REM The MAGIC FLUTE (A Text Adventure) REM Coded in PowerBASIC for MS-DOS on 2/27/2002; revised on 07/11/2003 REM for the GDR Interactive Fiction Contest REM ---> <--- REM (This game is in the Public Domain!) screen 0 cls rem color 10,0:?"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" rem for x=1 to 10:color 10,0:?"* *":next rem color 10,0:?"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" locate 3,40:color 15:?"THE" locate 5,37:color 9:?"M A G I C" locate 7,37:color 9:?"F L U T E" locate 8,34:color 13:?"By: Paul Panks" locate 10,2:color 15:?">>>>>";:color 14:?">>>>>";:color 12:?">>>>>";:color 4:?">>>>> "; color 7:?"{Interactive Fiction Contest (";:color 11:?"GDR";:color 7:?")} "; color 4:?"<<<<<";:color 12:?"<<<<<";:color 14:?"<<<<<";:color 15:?"<<<<<" locate 12,2:color 11:?"Synopsis" locate 14,2:color 15:?"Three sacred treasures -- The Orb of Destiny, The Book of Sacrament and The" locate 15,2:color 15:?"Magic Flute -- are stolen by an evil Demigorgan, summoned from the depths" locate 16,2:color 15:?"of Hades to reck havoc on this world." locate 18,2:color 15:?"It is your duty, as the Brave Adventurer(tm), to seek out these three" locate 19,2:color 15:?"sacred treasures and restore order to this world. Only you can do it!" locate 21,9:color 11:?" (You are playing Version: 1.01) " locate 23,9:color 14:?" Press any key to begin playing! " gosub 5000: REM Get keypress gosub 9600 color 14:?"Press any key to begin!":gosub 5000 start: cls:color 0,0 color 11:?"Saved Game":? color 15:?"Are you playing a saved game? (Y/N): "; gosub 5000:if len(na$)<2 or na$="" or na$=" " or na$=chr$(13) then na$="dunric" 50 hp&=75:hm&=75:mp&=25:mm&=25:g&=250:fd=800:wa=800:ex&=0:lv=1:wf=0:bg=0:ic=0:rm=19:we&=0:wv&=0:dim no$(40),ao$(40),ob$(40),mh(40),p(40),en(40),dm(40),lo(40),vb$(30),vb2$(30),rn$(100),de$(100),de2$(100),wrd$(20),m%(100,6) 51 dm=1:orb=0:flute=0:book=0:verbose=1:dt=0:dy=1:IF si=2 then ?:color 14:?"Enter your name: ";:color 10:input "",na$:if len(na$)=1 then color 12:?"Aborted.":goto start 52 restore 8001:for x=1 to 37:read no$(x),ao$(x),ob$(x),mh(x),p(x),en(x),dm(x),lo(x):next 53 for x=1 to 25:read vb$(x),vb2$(x):next 54 for x=1 to 70:read rn$(x):next:for x=1 to 70:read de$(x):next:for x=1 to 70:for y=1 to 6:read m%(x,y):next:next:cm=1 55 lo(19)=1030:lo(20)=1031:lo(21)=1035:lo(23)=1031:lo(24)=1029:lo(9)=10 56 de$(71)="You are standing on a branch at the top of a tree. From here you can see the surrounding forest, while mountains rise to the west.":rn$(71)="On a branch overlooking the forest" 57 for x=1 to 5:m(71,x)=0:next:m%(71,6)=23 58 if si=1 then si=0:goto 1000 59 if si=2 then si=0:goto 60 60 cls:locate 1,1:for x=1 to 25:color 0,0:?" ";:next:locate 2,1 61 gosub 11000:if verbose=1 and LIGHT=1 then color 11:print rn$(rm) 62 if verbose=1 and LIGHT=1 then color 15:print de$(rm):else if LIGHT=1 then color 15:? rn$(rm)".":else if LIGHT=0 then color 7:?"It is too dark to see clearly..." 63 gosub 9100 64 color 14:?"Obvious exits: ";:color 5:?"< "; 65 for x=1 to 6:if m%(RM,x)>0 then color 7:print no$(x)" "; 66 next:color 5:?">":for x=7 to 27:if lo(x)=rm then color 7:? no$(x)"." 67 next:for x=28 to 37:if lo(x)=rm then color 12:? no$(x)"." 68 next 69 j=csrlin:for x=1 to 5:wrd$(x)="":next:n=0:v=0:n$="":v$="":hp&=hp&+1:gosub 9500:goto 9900 70 gosub 2000:locate j,1:color 15:?">";:color 10:input "",a$:a$=lcase$(a$):if a$=chr$(13) then color 15:?"What?":goto 69 71 GOTO 9200 73 DT = DT + 1: gosub 8750 74 IF DT = 100 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT "The monsters have been revived.": sleep 1:color 13:GOSUB 8800 75 IF DT = 15 THEN COLOR 14: PRINT "The sun is rising on the next day." 76 IF DT = 30 THEN COLOR 14: PRINT "A new day has begun in Antioch.": DY = DY + 1: COLOR 15: PRINT "It is now day:"; : COLOR 12: PRINT DY 77 IF DT = 60 THEN COLOR 14: PRINT "The sun is setting on the current day." 78 if DT>=300 then DT=0 82 if a$="n" or a$="north" or a$="go north" or a$="move north" then n=1:cm=n:goto 980 83 if a$="s" or a$="south" or a$="go south" or a$="move south" then n=2:cm=n:goto 980 84 if a$="e" or a$="east" or a$="go east" or a$="move east" then n=3:cm=n:goto 980 85 if a$="w" or a$="west" or a$="go west" or a$="move west" then n=4:cm=n:goto 980 86 if a$="u" or a$="up" or a$="go up" or a$="move up" then n=5:cm=n:goto 980 87 if a$="d" or a$="down" or a$="go down" or a$="move down" then n=6:cm=n:goto 980 88 if a$="quit" or a$="exit" or a$="bye" or a$="goodbye" or a$="good bye" or a$="quit game" or a$="exit game" then cls:color 14:?"End of game":sleep 1:end 89 if a$="jr" or a$="jump room" then color 14:print"Which room? (1-70): ";:color 12:input "",b$:b=val(b$):if b<1 or b>70 then color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 90 if a$="jr" or a$="jump room" then rm=b:color 10:?"Teleporting to room: ";:color 14:? mid$(str$(rm),2);:color 10:?"...":goto 61 91 if a$="room" or a$="rm" or a$="compass" or a$="map" then color 15:?"You are in room: ";:color 12:? mid$(str$(rm),2):color 14:?"You are heading "ao$(cm)" from "lcase$(rn$(rm))".":goto 69 92 if a$="save" or a$="sve" or a$="sv" or a$="save game" then goto 1100 93 if a$="inv" or a$="inven" or a$="inventory" or a$="i" then goto 5500 100 si=0:f=0:z=1:for x=1 to len(a$):if mid$(a$,x,1)<>chr$(32) then f=f+1 101 if mid$(a$,x,1)=" " then si=si+1:wrd$(si)=mid$(a$,z,f):z=x+1:f=0 102 next:wrd$(si+1)=mid$(a$,z,f) 103 if si>4 then si=0:color 14:?"Command too complex. Please shorten command.":goto 69 104 if wrd$(3)="" or wrd$(4)="" then goto 108 105 OBJ=0:if wrd$(3)="in" then if wrd$(1)="put" or wrd$(1)="place" then OBJ=1:goto 6000 106 if wrd$(3)="from" then if wrd$(1)="get" or wrd$(1)="take" then OBJ=2:goto 6000 107 if wrd$(1)="" or wrd$(1)=chr$(13) or wrd$(1)=chr$(32) or len(a$)<1 or a$=chr$(13) or a$=chr$(32) or len(a$)=1 then color 15:?"What?":goto 69 108 n$=wrd$(2):v$=wrd$(1):if wrd$(2)="" then color 15:?"There's a noun missing in that sentence.":goto 69 109 si=0:for x=7 to 37:if n$=no$(x) or n$=ao$(x) then n=x:si=1:x=37 110 next:if si=0 then color 15:?"I don't know the word '"wrd$(2)"'.":goto 69 111 si=0:for x=1 to 25:if v$=vb$(x) or v$=vb2$(x) then v=x:si=1:x=25 112 next:if si=0 then color 15:?"The verb is unrecognized by this program.":goto 69 113 on v goto 82,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,6000,200,210,230,250,260,270,9700,15000 114 color 14:?"I don't understand your command.":goto 69 119 REM +--- GET 120 if lo(n)<>rm then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" isn't here.":goto 69 121 if n>27 or n<7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" cannot be taken.":goto 69 122 if ic>10 then color 15:?"You are carrying too much already.":goto 69 123 ic=ic+1:lo(n)=-1:color 15:? lcase$(no$(n))":Taken.":ob$(11)="A coil of rope (20' feet). It is quite sturdy for climbing.":goto 69 129 REM +--- DROP 130 if lo(n)<>-1 then color 15:?"You aren't carrying that to drop.":goto 69 131 if n>27 or n<7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" isn't a valid object.":goto 69 132 ic=ic-1:lo(n)=rm:color 15:?"Ok.":goto 69 139 REM +--- UNLOCK 140 color 15:?"Unlock: Unimplemented command error.":goto 69 149 REM +--- WIELD 150 if lo(n)<>-1 then color 15:?"You aren't carrying that to wield.":goto 69 151 if n>27 or n<7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" cannot be wielded.":goto 69 152 WD=0:for x=17 to 21:if lo(x)=105 then f=x:x=21:WD=1 153 next:if WD=1 then color 15:?"You are already wielding something! ("no$(f)")":goto 69 154 if n<17 or n>21 then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" is not a valid weapon.":goto 69 155 WD=1:lo(n)=105:dm=mh(n):color 15:?"You wield "no$(n)".":goto 69 159 REM +--- UNWIELD 160 if lo(n)<>105 then color 15:?"You aren't wielding that (to unwield).":goto 69 161 if n>27 or n<7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" cannot be unwielded.":goto 69 162 WD=0:lo(n)=-1:dm=1:color 15:?"You unwield "no$(n)".":goto 69 169 REM +--- WEAR 170 if lo(n)<>-1 then color 15:?"You aren't carrying that to wear.":goto 69 171 if n>27 or n<7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" cannot be worn.":goto 69 172 if n<22 or n>26 then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" is not a suitable armor.":goto 69 173 lo(n)=205:ac=ac+mh(n):color 15:?"You wear "no$(n)".":goto 69 179 REM +--- REMOVE 180 if lo(n)<>205 then color 15:?"You aren't carrying that to remove.":goto 69 181 if n>27 or n<7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" cannot be removed.":goto 69 182 lo(n)=-1:ac=ac-mh(n):color 15:?"You remove "no$(n)".":goto 69 189 REM +--- EXAMINE 190 if n<7 then color 12:?"Don't be silly!":goto 69 191 if lo(n)<>rm and lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 then color 15:?"You do not see the "no$(n)" here.":goto 69 192 color 15:? ob$(n):if n>27 or n=7 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" is carrying:":goto 193:else goto 69 193 si=0:for x=7 to 37:if n<>7 and lo(x)=1000+n then color 7:?" "no$(x):si=1:else if n=7 then if lo(x)=305 then color 7:?" "no$(x):si=1 194 next:if si=0 then color 12:?"Nothing!":goto 69 198 goto 69 199 REM +--- EAT/DRINK 200 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>rm then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" isn't here.":goto 69 201 if n<>13 then color 15:?"It's beyond your power to do that!":goto 69 202 if wrd$(1)="eat" and n=13 then color 15:?"Please use drink instead.":goto 69 203 if ob$(13)="An empty bottle of wine." then color 15:?"The bottle is already empty.":goto 69 204 if ob$(13)="A bottle full of water." then color 15:?"You drink from the bottle.":?"Ahhhhhh!...":wa=wa+500:ob$(13)="An empty bottle of wine.":goto 69 208 ob$(13)="An empty bottle of wine.":hp&=hm&:mp&=mm&:color 14:?"You drink the wine and feel much better!":goto 69 209 REM +--- BUY 210 if rm<>14 then color 15:?"You are not in the village shop.":goto 69 211 if lo(n)<>75 then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" isn't sold here.":goto 69 212 if g&10 then color 15:?"You are carrying too much already.":goto 69 214 g&=g&-p(n):lo(n)=-1:ic=ic+1:color 11:?"You purchase the "no$(n)".":color 10:?"Gold:";:color 14:? g&:goto 69 229 REM +--- SELL 230 if rm<>14 then color 15:?"You are not in the village shop.":goto 69 231 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 then color 15:?"You aren't carrying that to sell.":goto 69 232 if lo(n)=105 then color 15:?"You must unwield that first.":goto 69 233 if lo(n)=205 then color 15:?"You must remove that first.":goto 69 234 g&=g&+p(n):lo(n)=75:ic=ic-1:color 11:?"You sell the "no$(n)".":color 10:?"Gold:";:color 14:? g&:goto 69 249 REM +--- USE 250 if n<7 or n>27 then color 12:?"Don't be silly!":goto 69 251 if lo(n)<>-1 then color 15:?"You must be carrying that.":goto 69 252 if n=11 and RM=40 then color 