore Beryl, So Soberly[r], by Les Roby, Bo Syler & Rose Bly" "A Sly Nerd Sanely, Dr. Lysander[r], by Sal Ryden" "Slyer Ole Eyerolls[r], by Lyle Rose" "A Slyer Slayer[r], by Sal Rey" "Slyvale Valleys[r], by Sal Levy" "Small Boy Lomas Bly[r], by Sly Albom" "Smart Boy, Artsy Mob[r], by Tom Byars" "Smart Ode to Dreams Most Dear[r], by [d-t] Mears" "Smart Ol['] Mortals[r], by Al Strom" "Smarty Marty's My Star. Stay, Mr.![r] by Ty Mars" "A Smith Smit, Ha[r], by Tim Ash-Mathis" "Smither Hermits[r], by Tim Sher" "Smitten on Ointments[r], by Ennis Mott" "Smut Lair Muralist Altruism[r], by Lars Muti" "Snakebit Beatniks[r], by Kent Bias" "Snared on Road's End[r], by Dan Erdos" "Sneer, Panic, Screen Pain, Inner Space[r], by Sean Prince" "Snider Eras['] Dreariness[r], by Nasir Reeds" "Snipe Hunt: Shun, Inept[r], by Penni Hust" "A Sniper, Persian[r], by Ines Arp-Spanier." "Sniveler Vern Lies in Revels[r], by [if player is male]Les Ervin[else]Lin Evers[end if]" "Snob Jed's Jobs Dens[r], by [if player is male]Benj Doss[else]Jess Bond[end if]" "Snob Lad So Bland[r], by Al Bonds" "Snoring Rings On[r], by Ros Ginn" "Snortiest Tenorists[r], by [if player is male]Otis Stern[else]Ines Trost[end if]" "Snot-Red Rodents[r], by Donster St. Endor" "A Snot, So Tan, Sat On[r], by Santo Aston" "Snotbag Nagbots[r], by Bo Tsang" "Snotty St. Tony[r], by Ty Nost" "Snowbird, Wind-Orbs[r], by Sid Brown & Bri Downs" "Snowed-In Downside[r], by [if player is male]Sidd Owen[else]Ines Dowd[end if]" "Snub Theo on the Bus[r], by Ben South" "Snyder's Dryness[r], by Dr. Synes" "So Al's a Loss[r], by Sal LoSasso" "So Atlas Also Sat at a Loss[r], by Sol Sato" "So Ban a Snob[r], by Bo San-Banos" "So Blank Ol['] Banks[r], by Sal Bonk" "So-Boring Sir Bongo[r], by Rob Goins" "So Came SeaCom[r], by Mo Case" "So, Dance a Second?[r] by Don Case" "So Enter on Trees to Sneer[r], by Ernesto Toresen" "So, Enter: Steer on to Sneer[r], by Ron Tees" "So-False seals of ol safes[r], by Leo Fass" "So-fit Ifs to Foist[r], by Tiffi Soots" "So Handy? No, Shady[r], by Sandy Oh" "So It Is To Otis[r], by Tiso Tsoi" "So Leap a Slope[r], by Sal Poe" "So Leash Seals, Ho![r] by Leo Hass" "So, Like, Lies, OK?[r] by Elie Kosloski" "So May We Say Meow Some Way[r], by Wes Mayo" "So Melt Me Lots[r], by Mel Tso" "So, Mother, the Room's Smoother[r], by Moe Short" "So Neal's a Lesson[r], by Lea Noss" "So Often to Footnotes[r], by Toto Sefon" "So-Perfect Coper Fest[r], by Pet Fresco" "So Perps Oppress[r], by Ross Epp" "So Rain Airs On[r], by Rosina Sanrio" "So Reach Roaches or Chase Cares, Oh[r], by Ash Coer" "So Romp Promos[r], by Mr. Oops & Ms. Poor" "So Time is to Me[r], by Mo Eist" "So-Tired Red Otis[r], by Ted Rios" "So Trend Rodents[r], by DT Rosen & DO Stern" "So, Try: Tory's Story[r], by Sy Ort" "So, Tut Stout Touts[r], by Su Ott" "So Untidy Tiny Duos[r], by Sid Yount" "So-Urgent Runt Egos[r], by Stu Groen" "So Venom Moves On[r], by Mo Ovens" "So Went St. Owen[r], by Weston Townes" "So, Winter: Now I Rest[r], by Teri Snow" "Soap on a Spoon[r], by Soon-Pa O'Spano" "Sob, Icky Sick Boy[r], by Ki Cosby" "Sob on All Balloons[r], by Lola Snob" "A SOB's ASBOs[r], by Bosso Sabas" "Sober Kin is Broken[r], by Ken Boris" "The Social So-Ethical Coal Heist[r], by Theo Scali" "Sociopath, I Opt Chaos[r], by Pooch Tsai" "Sock-Lab So Black[r], by Sal Bock" "Soggy Elk Egg Yolks[r], by Sky Gogel" "Sol Slept Plotless[r], by Les Stolp" "Solarising Sailorings[r], by [if player is male]Silas Giron[else]Lissa Gorin[end if]" "Soldiers['] Dire Loss[r], by [if player is male]Sid Soler[else]Doris Les[end if]" "A Solid Sad Oil Laid So[r], by Odalis Salido" "Solitary Royalist[r], by Lisa Troy" "Solon of No Fools[r], by Olfonso Olofson" "A Somber Mobs Era[r], by Ambrose Boersma" "Somber Mr Bose[r], by Bess O'Brommer" "Some Bait a Mob Site[r], by Tobie Sam" "Some Envy a Money Save[r], by Evan Moyes" "Some Fan of Names[r], by E. F. Mason" "Some Gang's Mega-Songs[r], by Megan Goss" "Some Grunt More Stung[r], by Gus Merton" "Some Guy Goes Yum[r], by Gus Moye" "Some Kids Smoke Dis[r], by Mike Doss" "Some Lip Impels O, Spoil Me[r], by Slim Poe" "Son, Abet no Beast at Bones[r], by Ben Sato" "Son, Ye On, Yes?[r] by Osney Noyes" "Songlike Ego-Links[r], by [if player is male]Les Konig[else]Inge Klos[end if]" "Sonneted Endnotes[r], by Don Steen" "Sonnets to Sense[r], by Tess Eno" "Soon in Asia[r], by Sonia Siano" "SOP for Pros of Proofs[r], by Prof. O. S. Froosp" "Sophister Storeship[r], by [if player is male]Seth Spiro[else]Sheri Post[end if]" "Sore-Nose Mermen Sneer: More Omens[r], by Emerson Sermeno" "Soul Mate: Also-Mute Same Lout[r], by Sue LaMot" "Soul-Screen Enclosures: Lo, Censures[r], by [if player is male]Russel Cone[else]Coleen Russ[end if]" [] "Soul-Slain Allusions[r], by [if player is male]Luis Sloan[else]Su Allison[end if]" "The Sound Den South So Hunted[r], by Donte Hsu" "Sour Edict, Courtside Custodier[r], by [if player is male]Curtis Doe[else]Trudi Esco[end if]" "Sour Milk or, Um, Silk[r], by Luis Krom" "Space-Time Spite Mace: See Impact[r], by Pete Simac" "Spam Not, Postman. Stamp On[r], by Pam Nost" "Spare Me, Mr. Pease[r], by Sam Peer" "Speak, Peaks![r] by Papa Kesske" "Speedily I Ply Seed[r], by Syed Pile" "Spice Epics[r], by Ceci Pepiss" "A Spin? I snap[r], by Pansi Aspin" "A Spirit is a Trip[r], by Pat Iris" "Spiters Persist[r], by P. T. Reiss" "Spoiled Old Pies[r], by Sid Poel" "The Spook Spoke Hot[r], by [if player is male]Seth Koop[else]Hope Kost[end if]" "Spooled Poodles['] Old Pose[r], by Loo Deps" "Spoonerisms: No-Miss Prose[r], by [sim] Pross" "Spottable Tabletops[r], by Opal Betts" "Sprier Song In Progress[r], by Nips Rogers" "Spry Ole Leprosy Ployers[r], by Ly Poser" "Spur to Sort Up Po['] Ruts[r], by Proust Pro Stu Stroup" "The Square Queer Hats[r], by Rhea Quest" "St. Amber, Mr. Beast, Be Smart: Best Arm![r] by Bert Sam" [p] "St. Claire Recitals[r], by Eric Alst" "St. Dade's Dad Sets Saddest[r], by Ted Dass" "St. Dee's Steeds[r], by Ed Tess" "St. Eliza, Laziest Zealist[r], by Al Seitz" "St. Erika's Asterisk[r], by Teri Kass" "St. Fleur's Turfless Flusters[r], by Russ Felt" "St. Germain Emigrants['] Rematings[r], by [if player is male]Grant Imes[else]Tresa Ming[end if]" "St. Ignaco, A Costing Agnostic[r], by I. C. Gantos" "St. Jeb Co-Objects[r], by TJ Besco & BJ Coste"[] "St. Laurent's Resultants[r], by Trent Sauls" "St. Lee Steel[r], by Estelle Tse" "St. Rene Enters[r], by Ernest Sterne" "St. Sexi Exists, is Tex's[r], by Tess IX" "St. Sinata's Assistant[r], by Tina Stass" "Stack of OK Facts[r], by Kat Focs" "The Stage Gets Heat[r], by [if player is male]Sage Hett[else]Thea Gest[end if]" "Stager Greats[r], by Teresa Stagg & Gretta Gasser" "Stale-Air Alestair[r], by Lea Raist" "Stale Riot, Aristotle[r], by [if player is male]Leo Strait[else]Lisa Otter[end if]" "Staler Alters[r], by Earl St. Slater" "Stalin: I Slant[r], by Stan Li" "Standard Dad Rants[r], by Tad Rands" "Standifer's draftiness[r], by [if player is male]Anders Fist[else]Astrid Senf[end if]" "Star-Shine Tarnishes[r], by [if player is male]Seth Rains[else][end if]" "Starside Disaster[r], by Tad Reiss" "State-Run Stunt Era[r], by [if player is male]Nat Suter[else]Sue Trant[end if]" "Statelier Literates[r], by [if player is male]Artist Lee[else]Tia Lester[end if]" "Stauncher, Unchaster[r], by [if player is male]Ernst Chau[else]Una Tresch[end if]" "Stay Back by a Stack[r], by Stacy Bak" "Stay Cool, Sooty Cal[r], by Stacy Loo" "Stay Gold to Gladys, Salty God[r], by Ty Glados & Stodgy Al" "Stay Hid This Day[r], by Ash Tidy" "Stay, Men: Amnesty May Nest[r], by Ty Means" "Staying Stygian[r], by Ty Gains" "Stealing Gelatins[r], by Ines Galt-Eastling" "Steel Bars Be Artless[r], by [if player is male]Bret Sales[else]Bess Alter[end if]" "Steel, Paper, Apple Trees[r], by Pepe Slater" "Steering Greetins['][r], by Reg Stein" "Steichen's techiness[r], by Tess Chien" "Stepan's Aptness, Pass Ten[r], by Tess Pan" "Steph at the Past: Eh, Paths[r], by Pat Tesh" "Stephani's thespians[r], by Seth Spain" "Sterile Seer-Lit[r], by Teri Les" "Stern Sage Estranges Greatness[r], by S. Sergeant" "Stew, Oaf: Fate, Sow Fast Woe of Waste[r], by Fae Stow" "Still-Hoof Foothills[r], by Flo Holtis" "The Stin Think Set[r], by Kent Tish" "Stink-Stone Token Snits[r], by InesKnotts" "Stinker Sir Kent[r], by Kirsten Snitker" "Stipender President[r], by Trip Edens" "Stoic Son's Coin Toss[r], by Scot Ison" "Stoking Mr. Storm King[r], by Kim Strong" "Stomach Mo['] Chats[r], by Tom Cash" "Stomp My Symptom[r], by Tom S. Pym" "Stonable Notables: Blast One[r], by Lona Best" "A Stone So Neat to Sean[r], by Easton Seaton" "Stonewall No Wallets[r], by Lela Towns" "Stonier Orients[r], by Ron Eist" "Stop, Drear Predators[r], by Rod Spater" "The Storm: Rest, Moth[r], by Sherm Ott" "A Storm to Mars[r], by Rossa Mottram" "A Story So Arty[r], by Ty Raso" "Stout Liar Tutorials[r], by Stu Rialto" "Strange Angster St. Regan[r], by Reg Nast" "Strange True Great Unrest[r], by [if player is male]Stuart Green[else]Tresa Gunter[end if]" "Stranger Granters[r], by Ren Garst" "Straw Men's Stern Maws[r], by Swen Smart" "Streak'd Darkest[r], by Ed Stark" "Streetscape Pacesetters[r], by Peter Casset" "Stress No Stern SOS[r], by Tess Sorn" "Strict-ID District[r], by Cid Ritts" "Strife of FireSoft: Forfeits[r], by Riff Seto" "StriveCo Covers It[r], by Vic Oster" "Strober Orb, Rest[r], by Roberts Berrost" "Stuck Echo Checks Out[r], by Kutch Esco" "Studying Tidy Guns[r], by Dingy Stu" "Stumbler Blurts? Me?[r] by Mel Brust" "The Stupid Tepid Huts: Thud, Spite[r], by Shedu Pitt" "Suavery: a Survey Very USA[r], by Eva Usry" "Sub-Nerd Burdens[r], by Su Bernd & Ed Burns." "Subtle Bustle Sublet[r], by Lu Best" "Such Other Chore Huts[r], by Chet Roush" "The Sucker Creek Huts Stuck Here[r], by [if player is male]Chet Kruse[else]Ruth Eckes[end if]" "Suderman Maunders, Surnamed[r], by Ned Ramus" "Sultan Hope's Houseplants[r], by [if player is male]Lou Stephan[else]Lupe Ashton[end if]" "A Sultan's Assault'n[r], by Susan Alt" "Sum-Bla Albums[r], by Su Lamb" "Sum This Isthmus[r], by Tim Huss" "Sumatra Traumas[r], by [if player is male]Art Maus[else]Mara Tsu[end if]" "Sun's Ego? No Guess[r], by [if player is male]Gus Enos[else]Sue Song[end if]" "[']Sup, Hero? Oh, Rep Us[r], by Rush Poe" "Superego Goes Pure[r], by Peg Rouse" "Sure Bond So Burned[r], by [if player is male]Bud Rosen[else]Su Borden[end if]" "Sure, Fate Features After Use[r], by Fae Suter" "Sure, Sin Insures Sunrise[r], by Russ Nei" "The Sure Three: Us[r], by Stu Ehre" "Sure-Tied Erudites[r], by Edie Rust" "Surf-Gone Sun Forge[r], by Rose Fung-Ferguson" "Surmise, Misuser[r], by Si Remus" "Surprise Spurs Ire[r], by [if player is male]Russ Pier[else]Su Perris[end if]" "Swanbane Wannabes[r], by Nana Bews" "Swat Lax Tax Laws[r], by Walt Sax" "Swear Not, Straw One, to Answer[r], by [if player is male]Art Owens[else]Rona West[end if]" "Swear Words Sow Rewards[r], by Wes Darrows" "Sweeping Weepings[r], by Gwen Sipe" "The Sword She'd Trow[r], by Des Worth" "T. Osozaki, a Zitso, OK Kazooist[r], by Tisa Zook" "T/Y Tons, Snotty St. Tony[r], by Sy Tont" "Tag-Along-a-Lot Gang[r], by Olga Gant" "Tainted Aid Tent[r], by Ned Tait" "Tainted, I Attend[r], by Ted Tian" "Taipan Pinata[r], by Pia Tan"[] "Take Four: Freak Out![r] by Tor Kaufe" "Take, Own, Know, Eat[r], by Owen Tak" "Take Rib, Break It[r], by Kit Baer" "Takey Katey, a Tyke[r], by Katt Yeakey" "Talc Oils to Lilacs[r], by Callisto Castillo" "Talkative Ava Kittle[r], by Alva Keitt" "Tall Poem, Lame Plot[r], by [if player is male]Pat Mello[else]Pam Tolle[end if]" "Taller's Stellar[r], by Lars T. Le" "Tammie's Team-Sim Mis-Mate[r], by [if player is male]Tim Ames[else]Mei Mast[end if]" "Tap Hatred, Da Phatter Deathtrap[r], by Tad Tharpe" "Taper? Prate, Prate[r], by [if player is male]Peter Prata[else]Tara Tepper[end if]" "Tar the He-Tart[r], by Art the Hatter" "Taxi Info Fixation[r], by Nitia Fox" "Tch, Done Then, Doc?[r] by Notched [d-t] Chen" "Tea Now to Wean Not Awe[r], by Waneta Wooten" "Tea Party, Yet Apart[r], by Patty Rea" "Tea Time: Meet Tia[r], by Emi Tate" "Tea With Thwaite[r], by Ewa Hitt" "Teachership Heptarchies[r], by [if player is male]Heath Crespi[else]Rita Pietsch[end if]" "Team Road to a Dream: More Data[r], by Dre Amato" "Teammates So Odd at Domes[r], by Modesta DeMatos" "Tearing up Rage Input[r], by [if player is male]Pat Guerin[else]Pia Gunter[end if]" "Tech [']Do: the Doc CODETH[r], by Ted Cho" "Tech is ETHICS[r], by Si Echt" "Techno: the Con[r], by T. Cohen & H. Conte" "Ted Hurd, a Turd Head[r], by [if player is male]Thad Duer[else]Ruth Dade[end if]" "Teen Moms['] Mementos[r], by Tone Emms" "Teen Sans Neatness[r], by Anne Tess" "Teen Wolf Won't Feel[r], by Lew Fonte" "Teeny Town Twenty One[r], by Newt Toney" "Television: Novelise It[r], by Olive Stein" "Tell a Spy Let's Play[r], by [if player is male]Sal Pytel[else]Pat Lyles[end if]" "Temika's Mistake[r], by [if player is male]Ike Mast[else]Kit Ames[end if]" "Ten-Fad Aft-Den[r], by Def Nat, Fat Ned & Ted Fan" "Ten Harpies['] Hen Parties[r], by Pat Heisner" "Ten Kilo Lie Knot[r], by Kit Leon" "Ten Moms['] Moments[r], by Ms. Monte St. Memon" "Ten Years Yet Saner[r], by Trey Sean & Nat Reyes" "Testham, That's Me[r], by Matt Esh" "Tex's Mere Extremes[r], by Rex Smeet" "Thad, Ben and Beth: the Band, bad, Then[r], by Ted Bahn" "Thad's Sad H/T[r], by Dash T. D'Hast" "Thane Ethan Neath[r], by Netta Hahne" "Thanks Be the Banks[r], by Hank Best" "That's Too Hot Toast[r], by Toto Tash" "Thawed Dew-Hat[r], by Ted Hwa" "Their Sage Grease-Hit Heritages[r], by Trisha Gee" "Theist Tithes[r], by E. Stith" "Thelma's Halts Me[r], by Mel Tash" "Then Am I the Main[r], by Mei Than" "Then Boss the Snobs[r], by Bess Noth" "Then Gag the Gang[r], by Nat Hegg" "Then Gob the Bong, Bent Hog[r], by Goth Ben" "Then Mix the Minx-Hex Mint[r], by Tex Minh" "There I'm the Emir[r], by Tim Rhee" "Thespian Stephani[r], by Shep Tian" "They Do. Doth Ye?[r] by Ted Hoy" "They Mar My Heart[r], by Trey Ham" "A Think Net in the Tank[r], by Keith Tann" "This Borg So Bright[r], by Brit Shog" "This Bum Bit Mush[r], by Tim Bush" "This False Faithless Thief-Lass Fails Seth[r], by Elsa Shift"[] "This Gnome Mine Ghost[r], by Og Nesmith"[] "This-Head: His Death[r], by Edith Ash" "This Log So Light[r], by Sig Holt" "This Man Thin Sam[r], by Tim Nash" "This More-Smit Hero[r], by Tom Hires" "This Part: Hip Start[r], by Pat Hirst" "This Suit: Thus, I Sit[r], by Isis Hutt" "Tho['] Dale Loathed Ol['] Death[r], by [d-t] Hale" "Tho['] Dan Had Not[r], by Hon. Tad Haddon-Hatton" "Tho['] Gank'd, Thank God, Dank Goth[r], by Kath Dong" "Tho['] if Kin I Think Of[r], by Niki Foth" "Thorniest Rothstein[r], by Sheri Nott" "Those Dine on the Side[r], by Ines Thode" "Though Ace, a Thug Echo[r], by Hugh Coate the Gaucho" "A Threat at Heart[r], by Art Athe" "Throw Me the Worm[r], by Mo Werth" "Thug Mo's Ughmost Mugshot[r], by Tom Gush" "Thugs['] Hot Thoughts[r], by Gus Thoth" "Thus War Was Hurt, Ruth Saw[r], by A. H. Wurst" "Thy Dame, My Death[r], by Mat Hyde" "Thy Meal, Mathley-Yeltham[r], by Ty Hamel" "Thy Soul, Lush Toy, Shy Lout[r], by Lou Thys & Ty Hulso" "A Tic: I Act[r], by Cici Tata" "Tidy Three: They Tried[r], by [if player is male]Trey Heidt[else]Hettie Dry[end if]" "Tie Six, Site IX[r], by Tex-Is-I" "Ties More Tiresome[r], by Tori Mees" "Tiger Dad Did Great[r], by Tad Ridge" "Tillie's Lie List[r], by Lili Tse" "Tim and Dim Nat[r], by Dimmitt Anand" "Tim, Top Imp Tot[r], by Mo Pitt" "Tin Rail Trailin['][r], by Rita Lin" "Tin Roof for [toti][r], by Rio Font" "Tin Trevor, Introvert[r], by Rev. Triton" "Tina Ain't an It[r], by Nina Tait" "Tiny Dog Got Dyin['][r], by Tod Ying" "Tipsy Man in My Past[r], by Misty Pan" "[']Tis Awe I Waste[r], by T. A. Wise" "To a Dog: Go, Toad[r], by [d-t] Goa" "To a Git: Go at It![r] by Og Tait" "To a Tao-Oat[r], by O. O. Tata & A. A. Otto" [x] "To Admit a Dim Tot[r], by Dom Tait" "To Air a Riot[r], by Tori Aratio" "To Ban No Bat[r], by Bobo Attann" "To Ban No Bat[r], by Nona Abbott" "To Bathe The Boat, Both Ate[r], by [a-b] Toth" "To be a PC Beat Cop[r], by Pat Boce" "To Behold the Blood: Bolted, Oh[r], by Theo Bold" "To Blast At Blots, Lost Bat[r], by Al Botts" "To Breach a Botcher[r], by [if player is male]Herb Cato[else]Echo Bart[end if]" "To Brush Thus, Bro[r], by Bo Hurst" "To Care at Core[r], by [if player is male]Art Coe[else]Coretta Corea[end if]" "To Carry Racy Rot[r], by Art Cory" "To Carry Racy Rot[r], by Carroty Rat Cory" "To Charm or Match[r], by Mart Cho & Mac Hort" "To Cheat Each Tot[r], by Etta Cho" "To Crack TrackCo[r], by Cat Rock" "To Crush Hot Curs[r], by Scot Ruh" "To Deal Old Tea[r], by Tadeo Tellado" "To Dine on Diet[r], by [d-t] Nei" "To Drama, Matador[r], by [if player is male]Tad Roma[else]Dora Tam[end if]" "To Drip: Drop It[r], by Dr. Poit" "To Dying, Tiny God[r], by Ty Godin" "To Enamor Tan Romeo[r], by [if player is male]Nat Moore[else]Mae Orton[end if]" "To Enter RoteNet[r], by Rene Ott" "To Farms of Smart Formats[r], by [if player is male]Sam Fort[else]Ma Frost[end if]" "To Farts at Forts, Far Tots, Fo['] Start[r], by Ros Taft." "To Fear A Forte or Fate For Tea[r], by Frere Afotota" "To Feels So Fleet[r], by Leo Fest" "To Figure Out Grief[r], by Geri Tufo" "To Finish This Info[r], by [toti] Fish" "To Fray Fat Roy[r], by Art Foy" "To Hack OKChat[r], by Kat Cho" "To Hammer Math More[r], by [if player is male]Tom Maher[else]Emma Roth[end if]" "To Handle Old Ethan[r], by Dale Thon" "To Hans: No Hats[r], by [if player is male]Stan Ho[else]Shonta Haston[end if]" "To Harm Math or Mr. Oath[r], by Mo Hart" "To Jabs at Jobs[r], by Jo Bast" "To Jail, I: a Jolt[r], by Lita-Jo & Tia Jol" "To Jon, not Jo[r], by Jonjo Otton" "To Kibosh This Book[r], by Tib Hooks" "To Kibosh This Book[r], by Tobi Okhs" "To Kidnap Dat Pinko[r], by [if player is male]Tank Diop[else]Kit Pando[end if]" "To Land, Old Nat![r] by Tonald Dalton" "To Lands and Lots[r], by Old Stan Dalston" "To Leach the Coal: Lo, Cheat[r], by Chet Ola & Ace Holt" "To Lean on Late[r], by Leanna Tootle" "To Leave: Eat, Love[r], by Tova Lee" "To Live? Love It[r], by Olive Levitto" "To Lives I've Lost[r], by Les Voit" "To Madden Mean Todd[r], by Ted Damon" "To Manage Tea Among a Montage[r], by Gena Mota" "To Match Mac Toth[r], by Matt Cho, Mo Hatch & Cat Thom" "To Mean No Meat[r], by Nat Moe" "To Meg: Got Me[r], by Toto Eggemm" "To men? Not me![r], by Monte Moten" "To Milk Mt. Kilo[r], by Kim Olt" "To Mr. Weak Teamwork: Take, Worm[r], by Tom Waker" "To Mush-Mouths: Um, Tosh[r], by Tom Hsu" "To Neomi: Emotion Too Mine[r], by Nemo Ito" "To Nerf No Fret[r], by Fenton Ferrot" "To No Email Emotional[r], by [if player is male]Milo Eaton[else]Iola Monet[end if]" "To Pains So Inapt[r], by [if player is male]Otis Pan[else]Nia Post[end if]" "To Paint, Tap Into Pain, Tot[r], by Tia Pont" "To Pals Postal[r], by Sal 'Pops' Latta" "To Park at Pork[r], by Art Pok" "To Parse or Paste a Poster[r], by Tresa Po" "To Pay for Yo['] Fop Art: Oft Par, Oy[r], by Fay Troop" "To Pickles, Ol['] Skeptic: Slick Poet Stockpile[r], by Kelci Post" "To Plan an['] Plot[r], by Al Pont" "To Plan an['] Plot[r], by Patton Pollan" "To Prise Pietro's Ropiest Riposte So Tripe[r], by Tip Rose" "To Rave Over at a Trove[r], by Eva Ort" "To Rave Over at a Voter[r], by Eva Tor" "To Reach or Cheat[r], by Art Cheo" "To Read a Trode[r], by Deedra Totaro" "To Read or Date[r], by [if player is male]Taddeo Traore[else]Deedra Totaro[end if]" "To Reefs of Trees, or Fetes, Foester[r], by Foreste Seefort" "To Relish her Toils So Lither[r], by Leo Hirst" "To Repent Potent-er? Not Peter[r], by Trent Poe" "To Resign or Get Sin[r], by [if player is male]Ron Geist[else]Teri Song[end if]" "To Reveal Ever a Lot[r], by Vera Leto" "To Revels, Ever-Lost Lovester Rosevelt[r], by Steve Lor" "To Ride or Diet[r], by Ed Troi" "To Rip a Riot, Pa[r], by Portia Priato" "To Rip or Trip[r], by Pio Porritt" "To Risks or Skits[r], by Kit Ross" "To Ron, or Not: No Rot[r], by Norton Root" "To Rudy: Dry Out, Turd, Yo![r], by Dour Ty" "To Sail is a Lot[r], by Al Tsoi" "To Sales so Stale[r], by Les Tsao" "To Sand Not Sad[r], by Don-Tad Santos" "To Scar or Scat[r], by Cora St. Castro" "To Scorn Not Orcs[r], by Ron Scot" "To Scream at Comers[r], by Tom Cesar" "To Screen No Secret So Recent[r], by [if player is male]Ernst Coe[else]Rene Cost[end if]" "To Shame Some Hat[r], by Tom Ashe" "To Share Hates or a Hoster[r], by Art Shoe" "To Sir: Riots Roist[r], by Siri Troost" "To Slave at Loves[r], by [if player is male]Tal Vose[else]Lost Eva[end if]" "To Smear Meats or Some Art: Roast [']Em, Mr. Oates[r], by Mart Seo" "To Snare No Tears[r], by Nat Rose" "To Snark Rants, OK[r], by Ron Kast" "To Sniff off Nits[r], by Toffins Tiffson" "To Spin No Tips[r], by Postin['] Piston Si Pont" "To Stake OK Taste[r], by Etta Kos" "To Stall All Tots[r], by Sal Lott" "To Stand Tots and Nod, Stat[r], by [d-t] Nast" "To Start at Trots[r], by Ra Stott" "To Steal Lost Tea[r], by Sol Tate" "To Stories: Tortoises Resist Too[r], by [if player is male]Toto Reiss[else]Rossie Ott[end if]" "To Such a Scout: Ah, Cash Out![r] by Scot Hua" "To Surlier Or Lustier[r], by Tori Luers" "To Swing on Twigs[r], by Gwin Tso" "To Tackle Cott Lake[r], by Kate Colt" "To Tackle Cott Lake[r], by Katt Cole & Kate Colt" "To Thresh the Short[r], by Seth Roth" "To Train or Taint[r], by Ron Tait" "To Trim Mr. Tito[r], by Mo Ritt" "To Twin: It Won't Win, Tot[r], by No-Twit Witton" "To Unravel a Novel Rut[r], by Raul Vento" "To Weigh With Ego[r], by Og White" "To Write Rote Wit: ow, Trite[r], by Teri Two" "To Write Rote Wit[r], by Trot Wei" "To Zap a Potz[r], by Topaz Pat Oz" "Toast [']em to steam[r], by Tom East" "Toast to Tattoos[r], by Toto Ast" "A Toil to Ail[r], by Tolia Alito" "Token Sign, Stone King[r], by Kent Goins" "Tolbert's Blotters[r], by Sol Brett" "Told Now, Old Town[r], by Don Wolt" "Tollway Two, Lyla[r], by Tallowy Walt Loy" "Tom Cly: My Colt[r], by Ty Colm" "Tom's Puns Most Spun[r], by Puntmoss Stumpson" "Too Corny or Not Coy[r], by Troy Coon" "Too Far for Tao[r], by Art Foo" "Too Fried to Die For[r], by [d-t] Fiore" "Too Hard to Hoard[r], by Art Hood" "Too Many May Not, O[r], by Mat Yoon-Montoya" "Too Young, You Go Not[r], by Tony Ogou" "Top Itch, Po['] Titch[r], by Chip Ott" "Top Poetry Prototype[r], by Toto Pyper" "Top-Shore Hoopster Hopes Rot[r], by [if player is male]Seth Roop[else]Sher Toop[end if]" "A Torch to Char[r], by Art Cho" "Torchin['] Corinth[r], by Nic Roth-Richton" "Torn Map? Tramp On[r], by Pam Nort" "Tornado Donator[r], by Dan Root" "Tory Chen, the Corny[r], by Trey Cohn" "Tot Gabe Got Beat[r], by Bo Tatge" "Totally Tall Toy[r], by Lyla Ott" "Tough to Laugh, Al[r], by Hugo Alt" "Towable Teabowl[r], by Bo Ewalt" "Toyless Ty Loses[r], by [if player is male]Les Yost[else]Tess Loy[end if]" "Trade Me Red Meat[r], by Tam Reed" "Train in Art[r], by Rini Rattan" "Traitors['] Rat-Riots[r], by Tio Starr" "Traits I Start[r], by Artist Trista" "Tramp On, Torn Pam[r], by Po['] Mart'n Portman" "TransitCo Con Artist Nat Cristo[r], by Tori Scant" "Treacliness Centralises[r], by [if player is male]Case Nistler[else]Selena Crist[end if]" "Tread, Dead Ratter[r], by Deetra Detar" "Treble Belter[r], by Elbert LeBret" "Tree-Hug? Uh, Greet the Urge[r], by Ruth Gee" "Tremont's Torments[r], by Tom Stern" "Trendies['] Nerdiest Resident[r], by Sid Treen" "Trey Had the Yard[r], by Thad Rey" "A Trial or Toil: Oratorial Lit[r], by Lorita Tailor" "A Tribe: Bear It[r], by Bettie Ibarra" "Tribesmen's Tenebrisms[r], by [if player is male]Brent Simes[else]Bess Minter[end if]" "Tried God, Got Re-Did[r], by Todd Iger, Ted Gordi & Goodridge Redditt" "Tried to Do Trite[r], by Detroit Di Otter" "A Trim Mr. Tai[r], by Marti Mitra" "Trod Hikes Other Kids Risked, Tho['][r], by [if player is male]Theo Dirks[else]Kit Rhodes[end if]" "A Troll, All Rot[r], by Art Oll" "Trollin['] Til Lorn[r], by Ron Till" "A Trophy? Oh, Party![r] by Phat Roy" "Troubled Old Brute, Loud Bert, But Older[r], by Bud Toler" "Truest Utters[r], by Stuert Sutter" "Try a Vice: Evita, Cry,[r] by Ray Civet" "Try Again, Giant Ray[r], by Tina Gary" "Try Ant Rant: Tar Tyranny[r], by Taryn Ryant" "A Try As Astray[r], by Ty Saar" "Try Bein['] Tiny Reb Britney[r], by Brent Yi" "Try Caring, Crying Rat[r], by Caryn Trig & Tracy Ring" "Tubes, Cans, Substance[r], by Bess Cantu" "Tuesday Sea Duty: Aye, Dust[r], by Stu Eady" "Tumbled Mud-Belt[r], by Ted Blum" "Tundras and Ruts Turn Sad[r], by [if player is male]Dan Rust[else]Su Arndt[end if]" "Turbinal Tribunal[r], by Brant Lui" "Turing's Grunt is Rusting[r], by Stu Ring" "A Turn By Runt Bay[r], by Brant Yu" "Turn There: the Return[r], by Trent Ruhe" "Tut's Den: Dust Net[r], by Stu Dent" "Twas When Shaw Went What's New[r], by Stew Hawn" "Tweedy Yet Wed[r], by Ty Weed" "Twilight's Light-Wits[r], by Gil Wishtt" "Twilights With St. Gil[r], by Stig Wilth" "Two Doors: Words, Too[r], by Tor Woods" "Two Hands Won't Dash[r], by [d-t] Shawn" "Two Males['] Last Meow[r], by Les Mowat" "Two Years['] Artsy Woe: Yea, Worst[r], by Ray Toews" "Ty, Adam, My Data[r], by Tad May" "Typical Alp City[r], by Ty Calip" "Ubaldo's Busload[r], by [if player is male]Sol Daub[else]Su Baldo[end if]" "Uber-Rich Rubric, Eh[r], by Herb Cuir" "UFO Nuts: Fun to Us[r], by Su Fount" "Ug, Ye Ol['] Eulogy[r], by Gy Loue"[] "Uglier, Gluier[r], by Geri Lu" "Uglies['] Guiles[r], by Eli Gus" "Ugly Hack, Cagy Hulk[r], by Guy Chalk" "Ugly Manor, Normal Guy[r], by Maury Long" "Ugly Old Doll Guy[r], by Goldy Lu" "Uh, Gents, the Guns Stung, Eh?[r] by Gus Neth" "Uh, Greet the Urge[r], by Treehug Guthree" "Uh, Mo['] Drab Bad Humor[r], by Bo Durham" "Uh, Parable[r], by Paul Baehr, Alpha Rube" "Uh, Slate a Hustle[r], by Stu Hale" "Ulcers, eh, Hercules? He's Cruel[r], by Lee Schur" "Um, Rot: Out, Mr. Tumor![r] by Mort Umurto" "Um, Try to, My Tutor[r], by Roy Mutt" "Un-blame Albumen, Blue Man[r], by Ben Maul" "Un-Fad: Fund a Fun Ad[r], by Dan Fu" "Un-Phallic Lunchpail[r], by Paul Linch" "Un-Proud Dour Pun Round-Up[r], by Ruud Pon" "Un-Reap a Prune[r], by Ren Pau" "Un-Tired Dire Nut[r], by Derin Tu" "Unable Nebula[r], by Ben Lau" 60 "Unbias Anubis[r], by Su Bain" "Unbid, He's Behind Us[r], by [if player is male]Bud Hines[else]Enid Bush[end if]" "Uncle Sam: Lean Scum[r], by Len Camus" "Uncover No Curve[r], by Coren Vu" "Underrated, Unretarded[r], by [if player is male]Reed Durant[else]Edda Turner" "Uneasy Sun, Aye[r], by Sean Yu" "Unfavorable Flu Ran Above[r], by Bruno LaFave & Evan Balfour" "Unfettered Deft Tenure Turned Fete[r], by Deren Tufte" "United in Duet[r], by Ed Tuin & Edi Tun" "Universal Evil Ran Us[r], by Vera Linus" "Univores['] Souvenir[r], by [if player is male]Evon Suri[else]Venus Rio[end if]" "Unlent Tunnel[r], by Lenn Tu" "Unliked Kin Duel[r], by Eli Knud" "Unlist Sunlit Untils[r], by Stu Lin" "Unmasking Unmakings[r], by [if player is male]Angus Mink[else]Su Kingman[end if]" "Unoriginal? Lo, Gain Ruin[r], by Luigi Ronan" "Unpolitic Punctilio[r], by Luci Pinto" "Unreadable? Blaa, Endure[r], by Renae Abdul" "Unready Reynaud[r], by [if player is male]Andre Yu[else]Dyan Ure[end if]" "The Unripe Up in There[r], by Ruthie Pen" "Unsanitary Aunty Rains[r], by Tisa Runyan" "Unskilled Slunk Idle[r], by [if player is male]Del Luskin[else]Kelsi Lund[end if]" "Unsoiled Delusion[r], by Leo I. Sund" "Untamed Mad Tune, Daunt Me[r], by Mute Dan" "Unto a BFF: Not a Buff Bouffant[r], by Nat Buffo" "Unto Far Fortuna[r], by Taron Fu" "Untoiling Outlining[r], by Lin Guiton" "Up Into a Utopian Pain-Out[r], by Pati Uno" "Up Mist I Stump[r], by Stu Pim" "Up, Sages! Pegasus Pages Us[r], by Gus Pape" "Up, Sorest True Sops['] Postures[r], by Poet Russ" "Upham's Mashup[r], by Pam Hsu" "Ur-Yawn Runway[r], by Ryan Wu" "Urgent Mist Mutterings[r], by Ming Sutter" "Us Dames Assumed a Mussed Medusa's Sued Sam[r], by Ed Asmus" "Us Got Ye Gout, Yes?[r] by Guy Esto" "Us, Late, St. Eula?[r] by Stu Lea" "Us, Storied Outsiders[r], by Susie Dort & Stu DeRosi" "Uselyss Ulysses[r], by Ly Seuss" "Usher Not, Hurt Ones[r], by Rose Hunt" [] "Vain Odds and Voids[r], by Sandi Von Davidson" "Valencia's Valiances[r], by [if player is male]Alvin Case[else]Eva Caslin[end if]" "Valid ID, Alv[r], by Vladi Vidal" "Valter's LaserTV Travels[r], by Al Verst" "Van Alstine's Valiantness[r], by Ivan Stansel" "A Vector to Carve Cave-Rot[r], by [if player is male]Trav Coe[else]Eva Cort[end if]" "Velour Louvre[r], by Lu Rove" "Venial to Not Alive[r], by [if player is male]Vito Lane[else]Iva Elton[end if]" [] "Verily Yr. Vile[r], by Irv Ely" "Vernie Dent Intervened, Reinvented[r], by Deren Venti" "Veronica's Vice: ARSON[r], by Oscar Vine" "Versatile Relatives[r], by Avi Lester" "Very Nice: Even I Cry[r], by Vince Rey" "Very OK Li'l Yorkville[r], by Kelly Ivor" "Very Select Secret Levy[r], by [if player is male]Everest Cly[else]Eve Crystle[end if]" "Vestal Valets[r], by Lev Ast" "A Victim's Activism[r], by [if player is male]Tim Savic[else]Vi Stimac[end if]" "Vidal? Advil![r] by Lida V. & Vida L" "Vie-Ville[r], by Evil Levi" "Vigor Sprees: Prigs Ever So Progressive[r], by Virgo Speers" "Vile [crap-u], Viper Cal![r] by Percival Cravelip" [x] "Vile Con Clive, No[r], by Nic Love & Vin Cole" "Viler Bums['] Bulverism[r], by Ervis Blum" "A Violent Naive Lot[r], by Toni Vale" "Virtue Leaps, Superlative[r], by [if player is male]Paul Sievert[else]Lupita Evers[end if]" "Vita's Vista[r], by Avis Savitt" "Voracity: A Victory[r], by Racy Vito" "Vs. Mean Mavens[r], by Nev Sam" "Wage-Mopers['] Sewage-Romp Power Games[r], by Marge Swope" "Waldo's Old Saw[r], by Sal Dow" "Walk Over Workvale[r], by Kev Orlaw" "Wallabies['] Able Wails[r], by Blaise Law" "Walled Lad Lew[r], by Del Law" "Wanders to a Worst Den[r], by Don Waters" "War Cash Car Wash[r], by Ash Craw" "War-Owned, Onward, We Wear Down [r], by Owen Ward" "The War Wreath Thawer[r], by Art Hew" "Wardle's War Sled[r], by Sal Drew" "Wariest Waiters[r], by Ari West" "Warlocks['] Laws Rock[r], by Cal Skrow" "Warm Boy Mowbray[r], by Mary Bow" "Wasted Health: What's the Deal?[r] by Halsted Wheat" "A Waster, Awarest[r], by Wes Tara" "Wastrel Walters[r], by Lew Star" "Watershed Draws Thee[r], by [if player is male]Wes DeHart[else]Hesta Drew[end if]" "Watkins Winks at Kit Swan[r], by K. T. Swain" "The Way Up: We Put Hay[r], by Apu Wyeth" "The Way: Why Eat?[r] by Ty Ahew" "Wayne's New Say[r], by Wes Yan" "We Avoid Avid Woe[r], by Evia Dow" "We Bores Be Worse[r], by Bo Ewers" "We Don't Wend to Den Two[r], by Ed Town" "We Drop Powder[r], by Rod Pew" "We Ran to No Water[r], by Nat Rowe" "We Refill Free Will[r], by Lew Friel" "We Seek Skew[r], by Eskew Weeks" "We Shall[r], by Wes Hall" "We Share Her Awes[r], by Ash Ewer" "We-So-Mad Meadows[r], by Mo Dawes" "We Sold Old Wes[r], by Les Dow" "We'd Fear Raw Feed[r], by Fae Drew" "We've Hit the View[r], by Ev White" "Weakside Idea-Skew[r], by Ike Dawes" "WebIDTech: Bewitched?[r], by Deb Weicht" "Webs and Bad News[r], by Ben Daws"[] "Weep, Nag, New Page[r], by Ewa Peng" "Weirdos So Wired[r], by Rod Wise" "Welsh Moor Wormholes[r], by Sherm Wool" "A Wench Can Hew[r], by A. W. Chen" "Were Thou Out There[r], by Hue Tower" "Wet Pious Wipeouts[r], by St. Opie Wu" "Wet Skin Stink, Ew[r], by Ken Wist" "What Ed Had Wet[r], by D. Wheat" "What I Love: a Lithe Vow[r], by Evita Wohl" "What I Need: a Newt Hide[r], by [if player is male]Dean White[else]Enid Wheat[end if]" "Whatever, Rev. Wheat[r], by T. H. Weaver" "Whatever the Waver[r], by Eva Werth"[] "When Its News Hit[r], by Swenith Weshtin" "When to Ink: in the Know[r], by Ken Howtin" "Where Top Hero Wept[r], by Hope Wert" "Whereat We Heart Ere-Thaw Weather[r], by Tre Ahew" "Whereto Is Otherwise[r], by Rose White" "The Whiny in the Why[r], by H. Whitney" "Whistler, He Twirls[r], by Trish Lew" "Whistler's Shrew List[r], by Shirl West" "Who Left the Wolf[r], by Lew Hoft" "Who Rated Death Row[r], by Wade Roth & Theo Ward" "Who's Great: Ego's Wrath[r], by [if player is male]Seth Wargo[else]Sage Worth[end if]" "Why East? They Saw the Way[r], by Stew Hay" "Why I Can't Act Whiny[r], by Tawny Chi" "Why I Sat This Way[r], by Hy Waits & Tay Wish" "Wild Glen Dwelling[r], by Gwen Dill" "A Wild ID Law[r], by Walid Lidwa" "Wild Ted's Twiddles[r], by Wilt Edds" "A Wilder, Idle War[r], by Eli Ward" "A Win? I? Naw[r], by Iwan Wain" "The Winds Hint Dews[r], by Stew Dinh & Ned Whist" "Wine or Ire Now[r], by Ron Wei" "A Wing I Gnaw[r], by Gwain Wigan" "Wink To Know It[r], by Twinko Wotkin" "A Winner, Erin? Naw[r], by [if player is male]Ren Wain[else]Ann Weir[end if]" "Winner Wire[r], by Erwin Winer" "Winterhold in the World[r], by Eldon Wirth" "Wired On, I wonder[r], by Ron Wide" "The Wisdom Tom Wished, Tim Showed with Demos[r], by Dim Stew Ho" "Wit Song: to Swing no Twigs[r], by Og Swint" "With Hate, White Hat[r], by Hew Hiatt" "With Zero or the Wiz[r], by Zoe Wirth" "Wither, Old Idle-Worth Lord White[r], by Wilt Rohde" "Won't Sal Walston Last Now[r], by Al Towns" "Wonderful Underflow Flew Round[r], by Rudolf Wen" "Wonderful Underflow[r], by DeRon Wolf" "Wonkery: Know Yer New York[r], by Ryno Kew" "Woo Kind Wood-Kin I Do Know[r], by Odo Wink" "Word Games, Mod Wagers[r], by [if player is male]Mos DeGraw[else]Meg Soward[end if]" "Workable Bleak Row[r], by Bo Walker & Karl Bowe" "World, Go Grow Old[r], by Lord Gow" "The World, Wroth-Led[r], by Drew Holt" "A Worm's So Warm[r], by Sam Row" "A Wormy Elf May Flower[r], by Mary Wolfe" "Worry Not, Towny Orr[r], by Ron Towry" "Worry Tons, Sorry Town[r], by Torry Snow" "Worse than Haters Now[r], by Seth Rowan" "Worsened Endowers[r], by Red Owens & Wes Roden" "The Worst Shrew-Tot[r], by Stew Roth" "Worthy Lad: Hardly, Wot?[r], by [if player is male]Thad Lowry[else]Dorthy Law[end if]" "A Wren's Answer[r], by Reswan Swaner-Warnes" "A Wretch's War Chest Watchers[r], by Chas Wert" "Wretched Chet Drew[r], by Ced Werth" "Wriest Writes[r], by Wirt Weissert" "Writes I Strew[r], by Wet Sir Si Wert" "XL, On-Ice Lexicon[r], by [if player is male]Neil Cox[else]Cleo Nix[end if]" "Yack, Bro, By a Rock[r], by Cory Bak" "Yah, Debt: By Death, They Bad[r], by Beth Day" "Yahweh, a He: Why?[r] by Hew Hay" "The Yard: Hydrate? Dry Heat?[r], by Art Hyde & Thad Rey" "Ye Both the Yob[r], by Eb Hoyt" "Ye Den Needy[r], by Deeny Deyne" "Ye Dork, Dr. Okey[r], by Ed York-Rodkey" "Ye Hardest Three Days Shared Yet[r], by [if player is male]Reed Hasty[else]Thresa Day[end if]" "Ye Laden, Leadeny[r], by Danyele Delaney" "Ye Old Yodel[r], by [if player is male]Dooley Lyde[else]Dolly DeYoe[end if]" "Ye Raw, Ye War Weary[r], by Ray Ewer-Way" "Ye Stoic Society[r], by Ice Stoy" "Yearn, Nayer[r], by [if player is male]Arney Raney[else]Reyna Rayne[end if]" "Yearn On, Annoyer[r], by Ryan Eno" "Yell Us Ire Leisurely, Ere I Sully[r], by [if player is male]Yuri Selle[else]Sue Reilly[end if]" "Yellow, Low Ely[r], by Loy Lew" "Yelp-Set, Ye Slept Steeply[r], by Sly Peet" "Yep, Al, a Yelp[r], by Paley LePay" "Yep, Ann, a Penny[r], by Nan Pye" "Yep, Ed's Speedy[r], by Des Pye" "Yes, Bart Betrays By Tears[r], by Rey Bast" "Yes, Bill, Be Silly[r], by Sly Lieb" "Yes, Both Bytes, Oh, they Sob[r], by Seth-Boy Sotheby" "Yes, Both the Boys[r], by [if player is male]Toby Esh[else]Betsy Ho[end if]" "Yes, Ewen Sweeney, New Eyes[r], by Swen Yee" "Yes, Farm My Fars, Mrs. Fay[r], by Sam Frey" "Yes, Ma, Say Me[r], by Masey Aymes-Mayes" "Yes-Man Sam Ney[r], by Amy Sen"[] "Yes, Mend My Needs[r], by Ned Syme" "Yes, Raw Wry Sea[r], by Wes-Ray Sawyer" "Yeshiva is Heavy[r], by Vi Hayes" "Yet Cavil Actively, Vile Caty[r], by [if player is male]Clive Tay[else]Evita Cly[end if]" "Yet Harm the Army-Era Myth[r], by Ty Hamer" "Yet Shirk the Risky, eh, Kristy[r], by Trish Key" "Yo, Bold Bloody Old Boy[r], by Bo Loyd" "Yo, Drop Droopy or Dopy[r], by Rod Yop" "Yo, Frauds, Your Fads[r], by Fay D'Urso" "Yo, Mika, I'm Okay[r], by Kim Yao" "Yo, Mr., All May Roll Morally[r], by Loyal Mr. Mallory" "Yo, Rapt to Pray: O, Party[r], by Pat Roy" "Yo, Rend, Dry One[r], by Ned Roy & Don Rey" "Yo, Rent: One Try[r], by Rotney-Tyrone Toyner" "Yo, Rogue, Your Ego[r], by Rey Goor" "Yon Bald Land Boy[r], by Bo Dylan" "Yon Desk Donkeys[r], by E. K. Dyson" "Yon Fit Not, FYI, of Tiny[r], by Ty Fino" "Yon Organza Rannygazoo[r], by Zona Gaynor" "Yon Tearful Funeral Toy[r], by Tony 'Earful' Fauntleroy" "Yon urge on ye Rug[r], by Geno Ruy" "Yon Wrath Way North[r], by Troy Hawn" "You Can Thwart Wrath, Can't You?[r] by Truth Conaway" "You Carve Your Cave[r], by Eva Coury" "Your Death, Dear Youth[r], by Hearty Duo Theo Audry & Doretha Yu" "Your Heart, Rare Youth[r], by Arturo Yeh" "Your Kind, You Drink[r], by Koy Rudin" "Zap, I Use a Size Up[r], by Su Paiez" "Zap, Lie or Polarize[r], by Zoe Plair" "A Zine's Zanies: Ian Sez[r], by Sean Zi" "Zorinho's Horizons[r], by Roz Hoins" to say an-other: say "--an[one of][or]other[cycling] embarrassingly fawning biography of you"; table of sports chatter [xxm] blurb "'Bad calls, ball-cads!'" "'Bears are BS!'" "'Eh, umps push me.'" "'Cons rig scoring!'" "'Dam['] ref. Framed!'" "'Ed Ford? Odd ref. Fodder.'" "Elmo mentions he doesn't like the Losin['] Lions." "'Evah have an ump man up?'" "'Fake punt. Punk fate.'" "'Fest for soft ref efforts.'" "'Fowler? Low ref.'" "Friedel: fielder? Refiled: defiler!'" "'Gus DeNaro. Dangerous nose-guard.'" "'Impure umpire.' / 'Sobs, boss.'" "'Infura-unfair.'" "'Low shot. ... Who lost?'" "'Main ref? FIRE, man!'" "'Mean ref, Freeman. Men fear...'" "'Moehring: homering more nigh.'" "'Oh, ream a homer more, ha!'" "On impulse: 'No! Umps lie!'" "'SIX ump mix ups! Sum pix!'" "'Sucky ol[']...so lucky!' Coy sulk." "'Umpin's sumpin['] un-simp.'" "'Ye Snake-Yankees!'" "You bemoan spitin['] tip-ins." "You bemoan whiffs at whatiffs." "You compare the Riskin['] Kirins and Bossin['] Bisons." "You impugn gumpin['] umping." "You say at least you don't like Duke FC." "You talk of FGs hit, of fights." "You transfer ref rants." book stores table of idiotic lecture points [xxs] blurb "asks, how do you want your life? Bald? Acne? Or BALANCED?" "avoids neater points in his presentation." "bemoans cut-rules cultures." "berates a front-rower drawing smileys messily." "booms ADORE METH? MORE DEATH." "claims heroin = NO HIRE." "claims his very idiocy is a case of why being drug-free can get you ahead in the world, because even he blah blah!" "claims the do-meth method is mo['] deth." "claims things happening causally happen casually. Or vice versa." "continues to belt out stipulated platitudes." "cuts down famous, um, oafs." "discusses his move from troublemaker to maturer bloke." "endorses the work of Dr. Gus Gruds." "eschews the lo-med model of rehab." "exhorts you to avoid a void. Yes, it should be obvious." "explains he couldn't buy his wife jewels if he used drugs." "explains how his drug freedom got him a beautiful drug-free wife who should be out of his league. And it allows him to save up for plastic surgery in the future to keep her beautiful. The far future. Hooray, humblebragging." "explains that you can't rely on drugs to be your friend. You need friends friends! And if you don't think you could get any, you probably did something as bad as drugs anyway. But that's no excuse." "explains the money saved if you quit now will help you afford beyond drug freedom lectures." "explains weasely leeways drug addicts use to avoid their punishment." "forces the crowd to chant, 'Nope! Do no dope!'" "gives radioactive advice--a riot, if you had ironic distance or didn't have a quest to get back to." "hawks his favorite of the vast mini-vitamins out there." "intones 'Hemp, dust: the dumps! Um, depths!'" "isn't here for dealin['] denial." "laments how e-drugs surged." "mentions how drug use inhibits appreciation of the finer things in life, like his lecture." "mentions how HEMP and METH have MEH in common." "mentions how that person who saved Yorpwald from Red Bull Burdell saved fewer people than anti-drug measures will." "mentions pupils slip up without Herba-Rehab and shouts down a Thera-Heart Hater." "mentions that drugs are just a waste of time. He also mentions you'd have to be on drugs to think nobody ever wisecracked that this lecture was a waste of time." "mentions the money you spent on drugs for a whole year could pay for a week-long vacation here, and isn't that more worth it. He gulps and plugs on." "moans 'The drugs SHRED! GUT!'" "moves between anecdotalism and declamations." "notes drugs aren't medicating but decimating." "notes drugs aren't soul-y. They are lousy." "notes even crackheads can see POT is the reverse of TOP." "outlines DevOps vs. Dope." "points out STONED anagrams DOESN'T. Not that he likes that...anagram person." "proves people drugged aren't grudged." "pushes the virtues of Tim's Stim-Mist over drugs." "quotes CS Lewis unknowingly before telling people not to expect doors to any fantasy world." "rages 'Dopers to doorstep, so? DEPORT!'" "rails against the Oceanic Cocaine cartel." "reminds everyone the review course for this seminar is available for much less than the price of a day's worth of drugs." "revels in his repenters presenter role." "roars 'You self-medicate, you self-decimate.'" "says cold turkey is a cloudy trek that will leave you truly coked. Which gets retold. Yuck." "says drugs don't leave you nicked--they give a deckin[']." "shouts 'Habits? Bash it!'" "slurps loudly from a cup of gourmet coffee." "smacks down someone who yells 'Poobah? Pah! Boo!'" "warns against strudel laced with LSD-ture." "warns people against trying Methy Thyme." "yells 'Dope. How WHOOPED.'" "yells 'Dope is POISED: Die-ops!'" "yells 'Hie to dope? Hope to die!'" "yells 'No roids indoors! Rid soon!'" "yells 'Sh, li'l shill' at some interruption you didn't hear." [p] "yells STD! DTs!" table of overdone movies [xxs] blurb "almost weeps at the simple truth of [i]Ah, Vilest, the Vials[r]." "'appreciates' the avant-garde 'wit' of [i][crap-u] I'd Do: Drop Acid[r]." "assures the veracity of [i]Nose Candy Once, Sandy? Any Second[r]." "admits [i]Wendie's Sin Weed Dies New[r] is weak, but it's not WRONG." "calls for more fantasy novels like [i]Shipmate is at Hemp[r]." "claims you only need to like one part of [i]Tips to Stop It[r]." "DARES anyone to laugh at [i]Tedd, Acid-Addicted[r]." "discusses the deeper meaning of [i]The Bar: Her Tab[r]." "dissects [i]So I Went to Wines, Townies[r]." "encourages emulating the TRUE protagonist of [i]Mistaken Snake Tim[r]." "exults in the optimism of [i]Haskins Sank His Shakins[r]." "knows everyone knows about [i]Durham's Rum Dash[r]." "knows everyone's seen [i]Addicted Dad, Cited[r]." "labels [i]Pitbull's Pill Bust[r] sobering in more ways than one." "loud-whispers that [i]Not Dirk: Kid, Torn, to Drink[r], has an understated truth to it." "mentions nobody better laugh at [i]LSD: I Slid[r]." "mentions the balance of sympathy and fact in [i]Ol['] Sots So Lost[r]." "name-drops the latest didactic work [i]Bo's Free of Beers[r]." "notes [i]Unwary Ryan Wu[r] underlines too much education is never enough." "notes anyone can be tempted, like in [i]Stars Go to Grass[r]." "notes the factual relevance of [i]They Said It's Heady[r]." "notes you have to appreciate the down-home candor of [i]Nelson's Lesson'N[r] starring Sol Ness." "pauses for effect before meta-spoiling [i]April's Spiral[r]." "points out [i]Tout IQ to Quit[r] has multiple positive messages." "points out how [i]Bar Kid's Bad Risk[r] balances sympathy and reality." "praises the presentation, if not the content, of [i]Nutmeg: a Mutagen Augment[r]." "quotes from the 'gripping' biopic [i]Dust-Head Thaddeus[r]." "rants anyone who hated the ambiguous ending of [i]Sue's Peer Pressure[r] is pro-drug." "re-enforces the 'happy' ending of [i]Gunther's Nth Urges[r]." "reads an excerpt from his next 'modern, advanced' 'nonfiction,' [i]Not My Monty[r]." [p] "reassures everyone they aren't low enough to have to watch [i]Straighten-Shattering[r] yet." "recommends [i]Cocaine's Con is Ace[r]." "recommends the hard-hitting simplicity of [i]So, Meth Shot Me[r]." "refers to [i]Bo's Thing: Bong Hits? Sob Night[r]." "rehashes [i]No Weed! End Woe[r]." "relates the measured sympathy of [i]Pared Joy Jeopardy, Doper Jay[r]." "reminds people [i]Nice Into Nicotine[r] is old because it's true." "reminds people all drugs are wrong, as in [i]Kent's Doom: Don't Smoke[r]." "rues technology's contributions to addictions with [i]To Click a Cocktail[r]." "says [i]Bad Slick Backslid[r] is not just a catchy title." "says [i]To Snare a Stoner[r] by Ron East is grippingly realistic." "says only fools laugh at [i]I'm Seth: Meth is This, Me[r]." "says you can laugh at AND with [i]Toasted Ted: a Sot[r]." "shakes his head at the clear implications of [i]Deviance, Even Acid[r]." "suggests people watch the 'classic' [i]Falk's Flask[r]." "vouches for the veracity of [i]A Drinker's Dank Rides[r]." "weepily recounts the tragic [i]June Keith, the Junkie[r]." "weeps silently on mentioning [i]A Tot's Toast[r]." "yells about [i]Steroids Tried? SOS[r]." table of sicko movies [xxs] blurb "[A-word-u]-Hump Smash-Up." "[if player is male]SOB Seth[else]Hot Bess[end if] the Boss." "A, Uh, Lover Overhaul." "Able Size, Seizable." "Abuse us, [a-b]!" "Ace Fine's Fiancees." "Ace Trio Erotica." "Ace's Sty: Ecstasy." "Active Tart, Attractive." "Admired Red Maid Demi Ard." "Ageless Legs/Ass." "Ah, Dr. Hard." "Ah, So, Men: No Shame." "Aidan's Naiads." "Aiden, Edina, Andie, Diane." "Air-Smut Atriums." "Al, Hot to Hal." "Al, Lillia, Alli, Lila." "Alan, Lana." "Albiness Lesbians." "Alice, Celia, Lacie." "Aline, Liane, Elina, Nelia." "All over Lover Al." "Alleg. Legal." "Alley Leyla." "Ally, Lyla, Y'all." "Alvin's Slavin[']." "Am-Horny Harmony." "Amanda's Sandman." "Ami/Mia/Ami."[] "Amy, Mya, May." "Anal Roust So Natural." "Anatoly, Yolanta, Latonya." "Andrei, Randie, Darien." "Andro-DaRon, Dan or Doran." "Aneesh, Sheena, Neesha." "Anne, Luc, Unclean." "Any Fast Fantasy." "Aretha, Eartha, Reatha" "Ari's Sexy Six Years." "Arik, Kira, Kari, Rika." "Arlo, Al or Oral Lora." "Arnita, Anitra, A-Train." "Arsene, Serena, Naseer." "Ash Has [a-word-u], Ahh!" "Assumer Masseur." "Athletic Lithe Act." "Aw, kin I wank a wink?" "Ay, Lad, a Lady." "Baby, Do Bad Boy." "Back Room Boom Rack." "Bad Doll, Bold Lad." "Bambino an['] Bimbo." "Bared Debra."[] "Barest Breast." "Be Hot, Bo the He-Bot." "Be Rad--er, Bad--Bared." "Bear on a Boner." "Beeswax: a Sex Web." "Benino Bein['] on Bonnie." "Bent Sam, Best Man." "Bertha's Bathers." "Beth Was Best, Haw." "Bi Idols['] Libidos." "Bi Jen, Jeb in Benji." "Bi Ned Biden." "Bidden, I'd Bend." "Big A, Gabi, Gaga Bibi." "Big-Anus Abusing." "Big len, Gil, Ben, Bi Glen." "Big Lon's Sin Blog." "Bill, We Will Be Bi Well." "Bimbo Bi Mob." "Bimboes Mobbies." "Bite? No, Bone it, Benito!" "Bizarre Rare Biz." "Blaine's Lesbian." "Blalock's Ballocks." "Blissy Sybil's." "Blouse to Bust Loose." "Boarding Andi Borg." "Bod un-bound? No, Bud!" "The Body, by Hot Ed." "Bois so Bi: Bios." "Boner-Borne." "Boner Menu Number One." "Bonnie, Bone in Bin One." "Boo at a Boot Taboo." "Boot a Taboo."[] "Brandy and Bry." "The Bride Herb Tied: Her Debit." "A Bride's Bi Dares." "The Bud Bed Hut." "The Bulls Bust Hell." "Bum Boy Bob, Yum." "Bunnies Bus Nine." "But is Stu Bi?" "Buttsex Subtext." "Buxom: Mo['] Bux." "Cami-Lex's Exclaims-Climaxes." "Candi, Eve, Deviance." [] "Candi in a CD." "Candice and Ceci." "Cane-Me Menace." "Captain, Pati Can." "Carla's Rascal." "Carol, Carlo, Coral." "Cavers['] Craves." "Chasier Cherisa." "Chasier Sharice." "Cheerly Lechery." "Cher Scot Crochets Crotches." "Chestier Christee." "Chestier Heretics." [p] "Cierra, Carrie, Errica." "Cindy, Sam, My Candi's Dynamics." "Clad-Sans Scandals." "Clara's Rascal." "Claudine, Dulcinea, Lucia, Ned." "The Cock to Check." "Cooter is So Erotic." "The Cop's Hot Pecs." "Cora's Oscar." "Corin's Scorin[']." "Cornelia, Caroline, Coraline." "Cosplay Coy Pals." "Cougar is Gracious." "Crass Rude Crusaders." "A Cream Camera." "Creamy McRaye." "Crude-Ass Crusades." "A Cruise, Saucier." "Cucumbers Succumber." "Cuddly DD Lucy." "Cum Into My Community." "Cum is Music." "Cuter, re-cut." "Daaamn, Amanda." "Dam Yer Dreamy My Dear." "Damian's Mainads." "Damn Sissy Sassy-Mind Sysadmins." "Darn, He and Her Harden." "Daughters Get Us Hard." "Debased Bad Seed." "Debauch Each Bud." "A Debt at Bed." "Dede's Deeds." "Dee's Boss: Obsessed." "Deena, Andee, Danee." "Def Mom Femdom." "Delia, Elida, Leida, Adiel." "Dennis's Sin Dens." "Deprave, Pervade: Repaved." "Deviants, Mar Maidservant Animadverts." "Diana, Aidan, Daani." "Diedra, Raided." "Dina, Andi, Dani, Dian and I." "Dionne & Donnie." "Dire Lust, Luridest." "Disturbed Bride, Stud." "Dive Party Depravity." "Do Ann, and On, Donna." "Do-Ho Hood." "Do THAT to Thad? Hot, Tad." "Do-Us Duos." "Doable Old [a-b]." "Doc Luck, Cuckold." "Doin['] Dion."[] "Domina Domain." "Domination Admonition." "Don, Be Boned." "Don's Bulge Bludgeons." "A Donkey, Naked, Yo!" "Donna, Danno, and On and On." "Donor, Do Ron or Rod." "Dope Sex EXPOSED." "Dr. White Hit Drew, Writhed." "The Dude Hut Deed." "Dumbest Bed-Smut." "Duplicate Adult Epic." "Durty Trudy." "Dyan, Andy [']N Ady." "Dynamite Tiny Dame." [] "E-RSVP Pervs." "Each Fappy Happy Face." "Ed Long: Le Dong Golden." "Ed Shared Redheads." "Ed's New Sick Wickedness." "Eden's Needs." "Eh, Fat is a Fetish." "Eh, Go Try the Orgy." "Eh, Not on the Net, Ho." "Eight-Inch Itching, Eh?" "Eight Sin Nighties." "Elana, Leana, Alane, Alena." "Elating Genital Atingle." "Elena, Leean, Alene." "Eli Nabs Lesbians." "Elida's Ideals Aslide." "Elma's Males." "Elysian Ainsley." "Employ My Pole." "Encounter None Cuter." "Enjoy Jen, Yo." "Enrique's Queer Sin." "Enticers In Secret." "ePervs Vesper." [p] "Er, Dang, I'm Dreaming!" "Er, FYI if Yer Fiery." "Erica, Carie, Ciera." "Erik, Keri, Iker." "Eros Rose, Sore." "Erotism, Moister." "Etta's Teats Taste..." "Euro-Roue." "Evidant Deviant Vain Ted, [']Net Diva." "Ex-Gays." "Exalt Latex!" "Exhaust-a-Sex Hut." "Exitless Sex Islet." "Explicit CitiPlex." "Exstisy: It's Sexy." "Extroverts['] Retro TV Sex." "Far West Raw Fest." "Farm Up a Frump." "Fawn's a NSFW an['] SWF." "Feet Fete." "Fefe's on Offense." "Felisa's Falsies." "Felix's X-Files." "Fetish Fits, Eh?" "Few Can Do Co-Ed Fawn Face Down." "Fine Legs['] Feelings." "For Mates More Fast." "For-Pay Pro Fay." "Four For U." "Foxes of Sex." "Frisson for Sins." "Fun Fist Stuffin[']." "Gail & Ted Get Laid." "Gail R., a Girl-Grail." "Galen's Angels." "Ganymede's Edgy Manse." "Gearless Largesse." "Gee! Most Get Some." "Gen-X is Sexing." "A Ghost Has Got to Shag." "Gil Roth's Hot Girls." "Gimpel's Glimpse." "Gina, Angi, Inga."[] "Glenda's Legs and Dangles." "A Glib Bi Gal, Gail B." "Go in More, Geronimo." "Gods [']N Dongs." "Gonads So...Dang." "Gooly-Ology." "Goth Les, Hot Legs: the Logs." "Goths [']N Thongs." "Graham's Arm-Hags." "Grand Rude Undergrad." "The Group-Grope Hut." "Grungiest Gesturing." "Gush On, Shogun So Hung." "Guy-a-Guay." "Handy Dynah." "Hardon Rhonda." "Harriet's Rare Hits." "Having a Vain Hag." "He ACTS chaste." "He's SHE? Sheesh."[] "Heat By the Bay." "Henri In Her." "Hep Market, Kept Harem Theme Park." "Her Ass Shares Rashes." "Her Lech's Herschel." "Her Next, Then Rex." "Her Ride, Rehired." "Her Sin Shrine." "Herb's Wild Welsh Bird." "Here's to Her Toes." "Hereto Hetero." "Heston's Hotness." "Het or Other." "Hey Punk/Yep Hunk." "Hi, Guest...It's Huge!" "Him Wet With Me." "His Belt's the BLISS." "His Trek: Risk the Skirt, Eh?" "Hit Me I'm Het." "Hodgson's Hoss Dong." "Hog on, Dr. Horndog." "Holly's Shy? LOL." "Honedist Hedonist: The Doins[']." "Hooters: Hers Too, or Those!" "Hooters Reshoot." "Horny Gail's Holy Grails." "Horny Hyron." "Hos, Try Shorty." "Hot Bod? Do Both." "Hot Clones, No Clothes." "Hot-Enuf Fun Theo." "Hot Red Dr. Theo: the Rod." "Hot Sam Thomas." "Hot Sin Hostin['] on This." "Hot Teri: The Riot." "Hot Women Townhome." "Hot Women's Townhomes." "Hot Yum Mouthy." "Hotwife of White." "Hotwives['] Two Hives." "Howser's Showers." "Hung, Ungh!" "Hunt Fo['] Hot Fun." "Hut-Camp Matchup: Act, Hump!" "Hutton's Hot Nuts." "I Abuse Abi-Sue." "I, Al, Ali, Lia." "I Allot Lolita Tail, Lo!" "I ASL Lisa." "I Attain Titania." "I B Bi" "I Bag Gabi." "I can do Donica." "I Did Didi." "I Dream, Admire Ma Reid." "I FEAST LOL." "I Greet Gertie." "I Gulp Up Gil." "I Leash Sheila." "I Love Olive." "I moan, Naomi!" "I Must Stim U." "I Re-Seed Desiree." "I, Sassy, a Sissy." "I Score, Cosier." "I, Seven-Sin Eve." "I Shower, Showier." "I Slam a Salami." "I Slam a Slim Ms. Ali." "I Take Katie." "I Want Tawni Twain." "Sex Party: Spy Extra." "I'd Bare a Bride." "I'd Do Dido." "I'd Goose Doogie's Goodies." "I'd Like to, Like, Do It." "I'd Molested Tied Models." "I'd Ring Ingrid." "I'd Slag Gladis." "I'd Spank Skip and Sad Pink Di Panks." "I'm a... am I Lust? A litmus." "I'm a Pert Primate I. E. Tramp." "I'm a Perv-Vampire." "I'm Easy, Yes I Am." "I'm Fine if in Em." "I'm on Nomi, Moni." [p] "I'm Queer: Requiem." "IDOL, Oil'd." "Iffy Yiff." "Ilana, Alain, Alina, Lanai." "Illegal Li'l Gale." "Ilsa, Lisa, Alis." "Imagine Me in Gia." "Improper Ripe Romp." "In Bed I Bend." [p] "In-Sex-Temper Experiments." "Incented, Indecent." "Incorporate Procreation." "Ira, Meg, Gamier." "Irena, Arnie, Reina, Einar." "Iridescent, Indiscreet." "Is Joe Josie?" "Is Poon Poison?" "It's Lewd. Wildest!" "It's Lu! I Lust!" "It's on: to Sin so Int.!" "Jane, Lust, Last June" "Jim's." "Jo-Beth, Hot Jeb: The Job." "Job One: Bone Jo." "Join in, Jo!" "Join OJ in Joni." "Jon An['] Joann on Jan." "Joni, Art, Trina, Jo." "Joy Nurse Journeys." "Just Go to Jugs." "Key Largo Royal Keg Lake Orgy." "Kidnap Da Pink." "Kiera, Erika, Karie." "Kinkier Neikirk." "Kinky Nikky." "Kiss on. Sin's OK." "Kwan's Swank Wanks." "Kylie Likey Kiely." "Lace-Top Polecat." "Lad Stu: LA Dust." "Lady Love: Val Doyle, Eva Lloyd, Velda Loy." "Latest is Saltiest." "Laurel's Allures." "Le Flesh: She Fell." "Leaner Arlene." "Leasy-Coy Acolytes." "Leave Me Lame, Eve!" "Lecherous Soul Cheer." "Let's Forge Glee Forts." "Let's Hold the Dolls." "Lettie [']N Linette." "Lev, as Vela's Slave." "Lewd Oafs So Flawed." "Lewdling Dwelling." "Lewdster Wrestled." "Liam, Amil, Mila." "Licentious Coitus Line." [] "Licentious Cutie Loins." [] "Licentious Soul, Incite." "Lida, LAID." "Lido's Soil'd." "Like [']Em Milkee." "Limber Mr. Lieb." "Lisa, Mona, Also Mina." "Lo-Girth Hot Girl." "Lo-Hint Hot Lin Hilton." "Loin Grab Laboring." "The LOIN Hotline." "Lon's Gal, All Snog." "Lonesome Loose Men." "Loni's Lo-Sin Loins." "Lord O['] Drool." "Lorraine's Rear, Loins." "Lothar's Harlots." "Louchest Lech, To Us." "Louise's Oil Uses." "Louts O['] Lust." "Love Fest of Svelte." "Lovebird/Devil Rob." "Lovesum Volumes." "Lure [']Im, Muriel." "Lurer Ruler." "The Lust Shuttle." "Luther Lureth." "Lyn, Doug, Ungodly Ol['] Gundy." "Madelin Laid Men, Made Nil." "The Man Who Hath Women." "Manic Ex, Nice Max, Ace Minx." "Marilyn's Manly Sir." "Marni, Mirna, Marin." "Marta, Tamra, Tamar." "Mary, Myra, Amyr, YR MA." "Mary Sue Sure May." "Masseur User Sam." "Massive Miss Eva: Sam Vies." "Me, Em, MeMe, Emme." "Me, Sly, Myles, Lem, Sy." "Mead Dame." "Meatier Emirate Emerita." "Meg's Sin Messing." "Mega Ass Massage." "Mick, Pry My Prick." "Mighty Sin Smithying." "Mild? Naw, WILD Man." "MILF Film." "A Milfy Family--of course, riffing on A Filmy Family." "Miss Ex-Sexism: Mess IX." "Miss W. Swims." "Mister P Permits: Strip [']Em!" "Mix'n Minx." "Mo['] Cut to Cum." "Mo['] Men, Cupid: Compendium." "Mo['] Randy, Don, Mary, Mandy or Raymond--and Mory." "The Mod Do-Them Method." "Modeling Goldmine." "Modem Domme." "Mona, Noam, Moan!" "Mona's on Sam." "Monece's Come-Ons." "Moni's Simon." "Monica's So Manic." "Monty, a Man-Toy." "Mort is So Trim, Sir Tom!" "Mr. Pat, Tramp." "Mr. Up-Rump" "Mr. Was-Ms., Raw." "Mrs. Male-Slammer." "Mrs. Pape Pampers, Pa." "Must Do Mo['], Stud." "A MVP Vamp Pam V." "My Candi, Dynamic." "My Coed Comedy." "My Gang [']N Maggy." "My Group Guy Romp." "My Tits, Smitty." "Nadine, Dianne, Dannie." "Naiad: Nadia, Adina, Diana." "Nail Lain Lina." "Nail Me, Melina an['] Emil!" "Naked? Danke." "Nasdy Sandy and Sy." "Neat Sly Stanley Lays Ten." "Ned, Earl, Leander, Darlene." "Needful Nude Elf." "New Flix Infux: Lin ***." "Next a Tan Ex-Texan." "Next-Door [d-t] Oxner." "Nia, Ian, Ani." "NICEST." "Nicole's In Close." "Nine Sub Bunnies." "No-Envy Yvonne." "No, I crave Veronica." "No Nude Undone." "No Parts." "No Pros." "No Rascal So Carnal." "No-Rules Su Loren." "No Steed Needs to Do Teens." "No Tail? Ol['] Tina to Nail!" "No Tunic? Count In." "Nom the Hot Men then, Mo." "Nookie ok, Eoin?" "Nourish-Sin Hour." "Nu-Sex Nexus." "The Nude Need Hut." "Nudism, Mud, Sin." "Nudism Mundis." "Nun-Cad Duncan." "Nuts, I'm in Smut, Un-Smit." "O, a Manly Anomaly." "Oft-Bi Fit Bo." "Ogle, but Beg, Lout, to Bulge." "Ogled Lodge." "Oh Darn, Ron Had Da Horn, Dr. Noah." "Oh, I Tend Hot Enid: Hide Not." "Oh, Mate, to Me, ah, Meat Ho: Mo['] Heat at Home." "Oh, seed, he does." "Oh, Use Sue Ho!" "Oiled Oldie Odile." "OK, Want to Wank." "Ol['] Chef of Lech." "Ol['] Thad's Hot Lads Had Lots." "Ole Tart Loretta." "Oleg's Ogles." "On I Tug, Outing Guiton." "On, Triad Not Arid." "Onanism Mansion." "One Bang Began On, Gonna Be." "One Goth Gone Hot." "Ooh, Naughty Youth Hogan." "Or Fem for Me." "Organism in Orgasm." "Osborne's Boners, So." "The Other Hot Three: Eh, Hotter." "Our Sally, All Yours." "Overland Lover Dan." "Overpictured Reproductive." "Pamela's a Sample." "The Pansy Nat Hypes Stephany." "Paris Pairs." "Pati or Portia." "Peer in, I Preen." "Peers Spree." "Penetrations Presentation." "Peretti's Pretties." "Perms." "Pert Sex Experts." "Pervess Vespers." "Pervy-Vyper." "Pete's, Um, Meetups." "Phallic Pic Hall." "Physical Lacy Hips." "Pilot Sex Exploits." "Please! Ur-Pleasure!" "Plow Us Up Slow." "Po['] Rev. Pervo." "Porgy's Spry Go." "Portia's Spa Trio." "Pounces on E-Cups." "Poxes! Sex-Op Expos." "Prattish Tartship." "Profanest Porn Feats." "Prom Romp." "Prude Duper." "Prude Perdu."[] "Puritans a-Spurtin[']." "Purity's Try is Up." "Push-All Phallus." "Push it Up This." "Rab the Bather." "Rabid Darbi." "Rachel is Charlie's." "Rachele, Charlee, a Lecher." "Racier Carrie." "Racy VIP Privacy." "Rad Boy Byroad." "Rad Sin Nadirs." "The Rake: Take Her." "Ralf on Ol['] Fran." "Ram Up a Rump." "Randee, Endear Needra and Ree." "Randier Derrian." "Randier Drainer Reinard." "Randiest-Rated Sin: Snared It! (Strained.)" "Randy Daryn." "Rapt Oily Play Trio." "Rash Vice Archives." "Raunchier Hurricane." "Raunchy, Unchary." "Real Big Gabriel." "Ream Erma." "Reaming Germain." "Red Anus Asunder." "Red hair? Raid her!" "Red Lew, Lewder Welder." "Red's Vice, Serviced." "Relapse, Pleaser." "Renita, Terina, Terian." "Rev. Pa, a Perv." "Rexie's Sexier Ere Six." "Ric Glover's Cover Girls." "Risquee Queries." "Rita, Tari, I, Art." "Rob the Het Bro, or Beth? Er, Both." "Romanticised Dominatrices." "Ron Had Da Horn." "The Room: More Hot." "Rumpf's Frumps." "Rupert's Spurter." "Sailable Isabella." "Sam Doin['] Madison." "Satisfy a Stiffy." "Scamp Camps." "Scorers Re-Cross." "Scorings Crossing." "Screw Crews." "Sea Babes Be As Base." "Seamen Enemas." "Sean's Nessa." "Seedier Desiree." "Seedin['] Sindee, Denise." "Seismal Melissa." "Select Celest." "Sensual Unseals." "Sergey's GEYSERS." "The Sergio Het-Orgies." "Sex-in-Pools Explosions." "Sextin[']: Next Is SIN, Tex." "Sexuality: Use Laxity" "Sexuality? Say, I Exult." "Shag This, Hastings." "Shallow Show-All." "Shanika, Nakisha, Kanisha." "Shari, Haris, Arish, Risha." "Sharon Has Ron or Hans." "She Fit Thief's Fetish." "She, to Those So Het." "Sherrie Re-Hires Her Sire." "Shiftiest Fetishist: She Fits It." "Shippish Hips." "Shooter-Hooters." "Shout-Hot Su South." "Shy Elle? Hell Yes!" "Shy to Bi? Oh, Sit by This Boy." "Siana, Anais, Asian Anisa." "Sickos['] Co-Kiss." "Signatory Gyrations." "Signor Groins." "Sikes's Kisses." "A Sin at Tania's." "Sin-Decree Residence." "Sin Game Enigmas." "Sin-Haste Shanties." "Singlet-Tingles." "Sir, Do Doris or Sid." "Sir, Mean Reamins[']." "Siren Erin's." "Siren Erin's Risen." "Six Gent Sexting." "Sixties Sex is It." "Skeevy Eve Sky." "Slag Gals, and the sequel Shag Hags." "Slicker Lickers." "Slithering Girthlines." "Slow-Boff Blow-Offs." "Slut Greta's Great Lusts." "Sly, Bi Sibyl Lisby." "Smack Lips, Kiss, Clamp." "Smoking Ms. Konig." "Smoocher Moochers." "Smorgas-Orgasms." "So, Bride is Bored." "So Buff, Boff Us!" "So-Lean Sloane On Sale." "So Naked Soak Den." "So, Relax!" "So, Tim! Tom is Moist!"[] "So, to Her Hooters." "So Wrong Snog Row." "Sodom Moods." "Soil'n Olin's Loins." "The Son's Hotness: He's No St." "Sordid Droids."[] "Sore Bung Burgeons." "Southern Hot Nurse." "Spandex Expands." "Special-lips Ace." "Spinosa's Passions." "Spoilt Pilots." "St. Geoff Gets Off." "St. Kelli's Kiss-Tell Skillset." "St. Lu's Lusts." "St. Rece's Secrets." "Stacey's Ecstasy." "Steamier Emirates." "Steamin['] Inmates." "Stefania's Fantasies." "Stew & Del: Lewdest." "Stiger's Tigress." "Stingy Tyings." "Strained Randiest Red Satin." "Strip Club Clip Burst." "Strip Club Pic Blurts." "Studlier, Luridest." "Stuprate, Upstater." "Such Neat Unchaste Nut-Aches." "Surge, Urges!"[] "Swag, Eh? We Shag." "Sweet Bi Website." "Sweetness, Wetnesses." "Sy Ain't Stayin['] Sainty." "Tad, Rex." "Tally-Ho, at Holly!" "Tan Bod: Not Bad." "Tania, Anita, Tiana an['] Tia." "Tara's a STAR!" "Tayra's Astray." "Team Duo Made Out." "A Tease At Ease." "Tease Pro Operates." "Teaser Teresa." "Technical's Lech Antics." "Teen Burt's Brunettes." "A Ten-Girl Tanglier Triangle." "Ten-Inch Chet Nin." "Tex Ho's Hot Sex." "Tex's Sext." "That Romp, Hot Tramp." "Then More Other Men." "They Win Whitney." "This Rat a Thirst: Tits, Rah." "Those Kids Kissed Hot." "Threads['] Dearths." "Tiffy's Stiffy." "Tisha HAS it." "To Bang Bo Gant." "To-Do: Hug Hot Doug." "To Have Hot Eva." "To Sandy: Do Nasty." "To Siring So Tiring." "To Want No Twat." "Toned Mr. Redmont." "Tongues Get on Us." "Tony, Cal, Clayton." "Tony is So Tiny." "Too-Lurid Loud Trio." "Tori's Trios."[] "Torn, Nude, Turned On." "Touched Coed Hut Tech Duo." "The Town Went Hot." "Trainable Albertina." "Transient [']N Tastier." "Trouser Rouster Su Torre." "Trouser Routers." "True Ladies['] Real Duties." "True Lady Adultery." "True Moms: More Smut." "Truster of Frotteurs." "Try, Bone, Rent Boy." "Try Me Yet, Mr.?" "Try Pam, My Prat--Trampy." "Tut, Sly." "Twerk-On Network." "Tyna's Nasty." "U Crave a Curve." "UK Bekka." "Um, Hot Mouth." "Un-Torn Turn-On." "Uncensored Nude Crones." "Unclean Lace Nun." "Undressing, Sunderings." "Ungarbed Brundage." "Ungodliest Longitudes." "Unready Nude Ray." "Unrobed Bounder Nude Rob." "Untidy." "Up-North Porn Hut. Turn! Hop!" "Upland Orgy Playground." "Us an['] Una's Anus." "Us-Gay Guays." "Use Sue." "Valery's Slavery." "Vast Ripe Privates." "Venial Elvina LaVine."[] "Verboten Bent Over Bro Event." "Vices are a Service." "Virgin Irving." "Virgos['] Vigors." "Voyeurs? Us? O Very." "Waitress Wastries." "Watch? Aw, Tch." "Wee Nik's Sin Week." "Wendie's Sinewed." "Wes Cort: Two Recs to Screw." "Wet Porn Went Pro." "Wet Sins['] Witness." "When Folks Know Flesh." "Wild Boy, Wily Bod." "Witness Stew Sin." "Women Do Woodmen: Demo Now!" "Worship or Whips." "X-Rated Rad Tex." "Xena, an Ex." "Yasmin May Sin." "Yes, Jon Enjoys Jonesy." "Yes, Tom, My Toes." "Yet Ma's Steamy." "Yo, Doms, Sodomy." "You Doll, You'll Do." "You Pervs So Very Up." "Yr Slut, Sultry, Yr Lust." "Yum-Lass Asylums." "Yum, Pass Up My Ass." "Yum, Pry My Rump." table of store c ads [xxs] blurb "Adults only! On, Lady Lust!" "All Lipsopolis and Margo's items are 20% off, whatever those are." "Bobo's advertises here." "Burma Station advertises here." "BYO BOY has a line through it. Good they have SOME morals." "A cheery bud encourages debauchery." "Crotches['] Crochets are sold here." "Dancy Candy advertises here." "Date/time for an evident id event." "Directions to Mo['] Impure Emporium." "A discount on a Tingles Singlet." "A document that would turn your settler PGRYRYGP makes you blush." "An Erotic Creation." "Everbond lube is on sale." "Hef-T-Sins Fishnets are this season's hot item." "'Helpin['] you deuces seduce!'" "HIDEOUS ID-HOUSE and HERPES PHEERS SPHERE are spray-painted here." "Kim Rosen: Smokin-er! More Skin!" "Le Hot Hotel gives discounts to Store C shoppers." "LEGALIZE HERB LOTS a sign reads." "A lurid URL ID for the spiciest pics site." "The Mod Method is the latest 'literature.'" [p] "No coital location? Margo's Onan-Anon!" "No-Saint Nations are apparently a support groups for the Onanist." "'No SHOWER here. Don't ask.'" "Oh, darn! Throb-Broth, debonair boner aid, sold here." "Oh dear. Not a legit ad. 'Get L...'? Whoah." "Old IDs are sold here. Huh?" "Onan-Anon leaflets. All with anno. Bleah." "A personal porn sale." "Porn We Preown: Adult Epics['] duplicates." "PORNOG=NO PROG is spray-painted in a corner." "Racy Lit full of Clarity (with the Jeff Kors, Geoff T or Raw Ken Newark personal porn seal) sold here." "Riesgo-Ogier's Orgies." "Smoking Kim Song and Illegal Li'l Gale have shopped here." "Something for Steamy Mateys." "Splitman Implants sold here!" "A strumpet trumpets all-babes baseball." "They don't discriminate: nudies or undies." "'This is a LEGIT AD to help you (censored)!!!'" "Tommy's Mm-toys: dirty I'd try." "Transgressions Grant Sessions." "Wares from Burma Station and Bad John's." "The Weep-Shop advertises something for your eyes here." "Whoopie's Whoopsie: Bondage Gone Bad." "You briefly wonder if you'll find sapient panties in there that might give a hint, then you feel kinda guilty." "You overhear 'Preview.' / 'Ew, I... perv!'" "You see a warning: Loot Porn? Poltroon!" "You see striptease tapestries and are sorry you did." "You think you hear 'You perv, voyeur :p' but notice the nice moot emoticon." [p] table of store c competitors [xxs] blurb "ArtCo IE Erotica" "Bub's, Err, Rubbers" "Clean Bums: a Men's Club" "Colin's Sin Loc" "Condom-Up Compound" "Coxe's SexCo" "Crisper, Err, Pics" "Dennis [']N Enid's Sin Den" "Deviances an['] Devices" "Diana's Sin-Aid" "Discreet Ted Rice's" "Ek's Meat Markets" "Epic Coeds['] Codpieces (Eco-Spiced)" "EZ-Sin Zines" "Feralised Elfrieda's" "Gibson Sin Bog" "Gonnella Nonlegal-Long Lane" "Hamer's Harems" "Hedonism-Cad Odd Machines" "Holbert's Brothels" "Honedist Hedonist" "Hot Pets: the Spot" "I-So-Bold Libidos" "I'm-In-U Condom Condominium" "In-Haste Hentais" "Insertable Albertine's" "Karin's Sin Ark" "Kendrick's Kink-Creds" "Kink Cubs['] Buckskin" "L'Harem Harlem" "Let's Play: All Types" "Lipsopolis" "The Lurid Idler Hut" "Maher-Ahmer Harem" "Maiden Median" "Mart Chen's Charm-Nest Merchants" "Martin's Sin-Mart" "McSnood Condoms" "Mo['] Sick Mick-o's" "Moist Tomi's" "Moody's Sodomy" "Mortal-Sin Loins-Mart" "Naomi's Maison" "Nastier Renita's" "Nikki's is Kink" "No-Maid Domain" "No-Rules Ron Lue's" "Obscener Cerbone's" "Oft-Sucky ****-Toys" "Old Evia's Love Aids" "Paternoster Penetrators" "Penni's Penis [']N Sin Pen" "Pert Erv's" "PervyVyper" "Po['] Ron's Pornos" "Pop Hay's So-Happy Pay Shop" "Pro-Stim Imports" "Regal Io's Seraglio" "Relapse-Us Pleasures" "Ringo's Groins-Sin Org" "Riskiest Kirstie's" "Risque Squire" "Rox Estes Sex Store" "RudeCorp's Producers." "Salty Tyla's" "Schroader Hardcores" "Seider's Desires" "Sensorial Rosaline's" "Serene Renee's" "Sicker Erick's" "Sin Bay's Sybians" "Sinner Erinn's" "Skee-Z-Zeke's" "Slattern Lattner's" "Smut-Offer-Fest Forum" "Swinger Gerwin's" "Tartest Tatters" "To Rude Detour D'Outre" "Tokyo's OK Toys" "Tom-Boy's Boom Sty, by Smoot" "Trashier Harriet's" "Unchaste Ace Hunt's" "Unspeakable Anal Peek Bus" "Val's Dope Love Pads" "Vic Ree's, Er, Vices Service" "Vices an['] Sin Cave" "Wilde's Is Lewd" "Your Lit: Further Rule Thirty-Four" table of tokers nonsense [xxs] blurb "'The A-Ok Toke! Ah!'" "'Any pot? Pay not!' they tempt you, but things are mind-bending enough." "'Bake mud, make bud,' one toker giggles." "'A trance can tear [']n create!'" "'Bask there: Herbs take the breaks!' they say, channeling Herb Keats." "'Be a dork--or baked!' / 'OK, Debra.'" "'Be stoned: bested? No!'" "A belch. A 'Blech.'" "'Big Deals Ads? Bilge!'" "'Bong hit, Ox?' / 'Hotboxing!'" "Bong hits. Both sing." "'Bum, do mo['] bud!'" "'The colors! Hot! Closer!'" "'Cop, toke! Pot! Coke!' they chant." "'Dang wild dawdling!' they laugh, waddling some." "'Dat hemp's phat meds!'" "'Daub a bud!'" "'Dime bags? Mega dibs!'" "'The dope: deep, hot!'" "Dreamy recollections of Mac's Herb Chambers." "'Drug use urged us,' they smirk." "'Ed, Wes! Seed w/ weeds!'" "'Eh, Pip, I...' / 'Hi! Pipe, hippie!'" "'For Ed is so fried!'" "'Frantic narc fit!' someone yells, giggling." "'Get high night, eh?'" "'Gets baked? Beats keg'd!'" "'Go-ban-a-bong Bogan? No, bag!'" "'God Runs on Drugs!!!'" "'Got tensed? Get stoned!'" "'Hemp is hep, Sim!' / 'I'm SHEP!'" "'Hemp! Dust the dumps!'" "'High? Us? HUGH is...'" "'Hip med, hemp? I'd dip, hem!'" "'HIS pot? Po['] ****! To pish!'" "'Hog it, ho!' / 'Too high.'" "'Hooked? Ok, heed.'" "'Hop to pot, ho!'" "'Hot [']n big bong hit!'" "'Hotbox?' / 'Thx, Boo!'" "'I met TIME!'" "'I'm baked!' / 'Bad, Mike!'" "'If pure, fire up!'" "'The imps['] mesh pit: it's hemp!'" "'Items, Don.' / 'Send Tom. I--I'm stoned!'" "'Join at a joint,' they sing." "'Joint, Al? JAIL!!!! NOT!'" "'Junkies juke sin!'" "'Le bong! Belong!'" "'Lo! Binge! I belong!'" "'Make out, um, a toke...'" "'Me, I'd... Medi-dime!'" "'Me Tooks Mo['] Tokes to Smoke,' they sing." "'Mo['] Stash to Smash!'" "A moony 'Yo, mon.'" "Music by Droning Grondin plays." "'My poem: mm, poey!'" "'Narco-acorn?' ... 'AN ORC!'" "'Nate Tokes. Take notes,' says [if nestor is visible]Nestor[else]one of them[end if], and his pals all giggle." "'Needle Lendee!' they cry at riff-raff." "'No highs? Sigh, hon.'" "'No weed now, dee? We done!'" "'O phat pot, ah!'" "'O yep! Poey!'" "'Oblong ol['] bong!'" "'Oh Petey, the poey poet, hey!'" "'OK, set, stoke!'" "'OK! Ted toked!'" "One moans, 'Men, fail life, man! Inflame!'" "'Our lucid is RIDICULOUS!' one toker yells." "'Pass not sans pot!'" "'The pipe, Pete? Hip!'" "'Poey's POESY!'" "'Pot deal to plead, tadpole,' they sing the blues." "'Pot fair? A profit!'" "'Pot has paths o['] PATHOS!' / 'Ha, stop!'" "'Pot's Tops.' / 'STOP!' they giggle." "'Pot...slow...lots...POW!'" "A practical joke! 