List of in-comp and post-comp updates 11/11/2024 new release (5.00) --added more granular guess information to THINK (note 1-2 words guessed right, 1-2 close guesses) --LOAN room has better description that keeps pace with your progress --clarified "mice" seen as one entity, "follow/follows" text fixes --the usual small flavor text additions 11/9/2024 new release (4.00) --main new feature is dialogue/chatter between friends as they join up --flavor text added from my notes 10/21/2024 new release (3.00) --new taunt from the grinch earls --when grinch earls leave, the final boss arrives! --trivial fixes 10/16/2024 new release (2.00) --hint item now lets you EYE things to see if they are ready and/or necessary to solve. --general minor text cleanup --UNDO is now blocked after using war pawn, though you can still move and UNDO twice as a workaround --trying to remove the gross tar twice no longer gives odd response ==============================================post-IFComp above, IFComp below 10/5/2024 updated (1.21) (final IFComp update) --EAT CAKE no longer gives "inedible." Replaced default Inform EAT behavior. --credits and companion reporting tweaked 10/3/2024 updates (1.20) --new option to say "your party of 3+" instead of listing them out --T/talk to, with object or not, now more accurately guesses whom you'd like to talk to, with text for formerly silent NPCs as well --Inventory now has header and footer that change slightly as the game progresses. Also a custom "you are carrying" message. --fixed typos and trivial logic errors for when conditional text should appear --trivial shortcuts for VERBS command 9/26/2024 updates (1.12) --added responses to very-close-to-right guesses --bug fix where trying to solve 3 puzzles after solving them gave "can't do this yet" --inventory small bug fixes with one item printed twice (the ache) and other trivia --game text clarification for locations and can't go that way --added response for manipulating stalk (good guess) and first room's name --changed duplicate nudge at start 9/7/2024 updates (1.11) --zapped THINK text for bonus-point reject at end of game --redacted room name you hadn't visited in "to say here-in of (rm - a room)" --more granular text branches explaining optional area/cheat item use doesn't affect best ending --specific text added for 2nd puzzle close guess --tweaked logic and text for rules to determine if certain puzzle solutions can work yet ("pre-" rules) --added PNG map 9/4/2024 updates (1.10) --optional room puzzles now always disappear when solved --clarified in-game that (lack of) progress in optional room doesn't lock out best ending --added THINK note for command that needs prep (in optional room) --crude orc description/appearance improved based on game state --earls in optional room now have synonym when appropriate --room-specific "can't go that way" messages were polished --note everywhere a point-scoring activity causes room name to changes in game text, not just header --fixed trivial typos including one "if X is false" that should've been "if X is true" 9/3/2024 updates (1.04) --clarified in-game that using cheat/warp item doesn't lock out best ending --there are now 3 levels of rejecting cheap/warp item usage (nothing here, nothing here you can guess right now, something here you can guess but not succeed at) --implemented +1/+2 in right hand status line, with explanation of what it does after first THINK --trivial text cleanup --big ZIP binary now contains source code (except for redacted best-ending test code) 9/2/2024 updates (1.03) --fixed case where homonym rule was in the wrong main table row (the right rule was absent, so I wrote it in, too) --renamed wbase.txt to walkthrough.txt, since wbase.txt was originally meant to fork to walkthrough.txt and walkthrough-full.txt, and I've opted not to give a full walkthrough --better cluing of approximately how close you are to the tricky point at/near the end on reject --war pawn's description tuned up --CSS issue on web version fixed so cursor doesn't bleed into Parchment link --forgot to mention in 9/1(b): wow, people finding bugs <2 hours after release, nice work! 9/1/2024(b) updates (1.02) --fixed bug for missing THINK text in room below hub --fix in non-game-specific code also fixed excess THINK text for the ache you get later --fixed regression bug where 9/1/2024(a) reorganization of hub exits forgot to mention DOWN when it was there --forgot to mention 9/1(a) also fixed double appearance of "score went up/bonus points went up" 9/1/2024(a) bug fixes (1.01) Cheat item improvements: --cheat item no longer used up if its suggested available solution is something you guessed before but weren't ready to execute yet --cheat item now rattles (not just stays silent) if you are in a room with something to do, but you can't do it yet --switched a few rows in table of puzzle solutions, so trickier puzzle comes first, to maximize the cheat item's value Game text improvements: --removed debug text that sometimes appeared in jump-ahead cheat --some conjugation cases with multiple companions "a and b follows you north" fixed --maximum possible remaining score, not tracked at all in the initial submission, is now tracked properly --Haze/main hub room rearranged print order of exits, with current companions pushed to the bottom for continuity/readability --scenery item removed in Haze/main hub room after solving first puzzle makes it superfluous --to jibe with the narrative, an item briefly appears in inventory before climbing to the Haze/main hub room Miscellaneous improvements: --walkthrough tweaks