15:?"You swing the rope and it catches on a branch.":?"You climb up...":sleep 1:RM=39:ob$(11)="A coil of rope (hanging down).":lo(11)=40:ic=ic-1:goto 61 253 if n=11 and RM<>40 then color 15:?"The rope cannot be used here.":goto 69 254 if n=10 and RM=68 and m%(68,3)=0 then color 15:?"Click! The door unlocks...":m%(68,3)=69:goto 69:else if n=10 and RM=62 and m%(62,3)=0 then color 15:?"Click! The door unlocks.":m%(62,3)=63:goto 69 255 if n=10 and RM=68 or n=10 and RM=62 then color 15:?"The door is already unlocked.":goto 69 256 if n=10 and RM=50 and m%(50,4)=0 then color 15:?"Click! The door unlocks...":m%(50,4)=51:goto 69:else if n=10 and RM=65 and m%(65,2)=0 then color 15:?"Click! The door unlocks.":m%(65,2)=66:goto 69 257 if n=10 and RM=50 or n=10 and RM=65 then color 15:?"The door is already unlocked.":goto 69 258 color 14:?"The "wrd$(2)" cannot be used here.":goto 69 259 REM +--- LIGHT 260 if n<7 or n>27 then color 12:?"Don't be silly!":goto 69 261 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>rm and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 then color 15:?"You don't see that here.":goto 69 262 if n=8 and lo(9)=-1 then ob$(8)="An old lantern with rusted hinges. It glows with a soft light.":color 15:?"You turn the lantern on.":LIGHT=1:goto 69 263 if n=8 and lo(9)<>-1 then color 15:?"You need oil to light the lantern.":goto 69 264 if n=22 and lo(8)=-1 AND lo(9)=-1 then ob$(22)="A layered, dark green cloak. It is ablaze with a fiery glow.":mh(n)=mh(n)+2:if lo(n)=205 then ac=ac+2:goto 69 265 if n=22 and lo(8)=-1 and lo(9)=-1 then ?"Ok.":goto 69 266 if n=22 and lo(8)<>-1 or n=22 and lo(9)<>-1 then color 15:?"Both the oil and lantern are required to light the cloak.":goto 69 268 print "The "wrd$(2)" cannot be lit.":goto 69 269 REM +--- EXTINGUISH 270 if n<7 or n>27 then color 12:?"Don't be silly!":goto 69 271 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>rm and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 then color 15:?"You don't see that here.":goto 69 272 if n=8 and ob$(8)="An old lantern with rusted hinges. It glows with a soft light." then ob$(8)="An old lantern with rusted hinges. It is blood stained.":LIGHT=0:color 15:?"You turn the lantern off.":goto 69 273 if n=22 and ob$(22)="A layered, dark green cloak. It is ablaze with a fiery glow." then color 15:?"The cloak is no longer ablaze.":ob$(22)="A layered, green cloak. It protects the user from light blows.":mh(n)=mh(n)-2 274 if n=22 and lo(n)=205 then ?"Ok.":ac=ac-2:goto 69 275 if n=22 then color 15:?"Ok.":goto 69 279 ?"The "wrd$(2)" cannot be extinguished.":goto 69 980 if n=3 and rm=68 and m%(68,3)=0 then color 15:?"The locked door prevents passage.":goto 69 981 if rm=12 and n=4 or rm=17 and n=1 or rm=17 and n=3 or rm=18 and n<>2 or rm=24 and n<>4 or rm=29 and n=3 or rm=29 and n=4 or rm=35 and n=3 or rm=35 and n=2 or rm=43 and n<>4 then color 15:?"The path is blocked by fallen trees.":goto 69 982 if rm=21 and n=4 or rm=21 and n=1 or rm=27 and n=3 or rm=33 and n<>1 then color 15:?"The path is much too rocky in that direction.":goto 69 983 if rm=34 and n=1 or rm=34 and n=4 or rm=42 and n=1 or rm=42 and n=2 or rm=54 and n=3 or rm=54 and n=4 or rm=55 and n<>3 or rm=57 and n<>4 then color 15:?"The path is blocked by Redwood trees.":goto 69 984 if rm=2 and n=1 or rm=2 and n=2 or rm=11 and n=3 or rm=11 and n=2 or rm=7 and n=1 or rm=7 and n=2 or rm=8 and n=2 or rm=8 and n=4 or rm=9 and n<>2 then color 15:?"The path is blocked by dense trees.":goto 69 985 if rm=30 or rm=31 or rm=37 or rm=38 or rm=44 or rm=45 or rm=46 or rm=47 or rm=48 or rm=49 or rm=50 or rm=51 or rm=52 or rm=53 or rm=58 or rm>58 and rm<64 or rm=65 or rm=66 then if m%(rm,n)=0 then color 15:?"There's a wall there.":goto 69 986 if rm=4 or rm=13 or rm=1 or rm=67 or rm=68 or rm=69 or rm=70 then if m%(rm,n)=0 then color 15:?"There's a wall there.":goto 69 987 if rm=50 and n=4 and lo(35)=rm then color 13:?"The "no$(35)" stops you!":color 15:?"'You may not pass!'":goto 69 988 if rm=31 and n=2 and lo(32)=rm then color 13:?"The "no$(32)" steps in front!":color 15:?"'Leave at once, or perish!'":goto 69 989 if rm=53 and n=2 and lo(31)=rm then color 13:?"The "no$(31)" grabs you!":color 15:?"'I cannot allow your passage!'":goto 69 990 if rm=62 and n=3 and lo(36)=rm then color 13:?"The "no$(36)" glares at you!":color 15:?"'This is no place for mere mortals!'":goto 69 991 if rm=65 and n=2 and lo(37)=rm then color 13:?"The "no$(37)" growls at you!":color 15:?"'You fool! No mortals are allowed in this cavern!":sleep 1:color 14:?"You are whisked high into the air...":sleep 1:RM=31:goto 61 994 if m%(rm,n)=0 then color 12:?"You can't go that way!":goto 69 995 if RM>=21 then if LIGHT=0 or lo(8)<>-1 or lo(9)<>-1 then color 12:?"It's too dark, but you try anyway..." 999 rm=m%(rm,n):color 7:?"You move "no$(n)"...":goto 61 1000 color 15:?"Enter the filename (minus extention): "; 1001 color 11:input "",f$:if len(f$)<1 or f$=" " or f$=chr$(13) then color 12:?"Aborted.":run 1002 ?:color 9:?"Loading saved game...":na$=f$ 1003 open f$+".sav" for input as #1 1004 input#1,rm:input#1,bg:input#1,ic:input#1,fd:input#1,wa:input#1,wf:input#1,hp&:input#1,mp&:input#1,hm&:input#1,mm&:input#1,g&:input#1,ex&:input#1,we&:input#1,wv&:input#1,lv 1005 for x=7 to 37:input#1,mh(x):input#1,p(x):input#1,en(x):input #1,dm(x):input #1,lo(x):next 1006 input #1,orb:input #1,flute:input #1,book:input#1,dt:input#1,dy:input#1,verbose:input#1,sk:close #1:color 15:?"Data loaded!" 1007 goto 60 1100 color 14:?"Saving "na$"..." 1103 open na$+".sav" for output as #1 1104 print#1,rm:print#1,bg:print#1,ic:print#1,fd:print#1,wa:print#1,wf:print#1,hp&:print#1,mp&:print#1,hm&:print#1,mm&:print#1,g&:print#1,ex&:print#1,we&:print#1,wv&:print#1,lv 1105 for x=7 to 37:print#1,mh(x):print#1,p(x):print#1,en(x):print#1,dm(x):print#1,lo(x):next 1106 print#1,orb:print#1,flute:print#1,book:print#1,dt:print#1,dy:print#1,verbose:print#1,sk:close #1:color 14:?"Done." 1107 goto 69 2000 locate 1,1:color 15,4:? space$(80) 2001 locate 1,1:color 15,4:? rn$(rm)+" "+time$+" Day: "+mid$(str$(dy),2):color 0,0:color 15 2002 return 4999 end 5000 SI=0 5001 ry$=inkey$:if ry$="" then goto 5001 5002 If ry$<>"y" and ry$<>"Y" and ry$<>"n" and ry$<>"N" then SI=64 5003 if ry$="y" or ry$="Y" then color 7:?"Yes":SI=1 5004 if ry$="n" or ry$="N" then color 7:?"No":SI=2 5005 return 5499 REM +--- Handle Inventory 5500 ic=0:for x=7 to 37:if lo(x)=-1 or lo(x)=105 or lo(x)=205 then ic=ic+1 5501 next:if ic=0 then color 12:?"Alas, you are empty handed.":goto 69 5502 color 15:?"You are carrying:":ac=0:for x=7 to 37 5503 if lo(x)=-1 then color 15:? " "no$(x) 5504 if lo(x)=105 then color 11:? " "no$(x)" ";:color 12:?"(wielded)" 5505 if lo(x)=205 then color 10:? " "no$(x)" ";:color 13:?"(worn)":ac=ac+mh(x) 5506 if lo(x)=305 then color 7:?" "no$(x)" ";:color 14:?"(in backpack)" 5507 next 5508 color 14:?"You are carrying";:color 12:? ic;:color 14:?"items." 5509 if ac>0 then color 11:?"Your armor is protecting";cint(ac*100/8);"percent of your body." 5517 color 15:goto 69 5999 REM +--- Handle PUT/PLACE in backpack command 6000 if wrd$(4)<>"bag" and wrd$(4)<>"backpack" then color 14:?"That is not a valid container.":goto 69 6003 if lo(7)<>-1 then color 15:?"You are not carrying the backpack.":goto 69 6004 if wrd$(2)="backpack" or wrd$(2)="bag" then color 12:?"Don't be silly!":goto 69 6005 if wrd$(2)="north" or wrd$(2)="south" or wrd$(2)="east" or wrd$(2)="west" or wrd$(2)="up" or wrd$(2)="down" then color 15:?"What you expected did not happen.":goto 69 6006 if wrd$(2)="villager" or wrd$(2)="warrior" or wrd$(2)="orc" or wrd$(2)="goblin" or wrd$(2)="dragon" or wrd$(2)="wolf" then color 12:?"It's beyond your power to do that!":goto 69 6007 if wrd$(2)="cobra" or wrd$(2)="fireking" or wrd$(2)="demon" or wrd$(2)="demigorgon" then color 12:?"It's beyond your power to do that!":goto 69 6008 WEIGHT=0:for x=7 to 27:if lo(x)=305 then WEIGHT=WEIGHT+en(x) 6009 NEXT 6010 n=0:if wrd$(2)="lantern" then n=8 6011 if wrd$(2)="oil" or wrd$(2)="fuel" then n=9 6012 if wrd$(2)="key" then n=10 6013 if wrd$(2)="rope" then n=11 6014 if wrd$(2)="scroll" then n=12 6015 if wrd$(2)="wine" then n=13 6016 if wrd$(2)="pole" then n=14 6017 if wrd$(2)="book" then n=15 6018 if wrd$(2)="orb" then n=16 6019 if wrd$(2)="sword" then n=17 6020 if wrd$(2)="dagger" then n=18 6021 if wrd$(2)="scimitar" then n=19 6022 if wrd$(2)="axe" then n=20 6023 if wrd$(2)="broadsword" then n=21 6024 if wrd$(2)="cloak" or wrd$(2)="robe" then n=22 6025 if wrd$(2)="ring" then n=23 6026 if wrd$(2)="armor" then n=24 6027 if wrd$(2)="boots" then n=25 6028 if wrd$(2)="helmet" then n=26 6029 if wrd$(2)="flute" then n=27 6037 if n=0 then color 15:?"Please use a valid object.":goto 69 6038 IF OBJ=1 THEN GOTO 6040 6039 GOTO 6053 6040 if WEIGHT+en(n)>38 then color 12:?"The weight of the backpack would be too heavy!":color 15:?"Current weight: ";:color 11:? mid$(str$(WEIGHT),2):goto 69 6041 WEIGHT=WEIGHT+en(n):lo(n)=305:ic=ic-1:bg=bg+1:color 15:?"Ok.":goto 69 6052 REM +--- Handle GET/TAKE from backpack command 6053 OBJ=0 6054 if lo(n)<>305 then color 15:?"The backpack does not contain the "wrd$(2)".":goto 69 6055 if ic>10 then color 12:?"You are carrying too much already!":goto 69 6056 ic=ic+1:bg=bg-1:lo(n)=-1:WEIGHT=WEIGHT-en(n):n=0:color 15:?"Done.":goto 69 7998 REM +--- DATA statements 7999 REM Read in Noun, Desc. of Noun, HP, Price, Exp. earned, Damage and Loc. 8001 data "North","north","This is the direction North.",0,0,0,0,999 8002 data "South","south","This is the direction South.",0,0,0,0,999 8003 data "East","east","This is the direction East.",0,0,0,0,999 8004 data "West","west","This is the direction West.",0,0,0,0,999 8005 data "Up","up","This is the direction Up.",0,0,0,0,999 8006 data "Down","down","This is the direction Down.",0,0,0,0,999 8007 data "backpack","bag","A small leather backpack. You can place things inside it.",0,28,0,0,13 8008 data "lantern","lantern","An old lantern with rusted hinges. It is blood stained.",0,50,5,0,75 8009 data "oil","fuel","A quart of oil, used to fuel a lantern. It has a peculiar odor.",0,75,2,0,10 8010 data "key","key","A small metal key. It appears to fit a standard door lock.",0,15,0,0,39 8011 data "rope","rope","A coil of rope (20' long). It is quite sturdy for climbing.",0,8,3,0,10 8012 data "scroll","scroll","A tattered scroll, of unknown origin. It is written in an obscure dialect.",0,20,2,0,75 8013 data "Wine Bottle","wine","A bottle of fine red wine. It sparkles with a soft ambiance.",0,500,9,0,69 8014 data "Wooden Pole","pole","A long wooden pole (10' long). It is useful in reaching high places.",0,80,40,0,71 8015 data "Sacred Book","book","This is the Book of Sacrament, an ancient book used in religious ceremonies.",0,1000,5,0,63 8016 data "Destiny Orb","orb","This is the Orb