TimeSquared behaves like a standard AGT adventure in most regards. The usual cardinal commands, NORTH (N), SOUTH (S), SOUTHWEST (SW), will get you around the landscape, although there are other modes of transportation. In particular, you will find that there are some machines you will need to operate. Most will be fitted with vocal recognizers, and simple AI interfaces. If you are in an elevator, for example, and you enter the command SAY LOBBY, it will take you there. The game responds to the usual requests to EXAMINE, TURN (if the thing is turnable), PLAY, PUSH and, very important, many things can be READ. Another extremely important command is INVENTORY (contractable to I), which calls up what you are carrying and wearing. TimeSquared is all about time and fate, little choices having large effects. Time is in motion. You will have to check your watch occasionally. People you encounter should be spoken with. You will learn matters which you will have to tell to others, and you should ask questions or assistance of appropriate characters. Most objects and concepts you encounter will function like those in your familiar existance, but be warned, the continuum is in flux, and you will find some things, beyond even the control of the programmers, to be strange and alien.