TADS 2.5.5 For Mac OS X and Darwin systems By Alexander Strange This archive contains TADS 2.5.5 binaries (runtime, compiler, and debugger) for Darwin / Terminal.app in Mac OS X. These are in Mach-O format and built with Developer Tools 1.1. Run 'sudo ./install.sh' to put them in the correct place (/usr/local/bin). If you have Fink installed, I suggest you download http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=17203&atid=414256&file_id=14383&aid=490741 and put it in /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/ , then type 'fink install tads'. That will use Fink's ncurses instead of the built-in one, and may work better. if-archive/programming/tads2/executables/tads-255-darwin.tar.gz