of Destiny. It glows with a strange bluish hue.",0,2000,7,0,51 8017 data "sword","sword","A small metal sword. The hilt is made from bronze and iron wedges.",3,300,12,0,75 8018 data "dagger","dagger","A small dagger with a jewel afixed to the hilt. The edges are quite worn.",2,150,2,0,75 8019 data "Shining Scimitar","scimitar","This fine scimitar is crafted in strong steel. The blade is curved sharply.",4,480,40,0,1030 8020 data "Goblin Axe","axe","A razor-sharp axe. The hilt is slightly damaged (from heavy use).",5,500,40,0,1031 8021 data "Broadsword","broadsword","This long metal broadsword is quite a find! It glows with a soft light...",7,820,40,0,1035 8022 data "cloak","robe","A layered, dark green cloak. It protects the user from light blows.",2,220,14,0,75 8023 data "ring","ring","A golden ring, glowing with a pale blue light. It protects against magic.",1,125,0,0,1031 8024 data "Justin's Armor","armor","A finely crafted platemail armor, with an eagle on the front. Max protect.",3,400,28,0,1029 8025 data "Knife Boots","boots","A pair of leather boots, with knives afixed to the fronts. Great protection.",2,250,20,0,70 8026 data "Iron Helmet","helmet","A glistening Iron helmet, crafted for maximum visability and protection.",3,310,8,0,1030 8027 data "Magic Flute","flute","The Magic Flute of legend. It reportedly can put anyone into an eternal sleep.",0,5000,1,0,66 8028 data "Villager","villager","A common villager (with smelly socks of course). His breath is quite foul!",58,15,25,3,12 8029 data "Warrior","warrior","A strong warrior with flowing hair and a long beard. He nods at you briefly.",75,20,50,5,22 8030 data "Orc","orc","This is a vicious orc. They are brutal and quite savage.",88,55,65,6,27 8031 data "Goblin","goblin","A small goblin, with dark red eyes and ugly teeth. It looks rather mean!",96,150,75,4,53 8032 data "Red Dragon","dragon","This is an ancient Red Dragon, straight from the Hills of Antioch.",400,200,300,12,31 8033 data "Grey Wolf","wolf","A small wolf with yellow eyes and a steady gaze. It growls in obvious fear.",60,30,100,4,54 8034 data "cobra","snake","This is a deadly cobra, with a lethal bite! Watch out for this beast!",125,75,80,14,8 8035 data "Hellish Fireking","fireking","This is a Fireking, straight from the fires of Hades! It breathes deadly fire.",680,280,450,16,50 8036 data "Dark Demon","demon","This is a hideous looking demon, with a charred face and rotting flesh.",1240,320,550,18,62 8037 data "Green Demigorgon","demigorgon","This is a Green Demigorgon, summoned up from the depths of Hades. Deadly!",1800,600,1000,22,65 8099 REM Verbs 1-25 8101 data "go","move" : REM 1 8102 data "get","take" : REM 2 8103 data "drop","throw" : REM 3 8104 data "unlock","open" : REM 4 8105 data "wield","equip" : REM 5 8106 data "unwield","unequip" : REM 6 8107 data "wear","ready" : REM 7 8108 data "remove","unready" : REM 8 8109 data "examine","read" : REM 9 8110 data "put","place" : REM 10 8111 data "eat","drink" : REM 11 8112 data "buy","purchase" : REM 12 8113 data "sell","trade" : REM 13 8114 data "use","handle" : REM 14 8115 data "light","burn" : REM 15 8116 data "extinguish","blow" : REM 16 8117 data "kill","attack" : REM 17 8118 data "assess","appraise" : REM 18 8119 data "score","?" : REM 19 8120 data "quit","exit" : REM 20 8121 data "save","sv" : REM 21 8122 data "help","hlp" : REM 22 8123 data "time","day" : REM 23 8124 data "map","compass" : REM 24 8125 data "play","touch" : REM 25 8199 REM Room names 1-70 8201 data "A small Cathedral" 8202 data "Dirt path" 8203 data "On the path" 8204 data "Inside the Tavern" 8205 data "Village stables" 8206 data "Country path" 8207 data "Grassy trail" 8208 data "A Grassy Hillside" 8209 data "A Large Boulder" 8210 data "Inside the toolshed" 8211 data "A small Farm" 8212 data "Road through the village" 8213 data "A small house" 8214 data "The village shop" 8215 data "Market Square" 8216 data "Eastern Path" 8217 data "Forest path" 8218 data "Upper Forestland" 8219 data "On the path to town" 8220 data "The Village entrance" 8221 data "Purple mountain range, 100 feet" 8222 data "A junction in the forest" 8223 data "Middle Forestland" 8224 data "A Dying forest" 8225 data "The Village gate" 8226 data "Purple mountain range, 300 feet" 8227 data "Purple mountain range, 200 feet" 8228 data "Forest end" 8229 data "Lower Forestland" 8230 data "Glistening waterfall" 8231 data "Entrance to small cave" 8232 data "Middle Path" 8233 data "End of mountains" 8234 data "Redwood Forest" 8235 data "Small clearing" 8236 data "End of path" 8237 data "Narrow tunnel, by rushing water" 8238 data "Twisted intersection" 8239 data "Inside the hut" 8240 data "The Ancient Tree" 8241 data "Redwood Forest, upstream of a small river" 8242 data "Redwood Forest, by a small lake" 8243 data "The Forest Lake" 8244 data "Narrow tunnel, near a junction" 8245 data "A small tunnel, heading south" 8246 data "A small tunnel, heading west" 8247 data "Narrow tunnel, near a dead end" 8248 data "Twisted passageway, with pourous walls" 8249 data "Tunnel end" 8250 data "A narrow tunnel, by an ancient keep" 8251 data "An ancient keep, long since abandoned" 8252 data "The tunnel end" 8253 data "Twisted passageway, heading into darkness" 8254 data "A rolling hillside, with a blue sky above" 8255 data "Western hillside" 8256 data "A rolling hillside, near a tree stump" 8257 data "By the Tree Stump" 8258 data "Twisted passageway, near a mulberry patch" 8259 data "An ancient passageway, heading south" 8260 data "An ancient passage, heading west" 8261 data "By the mulberry patch" 8262 data "A dark tunnel, with pourous walls" 8263 data "In the pale light of an ancient keep" 8264 data "The hillside end" 8265 data "A fiery passageway, with soot blackened walls" 8266 data "A remarkable keep, heading into shining light" 8267 data "Upstairs hallway" 8268 data "A wooden doorway" 8269 data "Bedroom" 8270 data "Inside a small closet" 8299 REM Read in room descriptions 1-70 data "You are standing inside a small cathedral. High stained glass windows dominate the interior of this building, while rows of pews line the center of the room. An altar stands in the back of the cathedral." data "You stand on a dirt path near a small village. To the west, you notice the path heads past a small farm and stableyard. A well worn path is directly east." data "You are on a well worn path in the middle of town. You notice wheel ruts impressed upon the surface of the ground, apparently made by carriages as they passed through town. A cathedral is north of here and a tavern east." data "You are standing inside a small tavern. Several small tables stand near the center of the room, while a bartender can be seen serving drinks behind a long oak bar. A stairway leads upstairs into a long hallway." data "You are inside a small, dusty stableyard. There are wooden stables near the back of the room, and a loft at the very top of the room. To the south lies a well worn path, heading past a small farm." data "You are on a country road, just south of a small farm. Rows of corn and wheat are visible for miles on end, while a stableyard can be seen to the north. A grassy trail heads west past a large hill." data "You are walking on a grassy trail. There is a large hill directly west of here, heading past a large boulder. The path continues west." data "You are by a grassy hill, just east of a small path. There stands a large boulder with chipped edges to the north." data "You are facing a large boulder. The path east is blocked and cannot be entered without great effort. You notice on the surface of the rock a faint inscription." data "You are standing inside a dark tool shed. There are literally rows of shelves lining the walls, but you can't seem to reach them from here. The only exit is back east." data "You are standing outside near a small farm. The air is crisp and clean here, while a cool wind blows from the northeast. Rows of corn and barley dot the landscape, rising to the sun...or whatever else is out there." data "You are standing on a well worn path heading through town. You notice a small house to the east of here, with a thatched roof and a brick chimney. Soft plumes of ashen smoke billow up from the top." data "You are inside a small one room house near the center of town. A few simple chairs and a table adorn the interior, while a brick fireplace is nicely set into the eastern wall. There is also a small kitchen here." data "You are standing inside a dusty shop. Rows of shelves lie neatly across the room, while small windows look out into the busy town. A plump clerk keeps busy behind a small wooden counter. He smiles at you as you enter." data "You are at the village square, a marketplace in the center of town. There are applecarts here, some containing fruits and vegetables, others rare trinkets and medallions. A small path heads east out of town." data "You are on a small dirt path heading east out of town. The area is littered with debris from the nearby forest. A small wooden sign is visible by the side of the road, where a few flowers also grow." data "You are on a well worn path heading into a dark forest. Tall trees tower above you, the lucious canopy providing ample shade from the brilliant sunlight above. A cool wind blows from the west, as the path continues south." data "You are at the outer realm of a small forest. The trees thin out a bit here and give way to a small clearing. To the south, the trees become very dense and twisted by branches." data "You are on a western road near the entrance to a small village. An iron gate breaks monotony to the south, complete with an archway and scaling herb vines. The road you are traveling on breaks off here into town." data "You are by the marketplace on a well worn path. The air is alive with the business of the surrounding marketplace, abuzz with economic transactions and shrewd attendants. Just beyond the square lies a fountain." data "You are on a purple mountain range nearly one hundred feet above solid ground. The mountains head south into a rocky cliff." data "You are at a turnoff point in the middle of a dark forest. Light is spare here, but the sounds of wildlife keep your ears busy and at attention. The forest heads east here into a twisted, decaying woodland." data "You are standing in a darkened forest. High branches raise their wooden frames towards the sky above, while the canopy blocks visible sunlight from your eyes. The woods thin out towards the south." data "You are near the edge of a forest. The trees thin out here and give rise to a rolling hillside. The path you are traveling ends here." data "You are standing before a large iron gate, with rusted hinges. Above the gate stands an impressively carved archway, constructed from cobblestone