'Many cop company, man! Copy?'" "'PROUD TO DROP OUT!' the tokers chant in unison." "'Raw pot? Aw, [i]trop[r] to warp.'" "'Seek Job? Be jokes!'" "'Share it! HASTIER!'" "'Sick THC Schtick!'" "'Sit. Bong.' / 'Big?' / 'Tons!'" "'So baked.' / 'O-K.' / 'BE sad.'" "'So make a smoke!'" "'So, make a smoke?' / 'O, ask [']em!'" "Some tokers recall Bong-Ade gone bad." "A song: 'I sort dung. It's ground into drugs: tin gourds!'" "'Squad to do Squat!' they giggle." "'Stoner so rent!' one of the tokers overacts." "'SunFit: it's fun!' / 'If NUTS!'" "They croon 'O Drug Gourd Ur-God.'" "They discuss drug user-dug ruses." "They discuss smart neon stoner man ornaments." "They jock the THC MD Si Schmidt." "They lecture that mescal-pot-ectoplasm has ample cost--you clamp toes then come splat." "They muse about Free Pot Reef Top, of Cheeba's Beaches." "They perform a skit on St. Niko Kitson." "They recount the plot of the cult 'classic' [i]Ken's Weed Weekends[r]." "They sing 'The Club's THC Blues.'" "'Toke up to puke.'" "The tokers dance a rebels['] BS reel for a bit, then settle down." "The tokers discuss [i]Postmodern Stoned Romp[r], by Red Tompson." "The tokers dream of esp-word powders." "The tokers give ahhs hearing of a new hash shah." "The tokers have a mid-store idea storm." "The tokers have a moment of silence for Hotboxer Rex Booth before whooping his cry 'Oh, bro Tex!'" "The tokers joke 'Mo['] grass? Gross, ma!' You groan when you see the 'subtlety.'" [p] "The tokers mention they want to read [i]Hemp Chat: the Champ[r], by [if player is male]Chet Pham[else]Pam Hecht[end if]." "The tokers miss the incarcerated Lot-of-Weed Fleetwood." "The tokers murmur about Bad-Poey Peabody." "The tokers pan 'The Jock's Chest O'J/Ks' as not real THC jokes." [p] "The tokers pan the book LSD Trips: TLDR Piss." "The tokers pooh-pooh eyespot peyotes." "The tokers quote the latest issue of [i]Sedition Editions[r], by [if player is male]Sid Nieto[else]Enid Tsoi[end if]." "The tokers recall a hot drug drought." "The tokers recap the plot of [i]The Scamp Hemp Cats[r]." "The tokers recap Toke Hobby By the Book, by Hotkey Bob." "The tokers recite from the canon of Bad-Joke Baked Jo." "The tokers say, to nobody in particular, 'Hi, Neal. Inhale? Healin[']!'" "The tokers sing 'Dime Bag Mega Bid' by Dim Gabe." [p] "The tokers sing 'Heed Pot, the Dope,' by [d-t] Heep. They claim it's hot, deep." "The tokers sing 'Hip Tune up in the Pine Hut.'" "The tokers sing 'The Wide Weed Hit With Dee.'" "The tokers sing 'We ain't at Wine' by [if player is male]Nat Wie[else]Tia Wen[end if]." [p] "The tokers sing tha dope phat ode 'Oh Adept Pothead,' by Tad Hope, Dah Poet." "The tokers squabble 'Hog it? Oh, too high!'" "The tokers're all, God is SO, dig?" "'Tokin[']? No kit?'" "'Tom! Repo more pot! Promote!'" "'Torch [']em! More THC!'" "'Uh, gone enough?'" "'Um, no THC?' / 'Not much.'" "'Umm! Ripe! Premium!'" "'Up, aces, to space out! [']Cause pot...'" "'Weed is Wise, Ed!'" "'Wickedest weed stick!'" "'Yo, bake, be okay!'" book routes table of horbert farewells [xxu] blurb "'Bud, lack bad luck.'" "'Consult No Cults.'" "'Disperse no depression.'" "'Edify! Deify!'" "'Go. Do Good.'" "'Goal: hit Goliath.'" "'Goodbye. Obey God.'" "'Heal envy? Heavenly!'" "'Piety. I type. Yep, it...'" "'Pitiful? I uplift.'" "'Postpone not Popes.'" "'Pray less sparsely.'" "'Rate Evil, reveal it, avert lie...relative.'" "'Seekin['] is keen.'" "'So, go send goodness!'" table of horbert musings [xxu] blurb "about the I-confess-sins conf." "ah, yon, Mr. A hymn or harmony." "Aid Ida, Adi..." "bring down? Bind? Wrong." "and sellin['], all sinned." "anecdote, sir: decorate sin, acridest one? Noise! Redact!" "angry? Wow, wrong way." "antidote...donate it." "arguing? Gag. Ruin." "argument? Nag [']em? Rut." "Ave Eva." "avenge it? Negative. Get naive. Give neat even gait." "award show? How sad, raw..." "banters be rants." "Be set, St. Bee." "best mode: be modest." "better Godly than Gold-y." "a bliss-gen blessing." "buried fresh, hubris freed, refurbished!" "burn ego, burgeon." "cash, souls... such a loss." "chartless? St. Charles." "clans weep: new places, clean pews." "complaints of aching pre-preaching." "Cure Dan Durance...uncared..." "Cyan nun? Uncanny." "Dave's saved!" "death is staid, eh?" "desiring's rigidness." "dodge a goaded ego-add." "Dogma? Go mad." "doings in God's song I'd sing. Do dig, son!" "Donatism...saintdom." "Ego, eh? Oh, gee..." "Ego rut? Get our urge to go true." "ego tilt? Legit to let it go." "er, tens resent St. Rene." "erotica...to I CARE." "famished, made fish." "Fish at Faiths? Ah, fits." "Forgiveness: serving foes. Sin fevers go." "get rid of ego. Drift." "Goad a god? O gad!" "the goal's hog least." "Goy Doug...good guy..." "grow venom? Wrong move." "gutsy St. Guy..." "halt a vile have-it-all hate villa..." "halt stark trash talk." "happiness is. Happens." "hatred: in the drain." "Havins['] vanish." "hm, a sorry rosary." "Holiness shines, lo." "Holy grail? Hail glory." "hymn idea in my head...many hide..." "I act pure: a picture?" "I lift up pitiful..." "I, man unto mountain." "I start it. Rats, St. Rita is tart." "I'll stay on saintly, lo." "I'm lost, St. Milo." "I've got to give." "if proud, up! Rid of..." "in sum, minus, um, sin..." "Inept? Beat? Be patient." "is soul nil? Illusions." "It's noon. To no-sin notions!" "its name is meant...tame sin." "Justice, St. Juice." "Kingdoms dig monks." "Lamzor moralz." "less rage. LARGESSE." "Let Sin Enlist? SILENT!" "Let's go, St. Oleg." "love war? Lo, waver." "lustin, d'oh! I shouldn't." "mad ire? Dim era." "'Me, sir:' mires." "melee pits? Sleep time." "monthly Holy Mtn. hymn-lot..." [p] "my arisen seminary an['] misery." "my BONES. Money? BS." "my rec: mercy!" "Nazareth? Ah, art, zen." "Nun bio...gave me a bunion." "O Kevin, invoke no vein." "O, St. Nina anoints nations." "O, venom, move on." "Oh, Tither Hitherto." "oh, whisper is power." "Or sin? No, sir!" "ordering? Err, doing." "pilpul, li'l pup." "a prayer to Sanitary Saint Ray." "...prevents ten pervs." "Pride: I derp." "pride? He's perished!" "Puff-outs put us off." "Pure's super." "Rabbi Barbi..." "rats fit...at first." "Raw monk, mark now. Work, man."[] "regroup, go purer! Up! Roger!" "The remorse...there's more." "Rev. Ho's Shrove Hovers." "Rev. Stan, servant, St. Verna." "Rev. Triton's introverts..." "routines orient us, rise unto us, stonier." "rue, grief, rife urge: refigure." "safety, St. Faye." "Sanity, any, [']tis sainty." "seclusion closes us in." "See real release." "a sermon enamors moaners." "Simply my slip..." "Sin at Insta-Saint Satin Tina's... it's an..." "So, in my...I'm nosy...simony is on. My!" "so it goes. I toss ego." "Soul Pit? Slip out. Pilot us." "spenders['] derpness..." "St. Alex exalts..." "St. Aric... St. Leo... so imperfect." "St. Audrey: rudest, ay." "St. Candice ... helps with accidents..." "St. Care-Caster deserves a crest." "St. Elmo lost me..." "St. Kira, Tark is At-Risk." "St. Linus insults..." "St. Lip-Split IS. PTL." "St. Martin, transmit tantrism." "St. Prius Stirs Up Purists. It spurs..." "St. Tony? Snotty." "Stern Rents, St. Ren." "Stu? Jed? St. Jude? Just Ed." "Sustain us, St. Sanitus!" "Thanks, St. Hank!" "to be like Rev. Figo, Giver of Org Five." "to prey? Rot. Yep." "To sin is not on, is't?" "trite, posy posterity rots piety." "truce cruet... he doesn't eruct." "Ug. Some egos. Um." "uh, I lit my humility." "Up, I try purity." "A vicar? Caviar?" "Virtues rivet us." "vulgarities['] guilt varies." "zap ire: a prize!" "zen: fry frenzy." table of missing deli foods [xxu] blurb "Appealing lagniappe" "Beef or beer of before" "Buffest buffets" "Crud-Curd" "Crumpets Spectrum" "Filet I left" "Idleness Linseeds" "Kelpic Pickle" "Lo-Fat Float" "Meals o['] lame-o's" "Nirvana Navarin" "No-ABC bacon" "Obitual tabouli" "Olives so vile" "A pecan canape" "Picante nitecap" "poets['] pesto" "Precious rice soup" "Roasted red oats" "Senegal Lasagne" "tasto-toast-tatos" "toroid Dorito" "Upstream tempuras" "Usual Luaus" "Utes['] suet" table of moralizers [xxu] blurb "A. Turnip, Puritan" "Abjured Jeb Radu" "Abjurer Jae Burr" "Explanatory [if player is male]Early Paxton[else]Roxy LaPenta[end if]" "Act-Naif Fanatic Nia Fact" "Admonisher [if player is male]Misha Roden[else]Sandie Rohm[end if]" "Adviser [if player is male]Sid Vera[else]Vi Deras[end if]" "Advisory [if player is male]Roy Davis[else]Ivy Rodas[end if]" "Al Esquer, Le Square Squealer" "Alarmist Ali Stram" "Ale/Rum Mauler [if player is male]Mel Rau[else]Erma Lu[end if]" "Amender Man Reed" "Anchorite Hortencia" "Angelic Celia Ng" "Annoyer Oren Yan" "Anti-Booze Zoe Bonita" "Anti-Clod Cid Alton" "Anti-Crime Metrician Mina Trice" "Aphorist Pia Short" "Ardent Nat Erd" "Asinine Rut Insinuater Erin Austin" "Assertoric Ostraciser [if player is male]Rico Sastre[else]Sari Cortes[end if]" "Ban-Wild Baldwin" "Behaver Ev Baehr" "Blustery [if player is male]Les Truby[else]Elsy Burt[end if]" "Bolstering Gilbertson" "Briber Ribber Bri Erb" "Bunkered Debunker Ned Burke" "Burdened Rene Budd" "Called Cadell" "Calvinist Civil Stan" "Cancely-Clean Cy Clancey" "Captious Tia Csupo" "Caring-est [if player is male]Eric Tsang[else]Cris Tegan[end if]" "Casuist Staci-Su" "Catchiest Catechist Chet Ticas" "Catchiest Catechist Sacchetti" "Cauter-Curate Art Cue" "Caviler [if player is male]Al Cervi[else]Val Rice[end if]" "Ceasing-Gins Ace" "Celibate [if player is male]Abel Tice[else]Bee Altic[end if]" "Censurer Ren Cruse" "Changed Ed Chang" "Chastiser [if player is male]Rich Seats[else]Trish Case[end if]" "Cherub Bucher" "Chider Dr. Eich" "Chosen Schoen" "Citator [if player is male]Art Coit[else]Cari Ott[end if]-Ricotta" "Clarion Carolin" "Clear Clare" "Coach-Man McConahe" "Complainant Monica Plant" "Concerned Ced Conner" "Conformist Simon Croft" "Confuser Ern Fusco" "Contrary Ron Tracy" "Counselor Lou Cosner" "Crucifier Ferrucci" "Debunked Budd Keen" "Demonizer [if player is male]Rod Menzie[else]Inez Moder[end if]" "Denier Gal Geraldine" "Derider Deirdre" "Deviant-End Vita" "Devoted Ted Dove" "Diluvian Ludivina" "Disgruntled Ed Lundgrist" "Disgust-Digs Stu" "Disputer-Purist Ed" "Diviner Ed Irvin" "Dogmatic Magic [d-t]" "Don't-Fart Natt Ford" "Dr. Bible-Dribble" "Drugger Grudger Greg Urd" "Ed Most Modest" "Eglise Gisele" "Eternising Steininger" "Faultfinder [if player is male]Delta Ruffin[else]Rutland Fife[end if]" "Fearmonger [if player is male]Armon Grefe[else]Gema Renfro[end if]" "Fingerer [if player is male]Ren Greif[else]Geri Fern[end if]" "Firebrand [if player is male]Brian Fred[else]Fern Baird[end if]" "Flouts-of-Lust Loftus" "Fluster-Lust Ref St. Fleur" "Found Fund-O Don Fu" "Fractious [if player is male]Curt Sofia[else]Cari Foust[end if]" "Frenetic Infecter [if player is male]Eric Fent[else]Fern Tice[end if]" "Gallant Tall Nag Nat Gall" "Generalist Easterling" "Godlier Gloried Gil Rode" "Grater Garret Trager" "Gratin['] Tigran" "Greater Traeger" "Grinch Rich Ng" "Grouser Reg Urso" "'Guilts' Lustig" "Hammering Marge Minh" "Harems Masher Mr. Ashe" "Heap-Crime Impeacher [if player is male]Ari McPhee[else]Pam Cherie[end if]" "High-Road Dari Hogh" "Holy Man Lon Mahy" "Honester Hortense Thoresen" "Humblest Seth Blum" "Hypnotic, Pythonic Ty Chopin" "I-Know-Best Kit Bowens" "I'm-Law Wilma" "Icky Mr. Myrick" "Ideologue Leo Goudie" "Ill [']N Grave Gallin['] Rev. Granville" "Imputer Pure Tim" "Incisiver Eric Ivins" "Inferior [if player is male]Orin Frei[else]Rori Fine[end if]" "Ingrate Geri Tan" "Injured Dr. Junie" "Internet-Renitent Trent Nei" "Involved Live Devon" "Jacked-Up Jude Pack" "Just Wise Wes Tsuji" "Justified Judi Feist" "Kneller Kellner" "Literal [if player is male]Ira Tell[else]Tia Rell[end if]" "Low-Sin Wilson" "Luminary [if player is male]Marlin Yu[else]Myrna Lui[end if]" "Lyncher Cherlyn" "Mad Priest [if player is male]Tim Spader[else]Tari Demps[end if]" "Malicing-Claiming Gia McLin" "Maligner [if player is male]Neal[else]Lena[end if] Grim" "Mannerist Martinsen" "Meddler Mel Redd" "Mentor Merton" "Messiah Ami Hess" "Micromanager Marco Germain" "Militant Latin Tim" "Min-Shag [if player is male]Mig Nash[else]Ms. Hanig[end if]" "Miracle Claimer Ari Clem" "Monachist Macintosh" "Mooter Toomer" "Moral Marlo" "Moralist Lori Stam" "Moralistic [if player is male]Racist Milo[else]Lori Stimac[end if]" "Most-Proper Pop Stromer" "Mrs. Elle, Smeller" "Muckraker Marc Kurek" "Mudslinger Miles Grund" "Mullah Al Hulm" "Nagger Grange Gregan" "Nat the Thetan" "Neater Treena" "Needler Enderle" "Needliest Edelstein" "Needly Nedley Leyden" "Neg-Nut Nugent" "Negative [if player is male]Avi Tegen[else]Eve Ganti[end if]" "Negster Gersten Stegner" "Never-Pert Preventer Vern Peter" "Nice Smart [if player is male]Marc Stein[else]Cami Stern[end if]" "Nippers snipper Ren Sipp" "Nitpicker Kit Prince" "No-Bad Abdon" "No-Bar Baron Barb O'Ronan" "No-Beers Ben Rose" "No-Booze Zoe Bono" "No-Brew Browne" "No-Candy Ann Cody" "No-Change Genna Cho" "No-Greed-Den Ogre Don Eger" "No-Hate Nate Ho" "No-Lies Elison" "No-Salt St. Lona" "No-Smut Tom Sun" "No-Swears Rose Swan" "Not-Sex Sexton Tex Sno" "Noteworthy Ty Howerton" "Nudger Gruden" "Nullify-Fun Lily" "Ol['] Pat, Pal to Plato" "Oracle Carole Calero" "Oracular Raul Cora" "Out-Bred Doubter But Rote" "Overalert Revelator [if player is male]Trevor Lea[else]Lora Evert[end if]" "Pam the Empath" "Paradigm Prig Adam" "Parson Rapson" "Partisan Nat Paris" "Passionate Iona Spates" "Pastor Sproat" "Pedant Pa Dent" "Pedant Ted Pan" "Pensive Vespin Snip Eve" "Per-Sin Sniper Perrin Snipes" "Pete Marr, Mr. Repeat-Tamperer" "Petulant Neal Putt" "Plagiarist April Tigas" "Play-Nice [if player is male]Lance Yip[else]Lacy Pein[end if]" "Polyester Proselyte [if player is male]Loy Peters[else]Elsy Perot[end if]" "Ponderers['] Responder Ren Pedros" "Pop, Virtues-Supportive" "Preachiest Pat Scheier" "Preachy Chap Rey" "Pure [if player is male]Rupe[else]Prue[end if]" "Pure Got-to-Purge Peg Rout" "Purposes Supposer [if player is male]Russ Pope[else]Rose Upps[end if]" "Qubbler Riq Buble" "Questioner Roque-Stein" "Rational Ali Arnot" "Re-Cured Reducer Ed Curre" "Re-Risen Reisner" "Re-Voiced Divorcee [if player is male]Eric Dove[else]Evie Cord[end if]" "Rebutted Burdette" "Redeem-Em Reed" "Reformer Mo Ferrer" "Regarded Degrader [if player is male]Ed Gerard[else]Dede Garr[end if]" "Rehabs-Basher Absher" "Relevant [if player is male]Art Leven[else]Val Treen[end if]" "Rescued Ed Cruse" "Responsible Biles-Person LeBron Sipes" "Rev. Art Tarver" "Rev. Green, Revenger" "Rev. Luc Culver" "Rev. Ned Denver" "Revolted [d-t] Lever" "Right One [if player is male]Thor Egin[else]Inge Hort[end if]" "Righteous Geri South" "Rivaling Virginal [if player is male]Gil Arvin[else]Avril Ing[end if]" "Roundest-Tonsured Drone Stu" "Rousing, Souring, Grousin['] [if player is male]Gus Rino[else]Su Gorin[end if]" "Sanitary Nasty Ari" "Savior Arviso" "Scapegoat [if player is male]Paco Gates[else]Peg Acosta[end if]" "Scare-Cares Cesar" "Scolder Dr. Coles" "Scolder Les Cord" [] "Scoldy Clod Sy" "Screedy Ced Ryse" "Sectarian Cara Stein" "Sensible [if player is male]Neil Bess[else]Bess Neil[end if]" "Severe Reeves" "Shamer Ramesh" "Sharia Ira Ash" "Sharia-Thirst Trisha Hartis" "Sin Noter Ornstein" [] "Sincere Nic Rees" "Skeptical [if player is male]Kip Castle[else]Lita Speck[end if]" "Smartie Marie St. Reitsma-Maestri" "Smircher Schirmer" "So-Right Og Hirst" "Sobering Giberson" "Stan, Greed-Estranged" "Stately Testy Al" "Stern Gil Sterling" "Steward Ed Straw" "Stickler Rick Elst" "Stingy Yingst" "Straw Man Mart Swan" "Strident Ned Ritts" "Superior Prior Sue" "Swami Wasim" "Tailored Idolater [d-t] Ariel" "Tattler Art Lett" "Teach-Pastor Sacha Potter" "Temperance Pete Carmen" "Tensioner Orenstein" "Theistic Ethicist Tish Tice" "Tolerant [if player is male]Trent Loa[else]Erna Lott[end if]" "Too-Humble Ol['] Bum Theo" "Too-Near Tora Eno" "Too-Smart [if player is male]Art Smoot[else]Rosa Mott[end if]" "Too-Strict Tori Scott" "Touched Ted Chou" "Trample-Templar [if player is male]Art Pelm[else]Pam Ertl[end if]" "Trier Terri" "Truthy Hurt Ty" "Tutress Russett" "[']Umbler Mr. Blue" "Un-Deep Rox, Expounder" "Un-Free Rene Fu" "Unamused [if player is male]Duane Sum[else]Sue Duman[end if]" "Unbearable Reuben Alba" "Unchanged Dean Chung" "Unsubtle Blunt Sue" "Uplifted Tepid Ulf" "Verbatim Bev Mitra" "Victorian Victorina" "Vintager Grievant [if player is male]Trev Agin[else]Teri Vang[end if]" "Vocaliser [if player is male]Oscar Levi[else]Cora Slive[end if]" "Vocalizer [if player is male]Levi Zarco[else]Liz Cavero[end if]" "Warnin['] WINNAR Narwin" "Yap-Not Payton" "Yell-Ban Allenby" "Yuna, Epic Picayune" "Zealot Zoe Tal" "Evict-Sin Vic Stein-Vicentis" "Axe-Grind [if player is male]Rex Gadin[else]Regan Dix[end if]" "Zealous Sue Zola" table of rev ali advice [xxu] blurb "ABNORMAL BAN = MORAL" "ADS KILL ALL KIDS" "AFOS = OAFS" "PART BUNK? BANKRUPT" "HATE SIN, OK? SHAKE ON IT" "A CROOK? O, CROAK" "AH, VOWIN[']? HOW VAIN" "ALLURIN[']: RUIN ALL" "ALOHA, OL['] OOH-LA-LA" "APHORISMS NET MISANTHROPES" "ASK NO KOANS" "ASPIRANT ANTI-RAPS PARTISAN, RIP SATAN" "ATHEISM'S MASHIEST" "BANG-O! GO BAN A BONG" "BASSLINE, LESBIANS = SIN, BALES" "BAWDINESS IS BAD NEWS" "BE CARING? NICE BRAG" "BE DECENT: BENT, CEDE" "A BE-IN? I? BANE" "BE-INS/IBSEN BE SIN" "BE MINDLESS? SEEMS BLIND" "BEATLES BE STALE" "BEER, CADS? BE SCARED" "BEER? VILE, BELIEVER" "BEERS, CAD? BE SCARED" "BEN-WA? EW! BAN" "BIT TRUE TRIBUTE? REBUT IT" "BLOW UP, LOW PUB" "BLUNDER-LED? BURN" [] "BOOZE DENS NEED BOZOS" "BORN AGAIN? NO BARGAIN" "BREATHE WRONG? BANE REGROWTH" "THE BRIG BE RIGHT" "BRING UP BURPING? BURN, PIG" "BUDDHAS? BAH! DUDS" "A BURP'S SUBPAR" "CERTITUDE! RECTITUDE" "CHA-CHA? ACH! ACH" "CHARITABLE? LIAR, BETCHA" "COMPASSION? SCAM! POISON" "CONSIDER, SCORN, DIE" "CONSUMING GIN? NO, SCUM" "CONTEMPLATE ALE: CONTEMPT" "COOP LIARS, ACROPOLIS" "COPULATE-PLACE? OUT" "CRAVE GOLD? COLD GRAVE" "CREATIVES? VISCERATE" "CREED CEDER? DE-REC" "CULTURES, CURE LUST" "CUPIDITY? PUDICITY" "DANCE = CEDE DECADENCE" "DEALINGS = DANG LIES" "DEISM NOW, MR? SIMMER DOWN" "DESIST, DEISTS" "THE DEVIL: A VILE DEATH" "DIANETICS INDICATES ANTICS. DIE" "DIG NOT DOTING" "DIG THOR? DO RIGHT" "DIGNITY? TIDYING" "DISDAIN SIN, I ADD" "DISLIKE LIES, KID" "DISORDER = SORDIDER" "DO INK? NO, KID" "DO WRONG? GO DROWN" "DOFF LUST? OLD STUFF" "DOING IN GOD? NO, DIG" "DONATE? ATONED" "DOWN THY WHY-DON'T" "DREAD NOT? DON'T DARE" "EDITORIALS = IDOLATRIES" "EGO: VIRUS, GRIEVOUS" "EH, A TOT TO HATE" "EH, PURE UP HERE" "EH, RYE'S HERESY" "EH, SEX = HEXES" "ELEGISING = EGGIN[']! LIES" "EMPATHY IS SHAM PIETY" "ENERVATE? VENERATE" "ENSHEATH HEATHENS" "ERECTIONS NECROTISE" "EUDEMONISTS? SEDIMENTOUS" "F'ING ODD? FIND GOD" "FAITHFUL-FITFUL? AH" "FERULE? RE-FUEL" "FILM SET? LEFTISM" "FILTH AS TEXT? LET'S FIX THAT" "FITNESS FEST = SIN" "FLAKINESS: SINK A SELF" "FLASHIEST? FAITHLESS" "FLESH IS SELFISH" "FOIL SLOTH, SOLO FILTH" "FOREPLAY? PRAY, O ELF" "FORESTALL, FELLATORS" "FORGO YE GOOFERY" "FORNICATING = FRACTIONING" "FOULNESS LOSES FUN" "GAY PRIDE? GRIPE DAY" "GEISHAS? HISSAGE" "GENTILES? STEELING" "GIN HATE GAINETH" "GO BET? BE GOT" "GO FUND GOD? FUN" "GO SOBER, GOOBERS" "GOD BANS BAD SONG" "GONE BAD? GOD BANE! NO BADGE" "GOT LINGERIE, ELITE GRINGO? GET RELIGION" "GRACE = LIES/SACRILEGE" "GRIEF'S FUN! SUFFERING" "GUILDERS = SLUDGIER" "GUILE = LIE, UG" "GUITARS? OUT! GRATUITOUS" "HARDLINE HANDLER = I" "HASSLE? LASHES" "HATE GOD? GO! DEATH" "HATE SIN IN HASTE" "HATEFUL, EH? FAULT" "HEDONISM? MIS-HONED" "HEDONISM? MONISHED" "HEDONISTS = DISHONEST: [']STONISHED" "HELLFIRES RILE FLESH" "HEURISM? MUSHIER" "HICKEYS: SICK, HEY" "HIS DEMONS: HEDONISM'S DIMNESS, OH!" "HIS GOAL: NO HOOLIGANS" "HONEST AIM: NO ATHEISM" [] "HOPE? EH, PO[']" "HOPING'S NIGH? SOP" "HOPING? ROT. POOR THING" "HOT DIVE = THE VOID" "HOT SIN? **** NO" "HUMANISM? HAH! MINUS" "HURT GOD? DROUGHT" "I BLESS? BS! LIES" "'I DODGE GOD?' DIE" "I FLED SINNERS['] FRIENDLINESS" "I KNOCK KINKCO" "I RE-DAMN DREAMIN[']" "I SANCTION ONANISTIC INACTIONS" "I SCOFF OFF SCI" "I SCORN SCORIN[']" "I SENSE SIN, SEE" "I SUNDER RUDE SIN" "I'D SLUR LURIDS" "IDLE, EH? TV? THE DEVIL" "IDOLATRY DAILY = ROT" "IF BINGE, BIG FINE" "IF NEUTRAL, REAL UNFIT" "IF PRIDE, FIE, DRIP" "ILL TEMPER: MELT PERIL. TELL, PRIME" "ILL TEMPER? PRIME! TELL, MELT PERIL" "IMAGINER? MIGRAINE" "IN DOUBT? NOT I, BUD" "INCULPATE! CLEAN IT UP" "INFIDELS FIND LIES" "INSOUCIANT? CAUTION: SIN" "INTO CRUDE? INTRODUCE REDUCTION" "INTO US? SIN: OUT" "INTOX? NO! X IT" "IT'S NORMAL? MORTAL SIN" "IT'S PAP, PAPIST" "IT'S THE TITHES, THEIST" "KORAN? O, RANK" "KUMBAYAS? SAMBA? YUK" "LACK BIBLE? I'LL BE BACK" "LECTORSHIP? SPLOTCHIER" "LEGIT RAVE: GIVE LATER = GREAT EVIL" "LENIENT? A POX: EXPONENTIAL" "LESS CRIME! MERCILESS" "LET'S FIX SEX-FILT" "LEWD ACTOR? COLD WATER" "LOOK WEIRD? LO, WORK, DIE" "LOST ONCE? NOT CLOSE" "LSD IS NOT SIN? DOLTS" "LUST, HERE? THE RULES SLUR THEE" "LUST'S RIFE, FRUITLESS" "LYIN'S SINLY" "MAGIC? BS! BIG SCAM" "MALT, SON? LOST MAN" "MANKIEST? MISTAKEN" "MERCY IS CRIMES-Y" "MISSED DEISMS? DISS [']EM" "MODERATE = MERE TOAD" "MODERNITIES? MISORIENTED" "MOONIES? NOISOME" "MOOSH HOMOS" "MOST DYE. MY DOTES? MODESTY" "MUSICAL? AIL, SCUM" "MUSING SIN? MUG" "NAG PROUDLY. PARDON? UGLY" "NEW AGE? GEE, NAW" "NICKNAMES SICKEN, MAN" "NIL PUBIC IN PUBLIC" "NOBLESSE? BONE LESS" "NOISY? OY, SIN" "NOT MAD TO DAMN" "NOT ODD? DON'T DO D-N-D, TOO" "NOT SERIOUS = TOO-SURE SIN" "NUTS TO NO-TUTS SUTTON" "O, DOGMATIST MATT IS GOOD" "O, STOW WOOTS" "ODD IF DO DIF" "OF SIN: NO IFS" "OGLE OFT? FOOL, GET LET GO OF" "OGLIN'S LOSING" "OH, I'D SLAY HOLIDAYS" "OL['] MINDSET: DON'T SMILE? NOT MISLED" "ONE THRILL? ROT IN HELL" "ONE URGE, YO? YOU'RE GONE" "OR SIN? NO SIR" "OUGHTNESS = TOUGHNESS" "OUT, RASH AUTHORS" "OVID? VOID" "OW, SIN WINS, O WINOS" "PANTHEIST? IN THE PAST" "PARDON DA PORN? NO, PARD[']" "PASSION IN SOAPS? NO, I PASS" "PENETRANT? REPENTANT" "PENTAGRAM? PAGAN TERM" "PERISH NOT THE PRISON" "PERVERSION OVERRIPENS" "PHARISEE, EH? PRAISE HEAPS? IRE! I RESHAPE" "PHOBIA'S A BISHOP" "PICK NOSE? SICK PEON" "POPELESS, PEOPLES'S PEP LOSES" "PORN IS PRISON" "POSH BI BISHOP HIP? SOB" "POSIT NO POTIONS" "POUND NO PUD" "POUTISH? SHIP OUT" "PREVENT TV-PREEN" "PRO-GAY? GO PRAY" "PRO-SIN? PRISON ROPIN'S" "PROSECUTE CREEP-OUTS" "PUB RUN? BURN UP" "PUBLIC HOUSE, EH? PIOUS CLUB" "PUN-CREED? PRUDENCE" "PURE BOD? BE PROUD" "PURITANISM IMPAIRS? NUT" "RAPTURES? RUSE! TRAP" "RATE VICE CREATIVE?! REACT! VIE" "RE-OFFEND? FOREFEND" "RE SMOKING: SMIRK GONE" "RE-UPDATE: I REPUDIATE" "REASONING? GO NEAR SIN" "RECIDIVOUS, VERIDICOUS" "REPULSE A PLEASURE PLEA? SURE" "REVELOUS? RULE'S OVER" "RID PLAY RAPIDLY" "RIP A CULT? A CULPRIT" "ROTE PAGANS['] PATRONAGE: GROPE SATAN" "RUE ALL ALLURE" "RUT? WRATH! RAW TRUTH!" "(S'MORE MORES)" "SALOONS? NO! A LOSS" "SANCTION NO ANTICS" "SANEST SIN? NASTINESS" "SAUCINESS CAUSES SIN" "SCANTITY = SANCTITY" "SCI-FI IS FIC" "SECULAR RECUSAL: SLUR? ACE" "SECULAR? NO: LARCENOUS" "SEE GIN: GEE, SIN" "SHINTO? NO, THIS" "SHOOT UP? THOU P O S" "SHOULDN'T HOLD NUTS" "SICKO? I SOCK" "SILLINESS IS ILLNESS" "SIMONY? O MY, SIN" "SIN AMOUNT: MOUNTAINS" "SIN HUT? SHUN IT" "SIN NOW WINS ON" "SIN'S FEAR: FAIRNESS" "SIN? COUNT UNCTIONS" "SIN? OOP: POISON" "SIN? PROPOSE OPPRESSION" "SMUT-CO = TO SCUM" "SO PERVY? VERY? P O S" "SO VALIANT? SALVATION AVAILS NOT" "SODS, END ODDNESS" "SOFT? NAA. A FAT SON OF SATAN" "SOT KING? GO SKINT" "SPONSOR PORN? SOS" "A SPORTING PASTORING? GROAN! PITS" "ST. BRAD: A BAD STAR" "ST. CINDI INDICTS" "ST. DEON = STONED DEN-SOT" "ST. ELY'S SLYEST STYLES? LESS, T/Y" "ST. ENCINI ISN'T NICE" "ST. LOU, OL['] STU: LOUTS" "ST. TERIL LITTERS" "STAGNATE: GET SATAN" "STAND ST. DAN = AN STD" "STAR SHINES? TRASHINESS" "STARK FOE OF TAKERS TO FREAKS" "STIR UP, PURIST! SPUR IT" "SURTOUT: SORT OUT OUR TOTS" "A SWINGER? SWEARING? EW! ARG! SIN" "SYMPATHY: A PSY-MYTH" "TAPHOUSE? PHASE OUT" "TAROT = A TORT" "TECHIER? HERETIC" "TEEN SIMPS? EMPTINESS" "THIRD LEG? RED LIGHT" "THIS REV THRIVES" "THOR'S SHORT" "THOU, BEG? BE TOUGH" "THRUST TRUTHS" "THUS PRIM TRIUMPHS" "TO HAREMS: SHAME! ROT" "TO RAP'S A SPORT, PASTOR? PART! SO" "TO STUMP: SMUT, POT" "TORAH, HO? ART? HA, ROT" "TRAIN UP, PURITAN" "TRANSMIT TANTRISM? TAINTS, MR" "TRIPE'S RIPEST" "TRITHEISTS? THIRSTIEST" "TURPITUDE: TIED UP RUT" "TV: ART, YES? TRAVESTY" "UM, BILE'S SUBLIME" "UNCHOSEN? NONE SUCH. SHUN ONCE. ECHO, NUNS" "UNCLEAR EVILS? SURVEILLANCE" "UNTOWARD? DRAWN OUT" "UP TO SIN? SPIN OUT" "UP! I SO PIOUS" "UR-SIN: RUINS" "URGENT! SIN INSURGENT" "US, PURER PURSUERS" "V. PUERILE? PURE EVIL" "VANITY IN TV? AY" "VILIFY ROT, FRIVOLITY" "VITUPERATE? A VIRTUE, PET" "VOICE HATE TO ACHIEVE" "WANDER? SINS. INWARDNESS" "WHO RIPS WORSHIP? MAD SIN ADMINS" "WINES? EW, SIN" "WISDOM? NO, DOOM WINS" "A WTF = A FATWA" "YO, A SIN? I SAY NO" "YOUR SIDE IS RUDE, YO" "YOUTHFUL? UH, FLY OUT" "YUP, I TRIM IMPURITY" book troves table of checklist items [xxv] blurb "A [if player is male]phone number for[else]note to demote[end if] a secretary, Racy Ester." "Accost ScatCo." "Acy CYA." "Conquer QuernCo." "Cross up SpursCo." "Allay Layla." "Ask out Otsuka." "Assimilate rule-cut culture." "Astonish Shinsato." "Avert Icy Veracity: evict Ray." [] "Ax Mr. Max R. Marx." "B Brave. Abbrev." "Baleet Taleeb." "Ban a new wannabe." "Bank on Ann Bok." "Bar Kyle Barkley, Ray Belk, Bry Lake." "Bar Tex Baxter." "Bash mad, bad sham." "Be bailed out for what I lied about." "Be had = bad, eh?" "Be insulted to be unlisted in DIVORCES magazine." "Be late? Baleet!"[] "Be Lean. Enable." "Beat Spud 'Budapest' Bupstead." "Belabor Rob Bale, Bob Lear." "Belt Arch Albrecht-Batchler." "Bin old Blondi Boldin." "Blackmail Milk Cabal." "Blow off Bo Wolff." "Brainwash Brian Shaw." "Break Baker." "Break up Pa Burke." "Broach Co-Brah Orbach." "BS til blush." "BUDGET: bug Ted." "Bug scam scumbag." "Bump Mel's Plumbers." "Burn Sven Van Buren." "Bury Len Burnley." "Buy Spaz-Zaps if protesters return." "Call back Cal Black." "Call Clint of FlintCo." "Call Export Pro Tex." "Call politicians repealing tax breaks remiss misers." "Call Steven in Events re: Can-Do AdCon and Co." "Call Stevie in Evites!" "Can Mister Miscreant." "Can't Like Nice-Talk Late Nick." "Cast for factors." "Cite [crap]. Practice." "Clean Out UnLateCo." "Clear up Pa Clure." "Closet Telcos." "Co-opt TopCo." "Coca Nut Account: Act, UNCO!" "Collect flat-due default." "Collect LeTelco." "Compress MessCorp." "Conceal Clean-Co Eco-Clan." "Conceal CleanCo." "Confuse FunesCo." "Congratulate Coe, the eco-CEO on his UltraAltru award from GiveAll Village." "Conk Up PunkCo." "Conquer QuernCo." "Consult Luc tons." "Contact A. Greer, your too-easy agreer." "Convert NVertCo Vectron." "Convince Ceci Von Venicco." "Cool Off FloofCo." "Corral Carl or Cal Orr." "Corrode OrderCo." "Cosigning, cognising." "Cover Up U-Perv-Co." "Crack on CrankCo." "Cram In Mr. Cain-McNair." "Credit Dr. Tice." "Cremate McAteer." "Cut Down WundtCo." "Cut off TuffCo." "Cut Out TutuCo." "Cut Sean, Nutcase." "Cut/flay faculty." "Damn, fire Friedman, Janitor in a Jort." "De-frock Eckford." "De-Rank Kendra." "Deal with Ald. White." "Deal with Thad Weil, Dale Whit." "Declare Rec-Lead: Cal Reed." "Decrease Ed Cesare." "Deem Dent Demented." "Defer Dr. Fee." [] "Defer Fred E. Feder. Redef." "Delete Ted Lee." "Demerits: Redist [']em." "Demote a bag manager to garbage man." "Denounce U-Need-Co." "DepotCo: Coopted (?!)" "Deputise Deputies." "Disabuse bad-issue sub-ideas." "Discharge Chad Greis." "'Discount a custodian.'" "Dishearten Eisenhardt." "Disturb Stu Bird." "DO nix Dixon." "Dodgy OAs != good days." "Dog Ed Dodge." "Don't Aid Ian Todd." "Double-cross bold sources." "Dub Bud, Bub DUD." "Dust off stuff. Do." "Earn it. Retain." "Elate Teela, Leeta." "Elston's = net loss." "Embargo Bergamo." "Employ Mo Pyle, Leo Pym." "Enamour Morneau." "Endorse [if player is male]Ron Dee[else]Dorene[end if]'s Son, Reed" "Enjoin Jonnie." "Entrain Tiernan." "Establish Lisabeth's." "Estrange Negaters." "Ethical Lie-Chat." "Extort Rex Ott." "Feast on No-Feats Stefano." "Finance Inn Cafe." "Find gun funding." "Finesse Sin-Fees." "Fire if-er. Refi." "Fire someone over garbage in Garage B." "Fixer X: Fire." "Flog a slob, goofballs, Olaf's Blog." "Floor Rolf-o or Flo." "Focus on SoFunCo." "Force RefCo Coercer Off." "Foster fad tradeoffs." "Fred I. Freid: if Red, Fired!" "Gag Bab, gab-bag." "General egging to get going." "Get a tie on! Negotiate!" "Get designer re-signed." "Get so-so stooges, toss ego." "Give executives a no-bus bonus for buying a fancy new car they must work harder to pay for. Everyday workers can just take the bus, of course." "Give Short Oversight." "Go paste Potages Gestapo." "'Grab. Brag. Brag. Grab.'" "Gut-diss, Disgust Sid Stug." "Hammer Mr. Mahe." "Haste sux, exhausts." "Haste to hot seat. Oh, taste." "Have Ron Han Over." "A helpful reminder to make sure synergies synergise." "Hit stats? That's it." "Honor Ron Ho." "IDEAS. I.e. ADS."[] "(Illegible.) But sly. Subtly." "Impress [if player is male]Mr. Sipes[else]Ms. Pires[end if]." "Improve MORE, VIP!" "Ink Cost: Stick on SkintCo." "Isolate East Oil." "Keep out Pete Kuo." "KO Rob Brook." "Layoff Alf Foy." "Let bums stumble." "Letters all Excuse Us, Exec!" "Lobby for weirdos['] dowries so everyday people don't have to pay taxes." "Locate Cole at LateCo." "Locate LateCo Ace Lot." "Lock in LinkCo." "Lock out KloutCo." "Log more leg room." "Mail Liam a Mil." "Make Linda kinda lame." "Malign Al Ming-Gilman." "Meet. Do. Demote Ted Moe, Tom Dee." "Meet Dr. O. Ted Rome, Demoter." "Meeting: get [']em in, get mine." "Memo: Cut Commute." "Moot Karl's LookSmart Talkrooms." "Nag VIP Paving." "'Name Sy my sane yes-man.'" "Negate ol['] Eagleton. Elongate glee a ton." "Next Day: Deny Tax." "Nip Matt Pittman." "Nix test tent six." "No to Mr. Ron Tom, To Norm Morton." "Note areas feared ad-free." "'Once up, pounce.'" "Only half? Nah, folly." "Oust dire outsider." "Out-Plan Al Upton." "Out-pwn Uptown." "Outsource, courteous." "Pack tie, take pic." "Pass on Spanos." "Patronise Petrosian." "'Perform awful law-fu.'" "Pester Peters, Streep." "Pick on PinkCo, cop kin." "Ping Victor at TrivCo." "Plan new sugared ad surge." "Plot lax poll tax." "Pocket KeptCo." "Polite = top lie to pile." "POS SOP: P.S. Oops!" "Postpone Pop Stone, top peons: open spot." "Pre-filing pilfering." "'Pressure reps? Sure!'" "Prioritise priorities." "Promote feel-raw welfare-free law." "Promote moper to more-top Metro-Op." "Prove Cider Overpriced." "Provoke Poor Kev." "Put Mr. Trump..." "Rattle Tatler." "Re-add dread. Caress scares." "Re-dock OK-Cred Ed Rock." "Re-stun unrest." "Read [i]This Org So Right[r] by Sig Roth." "Ream nice American." "Ream/Nag Manager." "Rec Clean Canceler Clarence." "Rec Tim's Metrics." "Recoup PureCo." "Redact Traced CD Rate." "Regroup or purge." "Reject Jr. E-tec." "Remind Dim Ren." "Reminds: Mr. Denis, Ms. Rendi, Mrs. Nied, Dr. Nimes." "Renew Milo's Limos contract." "Replace Lee Carp, Creep Al, PC Earle, Carl. Eep!" "Reprog. Org-Rep Groper." "Results of the paperboy pay probe." "Retain Terina Artein." "Revenge Ev Green." "Revoke Keevor. (Ever OK?)" "Rid Ken 'Red Ink' Kinder." [p] "Rip Pepe, Peppier Preppie." "Rise again, gain raise." "Robo-call Carl Lobo." "Roil Lori." "Routine to inure or unite." "Rub Off Bo Ruff." "Ruin Jo, Junior." "Sack Jon Jackson." "Scoop up US Pop Co." "Secure private VIP rate." "See SimplyCo Olympics." "See your dope-[a-word] ad posse." "Send all and sell." "Send Lee Needles." "Shadow Ad Show. (How sad!)" "Shake down the claret cartel." "Shun Bad Husband Dan Bush/Bud Nash." "Shut off Stu Hoff." "Sidestep Despites." "Skin Jen Jenkins." "Slam Sue Samuels." "Smash Shams, pwn a pawn." "Sponsor Madcap Ad Camp." "Spur. Be Superb." "Stagier triages." "Startle Statler." "Stay, do today's toy ads." "Steamroll Martello's." "Streamline Learn Times." "StudyCo: CUSTODY." "Stun Del Lunsted." "Subdue/sue Bud." "Subvert, bust Rev. Buster V. Tubvers." "Sue bar abuser." "Sue Mr. Yale Marley." "Tack on TankCo." "Tell BenjiCo, Joe B Inc. Nice Job!" "Throw several employees['] names in the votes stove." "To Alf: Alt of Lo-Fat." "To N.Y. Co & O'Conty not-coy tycoon." "Tolerate to relate." "Traduce Decatur Curated." "Transfer Fran Rest." "Trap/ail partial liar Pat." "'Treat yon no-treaty, tony-rate attorney.'" "Try out Ruy Ott." "Tug aside gaudiest gut-ideas." "Turn off front of Tuff Ron." "Un-Block Col. Bunk, Lon Buck." "Unblock BlunkCo." "Underbids? Disburden." "Unfriend, fire Dunn." "Upshot: Push to, Uh, Tops." "Use Pat Up East." "Use turf futures." "Vet Sal Vestal." "Vine St.: Invest." "Visit Opulent Lout Pen." "A vivid ad via David, Avid Diva." "Void Sue: Devious." "Vote duping: don't give up." "WantCo: Act NOW." "Ware sly lawyers!" "A whiner. New hair. Hire? Naw." "Your motto. Honesty? Tons, Hey!" table of DIVORCES articles [xxv] blurb "[if player is male]Lawrence Li[else]Cari Newell[end if]'s Wine Cellars" [p] "Aerologists['] astrologies." "Alfreda's Real Fads." "All-Best Ballets." "Art Cly's Crystal." "Babblier, Bribable, I Blabber." "Babs on Nabobs" "Bad Style Slated by Lady Best." "Basinger Sabering." "Bits-O-Obits." "Bluer St. Bustler Butlers." "(Bribe A) Barbie Babier." "Cape Hart Race Path" "Charts O['] Hot Cars." "Cigars [']N Racings." "Couples Close Up." "Coy Fans of Cyans so Fancy." "Cragin Racing." "DeCastro's coatdress." "Delphia's Helipads." "Dig posh godship." "Dragonish Hoardings." "Drives to Divert so: I'd Strove." "Ego-Trip: Grope It." "Elan Lane." "Elegances: See, Glance." "Elite Sort Lotteries." "Elites['] Listee." "Elitest Tie List." "Elsha's lashes hassle." "Enrage a Green." "Eva's Hot Have-Tos." "Far Riser Farrier's Ferraris." "Fast Cars as Crafts." "Fiances Face Sin." "Fine Car Fancier." "For Autos So Far Out." "Games for Ego Farms." "Gaudiest Guest-Aid." "Gaudiest Suite, Gad." [] "Glam Note: Gloat, Men! Go Mental." "Goal: Mr. Glamor." "Golf Carts, Logcrafts." "Got Some Gems Too." "Grand Sire Drearings." "Greed-Sin Designer [if player is male]Sid Green[else]Seri Deng[end if]." "Gush: fine Feng Shui." "He Fires Heifers." "Heiress Sherise." "Heros['] Moil Heirlooms." "Hollywood's Lowly Hoods." "Host Ben the Snob." "A Host Has To." "In-Touch Count, Hi." "Income Dump Compendium." "Inside Sets['] Sensitised Tidinesses." "Interest'n Internets." "Kruschke Chukkers." "LA Mag: A Glam-Amalg." "Lefrancois Falconries." "Lou Pecor's Super Cool Pool Cures." "Lucrative Alive Curt." "Maddison Diamonds." "My neon jet enjoyment." "My, opera: pay more." "Nixed Index." "Oho, Gent On the Go."[] "Opulent Letup? NO." "Orient so, sortie on snootier." "Osseins Session." "Ostentatious, Toniest Autos." "Overpriced Divorce Rep Pedro Cervi." "Patronage or Pageant." "Peaseland Esplanade." "Pernods: Spend, or Respond." "Pets to Top Set." "Piloto's Poloist Topsoil" "Poorness Snoopers." "Porsche Porches." "Pride: Sin? Inspired!." "Pruett's putters sputter." "Puerta's pasture: rates up!" "Rapt tipsy party tips." "Rave Us, Saveur: Suaver Vera-Su." "Relisted Deliters." "Remapping pampering." "Repubs: Superb! (Pure BS!)" "A rich cult, Ultra-chic." "The Rich-Hitcher." "Rich pet pitcher Chet: RIP." "Ritzier Terrizi." "Rovinest Investor." "Saintfleur flauntier ultrafines." "Scarcest-Cars Sect." "Second-Dens Co." "Showin['] Who's in: Wish on." "Sir Ted's Dress-It Strides." "Sisterly Styliser Lis Strey." "So-Forced Food Recs." "Society's Cosy Ties." "Solo-profit portfolios." "Spendiest Tepidness." "Starred Traders." "Super-Rich Curer-Ship Price Rush." "Swankest New Tasks." "Ten-Squab Banquets." "Tiny Poem: Pony time! Money pit!" "Tompkins Top Minks." "Trend Fief: Different, Deft, Finer." "Turf-lease ultra-fees: true/false." "Ultra-Ease Laureates." "Ultra smooth moolah trust." "Unfurled-Fund Lure." "Vapid VIP Ad." "Vestal Valets." "Vitreous voitures." "Voguiest Give-Outs." "Waistlines, A-List Wines." "Wanty Tawny Wyant." "Who's That/What's Hot." "Wipers-Outs['] Power Suits." "Your Flux of Luxury." table of ethics advice [xxv] blurb "1 responder = 111 ponderers." "Ad month? Hot [d-word]!" "Advice on the brightest, right bets." "All games distract a true leader, even the socially logical [i]Beggar Bagger[r]." "All spent? Let's plan." "Also recommended, by E. L. Ross: Losers or Less." "Be creative, not reactive! (...and if you have to ask HOW...)" "Be eager when you agree!" "Be freest or fester!" "Be neither slickster not sticklers!" "Being skint has a stink worse than cents['] scent." "Bemoan? Beam on!" "Best bets on how bosses obsess." "Better to spend time in buildings than an idling bus." "Bones worn? Brown-nose!" "The book lionises oiliness as it outlines the lushest hustles." "Bore [']em? Be more!" "Bore, or be." "Bud, to doubt, but do." "Can't outsell a sellout." "'Confused? Focus!' - Ned." "Cost-free is scot-free." "Default flat due? Proper repo PR." "Do whatever busses in business." "Doc Skunt says Don't Suck!" "Don't be minutely untimely!" "Don't put the whiny in WHY." "Eff Eco-Coffee!" "F Softer Efforts!"[] "Face it, i.e. fact: ad-shy people are shady." "Facin['] to info? ACT." "Feel = be feeble." "Find solid idols for nearing earning. Handle your dilatory idolatry adroitly!" "Find where your spark parks!" "Fooling people with a beamy maybe." "For persuasivity, rue passivity." "Frowny? Fry NOW!" "Generating Greatening." "Go fret on it? No, forget it. You'll rebound. You'll be [']round." "Got mere? Get more!" "Got Narcs? Congrats!" "'Got ties, egotist?' discusses the importance of networking and dressing well." "Groan over a governor? I persuade! Super idea!" "Guest advice from Oh-Well Howell on blowing unimportant people's problems off." "Have cries. Search, vie, achievers." "He who still moils without limos must learn the ABCs of cabs." "How to be less noper-prone, except around an important nopers-person." "How to bust buts." "How to deal with buttheads['] hated buts." "How to derail a idler (grammar police need not try.)" "How to go forward with lateral thinking." "How to Toady Today!" "'I can'ts' are worse than antics." "I do not know whether there is a God. I know there is room at the top both for people who think there is too much religion and those who think there is too little." "'I respect receipts' is a good general busy sounding phrase." [p] "If any idiot can be rich, then risk, thinkers!" "If at a fit: FIAT." "If in Soho, Shoo!" "If shy, fishy!" "In the NOW, whine not." "Industry runs tidy. [']S un-dirty." "It is consistent to agree with this book even more on rereading. In fact, if you do not, you read it wrong and wasted time." "Less drugged, less grudged." "Let your raucous ego make you courageous!" "Loaf it to fail, ail oft." "Loot begging, bootlegging: which is worse?" "Make ardent a trend!" "Make them trust your strut!" "Mark now, man. Work. Know. ARM." "Monetised not? Demise!" "My cope lab did not create a placebo!" "Nicest = INSECT." "No INV? Innov!" "Not a stud? Stand out! Do a stunt!" "Note greed: get [']er done." "Obj.: JOB." "Oil expert? Explore it, exploiter!" "On guilt: lug it? No!" "Once right: HECTORING."[] "Outsource Courteous to be more efficient." "Plan it Pliant!" "A preamble says: be ampler!" "A quote from Dan Moy on how to find yon mad Monday a Dynamo." "Routine: Rue it? No." "Rue Even Revenue is a fantasy." "Scrambling Brings Calm." "Setup tip: step it up!" "Show some heart or be horsemeat!" "Some bemoan. Some beam on." "Sportif tips for profits." "Stop? Nope. Postpone."[] "A stupid fable on how voles solve loves." "Stupidity? I tip: study!" "Success is all in the mind, but it is diet-tied too." "A successful leader needs lifters and a stifler." "Tarry, I? Rarity!" "There is nothing too deuced to deduce." "Those pricy hypocrites['] ropy ethics." "Timesaving beats negativism." "To avoid sexism, there's a plug for Zooms! She Shmoozes!" "To get in, get on it!" "Too smug? Mo['] gusto!" "Use Super Pressure." "Using math to whine about exponentially increasing salaries is bigotry, trig boy!" "Using Suing: Easy Ayes." "Usury tips from a loner's loaners." "When? Not then. Now." "Whoot! How to log a goal." "The wit: whet it!" "A worn ode of how the doer won, not some idiot who made one word from a new door." "You don't need pure OCD to produce." "You either UPHOLD or HOLD UP the economy!" "You're never too aliterate to retaliate." table of gritty dialogue [xxv] blurb "'*Sob* gin!' / 'Gibson!'" "'A-ok, mob? KABOOM!'" "'A-team? Eat me!'" "'Aargh! Graah! Hagar!'" "'Hey, gut the guy yet?' / 'Ugh...'" "'Like that? HALT, tike!'" "'Hey, grunt! They rung! Tyner, ugh!'" "'Yon posh phony, so...' / 'Sh, no, spy!'" "'Ace, hi!' 'Eh...ice! I ache!'" "'Ach so! A cosh! Chaos!'" "'The acid, it ached. Hide, cat!'" "'Ack! Ow! Wacko!'" "'Acrimony, Mac. Irony. Corny, am I?'" "'Admire? Idea, Mr.: raid [']em!'" "'Admit it! Mad!'" "'Affinity? Tiffany, I...'" "'Age-flab, fleabag!'" "'Agree, Ragee!'" "'Ah, [d-t] had to do tha...' / 'Oh, DAT?'" "'Ah-ah-AH! Hahahahahaha!'" "'Ah, ted hated Death...' / 'Oh, Tad had to.'" "'Ah, wit! What I hit? Aw.'" "'Ah! A dime! I'm ahead!'" "'Aha, Ed, ahead!'" "'Ahem, it's shame, it...' / 'Eat this, atheist!' (It's hate but coulda been grittier.)" "'Ahem, Kit. TAKE HIM.'" "'Ahem, Ma!' / 'Eh?'" "'Ahem, son. No shame?'" "'Ahem...Mr Hammer? Harm [']em!'" "'Ahh, Ed. He had da...ehh?'" "'Ahmed had me. He mad!'" "'Ahoy!' / 'Oh, ya. Ha. Yo!'" "'Aid cut? Ay. Audacity!'" "'Ail, Fatty? Fatality!'" "'Aim west! Waste [']im!' / 'Me? It was...'" "'Air hockey? Yeah, I rock.'" "'Al, I ail!'" "'Alibi? I bail.'" "'Allo, Lola!' / 'Ol['] Al!'" "'Alloted to. Dealt. Totaled.'" "'Alphonse, phone Sal.'" "'Am I one? Anomie!'" "'Ambush! Bash [']um!'" "'Amigo! Go!' / 'I am!'" "'And bestow beatdowns to bad news.'" "'And GIT, Nat. Dig?' / 'Dang it!'" "'And I'm admin! Man, I'd--[d-word], I...'" "'Andrew?' / 'Naw, Dre.'" "'The angry gentry? HA!'" "'Anonymous? Man, son, you annoy us mo['].'" "'Another hater? No!'"[] "'Any Bus? A sub?' / 'Nyaa.'" "'Any weed, Dewayne?' / 'Aw, needy?'" "'Apathy, Pat?' / 'Yah.'" "'APB: Gil's Big Pals!'" "'Are those... pod things['] dipthongs?'" "'Arg! Hood!' / 'Road hog!'" "'Argue Mo[']? A Morgue.'" "'Arrrested, dearest.'" "'As to new at Owen's--no sweat.'" "'Ashton has not tons, ha!'" "'Aspirin! ... Rain sip!'" "'Assume Seamus sues: Ma amuses.'" "'At large, Al? Great!'" "'At Mike! Take [']im! Make it!'" "'Atoning? Giant no!'" "'Aw, beer, Reba? Ew!'" "'Aw, Ike, I...' / 'Weak!'" "'Aw! Shot? So what?'" "'Away, thug!' / 'What a guy!'" "'BACK door! Bad crook!'" "'Back, still? BLACKLIST!'" "'Back us! [']S a buck!'" "'Bad G! ... D-bag!'" "'Bad g's? D-bags!'" "'Bad men sty? Stand by me.'"[] "'Ballet? Be tall!'" "'Bam! Re-bar [']em!'" "'Band, pal? Bad plan.'" "'Bane, ma!' / 'Be a man.'" "'Bang! Shun bum Hans.'" "'Bash Ed, BS-head. He's bad.'" "'Baum? A bum.'" "'The bear BEAT HER!' / 'Breathe.'" "'Beat down? We not bad!'" [] "'Beat Ed? Debate.'" "'Beef tins? Benefits be finest!'" "'Beehive vibe. Eeh.'" "'Bend to Deb? NOT!'" "'Bet on Ben to not be.'"[] "'Betray? Ye brat!'" "'Bid them debt? HIM?'" "'Bids? Dibs? BS, I'd...'" "'Big man, I'm...' / BANG!" "'Big mouth bigot, hum!'" "'Big score, bro! E-cigs!'" "'Big Snob Gibbons?! Sobbing?!'" "'Bigfoot? Go to FBI.'" "'Bigoted bite, dog!'" "'Biker Ed be IRKED!'" "'Bile? Gad, big deal! Be glad I...'" "'A bite? I...' / 'Beat it, [a-b]!'" "'The blow! Belt!' / 'Who?'" "'Bo Ewing?' / 'Beg, Wino! Begin...OW!'" "'Bo! Pal! Bap ol['] Pablo! Bop Al!'" "'Bo's guild? Og builds Bug-Idols.'" "'Bo's...SOB!' / 'So's Bob!'" "'Bob [']n sons?' / 'BS, no, snob!'" "'Bob, any baby?' / 'No.'" "'Body-Odor Roody? Boo!'" "'Bold hag!' / 'Bald hog!'" "'Bongos? Go, snob.'" "'Bonk Cal Black?' / 'No. Back, Lon!'" "'Book Ma.' / Kaboom! Bam-o! / 'OK.'" "'Boor Inn? Robin! No!'" "'Bop Ron? No prob!'" "'Bowels be slow, slob? Ew!'" "'Bruno! Bo! Run!'" "'BS weed, dweebs!'" "'Bum set? Must be. Bust [']em!'" "'Bungles? Slug Ben!'" "'The bus be shut. Eh? BUST!'" "'Bus fare?' / 'Sure!' / 'Fab!'" "'Bust [']im!' / 'Submit!'" "'But looky! Too bulky!'" "'Cake? Sly, Lackeys!'" "'Calamity? Calm it, ya...!'" "'Call it. I'll act.'" "'Can HE con? No chance!'" "'Can Mo Macon con Ma?' / 'No, Mac.'" "'Can't you count? Ay!'" "'Catastrophe spectator? Ah!'" "'Cede-pact? ACCEPTED!'" "'Cepeda's escaped! Eep, cads!'" "'Chased here? Searched, eh? Hard cheese!'" "'Chat, or torch a hot car?'" "'Chat? I'd--cad, hit a ditch!'" "'Chess? No, she cons!'" "'Choke, bald blockhead!'" "'Chokiest Thickoes!'" "'Chow time! Come with!' / 'Woe, Mitch!'" "'Chow time! Come!' / 'With woe, Mitch!'" "'Class, men! Calmness!'" "'Clout! Do! Out cold, clot duo!'" "'Co-ship... Hi, cops!'" "'Coinage ace? Go in!'" "'A cold, weak deal.' / 'Wacko.'" "'Cold! Ed's scolded!'" "'Columbo! Cool!' / 'Bum!'" "'Come on, Moe! Con!'" "'Command? Mm, can do.'" "'Comrades! More cads!'" "'The con? CHET? NO!!!'"[] "'Conk Ed?' / 'No, deck Ken, Doc.'" "'Cool it. Co-toil.'" "'Cope, Tom. COMPETE!'" "'Coughers!' / 'Grouches!'" "'Could Luc do...' / 'U CLOD.'" "'Cream-a-camera era, Mac!'"[] "'Crooks ROCK so!'" "'A crown car now, raw con?'" "'Cull it? Oh, chill out.'" "'D'oh! Lew howled!'" "'Da SOB! So bad. Sad, Bo.'" "'Dad works? Dorkwads!'" "'Dad! Sue! A dude's DEAD!' / 'Us?'" "'Dammit.' / 'Mad, Tim?'" "'Damn, D-Man!'" "'Damn! Elf Feldman fled, man.'" "'Dan's Beer Brand. See! Seen drab, A Bender's...'" "'Dang, it's angst! I'd...'" "'Dang rap!' / 'Grandpa!'" "'Daniel nailed denial.' / 'Denials and lies!'" "'Dat so, toads? Sad to...'" "'Dat wuss was DUST!'" "'Deadly lady, Ed!'" "'Debauchery curbed?' / 'Yeah.'" "'Deck the kid, Chet!'" "'A def hat...fathead!'" "'Def, if sops pissed-off.'" "'Defeat fate, Ed!'" "'Deft Dale felt dead. Deflated.'" "'Defuser? Refused!'" "'Denotate. DETONATE!'" "'Deputy Ted?' / 'Yup.'" "'Did Leo lie? Odd!'" "'Didact!' / 'Addict!'" "'Die, Edi Eid!'" "'Died, Did [']e? Ed, I'd...'" "'Dino! Odin! Dion! I'd no...'" "'Dirk Irk'd KID R.?!'" "'Dirt po['] tip, Rod!' / 'Drop it.'" "'Dis Work? Skid Row!'" "'Dish, men. He minds? Send him...'" "'Dislike silk? Die!'" "'Diss at sadist? It's sad.'" "'Ditmore's mortised!'" "'A dive, youth? You've had it!'" "'Do no harm!' / 'Darn homo!' / 'Oh, random!'" "'Do Stew, wet sod.' / 'Stowed.'" "'Do work, dork!' / 'Ow!'" "'Dog doo? O good god!'" "'Dolt, be bolted!'" "'Don, I see ONE side...'" "'Don, Two won't do!'" "'Don...' / 'Go on, dog!'" "'Don't care.' / 'Once? ... Drat.'" "'Done, Deon?' / 'No, Ed.'" "'The door's so red-hot!'" "'Dopy rant. Don't pray, Don. Party!'" "'Douche!' / 'Ouch, Ed!'" "'Dough? Go, duh! Do! Ugh!'" "'Dough?' / 'Duh, go du! Ugh!' / 'Uh, GOD.'" "'Drat, big dirtbag. Dig, Bart?'" "'Drub R-Dub!'" "'Drugs, gal?' / 'Sluggard!'" "'Dual app! Applaud!' / 'Laud pap?'" "'Dumb hat!' / THUD! BAM! 'Mud bath!'" "'Dumb idea, dude. I...' / BAM! / 'Um, baddie!'" "'Dump ably. Play dumb.'" [] "'East, man.' / 'Namaste.'" "'Eat my meaty..'" "'Ebony be yon, Ben. Yo!'" "'Ed, ask a desk.'" "'Ed, get up! Go! ... Pegged out?'" "'Ed, I...' / 'DIE!'" "'Ed Kahn's shanked!'" "'Ed lugs sludge.'" "'Ed! [crap-u] red cap!'" "'Ed's date?' / 'Sedated. Deadest.'" "'Ed's not...stoned?'" "'Eek, son. So keen?'" "'E.g. OFF GEOFF.'" "'Eh, I told the idol!'" "'Eh, I'd hide.'" "'Eh, jorts, Jethro?'" "'Eh, man? Me? Nah.'" "'Eh, poor Hooper.'" "'Ehh, but the hub, Beth!' / 'Uh?'" "'Elect turd, deter cult.' Cluttered logic." "'Emo hearts? Horse meat!'" "'Enis, no.' / 'One sin. So?' / 'NINE.'" "Eponym: 'P-Money!' / 'My peon!'" "'Er, ****! The IRS! Eh, stir!'" "'Er, goon? No gore!'" "'Er, noise? No siree!'" "'Er, rise, sirree!'" "'Erin, Wes? Newsier Weiners!'" "'Er...must...must re-muster...'" "'Ernie! Irene! In [']ere!'" "'Err, Gab? Re-brag!'" "'Escrow? Cowers!'" "'Even dice.' / 'Evidence?'" "'Evers veers? Sever.'" "'Ew. Bill will be...'" "'Ew, Olly.' / 'Ow, Lyle!' / 'Yellow? Yo, well.'" "'Ew! Tar water!'" "'Eww! You choked!' / 'Eww! You hocked!'" "'Fab toy, fat yob!'" "'Face [']em, McAfee!'" "'Fail my family? Flay [']im!' / 'I'm-a fly.'" "Faint ropy profanity." [p] "'Fake it, cur!' / 'Fruitcake!' / 'Irate...'" "'Fan riot info art? Ain't for faint or...'" [p] "'Fashion? Oh, naifs! As if, hon!'" "'Fat Fred f-farted!'" "'Fat Rio! Fair to fiat or air oft?'" "'Fay, I...' / 'A FYI if ya...'" "'Fed lie? I'd flee, defile.'" "'Fed?' / 'Ug.' / 'Fu-GED fudge.'" "'Felt? No. TEFLON.'" "'Fiat, sir?' / 'It's fair.'" "'Fibs? Fail. BAILIFFS!'" "'Fink, do find ok, kind of? IDK.' / 'F No!'" "'Finker!' / 'Knifer!'" "'Fischel filches!'" "'Fish not fo['] hints! Shift on!'" "'Flagrant raft, Lang!'" "'Flap it? Fat lip!'" "'A flim-flam? I?'" "'Flu? Aw, awful.'" "'Fly? Ug! Fugly!'" "'Fondle? Enfold?' / 'Lo, fend!' (fled on.)" "'Foot. Toof. FOTO!'" "'Forming gin from...fig, Norm?'" "'Foties? Softie.'" "'Free Us!' / 'Refuse!'" "'Fry, cats! Cry fast!'" "'Fur coats? A cut for us?'" "'G'wan, gnaw!' / 'Breakfast steak? Barf!'" "'Gabe! A beg!'" "'Gad, I did. I DID gag.'" "'Gad, Ken. Ganked.'" "'Gag! Soft!' a bigot moans." "'Gah, it's a sight.'" "'Game's up, smug ape!'" "'Gangsta Stan! Gag!'" "'Gee, hurt, thug? [']Ere!'" "'Geronimo! Ergo, I'm on.'" "'Get Bo to beg!'" "'Get by? Beg! TY!'" "'Get it done, Gene.' / 'Ditto.'" "'Get Lou to glue 'Ole Gut' Goulet.'" [p] "'Gil's [a-word] is glass!'" "'Gin, Tad! Dang it!' / 'Dig, Nat.'"[] "'Glib sin, sibling!'" "'Glue [']im, Miguel!'" "'Gnome men, go!'" "'Go, bum. Mug Bo!'" "'Go die, Diego!'" "'Go, dood! Do good!'" "'Go drill, old girl!'" "'Go, mite!' . 'I got [']em!'" "'Go raw. Grow a...' / 'Aw, Rog!'" "'Go soft? So, GTFO.'" "'Go? Nah. Oh, nag, Hogan!'" "'Gob THIS, big-shot!'" "'Goddam, Mad Dog!'" "'Gold door? Drool, dog!' / ' Good Lord.'" "'Goober? Booger? Go, bore!'" "'Good Thing...' / 'Nothin['], Dog.'" "'Goons! Go, son!'"[] "'Gord!' / 'R-Dog!'" "'Gosh! Tut! Gut shot? Ugh! Tots!'" "'Got fire? Go fer it!' / 'I forget.' / 'To grief!'" "'Grant is a string-gnat! Sir.'" "'Greef's Free, G's!' (the spelling can be gritty, too.)" "'Grief, us? Figures.'" "'Growin['], Ma! Am I wrong?'" "'A guess: use gas?'" "'Gunfire!' / 'Un-grief.' / 'Urg, fine.'" "'Gus, end Ned's gun nudges!'" "'Guys, no guns, yo!'" "'Gym? Er, germy.'" "'Gypsies?' / 'Yes, pigs?'" "'Ha, cop! Chop a cap, ho!'" "'Ha, pukes! Shake-up! ... Uh, speak!'" "'Ha! Ken's shaken!'" "'Ha! Won't! No!' / 'What?'" "'Had Wes washed, he'd saw...'" "'Hag! Not a thong to hang!'" "'Hakon!' / 'O, Hank! OK?' / 'Nah.'" "'Halt [']em, Thelma!'" "'Halt, dolt! That'll do.'" "'Halt! Bestow the last bow!'" "'Hard work.' / 'Hark! Word!'" "'Hardman Dan, harm!' / 'Hand? Arm?'" "'Hash [']im, Hamish!'" "'Hatcher, Ratchet the cart!' / 'Rec That.'" "'Hate crime? Reach time!'" "'Hate pinups? Unhappiest!'" "'Haw, it's...' / 'What is' / 'Aw...'" "'Haw. Oft fat? How?'" "'He's ...' / 'It is the...'" "'He's a cop. Poaches cheapos.'" "'Heal Mr. Mahler, Earl!' / 'Hm?'" "'Heat, sir? Share it!'" "'Hell, is she ill?'" "'Her, I'd rid.' / 'Eh? Hired!'" "'Herm, a harem!'" "'Hey, Mo! Homey!' / 'Meh...yo.'" "'Hey! Geared?' / 'Yeh. Agreed.'" "'Hey! Len Henley!'" "'Hi, dolt! Hold it!'" "'Hi. Gift?' / 'I...' / 'Fight!'" "'Hi, ok...so I shook...'" "'Hi, Ted. Ed hit Edith. The Id!' / 'The... I'd...'" "'Hi, was a wish...? Aw, HIS?'" "'Hi! Enter in THERE!'" "'Hi! Tag it, gah!' / 'A-ight. Ha, git!'" "'Hid late? Halt! Die!'" "'High-end, ehh?' / 'DING!'" "'His old hold is hid. SOL.'" "'Hit [']em!' / 'Them? I...' / 'I'M the...'" "'Hit Al! I...' / 'Halt it, Hal!'" "'Hit kin? I think...'" "'Hit Meg?! GET HIM!'" "'Hit Wong's Hot Wings!'" "'Hive of five-oh!'" "'Ho, beds! Eh, bods be shod.'" "'Ho, dog!' / 'Oh, god!'" "'Ho, dunce! Once, duh!' / 'Ouch, Ned!'" "'Ho, hasted headshot? Hotheads!'" "'Ho, pet. Hep to the op?'" "'Ho, Rey!' / 'Eh, Roy, yo, her or...hey...'" "'Ho, snow? No-show.'" "'Hodges? He's God!'" "'Hoes, Tom! Seem hot!' / 'Shoot [']em!'" "'Hola, Al!' / 'Oh.'"[] "'Hole?' / 'Yup. You help?'" "'Holy [crap]! Arch ploy!'" "'Holy [crap]! Coy Ralph!'" "'Hombre! Bro!' / 'Meh.'" "'Homes!' / 'Shmoe.'" "'Honesty? Tons, hey!'" "'Hoo-ook! Oooh, KO!'" "'Hope? Junk-puke, John!'" "'Hopeless sops! Heel!'" "'Hose [']im, homies!'" "'Hostages? Hot gases!'" "'Hot dog! Got... d'oh!'" "'Hot teen? No teeth!'" "'Hotwire it!' / 'Er, how?'" "'How I--ow, hi!'" "'How is Mr. Wormish?'" "'How soon?' / 'Now! Shoo!'" "'How stupid! Duh, it's...' / POW!" "'Hug a bum? A Humbug!'" "'Hug, Ace? Gauche!'" "'Hug some gumshoe? Ug, homes.'" "'Hum, chow. How much?'" "'Hurray! A hurry!'" "'Hyena Haney!' / 'Nyeah!'" "'A hyper prey, ah? Eh? Pray!'" "'I Bag, Big A!'" "'I, bathe? Ah, BE it.'" "'I dearly, readily...'" "'I done no...' / 'DIE!'" "'I dose, so DIE!'" "'I got it.' / 'GO!'" "'I, grift? Frig it!'" "'I had two. D'oh, wait, do I WHAT?!'" "'I knew Nik. Ew.'" "'I led you.' / 'YOU LIED!'" "'I might hit Mig!'" "'I mug BOTH!' / 'Big mouth!'" "'I, new cat, want Ice!'" "'I refuse?!' / 'Fire! Sue!'" "'I scent cad accidents.'" "'I see new weenies!'" "'I shot Toshi! / Oh, sit.'" "'I show who is!'" "'I swear I was, er, a wiser...'" "'I tested. It's teed.'" "'I, the rat, Harriet? Ah, trite!'" "'I undo my...' / 'YOU MIND?'" "'I vented.' / 'Evident.'" "'I...' / 'Do it, idiot!'" "'I...' / 'Punk, ink up!'" "'I'd button it? Not, Bud!'" "'I'd heed Ed Hide.' ... 'He died?'" "'I'd of' / 'Fido, do, if...'" "'I'd pay...' / 'Ya dip.'" "'I'd say Daisy Day is, Saidy!' / 'Dis! Ya!'" "'I'd shot its...' / 'Doh, do this.'" "'I'm about to, bum! Ai!'" "'I'm back!' / 'Ick!' / BAM!" "'I'm broke.' / 'Bore, Kim. Rob Mike.'" "'I'm hot!' / 'Hit mo[']!'" "'I'm Retold, Oldtimer.'" "'I'm short, Mr! Hoist!'" "'I'm so great!' / 'Amigo, REST.'" [] "'I'm sunk in musk.' / 'Um, sink.'" "'Ice Ben?' / 'Be nice.'" "'Ick, dude. I ducked.'" "'ID us? DUIs? U dis!'" "'Idea-y?' / 'Yea, I'd...' / 'YA DIE.'" "'Idle sop! Spoiled slop! Die!'" "'I.e. fry if yer fiery!'" "'I.e. GUNS, genius!'" "'If Les files...' / 'If Les flies...'" "'If spoke of Spike, skip, foe!'" "'If Stan faints, in. Fast.'"[] "'If the thief, he fit, I.../HEFT!'"[] "'Ignorant ranting? O, no rating!'"[] "'Ike! Tom! KO time! To Mike!'" "'Ill gig, Gil!'" "'Ill, Mike. Milk lie? I kill [']em!'" "'Impeding! Impinged! Pin [']em, dig?'" "'In charge? Reaching!'" "'Infirm, Mr? Fini!'" "'Info? ACT, faint co-faction!'" "'Info?' / 'Eh.' / 'Oh, fine.'" "Interrogatives. Tergiversation." [p] "'Into it? No, not I!'" "'Inward? I'd Warn Darwin.'" "'Ire, son?' / 'Nosier senior.'" "'Irk Sy? Risky.'" "'Is Sam amiss? I'm...' / '[a-word-u].'" "'Is that...?' / 'Ah, this!'" "'Is the heist set?' / 'Hi, eh, it's...'"[] "'Ish, MORE heroism?'" "'It here either?'" "'It'd--I'm timid!'" "'It's done? Die, snot!'" "'It's Fate, Fatties.'" "'It's mo['] moist, Tim.' / 'So?'" "'It's muck! I'm stuck!' / 'Stick [']um!'" "'It's us, suits!'" "'Ivy League guy? I leave!'" "'Jake-o! A joke!'" "'Jar mo['] or jam, Major?'" "'Jeb! Art! Go!' ... 'Great job!'" "'Jen's out. Joe, stun just one!'" "'Jerk! Er, j/k.'" "'Jest, bud? Or just bored?'" "'Job [']im, Jimbo!'" "'The joke? Eh, ok.' / 'Jet!'" "'Jostler!' / 'Jolters!'" "'KC is sick! Icks!'" "'Keen knee!'" "'Kelly, I kill ye?' / 'Likely.'" "'Kent, his skin. The stink, eh?'" "'Keys? Wham! Why ask me?'" "'Kid, no...' / DOINK!" "'Kid, real dark lie.'" "'Kid, run!' / 'I--drunk!'" "'Kin ye key in?'" "'Kit's Bung Stunk Big?' / 'Bunk, gits!'" "'Knee op? Keep on!'" "'Kneecap Ape-neck.'" "'Knifed, eh?' / 'He finked.'" "'Kool-Aids! Soda kilo!'" "'Lag, fink? Flaking?'" "'The lam? Halt [']em! Ah, melt!'" "'Lame...hit him late?'" "'Lament rage? Get real, man.'" "'Lash Hal's...' / 'Ah, Ssh, all!'" "'Last straw, stalwarts.'" "'Laugh, lug? Ha!'" "'Lay down, lady. NOW!' / 'Go rue, rogue.'" "'Learn [']em, real men!'" "'Lee fibs. Beliefs, Lib. fees.'" [p] "'Leo, try to rely rotely.'" "'Leon? Sam? Amos? Len? NO MALES!'" "'Leprosy? So? ... REPLY!'" "'Let it be? Lie, I bet.'" "'Let's. Lest...'" "'Lift-op! To flip! Flop it.'" "'Line up! Un-pile!'" "'Lip, eh?' / 'I...HELP!'" "'The lip! It...HELP!'" "'LISTEN to me.' / 'Stolen time.'" "'Lo, Marc?' / 'Clamor Mo['], Carl!'" "'Loaded ole dad, do deal.'"[] "'LOL!' / 'Eh, hello.'" "'Lone hope: phone Leo!'" "'Lonely? Yell on!'"[] "'Long day.' / 'Any gold?'" "'Look away. Okay, AWOL.'" "'Look for...' / 'Floor! KO!'" "'Looks good. OK, ol['] sod, go.'" "Loud 'Won't! Would not!'" "'Loud lot!' / 'Too-dull old lout!'" "'Low deal? We all do...ALLOWED!'" "'Low key? Kyle? Ow!'" "'Low law! Wow, all wallow.'" "'Loyal, eh?' / 'LOL, yeah.'" "'Loyal?' / 'Ya! LOL.'" "'Lunatic-in-a-cult!'" "'Ma, I... am I MIA? I am. I'm a aim...'" "'Ma! Bob! Bo! Bam! A bomb!'" "'Mac Reed CREAMED Marc Dee!'" "'Machete? Teach me!'" "'Macking, G-Man? Ick!'" "'Macro-Carom, Marco!'" "'Mad, eh?' / 'Me? Dah...'"[] "'Mad pain PAID, man!'" "'Main man! I am in...'" "'Major. Jam or arm OJ?'"[] "'Make em meek, Ma!'" "'Make sit ask time? Mistake. Stake [']im, Meatski.'" "'Make up? Puke, Ma!'" "'Man, it'd--[d-word] it!'" "'Man, Leo! Mo['] Lean? No, lame! A lemon!'" "'Mangle [']em, Lang!'" "'Mapless samples? Mess, pal.'" "'Marcus! A scrum! Um, scar!'" "'Marty!' / '[if censor-minor is true]----[else]Dick[end if]! Dirty Mack!'" "'Me, a Dr.? Er, mad dream!'" "'Me? No kit. I'm...token.'" "'Me? Rash? Shamer!'" "'Mean rib? Brain [']em.'" "'Medi-dime? Me, I'd...'" "'Mediocre ride, come!'" "'Mel, you bum! You mumble!'" "'Men, I've...I'M EVEN!'" "'Men! Craig's screaming!'" "'Menaces can seem...men, a sec!'" "'Mention men on it? Not mine!'" "'Messer-up sprees? Um, mere puss presumes.'" "'The Mighty hit the Gym.'" "'Mikey! Ike! My, I'm key!'" "'Mind if? ... ' / 'Find [']im!'" "'Mind law, wild man!'" "'The mint then, Tim?'" "'Mirth-hit, Mr.?'" "'Mis-Enter? Termines!'" "'Misarrange margarines?' / 'Mas angrier, sir manager?'" "'Miscued! Die, scum!'" "'Misquotation. ANTI-mosquito.'" "'Mistrained? Administer mini-treads!'" "'Miswrote? Wormiest...'" "'Mo hid. DO HIM.' / 'D'oh! I'm...'" "'Mo, slice! Lo, sic [']em!' / 'I'm close!'" "'Mocked? Dock [']em.'" "'Mocks OK MCs? Sock'm!'" "'A model do? Lame! Deal mo[']!'" "'Moist talk? Milk toast!'" "'Molest Motels? Lost Me.'" "'Momento? Moot, men.'" "'Money back may beckon?' / 'Maybe.' / CONK!" "'Money men! Yo!'" "'Monist Scum!' / 'Communists!'" "'Mood-hike!' / 'I'm hooked!'" "'More safe foe-smear: fearsome? Mere oafs!'" "'Most dens don't MESS.'" "'Most expect ... except Tom's.'" "'Mother or meth, eh, Mort?'" "'Move on? Us? Venomous!'" "A Mrs. Case Screams 'A massacre!'" "'My aunt, Nat...' / 'Yum!'" "'My bid, mug! Big dummy!'" "'My foot! T/y, mofo!'" "'My friend? Firm deny! Defyin['], Mr.!'" "'My fur! Fry [']um, [']Umfry!'" "'My head! Hey!' / 'Mad?'" "'My, it's Aldo! Slimy toad!'" "'My mud, dummy!'" "'My raise?! Ya miser!'" "'My tyres!' / 'Yes, Mr. Ty?'" "'My unit? Um, tiny mutiny.'" "'My voice! Ivy, come! Move!' / 'Icy...'" "'Nab me? Man, be...' / 'Ban [']em!'" "'Nachos, Sancho?' / 'No cash.' / 'Ach, son!'"[] "'A nag, idiot. Do it again.'" "'Nah, conk Hancock.'" "'Nail KC? Lackin['] a Clink.'" "'Named, Ed? Man. Amend.'" "'Narcs got congrats? Scorn-tag.'" "'Nate! Tena! A-ten! A net!' / 'Neat!'" "'Nattiness? Ha! That's insane!'" "'Naw! Yo, no WAY!'" "'Needy sot! Stoned, ey?' / 'Not seedy!'" "'Nervous, Rev.? Us? No!'" "'New man? Naw, MEN.'" "'The news?' / 'She went west, hen.'" "'Newsier weiners!'" "'Nice day. Any dice?'" "'Nigel Elgin!' / 'Glen, I...'" "'Nine, Doc? Nice one!'" "'No bet, T-Bone!'" "'No buyers, nosy rube! Bury nose!'" "'No cast to scan--so, can't!'" "'No, chumps! C'mon! Push!'" "'No dice.' / 'Die, con!'" "'No. Fate, fat one!'" "'No fist! I'm soft!'" "'No GED, Ogden?' / 'Go, Ned.'" "'No Geist?' / 'It's gone! Set! Go! In!'" "'No grits, Ned? Grindstone!'" "'No, hit it, hon.'"[] "'No Hype? Phoney!'" "'No jobs, B. J.?' / 'Soon.'" "'No math? A MONTH?! Hot, man!'" "'No party? Rap, Tony!'" "'No, pigs! Go spin!'" "'No police? Nice. Pool.'" "'No shake, oh sneak!'" "'No she, son, eh?'" "'No soup?' / 'Up soon.'" "'No toys? Yo, tons!'" "'No wit to win?' / 'I won't..'"[] "'No work?' / 'Worn, OK?'" "'Nobody nod. Yob.'" "'Nod, Don!'" "'The Noid. Doin['] the hit?' / 'Done.'" "'Non-guest? Note: guns!'" "'Noose? O noes!'" "'Nope, it's nite-ops.'" "'Norm-o!' / 'Moron.' / 'Mr. ONO!'" "'Not cool, tool! Con!'" "'Note, Brent: rotten bet. Better not.'" "'Now, hit! With no 'how' nit!' / 'Hi! Won't!'" "'Now I'm mad, dim man!' / 'OW!'" "'Now it won't, I own it!'" "'Now on?' / 'No, won!'" "'Nursed, Ed runs. SUNDER.'" "'O My God! G-Moody!'" "'O, toast to a sot.'" "'O, tons not so, snoot-o-snot!'" "'Oaf-guy!' / 'You ***!'" "'Obey Dad!' ... 'Dead boy!'" "'Obscurity? Scrub it, yo!'" "'Obtruncate Betancourt!'" "'Odd rat!' / 'Dotard!'" "'Officer, if force...'" "'Oh, [']twas so hot.' / 'So what?' / 'Was, tho[']!'" "'Oh, Nat! Hat on?' / 'Ha, not!'" "'Oh, Nick! Chokin[']?' / 'No, hick! HI!' / CONK." "'Oh, oy, Matt! Too mathy!'" "'Oh, SOB, hobos! O, bosh!'" "'Oh, wow, who...? OW!'" "'Oh? Draw, Howard!' / 'D'oh! Raw!'" "'Ohh, get the hog!'" "'Oi, spazz! So, pizza?'" "'Oi, Ted's diet.' / 'So, does it?'" "'Ok, it's up. Skip out.'" "'OK, Loon. Look on!'" "'Ok, rig! Go, Rik!' / 'I grok.'" "'OK, torch hot rock cohort K.'" "'Old bat!' / 'Bad lot!'" "'The old dolt, eh? He told Ed Loth?'" "'Old sicko!' / 'Loco kids!'" "'On bad credit? No debit card!'" "'On, bud!' / 'Bound!'"[] "'On edge, Don? Gee!'" "'On home, men, oho!'" "'On tap to nap? Not Pa!'" "'One thug? Toughen!'" "'Oo, chats? Cahoots?' / 'Shoo, cat!'" "'Oof! Die, foodie!'" "'Ooh, nuts. South on Houston...'" "'Open wide.' / 'Dope wine!'" "'Operas? Po['] ears!'" "'Operate, rote ape.'" "'Or LSD?' / 'Dr. Sol Lords.'" "'Order? Err, DO.'" "'An orgy, Yang? Or groany Ron? Any?'" "'Ouch, man! On a chum?'" "'Our flat, Ralf. OUT!'" "'Our visa! Saviour!'" "'Out, pig!' / 'I got up!'" "'Out, Ray!' / 'You RAT!'" "'Out, schmo! Chums too! So much to...'" "'Out yon! ... Not you!'" "'Out yon!' ... 'Not you!'" "'Overpays? Say, PROVE!'" "'Ow, a gay! Go away!'" "'Ow, no, clod! Cool down!'" "'Ow, rat! To WAR!'" "'Ow, son!' / 'So? Now swoon on, sow!'" "'Ow! Ain't...?' / 'Wait on it now, a...'" "'Owners worsen, worsen, worsen.'" "'Oww, Len! New low!'" "'Oy, bond nobody? Boy, Don.'" "'Oy! Help us, you shlep!'" "'Pa, shot? Pathos!'" "'Pack blade? Backpedal.'" "'Pah! Cor! ... Oh, [crap].'" "'The pain!' / 'Ha, inept!'" "'Pain? A nip. I nap.'" "'Pained, Mo? Dopamine!' / '[d-word-u], Opie!'" "'Pal, if I flap, flip a...'" "'Pal, pause. Appeal us.' Applause." "'Pal, use...seal up...' / 'A pulse!'" "'Pard, ye prayed?' / 'Yep.' / 'Rad.'" "'Pasture tear-ups? True sap.'" "'Pathetic, Cheap Tip!'" "'Paupers! A supper!' / 'Super, Pa!'[paragraph break]Pure sap." "'Pay up, ya pup.' / 'Yup, Pa.'" "'Peanuts! Up antes!'" "'Pedal!' / 'Plead, pal!' / 'Ed...'" "'Pee! Eep!'" "'Peel out?' / 'Up to Lee.'" "'The pens, Stephen.'" "'Perry, a prayer?' / 'Err, PAY.'" "'Pesos for spoofers of posers?'" "'Petard? Depart!!!'" "'Pheew, ace crime!' / 'Phwee, ice cream!'" "'Phew, Lon! Help now?' / 'No, whelp!'" "'Phil set the slip! He split!'" "'Pip died. Did Pepe?'" "'Piss off, spiffos!'" "'A pity. Pay it!'" "'Plaid? Al, dip da lip. Pal, I'd...'" "'The plan then, pal!' / 'Help! Nat!'" "'Plug the gut! Help!'" "'Ply [']im, Limpy!'" "'Poachy chap! Oy!'" "'Pocket a take, cop?!'" "'Pompous? So?' / 'Mop up.'" "'A potty? Pay, tot!'" "'Pound up Don!'" "'The pound? Nope!' / THUD." "'Pre-locate. Percolate.'" "'Prepare. Repaper!'" "'Press it! Persist!'" "'Press out, spouters!'" "'A pretty trap, yet try peat.'" "'A pro, or Pa?'" "'Proceed, creep. Do!' Dope rec!" "'Prodnose's sponsored Ed's pornos. So, respond, nerds!' / 'Oops.'" "'Prove OK Provoke.'" "'Pry, lie, Ripley? I reply!'" "'PSAs? Pass!'" "'Puerile? Pure lie!'" "'Pummel! Lump [']em!' / '[']Elp! Mum!'" "'Punch mo[']?' / 'No!' / 'Chump.'" "'Purpose? Sure, pop!'" "'Quayle's squealy.'" "'Question?' / 'Quiet, son!'" "'Quit ale. Tequila!'" "'Race bait? Bacteria!'" "'Rad? Yer dreary, Dr. Ayer.'" "'The raid! Hide, Art! Hi, TREAD!'" "'Rashly? Har! Sly!'" "'Ratty try at tarty!'" "'Ray Best betrays by tears.'"[] "'Ray, know any work?' A wry 'No, [']k?'" "'Re-inspect? Prescient!'" "'Re-nab Abner.'" "'Re-toil, Mike! ... More like it!'" "'Reaved, evader!'" "'Rebuilding? Bud, I linger.'" "'Rec: redo Code Red!'" "'Received, Deceiver!'" "'Redhead Dedra, eh?'" "'Refocus!' / 'Force us!'" "'Reshoot, soother!'" "'Respond, son!' / 'Derp!'" "'Reswallow, Wallowers!'" "'Retracing? Cringe, rat!'" [] "'Retraction! Or recant it!'" "'Rewire them! Meriwether! Wertheimer!'" "'Ribcage!' / 'Grab ice!' / 'A big rec!'" "'Rid ONE dinero. Ride on or dine.'" "'Ride, Tim!' / 'I'm tired.' / 'Timider?'" "'Rip Me, Mr. Pie? I'm pre-prime!'" "'Rise, [d-t]!' / 'So tired!'"[] "'Risk two. It WORKS.'" "'Roam, Bud!' / 'U Mad, Bro?'" "'Rob!' / 'Bro!'" "'Robber! ... Err, Bob?'" "'The rod's shorted! Red hots!'" [] "'Rodent-bug got burned.'" "'Roof? Do not! Front door!'" "'Rory won. No worry.'" "'Rory? Son?' / 'Sorry. No.'" "'Rosy! Roy! Yo, sorry!'" "'Rot, lad!' / 'Old Rat!'" "'Rotten bet. Better nit.'" "'Rough [']em more! Ugh!'" "'Rub salt? [']S Brutal.'" "'Rude gag? Gad, urge a grudge.'" "'Rude ol[']!' / 'LOUDER!'" "'Rudy, babe! Buy bread!'" "'Run. See. Ensure!'" "'[']Ruptin['] turnip! Punt [']ir!'" "'Russ, Peer Pressure?'"[] "'Russo sours? Ur-SOS!'" "'Rustbin! Burstin[']! It burns!'" "'A rut, me? Mature.'" "'Sad bit: it's bad.' / 'Bastid!'" "'Sad brat/Bastard!'" "'Said for?' / '[']Fraid so!'" "'Saloon's a loss? No.'" "'Salty sty, Al, Ty, Sal.'" "'Salute us late? U Least!'" "'Sam Glen mangles legs, man!'" "'Sam is Amiss!'" "'Same to you! Um, too easy.'" "'Same woe? Awesome!'" "'Saturnic? Curtains!'" "'Say, both shot by a soy bath.'"[] "'Say, Dan, I said ANY...'" "'Say, Dick! Sick day?'" "'Say, Papa! Papayas!'" "'Say, po['] soapy sap! Oy!'" "'Scallies, Illescas!'" "'Scar [']em!' / 'Scream!'" "'Scenario Ace? No, Sir!'" "'School is cool? Hiss!'" "'Scoping pigs? Con!'" "'Scrip? Crisp!'" "'Scrub curbs? BS!' / 'Cur!'" "'Sean, my yes-man!'"[] "'Secured, seducer. See?' / 'Crud.'" "'Seedy? Yes, Ed.'" "'Seen, son? No sense!'" "'Seen, son? Nonsense!'" "'Seitz! Zest!' / 'I...' / 'It's EZ!'" "'Set, Al? Les at least...'" "'Set, Bud? ... BUSTED! Be dust!'" "'Sewage was, gee...'" "'Shadowy days.' / 'How!'" "'Shame, eh, Sam?' / 'Ma, he's...'" "'Shamed! ... He's mad!'" "'Shan't!' ... 'Hasn't!'" "'Shatterer! Set?' / 'Rather.'" "'Sheet these!'" "'Shift, pro: Fishport, Shipfort.'" "'Shoeless?' / 'Eh, less so.'" "'Shoo, turd! Door: shut!'" "'Shoo, ya yahoos! So, ahoy!'" "'Shoot him? I...' / 'Shh. Moot.'" "'Shoplift ops? Filth!'" "'Shot host? Tosh!'" "'Shoulder-hold? Sure!'" "'A shout at us? Ho!'" "'Shout thous? O, shut!'" "'Show up! Push!' / 'Ow!'" "'Show your face!' / 'Curfew, yahoos!'" "'Shut down Dunst.' / 'How?'" "'Shy? Out. Yo, thus: Shouty!'" "'Si, don't...Don, it's not Sid!'" "'Sick splat! Slapstick!'" "'Sigh. Clan clashing.'" "'Simon. Son, I'm...'"[] "'Sink it, Nik, it's...' / 'I stink.'" "'Siphoned?' / 'Pish. Done.'" "'Sir, Ban Brains!'" "'Sir, to riots! Or sit.'"[] "'Sis, cop a Picasso!'" "'Sis did Sid's ID...'" "'Sit, Len. Listen. Enlist.'"[] "'Sit, or I sort...'"[] "'Six A.M. Max is...'" "'Skeevy Kev?' / 'Yes.'" "'Skiddoo, dodo-ski!'" "'Slim, ply my pills!'" "'Slotted old test. Let's do't.'" "'Sly mob symbol, my slob!'" "'Smack it?' / 'Sit, Mack.'" "'Smart cow.' / 'Cast, worm!'" "'Smart to trot, Sam.' ... 'Toast, Mr.'" "'SMH. Too smooth to mosh?'" "'Smit so? It's Mo's to miss.'" "'Smoke some k.' / 'Me? S'ok.'" "'A smoker? Er, OK, Sam.'" "'Smooth Mo? Shot?'" "'Smother THOSE, Mr.'"[] "'Snare it nastier!' / 'Neat, sir!'" "'Snob! To Boston!'" "'Snoop? My! Spy no mo[']!'" "'Snooty snot! Yo!'" "'Snuck it in...STUCK!'" "'So, at the hot seat? He TOAST!'" "'So, bilge! Ol['] gibes?'" "'So, dog...goods?' / 'O gods!' / 'Go, sod!'" "'So go rec Scrooge!'" "'So, Hack. Cash OK?' / 'A shock!'" "'So, Kent. Tokens sent OK to Ken's?'" "'So, man, Mason moans No Mas.'" "'So, Mike, I smoke em. Is ok?'" "'So, pal. Opal's ol['] sap?'" "'So pay us. You pass? Yo['] [a-word] UP!'" "'So, pigs! Gossip?'" "'So, prank?' / 'No spark.' / 'Rank sop.'" "'So, Ronny or Sonny?' / 'No, Ryno's.'" "'So shy, yo!' / 'Ssh!'" "'So, son. No SOS?'" "'So, then, Shonte Heston, the son: he's not honest? Eh, tons.'" "'So thin! / No!'" "'So, um, buy? YOU BUMS!'" "'So urgent, nurse. Got...'" [] "'So yeah, Yo, he's a...'" "'So! Neat! Eat, son.' / 'No seat.'" "'Socked him? I'm shocked.'" "'Solid ol['] Sid is Old.'" "'Solver Les...oversells.'" "Someone well to do makes a capable cab plea." [p] "'Sordid dis, Rod!'" "'Sorest tosser!' No, you haven't moved behind Store S." "'Soup's up!' / 'SOS!'" "'Speakins? Spankies!'" "'St. Mary, smarty? Try Sam!'" "'Stampede!' / 'Pasted [']em!'" "'Staree! Teaser!'" "'Stat, locals! At all costs! Call toasts!'" "'Stay put, taut spy.' / 'Yup. Stat.'" "'Stay! Lou lays out you last.'" "'Stealin['] entails elan. It's...salient.'" "'Stealing? Let's gain!!'"[] "'Step, son! No pests!'" "'Still back? BLACKLIST!'" "'Stink up...? Punk, SIT!'" "'Stipend? Spend it!'" "'Stride? It's red, driest. I'd rest.'" "'Strongarm Armstrong!' someone cries in fear." "'Stu, I'm...I must...it's, um, stimu...'" "'Sty, men? My nest!'" "'Su! Cyril! Luis! Cry cursily! Curly is I, sly cur!'" "'A sub?' / 'Nope, bean soup.'" "'Sublime lies, bum!'" "'Suck not! Conk Stu!'" "'Suckered? Crud. Seek User Deck.'" "'Sum it.' / 'Must I? It's, um...'"[] "'Sump'm?' / 'Mumps.'" "'Sundering. Undersign?'" "'[']Sup, Gina?' / 'Pausing.'" "'[']Sup, Reg?' / 'Purges.'" "'Suppose Pop sues?' / 'Posse up.'" "'Sure, only rely on us!'" "'Survive? Viv? Sure!'" "'A suspect, me? Must escape!'" "'Swarthiest sweatshirt!'" "'Swat the hat, Stew!' / 'That, Wes?' / 'Eh, ****s!'" "'Swatter Stewart! We start!'" "'Swindles? WILDNESS!'" "'Take-down KO wanted. Don't...weak!'" "'Tan him, hitman!'" "'Tara! A rat!'" "'Tarantino? Tarnation!'" "'Tasered, dearest? ... Sedater?'" "'Task, Don?' / 'Don't ask, dank sot!'" "'Teach [']em, Machete!'" "'Ted! NO!' / 'Noted, Donte.'"[] "'Tell it, Little...'" "'Ten oafs. Not safe.'" "'Tend oven? Don't even...'" "'Tenderiser reinserted!'" "'Terry, if...' / 'Try fire! Terrify!'" "'Tex, narc next car! Rex can't...'" "'That Ken. The tank!'" "'That's Fink. Think Fast!' ... 'Knifey Finkey?'" "'Them goings. Something.'" "'Them's set. Hm?'" "'Then Lug the Lung, Glen. HUT!'" "'Then mob BOTH men!'" "'There, Al! The real heel! Rat!'"[] "'They amp empathy. Pay them.' / 'Empty.' / 'HA!'" "'They won? Note why. Won't, hey?'" "'Thinkers!' / 'Shtinker!'" "'Thirties? ****ier.'" "'This hoser, he is short.' / 'Horse!'" "'Thump Ed! Dump the...' / 'Umph, Ted!'" "'Tiger, a triage!' / 'Great, I...'" "'Til this hit list tilts... HI!'" "'Tim, Hi. Hit [']im!'" "'Tim, if I'm fit...'" "'Tim! Sly!' / 'Ty! Slim!'" "'Tim?' / 'No, I'm not in, Tom.'" "'Time card? I'm traced!'" "'The time. TIE THEM.'" "'Time to go. Get [']im too!'" "'Time's out, titmouse!'" "A timid 'I admit...'" "'Tino! Toni!' / 'On it!'" "'Tintin, innitt?'" "'Tix? If...' / 'Fix it!'" "'To choke the cook, too? Heck!'" "'To it, Tito!'" "'To legs! Let's go!'" "'To supply lusty opp? Spotty Lu!'" "'To unify? Aw, if you want...'" "'To verify verity of tyro five, I VOTE: FRY.'" "'To wharf of wrath! Raft!' / 'How? What for?'" "'To yank Katy? No.'" "'Tod, I...' / 'DO IT!'" "'Told new, Del won't let down.'" "'Told on? Not old Dolton!'" "'Toledo! Looted!'" "'Tom, coyness costs money!'" "'Tom, night might not...'" "'Tom's con men? No comments.'" "'Tone it down!' / 'Ow! Intend to!'" "'Tony! Me! T-Money!'" "'Too cold, old coot?'" "'Too far! Rot, oaf!'" "'Too sick? OK? Stoic?'" "'Toss Clark? Cross talk!'" "'Touch mo[']?' / 'Ouch, Tom! Too much!'" "'Tow trucks WORK, Scott!'" "'Traced, son? Not scared? Narcs DOTE!'" "'Traitors!' / 'Rat Trios!'" "'Tramp, neat apartment!'" "'Treasonous reasons! Out!'" "'Treasurer! Serrature!'" "'Treaty yet, Art?'" "'Trophy, Roy? Phat!'" "'Try, cram my cart! Try, mac!'" "'Turn, dire intruder!'" "'Turn on Ron? Nut!'" "'A twitch? Aw, titch, watch it!'" "'A twitch? Watch it! Act with...'" "'Ty went. Twenty.'" "'Ty? No. Tony.'" "'Typhoid? D'oh! Pity.'" "'U lost, louts?'" "'Ugh, bum!' / 'Humbug!'" "'Ugh, cat. Caught?'" "'Ugh, neat heat gun.'" "'Ugh, Tom's mug shot! Hot? SMUG!'" "'Uh, Geno? One hug?' / 'Enough! Huge no.'" "'Uh, glory?' / 'Roughly.'" "'Uh, go, Hugo.'" "'Uh, got to hug.' / 'Hut! Go!'" "'Uh, hun? Nuh-uh!'" "'Uh, I be Hubie.'" "'Uhh, Og? Hough!' / 'Huh?' / 'Go!' / 'Oh, GUH!'" "'Um, a rad maraud?'" "'Um, a rat! Trauma!'" "'Um, die!' / 'I'm due.'" "'Um, escorts! Customers must score!'" "'Um, gots mo['] guts? Must go to mugs.'" "'Um, Greg -- mugger!'" "'Um, JP?' / ' Um, PJ?' / 'JUMP!'" "'Um, near manure? Rue, man!'" "'Um, Pop?' / 'Mop up!'" "'Um, Sal Mauls a slum!'" "'Um, then hurt [']em!'" "'Um, Yo, Mr., so your mom's...'" "'Umkay?' / 'Yuk, Ma.'" "'Un-gored? Guerdon!'" "'Un-tired? Intrude! Under it!'" "'Uncle! Pa! Clean up!'" "'Unheroic? Nice Hour!'" "'Up ahead...aha, dupe!'" "'Up, cat! Act up!'" "'Up, Ron! Pruno!' / 'Urp...no!'" "'Up to...? Pout, po['] opt-out!'" "'Upset, Leo? Sleep out, else pout.'" "'Uresis issuer!'" "'Veerin[']? Ren, I've--I never...'" "'Video US? Devious!'" "'Vie, [d-t]?' / 'I'd vote to dive.'" "'Vie, Jon. No jive!'" "'The vigor: hog it, Erv! Go, thrive!'" "'Virus, Irv? Us?'" "'The Vise! Thieves!'" "'Vital, eh? Halve it.'" "'Vocation, vain coot?'" "'Vodka is OK, Davis.'" "'Voyeur, Rev? YOU?'" "'Wackos? Sack!' / 'Ow!'" "'Wait-shy? This way.'" "'Wait up! Aw, I put...'" "'Wake [']im!' / 'Aw, Mike, I'm weak.'" "'Wake up!' / 'Aw puke.'" "'Walk? Run, raw lunk!'" "'Want him, Whitman?' / 'Hm, naw, it...'" "'Wanted? Ted? Naw.'" "'Wash it.' / 'Aw, this?'" "'Wastrel!' / 'Lawster!'" "'Water rat! Ew!'" "'Wayne's?' / 'Naw.' / 'Yes.'" "'We could duel, COW!'" "'We hit white.' / 'Hew it.'" "'We're in, Weiner!'" "'Wed too? Woot, Ed!'" "'Well, Gus? Slug Lew!' / 'Ug...' / 'Swell!'" "'What a hat, aw!'" "'What do I...? Ow! Had it!'" "'Whee! Eh? Ew!'" "'Whine when I win, eh?'" "'Who died? Oh, DID we?'" "'Who said I shadow?!'" "'Why is?' / 'Why as wishy washy?'" "'Why not I?' / 'How, Tiny?'" "'Wicked, Ed! ...Dickweed.'" "'Widow? Wow, I'd--I'd--oww!'" "'Widowed? Died? Wow!'" "'A wimp? I wap [']m.'" "'Wire the...' / 'We're hit!'" "'Wise? Sap? [a-word-u]wipe!'" "'With-it twit, hi!'" "'Woe is Wes, oi!'" "'Women! Me! Now!'" "'Won't dis? Sit DOWN!'" "'Woot! Sol Woo Lost! Too slow!'" "'Work is risk. Ow!'" "'Worm, Mr.!' / 'Ow!'" "'Wounded NOW, dude?'" "'Wow, Andy! Way down!'" "'Wow, Andy! Way down!' / 'Yow, Dawn!'" "'WOW!' / 'Ken, we know.'" "'Wrist OK?' / 'It works.'" "'Wuss by a Subway's: Saw--By Us!'" "'Ya, Ken's Sneaky.'" "'Ya new, Wayne?' / 'Ey, naw.'" "'Yah, flaw? Haw! Flay halfway!'" "'Yay! Dam[']. Mayday.'" "'Yeah, so easy. Oh.'"[] "'Yep, do...' / 'Dopey!'" "'Yer top poetry?! Er, typo.' / 'Yep. Rot. Try Poe.'" "'Yip, man!' / 'My pain!'" "'YO [a-word] say so?'" "'Yo, a plot, ol['] pay to play lot!'" "'Yo, Ann! Annoy any?' / 'NO!'" "'Yo, bad day, Bo!' / 'Dad, ya booby!'" "'Yo, Beth, Bo, they...boy, the...'" "'Yo, Bond! ... Nobody?'" "'Yo, dat toady!' / 'Ay, [d-t].'" "'Yo, dawg!' / 'Gad! Yow!'" "'Yo, dog, be...' / 'Goodbye!'" "'Yo, dumb mud boy!'" "'Yo, fawners! News for ya!'" "'Yo, help!' / 'Eh, ploy!'" "'Yo, louse! You lose!'" "'Yo, man. May...' / 'NO!'" "'Yo, Nell? Lonely?' / 'NO, Lyle!'" "'Yo, SOB!' / 'Me?' / 'Yes!' / BOOM!" "'Yo, tend, lad. Don't delay.'" "'Yo Trish, Horty is history! Shorty, I...'" "'Yo! Seen one?' / 'Yes! Eyes on...'" "'Yo! VIPS!' / 'Oy! Spiv!'" "'You can't count, ya?'" "'You chumps copy us, hum?'" "'You first.' / 'So fruity.'" "'You past autopsy payouts?'"[] "'You rick or, uh, icy?'" "'You sign in, Gus! Yo!'" "'You snake!' / 'OK, uneasy.'" "'You yap, you pay.'" "'You'd like the USSR, Russ.' / 'U SRS?'" "'You're feminine! You're mine!' / 'Fine!'" "'Young guy, no!' / 'Young gun, yo!'" "'Your name? Yo, manure!'" "'Yr apt. party? Rap, Ty! Pry at Pa, try!'" [p] "'Yum, gonna' / 'YOUNG MAN!'" "'Zero hour! Err, uh, zoo!'" table of non-checklists [xxv] blurb "AllRite Literal Tallier" "Backlogs-Sack Blog" "Can-Slog Scan-Log" "Classiest List-Cases" "Clients-Stencil" "Cues-for-Refocus" "Delegating/Get-Dealing Gadget Line" "Desk-Sked" "Dire SOS Dossier" "Doings-Dosing" "Done-Logs So Golden" "Dream-Goal Read-Golem" "Force-Us Focuser" "Freeing-Up Figure-Pen" "Global Lab Log" "Golden-End Log" "Gordo's Org-Dos" "Hassler-Slasher" "I-Plan-Plain" "I-Segment-Meetings" "Idea-Aide" "Let's-Go-On Notes Log" "List of Filt-So-if-Lost" "Log-Em Golem" "Mr. Note-Mentor" "Need-To-Denote" "Nest-o-Notes" "Not-Broke Notebook" "Optimal-Toil Map" "Org-This-So-Right" "Record-the-Order Tech" "Remind-Minder" "Roster Sorter" "Slog-Logs" "Stolid Do-List" "Strat-Start" "Streamline-Meaner List" "Sup-R-Spur" "Toil-Proof Portfolio" "WeSparkCo Workspace" "Win-Lots-Now List" table of posh dialogue [xxv] blurb "'[d-t]? A Toad!'" "'[d-word-u] shy, hm, Sandy?'" "'Aaron, say...' / 'Sayonara!'" "'Abrasive vibe, Sara!'" "'Abstain, Bastian!'" "'Ace, note Nate Coe once ate acetone.'" "'Ack, ty! Tacky!'" "'Ack! Bend!' / 'Bad neck, Ned?' / 'Back.'" "'Act! Ski!' / 'I stack a stick...'" "'Ad buy, Dubya?' / 'Ya, bud.'" "'Ad hoc, cad? Ho!'" "'Ad-hymn, Andy? HM. Hand my...'" "'Add Cris?' / 'Discard.'" "'Add one ad.' / 'Done.' / 'Dead on!'" "'Addison, no. Dad is odd.' / 'A sin!'" "'Adhere, dear, eh?'" "'Adjustor! A rod juts!'" "'Adorable lad? A bore!'" "'Adults, Lad Stu.'" "'Aggi, a gig? I gag, GIGA!'" "'Ah, a cute chateau!'" "'Ah, Bud, da hub? Uh, bad.'" "'Ah, dumb, or bad humor?'" "'Ah, got a goth to ... gah!'" "'Ah, Gus, uh...gas?'" "'Ah, Lord Harold!'" "'Ah, Marc! A charm cam! Har!'" "'Ah, Peters. Spare the rap sheet!'" "'Ah, Red! Heard her ad, eh?' / 'Har-de-har, Ed!'" "'Ah, seen Sheena, Aneesh?' / 'Eh, Sean?'" "'Ah, Sim! Is Ham Amish?' / 'His Ma.'" "'Ah, son. Shona has no...' / 'So?' / 'Nah.'" "'Ah, Stew. [']Twas he was the...'" "'Ah, there, Heather.'" "'Ah, tuxes! Taxes, uh, exhaust.'"[] "'Ah. Very, Harvey.'" "'Ah! Nom! ... No ham? Oh, man!'" "'Ahh, Ann? Hannah?' / 'Nah.' / 'Nah.'" "'Ahh, rest-hearths!'" "'Ail, eh? Lie! Ha!' / 'I...heal.'" "'Air hockey? Oh yea, Rick!'" "'Alfy, flay a fly.'" "'All right, Garth?' / 'Ill.'" "'Ally me lamely?' / 'Yell, mama, yell!'" "'Am so, Amos!'" "'Ami in a mini! Man, I... I...!'" "'Amy, be my...' / '[a-b], maybe.'" "'Amy, be...' / 'Maybe, Ma. Bye!'" "'Analysis?' / 'Assay nil, Lina says.'" "'Andrew?' / 'Er, Dawn?'"[] "'Anti-police caption? Lie!'" "'Any itch, Cynthia?' / 'Yachtin[']!'" "'Any more ramen, yo?' / 'Yea, Norm!'" "'Anyhow...' / 'Oh, YAWN!'" "'Aplha, pal? Ha!'" "'April fool? Poor flail! Frail loop!'" "'Artist or Traitors?'"[] "'As if EVERY five years...'" "'Ask, LOL.' / 'All's OK?'" "'Ask.' / 'Is a kiss, Kassi...?'" "'Askew, we ask...' / '[']S weak!'" "'Asti is at Tia's.'" "'At prick Patrick? Ick! Trap!'" "'Autonomy, Ma!' / 'Not you!'" "'Aw, Fern!' / 'Fawner.'" "'Aw, may I?' / 'I'm away.'" "'Ay, Doug's so gaudy.'" "'Ay, Ken's sneaky.'" "'Bad Leon!' / 'Bald one, old bean!' ... 'A blonde! Lean bod!'" "'Bah, dang handbag!'" "'Bah, mite! Beat him!'" "'Ban [d-t]? Not bad!'" "'The bar, eh, brat? BREATH!'" "'Bay home?' / 'Oh, maybe! Ahem! Boy!'" "'Bay oft, Fat boy!'" "'Be Greeks! Beer kegs!'" "'Be WHAT? Bath? Ew!' / 'Aw, Beth!'" "'The beach, eh?' / 'Betcha!'" "'Beaten? Be neat! Be a TEN!'" "'Beauty's easy, but...'" "'Beg tent, get bent.'" "'Beggin[']? Biggen? N/G gibe!'" "'Behave, Eve!' / 'Bah!'" "'Bend to debt? No, don't be bent. Do...'" "'Berthe et Herb Hebert.' / 'Eh, Bret?'" "'Best not bet TONS.'" "'Beth, he's the best.' / 'BS teeth.'" "'Beth is best. ...Hi! ...She bit!'" "'Bid ten?' / 'In debt, Ed.' / 'Bint.'" "'Bide? I...' / 'Bed, Debi!'" "'Biff, BFF?' / 'I...'" "'Big-[a-word] bag, Sis!'" "'The bin Hi bent hit Ben!' / 'Eh, bint.'" "'A bin? I ban!'" "'Bird goo! Big odor! Grodi, Bo!'" "'Bland emote? Don't be lame.'" "'Bloat, ol['] bat!'" "'Blockade? Cad-bloke!'" "'Bloopers? Bore-slop!'" "'Blue Lava? Valuable.'" "A blurt: 'Brutal!'" "'Boat went. Won't be at...'" "'Bob, I...' / 'Time to imbibe!'" "'Bonfire? / Fine, bro!'" "'Boot my TOM? Boy!'" "'Boots? My. Tomboys!'" "'Bore, lad? Deal, bro.'" "'Boredom KILLS bedroom skill.'" "'Borin['] art! Brain rot!'" "'Botany? Me? Maybe not!'" "'Botched bod, Chet!'"[] "'Bother to, Herb? Or Beth? Bert? Oh, bother.'" "'Bovine vibe? No!'" "'Boy, just jot...' / 'BUSY!'" "'Brag on, bro! Nag! No, grab!'" "'Breeze? Beezer!'" "'Bri, how hi-brow!'" "'Bribe to be IT, bro!'" "'Brie now, Brownie?' / 'No, I brew wine, bro!'" "'Bro, I'll rib, LOL.'" "'Bro! Pa! A prob!'" "'Bro! Sad broads.'"[] "'A brony barn, yo!'" "'Bub's rec is... subscribe, scrubbies!'" "'Bub's torn. Stubborn.'" "'Bucky's BS...yuck!'" "'Bud Lowe WOULD be due blow.'" "'Bud's hole should be blue-shod. Bold hues!'" "'Budgets, Gus? DEBT?!'" "'Bug me? Um, BEG!'" "'Buried ire, bud?' / 'Rube, I'd...'" "'But egad! A budget?'" "'But I'M it, bum!'" "'But Ron...' / 'No, Burt!'" "'The butt? Tut, Beth.'" "'Buy tea, beauty?' / 'Yea...but...'" "'By the way, why a byte? Thy way be...'" "'BYOB's BS. Boy!'" "'Can Ed Dance? Ed Can Dance!'" "'Can fit? Can't if in fact...F! Can it, Fat Nic?'" "'Can't I pee?' / 'Patience!' / 'Neat epic.'" "'Can't Sue enact us?' / 'Nutcase.'" "'Cancerous Accuser! No!'" "'Cap, hit a pitch at Chip!'" "'Caption? Not a pic.'" "'Card [']em, Mr. Cade?' / 'Mad rec.'" "Cat-like ice-talk." [p] "'Cats, I sac it...' / 'Staci!'" "'Chad? Eeh, a headache.'" "'Charity? Ach, I try!'" "'Chaste, eh? Scat!'" "'Chat Chez Chaz, Chet!'" "'Chavs, Chas?' / 'V.'" "'Chaz! Zach!'" "'Cheat, use the sauce!' / 'He's acute.'" "'Cheese sechee? [']S... eeech.'" "'Chemistry? Christy? Meh.'" "'Cherries, sir! Cheer!'" "'Chip, a chap I cap. Hi!'" "'A cigar, Garcia?' / 'Me? Cigar? Grimace!'" "'Class! Now!' / '[a-word-u]-clown.'" "'Claudine's uncle said dunces ail.'" "'Clearly. Call yer cell, Ray.'" "'Clever rec, Lev!'" "'A client! Can I let...?' / 'Clean it.'" "'Clive's OK. Love sick.'" "'Co-harp, chap, or... oh [crap]!'" "'Co-pay cap? Oy!'" "'Cocaine?' / 'Once.' / 'CIA!'" "'Collatin[']? LOL, I can't!'" "'Communist scum! / I'm not!'" "'Connie's nice, son!' / 'Connie? Nice? NO!'" "'Consigned.' / 'Seconding.'" "'Contrary! Rory can't!'" "'Cookin['], eh? No...I choke.'" "Coy howl. 'Cool! Why? Holy cow!'" "'Coy is so ICY!'" "'A cramp, ma! [crap-u]!'" "'A cruise is a cure!'" "'Cure less recluses.'" "'Cut-rate care? Tut!'" "'D'oh, it's hot, Sid!' / 'Do this.'" "'Dad, go on--and GOOD!'" "'Dainty? Me? Dynamite!'" "'Dan set ten ads at ends. Dane St.'" "'Dan's pro-pardons? Darn sop!'" "'Dance tip?' / 'Pedantic, inept cad!'" "'Dang bold gold band.'" "'Darling lad! Grin!'" "'Darn, Mo! Random!'" "'Darn, Ty. Try, Dan!'" "'Date Beth? Bad teeth.'" "'Date HIM? Eh, admit I'm hated.'" "'Davide? / Dad, I've...'" "'DAZZZling, Glinda!' ... zzz..." "'Deal, git. Get laid.'"[] "'The deal is healed. SIT.'" "'Death, eh, Tad?' / 'Ah, Ted. Hated!'" "'Debark? Erk, bad!'" "'Debts? Ay, stay. Bed.'" "'Debunk Ken, Bud.'" "'Decay, ye cad!'" "'Define feedin[']? Fie, Ned!'" "'Deft intro, tot-friend. I don't fret.'" "'Defy lax flex day? Axed! Fly!'" "'Del Chou? Could he? Clued?' / 'Oh, duh, Cleo!'" "'Demos? Sod [']em!'" "'Density? Snide, Ty.'" "'Dentistries?' / 'Disinterest.'" "'Detail it, Dale.'"[] "'Details? A list, Ed.'"[] "'Dex, to detox!'" "'Di! Sam! Maids! I'm sad.'" "'Diamond? I do, [d-word]!'" "'Dick eats dates? Ick!'" "'Dignity's dying. It's...'" "'Dirt po[']? Drop it!'" "'Dis den? I'd send Eddins.'" "'Discharge riches? Gad!'" "'Dish, Art.' / 'It's hard. I'd trash this rad ad shirt...'" "'Disorg? [']S GRODI!'" "'Dissent ends. Sit.'" "'Ditch day? Tidy, Chad!'" "'Ditched? DID Chet?'" "'Dive in, Vi! Dine!' / 'Divine!'" "'Diversion so diviner: son, I drive.'" "'Do as a sod? A dodo! [a-word-u]!'" "'Do no harm? Oh, random! ...Darn homo.'" "'Do nothing? Ninth? Good!'" "'Do plan, pal.' / 'Nod.'" "'Do pose so dope? Oops, Ed.'" "'Do that, Tad. Hot!'" "'Do what, Tad? How?'" "'Do'n it? I don't. Not Di.'" "'Dog, want Dawn?' / 'Got.'" "'Doin['] em?' / 'I'm done.' / 'Do mine, dim one!' / 'No, Ed, I'm...'" "'Don, do no odd.'" "'Don, wash and show hands.' / 'Ow!'" "'Don't dawdle.' / 'Let down, Dad?'" "'Don't even vent.' / 'Done.'" "'Don't need to.' / 'Noted! Noted!'" "'Douches? Us? Chode!'" "'Dour imp!' / 'I'm proud.'" "'Dowdiness disendows!'" "'Down as now-sad Dawson? Wan sod.'" "'Down to two, Don? Won't do!'" "'Dr. Lidle drilled!'" "'Draheim's, semi-hard? Mis-heard!'" "'Drew, no wonder Ron wed...'" "'Drew, son. Rod's new.' / 'Nerds!' / 'Ow!'" "Dry moan. 'Roy! [d-word-u]!' / 'Raymond!'" "'Dry up, Purdy!'" "'DSL Late? Staller.'" "'DudeCorp produced DOPE crud!'" "'A dumpy pad, yum!' / 'Mad?' / 'Yup.'" "'DVD A is David's.'" "'Easier arisee? Revile le reveille!'" "'Eco-nuts? Contuse!'" "'Eco-raid? Ciao, Red! ... I [i]do[r] care!'" "'Ed, Marty! Dry meat made...try?'" "'Ed now owned? No, wed.'" "'Ed Panda aped Dan Deadpan!'" "'Ed spoons dope, sons.'" "'Ed's men? Send [']em!'" "'Edi's Side Dies!'" "'Eelgrass, Graessle? Largesse!'" "'E.g. chart the crag? Arg, Chet!'" "'Egad, sleet, delegates! East ledge!'" "'Eglantine? Inelegant!'" "'Ego, Geo!'" "'Egos, ay.' / 'Yo, sage, go easy!'" "'Eh, Ms. Mesh-Mehs?'" "'Eh, n, li'l hellion.'" "'Eh, note the one.'" "'Eh, Pa? Hep?' / 'A heap!'" "'Eh, Scott! To techs!'" "'Eh, Shar Has Her Rehash!'" "'Eh, She's...sheesh.'" "'Eh, shill. Hellish!'" "'Eh, tents, THEN set the nets.'" "'Eh? Say? Ah yes, Hayes! Ay, she...'" "'Eli, an alien!'" "'Elite? Brr. Terrible.'" "'Elite? Egad, I delegate detail. Gee.'" "'Elton let on to Len...'" "'Email [']im, Lea! Go Chat!' / 'Gotcha!'" "'Email me, Ali!'" "'Emerge, Meg, ere...' / 'Erm, gee...'" "'Emil's SLIME!'" "'Enact this.' / 'That's nice.'" "'Encore, Corene!'" "'Epithets tip sheet? The spite!'" "'Er, host? Ed's hot to shed the sod.'" "'Er, is Ma a miser? I'm ears!' / 'Smear? I?'" "'Er, wit? Write!'" "'Ern! Ren! Nee-nrr!'" "'Err, pie, Pierre?'" "'Err, US surer?'" "'Erratic rare tic, Cartier!'" "'Er...TURF-furter?'" "'Ever omit overtime or motive?'" "'Ew, adding a wedding? Wang DIED!'" "'Ew, Chas chews a cashew!'" "'Ew, hater!' / 'Aw, there! Whereat...'" "'Ew, kind new kid WINKED?'" "'Ew, no, Owen!'" "'Ew, Slob! Be Slow!'" "'Ew, smut! Um, Stew, MUST we?'" "'Fat-Anon? Not a fan.'" "'Fatima, am I fat?'" "'A fax? [']Sup? Faux pas!'" "'Feasibly? FAILS! Bye!'" "'Finance Fan? Nice!'"[] "'Fine, bro! Be in for no fiber!'" "'Fish! Fish!' / 'Sshh, Fifi!'" "'Fit, Ma? I'm fat!'" "'Flab? Lots? Softball!'" "'Flatterer alert! Fret!'" "'Flaw-hit half-wit!'" "'Flirter!' / 'Trifler!'" "'Flu also?' / 'All of us.'" "'Flu-sore. Sue Rolf?' / 'Sure, Flo. Sour elf.'" "'Foodies do so? Fie!'" "'Football? Lob aloft!'" "'Forceful offer, Luc!'" "'Freshman! Mash! Nerf!'" "'A frightfully fraught filly!'" "'Frowny fry, now!'" "'Frugal Ralf? Ug!'" "'Fry dat drafty fad try!'" "'Fudgin[']? Fun, dig?'" "'Furs? Fie, I suffer!'" "'Gag, Otto. Gotta Go.'" "'Gag! His gig has haggis!'" "'Gambler? Me? Blarg!'"[] "'Garth, ice the cigar!'" "'Gay slur, Ray? Slug.'" "'Gee, can Ace neg!'" "'Gee, dang, engaged.'" "'Gee! Clean elegance!'" "'Gee! So, go see!'" "'Gee! Trips! Prestige!'" "'Gems? SMEG.'"[] "'Geniver, I...' / 'Revenge!'" "'Get in, net it!'" "'Ghostily, oh, sly git!'" "'A giant no? Not again!'" "'Gigabit? Big A? Git.'" "'Gil's ma is glam? Slag!' / 'I'm...'" "'Give a...' / 'I gave.'" "'Given a trite vinaigrette?' / 'Vintage tier.'" "'Glitch? Tch, Gil.'" "'Glover! Vogler! Grovel!'" "'Go alt, Al? Got to lag.'" "'Go bad, Bo? Gad!'" "'Go clash! Log cash!' / 'Gosh, Cal!'" "'Go dance once, gad!' / 'Acne, dog!'" "'Go dream, Marge. Do.' / 'Gad! More?'" "'Go finer! Foreign! No grief!'" "'Go first or gifts?' / 'Sit, frog.'" "'Go in, man.' / 'No gamin['] in among...?' Moaning. 'I'm gonna...'" "'Go mine, Imogen! / I'm gone.'" "'Go private? A veto.' / 'Prig.'" "'Go public. Glip coup.'" "'Go racin[']? No cigar!'" "'Go to war to grow a...'" "'Go up it. Pig out!'" "'Goad a dog! Gaga dodo!'" "'Godawful Flaw, Doug.'" "'Good? HIM? Ohmigod.'" "'Gosh, Nick. Shocking hick song.' Conk. Sigh." "'Gosh, Vin! Shoving!'" "'Got cake? Go, K.C. Eat.'" "'Gourmet Urge, Tom?'" "'Grandeur? Rear-dung!'" "'Granola, Al? Groan!'" "'Graveyard? A drag, very.'" "'Great, I'd grade it.'" "'Greed is EDGE, Sid.'" "'Greedy Ken. Geeky Nerd!'" "'Grim? Nay, I'm angry!'" "'Grumpy, Mr. G? / Yup.'" "'GTHO, goth!'" "'Guises, Gussie? I guess.'" "'Gus, set guests!'" "'Gyro. Ungh, so hungry!'" "'Ha! Joke!' / 'Oh, JAKE.'" "'HALF's flash.'" "'Handsome? Dan? So meh!'" "'Handsome? No. SHAMED!'" "'Happy?' / 'No, phony, Pa.'" "'Hard-up? PHRAUD!'" "'Harping, prig?' / 'Nah.'" "'Hate Mr. Mather? Meh, Art!'" "'Hayride? Hi! Ready!'" "'He'd nag, dang, eh?'" "'He's into THIS one?' / 'Honest, I...'" "'He's loyal.' / 'Ha, solely?' / 'Say hello.'" "'He's tart. Eh, trash.'" "'Hearsay! A heresy!' / 'Aye. Rash.'" "'Hearts Haster Tsar, Eh? Ah, rest!'" "'Heaviness, VANISH! See?'" "'Heck, eat the cake.'" "'Heh, I'm Him. Eh?'" "'Heidi! Hi!' / 'Die!'" "'Heifer, HER? Fie!'" "'Heir? HIRE!'" "'Heists? She's it!'" "'Hentai, a... in the... ETHAN!' / 'I...'" "'Her Man's Sherman.'" "'Her, taming the margin? Amen, right.'" "'Hesitance? Hit a scene.'" "'Hey Al Haley!'" "'Hey Lew! Wheely!' / 'Why, Lee?'" "'Hey, subs, he's busy!' / 'Hussy, be...'" "'Hi, Capt. A pitch at Chip?'" "'Hi, Dan. Nah, I'd a hand...'" "'Hi, Dave! I've had Hev-Aid!' / 'Eh, diva.'" "'Hi, demo ok?' / 'I'm hooked.'" "'Hi, Leon. Hole in line, Ho!'" "'Hi, Mary! My hair...' / 'Hyram, I...' / 'Ray him!'" "'Hi, Pete. The Pie?' / 'Eh...I...pet...'" "'Hi, son I...nosh?' / 'Ish, no.'" "'Hi, stuck?' / 'Us? Thick...'" "'Hi, Tank! Think a...' / 'Nah, Kit.'" "'Hi, Wood! How do I... D'oh! Oww!'" "'Hi! Fools! Foolish!'" "'Hideous house, Di!'" "'Hire add?' / 'Diehard, I'd heard.'" "'His pa, as hip? A... pish!'" "'Hm, a ham! Mm, haha!'" "'Hm, yes, my, he's meshy.'" "'Hnagups?' / 'Puns. Gah!'" "'Ho, who's...' / Whoosh / 'Oh, how's...?'" "'Hog [']em! Go!' / 'Meh.'" "'Homais? Oi! Sham!'" "'Home-style? He's motley.'" "'Hon, as Noah's has no ash...'" "'Hostel! Hotels! Oh, let's...!'" "'Hot asset? He's toast.'" "'Hot damn!' / 'Don't ham.'" "'Hot darn! ... D'oh! Rant!'" "'How dumb, Bud. Whom?'" "'How not hot, now!'" "'How now. Who won?'" "'How so?' / 'Woosh!'" "'Hubert, but her...' / 'The rub: be hurt!'" "'A hug? Augh!'" "'A huggy guy. Gah!'" "'Huh, dud? Duh. DUH!'" "'Hum more.' / 'Uh, er, Mom?' / 'Humor me.'" "'Hup, Stu!' / 'Shut up!'" "'Hush now, huns!' / 'How?'" "'I bet on Benoit. No bite?'"[] "'I dare.' A dire 'Er, aid?'" "'I educate.' / 'Cute idea.'" "'I goofed, good. Fie!'" "'I hang in. Agh!'" "'I hate Tia.' / 'Eh?'" "'I, Manly, Mainly am lyin['].'" "'I mean ME, Ian!'" "'I need to edit one...'" "'I rated a tired 'Rad tie, dear, it...''" [p] "'I resent SireNet!' / 'Sit, Rene.'" "'I save on, as I've no evasion.'" "'I set up pie, Stu!'" "'I, the diva, I've HAD it!'" "'I, umpteen meetin['] up.'" "'I'd rec Edric.'" "'I'm at it, Ma!'" "'I'm bored' / 'Bromide: bid more.'" "'I'm dead, Maddie! Em did a...'" "'I'm home, Mom!' / 'Eh? I...'" "'I'm IT. Beg. BIG TIME!'" "'I'm, like, lie, Kim!'" "'I'm pro! Primo!'" "'I'm sad, Sam.' / 'I'd...'" "'I'm sorry. Rori's my...'" "'I'm sure, Mr. I sue!'" "'I'm upset!' / 'Um, spite!'" "'I'm wet, Tim.' / 'Ew!'" "'I've...' / 'Tosh. Shove it.'" "'I? Debt? I'd bet it'd be...'" "'I? Mock Mo[']? Ick!'" "'ID Lost?' / 'It's Old.'" "'Idle, tots? Let's do it!'" "'I.e. Dad aided Addie.'" "'I.e., Dr. Reid, DIRE!'" "'I.e. sad aides['] ideas aside, Sadie.'" "'If [']twas a swift fist...aw.'" "'If Sal fails, is Alf fils a...?'" "'Ignorable, Gabriel? No!'" "'Il povre?' / 'Pro-evil ol['] viper!'" "'Ill, Pa? A pill?'" "'Immoral liar, Mom!'" "'Impose? No, Moon pies poison me.'" "'Impression?' / 'Permission?'" "'In, ma?' / 'Na, I'm ... a min ... man, I ...'" "'Indiscretion? Indirections.'" "'Indoors odor? SIN!" "'Inept recap, apprentice!'" "'Into [toti]? Not I!'"[] "'Into drugs? Turgid, son.'" "'Intro a ration? Not Ari!'" "'Invest it, Sven!'" "'IOU?' / 'Oui.'" "'iPhone, eh? No IP?'" [p] "'IQ un-apt? Piquant quip, Nat!'" "'IRS, sir!'" "'Is coy Ben nice, boys?'" "'Is CPR PC, sir?'" "'Is Tank Atkins a Skint?'" "'Is Ted Deist?'" "'Is this on?' / 'To hissin[']!'" "'Is Wes Weiss...?' / 'Ew, sis!'" "'Isis, Noel LIONISES oiliness!'" "'It causes...' / 'ICU seats?' / 'A cutsies.'" "'It seems semi-set.'" "'It's Dan! I stand!'" "'It's, er, ... I rest.'" "'It's like, silk tie? Kit LIES!'" "'It's up! Go, pigs, out!'" "'It's...' / 'SIT!'" "'Ivies top?' / 'Positive.'" "'J/K, there.' / 'The JERK!'" "'Jam out?' / 'Um, a jot.'" "'Jana, I'm in a jam!'" "'Jerkish...' / 'Eh, sir?' / 'J/k.'" "'Joyce is coy, Jesi.' / 'Sic Joey!'" "'Ken's a snake!'" "'Ken? Hot?' / 'No, Kent.' / 'Ok, then.'" "'Keyed up, Duke?' / 'Yep.'" "'Kid, cut Sue.' / 'Suckitude.'" "'Kip, son. Pinkos spin, OK? Skip...' / 'NO!'" "'Kiss her.' Shrieks. 'Eh, risks.'" "'Kite, Rob?' / 'It broke.'" "'Know, Al: walk on lawn, OK.'" "'Kudos? Ok'd? Us?'" "'L-Dopa? A plod, old Pa.'" "'Lads, a salad! Dive in!' / 'Divine!'" "'Lady Dee? Delayed!'" "'Lady, son?' / 'Sadly, no.'" "'Lampton's plan-most plots, man...'" "'Landmines? Lad, men sin.'" "'Lara wed Al Warde? Raw Deal!'" "'Laud Fred? A fuddler! Dreadful.'" "'Leaving, vile nag!' / 'Lavigne!'" "'A leet GIF? Get a life!'" "'Leg welt? Get well!'" "'Lem, lots to smell! Lo, smelt!'" "'Len's gut lungest.' / 'Glutens.'" "'Lent? SOS. Net loss. [']S stolen.'"[] "'Leopold's dope? LOLs!'" "'Les, I'm...Mel is SLIME.' / 'Is Lem?'" "'Li'l Bro or Bill? Brill!'" "'Li'l bro? Or Bill?'"[] "'Li'l Wes is well.' / 'I...swell!'" "'Liam! Len! All mine!' / 'Mean! I'll...'" "'Libel! I'll be...'" "'A lie, Leia!'" "'Like waves? Lake views? Weave silk!'" "'Limo? Moil, Milo.'" "'Link, Ed?' / 'IDK, Len.'" "'Linotyped pointedly? Only tepid.'" "'Lisa, too, is a tool!'" "'Literally...' / 'Later, Lily!'" "'Lo, son! Solon Olson!'" "'[']Lo, team!' / 'Mo! Late to meal!'" "'Load up, Paul! Do!' / 'Loud, Pa!'" "'Loafers! So feral!'"[] "'Loathe Theola! Loathe!'" "'Log off fo['] Golf!'" "'Lola, a LOL?'" "'Long wail allowing? No, ill wag!'" "'Longest legs? NOT!'" "'Looks OK, Sol.'" "'Loonies soil one.'" "'Loud toy? You dolt!'" "'Low-bred bowdler!'" "'Luci, don't!' / 'I couldn't!'" "'Lychees, Chelsey? Eech, Sly.'" "'Ma, Feel Female.'" "'Ma, he's...' / 'Shame, eh, Sam?'" "'Ma, I seen meanies!'" "'Ma, opt to Pam.' / 'Apt, Mo.'" "'Ma, Sad? Mad as Ms. Ada Adams!'" "'Mad, Gil? I'm glad!' / 'Dim gal!'" "'Mad men! Damn [']em!'" "'Maddie, Ma died!' / 'Dad, me... I...'" "'Made it! I tamed a timed...'"[] "'Maggie, I...' / 'Gag me!'" "'Make Fun? Me? ...A funk!'" "'Malcolm, call Mom.'" "'Malik? Kim? Al? A milk?'" "'Malodors? Door slam!'" "'Man, Brenda's brand names!'" "'Man-Toy to Many? Not Amy!'" "'Man! A dire marinade.'" "'Mandy!' / 'My dandy man!'" "'The map? Apt? Meh.'" "'Marathon? Martha? No!'"[] "'Marcy! My car!' / 'Cry, Ma!'" "'Maria! Ew!' / 'I'm aware.'" "'Mark's wool looks warm.'" "'Marti, a trim?' / 'Art, I'm...'" "'Mass? Try St. Mary's.'" "'THE MAW, Mathew!' / 'What, me? Aw...THEM!'" "'Max the tax? Meh.'" "'Me, a win? I am new!'" "'Me, Doc: MedCo EcoMD!'" "'Me, exert? Extreme!'" "'Me, tithe? ... The time!'" "'Me wild? We! Mild!'" "'Mealtime? Me, I'm late.'" "Mean prod. 'Pardon me.' Name Drop." [p] "'Measures?' / 'Reassume same user.'" "'Meet [']im? Me time!'" "'Meetups? Must pee...'" "'Meg, I'm ... / Gimme!'" "'Our go, sir? Rigorous!'" "'OJ, wine: we join.'" "'Drop in? No, drip!'" "'Clams? Po['] slop, Mac!' / 'Ol['] scamp!' Mo['] claps." "'Play a joke? Peak joy, Al.'" "'My legs! Sly, Meg.'" "'Liz, Pip! Zip-lip!'" "'To quips? Quit, sop!'" "'Men, I'd go demoing.' / 'Mendigo.'" "'Menial? Eli, man, Nail [']em!' / 'I am, Len!'" "'A meteor!' / 'More tea?'" "'Mia, Ted made it! Date [']im!' / 'Tied, Ma!'" "'Midterm trimmed, Mr.! Timed!'" "'Migraines, sir? Enigma.'" "'Miladies, idealism!'" "'Milly? Ill? My.'" "'Mini-set! It's mine!'" "'Minor-Co micro? No, MORONIC!'" "'Mint juleps? Let's jump in!'" "'Misclick? Slick, Kim.'" "'Miser, sir? Me?'" "'Mistraced timecards? Mister CAD!'" "'Mix ten!' / 'I'm next!'" "'Mix up ten?! I'm up next!'" "'Mm, say, Sammy, my ma's Ms. May.'" "'Mo['] bran, Bro-man!'" "'Moe's some emo. O Me!'" "'Mold, eh? Hold me!'" "'Mom, hey! My home!'" "'Mom! Pop! Mo['] pomp!'" "'Mon ange, gone, man!' / 'Megan? No!'" "'Moni's moins Simon.'" "'Monitor it, moron!'" "'Monstrous tumors, son.'" "'Mousy, eh? My house. You mesh.'" "'Mr. Cutie? I'm cuter.'" "'Mr. Day!' / 'Mardy Dr. May!'" "'Mr. Kato! Mark! To OKMart!' / 'Rot. KMA.'" "'Mr. Saudee Measured. Made sure.'" "'Ms. Kris, kiss Mr. Sisk.' / 'Smirks.'" "'Munroe? Um, er, no.'" "'Mutant? Tut, man.'" "Mutters. 'Rum test, er, mutts.' / 'Trust Me, Mr. Stute.'" "'My arse, Ramsey.'" "'My bread, Dr.?' / 'Maybe.'" "'My case: scam ye? Yes, Mac.'" "'My dear, I--I'm ready.'" "'My dorm, Mom? Dry.'" "'My goal: log Amy. Glam, yo!'" "'My group's so grumpy! Romp, guys!'" "'My guess: Sue's gym?' / 'Smug yes.'" "'MY mum yummy?'" "'My Porsche shop! Mercy!'" "'My serial mislayer, Mr. Easily-Smearily!'" "'My shoes! Oh, messy!'" "'My, son! Mony's...'" "'My wish: Whimsy!' / 'Why, Sim?'" "'Myopic, coy imp!'" "'Nanci, free refinance can refine...'" "'Naw, Deb's bad news.'" "'Naw, Don had won, and how!'" "'Naw, Seth. He wants new hats.'" "'Naw, sit. I wasn't wastin[']...'" "'Ned, is Denis snide?'" "'Ned, mass madness!'" "'New leg, Glen? Ew!'" "'New OS? Owens-Snowe? Son, we...'" "'Newsroom?' / 'More snow. Worn some.'" "'Newt did. We didn't!'" "'Nick, Jo! Jockin['] Jon? Ick!'" "'NIGEL'S single.' / 'Is Glen?'" "'No, [d-t]! Do not nod to...o, don't!'" "'No B's? Snob!'" "'No baths?' / 'Bah, tons!'" "'No-brainer, Inaner Rob.'" "'No bribes? Snobbier...'" "'No cut, Count!'" "'No, Drew! Ron wed, Red? Now? Downer.'" "'No face of acne!'" "'No horse shoe, Ren? Oh, snore!'" "'No mail, oilman.'" "'No mice come in.'" "'No pals? So, plan!'" "'No pearls or panels? Personal.'" "'No-show? How, son?'" "'No spots? Tops, son!'" "'No trash! Ah, snort! Oh, rants!'" "'No white wine, tho['].' / 'Hit Owen, the wino.'" "'No wrath, Wharton-Anworth?'" "'Noisy bums! Son, I'm busy!'" "'Nominated? Admit none!'" "'Non-fats fan? TONS!'" "'Non-odd nod, Don!'" "'Nopalito? Optional.'" "'Nor am I, Marion!'" "'Nor THY thorny try, hon['].'" "'Not Ned's tendons!'" "'Not set?' / 'Tetons? No test!'" "'Notice it once.' / 'Nice to notice.'" "'Now, Rog?' / 'WRONGO.'" "'Nut job!' / 'But Jon!'" "'Nutso? Not us.'" "'NY, kid? Dinky!'" "'O Billy! Lil Boy!'" "'O, lively ville, yo!' / 'I...lovely!'" "'O Splat! Pa Lost!'"[] "'O, thin! Hit on? ...In! Hot!'" "'O, those soothe.' / 'He's too...' / 'She, too.'" "'Obsolete obese lot!'" "'Octane, Ace?' / 'Not at once.'" "'OD, Tex? Detox!'" "'Odd day, daddy-o!'" "'Offends? Send off!'" "'Oh, a FTW? Of what?'" "'Oh, aid Idaho!' / 'Ah, I do!'" "'Oh and Ha! Don had no Honda.'" "'Oh, BS! Bosh!'" "'Oh, drat. Hard to do, thar.'" "'Oh, Evita, I HAVE to!'" "'Oh, Gus, Hugo's so...UGH.'" "'Oh, it's Mr. I'm-Short-Mirth-So.'" "'Oh, MY slur? Sly humor.'" "'Oh, Nell?' / 'Hell, no!'" "'Oh, pie, I hope. Eh? Poi?'" "'Oh, rats. A short sort, ah?'" "'Oh, repute up to here, eh, pouter?'" "'Oh, Rita!' / 'Hot air.'" "'Oh, yes. Oy, he's so...' / 'Hey!'" "'Oho, dumb bum-hood!'" "'Oho, say! Yahoos!'" "'Oil stock? Too slick.'" "'Oil! Neat! Elation! To a line!'" "'Oil? Psh. Polish so, phil. Oh! Slip!'" "'OK, deny, donkey!'" "'Ok, Dr. ... Dork.'" "'Ok, Oz, a kazoo!'" "'OK, rec, Coker?' / 'Crook Creek.'" "'Old age? Go deal.' / 'Ego, lad.'" "'Old cow!' / 'Low, doc!'" "'Old town! Now, dolt!'" "'Olive loaf vile? Aloof!'" "'Omit Ken, not Mike.'" "'On target?' / 'Not great.'" "'Onanism, I? Insomnia!' / 'No man is...'" "One prim 'Rip [']em? No, I'm prone.'" "'One room?' / 'No, Romeo!'" "'One thing...' / 'Neigh not!'" "'Oo, guest goes out!'" "'Ooh Meg?' / 'Go home, hog Moe!'" "'Ooh, Pat! A photo!'" "'Or Night? Right On!'" "'Or TV ops, provost...'" "'Our Igor's Rigorous!'" "'Ow, mind! I'm down!'" "'Ow, not by Town, Boy.'" "'Owners, dis rowdiness.'" "'Oy, a wag? Go away!'" "'Oy, Bill's silly, Bo!'" "'Oy. Sad.' / 'Do say.'" "'Pa, I fart!' / 'Parfait!'" "'Pa, if I fap...' / 'Ai! Pf!'" "'Pa, she...' / 'Phase, eh, sap?'" "'Pack it in? Panic? Kit, a nitpick.'" "'Pah! Cold, old chap.'" "'Paid for prof aid? Oaf! Drip!'" "'Patchiest. [']S pathetic.'" "'Paul, do load up!'" "'Pay Red per day?' / 'Yep.' / 'Rad.'" "'Payouts up to, say...'" "'Peg's no sponge.'" "'Pet, Ike? Keep it.'" "'Pete! Al! Ale tap! A plate!' / 'Apt, Lee. Eat, pal!'" "'PG, sir!' / 'Prigs!'" "'Phil, set his pelt!' / 'Shlep it!'" "'Photo op? Hot!'" "'Pie, Ace?' / 'A piece.'" "'Pie, OK? I poke Po['] Ike.'" "'Pig, fetch a cheap gift!'" "'The pig hit Peg!'" "'Pinch a chap in an...Chip! Pain! Ch!'" "'Pinko? Kip? NO!'" "'Pip Erd ripped Dr. Pepi!'" "'Pix, Neal. Explain.'" "'Plan yet? Penalty!'" "'Play dumb amply, bud.'" "'Play safe!' / ' Safely, Pa!' / 'False yap.'" "'Plus, pie piles up.'" "'Plus the help, uh, slept, Stu.' / 'Hup! Let's...'" "'A pony. Pay? No? Yap on!'" "'Poofy fop! Yo!'" "'Pop in on Pip!'" "'Pop music comp is UP!'" "'Posher tone? Nope. Others.'" "'Post mine! ... NEPOTISM.'" "'Pre-edit. Tepider.'" "'Precede Creep Ed? Cred? Eep.'" "'Prepare a pepper.'" "'Prickly Ply, Rick!'" "'Pride, man. Damn ripe and prime!'" "'Probe us? Sober up! Sop! Rube!'" "'Probity? Pity, bro.'" "'A problem.' / 'Ample, bro.'" "'Promo, Mr.? Poo!'" "'Prove it. Overtip.'" "'Puberty's Burst? Yep.'" "'Pudgiest? Ug, spited, e. g. stupid.'" [p] "'Pundom? Yes, son. D-U-M. Yep.'" "'Punish his pun!'" "'Push, push!' / 'Shush, pup!'" "'Pushy?' / 'Yup.' / 'Sh!'" "'Put Don DuPont up?' / 'Don't!'" "'Put Don DuPont Up?' / 'Don't.'" "'A putt? Tut, pa!'" "'Quanti-quaint!'" "'Quantify.' A tiny FUQ." "'Rad slo-mo door slam!'" "'Rah! Ned Haren... eh? Darn. Ah, nerd.'" "'Rank, eh? Harken! Hanker!'" "'Raps? Tut, Upstart!' / 'Pa, trust...'" "'Rats, Ted started!' / 'Rest, Tad.'" "'Raw tie.' / 'Wear it, waiter!'" "'Read, Tony! Tread yon!' / 'Not ready!'" "'Reading? Dang, I, er...'" "'Ready, deary?' / 'Yea, Dr.'" "'Rec, sis?' / 'Esric's Crises.'" "'Recaf? Farce!'" "'Red Bob Robbed Dr. Bebo Dobber!'" "'A red read! Dear!'" "'Redist.? I'd rest, Sir Ted.'"[] "'Regular real rug? Urrg, Lea.'" "'Resave-averse as ever?'" "'Retrophilia? Horripilate!'" "'Reviled? Deliver. I'd revel.'" "'Ride-cams? I'm scared.'" "'Ride it!' / 'I tried!'" "'Rilke liker? Reek! Irk! Ill!'" "'Rob! Ada! Dara! Bo! Aboard!'" "'Robot, eh? Herb too? The boor!'" "'Roll Tide!' / 'Die, troll!'" "'Rory's Sorry.'" "'Rot, Ty. TRY to!'" "'Rouge-sheen greenhouse. Generous, eh?'" "'Roundtable? Not durable, urbane dolt.'" "'Rufe Kosta freaks out Kera Foust.'" "'Rug sale. Lag?' / 'Sure!'" "'A rum, yes, Mary sue?' / 'Sure, May.'" "'Rush it. His rut is THRU!'" "'Rut, Mo? To rum!' / 'Um, rot!'" "'Ruth's in! Run this hunt, sir!'"[] "'Rutner-Turner? Err, nut.'" "'Ry, Fab? Barfy, By far!' / 'Fry, Ab!'" "'Sac, eh? Chase aches!'" "'Sad. I see. See, said disease is eased...'" "'Saddo odd as Dad...so...'" "'Sadist at Sid's? It's sad.'" "'Salmond's Mossland? [d-word-u] loss!'" "'Sam or Roma's? Or Ma's?'" "'Sandwich! Chad Wins!'" "'Sarah's as rash. Harass...'" "'Sardonic? Acrid, son? So rancid? No, sir! Cad!'" "'Say, be by see, [a-b]?' / 'Yay, Bess!'" "'A scalp, Pascal!'" "'Schmoose. Smooches?'" "'Scoundrel unscolder!'" "'Scry it, Cristy!'" "'See, Hirsch cherishes Cheshires!'" "'See, Tom? Emotes seem to meet so.'" "'See, um, ... ' / 'Sue me!'" "'Seen my yes men?'" "'Semi-hot? Shite, Mo!'" "'Senor Disk, son, risked dorkiness.'" "'Senorita's assertion notarises SO nastier.'" "'Set to?' / 'Totes.'" "'Shades, I said she is sad, eh?'" "'Share, cad? Hard case!'" "'She's not hotness!'" "'She's not Seth's. No.'" "'Shep, i've... ' / 'Pish, Eve! His Veep...'" "'A shorn Hans or Ron has no rash.'" "'Show [']Em Who's Me?' / 'We mosh, Ms. Howe.'" "'The shrub burst, ehh? Thus, Herb?' / 'Shh. Brute.'" "'Sick, er peon! Nose picker!'" "'Sid won't sit down. Twins, DO.'" "'Sid! Toi! Otis! Di! I... sod it, idiots!'" "'Sid's rest disserts distress.'" "'Side note...' / 'I don't see...'" "'Sigh at a sight, ah, gits?'" "'Sigh. Mended hidden gems.'" "'Sir, need deniers? I'd sneer.'" "'Sis DID dis Sid!'" "'Sis, dismal dismissal.'" "'Ski, eh? Hikes shiek?'" "'Skilled, kid? Sell!'" "'Skyrail, Al? Risky!'" "'A slip-up? Sail, pup!'" "'Sly, Pop? Sloppy.'" "'Smirkiest mis-strike! Kismet, sir!'" "'Smit, Pa?' / 'Pam, sit. I'm past...'" "'Snap! Sit, Pissant!'" "'A sneer, Arsene?' / 'Er, Sean?'" "'Snide-O Edison is DONE.'" "'Snow day dawns, oy!'" "'Snub Rick: sick burn? Bunk, Cris!'" "'So, a hex? HOAXES!'" "'So, a trek? Or skate?'" "'So, any?' / 'Ya.' / 'Son! Say no! Ay! SON!'" "'So, Audry! Our day's dour, say.'" "'So, Billy!' /'Lo, Sibyl!' / 'Oy, bills.'" "'So bore THEM, bothersome!'" "'So, brat? To bars or bats?'" "'So, Darin is rad, no?'" "'So, Dick?' / 'I'd sock DiskCo.' / 'Ick. Sod.'" "'So, dolt! Do lots?' / 'Old sot!'" "'So, Etta, to eats!'" "'So, Herby!' / 'Hey, bros!'" "'So, Hugh, go!' / 'Hush.'" "'So, Ida, do as I...' / 'Adios!'" "'So, Mikey!' / 'Yikes, Mo!'" "'So, Rod! Odors!'" "'So sticky! Icky! Toss!'" "'So tired? Do rites! Or diets!'"[] "'So, Uncle, clone us!' / 'No clues. Un-close. Counsel?'" "'So, wind is down now, Sid.'" "'So, with it? Show This. Ow! How's it...'" "'So witty? Twits, oy!'" "'So yer on Rooney's? Yes or no, son...or ye...'" "'So you're a caviler! You're so cavalier!'" "'So? Candy?' / 'Nosy cad.'" "'Some dude doused me!'" "'Some PR, Mopers! Mo['] reps!'" "'Some tonic? Nice, Smoot.'" "'Son, is Sis...? No!'" "'Son, pissy synopsis!'" "'Son, tuck, unstock. Suck not!'" "'Son's big. Bossing.'" "'Sore, chap? A Porsche!'" "'Sort at tarots so tart? Art-sot!'" "'SOS, Al!' / 'Lasso a loss as SOL.'" "'Sot? No, not so! Son, to...'" "'Soup, [d-t]?' / 'Stood up too, Spud?'" "'Soup by pubs? Oy!'" "'Sow dim wisdom, sod?' / 'Ow! I...'" "'Soylent? No style!'" "'Spaz Chet? Chez Pat's.'" "'Spoil'd? Eh? POLISHED! Hide, slop!'" "'Sponsor pros, son.'" "'Spy Al plays sly, Pa.'" "'St. Hope's set, posh? The sops!'" "'Stan, be absent!'" "'Stan Nast Tans Ants.' / 'Stats, Ann?'" "'A stare? Teaser!'" "'Start smarm? Smart. SMART.'" "'Stay put, Patty Su!'" "'Stay?' / 'Ooh, too ashy.'" "'Steady, Ted. Say!' / 'Yes, Tad?'" "'Stilo?' / 'I lost it, Sol.'" "'Stint an instant!'" "'A stock? TaskCo!'" "Stoniest snotties." [p] "'Stop, Cathie! So pathetic to pastiche.'" "'Stop her, eh, sport?' / 'Pothers!'" "'Stripes persist. Press it, sir! Step!'" "'Stu, my musty, um, sty!'" "'A sty. Stay?' / 'Say! Tasty!'" "'Such brats! Trash-cubs!'" "'Suck it!' / 'Ick, Stu!'" "'A sulk, Klaus? Ask Lu.'" "'Sulky? Boo! Look busy!'" "'Summer? Mm, sure.'" "'Summon Mum, son!'" "'Sunroof? For us? No.'" "'[']Sup, pet?' / 'Pep, Stu! Step up!'" "'[']Sup Tom? / Um, stop.'" "'Suppose Pop sues?' / 'Supe-sop!'" "'Sure into routines.' / 'True, son, I...'" "'Sure may, Mary Sue!'" "'Swank do, eh? SHAKEDOWN!'" "'T. Watson Wants to not swat at Wont's. Now, stat! No Twats!'" "'Ta-dah! Da hat!'" "'Tact is static.'" "'Tad Hodes? Shot dead?'" "'Tad, I'm' / 'Ma, it'd' / 'Admit it, mad!'" "'Tad, lewd twaddle!'" "'Take [']im, make it! Ta, Mike!'" "'Tame liar material.'" "'Tango? I? No gait!'" "'Tank is a skint.'" "'Tanked, Bro? Don't break...'" "'Taunted, Dean? Tut!'" "'Taxis at six!' / 'Uh, rider, hurried?'" "'Team player? Tame parley!'" "'Teary, Pat? TEA PARTY!'" "'Ted ails.' / 'Sit, deal details.'" "'Ted, Pare red tape!'" "'Ted, son. St. Deon Doesn't...'" "'Ted's SO tossed!'" "'Telethons? Let's not, eh?'" "'Ten-ply? Plenty.'" "'Tend urge, rude gent? Get under!'" "'Terri, ew! Rewrite!'" "'Tex, I... / EXIT!'" "'Text MINE next time!'" "'Textins[']? Sit next!'" [] "'TGIF'n? F'n git!'" "'Tha feds shafted...' / 'He's daft!'" "'That so, tots? HA!'" "'Thayer, is thy raise this year?'" "'A theft, ehm Taft?'" "'Thesis: Bums miss the bus.'" "'Thorne hot, Ren?' / 'Not her.'" "'Those Ethos? So the...he's to?'" "'Thoughtful? Golf? Uhh, tut.'" "'Thug, ho?' / 'Uh, goth.'" "'Thy gal's Ghastly!'" "'Tim, learn Nim!' / 'Later.'" "'Tin Bo Tobin-Binot? Bi? NOT!'" "'Tina, do No Donation!'" "'Tip, Grace?' / 'Price tag! Act! Gripe!'" "'Tip, Wes: spew it!' / 'I swept pits. Ew.'" "'Tired, eh? The ride.'" "'Tiresome emote, sir!'" "'[']Tis rum. Truism.'" "'Tits lie.' / 'Elitist!'" "'To bike? OK, I bet.'" "'To Dirk: Rot, Kid. OK it, Dr.?'" "'Tofu, hick?' / 'Oh, ---- it!'" "'Tofu year? After you!'" "'Tofu? No, too fun.'" "'Tom, I...' / 'I'm to Omit it, Mo.'" "'Tony, so snooty, oy!' / 'Tons!'"[] "'Too busy to buy, so, OUT, boys!' / 'Boy, to us?'" "'Too crude, Doc! Outre!'" "'Too pushy?' / 'Yup.' / 'Shoot.'" "'Top art? Rot, Pat!'" "'Top, son. Spot on!'" "'Torn ACL: act lorn? Not Carl.'" "'Toss-up? Stop us!'" "'Tourism rims out.'" "'Touted duetto ode? Tut!'" "'Toy ten? Not yet!'" "'Tracy, I've veracity!'"[] "'Tradesmen need marts.'" "'Translate. Start, Neal.' / 'Later, Stan.'" "'Trapped? Prep, Tad.'"[] "'Trickery trek? I cry...'" "'Triste's trite.' / 'Rest it.'" "'Troops nigh? Poor things!'" "'True, Simon?' 'I'm not sure.'" "'True, son. Not sure? Rue tons.'" "'A true, uh, hauteur!'" "'Tut, sis! It's stu!'" "'Tut! Lie, to let it out?'" "'Ty, I'd tidy it. D'y...'" "'Ty! Half-fly hat!'" "'U sack us? Ack, sucka!'" "'Uck! Bald? Bad luck!'" "'Ug, Al's a slug.' / 'Ug, Sal.'" "'Ug, wild Ludwig!'" "'Ug! Do Doug?!'" "'Ug! Say a guy's gay? Us?'" "'Ug! Wild Ludwig!'" "'Ugg, Steve is suggestive!'" "'Ugh, LEAD, Ed. Laugh, huge lad.'" "'Ugh, trip, upright pig Ruth!'" "'Ugly [']do, old guy!' / 'Go, duly!'" "'Uh, Brant?' / 'Ha, burnt!'" "'Uh, Count? / Uncouth nut! Ouch!'" "'...uh, covers over such vouchers.'" [p] "'Uh, Meg? Hug me!' / 'Hm...eug.'" "'Uh, pet? Put up the...' / 'Eh?'" "'Uh, tennis in the sun?'" "'Uh, toil's loutish.' / 'Tosh, Lui!'" "'Uhgh, Hugh. Ughh.'" "'Uhh, do...' / 'Oh, duh!'" "'Um, beth? The bum...meh.' / 'But...'" "'Um, chap? A chump?' / 'Much, Pa.'" "'Um, inept pun time? Put mine...'" "'Um, soy! Yum, so mousy.'" "'Um thatch that much?'" "'Unbred! Burden!' / 'Burned!'" "'Unratified.' / 'Infuriated!'" "'Unworthy to run? Why? Oh, wry nut!'" "'Up, shy...' / 'Pushy!' / 'Yup. Sh.'" "'Updike? I puked!'" "'Upsea? Pause, Sue.' / 'PA!'" "'Upside, Norm?' / 'Unpromised.'" "'Urinate taurine!'" "'Us? Ace cause!'"[] "'Veal, Vela?' 'VAL!' / 'Leave!'" "'Vegan? I gave in.'" "'Venal, Levan. Venal.'" "'Vile nag! Leaving!'" "'VIP? No? Po['] Vin.'" "'VP does dev-ops.'" "'Wail, Stu! Wus!' / '[']Til a LAWSUIT!'" "'Want now?' / 'Won't. Naw.'" "'Want! Do!' / 'Dawn, to...' / 'Now, Tad!'" "'Way hot hat, yow!'" "'We hire where I wire, eh?'" "'We know Ken!' / 'Wow!'" "'We... lost ol['] Stew.'" "'We won? Eww, no.'" "'Wealth is lies.' / 'WHAT?!'" "'Wes, Lea saw Lee...' / 'Weasel!'" "'What if?' / 'Haf-wit!'" "'What's hot? How's that?' / 'Aw, shh, tot!'" "'When does...who needs Ed now he's...?'" "'Who bet HotWeb?' / 'We, both!'" "'Who farted? Wade forth!'" "'Whoah, how?' / 'Ah!'" "'Wild oats, Waldo? Sit!'" "'Wild tot!' / 'Old twit!'" "'Wily, Red? Weirdly.'" "'Wimp out?' / 'I'm up TWO!'" "'Winds. Go dowsing?'" "'Wine, bro? Brownie?' / 'No, I...' / 'Brew?'" "'Winston won't Sin, On, twins!'" "'Wise guy, eh? Weigh ye us!'" "'With Meg, we might wig them!'" "'Wonton? No, won't. Not now.'" "'Woo yeah! Ahoy! ... Woe!'" "'Woot, Rolf! Floor two!'" "'Woozy, Oz?' / 'Yow!'" "'WORDAGE, dowager!'" "'Wordiness dies. SWORN.'" "'Workin['] Ink Row now, Rik?'" "'Working, Rog?' / ' Wink.'" "'Wow, ardent toward new? Water down...'" "'Y'mind, Mindy?'" "'Ya bored, dear boy?'" "'Ya, it's' / 'Say it!' / 'I stay.'" "'Ya thawt that way at...? Ah, why?'" "'Ye mask keys, Ma? My sake?'" "'Yell at all yet?' / 'Ay.' / 'Tell.'" "'Yes, Alan. Analyse.'" "'Yes, Ms. Symes?' / 'Messy.'" "'Yet all yell at a telly lately.' / 'Ay, tell.'" "'Yet...I'd die. T/Y, edity deity!'" "'Yo, ask it. It's okay.'" "'Yo, ask Kay so.'" "'Yo, Bec! Be coy!'" "'Yo, Beth, the boy...hot...' / 'Bye!'" "'Yo, bloke, look!' / 'Bye.'" "'Yo, bold old boy!'" "'Yo, bread, dear boy!'" "'Yo, chomp, my pooch!'" "'Yo, dog!' / 'Goody!'" "'Yo Herm! My hero!' / 'Roy? Meh.'" "'Yo, nudge Ed Young.' / 'Done, guy.'" "'Yo, sport. Too-spry try.' / 'Oops.'" "'Yo, Tad! TODAY!!!'" "'Yo, Tad!' / 'Ay, [d-t]!'" "'Yoga? Aw, go away!'" "'Yoga? Odd. Yo, Go, Dad!' / 'Good day.'" "'You need help.' / 'Elude, phoney!'" "'You SMOKE, Moose? Yuk!'" "'Zit? Scary!' / 'It's crazy.'" table of posse bosses [xxv] blurb "[a-word-u]hat Shasta" "[A-word-u]hole Sal Shoe" "[dick-u] Ian Kincaid" "A-OK Tad Dakota AKA Tod" "Aborter Roberta" "Abrupt Pub-Rat Pa Burt" "Abused Bad Sue" "'Achoo' Ochoa" "Actorly Cal Troy" "Addled Ed Ladd" "Adorned Denardo" "Adorner Reardon" "Adulating Daignault" "Afflicter Ratcliffe" "(ah, LORD,) Hard Ol['] Harold" "Alarmed Delamar" "Albany Ana Bly" "Alderman [if player is male]Mel Randa[else]Erma Land[end if]" "All-Harms Marshall" "All-Set Stella" "Alleged-Legal Ed" "Allogenic Collegian [if player is male]Eli Colgan[else]Lila Gonce[end if]" "Almighty Ty Gilham" "Alone Leona 'No Ale' O'Neal" [p] "Amoral Alomar" "Animator Ramonita" "Annoyer Ronayne" "Anthemic Teichman" "Arm-Twist Tim Straw" "Arm-Twister [if player is male]Master Wirt[else]Star Witmer[end if]" "ASBO Sabo (a SOB)" "Astronomer Monterrosa" "At-Large Art Gale" "Athletic Cal Hiett" "Auditor-Toad Rui" "Average Erv Gaea" "Avoidant [d-t] Viana" "Avoider [if player is male]Dave Rio[else]Ida Rove[end if]" "Back-Room Boor Mack" "Bad-Breath [if player is male]Thad Baber[else]Baba Herdt[end if]" "Bad Guy Bud Gay" "Bad-Heart Beathard" "Bad-Joke Jed Bako" "Bad Lu Abdul" "Bad Sol So Bald" "Bad-Taste Beast Tad" "Bad Tipper Debi Trapp" "Bad Yob Bob Day" "Baffling Biff Lang" "Bahler's Herbals" "Bald Old Dad Boll" "Balding Badling Glib Dan" "Balistreri Irritables" "Balker Kabler" "Ballestero Tolerables" "Ballsy [if player is male]Sal Bly[else]Sally B[end if]" "Banal Laban Alban" "Barger Garber" "Barky Rybka Rybak" "Baron Nabor" "Baroness Bess Roan" "Baronet Boatner" "Bastard Barstad" "Beagler Laberge" "Bear-Hug Baugher" "Bearded Bad Reed" "Bearish Abisher" "Beastly Ty Bales" "Beldin's Bindles" "Belgian Big Neal" "Belier Lieber" "Bellicose [if player is male]Bill Escoe[else]Ilse Coble[end if]" "Bend-All Belland" "Bent-Dice Benedict" "Berdine Bendier Breedin[']" "Berquist Briquets" "Bertlesen's trebleness" "Bestial Ableist Eli Bast" "Big Body Bo Digby" "Big-Boned Ed Gibbon" "Big Brain Rina Gibb" "Big Bully Bub Gilly" "Big Gib" "Big Lean Gabe Lin" [] "Big Leo Loebig" "Big Lin's Sibling" "Big Mel Gimbel" "Big Mouth Tim Bough" "Big Nose Sig Bone" "Big Ron Gibron" "Big Tough Tobi Hugg" "Binger Ingber" "Birdlike Kilbride" "Black-Eyed Clyde Beak" "Blades Sebald" "Blaguer Glauber" "Blander Lad Bren" "Blesser Bessler" "Blithe Beth Li" "Bloated [if player is male]Bo Delta[else]Deb Alto[end if]" "Blobby Bob Bly" "Blooey O'Boyle" "Blotter Ol['] Brett Tolbert" "Bluffing Biff Lung" "Bob Helt the Blob" "Bodgy Godby" "Bold Bold Blob Dold" "Bold Lad Oddball Al B. Dold" "Boldy Loyd B. Dolby" "Bolthead Theobald" "Bony Ed Dobney" "Boodler Robledo" "Boozer Rebozo" "Boozing Biz-Goon Oz Gobin" "Borg Fred Bergdorf" "Boss Man Snob Sam" "Bossier [if player is male]Bo Reiss[else]Bess Rio[end if]" "Bossy SOB Sy" "Botcher Obrecht" "Bowlin['] Wilbon" "Boxin['] Bo Nix" "Boy-Band Don-Baby" "Brahman Branham" "Braider Berardi" "Brat Mel Lambert" "Bribee Bieber" "Briller Birrell" "Broker Bo Kerr" "Brutal Brat Lu" "Bucker Rubeck" "Bugbear Burbage" "Bulkier Rik Blue" "Bull-Neck Bucknell" "Bullish Bill Hsu" "Bully Lu Bly" "Bum Arn Barnum" "Winded Dedwin" "Warzone Zorwena" "Burly Bry Lu" "Fixater Tex Fair" "Mega Icky Cagy Mike" "Dauntless Stan LeSud" "Mauls-a-Slum Sam Lu" "Bold Haired Hard Boiled [if player is male]Harold Bide[else]Diedra Bohl[end if]" "Gob-is-So-Big Boss Gibogo" "Ogling Gong Li" "Libeled Bill Dee" "Rubbish Bri Bush" "Daunting Tina Gund" "Bickery Rick Bey-Brickey" "No-Marks Sam Korn" "Crazy Bo Czybora" "Loud Short Shout Lord Dr. Lou Tosh" "Burned Bud-Ren Dubner" "Bushgoat Stobaugh" "Busy-Work Ruby Skow" "Butcher Bert Chu" "Buttery Brute Ty" "Byzantine Benny Zita" "Cake/Tart Attacker Kat Trace" "Callous Sol Luca" "Cancerous Oscar Cuen" "Canonizer Canzoneri" "Capable Pa Caleb" "Carhart's catarrhs" "Carpenito's recaptions" "Catone's octanes" "Cedary Darcey" "Cedeno's encodes" "Celano's Seconal" "Cerebral Carl Eber" "Chancery Cary Chen" "Chased Ed Cash" "Cheap-Rug [if player is male]Cap Huger[else]Peg Rauch[end if]" "Chiseler Chris Lee" "Chiselled Dechellis" "Chubster Schubert" "Churlish Lush Rich" "CIA-*** Caissa Isaacs" "Cigar Man Ragin['] Mac" "Clan-Herd Chandler" "Clayborn's carbonyls" "Clear VIP Percival" "Clearin['] Carline" "Clodpole Dell Coop" "clothiers['] chlorites" "Clouter Coulter" "Cloying Long Icy Gino Cly" "Clued Ed Luc" "Coachman Mcconaha" "Coddled Edd Cole" "Cogniser/Co-Signer Rescigno" "Coiner [if player is male]Enrico[else]Corine[end if] Cerino" "Colasanti's scalations" "Cold Bad Bold Cad Doc Bald" "Cold Em McLeod" "Collared Cardello" "Colonel Loco Len" "Color-Blind [if player is male]Bill Cordon[else]Doll Corbin[end if]" "Comeau's mucosae" "Complex Mel P. Cox" "Con Abi Bianco" "Con Art Carton" "Con Rat Cantor" "Consalvo volcanos" "Consort Croston" "Consumer Scum Oren" "Content Connett" "Contini's nicotins" "Control Clot Ron" "Contuses Countess Su Tecson" "Cool Bro Loco Rob" "Cool Kid Dick Loo" "Coopersmith's mesotrophics" "Cop-shy psycho Posh Cy" "Coppinger coppering" "Cougher Goucher" "Counterfeiter Cerrito Fuente" "Coveter Eve Cort" "Cowardly Waldo Cyr" "Cowlick Wilcock" "Coy Len Conley" "Creator Cerrato" "Crook Rocko" "Crooked Cop Dock Cooper" "Crotchin['] Crichton" "Crusher Schruer" "Cure-All Cruella LaLucre" "Cutesie Eustice" "Daimonic Dominica" "Dale-Dog Delgado" "Damner Erdman" "Dander Denard" "Dapper Ed Rapp-Pepard" "Dark-Cap Packard" "Dark Mean Adam Kern" "Dark-Room-Odor Mark" "Darn-Low Rowland" "Darn-Low Waldron" "Dead Cat Tad Cade" "Dead End Ned Dade" "Deadline-Dealin['] Ed" "Deadly Ed Daly" "Deaf Lin Findale-Delfina" "Deafer Feared Freeda" "Dealin['] Ned Ali" "Dealing Ida Glen" "Death-ish Tad Hsieh" "Death Row Drew Otha" "Debonair [if player is male]Ira Boden[else]Robin Ade[end if]" "Decatur Rude Cat" "Decried Decider Cid Reed" "Deferrer Ferderer" "Defiling Fielding" "Delayer Eardley" "Demanding Dan Deming" "Demoter Tom Reed" "Demotist Modesitt" "Depleter Delprete" "Depraved Pa Vedder" "Derriere Riederer" "Destroyer Rory Steed" "Deviance Vice-Dean Nice Dave" "Deviser DeVries" "Dexterous Tex Souder" "Dim-Bore Dire-Mob Mr. Dobie" "Dim Bulb Mild Bub" "Dire Tat Attired Ed Raitt" "Dishonest [if player is male]Host Denis[else]Tish Edson[end if]" "Disowned [if player is male]Sidd Owen[else]Ines Dowd[end if]" "Do-[']Em-Mo['] Ed" "Dodger God Red" "Dog-Breath [if player is male]Bart Hodge[else]Beth Drago[end if]" "Doing-OW Goodwin-Wooding" "Don't-Care [d-t] Crean" "Don't-Care Ed Cantor" "Don't-Fly Tod Flyn" "Doom Rep Perdomo" "Doom-Way Maywood" "Dooming Domingo" "Doorman Dan Mora" "Doser-So-Red Erdos" "Double-Talk [if player is male]Odell Kubat[else]Bella Dutko[end if]" "Double-Talk Odell Kubat" "Douchebag Doug Beach" "Dourest Stouder" "Doxin['] Dixon" "Dr. Low-World" "Dr. Sasha Hard[a-word]" "Drab Lon Borland" "Dragon Gordan Dorgan" "Drawling Ringwald" "Dreaded Red Dade" "Dreadful Dude Ralf" "Dreary Red Ray" "Dreisbach Bedchairs" "Droessler Solderers" "Drongo Gordon" "Drooly Old Roy" "Droopiest Depositor Pedro Tsoi" "Drowsin['] Windsor" "Drysdale Saddlery" "Duel Ref Ulf Reed" "Dull Rep Prudell" "Duller Rudell" "Dumb-Dumb M-Dub" "Dumb Ira Rimbaud" "Dyed Eddy" "E-Z Rep Perez" "Earthliest Stealthier [if player is male]Elias Rhett[else]Retta Hiles[end if]" "Eat-Most Tom East" [] "Edenic Denice" "Edington's denotings" "Education-Cautioned [i-n] Doucet" "Eevil Elvie" "Effing Giffen" "Eight-Toes Theo Geist" "Elderly Red Lyle" "Elegant Lee Tang" "Elim-Emil" "Elk Grove Keg Lover Reg Volek" "Emmaline's melamines" "Enactor Cantero" "Enclaved Nev Cadel" "End-All Lad Len" "End-All Leland" "Endorser Renderos" "Endowed Don Weed" "Engaged Ed Gagne" "Engaoled DeAngelo" "Engirded Eddinger" "Engrosser Roger Ness" "Enigmatic Macie Ting" "Ensilaged DeAngelis" "Ensnared Andersen" "Ephemerist Peter Sheim" "Epperson propenes" "Erlking Klinger" "Errant Terran Ratner" "Erratic Art Rice" "Evader [if player is male]Dav Ree[else]Eve Ard[end if]" "Evaders-Adverse Deavers" "Evanson novenas" "Everard's adverser" "Evil Man Vain Mel" "Evil Sir Silveri" "Eviller Reville" "Excitable Tex Bacile" "Excited Dex Tice" "Excluder Rex LeDuc" "Exonerated Tex DeRoane" "Extra Fine Neat Fixer Tex Efrain" "Fadlier Def Liar Elfrida" "Faining Finigan" "Fake-Gold Alf Godek" "Fake-Grin Rage-Fink Keri Fang" "Faltering Taflinger" "Fanliike Fink Lea" "Fanlike Fink Lea" "Fasching chafings" "Fashionable [if player is male]Blaine Shoaf[else]Fiona Shelba[end if]" "Fashionable [if player is male]Fabian Lohse[else]Felisha Hoban[end if]" "Fast Fats" "Fast-Lane [if player is male]Stan Leaf[else]Tana Self[end if]" "Fast Ol['] [if player is male]Alf Tso[else]Flo Ast[end if]" "Fat Clem Metcalf" "Fear-Fare Rafe Efra" "Fearful Lauffer" "Federal Elfreda" "Feebler Lefebre" "Feistier Seiferti" "Fencer Ferenc" "Fetichist Fischetti" "Fighter Egfirth" "Findable Banfield" "Finisher Erin Fish" "Fish Breath [if player is male]Bashir Heft[else]Sheba Firth[end if]" "Five-Foot Vito Eoff" "Flashy Shy Alf" "Forceful Cleo Ruff" "Forgin['] Grifon" "Fouler Ulf Roe" "Fragile Eli Graf" "Free-Lunch [if player is male]Luc Hefner[else]Lue French[end if]" "Fricker Ferrick" "Friller Ferrill" "Frowner Renfrow" "Fryer Ferry" "Futzer Freutz" "Gafflin['] Naff Gil" "Gaming Gig-Man M. Giang" "Ganker Kera Ng" "Garcon Corgan" "Geathers the Sarge" "Genial-Linage Angeli" "Ghastly Lysaght" "Ghostly Syg Holt" "Giardini's diarising" "Giardino radioing" "Glarin['] Al Ring" "Glib Ol['] Bill 'Go Big' Oll" [p] "Glitziest Stieglitz" "Glutton Tut Long" "Gnawer Wagner" "Goblin Boling" "Godfather Gofer Thad" "Goin[']-Igno['] Gino" "Golden God Len DeLong" "Golfer Nut Flo Gunter" "Goner Goren Rogen" "Goober Bo Gore" "Gorgon Ron Ogg" "Gormless Gross Mel" "Gouger Ogg Ure" "Gracious Guarisco" "Gramma Magram" "Grannie Nearing" "Gray-Areas Sara Geary" "Great Lord Art Gerold" "Greebo Boeger" "Green Belt Engelbert" "Green Cad Ned Grace" "Green Rube Neuberger-Berenguer" "Green Sick Seckinger" "Grey Lee Greeley" "Gridlock Rick Gold" "Grif the Fighter" "Grunt-o Truong" "Gun Lover Vern Lugo" "Gus the Hugest" "Habitue Thibeau" "Haggler Greg Ahl" "Handsier Sir Haden Sheridan" "Handsome Sham Deon" "Hard Cris Richards" "Hard Em Dahmer-Derham" "Hard Len Handler" "Hard-Line Land Heir [if player is male]Hal Riden[else]Erin Dahl[end if]" "Hard-Sell Rash Dell" "Hardline Herlinda Lenhardi" "Harelip Phailer Ralphie" "Harm-Nut Thurman" "Harmed Dahmer" "Harming Ingrahm" "Hasty Ty Ash" "Hate-Aged Hag Deeta" "Hats Dude Thaddeus" "Hauter Huerta" "Hayseed Ed Hayes" "Headcase Shea Cade" "Headier Heredia" "Heartless Sal Tesher" "Hectoring Creighton" "Heinous Ines Hou" "Held-Back [if player is male]Chad Belk[else]Deb Chalk[end if]" "Hellion Leo Linh" "Henlike Heinkel" "Herbalist Trish Bale" "Herder Dreher" "Heretic Eichert" "Hi-Class Sal Isch" "Hip Sly Phylis" "Hitman Tim Han" "Hog Luc Clough" "Honker Hronek" "Hooch and Ad Honcho Chad Hoon" "Hooting Hit-Goon Hog [toti]" "Horrible [if player is male]Rob Riehl[else]Rori Hleb[end if]" "Horrible Rob Riehl" [] "Hot Nat Hatton" "Hot Ned the Don" "Hot Ron Horton" "Howitzer Zoe Wirth" "Hoyden Doheny" "Huckster [if player is male]Chet Rusk[else]Ruth Seck[end if]" "Huckster Kutscher" [] "Huge Tony, the Young Honey-Gut" "Hulloing Loughlin" "Hussy Shy Su" "Iced-Over Eric Dove" "Icer Eric Rice" "Icky Ed Dickey" "Icy Norm McInroy" "Ignoble Leo Bing" "Ignorant Arington" "Ignorer Roering" "Igor-All-Gorilla" "Ill Rube Buller Bill Ure" "Immenser Rene Mims" "Impatient Mina Petit" "Imperial Palmieri" "Impure Don, Impounder" "In-Dock Con Kid Dickon" "In-Force Ren Fico" "In-Jail Jilian" "In-Style Ty Niles-Tinsley" "In-Style Yeltsin-Tinsley" "Incensor Rincones" "Indulger [if player is male]Gil Ruden[else]Geri Lund[end if]" "Inflamed '[d-word-u] Life' Man Fidel" "Inhumane [if player is male]Huie Mann[else]Nina Hume[end if]" "Injuro-Junior Jon Rui" "Introvert Trot Nevin" "Invalid Vain Lida" "Ireless Eissler" "Islander Dan Riles" "Islander Sindelar" "Isolater Lita Rose" "Jaywalker Jake Lawry" "Jealous Joe Saul" "Jen-Dog DeJong" "Jobless Jess Bol" "John-Doe Jed Hoon" "Jouster Joe Rust" "Jumbo Bum OJ" "Jus-Nod Judson" "Just-Bored Bud Trejos" "Kestrel Sterkel" "Kinglier Kreiling" "Knicker-Kick Ren" "Knowing Nik Wong, King Now" "Kray Kyra" "Kremlin Mr. Klein" "Kundinger Underking" "Labeled DeBella" "Labourer Lou Barre" "Lad Bo, a Bold Bad Ol['] Baldo" "Ladrone Renaldo" "Ladylike Alley Kid Ida Kelly" "Lagered Regaled Arledge" "Lame Gil 'I'm Legal' Millage" "Lame Loy O'Malley" "Larcenous Len Caruso" "Lardy Ben Brandley" "Larksome Marsolek" "Lassoer Rosales" "Laurence's Ceruleans" "Lawless Wassell" "Lazy Bum Luz Byam" "Lead-Fair Alfrdia" "Leader Ed Earl" "Lean Cam MacNeal" "Lean Mo 'No Meal' Malone" [p] "Lean Neal Lane" "Leanna's Anneals" "Leathery Atherley" "Lee Smith the Slime" "Lem 'Lots-to-Smell' Mostell" [p] "Leprous Sproule" "Lethargic Chari Gelt" "Leveler Revelle" "Lewd Ann Newland" "Lewd Lad Waddell" "Li'l Don Dillon" "Libeler Bill Ree-Bleiler" "Lie-Mug Miguel" "Lifer Friel" "Limper Mr. Pile" "Listener Eli Ernst" "Literal Liar Tel" "Loan Shark Noah Sklar" "Loather Leo Rath" "Loathsome [if player is male]Hamlet[else]Thelma[end if] Soo" "Loathsome [if player is male]Theo Lomas[else]Thea Olmos[end if]" "Lobsterman Lambertson" "Localist Castillo" "Lodesman Smaldone" "Lone Ty Leyton-Yelton" "Loner Loren Olner" "Loner Lorne Rolen" "Long-Lines Ellingson" "Long Stan 'Not-Slang' Langston" [p] "Louder Red Lou Olerud-DeRulo" "Loudest Stud Leo" "Lousy Sol Yu" "Lovable Ol['] Belva" "Low-Class-Scowls Al" "Low-End Don Lew" "Low Les Sowell" "Low Nat Walton" "Low Seb Bowles" "Low Stan Walston" "Low-Tax Ox Walt" "Lowballin['] Will Bolan" "Loyalist Olly Tsai" "Lustre Luster Russell Ruett" "Macho Man Noah Camm" "Mad Nik and Kim Kidman" "Mad Old Mo Ladd" "Mad One Damone" "Mad Ryan Maynard" "Mad Zeno Mendoza" "Made Man [one of]Dan Emma[or]Ed Amman[at random]" "Malicious Lucia Isom" "Malicious Musical Io" "Malodorous Aldous Romo" "Maltreater [if player is male]Lamar Rette[else]Reta Martel[end if]" "Manciple McAlpine" "Mangler Almgren" "Mangler-Hit Eltringham" "Mangler Mr. Lange" "Manhattan Matt Hanna" "Map Nut Putman" "Marietta's Metatarsi" "Masquer Marques" "Mastodon Stan Odom" "Meager Graeme" "Meagrest Gamester Tam Egers" "Mean Bo 'Emo-Ban' Beamon" [p] "Mean-Mane Eman" "Mean Mean Amee Mann" "Mean Rob Oberman" "Meanie [if player is male]Ian Mee[else]Ami Nee[end if]" "Meany Mayne" "Measeled Ledesma" "Measly Sly Mae" "Meatier Rita Mee" "Menacing [if player is male]Nic Gamen[else]Nanci-Meg[end if]" "Mental Len Tam" "Mere Pal Parmele, Pre-Meal" "Migrant Girtman" "Min-Wage Wiegman" "Mind-Fear Friedman" "Mind-Gamer [if player is male]Dean Grimm[else]Enid Gramm[end if]" "Missoula Sam Louis" "Mo-Gun No-Mug Mungo" "Mo['] Belly Bellomy" "Mo[']-Haste Amos the Hatsome" "Moaning Mangino" "Modern Dr. Nemo Redmon" "Modester Demorest" "Mongrel Lormgen" "Moobs-Bosom SOB Mo" "Moodiest Sodomite [d-t] Moise" "More-Pal Palermo" "Moronic Ric Moon" "Mosher Hosmer" "Most-Stern Stenstrom" "Mostly-Sly Tom" "Motioner Monteiro" "Mousy Su Moy" "Mrs. Cable-Scramble" "Mumbler Brummel" "Murderer Demurrer Red Rumer" "Muscular Scum Raul" "My-Rules Rumsley" "Nailbiter Albertini" "Narrow Raw Ron" "Natty Ty Tan" "Near-Top Patreon Paterno" "Needy Ed Nye" "Negator Argento" "Negli-Nigel Ligne" "Negotiator [if player is male]Otto Aigner[else]Nita Ortego[end if]" "Nemesis Siemens" "Nepotist Poinsett" "Nerd Dern" "Nerdier Ren Reid-Dernier" "Nerdy Deryn Ryden" "Nervier Vernier" "Neutral Laurent Renault-Aultner" "New-ID Edwin Widen" "New Lad Wendal Walden" "Newsboy Owensby" "Nice Pol 'Pinocle' Copelin" "Nicer G (Cringe) Eric Ng" "Nicknamer Mckiernan" "Nil-Opt Lipton" "Nine Finger Regine Finn" "No-Angel Leo Gann" "No-Arm Ramon" "No-Beliefs Ben Foiles" "No-Bibles Bob Niles" "No-Blood Loo Bond" "No-Bores Osborne Robeson" "No-Breaks Ben Kosar" "No-BS Snob Bob [']N Sons" "No-Drugs Gus Dorn" "No-Ethics [if player is male]Otis Chen[else]Toni Esch[end if]" "No-Faces Fonseca" "'No Girls' Sol Ring" [p] "No-Glom Mongol Mo Long-Golmon" "No-Hats Ashton Antosh" "No-Hug Hun Og" "No-Hurry Hun Rory" "No-Hurts Rushton" "No-Jest Jetson" "No-Jewels Lew Jones" "No-Milk Lon Kim" "No-Mistakes Tami Kesson" "No-Moves Mo Ovens-Moonves" "No-Needs Ned Enos" "No-Pester Peterson" "No-Punks Knupson" "No-Sarcasm Sam Carson" "No-Scar Carson" "No-Smarm Mr. Mason" "No-Style Len Yost" "No-Tardy Drayton" "No-Taunts Staunton" "No-Tax Axton" "No-Terms Monster Mo Ernst" "No-Time Tim Eno" "No-TTYL Lytton" "Nobbish Bob Shin" "Nodder Ed Dorn" "Nolo Loon Loo Onlon" "Non-Aromatic Marcantonio" "Non-Mug Mo Gunn" "Normative Viramonte" "Not-Cool Coot Lon" "Not-Cool Loot Con Colt Ono" "Not-Dumb Bo Mundt" "Not-Hungry Thug Ronny" "Not-Lying Tiny Long" "Not-Social [if player is male]Tino Scola[else]Loni Coats[end if]" "Notary Nat Roy" "NRA Arn" "Numeric Minceur Nic Reum" "Nut Rob Burton-Bruton" "Obeser Bo Rees" "Obliger Gil Boer" "Obliger Glib Reo" "Obsolete Boots Lee" "Occupied Ed Puccio" "Odd Man Mad Don" "Odd Man Mad Don" "Odorless Del Rosso" "Offline Flo Fine" "Offshore Fresh Foo['] [if player is male]Shef Roof[else]Rose Hoff[end if]" "Ogre [d-t] DeGroot" "Ol['] SOB Sobol" "Old Dog Og Dold" "Old Fran Randolf" "Old Thumb Humboldt" "Omerta Tam Roe" [] "Omni-Moni Mino" "On-a-Diet [toti] Ade" "On-the-Fly Hefty Lon" "One-Arm Ramone Merona" "Operator Art Poore" "Oregon Gooner Reg Ono" "Org-Gro Rog" "Orgiast Rastogi" "Ornater Treanor" "Outland Lout Dan Daulton" "Over-Pitch Petrovich" "Palau Paula" "Pallider Del Pilar" "Paranoid Pro Aidan" "Parsonic Scarpino" "Patchy Chap Ty" "Patriotic Capriotti" "Pauser Prause" "Peaked Deepak" "Pearlier LaPierre" "Peckish Pischke" "Peckish Schipke" "Peculiar Paul Rice" "Peeved Veep Ed" "Peking Pig Ken" "People's Pops Lee" "Permanent Petermann" "Permeant Man Peter" "Peru Prue & Rupe" "Pettier Peretti" "Picadore DeCaprio" "Pigpen Epping" "Pikeman Niekamp" "Pillock Pollick" "Pink Gil 'King Lip' Kipling" [p] "Placatory Playactor Cory Plata" "Pleasant Pale Stan" "Plonker Ren Polk" "Plottin['] [if player is male]Lon Pitt[else]Lin Pott[end if]" "Plotzed Petzold" "Plying-So-Spongily 'Lips' Yong" "Pointer Petroni" "Pointy No-Pity Ty Pino" "Polecat Pat Cole" "Polite Rex, Exploiter" "Poorliest Pistolero [if player is male]Sol Prieto[else]Tori Lopes[end if]" "Popular Lou Rapp" "Porkiest Petroski" "Pornier Perrino" "Pornos-Snoop'r POS Ron" "Poseur Prouse" "Potent Mel Templeton" "Pottier Perotti" "Powerful Rupe Wolf" "Practical Pat Claire" "Predator Tad Roper" "Predo-Doper Pedro" "Pressor Prosser" "Pro-Evil Rip Love" "Pro Les Sloper" "Pro-Viruses Supervisor Rose Purvis" "Promise Imposer Mo Piers" "Properly-Reply Pro Rory Lepp" "Punitive Evi Putin" "Put-Downer Drew Upton" "Quainter Antiquer [if player is male]Art Quine[else]Teri Quan[end if]" "Quasher H-Square" "The Race Cheater Chet Rea" "Rad Dog Godard" "Rainmaker [if player is male]Ira Kerman[else]Erma Arkin[end if]" "Rainmaker [if player is male]Mark Neria[else]Kira Erman[end if]" "Rakish Shakir" "Rancid Cardin" "Rancid Dr. Cain" "Rancid Nic Ard" "Rancored Dorrance" "Rant-Box Ox Brant Braxton" "Ratlike Talkier Litaker" "Ravager Vergara" "Raw Deal Lea Ward" "Raw Hood Harwood" "Ray-Dog O'Grady" "Re-Dealing Geraldine" "Realest Stealer Lee Rast" "Realtor/Relator Al Torre" "Red Baron Bro Andre" "Red Ben Bender" "Red-Coats DeCastro" "Red Dog Dodger" "Red Dre Erd" "Red-Line Leidner" "Red Wolf Fred Low" "Reddening Dendinger" "Redneck Dencker" [] "Reformado Framer Odo" "Refringed-Deferring Fred Negri" "Regent Genter-Engert" "Rejected Ced Jeter" "Relying Ringley" "Remissory Morrissey" "Rend-All Darnell Landler" "Repelling Pellegrin" "Resetter Streeter" "Restive Sievert" "Retainer Renteria" "Retreater Ratterree" "Revenant Tavenner" "Revisor Riveros" "Rex Lew-Wexler" "Rhea-So-Hoarse" "Rheumic Murchie" "Rifest Strife Sifter Stef Ri" "Rinser Risner" "Ripped Perp Di" "Ritz-O Ortiz" "Roach Arch-O Rocha" "Roadman Armando" "Roaster Serrato" "Rob-Con Bronco Bo Corn" "Rob, ex-Boxer" "Robust Bro Stu" "Romancer Cranmore" "Rompish Morphis" "Rootless Rosselot" "Rot-Bag Bogart" "Rotten Trent-O Retton" "Roughed Red Hugo" "Rude Al Eluard-Lauder" "Rude Sly Dursley" "Rueing Guerin" "Rumbliest Stumblier Burt Miles" "Runt Bo 'No Trub' Burton" [p] "Ruthless Les Hurst" "Saintly [if player is female]Sly Tina[else]Tiny Sal[r]" "Sallow Slow Al" "Sanguine Gia Nunes" "Sardonic Scardino" "Savviest Tessa-Viv" "Scammin['] McManis" "Schmoozer Zoe Schrom" "Scouser Russ Coe" "Screw-All Carswell" "Seamiest Sietsema" "Seb Holt the Slob" "See-Bold Bledsoe" "Seedy Syeed" "Semi-Raw Wiersma" "Senhorita Hortensia" "Senor Soren Noser" "Sensible [if player is female]Bess Neil[else]Neil Bess" "Sensorial Israelson" "Separatist Passaretti" "Shady Dy Ash" "Shallow Ol['] Walsh" "Sham Reg Gresham" "Sham Ron Horsman" "Sham Star Stramash" "Shambolic Milo Basch" "Shanker Kashner" "Shifty Ty Fish" "Shlocky Shylock Sly Koch" "Short [i-n] Hairston" "Short Man Stan Mohr" "Shorted Des Hort" "Shouter Sue Roth" "Shouting Otis Hung" "Shrinker Kirshner" "Shroudy Shy Dour [if player is male]Rudy Soh[else]Dy Roush[end if]" "Shy-Fort Forsyth" "Shy Fort Forsyth" "Sick Ned Dickens" "Sick-Rent Stricken Nickster" "Sickener Ericksen" "Skinned Denkins" "Slanderer Red Larsen" "Slapper Les Rapp" "Slapper Perp Sal" "Slavin['] Lu Sullivan" "Slavish Shiv Sal" "Sleazebag Baz LeSage" "Sleazeball [if player is male]Les Bellaza[else]Zella Sable[end if]" "Slimeball [if player is male]Ellis Lamb[else]Elba Mills[end if]" "Slimy Sy Lim" "Slob Boss Boll" "Sloshed Del Hoss" "Sloth Holst" "Slouchin['] Colin Hsu" "Slouchy Coy Lush Lucy Soh" "Slow-Bike Lebowski" "Slum Con Scum Lon" "Sly Dee Sedley" "Sly Dog Sy Gold" "Sly Lee Lesley" "Sly Ol['] Lysol Solly" "Sly Wee Wesley" "Smasher [if player is male]Mr. Hasse[else]Ms. Shear[end if]" "Smelly Sly Mel" "Smurfy [if player is male]Mr. Sy Fu[else]Ms. Fury[end if]" "Snag-This Hastings" "Snakebird Bednarski" "Snazzy Sy Zanz" "Sneaky Sy Kane" "Sneering Ensigner" "Snooper Pro Enos" "Snoopier Poisoner Ines Poor" "Snorter Torrens" "Snot Nat Stanton" "Snuck-In Nick Sun" "So-Angry Grayson" "So-Bland Sal Bond" "So-Brutal [if player is male]Saul Bort[else]Lura Bost[end if]" "So-Crazy Scary Oz" "So Flat Soft Al" "So-Gaudy Gus O'Day" "So-Happy Posh-Pay Pop Hays" "So-Meh Moshe" "So-Smart Art Moss" "So-Tall Al Olst" "So-Tired Ted Rios" "So-Ugly Guy Sol" "SOB Al, a slob so bla" "SOB, Well, Slob Lew Bellows" "Softest Fossett" "Sore Dan'l Alderson" "Sore Nob Osborne" "Sour Ed Souder" "Spare-No-Persona Pearson" "Sparky Sy Karp" "Spinout Pontius" "Spiritous Pistorius" "Squinty Nyquist" "Stakin-Takins['] Atkins" "Stale Rap Palestra" "Staley's Lysates" "Stalker Starkel" "Stammerin['] Rammstein" "Staring Gastrin" "Staunch Stan Chu" "Stealthy Hayslett" "Stern-Lie Eli Ernst" "Sticky Sick Ty" "Stinkeroo [if player is male]Oren Sitko[else]Rosi O'Kent[end if]" "Stinky-Skin Ty" "Stocky Ty Ocks" "Stone Cold Ced Tolson" "Stone-Raw Waterson" "Stormin['] Ron Smit" "Storming Mort Sing" "Stormy 'My Sort' [if player is male]Mr. Yost[else]Ms. Troy[end if]" [p] "Stout Ed Testudo" "Stud-Was-Wuss Tad" "Stumpy Stu Pym" "Stypto-Spotty Ty Post" "Such-a-Jerk Jack Usher" "Sulker Kusler" "Sure Sal LaRusse" "Sure-Suer Reus" "Swearin['] Waisner" "Swearing [if player is male]Geri Swan[else]Si Wagner[end if]" "Sweathog Stew Hoag" "Swen-Ye-Weensy Sweeny" "Swooner Rosenow" "Tank Kant" "Teamster Matt Rees" "Technocrat Coach Trent" "Teflon-Net Flo Felton" "Ten-Vice Vicente" "Tense Pro Peterson" "Tercero's secretor" "Testator-Attestor [if player is male]Art Totes[else]Tresa Ott[end if]" "Tetchier Teichert" "Tetchy Chetty" "Thick Ed, the ----" "Thief Feith" "Thin-Beard Derin Bhat" "Thin Maw Whitman" "Thorg Groth" "Thumper Humpert" "Thumper Humpert" "Tie Snob Bo Stein" "Tight-End Ted Night" "Toledano's loadstone" "Tolerant Tarleton" "Tomasic's acosmist massicot" "Tomasic's somatics" "Tomasino amotions" "Tomcat Cottam" "Tonker Okrent" "Too-Dark Rod Kato" "Too-Dumb Bo DuMot" "Too-Evil Leo Voit" "Too-Fancy Coy Afton" "Too-Hard Hood Rat [d-t] Hora" "Too-Heavy Tova Hoye" "Too-Mad Ada Tom" "Too-Nice Toni Coe" "Too Tired Otto Reid" "Toolman Lomanto" "Topeka Kat Poe" "Tot Con Cotton" "Totaler Loretta" "Touchy Ty Chou" "Tough Guy Ugg Touhy" "Townish Whitson" "Trains Man Sanmartin" "Transitive, Revisitant [if player is male]Ivan Sitter[else]Vita Estrin[end if]" "Tree-Top Repetto" "Tricky Kit Cyr" "Troglodyte [if player is male]Goldy Otter[else]Dotty Lorge[end if]" "Troubling Brit Luong" "Trouncer Curt Reno" "Trouncing Curington" "Trucker Ruckert" "Truster Surrett" "Twangier Weingart" "Tweedy Weed Ty" "Twisted Twit Des" "Twisty-Wits Ty" "Twit Ed DeWitt" "Two-Bit Twit Bo" "Uglier Reg Liu" "Ulcer-y Cuyler Curley" "Un-Elated Deneault" "Un-Firm Murfin" "Un-Freed Dufrene" "Un-Tricky Icky Runt, Nut Ricky" "Unamenable [if player is male]Manuel Bean[else]LeeAnn Baum[end if]" "Uncaring Cari Gunn" "Uncool Con Lou" "Uncool Luc Ono" "Under-Age Gene Radu" "Unfair Rufina Funari" "Unfeeling Glennie Fu" "Unfriendly Lendin[']-Fury Rudie Flynn" "Unglibly-Bullying Bill Yung" "Unholy [if player is male]Lon Huy[else]Lyn Huo[end if]" "Unlabored Abdelnour" "Unmarred Ruder Man Dane Murr" "Unmovable [if player is male]LeVon Baum[else]Avon Blume[end if]" "Unready Daren Yu" "Unready Reynaud DuRaney" "Unsaved Dave Sun" "Unsocial [if player is male]Luis Cano[else]Sonia Luc[end if]" "Unwelcoming Luni McGowen" "Unwieldy [if player is male]Delwin Yu[else]Wendy Liu[end if]" "Uraemic Maurice" "Vain Sly Sylv[if player is male]ain[else]ina[end if]" "Valued Dave Lu" "Vaunter Ventura" "Verbal Vrabel" "Vermin Mervin Mivner" "Very-Mean Everyman Evan Remy" "Vibrant Del Vanderbilt" "Vigneron Novinger" "Villain Li'l Ivan" "Villainous O'Sullivan" "Violent [toti] Lev" "Voiders Devisor [if player is male]Edris Vo[else]Vi Erdos[end if]" "Wan Twit Wittman" "Wankish Nik Shaw-Hawkins" "Want-Home Mo Wathen" "Warmer Mr. Ware" "Warney Yawner Ray Wen" "Warped Drew 'Pa' Pardew" "Waster Rat West" "Weakling Gale Wink" "Wealthy Whatley" "Weaseling [if player is male]Galen[else]Angel[end if] Wise" "Wee Nik Weinke" "Well-Born Brownell" "Well Ned Wendell" "Well-to-Do Lewd Tool Leo Woldt" "Wendee Weeden" "West Side Ted Weiss" "Wheedler Ed Wehrle" "Whomper Morphew" "Winker Kerwin" "Wormer Merrow" "Wormy Wry Mo" "Worn Ed Wredon" "Worried or Wired Rio Drew" "Worsening Niswonger" "Wrathful Walt Fuhr" "Yen-Led Len Dey" "Yen Lord Dreylon Reynold-Londrey" "Yobling Bony Gil" "Yobnik Boykin" "Yodeler Delorey" "Younger NY Rogue Guy Oren" "Zooming Mozingo" table of real estate ads [xxv] blurb "Ah, Acute Chateau" "Aliv-Vail" "Amaretto's Stateroom" "Armani Airman Marina" "Avert-Public Private Club" "away from Draggradgard" [p] "away from Mo-Hut-Mouth" [p] "Bayes-by-Sea" "Bogus-Lawn Bungalows" "Camus's Sumacs" "Capella LaPlace" "Cary Tudor's Courtyards" "Cassandra's Sandaracs" "Coy Slots So Costly" "Dampier's Emir Pads" "Datesstead" "De La Pena's Esplanade" "Dig-Long Lodging" "Epic Clean Nice Place" "Furman's Sun Farm" "Gold-Sign Lodgings" "Got-Caste Cottages" "High-Set Heights" "Hope Sunset Penthouses" "A Hut, Haut" "I'm-docile Domicile" "Idle-Cat Citadel" "Interred Trendier" "Lake Big Bilkage" "Lancaster Ancestral Rest-Canal" "Le God-Lodge" "Le Wonder World Den" "Live at IT-Vale" "Liveliest-Site Ville" "Lo-Meh-Holme" "Lustre-Ulster" "Macy's YMCAs" "Monsour's Sunrooms" "Mr. Snoot-Morton's" "New Smooth Townhomes" "Nice Solo Colonies" "Nicest Tonier Intersection" "No-Law-Bug Bungalow" "No-Recluse Enclosure" "No-Rube-Bourne" "NOW St. Towns" "Obtains-Boastin['] Bastion" "Often-Lark Lakefront" "One Patch Not Cheap" "Ooh, Spot Too Posh" "Overland Rondavel" "Pascale Palaces" "Pastore Seaport" "Pay-WHAT Pathway" "Peon-Dream Promenade" "Peralta's Palestra" "Perma-cool Room Place" "Piersspire" "Planned-Pen Land" "Pleasant Pat's Lane" "Pleasant Platanes" "Plow Into Owl Point Twin Pool" "Pod at Da Top to Adopt" "Potherthorpe" "Priess Spires" "Private Trip Ave" "Republic's Club Spire" "Rosendale Oleanders" "Sighshire Highrises" "Sin-Mason Mansions" "Snotston" "Social-Pro Acropolis" "Sportsport" "A Spot So Pat" "St. Carecaster" "Stephen's Hep Nests" "Stonesmere: Remoteness" "Sue Ho's Houses" "Sullivan Sun Villa" [] "Sunshine Hues Inns" "Tannest-Tenants St. Annet" "Tastee-Estate" "Tons-Hep Hot Pens" "Too-Plush Pool Huts" "Top-Floor Roof-Plot/Pool-Fort" "Trop-Port" "Un-Bore-Bourne" [] "Upscale Capsule" "Warm Mawr" "Western St.: Newer" "Wonder Den Row" table of self-help bestsellers [xxv] blurb "Able to Be a Lot" "Act, Cat" "Ah, Spur Us: Harp[r], by Pa Rush" "Aided Anew, Win[r], by Edwina Wieand" "Aim, Plod, DIPLOMA" "All-Glib-Now Lowballing" "Anti-Leprosy Personality[r], by [if player is male]Troy Espinal[else]Alison Petry[end if]" "Any Greed? Green Day[r], by Randy Gee & Dean Grey" "Any Modem? Mad Money[r], by Mandy Moe" "The Apt Path, Eh" "Astuter Stature: Treat Us[r], by Sue Tart" "Astuter Stature[r], by [if player is male]Rus Tate[else]Sue Ratt[end if]" "Attain Indeed[r], by Denita Tienda" "Aw, Rump, Warm Up[r], by Pa Wurm" "Be a Tot to Beat[r], by Abe Ott & Bo Tate" "Be-Pro Probe: Bop [']Er, Po['] Reb" "Beat Down a Debt Now[r], by Tad Bowen" [] "Beat Them? That Be Me[r], by [if player is male]Matt Heeb[else]Bette Ham[end if]" "Bitter? Me? I'm Better" "Bold Cue? Could Be[r], by Luc Bode" "Bonfire for BEIN[']" "Bribe, Cuss: Subscribe[r], by [if player is male]Bruce Biss[else]Bess Rubic[end if]" "Can You? Ay, Unco" "Charge It: A Get-Rich Cheat-Rig" "Coaching: Go, a Cinch[r], by Nag Chico" "Compared-Compadre Doer Camp" "Day Job Joy? Bad[r], by AJ Boyd" "Dear, Got Aged? Rot, Do great" "Do OK, Grow: Good Work" "Doing More Mood, REIGN[r], by [if player is male]Ed Mooring[else]Mei Gordon[end if]" "Don't Fail, Naif Dolt" "Doubters, Yo? Do Your Best" "Dr. Be Un-Burned" "Earn Top: Part One[r], by Patreon Pat Reno" "Earner Gang Range[r], by Regan Agner" "Edictal Dialect" "Ee, Grant [']Em Agreement[r], by Gene Marte" "Eh, Target the Great" "Energised Reseeding[r], by [if player is male]Sid Greene[else]Desiree Ng[end if]" "Exert Any Extra Yen Next Year[r], by Rex Taney & Axe Tyner" "Flowering, Re-Flowing[r], by Inger Wolf" "Follow Through: Ooh, Full Growth" "Fuels-Self U[r], by Fufu Essell" "Generate, Teenager[r], by Ena Geter" "Get Done, Teen-Dog" "Get Mo[']? Got [']Em" "Get Money, Net My Ego" "Give [']Em Vim, Gee" "Glummest Mugs, Melt" "Go Trade: Do Great" "Got Need? Get Done" [] "Grab Dimes? Big Dreams[r], by [if player is male]Sid Amberg[else]Ma Bridges[end if]" "Grannies['] Earnings[r], by Erin Gans" "The Greatest Targets THEE[r], by Esther Tatge" "Greet Mo['] To Merge, Get More[r], by [if player is male]Tom Eger[else]Meg Rote[end if]" "Gripe? Aw, No: Gain Power" "Grit-Girt Trig" "Harried? Nah, Ride Harder[r], by [if player is male]Darin Hreha[else]Rhea Hardin[end if]" "Heed, Get the Edge" "Hup! Rise, Pushier" "I Gotta Go at It" "I Kept ETA. Keep At It[r], by Tate Pike" "I On Top Option[r], by [toti] Po" "I Pelt on at Potential[r], by [if player is male]Eli Patton[else]Leona Pitt[end if]" "I Prod, O Drip" "Ideals: Sad Lie" "Imagine: Me, I Gain[r], by Mia Inge" "Impact-It Camp" "Imposs.? So simp" "Income Nut? Count Me In[r], by [toti] Munce" "Increased Ardencies" "Itch, Chit" "Log a Goal[r], by Olga Lago" "Loiter? Er, Toil" "Me? Or MORE[r], by Moe Romer" "Means to Steam On" "Mid-Range Dreaming" "Mo['] Money Memo Yon" "Mooninesses['] Noisomeness[r], by [sim] Esson" "Moored? Demo or Do More[r], by Rod Moe" "Motiv-Vomit" "Nearly Earn, Yen, Rally[r], by Arlyne Larney" "New Haters: the Answer[r], by Stew Ahern" "No Place Once, Pal" "No Spite? So Inept! To Spine" "Not Huge? Toughen[r], by Geo Hunt" "Oh, Get the Go HE Got" "OK, Stir to Risk[r], by Kristo Kortis" "Omni-Range Enamoring[r], by Mina Rogen" "On Turgid Doing-Rut? Grind Out[r], by [if player is male]Rudi Tong[else]Tori Gund[end if]" "One Hot To-Hone Note, Oh" "One Lag? Go Lane[r], by Angelo O'Lange" "Oops, Hello Loopholes" "Out, Grrh, Through" "Out, Man! AMOUNT![r] by Mo Tuan" "Outraced, Educator[r], by Ace Tudor" "Overcome-More Cove[r], by Em Coover & Eve Croom" "Persisting Springiest[r], by Tessi Pring" "Po['], Shot to Posh: Photos" "Presume Supreme[r], by Sue Prem" "Proactive or Captive" "Profitable: a Brief Plot[r], by Felipa Bort" "Prosper, Perps or Propers" "Reavowing Overawing[r], by Gavin Rowe" "Richen Up, Punchier[r], by Rupe Chin" "Right Stuff: Turf Fights, Guff, Thirst" "Risk on or Sink" "Run With Hurt, Win[r], by Huw Rint" "Salaries Assailer" "Saving Vs. Agin['][r], by Vi Gans" "See Bills: Less Bile[r], by Lee Bliss" "Semi-Private Imperatives[r], by Mavis Petrie" "Servitude Divesture[r], by Trudi Eves" "Shlep-Helps" "Slip [one of]Me[or][']Em[in random order] Simple Impels" "So Meek? Seem OK? Seek Mo['], by Em Seko" "So Plan On, Pals[r], by Pop & Son Llanas" "So Told, Do Lots" "So With-it Hows to Wish" "Spriteful Uplifters[r], by Lupe Frist & Lu Pfister" "Stat, Be at Best" "Stop Being Inept Gobs: Bingo, Step" "Strew, Wrest" "Stringiest Grittiness[r], by Sig Stinger" "Suck, Pal? Up Slack" "Sullen? Un-sell[r], by Les Lun" "Sworn: DO. No Words[r], by Rod Snow" "Tell So to Sell" "THEO's Ethos" "Thrice So to Riches[r], by [if player is male]Seth Rico[else]Trish Coe[end if]" "Thy Self Felt Shy[r], by Fly Seth" "Tiny Doubt? Don't Buy It[r], by Tito Bundy" "A Titain in Attainin['][r], by Tina Tian" "To Crank on Track[r], by Nat Rock" "Tradin[']: Dart in, Darn it[r], by Dr. Tina Ridant" "Trend Up: Prudent" "Tussler Results: Rutless[r], by Les Rust" "U Sad Bro? Soar, Bud" "Um, Efforts Must Offer More Stuff" "Up, Lead: Due, Pal[r], by Ed Paul" "Up to Par? Pop a Rut" "Vie, Each: Achieve" "Wealth: the Law" "Whiny to Why Not I" "Win, Dog: Now, Dig?