Version 1/240816 of Why Pout Definitions by Andrew Schultz begins here. "Definitions for Why Pout" volume includes volume game specific definitions definition: a rule (called ru) is thinknoteblocking: if ru is pre-wide-vision rule, yes; no; volume cheat item stuff a thing has a number called eyes-number. a thing has a rule called eyes-rule. eyes-rule of a thing is usually autoreject rule. a room has a number called eyes-number. a room has a rule called eyes-rule. eyes-rule of a room is usually autoreject rule. a wordtwisting rule (this is the autoreject rule): not-yet; a hintthing is a kind of thing. a hintthing can be dropwarned. a hintthing is usually not dropwarned. a hintthing has text called drop-poke. check drop2ing hintthing: if noun is dropwarned, continue the action; now noun is dropwarned; say "[drop-poke of noun]"; if the player switch-consents: say "Okay."; moot noun; else: say "Okay, there will be no nag next time you try to drop [the noun]."; the rule succeeds; chapter eyeing eyering is an action out of world. understand the command "eye" as something new. understand the command "eyes" as something new. understand "eye" as eyering when player has slice eyes. understand "eyes" as eyering when player has slice eyes. eyeing is an action out of world applying to one thing. understand "eye [thing]" as eyeing when player has slice eyes. understand "eyes [thing]" as eyeing when player has slice eyes. check eyeing eyes: say "[one of]The eyes will light up two sets of dots if there is something relevant to clue. (+)[or]The numbers of dots correspond to the number of letters in each word. (+)[or]The dots also have two binary settings: green or yellow, and dimly glowing or glowing. (+)[or]Green dots mean something you can move forward with now. (+)[or]Yellow dots mean something you can guess, but you don't have the right items or assistance to move forward. (+)[or]Finally, a dimly glowing reading is something that is optional for completing [this-game]. (End of hints. Next [b]EYE EYES[r] starts the hint cycle again)[cycling][line break]" instead; to say eye-with: if current action is eyering: say "with the general area"; else if noun is a follower: say "make friends with [the noun]"; else if noun is a sentient: say "[if noun is hostile]neutralize[else if noun is agreeable]aid[else]improve[end if] [the noun]"; else: say "with [the noun]"; eyeguessing a number (called n): if sly size slice eyes are moot, say "But you ditched [the eyes], so you can't [b]EYE[r] any more." instead; if player does not have sly size slice eyes, say "But you don't have what you need to [b]EYE[r] anything." instead; if n is -1: say "The eyes show nothing. You've done everything you need to [eye-with]." instead; else if n is 0 or n is 1: say "The eyes show nothing. Probably don't need to do anything [eye-with]." instead; else if n is 2: say "The eyes almost seem to light up. Perhaps you need to do something later [eye-with], when things are noticeably different." instead; let dimly be whether or not n < 0; if n < 0: now n is 0 - n; let this-rule be eyes-rule of location of player; if current action is eyeing: now this-rule is eyes-rule of noun; now verb-dont-print is true; process this-rule; now verb-dont-print is false; let rb-out be outcome of the rulebook; say "The eyes "; if rb-out is the not-yet outcome: say "light up [if dimly is true]a dim [end if]yellow"; else if dimly is true: say "glow dimly"; else: say "light up green"; say " and show [(n / 10) in words] dots, then [(remainder after dividing n by 10) in words] dots."; eyeguessing is a number based rulebook. check eyeing (this is the time to wipe out rule): if player is in doom ending and sco-cease-cull is true and sco-wipe-out is false: say "The eyes look around frantically. It feels like quite a moment, where you need a big moment or action. They show four dots, then three dots." instead; carry out eyeing: abide by the eyeguessing rulebook for eyes-number of noun; the rule succeeds; check eyering: abide by the time to wipe out rule; if player is in brew swears and number of swearblobs in brew swears is 1: let RSB be random swearblob in brew swears; try eyeing RSB instead; carry out eyering: abide by the eyeguessing rulebook for eyes-number of location of player; the rule succeeds; report eyeing: note-not-now; continue the action; report eyering: note-not-now; continue the action; to note-not-now: if gs-eye-note is false: now gs-eye-note is true; say "[i][bracket][b]NOTE[r][i]: the eyes have two binary settings: green or yellow, and glowing or dimly glowing. This, along with the hints, may be intuitive, but if it is not, [b]EYE EYES[r][i] will spell things out.