and mud. A twisting vine grows on either side of the gate." data "You are in the high altitude of a purple mountain range. Breathing becomes laborous here, but there is just enough air to sustain your vigor. To the south lies a small cave." data "You are standing on a purple mountain. The edge of the mountain drops off hundreds of feet here, so don't look down, ok? The mountains continue west of here." data "You have reached the end of a path near the rising forest. To the north lies a turnoff point and west of there a purple mountain range." data "You are standing in the lower forest. The trees above you are tall and quite alive. The air is fresh and clean. To the south, the trees thin out and give way to a small clearing. Beyond that lies a Redwood forest." data "You stand before an impressive waterfall in the mist of this cavern. The water splashes down in a beautiful foray of colors and textures. Just beyond the waterfall, in the well of the cavern wall, lies a small hole." data "You are standing before the entrance to a large cave. The air is stale and the temperature considerably cooler on the inside. The pourous cavern walls are just visible beyond the cave entrance. Mountains are to the north." data "You are walking down a path just beyond a small village. The surrounding area becomes twisted and dark to the west, thus passage is restricted by fallen trees. The path you are traveling ends to the south." data "You have reached the limits of this mountain range. Just beyond this landscape lies a beautiful blue sky, which opens up into a flowery plain. However, a thin red line, swirled in smoke and haze, prevents access." data "You are standing in a towering Redwood forest. The tops of the trees overhead are beyond height and dimension. You notice a clearing to the east, while a small stream is visible a few hundred yards to the southeast." data "You are standing in the middle of a small clearing. Towering Redwood trees grow to the west, while the forest path heads north back into the heart of the forest. There is a sign by the side of the road here." data "You have reached an impassable area of the landscape, as rocky cliffs and a dangerous gorge prevent movement to the west. Southern travel is restricted by a deep canyon. Crossing it requires a mule." data "You are in a narrow tunnel just north of the sound of rushing water. The air is very damp here, and the smell of water and moss is abundant. Surprisingly, you do not feel the least bit afraid or disoriented." data "You are at an intersection in a twisting corridor. The cavern walls are chiseled from shale and earth. The surrounding area is further complicated by stalactite wedges pressed against the ceiling of the cave." data "You have reached a small hut atop this ancient tree. Tables and chairs line the interior of this room, while a small bookshelf is visible near the backmost wall. There is a hearth here, and atop that, rests a crude mantle." data "You stand before an ancient tree. The twisting branches echo the years gone by. Very little foliage graces the limbs of this tree, yet it appears lively and vigorous nonetheless. The Redwood forest is east." data "You are in the middle of a Redwood forest. The trees are quite tall here, but you do not feel diminshed in size in the least. The foliage is a naturally burnt amber. To the south lies a grassy hillside." data "You are standing in a Redwood forest. The trees thin out here and give way to a small lake. The surface of the lake glistens and the air is quite clean. Just beyond the lake lie placid mountains." data "You are standing before a shimmering lake. The light from the sun reflects off the surface of the water, parting gentle waves across it. A few trees are visible nearby, and the shoreline is quite pleasant." data "You are standing in a narrow corridor in this tremendous cavern. To the north, the tunnel widens some into an unknown room. To the east lies an intersection, while west of here a much smaller tunnel begins." data "You are walking in a narrow tunnel. The air is quite stale here and the rockface of the tunnel rather pourous. To the south, the tunnel turns sharply to the west. There are etchings carved into the wall here." data "You are walking down a narrow tunnel. The ceiling is quite low here but you don't feel uncomfortable, in fact, you can walk with ease. To the west, the tunnel narrows considerably, making walking futile." data "You are in a narrow tunnel, twisted with age and rocks. The tunnel stop to the south in front of a large mirror. The mirror has an odd surface, like it comes from another dimension." data "You are crawling down a very narrow tunnel. Twisted passageways are on either side, but the most likely candidate lies to the east. Further south the tunnel opens up into a narrow room. The room has an odd glow to it." data "You have reached the end of this narrow tunnel. In fact, further travel is made quite impossible by the impenetrable rockface in front of you. The only exit is west." data "You have reached the end of this narrow tunnel. Remarkably, carved within the rockface of the cavern is a small keep. It is guarded by a large door. Behind the door lies unknown peril." data "You are standing inside a small keep. This fantastic room is made even more remarkable by the presence of candles, burning softly in the pale air. These candles appear to illuminate some wooden chests." data "You have reached a dead end to this narrow tunnel. A twisted passage heads north back towards the heart of the cavern." data "You are crawling down a narrow tunnel, the ceiling walls very close to your nose. From the little you can see, you notice a small patch of what appear to be mushrooms or berries directly south." data "You stand in the midst of rolling hills. Upon the hills grow beautiful flowers, some of which are populated by bees and dragonflies. The hillside becomes steeper to the south, but it does not appear too difficult to cross." data "You are standing at the southern edge of the hillside. Just beyond these hills are purple mountains, which rise hundreds of feet in the air. To the east the hillside slopes down near a large tree stump." data "You are standing in the middle of rolling hills. Beautiful flowers grow in the grass surrounding you, while a clear blue sky opens up before you. To the east lies a remarkable tree stump, aged with time." data "You stand before an amazing tree stump. The rings of the tree appear to encircle the centuries before, but the wood is quite well suited for continued nurishment. A hole is visible within the center of the stump." data "You are crawling down a narrow tunnel. The ceiling begins to slope down even further, making further travel very difficult. Although this appears to require more effort than you can presently give, you must press on." data "You are turning the corner of this narrow side tunnel. The rockface is harsher than previous tunnels, and you feel an intense heat emminating from beyond the corner of this passageway." data "You are crawling down a very narrow side tunnel. The rockface becomes jagged and harsh towards the west. As the light dims, the surrounding area feels unusually warm and damp. You are perspiring feverishly." data "You are standing before a mulberry patch, a subset of the blueberry. Upon each stem grows these remarkably tastey berries, which are rather healthy and nourishing to your body. Two adjacent tunnels break off from here." data "You are crawling in a narrow tunnel. It ends abruptly at a keep, carved deep within the rock of these walls. There is a door before the entrance which requires a key of some sort. West of here lies a mulberry patch." data "You are standing in a remarkable keep, carved into the rock of the cavern walls. There are bookshelves here, but what grabs your attention are hundreds of small candles, flickering lively in the pale air." data "You have reached the outer limits of these rolling hills. Further travel south is made impossible by a steep canyon. A raging river burrows a path through the heart of the canyon. The only exit is north." data "You are crawling in a tunnel, which ends abruptly at this point. The walls are redhot and the air is unbearably hot and humid. You can barely stand it here, but there is also a small keep here, guarded by wooden door." data "You are standing in a tremendously dark keep. Abscent from this room are candles (or any form of light). Tattered scrolls of unknown origin litter the room, while an oblong mirror stands impressively against the wall." data "You are walking in the upstairs hallway of this tavern. The floor creaks beneath you and the air is quite cold here. There is a door to the east here, and beyond it, a small room. A soft glow is visible underneathe." data "You are standing before a large door. It is shut tightly and cannot be opened without a key. There is a pale green light glowing from beneathe the door, and you sense a magic about it. The hallway continues west." data "You are standing inside a small room. Oak furniture adorns the room, while a small bed rests against the back wall. A closet is set into a wall to the south." data "You are standing in a small closet. The light is very dim here, but you can see many small objects within this room. There is a light above and a switch to turn it on." 8399 REM Data map 1-70 8401 data 0,3,0,0,0,0 8402 data 0,0,3,6,0,0 8403 data 1,12,4,2,0,0 8404 data 0,0,0,3,67,0 8405 data 0,6,0,0,0,0 8406 data 5,11,2,7,0,0 8407 data 0,0,6,8,0,0 8408 data 9,0,7,0,0,0 8409 data 0,8,0,0,0,0 8410 data 0,0,11,0,0,0 8411 data 6,0,0,10,0,0 8412 data 3,15,13,0,0,0 8413 data 0,0,0,12,0,0 8414 data 0,0,15,0,0,0 8415 data 12,20,16,14,0,0 8416 data 0,0,17,15,0,0 8417 data 0,22,0,16,0,0 8418 data 0,23,0,0,0,0 8419 data 0,25,20,0,0,0 8420 data 15,0,0,19,0,0 8421 data 0,0,22,0,0,0 8422 data 17,28,23,21,0,0 8423 data 18,29,24,22,0,0 8424 data 0,0,0,23,0,0 8425 data 19,32,0,0,0,0 8426 data 0,0,27,0,0,0 8427 data 21,0,0,26,0,0 8428 data 22,0,0,0,0,0 8429 data 23,35,0,0,0,0 8430 data 0,37,0,0,0,0 8431 data 26,38,0,0,0,0 8432 data 25,36,0,0,0,0 8433 data 27,0,0,0,0,0 8434 data 0,41,35,0,0,0 8435 data 29,0,0,34,0,0 8436 data 32,0,0,0,0,0 8437 data 30,44,0,0,0,0 8438 data 31,48,0,44,0,0 8439 data 0,0,0,0,0,40 8440 data 0,0,41,0,0,0 8441 data 34,54,42,40,0,0 8442 data 0,0,43,41,0,0 8443 data 0,0,0,42,0,0 8444 data 37,47,38,45,0,0 8445 data 0,46,44,0,0,0 8446 data 45,0,0,50,0,0 8447 data 44,52,0,0,0,0 8448 data 38,53,49,0,0,0 8449 data 0,0,0,48,0,0 8450 data 0,0,46,0,0,0 8451 data 0,0,50,0,0,0 8452 data 47,0,0,0,0,0 8453 data 48,58,0,0,0,0 8454 data 41,56,0,0,0,0 8455 data 0,0,56,0,0,0 8456 data 54,64,57,55,0,0 8457 data 0,0,0,56,0,0 8458 data 53,61,0,0,0,0 8459 data 0,65,60,0,0,0 8460 data 0,0,61,59,0,0 8461 data 58,0,62,60,0,0 8462 data 0,0,63,61,0,0 8463 data 0,0,0,62,0,0 8464 data 56,0,0,0,0,0 8465 data 59,66,0,0,0,0 8466 data 65,0,0,0,0,0 8467 data 0,0,68,0,0,4 8468 data 0,0,0,67,0,0 8469 data 0,70,0,68,0,0 8470 data 69,0,0,0,0,0 8749 REM +--- Handle weather events 8750 IF DT = 90 THEN COLOR 11: PRINT "It is nightfall. The moon is now visible over the horizon." 