06/14/98 V1.08 * Oops, Cyan and Magenta text colors were reversed (there are still some odd multi-color operations that console Frotz doesn't handle as well as Frotz, but they aren't part of the spec - I'll get to them at some point). 06/13/98 V1.07 * This version built from the WinFrotz 2.32 R5.2 code base 08/28/97 V1.06 * Fixed a scrolling bug that could cause one line to disappear when hitting multiple "MORE" prompts in a row. * Fixed one or two conditions that could cause a crash on feeding a total garbage file in as a Z-game. * This version built from the WinFrotz 2.22 R4.5 code base. * I believe I've found a way to speed up the text updates to a console, but it will take some effort to re-write. Maybe next rev. I still kind of like this version because of that ever-useful Alt-Enter for fullscreen. 06/04/97 V1.05 * Major update moves code base up to WinFrotz 2.22 R4.3 (full Window version) * Many edits to correct problems in supporting new underlying Frotz code; hopefully not many new bugs to go along with those edits :-) * Finally fixed os_string_width so occasional bleeding off edge character is fixed 02/10/97 V1.04 * Equivalent code base of WinFrotz 2.01 R3.3 (full Window version) * A subtle background erase bug that caused inverted erasing under certain conditions was fixed. This corrects Arthur when an incorrect command was typed and (maybe, I can't test it) Shogun. * A variety of small optimizations have increased display speed. 02/02/97 V1.03 * Brought console code up to do date from the extensive rewrites done for WinFrotz2, which is now also released. * Fixed sound bugs for Lurking Horror. * WinFrotz 1.X now more accurately determines it's window handle for the purpose of displaying dialog boxes. If WinFrotz is NOT displaying dialog boxes with -D 1 set, then it was unable to grab a handle to itself (this isn't supposed to be possible with consoles, so it's sort of a tricky thing to do). If it can't find it's handle WinFrotz will use text prompts. * For what it's worth, I added mouse click handling. This means you can play Journey for instance; but without the graphics. 11/25/96 * Minor fixes for position stuff in certain games (missing last character of the status bar, etc) * Changed erase area routine to slower but more compatible method so games like Journey work (in text mode at least) * Couple of keyboard handler clean ups for weird keys 11/20/96 V1.02 * Integrated Chris Madsen's alias code from the OS/2 version of Frotz (use Alt-A to bring up the hotkey menu) * Made modifications to automatically load alias files at launch * Fixed bug in resetting the font colors when running WinFrotz from the command line itself * Started using standard Windows File selector boxes for save/load files (override command switch available to use old method) * When zoomed (ALT-ENTER) to a text screen, WinFrotz will detect this and use text mode for save/load dialogs, not Win dialog boxes. ALT-ENTER back to window mode if you want a dialog box * Built in Emacs style key codes from OS/2 version * Corrected bug for PageUP/PageDown not working * Corrected a bug in erase_input * Increased the number of undo slots to 40 * Windows console trivia: You can retrieve an HWND for a Console and even draw to it when not in text mode. TextOutput() however seems to be broken (damnit, there goes italics until a graphics client is done). 11/16/96 V1.01 * Argh! Crusty code alert: missed an edit on timed keys. This version fixes the problem. Including FREEFALL in the distribution archive to remind of this from here on out... 11/16/96 V1.00 * First release, sound support