[r] by Di Wong-Godwin" "Wins Erase Weariness" "Yes-Ye-Do Odyssey" "Yo, Bend Beyond" "Yo, Click Cockily[r], by Colicky Coy Lick" "Yo, Meek Man, Make Money[r], by Yankee Mom Emmy O'Kane" table of songs you could write [xxv] blurb "A-Holes So Hale" "A-One St.: So Neat" "Ace, Pine in Peace" "Achin['], Mr. Rich Man"[] "Ad Men's Amends" "Ah, Dolts Had Lots" "Ah, Gutty, that Guy" "Ahem, Try my Heart" "Aid Me, Media" "Alive [']N Leavin[']" "All I Do: Ail, Old" "Alone by Baloney" "Alone by Yob Lane"[] "An Alto, Atonal" "Amity, it May, My Tia" "Amity's No Animosity" "And Soul Unloads" "Any Ode One Day"[] "Arty Mr. Martyr" "As I Hung Anguish" "As I Sow, So I Was" "Askin['], I Sank" "At Her Heart, eh, Rat" "Auldest Saluted" "Aw, a Fray Far Away" "Aw, Borin['] Rainbow" "Aw, Busy Subway" "Aw, Gee, We Age" "Aw, Life, We Fail" "Aw, offer, Wear Off" "Bad Loss, Sad Slob" "Bad Luck Duck Lab" "Bar Scene, Beer Cans" "Barer ol['] Laborer, Real Bro" "Be Dear, Beer Ad" "Be Lame, Blamee" "Be Like Bilkee Kilbee" "Belt our Trouble"[] "Bide Un-Buried Ire, Bud" "Bit-True Tribute" "Blessed Bedless" "Blighted Bedlight" "Bloody Ol['] Body, Old Boy" "Bolder Old Reb" "The Bones Been Shot" "Boney Al, Lean Boy"[] "Boss, Lend Boldness" "Bottlers['] Blotters" "Breed Mo['] Boredom" "Bummed, Dumb Me" "Bump on, Po['], Numb" "The Bums Hum Best" "The Bus Be Thus" "But [']S OK to Busk" "By a Glad Bald Gay Bag Lady" "A Cad To DataCo" "Cafe Ad Facade" "A Call Went Can't We All" "Can't Do Dat Con" "A Cancer Can Care" "Canned [']N Caned" "Capitol Coal Pit" "Carsize Crazies" "Casino is a Con" "Cave and Advance" "A Chance Can Ache" "Chap, I'm No Champion" "Chap, in a Pinch" "Charmin['] Rich Man" "Cheap St. Hep Cats" "Cheater [']til Athleticer" "Chew fat? Few Chat" "Chubby Ole Cubbyhole" "City Runs on No Scrutiny" "Clochard Doc Crahl" "Cloud, Sky, Lucky Sod" "Co-Try to Cry" "Coal Miner Marcelino" "Codas O['] Cads" "A Cog in GainCo" "A Cold Ol['] Cad" "Cold Row Old Crow" "Come On, OmenCo CEO, Mon" "Compose Mo['] Copes" "Con Has No Cash" "Continuing Unnoticing" "Could Be Blue, Doc" "Country, Cry Unto RuntyCo" "Cry On Corny Crony" "Cute Lorn, Not Cruel" "Daily Lady I'd Lay" "A Dally All Day" "Damn Toil's Not Dismal" "Darcie, I Cared" "Dark Times['] Risk Tamed" "Dating, Dang it" "Delia's Ideals Sailed" "Depressing Pre-Designs" "Dereg Greed"[] "Derek's Skeer'd" "Dim Hearts, Hard Times, This Dream" "Dinners of No Friends" "Discharge-Cash Dirge" "Do-OK-Rec Rock Ode" "Do Soul, So-Loud Sod Lou" "Do Stay, Todays" "The Dog He'd Got" "Dollars to Toll Roads" "Doodles, Old Odes" "Dourest Detours, Rousted" "Drudge On, Underdog"[] "Dryest Red Sty" "A Dude's Sad Due" "Duet So Used to Ousted" "DuSable's Sad Blues" "Each Ache" "Effort I Forfeit" "Eh, Tragic Grit-Ache" "End Right the Grind" "End, Smit Mindset" "Enfettered Tender Feet" "Environs Riven, Son" "Evictors['] Vortices" "Evolve, Ol['] Love" "Ex-Hopin['] Phoenix" "Fanboys of Any BS" "Far Out of a Rut" "Fastin['] Faints" "Feelin Po['], Peon Life" "Few Flow Well-Off" "Few Poor of Power" "Filing a Failing" "Flawed, We Laf'd" "Flo, Send Fondles" "Forbear Fear, Bro" "Forgot to, Frog" "Formal Ol['] Farm" "Free Heart Hereafter" "Frets of Efforts" "Frown to Front, Ow" "Fundamental Mundane Flat" "Gad if IDGAF" "Gamblin['] Ma Bling" "Gasberg Beggars" "Gauchest Gut-Aches" "Gaudy Ad Guy" "Gee, Dr. Greed" "Geein['] Genie" "Gnashing, Hangings" "Go, Hours So Rough" "God, Sir, Grid So Disorg" "Gold Coast a Clod's Got" "Gone Lorn No Longer" "Gone, Tot, Too Gent to Get On" "Good Starts Got So Drat" "Goosed-Ego Sod" "Got No Ire to Ignore" "Got There Together" "Grand Equal Quadrangle" "Granma/Ragman" "Graspin['] a Spring" "Greed Log Doggerel" "Greeed Degree" "Grim-Hit, I'm Right" "Grim, Tiny, I'm Trying" "Grime and Dreaming" "Grimly, My Girl" "Grodiest Stodgier Grist Ode" "Grooved-In Overdoing" "Grouses surge So" "Grubby By-Burg" "Grumble, Mr. Bugle" "Ha, I Levy Heavily" "Had Now and How" "Handsomest Homestands" "Hangouts So Naught" "Hapless Plashes" "Harp on, Orphan" "Harsh Dip, Hardship" "Haste, Go, Age-Shot Hostage" "Hating a Night" "Hating on a Nothing" "Hermits['] Mithers" "Hiatus Is a Hut" "High-Rise Heir Sigh" "His New Whines" "Hollywood, Lowly Hood" "Homely, My Hole" "Hot Soup: Oh, to Sup" "How it Hit, Ow" "A Humble Hale Bum" "Hunting Nuthing" "I Admit it, Maid" "I Almost Lost Aim" "I, Another Antihero" "I, Bland, a Blind Baldin Bin Lad" "I, Bogged on Being Good" "I Care, Erica" "I Cure, Hop, Euphoric" "I Drag Da Rig" "I Dream I'm Dear" "I, Dreg, Re-dig" "I, Fellow Lowlife" "I Hung in, Ugh" "I Label a Libel Liable" "I Made a Dime" "I Mull Ill, Um" "I, Now Owin['], Wino" "I Phone in Hope"[] "I Raged a Dirge" "I, Runt, in Rut" "I, Shabby, Babyish" "I-Sob Bios" "I Strove. It's Over" "I Swear to Wait, Sore" "I, Tepid, Pitied" "I, Un-Rapt Puritan" "I Wasn't Wastin[']" "I'd Inspire Insipider" "I'm Dying in My Dig" "I'm Past Tips, Ma" "I've Loot Too Vile" "Iceless Siecles" "If All Flail, I Fall" "If Named Am Fined" "If Only I Fly On" "Ill-Wed, I Dwell" "Importunes['] Resumption" "In Task I Stank" "Inked-Over, Reinvoked" "Instanter Transient Tenant, Sir" "Intern, Rentin['] [']n Inert" "Ironclad Cold Rain" "Isle Dome Melodies" "It's Cool, Ol['] Stoic" "It's Easier at Easters" "It's Hell Still, Eh" "It's How to Wish" "Jacob's Co-Jabs" "Jalopy Joy, Pal" "A Knife in Fake" "The Late Athlete" "Late Shift: That's Life" "Lazy Song, Zany Slog" "Le Bum [']Umble" "Le Bus Blues" "Learning to Go Internal" "Levantine Valentine" "Lie, Fib, Belief" "Life-Sunk Flunkies" "Life's Ol['] Follies" "Lifespan Self-Pain Fail Pens" "The Line in Lethe" "Listen Mr. Minstrel" "Live Now, Win Love" "Live on in Love" "Lo, Others Lost, Hero" "Loafing's Fail Song" "Log Mo['] Gloom" "Long Runs, Sung Lorn" "Loser Roles, Loser Lores" "Lostling Got Nill" "Lostling Gots Nill" "Lots Bet, Bottles" "Lou's Soul" "Loud Aw, Woulda" "Low Clerk Rockwell" "Lucky Bad Bulky Cad" "Mailings Misalign" "Makes Me Ask" "Mama, Why a Whammy" "Man's Dire Dreamins[']" "Many debts? Stand by me" "Mate, She Hates Me The Same" "Maundering Undreaming" "Me, Ills I Smell" "Me-Too'd, Mooted" "Measly Mealys" "Mediocre Crime Ode"[] "Mensches, Chessmen" "Mere Rad Dreamer" "A Minge's Enigmas" "To Incur Coin Rut in Court" "Old-Side Idle Sod" "Minus Sun I'm Musin[']"[] "Miscoiled Domiciles" "Mo['] Frailty: Formailty" "Mo['] Ruin I Mourn" "Mold It, I'm Told" "Moldering Gold Miner" "A Moment Meant Mo[']" "Monroe, Mooner No More" "Moodier, I Do More" "Moon Sets, Mootness" "Moonstone Monotones" "Moot-Hewn Hometown" "More, Less, Mere Loss" "More My Memory" "Motherland Enthraldom" "Mouth to Hum Um Tho" "Move Along Among Love" "Mr. Fear Farmer" "Mr. Gable, Gambler" "Mr. I-The-Hermit" "Mr. Safe Frames" "Mulling a Mulligan" "Mundaner, Under, Man" "Mush-Hums" "Mustier Semi-Rut" "My Cove McEvoy" "My Horn: a Harmony" "My Lone Melony" "My Nature Army Tune" "My Place: Calm, Yep" "My Sub-Bum Sy" "Nag to Tango" "Near Bed and Beer" "Neat Ol['] Lean-To" "Neg-Life Feeling" "New Aims, Wise Man" "New Hi When I Whine" "Nice Slow Scow Line" "No Cars or Cans" "No-Cash Nochas" "No, Ego's So Gone" "No Gas: a Song" "No-Gem Gnome" "No-Goal Lagoon" "No Heart on Earth"[] "No Map? Po['] Man" "No Mo['] Moon" "No Smiles, Lone Miss" "No Time to Mine Into Me"[] "No Win in Now" "Nobody's Bonds, Yo" "Nod Yea, Any Ode"[] "Nor Fret for Rent" "Nor Hate Another" "Not Small Tolls, Man" "Nota Bene: Beaten? No" "Note I'm on Time to Mine" "Now Tour Our Town, Worn Out" "Numb'd [']n Dumb" "O Cheer, Cohere, Re-Echo" "O Clear RealCo Oracle" "O Crafty Factory" "O, Find No Dif" "O Rush Hours" "O Wired Weirdo" "Oaf, Pry for Pay" "Oft-Poor Rooftop" "Oh Daily Holiday" "Oh, Dirty Thyroid" "Oh, Mantra Marathon" "Oh, Me, TRY to Rhyme" "Oh No, Gouged Good Enough" "Oh, Seeing He is Gone" "Ok, Pal, POLKA" "OK Town to Know" "Ol['] [a-b] Ebola" "Ol['] Alec's Locales" "Ol['] Doc's So Cold" "Ol['] Gent, Mr. Long-Term" "Ol['] God O['] Gold" "Ol['] Gut to Lug" "Ol['] Kept Klepto" "Ol['] Sod So Old" "Ol['] Times to Smile" "Old, Beat, Bloated" "Old Horse, He Drools" "Old Money, Moldy One" "Old Relics['] Dice Rolls" "Oldest, Losted" "Ole Guy Eulogy" "Ole Music Coliseum" "Once-Caring Carcinogen" "Once-Phat Cenotaph" "One Day Done, Ay" "One Mad Ode, Man" "One Memory: More Money" "One Sky, No Keys" "One Ugly Lone Guy" "One Way Now, Aye" "One Week, Keen Woe" "One With the Wino" "[']Onest Tones" "Only Le Lonely" "Open it to Pine" "Opulence Clue? Nope" "Outsider Dries Out"[] "Over-Sad Sod-Rave, Savored" "Owin['] Wino" "Own'd, Down" "Oww, Li'l Willow" "Oy, Moil'd Moodily, Doomily" "Paction to Panic" "Pain, to a Point" "Pal, It's a Split" "Pal of a Flop" "Par No Mo['], Poor Man" "Partitioned Trepidation" "Passion, Pain, SOS" "Paw, I'm a Wimp" "Paydirt? I'd Party" "Pens O['] Peons" "Penthouse Hopes Tune" "Pert old Droplet" "Pet Hit the Pit" "Pisser Spires" [] "Placity? Typical City, Pal" "Ply Tales, All Types" "Po['], eh? Hope" "Po['] Hero Hooper" "Po['] Lean Pa Noel" "Po['] Me Mope-Poem" "Pointiest Petitions" "Poor, New, No Power" "Poor, New, Ow, Prone" "Poorest Stooper" "Pre-Senile, Spleenier" "Pre-Sliced, Respliced Lip Creeds" "Prime Agony: Paying More" "Promise, Po['] Miser" "Prosaic Ol['] Acropolis" [] "A Pudgy-Guy Pad" "Push Back, Busk-Chap" "Pushed In, Punished" "Pushover Hovers Up" "Ramen Ran Me" "Raw-of-Gut Tug-of-War" "Re-Naying, Yearning" "Refuge's Free, Gus" "Remiss Misers" "A Repo Opera" "Retire, Ol['] Loiterer" "Rife Sad Far Side" "Right, I'm Grim-Hit" "Rube St., Buster" "Rum-Hit, I'm hHurt" "Rush Past, Thrupass" "Rushier Hurries" "Rust Ruts" "Rustin['] in Ruts" "Sack-y Yacks" "Sad Icky Acid Sky" "Sad Lore Reloads" "Sad Pay Day Spa" "Sad, Rotten, Don't Stare" "Said My Dismay" "Sal's Lass" "Sanity in a Sty" "Say-a-Word Roadways" "Scarce if I Sacrifice" "Scum, ere I use Crime, I'm Secure" "Sean Graves Saves Green" "Semi-Ragin['] Migraines" "Send Ma Amends" "Sentimental Entailments" "Serf-Chain Franchise" "Shocking Hick Song" "Shoogled Dogholes" "A Simple Smile, Pa" "The Six Ex-Hits" "Slumberg Grumbles" "Sly Ode Yodels" "SMH Acne? A Mensch Can Mesh" "A Smooth Sham Too" "Smug Arty Smart Guy" [] "A So-Cruel Carousel" "So-Empty Mope Sty" "So Find No Difs" "So Go Run: Our Song" "So Hip-Hop Is" "So Lame? Me Also" "So Long, No Slog" "So-Mangy May Song" "So Many May, Son" "So When Now He's News" "So, Young Guy, Soon" "Sob Not, Boston, No Bots" "Sob Truly Robustly" "Sob, Zip Biz Ops" "Sod, Un-Sound" "Sol's Loss" "Solitaire Oralities" "Some Drunk Rude Monks" "Some Hick, Homesick" "Some Idle Melodies" [] "Some Long Englooms" "Some Ruin, Monsieur" "Someone's Moon Sees" "Somewhere Homes Were" "Somnolescent Consolements" "Son, Ain't No Saint" "Song for No Frogs" "Sonless Lessons" "Soul Be Un-Nebulous" "Soul-Took Lookouts" "Southern Unrest, Ho" "Sowin['] Winos" "Squatter Quartets" "Staph Paths" "Staring at Rings" "Stay Long, Stony Gal" "Stayed Steady Yet Sad" "Stern Man Remnants" "Still I Sit Ill" "Streety Syrette, Rest Yet" "Strum, Mr. Stu Sturm" "Sullenness, Nullnesses" "Sunset Sent Us" "Suntime Minutes" "Team, I'd Made It" "Tearstain Attainers" "TGIF Gift" "Them of Mo['] Heft" "Theology Got Holey" "There, Miss Hermitess" "A Third Hat Rid" "This City, It's Itchy" "This Desk the Skids" "This Kid's Skids-Hit" "This Rut, It Hurts" "This Un-Shut-In" "Those Lost, Toothless Hotel Sots" "Time-Rid, I'm Tired" "Tiny Hero in Theory" "Tipsier Pitiers" "To Dads at Odds" "To Fail Flat, Oi" "To Figure Grief Out" "To Find Not Dif" "To Know OK Town" "To Own Nowt, O" "To Savor a TV or So" "To Stay at Toys, Ay, Tots" "To-Write-It Tower" "Toiled/Lied-To Lit-Ode" "Toils--I Lost" "Tomorrow's Rootworms" "Too down to do now" "Too Heavy, Yo, Have To" "A Town O['] Want" "Towns O['] E-Z Tow Zones" "Tributes I'd Distribute" "Tried, Let, Retitled" "Trite Games, Great Times" "Tru-Rut" "Tsk, Hide the Kids" "[']Tude Duet" "Ug, Fired? Figured" "An Ugly Any-Lug" "Um, Depths, the Dumps" "Um, Earn Manure" "Um, This it Hums" "Un-Rich, I Churn" "Un-Rich Urchin" "Un-Robust Burnouts" "Underdog, Dud, Goner" [] "Undoable Alone, Bud" "Unions['] Unison" "Unmarried, Murrained" "Unsofter Fortunes" "Up, Spare Paupers" "Vagabonds['] Sad Van Bog" "Vain Mr. Marvin" "A Vendor Raved On and Over" "Visored Voiders" "W/Scorn I'd Crown-Dis In-Crowds" "Was Foul, So Awful" "Was Not Watson A Town's Wan Sot" "The Way, Yet? Haw" "Wee Gutsy Sweet Guy" "Went Old, Let Down" "Went up Unwept" "Wet, Sad, Wasted" "When I Win, Eh" "When Y'Are Anywhere" "Whosoever, Howsoever" "Wind On Down In" "Wish Ren Her Wins" "Woman Mo['] Wan, Man. Ow" "Working King Row" "Worldly Wry Doll" "Worn-Out-Now Rout" "Wrote Rot, Ew" "Yawl'n Wanly" "Yo, Drab Byroad" "Yow, Shill, How Silly" book presto table of Leo and Rand chitchat [xxp] blurb "[l-r] admits he couldn't handle the regimen of Thickener Kent Reich-Kitchener." "[l-r] begins construing trouncings, but not anyone. Just abstractly." "[l-r] considers ordering Buffs to Bust Off." "[l-r] discusses Sweaty-Way Set training." "[l-r] discusses the plexus-suplex, not willing to practice it on each other." "[l-r] does a quick-start squat trick to try to get into shape." "[l-r] feels guilt over a long-gone goonie-noogie." "[l-r] resolves to do abs so bad." "[l-r] talks of working at a tungsten guns tent." "[l-r] vows to read My Abs, By Sam." "[l-r] wonders if Invig-Givin is too good to be true." "Each wishes he were a gung ho gun hog." "'Galoots also got gals, too. To goals!'" "'Gawd, dawg,' they say, still unable to believe their defeats." "Grunts, strung." "'Hamstrings...stings...harm!'" "'I'm such a booby.' / 'I'm such a yobbo.'" "'Imma Maim,' says [l-r], but his heart isn't in it." "'In my gut, I...gym nut.'" "'Mo[']-slug moguls? Ol['] mugs!'" "'Not gross. So strong.' they mutter to each other." "'Nufyn['] Funny.'" "'Ow, my teef!' / 'Ow, my feet!'" "'Oy. Heck. Hockey.'" "They [lrblab] each dislikes Adrena-Andrea's workout routine." "They [lrblab] each likes GoonLab Bologna." "They [lrblab] their mutual admiration for Machado Da Macho." "They [lrblab] their mutual love for Big Nox Boxing." "They are sure their idol, Diesel Sid Lee (solid ol['] Sid,) would be ashamed of them now." "They are too beat-up to feel upbeat." "They argue over the best flavor of U-GOTS-GUSTO energy drink." "They bemoan being on the wrong side of the GPA gap." "They both wish they'd grown up in Far Friff or the Anarch-a-Ranch." "They compare the Exhil-Helix and To-Scare Coaster rides." "They continue be-a-lug blague, beached like a beluga." "They cry how they're no Dyna-Andy Nady." "They discuss favorite flavors of Clobber Cobbler." "They discuss the training methods of Hard-Way Hayward." "They discuss their fear of Slice-U Sluice." "They discuss Tricep-Rip Tec." "They discuss working out at Expend-Pex Den." "They disparage Monk-Fu by Mo-Funk." "They dream of violence with Ole Vince." "They find they both love the song [italic type]Loud boys? Doubly So[roman type]." "They just need to feel okay after that kayo." "They know how poor Ted Torpedo felt." "They know they'll never be Typee Petey." "They mention there's something off about Mista Vin Vitamins." "They mumble about some dim lame dilemma." "They now feel more soft, foremost." "They pine for Rip-Em-Prime to rip mo['] primo." "They recall friendly dust-ups: Stu, Spud." "They recap the workout routines of Expand-Pex Dan." "They recap their favorite literary work, Us Was a Wuss." "They reconsider visiting Sweating Wingate's to bulk up." "They recount triple-wrongs in pro wrestling." "They regret laughing at the comic strip 'U THINK I THUNK.'" "They regret saying yoga's so gay." "They remember both being posted at despot depots." "They remember winning their local Turbo-Bruto contests." "They reminisce of melee fests, of self esteem." "They reminisce on moshes with shmoes." "They rhapsodize about Bruin Rubin and his catch phrase 'I burn!'" "They share menmost moments." "They should've gotten a punchage change up or cheap gun from Ape Chung." "They take time to admire 'Le Plow' Powell." [p] "They wish for HamCo Macho-Mocha (ach, mo[']!) so they don't get beaten by a gimpy pigmy. Again." "They wonde aloud how to exert tidy dexterity." "They wonder if I'm-Strong-Gro Mints really work." "They worry about nights of no fights." "Urghs. Shrug." "'Us, bloody. Body, soul.'" "'We ain't gonzo-goonz.'" "You hear [l-r] recount an eco-runt trounce." table of research topics [xxp] blurb "abstrusest substrates" "Achilles helicals" "the Gulf Coast focal gust" "Daws wads" "Adriance canaried radiance" "Adroit Tirado Ardito" "adsorb-boards" "Agostinelli's legislations" "Alison's Sialons" "Allister Literals" "Almeida's Maladies" "amateur e-trauma" "Amico's mosaic" "Amnestied dementias" "Analogism magnolias" "Ann Scott's constants" "antic frog go-frantic factoring" "antimuons['] mountains" "Arqua's Quasar" "Asperger's presagers" "Asselin salines" "Astorino orations" "Astrid triads" "astringent integrants" "avant-garde graven data" "Baier's Rabies Ribase" "Bailly's syllabi" "Balaguer's arguables" "Balestra ratables" "Barbero's absorber" "Barlage's algebras" "Bartoli's orbitals" "Basinger bearings" "Bavaleri's Variables" "Belmares's assembler" "Ben Chu's bunches" "the Blomper Problem" "bossier riboses" "Brausell's rubellas" "Broering's Resorbing" "Bucci's Cubics" "Bussiere's subseries" "Camillo's localism" "Camisso Mosaics" "Canevari Variance" "Cansino's scansion" "Cantley latency" "Caperton co-parent portance" "Caplister Particles" "Capsin panics" "the Capster Spectra" "Caradine's radiances" "Casterline centralise-interlaces" "Castlean analects" "censored seconder encoders" "the centroid doctrine" "Chelsie Schiele Helices" "Chemists['] Techisms" "Cindie's indices" "Cittrano Traction" "Columbo's Coulombs" "Comic Sans scam coins" [] "coolant octanol" "Coombs Combos" "cornitude reduction" "Cortesian Creations Reactions" "cosseted cestodes" "cotinine and nicotine" "Cox-Epstein Exceptions" "Creedon's censored encoders" "Crombie's Microbes" "Cudmore's decorums" "Culligan's callusing" "Curenton's nocturnes" "Cureton's Snort-Cue Counters" "D'antonio's donations" "Dahlheimer's hemihedrals" "Daidone's anodised adenoids" "Daigrepont pignorated readopting" "Danielson nonideals" "Dearing's readings" "Deason anodes" "Debrosse bedsores" "Deighan's headings" "DeMarinis meridians" "Deroche's chordees" "Desanctis distances" "Dicenzo's zincodes" "Dingess Designs" "Disney's endysis" "distender dendrites" "Dorsch chords" "Dr. Miaga's Diagrams" "Dragonne's Androgens" "Dreymon's Syndrome" "dripstones['] torpidness" "Duerson's sounders" "Ederra's readers" "Egen's Genes" "Eisenbarth's breathiness" "Eliason's anisoles" "Emerson's Moreness" "emigrants streaming" "Erickson's rockiness" "Ericsson-Cisneros necrosis" "Escalante elastance" "Esposito isotopes" "Estragon Orangest Negators" "Etsui's tissue suites" "farmost formats" "Feinstein's finiteness" "Feldhaus headfuls" "Ferrentino's interferons" "Ferriera's rarefiers" "feudalist disulfate" "Filberto's Fibrolites" "Fingold's Foldings" "flouriest fluorites" "Fraioli's airfoils" "fulminous sulfonium" "gamma magma" "Gartman's tangrams" "Gaspari airgaps" "Gaucin's Saucing" "Geiselman's semiangles" "Gelinas's sealings" "genteelish gehlenites" "Geremia's gamesier reimages" "the Germi-Grime-IMGer" "Gerrindo Ordering" "Giancola's analogics" "Giordani radioing" "the Gitlin Tiling" "Glancy's glycans" "Glassie-Siegal's ligases" "the Gonterman magnetron" "Goranson argonons['] organons" "Gosling's glossing" "Gospodin's spongoids" "Gosselin lignoses" "Grady's Dry Gas" "Grandinetti denitrating" "Grinstead astringed gradients-treadings" "Groce-Greco Recog" "Grote-Trego Ergot" "Guillermo glomeruli" "Hardee's sheared headers" "Hearns's harness" "Heintz's zeniths" "Hesseltine's lithenesses" "Hilgendorf's fingerholds" "hive boar behavior" "hologynic ichnology" "Hopton's Not-Posh Photons" "Hort-Meyer rheometry" "housepainter neuropathies" "houseplants['] sulphonates" "Hruska's Kashrus" "Huettner's untethers" "Hussong shoguns" "hypodorian radiophony" "Hyppolite's psilophyte" "incognito cognition" "Infinger refining" "intrinsic citrinins" "ion-fuss fusions" "ion-stop potions" "Ion Storm Monitors" "ions so IN" "Ipson Pions" "Iron Facts/Antics For Fractions" "iso-ether theories" [] "isothermal thimerosal" "isotropy porosity" "an isthmian histamin" "Iversen's inverses" "Kaelin's alkines" "Keasling snaglike linkages" "Keelan's alkenes" "Keeton's ketones" "Kneale's alkenes" "Kneisley keylines" "Koester's restokes" "Kohlein's Sinkhole" "Kugel's Kluges" "Labarge algebra" "Labriola's isallobar" "Lacrosse solacers" "Lagace's scalage" "Laing's signal-lasing" "Lampson's plasmons" "Lanterni's Internals" "Lapointe's sealpoint antipoles" "Lartigue ligature" "Lattimer's remittals" "Lauman's Manuals" "Lauritsen retinulas" "LeBrock's Blockers" "Leiterman's streamline" "Lenker's kernels" "LeScipio Policies" "less-epic eclipses" "Lessing Singles" "Levenson's nonselves" "Leverton's resolvent" "Lienau's Insulae" "the Limoges semilog" "Lohan's halons" "Lopeman's neoplasm" "Losinski oilskins" "Lucero's closure" "the Lucien Clue-in Nuclei" "Lupercio's supercoil" "Macagoula's glaucomas" "Maginn's mamings" "Manderson's randomness" "Mangieri's imaginers['] migraines" "Manuelito's emulations" "Marasco's sarcomas" "Margarett's Tetragrams" "Mascioli's socialism" "Mathiasen Haematins" "Matsui autism" "Matsuno-Stouman amounts" "Matteo's stomate" "Maturin's naturism" "Mcaleer's sclerema" "McShea's schemas" "measurings reassumings" "mensural numerals" "Mersereau's remeasures" "the Mesech schemes" "Messed-Up Deep Sums" "micro-sleep recompiles" "micron gap comparing" "Midura's radiums" "migrations amortising" "the mind-noise dimension" "Mintier Interim Termini" "Miramontes monetarism" "a modernised endodermis" "moisture's misroutes" "Monasterio's astronomies" "the Monterosso Sensomotor" "moonseeds['] endosomes" "moorhens['] hormones" "Morganti's stroaming sigmatron" "Morgassi Isograms" "Morneau's neuromas" "Morriset Trisomes" "Moss-Bly Symbols" "mossier ismoeres" "Motte's Totems" "Mr. Poyle's Polymers" "Mr. Tice's Metrics" "Mubsner Numbers" "a multi-cell clitellum" "Murata trauma" "Myla's Amyls" "myoglobin looming by" "myotic comity" "Naomi's Aminos" "Napolitan's nonspatial planations" "Narciso's narcosis" "Narcisse's scariness" "Neeson's oneness" "Nelfsun funnels" "Nemo's Meson Omens" "neo-virus univores" "a neolithic ichnolite" "Nesheim's inmeshes" "neuroleptics['] intercouples" "Neustadt's unstateds" "Nichole's Helicons" "Nicknamed Dieckmann" "Nieland's annelids" "Nimmo's monism" "Nissley lysines" "no-spell pollens" "No-Sum Muons" "non-sure neurons" "Nonhistorical Chlorinations" "Nuge's Genus" "O'Neill's niellos" "Obringer's resorbing" "obstruent buttoners" "Oetken's ketones" "Ogorman's sonogram" "Olsen-Slone-Noel's enols" "Orangest negators" "organism roamings" "orientating integration" "Ornstein ternions" "Orton's rotons" "the Orzinho-Zhirono Horizon" "Osmani-Moisan aminos" "Osterlund roundlets" "ostriches['] trichoses" "Ostrum tumors" "Otremba's bromates" "oxidised dioxides" "Palombi's bioplasm" "Paratore's separator" "a pathogen heptagon" "pathogens['] heptagons" "Pauleri's spirulae" "Peatross protases" "Peccton's concepts" "Peloni's Epsilon" "perigones['] progenies" "Perlstein's tripleness" "Perret perter" "phenocrystic pyrotechnics" "Philomena-nemophila" "phonographist phosphorating" "Pilotto's tool tips" "Plotkin's slipknot post-link slipknot" "plushiest sulphites" "Pomeroy's pyrosome" "positional spoilation" "positron sorption" "Poulin's Upsilon Pulsion" "Poythress's hypostress" "Preusser pressure" "pro-nucleus uncouplers" "Pusateri's prussiate" "the Radoncic cancroid draconic" "Rascal's Scalars" "real fun learn-fu" "ref-space prefaces" "refringence referencing" "Regiment Metering" "Reinoso's erosions" "Reinsch's richness" "Reisman's seminars" "Remaker Kreamer" "Respicio's iriscopes" "restriven inverters" "Rezac's crazes" "rhinestone threonines" "ride count reduction" [] "Rideau's residua" "Riese's Series" "rindiest nitrides" "Ringuette's trusteeing" "Ripstone Proteins Pointers" "Robaina's abrasion" "Robie's ribose" "Rocantti Traction" "Rosalind-Lorinda's Ordinals" "Rosati-Sirota-Satori Ratios" "Rosenfeld enfolders" "Rossiter's resistors" "the Saito Iotas" "Salminen melanins" "Salonga analogs" "Sandridge's addressing" "sanguine Guanines" "Sanpedro operands" "Sardina radians" "Sassone seasons" "Satcher's starches" "Sayles lyases" "Scalardi Radicals" "Scanlon's non-class" "scenic e-Science" "Seagrave averages" "Seamster steamers" "Sebastian basanites" "Selina's Salines" "Semuldo-LeDomus Modules" "Serafino's farinoses" "Serrato's assertor-assorter" "Settlemeier telemetries" "Severin's inverses" "Severino's eversions" "sheltering lighteners" "Shenefield needlefish" "Shooing Goonish Ion Hogs" "Shreiker Kreisher" "Sid Lamp's plasmids" "Siegman enigmas" "Siegmann meanings" "Sigman's massing" "a silicone isocline" "silkscreen slickeners" "sincerest secretins" "Sisemore isomeres" "Slayden-Danley's adenyls" "smithereens['] intermeshes" "solenoind eidolons" "somatic atomics" "Sonderman's Randomness" "Sonic Boom Ion Combos" "sonicator consortia" "Sortino isotron torsion" "sovereign virogenes" "Spavro Vapors" "Spectral I-Particles" "Spheric Ciphers" "Spitler Triples" "Splitter-Terp List" "spoiled dipoles" "spurling purlings" "St. germaine's magnetisers" "St Pierre's persister" "Stacey's cytases" "Staiger-Agresti Triages" "Stancube's Substance" "Staptner trap-nest patterns" "static ion citations" "Steadman mandates" "Steagall's stallages" "Steering Integers" "Stegman magnets" "Stehling's lightness" "Stepanek netspeak" "Stephany phytanes" "Stephany's phytanes" "Sterger-Grester Regrets" "Stineman mannites" "Stoma-Atoms" "Straley raylets" "Strange Map Pentagrams" "Streakin['] Keratins" "Stromer Stormer-Tremors" "Strosnider torridness" "the Stymes System" "Sutliff's fistfuls" "tainted ions['] destination" "Tallerico's allosteric" "Tessudi studies" "Theorist Theriot's thorites" "Theropodan parenthood" "Tiedeman dementia" "a tint-proof footprint" "Tiscareno reactions" "tissued studies" "titration attrition" "toluidin dilution" "Tomas Stamo-Mota's Atoms" "Torenstein Retentions" "Toriano's orations" "trans-gene generants" "trans-sonic constrains" "transition nitrations" "Tremaine's antimeres" "Trent-Ione Retentions" "Trisano-Santori Rations" "an undocile nucleoid" "unlisted diluents" "unsliced nuclides" "unstable abluents" "Urdiales's residuals" "UV-seen venues" "Valentino's anti-novels" "Vascheri archives" "Velton's Solvent" "Wallace's Scale Law" "Winkler's Wrinkles" "Winterstein intertwines" "Wrightson ingrowths" table of catechism pages [xxp] blurb "'817351837 bites I bet' is written on a blank page." [p] "An ad for Algebra Lab Gear." "An ad for Hi-Res Shire, which has the lean trim terminal for YOU." "Add-ins I Disdain, on third-party software." "The Adventures of Online Lonnie, El Nino: if Felon, Offline." "Advice from a sod tent and tot dens: don't set dot-nets." "Alerting that Triangle Altering and Integral Relating lead to the gnarliest integrals." "Analysis of the Carter Crater Tracer." "Another I Rethank a Thinker section." "Another page in a big long boring source course." "Another page referring to the seminal work [i]Equations: A Question[r], by Otis Quane." "An article called Recent Net-Rec Center." "An article on the founding of the Knowster Networks at Kent's Row." "Back, HALT, black hat!" "Basic regular expressions from [i]I Grep to Grope It[r], by Rog Piet." "Blather about UserLoc Closure." "Boggling blogging: both good and bad." "Brigit's Bit Rigs and the big stir they created." "'C is OK? Sicko!' is written in the margins." "A cartoon: by the way, why a byte?" "A cartoon: hangs, gnash [']n gash." "A cartoon: I Dub a bad UI, bud, ai!" "A cartoon is captioned 'Logout, lout! Go!'" "A cartoon of administrative mistakes called Duos of Doofus of Sudo." "A cartoon: Psh, I C his PC Chips." "Cartoons about software personal relations, featuring Emo OEM Moe." "A cautionary tale of a beery eBayer." "A cautionary tale of the last boor who programmed toolbars on a barstool." "A chapter begins: sir, compel compilers!" "A character named Senor Uric exclaims 'Us, Cornier?' as he explains recursion." "A character named Winko Owkin shows how saying 'I KNOW' helps you win, ok?" [p] "Chips Reed Deciphers Chi-Spy's Physics, Fixes Exifs." "Chips Reed deciphers hip creeds here." "A comic poem: Yelp! Shrink! Hyperlinks!" "Confused? Unfocused? Code's Fun!" "A confusing example of the TreksCo Rockets Stocker." "A cool fig of logic." "Cosine, E-coins: So Nice! -- an editorial." "Cyber-Bryce's etiquette lesson: Mate, R U mature?" "Dealing with e-trash haters." "The debate: piracy v. privacy." [p] "Discussion of a game of GPS'in pings." "A discussion of how either the Graf-Frag and Menu-Enum software packages gobs all globals." "A discussion of whether [i]Pa Huck's Hack-Ups[r] was actually written by Cap Husk." "Dos, eh? Hosed!" "Drivel from Fact-Born Bancroft." "Ed Hart endorses Red Hat, noting the rad hatred thread dearth." "Ed's GUI Guides come recommended." "A Ego-Log of LeGoGo's dominance as a search engine over SlyCo and OohYa." "Esoteric Coteries to join." "An essay on looking to the future asks, programs or Gramps?" "Examples of bad UI from Dubai to Baidu." "Excerpts from Pa Grin's Graspin['] Parsing, and an opposite view, Sparing Parsing by Paris Ng." "A fascinating recap of the most recent Math Cup Matchup." "Flaccid generalities and aphorimsms under 'Resigned? Re-design, designer!' It credits Sid Green and Desire Ng." "'FTP? PFT! HTTP? THPT!'" "The geein['] Eigen-Genie describes how formulas can't figure ANYTHING." "Grampa's Pragmas." "Hark Dat Dark Hat, a section on hackers." "Here's notes on an obscure sub-core of some programming language." "Here's why a plugin shouldn't cause gulpin." "Hm, a rant for Fortran." "Hm, some crackhead hack creed." "How a tech cheat can inspect pectins--with net pics." "How to be Cred-Rec'd, by Dr. Deccer." "How to detect a lurid URL ID." "How to guard yourself from login oglin[']." "How to make a dagger-free defragger." "How to put hefts in if-thens." "How your firewall will fare." "'I cap a pic,' advice on Internet memes." "If STR first, RTF is siftr. Whatever." "Information on how not to mistrace matrices." "Internet etiquette: Godwin = WIN, dog!" "An introductory page covers all that can be coined in code." "'Is derpin['] inspired?' An interesting discussion." "Know, wonk, know!" "Knuth-Thunk, a pompous biography of computers." "A last bit about a StatLib." "A list of Elkins-Lenski-Klein's E-Links." "A lo-tech ol['] etch about Adamant Data Man, a superconducting superhero with the catch phrase 'Ha! Info's fashion!'" "A long remade readme by Ma Reed. Dear, me!" "Lord Howell's Hello Worlds." "Make your Header Adhere." "Malaise as email: Internet addiction." "Mentions of tweest tweets." "Messy lab assembly is no laughing matter." "The Misc. Chemist Techism explores how computer science applies elsewhere." "More notes for CONSIDERin['] coders. A bit didactic and forced." "A MS Paint rendering of a spam tin." "MS Paint tips, man!" "Murals of Formulas, drawn by Rolf Maus." "My VM: YMMV." "A new shill shows why the WinShell means hell wins." "Nobody sensible would find a malware war lame." "A note that tautologies tautologise." "Notes on webring brewing." "Notes scrawled: found imp. info dump: Duke CS sucked." [p] "Nyan So Annoys a Sonny is written in the margins." "Oi! I/O!" "On the fall of the Richest Itchers, a computer game company." "On the Snafu as Fun." "One look at Figure U: grief." "One page claims to have a radioactive device ratio." "One page features an enumeration mountaineer responsible, likely, for some really painful 300 level courses." "One page tries to present ye algebra agreeably." "One picture of a man trying to out-sprint printouts is actually kind of funny stuff." "Oo! Internet competition advice: 'Blame lag? Ballgame!'" "Oops, someone previously bored with this book drew up a superheroine named E-Ninja Janine here." "Ops for pros of proofs."[] "Ouch, a grisly tale of a hardcoder who got hardcore'd." "An overview of U-Bag-a-Bug software tracking." "Overviews of Rex Gee's Regexes." "A picture of the broad ROM motherboard." "A picture of the original Vicuna Univac." "Pip's Nets Snippets pop up in several places." "A plug for OldStash, a news website." "Power is ripe. Sow, wise pro!" "Pre-code. Proceed." "Pre-code? Dope rec!"[] "A print-how section on the Pinthrow-Nipworth-Twiphorn Whiptron." "A profile of PC Ham, HP/MAC Champ." "A profile of the computing genius ENIAC Caine." "Pros of proofs present proofs for ops." "A PSA. A sap, 'Raster Starer.'" "A rant against sourced ur-codes so crude." "Redef, deref, defer...freed!"[] "A rederiving, given drier than you thought possible." "Refute a feature, rue fate." "Reproduce Procedure, Dour Creep! -- more on purer code." "Research, searcher! (Nothing readable on HOW.)" "A reverse engineering of Doc Ed's Codecs follows." "A review of Fathom of Math, by Mo Fath." "A review of Mr. Gee's Merges, by Ms. Eger." "A review of Ow to Woot, Yorpwald's seminal book on programming tricks." "The sad tale of Cal's Pal, who always used ALL CAPS." "A sample of Plotnik's Top Links is listed here." "Samples from the decoding bible Bug Tiffs: Big Stuff." "Scribbling: U dig GUID I dug?" "A section labeled Doran's And-Ors." "Sell short shell sort? She trolls!" "Semaphores and why the novice phears em so." "A short RHost guide." "So, input spin out? Point us. Sit up on..." "Some neat [']PuterSci Pictures." "Some semi-mathematical proof piles on the epsilon." "Something about bitmaps baptism." "Something about to BinHex in the box." "Spoilt Ol['] tips to slip for List-Op Pilots." "Step on NetOps? No, pest!" "Sysadmin says mind, Many Diss, reads a headline." "The tale of one OS's SOS." "Tend to Dot net? Not Ted Denton! -- reads some anti-Microsoft propaganda." "A terribly dull, technical article recital." "There is a warning against creating a bogus GOSUB or worse, an OS bug." "A tip for hackers on scooped opcodes here." "Tips for recognizing a hax-o-hoax." "Tips on not losing logins." "Tips to avoid the Same Bug Mega-Bus." "To and-or tornado." "To encourage female engineers, Pam Grors is noted as a proficient writer of programs." "A tribute to Rox Fife, fixer of Firefox." "A tutorial cartoon! Igg Did Dig GDI!" "Under Other Books, you see: Gear Thy Grey Hat." "A unit for 'No fruit: info rut? Or unfit?' as a debate." "The virtues of process scopers, whatever those are." "Vito Pacer on Proactive Covert API." "Ways a flowchart does not cause howlcraft." "Ways to get brainy with binary." "What a dip paid for an ipad." "What's more evil: Prada or DARPA?" "Why not to dis STDIO do-its like LocalAlloc." "Why to hold back a bold hack, by Chad Kolb." "Why WLAN care is trickier than lawn care." "WTF FTW is a section on creativity and coding." "You are told you will need to log off of golf if you really want to rock the computer science." "You flip through multiple instances of someone named Garj on Jargon." "You note a sure user ruse." "You read a brief overview of login lingo." "You read about the cleverest graph theory lemma I'd ever derive." "You read tricks for when debug mode won't budge." "You read why code golf roxorz coed golf." "You see advice: 'Don't begrudge if your debugger is buggered.'" "You start reading an exponential explain-note but give up." book oyster table of aunt tuna chatter [xxy] blurb "asks Tortu why she's tough to hug." "bangs on some more. If only she were his mother! You could ENTRAP PARENT!" "begins anti-aint-atin[']." "bemoans gift-fair graffiti." "bemoans how people are so babbly or blabby. And don't know the difference." "bemoans kids hooked on DSL these days." "bemoans Rich Best saying she and friends should wear britches. Harsh of him." "bemoans the craziest zits care these days." "bemoans Tortu's pouter's posture." "bemoans upticks in stickups." "calls Mr. O'Steel leer-most." "can't afford Hi-LCD like the parents of that Dilch child." "checks her Pred-Derp spray is in her purse." "claims 'I am sick of hearing Vera's Raves.' She proceeds to babble about Ruth's hurts and serial re-ails." "claims, at ill-ease, 'I see all! Lea lies!'" "claims, like a real nut, neutral is un-alert!" "clucks 'Phases pass, eh?' then 'OK, I scold cool kids.'" "clucks a few scareful 'carefuls' about the fabled Wholer Howler." "clucks at what Dustin became." "considers starting an evict-civet petition." "continues groans or nags." "cries 'Diedre, er... DIED!'" "cries, 'Gad, sly Gladys!'" "cries, 'I have a hive!'" "cries 'Pains! I snap!'" "cries 'Sheldon called us old hens!'" "cries 'Slacken, cankles!'" "decries loud mosh hoodlums." "details Flo Fink's slink-off." "discusses a sugared sea-drug that will cause a dinkey kidney." "explains she can't just go zizap and make Tortu a pizza." "fawns over the Buscher cherubs." "frets 'Dr. Ace CARED!'" "frets: 'I smell ills, me!'" "gives a tut, taut." "gives unhs. 'Shun huns.'" "goes back to melodrama, alarm mode." "has heard bad kids these days snort wasp paws." "has said before: 'Bernice, be nicer!'" "heaps scorn on her corns." "hears parents should hate Napster--it ENTRAPS." "hopes she didn't catch fungal nag-flu." "hopes Tortu can pass the Ax [']Em Exam. Fish schools are so competitive." "hopes Tortu doesn't become a truant art nut." "hopes Tortu drinks lots of green tea when he's a teenager." "hopes Tortu never comes home smelling of caporal crapola." "is all 'Hormones, eh, morons!' and Tortu is like, 'Oh, sermon.'" "is glad Tortu daren't visit the Ardent Rat Den. It's been a trend." "is GLAD Tortu has stayed away from the Rapt Prat Tarp. She has heard rumors." "is sure the SharkNet Thankers are a bogus charity." "jokes, with ego/tact, 'Get coat! Tot cage cottage!'" "knows she's not as un-zen as Suzanne." "laughs 'So funny of Sunny!'" "lectures Tortu on the (lack of) nutrition in toast-tatos." "mentions: 'About me: a bum toe!'" "mentions a friend who needs a hernial inhaler." "mentions how more can learn what an author Cameron Mancore is." "moans 'Bad cons abscond.'" "moans 'I fear a fire!'" "moans 'I have told Terrie, RETIRE!'" "moans 'Malaise ails me. A Malaise!'" "moans 'Mopy. Dire. My...'" "moans 'Painful flu! I nap!'" "moans 'Tendonitis! Distention!'" "moans for Bed-Lain Belinda." "mourns 'These times hit esteems.'" "mumbles 'Dreadful, fad-ruled...'" "muses, 'Tenser age generates TEENAGERS.'" "mutters 'Have no oven? Ha!'" "mutters 'I've eggs, veggies...'" "mutters 'Slang is sin, gals.'" "mutters about an insole lesion." "notes 'Cats ruin curtains!'" "notes 'So, pigs gossip!'" "notes 'This ear, it hears. Discretion. Consider it!'" "notes baking soda makes bad soaking." "notes it's almost time to watch [i]Wives['] Views[r]." "notes Shad or Rod Ash hoards so hard." "notes starch charts for the foods Tortu likes." "offers PTIs, then tips." "offers Tortu Astro-Roast for dinner if he learns to be like you." "praises Tortu's promise so prime!" "rants: rats in trains." "reads Tortu the riot act over ricotta." "recites staler alerts." "relates what Meredith mithered." "reminds Tortu to re-read [i]Acin[']: I CAN![r] by Nic A. Cain." "says 'A C grade is disgrace!'" "says 'Ahem. Ah, me! Rotten is snottier!'" "says 'Body fat? Daft boy.'" "says 'I'd seen Denise denies needs I...'" "says 'you can't!' Coy aunt!" [p] "says her gout left her ego hurt but tougher." "starts a mere nag about Ma Green, which becomes a germane near-gem." "starts utterin['] nuttier: 'Tut, Erin!'" "SWEARS men's ego is in their genomes." [p] "talks about her favorite card game, Spades Passed." "tells how Tortu once thought a scone was shaped like cones." "tells Tortu Damp Cay Day Camp is better than scamp-camps." "tut-tuts things in general with severer reserve than you've seen." "uncoops a soupcon about coupons." "warns Tortu 'No party if profanity!'" "whines forty's frosty and worries about reaching the iffiest fifties." "wonders why Tortu can't have Edgar's grades and be a hitman in math." "worries about pliers['] re-slip perils." "worries about Verne's nerves." "worries Gro-Vite pills may give Tortu vertigo." "worries over unstable tan lubes." table of bar dialogue [xxy] blurb "An abnormal ol['] barman serves up some martini mini-art, and a patron gives an abrupt burp at the pub art." "'Addie's is dead.'" "'Ah, Bert? Re-bath breath!' / 'Eh, Bart?'" "'Ah, Leo. A hole? Heal, o! Ale, ho!'" "'Ah, novices! Have coins, anchovies?' ask carps playing craps. 'Parley, player!' / 'Lose, sole, lose!'" "'Ahab? Baha!'" "'Alco-cola! Loca!'" "'Alcohol call! Ooh!'" "'Any tip for profanity?'"[] "'As to a sot, oats!' Worst hangover cure yet." "'Ashtray?! Ray's hat!'" "'Bart sucks. His coffee shop, too.'" "'BastardCo Broadcast sets my system with formulas so [']armful,' moans some paranoid next to you." "'Beer day: be ready!'" "'Beers! Gin! Bring! See?'" "'Begin being human? Uh, MAN.'" "'BEHAVIOR!' / 'Bro, I have!'" "A bogus lardo whines about his blood sugar." "A bonefish wishes he had the fishbone to talk to that woman across the bar." "'Boor! Snub Bourbons?'" "'Bus stop sots['] pub? [']S sub-opt.'" "'By darn, brandy!' calls a patron." "'Champagne, chap? Nag [']em!'" "'Coke, Beam! Come back!'" "'Cost us to cuss? Scouts!' moans a patron." "'Cougars? I...gracious!'" "'Crikey! Ickyer Rickey!'" "A customer's leering is turned to reeling." "'Dan Klum's slam dunk!'" "'Dares? ... Arsed? Er, sad.'" "Dead Harm Made Hard blasts through the speakers." "Dolor-drool from a neighboring patron." "'Don's up pounds.'" "'Draft?! F-tard.' says a particularly annoying drinker." "'Drink to Dirk? Not!'" "'Drinking Gin, Dirk?' / 'I...'" "'Each gin nice? Agh!'" "'Eh, bars basher? BS, hear?'" "'Enos Tam? Mean sot. No mates.'" "'Er, [a-b]? A beer?'" "A factish catfish shows the ladies he's cash-fit, mentioning his Navo-Nova-O-Van." "'Feel rad, Fred? Ale! Red Leaf Federal!'" "Female voices: 'Octo-coot? Friendly nerd? I fly!' / 'Mobs o['] moobs? Sob mo[']!' / 'Her BEAT beer hat!'" "A fish in a dirty suit yells 'To bar! Abort!' repeatedly in a funny accent." "Fishmice create mischief." "'Float to Alf! ... O, flat.'" "'Gin, Brit? Bring it!'" "'A gin. I nag.'" "'Gin, Rob? Big Ron?' / 'Boring.'" "'Gin? Fab. Big fan.'" "'Got any not-gay Tang? Oy!'" "'Grandi Gin? Rad! Gradin[']: daring!'" "A gullible bluegill buys more drinks for ladies out of his league." "A halibut continues acting habitual." "'He dreads redheads. Sadder, eh?'" "'Healthy?! Hey! Halt!'" "'Herb! At the bar!' / 'Eh? ... BART!'" "'Herbal? Er, blah.'" "'Hi, not hit-on?'" "'Hot ale to heal? Loathe a lot, eh?'" "'Humbler rum? Bleh.'" "'I LOVES olives!' cries a drunk ordering a martini." "'I sample a simple lame sip.'" "'I'd fry if dry.'" "'I'll set a li'l seat.'" "'In no way--ANY--wino!'" "'IPAs?' / 'A sip.'" "'Irksome. Smokier.' / 'Sore, Kim?'" "'Konig gin? OK!'" "'Latham's malts? Ah!'" "'Le Bore, Lo-Beer!' someone mumbles." "'Lo-cal? Us? Callous.'" "Lots of drinking around here, but not one kind grin." "'Low fat? Ow, flat.'" "'Man, sick mackins[']!'" "Marlins snarl 'I'm...' at pinkos['] ink-ops." "'Martini! Ram it in!'" "'Mel's IPA? I sample a simple sip. Lame.'" "Menu here doesn't have the safest feasts." "A mere bore orders more beer." "'Mid-life file? Dim.'" "'Mo['] rum, yo!' / 'Your mom!'" "A moray bemoans Mayor Amory." "'Mud-bass!' / 'Sad Bums!'" "Mumblings of unspeakable subsea abuses on Anton, Future Unfortunate." "'My ale's measly!'"[] "'My bar, barmy Mabry!'" "'Nice tan, ancient...'" "'No grog, gorgon!'" "'No vies? Bovines.'" "'Nor I'm minor!' yells someone the trolls frisk for IDs." "'Oik-Koi!'" "'Ok, cry, Rocky.'" "The ol['] bar labor mistakenly changes a TV to 'A Fish Has Info on Fashion.'" "'Ole Burt Boulter,' you hear loud-whispered. 'Trouble.'" "One patron bemoans a hi-tab habit." "One patron's leering becomes reeling." "One sip, and someone opines about no pies here." "Pals slap laps talking about a trip to the Alps." "'Partner,' says a fish, pre-rant." "'Patching nightcap?' / 'Natch.' / 'Pig.'" "A patron heads to the cretin's cistern." "Patrons compare Buckets Stu Beck, Air Ira, Air Ari and Air Lev's skills at unkind dunkin[']." "Patrons engage in grudging drugging." "Patrons migrate as the tune changes to ragtime." "Patrons snub buns: 'Croissant? No? Racists!'" "Patrons whisper to bewarre clingfish filchings." "People discuss the WarpClub Pub Crawl." "'Phony tee. Neophyte.'" "'Pink gin, Kingpin?' asks a waitress." "'Pst! Pal! Need a tough job done? I co-opt octopi!'" "Rah-rahs and har-hars abound. Drinking games all over." "A random drinker observes a crouton's contours." "'Randomly manly, Rod!'" "A rant by Bryant. 'Ban! Try!'" "A raw cod yells 'Coward!'" "'Rec?' / 'Gin.' / 'Cringe.'" "A rich sot ostrich praises this hideous id-house." "A rote bore orders root beer." "'Rum shot hurts mo[']? Mush! Rot!'" "'Rum? Kind. ...I'm drunk!'" "Scorn out. 'Oi! These croutons are corn snot!'" "'Seven evens? Streak Staker.' ... 'Takers!'" "A shark harks to a KRASH out of view." "'Sit up! Tip us!'" "'Slim, get gimlets!'" "'Sly? Bore. Soberly, Broyles.'" "A smelt melts down over his personal problems." "A snafu-hit tuna fish babbles and broods." "Snickers as someone orders riced cider." "'Sobriety bites, Roy.'" "'Some bar, Ambrose!'" "Some clod king brags about his...hmm, you can't quite make it out." "Someone asks if this is a monied-up opium den." "Someone asks Wendi if she'd like to get wined." "Someone bemoans some ban. Others sob amen." "Someone brags about rulin['] a urinal the last twenty minutes." "Someone explains you can't unpaste peanuts or untape a peanut from a joke bowl." "Someone expresses a tacit yen that Natty Ice gives Tenacity in this neat city." "Someone expresses disdain for fashionable abalone fish." "Someone fails to out-stare a stouter sea trout." "Someone gets a belchy ale belly ache." "Someone gets sousier and serious. 'Sure, so I...'" "Someone kibitzes that XX Ale works like Ex-Lax." "Someone mentions Dungbury Burgundy is surprisingly tasteful." "Someone mentions Loki has a kilo." "Someone mentions Rake Pub is a great place to go to break up." "Someone orders a bar specialty: Handy's Shandy." "Someone orders a picante nitecap." "Someone orders Agin['] Gina a gin." "Someone orders qualite-tequila." "Someone orders Umbrella Label Rum." "Someone refuses to drink Pabst--a tbsp, even." "Someone remarks this place has so much soul, you can skip Kip's and scram from Marc's." "Someone saves a bar seat abreast." "Someone wears plastic catlips as a gag." "'Sorghum rum? Gosh!'" "'Sounds on! Suds!'" "Spry male lampreys fish for companionship." "A squalider real squid walks by." "A stringy, straying stingray trying as limpest limpets hog the bar." "A strumpet trumpets pert smut." "'Tip here, prithee!' / 'Eh, tripe!'" "Tripes show esprit denouncing the ripest spiter." "The trolls leave people with BYOBs sobby." "'Um, Ron?' / 'No rum, Munro,' you hear a mourn." "'Um, sir? ... is rum...?'" "'Un-flat? Flaunt!'" "Up-bar, a burp." "'Up, sport! Support!' a fish yells as he points at the game on TV." "'Upbeat tea pub? BEAT UP!' yells a patron." "'Vimto? Vomit.'" "You hear a blamer, Mr. Beal, ramble. He's lost a marble." "You hear a hittin[']-it hint." "You inch away from a creaky yacker." "You observe clever flirtation filtration." "You overhear a train of not fair for/anti ... something." "You overhear pod things['] dipthongs." "You see an octopus scoot up and say '[']Sup, coot?' but soon he cops out." "You watch an unpert punter re-punt." "'Yuck. Too-Ripe Root Pie. Ucky.'" table of Casper mumbles [xxy] blurb "[if player is male]Lon Veist[else]Lois Vent[end if], novelist? Vile snot!" "Author? Or haut?" "Bar-Quotes Art Bosque? Baroquest, squat bore!" "Crates of farces to forecast oft scare. Sore fact. Cost: fear." "Distraction, sardonic tit? Roast! Indict!" "I draft, adrift..." "I Snared a Snider Sardine." "Many weigh Hemingway. Enigma: why?" "Modernism: dim sermon." "Muser serum...muser serum!" "My ideas dim easy. I? Mad? Yes!" "Not game to nag me!" "Oy, pert tropey poetry. To pyre!" "Prosey Osprey Ros Pye? O, pyres!" "Rio Demps? Sid Premo? Dim prose, PROMISED!" "Some poets, pose-smote, emote. SOPS!" "Speak to a pest? OK." "Tom Snider? Snot-mired modernist!" "Undersea, endure as earn dues." "Vapid prose? Disapprove!" "Writing. Wring it..." "Yep, so-posey Poesy!" table of competing bars [xxy] blurb "[a-b]'s Base" [p] "Ageless Lesage's" "Aimless Ismael's" "Porthos Throop's" "Ales Dr. Adler's" "Animistic Caminiti's" "Anti-Racist Carattini's" "Arbitrary Rarity Bar" "Arsenous Rosenau's" "Artless Slater's" "Asserter Terresa's" "Assured Sauder's" "Assurer Rauser's" "Awtrey's Wastery" "BAL Lab" "Barb-O's Absorb-Sob Bar" "Beat-Up Eat-Pub" "Bent-Up Pub Ten" "Best-Ever Vets['] Beer" "Bingo's Hot Gin Booths" "Bird Ave. Dive Bar" "Blandisher Hildebran's" "Blase Abel's" "Blesser Belser's" "Blistering Breitling's" "Blowers-Breslow Ol['] Brews" "Boarded-Up Adored Pub" "Boozing Goon Biz" "Brassy Byars's" "Brit-O's Bistro" "Bro Stan Barton's" "Burnt-Up Runt Pub" "Busker Burke's" "Charmless Chalmers's" "Cheerless Scheeler's" "Chipster Pitcher's" "Clawless Caswell's" "Codi's Disco" "Converso Conover's" "Corsair Carrio's" "Desirer Dreier's" "Diasporic Dicaprio's" "Diseur Rudie's" "Don Lew's Low Dens" "Dork Scum Murdock's" "Dr. Nik's Drinks" "Drabbish Hibbard's" "Droogish Hidrogo's" "Druggiest Gutridge's" "Drunkest Kundert's" "Dweebish Whidbee's" "Ed Trunk's Drunk Set" "Eeyore's Eyesore" "Egoless Goslee's" "Embosser Ormsbee's" "Ersatz Raetz's" "Escaper Pearce's" "Ester-Lin Leitner's" "Exister Trixee's" "EZ-Boro Boozer" "Feistier Eifert's (it's free)" "Feistiest Fisette's" "Ferniest Infester Neifert's" "Fisk [']N Fink's" "Flask [']N Flanks" "Forrest's Fortress" "Forum of Rum" "Garbless Sal Berg's" "Gekko's OK Kegs" "Get-Loaded Date Lodge" "Ghastlier Iglehart's" "A Glug Gulag" "Go-Dance/No-Cadge Decagon" "Goadster Degroat's" "Gospeler Ploeger's" "Greasy Yager's" "Green-Bread Beer Garden" "Greenbeard's Beer Gardens" "Gritless Stigler's" "Harp-Lots Lathrop's" "Headles Ales Shed" "Headstrong Ned Hartog's" "Heal-Fast Ale Shaft" "Hip Castle This Place" "Hitless Stiehl's" "In Shark Harkin's" "Ineptest Spinette Pettine's" "Insaner Narine's" "Investor Trevino's" "Islander Erlinda's" "Kate's All-Ale Stalk" "Ken's Ribald Drinkables" "Kick-[a-word-u] Kasick's" "Le Bete Beetle" "Leo Oden's Loose Den" "Less-Down Denslow's" "Lisbeth Blithe's" "Listener Leitner's" [] "Local Pub Club Opal" "Loosener Leonore's" "Loser [']N Loners" "Lossmaker Marsolek's" "Luscious Lucious's" "Machineless Michaelsen's" "Matchless Stelmach's" "May-Lu's Asylum" "Meanest Mateen's" "Measlier Marilee's" "Mechanist Teichman's" "Mega-Star Magaret's" "Minstrel Miltner's" "Mintiest Minetti's" "Miscast Stimac's" "Miscreant Martinec's" "Miscreator Cromartie's" "Misdealt Medalist Matilde's" "Misleader Edelmira's" "Monstrous Snoot-Rums" "Moraliser Lairmore's" "Mr. Leto's Merlots" "Ms. Mae-Emma's" "Neatest Annete's" "Newsman Newnam's" "No-Brats Barton's" "No-Class Con Sal's" "No-Sides Edison's" "Nyssa Snay's" "Oafs['] Sofa" "Ole Sot Toole's" "Outscorning Courington's" "Over-sad, Savored Devora's" "A Palest Palate's Ale Taps" "Party'n Pantry" "Perssing Persing's" "Pet Bear Beer Tap" "Plastic Cal's Pit" "Pleasant Pal Nate's" "Plenished Delphine's" "Po['] Blue Ole Pub-Pueblo" "Politest Pistolet Pilotte's" "Pollster Portell's" "Poor-Fish Ship-Roof" "Presidio DiPiero's" "Primrosed Pridmore's" "Prisoner Perrino's" "Pristine Petrini's" "Prosier Pierro's" "Prostrate Perrotta's" "Prostrate Porretta's" "Psoriatic Patricio's" "Punk-Rid Drink-Up" "Quail or a Liquor" "Rainbow Wino Bar" "Rammel's Slammer" "Rank Scab Snack Bar" "Rank-Vibes Kevin's Bar" "Rasta-Tara's" "Really All Rye" "Reese [']N Renee's" "Reinsman Riemann's" "Reposed Deposer Peredo's" "Reposer Roeper's" "Resighted Etheridge's" "Resighted Ethridge's" "Resigner Greiner's" "Resister Reisert's" "Rey's Ryes" "Rolf-o's Floors" "Rookish Hiroko's" "Roseline-Elinore's" "Rosy Roy's" "Sad Tony Dayton's" "Safe Fae's" "Sartorian Orrantia's" "Satanical Catalina's" "Scumlike Mikulec's" "Sea Hog Hoage's" "Sea Hound Donahue's" "Secluded Dude Luc's" "Secluded Lee Cudd's" [p] "Seerful Feulner's" "Selkirk Likkers" "Senhor Rhone's" "Sensist Stiens's" "Seraphim Ephraim's" "Sharon Horan's" "Sheer Rhee's" "Shelterin['] Hertline's" "Shemeka Hakeem's" "Sherell Heller's" "Sherron Horner's" "Shirley Hilyer's" "Shogun Huong's" "Sir Ban-Brain's Sin Bar" "Sizable Bazile's" "Sleepy Epley's" "Slouching Coughlin's" "Sloven Levon's" "Slumbery Brumley's" "Slummer Rummel's" "Sly Cur Curly's" "Sly PUA Pauly's" "Smacker Cermak's" "Sneak Kane's" "Sneakish Kenisha's" "Sneako O'Kane's" "Sniggerer Geringer's" "Sniveler Verline's" "Sniveller Renville's" "Snobbish Bob Shin's" "Snobbish Hobbins's" "Snootier Tenorio's" "Snore-Bar So Barren" "Snouty Yount's" "So-Bubbly Sub-Lobby" "So-Golden Len Good's" "So-Mental Almonte's" "Sobered DeBoer's" "Sodaless Salsedo's" "Soggier Georgi's" "Soggier Reggio's" "Solano's Saloons" [] "Soloist Losito's" "Soulful Foul Lu's" "Souser Rouse's" "Sparkiest Petrakis's" "Spatulate Pauletta's" "Spleeny Penley's" "Sportin['] Ripton's" "Squinty Ty Quin's" "Starchier Reichart's" "Stonemason Montesano's" "Stoner Treon's" "Stringy Ty Ring's" "Sweating Wingate's" "Sy and Andy's" "Synergist Ty Singer's" "Tarnisher Reinhart's" "Tarnisher Rinehart's" "Tay's Stay-a-Sty" "Tetanising Giannetti's" "Thawiest Thwaite's" "Timeless Steimel's" "Timothy's Hot Misty Mo-Hit Sty" "Trash Man Rathman's" "Trasher Erhart's" "Tropical Coral Pit" "Ty's Sty" "Un-Slick Culkin's" "Un-Smart Truman's" "Unscarred Durrance's" "Unscrambled Cumberland's" "Unsocial Lou Cain's" "Unsocial Luciano's" [] "Unsporting Purington's" "Uptight Thug Pit" "Us-R-Lo-IQ Liquors" "Wan Gin Awning" "Wardless Sal Drew's" "Wastrel Art Lew's" "Webster's Brew Sets" "Will's Swill" "Woodbine Wino [']Bode" "Worthless Elsworth's" "Yer Rye" "Zestul Zufelt's" table of fish fries [xxy] blurb "'Ain't Fly, Faintly!'" "'Bad short trash-bod!'" "'Baited, eh?' / 'I...' / 'Be hated!'" "'Barfy? By far!'" "'Bed-wetter! We'd better...'" "'Bilger Gerbil!'" "'Booky boy? KO!'" "A brief hoodlums['] sumo hold." "The bulles begin apin['] pain." "'Cheapos so cheap!' the trout splutters." "'Crowd-a-coward, crowd-a-coward!' they chant." "'Crumby bum! Cry!'" "'Cry mum? Crummy!'" "A cultural joke that goes over your head. 'Wit at a twit!'" "'Curse, eh? Cheer us!'" "'Darkling Lard King!'" "'Don't dare, toad-nerd!'" "'Don't EVER vote, nerd!'" "'Dood? Odd-o dodo!'" "'Dull boy? Bully! Do!'" "'Faky bore! Freak boy!'" "'FFS, joker!' they cry, trying to bait the trout into a profanity." "'Fit? STFU! Stuff it!'" "'Flat-out fat lout! Feca-face! A tool? Total!'" "'Frowsy sow-fry!'" "'Fruity!' / 'F U I try!'" "'Frump face! Creampuff!'" "'A gassy gay-[a-word]!'" "'Go, ya gayo! Hate a het, frilly lil['] fry!'" "The goonies threaten noogies." "'Hate you? Yeah. OUT.'" "'Hesitant hate snit?' they ask, as he gets mad." "'Hi, runt. Hurtin[']?'" "'Him, spry? Shrimpy. Prim. Shy.'" "The hoods call him a doosh for his spelling skills." "'Hurtins! His turn!'" "'Hyurr! Hurry!'" "'I mean, anime?!'" "'I...' / 'Psh, Mr. Shrimp.'" "'Jerkos? Jokers!' they laugh." "'Jerks? J/k-ers!'" "'Le Girl! Uglier!'" "'A lil['] dork! Roadkill!'" "Lip blast. Spitball." "'Loner. So?' / 'No! Loser!'" "Luls by bullys." "'Math nerd!' Darn them." "Mean name. Meaner re-name." "More unstating tauntings." "'Mr. Not-a-Matron!'" "Naif pun. Pain. 'Fun!'" "'A nerd! Read'n!'" "'Nice clothes. Dorkiest-Kid Store?'" "'Nickname, Manic Ken?' / 'Acne Mink!'" "'No, lard-[a-word]. No rad lass.'" "'No rad lass, lardass!'" "'Notorious? No. Riotous!'" "One hints 'Ugly! Unsightly!' Rash rahs." "'Oo! Hm! Homo!'" "'Out of...? Oo, tuf!'" "'Pals?! Pals.' ... SLAP!" "'Pathetic? Teach-tip.'" "'Pinko!' Pokin[']. POINK!" "'P.O.[']ed? Dope!'" "'Popeyed dope! Yep!'" "'Punch a paunch!'" "'Punishment! Nine thumps!'" "'Queen or queer?' / 'NO!'" "'Rad! KO a dork!' they yell." "'Re-bait, baiter!' they encourage each other." "'Reblubber, blubberer!' Crude but sadly effective." "'Rid ya diary!' they yell." "'School's cool? Ssh.'" "A sestet compares part of him to a tsetse." "'Shabby Baby, Sh!'" "'Shouldn't stun hold...' says the trout." "'Simp!' -- the imps." "Skeletal eels talk." "Sneeriest interesse." "Snot-laugh onslaught." "'So daft, da soft fat sod!'" "'Soap a sop!' they cry, holding their noses at him." "Someone slays a Trip-Me Permit on the trout's back." "'Sore lad! Real sod!' Then, reloads." "'Spy Us?'" "'Swarthy, shy wart!'" "Taunting-attuning." "'Tawt!'" "Their um nots drive him mo['] nuts." "They accuse him of befriending the big dork Borg kid." "They accuse him of enjoying Classwork Crosswalk." "They accuse him of sham ills over a smallish li'l smash." "They accuse him of talking in queer-[a-word] squarese." "They are all, you got hit with the acne cane." "They ask if he's friends with I-Fap Piaf." "They bait a bit. 'Bullies? Us? Libel! Li'l [']buse!'" "They begin assessing gassiness." "They call him a ploated tadpole." "They call him a schnook. No shock." "They call him fragile, e.g. frail." "They claim he knows the Vlasic Slavic Cavils." "They claim his Aunt Tuna smother-mothers him." "They claim they're cop kin so they can pick on him." "They compare him to Ed Chou." "They compare him to Nerd-[a-word-u] Sanders." "They develop senso-noses. 'Fart? I? No! Not fair!'" "They dub him more hokey, homeworky." "They fake-offer him some Renegade Green-Ade." "They get abusive since he's not wearing IB Suave or USA-Vibe clothes." "They go haw-haw, making the trout go wah-wah." "They insinuate he actually likes the school cafeteria's Sorta-Ratso-Roast." "They keep ganging and nagging." "They keep him taunted-attuned." "They knock him down. Then an abrupt 'Up, brat!'" "They label him naifer and fainer than Fearin['] Efrain." "They lob BS, calling him one of the slobb-blobs." "They make fun of him being in the scholar chorals." "They mention someone's not following Cool-Sport Protocols." "They mock his computer game Fowl, Wolf, Lowf (lowfat loaf) across the Flow." "They mock his unsamer surname." "They note crud-curd in his nose. Or lunchbag." "They note how scared he is of Nerd-Kick Kendrick." "They offer a trip to the Dork-KO Dr." "They put the nice-o on ice." "They rattle 'Ratlet! Tatler!'" "They repeat an anti-dork joke from popular comedian Kid C." "They say another mean name." "They say he should have a bag hide his big head!" "They say he's almost as cool as Grody Gordy or Wank-It Watkin." "They say his aunt Tuna is a nut. He agrees but they say 'A rebel? Be real!'" "They slap a trip-em permit on the trout's back." "They spray him with invisible fake Leper-Repel." "They start tskin his knits, his stink." "They treat the lil['] guy uglily." "'The toad-head tot!'" "Tons-loud 'Told on us, lout?' Nods." "'Too-fat oaf tot!'" "'A trout? Out, rat!'" "'Un-erotic! Neurotic!'" "A universal, naive slur back at their shameful, uh, flames." "'Ur-tot!'" "'Ur-tyke! Turkey!'" "'We don't care, coward teen! React? Owned!'" "'Weakling! Like Wang!'" "'Why not sedate when teased?'" "'Wotta twat-o!'" "'Yob-boy!'" "'You have friends? Nerds, if...'" table of theses [xxy] blurb "ARM! RAM! MAR!" "AUNT TUNA (an unflattering picture, captioned weight: A TUN)" [p] "Bad ones['] ASBO Den!" "Bad Rule = DURABLE!" "Baseline: lies, bane!" "Be [']wared! We're bad!" "Be rotten, no better!" "Being mean? Binge! Amen!" "Defense? Send fee!" "Depants pedants!" "Disputer-prude, SIT!" "Do not REVIAL ELVIRA!" "Down with the Snuf-Funs league!" "Drub oafs bad for us!" "A fairy? We fire away!" "Fear the un-hater, not the haunter!" "Fib, stump, BUMP FIST!" "Fie, toss softies!" "Front us? Snort! F U!" "Glock-rid? Gridlock!" "Go nuclear, rogue clan!" "Golden Rule? Olden gruel gone duller! On, Greed (LUL)!" "Got hedonism? Do something!" "Grundies? Ding! Sure!" "Here, bad be heard!" "Kindness-sinks? END!" "Legalize the Noisier ioniser!" "Listen to the Cad-Spot Podcast!" "Loud music: um, so lucid!" "Mocked? Deck mo[']!" "Moralz? LAMZOR!!!!" "Nicer? Got to cringe!" "Not crude? TROUNCED!" "Obliterate to Liberate!" "Oh, mean's no shame." "Only nuts hear haunters!" "Oppression? Props! Noise!" [] "OUR DESTINY: IT'S YOUR END!" "Overthink, ho? Vent! Irk!" "Prudes? Us? Derp!" "Requests for a Hologram Harm Logo." "Ron's Den = NO NERDS!" "Ruffian Funfair coming soon!" "So, grift? Go first!" "Soured? Sure, do so rude. Us: redo!" "St. Hug-Thugs!!!" "Support Lout-Set Outlets!" "Terrorise, roisterer!" "Think free? THERE, fink!" "Thud-Prime TRIUMPHED!" "THUD! Fear the fraud, Utah Fred." "THUNDER! DETH! RUN!" "Turn away a wary nut!" "Us? Base? [']S Abuse!" "Violence once. LIVE!" [] "We hate thee? Aw!" "We must FIND GUN FUNDING!" "We post to spew!" "We Roll Orwell!" "So glum? Slug mo[']!" "We toast to waste!" "Welcome Mervin's Vermins!" table of tuna gossip [xxy] blurb "'Annie's insane.'" "'Arlette's alertest.'" "'As to Phil? Hospital!'" "Aunt Tuna notes Trina's starin['] strain." "'Beware Reba. Ew!'" "'Birdie? I be rid!'" "'Cary's scary. Carrie's scarier.'" "'Catherine's inert aches...'" "Cathie's achiest." "Cornelia's censorial!" "'Demean MANDEE?!'" "'Dido's so odd.'" "'Doloris's Lordosis...'" "'Dopy Lora. Poor lady!'" "'Doreen? Redone.'" "'Elma is a slime.'" "'Elyisa Easily lies, ay.'" "'Ilene's senile.'" "'Kari, she...' a shriek." "'Karine's snakier.'" "'Lilo's so ill.'" "'Lily's silly.'" "'Lisa ails!'" "'Lise LIES!'" "'Maurine's aneurism.'" "'Morty's stormy.'" "'Ms. Elia is lame.'" "'Newton went on, not new!'" "'Patricia's parasitic.'" "'Perry's spryer.'" "'Phyllis? Shy? PILL.'" "'Prissy is spry.'" "'Risk Irks Kris.'" "'Rita, Trish...ARTHRITIS!'" "'Sammi, a miasma.'" "'There's Hester...' then discusses Evelyn evenly." "'Theresa's Rashest.'" "'Tiffy? Fifty.'" "'Tonya's a stony nasty-o!'" "'Traci's racist. Crista...'" "'Treena? Renate, Neater!'" "'Trina's strain...'" "'Trista is tart.'" "'Trudy's sturdy.'" "'Vi's beau: abusive!'" table of unpopular girls [xxy] blurb "Acrid Darci Icard" "Aeriest Teresia" "Alpo Opal" "Anti-Car Catrina" "Arf'n Fran" "Blandie Belinda" "Borin['] Robin" "Brained Brandie" "Canine Nancie" "Carrion Corrina" "Catarhine Catherina" "Creative Traci-Eve" "Diseased Sad Sadie" "Eat'n Tena" "Edema Medea" "Foliate Teofila" "[']Fraid Frida" "Gila Gail" "Haglike Kaleigh" "Hair-Taken Katharine" "Hi-Fat Faith" "Ickier Rickie" "Jello-y Joelly" "Just-a-Nerd Jean Durst" "Kate Chow the Wacko" "Kooky Kyoko" "Lanky Kalyn" "Lazy Lyza" "Leadenly Danyelle" "Leaky Kaley LaKey" "Loamier Malorie" "Look-Like-Kook Elli" "Machine Ami Chen" "Mailless Mellissa" "Martian Martina" "Mealier Marilee" "Menacer Marcene" "Menial Melani" "Narker Karren" "NASA Math Samantha" "No-Lays Alyson" "Odorate Teodora" "OK Bore Brooke" "Oozey Zooey" "Piggee Peggie" "Ranker Karren" "Reekin['] Kerein" "Remedial Edelmira" "Shriller Sherrill" "Shy-or-Horsy Rosy H" "Snitchier Christine" "So-Scary Coryssa" "Stare-e Teresa" "Stenchier Christene" "Stinkier Kristine" "Striky Kristy" "Tackier Katrice" "Thyroid Dorithy" "Too-Flat Loo Taft" "Too-Weak Kate Woo" "Too-Weird Teri Wood" "Trudger Gertrud" "Turdy Trudy" "Unpopular Luan Roupp" "Unsocial Nicola-Su" "Unstable Luna Best" "Viral Avril Vilar" "Zina" book towers table of gizmo parts [xxw] blurb "a-parted data pre-adapter" "Anytime Amenity" "harmonic ion charm" "Barnacle Balancer" "Boulder Doubler" "brindle blinder" "cel-scan-cancels ace-lens" "Centroidal Declinator" "Clasper Placers" "clutters scuttler" "coolant loot-can" "Corpsman crampons" "Electro-Corelet" "an epulotic poultice" "flatiron inflator" "Gilleran's Allergins Signaller" "Grainless Glariness Signalers" "hostler holster" "Informed-Mo['] Finder" "Knitter Trinket" "law awl" "Liters Lister" "loot tool" "Obtrusive Turbo-Vise" "Parsley Splayer" "Pecs-Spec" "petroleums pulsometer" "Pilers['] Pliers" "pinnacled candlepin" "Plastic Scalp-It" "posterior repositor" "Prickle Pickler" "Rasped Spader" "Relics Slicer" "Replica Caliper" "rhodium humidor" "Risk-Tec Sci-Trek sticker" "Rusted Duster" "sectoral locaters" "solid-grasp'n load springs" "Tech-Art Ratchet" "TeksCorp Sprocket" "tetramers smatterer" "Torque Quoter" "Trifle Lifter" "twistable waistbelt" "unplumed pendulum" "Wee Stark Tweakers" table of rodney bluster [xxw] blurb "being better and more focused without Clowny Colwyn" "being in better shape than Bloater Alberto" "being Le Bad Blade" "being ruthless like Levelin['] Neville" "emulating Clasher Charles" "everyone being a little stouter than Frail Ralfi" "exhorts his team to be more together than Envier Vernie" "following the leadership lessons of Steerin['] Steiner" "getting grittier than Vain Ivan" "the guy who called him one dry nerd, yo" "having more discipline than Beerin['] Bernie" "keeping sharp unlike Mangier Germain" "needing to go all Cursy Cyrus on everyone here" "nobody copping out like Foldy Floyd" "nobody escaping through a fuel flue" "not being Ronins like Snorin['] Sir Ron" "not getting Flayer Farley" "not mouthing off like Crowin['] Corwin" "paying more attention than Zonked Zdenko" "regrets not mandating haircuts like Sheared Rasheed" "roars they want to stand tall, but not space out like Inert Terin" "running a tighter ship than Froody Fyodor" "standing straight like Larchey Charley" "standing stronger than [']Fraid Farid" "staying violent unlike Fair Rafi" "weirdos and rowdies" "windbags and their big wands swing bad" book otters table of animal friends [xxt] blurb "ants of no fats" "asbo-boas" "ashen-pelt elephants" "aweless weasels" "bugs of sub-fog" "a chained echidna" "a chorist ostrich" "clans of falcons" "clingiest sting-lice" "a condor cordon" "a count-toucan" "crop-ants ([crap]-tons)" "a dominate nematoid" "a dry enough young herd greyhound" "end-o[']-sky donkeys" "a fabled xeno-oxen" "a gloating goatling" "go-quash quahogs" "green-forest-gone ferrets" "headstrong gnat hordes" "a hero-within white rhino" "a hoedown woodhen" "horsin['] rhinos (horns shorn)" "a husky shy auk" "a hybrid haybird" "a hypnot-python" "icier-horn rhinoceri" "a lakeside-dike seal" "a legate-eaglet" "a locust, talcous" "a log-lair gorilla" "marrowish hairworms" "master-mo['] marmosets" "mush-den mudhens" "next-door-trod oxen" "a nip-hold dolphin" "nosher herons" "not-asleep antelopes" "a noticed ctenoid" "an ok-mood komodo" "oscheal-ol[']-aches loaches" "an osculatory cotylosaur" "painless spaniels" "a pencil pelican" "pig-nose pigeons" "popish hippos" "a pro-wars sparrow" "a pumpkin mink-pup" "Quasimodo, a moo-squid" "re-denier reindeer" "real-wuss walruses" "a retirer terrier" "a riffage giraffe" "rooster rooters" "roostiest tortoises" "rust-hen hunters" [p] "scolding codlings" "a shellack-clash elk" "shy bird hybrids" "sky-node donkeys" "sledging geldings" "a slim work silkworm" "a sloggin['] gosling" "a slowly-sly owl" "smashter-hamsters" "smear-mares" "smooth-o-moths" "a sneak snake" "snug pine penguins" "some goon mongoose" "some goon's mongoose" "stag-o-goats" "a stag tags" "stalling li'l gnats" "star-bib rabbits" "startler rattlers" "stulter-turtles" "a T-Rex extra-taxer" "a ten-pieced centipede" "a tender red ent" "testudo-duettos" "Toto [']n Tonto" "a trailing ringtail" "trash-pen panthers" "a trendo-rodent and his followers" "tuskier turkies" "an ugly-win wily gnu" "a workload woodlark" "yearlings, er, slaying searingly" "zeal-legs gazelles" table of Elmer and Merle squabbles [xxt] blurb "[e-m] berates Cauled Claude's magic ability." "[e-m] berates laymen meanly, namely, Mel Yan." "[e-m] berates lesser citadels['] dialects." "[e-m] blabs about the top-secret Infrared Dna Frier at the Nerd Fair." "[e-m] cackles, 'Son, mini-minions,' before his friend quiets him." "[e-m] chafes at his exclusion from counsel XI." "[e-m] claims they're top-stair patriots, not some po['] artist with a riot past." "[e-m] details more POS ops, like a sop." "[e-m] gets all 'Is she evil? Is she vile?! She is live!'" "[e-m] mentions he once liked polarimetry. Temporarily." "[e-m] mumbles 'Tailor my morality.'" "[e-m] pours a box of false fleas down his friend's back." "[e-m] says, 'Add iron: android!'" "[e-m] says something and his pal says 'Exactly!' No response to that." "[e-m] snaps his fingers. 'Er, Lem? ... Er, Mel?'" "[e-m] starts lawyering wearily about how bad is good and good is bad, so he's right when he's wrong--or when he's right." "[e-m] starts up some fudgein['] feuding." "[e-m] tries and fails at castin['] antics." "[e-m] whisper reverentially about the Lab-Gen Bengal Elvira's creating." "'Ego, twit? We got it!'" "'My tic's MYSTIC!' [e-m] lashes back at his companion." "'Stormy [if player is female]Toys, Mr.[else]Toy, Mrs.[end if]' says [e-m], looking at your inventory." "Talk stops. Morose Mooers wait for their Romeos, getting mo['] sore then moreso." "'You [d-word]ed... you demand, you madden,' says [e-m]." table of Elvira battle cries [xxt] blurb "Dead poser! Desperado" "Defame me? FADE! Mad fee" "A dirty aid try" "Drubbing! Burn'd big" "I, super, rise up" "Me--super--SUPREME" "Mind power! Primed now! Wonder, imp" "Not enough. One-nought" "Oh, boy! A booyah" "Onslaught! Gnash, lout" "Pet, not potent" "Primo, I romp" "Pull off? Flopful" "R U fab? FUBAR" "Ripe now, in power" "Ruler is surlier" "A tootle? Too late" "Toughen? No, not enough" "Troublin['] runt, boil" "Un-loser rules on" "A worthy try, whoa" table of Elvira machines [xxt] blurb "All-Techs Hellcats" "baser Sabre Bears" "a blubber bubbler" "a boil-em-mobile" "a cut-so scout" "a DuPont's Stun-Pod" "gagmost maggots" "a gouge-o-gauge" "holistic hit-coils" "literaliser artilleries" "a masher-shamer" [] "a mend-o-demon" "mess-tron monsters" "a mordant mad-tron" "a morto-motor" "an oranger groaner" "a perchin['] phrenic pincher" "a postural pulsator" "a PrisonCo Scorpion" "a proctal caltrop" "a pure-snag speargun" "a purple pulper" "re-cursed reducers" "a reloading girandole" "rimless slimers" "a schmoes-SOS mech" "a scorp-proc" "shred-herds" "skanker krakens" "snort-trons" "spam-U pumas" "splitter triplets" "a stinger-nets rig" "a tan-block (not black) clank-bot" "a tartar rat" "technos-o-stench" "termless smelters" "ultrasound undulators" table of Elvira taunts [xxt] blurb "'[if player is male]His foot hoofs it[else]Her foot, oft hero of other[end if]!'" "'Act bold, bad clot!'" "'Bye, elf! Flee by, feebly!'" "'Come again, egomaniac!'" "'Come, pet, compete!'" "'Courage's a scourge!'" "'A dodge! A dodge! ... Goaded?'" "'Dry bolt? Bold try.'" "'Dueler eluder!'" "'Eh, valour overhaul?'" "'Exit meant a Next Time!'" "'Final-go loafing?'" "'Flee! Be feeble!'" "'Har, feet! The fear!'" "'A hasty stay, ha!'" "'A hurry? Hurray!'" "'I, abler bailer!'" "'In check? Chicken?'" "'Leavin[']? Venial!'" "'Lo! Retire, loiterer!'" "'A low AWOL!'" "'My foe, mo['] fey!'" "'No wit to win? Own it!'" "'Petulant, late punt!'" "'Scape-paces?'" "'Skeer'd? Re-sked!'" "'Slip [']way waspily!'" "'A smoove vamoose!'" "'So I fade of ideas...'" "'Sortie's rosiest!'" "'Spaciest escapist!'" "'Stagnation, antagonist?'" "'Take us on? Sneak out!'" "'Tasked? Skated!'" "'Too scared? Scoot, dear!'" "'Toughen? Huge NOT! Uh, get on!'" "'Try, fail, frailty!'" "'Un-torn? Run not.'" "'Up to it? I opt out!'" "'Veritably viable try!'" "'Wary, clod? Cowardly!'" "'Win, fool? Low-info foil, now!'" "'Yo, coot! Too coy!'" book others table of political slogans [xxh] blurb "'Bureaucrat's a curt abuser!'" "'Coup d'etat pact: outed!'" "'Dim-led middle? I'd meld!'" "'Ever solid, I RESOLVED!'" "'Idle nag? Leading-aligned, I'd angle...DEALING!'" "'Inept mop up? I'm no puppet!'" "'The machine hath icemen!'" "'Me, I'd unite in due time!'" "'Mo['] debates: BEAST MODE!'" "'PROMISE SO PRIME!'" "'Promissive improvisers miss. I PROVE!'" "'Reformist firestorm!'" "'Resorting to ringers? I: stronger!'" "'Right off. Fight for...'" "'Solutions: Toil's on Us!'" "'Stumpier, impurest imputers!'" "'Trickless Slickster-Sticklers!'" "'Try. Ignite.' You point to your rivals. 'Tiring yet? INTEGRITY!'" "'The turned need TRUTH!'" table of selly yells [xxh] blurb "'Boonies! Soon, I be...'" "'Buy em!' / 'Um, bye!'" "'Con Moe? Come on!'" "'Ever sold? Resolved.'" "'Freebie beer? Fie!'" "'He fronts! Not fresh!'" "'Hog, glean no haggle!'" "'Honeydew? How needy!'" "'Let's haggle, eh? Tell gags.'" "'No-credit doctrine, tired con!'" "'One pound's sound?' / 'Nope.'" "'Onions in soon?' / 'No is no.'" "'Ready to trade, yo!'" "'Ten pounds?' / 'Dunno, pest.'" "'Three pounds? Thou spender!'" "'Two pounds. Put down, so.'" "'Un-bilk in bulk!'" volume hinting chapter hinting (plain) hinting is an action out of world. understand "hint hints/info/help [text]" as a mistake ("It looks like you tried to hint something that isn't anywhere in the world. Try just plain hint."). understand the command "hint/hints/info/help" as something new. understand "hint" as hinting. understand "hints" as hinting. understand "info" as hinting. understand "help" as hinting. tri-hint is a truth state that varies. check hinting when player is in Inclosure and tri-hint is false: say "'[one of]A dirty aid-try[or]Uum, boy, you bum[at random]!' Elvira shrieks, but she can't PROVE what you just did. Ha!"; now tri-hint is true; check hinting for the first time: if have-objhinted is false: if player is not in Inclosure: if hint-to-file is false and hint-to-display is false: say "You're not sure whom to call. There are so many choices! [twiddle of table of help companies and 3]Well, one of those must be right. Because in front of you is a rare help elph! He smiles and waits. 'Er, clues, recluse?' Silence. 'No hint? Nothin[']?'[paragraph break]'Helpless spells, eh? On so soon?'[paragraph break]'Yup. In-game enigma. Tried. Tired. I caved. Advice?'[paragraph break]He acknowledges your pure re-up and presents you with an option potion from his luckiest clue kits. 'Spoils be possible.' Do you accept it?"; ital-say "you can always accept hints for this game. ARO tries to hint intelligently and does not spoil anything immediately. But you may rather HINT (a specific thing)[if ever-obj-hinted is true]--as you've already done--[else] [end if]to see if it's important."; if the player consents: say "'Hints OK? Think so!' You drink the option potion, hoping it will help you get to point O. 'Nifty hair, hint fairy!' you say, in way of thanks.[paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "'Spoiler perils, O! Sink hint thinkins[']!' a voice booms."; ital-say "because this game is rather big, I decided not to disable hints fully."; do nothing instead; carry out hinting: if mrlp is demo dome: say "You're already in my clue lyceum." instead; [if hintblock is true: all-say "You've blocked hints for this session. So you'll need to RESTART to get them back." instead;] if mrlp is roman manor: try manor-hinting instead; if mrlp is stores: try stores-hinting instead; if mrlp is others: try others-hinting instead; if mrlp is troves: try troves-hinting instead; if mrlp is oyster: try oyster-hinting instead; if mrlp is routes: try routes-hinting instead; if mrlp is presto: try presto-hinting instead; if mrlp is towers: try towers-hinting instead; if mrlp is otters: try otters-hinting instead; all-say "No hints for this region yet. Sorry. I need to work on that, don't I?"; the rule succeeds; manor-hinting is an action out of world. others-hinting is an action out of world. stores-hinting is an action out of world. presto-hinting is an action out of world. routes-hinting is an action out of world. troves-hinting is an action out of world. oyster-hinting is an action out of world. towers-hinting is an action out of world. otters-hinting is an action out of world. to all-say-x (xx - indexed text): if hint-to-display is true or hint-to-file is true: do nothing; else: all-say "[xx]"; to all-say (xx - indexed text): if auto-hint-proc is true: if hint-to-file is true: if number of words in the player's command > 0: append "[the player's command] ([hash of the player's command]) : [xx][line break]" to the file of roilhints; else: append "[the player's command] (divided by periods) : [xx][line break]" to the file of roilhints; if hint-to-display is false: continue the action; if hint-to-display is true: say "[if hint-to-file is true]THIS MOVE'S HINT: [end if][xx][if hint-to-file is true] (turn hints-to-display off with HD)[end if][line break]"; continue the action; if hint-to-display is false: say "[xx][line break]"; continue the action; else: say "[xx][line break]"; to say plus: say "[run paragraph on][one of] (+) [i][bracket]Note: the plus sign means you can HINT again for something more spoilery. (-) means the end of a list of hints.[no line break][r][close bracket][or] (+)[stopping]"; to say minus: say "[one of] (-) [bracket][i]A minus sign means you've reached the end of a hint loop. You can cycle through them again, though.[no line break][r][close bracket][or] (-)[stopping]"; chapter hinting (object) have-objhinted is a truth state that varies. before objhinting for the first time: now have-objhinted is true; ital-say "a word of warning before hinting objects. It is possible but very unlikely that this may reveal items you do not know about yet if this is not used carefully."; definition: a thing (called hintcand) is hintrelevant: if hintcand is off-stage, decide no; if hintcand is in lalaland, decide no; if hintcand is useless, decide no; if hintcand is air, decide yes; if hintcand is the diorama or hintcand is part of the diorama: [if hintcand is out of play?] decide no; if hintcand is a backdrop or hintcand is scenery: if hintcand is visible, decide yes; if hintcand is not visible, decide no; [ if hintcand is rude door or hintcand is knob: [Bad Coding. if hintcand is enclosed by a thing: now R1 is map region of location of a thing that encloses hintcand;] if rude door is visible: decide yes; decide no;] let R1 be map region of location of hintcand; let R2 be mrlp; d "[hintcand] [R1] vs [R2]."; if R1 is R2: decide yes; decide no; objhinting is an action applying to one visible thing. check objhinting a deregioned object: say "That's not something in this region[one of]--also, as a further note, locations are not considered hint objects[or][stopping]." instead; understand the command "hint/hints/info/help [any thing]" as something new. understand "hint [any thing]" as objhinting. understand "hints [any thing]" as objhinting. understand "info [any thing]" as objhinting. understand "help [any thing]" as objhinting. [understand "hint [any not hintrelevant thing]" as a mistake ("Can't hint that.").] ever-obj-hinted is a truth state that varies. rule for asking which do you mean (this is the bypass disambiguation rule): if current action is objhinting or current action is gotothinging or current action is objasking or current action is objasking generically: say "Sorry, [one of]but you may not have been specific enough with the [if current action is gotothinging]going[else if current action is objhinting]hint[else]asking[end if] request. I'm going to err on the side of caution instead of possibly disambiguating something you haven't seen. This is a possible coding bug (and I'd like to know,) but it may also prevent spoilers. For best results, you should try to visit the location of whatever you want hinted or be more detailed in your request[or]this request seems too vague. If it's a bug, let me know[stopping]."; bypass disambiguation; the rule succeeds; continue the action; after asking which do you mean (this is the bypass disambiguation 2 rule): if current action is objhinting or current action is gotothinging or current action is objasking or current action is objasking generically: bypass disambiguation; the rule succeeds; continue the action; does the player mean objhinting a deregioned object: it is very unlikely. does the player mean objhinting a hintrelevant object: it is likely. [does the player mean objhinting a visible object: it is likely.] does the player mean objhinting an object in lalaland: it is unlikely. definition: a thing (called hthing) is deregioned: if location of hthing is nothing, decide no; if location of hthing is lalaland, decide no; if mrlp is not map region of location of hthing, decide yes; decide no. to say qmsp: now qmspoil is true; carry out objhinting: if spoilit is false: d "[noun] hinting."; if noun is the player: all-say "[if cur-score of manor < 3]You have, or had, a special power you may remember from Shuffling Around. If you haven't figured it, hopefully, you soon will, from looking around[else]You're as good looking as ever! I can't tell you how to be a better you than you already are[end if]." instead; if noun is a fruit and player has noun: say "The [noun] is a fruit. You can return it to Curtis." instead; now ever-obj-hinted is true; if noun is big-let: all-say "[one of]It's kind of a hint[if r10 is unvisited], and you'll find more later in the maze[else if r24 is unvisited], and you've certainly seen a lot through the maze, which seems to end here[else], and they seem to be in alphabetical order[end if].[or]I've said a lot with that clue. If you've gotten through the maze, you'll know it's from L to V.[or]Maze, L to V, don't congratulate yourself?[or]MAZEL TOV.[cycling]" instead; if noun is question mark: all-say "[one of]The question mark in the settler seems to give no information, but its ambiguity is actually a potentially huge help. The question mark only appears during cheat mode. It also usually occurs when you have a thing and a description that anagrams it. An example follows.[plus][or]Let's say you ran across SACRED CEDARS and got ??????. This looks completely unhelpful. But it is not![plus][or]The ? indicates the S and C give different readings, as do the A and E, etc. But that means one of them must be right.[plus][or]So we get SC/AE/CD/RA/ER/DS.[plus][or]There are actually only a few possibilities, here. You have S-C--D or C-D--S and -A-RE- or -E-AR-. Two of these are the original words, but there's SECARD and CADRES. So CADRES would be the word. Another example follows with an ESPRIT STRIPE[qmsp].[plus][or]Believe it or not, nearly everything falls out with the clue ?R??R?.[plus][or]The first letter is e/s, the second p/r, the third p/r, the fourth i/r, the fifth r/p/s, and the sixth is e/t.[plus][or]If letter 4 were r, #2 and 3 would both be p. So #4 is i. Also, #5 is r, p or t. If it were r or p, we'd have the same problem again. #5 is t. But #6 must be e or t, so it is e. #1 is e or s, so it must be s. That leaves SRPITE or SPRITE. Maybe it's a can of sprite, a pixel or a spirit. Either way, you have the answer.[minus][cycling]" instead; if noun is plain old church: if cleric circle is unvisited: try objhinting church sign instead; all-say "The church isn't so special now you've been in it." instead; if noun is closets: all-say "The closets are just for transporting around the manor quicker, to or from the study." instead; if noun is air: all-say "Occasionally you can SCAN or SMELL or LISTEN for clues. You don't need to type a command to BREATHE it. In fact, the parser doesn't understand that." instead; if location of noun is nothing and noun is not a backdrop: all-say "[noun]: you probably shouldn't know about that object, yet. And if you do, try asking about objects you can see." instead; if noun is in lalaland: if noun is disk: if map region of location of skid is presto: all-say "(Hinting the skid instead, though you'll need to flip the disk back.)"; try objhinting skid instead; if noun is skid: if drab yoke is not off-stage: all-say "(Hinting the disk instead, though you'll need to flip the skid back.)"; try objhinting disk instead; all-say "[noun]: [if noun is a male person]He's[else if noun is a female person]She's[else if noun is plural-named]They've[else]That's[end if] been dealt with. I'm pretty sure." instead; if noun is not a backdrop and noun is not scenery: if mrlp is not map region of location of noun: all-say "That doesn't seem to be in this region." instead; if noun is cluey: say "The [noun] provides clues for something else you need to flip." instead; if noun is realized: all-say "Nothing more to do with [if noun is plural-named]that[else]those[end if]." instead; if noun is amusing: all-say "[if noun is plural-named]That is[else]Those are[end if] in there for general silliness." instead; if noun is useless: all-say "[if noun is plural-named]That is[else]Those are[end if] in there for local flavor and scenery." instead; if spoilit is true: if there is hint-entry of noun in table of hintobjs: now spoilit is false; choose row with hint-entry of noun in the table of hintobjs; if there is no spoil-entry entry: d "Oops fix [hint-entry entry].[line break]"; if player has curst crust: if there is no spoil-entry entry: say "Before you eat the crust, you mutter a naughty word. You may need to use HINT to deal with [the hint-entry entry], which may be more distasteful than the crust itself."; ital-say "this is a bug. If you have a transcript/game state, I'd love to know."; do nothing instead; if player is in shack: say "Mouthing your favorite profanity (minor or major, I won't judge) you wonder how you didn't see you could [spoil-entry entry]."; else: say "You gulp the crust and can't help thinking [spoil-entry entry]. But you are too polite to say it until you've finished chewing!"; if scams is false: decrement swears; now undo-code is 1; prevent undo; if swears is 0: say "The crust is all gone, now."; now crust is in lalaland instead; otherwise: say "[line break]You have [swears] bite[if swears > 1]s[end if] left." instead; if player has snoop spoon: now snoop spoon is in lalaland; prevent undo; now undo-code is 6; say "You angle your spoon a bit, and you realize you, or things, are or need to be [spoil-entry entry].[paragraph break]The spoon fizzles and dissolves once you see how next to get around." instead; if player has fretful truffle: now fretful truffle is in lalaland; prevent undo; now undo-code is 4; say "Chewing on the fretful truffle gives you a Pensive Peevins face--and an idea of what and how to think. In particular, you feel the need to [spoil-entry entry] right now." instead; if there is hint-entry of noun in the table of hintobjs: choose row with hint-entry of noun in the table of hintobjs; if there is a parallel-entry entry: try objhinting parallel-entry entry instead; if player has Pa Egg Pea and eisihint is false: now eisihint is true; all-say "You try and imagine what [i]Pa, Egg, Pea[r] might say if it were actually about helping everyday people. Here's what you come up with.[line break]"; choose row with hint-entry of noun in the table of hintobjs; all-say "[advice-entry entry]" instead; if noun is a portal: all-say "You can just enter it."; if noun is unimportant: all-say "[noun]: that isn't needed to solve the game." instead; all-say "[noun]: I don't have any hints for that. That means it is not important to the game, or this is a bug." instead; eisihint is a truth state that varies. a thing can be unimportant. a thing is usually not unimportant. section what is realized a thing can be realized. section hint table for objects [check objhinting when you are in clangier clearing or Scape Space -- check for if you did something already, or first hints. Include booleans etc. breakthru-field, breakthru-clearing, breakthru-ice] to say dh-true: now trolls-hinted is true; to say dio-part: say "Not a puzzle per se but helps you understand what to do with [if settler is off-stage]an analytical object you may uncover[else]the settler[end if]" to say yak-worry: say "You don't need to worry about the yak for a long time[if Leo is not visible]. You may want to go to the Vile Veil south of the Burnt Brunt for companions[else if phat path is not visited]. You need to go north of the gyre and the maze, first[end if]" check objhinting old giant: if bench is reflexive: try objhinting bench instead; if bench-end is reflexive: try objhinting bench-end instead; if elbow is reflexive: try objhinting elbow instead; if Rude 'N Nuder is visible: try objhinting Rude 'N Nuder instead; say "[bug-report]" instead; to say in-hovels: say "[if player has lance]--wait, you already solved the wipes[else if player is in uaah and lance is off-stage] that might be buried under here[else if player is in uaah] like that lance, with the right verb[else] in a dingier area than this[end if]"; to say up-to-l3: unless droll dollar is off-stage: say "can only take everything you find, now"; continue the action; say "[if curtis-level is 0]needs more fruit for your first reward[else if coin is off-stage]has a reward for you[else if curtis-level is 1]needs more fruit for your second reward[else if coins is off-stage and icons is off-stage]has a second coin for you[else if curtis-level is 2]still needs a few more fruits[else]has not just a coin but a bill[end if]" to say n-o: say "[if kid is reflexed]now[else]once[end if]"; check objhinting a quest-item when mrlp is routes: if cleric circle is unvisited: say "You shouldn't know about [the noun] yet." instead; if l-o-p is unexamined: say "That's one of the items on the list you haven't examined yet." instead; if noun is held: say "[The noun] is part of the spiers['] potion that will help let people see directions again[if circle is unvisited]. But you need to get into the cleric circle first[end if]." instead; to say yerg-ok: say "[if ed yerg is reflexed]though his advice seems cryptic[else]but you'd have to get through to him first[end if]" to say give-croc: say "[if serpent is in limits]You need to get behind the serpent[else if solo den is unvisited]You can, but you don't have to, visit the den to the west[else if ed yerg is reflexive]You need to make Ed Yerg nicer, first[else]You need to give Ed Yerg the crocus[end if]" to say if-cro: if crocus is reflexive: say ", if you figure what to do with the crocus"; table of hintobjs [toh] hint-entry advice-entry parallel-entry spoil-entry air "[one of]You should be able to scan the air with [if player does not have settler]an object you'll find[else]the letters settler[end if] for clues. You shouldn't even need to SCAN AIR, just SCAN.[plus][or]Other than that, you don't need any special commands to, like, breathe it or anything.[minus][cycling]" red writing "The red writing provides a clue of what the letters can't be." pedanto-notepad "You can CONSULT the notepad about things. It contains no game-critical hints, but it can help you remember a lot of shortcuts and such, so you can think sharper." Urgent Gunter "You can pump him for information if you want." peephole "The peephole's for looking through." notice "For reading." question mark "[bug-report]" colorful logo "The logo provides hints as to the mechanics of the settler. You may want to try examining it with teach/cheat mode on or off." switch "The switch shows you what needs to be changed if you SWITCH SETTLER." decal "[one of]The Y's on the decal are orange. This seems like a clue.[plus][or]Orange is red and yellow.[plus][or]Y is the only letter of the alphabet that is...[plus][or]...a consonant and a vowel![minus][cycling]" backside -- laced decal slider "The slider will allow you more detailed hints about how close a guess is. But it has limited uses." receptors "Electricity is beyond me. But the rest of the settler could help you." output "This is the display that analyzes the last thing you meaningfully scanned." platform "[dio-part]." pavement "[dio-part]." pedestal "[dio-part]." crabgrass "[dio-part]." farm plot "[dio-part]." event map "[dio-part]." steel pad "[dio-part]." brass crag "[dio-part]." bookshelf "I'd like to think that the bookshelf gives local flavor to the game, but it doesn't offer any hints." niche "[one of]'My niche' above the diorama leads upwards.[plus][or]What is a household accoutrement that leads up? If you use the settler, you may know what the last letter is.[plus][or]'My niche' can be a chimney.[minus][cycling]" closest closets "You can ENTER the closets to get back to the study or go from the study to the Heights." vertical stripe -- paperwall horizontal stripes -- paperwall small holes -- paperwall pen "Not much you can do with a pen other than write." palm "[one of]Well, you need a light source, but a palm [b]absorbs[r] light.[plus][or]It wouldn't be bright to stumble into the palm...[plus][or]...but changing the palm would be.[plus][or]If you wait around, you get some hints of what to do with the palm. Note the purposefully bad spelling.[or]One four-letter shuffling of PALM is indicated. Hopefully.[or]You can change the palm to a LAMP by just saying so.[minus][cycling]" lamp "The lamp will last as long as you need it to." yourself "[one of]You have the same power you had in Shuffling Around.[plus][or][if Gunter is off-stage]Try opening the door and having a chat. You'll see some, err, patterns.[else]Gunter's chat contained a good many things.[end if][plus][or]You had the ability to flip objects into anagrams of each other. This game shows a different side to that power.[minus][cycling]" semi-secret side door "[if Gunter is off-stage]You can and should OPEN the door.[else]There's nobody outside the door you wants to see. You'll want another exit.[end if]" t-b "[one of]The ten beams guard something downstairs. What?[plus][or]The number of beams is important.[plus][or]What's a common downstairs place in any house?[plus][or]The beams guard a BASEMENT.[minus][cycling]" tables "[one of]The tables seem out of place in such a posh mansion.[plus][or]What's more posh than tables?[plus][or]The tables can be a STABLE.[minus][cycling]" chimney "You can CLIMB the chimney or go up it." stair "You can go up or down the stair." giant pin "[one of]The pin's hanging from a wall, but things like that usually don't hang from walls.[plus][or]What generally hangs from a wall to make a room look nicer?[plus][or]A picture or...[plus][or]A painting.[minus][cycling]" sitar "[one of]You need a way down, but the sitar doesn't allow that.[plus][or]Rearrange two letters in sitar.[plus][or]The sitar becomes a stair.[minus][cycling]" stria "[one of]Embedded in the ceiling, the stria split it a bit. Maybe they offer a way up?[plus][or]The stria can become a STAIR.[minus][cycling]" pram "[one of]The pram gives you a sinking feeling to look at it.[plus][or]You need a way down and out of reach. Something you could even crawl down.[plus][or]The pram can become a ramp.[minus][cycling]" ramp "Just go down or in to walk down the ramp." latches "[one of]The latches seem useless, but they are your parting gift from Old Man Almond[if Basement is visited], so you probably want to 'solve' them before moving on[end if].[plus][or][if treatise is off-stage]You should examine the latches. There's a note inside them which is useful.[else]Old Man Almond also said it would be pretty simple to figure out what to do with the latches.[end if][plus][or]Did you notice anything about the treatise's wording that might give a hint about the latches?[plus][or]Lots of anagrams in the treatise, but they have something in common.[plus][or]Old Man Almond only switched the first and last letters in the treatise. Maybe you can do that with the latches.[plus][or]You can get a SATCHEL.[minus][cycling]" satchel "The satchel might be useful for carrying things, but your super purse is better. So don't worry about it." letters settler "[one of]The settler seems to give mostly reds and yellows. If you tinker with it, you may notice a pattern.[plus][or]Reds mean one thing and yellows mean another. If you've solved and scanned a bit, you may know which is what.[plus][or]Also, the coloring of the words LETTERS SETTLER is a clue. If you have the teach/cheat button on.[plus][or]As is, to get fourth-wall, A ROILING ORIGINAL.[plus][or]But the settler is all you need.[plus][or]With teach/cheat on, note that e-t-t are halfway different colors. That's because they match.[plus][or]Specifically, if the current object differs from the target object in one letter, the color will be red if the target is a consonant and yellow if it's a vowel.[plus][or]If you have 'cheat' on, you can see that green is a correct vowel and purple is a correct consonant. Red and yellow are incorrect consonants and vowels.[plus][or]There are also orange and brown, but they are rarer. Since orange = red + yellow, you can guess what it may be.[plus][or]The letter Y.[plus][or]There should be a separate document describing basic strategies for using the settler.[plus][or]One last thing: the equals sign is there so as not to spoil puzzles that are a bit on the easy side. It's fully optional and just part of what I hope is something that helps calibrate play to be more fun based on how tough you find these sorts of puzzles.[minus][cycling]" diorama "[one of]The diorama provides things you can flip around. You don't get any points for them, since they're labeled, but I hope they help.[plus][or]First, the platform and pavement give only reds and yellows, even in teach/cheat mode. Cheat mode doesn't help.[plus][or]What pattern do you see in reds and yellow on the diorama?[plus][or]The crabgrass and pedestal have colors that change in some places.[plus][or]Note the colors change from red to purple or yellow to green. What is similar about these?[plus][or]Adding blue. And which letters change?[plus][or]cRAbgrass, bRAss crag.[plus][or]The letters that are correct![plus][or]So, blue = correct.[minus][cycling]" tcb "[one of]The teach-cheat button toggles whether or not you know characters are in the right position.[plus][or]More specifically, red/yellow=wrong, purple/green=right.[minus][cycling]" equals sign "[one of]The equals sign is useful if you don't want things to be too easy.[plus][or]The equals sign will give squealings if you scan something and the information might make the puzzle trivial.[plus][or]You can override the equals sign with SY (scan with correct letters) or SN[sy-sn].[minus][cycling]" teariest treatise "[one of]The treatise describes how to use the settler.[plus][or]The treatise cuts off near the end, but the first paragraph gives enough hints.[plus][or]The treatise provides information on what to change the latches to, as well as what's beyond.[minus][cycling]" super purse "[one of]The super purse can't be changed, but it's there to circumvent some common adventuring tropes.[plus][or]The purse is a bit of a catch-all, so your huge inventory seems reasonable. It hides what you don't need nicely, and it shows what you do.[minus][cycling]" evac-cave "The evac-cave is your way out[if Elmo is visible] once you get rid of Elmo[end if]." plaster "[one of]Plaster generally covers up holes. You need to bust through that plaster.[plus][or]If you used the settler, you might notice it, uh, settles a lot about the plaster.[plus][or]The plaster becomes a STAPLER.[minus][cycling]" plates "[one of]The plates are embedded, but they have a metal rim. Well, sort of.[plus][or]The plates are also square, with metal half-square rings.[plus][or]They become a STAPLE.[minus][cycling]" staple "[one of]What does a staple go in?[plus][or][if plaster is visible]Something the plaster can change into.[else]The stapler.[end if][plus][or]PUT STAPLE IN STAPLER.[minus][cycling]" stapler "[one of]What goes in a stapler?[plus][or][if plates is visible]Something the plates can change into.[else]The staple.[end if][plus][or]PUT STAPLE IN STAPLER.[minus][cycling]" paperwall "[one of]What does the paperwall--with its design--remind you of?[plus][or]The paperwall's meant to look like lined paper. The holes in the upper corner look like they were made by a stapler.[plus][or][if plaster is visible or plates are visible]You've got some work to do before you can do any stapling[else]You've got what you need to staple the wall and peel it back[end if].[plus][or]STAPLE PAPERWALL[if staple is not in stapler] once you've put everything together[end if].[minus][cycling]" rifle "[one of]The rifle's more powerful than words. OR IS IT.[plus][or]The rifle makes you wonder if you're on a wanted poster or something.[plus][or]The rifle can become a much more harmless FLIER.[minus][cycling]" Curtis "[if moss cap is off-stage][one of]Curtis will help you if you get him enough fruits. Actually, just four.[plus][or]Look around a bit and look at the scenery. A few things have just a few letters. The rest are an exercise.[plus][or]He is good at delegating but not conversation.[minus][cycling][else if player has moss cap]You won't get more than the moss cap from him. Now, what to do with it?[else]Curtis [up-to-l3].[end if]" Mole Elmo "Mole Elmo's not a very enthusiastic captor. It's as if he wants you to do something to the rifle." high sign "[one of]3, 4, 1, 2, 5. What do those numbers mean?[plus][or]The rifle has five letters, so that is a clue.[plus][or]Letter 3, letter 4, letter 1, letter 2, letter 5.[plus][or]3-4-1-2-5 of rifle.[plus][or]Elmo is cluing the rifle can become a FLIER.[minus][cycling]" [end MANOR hints] sad ads "Err, mostly anagrams that couldn't fit into puzzles. I hope you find them amusing." Store B "[one of]Store B contains some sort of mystery food, but people seem too lazy to figure it out.[plus][or]The two names provide red-clues, but you can also tell from the smells from Store B.[plus][or]SORBET.[minus][cycling]" Store H "[one of]If you haven't solved the game proper, you won't be able to get into Store H.[plus][or]Store H appears radically different from the rest of the store. It's probably where stuff that doesn't fit in goes.[plus][or]ES Roth mentions that you can't face the hoster or call it directly.[plus][or]What's a word for stuff sluffed off to the side?[plus][or]OTHERS. If you want the quick way through, you will need to restart the game.[plus][or]You need to ROVE OVER when you are in the Roman Manor.[minus][cycling]" Store K "[one of]Store K is not critical, because it's a bit of American slang.[plus][or]What is the suspicious smelling smoke?[plus][or]The smoke is marijuana, but STONER doesn't quite work on Store N.[plus][or]The residents of Store K want to REST, OK? That hint knocks out the vowels with the settler.[plus][or]Also, they yell don't have a STROKE![plus][or]You can also assume they are plural, so S is last.[plus][or]They are TOKERS.[minus][cycling]" Store N "[one of]Looks like there's a guy in Store N. You need to figure his name.[plus][or]Items fall out of Store N if you keep poking or examining.[plus][or]The toners/Sterno give a lot of clues.[plus][or]The mythology and Tintin clue may tip you off.[plus][or]NESTOR is his name.[minus][cycling]" Store P "[one of]You seem to need a magic word, and the tropes poster plus Store P give you a few hints.[plus][or]In particular, you see two blinking colors, which means the first two letters are P/T O/R.[plus][or]But the second must be a consonant. Also, TROPES means you know where the vowels are.[plus][or]Process of elimination gives PRESTO.[minus][cycling]" tropes poster -- Store P Store T "[one of]Cute squeaky noises from burrows there by a river. There must be many such animals. As if there's some animal that this industrial buildup has displaced.[plus][or]There are four choices left, if you use the settler, but what is a riverside animal?[plus][or]OTTERS.[minus][cycling]" Store U "[one of]The roads in Store U. What's another word for that?They're numbered, too.[plus][or]The settler's a big help here, as it knocks out the vowel. Then you can try where T should go. Or better yet, you can guess that whatever it is is plural, and that knocks things out logically.[plus][or]Not just any old roads but ones with signs for bus stops, etc.[plus][or]ROUTES.[minus][cycling]" roads -- Store U Store V "[one of]You see sparkling inside if you look at the right angle. Well, several angles.[plus][or]Hmm, treasures. Where do you find treasures? (Word-logic clues follow before the solution.)[plus][or]If you use the settler, you can figure which vowels are where.[plus][or]Then you can figure the first letter, since you have CCVCVC, and many two-consonant combinations don't work well to start.[plus][or]You should wind up with TROVES.[minus][cycling]" voters "You can scan the voters if you can't figure what Store V should be." Store W "[one of]You may wish to look at the description, though RESTOW also allows a clue.[plus][or]Store W seems taller than the other stores, like it has several levels. It's just an illusion. Plus, the store seems to blur into separate halves when you look at it.[plus][or]What's a name for a tall building, or tall buildings?[plus][or]TOWERS.[minus][cycling]" shells "The shells clue that Store Y might become something that lives in a shell." Store Y "[one of]Hm, looks slimy on the inside, and it smells like saltwater too. It's also a weird shell shape, Store Y is. What sea life do you know that has a Y in it?[plus][or]Also, if you use the Letters Settler, you'll notice a letter that's a new color--orange. A combination of yellow and red.[plus][or]What letter can be a vowel or a consonant?[plus][or]Y. So the settler gives you three letters.[plus][or]You probably see by now--or can use process of elimination--to note Store Y becomes an OYSTER.[minus][cycling]" otters-x "[if you-can-advance]You've solved enough to go there[else if patcher is off-stage]You need to solve more stores to have the strength to make it past the otters[otherwise]You need to solve more stores, or zap them with the patcher, to make it past[end if]." routes-x "Just ENTER them." troves-x "Just ENTER them." oyster-x "Just ENTER the oyster." e-s "Just ENTER the oyster." hoster "[if roved is true]You can just enter the hoster.[else]You need to save Yorpwald first.[end if]" towers-x "You can just ENTER the towers." ivy tower -- towers-x ivory tower -- towers-x tower-base -- towers-x engravings "[one of]Whether a word is italicized or bolded reflects something.[plus][or]Try changing a store and looking again.[plus][or]The italicized words relate to the stores you've figured.[plus][or]Bolded words means an area is solved[plus][or]For instance, 'someone' is bolded, so you solved an area.[plus][or]The engravings are a hint to the figures of speech in the new areas, so you solved an area with nouns.[plus][or]Store W makes 'evil' go italic, so you may guess what sort of words are behind it.[minus][cycling]" patcher "[one of]The patcher can be used to skip certain areas. It's a bit fourth-wall, but it'll do.[plus][or]ZAP (store X) to zap a single store.[plus][or]SWITCH PATCHER to zap them all.[minus][cycling]" f-o-b "You may be able to guess what you need to do with the barley once you get there, but you can't do anything until you get past the otters." Nestor "[if tokers are off-stage]Nestor's pals are in store K[else]Nestor's back with his pals. Not much to do with him now[end if]." tokers "[if nestor is off-stage]You can find the tokers' friend in store N[else if lecturer is reflexive]They'll give you a treat if you solve the side quest[else]They're of no use to you now[end if]." smoke cloud "[if lecturer is reflexive]You can enter the cloud for a mini-side-quest[else]You've been in the cloud. You can't go back. You don't need to[end if]." passage "If you go there, you'll get a big hint." heartfelt reflections "They are completely useless for actual life lessons, but the settler on 'cheat' mode will knock a word out." idg "[one of]You need to get Ian and the lecturer out of the way. Nouns won't work here.[plus][or]Ian's brochure is a hint.[plus][or]TEDIOUS + I USED TO will give you a lot of clues. Studio E will give a clincher.[plus][or]You need to throw the bums OUTSIDE.[minus][cycling]" lecturer -- idg [end stores hinting] poison stripe "[one of]The poison stripe's name is a clue to what to do here.[plus][or][if cur-score of routes > 0]You've already figured one word[else]It's a certain sort of word[end if].[plus][or]Directions are confusing here, and standard ones don't work, but there's another way to get around.[plus][or]PREPOSITIONS.[minus][cycling]" bench "[one of]The bench-end indicates the bench is A GIANT'S. You probably can't touch it wrong.[plus][or]Touching the bench does nothing. How to cover more of it?[plus][or]Lean AGAINST.[minus][cycling]" -- "AGAINST" [start ROUTES hinting] church sign "[one of]Going in to the church is not so easy. Simply saying IN isn't churchy enough.[plus][or]You need to be a little more flowery to enter the church. Is there any clue?[plus][or]DIE SIN becomes something new.[plus][or]You can kick the sign to change it to SIN DIE for another clue.[plus][or]INSIDE.[minus][cycling]" -- "INSIDE" plain old church -- church sign plain old church -- church sign Brother Horbert "He'll mix the reagents once you get them." summary "It's there for background: why you're doing what you're doing. Oh, about Mum Ray, I can't tell you. It's too sad/confidential/unbelievable." snoop spoon "Examine the snoop spoon for a hint when you need it." list o toils "The list-o-toils tells what you need[if mushrooms are in lalaland]ed[end if] to get. There is one item in each aboveground Routes location besides the Cleric Circle." rs "They're there to re-enforce your lack of direction." worst ad "[one of]How would you approach the worst ad?[plus][or]RADWOST is what the ad sells, whatever that is. That plus the settler gets you the vowels. A big clue for this Last Lousy Point.[plus][or][if cur-score of routes is 0]I'll check if you want to find what sort of words work here before going on[else]There are only so many prepositions in the English language[end if].[plus][or]TOWARDS.[minus][cycling]" -- "TOWARDS" marquee "[one of]You can't walk into Pat's as normal. It moves, and you never seem to get to the door.[plus][or]You just need to flip two letters to enter Pat's.[plus][or]PAST works.[minus][cycling]" -- "PAST" grubby restaurant -- marquee decrepit mark "[one of]You can't walk into Oscar's as normal. It moves to the other side.[plus][or]What's a preposition that's anagrammatic to Oscar's?[plus][or]Not down to enter Oscar's--perpendicular.[plus][or]ACROSS.[minus][cycling]" -- "ACROSS" dingy dwelling -- decrepit mark grouchy old giant "[if old giant is off-stage]The giant is not in view yet. You need to examine the list-o-toils in the church[else if old giant is in lalaland]You're done with him[else]BUG. You should be directed to the bench or bench part you need to figure, now[end if]." bench-end "[one of]The giant seems to want you to listen to his tirades.[plus][or]This is a bit tricky--but the letters settler may help quite a bit. You know where the T is, and three consonants in a row aren't common.[plus][or]ASTRIDE.[minus][cycling]" -- "ASTRIDE" giant's elbow "[if elbow is reflexive][one of]Having trouble ducking the giant's elbow there, eh?[plus][or]The giant swings his elbow sort of high...[plus][or]...so you should be BELOW it.[minus][cycling][else]You dealt with the giant's elbow.[end if]" -- "BELOW" Rude 'N Nuder "[one of]Rude [']N Nuder is being waved about, just over your head.[plus][or]How to duck something that's over?[plus][or]Go UNDER.[minus][cycling]" -- "UNDER" Oscar "Oscar has little to say, [if runed book is in Adobe Abode]but the pipe soot is something you may need[else]and you got the pipe soot[end if]." Pat "Pat has little to say, other than to discourage you from the seed pit, [if seed pit is reflexed]but you got through there[else]so you need to enter it despite Pat's objections[end if]." Rude 'N Nuder "[one of]The contents of Rude [']N Nuder are probably worse than the giant's ranting. But again, you need to avoid his flailing entirely.[or]You've listened enough to the giant. He's gone around the bend. You need to seek shelter.[plus][or]On cheat mode, Rude [']N Nuder scans oddly and gives you the solution.[plus][or]You need to go UNDER.[cycling]" -- "UNDER" runed book "The runed book is part of the spiers['] potion that will help let people see directions again[if circle is unvisited]. But you need to get into the cleric circle first[end if]." a trashy ashtray -- pipe soot pipe soot "[if pipe soot is not in adobe abode]You got the pipe soot.[else][one of]You can't just walk over to the ashtray and get the pipe soot. Oscar wants you facing him.[plus][or]How can you face someone and be far away?[plus][or]Be completely OPPOSITE.[minus][cycling]" -- "OPPOSITE" seed pit "[one of]Pat's not going to let you have the mushrooms you probably need from the seed pit.[plus][or]However, Pat mentions a lot are worthless. The seed pit is too dangerous. You need to say something to ignore the seed pit warning.[plus][or]Tell him you'll go in DESPITE the warnings.[minus][cycling]" -- "DESPITE" mushrooms "The mushrooms are part of the spiers['] potion that will help let people see directions again[if circle is unvisited]. But you need to get into the cleric circle first[end if]." warning sign "The warning sign clues how to get into the seed pit." huge thing "[one of]The huge thing form may be what was needed.[plus][or]But it's a thing form above.[plus][or]Does that sentence 'huge thing form' read wrong? Or feel funny? It should.[plus][or]A thing FROM above will have landed.[plus][or]So, yeah, type FROM to bring the thing down.[minus][cycling]" -- "FROM" drama armada "They're just there to watch, or help you once you figure where to look, by THE BEAN." the-b "[one of]The Bean has given you a place to go or look--or, rather, a not-quite-direction.[plus][or]The ground feels a little shakier since the bean landed, but not enough to go straight down.[plus][or]PUSHing the Bean seems useless.[plus][or]You can go BENEATH the bean.[minus][cycling]" -- "BENEATH" darkness "[one of]'Unlit...' is a clue. What would the magic preposition be to make light?[plus][or]How to say this area was unlit, but now it is?[plus][or]UNTIL.[minus][cycling]" -- "UNTIL" narrow cracks "[one of]You need to search for No-Gal Logan. But you need to find an un-road.[plus][or]Directions won't help on the un-road, but maybe you can go...or look...[plus][or]AROUND.[minus][cycling]" -- "AROUND" un-road "[one of]You're halfway to finding No-Gal Logan. You've already been AROUND.[plus][or]How do we go down a path? Or follow it? Within the rules of the Routes area?[plus][or]We go ALONG it.[minus][cycling]" -- "ALONG" No-Gal's boat "[one of]So, you want to go abroad, eh?[plus][or]But you need to follow proper protocol to enter?[plus][or]'All ------!'[plus][or]ABOARD.[minus][cycling]" -- "ABOARD" pier sign -- No-Gal's boat "ABOARD" mist -- No-Gal's boat "ABOARD" free reef "You need to get by what's on either free reef." hit win button "You don't need to hit the button again to get through the reef." ship controls "[one of]There are two solutions to find the Hit Win button Ben Hid.[plus][or]The Letters Settler should let you logically derive either Hit Win or Ben Hid--or, you can realize there are not many prepositions left.[plus][or]Where might something be hidden?[plus][or][wi-be]. Or...[plus][or]You may be able to look [wi-be].[minus][cycling]" -- "[wi-be]" thor "[one of]Thor won't let you past--oops, used that one already.[plus][or]You don't want to hug Thor. Or a Thor-hug.[plus][or]THROUGH.[minus][cycling]" -- "THROUGH" new beet "[one of]Tough to get past the beet--oops, used that one already.[plus][or]The strait is narrow, and you need to get by it, but 'by' isn't a fancy enough word.[plus][or]You don't want to have been wet.[plus][or]BETWEEN.[minus][cycling]" -- "BETWEEN" [end ROUTES hinting] Pa Egg Pea "[one of]Reading Peg A. Page's book will give you hints what to do in general.[plus][or]The book has a personality-cult feel about it. Perhaps you are reading it too critically.[plus][or]GAPE at the book.[minus][cycling]" -- "GAPE" cold "[one of]Even negative emotions can warm a person and give needed heat, even for a short while. But they may cause more trouble later.[plus][or]HATE is useful for short-term goals at best.[minus][cycling]" -- "HATE" [start TROVES hinting] heat "[one of]Emotional investment is necessary to win [i]a rat race or a foot race[r][plus][or]You need to CARE or you will waste effort[minus][cycling]." -- "CARE" fretful truffle "The fretful truffle, if you eat it, will tell you what to [if cur-score of troves is 0]type[else]think[end if] next." verbose "[one of]Even when someone or something is terse with you, their terseness can give you something to focus on and manipulate[plus][or]OBSERVE other people or things[minus][cycling]." -- "OBSERVE" post "[one of]You must persist when you are stonewalled. The second time is easier than the first and likely requires less creativity[plus][or]You may SPOT something interesting on a second look[minus][cycling]." -- "SPOT" bee's head "[one of]The bee is hovering so near. But small bees shouldn't be able to fly. Giant bees--well, there is the giant's paradox.[plus][or]The path of concrete reasoning should not be closed to the common man.[plus][or] often, once you believe you can, you really can REASON![minus][cycling]" -- "REASON" what-a-bee "[one of]Even intellectual elitists know, deep down inside, that there is an emotional component to things.[plus][or]They hope to be able to BELIEVE without letting the common man do so as well. Not that they need to, to achieve their goals.[minus][cycling]" -- "BELIEVE" cellar door "[one of]To open the cellar, you need not REMEMBER anything and everything. Instead, just say 'Oh I know' after someone offers knowledge. It works, because, you know--well, you BETTER know...[plus][or]It is better to be able to RECALL[minus][cycling]." -- "RECALL" spider -- sad pier sad pier "[one of]The objects in the bedroom should give you a clue what to do next, since they're all anagrams.[plus][or]Examining yourself, you need to hit total rock bottom.[plus][or]DESPAIR.[minus][cycling]" diapers "[one of]One page after saying you don't want to make any big mistakes, there's a bit about how you may need to hit rock bottom before finding your way back up[plus][or]There's lots of mumbo-jumbo about observing sentimental objects until you get sick of them, but please be sure to forget them once they've served their purpose[plus][or]DESPAIR is a last option that is hard to come back from. Except when coming back from it slingshots you past people who can't even despair[minus][cycling]." -- "DESPAIR" ltb "[one of]Feelings of despair are okay. Working through them can help you learn to lead. Unless they don't. Then you deserve more despair[plus][or]If you can't DEAL, you'll never make it[minus][cycling]." -- "DEAL" brochure "[one of]It is no sin to want a better place to RESIDE.[plus][or]Do not get too hippy-trippy on yourself. Without material DESIRE, nobody would want or build anything.[minus][cycling]" -- "DESIRE" prai "[one of]What do the rivets say? PRAISE. It should motivate you![plus][or][if rivets are reflexed]You already got what to do with the rivets, so the settler will be more merciful to you[else]The settler gives a mess because PRAISE and RIVETS go to different words, but the question mark is a clue in its own way[end if].[plus][or]How to want more without wanting more?[plus][or]You need to ASPIRE.[minus][cycling]" -- "PRAI" rivets "[one of]Those rivets stand out.[plus][or][if prai is reflexed]You already figured what to do with what they say, so the settler is a bit easier on you[else]Because they say PRAISE, the settler is picking up two solutions[end if].[plus][or]The praise [i]rivets...[r] and should make you want more.[plus][or]You want to want more without just plain wanting more.[plus][or]STRIVE.[minus][cycling]" -- "STRIVE" statue -- rivets secure door "Useful for keeping people out[if noise is in office], though the vanity may provide more hints what (not) to do[end if]." plasm lamps "Useful for working late at the office but not for solving silly word puzzles." slick-tech checklist "Useful for organizing tasks much tricker than playing dumb computer games." big important desk "Just part of the scenery." lager "[one of]The Large Regal Lager serves a purpose, but not a critical one.[plus][or]You are upset at the lager. You can make a moral statement by looking at it funny.[plus][or]GLARE at the lager in Boredom Bedroom.[minus][cycling]" -- "GLARE" skyscraper "[if pernod is off-stage]You can't think of getting into the skyscraper until you are in tune with Trevis Vister.[else]The Pernod holds a clue how to get into the skyscraper.[end if]" Pernod "[one of]Expensive alcohol is for high class reflection, and stuff. Or it advertises itself that way. That is what the Pernod claims to do.[plus][or]In this case, you have two more clues, which is what is on the front of the note tied to the Pernod and the back. 'Derp on, Epdorn.'[plus][or]'Dr. Peno and Ned Orp.'[plus][or]You need to PONDER how to get in.[minus][cycling]." -- "PONDER" card "The card gives a clue, along with the Pernod, of how to get into the skyscraper." label "If you peel the label (by taking it,) you will get another clue what to do to get in the skyscraper." DIVORCES "[one of]You can learn something from DIVORCES. Not from the content, but from just how vapid and materialistic it is.[plus][or]You may have an epiphany how bad the magazine is.[plus][or]You can DISCOVER to put the magazine to shame.[minus][cycling]" vanity "[one of]The vanity is not just for prestige. It labels your region in red.[plus][or]You must learn to IGNORE silly distractions of people below/beneath you[minus][cycling]." -- "IGNORE" noise "You need to not pay attention to the noise. See the vanity for details." salt "[one of]Anyone can make it to the top, but only those worth their salt will stay for any meaningful length of time[plus][or]The truly great can LAST[minus][cycling]." -- "LAST" lobster "[one of]That lobster looks delicious, but you can't bring yourself to eat it. You don't have the confidence[if stream is reflexive]. NB: finding what to do with the stream also works[end if].[plus][or]You need to boost yourself![plus][or]Or, rather, BOLSTER![minus][cycling]" -- "BOLSTER" stream "[one of]The picture of the stream should relax you to feel on top of things[if lobster is reflexive]. NB: finding what to do with the lobster also works[end if].[plus][or]You need to be able to control, to understand...[plus][or]...or to MASTER.[minus][cycling]" -- "MASTER" Eddie's Song "[one of]Eddie C, I'd Cede. Listening once helps you see red.[plus][or]Another time listening gives you notes, lyrics and more red.[plus][or]A third should clinch it. You want to do more. Or less.[plus][or]DECIDE.[minus][cycling]" -- "DECIDE" playbill "[one of]Hm, the playbill mentions no song. Just the singer.[plus][or]More people hint what to do if you READ the playbill. Lots in red.[plus][or]You want to give up and move on after reading.[plus][or]You've got no time to negotiate a severance package. You're a busy adventurer! You can just RESIGN.[minus][cycling]" -- "RESIGN" [end TROVES hinting] curst crust "[one of]You'll say something reflexive if you eat the crust.[plus][or][if Grey Gyre is unvisited]The crust is useful in the PRESTO region.[else]Eating it gives you a hint what to say.[end if][minus][cycling]" [start PRESTO hinting] volt maze "[maze-solve]." -- "MAZEL TOV" big l "The big L tells you what letter the maze starts on." big-let "The big letters tell you that the maze goes from L to [if r24 is visited]some later letter[else]V[end if]." l-m "You can scan Lev for hints. He's not much for conversation." -- "MAZEL TOV" m-l "You can scan Lev for hints. He's not much for conversation." -- "MAZEL TOV" Tom Alvez "You can scan Tom for hints. He's not much for conversation." -- "MAZEL TOV" plaque "[maze-solve]." lamb "[one of]The lamb is petrified with fear, but maybe the right fear would get it going again.[plus][or]What sort of noise can you make to get it going?[plus][or]BLAM.[minus][cycling]" -- "BLAM" onyx censer "[one of]The censer's black and green and really retro.[plus][or]The censer may remind you of what people used to play text adventures on a long time ago.[plus][or]It can become a SCREEN.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a SCREEN" dart "[one of]The dart is stuck in the dumpster, and taking it doesn't work.[plus][or]Frustrating, eh?[plus][or]What's a good word of frustration?[plus][or]Four letters.[plus][or]DRAT.[minus][cycling]" -- "DRAT" dumpster "[if dart is not in dumpster]You got the dart you needed from the dumpster. Hooray![else][one of]You can't reach into the dumpster without a little extra something.[plus][or]The right word might help you get the dart.[plus][or]What to say to get the dart?[plus][or]DRAT.[minus][cycling]" spumed tar "The spumed tar is just there to complement the dumpster." star "[one of]The star is stuck in the stump, and taking it doesn't work.[plus][or]Frustrating, eh?[plus][or]What's a good word of frustration?[plus][or]Four letters.[plus][or]RATS.[minus][cycling]" -- "RATS" red stump -- star permadust hump "[one of]Hm, you can't get over the hump.[plus][or]What's a good word before you give a bunch of effort?[plus][or]UMPH.[minus][cycling]" -- "UMPH" plebe "[one of]You need to get rid of that plebe.[plus][or][if player has star or player wears star]You've got something that will impress him[otherwise]You need to find something to impress the plebe--you may want to go visit the Burnt Brunt to the south[end if].[plus][or]What are plebes scared of? A good tongue lashing.[plus][or]The game blocks the worst profanities. But you've got a pretty general one.[plus][or]You can say BLEEP [if player has star or player wears star]now[otherwise]once[end if] you have the star.[minus][cycling]" -- "BLEEP" Ye Hoop "[one of]There are two ways to deal with the hoop, err, Ye Hoop.[plus][or]You sort of have to be impressed by the hoop, and say a little something to try harder, or say the heck with your possessions, which bog you down if you try to jump.[plus][or]You can say POOH to give your jumps a little boost.[minus][cycling]" Leo "[if Leo is fightin][one of]You need to neutralize Leo.[plus][or]He charges at you like a bull.[plus][or]What do you exclaim to get out of the way of a bull?[plus][or]OLE![minus][cycling][else if Rand is fightin]Deal with Rand first.[else if Rand is washed up][wash-up][else if Rand is in hacks' shack]The sign provides a clue how to get rid of Leo and Rand so you can enter the shack.[else if ether is not in lalaland]You may need him for a fight.[else]He can't do much more, so time to find a place to say good-bye.[end if]" -- "OLE" Rand "[if Rand is fightin][one of]You need to neutralize Rand.[plus][or]Perhaps another feint can help you defeat Rand.[plus][or]What can you say to fake him out? A word of half-surrender.[plus][or]DARN![minus][cycling][else if Leo is fightin]Deal with Leo first.[else if Rand is washed up][wash-up][else if Rand is in hacks' shack]The sign provides a clue how to get rid of Leo and Rand so you can enter the shack.[else if ether is not in lalaland]You may need him for a fight.[else]He can't do much more, so time to find a place to say good-bye.[end if]" -- "[if Rand is fightin]DARN[else]WHASSUP[end if]" lar "[wash-up]" -- "WHASSUP" vile veil "The vile veil is just a cheapo to explain why you can only go back north in Dirge Ridge." popgun "[if dart is in popgun]The popgun's locked and loaded.[else if boing is reflexed]Put the dart in the popgun.[else]The popgun is broken. More precisely, its boing mechanism is broken.[end if]" boing mechanism "[one of]So, the mechanism doesn't go BOING.[plus][or]A eureka moment could change the boing mechanism's brokenness.[plus][or]Or, if you notice the mechanism's serial number...[plus][or]BINGO.[minus][cycling]" -- "BINGO" camo-coma "The camo-coma is just a barrier to prevent you going any way but west from the seminar." smart people sign "[one of]The sign indicates Rand and Leo don't belong in the shack. But if you've tried going north, you know they'll want to try[if rebuked is true], and they've been persistent, so maybe you need another way to say things[end if].[plus][or]It's time to [if rebuked is true]find another way to [end if]say good-bye to Rand and Leo, but you can't be all 'Obey, Dog.'[plus][or]Maybe the sign can help you say [if rebuked is true]one more thing[else]what[end if] you need to, to ditch Rand and Leo?[plus][or][sl-t-l].[minus][cycling]" -- "[if entry 1 of byebyes is log ons]SO LONG[else if entry 1 of byebyes is alert]LATER[else]TOUGH[end if]" [??] alert letters "[one of]The sign indicates you may want to get rid of Rand and Leo, who are not very smart.[plus][or]Say LATER.[minus][cycling]" log ons letters "[one of]The sign indicates you may want to get rid of Rand and Leo, who are not very smart.[plus][or]Say SO LONG.[minus][cycling]" ought letters "[one of]The sign indicates you may want to get rid of Rand and Leo, who are not very smart.[plus][or]Say TOUGH.[minus][cycling]" ether "[if Rand is not eager or Leo is not eager]You'll need friends to get through there. Try making them down by the dumpster.[else if boing is reflexive or dart is not in popgun]Muscle isn't enough. You need a weapon.[else][one of]You can sort of make out stuff through the ether.[plus][or]If you could give Rand and Leo a word before Rand and Leo walked in, it'd be a big help.[plus][or]What to yell, so they know where to look?[plus][or]THERE.[minus][cycling][end if]" -- "THERE" lawl wall "[one of]The wall can't be changed on its own.[plus][or]But the keys or hogs can be...dealt with.Try hinting either of them.[minus][cycling]" -- "[if goshy is true]GOSH[else]SYKE[end if]" hogs "[one of]The hogs find it funny you can't get the keys.[plus][or]If you expressed your disappointment, the hogs might get overconfident.[plus][or]GOSH.[minus][cycling]" -- "GOSH" keys "[one of]You really want the keys, and there's no way to pretend you don't.[plus][or]Maybe you can pretend, sort of, and annoy the hogs.[plus][or]SYKE.[minus][cycling]" -- "SYKE" mount um-not "Mount Um-Not is just scenery." harm's marsh "Harm's Marsh is just scenery." serial number "[one of]The numbers can mean something else.[plus][or]Convert them to where they are in the alphabet.[plus][or]This is an alternate solution to grinding it out with the Settler.[plus][or]BINGO.[minus][cycling]" futon "[if slept is true]You won't need to sleep on the futon again.[else][one of]The futon has patterns of tiresome--figuratively and literally--peels on it.[plus][or]The futon will be useful to sleep on when you need to.[minus][cycling][end if]" -- "SLEEP on the futon" speel "[one of]You're too tired to read the speel.[plus][or]You can't make any logic leeps in your current condition.[plus][or]Best to SLEEP.[minus][cycling]" -- "SLEEP" fount "[one of]The fount is a fount of knowledge. Dry knowledge, but knowledge.[plus][or]The fount's also very restful.[plus][or]You can probably find a way to fold the fount into...[plus][or]...a FUTON.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a FUTON" escaroles "[one of]The escaroles aren't much of a meal on their own. They could be more meaty.[plus][or]The escaroles could be a dish instead of garnish. Any old dish, with all sorts of things slopped into it.[plus][or]Or a CASSEROLE.[minus][cycling]" -- "Fix a CASSEROLE." casserole "[if yak is in shack or yak is in lalaland]You can't use the casserole any more. You could've bribed Leo and Rand with it.[else][one of]You can't take the casserole--it's too hot. It's also kind of yucky for someone as sophisticated as you unless you need calories.[plus][or]Met anyone who can use calories who doesn't sweat niceties?[plus][or]Leo and Rand. If you poke them when you have a tough physical task, you can get them to push the skid north.[minus][cycling][end if]" trim socks "[one of]The socks aren't critical to solving the game, but they do give a LLP--Last Lousy Point.[plus][or]The socks don't seem very technical, but they look like circuit chips or something.[plus][or]Maybe they'd make you go faster or something.[plus][or]Maybe they are, instead, ROM STICKS.[minus][cycling]" rom sticks "[one of]You can put the sticks in the hard drive to make it go faster. The game does this automatically.[plus][or]The sticks don't actually save moves or anything, though.[minus][cycling]" gum "[one of]Gum comes in more than six flavors at your local supermarket, but there are only five ways to change G-U-M.[plus][or]As for what it's good for, it's everlasting gum, and maybe what it changes into will help other things be everlasting.[plus][or]Oh, the solution?[plus][or]UMG, er, OMG, do you need to ask?[plus][or]You don't need to go to George Mason University.[plus][or]I just put extra clues in to give more clues than anagram possibilities, because I could.[plus][or]MUG. In which you pour liquid.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a MUG" mug "[one of]Like the never-ending gum it came from, the mug regenerates what's in there.[plus][or]What goes in a mug? Liquid, generally.[plus][or][if coal is not in lalaland]You can probably figure what to do with the coal to make a liquid.[end if]The cola is a liquid.[plus][or]POUR COLA IN MUG.[minus][cycling]" skid "[if yak is in lalaland][one of]The skid has done what it needs.[plus][or]You should change it back to a DISK now.[minus][cycling][else if skid has not been in Phat Path]The skid can be pushed from place to place. You will need to.[else if yak is not on skid][one of]The skid can move things that won't budge.[plus][or]There's one thing that won't budge that has something you might need.[plus][or]The yak.[plus][or]You need to bribe the yak with something else.[plus][or][leaf-or-flea][plus][or]Put the leaf on the skid, and the yak will hop aboard.[minus][cycling][else if skid is not in shack]You need to push the skid to the shack.[else]It's the yak you need to worry about, now.[end if]" skidrope "The skid's rope lets you PULL the skid." disk "[if skid is off-stage][one of]You can change the disk to something else.[plus][or]The disk can become a SKID.[minus][cycling][else if disk is in hard drive]The disk is taken care of.[else]The disk can go in the hard drive, [once-now] you've got a full computer constructed." -- "make a SKID" keyboard "[one of]The keyboard belongs on the table[unless caps lock is part of keyboard], and it's missing a piece[end if].[plus][or][if caps lock is visible]Put the caps lock in the keyboard.[else]See what you can do with the clock sap.[end if][minus][cycling]" leaf "[if leaf is not on skid]You can put the leaf on the skid to tempt the yak.[else]The leaf's where it should be.[end if]" t-key "[if t-key is reflexive]The tab key's what it needs to be.[else][one of]The TBA key is not a regular keyboard key. You can change it.[plus][or]The TBA key can become TAB.[minus][cycling][end if]" signature -- scratch paper dirty looking cola "[one of]The cola is great for drinking (without knowing it) during a long programming session. But there's only so much of it.[plus][or]You can pour the cola in [if gum is in lalaland]the mug[else]what the gum can become[end if].[minus][cycling]" fizzy cola "Cola is great for drinking (without knowing it) during a long programming session." scratch paper "[if signature is reflexed]Useless now.[else][one of]The signature and the scratch paper are clues to what to do.[plus][or]You can scan them both in cheat mode to figure where the vowels go.[plus][or]Or you can think of a computer term to get a program up and running.[plus][or]You need to COMPILE.[minus][cycling][end if]" -- "learn to COMPILE from the scratch paper" scratchings "[one of]They give a clue what the drab yoke will be.[plus][or]Have you seen any apparatus with the numbers 1234567890 at the top, in order?[plus][or]One that is by you right now?[plus][or]They clue that the drab yoke can be a keyboard. But yaks aren't very magic, and he's resisting in some odd animal fashion.[minus][cycling]" broke day "Broke Day offers a clue as to what the drab yoke becomes." drab yoke "[if yak is not in lalaland]The yak won't let you have it. You need to make the yak inattentive.[else][one of]Whatever the drab yoke should be is probably some sort of piece of computer equipment, too. Given the end puzzle.[plus][or]The settler will tell you where the Y should go. You can also figure where the O goes, on cheat mode, and two consonants fall, too.[plus][or]But the scratchings make it obvious what the yoke should be.[plus][or]Numbers on the top, letters below it, punctuation to the side.[plus][or]KEYBOARD.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a KEYBOARD" compiled code "[one of]The compiled code works but has problems.[plus][or]You need to make the code BUDGE.[plus][or]The code still has bugs to fish out.[plus][or]Therefore, you need to DEBUG.[minus][cycling]" -- "DEBUG the compiled code" slab "You [if cpuready]already[else]can[end if] put things on the slab to build a computer." USB "[one of]The USB is pretty universal. It can become either of two things.[plus][or]The USB can become transport out of here.[plus][or]SUB or BUS.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a BUS or USB" bottle of dirty looking cola "[one of]There's not enough of the cola in the bottle for a big programming session.[plus][or]What could make the cola refill?[plus][or][if gum is in lalaland]The mug[else]The gum is never-ending, chewable, and can also be twisted around into something else. I mean, not just physically, but with words. There are five choices[end if].[plus][or]Now you've got the cola and a better receptacle, POUR COLA IN MUG.[minus][cycling]" caps lock "[if caps lock is part of the keyboard]The caps lock is where it should be.[else][one of]What does a caps lock work with?[plus][or]A keyboard.[plus][or][kboard-blah].[plus][or]Put the caps lock in the keyboard.[minus][cycling]" yak "[if shack is unvisited][yak-worry].[else if yak is not on skid][one of]The yak won't give up what's on his drab yoke. You need to tempt the yak onto the skid.[plus][or]What is a good way to tempt an animal?[plus][or]Food. PUT LEAF ON SKID after you pushed it.[minus][cycling][else if skid is not in shack]Push or pull the skid back to the shack.[else][one of]Now you need to find some way to make the yak just plain sleepy.[plus][or]Find any boring items?[plus][or]The catechism. SHOW BAD BOOK TO YAK.[minus][cycling][end if]" Broke Day "[if yak is in lalaland][my-bad] is no longer useful, with the yak gone.[else][one of][my-bad] is just a very boring and stupid book, and if you read it, you find yourself unable to stop mumbling the text.[plus][or]If you mumble [my-bad]'s text, you find yourself droning and drowsing off. Do you know anyone/anything that could use a rest?[plus][or]The bored yak nips at you if you fiddle with the drab yoke. You may notice that they also anagram [my-bad]'s title.[plus][or]Perhaps you could put the yak to sleep by READing [my-bad].[minus][cycling]" Dear Koby -- Broke Day Bred Okay -- Broke Day eBay Dork -- Broke Day catechism "[if yak is in lalaland]With the yak dispatched, the catechism is only good for random anagrams. Or for being a prop to help you semi-plausibly learn how to program.[else][one of]The catechism is just for entertainment, but reading it may clue something,[plus][or]It is less painful and boring than [my-bad].[plus][or]You may wish to try reading [my-bad] instead. Maybe it will bore the right person to sleep, or something.[minus][cycling]" blue button "[if rebooted is true]You don't need to push the blue button again.[else][one of]The blue button says 'To be or...'[plus][or]What can 'To be or' on the blue button rejumble to?[plus][or]What is something you should try when any computer is acting strange?[plus][or]The settler kind of kills the 'to be or' puzzle.[plus][or]You need to REBOOT.[minus][cycling][end if]" -- "REBOOT with the blue button" orange button "[one of]'Not to be' means it's a shutdown button.[plus][or]The orange button is too bent to push.[plus][or]The orange button is not necessary.[minus][cycling]" clock sap "[one of]The sap makes you think in LETTERS LIKE THESE.[plus][or]What makes people type in LETTERS LIKE THESE?[plus][or]CAPS LOCK buttons.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a CAPS LOCK key" dripping clock -- clock sap flea "[one of]The flea is surprisingly brightly and multicolored for something dead.[plus][or]What else like FLEA is colorful when it's dead?[plus][or]The flea can become a LEAF.[minus][cycling]" -- "make a LEAF" coal "[one of]Coal. Cheap, dirty energy for machines.[plus][or]The coal can become cheap dirty energy for people.[plus][or]What do hackers like to drink?[plus][or]Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper...[plus][or]COLA.[minus][cycling]" -- "make COLA" hard drive "[h-d][line break]" priv-shack "[if player is in shack]You need to build a computer here[else]It's just scenery when you're in the Phat Path. But you can enter by going north[end if]." golden dongle "The golden dongle is just there to make it plausible to hook the hard drive to other hardware." computer screen "[if shack is unvisited]You haven't found anything to attach it to.[else if computer screen is not on slab]You need to attach the screen to the drive.[else]The screen's where it needs to be.[end if]" labs slab "You can put stuff on the slab, and that acts like attaching it to the hard drive." [end presto hinting] trolls "[one of]The trolls are there to keep people in. You can't beat them up.[plus][or]You need to distract the trolls, preferably by annoying other patrons.[plus][or]The tunes, the stein and Casper are all part of the bar[dh-true].[minus][cycling]" [start OYSTER hinting] stumbler tumblers "[one of]The stumbler tumblers say TIPS.[plus][or]How to turn off the machine is written on the machine. Except the right action is rubbed off.[plus][or]Tips for getting rid of songs that are the pits...[plus][or]SPIT on the machine.[minus][cycling]" song buttons -- tunes jukebox -- tunes perma-amper "[one of]The perma-amper is kind of complex, but knowing the right way to fiddle with it helps.[plus][or]It's something with a, e, m, p and r.[plus][or]What's another word for reconfigure?[plus][or]REMAP.[minus][cycling]" tunes "[one of]It's kind of complicated to change the tunes or get rid of them.[plus][or]Just pushing stuff to alter the tunes doesn't work.[plus][or]However, following the instructions can get rid of the tunes, if you do it right.[plus][or]You need to UNSET the tunes.[minus][cycling]" jar of pills "[one of]What can you do with PILLS?[plus][or]You can pop the pills, but the lid is stuck.[plus][or]The pills can make life convenient for your adversaries, if they were on the ground.[plus][or]You would have to SPILL them.[plus][or]You can do so at various places.[minus][cycling]" tines -- stein stein "[one of]The stein is free.[plus][or]How does the stein hook up with the tines?[plus][or]INSERT the stein and you're five-sixths there.[plus][or]INSET the stein.[minus][cycling]" casper "[one of]Casper doesn't want to be disturbed while writing Capers Recaps.[plus][or]Capers Recaps looks like almost two blackboards folded together. It's tempting to do something.[plus][or]SCRAPE the blackboard.[minus][cycling]" capers recaps -- casper gins sign "[if i-sung is true]You already managed to SING.[else][one of]The gins sign is a last lousy point, but it's one that introduces what to do in the area.[plus][or]The drinks are named after depressing puns on popular music.[plus][or]This is a last lousy point, but because it is a hint, I'll tell you what it is next.[plus][or]You can SING.[minus][cycling][end if]" clam "[one of]The clam is agitated. It probably doesn't want to attack you.[plus][or]You need to settle the clam down.[plus][or]I mean CALM it.[minus][cycling]" urn "[one of]You can't walk away from the urn. You need to do something more decisive.[plus][or]You should RUN from the urn.[minus][cycling]" Shoer Osher "You might've learnt something from Shoer Osher's publicist before Elvira came by, but for the game's purposes, Shoer Osher is just there for decoration and amusement." river "[one of]There are two ways across the river.[plus][or]You can get the boats' attention--one verb--or get on the raft, which requires two.[plus][or]Hint the boats or raft individually.[minus][cycling]" raft "[one of]Just getting on the raft is no fun. Or, rather, it doesn't get you a Last Lousy Point.[plus][or]Those oars on the raft would be a drag to pull around.[plus][or]Hint the oars if you can't figure out what to do with them.[minus][cycling]" boats "[one of]The sailors aboard the boats seem to like a good chat about accomplishments.[plus][or]How could you get the boats['] attention with your own bragging or self-promotion?[plus][or]BOAST.[minus][cycling]" crays -- plea plea "[one of]You can't change the cray, but the plea offers a way out. The pale plea.[plus][or]You are feeling too jumpy to just plain jump, so you need to...[plus][or]...LEAP.[minus][cycling]" canoe "[one of]The canoe can be changed to make more water, but you don't need that.[plus][or]In fact, you need to do nothing with the canoe.[plus][or]Because if you make the canoe an OCEAN, that's bad news.[minus][cycling]" fish -- canoe oars "[one of]Those oars provide propulsion.[plus][or]And not just through the water.[plus][or]SOAR.[minus][cycling]" carps "[one of]You're bigger than they are, and your arms have more reach. You could probably beat them in a fight.[plus][or]You could brawl, tussle, or...[plus][or]SCRAP.[minus][cycling]" pikes "[one of]They, or the carps, can be beaten. It doesn't make any difference whom you attack.[plus][or]The pikes require a slightly odd verb. You can brawl, tussle, or...[plus][or]SPIKE the pikes.[minus][cycling]" skis "[one of]The skis are blocking the door.[plus][or]They can't be moved by force.[plus][or]You need to KISS the skis.[minus][cycling]" knob "[if knob is reflexive][one of]The knob won't budge. It doesn't seem to have a lock.[plus][or]You need to do something with it.[plus][or]BONK the knob.[minus][cycling][else]The knob's been dealt with.[end if]" crate "[if traced is false][one of]You can't figure where the debris is coming from.[plus][or]It's debris of a CRATE.[plus][or]You want to TRACE it.[minus][cycling][else if reacted is false][one of]Someone has an unending supply of crates.[plus][or]You can't seem to find the time to open the door, still.[plus][or]The crate still requires you to do one more thing.[plus][or]REACT.[minus][cycling][else]Nothing more to do with the crates." fragments -- crate bogus-plains "[one of]You can talk about how great you are, to all who would hear.[plus][or]What can you do in the lapsin['] plains?[plus][or]SPLAIN.[minus][cycling]" waste "[one of]The waste puzzle is optional. [plus][or][one of]The waste is hard to move. It requires effort.[plus][or]Taking the waste is out, but you can sift through it the right way.[plus][or]SWEAT.[minus][cycling][stopping]" lance "[one of]The lance is optional. [plus][or][minus][cycling][if player has lance and lance is reflexed]You can use the lance to defeat an optional monster near the end.[else if player does not have wipes][one of]You need an item to make the lance less dirty.[plus][or]The wipes in the handsome sand home can do that.[plus][or]You should be able to get the wipes unless you used the pills on Aunt Tuna.[minus][cycling][else][one of]The lance is too dirty.[plus][or]What can you do to an item that is too dirty?[plus][or]CLEAN the lance.[minus][cycling]" heaps "[one of]The heaps are malleable, but they might be a pain to search.[plus][or]If you SHAPE the heaps, you get a Keep Yorpwald Beautiful Last Lousy Point.[minus][cycling]" eeks "[one of]There's a noise coming from somewhere. Maybe it's a clue where that trout went.[plus][or]They are EEKS. That leaves twelve choices.[plus][or]Two, if you use the settler.[plus][or]SEEK.[minus][cycling]" eeks "[one of]There's a noise coming from somewhere. Maybe it's a clue where that trout went.[or]They are EEKS. That leaves twelve choices.[or]Two, if you use the settler.[or]SEEK.[cycling]" aunt tuna "Aunt Tuna is useful for talking to. She has good information[if tea tray is not in lalaland]. Her food is also edible[end if]." dent "[one of]The dent can be dealt with if you know how to futz with it, but it's a last lousy point.[plus][or]No, not futz, another four-letter word.[plus][or]You need to TEND the dent.[minus][cycling]" -- wipes "[one of]The wipes are part of an optional puzzle. [plus][or][minus][cycling][if player has wipes]The wipes can be used to tidy up an item[in-hovels].[else][one of]You can't just plain take the wipes. You are not fast enough.[plus][or]What's a quicker action than TAKE, to get the wipes?[plus][or]SWIPE the wipes.[minus][cycling]" tea tray "[one of]Tea looks tasty. And easy to dispose of.[plus][or]You can EAT the tea.[minus][cycling]" trout "[if trout is in range]You can't help the trout fight, but you can deal with the carps--or pikes.[else if trout is reflexive][one of]Aunt Tuna wants you to show her trout what you did.[plus][or]You can't attack anything.[plus][or]You can TUTOR the trout.[minus][cycling][else]You've helped him all you can.[end if]" reward drawer "[if wrap is off-stage]You need to please Aunt Tuna to get what's in the drawer[else]You got what's in the drawer[end if]." cans "[one of]You can get rid of them for a last lousy point.[plus][or]If you've been using the settler, you really should know this verb.[plus][or]SCAN the cans.[minus][cycling]" ruby "[one of]The ruby is useful.[plus][or]The ruby is the haunter's, and he's upset someone stole it.[plus][or]You don't want to be caught with the ruby, but maybe if you can frame someone or some other people...[plus][or]You can BURY the ruby in the Collapsed Old Places[if rigged digger is off-stage], though you need something to bury it with[end if].[minus][cycling]" wrap "[if warp-try is true][one of]You know the verb but not where to warp the wrap.[plus][or]Where could you annoy someone with the wrap? Someone with sensitive ears?[plus][or]The sandier sardine in Achers['] Arches will run if you warp the wrap near him.[minus][cycling][else][one of]So what's the verb to pop the wrap?[plus][or]Twenty-four choices. Six if you scan it. One if you cheat.[plus][or]You need to WARP the wrap.[plus][or]But you can't warp the wrap any old place. It might be fun and useful to annoy somefish.[plus][or]Who has sensitive hearing the wrap would annoy?[plus][or]WARP the wrap by the sardine.[minus][cycling]" rude door "[one of]The rude door has several puzzles.[plus][or]You need to dispose of the door's knob.[plus][or]You need to get rid of the skis on the door.[plus][or]The crate you keep getting hit with is a pain, too.[plus][or]See each sub-part for individual clues.[cycling]" shut huts -- rude door tubs "[one of]The tubs seem tough to crack.[plus][or]You could blast the tubs, or crush them, ...[plus][or]...or BUST them.[cycling]" prod "[one of]The prod seems like it should be more than it is, but you can't figure how to operate it.[plus][or]Operating the prod is probably simple and dumb, but something you do by accident.[plus][or]To operate the prod, you need a simple standard action this game doesn't usually let you do.[plus][or]DROP the prod.[minus][cycling]" rigged digger "[one of]The rigged digger is used to dig ground.[plus][or]The digger can get what's in the plain.[plus][or]How would you summon the HAUNTER?[plus][or]You can UNEARTH it.[cycling]" sardine "[if bubble wrap is off-stage]To scare the guard away, you need an item from the fish bowl. Go there.[else if bubble wrap is not in lalaland][one of]The sandier sardine seems to have problems with his ears.[plus][or]Have anything that might make noise?[plus][or]The bubble wrap.[plus][or]WARP the wrap.[minus][cycling][else]You shouldn't need hints for the sardine now.[end if]" h-h "The Horned Hedron is where you need to go [if hedron is visited]back[else]next[end if] to infiltrate the Lout Base." a-s "[if arches-search is false][one of]Why might the arches be guarded?[plus][or]There's something in them.[plus][or]X ARCHES doesn't quite work. Something more thorough?[plus][or]SEARCH ARCHES.[minus][cycling][else]Nothing else in the arches.[end if]" haunter "[if haunter is reflexive][one of]You will want to show the haunter something.[plus][or]Like where you buried that ruby.[minus][cycling][else][one of]What do you do with a sausage?[plus][or]To calm him down?[plus][or]The settler can help here.[plus][or]You can ASSUAGE the sausage.[minus][cycling][end if]" walleyes "[one of]The walleyes won't let you explore the Hedron. You need to get rid of them.[plus][or]If you talk to the walleyes, they'll mention how you'd need to be a big scary ghost or something.[plus][or]You need a ghost to come along for the ride to scare the walleyes.[plus][or]Hide something the ghost wants in Collapsed Old Places.[minus][cycling]" o-t "[one of]The ol['] trap must have a disarming switch somewhere.[plus][or]You need to cover the area to disable the ol['] trap, but not with spies watching you. The haunter can take care of them.[plus][or]Once the haunter's scared everyone away, what's an action to scour for a switch for the ol['] trap?[plus][or]PATROL.[cycling]" a-p "[one of]You can just enter the portal.[plus][or]You won't know where to go through the portal without a gleaner.[plus][or]Find the two pearl pieces, by the arches and from Aunt Tuna's gift.[plus][or]The gleaner can't tell you how to use the portal til it's bigger.[plus][or]ENLARGE the gleaner to make the portal work for you.[cycling]" scrawl "[one of]The haunter is beneath here. You may need to recover him.[plus][or]What do you often do with the undead?[plus][or]ETAHN RU is his name, and he is NEAR HUT.[plus][or]You should be able to UNEARTH him, once you have the proper equipment.[plus][or]You'll also need to have a reason to do so, or something to show him.[minus][cycling]" thin hint "[one of]The thin hint will remind you where you hid the ruby.[plus][or]The thin hint will also show someone else where you hid the ruby. So bring someone back.[plus][or]The haunter[if haunter is off-stage], once you find it, [end if]will be glad to see what is under the thin hint.[minus][cycling]" paler pearl "[if tea tray is not in lalaland][one of]So, you have one half of the pearl, but you want the other.[plus][or]The other pearl-half is in the handsome sand home.[plus][or][a-t-check][plus][or]EAT TEA.[minus][cycling][else][one of]So, you have one half of the pearl, but you want the other.[plus][or]The other pearl-half is in the Achers['] Arches.[plus][or]How would you comb through the arches?[plus][or]SEARCH.[minus][cycling][end if]" gleaner "[if gleaner is not reflexed][one of]The gleaner may help you with the last bit, but it is too small.[plus][or]What could you do to make the GLEANER bigger?[plus][or]The settler gives you where the vowels are.[plus][or]ENLARGE the gleaner.[minus][cycling][else]You just need to examine the gleaner when it's enlarged, and that'll help you later.[end if]" ant "[one of]You can't outright attack the ant. You poke at it ineffectually. Something more brutish, but simple.[plus][or]TAN the ant.[minus][cycling]" yapper "[one of]The settler on cheat mode gives confusing readings here because PAPERY and YAPPER clash.[plus][or]So if you use the settler, you may note that five of the letters are right. But maybe you want to solve this the old-fashioned way.[plus][or]He seems to be asking for a bribe and not asking for one at the same time. He needs to be compensated before he lets you do anything.[plus][or]If you give the yapper an item, he indicates he could be bribed...if it were valuable. He likes the pearl.[plus][or]You can just PREPAY the yapper.[minus][cycling]" intercom "The intercom is controlled by the dialer." jumble "The jumble reorganizes when you set the dialer." lever "[if lev-pull is true][one of]Aren't you happy to have found the lever?[plus][or]Don't last lousy points make you feel excited and like you want to party?[plus][or]Or REVEL?[minus][cycling][else][one of]Fiddling with the lever does nothing on its own, at first.[plus][or]You'll want to concentrate on the dialer, instead.[plus][or]Once you've done that, PULL the lever to do something else with the dialer.[minus][cycling][end if]" d2 -- dialer dialer "[one of]The dialer is dangerous and destructive.[plus][or]Obviously the dialer can REDIAL, but what else can you have it do?[plus][or]DERAIL. PULL LEVER. REDIAL.[minus][cycling]" [end OYSTER hinting] Rosetta Toaster "[one of]You can use it to gain hints, but you need to clear the serpent to take it.[plus][or]Just put the food in the toaster and then XRAY anyone blocking your path.[minus][cycling]" [begin towers hinting] strudel "[if strudel is in Danger Garden][one of]You can get the strudel without dispelling the serpent.[plus][or]Or you can do so afterwards.[plus][or]The sort of words you use here are (spoiler)...[plus][or]...adjectives. So how can you get the strudel without alerting the snake?[plus][or]The strudel can be RUSTLED.[plus][or]That's food you can put in the toaster.[minus][cycling]" Éclairs "The éclairs are food you can put in the toaster." solve-a-loaves "The solve-a-loaves are food you can put in the toaster." start tarts "The tarts are food you can put in the toaster." Brownies "The brownies are food you can put in the toaster." spec-o-scope "The scope copse gives a rough progress map." old ice "[if old ice is reflexed]You made the old ice coiled, already.[else][one of]The old ice is a Last Lousy Point. It's docile, which is fine, but how to make it more impressive?[plus][or]If it were more like a sculpture, maybe...[plus][or]COILED.[cycling][end if]" denim "[one of]The denim can't quite be cut through by something like a dagger.[or]You won't find anything sharp enough to cut the denim.[or]You can, however, cheat to strip the denim away.[or]The denim can be MINED.[cycling]" pester'n serpent "[one of]Until the serpent can be described differently, you won't move it.[plus][or]It's annoying, but if you could just make it THERE...[plus][or]From pester'n to PRESENT.[minus][cycling]" Snider Diners "[one of]The snider diners have dry wit! They don't want to be interrupted.[plus][or]Physically assaulting the diners is out of the question, but maybe you can rain on their dinner.[plus][or]Literally. You can make the diners RINSED.[minus][cycling]" Ed Yerg "[one of]He's trying to shake you down, and there's something artificial about his youthful looks. How could you fix both things?[plus][or]Don't worry, you won't be making him old. But you can change his hair color.[plus][or]Maybe if it were GREYED, he could scam it.[minus][cycling]" iPrune "[one of]The iPrune is decidedly UNRIPE, and yet it's still too big for you.[plus][or]Any way to make the veggie/fruit smaller?[plus][or]Maybe PUNIER?[minus][cycling]" neural pulses "[one of]They are both neural and pulses.[plus][or]You can't see them, but you know they're there, and they're slight negatives.[plus][or]If the pulses were all in your mind, or something more positive, it'd be nice.[plus][or]Make them UNREAL. Or PLUSES.[minus][cycling]" muscly hulk "[one of]Muscly is nice, but if you could tangle him up...[plus][or]Maybe if he weren't so coordinated?[plus][or]CLUMSY.[minus][cycling]" oddly rewired robot "[one of]The robot's been rewired and looks a bit odd.[plus][or]The robot is normal enough to block you.[plus][or]What if you made the robot WEIRDER?[minus][cycling]" sweatier wait-seer "[one of]The wait-seer is certainly SWEATIER than you.[plus][or]He doesn't seem to be getting tired, the wait-seer.[plus][or]So changing the wait-seer to someone who is, or gets, tired, could work.[plus][or]WEARIEST.[minus][cycling]" ingrates "[one of]The ingrates are the ANGRIEST you've ever seen.[plus][or]They're too mad to let you pass. The ingrates are not going to stop complaining, but maybe they could complain more passively.[plus][or]What if the ingrates became ANGSTIER?[minus][cycling]" deacons "[one of]They're HOSTILE at the moment. They shouldn't be. God is love in most religions.[plus][or]They aren't quite at the peak of their profession, but maybe you could help them.[plus][or]They can be the HOLIEST you've seen.[minus][cycling]" Ray Eck "[one of]Ray Eck and his car are in tip-top shape, but maybe you can change that.[plus][or][minus][cycling]" keycar -- Ray Eck alarming grailman "[one of]It's ALARMING how above-average the grailman is, and how he won't settle for second-rate.[plus][or]How could you knock him down to average or below-average?[plus][or]Make him MARGINAL.[minus][cycling]" pirates "[one of]The pirates are very sun-burnt, and they like it that way.[plus][or]The pirates make fun of your own pale skin.[plus][or]Why not make the pirates PASTIER?[minus][cycling]" smart kid "[if obscurest subsector is unvisited]Dirk Stam's not important right now.[else if doc-y is in prison ropins]Dirk Stam makes stuff. You'll want to hook him up with Dr. Yow--release Dr. Yow.[else if kid is lonely][one of]Dirk wants someone who can help him make stuff.[plus][or]Who might do that?[plus][or]Dr. Yow. ASK KID ABOUT DOCTOR.[minus][cycling][else if kid is reflexive and kid is in subsector][one of]Dirk is TENTATIVE around Dr. Yow and can't figure his lectures.[plus][or]You need to make him ATTENTIVE.[minus][cycling][else if kid does not have gizmo]You need to give Dirk something to build with. A tool.[else]Dirk's jetskis are more important.[end if]" Reed's Ale "[one of]The RELEASED poem is awful, isn't it?[plus][or]The zip-lock bag is a bit of a clue.[plus][or]RESEALED.[minus][cycling]" ego drains "[one of]They're organised, but perhaps if they were hyperbole, they wouldn't be as effective.[plus][or]How could you make them over-the-top?[plus][or]Say, GRANDIOSE?[minus][cycling]" admirer "[one of]She needs someone to be attached to.[plus][or]Why stop at just engaged?[plus][or]MARRIED.[minus][cycling]" natives "[one of]They babble about how they can't be suckered, and so forth, and yet they're almost too good for this place.[plus][or]You can do two things to the natives.[plus][or]The natives can become VAINEST, or NAIVEST.[minus][cycling]" yurts "[one of]They look out of place, made of weird metals.[plus][or]You can corrupt them by making them...[plus][or]RUSTY.[minus][cycling]" salesmen "[one of]The salesmen want you to concentrate on their product. NERD-AID.[plus][or]In addition, their loud clothes give them energy to talk loud. They 're DANDIER than you.[plus][or]The salesmen can become a seven-letter word, and the settler gives clues about how to sap their energy. As does smelling. Or talking to them and learning of endorsements.[plus][or]DRAINED.[minus][cycling]" Nerd-Aid "The Nerd-Aid gives you a better idea of how to change the salesmen, by its name and by asking them about it." weeds "[one of]The weeds might be less effective if tied together.[plus][or]Or, more accurately, SEWED.[minus][cycling]" man covered in inapt paint "[one of]The inapt paint says the man's FLEMISH, but he's sick of this nationality bit. He wants individuality.[plus][or]What could be more individual than...[plus][or]HIMSELF?[minus][cycling]" i-p -- man covered in inapt paint Atheists "[one of]The atheists are willing to explain everything very slowly to you. That's not good. You'd like them to be frustrated with you, to move on.[plus][or]How can you make them super-impatient?[plus][or]Make them HASTIEST.[minus][cycling]" bonker "[one of]The bonker is working just great. How to gum it up?[plus][or]Busted...or...[plus][or]BROKEN.[minus][cycling]" repeat button "REPEAT plays back what you recorded with the retape button." retape button "RETAPE gives something for the repeat button to replay." doc-y "[unless doc-y has been wordy][one of]Dr. Yow is silent, but you can change that.[plus][or]Take a look at his name.[plus][or]You can make him WORDY.[plus][or]If you have the raves saver, you can then PUSH RETAPE.[minus][cycling][else if doc-y is in prison ropins]You need to bring a friend along to rescue Dr. Yow.[else if doc-y has not been rowdy][one of]Dr. Yow can be something besides wordy, too.[plus][or]You can make Dr. Yow be exciting.[plus][or]Dr. Yow can be ROWDY.[minus][cycling][else]Dr. Yow will stay around to impart his knowledge for a bit.[end if]" ragged dagger "[one of]The dagger isn't as useful as it could be.[plus][or]Have you found a machine that might sharpen the dagger?[plus][or][if havens is unvisited]There's a room west of the Scope Copse, past the pirates.[else]The Shaven Havens.[end if][plus][or]The machine in the Shaven Havens can repair the dagger.[minus][cycling]" raves saver "[one of]The raves saver is, well, a tape recorder.[plus][or]REPEAT is the PLAY button.[plus][or]RETAPE is the RECORD button.[plus][or]Combining RETAPE and REPEAT can bring a sound from one end of this region's map to another.[minus][cycling]" gizmo "[if kid has gizmo]Dirk has the gizmo. He can use it better than you.[else][one of]You have this gizmo. Have you met anyone who could use it?[plus][or]Dirk Stam in Actionless Coastlines.[plus][or]He may need a lecture first.[plus][or]Give Dirk the gizmo [n-o] he's inspired by a science lecture.[minus][cycling][end if]" ID Tag "[if subsector is unvisited]Hm, you need to find Dr. Yow, the name on the tag. He's in the very east.[else]Hm, the ID tag says Dr. Yow. This is his duck.[end if]" fissure "[one of]The fissure can, surprisingly, become animated.[plus][or]Make the fissure FUSSIER.[plus][or]But you need something that will fuss back at the fissure. Like a free animal or something.[minus][cycling]" ropins "The prison ropins can't be opened with a key. Or a word with C-E-E-F-N. You need to find another way to free Dr. Yow." log gaol "It's just there to block you from going anywhere else." ropins "[one of]The prison ropins are locked.[plus][or]What could change that?[plus][or]Or make the ropins UNLOCKED? There's an NPC.[plus][or]The Lone Duck could make the gaol unlocked.[cycling]" lone duck "[one of]You need to bring him back to his owner.[plus][or]In the Obscurest Subsector.[plus][or]He won't follow you, though.[plus][or]If you have the Raves Saver, you can record Dr. Yow while he's wordy.[plus][or]This will make the duck follow back to Dr. Yow.[plus][or]The duck can open the lock.[plus][or]How? He is a lone duck.[plus][or]He can make the gaol UNLOCKED.[minus][cycling]" rapier repair "[one of]The rapier repair machine looks like it could use something.[plus][or]Have you seen anything that looks like a rapier and needs repair?[plus][or]That ragged dagger[if player does not have ragged dagger] you left in the ravages[end if].[plus][or]Put the dagger in the machine.[plus][or]The gizmo may help the kid build something.[minus][cycling]" o-s "The ole shrine is just sort of there, for a clue. You don't need to do anything with it." jetskis "Two parts of the jetskis were broken. The blaster and turbos." blaster "[one of]The blaster isn't quite as solid as it could be.[plus][or]Maybe you could make the blaster STABLER?[minus][cycling]" turbos "[one of]The turbos aren't quite as solid as they could be.[plus][or]Maybe you could make the turbos ROBUST?[minus][cycling]" spray "The spray isn't as important as any of the shores you need to reach." eastern "[one of]Oh dear, it's a choice between the northern and eastern and southwest shores.[plus][or]The letters settler gives seven letters, which lets you eliminate all but one shore.[plus][or]The eastern shore remains. What to do with it? How do you move to it?[plus][or]Or move the eastern shore to you?[plus][or]Make the eastern shore the NEAREST.[minus][cycling]" northern -- eastern southwestern -- eastern Rodney "[one of]You need to wipe out a few other guys, first, but when you do Rodney will fall.[plus][or]Get him out of here, or make him sound less authoritative.[plus][or]YONDER, or the alternate solution...[plus][or]DRONEY, not really a recognized word, but why not.[minus][cycling]" Andres "[one of]Andres seems untied by anything mental or physical.[plus][or]SNARED.[minus][cycling]" Andrew "[one of]Andrew probably is clueless of the risks of his venture.[plus][or]He should be WARNED.[minus][cycling]" Archie "[one of]Archie appears quite flexible, contorting himself without any pain.[plus][or]Not if he gets ACHIER.[minus][cycling]" Barney "[one of]Barney seems far too close.[plus][or]Move Barney NEARBY.[minus][cycling]" Blake "[one of]Blake looks full of purpose and resolve.[plus][or]Not if he gets BLEAK.[minus][cycling]" Bredo "[one of]Bredo seems very interested in this whole stick-up.[plus][or]Unless he gets BORED.[minus][cycling]" Cedrick "[one of]Cedrick looks like he's never had any sort of injury.[plus][or]Make him CRICKED.[minus][cycling]" Daryl "[one of]Daryl's very fit, eh? Not an ounce of fat?[plus][or]Make him LARDY.[minus][cycling]" Demitri "[one of]Demitri seems fearless.[plus][or]Make him TIMIDER.[minus][cycling]" Dewey "[one of]Dewey is a meaty, substantial fellow.[plus][or][']Til Dewey gets WEEDY.[minus][cycling]" Edwin "[one of]Edwin's crest is a bottle of wine inside one of those slashed red circles. No drinking![plus][or]If he were WINED.[minus][cycling]" Eldon "[one of]Eldon radiates youth![plus][or]Not if he's OLDEN.[minus][cycling]" Ernest "[one of]Ernest is one of the more relaxed people you've seen.[plus][or]Make him tenser.[minus][cycling]" Geno "[one of]Geno's just sort of here, but he doesn't have to be.[plus][or]Could be GONE.[minus][cycling]" Goldy "[one of]Goldy seems ruthless and mercenary.[plus][or]Make Goldy more GODLY.[minus][cycling]" Leander "[one of]Leander looks too dumb to do anything but guard you.[plus][or]Not if he's LEARNED.[minus][cycling]" Marcel "[one of]Marcel seems agitated, looking for a fight.[plus][or]Make Marcel CALMER.[minus][cycling]" Marlon "[one of]Marlon seems extraordinary and above-average. Cut him down to size.[plus][or]Make him NORMAL.[minus][cycling]" Preston "[one of]Preston seems the best defended and protected.[plus][or]Make him the PRONEST.[minus][cycling]" Reggie "[one of]You can't be sure, but the obnoxious smell of aftershave seems to come from Reggie.[plus][or]It'd be even more obnoxious if he were EGGIER.[minus][cycling]" Royce "[one of]Royce seems unabashed and not shy.[plus][or]Make Royce COYER.[minus][cycling]" Shane "[one of]Shane's skin has a healthy sun-kissed glow.[plus][or]Not if he's ASHEN.[minus][cycling]" Terrance "[one of]Terrance seems stuck to his task.[plus][or]What if you could make him more RECREANT?[minus][cycling]" Tyson "[one of]Tyson seems quite cheery about this whole adventure, like it's fun. Make him frowny.[plus][or]Or STONY.[minus][cycling]" Wade "[one of]Wade seems very confident, unintimidated.[plus][or]He can be AWED.[minus][cycling]" succor crocus "[if crocus is reflexive][one of]The crocus looks like it is--well, dying. He just needs a little healthy color back, not a ton.[plus][or]Or he could lose the livid color he has.[plus][or]From DYING to...[plus][or]...DINGY.[minus][cycling][else][one of]You can give the crocus to someone[plus][or][give-croc].[minus][cycling][end if]" flowerpot -- succor crocus Old Hat Daltho "[if crocus is not in lalaland]The succor crocus Daltho gave you may be of some use.[else]You've taken care of Old Hat Daltho's gift.[end if]" Ed Yerg "[if ed yerg is reflexive][one of]Ed Yerg seems to be, well, GREEDY.[plus][or]But he looks suspiciously old despite his hair.[plus][or]Make him GREYED.[minus][cycling][else if player has flowerpot][one of]Ed may still want something, but little of what you have interests him.[plus][or]The succor crocus may help him feel better about himself.[plus][or]Give it to him[if-cro].[minus][cycling]" Curst Palace "[one of]The Curst Palace is eleven letters, and the settler doesn't help much.[plus][or]Ed Yerg might, [yerg-ok].[plus][or]You seem to need a superlative to restore the palace.[plus][or]Make the palace wonderful again.[plus][or]Or, SPECTACULAR.[minus][cycling]" [end towers hinting] b-b "[one of]Hm, to get rid of the bleary barley, you can only use weak words.[plus][or]What are some of the weakest words in the English language?[plus][or]What also hasn't been covered in other areas?[plus][or]Adverbs.[plus][or]This gets you the last two letters, probably. LY.[plus][or]The barley is BARELY there.[minus][cycling]" [start otters hinting] Gretta "[one of]The macks are [if macked-out > 0]still [end if]bugging Gretta Garett-Tatger. They're doing so effectiveLY.[plus][or]You can make the macks act more [current-mackiness].[minus][cycling]" macks -- Gretta Ed Riley "[one of]A steward won't let you go eastward--but he is too emphatically denying he is a YIELDER.[plus][or]The settler logically knocks this one out, but also consider his booming voice. You want the opposite of that.[plus][or]REEDILY.[minus][cycling]" deli rye "Ed Riley won't share, but the rye can share a hint with you if you scan it." yield sign "The yield sign symbolizes Ed Riley isn't THAT in control of things. Oh, and it can share a hint with you if you scan it." sly imp "[one of]You can probably knock the imp off at half-strength if you do it right.[plus][or]More adverbs.[plus][or]He can be made to move less gracefully and more [Rand-to-go].[minus][cycling]" whiners "[one of]They're certainly aggressive and callous.[plus][or]You can soften them up a bit.[plus][or]They'll be less interested in annoying you if they start acting more [Rand-to-go].[minus][cycling]" ghoul hat "[one of]Mr. Lee's 'Hola, Thug' greeting is not very nice. He sees red and doesn't trust you.[plus][or]Mr. Lee's upset with you. But one word, useless on its own, can turn it around.[plus][or]The first one had better be a good one.[plus][or]No L-Y, so no adverb.[plus][or]ALTHOUGH.[minus][cycling]" mr-l "[if ghoul hat is not in lalaland]Try to help Mr. Lee with that ghoul hat.[else if p-2 is in bran barn]Try to get rid of that painting of Rev. Howe.[else]You've helped Mr. Lee all you can." p-2 "[if ghoul hat is not in lalaland]Deal with the ghoul hat first.[else][one of]The painting has a lot of writing, all in red, which cuts down what to say.[plus][or]But the painting is ultimately the same sort of thing as before.[plus][or]HOWEVER.[minus][cycling]" atmo-moat "[one of]The moat seems to get in your way, but you sense it could be compacted.[plus][or]It's also an atmo-moat, though you see less red when you think of it that way.[plus][or]You can shrink the moat to an ATOM, but you need to have your powers back, first.[plus][or]Also, you need to have gotten rid of the macks to change the moat.[minus][cycling]" le mer -- sea cube sea cube "[one of]The sea cube in the atmo-moat/loop pool can be talked to.[plus][or]The sea gets bored if you talk to it. First words count. But they need to be useless on their own.[plus][or]The SEA CUBE draws you to it.[plus][or]BECAUSE.[minus][cycling]" eels "[one of]The eels need convincing, too. What will happen, otherwise?[plus][or]Again, first words count. But they need to be useless on their own.[plus][or]Tell them ELSE.[plus][or]BECAUSE.[minus][cycling]" imp1 "[bug-report]" imp2 "[bug-report]" imp3 "[bug-report]" ram1 "[bug-report]" ram2 "[bug-report]" ram3 "[bug-report]" owls "[one of]You only have one move to tackle the owls.[plus][or]They are too fast now.[plus][or]Make them SLOW. This hints what else to do here.[minus][cycling]" satyr "[one of]The satyr seems set on blood and guts, fighting for the sake of it.[plus][or]Make him less violent?[plus][or]A bit ARTSY?[minus][cycling]" badger "[one of]The badger is embarrassed they're naked.[plus][or]How could he be clothed?[plus][or]Or GARBED?[minus][cycling]" leopard "[one of]The leopard is orangish and jumpsuited, with its paws bound together by some invisible handcuffs.[plus][or]Like the leopard's in jail. Well, it sort of is.[plus][or]But the leopard's been well behaved. Can you get them out early?[plus][or]Yup. If they're PAROLED.[minus][cycling]" ocelots "[one of]Those clip on shades aren't very suave on the ocelots.[plus][or]You're not going to find any shades for the ocelots.[plus][or]But you can make the ocelots cooler.[plus][or]Or, better, make the ocelots the COOLEST.[minus][cycling]" raptor "[one of]You only have one move to tackle the raptor.[plus][or]Its roars are worse than the squawking below.[plus][or]Make the raptor a PARROT. This hints what else to do here.[minus][cycling]" nails "[one of]They're arranged in a circular pattern, spiraling out.[plus][or]What's an animal whose shell is like that?[plus][or]A SNAIL.[minus][cycling]" pines "[one of]They're shaped like a long bird's bill or something.[plus][or]If you listen, you hear bickering.[plus][or]SNIPE.[minus][cycling]" corona "[one of]Black and whitish, easy to hide in the dark.[plus][or]RACOON.[minus][cycling]" thrones "[one of]Sit on them and they'll sting you.[plus][or]What animals sting?[plus][or]HORNETS.[minus][cycling]" Elmer "[if Merle is reflexed]Just enjoy Elmer's and Merle's spitefulness.[else][one of]You can listen to Elmer and Merle's evil plan for a bit.[plus][or]There's also a way to make Elmer and Merle less annoying. It's an annoying last lousy point puzzle and the opposite of on-the-sly.[plus][or]Elmer and Merle can be made to speak HONESTLY.[minus][cycling]" snail "The snail will help you when the time comes." snipe "The snipe will help you when the time comes." raptor "[one of]The raptor can be changed to something much less vicious.[plus][or]The raptor has rather odd bright coloring doesn't it? Like a tropical bird?[plus][or]Make the raptor a PARROT.[minus][cycling]" hornets "It will help you when the time comes." racoon "It will help you when the time comes." parrot "You can change it back to a RAPTOR to help you get past another fearsome beast." cinders "[one of]The cinders can be used for two things.[plus][or]You can take them and use them to hint through one thing with one passive verb.[plus][or]You can DISCERN (no nouns,) but that won't get you full points.[plus][or]You can get rid of the cinders--not by dropping them.[plus][or]RESCIND.[minus][cycling]" Merle -- Elmer sober robes "Elmer and Merle can't be naked, and I felt like trawling for a cheap anagram. Win-win! (Oh. The robes aren't important to the game.)" medals "[one of]The medals are thanks for your smarts and quick thinking.[plus][or]The medals are more powerful together than apart.[plus][or]IQ and LUCKY mean something.[plus][or]You can use them to go QUICKLY, but the question is, where?[plus][or]If you have gotten rid of Merle and Elmer, going QUICKLY to the west will help you deal with Elvira's initial attack.[minus][cycling]" jumpsuit -- leopard SlopInc "They aren't the hippest, are they? Change the ocelots to make them cooler." Look-Kool "You can't do much but admire them." bulwark "The bulwark is where Elvira's hiding out. You need to get [if Inclosure is visited]in[else]back[end if] there and be prepared." weltish whistle "[if whistle is reflexed]PLAY it by Elvira to win.[else][one of]It can summon animals when you need to.[plus][or]That'll be a big fight, though.[plus][or]PLAY WHISTLE in the Reclusion Inclosure.[minus][cycling][end if]" medals "[one of]They are thanks for your smarts and quick thinking.[plus][or]They are more powerful together than apart.[plus][or]IQ and LUCKY mean something.[plus][or]You won't need them right away, but when you do...[plus][or]...they can help you go QUICKLY.[minus][cycling]" hydra "[if parrot is off-stage]You'd need to be pretty big to defeat the hydra. Or have a pretty big ally. But you haven't found one, yet.[else][one of]If only you had a bigger animal as an ally, to beat the hydra.[plus][or]One that almost attacked you.[plus][or]Remember what the parrot was?[plus][or]The parrot was a RAPTOR.[plus][or]Don't summon the raptor before the alcoves.[minus][cycling][end if]" Elvira "[if nounsolve is 0 and adjsolve is 0]You'll need animal allies to face Elvira, the charismatic conversationalist.[else if nounsolve < 3 or adjsolve < 3]You'll need more animal allies to face Elvira, the charismatic conversationalist.[else][one of]You have enough animals to overwhelm--and ignore the charms of--Elvira, the charismatic conversationalist.[plus][or]First, you need to BLOW THE WHISTLE to summon them.[plus][or]You have one more thing that can help.[plus][or]Remember how you helped the maiden?[plus][or]The medals can make you--and your allies--go QUICKLY.[minus][cycling][end if]" [end otters hinting] harmonicas "[one of]If you try to play them, your playing is the pits, and the game stems you.[or]What's a fruit that has pits and a stem?[or]A cherry, but this is a much brighter red than usual.[or]MARASCHINO.[cycling]" lumps "[one of]Hmm, the lumps are purplish, maybe even a bit soft.[or]You're trying to retrieve fruit, so that should be a clue.[or]The settler will tell you where to place a vowel.[or]PLUMS.[cycling]" slime "[one of]Hmm, the slime is green and knobbly and smells a bit like dishwashing detergent.[or]What can green dishwashing detergent smell like?[or]LIMES.[cycling]" spear "[one of]The spear is particularly out of place in Rustic Citrus.[plus][or]The settler can clue the vowels for the spear.[plus][or]The spear's an odd light greenish. Hmm.[plus][or]The spear becomes PEARS.[minus][cycling]." pagers "[one of]The pagers should be something more agrarian.[plus][or]They come in different colors: red, green and black, which looks more purple, really.[plus][or]The comment on seediness is a hint, too.[plus][or]They keep you on the communications vine.[plus][or]GRAPES.[minus][cycling]" pryer bars "[one of]If you know what drupelets are, the pryer bars may be a bit easier. If not, consider this edutainment.[plus][or]The bars are a bit reddish, which clues the fruit's color.[plus][or]The pryer bars can become a raspberry.[minus][cycling]" b-r "[one of]Philip Larkin would know what to do with the buried raft right away.[plus][or]You may or may not know what the fruit actually looks or tastes like, but it IS a fruit, in fact...[plus][or]It's breadfruit.[minus][cycling]" drupelets "They clue you as to what the pryer bars should be. If not, then maybe this game will actually help you with your vocabulary! (I didn't know what they were before I Googled.)" jagged spoon "The spoon's weird shape clues you as to what the rapt figure should be." b-w "[one of]Barriers West can be another fruit.[plus][or]They're reddish, with a seedy outside and leaves on top?[plus][or]STRAWBERRIES.[minus][cycling]" ppf "[one of]These are meant to keep the cows out.[plus][or]You need only worry about PIPE PANEL.[plus][or]PINEAPPLE.[minus][cycling]" rapt figure "[one of]The jagged spoon the figure is holding is a clue.[plus][or]Plus, the figure is whitish and semi-reddish and yellowish.[plus][or]GRAPEFRUIT.[minus][cycling]" barren cries "[one of]The barren cries are sour and bitter and tiny. What fruit is sour and bitter and tiny? Well, there are a lot, but...[plus][or]The barren cries can become CRANBERRIES.[minus][cycling]" peanut cola "[one of]The peanut cola has a neat cupola on it.[plus][or]Tan and pinkish-orange.[plus][or]CANTALOUPE.[minus][cycling]" silly shirt "[one of]You may not need ESP to guess what ESP, PAL on the shirt becomes.[plus][or]APPLES.[minus][cycling]" riot cap "[one of]The riot cap's not a very tough color for a combat helmet. What fruit can it become?[plus][or]APRICOT.[minus][cycling]" sorer bogey "[one of]The sorer bogey makes your skin break out in--well, not pimples, they'll go away in a bit.[plus][or]Bumps, more like.[plus][or]Goosebumps.[plus][or]GOOSEBERRY.[minus][cycling]" s-w -- sorer bogey eerie blurbs "[one of]They're stained purplish.[plus][or]The settler will give you a few letters, and the rest may be clear--what fruit is that?[plus][or]BLUEBERRIES.[minus][cycling]" abandoned drinks stand "[if drinks stand is unexamined]Examine the drinks stand. You'll find more raw materials.[else]The drinks stand is only there to be examined.[end if]" mad train "[one of]This is an odd one, but the mad train can become a fruit. The train is pod-like. It seems to be from some place far away.[plus][or]The settler knocks out the vowels.[plus][or]Dr. Nimata tells you the other thing.[plus][or]TAMARIND.[minus][cycling]" briar screen "[one of]What's a darkish red, bitter fruit?[plus][or]The settler helps a bit.[plus][or]CRANBERRIES.[minus][cycling]" moss cap "[one of]That moss cap is useless as-is. Curtis claimed it helped you tell directions, but it doesn't.[plus][or]Anything similarly-named that does?[plus][or]Perhaps a rose would make you feel less sore.[plus][or]You can make a COMPASS.[minus][cycling]" compass "You don't actually need to use the compass from the command line. You'll never be lost, with it." videotape collection "[one of]You know the drill by now. The movies have similar names and can eliminate a few letters.[plus][or]PERSIMMON.[minus][cycling]" magenta rope "[one of]The megaton pear, mopeage rant, rampage note and magenta rope are all related.[plus][or]You have four things that anagram each other, so yes, there is a fruit they can become.[plus][or]POMEGRANATE.[minus][cycling]" mopeage rant -- magenta rope rampage note -- magenta rope megaton pear -- magenta rope barber sickle "[one of]The barber sickle is dripping and dark. Its texture is like the pryer bars.[plus][or]BLACKBERRIES.[minus][cycling]" peach "[one of]The peach too expensive.[plus][or]The settler knocks the peach out, logically, on cheat mode. Actually, just mentioning cheat mode may be a tremendous hint, here.[plus][or]How could the peach be described as less expensive?[plus][or]CHEAP.[minus][cycling]" lemons "[if lemons are not in clearing and melons are not in clearing]You don't need to hint this.[else if lemons are not in clearing]Do what you did with the lemons[else if melons are not in clearing]Do what you did with the melons[else][one of]The price, as is, makes you frown.[plus][or]Maybe being depressing will depress prices.[plus][or]Get SOLEMN.[minus][cycling][end if]" melons -- lemons reserved sign "[one of]RESERVED for a DESERVER.[plus][or]The settler makes the sign pretty clear.[plus][or]However, if you take or examine the sign, you're told it's the opposite of an invitation to take it.[plus][or]How do you make the sign the opposite of what it is?[plus][or]REVERSED.[minus][cycling]" tangerine "[one of]Hm, the tangerine has a nationality.[plus][or]The settler gives the last three letters for the tangerine, or you can notice the tangerine reminds you of Jorge Luis Borges.[plus][or][plus][or]ARGENTINE.[minus][cycling]" small lettering -- tangerine nectarine "[one of]The nectarine's not too old, but if it were, you might get it cheaper. Cheaperer.[plus][or]Len Craig suddenly starts using bad grammar describing the nectarine.[plus][or]ANCIENTER.[minus][cycling]" quince "[if quince is reflexed][frootz][else][one of]How do you count in Italian, to name a price? [plus][or]Uno, duo, tre, quattro, ... [plus][or] ...CINQUE. [minus][cycling][end if]" pears "[frootz]" auction caution "[one of]The Auction Caution says you need to PAY ASAP.[plus][or]What could you buy with that message?[plus][or]PAPAYAS.[minus][cycling]" Len Craig "Len Craig wants to haggle. You need to poke around, see what fruits and things are in the clearing, and bargain accordingly." tamarind -- pears plums -- pears limes -- pears grapes -- pears pineapple -- pears grapefruit -- pears apples -- pears kumquat -- pears raspberry -- pears strawberries -- pears cantaloupe -- pears blueberries -- pears blackberries -- pears yellow banana -- pears maraschino -- pears mango -- pears cranberries -- pears pomegranate -- pears guava -- pears apricot -- pears rhubarb -- pears gooseberry -- pears persimmon -- pears papayas -- pears breadfruit -- pears an-a "[one of]You need to take an a the right way.[plus][or]An a, not the a--and it's six letters if you scan it. It's also very yellow, part of a bunch of letters.[plus][or]If you NAB AN A, everything else comes out and you find a banana underneath.[minus][cycling]" orange "[if player has orange][frootz][else][one of]You can't just take the orange directly.[plus][or]You probably need to get closer to it slowly.[plus][or]GO NEAR to get the orange.[minus][cycling]" l-o-p "[one of]The list of prices has an error that makes you exclaim something.[plus][or]The mistake in the list won't drive you to profanity, but...[plus][or]CRIPES.[minus][cycling]" pugnacious plant "[one of]Burr, bah, you say if you examine/attack it.[plus][or]It seems to be making a weird mumbling.[plus][or]RHUBARB.[minus][cycling]" singed design "The singed design gives you a clue what the [if player has coin]coin[else if player has coins]coins[else if player has icon]icon[else if player has icons]icons[else if player has s-c]sonic coins[end if] can become." coin "[one of]You ultimately need another coin, but perhaps it can be converted to something of intrinsic worth.[plus][or]Make the coin an ICON. Once you get another coin, you will make ICONS automatically.[minus][cycling]" coins "[one of]There are two things to do with the coins.[plus][or]The coins can become another thing, or they can change in quality.[plus][or]The thing coins can become is ICONS.[plus][or]The coins can also become SONIC.[minus][cycling]" icon "You've done what you can with the icon. You need to [if number of fruits in lalaland < 8]get more fruits[else]return to Curtis[end if] to get another coin and make ICONS." icons "[one of]The icons are too inert.[plus][or]The icons can become SONIC.[minus][cycling]" gs "You need [if curtis-level < 2]more stuff from Curtis[else if player has s-i]something to put the sonic icons in[else]to change Curtis's coins into something[end if]. [if player has storage box]You have the storage box[else if player has dollar]You need to trade the dollar for something[else if Scape Space is unvisited]Try looking below[else]You need to open the storage box Art Erd is guarding[end if]." s-c "[one of]The sonic coins aren't quite what you need. Nobody wants singing money.[plus][or]The coins can become ICONS.[minus][cycling]" s-i "[if player has storage box]You can put the icons in the lost slot.[else][one of]You need to put the sonic icons somewhere.[plus][or]If you've seen anything that doesn't accept money, that might help.[plus][or]The So-Great Storage doesn't accept money. You need the droll dollar from Curtis.[minus][cycling]" storage box "[if player has dollar]You can trade the dollar for the storage box.[else if player has storage and lost slot is visible]You can put something in the box's slot.[else]There's a way to open the storage box. Curtis's coins can be manipulated into something else that could open the storage.[end if]" Art Erd "[one of]Art Erd [if player has storage]was[else]is[end if] just there to barter for the storage. You need something of value[if player has coin or player has coins], more value than a coin or two[end if].[plus][or][if player has dollar]That dollar would make Art Erd happy[else if number of fruits in lalaland < 12]Curtis's third gift, after [12 - number of fruits in lalaland in words] more fruits, will be handy[else]You can go back to Curtis for an item that will please Art Erd[end if].[minus][cycling]" droll dollar "[one of]The droll dollar is probably not spendable in a reputable place.[plus][or]Where is a less reputable place to spend the dollar? Maybe a less reputable person?[plus][or]Give the dollar to Art Erd in the Scape Space.[minus][cycling]" tekno-token "The tekno-token is currency to help you buy stuff after haggling in the Clangier Clearing." lost slot "[if player has s-i]You need to put the sonic icons in the slot to open the So-Great Storage[else if s-i are in lalaland]You've used the slot already[else]You need to reform the coins Curtis gave you to put something in the lost slot[end if]." passport "The passport will get you through the gates in the Gates Stage, but you need to study it to enter the Admit-Us Stadium safely. The viewer and searcher can help, as can the message if you go north and fail." [??PREP] a near arena "You can't change the [if near arena is examined]arena[else]Admit-Us Stadium[end if], but you can enter it via the gates." viewer "[one of]You can't seem to focus on the viewer. Each time you see it is as the first unless you look at it the right way.[plus][or]There are two solutions. One is to see what to do with the viewer.[plus][or]The other is to see how not to be called a perp.[plus][or]REVIEW the viewer, or...[plus][or]...PREP so you are not a perp.[minus][cycling]" searcher "[one of]You can't seem to focus on the searcher. Each time you see it is as the first unless you look at it the right way.[plus][or]There are two solutions. One is to see what to do with the searcher.[plus][or]The other is to see how not to be called a perp.[plus][or]RESEARCH the searcher, or...[plus][or]...PREP so you are not a perp.[minus][cycling]" [end others hinting] Great Grate "The Great Grate is immovable." chic loner chronicle "[dome-blab]" shiest thesis "[dome-blab]" calendar "[dome-blab]" bolt case "[dome-blab]" obstacle "[dome-blab]" best cola "[dome-blab]" trifle filter "[dome-blab]" dustpan "[dome-blab]" scalp-it "[dome-blab]" placer "[dome-blab]" duster "[dome-blab]" halt lath "[dome-blab]" novella "You can read the novella from pages 1 to 100." entry sign "[dome-blab]" Spy Dial Display "[dome-blab]" Shall Halls "[dome-blab]" Inform 7 Code Wall "[dome-blab]" code walls "[dome-blab]" PERL wall "[dome-blab]" larded ladder "[dome-blab]" to say dome-blab: say "This is just here for fun."; to say frootz: say "[if dollar is not off-stage]You've gotten all you need, but you can still return this fruit to Curtis[else]Curtis will mostly be collecting fruits, so you can return this to him[end if].[line break]" check objhinting drive: if disk is in hard drive: if rebooted is true: all-say "You have the disk drive working." instead; try objhinting blue button instead; to say h-d: if keyboard is on slab and screen is on slab: say "You need to put the disk in the drive."; continue the action; say "[one of]You can put the disk in the drive, when you're done. You can also attach things to the drive or put things on the slab. Computery things.[plus][or][if yak is not in lalaland]You need to get something to operate the computer with first, though.[else if keyboard is visible and keyboard is not on slab]You can put the keyboard on the labs slab.[else if computer screen is visible and computer screen is not on slab]You can put the computer screen on the labs slab.[else]You need to put find and put components on the labs slab to get the disk working.[end if][plus][or]You can push a button once you're done.[minus][cycling]" to say sy-sn: pad-rec-lump "sy"; pad-rec "sn"; to say leaf-or-flea: say "[if leaf is off-stage]You need to change the flea in the shack.[else]The leaf in the shack will work.[end if]" to say kboard-blah: say "[if keyboard is off-stage]You need to find a keyboard. An animal and its item may provide a clue[else]The keyboard you got from the yak's drab yoke will work[end if]" to say once-now: consider the time-to-reboot rule; say "[if the rule succeeded]now[else]once[end if]"; to say a-t-check: say "[if sand home is visited]Why not be polite and accept Aunt Tuna's meal?[else]You need to follow the eeks and then accept that person's hospitality.[end if]"; chapter accessing accessing is an action out of world. understand the command "access" as something new. understand "access" as accessing. carry out accessing: if screenread is true: say "Accessibility mode is now off."; now screenread is false; else: say "Accessibility mode is now on."; now screenread is true; now setspace is true; the rule succeeds; chapter talky stuff - not for release section grill grilling is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "grill" as something new. understand "grill [thing]" as grilling. does the player mean grilling the player: it is very unlikely. carry out grilling: if noun is not a person: say "Try grilling a person, instead." instead; repeat through table of subject-blather: if him-who entry is noun: say "[him-who entry] / [person-subj entry] = [him-say entry][line break]"; repeat through table of general-blather: if him-who entry is noun: say "[him-who entry] -> [him-say entry][line break]"; repeat through table of default-sub-blather: if him-who entry is noun: say "[him-who entry] / = [him-say entry][line break]"; repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if default-talker entry is noun: say "[default-talker entry] / = [gen-blah entry][line break]"; repeat through table of reflexive-blather: if him-asked entry is noun: say "[him-asked entry] / = [him-told entry][line break]"; section spam spaming is an action applying to one topic. understand the command "spam" as something new. understand "spam [text]" as spaming. carry out spaming: let foundyet be false; say "You are asking about a topic."; repeat with PEO running through people: now foundyet is false; repeat through table of general-blather: if PEO is him-who entry and topic understood matches topic entry: say "[PEO] x this subject: [him-say entry][line break]"; now foundyet is true; if foundyet is false: repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if default-talker entry is PEO: say "[PEO] x this subject: [gen-blah entry][line break]"; now foundyet is true; the rule succeeds; spamobjing is an action applying to one visible thing. understand the command "thingy" as something new. understand "thingy [any thing]" as spamobjing. carry out spamobjing: let foundyet be false; say "You are asking about a thing."; repeat with PEO running through people: say "[PEO] is a person."; the rule succeeds; repeat with PEO running through people: say "Asking [PEO]."; now foundyet is false; repeat through table of subject-blather: if him-who entry is PEO and person-subj entry is noun: say "[PEO]-[noun]: [him-say entry][line break]"; now foundyet is true; if foundyet is false and noun is PEO: repeat through table of reflexive-blather: if him-asked entry is noun: say "[PEO]-itself: [him-told entry][line break]"; now foundyet is true; if foundyet is false: repeat through table of default-sub-blather: if him-who entry is PEO: say "[PEO]-[noun]: [him-say entry][line break]"; now foundyet is true; try asking PEO about the topic understood; the rule succeeds; book manor-hinting latches-warn is a truth state that varies. settler-hint-yet is a truth state that varies. to say next-to-see: unless sad ads are examined: if a random chance of 1 in 7 - stuff-found succeeds: say "You can page through the sad ads."; continue the action; unless player has pedanto-notepad: if a random chance of 1 in 6 - stuff-found succeeds: say "You should examine or take the notepad"; continue the action; unless pad-consult is true: if a random chance of 1 in 5 - stuff-found succeeds: say "You can CONSULT the pad about something"; continue the action; unless notice is examined: if a random chance of 1 in 4 - stuff-found succeeds: say "You can try reading the diorama to see what your powers might be"; continue the action; unless bookshelf is examined: say "You can try examining the bookshelf"; continue the action; unless diorama-flip is true: say "You can see about changing an item in the diorama"; continue the action; unless tried-flip is true: say "You can try to do something with the tables or lamp, though the game won't let you, yet"; continue the action; tc-last is a number that varies. tc-last is usually 3. every turn when player is in dusty study and stuff-found < 3: if turn count > tc-last + 2: say "You may want to examine something [if stuff-found > 0]else [end if]to tell you about Yorpwald, like the [if bookshelf is unexamined]bookshelf[else if ads are unexamined]ads[else]pedanto-notepad[end if]."; now tc-last is turn count; carry out manor-hinting: if stuff-found < 3: say "[one of]You should look around and examine stuff. Someone will eventually interrupt you.[or][next-to-see].[stopping]" instead; if latches are visible: if latches-warn is false: all-say "You figure there must be a couple ways out, but the latches can become something--Old Man Almond wouldn't have sent them to you, otherwise."; now latches-warn is true; try objhinting latches instead; if location of player is study: if Gunter is in study: say "Talk to Gunter. He provides back story." instead; if Gunter is off-stage: try objhinting semi-secret side door instead; if player does not have lamp: try objhinting palm instead; if settler-hint-yet is false: if tables are in study and niche is in study and t-b are in study: all-say "You have three ways out of the study. You may wish to HINT SETTLER or HINT DIORAMA to figure what to do with them."; else: all-say "You have found a way out of the study. Any way gets you to a secret passage out of your manor, though along the way, you may wish to HINT SETTLER or HINT DIORAMA to figure what to do with them."; now settler-hint-yet is true instead; if tables are visible: try objhinting tables instead; if niche is visible: try objhinting niche instead; if t-b are visible: try objhinting t-b instead; all-say "You should move along, now, unless you want to mess with the settler and diorama to be sure of what you are doing." instead; if location of player is heights: if ramp is visible: try objhinting ramp instead; if pram is visible: try objhinting pram instead; all-say "[bug-report]" instead; if location of player is stable: if sitar is visible: try objhinting the sitar instead; if stair is visible: try objhinting the stair instead; all-say "[bug-report]" instead; if player is in cavern: if plates are in cavern: try objhinting plates instead; if plaster is in cavern: try objhinting plaster instead; if peeling paperwall is visible: try objhinting paperwall instead; if player has latches: try objhinting latches instead; all-say "Nothing left to do here. You should be able to get going to the next part." book others-hinting check objhinting Elmo when rifle is visible: say "You could deal with Elmo okay, but his RIFLE..."; try objhinting rifle instead; viewer-first is a truth state that varies. carry out others-hinting: if cur-score of others < 4: if lumps are visible: try objhinting lumps instead; if spear is visible: try objhinting spear instead; if pagers are visible: try objhinting pagers instead; if stand is unexamined: try objhinting stand instead; if slime is visible: try objhinting slime instead; if player has moss cap: try objhinting moss cap instead; if player has s-i and player has storage: all-say "You probably want to put the icons in the storage." instead; if player has s-c: try objhinting s-c instead; if player has icons: try objhinting icons instead; if player has coin: try objhinting coin instead; if player has coins: try objhinting coins instead; if player is in gates stage: if passport is off-stage: all-say "You need ID to get past the gate." instead; if player is in Swell Wells: if silly shirt is visible: try objhinting silly shirt instead; if riot cap is visible: try objhinting riot cap instead; if sorer bogey is visible: try objhinting sorer bogey instead; if player is in filed field: if pryer bars are visible: try objhinting pryer bars instead; if ppf is visible: try objhinting ppf instead; if rapt figure is visible: try objhinting rapt figure instead; if b-w are visible: try objhinting b-w instead; if sickle is visible: try objhinting sickle instead; if player is in clangier clearing: if mango is off-stage: all-say "[one of]If you listen, a voice is saying 'Go, man!'[or]Maybe you should just mix with the haggling.[or]In other words, go AMONG.[cycling]" instead; if peach is in clearing: try objhinting peach instead; if lemons are in clearing: try objhinting lemons instead; if melons are in clearing: try objhinting melons instead; if nectarine is in clearing: try objhinting nectarine instead; if tangerine is in clearing: try objhinting tangerine instead; all-say "There's nothing left to do here." instead; if player is in Scape Space: if storage box is in Scape Space: if player has droll dollar: try objhinting storage box instead; try objhinting Curtis instead; if orange is in Scape Space: try objhinting orange instead; if banana is in Scape Space: try objhinting banana instead; if reserved is in Scape Space: try objhinting reserved instead; if pugnacious plant is in Scape Space: try objhinting pugnacious plant instead; if player has passport: if gates stage is unvisited: all-say "You haven't visited the gates stage north of the swell wells, yet. That's where you can use the passport." instead; if gate-level is 2: all-say "Go north to win!" instead; if gate-level < 2: if viewer-first is true and viewer is not reflexed: try objhinting viewer instead; if searcher is not reflexed: try objhinting searcher instead; if viewer is not reflexed: try objhinting viewer instead; if passport is not reflexed: try objhinting passport instead; if player is in gates stage: all-say "[if scape space is unvisited]Try going down from the Swell Wells[else]You will find ID inside the So-Great Storage in the Scape Space[end if]." instead; all-say "Nothing specific left to do here[if curtis-level < 3], though you may need to give Curtis some more fruits[else if player has dollar], though you will want to trade that dollar[else if player has storage], though you need to open the storage[else if player has passport], but perhaps the passport will get you through the gates[end if]." book stores-hinting cur-hint-sto is a sto that varies. cur-hint-sto is usually Store V. carry out stores-hinting: if location of player is Cruelest Lectures: all-say "[one of]The whole bit about nouns won't work here. The people who drug, err, dragged you here said so.[plus][or]It's tough to figure how to leave, and no normal method does the trick.[plus][or]TEDIOUS is one clue.[plus][or]Ian will also give you his 'I USED TO' litany.[plus][or]How can you leave?[plus][or]Studio E gives you some disturbing truths. You can see where all the vowels go, by the greens on your settler.[plus][or]You can cross out the consonants from your other clues to kick people OUTSIDE.[minus][cycling]" instead; if roved is true: if Store H is visible: try objhinting Store H instead; all-say "Go through the HOSTER to the OTHERS area." instead; if number of game-critical stos is 0: all-say "(Note: you've cleared all the stores you need to[if number of needed regions > 0], though you still have work to do behind them[end if].)"; if Store K is visible: try objhinting Store K instead; if Store N is visible: try objhinting Store N instead; all-say "You have nothing more to do here. You need to [if number of needed regions > 0]work your way through what's behind other stores, then [end if]go between the otters for your final destiny!" instead; if cur-hint-sto is not visible: now cur-hint-sto is a random game-critical sto; try objhinting cur-hint-sto instead; all-say "BUG. You should not have fallen through here." instead; to sto-hint (stosto - a sto): say "Sto hint for [stosto]."; book presto-hinting carry out presto-hinting: if cur-score of presto is 0 and spoilit is false: all-say "[one of]You haven't gotten any points yet, so you probably want to find what sort of word is used here.[plus][or]There's lots of yelling, and the curst crust is a clue. You will be using dramatic words. You could ask yourself what sort of word is remaining.[plus][or]You may curse yourself if you find out.[plus][or]The words are interjections.[plus][or][red-stump-clue][minus][cycling]" instead; if hump is visible: try objhinting hump instead; if plebe is visible: if spoilit is true and player does not wear star: all-say "The plebe grimaces as you try to eat the crust. He doesn't seem to respect your authority enough to keep a straight face yet."; now spoilit is false instead; try objhinting plebe instead; if player is in austerer: if spoilit is false: all-say "You are done here in Austerer Treasure." instead; if star is visible and star is in Burnt Brunt: try objhinting star instead; if dart is visible and dart is in dumpster: try objhinting dart instead; if location of player is Dirge Ridge: if Leo is in dirge ridge and Leo is fightin: try objhinting Leo instead; if Rand is in dirge ridge and Rand is fightin: try objhinting Rand instead; if Rand is washed up and Leo is washed up: try objhinting lar instead; if spoilit is true: now spoilit is false; all-say "[if spoilit is true]Eating the crust here would be too depressing with nothing concrete to do[else]You're done here in Dirge Ridge[end if][if Leo is in dirge ridge and ether is not in lalaland]. Maybe Leo and Rand's combined muscle could help you somewhere[end if]." instead; if boing is reflexive and popgun is visible: try objhinting boing mechanism instead; if popgun is visible: if dart is not in popgun: try objhinting popgun instead; if player is in marines seminar: if spoilit is true: now spoilit is false; all-say "Ugh. The crust feels like army rations. Not now." instead; all-say "The popgun [if player has popgun]was[else]is[end if] all the seminar has to offer." instead; if player is in a mazeroom or player is in maze entry: if spoilit is false: all-say "[maze-solve]." instead; try objhinting volt maze instead; if player is in Grey Gyre: if volt maze is in Grey Gyre: try objhinting volt maze instead; if ether is not in lalaland: if spoilit is false: if player does not have popgun: all-say "[one of]You'll need a weapon to get past the ether.