8751 IF DT = 160 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT "The moonlight is very dim." 8752 IF DT = 190 THEN COLOR 11: PRINT "The moonlight has given way to the rising sun." 8753 IF DT = 220 THEN COLOR 11: PRINT "The sun is rising." 8754 RANDOMIZE TIMER: f = INT(RND * 300) + 1 8755 IF f >= 0 AND f <= 10 AND WEV = 0 THEN WEV = 1: COLOR 14: PRINT "There is a slight breeze outside." 8756 IF f >= 11 AND f <= 31 AND WEV = 1 THEN WEV = 2: COLOR 14: PRINT "A cool wind blows from the northeast." 8757 IF f >= 32 AND f <= 45 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The sun shines and you feel better...": hp% = hm% 8758 IF f >= 46 AND f <= 52 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "A gentle wind blows and you feel stronger...": mp% = mm% 8759 IF f >= 53 AND f <= 68 AND WEV = 4 THEN WEV = 5: COLOR 14: PRINT "A gentle rain pelts the ground." 8760 IF f >= 69 AND f <= 73 AND WEV = 2 THEN WEV = 3: COLOR 14: PRINT "A few clouds gather in the distance." 8761 IF f >= 74 AND f <= 80 AND WEV = 3 THEN WEV = 4: COLOR 14: PRINT "Dark clouds looms over the horizon. It looks like rain." 8762 IF f >= 81 AND f <= 90 AND WEV = 5 THEN WEV = 6: COLOR 14: PRINT "The gentle rain has increased to a steady downpour." 8763 IF f >= 91 AND f <= 105 AND WEV = 6 THEN WEV = 7: COLOR 14: PRINT "The rain begins to taper off as the wind calms down." 8764 IF f >= 106 AND f <= 110 AND WEV = 7 THEN WEV = 8: COLOR 14: PRINT "The clouds scatter and the sun comes out. It is a pleasant temperature." 8765 IF f >= 111 AND f <= 118 AND WEV = 8 THEN WEV = 0: COLOR 14: PRINT "A warm breeze blows from the southwest. The air is temperate and mild." 8790 RETURN 8799 REM +--- Revive the NPCs 8800 RESTORE 8028 8823 FOR X = 28 TO 37:read no$(x),ao$(x),ob$(x),mh(x),p(x),en(x),dm(x),lo(x):next 8824 if LIGHT=1 or lo(8)=-1 and lo(9)=-1 then lo(9)=75:LIGHT=0:color 13:?"Your lantern fuel has expired!":sleep 1:color 10:?"You are teleported somewhere...":sleep 1:RM=9 8834 RETURN 9099 REM +--- Show signs, banners, stuff in room, etc. 9100 if rm=14 then color 14:?"Type 'list' to see what the store has for sale." 9101 if rm=4 then color 14:?"Type 'list' to see what the tavern has on tap." 9102 if rm=35 then color 14:?"There is a small wooden sign here." 9103 if rm=1 and lv<2 then color 11:?"Type 'pray' to regain hit points." 9104 if LIGHT=0 then IF RM>21 then color 12:?"It is too dark to see!" 9105 if rm=4 then color 11:?"Type 'skills' to see what you've learned." 9198 return 9199 REM +--- Examine stuff in room commands 9200 if rm=4 and a$="list" then goto 9300 9201 if rm=14 and a$="list" then goto 9350 9202 if rm=35 then if a$="examine sign" or a$="read sign" then color 11:?"(read sign)":?:color 15:?"The sign reads: 'The Orb is said to move water, but not wine.'":goto 69 9203 if rm=35 then if a$="get sign" or a$="take sign" then color 15:?"A mysterious voice bellows: 'Leave it alone!'":goto 69 9204 if a$="help" then gosub 9600:goto 69 9205 if a$="l" or a$="lk" or a$="look" then goto 61 9206 if a$="score" or a$="sc" or a$="?" then goto 9400 9207 if rm=1 and a$="pray" then if lv<2 then hp&=hm&:mp&=mm&:color 15:?"A lightning bolt streaks down and heals you fully.":goto 69 9208 if rm=1 and a$="pray" then color 15:?"You are too high a level to pray at the altar!":goto 69 9209 if a$="get all" then goto 10000 9210 if a$="skills" and rm=4 then goto 12000 9212 if a$="powerup" or a$="power up" then goto 16000 9213 if a$="return" then goto 17000 9214 if a$="dispell" then goto 18000 9215 if a$="light" then goto 19000 9216 goto 20000 9299 REM +--- List command in the tavern 9300 color 15:?"Here is what the tavern has on tap :" 9301 color 11:?"(1) Wizard's Potion (20g:25hp)" 9302 color 11:?"(2) Drunk's Delight (40g:35hp)" 9303 color 11:?"(3) King's Ale (50g:50hp)" 9304 color 11:?"(4) Nirvana Trip (140g:90hp)" 9305 color 11:?"(5) Food and Water (100g:+ fw)" 9306 color 15:?"Enter selection (1-5) or 0 for none:";:input "",a$:si=val(a$) 9307 if si=0 then color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9308 if si=1 and g&<20 then color 15:?"You don't have enough gold.":color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9309 if si=2 and g&<40 then color 15:?"You don't have enough gold.":color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9310 if si=3 and g&<50 then color 15:?"You don't have enough gold.":color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9311 if si=4 and g&<140 then color 15:?"You don't have enough gold.":color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9312 if si=5 and g&<100 then color 15:?"You don't have enough gold.":color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9313 if si=1 then g&=g&-20:hp&=hp&+25:color 13:?"You purchase a Wizard's Potion.":color 15:?"You quickly consume it...":goto 69 9314 if si=2 then g&=g&-40:hp&=hp&+35:color 13:?"You purchase a Drunk's Delight.":color 15:?"You quickly consume it...":goto 69 9315 if si=3 then g&=g&-50:hp&=hp&+50:color 13:?"You purchase a King's Ale.":color 15:?"You quickly consume it...":goto 69 9316 if si=4 then g&=g&-140:hp&=hp&+90:color 13:?"You purchase a Nirvana Trip.":color 15:?"You quickly consume it...":goto 69 9317 if si=5 then g&=g&-100:fd=fd+4000:wa=wa+3000:color 13:?"You purchase Food and Water.":color 15:?"You quickly consume both...":goto 69 9320 color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 69 9349 REM +--- List command in the shop 9350 color 15:?"Here is what the shop has in stock:" 9351 si=0:for x=7 to 37 9352 if lo(x)=75 then color 7:? no$(x)": "tab(50);p(x):si=1 9353 next:if si=0 then color 12:?"Alas, the shop has nothing in stock.":goto 69 9354 color 10:?"Gold:";:color 14:? g&:goto 69 9399 REM +--- Check over "stats" 9400 color 14:?"You have the following attributes:" 9401 color 15:?"Name:";:color 11:?" "na$ 9402 color 15:?"Level:";:color 11:? lv 9403 color 15:?"Exp:";:color 11:? ex& 9404 color 15:?"HP:";:color 11:? hp&"/"hm& 9405 color 15:?"MP:";:color 11:? mp&"/"mm& 9406 color 15:?"Gold:";:color 11:? g& 9407 color 15:?"Weight:";:color 11:? WEIGHT+1"/ 39" 9408 color 15:?"Food:";:color 11:? fd;:color 15:?" Water:";:color 11:? wa 9409 if sk>0 then color 15:gosub 14000 9410 goto 69 9499 REM +--- Check for "over stats" 9500 if hp&>hm& then hp&=hm& 9501 if mp&>mm& then mp&=mm& 9502 if fd>5000 then fd=5000 9503 if wa>5000 then wa=5000 9504 if g&>25000 then g&=25000 9505 if hp&>5000 then hp&=5000 9506 if hm&>5000 then hm&=5000 9507 if mp&>5000 then mp&=5000 9508 if mm&>5000 then mm&=5000 9509 if fd<25 then color 12:?"You are nearly out of food!" 9510 if wa<25 then color 12:?"You are almost out of water!" 9511 if fd<-20 then color 13:?"You have died from starvation on day"DY"...":sleep 2:fd=800:wa=800:hp&=0:goto 9800 9512 if wa<-10 then color 13:?"You have died from dehydration on day"DY"...":sleep 2:fd=800:wa=800:hp&=0:goto 9800 9513 fd=fd-2:wa=wa-3 9550 return 9599 REM +--- Help command 9600 cls 9601 locate 1,1:color 11:?"In-Game commands":?:color 15:?"Below is a list of game commands.":? 9602 color 11:?"Verbs":?:color 7 9603 ?"GO GET DROP UNLOCK WIELD UNWIELD WEAR REMOVE EXAMINE" 9604 ?"READ PUT PLACE EAT DRINK BUY SELL USE LIGHT" 9605 ?"EXTINGUISH KILL ATTACK INVENTORY SCORE QUIT" 9606 ?"SAVE HELP TIME DAY MAP COMPASS PLAY":? 9607 color 14:?"Verb usage: ";:color 10:?"[verb] [noun] (Optional): [in/from] [object]":? 9608 color 11:?"Examples":?:color 13:?"wield sword get sword put sword in bag" 9609 ?"get sword from bag":? 9698 return 9699 REM +--- Kill/Attack command 9700 if n<28 then color 15:?"It's beyond your power to do that!":goto 69 9701 if lo(n)<>rm then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" isn't here.":goto 69 9702 if sk<1 then color 11:?"You haven't learned the Fighting skill yet!":goto 69 9710 randomize timer:i=int(rnd*45)+1 9711 color 13:?"[ight, ast or un]: "; 9712 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 9712 9713 if a$="f" or a$="F" then color 7:?"Fight":goto 9720 9714 if a$="c" or a$="C" then color 7:?"Cast":goto 9760 9715 if a$="r" or a$="R" then color 7:?"Run":goto 9790 9716 if a$="d" or a$="D" then color 7:?"Death":mh(n)=-1:goto 9720 9717 goto 9712 9720 si=0:for x=7 to 27:if lo(x)=105 then si=x:x=27 9721 next:if si=0 then color 11:?"You fight with your bare hands...":dm=1:goto 9723 9722 color 11:?"You fight with the "no$(si)"...":dm=mh(si):goto 9723 9723 ?:color 14:?"You attack...":randomize timer:i=int(rnd*45)+1 9724 if i<6 then color 15:?"Alas, you missed." 9725 if i>5 and i<16 then color 13:?"You strike a glacing blow!":f=mh(si)*12:mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9726 if i>15 and i<26 then color 10:?"CRUSHING BLOW! The "no$(n)" is destroyed!":f=mh(si)*18:mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9727 if i>25 and i<36 then color 11:?"AMAZING BLOW! The "no$(n)" is smashed into atoms!":f=mh(si)*24:mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9728 if i=36 then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" deflects your blow." 9729 if i=37 and lo(24)=205 then color 12:?"Your ARMOR glows!":color 10:?"The "no$(n)" is blasted with a brilliant light!":f=abs(mh(si)*30):mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9730 if i=38 and lo(22)=205 then color 13:?"Your CLOAK begins to catch fire!":color 10:?"The "no$(n)" is caught in the flames!":f=abs(mh(si)*14):mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9731 if i=39 and lo(25)=205 then color 12:?"Your BOOTS gorge "no$(n)"!":color 10:?"The "no$(n)" is wounded badly!":f=abs(mh(si)*10):mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9732 if i=40 and lo(21)=105 then color 13:?"Your BROADSWORD glows!":color 10:?"The "no$(n)" is slashed into pieces!":f=abs(mh(si)*50):mh(n)=mh(n)-f 9733 if i>40 then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" dodges your attack." 9740 ?:color 14:?"The "no$(n)" attacks..." 9741 randomize timer:i=int(rnd*45)+1:if i<6 then color 15:?"The "no$(n)" missed." 9745 if i>5 and i<16 then color 13:?"The "no$(n)" struck a glacing blow.":f=mh(n)*8:f=abs(f-ac):hp&=hp&-f 9746 if i>15 and i<26 then color 10:?"CRUSHING BLOW! Your torso is destroyed!":f=mh(n)*12:f=abs(f-ac):hp&=hp&-f 9747 if i>25 and i<36 then color 11:?"AMAZING BLOW! You are smashed into atoms!":f=mh(n)*16:f=abs(f-ac):hp&=hp&-f 9748 if i=36 then color 15:?"You deflect the blow." 9749 if i>36 then color 15:?"You dodged the attack." 9750 gosub 9990:?:color 15:?"Your HP:";:color 11:? hp&"/"cint(hm&) 9751 color 15:?"The "no$(n)":";:color 11:? mh(n):? 