GGOLLEK I: The Dissolution A Text Adventure by THE MISSING Copyright 1994 Pusrocket Software Created using MAGT 1.7 by David Malmberg * HOW TO USE THIS PROGRAM 1) This program requires: - IBM-PC AT or better - VGA card and monitor - K of Hard Drive Space 2) Unzip the archive GGOLLEK.ZIP into a directory of your choice. The directory should then contain the following files: README.1ST (what you're reading now) MRUN.EXE GGOLLEK.BAT GGOLLEK.VOC GGOLLEK.D$$ GGOLLEK.DA1 (through G1.DA6) GGOLLEK.TTL GGOLLEK.INS xx.P19 (various files) GGOLLEK.PCX (the title logo) 3) Simply type GGOLLEK or MRUN GGOLLEK to start the adventure. If you just type GGOLLEK, and you win the game, the screen will clear to DOS before you see your final score, so be warned. 4) Instructions are included as an option in the adventure, if you need more help. 5) If you REALLY need help, a hint, or wish to report a bug, you can contact the author at the following places: BEYOND THE GRAVE BBS (Pusrocket Software Support): at (206) 433-7751 or (206) 433-7652 GEnie: C.DAHL4 Internet: C.DAHL4@GEIS.COM * SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION CONDITIONS: 1) This software may be FREELY distributed as long as ALL FILES in the GGOLLEK.ZIP archive are included in the distribution. If the archive is to be distributed COMMERCIALLY, please contact THE MISSING at one of the above places first BEFORE commercial distribution. 2) No other files, or altered original files, may be distributed, nor may any of the files in the archive be included in any other archive, with the exception of MRUN.EXE, which is authorized freeware. * RELEASE NOTES: V .90 (9/2/94) -- Initial release. Future plans for the adventure include (G1.ZIP) illustrations and perhaps some music. General clean-up also planned. V 1.0 (9/10/94) -- Initial Illustrated release. General code clean-up. (GGOLLEK.ZIP) Music may still be an option, but MAGT only supports PC Speaker music, not .CMFs or .MIDs like the docs say (tho I am speaking to Mr. Malmberg about this.) * ABOUT THE ADVENTURE AND THE AUTHOR THE MISSING has been designing and writing adventure games on a variety of platforms, using a variety of software, since the early 80's. GGOLLEK I is actually a souped-up small design originally created in 1984. It is also the first adventure written by The Missing using the MAGT system. PUSROCKET SOFTWARE is completely dedicated to the 'cause of the text adventure'. We are always looking for writers, designers, illustrators, and musicians to make the best text adventures possible. If you're a hobbyist in one or more of the above areas, and would like to contribute your efforts toward creating a text adventure, please contact Pusrocket Software via their home board (Beyond the Grave BBS) or via a message hook. * ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATIONS: All the orignal artwork was created by The Missing, using paint programs (The Missing _hates_ PC painters...he misses the Amiga!) or done as quick pencil sketches scanned with a Logitech hand scanner. Other artwork was scanned from various sources, with the notable exception of a beautiful "wraith" .GIF from the game "Dark Legions" by SSI. This is an incredibly beautiful and fun game...go out and buy it! * PRONOUNCIATION NOTES: GGOLLEK: (GOal-lek) -- Try to "swallow" that first 'G' in 'goal'. ROHADI: (roe-A-dee) -- The 'h' is silent.