Constant Story "BetaHTML library example"; Constant Headline "^An example of the BetaHTML.h^"; Replace AfterGameOver; ! Unfortunately, you must place this string before ! including "parser". Include "Parser"; [ BetaAfterPrompt; ! An example of the routine that's called after each ! prompt. It will print to the script file only, not ! onto screen. print "Real location: ",(name) real_location,". Moves: ", sline2; new_line; ]; [ BetaAfterComment; ! An example of the routine that's called after each ! beta comment. It will print to the script file only, ! not onto screen print "Real location: ",(name) real_location,". Score: ",sline1; new_line; ]; Include "BetaHTML"; ! Inclusion of BetaHTML library Include "VerbLib"; Object Blank_Room "Blank Room" with description "The blank room is so good that you think you're happy.", has light; [ Initialise ; location = Blank_Room; "^^^^^This is a start message.^"; ]; Include "Grammar";