HOW TO INSTALL PETER PATZER I ver. 1.0 1. First, grab a viewer: DOS Port for AGilitTy: Windows Port for AGiliTy: 2. Unzip the contents of the zip file into a directory on your hard drive. HOW TO PLAY PETER PATZER I This is a relatively basic game... VOCABULARY The game's commands should generally be in the format: <(multiple) noun phrase(s)> Verb phrases can consist of a simple verb like EAT, SHOOT, READ or a verb followed by a preposition such as CLIMB UP, JUMP THROUGH, or SWIM IN. Noun (or object) phrases can consist of a single word noun like TREE, ROCK, LAKE or a noun and its adjective such as RED ROCK, SMALL BOWL or UGLY MUTANT. Several nouns may be connected with AND's or commas. Articles like A, AN or THE are optional. The personal pronouns MY and ITS are also optional. The pronouns IT, THEM, HIM and HER may be used to refer to a previously mentioned noun. Here are some (hypothetical) examples of valid commands: PLACE A RED ROCK IN THE SMALL BOWL PUT THE GREEN ROCK AND THE SMALL PEBBLE BEHIND THE OAK TREE READ MY POETRY BOOK SWIM IN THE SWIMMING POOL EXAMINE THE GOLD RING, THE DWARF AND THE SILVER NECKLACE EAT THE CELERY, THE TUNA, THE APPLE AND THE ONION THROW THE BATTLE AXE AND THE LARGE ROCK AT THE WEREWOLF SHOOT THE BURGLAR WITH THE REVOLVER ATTACK HIM ("HIM" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the burglar) FIRE THE LASER PISTOL AT THE ALIEN MUTANT GET THE BOOK (also: TAKE THE BOOK) READ IT ("IT" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the book) GET ALL (will get everything movable at the current location) GET THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND THE CLOAK EXAMINE THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND CLOAK PUSH THE RED BUTTON AND THE GREEN BUTTON UNLOCK THE FILE CABINET WITH THE STEEL KEY JUMP THROUGH THE OPENING JUMP OVER THE LOG NORTH SOUTHWEST PLACE AN AXE AND THE SHIELD NEXT TO THE BIG TREE PUT THE FOOD ON THE KITCHEN TABLE TURN ON THE FLASHLIGHT LIGHT THE TORCH WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES SCREAM AT THE UGLY TROLL CLIMB UP THE LADDER EXTINGUISH THE FIRE (or PUT OUT THE FIRE) DRINK THE WHITE WINE THROW THE FIRE WOOD IN THE STOVE PULL THE BELL CORD WEAR THE STUPID HAT (also: PUT ON THE STUPID HAT) TAKE OFF THE HAT (also: REMOVE THE HAT) NE (for NORTHEAST) DROP THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE ENTER THE CAVE XYZZY (i.e., a "magic" word) TURN THE DOORKNOB PLAY WITH THE DOG TALK TO (or TALK WITH) THE OLD MAN (ABOUT THE WEATHER) TELL JEFF ABOUT THE SWORD ASK JODIE ABOUT THE CRIME Compound commands can be created by connecting single commands (like those above) with "AND", "THEN" or the punctuation symbols "," or ";" to connect two or more separate commands. However, "end-of-sentence" punctuation symbols like ".", "!" and "?" should not be used. Below are a few examples of valid compound commands: TURN THE DOORKNOB; OPEN THE DOOR THEN ENTER THE ROOM CLIMB DOWN THE LADDER THEN SOUTH, WEST AND NORTHWEST GET THE CLOAK AND THEN EXAMINE IT; READ THE LABEL DROP THE FOOD AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR AND THEN LEAVE GET THE TORCH, LIGHT IT WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES THEN EXAMINE IT You can also give commands to other characters in the game like these: SULU, SET A COURSE FOR ALPHA 14 SCOTTY, BEAM DOWN A TRICORDER AND THE QWERTY MODULE HELMSMAN, RAISE THE DEFLECTOR SHIELDS BONES, COME TO THE BRIDGE The comma after the character's name is optional. STANDARD LEVEL VERBS Meanings of notation: [required word] {optional word} | (means OR, i.e., alternative words) Verbs that do not require nouns =============================== N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW,U,D, NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST,NORTHEAST,NORTHWEST,SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST,UP,DOWN ENTER | GO [IN | INTO] EXIT | LEAVE (* directions *) SCORE (* display score and status *) QUIT | Q (* end game *) INVENTORY | I (* list things player is carrying and wearing *) SCREAM | SHOUT | YELL (* make noise *) WAIT (* waste a turn *) BRIEF | VERBOSE (* change description mode *) L | LOOK (* repeat full description *) SAVE | RESTORE {GAME} (* save and restore game status *) HELP | H (* ask for help *) AGAIN | G (* repeat last command entered *) SCRIPT (* echo all output to both printer (LP1:) and screen *) UNSCRIPT (* send all output to screen only *) Verbs that require nouns (and perhaps objects) ============================================== LIST | SHOW [EXITS] (* list visible exits *) THROW | CAST | DUMP [noun] {[AT | TO | IN | INTO | ACROSS | INSIDE] [noun]} ATTACK | KILL | FIGHT | HIT [creature] {[WITH] [noun]} DROP | PUT DOWN [noun | ALL] GET | TAKE | PICK UP [noun | ALL] OPEN [noun] {[WITH] [noun]} CLOSE | SHUT [noun] LOCK [noun] {[WITH] [noun]} UNLOCK [noun] {[WITH] [noun]} EXAMINE | CHECK | INSPECT | LOOK AT | LOOK IN [noun] READ [noun] EAT [noun] DRINK [noun] PUT | PLACE [noun] [IN | WITH | INSIDE | INTO | NEAR | BEHIND | BESIDE | ON | UNDER] [noun] PUSH | TOUCH [noun] {[WITH] [noun]} TURN [noun] {ON | OFF} TURN {ON | OFF} [noun] PULL [noun] PLAY {WITH} [noun] LIGHT [noun] EXTINGUISH | PUT OUT [noun] (* synonym is "EXT" *) SHOOT | FIRE [noun] [AT] [creature] SHOOT | FIRE [creature] [WITH] [noun] PUT ON | WEAR [noun | ALL] TAKE OFF | REMOVE [noun | ALL] ASK [creature] [ABOUT] [noun] TALK [TO | WITH] [creature] {[ABOUT] [noun]} TELL [creature] [ABOUT] [noun] SOME GENERAL COMMENTS ABOUT COMMANDS Figuring out what words work in a game is part of the "challenge" of some adventure games. The usual directions are understood by this game (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW, UP, and DOWN; in some cases, ENTER or EXIT might also be appropriate). Other events might also cause you to change location: if you detonate a nuclear warhead, for example, you'll likely be immediately transported somewhere far, far away. You can try to TAKE or GET most things that are in a room with you; you should EXAMINE or LOOK AT most visible nouns as well, whether or not you are carrying them. You can DROP or THROW anything you're carrying. Eating and drinking are often permitted, but eating strange things is usually dangerous. If something seems to be closed or locked, you can try to open or unlock it -- but it may require some special kind of key. There's no penalty for incorrect words: if the game doesn't understand a word, it gives you another chance and doesn't count the invalid input as a turn. If you try to do something foolish like EAT THE CHAIR or GET THE BUILDING, the game will give you an appropriate response like "Eat the chair? You must be kidding!" or "The building can not be taken". ABBREVIATIONS AND SPECIAL KEYS All of the directions can be abbreviated by using one or two key letters. For example, N for NORTH, SW for SOUTHWEST, U for UP, etc. You can also abbreviate EXAMINE as EX (e.g., EX BOOK). To turn out a light, you can EXTINGUISH it, and EXTINGUISH can be abbreviated as EXT (e.g., EXT LAMP). Other acceptable abbreviation are L for LOOK, I for INVENTORY, G for AGAIN, H for HELP and Q for QUIT. It is also possible to use the function and cursor keys in lieu of many frequently used commands and directions as follows: F1 -- GET Up Arrow -- NORTH F2 -- DROP Down Arrow -- SOUTH F3 -- EXAMINE Right Arrow -- EAST F4 -- READ Left Arrow -- WEST F5 -- OPEN Home -- NORTHWEST F6 -- CLOSE End -- SOUTHWEST F7 -- INVENTORY Pg Up -- NORTHEAST F8 -- LOOK Pg Dn -- SOUTHEAST F9 -- SCORE Gray "-" Key -- UP F10 -- HELP Gray "+" Key -- DOWN Ins -- ENTER Del -- EXIT If at any time during the game the player needs to be reminded of what the function and cursor keys stand for, hitting the ? key followed by will produce a diagram of what each cursor and function key means. SPECIAL WORDS Certain words have special meaning to