[close bracket]"; to declue-here: now eyes-number of location of player is -1 to declue (th - a thing): now eyes-number of th is -1 chapter room specific rule(s) check eyering when player is in brew swears and sco-weak-us is false: say "It's not the room so much as the 'we cuss' vibes the eyes seem to be picking up."; volume new types book sentient a sentient can be prefollowing. a sentient is usually not prefollowing. [defined in the core: this is for things you can talk to but they take lower priority than followers] a sentient can be hostile, agreeable or neutral. a sentient is usually neutral. book followers (defined in global file) a follower can be unfriendly, friendly or donewith. a follower is usually unfriendly. a follower can be needed or unneeded. a follower is usually needed. a follower can be unchatted or chatted. a follower is usually unchatted. a follower has text called help-chat. definition: a follower (called f) is still-follow-needed: if f is unneeded, no; if f is friendly, no; yes; definition: a follower (called f) is still-chat-needed: if f is chatted, no; if f is unneeded, no; yes; to befriend (f - a follower): now f is friendly; move f to location of player; if f is not orc: add f to followers-as-joined; if number of friendly followers is 8, add orc to followers-as-joined; if number of friendly followers is 1: say "[line break]It looks like [the f] will be following you around. All that silence might get awkward, so you may wish to [b]T[r] or [b]TALK[r] ([b]TO[r]) them."; else if number of friendly followers is 3: say "[line break][i][bracket][b]NOTE:[r][i] in order to simplify things now you've grown your party, you can type [b]UH PARTY[r][i] or [b]A PARTY[r][i] so everyone is not listed individually. [b]APART EEE[r][i] (or [b]EE[r][i]/[b]EEEE[r][i]) will list them individually again. This is all in [b]VERBS[r][i].[close bracket][r][line break]"; else if number of still-follow-needed followers is 0: say "[line break]Wow! You've got quite a group here. You can't imagine needing a bigger one[if number of unfriendly followers > 0], though there's BRUISE-WARES[end if]."; else if (number of friendly followers >= 4) and (pals-made - number of chatted followers > 2): say "[line break]Hmm. You have a lot of friends following you around, but you haven't talked to them much. Perhaps you could learn something from them."; definition: a follower (called fo) is leftbehind: unless fo is friendly, no; if fo is in location of player, no; yes; to decide whether can-lump-party: if number of friendly followers >= 3, yes; no; to decide whether say-plural-moving-followers: if number of leftbehind followers > 1, yes; let rf be a random leftbehind follower; if rf is plural-named, yes; no; to decide whether say-plural-stationary-followers: if number of friendly followers in location of player > 1, yes; let rf be a random friendly follower; if rf is plural-named, yes; no; every turn when block-followers is false (this is the followers follow you rule): [practically, some of this code may not be necessary. It's impossible to get the mice first. But we'd like to be accurate with the code, if we can.] if number of leftbehind followers > 0: if opt-lump-party is true: say "Your [number of leftbehind followers in words] companions follow you[mouse-check]."; else: say "The [list of leftbehind followers] follow[if not say-plural-moving-followers]s[end if] you."; follow-you; to follow-you: repeat with X running through leftbehind followers: move X to location of player; book statuses to decide whether talk-default-to-player: if player is in Eh Raw Air Aww, yes; if being-policed, yes; no; to decide whether being-policed: if player is in NaffHaze and sco-nah-phase is true and sco-pole-east is false, yes; no; book swearblobs a swearblob is a kind of thing. a swearblob is usually privately-named. a swearblob is usually scenery. a swearblob has a swearblob called prev-swear. a swearblob has a swearblob called next-swear. most-recent-swear is a swearblob that varies. swears-order is a list of things variable. when play begins: now swears-order is the list of swearblobs; sort swears-order in random order; swear-prev-next-from-order; to swear-prev-next-from-order: [ make a linked list from the sorted list. This could have been done right away, but the code still would've been tricky. We'd need "a swear-blob can be linked-yet" then "let first-swear be (random swear)" then "let next-swear be a random not linked-yet swear" and add prev/next. Then when none are linked, let prev-swear of first be last. That seemed trickier than this. ] now prev-swear of (entry 1 in swears-order) is entry (number of swearblobs) in swears-order; now next-swear of