GEM DZIP 2.12 version 0.12 by Steve "Dosius" Nickolas Based on DZIP 2.12, John Holder's JZIP 2.1, and ultimately on Mark Howell's ZIP 2.0 interpreter. As far as I know this is the first specially GEM-based Z-code interpreter. See below for IMPORTANT setup information. This program is a HACK! It is also not complete, although it should play most games just fine. All attributes are mapped to color; the color opcode is not supported and games are told that they cannot use color. This is the binary release of GEM DZIP, because I'm a little hesitant to keep posting a mound of sources repeatedly. I do plan to post the sources later or on the immediate next version. A hacked version of Heinz Rath's "TW" was used, and a GEM sample app provided the bindings to the file selector. Being a HACK, it isn't pure GEM, but close (it does not use GEM calls to read the keyboard yet). Despite its limitation, rest assured that GEM DZIP is complete enough that Beyond Zork, Freefall, et al. all run correctly. GEM DZIP is tested with GEM 1.2, 2.0, FreeGEM/3 (= GEM 3.15), FreeGEM/XM b4, and ViewMAX/1 (!) and will run on all of them with the following issues: * In GEM/1, GEM/2 and FreeGEM/XM: Why this is I have no clue. When you exit, the GEM menus and windows no longer have their black outline. A restart of GEM is the only solution I know of. (Not too infeasible, GEM starts and stops rather quickly, and only one app is ever running at any given time.) * In FreeGEM/XM: Do not switch applications. DZIP will continue to think it has the run of the system, and will trample the Desktop window or any other program which is open. In addition the keyboard reading code uses direct BIOS access (!) as that is all I know how to do right now. Thus, DZIP will try to read the keyboard WHILE IN THE BACKGROUND. * In ViewMAX/1 (It WILL NOT run on later versions of ViewMAX!): DZIP does not always behave properly at startup; sometimes it will lock when items in the file dialog are clicked; sometimes it will not get its whole name from DOS to re-run itself (and go into an infinite loop, I really *must* fix that). Also the left of the window loses a couple pixels, but every character should be legible, or at least most of them. * Since it is designed for - and tested primarily with FreeGEM/3 - and DRI GEM/3 bindings were used - it should work perfectly with GEM/3, but what is perfect? No reason why it shouldn't work on any version of GEM, from 2.0 on up - and I'd really like to know if it works with 1.2, heh. * Occasionally the game-open dialog tends to glitch, not sure why. As if not all of the parameters from execl() make it to the program...not like I send a lot, just the filename (or failing that, (!) a default of "") and the name of the game to run...besides, it's a standard DOS call, not a GEM call (!). So if it keeps popping up the open dialog or it gets to the "cannot execute myself" dialog, you may be in trouble. Try putting your games in the current directory. (I have been known, in ViewMAX/1, to cause the COMMAND.COM resident area to become trampled but I have no idea *why*.) By reading the MZ header to get the offset of the overlay, I finally fixed a strange and obscure bug in GEM DZIP 0.10 and 0.11 where standalone .APP game files would not work properly. (Don't use them on ViewMAX/1; they will not work correctly.) To set up the GEM Desktop to run DZIP: (New in 0.11, you don't need to do this. GEM DZIP 0.11 will display a file open dialog.) Select the DZIP.APP file, and "Options\Configure Application" in the menu. Assign the extensions DAT, Z3, Z5 and Z8 to it, and any icon pair you wish; then select OK. You should be able to run a game by double-clicking it in the desktop. You will not need to run DZIP.APP directly. Configuration of the following options is supported in the GEMDZIP.CFG file which must be located in your PATH. Place one command per line. These are the same as the switches, essentially. Case matters (as with the switches) but they are all lowercase (now)...just do not put space on the LEFT of the command. x - Alternate display (Z1-Z3 only), starts screen at top with the abbreviated score display that ITF, INF and the Infocom Apple II and C-64 emulators use. Although this is strictly a violation of the Standard, it is the traditional behavior of many of Infocom's interpreters, and more consistent with the later Z5 and Z6 techniques. l n - Sets the number of lines, max 22 (now). This should be set specifically to a lower value (I suggest 19) for a CGA; but the default seems to be sufficient for EGA, at least under ViewMAX/1, and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work under "true" GEM. c n - Sets the number of columns, max 80. r n - Sets the text right margin. t n - Sets the text top margin. (I really must find a way to get the window to be movable, especially for ViewMAX/1.) k nnnnn - Size of the command history buffer. There are some minor bugs in the history mode, perhaps because of the method I have used to fake the cursor (I don't know how to draw one in GEM yet). Default is 1024, max is 16384 (16K). i nn - Set the interpreter number. 14 is default, but Infocom's "Beyond Zork" looks better with 2 (Apple //e) set instead. Alternatively a good setting (and the default for the other versions of DZIP and JZIP) is 6 (IBM). The default mode is recognized by newer Usocon games such as "WARP!", and works in Infocom games although it says "Interpreter 14". - 1 = DEC TOPS20 (which was the mainframe used by Infocom to debug their games) - 2 = Apple //e - 3 = Macintosh - 4 = Amiga - 5 = Atari ST "Jackintosh" running TOS - 6 = IBM PC or compatible running DOS - 7 = Commodore C-128 - 8 = Commodore C-64 - 9 = Apple //c, with MouseText - 10 = Apple IIgs (running ProDOS 16 or GS/OS?) - 11 = Tandy Color Computer ("CoCo") (were there *any* Z4 or Z5 games for this system?) - 14 = IBM PC or compatible running GEM/FreeGEM (this is a DZIP 2.12 nonstandard extension) Other interpreters are undefined. y - Enable the "Tandy bit" for Z3 games. This for example will censor "The Witness" and make most versions of Z3 "ZORK I" oblivious to the existence of a sequel. Some Z3 games do not use the bit for anything, however... s - STRICTZ reporting level, 0-3, 0=ignore, 3=all fatal... Other utilities included (for use in DOS): JZEXE (make standalone games) and CKIFZS (sanity check for save states).