Source code for Scheme engine and "Lists of Lists" Copyright 1996 by Andrew Plotkin ( This source code may be copied and distributed freely. The Scheme interpreter source may be freely used, modified, and incorporated into other works. There are five Inform source files in this archive: zlisp.inf: simple execution shell lists.inf: game source for the competition entry itself lists-manual.inf: the manual used by the competition entry zlisp-core.inf: Scheme interpreter zlisp-funs.inf: functions used by Scheme interpreter The Scheme interpreter itself is in zlisp-core.inf and zlisp-funs.inf. (Please don't tell me I should rename them "zscheme" -- it's not worth the effort.) Note that zlisp-core.inf includes zlisp-funs.inf. To compile the interpreter on its own, just compile zlisp.inf. As you'll note, it's just a Main() function which calls LispLoop(), the top- level function of the interpreter, which is defined in zlisp-core.inf. This does not include the Inform libraries. To compile "Lists and Lists" (my competition entry per se), compile lists.inf. You'll note that this calls LispLoop(), in the before:Push clause of the green button, just where you'd expect. This file includes zlisp-core.inf, of course, and also includes lists-manual.inf, the manual, which was big enough that I kept it in a separate file. This should be enough exemplery for you to use the interpreter in your own Inform programs, should you desire. The interpreter allocates a huge array to act as the Scheme memory heap. You should use $MAX_STATIC_DATA=13000 at least -- more if your game is large. This code has only been compiled under Inform 5.5. I'm sure the interpreter would make a great link module, but you'll have to do it yourself. Functions in the interpreter interface: LispLoop(): Call this to run the interpreter. It will exit when the user types ":q". LispReset(): Call this to reset the interpreter. LispEscapeCodes(): Define this in your own code to define extra escape codes (the engine only defines ":q", ":e", ":c", and ":g".) It must be defined before you include zlisp-core.inf.