*temp onedown *set onedown false *temp KaydenGasStation *set KaydenGasStation false *label Intro *if firstchoice = "front" *goto Front *else *goto Back *label Front The tires of your little Honda Civic squeal as you shoot down your street, heading for the main drag through town. You try not to look too hard at the scenes playing out on your neighbors' lawns. Some zombies cluster around first floor windows, matter-of-factly marching through shrubbery and glass to get at the tasty humans inside. Others cluster around tasty humans already dragged outside. A few chase your car for a while, but soon give it up in favor of pursuing the sounds or movements that signal easier prey. You really try not to look, but you can't help noticing that partially-eaten humans rise from the grass within a few moments of becoming partially-eaten, and join the throng of hungry zombies. Only if the hungry zombies have ripped their meal to pieces in the process of dining does the human appear to stay dead. *if squeamish < 50 Bile rises to the back of your throat at the sights--and sounds, and oh God, smells--all around you. You turn off the car's fan and turn on the air conditioning. You turn it way up, hoping to filter out the smell and drown out the sounds. You cannot stop long enough to throw up. You can't. They'll eat you if you do. *page_break The main street of town is even worse. Zombies punching through the glass windows of the pharmacy. Zombies dragging screaming people out of the coffee shop. Zombies pouring out of the pizza parlor. You don't think that's tomato sauce on their faces. You keep driving. *goto Kid *label Kid You're almost at the town limits, and there aren't many buildings lining the street now. Mostly woods and fields. You're getting into farming territory. Sometimes you see a car abandoned on the side of the road, but you don't see any people. There aren't many people out here, which you hope means fewer zombies. . . . . . except there are three of them, right there in front of you. *page_break On the left side of the road is a large oak tree. I mean, a _really_ large tree--it's locally famous; the base is something like twenty feet around. Three zombies are pressed up against the base, looking up into the branches like dogs who have just treed a squirrel. Which is an apt comparison, you realize a moment later. High up in the branches is a little kid. A ${boy}, maybe nine or ten. As you come closer, you see that one of the zombies is jumping, and another trying to crawl up the tree trunk. The third seems to be experimenting with all the moving parts necessary to actually climb the tree, but hasn't worked them out yet. Still, it's very likely only a matter of time. You can see the kid's face clearly now. $!{He} looks terrified, and ${his} mouth is open as though ${he} is screaming for help. $!{He}'s looking at you. Are you going to stop and help ${him}? *choice #Yes, of course! Good for you. Heroic, in fact. *set selfish %-20 Uh, what's your plan? *page_break You slow down as you approach the tree, considering your options. *if firstchoice = "front" You could stop the car and fight the zombies. If you stopped the car some distance away, you might be able to fight them one at a time. You have a shovel in your trunk--because this past winter actually did have a lot of snowpocalypses, and in your part of the country, it's only sense to carry a shovel with you. You're glad now that you'd been lazy about putting it back in the shed. You could try to run the zombies over with the car. They'd have to move away from the tree first, though, because crashing the car into the tree wouldn't exactly be the desired outcome. Or. . . well, the Civic has a sunroof. And the kid is a little kid. You think you can drive close enough to the tree that the kid could jump through the sunroof. Or at least, jump onto the roof and then lower ${him}self through the sunroof. You think you could execute the manuever before the zombies figured out how to swarm you, and anyway, they don't seem to be very coordinated. You might even be able to run one or more of them down at the same time. So what do you want to do? *choice *if firstchoice = "front" #Stop the car, get out, and fight the zombies with my shovel. You slow down gradually, coming to a stop twenty feet away from the tree. You leave the car in neutral (because you are not stupid) and reach for the lever at your feet that pops the trunk. You had hoped you'd be able to avoid notice until you had your hands on the shovel, but really, that was a lost cause--a stopping car is more than large enough to attract zombie attention. Two of the zombies look over at you as soon as you slow down. Then they look back up. The kid must still seem like easier prey. You reach for the latch that opens the trunk, and pull it up very gently. It opens with a loud pop. And one zombie looks over, lets go of the tree, and starts for you in a businesslike manner. You get out of the car as fast as you can and run for the trunk. The zombie is striding like a man heading for an important meeting to which he cannot afford to be late. *page_break You can practically feel his nonexistent breath on the back of your neck