Getfeldt's Treasure (c) Mike Salisbury - 2006 You are on vacation on an uncharted island in the South Pacific. Your research into the strange story of the Getfeldt treasure brought you here. Tales dating back to 1811 tell of alien technology being held by Getfeldt's. The people of the island believe 'anything' to do with Getfeldt is cursed. All that have come seeking the treasure have disappeared from this Earth. That is likely the reason you were ignored when you arrived ............ ..... they know you won't be around long! The file GETFELDT.LIC msut be in the same envelope (directory, diskette, etc.) as the GETFELDT.EXE file or the EXE file will not run. System requirements: PC-compatible computer with 386 CPU or better. Runs under MS-DOS and all versions of Windows, including XP.