9752 if mh(n)<1 then color 14:?"The "no$(n)" died.":lo(n)=998:sleep 1:goto 9850 9753 if hp&<1 then color 12:?"You died...":sleep 1:goto 9800 9759 goto 9710 9760 if sk<2 then color 11:?"You haven't learned Magic yet!":goto 9710 9761 color 15:?:?"You may cast the following spells:" 9762 if lv>=1 then color 11:?"(1) Heal (+20 hp, costing 10 mp)" 9763 if lv>=1 then color 11:?"(2) Fireball (Attk: 4-18 hp, costing 8 mp)" 9764 if lv>=2 then color 11:?"(3) Cure (+50 hp, costing 15 mp)" 9765 if lv>=3 then color 11:?"(4) Tornado (Attk: 11-25hp, costing 20 mp)" 9766 if lv>=4 then color 11:?"(5) Revive (+250 hp, costing 50 mp)" 9767 if lv>=4 then color 11:?"(6) Death (Attk: 76-99hp, costing 30 mp)" 9770 color 15:?"Enter (1-6) or 0 for none: ";:input "",a$:dunric=val(a$):if dunric<1 or dunric>6 then color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 9710 9771 if dunric<>0 and dunric<>1 and dunric<>2 and dunric<>3 and dunric<>4 and dunric<>5 and dunric<>6 then color 12:?"Aborted.":goto 9710 9772 if dunric=1 and mp&<10 then color 14:?"You lack the spell points to cast Heal!":sleep 1:goto 9710 9773 if dunric=2 and mp&<8 then color 14:?"You lack the spell points to cast Fireball!":sleep 1:goto 9710 9774 if dunric=3 and mp&<15 then color 14:?"You lack the spell points to cast Cure!":sleep 1:goto 9710 if dunric=4 and mp&<20 then color 14:?"You lack the spell points to cast Tornado!":sleep 1:goto 9710 if dunric=5 and mp&<50 then color 14:?"You lack the spell points to cast Revive!":sleep 1:goto 9710 if dunric=6 and mp&<30 then color 14:?"You lack the spell points to cast Death!":sleep 1:goto 9710 9775 color 15:?"You cast: ";:color 15:?">>>>>";:color 14:?">>>>>";:color 12:?">>>>>";:color 4:?">>>>> ";:color 7 9776 if dunric=1 then ?"HEAL":mp&=mp&-10:randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1:if i<=8 then color 13:?"HEAL failed miserably..." 9777 if dunric=1 and i>8 then hp&=hp&+20:color 7:?"ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" 9778 if dunric=2 then ?"FIREBALL":mp&=mp&-8:randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1:if i<=8 then color 13:?"FIREBALL failed miserably..." 9779 if dunric=2 and i>8 then i=i+3:mh(n)=mh(n)-i:color 7:?"ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" 9780 if dunric=3 then ?"CURE":mp&=mp&-15:randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1:if i<=8 then color 13:?"CURE failed miserably..." 9781 if dunric=3 and i>8 then hp&=hp&+50:color 7:?"ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" 9782 if dunric=4 then ?"TORNADO":mp&=mp&-20:randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1:if i<=8 then color 13:?"TORNADO failed miserably..." 9783 if dunric=4 and i>8 then i=i+10:mh(n)=mh(n)-i:color 7:?"ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" 9784 if dunric=5 then ?"REVIVE":mp&=mp&-50:randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1:if i<=8 then color 13:?"HEAL failed miserably..." 9785 if dunric=5 and i>8 then hp&=hp&+250:color 7:?"ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" 9786 if dunric=6 then ?"DEATH":mp&=mp&-30:randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1:if i<=8 then color 13:?"TORNADO failed miserably..." 9787 if dunric=6 and i>8 then i=i+75:mh(n)=mh(n)-i:color 7:?"ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" 9788 if hp&>hm& then hp&=hm& 9789 color 15:sleep 1:goto 9740 9790 randomize timer:i=int(rnd*15)+1 9791 if i<11 then color 15:?"You ran away successfully...":goto 69 9792 color 15:?"You were not successful...":goto 9740 9799 REM +--- Handle loss in battle (both kinds) 9800 hp&=1:ic=0:ac=0:WD=0:g&=0:fd=800:wa=800 9801 for x=7 to 27:if lo(x)=-1 or lo(x)=105 or lo(x)=205 then lo(x)=RM 9802 next 9803 RM=9:color 10:?"Your spirit travels somewhere else...":sleep 1:RM=9:goto 61 9849 REM +--- Handle loss in battle by monster 9850 color 10:?"You gain"en(n)"experience points and"p(n)"gold coins.":ex&=ex&+en(n):g&=g&+p(n) 9851 if ex&<501 then lv=1:hm&=75 9852 if ex&>500 and ex&<1001 then lv=2:hm&=150 9853 if ex&>1000 and ex&<2001 then lv=3:hm&=280 9854 if ex&>2000 then lv=4:hm&=540 9855 for x=7 to 27:if lo(x)=1000+n then color 7:?"You find "no$(x)" on it!":lo(x)=RM 9856 next:goto 69 9899 REM +--- Check for end of game 9900 if lo(15)=-1 then book=1:else book=0 9901 if lo(16)=-1 then orb=1:else orb=0 9902 if lo(27)=-1 then flute=1:else flute=0 9903 if book=1 and orb=1 and flute=1 then sleep 1:color 14:?:?"Congratulations!":?"You have rescued all the treasures on day"DY"!":sleep 3:cls:goto 9950 9904 goto 70 9949 REM +--- End of game (player wins) 9950 color 11:?"You've won The Magic Flute!":? 9951 color 15:?"Play again? (Y/N): "; 9952 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 9952 9953 if a$="y" or a$="Y" then color 7:?"Yes":sleep 1:run 9954 if a$="n" or a$="N" then color 7:?"No":sleep 1:goto 9960 9955 goto 9952 9960 ?:color 13:?"Very well, then...":sleep 1 9961 color 14:?"":sleep 15:system 9989 REM +--- Round numbers 9990 if hp&<1 then hp&=0 9991 if mh(n)<1 then mh(n)=0 9992 return 9999 REM +--- Get All command 10000 color 15:for x=7 to 27:if lo(x)=rm and ic<10 then lo(x)=-1:color 15:? no$(x)":";:color 7:?"Taken." 10001 next:color 15:?"Ok.":goto 69 11000 if RM<22 then LIGHT=1:ELSE if lo(8)<>-1 then LIGHT=0 11005 return 11999 REM +--- Skills command 12000 : 12841 color 15:?"You may learn these skills:" 12842 IF sk=0 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"1";:COLOR 11:?")";: COLOR 7:?" Fighting ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 10";:COLOR 10:?" coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(1) Fight - 10 coins" 12843 IF sk=1 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"2";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 7:?" Magic ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 20 ";:COLOR 10:?"coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(2) Magic - 20 coins" 12844 IF sk=2 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"3";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 7:?" Assess ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 100 ";:COLOR 10:?"coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(3) Assess - 100 coins" 12845 IF sk=3 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"4";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 7:?" Power Up ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 200 ";:COLOR 10:?"coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(4) Power Up - 200 coins" 12846 IF sk=4 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"5";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 7:?" Return ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 400 ";:COLOR 10:?"coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(5) Return - 400 coins" 12847 IF sk=5 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"6";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 7:?" Dispell ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 500 ";:COLOR 10:?"coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(6) Dispell - 500 coins" 12848 IF sk=6 THEN COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"7";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 7:?" Light ";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 14:?" 600 ";:COLOR 10:?"coins":ELSE COLOR 8:?"(7) Light - 600 coins" 12849 COLOR 15:?"Enter ";:COLOR 11:?"(";:COLOR 7:?"1";:COLOR 15:?"-";:COLOR 7:?"7";:COLOR 11:?")";:COLOR 15:?" or ";:COLOR 7:?"0";:COLOR 15:?" for none:"; 12850 GOSUB 13100:A=VAL(A$):COLOR 7:? A:COLOR 15:IF A=0 THEN goto 69 12851 IF A=1 AND g&>9 AND sk=0 THEN g&=g&-10:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned fighting.":sk=1:goto 69 12852 IF A=2 AND g&>19 AND sk=1 THEN g&=g&-20:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned magic.":sk=2:goto 69 12853 IF A=3 AND g&>99 AND sk=2 THEN g&=g&-100:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned assess.":sk=3:goto 69 12854 IF A=4 AND g&>199 AND sk=3 THEN g&=g&-200:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned power up.":sk=4:goto 69 12855 IF a=5 AND g&>399 AND sk=4 THEN sk=5:g&=g&-400:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned return.":goto 69 12856 IF a=6 AND g&>499 AND sk=5 THEN sk=6:g&=g&-500:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned dispell.":goto 69 12857 IF a=7 AND g&>599 AND sk=6 THEN sk=7:g&=g&-600:COLOR 11:?"You have now learned light.":goto 69 12858 IF A=sk THEN ?"You already have that skill.":GOTO 12841 12859 COLOR 12:?"Invalid: not enough gold, wrong entry, or illegal entry.":COLOR 15:GOTO 12841 13100 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 13100 13101 return 13999 REM +--- Check for skills 14000 color 15:?"You know the following skills: " 14001 color 12:if sk>=1 then ?"Fighting / "; 14002 if sk>=2 then ?"Magic / "; 14003 if sk>=3 then ?"Assess / "; 14004 if sk>=4 then ?"Power up / "; 14005 if sk>=5 then ?"Return / "; 14006 if sk>=6 then ?"Dispell / "; 14007 if sk>=7 then ?"Light " 14010 ?:return 14999 REM +--- Assess command 15000 REM if wrd$(2)="orb" then n=16 if wrd$(2)="sword" then n=17 if wrd$(2)="dagger" then n=18 if wrd$(2)="scimitar" then n=19 if wrd$(2)="axe" then n=20 if wrd$(2)="broadsword" then n=21 if wrd$(2)="cloak" or wrd$(2)="robe" then n=22 if wrd$(2)="ring" then n=23 if wrd$(2)="armor" then n=24 if wrd$(2)="boots" then n=25 if wrd$(2)="helmet" then n=26 if sk<3 then color 15:?"You haven't learned the Assess command yet!":goto 69 15001 : 15002 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 and lo(n)<>rm then color 15:?"The "wrd$(2)" isn't here.":goto 69 15004 if n=16 then color 15:?"This orb has magical properties to it. It may be useful around water.":goto 69 15005 if n=17 then color 15:?"This sword is a decent weapon. Good blade and hilt.":goto 69 15006 if n=18 then color 15:?"This dagger appears somewhat fragile. Ok blade and hilt.":goto 69 15007 if n=19 then color 15:?"This is an excellent weapon. Fine blade and hilt.":goto 69 15008 if n=20 then color 15:?"This is a STUPENDOUS weapon! Excellent blade and hilt.":goto 69 15009 if n=21 then color 15:?"An OUTSTANDING weapon! Wonderful blade and hilt!":goto 69 15010 if n=22 then color 15:?"A decent armor. Will protect back and shoulders.":goto 69 15011 if n=23 then color 15:?"An ok armor. Will offer some assistance in battle.":goto 69 15012 if n=24 then color 15:?"Excellent armor! Will protect most blows in torso and back.":goto 69 15013 if n=25 then color 15:?"A decent armor. Will cushion glancing blows against feet and ankle.":goto 69 15014 if n=26 then color 15:?"Great armor! Will protect solid blows against the skull.":goto 69 15015 color 14:?"The "no$(n)" cannot be assessed.":goto 69 15999 REM +--- Power Up command 16000 if sk<4 then color 15:?"You haven't learned the Power up command yet!":goto 69 16001 if mp&<50 then color 12:?"You lack the spell points to use Power up!":goto 69 16002 mp&=mp&-50:hp&=hm&:color 14:?"You are healed fully...":goto 69 16999 REM +--- Return command 17000 if sk<5 then color 15:?"You haven't learned the Return command yet!":goto 69 17001 color 10:?"You are teleported somewhere...":sleep 1:RM=1:goto 61 17999 REM +--- Dispell command 18000 if sk<6 then color 15:?"You haven't learned the Dispell command yet!":goto 69 18001 IF POISON=1 then color 11:?"You are no longer poisoned.":POISON=0:hp&=hm&:goto 69 18002 color 11:?"You are not poisoned.":goto 69 18999 REM +--- Light command 19000 if sk<7 then color 15:?"You haven't learned the Light command yet!":goto 69 19001 if LIGHT=0 then LIGHT=1:color 14:?"The darkness fades to the glorious day!":goto 69 19002 color 15:?"The room is already well lit.":goto 69 20000 if rm=1 then 20001 if a$="examine cathedral" then color 15:?"This is an old cathedral, built several hundred years ago. It has spires":?"rising over one hundred feet into the air. It is a gothic masterpiece.":goto 69 20002 if a$="examine windows" then color 15:?"These windows are stained in runed glass. The colors of the rainbow":?"reflect from the outside of the cathedral into the mystical interior.":goto 69 20003 if a$="examine pews" then color 15:?"These pews are old and worn.":goto 69 20004 if a$="examine altar" then color 15:?"This is an old wooden altar built from oak. It is finished in a fine":?"luster and shine. On the altar lies some food." 20005 if a$="examine food" or a$="get food" then color 11:?"You grab some food from atop the altar...":fd=fd+25:goto 69 20006 end if 20007 if rm=2 then 20008 if a$="examine village" then color 15:?"This is an old village steeped in tradition and culture. The inhabitants":?"are commoners from Middle Eastern Europe, circa 14th century A.D.":goto 69 20009 if a$="examine farm" then color 15:?"The farm is too far away to examine closely.":goto 69 20010 if a$="examine stableyard" or a$="examine stables" then color 15:?"The stableyard is too far away.":goto 69 20011 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path is well worn and quite muddy.":goto 69 20012 end if 20013 if rm=3 then 20014 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"You notice nothing special about the path.":goto 69 20015 if a$="examine ground" then color 15:?"The ground is worn down from wheel rut marks.":goto 69 20016 if a$="examine tavern" then color 15:?"This is a two story building built from solid oak. It has an":?"upstairs hallway beset atop a pillared frame.":goto 69 20017 if a$="examine cathedral" then color 15:?"This cathedral was built in the late-13th century A.D. It has towering":?"spires which rise hundreds of feet into the air.":goto 69 20018 end if 20019 if rm=4 then 20020 if a$="examine tavern" then color 15:?"This is an old tavern, with a second story hallway atop the main":?"entrance room. The bar is near the backwall, serviced by a bartender.":goto 69 20021 if a$="examine bartender" then color 15:?"The bartender is a stout man is his early forties. He appears":?"friendly and quite handsome.":goto 69 20022 if a$="examine tables" then color 15:?"These tables are carved out of solid oak. Some have beer bottles on them.":goto 69 20023 if a$="examine bar" then color 15:?"This bar was constructed entirely out of a single piece of wood. Remarkable!":goto 69 20024 if a$="examine stairway" or a$="examine stairs" then color 15:?"The stairway ascends upwards towards a long hallway.":goto 69 20025 end if 20026 if rm=5 then 20027 if a$="examine stableyard" or a$="examine stables" then color 15:?"These stables are constructed out of rough wood and aged bark.":?"Atop one of them you notice a spacious loft.":goto 69 20028 if a$="examine loft" then color 15:?"This loft is quite spacious. There may be a way to climb up.":goto 69 20029 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path is worn down by dirt and fallen ash.":goto 69 20030 if a$="examine farm" then color 15:?"It is a non-descript farm specializing in wheat and corn crops.":?"But you'll need to get a bit closer to know more.":goto 69 20031 end if 20032 if rm=6 then 20033 if a$="examine road" then color 15:?"This is a lonely country road which leads into a grassy hillside.":?"A farm is south.":goto 69 20034 if a$="examine farm" then color 15:?"The farm is populated by farm hands, livestock and plenty of crops.":?"Further inspection reveals a crop field to the south.":goto 69 20035 if a$="examine field" then color 15:?"This field is harvested yearly for wheat and barley.":goto 69 20036 if a$="examine corn" then color 15:?"The corn grows in narrow, highly developed stalks that rise ten feet":?"into the air.":goto 69 20037 if a$="examine wheat" then color 15:?"The wheat is neatly chaffed off by the farm hands around you.":goto 69 20038 if a$="examine stableyard" or a$="examine stables" then color 15:?"These stables where constructed adjacent to the farm. Several of the":?"farm hands have horses here.":goto 69 20039 if a$="examine hill" then color 15:?"The hill is too far away to examine closely.":goto 69 20040 if a$="examine trail" then color 15:?"The grassy trail heads west past a large hill.":goto 69 20041 end if 20042 if rm=7 then 20043 if a$="examine trail" then color 15:?"The trail winds past a large hill on the base of a steep slope.":?"The hill cannot be climbed without great effort.":goto 69 20044 if a$="examine hill" then color 15:?"This is a large, grassy hill beside a long path. It narrows some to the":?"west. You notice a boulder northwest of here.":goto 69 20045 if a$="examine boulder" then color 15:?"This is a large, concrete looking boulder blocking the path":?"to the northwest.":goto 69 20046 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path you are traveling on snakes past a large hill to the west.":goto 69 20047 end if 20048 if rm=8 then 20049 if a$="examine hill" then color 15:?"This is a large, grassy hill. It is quite steep and cannot be":?"climbed from this vantagepoint. However, to the north you notice a large":?"boulder protruding from the hillside.":goto 69 20050 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path turns here into a large boulder.":goto 69 20051 if a$="examine boulder" then color 15:?"This boulder cannot be moved by physical means.":goto 69 20052 end if 20053 if rm=9 then 20054 if a$="examine boulder" then color 15:?"You are in front of an immovable boulder. It blocks passage to the north.":?"Imprinted on the boulder is an obscure inscription.":goto 69 20055 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path ends abruptly here at a large boulder.":goto 69 20056 if a$="examine inscription" then color 15:?"The inscription reads: ";:color 11:?"'Use the orb at the forest lake.'":goto 69 20057 end if 20058 if rm=10 then 20059 if a$="examine shed" then color 15:?"This shed is darkened by the absence of light. However, there are":?"several shelves on the walls containing useful items.":goto 69 20060 if a$="examine shelves" then color 15:?"All of these shelves contain bottles of water.":color 11:?"You manage to pull one off and drink from it...":wa=wa+25:goto 69 20061 if a$="examine walls" then color 15:?"These walls are made from oak and birch wood. They have several holes.":goto 69 20062 if a$="examine holes" then color 15:?"Each hole varies in diameter, but light comes from outside only":?"through these holes.":goto 69 20063 end if 20064 if rm=11 then 20065 if a$="examine farm" then color 15:?"This is a small farm in the middle of corn and wheat fields. It has":?"a circular shape to it, and there is second story near the roof.":?"The farm is currently closed and may not be entered.":goto 69 20066 if a$="examine corn" or a$="examine barley" or a$="examine wheat" or a$="examine fields" then color 15:?"There is nothing unusual about the fields.":goto 69 20067 if a$="examine sun" then color 15:?"You see nothing special.":goto 69 20068 end if 20069 if rm=12 then 20070 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"This is a well worn path in the middle of the village.":?"Several wheel ruts are impressed upon the path.":goto 69 20071 if a$="examine house" then color 15:?"This is a small, one room house near the center of the village.":?"From the outside you notice a large fireplace inside.":goto 69 20072 if a$="examine fireplace" then color 15:?"The fireplace is made out of brick and appears to lead":?"to the chimney on the roof.":goto 69 20073 if a$="examine chimney" then color 15:?"The chimney is too far away to see from here.":goto 69 20074 if a$="examine roof" then color 15:?"The roof is made out of thatched material from the surrounding forest.":?"There is nothing else remarkable about the roof.":goto 69 20075 end if 20076 if rm=13 then 20077 if a$="examine house" then color 15:?"The interior of this house is well decorated. There are several chairs":?"and a table near the center of the room. You also notice a fireplace and a kitchen near the back wall.":goto 69 20078 if a$="examine chairs" then color 15:?"Each chair is carved out of solid oak wood. They are similar in design":?"and position across the room.":goto 69 20079 if a$="examine table" then color 15:?"This is a long oak table used in serving food. It is currently bare.":goto 69 20080 if a$="examine fireplace" then color 15:?"This is an ancient fireplace built into the back wall.":?"It is constructed from cobble stone and concrete, and above it":?"rests a wooden mantle.":goto 69 20081 if a$="examine mantle" then color 15:?"This is a long wooden mantle. Atop the mantle rests several gold coins.":color 11:?"You pick them up and put them in your pocket...":g&=g&+25:goto 69 20082 if a$="examine wall" then color 15:?"You notice nothing special about the wall.":goto 69 20083 if a$="examine kitchen" then color 15:?"This is an ordinary kitchen, with a crude stove and a place":?"to wash dishes. There is nothing else remarkable that you notice here.":goto 69 20084 if a$="examine stove" then color 15:?"On the stove are several loaves of bread.":color 11:?"You pick some up and eat heartily...":fd=fd+100:goto 69 20085 end if 20086 if rm=14 then 20087 if a$="examine shop" then color 15:?"This is a one room shop with several shelves, windows and a long counter.":?"There is nothing else remarkable about the shop.":goto 69 20088 if a$="examine shelves" then color 15:?"These shelves are quite dusty and in need of cleaning.":goto 69 20089 if a$="examine windows" then color 15:?"Looking out the window, you see a market square to the east and a house":?"just beyond that.":goto 69 20090 if a$="examine house" then color 15:?"The house is too far away to examine closely.":goto 69 20091 if a$="examine market" or a$="examine