entry (number of swearblobs) in swears-order is (entry 1 in swears-order); repeat with X running from 2 to number of swearblobs: now prev-swear of (entry X in swears-order) is (entry (X - 1) in swears-order); now next-swear of (entry (X - 1) in swears-order) is (entry X in swears-order); now most-recent-swear is entry (number of swearblobs) of swears-order; [ if debug-state is true: repeat with X running through swearblobs: say "[x] [prev-swear of x] [next-swear of x].";] every turn when player is in brew swears and sco-weak-us is true and number of not moot swearblobs > 0 (this is the cycle swears rule): now most-recent-swear is next-swear of most-recent-swear; if most-recent-swear is not in brew and most-recent-swear is not moot, move most-recent-swear to brew; say "[one of]Your observation has caused something to 'righteously' snap in the [grinch]. And boy, are they going to firehose you with their 'best!'[paragraph break][or][stopping][description of most-recent-swear][line break]"; chapter alphorder - not for release a swearblob has a number called alphorder. volume stubs volume definitions definition: a direction (called d) is viable: if the room d of location of player is nowhere, no; yes; volume combo numbers to decide which number is pals-made: decide on number of friendly followers; to decide which number is pals-needed: decide on number of needed followers; to decide which number is flier-isle-score: decide on (boolval of sco-grow-vial) + (boolval of sco-the-file) + (boolval of sco-war-file); to decide which number is plane-dir-score: decide on (boolval of sco-pole-east) + (boolval of sco-grow-star) + (boolval of sco-shore-trail) + (boolval of sco-key-pillar); to decide which number is keep-score: decide on (boolval of sco-gnome-old) + (boolval of sco-rogue-old) + (boolval of sco-manna-curb) + (boolval of sco-plan-tracker) + (boolval of sco-see-design) + (boolval of sco-knife-right); to decide which number is orc-score: decide on (boolval of sco-weak-us) + (boolval of sco-crew-dork); [yes, it's possible we could define a function called boolsum of brew-swears but this does the job for now] to decide which number is brew-swears-score: decide on (boolval of sco-brew-swears) + (boolval of sco-weak-us) + (boolval of sco-grin-churls) + (boolval of sco-ass-low) + (boolval of sco-crew-dork) + (boolval of sco-huh-shit) + (boolval of sco-lie-fuckers) + (boolval of sco-heckle-ass) + (boolval of sco-were-dicks) + (boolval of sco-bastard-eee) + (boolval of sco-gah-wanker) book meta scoring definition: a rule (called ru) is vision-missable: if ru is pre-wide-vision rule, yes; if ru is pre-crew-dork rule, yes; no; to decide which number is pre-acts: let return-value be 0; repeat through table of main oronyms: if check-rule entry is vision-missable, next; if everfail entry is true, increment return-value; decide on return-value; to decide which number is thinkcue-index: let WVRE be number of entries in wide-vision-rejects; if pre-acts is 0, decide on 1; if pre-acts is pre-max - 1, decide on WVRE; [say "[pre-acts - 1] * [WVRE - 2] / [pre-max - 2] = ";] decide on 2 + (((pre-acts - 1) * (WVRE - 2)) / (pre-max - 2)); [the arithmetic here is, 1 THINK cue starts you at 2, while 19 THINK cues of 20 end you at exactly 11 = # of WVR. 1->2, 19->11.] when play begins: repeat through table of main oronyms: if there is a think-advice entry: if check-rule entry is vision-missable, next; increment pre-max; [say "[check-rule entry] [pre-max].";] volume begin play when play begins: sort table of zero point taunts in random order; sort table of zero point taunts in sortval order; volume internal map [not very useful since Inform doesn't connect rooms at the beginning, but I do like to make it tidy when I can] first-rooms is a region. last-rooms is a region. chapter intro index map with Hype Lane mapped east of Eh Raw Air Aww. index map with NaffHaze mapped northeast of Hype Lane. chapter midgame index map with NoNotion mapped south of NaffHaze. index map with Wand Wharf mapped east of NoNotion. index map with KeepIller mapped west of NaffHaze. index map with Nigh Fright mapped west of KeepIller. index map with Wolf Rock mapped north of NaffHaze. index map with We Loan mapped northwest of Wolf Rock. index map with Hideout mapped north of Wolf Rock. index map with Lobe End mapped east of NaffHaze. index map with Storm Isle mapped north of Lobe End. index map with Trees Mall mapped north of Storm Isle. index map with Brew Swears mapped northwest of NaffHaze. chapter endgame index map with Worm Eaten mapped north of Nigh Fright. index map with Doom Ending mapped north of worm eaten. Why Pout Definitions ends here. ---- DOCUMENTATION ----