ALAN ADVENTURE LANGUAGE Release 2.8 now available The Alan System is one of the most easy-to-use tools to create interactive fiction, aka. adventure games. The Alan System is based on a special purpose computer language designed to be used by people more interested in authoring and designing games than for computer programmers. The system consists of a compiler which compiles Alan source to a compact and portable form and an interpreter that interprets such a form to allow playing of the game. Version 2.8 is new version with some new features including some new statements, and some bug fixes. (See the file Changes and the documentation for details) The format of game files have changed slightly between 2.7 and 2.8. The 2.8 interpreters can still run games compiled with 2.7, but not vice versa. The Alan System is register-ware. The complete system is available from the Alan Home Pages on the web: It may be downloaded and used without charge provided the user registers. Registration can be done with a simple email to the server ( with a message body containing the single word REGISTER. The documentation is not included in the packages but available separately. The system and its documentation may also be delivered over e-mail on request from the automated mail server at Send an email to the above address with a single line "SEND INFO" for details. Complete distribution and documentation packages can also be downloaded from and its mirrors. For complete copying conditions refer to the file COPYING in the distribution or appendix J in the manual. If you have any problems downloading or requesting and receiving the packages don't hesitate to contact the authors at the following email addresses: All communication is welcome! You may also wish to visit the (now permanent) Alan Home Pages at If you haven't already, join the 988 people registered. Happy Authoring! The ThoNi & GorFo Adventure Factories