marketplace" or a$="examine square" then color 15:?"The square appears quite busy. There are people all around, shopping for":?"wares of all kinds.":goto 69 20092 if a$="examine counter" then color 15:?"This long wooden counter is carved in a solid birch set.":?"Atop the counter are several items, but none of them appear interesting.":goto 69 20093 end if 20094 if rm=15 then 20095 if a$="examine square" then color 15:?"This square is busy with the hustle and bustle of daily life.":?"People from all walks of life are busy buying and selling wares":?"from all corners of the landscape. You feel small here.":goto 69 20096 if a$="examine marketplace" then color 15:?"The market is crowded with hundreds of commoners, shopping the area":?"in search of the next great buy. Some are positioned near applecarts.":?"You notice a stone fountain here.":goto 69 20097 if a$="examine applecarts" then color 15:?"These applecarts contain various items, from rare trinkets to medallions":?"and even apples.":color 11:?"You snatch a few apples when no one appears to be looking...":hp&=hm&:goto 69 20098 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path is strewn with debris and shoe prints from the":?"hustle of life across it.":goto 69 if a$="examine fountain" then color 15:?"The fountain pours crystal clear water into an mottled basin below.":goto 69 if a$="examine basin" then color 15:?"The basin is clear and provides water from the town.":goto 69 if a$="drink from fountain" or a$="drink fountain" or a$="drink water" or a$="get water" or a$="take water" then if ob$(13)="An empty bottle of wine bottle." and lo(13)=-1 then ob$(13)="A bottle full of water.":?"Ok.":goto 69 if a$="drink from fountain" or a$="drink fountain" or a$="drink water" or a$="get water" or a$="take water" then color 15:?"You don't have a suitable container. Please find one and come back.":goto 69 20099 end if 21000 if rm=16 then 21001 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path heads east towards a junction. This leads into the heart of":?"the forest. To the path lie impassable mountains.":goto 69 21002 if a$="examine forest" then color 15:?"The surrounding forest is twisted and dark.":goto 69 21003 if a$="examine sign" or a$="read sign" then color 15:?"The sign reads: 'The Magic Flute by Paul Panks ('":goto 69 21004 if a$="examine flowers" then color 15:?"These are daisies, in a myriad of colors and hues. They are absolutely":?"beautiful flowers.":goto 69 if a$="pick flowers" or a$="get flowers" or a$="take flowers" then color 15:?"You attempt to grab the flowers but the roots are too tough!":goto 69 21005 end if 21006 if rm=17 then 21007 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path turns south here into the heart of the forest. It is well worn.":goto 69 21008 if a$="examine forest" then color 15:?"The forest begins here at a large tree. It has high branches and a large":?"hole in the center.":goto 69 21009 if a$="examine tree" then color 15:?"This is a large oak tree with hundreds of small leaves. It cannot be":?"climbed without a pole.":goto 69 21010 if a$="examine hole" then color 15:?"This is a large hallow beset into the center of the tree.":color 11:?"You reach in and pull out a few gold coins...":g&=g&+10:goto 69 21011 if a$="examine trees" then color 15:?"These trees rise hundreds of feet into the air. The canopy above you":?"provides ample shade from the overhead sun.":goto 69 21012 if a$="examine canopy" then color 15:?"The canopy is dense and provides excellent shade from the sun.":?"The air is cool and there is a light breeze.":goto 69 21013 end if 21014 if rm=18 then 21015 if a$="examine forest" then color 15:?"The forest thins out here and gives way to a rolling plain.":goto 69 21016 if a$="examine trees" then color 15:?"The trees are tall and full of twisting branches. They cannot be climbed.":goto 69 21017 if a$="examine clearing" then color 15:?"This is a small clearing near the cener of the forest. Just beyond it":?"lies a small lake.":goto 69 21018 if a$="examine lake" then color 15:?"The lake is not fully visible from this vantagepoint.":goto 69 21019 if a$="examine branches" then color 15:?"The branches are too high to reach from here. You'll have to find":?"another way of reaching them.":goto 69 21020 end if 21021 if rm=19 then 21022 if a$="examine road" or a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The road turns here and heads into a small village.":?"The path is well worn and muddy.":goto 69 21023 if a$="examine village" then color 15:?"This is a small village at the edge of a large forest. It has":?"several buildings and a small stableyard.":goto 69 21024 if a$="examine buildings" then color 15:?"These buildings are about the same height and design, with brick":?"foundations and thatched roofing. Some of them appear to be inhabited.":goto 69 21025 if a$="examine stables" or a$="examine stableyard" then color 15:?"The stableyard is too far away to view from here.":goto 69 21026 if a$="examine gate" then color 15:?"This is a large iron gate. There are vines surrounding it on either side":?"while a large stone archway is visible about it.":goto 69 21027 if a$="examine archway" then color 15:?"This is a stone archway constructed from cobblestone and mud. It rises":?"approximately thirty feet above the ground and has vines growing":?"on either column.":goto 69 21028 if a$="examine column" or a$="examine columns" then color 15:?"These columns are constructed from cobblestone and mud. They are quite":?"sturdy and solid looking.":goto 69 21029 if a$="examine vines" or a$="examine vine" then color 15:?"The vines grow close to the concrete wall. They are twisted and tangled":?"across the surface of the archway.":goto 69 21030 if a$="climb vine" or a$="climb vines" then color 11:?"(climb vines)":?:color 15:?"Part of the vines break off in your hands.":goto 69 21031 end if 21032 if rm=20 then 21033 if a$="examine market" or a$="examine marketplace" or a$="examine square" then color 15:?"The marketplace is busy with people. Several of them appear to be unhappy":?"at the moment.":goto 69 21034 if a$="examine path" or a$="examine road" then color 15:?"The path you are traveling on heads north here past a large":?"square. In the center of the square stands a large fountain.":goto 69 21035 if a$="examine fountain" then color 15:?"There are too many people surrounding the area of the fountain.":goto 69 21036 end if 21037 if rm=21 then 21038 if a$="examine range" then color 15:?"This is a long mountain range near the edge of a large forest.":?"It cannot be climbed without great effort.":goto 69 21039 if a$="examine mountain" or a$="examine mountains" then color 15:?"The mountains rise up hundreds of feet into the air. The tops of the":?"mountains are still snow-capped from recent winter months.":goto 69 21040 if a$="climb mountain" or a$="climb mountains" then if lo(11)=-1 then color 15:?"You scale the mountain until you reach the top...":sleep 1:rm=27:goto 61 21041 if a$="climb mountain" or a$="climb mountains" then color 15:?"The mountains cannot be climbed without a rope.":goto 69 21042 if a$="examine cliff" or a$="examine cliffs" then color 15:?"The cliffs are very steep and require a rope to scale.":goto 69 21043 end if 21044 if rm=22 then 21045 if a$="examine forest" then color 15:?"The path turns east here into a secluded section of the forest.":?"The trees above you are quite tall, although the area thins out a":?"bit to the west.":goto 69 21046 if a$="examine trees" then color 15:?"These are tall ponderosa trees. Each tree has twisting branches":?"and lush foliage.":goto 69 21047 if a$="examine foliage" then color 15:?"The foliage is quite dense. Very little light reaches the ground here.":goto 69 21048 if a$="examine ground" then color 15:?"The ground is covered with a mixture of dirt and leaves.":goto 69 21049 if a$="examine leaves" then color 15:?"These leaves have fallen from the many trees surrounding you.":?"They are quite brittle and break at the least of pressure.":goto 69 21050 if a$="get leaves" then color 15:?"These leaves are much too brittle to carry around.":goto 69 21051 if a$="examine dirt" then color 15:?"The dirt is a darkened amber. It is silky and fine grained.":goto 69 21052 if a$="eat dirt" or a$="eat leaves" then color 15:?"Do you really want to "a$"?":goto 69 21053 if a$="yes" then color 15:?"I can't believe you just did that!":goto 69 21054 if a$="examine woods" or a$="examine wood" or a$="examine woodland" then color 15:?"To the east, the surrounding woodland becomes dark and oppressive.":goto 69 21055 end if 21056 if rm=23 then 21057 if a$="examine forest" or a$="examine woods" then color 15:?"The surrounding forest is dense and twisted. A large tree":?"can be seen here, although climbing it requires a long rope.":goto 69 21058 if a$="use rope" or a$="climb tree" then if lo(11)=-1 then color 11:?"(use rope)":?:color 15:?"You swing the rope and it catches on a branch.":?"You climb up...":sleep 1:ob$(11)="A coil of rope (hanging down).":lo(11)=23:RM=71:goto 61 21059 if a$="use rope" or a$="climb tree" then color 15:?"Climbing the tree requires a long rope. Get the rope and come back.":goto 69 21060 if a$="examine branch" or a$="examine branches" then color 15:?"The branches are twisted and solid. They appear sturdy":?"enough to climb.":goto 69 21061 if a$="climb branch" or a$="climb branches" then color 15:?"There branches cannot be reached from here. Sorry!":goto 69 21062 if a$="examine sky" then color 15:?"The sky is a beautiful blue. Clouds drift by slowly in the distance.":goto 69 21063 if a$="examine cloud" or a$="examine clouds" then color 15:?"These are mostly cirrius clouds, swirling in an upwards motion.":goto 69 21064 if a$="examine canopy" then color 15:?"The canopy is quite dense, although a portion of the canopy":?"is abscent.":goto 69 21065 end if 21066 if rm=24 then 21067 if a$="examine forest" then color 15:?"The forest thins out here towards the east.":?"The trees become dark and oppressive west of here.":goto 69 21068 if a$="examine trees" then color 15:?"The trees are covered in thick foliage. The provided canopy is very":?"dense and hangs overhead oppressively.":goto 69 21069 if a$="climb tree" or a$="climb trees" then color 15:?"The trees are too high to climb, even with a rope.":goto 69 21070 if a$="examine hillside" then color 15:?"The hillside is too far away from here.":goto 69 21071 if a$="examine path" then color 15:?"The path turns west here and heads into the heart of the forest.":?"You notice some unusual marks on the ground here.":goto 69 21072 if a$="examine marks" or a$="examine mark" or a$="examine ground" then color 15:?"These marks were made by small creatures with four toes and sharp heels.":goto 69 21073 end if 22000 goto 73