[or]The popgun in the marines seminar.[cycling]" instead; if Rand is not eager or Leo is not eager: all-say "[one of]If you've gone through the ether alone, you'll see you've been outnumbered.[or]You'll need allies to even up the numbers in the ether to the north.[or]Anyone here you seen who likes a fight?[or]Fetch the fellows by the dumpster, first.[cycling]" instead; else: if dart is not in popgun or boing is reflexive or Leo is not in gyre: all-say "The ether turns your stomach too much to eat the crust. It's dangerous. You need to plan a way through." instead; try objhinting ether instead; if hacks' shack is unvisited: if spoilit is false: all-say "You're all done here, so you maybe should [if phat path is unvisited]go north[else if hogs are in phat path]go see about getting past the lawl wall in the Phat Path[else if shack is unvisited]find a way in the shack[else]mess around in the shack[end if]." instead; if player is in phat path: if lawl wall is visible: try objhinting lawl wall instead; if shack is unvisited: if smart people sign is visible and shack is unvisited: if Leo is visible: try objhinting smart people sign instead; else: all-say "[if spoilit is true](Favorite bad word,) you think, I'd rather see what's in that shack[else]You're all done here in the Phat Path. Go north to the shack[end if]." instead; if spoilit is true: if dirge ridge is not visited or austerer is not visited or marines is not visited: now spoilit is false; all-say "Before taking a bite, you wonder if you've visited everywhere you can yet." instead; if ye hoop is in austerer and austerer is visited: all-say "You think to YE HOOP you saw in Austerer Treasure." instead; if coal is visible: try objhinting coal instead; if flea is visible: try objhinting flea instead; if gum is visible: try objhinting gum instead; if bottle of dirty looking cola is visible: if spoilit is true: all-say "No, you'd rather pour the cola in the mug. It's slightly less nasty than the crust."; now spoilit is false instead; try objhinting bottle of dirty looking cola instead; if fount is visible: try objhinting fount instead; if clock sap is visible: try objhinting clock sap instead; if disk is visible and skid is off-stage: try objhinting disk instead; if yak is visible and spoilit is false: try objhinting yak instead; if drab yoke is visible: try objhinting drab yoke instead; if hacks' shack is visited: if onyx censer is not in lalaland: try objhinting onyx censer instead; if yak is not in lalaland: [?! rearrange this] if spoilit is true: all-say "Ugh, the crust looks worse than yak food. You wonder what to do with the yak[if yak is not in shack] you left back...wherever[end if]." instead; all-say "You need to find the bored yak and bring it back to the shack (ack, Mac!) Maybe you can guess what its drab yoke holds." instead; if player is in hacks' shack: if disk is not in hard drive: all-say "You [if spoilit is true]would rather[else]should[end if] [if skid is in shack]change the skid back to the disk, then [end if]put the disk in the disk drive." instead; if can-put-on-slab: all-say "You [if spoilit is true]would rather[else]can[end if] put the [k-and-c] on the slab." instead; if rebooted is false: try objhinting blue button instead; if clock sap is not in lalaland: try objhinting clock sap instead; if caps lock is not part of the keyboard: if spoilit is true: all-say "You curse yourself for not putting the caps lock button in the keyboard." instead; try objhinting caps lock instead; if futon is visible and slept is false: if spoilit is true: all-say "Yeech. You're full. You need to SLEEP." instead; try objhinting futon instead; if scratch paper is reflexive: try objhinting scratch paper instead; if fizzy cola is not in mug: try objhinting mug; if compiled code is visible: try objhinting compiled code instead; if usb is visible: try objhinting usb instead; all-say "I'm sorry. I need to put a better hint in here. If you have a transcript, I'd be interested." instead; to decide whether can-put-on-slab: if player has keyboard and keyboard is not on slab: decide yes; if player has computer screen and computer screen is not on slab: decide yes; decide no; to say k-and-c: say "[if player has keyboard and player has computer screen]keyboard and screen[else if player has keyboard]keyboard[else]screen[end if]"; to say maze-solve: say "[one of]You don't need to enter the maze to solve it[or]There's a magic word[or]Congratulate yourself before you enter. But nothing pedestrian[or]Note the Yiddish clues if you solve it[or]MAZELTOV[cycling]"; to say red-stump-clue: say "[if location of player is not Burnt Brunt]A good first puzzle is by the red stump.[otherwise][one of]That star is embedded in a crack in the stump.[or]You say dang, but that's a bit too much. You will need to soften your tone.[or]You know the drill--anagram what you need. RATS =~ ?[or]STAR.[cycling][end if]"; to say wash-up: say "[one of]Rand and Leo are a bit upset you beat them, but you can fix that.[no line break][plus][or]They think they're washups.[no line break][plus][or]What could show the washups you meant no harm?[no line break][plus][or]You can talk to the washups for clues of something nice to say.[no line break][plus][or]They're not interested in stuff. Not perfect grammar here, but they're not exactly grammar cops...[no line break][plus][or]Say WHASSUP.[no line break][minus][cycling]" book routes-hinting prep-spoil is a truth state that varies. to say p-spo: now prep-spoil is true; check objhinting when player is in same mesa (this is the hide giant hints rule): if noun is bench or noun is bench-end or noun is elbow or noun is Rude 'N Nuder or noun is old giant: if cleric circle is unvisited: all-say "You aren't ready to do anything with the bench yet. The church may make you feel better about things." instead; if list o toils is unexamined: all-say "Hm, nothing shows up. Yet. You may want to look at the list-o-toils." instead; does the player mean objhinting the grouchy giant when mrlp is routes: it is very likely; carry out routes-hinting: if cur-score of routes is 0 and prep-spoil is false: all-say "[one of]You maybe haven't figured out what sort of word is needed in this zone yet. Oscar's, Pat's, and the church sign are clues.[plus][or]They're relatively short words, so maybe you can guess from them.[plus][or]Did you notice you can't seem to go in any compass direction?[plus][or]What's another sort of word that can describe a direction?[plus][or]It anagrams Poison Stripe.[plus][or]Prepositions[p-spo].[minus][cycling]" instead; if huge thing is in Same Mesa: if player is in same mesa: try objhinting huge thing instead; all-say "[if spoilit is true]The spoon points[else]You should go[end if] outside to the commotion."; now spoilit is false instead; if the-b is in Same Mesa and Sun-Spared Underpass is unvisited: try objhinting the-b instead; [end global stuff] if location of player is Same Mesa: if cleric circle is unvisited: try objhinting church sign instead; if bench is reflexive: try objhinting bench instead; if bench-end is reflexive: try objhinting bench-end instead; if elbow is reflexive: try objhinting elbow instead; if Rude 'N Nuder is visible: try objhinting Rude 'N Nuder instead; if old giant is in Same Mesa: try objhinting old giant instead; if Cleric Circle is unvisited: try objhinting church sign instead; if Idle Deli is unvisited: try objhinting marquee instead; if Adobe Abode is unvisited: try objhinting decrepit mark instead; if location of player is cleric circle: if list o toils is unexamined: all-say "[if spoilit is true]The spoon reflects to[else]You will want to examine[end if] the list-o-toils."; now spoilit is false instead; if spoilit is true: all-say "The spoon points back outside."; now spoilit is false instead; try objhinting list o toils instead; if location of player is Idle Deli: if seed pit is reflexed: all-say "[if spoilit is true]The spoon points you out of[else]You're done here in[end if] the idle deli."; now spoilit is false instead; try objhinting seed pit instead; if location of player is Adobe Abode: if pipe soot is in adobe: try objhinting ashtray instead; all-say "[if spoilit is true]The spoon points you out of[else]You're done here in[end if] Oscar's."; now spoilit is false instead; if location of player is Sun-Spared Underpass: if darkness is visible: try objhinting darkness instead; if narrow cracks are visible: try objhinting narrow cracks instead; try objhinting un-road instead; if location of player is ripe pier: try objhinting pier sign instead; if location of player is Cripple Clipper: if ship controls are reflexive: try objhinting ship controls instead; if thor-is-hinted: try objhinting thor instead; try objhinting beet instead; if list o toils is unexamined: all-say "[if spoilit is true]The spoon reflects to[else]You will want to examine[end if] the list-o-toils." instead; if player has mushrooms and player has runed book and player has pipe soot: all-say "[if spoilit is true]The spoon points[else]You should return[end if] to the Cleric Circle now you have all the items."; if spoilit is true: all-say "You can't angle the spoon productively. Maybe use it later." instead; now spoilit is false instead; repeat with QQ running through quest-items: if QQ is off-stage: if QQ is mushrooms: all-say "You need to [if Idle Deli is unvisited]figure how to enter[else]go back to[end if] Pat's for the mushrooms." instead; if QQ is pipe soot: all-say "You need to [if Adobe Abode is unvisited]figure how to enter[else]go back to[end if] Oscar's for the pipe soot." instead; if QQ is runed book: all-say "You need to work out how to sit all over the giant's bench for the runed book." instead; all-say "I can't give you any advice right now. You may want to hint individual items or even let me know via a transcript (or even a save file) at [email]." instead; thor-first is a truth state that varies. to decide whether thor-is-hinted: if thor is reflexed: decide no; if beet is reflexive and thor-first is false: decide no; decide yes. wibe-count is a number that varies. to say wi-be: now wibe-count is 1 - wibe-count; say "[if wibe-count is 1]WITHIN[else]BEHIND[end if]"; book troves-hinting ever-previewed is a truth state that varies. song-first is a truth state that varies. carry out troves-hinting: if player is in Loather Rathole: if cold is visible: try objhinting cold instead; if heat is visible: try objhinting heat instead; if player is in Used Lot: if verbose are in Used Lot: try objhinting verbose instead; if post is reflexive: try objhinting post instead; if what-a-bee is reflexive and bee's head is reflexive: if bee-head-first is true: try objhinting bee's head instead; try objhinting what-a-bee instead; try objhinting cellar door instead; if player is in boredom bedroom: if diapers are reflexive: try objhinting diapers instead; try objhinting ltb instead; if player is in Dour Tan Rotunda: try objhinting brochure instead; if location of player is Econ Cone: if rivets are reflexive and prai is reflexive: if rivets-first is true: try objhinting rivets instead; else: try objhinting prai instead; if Pernod is reflexive: try objhinting Pernod instead; if location of player is FiefCo Office: if noise is in office: try objhinting noise instead; if stream is reflexive and lobster is in office: if lobster-first is true: try objhinting lobster instead; try objhinting stream instead; if salt is in office: try objhinting salt instead; if song is reflexive: if song-first is true: try objhinting song instead; else: try objhinting playbill instead; if spoilit is true: say "--hmmph. Do nothing. This is a BUG, but keep the truffle[no line break]"; now spoilit is false instead; all-say "Your book has no further advice, though it probably should. [bug-report]" instead; bee-head-first is a truth state which varies. lobster-first is a truth state which varies. book oyster-hinting verb-warned is a truth state that varies. trolls-hinted is a truth state that varies. carry out oyster-hinting: if verb-warned is false and cur-score of oyster is 0: now verb-warned is true; all-say "There's a lot of action here. You will need lots of action. So that gives you a clue as to the commands to use." instead; if player is in Posh Hops Shop: if trolls-hinted is false and cur-score of oyster is 0: try objhinting trolls instead; if number of entries in marcitems is 2: try objhinting trolls instead; try objhinting entry 1 of marcitems instead; if clam is visible: try objhinting the clam instead; if urn is visible: try objhinting the urn instead; if player is in Hero's shore: try objhinting boats instead; if player is on raft: if raft is reflexed: try objhinting oars instead; try objhinting raft instead; if pikes are visible or carps are visible: try objhinting carps instead; if player is in Lapsin' plains: if skis are visible: try objhinting skis instead; if reacted is false: try objhinting crate instead; if knob is reflexive: try objhinting knob instead; if player is in uaah: if tubs are in uaah: try objhinting tubs instead; if prod is visible: try objhinting prod instead; if waste is reflexive and waste is visible: try objhinting waste instead; if lance is not cleaned and lance is in uaah: try objhinting lance instead; if heaps are reflexive: try objhinting heaps instead; if player is in Lean Lane: if eeks are visible: try objhinting eeks instead; if player is in sand home: if tea tray is visible: try objhinting tea tray instead; if trout is reflexive: try objhinting trout instead; if bubble wrap is off-stage: try objhinting drawer instead; if player is in Achers' Arches: if sardine is in Achers' Arches: try objhinting the sardine instead; if arches-search is false: try objhinting a-s instead; if player is in Hedron: if bubble wrap is off-stage: all-say "You need to go back to the handsome sand home for a small gift." instead; if ruby is off-stage: try objhinting bubble wrap instead; if player does not have the digger: all-say "You don't have everything you need. You'll want to do some digging here. But you have nothing to dig with, yet." instead; if player is in anger range: if eeks are in Lean Lane: all-say "You may want to visit the trout to the east." instead; if player does not have digger: all-say "You'll want something to dig here. See to the north." instead; if haunter is off-stage: try objhinting scrawl instead; if haunter is reflexive: try objhinting haunter instead; if haunter is visible: if haunter is reflexed: say "You need to show the haunter where the ruby is buried, now." instead; try objhinting haunter instead; if player has paler pearl: try objhinting paler pearl instead; if player has gleaner and gleaner is unexamined: try objhinting gleaner instead; if location of player is Hedron: if walleyes are in Hedron: try objhinting walleyes instead; if o-t is visible: try objhinting o-t instead; if location of player is Collapsed Old Places: if ruby is off-stage: all-say "This would be a good place to bury something, but you're not sure what." instead; if player has ruby: try objhinting ruby instead; if player is in Scum Ant Sanctum: try objhinting ant instead; if location of player is End Den: all-say "[one of]You're at a dead end, here. Exiting and re-entering won't do much good. You need some sort of talisman to guide you through.[or][if player has gleaner]You should really examine the gleaner[else if player has pearl]You should find the other half of the pearl.[else]There are two fragments that can combine to form what you need. The arches and handsome sand home contain them.[end if][cycling]"; if location of player is Den Loft: if yapper is visible: try objhinting yapper instead; try objhinting dialer instead; all-say "There is nothing more I can find to do here. Maybe you'll want to hint a specific thing instead." instead; book towers-hinting to say seesaw: say "[if scope is examined]saw[else]could see[end if]"; to say to-center: repeat with mydir running through directions: if the room mydir of location of player is topside: say "[mydir]"; continue the action; say "[if player is in coastlines]southwest[else if player is in cinema or player is in ravages or player is in outer route]southeast[else if player is in copse or player is in havens or player is in Danger Garden]northeast[else if player is in lots or player is in subsector or player is in campsite]northwest[else]some way--use the scope[end if]"; carry out towers-hinting: if location of player is rawest waters: try objhinting eastern instead; [this can come first since it is a 1-off puzzle] if player is in anemic cinema and admirer is in anemic cinema: try objhinting admirer instead; if player is in campsite and bonker is in campsite: try objhinting bonker instead; if player is in ravages and weeds is in ravages: try objhinting weeds instead; if number of visible guardians > 0: d "Looking for mr hinty = [mr-hinty]."; if mr-hinty is visible: try objhinting mr-hinty instead; d "Oops! A bug!"; any-guardian-hint instead; if scope copse is unvisited: all-say "You can just go north[if strudel is reflexive], though you can hint the strudel if you want[end if]." instead; if ravages is unvisited: all-say "There's an important location in the center of the Bland Sad Badlands, [to-center] of here. You'll want to [if ravages is accessible]go[else]make a path[end if] there." instead; if raves saver is in ravages or ragged dagger is in ravages: all-say "Collect the loot from the ravages." instead; if obscurest subsector is unvisited: all-say "[if bonker is in lalaland]Go east of where the bonker was.[else]You need to work your way to the east bit you saw in the scope copse.[end if]" instead; if savager ravages is unvisited: all-say "[if admirer is in lalaland]You need someone, or something, north of where the admirer was.[else]You need to work your way to the north bit you [seesaw] in the scope copse.[end if]" instead; unless doc-y has been wordy: all-say "[one of]Dr. Yow[if player is not in subsector] back in the prison ropins[end if] can be manipulated.[or]There are two ways to make Dr. Yow wordy, but one is more useful than the other right away.[or]Dr. Yow can be WORDY.[cycling]" instead; if duck is aloof: all-say "[one of]That duck [if duck is not visible]in the havens seemed[else]seems[end if] awfully lonely. Maybe you can bring it home?[or]It won't follow you. It doesn't trust your voice.[or]Someone else's voice, then, maybe?[or]Find anything that could record that?[or][if ravages is unvisited]Something's in the ravages.[else if player does not have raves saver]The raves saver you saw is useful.[else]Your raves saver.[end if][or]It's actually a tape recorder.[or]It has two buttons, RETAPE and REPEAT, and you can probably figure what does what.[or]If you RETAPE Dr. Yow when he is [if doc-y has been wordy]WORDY[else]in a certain state[end if], that gets his voice.[cycling]" instead; if duck is not returned: all-say "[one of]You probably need to free Dr. Yow. It seems like the right thing to do.[or]Did you notice the duck is a lone duck?[or]The lock seems like it should be easy, but it isn't.[or]You can't unlock it. Wrong part of speech.[or]UNLOCKED.[cycling]" instead; if actionless coastlines is unvisited: all-say "[one of]You need to find the Actionless Shoreline.[or]It's in the northeast of the Scope Copse map.[or][if deacons are in lalaland or pirates are in lalaland]You've already cleared who you need to[else]You've got at least another guardian to get rid of[end if].[cycling]" instead; if kid is lonely: all-say "[one of]Hm, the kid [if player is not in shoreline]at the shoreline [end if]seems technically inclined but restless.[or]Who else might help him learn stuff?[or]Dr. Yow.[or]TELL/ASK KID ABOUT DOCTOR.[cycling]" instead; if kid is not in subsector and doc-y is in subsector: all-say "The kid will follow you wherever you go. Lead him back to the doctor in the subsector." instead; unless doc-y has been rowdy: all-say "[one of]Dr. Yow is versatile. You need him to be exciting around the kid.[or]He can also be...[or]...ROWDY.[cycling]" instead; if kid is reflexive: all-say "[one of]The kid is too tentative to listen to Dr. Yow.[or]What can he become?[or]This is slightly tricky, even with three t's. You need to focus, so the kid can focus.[or]ATTENTIVE.[cycling]" instead; if havens is not visited: all-say "You need to visit west of the Copse Scope[if neural pulses are not in lalaland]. The rewired robot guards that area[end if]." instead; if player is in havens: if weeds are in ravages: all-say "The item you want is behind the weeds in the ravages." instead; if gizmo is off-stage: try objhinting rapier repair instead; if location of player is not coastlines and Trefoil is unvisited: all-say "You'll want to head to the shoreline to make it across the water." instead; if player has gizmo: try objhinting gizmo instead; if rawest is unvisited and Trefoil is unvisited: if t-or-b is reflexive: try objhinting t-or-b instead; if turbos are reflexive: try objhinting turbos instead; if blaster is reflexive: try objhinting blaster instead; if number of visible warriors > 0: try objhinting h-w instead; if player is in solo den: if player has flowerpot and flowerpot is reflexive: try objhinting crocus instead; if ed yerg is reflexive: try objhinting ed yerg instead; if player has flowerpot: all-say "You should GIVE the succor crocus to Ed Yerg for hints." instead; if player is in mislit limits: try objhinting curst palace instead; all-say "There seems to be nothing to do here." instead; h-w is a warrior that varies. [h-w means hinted warrior] to decide what indexed text is the vul of (w - a warrior): choose row with fighter of w in table of warguys; decide on "[vuln entry]"; [decide on "[vuln entry]";] turbfirst is a truth state that varies. to decide which direction is the psgdir of (gu - a guardian): if gualoc of gu is not location of player: decide on the opposite of the guadir of gu; decide on the guadir of gu; gua-warn is a truth state that varies. to any-guardian-hint: let Z be north; if gua-warn is false: ital-say "in the Towers area, when multiple guardians are visible, I can only guess which you mean. You may wish to HINT (guardian) instead."; now gua-warn is true; if number of visible guardians is 1: try objhinting a random visible guardian; repeat with VG running through visible guardians: if psgdir of VG is north: try objhinting VG; continue the action; repeat with VG running through visible guardians: if psgdir of VG is east: try objhinting VG; continue the action; repeat with VG running through visible guardians: if psgdir of VG is south: try objhinting VG; continue the action; repeat with VG running through visible guardians: if psgdir of VG is west: try objhinting VG; continue the action; book otters-hinting to say current-mackiness: choose row mack-row in table of nasty guys; say "[adverb-to-say entry in upper case]"; carry out otters-hinting: if player is in Bleary Barley: if b-b is reflexive: try objhinting b-b instead; if Ed Riley is visible: try objhinting Ed Riley instead; all-say "You made a way west. You're done here." instead; if player is in fro: if Gretta is visible: try objhinting Gretta instead; all-say "You rescued Gretta Garett-Tatger. You're done here[if alcoves is unvisited], but you may want to try to go west[else if inhib is true], but you need to go north or south to regain your powers[end if]." instead; if player is in bran barn: if inhib is false: unless p-2 is reflexed: all-say "This area isn't critical since you've solved the loop pool, but it'll get extra points.[paragraph break]"; if althoughed is false: try objhinting mr-l instead; if p-2 is in bran barn: try objhinting p-2 instead; all-say "You recovered your powers, so there's nothing more to do here." instead; if player is in loop pool: if inhib is false: unless sea cube is in lalaland and eels are in lalaland: all-say "This area isn't critical since you've solved the bran barn, but it'll get extra points.[paragraph break]"; if sea cube is not in lalaland: try objhinting sea cube instead; if eels are not in lalaland: try objhinting eels instead; all-say "You recovered your powers, so there's nothing more to do here." instead; if player is in Anger Pit: if sly imp is visible: try objhinting sly imp instead; all-say "The path north is cleared[if number of reflexive animals in wire deck <= 1], and you've taken care of the wire deck, so you can probably retreat[else], and you still have work there[end if]." instead; if player is in Anteroom: if whiners are visible: try objhinting whiners instead; all-say "The path south is cleared[if number of animals in wire deck >= 3], and you've taken care of the preserve, so you can probably retreat[else], and you still have work there[end if]." instead; if player is in wickeder wire deck: if inhib is true: all-say "You need to get your powers back before you do anything. Look around [if fro is visited]the frontage[else]west of the barley[end if]." instead; if owls are visible: try objhinting owls instead; if number of visible reflexive animals > 1: if satyr is not reflexed: try objhinting satyr instead; if badger is not reflexed: try objhinting badger instead; if leopard is not reflexed: try objhinting leopard instead; if ocelots are not reflexed: try objhinting ocelots instead; all-say "[if number of visible reflexive animals is 1]You don't need to do anything with the [random visible reflexive animal], but you can.[else]You've got all the animals here on your side.[end if]" instead; if player is in perverse preserve: if inhib is true: all-say "You need to get your powers back before you do anything. Look around [if fro is visited]the frontage[else]west of the barley[end if]." instead; if raptor is visible: try objhinting raptor instead; if number of visible pre-animal things is 0: all-say "You've summoned all the animals here, so you can move on." instead; if number of visible pre-animal things is 1: all-say "You've summoned all you need to, though you can still do something with the [random visible pre-animal things]." instead; if nails are visible: try objhinting nails instead; if pines are visible: try objhinting pines instead; if corona are visible: try objhinting corona instead; if thrones are visible: try objhinting thrones instead; if player is in alcoves: if Merle is visible: try objhinting Merle instead; all-say "Your destiny awaits west. Hopefully you will have enough allies for the big fight." instead; if player is in Reclusion Inclosure: try objhinting Elvira instead; all-say "There seems to be nothing to do here." instead; to say to-make-ani: if number of pre-animal things > 0: let MY be a random visible pre-animal thing; choose row with the-from of MY in table of anagrams; say "The [MY] can become a [the-to entry].[line break]"; definition: a thing (called X) is pre-animal: if X is not visible, decide no; if X is corona or X is nails or X is thrones or X is pines, decide yes; decide no. to say right-adj of (anim - an animal): choose row with ani of anim in the table of animal-stuff; say "[adj-say entry in upper case]"; table of animal-stuff ani adj-say ocelots "coolest" leopard "paroled" badger "garbed" satyr "artsy" book other hinty commands - not for release chapter dbing dbing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "db" as something new. understand "db" as dbing. carry out dbing: if debug-state is false: say "Debug state is on now."; now debug-state is true instead; else: say "Debug state is off now."; now debug-state is false instead; volume parser abuse and other utilities book disambiguation rule for clarifying the parser's choice when discerning: do nothing. Rule for clarifying the parser's choice of super purse: do nothing. Rule for clarifying the parser's choice of Store Z: do nothing. rule for supplying a missing second noun while unlocking: now second noun is super purse. book after reading a command period-warned is a truth state that varies. ignore-transcript-nag is a truth state that varies. say-warn is a truth state that varies. scan-nag is a truth state that varies. block-north is a truth state that varies. long-sent-warn is a truth state that varies. yurt-plurtry is a truth state that varies. scanwith is a truth state that varies. after reading a command: let XX be indexed text; now block-north is false; [?! remove if fixed later. N during Z.Z.Z.Z is annoying] let XX be the player's command in lower case; change the text of the player's command to XX; if scan-nag is false and settler is visible: if the player's command includes "scanner": say "(Fourth wall dumb joke: the letters settler isn't a scanner made for canners. It's for text adventurers.)"; now scan-nag is true; if XX matches the regular expression "^(say|think|shout|speak|yell) ": if say-warn is false: say "If you want to say or think a magic word, you can just type it. So instead of SAY XYZZY, you can use the command XYZZY.[paragraph break]You can ASK someone ABOUT something, if you want to talk to them. So this game will snip SAY/THINK/SHOUT/SPEAK/YELL from the start of all future commands."; pad-rec "saying"; now say-warn is true; reject the player's command; say "(cutting off the trailing '[word number 1 in the player's command]')[line break]"; let XX be the player's command; replace the regular expression "^(say|think|shout|speak|yell) " in XX with ""; change the text of the player's command to XX; if XX matches the regular expression "scan.*with" and player has settler: if scanwith is false: ital-say "you don't need the prepostion WITH. You can just say SCAN, as the settler is the only item that can scan."; now scanwith is true; pad-rec-q "long commands"; replace the regular expression "with.*" in XX with ""; change the text of the player's command to XX; if the player's command matches the regular expression "^\p" or the player's command matches the regular expression "^<\*;>": if hint-to-file is true: append "COMMENT: [the player's command]" to the file of roilhints; if currently transcripting: say "Noted."; otherwise: if ignore-transcript-nag is false: say "You've made a comment-style command, but Transcript is off. Type TRANSCRIPT to turn it on, if you wish to make notes.[paragraph break]The long version of this nag will only appear once. You may press any key to continue."; wait for any key; now ignore-transcript-nag is true; else: say "(Comment not sent to transcript.)"; reject the player's command; if period-warned is false: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\.": say "Small warning--this shouldn't be a problem, but if you use periods to separate a command to do your magic, the parser will have problems. I couldn't find a way around it. Sorry. That said, normal commands will work okay.[wfak]"; now period-warned is true; if number of words in player's command is 5 and long-sent-warn is false: ital-say "you probably don't need more than four words per command. The most complex ones are PUT X ON Y or ASK X ABOUT Y, and a compound item like GIANT PIN can use GIANT or PIN. Adjectives usually aren't necessary, and GET ALL will never take anything harmful or lethal."; now long-sent-warn is true; pad-rec "long commands"; if word number 1 in player's command is "a": if ask-warn is false: say "Replacing 'a' with 'ask about.' Saying 'a' is not required for any puzzle."; now ask-warn is true; replace the regular expression "^a " in XX with "ask about"; change the text of the player's command to XX; d "Changing text to [XX]."; if mrlp is routes: if word number 1 in player's command is "go": unless word number 2 in player's command is "to": if go-warned is false: ital-say "you don't need to start a command with go in Routes. One word should be fine."; now go-warned is true; let XX be the player's command; replace the regular expression "^go " in XX with ""; change the text of the player's command to XX; repeat with QQ running through fungible things: if QQ is a the-from listed in the table of anagrams: if the player's command matches right-cmd entry: try fliptoing the-to entry; consider the notify score changes rule; [save-present-input;] consider the hint flags checkoff rule; consider the scam rule instead; if Gunter is off-stage and peephole is unexamined: if the player's command includes "Gunter": say "[if peephole is unexamined]Who?[else]Gunter's outside, but to interact meaningfully, you should open the door and let him in.[end if]" instead; if e-s is visible: if the player's command includes "presto": unless the player's command includes "test": say "Presto is the word you said to reveal the, er, spot." instead; if the player's command includes "tickle" and Elmo is in Basement: say "Really. This is a juvenile computer game, not a juvenile toy." instead; if player is in evoc-cove and the player's command includes "page": let XX be the player's command; replace the regular expression "page" in XX with ""; ital-say "you don't need to say PAGE, just give a number."; change the text of the player's command to XX; if the player's command includes "under": if number of words in the player's command > 1: if old giant is visible: if rude 'n nuder is visible: say "Truncating to one word."; change the text of the player's command to "under"; if player is in collapsed and ruby is in lalaland: if the player's command includes "ruby": say "Don't worry about the ruby[if haunter is in lalaland] or the haunter[else]. It's someone else's worry. Or someTHING's[end if]."; reject the player's command; if the player is in strip of profits: repeat through table of skipcmds: if word number 1 in the player's command is "[lastcmd entry]": if storedest entry is visible or portdest entry is visible: if storedest entry is store t: say "Sorry. I can't let you do that. But if you want to go back to the Dusty Study and ROVE OVER, that will work."; reject the player's command; if old-rel entry > 0: say "The [go-region of portdest entry] region for this final command may've changed since you last played, which is probably release [old-rel entry][if old-rel entry > 1] or earlier[end if]. Go ahead?"; if the player consents: do nothing; else: say "It'll be fun. And worth it. I hope!"; reject the player's command; say "You declare cleared [go-region of portdest entry] and watch [if portdest entry is visible][portdest entry][else][storedest entry][end if] dissolve."; if storedest entry is visible: reg-inc; now storedest entry is in lalaland; now portdest entry is in lalaland; now go-region of portdest entry is shortcircuited; see-about-patcher; reject the player's command; say "You already took care of [go-region of portdest entry]."; reject the player's command; if the player is in uaah and digger is off-stage: if the player's command includes "shovel": say "Hmm. No shovel yet. Or anything like it. Maybe you'll find one, though."; reject the player's command; if hydra-known is true and player is in alcoves and Inclosure is unvisited: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\b(hardy|hydra)\b": say "You don't want to THINK about taking on the hydra by yourself. You need something much bigger."; reject the player's command; if pirates are not plurtry: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\bpirate\b" and pirates are visible: now pirates are plurtry; ital-say "there are too many pirates, and they're too uniform in their uniforms, to examine just one. But you don't need to."; if natives are not plurtry: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\bnative\b" and natives are visible: now natives are plurtry; ital-say "there are too many natives to deal with one at a time."; if yurt-plurtry is false: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\byurt\b" and yurts are visible: now yurt-plurtry is true; ital-say "there are too many yurts, and they're too uniform, to examine just one. But you don't need to."; if deacons are not plurtry: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\bdeacon\b" and deacons are visible: now deacons are plurtry; ital-say "there are too many deacons, and they're too uniform, to examine just one. But you don't need to."; if diners are not plurtry: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\bdiner\b" and diners are visible: now diners are plurtry; ital-say "there are too many diners, and they're too uniform, to examine just one. But you don't need to."; if ingrates are not plurtry: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\bingrate\b" and ingrates are visible: now ingrates are plurtry; ital-say "there are too many ingrates, and they're too uniform, to examine just one. But you don't need to."; if the player's command matches the regular expression "\bsmell\b" and word number 1 in the player's command is not "smell": say "You can just type SMELL."; reject the player's command; if getall-warn is false: if the player's command matches the regular expression "\ball$": if the player's command matches the regular expression "^(get|take)": say "Multiple item-pull!"; now getall-warn is true; table of skipcmds lastcmd storedest portdest old-rel [old release is last one where this command worked] "through" store u routes-x 0 "between" store u routes-x 0 "bus" store p e-s 0 "sub" store p e-s 0 "debug" store p e-s 1 "redial" store y oyster-x 0 "destroy" store y oyster-x 1 "spectacular" store w towers-x 0 "decide" store v troves-x 0 "resign" store v troves-x 0 "quickly" store t otters-x -1 ask-warn is a truth state that varies. go-warned is a truth state that varies. definition: a thing (called xx) is fungible: if xx is held, yes; if xx is palm and xx is in dusty study, yes; if xx is visible, yes; no. volume end of story book listlisting liliing is an action applying to one number. lili0ing is an action applying to nothing. carry out lili0ing: carry out the showing list of lists activity instead; carry out liliing: let my-table be table of random books; let threshold be 40; if number understood is 0: try lili0ing instead; if number understood < 1 or number understood > number of rows in table of megachatter: say "Out of range. 1 through [number of rows in table of megachatter]. 0 shows list of all tracked." instead; now curlistnum is the number understood; choose row number understood in table of megachatter; say "[descr entry]:[paragraph break]"; if there is a maxbeforepause entry: now threshold is maxbeforepause entry; let cur-e be 0; now my-table is mytab entry; [?? what about last first] let jjk be descr entry; if there is a lasties entry: say "LAST: [lasties entry][paragraph break]"; else: say "No final entry."; repeat with ABC running from 1 to number of rows in my-table: if remainder after dividing cur-e by threshold is 0 and cur-e > 0: say "([cur-e] of [number of rows in my-table]) so far. Type q to quit the list or any other key to continue."; let cholet be the chosen letter; if cholet is 113 or cholet is 81: try-ln; the rule succeeds; say "[jjk] continued."; increment cur-e; say "[abc]. [if there is a prefix entry][prefix entry][end if][blurb in row abc of my-table][if there is a suffix entry][suffix entry][end if][line break]"; try-ln; if cur-e <= number of rows in my-table: say "Total elements = [number of rows in my-table]."; to show-ads: let county be 0; repeat through table of ad slogans: increment county; if remainder after dividing county by 40 is 0: say "[r]([county] of [number of rows in table of ad slogans]) so far. Type q to quit the list or any other key to continue."; let cholet be the chosen letter; if cholet is 113 or cholet is 81: try-ln; the rule succeeds; say "Continuing ads."; say "[if blare entry is true]One ad says: [end if][blurb entry][line break]"; ln-yet is a truth state that varies. to try-ln: if ln-yet is false: ital-say "LN shows the next list."; now ln-yet is true; book amusing table of big yucks reg-needed yux -- "KNOCK when Urgent Gunter knocks?" -- "KISSing Elvira?" -- "TICKLE ELMO?" -- "WAITing (Z) or not typing anything in a command a few times?" -- "READing all of the Dope Op-Ed? (It has far fewer entries than the random text)" -- "BURNING various things?" -- "SMELLing in various places?" -- "LISTENing in various places?" -- "Asking for a HINT in the Inclosure?" routes "Cursing twice in the Cleric Circle? Or once in the Cripple Clipper?" -- "[if routes is solved]Or[else]Cursing[end if] anywhere?" troves "SCANing the skyscraper before figuring what to do with the statue?" troves "Anagramming the astute STATUE?" presto "Calling the cola POP or SODA?" presto "Anagramming caffeine with the cola? Or the bad book in the shack, or the crust?" presto "Cursing, or anagramming cursing, anywhere in Presto?" oyster "Anagramming PLAINS in the plains?" others "Trying to get a mango twice in the Clearing?" table of anayux reg-needed yux do-i-print -- "MANOR:" a rule -- "making the plates or staple PASTEL, PLEATS or PETALS?" -- "PSALTER around the plaster/stapler?" troves "TROVES:" troves "BROOMED in Boredom Bedroom?" troves "ALED when you have the note from Dale?" troves "PERSIA when by the statue saying PRAISE?" troves "LSAT or ALTS around the salt?" troves "saying SNOG when you hear the song in Very Top?" troves "REDRAW by the reward drawer?" troves "STUB or BUTS by the tubs?" presto "PRESTO:" presto "ELO or EOL by Leo?" presto "ASSWHUP or WHUPASS when Leo and Rand are commiserating?" presto "SPAG or A GPS by the gasp-gaps in Burnt Brunt?" presto "IDKS or KIDS around the disk or skid?" presto "BAT by the keyboard's TBA key?" oyster "OYSTER:" oyster "Making a HORSE in Heros['] Shore?" oyster "Changing the canoe to an OCEAN?" oyster "CARET in the plains?" oyster "PALINS in the plains?" towers "TOWERS:" towers "DOPIEST or POSITED in the topside?" towers "PORIN or PORINS by the prison ropin's?" -- "OTTERS:" -- "SLAIN or AS NIL by the nails?" -- "(risque) saying SPINE around the pines? There's another one, too." -- "Trying to PROD IT or DROP IT in the Inclosure?" -- "Making Elvira ALIVER in the Inclosure?" others "OTHERS:" others "making GAPERS around the pagers or grapes?" others "SILT or SLIT around the list in the clearing?" -- "[italic type][bracket]NOTE: [super-rude].[roman type][close bracket]" presto-or-others rule presto "TARD while getting the dart in Presto/Burnt Brunt?" others "RETARD at the Tarred Trader, Red Rat Art Erd, in Others's Scape Space?" to say super-rude: if presto is not solved and others is not solved: say "you didn't get a chance to see two mean anagrams not recommended in real life--one is in PRESTO"; else: say "author does not advocate using the word[if presto is solved]s[end if] below in real life" this is the presto-or-others rule: if presto is solved or others is solved: the rule succeeds; the rule fails; to say 2dg of (rg - a region): if rg is not tickedoff: say "[eqls][rg][line break]"; if rg is towers and number of guardians not in lalaland > 1: say "[eqls][eqls]starting missed Towers guardians[line break]"; now rg is tickedoff; say "[2da]"; to say eqls: if screenread is false: say "========"; to say 2da: if screenread is false: say "--"; Rule for amusing a victorious player: say "Have you tried:[paragraph break]"; repeat through table of big yucks: if others is solved or there is no reg-needed entry or reg-needed entry is solved: say "[2da][yux entry][line break]"; say "[line break]Would you like to see a list of the least tedious non-game-critical anagram jokes?"; if the player consents: repeat through table of anayux: if others is solved or there is no reg-needed entry or reg-needed entry is solved: if there is no do-i-print entry: say "[2da][yux entry][line break]"; else: consider the do-i-print entry; if the rule succeeded: say "[2da][yux entry][line break]"; ital-say "you can see a full list if you grep/search for 'as a mistake' in the source[if-miss]."; to say if-miss: if others is not solved: say ", and also, solving the post-Elvira region will unlock a few more jokes[if should-prod-others], including in the regions you bypassed[end if]"; to decide whether should-prod-others: if presto is not solved, yes; if troves is not solved, yes; if routes is not solved, yes; if towers is not solved, yes; if oyster is not solved, yes; book what you missed section bogus activities [bogus activities] nrling about is an activity. [nextreglisting] putzing about is an activity. potzing around is an activity. potzing about is an activity. reging about is an activity. ddming is an activity. part real options Table of Final Question Options (continued) final question wording only if victorious topic final response rule final response activity "see ALTERNATE/ALT paths for mutually exclusive solutions" true "alt/alternate" -- showing alternate routes "check what you may've MISSED (minor spoilers) point-wise" true "missed" -- showing what the player missed -- false "l/list" -- potzing about -- false "n/ln/nl" -- putzing about -- false "la/lh/lm/lp/ls/lt/lu/lv/lw/ly" -- reging about -- false "nr/lr" -- nrling about "[one of]FORM (OF MR)[or](M OR F) FORM[in random order] to see where your sex matters" true "form" or "form of mr" or "m or f form" -- sexsorting "L(IST) to see random dialogues, etc., L(IST) (NUMBER) for a particular one, LN/NL for the next or L(store name) for one region, or LR for the region's next list" false "l/list [number]" -- potzing around "DEMO DOME MODE (director's cut)" false "demo/dome/mode" or "demo dome/mode" or "dome mode" or "demo dome mode" -- ddming sexsorting is an activity. rule for sexsorting: say "Here is what the game treats differently: (* = trivial)[line break]"; repeat through table of sexdif: say "--[examp entry][line break]"; table of sexdif [tsx] examp "(Not) making [if gates stage is unvisited]something in the first room in OTHERS[else]PAGERS in Rustic Citrus[end if]." "[bold type](general)[roman type] Dropping something." "Examining yourself." "[bold type](manor)[roman type] The note from Old Man Almond about the purse." "Ditching Gunter." "Many of the books (300+) have alternate authors. Many other random texts adjust for your gender, but books are the main one. Some names are switched, such as Abe/Bea, Dot/Tod, Tio/Toi, Tino/Toni, and Simeon/Simone." "One page of the dope op-ed is named differently." "The clues for the ramp are different, but the name Mr. Pa is still cringy either way. I hope it's the right sort of cringy." "[bold type](oyster)[roman type] The win-text for the OYSTER region." "[bold type](presto)[roman type] The plebe stops you a different way." "[bold type](routes)[roman type] Cursing in Cleric Circle." "Going a direction in Same Mesa." "[bold type](stores)[roman type] The hoarder says something different." "[bold type](towers)[roman type] The admirer reacts differently." "Examining the neural pulses." "Talking to the smart kid." "Trying to run through the ego drains." "[bold type](troves)[roman type] Reading DEAL." "When entering the FiefCo Office." "[bold type](otters)[roman type] KISSing the macks." "Elvira calls you (Ach,) Mr. Charm or Ms. Arch-Charms." "Interacting with the macks--talking, dispelling, attacking." "KISSing Elvira."[] "The win text." "[bold type](others)[roman type] The win-text for beating OTHERS[if gates stage is unvisited], the area you didn't visit yet[end if]." demo dome moding is an activity. rule for demo dome moding: fully resume the story; say "You stumble on a small museum chock full of meta-information about your quest."; move the player to Peek Keep; now all held things are in lalaland; the rule succeeds; nextlisting is an activity. curlistnum is a number that varies. rule for nextlisting: increment curlistnum; if curlistnum > number of rows in table of megachatter: say "(Cycling back to 1.)[line break]"; now curlistnum is 1; try liliing curlistnum; next-list-poke; nextreglisting is an activity. rule for nextreglisting: let initnum be curlistnum; increment curlistnum; if curlistnum > number of rows in table of megachatter: say "(Cycling back to 1.)[line break]"; now curlistnum is 1; choose row curlistnum in table of megachatter; while cur-reg is not whichreg entry: increment curlistnum; if curlistnum > number of rows in table of megachatter: say "(Cycling back to the top.)[line break]"; now curlistnum is 1; choose row curlistnum in table of megachatter; if initnum is curlistnum: say "There's only one list for [if cur-reg is lll]stuff in general[else][cur-reg]."; the rule succeeds; try liliing curlistnum; showing regional lists is an activity. megsort is a truth state that varies. to sort-meg: d "1."; if megsort is false: now megsort is true; sort table of megachatter in reverse table-size order; d "2."; table of regabr this-reg this-top lll "la" others "lh" manor "lm" presto "lp" stores "ls" otters "lt" routes "lu" troves "lv" towers "lw" oyster "ly" cur-reg is a region that varies. cur-reg is usually lll. rule for showing regional lists: let myrow be 0; if others is not solved and word number 1 in the player's command is "ly": say "I can't show you the list for Store H, yet. You haven't solved it."; the rule succeeds; repeat through table of regabr: if word number 1 in the player's command is "[this-top entry]": say "Here is a list of all the lists [if this-reg entry is lll]of universal text[else]for [this-reg entry][end if]."; now cur-reg is this-reg entry; sort-meg; repeat through table of megachatter: increment myrow; if there is a mytab entry: let nr be number of rows in mytab entry; if there is a lasties entry and number of characters in lasties entry > 2: increment nr; if there is a whichreg entry: if whichreg entry is cur-reg: say "[myrow]. [descr entry] ([nr] anagrams)[line break]"; else if region is lll and whichreg entry is cur-reg: say "[myrow]. Undos[line break]"; say "You can type LR to see the next list in your current region."; the rule succeeds; say "To specify a region, you need to say la/lh/lm/lp/lt/lu/lv/lw/ly. The second letter refers to the store that leads to the region."; showing list of lists is an activity. rule for showing list of lists: let myrow be 0; let nr be 0; say "Here is a list of all the lists of random anagrams. If you did not visit a region, no spoilers are contained here. Pick a number to see which one, or LN lets you see the next. "; ital-say "the distribution of list sizes (numbers or bytes) approximately obeys Benford's and Zipf's Law, which I think is very cool. Both the laws, and that the lists obey them."; sort-meg; repeat through table of megachatter: increment myrow; if there is a mytab entry: now nr is number of rows in mytab entry; else: now nr is 16; [undos] if there is a lasties entry and number of characters in lasties entry > 2: increment nr; if this-reg entry is others and others is unsolved: say "[myrow]. (REDACTED) (for OTHERS)[line break]"; say "[myrow]. [descr entry] ([nr] anagrams)[line break]"; if the remainder after dividing myrow by 20 is 0: say ""; let cholet be the chosen letter; if cholet is 113 or cholet is 81: say "By the way, you can list a region's random text with, say, LM for manor, LY for oyster, etc."; the rule succeeds; say "By the way, you can list a region's random text with, say, LM for manor, LY for oyster, etc."; next-list-poke; listpoke is a truth state that varies. to next-list-poke: if listpoke is false: ital-say "you can see the next list if you type N, NL or LN"; now listpoke is true; showing a list is an activity. rule for showing a list: try liliing the number understood instead; showing alternate routes is an activity. to say remap-unset: say "[if remapped is true]UNSET the tunes[else]REMAP the perma-amper[end if]"; rule for showing alternate routes: say "[line break]You may've figured some or even all of these alternate paths out. But here is a list, to check off. The manor has no mutually exclusive solutions, and Presto only has one alternative, for the hoop. This list overlaps very little with the MISSED list which shows actual points missed."; d "[list of solved regions]."; if routes is solved: say "[eqls]ROUTES[line break]"; say "[2da]you could've gone [if misted is true]AMIDST[else]ABOARD[end if] in Ripe Pier."; say "[2da]you could've looked [if behinded is true]WITHIN[else]BEHIND[end if] on the Cripple Clipper."; say "[2da]you could've gone [if thor is reflexed]BETWEEN[else]THROUGH[end if] after finding the button on the Cripple Clipper."; if troves is solved: say "[eqls]TROVES[line break]"; say "[2da]you could've [if derived is true]DERIVE[else]RECALLe[end if]d to figure the cellar's location, too."; say "[2da]you could've [if decide-win is true]DECIDE[else]RESIGNe[end if]d in FiefCo Office, too."; if presto is solved: if phooeyed is true: say "[eqls]PRESTO[line break][2da]you could've said POOH instead of PHOOEY, which would've meant one less point."; say "[eqls]there were other possible bad books in the shack. They are: [list of off-stage badbooks]."; if oyster is solved: say "[eqls]OYSTER[line break]"; if pill-warned is false: say "[2da]you didn't need to do anything with the pills in the Posh Hops Shop, but you could've tried to SPILL them to bypass a puzzle."; say "[2da][remaining-actions of 2] would also have annoyed Posh Hops Shop patrons[if tunes are reflexed], and you could've also tried to[remap-unset][end if]."; if boats are in shore: say "[2da]you could've tried to BOAST to get the boats['] attention, then LEAP."; else: say "[2da]you could've tried to [if raft is reflexive]FART on the raft, then [end if]SOAR to use the oars."; say "[2da]you could've tried to [if spikes is true]SCRAP with the carps[else]SPIKE the pikes[end if] to rescue Tortu."; if end den is unvisited: say "[2da]you actually missed the End Den in the Horned Hedron, because you examined the gleaner before entering the portal. Don't worry about going back. There was nothing there."; if towers is solved: say "[eqls]TOWERS[line break]"; if reed's ale is in lalaland: say "[2da]you could've also [if rese is true]RELEASED[else]RESEALED[end if] the Reed's Ale guy and given him a different outlook on life."; if natives are in lalaland: say "[2da]you could've also made the natives [if naiv-nat is true]VAINEST[else]NAIVEST[end if] to uproot them."; say "[2da][if turbos are reflexed and blaster is reflexed]If you'd only half-repaired the jetskis, you'd have been kicked to the Rawest Waters, where you'd have needed to make the Eastern shore NEAREST[else if turbos are reflexed]you'd have passed Rawest Waters if you'd have made the blaster STABLER[else]you'd have passed Rawest Waters if you'd have made the turbos ROBUST[end if]."; if bredo is in lalaland: say "[2da]Bredo could've become [if bredo-bored is true]ROBED[else]BORED[instead]."; if otters is solved: say "[eqls]OTTERS[line break]"; say "[2da]there were a lot of other ways you could've made the macks act: [how-macks]."; say "[2da]you could've made the imp act [if imp1 is reflexive]ANGRILY[else if imp2 is reflexive]BRUTELY[else]ENRAGEDLY[end if], and the whiners could've acted [if ram1 is reflexive]LOATHINGLY[else if ram2 is reflexive]STOICALLY[else]TERSELY[end if]."; if others is solved: say "[eqls]OTHERS[line break]"; say "[2da]you only needed two ways to work the passport. The other was to [if viewer is reflexive]REVIEW the viewer[else if searcher is reflexive]RESEARCH the searcher[else]PREP after you are called a perp[end if]." to say how-macks: let got-yet be false; repeat through table of nasty guys: say "[unless got-yet is true], [end if]"; if still-doable entry is true: say "[adverb-to-say entry in upper case]"; now got-yet is true; else if adverb-to-say entry is "tediously": if lecturer is in lalaland: say "TEDIOUSLY(but you sort of did that to the lecturer)"; now got-yet is true; else if adverb-to-say entry is "irately": say "[if irately is true]TEARILY instead of IRATELY[else]IRATELY instead of TEARILY[end if]"; now got-yet is true; showing what the player missed is an activity. to say remaining-actions of (fd - a number): [remaining actions minus FD] let poshact be a list of text; if tumblers are not in lalaland: add "SPIT" to poshact; if stein is not in lalaland: add "INSET" to poshact; if capers is not in lalaland: add "SCRAPE" to poshact; if gins sign is not reflexed: add "SING" to poshact; if tunes are reflexed: add "UNSET/REMAP" to poshact; sort poshact in random order; if fd > 0: while number of entries in poshact > fd: remove entry fd from poshact, if present; repeat with mytemp running from 1 to number of entries in poshact: if mytemp is number of entries in poshact: say "or [entry mytemp in poshact]"; else: say "[entry mytemp in poshact][if mytemp is not number of entries in poshact - 1],[end if] "; to say comcyc: say "[one of], [or], [or][cycling]"; doublecheat is a truth state that varies. to say d-then: if doublecheat is true: say "DERAIL then "; if lev-pull is false: say "pull the lever then "; to say how-pills-used: say "[2da]instead of using the pills, you could've tried to [if cheated-guy is prod]DROP the prod[else if cheated-guy is eeks]SEEK the eeks[else if cheated-guy is yapper]PREPAY the yapper[else if cheated-guy is trout]TUTOR the trout[else if cheated-guy is ant]TAN the ant[else if cheated-guy is waste]SWEAT over the waste[else if cheated-guy is knob]BONK the knob[else if cheated-guy is skis]KISS the skis[else if cheated-guy is crate]TRACE the crate[else if cheated-guy is rude door]REACT to the next crate[else if cheated-guy is a-s]SEARCH the arches[else if cheated-guy is trolls]STROLL after [remaining-actions of 0][else if cheated-guy is carps]SCRAP or SPIKE the carps/pikes[else if cheated-guy is clam]CALM the clam[else if cheated-guy is boats]BOAST to get over the river[else if cheated-guy is sardine]WARP the wrap around the sardine[else if cheated-guy is trout]TUTOR the trout[else if cheated-guy is tubs]BUST the tubs[else if cheated-guy is ruby]BURY the ruby[else if cheated-guy is o-t]PATROL for the portal[else if cheated-guy is dialer][d-then]REDIAL the dialer[else if cheated-guy is lance]CLEAN the lance[else]...oops, I left something out for [the cheated-guy]. Sorry[end if]" a region can be tickedoff. a region is usually not tickedoff. to say 2dmiss of (cr2 - a region): now anything-missed is true; say "[2dg of cr2]"; anything-missed is a truth state that varies. rule for showing what the player missed: [there may be a way to do things without all this if you could read through a table] let cur-reg be Roman Manor; now anything-missed is false; say "An all-feat leaflet flutters over the fourth wall."; now all regions are not tickedoff; now anything-missed is false; if giant pin is in dusty study: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the giant pin could've become a PAINTING."; if t-b is in dusty study: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the ten beams into a BASEMENT."; if tables are in dusty study: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the tables into a STABLE to unlock an alternate way/puzzle to the basement."; else if sitar is in stable: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've changed the [if stable is visited]sitar in the stable/[end if]stria in the basement into a STAIR."; if niche is in dusty study: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've changed 'my niche' into a CHIMNEY."; else if pram is in heights: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've changed the pram into a RAMP."; if basement-backpedal is true: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you missed two points by tracking back to the study to zap the ten beams."; now cur-reg is routes; if routes is solved: if worst ad is in same mesa: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to go TOWARDS the worst ad."; now cur-reg is troves; if troves is solved: if Pa Egg Pea is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to GAPE at Pa, Egg, Pea, by Peg A. Page."; if what-a-bee is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to BELIEVE you could get past the evil bee, too."; if bee's head is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to REASON your way past the (so-near) bee, too."; if lager is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to GLARE at the Lager."; if rivets are reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to STRIVE by the statue of Trevis Vister."; if prai is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to ASPIRE for praise by the statue of Trevis Vister."; if stream is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to MASTER the stream photograph."; if lobster is in FiefCo Office: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to BOLSTER yourself to deserve lobster."; if DIVORCES is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to DISCOVER something about DIVORCES magazine."; now cur-reg is presto; if presto is solved: if lamb is in Grey Gyre: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've shouted BLAM at the lamb."; if phooeyed is false: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've gotten a style point for saying PHOOEY instead of POOH."; if rom sticks are off-stage: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the trim socks could've become ROM STICKS."; if t-key is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the TBA key a TAB key."; if casserole is off-stage: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the escaroles a CASSEROLE."; else if casserole is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've gone south from Burnt Brunt to invite Leo and Rand, once the yak was on the skid."; now cur-reg is oyster; if oyster is solved: if you-used-pills is true: say "[how-pills-used]."; if number of entries in marcitems > 2: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg][remaining-actions of 2]."; else if oars are reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've used the oars to SOAR."; if cans are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to SCAN the cans."; if dent is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've stopped to TEND the dent in Aunt Tuna's reward drawer."; if heaps are reflexive and heaps are in uaah: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've stopped to SHAPE the heaps to beautify the hut."; if lever is not reflexed: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've stopped to REVEL before flipping the LEVER."; if wipes are on reward drawer: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to SWIPE the wipes at Aunt Tuna's to start a side quest."; else if waste is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to SWEAT to remove the waste."; else if lance is not cleaned: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to CLEAN the lance."; else if Scum Ant Sanctum is visited and ant is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to TAN the ant."; else if ant is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you passed by the side-quest to TAN the ant in the scum ant sanctum."; if splained is false: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you missed a chance to SPLAIN in the plains, at any time during the door-open puzzle."; now cur-reg is towers; if Towers is solved: if number of guardians not in lalaland > 0: repeat with gua running through guardians not in lalaland: choose row with the-from of gua in table of anagrams; let rm2 be gualoc of gua; now rm2 is the room guadir of gua from rm2; say "[2dmiss of cur-reg][the gua] ([gualoc of gua]/[rm2]) could've become [if the-from entry is reed's ale]RELEASED or RESEALED[else][right-word entry in upper case][end if]."; if number of guardians not in lalaland > 1: say "(that's all for the guardians)[line break]"; if strudel is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the strudel could've become RUSTLED."; if pulses are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the neural pulses in the Unblest Sunbelt could've become UNREAL."; if old ice are not reflexed: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the old ice in the Baldest Blasted Saltbed could've become COILED."; if denim is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the denim in Savager Ravages could've been MINED."; if saver is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the REPLAY PLAYER letters on the saver could've become PEARLY."; if crocus is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the succor crocus DINGY to stop it dying."; if serpent is in limits: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the serpent PRESENT and maybe saved the fellow who died happy."; else if ed yerg is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made Ed Yerg in the Solo Den behind the serpent GREYED."; else if flowerpot is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've given Ed Yerg the flowerpot, though that would only give you a few hints."; if number of pinko warriors > 0: repeat with pk running through pinko warriors: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg][pk][one of], whom you left in the Trefoil,[or], also left,[stopping] could've been [vul of pk in upper case]."; now cur-reg is otters; if otters is solved: if cinders are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to DISCERN the cinders or even RESCIND them."; else if rescind-cinders is false: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to RESCIND the cinders."; if eels are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've [if sea cube is not in lalaland]said BECAUSE to dissolve the sea cube, then [end if]said ELSE to gain the eels['] trust."; if p-2 is not reflexed: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've [if ghoul hat is not in lalaland]said ALTHOUGH to dissolve the ghoul hat, then [end if]said HOWEVER to gain Mr. Lee's trust."; if Merle is reflexive: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've been all 'HONESTLY?' at Merle and Elmer."; if number of flippable things in perverse preserve > 0: repeat with A running through flippable things in perverse preserve: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've turned the [A] into [if A is plural-named]some[else]a[end if] [the-to corresponding to a the-from of A in the table of anagrams]."; if number of reflexive animals in wire deck > 0: repeat with A running through flippable things in wire deck: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've changed the [A] to be [right-adj of A]."; now cur-reg is others; if others is solved: if spear is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the spear could've become pears."; if lumps are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the lumps could've become plums."; if mad train is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the mad train could've become a tamarind."; if harmonicas are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the harmonicas could've become maraschino cherries."; if grapes are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the pagers could've become grapes."; else: if barren cries are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the barren cries could've become cranberries."; if drinks stand is unexamined: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've examined the drinks stand to find more pre-fruits."; else: if eerie blurbs are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the eerie blurbs could've become blueberries."; if slime is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the slime could've become limes."; if peanut cola is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the peanut cola could've become a cantaloupe."; if mopeage rant is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the mopeage rant et al could've become a pomegranate."; if apples is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the ESP PAL shirt could've become apples."; if riot cap is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the riot cap could've become an apricot."; if sorer bogey is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the sorer bogey could've become a gooseberry."; if rapt figure is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the rapt figure could've become a grapefruit."; if barber sickle is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the barber sickle could've become blackberries."; if pryer bars are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the pryer bars could've become a raspberry."; if ppf is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the pipe panel fence could've become a pineapple."; if b-w are not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the barriers west could've become strawberries."; if barren cries are off-stage and briar screen is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]the briar screen could've become cranberries."; if lemons are not in lalaland or melons are not in lalaland: [clearing] say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've looked SOLEMN to get [if lemons are in clearing]lemons and [end if]melons."; if mango is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've listened to the 'go, man' voice to go AMONG the clearing."; if peach is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've gotten the peach CHEAP."; if l-o-p is not reflexed: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've said CRIPES at the prices."; if tangerine is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've noted the tangerine was ARGENTINE."; if nectarine is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the nectarine ANCIENTER."; if orange is not in lalaland: [mr ice] say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to GO NEAR to get the orange in the Scape Space."; if banana is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've tried to NAB AN A for a banana in the Scape Space."; if pugnacious plant is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the plant in the Scape Space RHUBARB."; if reserved sign is not in lalaland: say "[2dmiss of cur-reg]you could've made the reserved sign in the Scape Space REVERSED."; if number of bypassed regions > 0: say "[2dg of cur-reg]Next time, you can maybe try the [list of bypassed regions] region[if number of bypassed regions > 1]s[end if]." instead; if anything-missed is false: say "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU FOUND EVERYTHING is written on it, with confetti drawn all around, too[one of][or]. It just doesn't get old, looking at it. Hey, you deserve to feel good[stopping]."; book mistakes chapter parser errors Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the nothing to do error: say "Nothing is small or mobile or valuable enough to take here." instead; Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the not a verb I recognise error: say "[reject]"; Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the didn't understand error: if player has wrap: if the player's command matches "\b(wrap|bubble)\b": say "Hm, maybe that's not quite what to do with the wrap. As fun as it'd be to pop all those bubbles one by one, you may need to just rip them all up at once."; the rule succeeds; repeat through table of anagrams: [?????] if the player's command matches right-cmd entry: if the-from entry is fungible: try fliptoing the-to entry; consider the notify score changes rule; consider the hint flags checkoff rule; consider the scam rule instead; if player is in Den Loft and yapper is not in Den Loft: unless hash of the player's command is 501914680 or hash of the player's command is 335153504: say "You can probably just say what you need to do with the dialer." instead; say "[reject]"; Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the noun did not make sense in that context error: if the player's command matches the regular expression "^hint": say "That's not something in this region."; else if the player's command matches the regular expression "^(gt|go to)": say "That's not a room or place I recognize."; else: say "That noun isn't in this game." Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the can't see any such thing error: if location of player is study and study is dark: if the player's command includes "palm": say "Hmm. It's not useful in its present state. You think back to how you changed that toga into a goat just by saying 'goat.' Maybe you can do something like that, again." instead; say "You can't see much of anything here, and if you stumble around, that [i]palm[r] might poke your eye out." instead; if the player's command matches the regular expression "^go": say "That isn't a recognized way to go. You can GO TO (room, person or thing you visited), or you can use old-fashioned text adventure directions. For instance, [if tables are in lalaland]GO IN or IN or GO TO STABLE[else if t-b are in lalaland]GO DOWN or GO TO BASEMENT[else]GO TO STUDY or GO UP/IN/DOWN[end if]." instead; if the player has the rigged digger: if the player's command includes "prod": say "It's a digger, now." instead; say "[if location of player is dark]You can't locate that in the dark, if it's there[otherwise]Nothing unusual like that around here[if-enter][end if]." instead; to say if-enter: if word number 1 in the player's command is "enter": say "--you may want to use a direction, instead"; Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the only understood as far as error: if player is in treasure: if ye hoop is in treasure: if word number 1 in the player's command is "jump": if the player's command includes "wall": say "You think about jumping off the wall, but you wonder if that'd just be violating something sacred, and you might get zapped for that. You need a way to say, the heck with that." instead; say "That's maybe not how to jump to reach Ye Hoop. Maybe you sort of need to jump a certain way to get there, and not care how." instead; say "I understood the first word, but it can just stand on its own as a verb. If you were trying to do something tricky with it, you shouldn't need to. So just '[word number 1 in the player's command]' should work."; pardons is a truth state that varies. Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the I beg your pardon error: now pardons is true; say "[randbla][line break]"; now pardons is false; chapter troves understand "alts" as a mistake ("There are no alts. You must become worth your salt.") when salt is visible understand "slat" as a mistake ("You're not in the window making business.") when salt is visible understand "lsat" as a mistake ("Oh dear. Is a standardized lawyers['] aptitude test really less tedious than this? Well, I guess both have a lot of logic chopping. Ouch.") when salt is visible understand "alger" as a mistake ("What would an Alger hero DO to such foul spirits as the lager, though?") when lager is visible chapter otters understand "penis" as a mistake ("[one of]Huh huh huh, Beavis. That was cool[or]Dammit, Beavis. You like have a game to solve[stopping].") when pines are visible or snipe is visible understand "spine" as a mistake ("You don't need to grow a spine. You've gotten this far.") when pines are visible or snipe is visible chapter oyster understand "odor" as a mistake ("The door kind of stinks as a semi-living entity, and anyway, the reverse of this puzzle happened last game.") when rude door is visible. understand "rood" as a mistake ("The door's already rood. I mean rude. Try seeing what's around it, instead.") when rude door is visible. understand "rued" as a mistake ("You can't have rued the door until you've got beyond it. Try seeing what's around it, instead.") when rude door is visible. understand "bury [text]" as a mistake ("Nothing worth burying.") when player has digger and ruby is off-stage. chapter presto understand "asswhup" as a mistake ("[if Leo is eager and Rand is eager]They're on your side. And violence isn't how to get rid of them.[else if Leo is washed up or Rand is washed up]You don't exactly have a physical advantage here.[otherwise]No chance.[end if]") when Leo is visible understand "whupass" as a mistake ("[if Leo is eager and Rand is eager]They're on your side. And violence isn't how to get rid of them.[else if Leo is washed up or Rand is washed up]It's time for something more cordial than whupass. Besides, you have no can to put said hypothetical whupass in, and you won't find one. Not even in the dumpster.[otherwise]Leo and Rand won't give you the time to look in the dumpster for a spare can to put it in.[end if]") when Leo is visible understand "pop" as a mistake ("It's certainly not pop. Which you couldn't do much with, except get down with OPP, and this isn't that sort of game.") when dirty looking cola is visible. understand "soda" as a mistake ("Don't be a sod. It's cola. It has to be.") when dirty looking cola is visible. [placed above the not-for-release since I want this visible] volume epilogue jazz Include (- [ ASK_FINAL_QUESTION_R; print "^"; (+ escape mode +) = false; while ((+ escape mode +) == false) { CarryOutActivity(DEALING_WITH_FINAL_QUESTION_ACT); DivideParagraphPoint(); } ]; -) instead of "Ask The Final Question Rule" in "OrderOfPlay.i6t". The escape mode is a truth state that varies. To fully resume the story: sort table of megachatter in init-order order; resume the story; now escape mode is true; now otters is solved; now last-solved-region is otters; clear the screen; say paragraph break. Table of Final Question Options (continued) final question wording only if victorious topic final response rule final response activity "see what's behind STORE H" true "store h" epilogue rule -- This is the epilogue rule: fully resume the story; say "The animals escort you back to the Strip of Profits."; clean-for-roving; volume stubs chapter cting [* c=t=cheat=teach=push tcb/cheat button] cting is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "c/t/cheat/teach" as something new. understand "c" and "t" and "cheat" and "teach" as cting. understand "cheat on/off" and "teach on/off" as a mistake ("Just type c/t or cheat/teach to toggle. Note: settler is currently in [unless cheat-on is true]non-[end if]cheat mode.") when player has settler. carry out cting: if settler is not visible: say "[reject]" instead; try pushing tcb instead; chapter spaceoning [* SPACE ON should allow spaces to be on] setspace is a truth state that varies. spaceoning is an action out of world. understand the commands "spaceon/son" and "space on" as something new. understand "spaceon" and "son" and "space on" as spaceoning. carry out spaceoning: say "[if setspace is true]Spaces are already[else]Now spaces are[end if] on."; now setspace is true; the rule succeeds; chapter nospaceing [* NO SPACE should force spaces off--unless you are in accessibility mode] nospaceing is an action out of world. understand the commands "nospace/nos" and "no space" as something new. understand "nospace" and "nos" and "no space" as nospaceing. carry out nospaceing: if screenread is true: say "No space mode is very problematic with a screen reader, so I have disabled your ability to do so. You can turn screen reading off with ACCESS, if you want." instead; say "[if setspace is false]Spaces are already[else]Now spaces are[end if] off."; now setspace is false; the rule succeeds; chapter ssing [* SS scans an object forcing no-cheat mode] ssing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "ss" as something new. understand "ss" as ssing. understand the command "shake" as something new. understand "shake [thing]" as ss0ing. ss0ing is an action applying to one thing. carry out ss0ing: if noun is not settler: say "That doesn't really work." instead; try ssing instead; carry out ssing: if settler is not visible: say "[reject]" instead; try switching on the settler instead; chapter sying [* SY scans an object forcing no-cheat mode] sying is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "sy [something]" as something new. understand "sy [something]" as sying. carry out sying: if player does not have settler and settler is visible: try taking settler; if player does not have settler: say "You need the settler for this shortcut." instead; now cheat-on is false; now squee is false; try scaning noun; if squee was true: say "You reset the equals sign."; now squee is true; if cheat-on was true: say "You reset the cheat/teach button."; now cheat-on is true; the rule succeeds. chapter sning [* SN scans an object forcing no-cheat mode] sning is an action applying to one thing. understand the command "sn [something]" as something new. understand "sn [something]" as sning. carry out sning: if player does not have settler and settler is visible: try taking settler; if player does not have settler: say "You need the settler for this shortcut." instead; now cheat-on is false; now squee is false; try scaning noun; if squee was true: say "You reset the equals sign."; now squee is true; if cheat-on was false: say "You re-unset the cheat/teach button."; now cheat-on is true; the rule succeeds; chapter laing [* LA looks at the last thing scanned. It should not be relevant unless you are vision impaired. ] last-scanned-thing is a thing that varies. scanlasting is an action out of world. understand the command "la" as something new. understand "la" as scanlasting. carry out scanlasting: if last-scanned-thing is yourself or last-scanned-thing is nothing: say "You haven't successfully scanned anything yet." instead; say "The [last-scanned-thing][if last-scanned-thing is in lalaland], which are now out of play,[end if] scanned [full-monty of last-scanned-thing]." instead; volume beta testing - not for release section instructions [* this is a simple list of instructions cluing a5 hintvis and ts] when play begins: say "NOTE: utterly imperative to comment out volume beta testing section before releasing this game."; say "Here is a list of Beta Testing commands that will facilitate passage through:[paragraph break]--a5 moves you to the Strip of Profits, solving all but Otters.[line break]--hintvis hints everything visible[line break]--ts jumps you to the Strip of Profits, with the patcher etc.[line break]blaa talks about a generic subject."; book cheatage [* this book lets the beta-tester skip over boring bits ] chapter anging [* this lets you skip over the macks] anging is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "ang" as something new. understand "ang" as anging. carry out anging: now macked-out is 2; move player to fro; say "==CHEATING TO DEFEAT MACKS"; process-macks; the rule succeeds; chapter blaaing [* BLAA lets you churn through subjects and things to ask visible people about ] blaaing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "blaa" as something new. understand "blaa" as blaaing. carry out blaaing: let this-guy be false; say "=================default general blather[line break]"; repeat with pe running through people: now this-guy is false; repeat through table of default-gen-blather: if pe is default-talker entry: say "[pe]: [gen-blah entry][line break]"; now this-guy is true; if this-guy is false: say "[pe] has nothing to say!"; let found-chat be false; say "=================asking visibles about random stuff, the hydra and themselves[line break]"; repeat with pe running through visible people: if pe is not the player: now found-chat is true; say "[pe] about random stuff:"; try asking pe about "mumblety-peg"; say "[pe] about hydra:"; try objasking pe about hydra; say "[pe] about [pe]:"; try objasking pe about pe; now found-chat is true; if found-chat is false: say "Oops, nobody around."; the rule succeeds; chapter tsing [* TS starts you out with nice toys, at the strip with the purse/settler/notepad] tsing is an action out of world. understand the command "ts" as something new. understand "ts" as tsing. carry out tsing: move player to Strip of Profits; now player has the super purse; now player has the letters settler; now player has the pedanto-notepad; now manor is solved; say "I gave you the purse, settler, and notepad."; the rule succeeds; chapter chating [* CHAT is a debug command that lets the player jump to the chats with Gunter, Elmo and Elvira] chating is an action out of world. understand the command "chat" as something new. understand "chat" as chating. ramabits is a list of thing variable. ramabits is { farm plot, platform, event map, pavement, brass crag, crabgrass, pedestal, steel pad } carry out chating: if player is not in study: say "Too late...restart." instead; now do-i-chat is true; now player has lamp; now player has settler; repeat with ram running through ramabits: now ram is ncscanned; now ram is cscanned; try opening side door; now player has whistle; now adjsolve is 4; now nounsolve is 4; now player wears medals; the rule succeeds; chapter a5ing [* a5 allows you to solve everything except OTTERS] a5ing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "a5" as something new. understand "a5" as a5ing. carry out a5ing: now roman manor is solved; now store k is in lalaland; now store n is in lalaland; now presto is solved; now troves is solved; now routes is solved; now towers is solved; now oyster is solved; now store p is in lalaland; now store u is in lalaland; now store v is in lalaland; now store w is in lalaland; now store y is in lalaland; now e-s is in lalaland; now routes-x is in lalaland; now troves-x is in lalaland; now towers-x is in lalaland; now oyster-x is in lalaland; say "Beeep. All pre-Otters areas solved. You may now proceed to OTTERS. I also gave you the settler and purse and notepad, in case."; repeat with MI running through held things: if MI is not warpable: now MI is in lalaland; now lreg of MI is mrlp; now player has settler; now player has purse; now player has pedanto-notepad; move player to Strip of Profits; try fliptoing otters-x instead; chapter hfing [* HF allows you to export hints to roilhints.glksave ] hfing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "hf" as something new. understand "hf" as hfing. carry out hfing: if hint-to-file is false: say "Hint to file on, exported to roilhints.glksave[if hint-to-file is false]. Type HD to get full hints each move[end if]."; append "==================starting hint debug session[paragraph break]" to the file of roilhints; now hint-to-file is true; otherwise: say "Hint to file off."; append "==================ending hint debug session[paragraph break]" to the file of roilhints; now hint-to-file is false; the rule succeeds; chapter hding [* HD shows all hints every move. Testers should use HF.] hding is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "hd" as something new. understand "hd" as hding. carry out hding: if hint-to-display is false: say "Now showing full hints with the game. Not recommended for testers--use hf instead."; now hint-to-display is true; otherwise: say "Hint display off."; now hint-to-display is false; the rule succeeds; chapter waring [* WAR moves you and all warriors to the Liar Lair] Liar Lair is a room in lll. "This is a room used for testing." awaing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "war" as something new. understand "war" as awaing. carry out awaing: now all warriors are in Liar Lair; now player has settler; move player to Liar Lair; the rule succeeds; chapter hintvising [* this hints everything visible. It is trumped by hintall but may be useful to the beta tester. ] hintvising is an action out of world. understand the command "hintvis" as something new. understand "hintvis" as hintvising. carry out hintvising: repeat with VTH running through all visible things: if VTH is vishintable: all-say "Hinting [VTH]: "; try objhinting VTH; the rule succeeds; definition: a thing (called VT) is vishintable: if VT is publically-named, decide yes; if VT is unscannable, decide no; decide yes; chapter endgameing [* ENDGAME tests the endgame] end-jump is a truth state that varies. endgameing is an action applying to one topic. understand the command "endgame [text]" as something new. understand "endgame [text]" as endgameing. carry out endgameing: let temp be 0; now manor is solved; if end-jump is true or the player's command matches the regular expression "p": increment temp; now presto is solved; if end-jump is true or the player's command matches the regular expression "u": increment temp; now routes is solved; if end-jump is true or the player's command matches the regular expression "v": increment temp; now troves is solved; if end-jump is true or the player's command matches the regular expression "w": increment temp; now towers is solved; if end-jump is true or the player's command matches the regular expression "y": increment temp; now oyster is solved; now end-jump is false; move player to gates stage; now player has passport; now no-tip is true; say "Okay, you need to do 2 of 3 of RESEARCH/REVIEW/PREP."; the rule succeeds; egalling is an action out of world. understand the command "endgame" as something new. understand "endgame" as egalling. carry out egalling: now end-jump is true; try endgameing; the rule succeeds; volume testing - not for release book basic tests [* this is simply stuff to make sure features work. Test NOUNS to see nouns.] chapter oddverbs [* this tests retry, for starters] test rtr with "ts/presto/in/s/drat/rats/retry/in" chapter randtext [* this tests all possibilities of random text, by region] test twi with "lamp/x shelf/db/open door/1/4/4/4/4/4/lamp/x trash/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/d/staple/stapler/put staple in stapler/ts/troves/in/x pa/gonear office/ignore/bolster/last/resign/otwin/deeply/quickly/w/7/play whistle" test rand-i with "cap 3/x bookshelf/g/g/g/g/g/g/attack it/g/g/g/lamp/open door/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/2/lamp/x art/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/hint/n/shit/g/g/g/x ads/g/g/g/listen/g/g/g/basement/d/satchel/x settler/in/flier/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1/8/8/8/10/10/staple/stapler/staple wall/z/z/z/z/////in" test rand-sto with "tokers/nestor/enter smoke/z/z/z/z/x ian/g/g/g/outside" test rand-p with "blam/s/rats/drat/s/ole/darn/z/z/z/z/whassup/n/n/umph/phooey/e/bleep/e/bingo/put dart in gun/w/n/mazeltov/there/n/syke/tough/later/n/x catechism/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/retry" test rand-r with "past/ask pat about food/g/g/despite/out/across/opposite/out/inside/out/in/out/in/out/in/out/in/z/z/z/z/x pious/y/x pious/g/g/g/retry" test rand-v with "z/z/z/z/x ethics/g/g/g/hate/care/l/l/l/l/observe/spot/reason/believe/recall/glare/gape/deal/x brochure/g/g/g/desire/aspire/strive/ponder/ignore/x desk/g/g/g/x sked/g/g/g/bolster/master/last/x divorces/g/g/g/discover/last/decide/y" test rand-y with "ask casper about xyz/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/sing/inset/remap/stroll/calm/run/boast/leap/z/z/z/z/z/z/z/z/spike/e/scan cans/seek/ask tuna about tuna/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/tutor/eat/w/w/warp/search/n/x theses/g/g/g/retry" test rand-w with "z/z/z/z/gonear sled rut/docile/n/rinsed/e/himself/n/sewed/get all/s/w/weirder/w/put dagger in repair/x dagger/g/g/g/g/g/retry" test rand-t with "gonear elmer/honestly/z/z/z/z/retry" chapter combos [* this tests combinations of big tests e.g. going through each area] test win-quick with "test roman/test stores/test routes/test troves/switch patcher/test otters" test win-q-patchstore with "ts/y/zap store u/zap store w/zap store y/zap store v/zap store p/zap store t/test otters" test win-q-patchport with "ts/y/routes/towers/oyster/troves/presto/otters/zap routes/zap towers/zap oyster/zap troves/zap spot/zap otters/test otters" test win-all with "test roman/test stores/test routes/test troves/test presto/test oyster/test towers/test otters" test win-plus with "test roman/test stores/test routes/test troves/test presto/test oyster/test towers/a5/test otters/y/test others" test win-dial with "cap 2/test win-plus" test oops-plus with "test roman-oops/test stores-oops/test towers-oops/test routes-oops/test oyster-oops/test troves-oops/test presto-oops/test otters-oops/y/test others-oops" chapter quickerr [* this tests quick errors] test err-trout with "gonear range/ff/tutor/spike/spike carps/spike pikes/scrap/scrap carps/scrap pikes/ff" chapter roman [* this includes tests for roman, roman with mistakes, roman min-points and roman max-points] test diora with "test 1st/satchel/scan platform/scan pavement/scan pedestal/scan crabgrass/pad diorama/event map/farm plot/steel pad/brass crag/scan map/scan plot/scan pad/scan crag/pad diorama" test Elmo with "test 1st/basement/satchel/d/x settler/in/flier" test elmox with "rom/test 1st/satchel/stable/painting/basement/chimney/u/ramp/d/stair/x settler/in/flier" test roman3 with "test 1st/chimney/u/ramp/d/satchel/x settler/in/flier/0/y/staple/stapler/put staple in stapler/staple wall/in" test roman2 with "test 1st/basement/d/satchel/x settler/in/flier/0/y/staple/stapler/put staple in stapler/staple wall/in/coff" test roman1 with "test 1st/stable/in/sitar/d/satchel/x settler/in/flier/0/y/staple/stapler/put staple in stapler/staple wall/in/coff" test 1st with "x shelf/lamp/x pad/pad red/open door/1/5/lamp" test toe with "x shelf/lamp/x pad/pad red/open door/1/0/lamp/basement/d/satchel/x settler/in" test roman with "test 1st/satchel/basement/stable/chimney/u/ramp/enter closets/painting/in/stair/d/x settler/in/flier/0/y/staple/stapler/put staple in stapler/staple wall/in/coff" test manor with "test roman" test roman-oops with "pmal/lamp/pmal/lehctas/satchel/lehctas/tnemesab/basement/tnemesab/elbats/stable/elbats/yenmihc/chimney/yenmihc/u/pmar/ramp/pmar/enter closets/gnitniap/painting/gnitniap/in/riats/stair/riats/d/in/reilf/flier/reilf/0/elpats/staple/elpats/relpats/stapler/relpats/put staple in stapler/staple wall/in/ffoc/coff/ffoc" [test roman2 with "lamp/stable/out/stapler/d/get all/x treatise/out"] test j with "gonear strip/purloin settler" test manor-dia with "x shelf/lamp/open door/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/lamp/x ads/listen/basement/d/satchel/x settler/in/flier/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/staple/stapler/put staple in stapler/staple wall/in" test randum with "sing//z/damn/hint/n/sleep" chapter towers [* this includes tests for towers, towers with mistakes, towers min-points and towers max-points] test towers with "towers/towers/enter towers/y/z/snared/warned/achier/nearby/bleak/bored/cricked/lardy/timider/weedy/wined/olden/tenser/gone/godly/learned/calmer/normal/pronest/eggier/coyer/ashen/recreant/stony/awed/yonder/out/rustled/creaky/n/rusty/weirder/clumsy/rinsed/n/punier/pastier/coiled/n/married/weariest/angstier/n/s/e/marginal/s/himself/sewed/mined/resealed/w/s/w/put dagger in rapier repair/x gizmo/e/e/unreal/drained/e/naivest/grandiose/broken/e/wordy/push retape/pearly/go to duck/push repeat/go to yow/unlocked/w/n/holiest/n/hastiest/ask kid about doctor/s/s/e/attentive/rowdy/w/n/n/give gizmo to kid/robust/take jetskis/nearest/present/dingy/w/greyed/give flowerpot/e/spectacular/coff 1" test towers-nogo with "towers/towers/enter towers/y/rustled/docile/n/pastier/clumsy/rinsed/n/punier/weirder/mistier/n/married/weariest/angstier/e/marginal/s/himself/sewed/mined/resealed/get all/w/s/w/put dagger in rapier repair/e/e/unreal/drained/e/rusty/grandiose/broken/e/wordy/push retape/pearly/w/w/w/n/n/n/push repeat/s/s/s/e/e/e/unlocked/w/n/holiest/n/creaky/ask kid about doctor/s/s/e/attentive/rowdy/w/n/n/give gizmo to kid/robust/take jetskis/nearest/snared/warned/achier/nearby/bleak/bored/cricked/lardy/timider/weedy/wined/olden/tenser/foldy/gone/godly/learned/calmer/normal/pronest/eggier/yonder/coyer/ashen/recreant/stony/awed/yonder/out/unable/w/dingy/e/spectacular/coff 1" test towers-oops with "srewot/towers/srewot/srewot/towers/srewot/enter towers/deltsur/rustled/deltsur/elicod/docile/elicod/n/denim/mined/denim/reitsap/pastier/reitsap/deyerg/greyed/deyerg/reinup/punier/reinup/n/ysmulc/clumsy/ysmulc/redriew/weirder/redriew/reitsim/mistier/reitsim/n/deirram/married/deirram/tseiraew/weariest/tseiraew/reitsgna/angstier/reitsgna/e/lanigram/marginal/lanigram/s/flesmih/himself/flesmih/elbanu/unable/elbanu/delaeser/resealed/delaeser/get all/w/s/w/put dagger in rapier repair/e/e/laernu/unreal/laernu/deniard/drained/deniard/e/ytsur/rusty/ytsur/esoidnarg/grandiose/esoidnarg/nekorb/broken/nekorb/e/ydrow/wordy/ydrow/push retape/w/w/w/n/n/n/push repeat/s/s/s/e/e/e/dekcolnu/unlocked/dekcolnu/w/n/tseiloh/holiest/tseiloh/n/enicrop/porcine/enicrop/ask kid about doctor/s/s/e/evitnetta/attentive/evitnetta/ydwor/rowdy/ydwor/w/n/n/give gizmo to kid/tsubor/robust/tsubor/take jetskis/tseraen/nearest/tseraen/derans/snared/derans/denraw/warned/denraw/reihca/achier/reihca/ybraen/nearby/ybraen/kaelb/bleak/kaelb/dekcirc/cricked/dekcirc/ydral/lardy/ydral/redimit/timider/redimit/ydeew/weedy/ydeew/deniw/wined/deniw/nedlo/olden/nedlo/resnet/tenser/resnet/ydlof/foldy/ydlof/enog/gone/enog/yldog/godly/yldog/denrael/learned/denrael/remlac/calmer/remlac/lamron/normal/lamron/tsenorp/pronest/tsenorp/reigge/eggier/reigge/reyoc/coyer/reyoc/nehsa/ashen/nehsa/tnaercer/recreant/tnaercer/ynots/stony/ynots/dewa/awed/dewa/rednoy/yonder/rednoy/rednoy/yonder/rednoy/gniyd/dying/gniyd/tuo/out/tuo/ralucatceps/spectacular/ralucatceps/coff 1" test towers-h with "fixtow/poss/towers/towers/enter towers/docile/n/punier/n/weirder/e/get all/e/resealed/e/grandiose/s/married/e/wordy/push retape/w/n/w/w/clumsy/n/unable/n/push repeat/s/s/e/e/s/e/unlocked/w/n/pastier/n/ask kid about doctor/s/s/e/attentive/rowdy/w/n/n/stabler/robust/take skis/nearest/gone/lardy/bleak/olden/yonder/out/spectacular" test towers-i with "fixtow/poss/towers/towers/enter towers/docile/n/greyed/e/himself/n/get all/s/drained/e/married/e/wordy/push retape/w/w/n/marginal/n/weariest/w/unable/n/push repeat/s/e/s/s/e/e/unlocked/w/w/n/n/holiest/e/ask kid about doctor/w/s/s/e/e/attentive/rowdy/w/w/n/n/e/robust/take jetskis/eastern/gone/lardy/bleak/olden/yonder/out/spectacular" test towers-part with "towers/towers/enter towers/docile/n/poncier/greyed/punier/n/clumsy/weirder/n/unable/weariest/angstier/e/marginal/s/himself/resealed/get dagger and saver/w/s/w/put dagger in rapier repair/e/e/drained/e/rusty/grandiose/married/e/wordy/push retape/w/w/w/n/n/n/push repeat/s/s/s/e/e/e/unlocked/w/n/pastier/n/holiest" test towers-alt with "towers/towers/enter towers/docile/n/poncier/greyed/e/himself/n/get all/s/drained/e/married/wordy/e/push retape/w/w/n/marginal/n/holiest/weariest/w/unable/n/push repeat/s/e/s/s/e/e/unlocked/w/w/w/w/put dagger in repair/e/e/n/n/e" chapter troves [* this includes tests for troves, troves with mistakes, troves min-points and troves max-points as well as alt ways through] test troves with "troves/enter troves/x egg/z/gape/hate/care/l/observe/spot/reason/believe/recall/glare/despair/deal/z/x brochure/desire/aspire/strive/ponder/ignore/last/master/bolster/x desk/x divorces/discover/last/resign/coff" test troves-err with "troves/enter troves/pega/gape/peag/haet/hate/caer/care/obserev/observe/spto/spot/reasno/reason/belieev/believe/reclal/recall/glaer/glare/despari/despair/dela/deal/desier/desire/aspier/aspire/striev/strive/pondre/ponder/ignoer/ignore/lats/last/mastre/master/bolstre/bolster/discovre/discover/lats/last/resing/resign/coff" test troves-alt with "troves/enter troves/haet/hate/caer/care/obserev/observe/spto/spot/reasno/reason/belieev/believe/deriev/derive/glaer/glare/despari/despair/dela/deal/desier/desire/aspier/aspire/striev/strive/pondre/ponder/ignoer/ignore/lats/last/mastre/master/bolstre/bolster/discovre/discover/lats/last/decied/decide/coff" test troves-oops with "sevort/troves/sevort/enter troves/teah/haet/teah/etah/hate/etah/reac/caer/reac/erac/care/erac/veresbo/obserev/veresbo/evresbo/observe/evresbo/otps/spto/otps/tops/spot/tops/onsaer/reasno/onsaer/nosaer/reason/nosaer/veeileb/belieev/veeileb/eveileb/believe/eveileb/lalcer/reclal/lalcer/llacer/recall/llacer/realg/glaer/realg/eralg/glare/eralg/irapsed/despari/irapsed/riapsed/despair/riapsed/aled/dela/aled/laed/deal/laed/reised/desier/reised/erised/desire/erised/reipsa/aspier/reipsa/eripsa/aspire/eripsa/veirts/striev/veirts/evirts/strive/evirts/erdnop/pondre/erdnop/rednop/ponder/rednop/reongi/ignoer/reongi/erongi/ignore/erongi/stal/lats/stal/tsal/last/tsal/ertsam/mastre/ertsam/retsam/master/retsam/ertslob/bolstre/ertslob/retslob/bolster/retslob/ervocsid/discovre/ervocsid/revocsid/discover/revocsid/stal/lats/stal/tsal/last/tsal/gniser/resing/gniser/ngiser/resign/ngiser/coff 1" test troves-0 with "lamp/gonear strip of profits/troves/enter troves/eth/hate/care/observe/spot/reason/believe/recall/despair/deal/desire/aspire/strive/ponder/ignore/glare/last/master/bolster/last" test troves-1 with "lamp/gonear strip of profits/troves/enter troves/eth/hate/care/observe/spot/believe/recall/despair/deal/desire/strive/ponder/ignore/master/last/resign" test troves-2 with "lamp/gonear strip of profits/troves/enter troves/eth/hate/care/observe/spot/reason/derive/despair/deal/desire/aspire/ponder/ignore/bolster/last/decide" chapter routes [* this includes tests for routes, routes with mistakes, routes min-points and routes max-points as well as alt ways through] test fixed with "ts/routes/in/inside/x list/pad/pad reagents/pad" test routes with "routes/enter routes/towards/inside/x list/x ali/y/g/g/z/out/against/astride/below/under/past/ask about xyz/despite/exit/across/opposite/exit/inside/exit/from/beneath/until/around/along/aboard/within/through/coff" test routesord with "routes/enter routes/towards/astride/inside/x list/out/under/below/astride/against/under/below/astride/under/below/under/past/despite/exit/across/opposite/exit/inside/exit/from/beneath/until/around/along/aboard/within/through/coff" test routes-oops with "setuor/routes/setuor/enter routes/sdrawot/towards/sdrawot/edisni/inside/edisni/x list/tuo/out/tuo/tsniaga/against/tsniaga/edirtsa/astride/edirtsa/woleb/below/woleb/etisoppo/opposite/etisoppo/tsap/past/tsap/etipsed/despite/etipsed/tixe/exit/tixe/ssorca/across/ssorca/rednu/under/rednu/tixe/exit/tixe/edisni/inside/edisni/tixe/exit/tixe/morf/from/morf/htaeneb/beneath/htaeneb/litnu/until/litnu/dnuora/around/dnuora/gnola/along/gnola/draoba/aboard/draoba/nihtiw/within/nihtiw/hguorht/through/hguorht/coff" test routes-alt with "gonear strip of profits/routes/enter routes/against/below/astride/opposite/inside/exit/past/despite/exit/across/under/exit/inside/exit/from/beneath/until/around/along/aboard/behind/between" test r2 with "routes/enter routes" in Strip of Profits chapter otters [* this includes tests for otters, otters with mistakes, otters min-points and otters max-points as well as alt ways through] test ottelv with "otters/enter otters/barely/rescind/reedily/w/shadily/martially/coitally/1/3/n/n/because/else/s/s/although/however/n/e/n/angrily/brutely/n/slow/paroled/coolest/artsy/garbed/s/s/s/loathingly/tersely/s/parrot/snail/hornets/snipe/racoon/n/n/w/w/honestly/raptor/deeply/w/" test otters with "otters/enter otters/barely/rescind/reedily/w/shadily/martially/coitally/1/3/n/n/because/else/s/s/although/however/n/atom/e/n/angrily/brutely/n/slow/paroled/coolest/artsy/garbed/s/s/s/loathingly/tersely/s/parrot/snail/hornets/snipe/racoon/n/n/w/w/honestly/raptor/deeply/quickly/w/7/e/w/play whistle" test otters-pow with "in/barely/reedily/w/tearily/snidely/nastily/1/3/n/n/else/because/s/s/however/although/n/w/e/n/else/because/else/s/s/however/although/however" test otters-cur with "otters/enter otters/barely/reedily/w/shadily/martially/coitally/1/3/w/e/s/db/although/however/n/n/because/else/s/e/n/angrily/brutely/n/slow/paroled/coolest/artsy/garbed/s/s/s/loathingly/tersely/s/parrot" [/snail/hornets/snipe/racoon/n/n/w/w/seriously/raptor/w/play whistle/quickly"] test otters-oops with "sretto/otters/sretto/enter otters/ylerab/barely/ylerab/dnicser/rescind/dnicser/ylideer/reedily/ylideer/w/ylidahs/shadily/ylidahs/yllaitram/martially/yllaitram/yllatioc/coitally/yllatioc/w/e/n/esuaceb/because/esuaceb/esle/else/esle/s/s/hguohtla/although/hguohtla/revewoh/however/revewoh/n/e/n/ylirgna/angrily/ylirgna/yleturb/brutely/yleturb/n/wols/slow/wols/delorap/paroled/delorap/tselooc/coolest/tselooc/ystra/artsy/ystra/debrag/garbed/debrag/s/s/s/ylgnihtaol/loathingly/ylgnihtaol/ylesret/tersely/ylesret/s/torrap/parrot/torrap/lians/snail/lians/stenroh/hornets/stenroh/epins/snipe/epins/noocar/racoon/noocar/n/n/w/w/yltsenoh/honestly/yltsenoh/rotpar/raptor/rotpar/dleepy/deeply/dleepy/ylkciuq/quickly/ylkciuq/w/7/play whistle" [w/w/s/s/parrot/n/w/bleah/e/e/bleah/w/u/bleah/d/n/n/u/coolest/d/w/paroled/e/n/garbed/s/s"] test owl-die with "test intro/towers/towers/barely/reedily/e/shadily/martially/coitally/e/because/else/w/w/n/n" test raptor-die with "test intro/towers/towers/barely/reedily/e/shadily/martially/coitally/e/because/else/w/w/s/s/d/n/w/w/quickly" chapter oyster [* this includes tests for oyster, oyster with mistakes, oyster min-points and oyster max-points ] test oyster with "oyster/enter oyster/y/z/z/z/ask casper about casper/sing/sing/spit/inset/stroll/calm/run/enter raft/fart/soar/scrap/z/z/e/scan cans/seek/eat tea/tutor/tend/swipe/z/z/w/n/kiss skis/trace/react/bonk knob/splain/in/bust/drop prod/sweat/clean lance/shape/out/s/w/warp/n/w/bury/e/s/e/unearth/assuage/w/search arches/enlarge/n/x theses/w/e/patrol/x gleaner/in/y/tan ant/prepay/revel/derail/pull lever/redial/coff 1" test oyster-min with "oyster/enter oyster/spill pills/y/calm/run/boast/leap/scrap/n/kiss skis/bonk knob/trace/react/in/bust/out/s/e/seek/eat tea/tutor/tend/w/w/warp/n/bury/s/e/unearth/assuage/w/search arches/enlarge/n/x gleaner/patrol/enter portal/revel/derail/pull lever" test oyster-oops with "retsyo/oyster/retsyo/in/gnis/sing/gnis/gnis/sing/gnis/tips/spit/tips/tesni/inset/tesni/llorts/stroll/llorts/mlac/calm/run/mlac/enter raft/traf/fart/traf/raos/soar/raos/parcs/scrap/parcs/e/kees/seek/kees/eat tea/rotut/tutor/rotut/drawer/reward/drawer/epiws/swipe/epiws/w/n/kiss skis/ecart/trace/ecart/tcaer/react/tcaer/bonk knob/in/tsub/bust/tsub/drop prod/taews/sweat/taews/clean lance/epahs/shape/epahs/tuo/out/tuo/s/w/praw/warp/praw/n/w/yrub/bury/yrub/e/s/e/htraenu/unearth/htraenu/egaussa/assuage/egaussa/w/search arches/egralne/enlarge/egralne/n/w/e/lortap/patrol/lortap/x gleaner/in/y/tan ant/yaperp/prepay/yaperp/lever/revel/lever/liared/derail/liared/pull lever/laider/redial/laider/coff 1" chapter presto [* this includes tests for presto, presto with mistakes, presto min-points and presto max-points and the alt way through] test presto with "presto/enter spot/blam/mazeltov/umph/phooey/e/s/drat/rats/s/ole/darn/z/whassup/n/n/bleep/e/bingo/put dart in popgun/w/n/there/n/syke/later/so long/n/caps lock/mug/leaf/casserole/skid/push skid s/g/g/put leaf on skid/push skid s/cola/pour cola in mug/futon/keyboard/screen/put screen on table/disk/rom sticks/put disk in drive/put keyboard on table/push reboot/put caps lock in keyboard/tab/sleep/compile/debug/sub/coff 1" test presto-a with "presto/enter spot/blam/mazeltov/umph/phooey/e/s/drat/rats/s/ole/darn/z/whassup/n/n/bleep/e/bingo/put dart in popgun/w/n/there/n/syke/later/so long/n/caps lock/mug/leaf/skid/push skid s/g/g/put leaf on skid/push skid n/g/g/cola/pour cola in mug/futon/keyboard/screen/put screen on table/disk/rom sticks/put disk in drive/put keyboard on table/push reboot/put caps lock in keyboard/tab/sleep/compile/debug/sub/y/coff 1" test presto-b with "presto/enter spot/blam/mazeltov/umph/phooey/e/s/drat/rats/s/ole/darn/z/whassup/n/n/bleep/e/bingo/put dart in popgun/w/n/there/n/syke/later/so long/n/caps lock/mug/leaf/skid/get all/push skid s/g/g/put leaf on skid/show bad book to yak/disk/y/get all/cola/pour cola in mug/futon/keyboard/screen/put screen on table/rom sticks/put disk in drive/put keyboard on table/push reboot/put caps lock in keyboard/tab/sleep/compile/debug/sub/y/coff 1" test presto-c with "presto/enter spot/blam/mazeltov/umph/phooey/e/s/drat/rats/s/ole/darn/z/whassup/n/n/bleep/e/bingo/put dart in popgun/w/n/there/n/syke/later/so long/n/caps lock/mug/leaf/skid/get all/push skid s/g/g/put leaf on skid/show day broke to yak/show ebay dork to yak/show bred okay to yak/show dear koby to yak/disk/y/get all/cola/pour cola in mug/futon/keyboard/screen/put screen on table/disk/rom sticks/put disk in drive/put keyboard on table/push reboot/put caps lock in keyboard/tab/sleep/compile/debug/sub/y/coff 1" test presto-s with "presto/enter spot/blam/mazeltov/umph/phooey/e/s/drat/rats/s/ole/darn/z/whassup/n/n/bleep/e/bingo/put dart in popgun/w/n/there/n/syke/later/so long/" test presto-oops with "otserp/presto/otserp/enter spot/malb/blam/malb/votlezam/mazeltov/votlezam/hpmu/umph/hpmu/phyooe/poho/phooey/nrudlog/e/s/tard/drat/tard/star/rats/star/s/elo/ole/elo/nrad/darn/nrad/pussahw/whassup/pussahw/n/n/peelb/bleep/peelb/e/ognib/bingo/ognib/put dart in popgun/w/n/ereht/there/ereht/n/ekys/syke/ekys/retal/later/retal/so long/n/caps lock/gum/mug/gum/fael/leaf/fael/diks/skid/diks/push skid s/g/g/put leaf on skid/push skid n/g/g/aloc/cola/aloc/pour cola in mug/notuf/futon/notuf/show catechism to yak/draobyek/keyboard/draobyek/neercs/screen/neercs/put screen on table/ksid/disk/ksid/rom sticks/put disk in drive/put keyboard on table/push reboot/put caps lock in keyboard/bat/tab/bat/peels/sleep/peels/elipmoc/compile/elipmoc/gubed/debug/gubed/bus/sub/bus/coff 1" chapter others [* this includes tests for others, others with mistakes, others min-points and others max-points and the alt way through] test qw1 with "ts/y/a5/otters/test otters" test qw2 with "gonear gates/purloin settler/purloin passport/review/research/n" test others with "others/in/tamarind/maraschino/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/pomegranate/cantaloupe/compass/persimmon/n/apples/apricot/gooseberry/d/go near/nab an a/reversed/rhubarb/u/w/blackberries/pineapple/grapefruit/strawberries/raspberry/e/s/n/e/listen/among/solemn/solemn/argentine/ancienter/cheap/cinque/cripes/papayas/w/s/icons/sonic/n/d/give dollar to trader/u/put icons in slot/review/research/n/n/coff" test others-oops with "srehto/others/srehto/in/dniramat/tamarind/dniramat/onihcsaram/maraschino/onihcsaram/smulp/plums/smulp/sraep/pears/sraep/separg/grapes/separg/seirrebeulb/blueberries/seirrebeulb/seirrebnarc/cranberries/seirrebnarc/x stand/persimmon/nommisrep/semil/limes/semil/etanargemop/pomegranate/etanargemop/epuolatnac/cantaloupe/epuolatnac/ssapmoc/compass/ssapmoc/n/selppa/apples/selppa/tocirpa/apricot/tocirpa/yrrebesoog/gooseberry/yrrebesoog/d/go near/nab an a/desrever/reversed/desrever/brabuhr/rhubarb/brabuhr/u/w/seirrebkcalb/blackberries/seirrebkcalb/elppaenip/pineapple/elppaenip/tiurfeparg/grapefruit/tiurfeparg/seirrebwarts/strawberries/seirrebwarts/yrrebpsar/raspberry/yrrebpsar/e/e/gnoma/among/gnoma/nmelos/solemn/nmelos/nmelos/solemn/nmelos/enitnegra/argentine/enitnegra/retneicna/ancienter/retneicna/paehc/cheap/cinqeu/cinque/paehc/sepirc/cripes/sepirc/w/s/snoci/icons/snoci/cinos/sonic/cinos/n/d/give dollar to trader/u/put icons in slot/weiver/review/weiver/research/hcraesern/n/coff" [currently o04 is not possible without cheating] test o04 with "rove over/others/in/tamarind/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/compass/n/apples/apricot/gooseberry/d/go near/nab an a/rhubarb/u/w/blackberries/raspberry/pineapple/grapefruit/strawberries/e/purloin melons/purloin lemons/s/n/d/give dollar/u/n/sonic/icons/put icons in slot/review viewer/research searcher/n/coff" test o034 with "rove over/others/in/tamarind/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/compass/n/apples/apricot/gooseberry/d/go near/nab an a/rhubarb/u/w/blackberries/raspberry/pineapple/grapefruit/strawberries/e/s/n/e/solemn/solemn/w/s/n/d/give dollar/u/n/sonic/icons/put icons in slot/review viewer/research searcher/n/coff" test o024 with "rove over/others/in/tamarind/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/compass/n/apples/apricot/gooseberry/d/go near/nab an a/rhubarb/u/s/n/w/blackberries/raspberry/pineapple/grapefruit/strawberries/e/e/solemn/solemn/w/s/n/d/give dollar/u/n/icons/sonic/put icons in slot/review viewer/n/prep/n/coff" test o014 with "rove over/others/in/tamarind/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/maraschino/compass/n/e/argentine/solemn/solemn/ancienter/cheap/cripes/w/apples/gooseberry/apricot/d/go near/nab an a/rhubarb/u/s/icons/sonic/put icons in slot/n/d/give dollar/u/n/put icons in slot/n/prep/research searcher/n/coff" test o01234 with "rove over/others/in/tamarind/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/maraschino/compass/cantaloupe/pomegranate/n/apples/apricot/gooseberry/s/icon/n/w/blackberries/pineapple/raspberry/grapefruit/strawberries/e/s/sonic/n/d/go near/rhubarb/nab an a/u/s/n/d/give dollar/u/n/put icons in slot/review/research/n" test o0134 with "rove over/others/in/tamarind/plums/pears/grapes/blueberries/cranberries/x stand/limes/maraschino/compass/cantaloupe/pomegranate/n/apples/apricot/gooseberry/w/blackberries/pineapple/raspberry/e/s/n/icon/coin/sonic/e/solemn/solemn/cripes/cheap/w/s/n/d/give dollar/u/n/icons/put icons in slot/review/research/n" test min1 with "rove over/others/in/x stand/limes/grapes/pears/plums/tamarind/maraschino/compass/n/apricot/apples/d/rhubarb/banana/orange/u/w/pineapple/grapefruit/raspberry/strawberries/blackberries/e/s/sonic icons/n/d/give dollar/u/n/review/n/coff" test min2 with "rove over/others/in/plums/tamarind/maraschino/blueberries/cantaloupe/pomegranate/compass/compass/n/gooseberry/e/among/solemn/solemn/ancienter/argentine/cheap/cripes/w/d/reversed/u/s/sonic/n/d/give dollar/icons/u/n/review/n/coff" test min3 with "rove over/others/in/limes/grapes/pears/blueberries/cantaloupe/pomegranate/compass/n/goosebery/apricot/apples/e/among/solemn/solemn/ancienter/argentine/cheap/cripes/w/s/icons/n/d/give dollar/sonic/u/n/review/n/coff" [/cheap/reversed/argentine/ancienter/solemn/solemn/w/s/put pear in chimney/push megaton/pomegranate/among/e/put peach in slot/eat tarts/n"] [oops.pl allows me to test oops-scripts.] chapter stores [* this is a simple test to go through all the STORES possibilities, of which there are not many not covered in other tests.] test stores with "tokers/nestor/attack tokers/z/enter smoke/z/outside/sorbet/x c/g/g/g" test see-c with "cap 7/ts/x c/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g" chapter demo dome [* basic tests. Not much to see here.] test gg with "g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g" test dome-inlet with "x calendar/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/g/x thesis/test gg" test dome-show with "x inform/test gg/x perl/test gg" test dome-dens with "x chronicle/test gg" chapter coffing [* COFF 1 tests if you are in the trips strip, handy if you want to test if something's solved, and forces you to the strip so you can do another test. It logs things, too.] coffing is an action applying to one number. understand the command "coff" as something new. understand "coff [number]" as coffing. coff1ing is an action applying to nothing. understand "coff" as coff1ing. carry out coff1ing: [disambig to 1 doesn't work] try coffing 1 instead; carry out coffing: if number understood is 1: if location of player is not strip of profits: append "Test failed for [mrlp] with [cur-score of mrlp] in [location of player], carried [list of carried things], unchanged [list of visible flippable things] reflexive [list of visible reflexive things].[line break]" to the file of debuggery; move player to strip of profits; else: append "Test passed for [last-solved-region].[line break]" to the file of debuggery; else if number understood is 2: if cur-score of mrlp is max-score of mrlp: append "Test passed for [mrlp]: maximum score achieved![line break]" to the file of debuggery; else if cur-score of mrlp < max-score of mrlp: append "Test failed for [mrlp]: only got [cur-score of mrlp] of [max-score of mrlp] points![line break]" to the file of debuggery; else: append "Test failed for [mrlp]: somehow got a whopping [cur-score of mrlp] of [max-score of mrlp] ponts![line break]" to the file of debuggery; else if number understood >= 10 and number understood < 20: if curtis-level is number understood - 10: append "Test succeeded for Curtis's level: it is and should be [curtis-level][line break]." to the file of debuggery; else: append "Test failed for Curtis's level: it is [curtis-level] and should be [number understood - 10][line break]." to the file of debuggery; append "[number understood] not a valid test." to the file of debuggery; the rule succeeds; chapter sccing sccing is an action out of world. understand the command "scc" as something new. understand "scc" as sccing. [* SCC tracks the scan text of things.] carry out sccing: let unscan be 0; let myl be a list of things; repeat with Z running through not not-easy things: if Z is uncluing: say "[Z] is not not-easy but it is uncluing. Fix this."; repeat with Z running through not uncluing things: if a-text of Z is "": say "[Z] needs a-text."; add Z to myl; increment unscan; if b-text of Z is "": say "[Z] needs b-text."; unless a-text of Z is "" or b-text of Z is "": say "[Z]: [a-text of Z] [b-text of Z]. [Z] is [if Z is auxiliary]auxiliary[else]flippable[end if]. [Z] is [if Z is not-easy]not-easy[else if z is semi-easy]semi-easy[else]super-easy[end if]."; if unscan > 0: say "[unscan] things left to ID: [myl]."; else: say "A-text/b-text complete!"; the rule succeeds; chapter hashchecking [* HASHCHECK makes sure that hashes check okay] hashchecking is an action out of world. understand the command "hashcheck" as something new. understand "hashcheck" as hashchecking. carry out hashchecking: let my-bool be false; let this-hash be 0; repeat through table of anagrams: now this-hash is the hash of right-word entry; if hashkey entry is not this-hash: say "Bad flip hash for [the-from entry]/[right-word entry]: [hashkey entry] should be [this-hash]."; now my-bool is true; if my-bool is false: say "Hooray! No bad hashes in table of anagrams."; now my-bool is false; repeat through table of nudges: now this-hash is the hash of this-cmd entry; if this-hash is not hashval entry: say "Bad nudge hash for [this-cmd entry]: [hashval entry] should be [this-hash]."; if my-bool is false: say "Hooray! No bad hashes in table of nudges."; chapter ffing [* FF toggles if flips are unfrozen. Useful to test if you -could- flip something.] ffing is an action out of world. understand the command "ff" as something new. understand "ff" as ffing. carry out ffing: now ff is whether or not ff is false; say "Flips [if ff is false]un[end if]frozen."; the rule succeeds; book pluraling pluraling is an action applying to nothing. [* this shows which items are plural named or takeable] understand the command "plural" as something new. understand "plural" as pluraling. carry out pluraling: repeat with Q running through things: say "[Q] = [if Q is plural-named]plural[otherwise]singular[end if] and [if Q is fixed in place]fixed[otherwise]takeable[end if]."; the rule succeeds; chapter hintalling [* HINTALL detects which items still need hinting] hintalling is an action out of world. understand the command "hintall" as something new. understand "hintall" as hintalling. carry out hintalling: let mycount be 0; repeat with VTH running through all things: unless VTH is useless or VTH is amusing or VTH is cluey or VTH is abstract: if there is a hint-entry of VTH in the table of hintobjs: do nothing; else: increment mycount; say "Need [VTH] ([mycount])."; if mycount is 0: say "Everything that needs to be hinted is! Yay!"; the rule succeeds; section so hintall works ok [* this is just so HINTALL can say "everything works." Odd things that aren't items or in the game are rejected.] main-window is abstract. Null-bitmap-typeface is abstract. Null-image-typeface is abstract. null tileset is abstract. Glimmr C&C is abstract. graphics-window is abstract. chapter haing hinteachmove is a truth state that varies. haing is an action out of world. [* HA toggles hinting each move. In particular, hinting everything visible. ] understand the command "ha" as something new. understand "ha" as haing. carry out haing: if hinteachmove is false: now hinteachmove is true; else: now hinteachmove is false; say "Showing hintability of all items in room each move is now [hinteachmove]."; the rule succeeds; every turn when hinteachmove is true: try heing; chapter heing [* HE verifies that everything in the current room is hinted. HE vs HINTVIS??] heing is an action out of world. understand the command "he" as something new. understand "he" as heing. carry out heing: let ZXQ be false; repeat with QXZ running through visible things: if there is a hint-entry of QXZ in the table of hintobjs or QXZ is useless or QXZ is cluey: do nothing; else: all-say "BUG: [QXZ] needs to be a hint-entry in the table of hintobjs. Or deemed useless, cluey or amusing."; now ZXQ is true; if ZXQ is false: all-say "This room is all clear!"; the rule succeeds; chapter ceming [* CEM makes you curse every move. ] ceming is an action out of world. ["curse every move"] understand the command "cem" as something new. understand "cem" as ceming. carry out ceming: if cuss-every-turn is false: now cuss-every-turn is true; else: now cuss-every-turn is false; the rule succeeds; cuss-every-turn is a truth state that varies. every turn when cuss-every-turn is true and mrlp is presto (this is the cheat and swear rule) : now swears is 2; if curst crust is in lalaland: now player has curst crust; try eating curst crust; chapter whiing [* WHI tracks hinting stuff in one region. It seems obsolete.] whiing is an action out of world. understand the command "whi" as something new. understand "whi" as whiing. carry out whiing: repeat with ZQ running through things: if map region of location of ZQ is mrlp: if ZQ is not useless: unless there is a hint-entry of ZQ in table of hintobjs: d "You need to look at [ZQ].[line break]"; the rule succeeds; chapter fixtowing [* FIXTOW fixes certain warriors in trefoil. The easiest ones. geno daryl blake eldon wade goldy] fixtowing is an action out of world. understand the command "fixtow" as something new. understand "fixtow" as fixtowing. carry out fixtowing: repeat with WA running through warriors: if WA is not rodney: now WA is in lalaland; now geno is in Trefoil; now wade is in Trefoil; now goldy is in Trefoil; now daryl is in Trefoil; now blake is in Trefoil; now eldon is in Trefoil; the rule succeeds; chapter lsing [* LS toggles listen and smell every turn] lsing is an action out of world. understand the command "ls" as something new. understand "ls" as lsing. ls is a truth state that varies. carry out lsing: if ls is false: now ls is true; say "Listen/smell is now on."; else: now ls is false; say "Listen/smell is now off."; every turn (this is the stop and hear the roses rule): if ls is true: say "[b]LISTEN:[r]"; try listening; say "[b]SMELL:[r]"; try smelling; chapter wooing [* WOOing ends the story. WOO vs WINIT?] wooing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "woo" as something new. understand "woo" as wooing. carry out wooing: end the story finally; the rule succeeds; chapter mising [* MIS shows what the player missed after visiting an area] mising is an action out of world. understand the command "mis" as something new. understand "mis" as mising. carry out mising: carry out the showing what the player missed activity; the rule succeeds; chapter ieming ieming is an action out of world. [* IEM toggles inventory tracking every move, which creates a lot of debug garbage] understand the command "iem" as something new. understand "iem" as ieming. inv-every-move is a truth state that varies. every turn when inv-every-move is true: try taking inventory; carry out ieming: if inv-every-move is false: say "Tracking inventory."; now inv-every-move is true; else: say "No longer tracking inventory."; now inv-every-move is false; the rule succeeds; chapter liliing [* LILI lets you show a list by number in-game. LILI0 lets you see the list of activities. ] understand the command "lili" as something new. understand "lili" as lili0ing. understand "lili [number]" as liliing. section winiting [* WINIT lets you win the game right away, skipping to the Gates ] winiting is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "winit" as something new. understand "winit" as winiting. carry out winiting: end the story finally; follow the shutdown rules; the rule succeeds. section extra diagnostic [* extra diagnostic: this adds a line to track lists the player does not need to see ] section crusting [* CRU tracks what happens if you eat the crust every move, useful in PRESTO ] cruing is an action out of world. understand the command "cru" as something new. understand "cru" as cruing. carry out cruing: if track-crust is false: now track-crust is true; else: now track-crust is false; the rule succeeds; section saeing [* SAE toggles scanning the air every turn] saeing is an action out of world. sae is a truth state that varies. understand the command "sae" as something new. understand "sae" as saeing. carry out saeing: if sae is true: now sae is false; else: now sae is true; the rule succeeds; every turn when sae is true and player has settler: say "AIR SCAN: [no line break]"; try scaning air; chapter tuting [* TUT allows you to see Elmo and alter the scannedness of everything. 1 = no more scans and 2 = all scans. Should change to 0 for no scans, 1=ncscan, 2=cscan, 3=allscan] understand "tut" as a mistake ("tut 1 = tutorial with nonthing scanned, tut 2 = with all scanned.") tuting is an action applying to one number. understand the command "tut" as something new. understand "tut [number]" as tuting. carry out tuting: let zzzz be { tables, niche, giant pin, t-b, pram, sitar, stria }; if player is not in study: say "Too late to use the Elmo tutorial. Restart and try again." instead; if number understood is 1: do nothing; else if number understood is 2: repeat with zzzzz running through zzzz: now zzzzz is in lalaland; now zzzzz is ncscanned; now zzzzz is cscanned; else: say "tut 1 (no scans) or tut 2 (all scans) are the only numbers that work." instead; now player has settler; now player has treatise; now player has purse; move player to carven cavern; now Elmo is in carven cavern; try fliptoing rifle; the rule succeeds; chapter sssing [* this tests settler tracking every move] sssing is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "sss" as something new. understand "sss" as sssing. carry out sssing: if sss is false: now sss is true; else: now sss is false; say "Every-turn settler tracking is [if sss is true]on[else]off[end if]."; the rule succeeds; chapter fruiing [* tests where all the fruits are] fruiing is an action out of world. understand the command "frui" as something new. understand "frui" as fruiing. carry out fruiing: if mrlp is not others: say "Fruit tracking is not useful outside the others region." instead; let frusolv be 0; let fruhid be 0; let fruhere be 0; repeat with fru running through fruits: say "[fru]: [if fru is off-stage]off-stage[else if fru is in lalaland]DONE[else]in OTHERS[end if]."; if fru is in lalaland: increment frusolv; else if fru is off-stage: increment fruhid; else: increment fruhere; say "[number of fruits] total fruits. [frusolv] to Curtis, [fruhid] not here yet, [fruhere] in the area."; the rule succeeds; chapter scaming [* SCAM enables scams for areas with hints that should only work once. Spoon Crust Pills Cinders (?) Xray (?) ] scaming is an action applying to nothing. understand the command "scam" as something new. understand "scam" as scaming. carry out scaming: [?! doesn't quite work for otters] if scams is false: now scams is true; say "Scams on."; else: now scams is false; say "Scams off."; the rule succeeds; chapter mowing [* MOW allows you to mow through all the options you haven't used yet in a dialogue] mowing is an action out of world. understand the command "mow" as something new. understand "mow" as mowing. carry out mowing: let count be 0; repeat through qbc_litany: if response entry is not mowered and enabled entry is 0: increment count; if count is 6: say "More than 5 choices still left. You may need to rerun."; the rule succeeds; now enabled entry is 1; say "Enabled [count] new choice[if count is not 1]s[end if]."; the rule succeeds; chapter halling [* this hints everything that is still useful and not realized] halling is an action out of world. understand the command "hall" as something new. understand "hall" as halling. carry out halling: repeat with thisthing running through visible not realized things: say "[thisthing]: [run paragraph on]"; try objhinting thisthing; the rule succeeds; chapter orfing [* ORF detects conversational orphans] orfing is an action out of world. understand the command "orf" as something new. understand "orf" as orfing. carry out orfing: let this-found be false; repeat with qi running through quips: now this-found is false; let qa be qi; repeat through table of Elmo comments: if response entry is qa: now this-found is true; repeat through table of Elvira comments: if response entry is qa: now this-found is true; repeat through table of Gunter comments: if response entry is qa: now this-found is true; if this-found is false: say "[qa] is orphaned."; chapter romscan [* ROM scans everything you can scan in the manor. It doesn't, however, flip them. ] roming is an action out of world. understand the command "rom" as something new. understand "rom" as roming. carry out roming: oscan niche; oscan t-b; oscan pram; oscan giant pin; oscan sitar; oscan stria; oscan tables; repeat with rb running through ramabits: oscan rb; say "All things in the manor are now scanned both ways."; chapter otwin [* OTWIN almost-wins otters] otwining is an action out of world. understand the command "otwin" as something new. understand "otwin" as otwining. carry out otwining: if player is in alcoves: now adjsolve is 2; now nounsolve is 2; else: now player has whistle; now player has medals; now hydra is in lalaland; now parrot is in lalaland; now raptor is in lalaland; now Merle is in lalaland; now Elmer is in lalaland; now adjsolve is 3; now nounsolve is 3; now whistle is reflexed; now player is in alcoves; the rule succeeds; chapter mf [* MF checks who is male or female] mfing is an action out of world. understand the command "mf" as something new. understand "mf" as mfing. carry out mfing: repeat with mf running through people: say "[mf] "; say "[if mf is plural-named]are[else]is[end if] "; say "[if mf is male]M[else if mf is female]F[else]neutered AFAIK[end if][if mf is animal] and animal too[end if]."; the rule succeeds; chapter misc [* shows all flippable nonreflexive e.g. what you can muck with] miscing is an action out of world. understand the command "misc" as something new. understand "misc" as miscing. carry out miscing: if number of flippable nonreflexive things > 0: say "Flippable nonreflexive: [list of flippable nonreflexive things]."; chapter cap [* CAP caps the # of entries in a random table. For testing.] caping is an action applying to one number. understand the command "cap/caps" as something new. understand "cap [number]" and "caps [number]" as caping. carry out caping: if number understood > 1000 or number understood < 0: say "Reasonable number, please, 0-999." instead; say "Capping at [number understood]."; repeat through table of megachatter: if number of rows in mytab entry < number understood: now maxidx entry is number of rows in mytab entry; if curidx entry >= maxidx entry: now curidx entry is 0; else: if maxidx entry > number understood: now maxidx entry is number understood; if curidx entry > number understood: now curidx entry is number understood; the rule succeeds; chapter bsing [* BS turns bugsquash on ] bsing is an action out of world. understand the command "bs" as something new. understand "bs" as bsing. carry out bsing: if bugsquash is false: say "Bailing on bugs now."; now bugsquash is true; else: say "Not bailing on bugs now."; now bugsquash is false; the rule succeeds; chapter palling [* PALL lets you see all the pad] palling is an action out of world. understand the command "pall" as something new. understand "pall" as palling. carry out palling: now player has pedanto-notepad; repeat through table of pad-stuff: now known entry is true; say "Pad is now fully stocked. Have fun."; chapter gsing [* GS switches your sex.] gsing is an action out of world. understand the command "gs" as something new. understand "gs" as gsing. carry out gsing: if player is male: now player is female; else: now player is male; say "Player is now [if player is female]fe[end if]male."; the rule succeeds; chapter gzing [* GZ zaps all the guardians.] gzing is an action out of world. understand the command "gz" as something new. understand "gz" as gsing. carry out gzing: repeat with myg running through guardians: now myg is in lalaland; increment cur-score of towers; now min-score of towers is 31; if strudel is reflexed: increment min-score of towers; chapter diing [* DI zaps all the guardians.] diing is an action out of world. understand the command "di" as something new. understand "di" as diing. carry out diing: if inhib is false: say "You're now inhibited."; now inhib is true; else: say "You're now uninhibited."; now inhib is false; the rule succeeds chapter misseding [* MISSED shows what this area missed, and in the strip you get an added bonus of alternate ways through] misseding is an action out of world. understand the command "missed" as something new. understand "missed" as misseding. carry out misseding: now mrlp is solved; carry out the showing what the player missed activity; now mrlp is unsolved; if player is in strip of profits: carry out the showing alternate routes activity; the rule succeeds; chapter elving [* what's everyone saying about Elvira?] elving is an action out of world. understand the command "elv" as something new. understand "elv" as elving. a person can be blah, elvonly, unelvy or elvy. a person is usually blah. carry out elving: let elvies be true; repeat through table of subject-blather: if person-subj entry is Elvira: if him-who entry is unelvy: now him-who entry is elvy; if him-who entry is blah: now him-who entry is elvonly; else: if him-who entry is blah: now him-who entry is unelvy; else if him-who entry is elvonly: now him-who entry is elvy; repeat with PE running through unelvy people: say "[PE] has nothing to say about Elvira."; now elvies is true; if elvies is false: say "Everyone talks about Elvira."; say "Elvy people: [list of elvy people]."; say "Blah people: [list of blah people]."; say "Elvonly people: [list of elvonly people]."; the rule succeeds. chapter ALT [* ALT shows alternate ways through] alting is an action out of world. understand the command "alt" as something new. understand "alt" as alting. carry out alting: now mrlp is solved; carry out the showing alternate routes activity; now mrlp is unsolved; the rule succeeds; chapter specsing [* this tests the spec-help of all items in table of anagrams] to decide whether (ht - a thing) is spayshul: if ht is an xtrhelp listed in the table of spechelp, decide yes; decide no. specsing is an action out of world. understand the command "specs" as something new. understand "specs" as specsing. carry out specsing: let qq be 0; let reg be manor; repeat through table of anagrams: unless the-from entry is spayshul: increment qq; if the-from entry is not a backdrop: if the-from entry is not off-stage and the-from entry is not in lalaland: now reg is map region of location of the-from entry; say "[qq]. [the-from entry] [reg] ([right-word entry]) : [spec-help of the-from entry]"; if qq is 0: say "Yay! All things are clued."; the rule succeeds; chapter scoing [*this tracks score-debugging. There may be another way. But it tells you what increased when in the debug file.] scoing is an action out of world. understand the command "sco" as something new. understand "sco" as scoing. carry out scoing: if scotrack is false: now scotrack is true; else: now scotrack is false; the rule succeeds; after fliptoing when scotrack is true (this is the score track debug rule): consider the score debug rule; continue the action; scotrack is a truth state that varies. every turn when scotrack is true (this is the score debug rule) : append "[mrlp] > [the player's command] [cur-score of mrlp] / [min-score of mrlp]-[poss-score of mrlp].[line break]" to the file of debuggery; chapter skiing [* this puts you near the other side of the water.] skiing is an action out of world. understand the command "ski" as something new. understand "ski" as skiing. carry out skiing: if mrlp is not towers: say "You need to be in Towers for this test command."; else: now all guardians are in lalaland; now smart kid is in coastlines; now gizmo is in lalaland; now smart kid has jetskis; move player to actionless coastlines; ital-say "moving south or west from here will make the game kind of goofy. Also, the score is wrong, because this is a test command. You pretty much want to get the skis from the kid." instead; the rule succeeds; chapter tkturbo [* TAKE ALL is allowed & applies to scenery as well] talling is an action out of world. understand the command "tall" as something new. understand "tall" as talling. carry out talling: if take-it is false: say "Now you can take all the things."; now take-it is true; else: say "Now you can't take all the things."; now take-it is false; the rule succeeds; take-it is a truth state that varies. The can't take what's fixed in place rule is not listed in the check taking rulebook. The can't take scenery rule is not listed in the check taking rulebook. The exclude scenery from take all rule is not listed in the for deciding whether all includes rulebook. The exclude fixed in place things from take all rule is not listed in the for deciding whether all includes rulebook. The exclude people from take all rule is not listed in the for deciding whether all includes rulebook. check taking: if take-it is true: if noun is scenery: say "[noun]: Can't take scenery." instead; if noun is fixed in place: say "[noun]: Fixed in place." instead; if noun is a person: say "[noun]: Person." instead; Rule for deciding whether all includes scenery: if take-it is true, rule succeeds; the rule fails; Rule for deciding whether all includes people while taking: if take-it is true, rule succeeds; the rule fails; Rule for deciding whether all includes fixed in place things while taking: if take-it is true, rule succeeds; the rule fails; chapter repling [* replaces guardians in TOWERS, otherwise, reject] repling is an action out of world. understand the command "repl" as something new. understand "repl" as repling. carry out repling: if mrlp is towers: now all red guardians are off-stage; now all blue guardians are off-stage; now atheists are off-stage; now deacons are off-stage; say "All red and blue guardians reinitialized."; reposition-guardians; the rule succeeds; say "Doesn't apply here."; chapter coping [* repositions guardians, sends you to copse] coping is an action out of world. understand the command "cop" as something new. understand "cop" as coping. carry out coping: move player to copse; reposition-guardians; the rule succeeds; chapter eaing [* this checks for all exits displayed] eaing is an action out of world. understand the command "ea" as something new. understand "ea" as eaing. exitall is a truth state that varies. carry out eaing: if exitall is false: now exitall is true; say "Now tracking exits every move."; else: now exitall is false; say "Now not tracking exits every move."; the rule succeeds; every turn when exitall is true: try exitsing; continue the action; after fliptoing when exitall is true: try exitsing; continue the action; chapter twiding [* this lets the user twiddle a table early on to see how it roughly looks. It does not place it in context. ] twiding is an action out of world applying to one number. twid0ing is an action out of world. understand the command "twid" as something new. understand "twid" as twid0ing. understand "twid [number]" as twiding. cur-twid is a number that varies. cur-twid is usually 1. carry out twid0ing: repeat with tempnum running from cur-twid + 1 to number of rows in table of megachatter: choose row tempnum in table of megachatter; if go-ahead entry is bzzt rule and reps entry > 1: now cur-twid is tempnum; try twiding tempnum instead; now cur-twid is 40; try twiding 40 instead; carry out twiding: let chatrow be number of rows in table of megachatter; if number understood > chatrow: say "Number must be 1-[chatrow]." instead; if debug-state is true: say "(Turning debug state off)"; now debug-state is false; choose row number understood in table of megachatter; if go-ahead entry is not bzzt rule: say "That does not follow the BZZT rule. Try one of [list-of-randos]." instead; let temp-tab be mytab entry; say "[twiddle of temp-tab and 3]"; the rule succeeds; to say list-of-randos: let comma-yet be false; repeat with XX running from 1 to number of rows in table of megachatter: choose row XX in table of megachatter; if go-ahead entry is bzzt rule and reps entry > 1: say " [if comma-yet is true],[end if][XX]"; now comma-yet is true; volume spare ideas [idea for punting stuff over to cut code down] [when play begins: let temptext be indexed text; repeat with Z running through things: if b-text of Z is not "": if b is not flippable: now b is auxiliary; if a-text of Z is "": now temptext is "[b-text of Z]"; replace the text "G" in temptext with "Y"; replace the text "P" in temptext with "R"; change b-text of Z to "[temptext]"; [say "[Z]: [b-text of Z] -> [temptext].";]]