How to compile Level9.Net ------------------------- 1) Prerequisites: - A C/C++ compiler for the Microsoft Windows platform. The Open Watcom compiler is a good choice here: - The ANTLRv3 parser generator including its C# runtime distribution:, - The Microsoft .Net Framework v2.0 or higher: - A development environment for Microsoft's .Net platform. SharpDevelop is a good choice here: - The Microsoft HTML Help Workshop: 2) Compile L9Cut (see "l9cut" directory) as a win32 console application. This produces the L9Cut executable that's necessary for L9Cut support in Level9.Net. 3) Compile the Level 9 interpreter (see "l9dll" directory) as a win32 Dynamic Link Library. Level9.Net won't work without this essential core part. 4) ANTLRv3 has been used to create a parser for Level9.Net script files. The grammar file "L9Script.g" (see "l9script" directory) produces the "L9Script.cs" parser code that's necessary for compilation of Level9.Net. 5) Compile the Level9.Net executable (see "src" directory). Be sure to include "Antlr3.Runtime.dll" from ANTLR's C# runtime distribution as a reference in your C# project. 6) Compile the application help (see "doc_app" directory) by opening the "Level9Net.hhp" file in the Microsoft HTML Workshop. This produces the "Level9Net.chm" file that pops up when activating the "Help -> Level9.Net Help" option in Level9.Net.