guy on roof points you toward loading dock security guard with handgun small group of refugees, incl mother with kids mother and useless have fight and useless must be restrained from stomping off, or else gets munched kid wanders off - go after him or not zombie in lingerie shop with kid (and he saw more), go back to group kid comes running back saying he saw 2-3 zombies and ran away Doctor/Survivalist and security guard want to go after zombies, rest of group wants to go to stronghold, you can choose, if your diplo is high enough and you want to try, you can convince doctor & security guard not to go go with them (you see security guard fall and doctor be may be bitten and have to decide what to do) goto stronghold (and then doctor comes back bitten & security guard does not come back) stronghold - this place is not safe, must leave via vans in carpark in carpark, engineer/gamer is threatened and you must risk yourself to save him divide into groups, go separate directions, can try to send kid with mother and kids if you want to