as you close your hands over the wooden handle of the shovel and swing it around. *page_break The business end of the shovel connects directly with his face, and he reels back as though the blow hurts--or, more likely, as though it knocks him off balance. You follow up your advantage immediately, and your second blow sends him to the ground. Remembering the zombies rising from yards in your neighborhood, you beat the thing with your shovel until its head is a messy pulp. *set handtohand %+20 *set zombieskilled +1 *set onedown true *if squeamish < 50 And then you crouch beside it and vomit the entire contents of your stomach. When you look up, the other two zombies are standing over you, apparently just waiting for you to finish before they dig in. You close your hands over the shovel handle again, and-- What do you do? *choice #Hit first one zombie, then the other. I'm sure I can take them both out. In a move even smoother and more coordiated than you thought you were capable of, you jab the shovel at the female zombie as you jump to your feet. She falls back, and you twist away from the second male. Using the shovel as a blocking staff (you saw it in a Robin Hood movie once) you manage to keep both of the zombies off-balance long enough to hit first one, and then the other, in the skull. After a few such blows, the zombies fall over. You keep hitting (alternating between the male and the female) until their heads are as pulpy as their friends'. *set zombieskilled +2 *set reflexes %+20 *if squeamish < 50 And then you are sick all over again. You didn't think you had anything left in your stomach. *page_break *label GetTheKid "Wow," the kid says, once ${he}'s safely in the car beside you. "Three at once." *goto TheKid #Run like hell. *set athletics %+20 You zigzag around the tree and a large rock. The zigzagging seems to confuse them. You sprint back towards the car, and they stumble after you. You feel a hand reaching for you, but you manage to elude it and make it to your car. You slam the door right in their faces. *page_break Phew. Now what? *choice #Beep the horn to get the zombies' attention, then run them over when they come to investigate. *goto BeepHorn #Open the sunroof, then drive the car close enough so the kid can drop down. *goto Sunroof #Get the hell out of here. I can't help the kid. *goto NothingICanDo #Beep the horn to get the zombies' attention, then run them over when they come to investigate. *label BeepHorn *set reflexes %+20 The piercing noise of your horn attracts the zombies' attention, and they move towards the hood of your Honda to investigate. You wait, heart pounding, until the female is correctly positioned. Then you gun the engine. *page_break She goes down under your wheels with a satisfying splat. *set zombieskilled +1 *if onedown = false You jerk the wheel quickly and manage to also graze the older male zombie, trapping his leg under the car. He pulls away, and it tears off. Not quite as effective as squashing him, but then, he won't be very effective either with only one leg. Out of the corner of your eye, as you turn your attention to the younger male, you see the older male pulling himself away using his hands. He isn't moving very fast. The younger male zombie pulls away slightly. Might that be a look of concern on his face? If they have enough intelligence or instinct to go after easy prey, they might have enough intelligence or instinct to retreat from predators-- The younger male zombie backs away a few steps, then turns slightly. You think he is about to run. You have to get him now. *page_break You correctly judge in which direction he is about to move, and you gun the engine in time to have the car there when he does. Another splat under your wheels. Nicely done! *set zombieskilled +1 *set engineering %+10 *goto GetTheKid #Open the sunroof, then drive the car close enough so the kid can drop down. *set engineering %+20 *label Sunroof The zombies look on with interest as the sunroof opens with a buzzing sound. They surround the car as you manuever it quickly alongside the tree. You stop under a big branch. Now there are zombies plastered to each of your side windows--passenger and driver's side--slobbering against the glass and trying to press themselves inside. If they retreat to get even a little bit of momentum, they'll be able to crash through. Easily. You try not to think too hard about this. "Come on!" you yell. "Jump in!" $!{He} looks at the branch, at the sunroof, and at the slobbering zombies. $!{His} already wide eyes get even wider. $!{He} doesn't move. *page_break "Jump!" you say again. The female zombie butts her head experimentally against the passenger side window. "Jump!" The kid edges out onto the branch. The young male zombie notices, and leaves the driver's side window to jump for the kid's feet. The kid pulls back with a cry. The female zombie butts the passenger side window again. Hard, this time. You wonder if you imagine a faint sound like cracking-- "Jump!" The kid looks like ${he} is trying to get up the nerve to scurry across the branch, over the young male zombie. The young male zombie jumps for ${him} again, leaping higher this time. The female zombie draws back her head for another try at punching through the glass. What do you do? *choice #Wait for the kid to jump, trusting that the passenger side glass will hold another few seconds. *set selfish %-20 "Come on!" you shout. "You can do it! Hurry!" Encouraged, the kid edges back out onto the branch and balances there, hesitating, looking into the sunroof. The female zombie has figured it out. She retreats a few steps. She's about to launch herself through the window. *page_break *temp glassbreaks *rand glassbreaks 1 4 *if glassbreaks = 2 The kid jumps. Alas, one second too late. As he lands on the roof of the car and scrambles for the sunroof, the female zombie crashes through the passenger side window and grabs your throat with both hands. You struggle to free yourself, but to no avail. The last thing you see is her mouth opening wide to take a great big bite. The last thing you smell is her horrible breath. The last thing you think is, "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *else The kid jumps. $!{He} sails through the sunroof and lands in the passenger seat, and you stomp your foot down on the accelerator. The car leaps forward, and the female zombie crashes hard into its rear bumper as it goes. "Wow," the kid says, wide-eyed. You think that was pretty impressive, yourself. *goto TheKid #Get the hell out of here before the female zombie lunges through the window and eats me. I tried to save the kid, but obviously I can't. *goto NothingICanDo #No, there's nothing I can do. *label NothingICanDo Sad, but true. No point in both of you being zombie food. You stomp down on the accelorator and keep going. The kid's terrified face flashes by you, but you don't look too closely. You do glance in the rear-view mirror a couple of times, as the tree dwindles behind you. *set selfish %+20 *finish *label TheKid *set GotKid true You resume driving, with the kid beside you. You okay? *choice #Not really, no. I think about the things that used to be human beings, and it's all I can do not to vomit. *set squeamish %+20 *goto TheKid2 #More or less okay. That was. . . that was upsetting, but at least I saved a living person. *set squeamish %-10 *set selfish %-10 *goto TheKid2 #Hell yeah! That was awesome! *set squeamish %-20 *set selfish %+10 *label TheKid2 "You should probably put your seatbelt on," you say after a while. "Oh," the kid says. "Yeah." $!{He} does. "What's your name?" you ask. "Kayden." "I'm ${given_name}," you say. "Where are your parents, Kayden?" There's a pause. "Bottom of the tree," Kayden says. Another pause. "Third one was my brother." "Oh." You can't think of anything else to say. "It's okay," Kayden says. That's probably not true. But you're not quite sure how to say that. You also realize that the kid might be able to tell you how fast ${his} parents turned into zombies after being bitten, and a number of other useful pieces of information. But you might traumatize ${him} or something by asking. Is it more important to find out or to not traumatize the kid (further)? What do you say? *choice #"That's probably not true." *set RelKid %-20 Kayden just blinks at you. *if diplo That was probably coming on too strong, considering you're talking to a kid. *label FurtherQuestion Are you going to question ${him} any further? *choice #Yes. "How did your parents turn into zombies?" you ask bluntly. *set RelKid %-20 *if diplo You see Kayden flinch a little. *goto How #No, I just let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *finish #Only if I can figure out a way to do it gently. *goto Gentlequestion #"It doesn't have to be okay." *set RelKid %+20 Kayden just blinks at you. *if diplo But at least ${he} isn't flinching away. That's not bad for a beginning. *goto FurtherQuestion #"I'm really sorry." *set RelKid %+20 Kayden just blinks at you. *if diplo But at least ${he} isn't flinching away. That's not bad for a beginning. *goto FurtherQuestion #"How did your parents turn into zombies?" *label How *set RelKid %-30 Kayden doesn't answer. *if diplo You see ${his} jaw set, as though ${he} is trying not to cry. Are you going to question ${him} any further? *choice #Yes. "Look, Kayden, I really need to know this," you say. "It could be really important later." $!{He} doesn't say anything. *choice #I let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *finish #I push harder. *set RelKid %-10 "Come on, kid, I saved your life!" Kayden sets ${his} teeth. "There was a lady on the side of the road waving at us. Dad stopped and let her in. Mom didn't want him to, but he did. The lady was normal at first, but then she. . . got sorta quiet and weird. And we stopped because I had to pee, and when I got back to the car, she was. . . eating them. And then they were all. . . zombiefied, and I. . . climbed the tree." "Where did the lady go?" "I dunno. She ran off into the woods." So if somebody gets bitten and killed, they change almost instantly. But if they just get bitten, it takes longer. How much longer? "How long was the lady in the car with you before you stopped to pee?" "I dunno. A while." Even though you press, Kayden can't (or won't) give you any further information than that. Finally you let it go. It's quite for a while. *finish #No, I just let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *finish #Only if I can figure out a way to do it gently. *goto Gentlequestion *label Gentlequestion "It must have been really scary." Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Kayden blinking back tears. "Yeah." *if diplo But ${his} shoulders seem to be relaxing a little. *set RelKid %+30 *fake_choice #I ask if ${he} wants to talk about it. #I don't say anything. After a while, Kayden says, "There was a lady on the side of the road waving at us. Dad stopped and let her in. Mom didn't want him to, but he did. The lady was normal at first, but then she. . . got sorta quiet and weird. And we stopped because I had to pee, and when I got back to the car, she was. . . eating them. And then they were all. . . zombiefied, and I. . . climbed the tree." "Where did the lady go?" "I dunno. She ran off into the woods." So if somebody gets bitten and killed, they change almost instantly. But if they just get bitten, it takes longer. How much longer? "How long was the lady in the car with you before you stopped to pee?" "I dunno. A while." $!{He} thinks, then offers, "I listened to five songs on my phone. How long is that?" Fifteen minutes, maybe? Depending on the length of the song? So if you just get bitten, you have at least fifteen minutes before you turn into a zombie. That might be good to know. *set gotturninfo true "About fifteen minutes, I guess?" you say. "Thanks, Kayden." "Sure." It's quiet for a while. *finish *label Back Right, so you were running into the woods, zombie sounds decreasing doppler-fashion behind you. . . Once you're well into the forest, you stop to listen. You don't hear any rustling or anything, so you walk more slowly. Soon the trees begin to thin, and you can see glimpses of apple trees on the other side. This must be the outlying edge of Coursers' Farm, though you've never come at it from this direction. When you go to their farmstand, you always go by road. A few steps more, and you can see the farmhouse, some distance away. Beyond that is the long dirt road that leads from the farmstand to the farmhouse, and beyond that (though you can't see it) is a paved road. Are you going to head for the paved road, or go warn the Coursers? *choice #Warn the Coursers, of course! They may need my help. *set selfish %-20 Very brave of you! Because they may also already be zombies. *goto Trap #Warn the Coursers, of course! I bet they've got food and guns and useful supplies. *set selfish %+10 Very practical of you. *goto Trap #Head for the paved road, thanks. I'm not about to risk going into that farmhouse. What if they've already turned? *set selfish %+20 Very practical. Not particularly brave, but we can't all be brave. *goto Trap #I'm staying right here. . . . really? For how long? Until the zombies eat everything in your neighborhood and start hunting squirrels in the woods? And find you? Let's try that again. What's your plan? *choice #Warn the Coursers, of course! They may need my help. *set selfish %-20 Very brave of you! *goto Trap #Warn the Courses, of course! I bet they've got food and guns and useful supplies. *set selfish %+10 Very practical. Not particularly brave, but we can't all be brave. *goto Trap #Head for the paved road, thanks. I'm not about to risk going into that farmhouse. What if they've already turned? *set selfish %+20 Very practical. Not particularly brave, but we can't all be brave. *goto Trap *label Trap You take the first step forward. . . . . . and something grabs your ankle and pulls you down. And then up, with astonishing strength. *page_break You find yourself upside down, dangling headfirst a few feet off the ground. There's a band of tight, hot pain clamped around your foot. Oh shit, you think dazedly. Zombies can set traps? The distinctive chi-chink of a shotgun comes to your ears. Oh, shit, you think. Zombies can use shotguns, too? *page_break But the old ${man} who steps slowly into your field of vision, shotgun aimed at your head, doesn't have the drooling, fixed-eyed look of the zombies in your front yard. $!{He} doesn't have the sagging, rotting flesh, either. $!{He} looks overall pretty healthy. $!{He} is observing you closely. "Lucky you didn't run into the bear trap," ${he} says. How do you answer that? *choice #"Yeah, I guess so. That snare was really well-hidden. Yours?" *set RelSurvivalist %+20 *if diplo A good choice of response--diplomatic and demonstrating command of both logic and the English language. The old ${man} grins a little. "You bet your behind, they're mine. No zombie's getting closer than this to my land." *goto Inspection #"A BEAR trap? What the hell is the matter with you? What do you think you're doing, setting up dangerous things like this in the woods? Get me down from here!" The old ${man}'s eyes go steely. "I think I'm protecting my land from zombies. And trespassers." *if diplo Oops. Maybe that wasn't the best possible response. *set RelSurvivalist %-20 *goto Inspection #It's sort of difficult to know how to respond, under the circumstances. I stay quiet. *set RelSurvivalist %-10 There's a silence, while the two of you stare at each other. "How long ago were you bit?" ${he} barks. "Bit? No, no, I haven't been bitten at all!" "No? You were awful quiet there for someone not turning zombie." "I just didn't know what to say," you explain rather lamely. *goto Inspection *label Inspection The old ${man} circles you again. "Don't seem like you want to eat me," ${he} says. "But you could be bit and just not turned yet. Safest thing is probably to leave you here." You don't think much of this idea at all. You envision yourself hanging here as a horde of zombies swarms through the woods. You envision them all trying to eat you as you dangle helplessly. They'd start with your head, you're sure. They'd try to take bites out of you as you swung back and forth between them, like bobbing for apples. *page_break "On the other hand," the old ${man} goes on, "that wouldn't be very neighborly, if you're really not bit. Guess I'd better let you down." $!{He}'s near a particularly large oak tree now. $!{He} does something you can't see, and the pain around your ankle vanishes. To be replaced by a pain in your head, after you fall on it. "Now strip," the old ${man} orders, shotgun pointed at your head. "Prove you're not bit." You don't have lots of choices right at this moment, so you comply. And the old ${man} smiles. "Well, good, then! Good for you. You'd better come inside the perimeter. I'm ${Survivalist} Courser, by the way. And you are? Nice to meet you, ${given_name}. Careful where you step, now. There's a few more snares where that came from." You follow in ${his} footsteps veryveryvery carefully. On the way to the farmhouse, ${he} points out five bear traps, four trapping pits, three snares, and two deadfall traps. "Knew they were coming," ${he} says, in reference to the zombies--at least, you think so; you suppose it could as easily be in reference to the government or the Commies or something. "Can't be too prepared." *page_break In front of the farmhouse, a Jeep is waiting, about three-quarters packed with stuff. The farmhouse itself is empty and silent. "Where's the rest of your family, ${Survivalist}?" "Won't be coming back," ${he} says shortly. "I had to stay until I was sure, but I'm leaving now. There's a group of survivors dug in at the Cedar Junction Correctional Facility. I'm off to join them." "Why bother with all those traps, then. . .?" "I told you, had to wait until I was sure my family wouldn't be coming back. Had to slow the dead critters down. But the traps won't be enough against a real big horde. I'll do better at the prison." $!{He} puts ${his} shotgun in the Jeep, where it has, you notice, several others to keep it company. Along with plenty of ammunition, and boxes of MREs. *if hobby != "hunting" Which you think are food, or sort of food. ${Survivalist} looks up from ${his} packing job at you. "So will you, if you want to come." Do you want to go with ${him} to the prison, or do you want to fend for yourself? *choice #I'll go with ${him} to the prison. $!{He}'s got food and guns and a Jeep and seems to know what ${he}'s doing. You help ${Survivalist} finish packing the Jeep, and the two of you head off. *set GotSurvivalist true *set car "Jeep" *set tempsafespot "prison" *finish #$!{He}'s got food and guns because ${he}'s clearly crazy. I don't want to be trapped in a Jeep with ${him}. I'll fend for myself. *label StealACar "Suit yourself," ${Survivalist} says, in a tone that suggests ${he} regrets taking the time to free you from the trap. "Main road's that way." You start the trudge up the long dirt road toward the farmstand and the main road beyond it. It feels like there are eyes boring into you from behind. Probably because there are. You're sure ${Survivalist} is watching, at least. You hope there aren't dead eyes watching too. *page_break There are. Zombies may not be smart enough to set traps, but it seems zombies _are_ smart enough to set ambushes. Because two of them are lying in wait and leap into your path just as you come around the corner of the farmstand. These aren't quite so rotted away as the ones you saw earlier in the day. Perhaps they turned not long ago. They definitely have the fixed stare and the sagging flesh you saw on the online and televised warning bulletins. One is male and one is female, about your age. They stare at you for a fraction of a second, and then they start briskly for you. What are you going to do? *choice #Grab a tree branch and use it like a club. *if handtohand >= 50 *set squeamish %-20 The female zombie is dragging one foot and isn't as quick as the male. Good, you think--that will give you some chance of beating both them to a pulp without being munched on. There's really no such thing as a zombie kung-fu fighting style. As the male zombie darts in, hands making a beeline for your throat, it's not too much of a problem to place a well-timed smack to the side of his head. He reels sideways, spins around, and falls to the ground. He's not yet down for the count, but at least he's not latched onto you with his teeth either. You turn to the female, and sticking with the same strategy, swing and hit and she too plows face first into the dirt. Meanwhile, Mr. Zombie is clumsily getting back to his feet. Another swift belt to the top of his head puts him back down. This is kind of fun. Like whack-a-mole. You alternate between each one, driving them back to the ground until finally they are no longer moving and their heads are a goop of blood, brains, and messed-up hairdos. For good measure, you drive your club through the male's face and into the ground beneath his head. *set zombieskilled +2 With the immediate need of killing zombies no longer distracting you, you notice a car sitting abandoned--or you hope, at least--on the side of the main road. A little Honda Civic, very like your own. You head for it. *page_break Indeed, it is abandoned. Nothing either living or dead resides inside it, but the keys are still in the ignition and there is still gas in the tank. Why would anyone abandon. . . Then you realize, and glance over your shoulder. You think the car's former owners are lying with their heads smashed in near the farmstand. You can't stop to think about that now; there might be more of them. You start the engine and get the hell out of there. *page_break For a long time, you don't pass another car or a person. Or any pieces of person that might indicate recent zombie presence. *set car "Civic" *goto Kid *else The female zombie is dragging one foot and isn't as quick as the male. Good, you think--that will give you some chance of beating both them to a pulp without being munched on. How hard can this be? It's not like zombies have a kung-fu fighting style. As the male zombie darts in, hands making a beeline for your throat, you swing the club and prepare to smack him in the side of the head. You miss. His hands close over your throat. The last thing you see are two mouths opening in unison. The last thing you smell is foul breath. The last thing you think is "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #Run like hell. In which direction? *choice #Towards the road. I can see a car parked there. You turn sharply and sprint for the main road and the Honda Civic abandoned there. They sprint right after you. It turns out that while zombies are not possessed of super speed or anything, they can run pretty fast when in pursuit of attractive prey. It turns out they find you attractive prey. *page_break *if athletics >= 50 You barely manage to keep ahead of them. Once you think you feel fingers brush the back of your shirt, but you don't dare turn around to see. You throw yourself at the driver's side door of the Civic, and to your relief, it opens. To your further relief, the key is in the ignition and there is gas in the tank. Why would anyone abandon. . . Then you realize, and your guts clench. You have a feel that the car's former owners may be the zombies pursuing you. They are, in fact, still pursuing you, throwing themselves against side of the car. So far the glass of the windows is holding, but. . . You start the engine, slam your foot down on the gas, and get the hell out of there. For a long time, you don't pass another car or a person. Or any pieces of person that might indicate recent zombie presence. *set car "Civic" *goto Kid *else You are nowhere near physically fit enough to outrun two zombies. Before very long, your breath is searing your throat and the stitch in your side feels like a knife. One of them grabs your arm and pulls you to the ground. The last thing you see are two mouths opening in unison. The last thing you smell is foul breath. The last thing you think is "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #Back to ${Survivalist} Courser. Clearly I do need ${his} help. You spin around and charge back for the farmhouse. They charge right after you. It turns out that while zombies are not possessed of super speed or anything, they can run pretty fast when in pursuit of attractive prey. It turns out they find you attractive prey. *page_break *if athletics >= 50 You barely manage to keep ahead of them. Once you think you feel fingers brush the back of your shirt, but you don't dare turn around to see. "${Survivalist}!" you shout as you run. $!{He} appears at the door to the farmhouse, shotgun in hand. $!{He} takes in the situation impassively, and for a moment you're afraid ${he} isn't actually going to help you. Then ${he} raises the gun and fires. Two deafening shots in rapid succession--and the back of your shirt is soaked with. . . something you don't want to think too carefully about. *page_break ${Survivalist}'s face is still impassive. "Thanks," you say meekly. *set RelSurvivalist %-20 "Thinking better of your decision?" $!{He} jerks ${his} chin toward the Jeep. "Better get in. I don't think you'll last very long on your own." You get in, and before long, you and ${Survivalist} are on your way. *set GotSurvivalist true *set car "Jeep" *finish *else You are nowhere near physically fit enough to outrun two zombies. Before very long, your breath is searing your throat and the stitch in your side feels like a knife. One of them grabs your arm and pulls you to the ground. The last thing you see are two mouths opening in unison. The last thing you smell is foul breath. The last thing you think is "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp