(This is the "Dungeon Designs" column from the June 1994 issue of the Eamon Adventurer's Guild newsletter. Copyright 1994 Eamon Adventurer's Guild, 7625 Hawkhaven Dr., Clemmons, NC 27012-9408. You may reproduce this freely as long as this credit remains attached to the article.) The EAG Utilities Disk Program Descriptions NOTE: most of these programs only work with Eamon version 4-6, as noted. __________ FREESPACE/FILEDUMP (all) A nifty little program with two user-specified options: FREESPACE modifies DOS 3.3 so that the CATALOG command lists free space at the top. FILEDUMP prints any text file directly to the screen. Compatibility notes: FREESPACE prints a blank for free sectors on my enhanced IIe but works OK on my II+ and ROM1 GS. FILEDUMP works fine on my II+ and IIe but crashes into the Monitor on the GS. __________ CHANGE EAMON NAME (v6) A painless way to change an Adventure name or the Adventure number. Caution: make sure that the EAMON ADVENTURE #XXX program, the intro program, and EAMON.NAME are unlocked before running. __________ LAST UPDATE INSTALL (all) Back before the EAG took over Eamon library maintenance, Eamon adventures had a blank line in the catalog where the LAST UPDATE line is now. This program renames this "blank name" file to LAST UPDATE. This program will crash on Eamons that have the LAST UPDATE file. __________ EAMON DOS REMOVER (all) This program frees up an additional 32 sectors of disk space by deleting DOS from the disk. It also adds an alert message that prints to the screen when the disk is booted. __________ LCASE KILLER (all) BRUNning this program from a running Applesoft program will convert all of the text in the program's PRINT statements to upper case. __________ LC/UC CONV (all) This program will convert any string to all upper case text, as noted in the DDD 7.0 Utilities Manual. To make it available, simply BLOAD it. To convert the string A$, use this command: CALL 768A$ __________ VERSION ANALYSIS (v1-6) Can identify Eamon versions 1 through 6. Doesn't recognize non-standard formats or 7.x. See UNIVERSAL CHECK FILES. __________ ROOMS CONVERT (v4-5) This program can change the record size of the EAMON.ROOMS data file. It reads in EAMON.ROOMS and writes a new file names NEW.ROOMS at the specified record length. You must then delete the original EAMON.ROOMS and rename NEW.ROOMS to EAMON.ROOMS to complete the change. The new record length is specified in Line 20 of the program, which you must modify to the length that you desire. __________ ROOM NAMES CONVERT (v4-6) ARTIFACTS CONVERT (v4-5) These two programs work just like ROOMS CONVERT above to convert EAMON.ROOM NAMES and EAMON.ARTIFACTS, respectively. __________ ARTIFACT MAINTENANCE (v4-6) Normally, using dead bodies greatly complicates modification of the Artifact database, as the dead bodies must all be together and should be at the end of the file. This program gives you a quick and easy way to insert extra "DUMMY" artifacts into any point in the artifact list. It will also remove excess artifacts that you want to get rid of to free up disk and memory space. __________ REMOVE DUMMY ARTIFACTS (v4-6) A common way to develop Eamon adventures is to stick a bunch of extra "DUMMY" artifacts in between the "real" artifacts and the dead bodies. Thus you can use the "dummies" to add more artifacts without having to monkey with the dead bodies. This program can be used to help you get rid of excess dummies once you are through with development. __________ DESC EDIT (v4-6) A very handy program for doing quick fixes of errors in the descriptions. __________ UNIVERSAL CHECK FILES (v4-7) Reports the version and structure of Eamon adventures. Recognizes all known non-standard formats. Verifies the integrity of the database files and reports any errors. __________ ADD LIGHT TO ROOMS (v4-6) Adds the "light" data to the room data (if it's not already there) and sets all rooms to "lit". __________ DUNGEONAID (v4-6) Lists the number and names and selected data fields for rooms, artifacts, or monsters. Can list to printer. __________ LIST EAMON R.A.M. (v4-6) Prints out the numbers and names of rooms, artifacts, and monsters. Can list to printer. __________ ROOM ANALYSIS (v4-6) Lists room numbers and names plus all artifacts and monsters in each room. Doesn't recognize hidden or embedded artifacts. Can list to printer. __________ QUICKY ROOM PRINT (v4-6) Lists room numbers and names plus room exits. Does not print light. Can list to printer. __________ FLEX DUNGEON LIST 2.1 (v4-6) Prints out database in 40-col. format. Does not print light. __________ DUNGEON LIST Z (v4-6) This program incorporates the features of several old Eamon utilities not found on this disk. The features: Lists Rooms, Artifacts, Effects, and Monsters; makes cleaner printouts than DUNGEON LIST does. Room Analysis: same as described above. Walk-Through: enables you to go from room to room; does not recognize doors or non-standard room connections. The strength of this program is that it only loads what it needs to do the task you select, and retains that data in memory. Thus you can save a lot of time waiting on disk accesses, making it very useful for messing about in the database. __________ DUNGEON LIST 6.0G (v4-6) Basically the same as the DUNGEON LIST program on the 6.2 DDD, but with a couple of minor extras. Makes much cleaner printouts than DUNGEON LIST does! __________ TEST BENCH (all) Allows you to quickly start an adventure without using the Main Hall. You can define your test character's (named "Testor of Bench") basic stats, and will play with a basic set of weaponry. Note: don't use the "default" setting, which gives you a nearly helpless character. __________ ADVANCED BENCH (all) Similar to TEST BENCH, but permits you to specify more of the character's stats. Gives you two mundane weapons and one 2D8 sword. __________ EAMON CHARACTERS FILE MAINT (all) A comprehensive CHARACTERS file maintenance program that enables you to change any aspect of the CHARACTERS database. You can also resurrect dead ones, make copies, generate new characters, list the contents, and more. __________ CHAR REBIRTH (all) A simple program that will resurrect a "dead" character in the CHARACTERS file. Handy when you've been killed out of an adventure. __________ START ADVENTURE (all) This program is similar to the test benches above, but gets the data from that stored in the CHARACTERS file. Handy for quick startups because it is faster than using the Main Hall and doesn't mark the character as "dead". __________ FRESH SAM (all) Another program that starts Eamon adventures without having to use the Main Hall. This one uses a preset character ("Sam"), whose stats represent an advanced character who has earned reasonably high stats and decent weapons. I personally use this program for all of my Eamon playing.