this game. SCORE will let you see how much progress you've made and will give you an idea how much of the game you've seen so far. QUIT will permit you to stop the game and return to DOS. SAVE will allow you to save the current game status, and RESTORE will restore a previously-saved game. AGAIN (or its abbreviation G) will cause the game to respond as if the previous command had been entered again. In addition, this game also allows the use of SCRIPT to echo all of the game's output to your printer (as well as the screen). UNSCRIPT may be used to turn off the printer output. As you move around through the game, you'll notice that the game provides a long text description of each room only when you first enter the room. To see the full description again, type LOOK or L or hit the F8 function key. The game doesn't keep these long text descriptions in memory, but instead reads them from disk each time it needs them. If you don't like this delay, you can suppress the long text by using the BRIEF command. VERBOSE will bring them back. Further, in this game it is possible to issue commands for HELP or alternatively hit the F10 key. Be warned, however, that some game designers might feel that the situation does not deserve any help or, worse yet, some deviate designers might actually give the player a hint that is a little misleading. NOUNS While the list of verbs is generally similar from game to game, all the nouns change every time. One game might be filled with weapons and creatures, while another might contain many keys and locks. Most nouns are unique: you probably won't find more than one "gold key," but you might find a "brass key," an "access card," and an "entry pass." The game only understands an adjective if it is correctly followed by the matching noun: if TAKE RED FLUTE is valid, the game will not try to guess what you meant by TAKE RED or TAKE RED INSTRUMENT or TAKE THE RED ONE. It will accept TAKE FLUTE, but not TAKE BLUE FLUTE. With some verbs, nouns are optional. For example, NORTH is quite clear by itself, and any "valid" words following it will be ignored completely. EAT needs a noun of some kind, preferably an edible one. And some things may not be possible unless you specify a tool: UNLOCK PADLOCK may not be acceptable, while UNLOCK THE PADLOCK WITH THE BRASS KEY may work fine. NOISE WORDS The words "THE", "MY", "ITS", "A" and "AN" are ignored; so are friendly words like "PLEASE" and "NOW." This way, PLEASE PUT A RED ROSE AND MY NOTE ON THE SMALL TABLE NOW can be understood, while the game may be quite confused by PLEASE YOUR MOTHER. PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES In some cases, the preposition need not be followed by an object (TURN THE GAS STOVE ON is fine), but often the game will be puzzled unless you provide one. For example, UNLOCK THE PADLOCK WITH or PLACE THE BOOK BESIDE just won't do. ----------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY: 1.0 05 May 03 first general release. CREDITS: Author - John C. Knudsen (using AGT 1.7 and MAGX) PLAY TESTING: Valer-Eugen Demian, Arild Haugen, Richard McCrea, Jose Luis Ojeda and Steve Ryan (Thank you, fellows!) TO RECEIVE A DETAILED WALK-THROUGH FOR THIS GAME PETER PATZER IS FULLY-FUNCTIONAL SHAREWARE You can receive a detailed walk-through for this game by sending $5 or 5 Euros to the author at the following postal address: John C. Knudsen Chattenweg 10 34582 Borken-Kleinenglis Germany or just send a five Dollar or five Euro payment through PayPal, to: The benefits of registration include: 1. Detailed walk-through of the present game, emailed to you. 2. Email notification of the availability of future games. BE SURE TO INDICATE WHICH GAME (PATZER I) YOU NEED THE WALK-THROUGH FOR WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT! BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT! Keep an eye out for Peter Patzer II - The Tournament 1001 Words Web Site: