*comment Front door party - you, Doctor, Geek, Kid, Useless Guy *comment Back door party - you, Survivalist, Engineer, Kid, Useless Guy TODO training up stats - if you consistently pick athletics or whatever, you should get better at it. Dan doesn't like rich-get-richer, but it might still be preferable to a straight stat check. Maybe should be ONLY training in this up front encounter, no stat checks until later? *temp onedown *set onedown false *temp KaydenGasStation *set KaydenGasStation false TODO - how do I do this? *temp alpha *set alpha "Alpha" if firstchoice = "front" set alpha = ${Doctor} else set alpha = ${Survivalist} *temp student if firstchoice = "front" *set student "Student" else set student = engineer *label Intro *if firstchoice = "front" *goto Front *else *goto Back *label Front The tires of your little Honda Civic squeal as you shoot down your street, heading for the main drag through town. You try not to look too hard at the scenes playing out on your neighbors' lawns. Some zombies cluster around first floor windows, matter-of-factly marching through shrubbery and glass to get at the tasty humans inside. Others cluster around tasty humans already dragged outside. A few chase your car for a while, but soon give it up in favor of pursuing the sounds or movements that signal easier prey. You _really_ try not to look, but you can't help noticing that partially-eaten humans rise from the grass within a few moments of becoming partially-eaten, and join the throng of hungry zombies. Only if the hungry zombies have ripped their meal to pieces in the process of dining does the human appear to stay dead. *if squeamish Bile rises to the back of your throat at the sights--and sounds, and oh God, smells--all around you. You turn off the car's fan and turn on the air conditioning. You turn it way up, hoping to filter out the smell and drown out the sounds. You cannot stop long enough to throw up. You can't. They'll eat you if you do. *page_break The main street of town is even worse. Zombies punching through the glass windows of the pharmacy. Zombies dragging screaming people out of the coffee shop. Zombies pouring out of the pizza parlor. You don't think that's tomato sauce on their faces. You keep driving. *goto Kid *label Kid You're almost at the town limits, and there aren't many building lining the street now. Mostly woods and fields. You're getting into farming territory. Sometimes you see a car abandoned on the side of the road, but you don't see any people. There aren't many people out here, which you hope means fewer zombies. . . . . . except there are three of them, right there in front of you. *page_break On the left side of the road is a large oak tree. I mean, a _really_ large tree--it's locally famous; the base is something like TODO feet around. TODO Figure this out. I'm thinking of the tree by the CT river. Three zombies are pressed up against the base, looking up into the branches like dogs who have just treed a squirrel. Which is an apt comparison, you realize a moment later. High up in the branches is a little kid. A ${boy}, maybe nine or ten. As you come closer, you see that one of the zombies is jumping, and another trying to crawl up the tree trunk. The third seems to be experimenting with all the moving parts necessary to actually climb the tree, but hasn't worked them out yet. Still, it's very likely only a matter of time. You can see the kid's face clearly now. $!{He} looks terrified, and ${his} mouth is open as though ${he} is screaming for help. $!{He}'s looking at you. Are you going to stop and help ${him}? *choice #Yes, of course! Good for you. Heroic, in fact. *set courage %+20 Uh, what's your plan? *page_break You slow down as you approach the tree, considering your options. You could stop the car and fight the zombies. If you stopped the car some distance away, you might be able to fight them one at a time. You have a shovel in your trunk--because this past winter actually did have a lot of snowpocalypses, and in your part of the country, it's only sense to carry a shovel with you. You're glad now that you'd been lazy about putting it back in the shed. Or you could try to run the zombies over with the car. They'd have to move away from the tree first, though, because crashing the car into the tree wouldn't exactly be the desired outcome. *if engineering >= 50 TODO check that it is possible to fail this stat check if you've made an upfront choice that lowers your engineering skill *page_break Or. . . well, you got the Civic EX because it has a sunroof. And the kid is a little kid. You think you can drive close enough to the tree that the kid could jump through the sunroof. Or at least, jump onto the roof and then lower ${him}self through the sunroof. You think you could execute the manuever before the zombies figured out how to swarm you, and anyway, they don't seem to be very coordinated. You might even be able to run one or more of them down at the same time. So what do you want to do? *choice #Stop the car, get out, and fight the zombies with my shovel. You slow down gradually, coming to a stop twenty feet away from the tree. You leave the car in neutral (because you are not stupid) and reach for the lever at your feet that pops the trunk. You had hoped you'd be able to avoid notice until you had your hands on the shovel, but really, that was a lost cause--a stopping car is more than large enough to attract zombie attention. Two of the zombies look over at you as soon as you slow down. Then they look back up--the kid must still seem like easier prey. You reach for the latch that opens the trunk, and pull it up very gently. It opens with a loud pop. And one zombie looks over, lets go of the tree, and starts for you in a businesslike manner. You get out of the car as fast as you can and run for the trunk. The zombie is striding like a man heading for an important meeting to which he cannot afford to be late. *page_break You can practically feel his nonexistent breath on the back of your neck as you close your hands over the wooden handle of the shovel and swing it around. *if handtohand >= 45 TODO this should fail only if you made two choices that lowered your htoh The business end of the shovel connects directly with his face, and he reels back as though the blow hurts--or, more likely, as though it knocks him off balance. You follow up your advantage immediately, and your second blow sends him to the ground. Remembering the zombies rising from yards in your neighborhood, you beat the thing with your shovel until its head is a messy pulp. *set onedown true *if squeamish And then you crouch beside it and vomit the entire contents of your stomach. When you look up, the other two zombies are standing over you, apparently just waiting for you to finish before they dig in. You close your hands over the shovel handle again, and-- What do you do? *choice #Hit first one zombie, then the other. I'm sure I can take them both out. *if clumsy I'm not sure why you would think that, given your history of clumsiness. And, in fact, not only do your sweating hands slip on the shovel, spoiling your swing at the female zombie, you trip as you try to twist away from the second male. You fall to the ground, and they fall on top of you, mouths opening in unison. Their breath smells awful. Your last thought is "ewwww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *else In a move even smoother and more coordiated than you thought you were capable of, you jab the shovel at the female zombie as you jump to your feet. She falls back, and you twist away from the second male. Using the shovel as a blocking staff (you saw it in a Robin Hood movie once) you manage to keep both of the zombies off-balance long enough to hit first one, and then the other, in the skull. After a few such blows, the zombies fall over. You keep hitting (alternating between the male and the female) until their heads are as pulpy as their friends'. *if squeamish And then you are sick all over again. You didn't think you had anything left in your stomach. *page_break *label GetTheKid You take a few minutes to recover yourself. Then you make your way (on legs that are really very shaky) to the tree. The kid shimmies down to you. "Wow," ${he} says. "Three at once." You're pretty impressed with yourself too. "Come on," you say to the kid, and lead ${him} back to the car with you. *goto TheKid #Run like hell. *if athletics <= 50 It turns out that while zombies are not possessed of super speed or anything, they can run pretty fast when in pursuit of attractive prey. It turns out they find you attractive prey. You are nowhere near physically fit enough to outrun two zombies. Before very long, you are gasping for breath and slowing down, and one of them grabs your arm and pulls you to the ground. The last thing you see are two mouths opening in unison. The last thing you smell is foul breath. The last thing you think is "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *elseif (athletics <=55) and (squeamish = true) Under ordinary circumstances, you think you might have been able to do it, but you're weak and shaky from having vomited up the entire contents of your stomach. And it turns out that while zombies are not possessed of super speed or anything, they can run pretty fast when in pursuit of attractive prey. And it turns out they find you attractive prey. You just can't run fast enough. Before very long, you are gasping for breath and slowing down, and one of them grabs your arm and pulls you to the ground. The last thing you see are two mouths opening in unison. The last thing you smell is foul breath. The last thing you think is "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *else You jump to your feet, still holding the shovel, and use it to push them a little bit away from you as you sprint away. They follow. It turns out that while zombies are not possessed of super speed or anything, they can run pretty fast when in pursuit of attractive prey. It turns out they find you attractive prey. *page_break You zigzag around the tree and a large rock. The zigzagging seems to confuse them. You sprint back towards the car, and they stumble after you. You feel a hand reaching for you, but you manage to elude it and make it to your car. You slam the door right in their faces. *page_break Phew. Now what? *choice #Beep the horn to get the zombies' attention, then run them over when they come to investigate. *goto BeepHorn *if engineering >= 50 #Open the sunroof, then drive the car close enough so the kid can drop down. *goto Sunroof #Get the hell out of here. I can't help the kid. *goto NothingICanDo *else The business end of the shovel catches the zombie a glancing blow across the face, leaving a cut and a dangling strip of skin, but not doing any other appreciable damage. And not slowing the zombie in the slightest. You're not sure whether the problem was with your aim or the force behind the blow, but it doesn't matter. Before you can swing again, the zombie leans in and grabs your arms. As you struggle to free yourself, it opens its mouth wide and leans in to take a big bite. Its breath is awful. Your last thought is "ewwww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #Beep the horn to get the zombies' attention, then run them over when they come to investigate. *label BeepHorn *comment You can do this if either your engineering skills or your reflexes (driving skills? not-clumsiness? do we need a driving skill?) are not terrible. The piercing noise of your horn attracts the zombies' attention, and they move towards the hood of your Honda to investigate. You wait, heart pounding, until the female is correctly positioned. Then you gun the engine. *page_break She goes down under your wheels with a satisfying splat. *if onedown = "false" You jerk the wheel quickly and manage to also graze the older male zombie, trapping his leg under the car. He pulls away, and it tears off. Not quite as effective as squashing him, but then, he won't be very effective either with only one leg. Out of the corner of your eye, as you turn your attention to the younger male, you see the older male pulling himself away using his hands. He isn't moving very fast. The younger male zombie pulls away slightly. Might that be a look of concern on his face? If they have enough intelligence or instinct to go after easy prey, they might have enough intelligence or instinct to retreat from predators-- The younger male zombie backs away a few steps, then turns slightly. You think he is about to run. You have to get him now. *page_break *if engineering >= 50 You correctly judge in which direction he is about to move, and you gun the engine in time to have the car there when he does. Another splat under your wheels. Nicely done! *goto GetTheKid *elseif clumsy = false Your spatial perception skills are not quite adequate to the task of determining where the zombie is going to be as you aim the car at him, but your reflexes make up for it. You twist the wheel frantically at the last second. Another splat. Nicely done! *goto GetTheKid *else Alas, your spatial perception skills are not quite adequate to the task of determining where the zombie is going to be as you aim the car at him. Nor are your reflexes quick enough to make up for it. Curse your lifelong clumsiness! You twist the wheel frantically, but the zombie leaps as you do. He crashes through the windscreen, and apparently does not sustain any meaningful damage from the experience, for he continues to lunge even with glass sticking out of his face and the momentum of the car propelling him forward. He grabs your arms. As you struggle to free yourself, he opens his mouth wide and leans in to take a big bite. His breath is awful. Your last thought is "ewwww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *if engineering >= 50 #Open the sunroof, then drive the car close enough so the kid can drop down. *label Sunroof The zombies look on with interest as the sunroof opens with a buzzing sound. They surround the car as you manuever it quickly alongside the tree. You stop under a big branch. Now there are zombies plastered to each of your side windows--passenger and driver's side--slobbering against the glass and trying to press themselves inside. If they retreat to get even a little bit of momentum, they'll be able to crash through. Easily. You try not to think too hard about this. "Come on, kid!" you yell. "Jump in!" $!{He} looks at the branch, at the sunroof, and at the slobbering zombies. $!{His} already wide eyes get even wider. $!{He} doesn't move. *page_break "Jump!" you say again. The female zombie butts her head experimentally against the passenger side window. "Jump!" The kid edges slowly out onto the branch. The young male zombie notices, and leaves the driver's side window to jump for the kid's feet. The kid pulls back with a cry. The female zombie butts the passenger side window again. Hard, this time. You wonder if you imagine a faint sound like cracking-- "Kid, jump!" The kid looks like ${he} is trying to get up the nerve to scurry across the branch, over the young male zombie. The young male zombie jumps for ${him} again, leaping higher this time. The female zombie draws back her head for another try at punching through the glass. What do you do? *choice #Wait for the kid to jump, trusting that the passenger side glass will hold another few seconds. *set courage %+20 "Kid, come on!" you shout. "You can do it! Hurry!" Encouraged, the kid edges back out onto the branch and balances there, hesitating, looking into the sunroof. The female zombie has figured it out. She retreats a few steps. She's about to launch herself through the window. *page_break *temp glassbreaks *rand glassbreaks 1 4 *if glassbreaks = 2 The kid jumps. Alas, one second too late. As he lands on the roof of the car and scrambles for the sunroof, the female zombie crashes through the passenger side window and grabs your throat with both hands. You struggle to free yourself, but to no avail. The last thing you see is her mouth opening wide to take a great big bite. The last thing you smell is her horrible breath. The last thing you think is, "ewww." *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *else The kid jumps. $!{he} sails through the sunroof and lands in the passenger seat, and you stomp your foot down on the accelerator. The car leaps forward, and the female zombie crashes hard into its rear bumper as it goes. "Wow," the kid says, wide-eyed. You think that was pretty impressive, yourself. *goto TheKid #Get the hell out of here before the female zombie lunges through the window and eats me. I tried to save the kid, but obviously I can't. *goto NothingICanDo #No, there's nothing I can do. *label NothingICanDo Sad, but true. No point in both of you being zombie food. You stomp down on the accelorator and keep going. The kid's terrified face flashes by you, but you don't look too closely. You do glance in the rear-view mirror a couple of times, as the tree dwindles behind you. *set courage %-20 TODO is courage what we want here? We actually want something more like "honor", right? But that's a Napoleonic Wars concept. *goto WhereTo *label TheKid *set GotKid true "You should probably put your seatbelt on," you say after a while. "Oh," the kid says. "Yeah." $!{He} does. "What's your name?" you ask. "Kayden." "I'm ${given_name}," you say. "Where are your parents, Kayden?" There's a pause. "Bottom of the tree," Kayden says. Another pause. "Third one was my brother." "Oh." You can't think of anything else to say. "It's okay," Kayden says. That's probably not true. But you're not quite sure how to say that. You also realize that the kid might be able to tell you how fast ${his} parents turned into zombies after being bitten, and a number of other useful pieces of information. But you might traumatize ${him} or something by asking. Is it more important to find out or to not traumatize the kid (further)? What do you say? *choice #"That's probably not true." *set diplomacy %-20 Kayden just blinks at you. Are you going to question ${him} any further? *choice #Yes. "How did your parents turn into zombies?" you ask bluntly. *goto How #No, I just let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *goto WhereTo #"It doesn't have to be okay." *set diplomacy %+20 Kayden just blinks at you. Are you going to question ${him} any further? *choice #Yes. "How did your parents turn into zombies?" you ask bluntly. *goto How #No, I just let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *goto WhereTo *if diplomacy >= 55 #Only if I can figure out a way to do it gently. *goto Gentlequestion #"I'm really sorry." *set diplomacy %+20 Kayden just blinks at you. Are you going to question ${him} any further? *choice #Yes. "How did your parents turn into zombies?" you ask bluntly. *goto How #No, I just let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *goto WhereTo *if diplomacy >= 55 #Only if I can figure out a way to do it gently. *goto Gentlequestion #"How did your parents turn into zombies?" *label How *set diplomacy %-20 Kayden doesn't answer. Are you going to question ${him} any further? *choice #Yes. "Look, Kayden, I really need to know this," you say. "It could be really important later." $!{He} doesn't say anything. *choice #I let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *goto WhereTo #I push harder. *set diplomacy %-20 "Come on, kid, I saved your life!" Kayden sets ${his} teeth. "There was a lady on the side of the road waving at us. Dad stopped and let her in. Mom didn't want him to, but he did. The lady was normal at first, but then she. . . got sorta quiet and weird. And we stopped because I had to pee, and when I got back to the car, she was. . . eating them. And then they were all. . . zombiefied, and I. . . climbed the tree." "Where did the lady go?" "I dunno. She ran off into the woods." So if somebody gets bitten and killed, they change almost instantly. But if they just get bitten, it takes longer. How much longer? "How long was the lady in the car with you before you stopped to pee?" "I dunno. A while." Even though you press, Kayden can't (or won't) give you any further information than that. Finally you let it go. It's quite for a while. *goto WhereTo #No, I just let it go. You don't say anything else. Neither does ${he}. It's quiet for a while. *goto WhereTo *if diplomacy >= 55 #Only if I can figure out a way to do it gently. *goto Gentlequestion *label Gentlequestion "It must have been really scary." Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Kayden blinking back tears. "Yeah." *fake_choice #I ask if ${he} wants to talk about it. #I don't say anything. After a while, Kayden says, "There was a lady on the side of the road waving at us. Dad stopped and let her in. Mom didn't want him to, but he did. The lady was normal at first, but then she. . . got sorta quiet and weird. And we stopped because I had to pee, and when I got back to the car, she was. . . eating them. And then they were all. . . zombiefied, and I. . . climbed the tree." "Where did the lady go?" "I dunno. She ran off into the woods." So if somebody gets bitten and killed, they change almost instantly. But if they just get bitten, it takes longer. How much longer? "How long was the lady in the car with you before you stopped to pee?" "I dunno. A while." $!{He} thinks, then offers, "I listened to five songs on my phone. How long is that?" Fifteen minutes, maybe? Depending on the length of the song? So if you just get bitten, you have at least fifteen minutes before you turn into a zombie. That might be good to know. *set gotturninfo true *set RelKid %+20 "About fifteen minutes, I guess?" you say. "Thanks, Kayden." "Sure." It's quiet for a while. *goto WhereTo *label WhereTo *if GotKid "So," Kayden says. "Um. . . where are we going?" That's a very good question. TODO If GotSurvivalist, you're going to the prison. Hear other options, can try to argue. In search of ideas, you switch on the radio. Some stations are all staticky. Others are full of information--how to identify a zombie, how to fight off a zombie, reports of zombie attacks all over New England. TODO How would this work? Hear it on AM channels? Ask Richard. Choices work out to be a mall, a prison, and a church/cathedral. *if firstchoice = "back" The prison is the one ${Survivalist} was heading to. All three places are about the same distance away, in different directions. Which one will you head for? *choice #The mall. *set tempsafespot "mall" *goto BigHouse #The prison. *set tempsafespot "prison" *goto BigHouse #The church. *set tempsafespot "church" *goto BigHouse *else You speed long down an increasingly rural main road. On either side is open land. No people. No zombies. Right. Where are you going? You have no idea. In search of ideas, you switch on the radio. Some stations are all staticky. Others are full of information--how to identify a zombie, how to fight off a zombie, reports of zombie attacks all over New England. TODO How would this work? Hear it on AM channels? Ask Richard. Choices work out to be a mall, a prison, and a church/cathedral. They're all about the same distance away, in different directions. Which one will you head for? *choice #The mall. *set tempsafespot "mall" *goto Doctor #The prison. *set tempsafespot "prison" *goto Doctor #The church. *set tempsafespot "church" *goto Doctor *label Doctor *if GotKid "We're heading for the ${tempsafespot}," you tell Kayden. You've still got a ways to drive through the country before you can pick up a main road, though. At least it's peaceful. No zombies. Just farmland. Lots of old houses. Most of them have been here for generations--old New England at its finest. You wonder what Lovecraft would have made of the zombiepocalypse. *if firstchoice = "front" *goto BigHouse *else *goto GasStationBack *label BigHouse Not _all_ the houses are old. In some places, great big McMansions sit up on hills looking over acres of manicured lawn that used to be farmland but was sold to some rich person. You're coming up on one now, off to the left. *if GotKid "Who lives there?" Kayden wants to know. You have no idea. "Should we tell them what's happening?" Do you head for the house? *choice #No, can't risk it. *goto GasStation #Yes, to warn them. *goto BigHouse2 *if GotKid #Yes, maybe I can leave Kayden with them. *goto BigHouse2 #Yes, that house looks defensible. *goto BigHouse2 *label BigHouse2 A enormous driveway sweeps up the hill, past a lawn that looks like a golf course, around some artistically-shaped shrubberies, and finally to a front door flanked by statues of stone lions. You hesitate, engine idling, wondering how best to approach. What if there are zombies inside? *choice #I leave the car, take the brain-smeared shovel from the trunk, and go ring the bell. But I keep the car running. The bell doesn't go "ding-dong" like any normal doorbell. Instead, you can chimes tolling inside--ding dong dong ding, dong ding ding dong. Like bells on a church tower. Wow. That's a pretty impressive level of pretension going on here. It takes several nervewracking minutes before anyone answers. You've just about decided to give this up as both useless and probably unsafe when the door is suddenly jerked open by the healthiest-looking fifty-year-old ${man} you've ever seen. ${His} short graying hair is standing all on end, and ${he} is wearing a silk bathrobe and an irritated expression. "What the hell do you want?" ${he} demands. "There's a horde of zombies on the loose," you say. "I stopped to warn you." *goto BigHouse3 #I honk the horn. You lean on the horn until an upstairs window opens and the healthiest-looking fifty-year-old ${man} you've ever seen pokes ${his} head out. ${His} short graying hair is standing all on end, and ${he} is wearing a silk bathrobe and an irritated expression. "What the hell do you want?" ${he} demands. "There's a horde of zombies on the loose," you say. "I stopped to warn you." *goto BigHouse3 #To hell with this. I leave. *goto GasStation *label BigHouse3 *set GotDoctor true Shortly thereafter, you *if GotKid and Kayden are installed at a breakfast nook table so spotless you're sure it can't be used very much. The entire house, in fact, looks so spotless it can't be used very much. The ${man} in the bathrobe lives here alone. $!{He}'s a surgeon, as it turns out--works in the hospital one city over. $!{His} name is ${Doctor}. $!{He} frowns as you describe your morning. It's the first ${he}'s heard of a zombie horde nearby. $!{He}'s been at the hospital the last two days, because somebody infected with zombieism committed suicide by parking his car on railroad tracks, so there were many severe injuries requiring ${Doctor}'s surgical expertise. $!{He} only got home and to bed a few hours ago. When you're done talking, ${he} nods slowly. Then ${his} eyes drift to contemplate the wall over your head as ${he} thinks. So what are you going to say next? *choice *if GotKid #"Look, I'm going on to the ${tempsafespot}, but I think it would be better if I left Kayden with you. A doctor would be better able to take care of a child." $!{His} eyebrows go straight up. "Oh no, you're not. Just because I have a medical degree doesn't mean I have nuturing instincts, and anyway, I don't plan to stay here myself. I'll come with you to the ${tempsafespot}." Dryly, ${he} adds, "You look like you could use all the help you can get." *if outofshape $!{He} eyes your waistline in a frankly insulting manner. *goto DoctorDiplomacy #"I was thinking of going to the ${tempsafespot}, but when I saw your house I thought maybe it would be better to try to defend a place like this." $!{His} eyebrows go straight up. "Oh no, you're not staying here and turning my house into a stronghold. It's a bad idea anyway--we'd be much better off joining a larger group. I'll come with you to the ${tempsafespot}." Dryly, ${he} adds, "You look like you could use all the help you can get." *if outofshape $!{He} eyes your waistline in a frankly insulting manner. *goto DoctorDiplomacy #"We're headed for ${tempsafespot}. Come with us." $!{He} hesitates. "I was thinking of going back to Newbridge. . . but there's no cure for zombieism. There isn't anything I could do for the people still there. . . Yes, all right, I'll come with you." $!{He} says it like ${he}'s conferring a favor, not like you just did ${him} one by stopping at ${his} house to warn ${him}. $!{His} lips quirk with something like amusement, and ${he} adds dryly, "You can use all the help you can get, right?" *if outofshape $!{He} eyes your waistline in a frankly insulting manner. *goto DoctorDiplomacy *label DoctorDiplomacy Right, so this asshole is pretty full of ${him}self. How are you going to handle it? *choice #Snap back. *set diplomacy %-20 "Actually," you say, "I'm doing fine, thanks. *if GotKid I rescued this kid with nobody's help, didn't I? Don't do me any favors." ${Doctor} looks at you, possibly just a little startled. Maybe not a lot of people snap back. But when ${he} speaks, ${he} sounds more amused than anything else. "Fine, I won't. I'll come with you anyway, though. Let me get dressed and pack some medical supplies." *goto LeavingTheBigHouse *if medical > 50 #Point out my own qualifications. "Actually," you say pleasantly, "I'm an EMT, Doctor. *if GotKid And I managed to rescue this kid with nobody's help, didn't I? I think I can manage fine by myself. But you can come along anyway if you want." ${Doctor} doesn't seem overly impressed by your qualifications--more amused than anything. "Thanks, I will. Let me just get dressed and pack some medical supplies." *goto LeavingTheBigHouse #Flatter ${his} ego. *set diplomacy %+20 "Yes, it would be a really big help to have a doctor along. I'd appreciate it." ${Doctor} nods. "Let me just get dressed and pack some medical supplies." *goto LeavingTheBigHouse #Ignore ${his} tone of voice. TODO should flatter and ignore should be different, or is it enough to imply a tone of voice? *set diplomacy %+20 "Yes, it would be a really big help to have a doctor along. I'd appreciate it." ${Doctor} nods. "Let me just get dressed and pack some medical supplies." *goto LeavingTheBigHouse *label LeavingTheBigHouse It doesn't take ${Doctor} long to get ready. "It's not like I work out of my house," ${he} says when ${he} sees you eyeing ${his} very small box of medical supplies. "Some are better than none, right? So what is it you're driving?" $!{He} looks out the window and makes a face at your little Civic. "We'd better take my car. It's an off-road vehicle--I like to go hiking in out of the way places when I'm not working--and we might have to drive off-road before this is all over." What do you say? *choice #${He}'s right. It would be better to have an off-road vehicle. "Sure, that makes sense." You pack up ${his} big-ass Jeep and head out. $!{He} insists on driving, of course. *set car "Jeep" *goto GasStation #${He}'s wrong. Off-road capability might be useful, but running out of gas will get us killed, and the Civic is more fuel-efficient. Right. So what do you say? *choice #"Yeah, but running out of gas will get us killed, and my Civic is more fuel efficient." "Fair enough," ${he} says. You pack up the Civic and head out. *set car "Civic" *goto GasStation #"We won't get far enough to need off-roading capability in that big gas-guzzler. We're taking my Civic." *set diplomacy %-20 *set car "Civic" "Fine, have it your way," ${he} says. You pack up the Civic and head out. *goto GasStation #"Yeah, you might be right. . . On the other hand, it might be better to have a fuel-efficient car." *set diplomacy %+20 "Oh, right, good point," ${he} says. "We'll take your car." You pack up the Civic and head out. *set car "Civic" *goto GasStation #I don't care strongly either way, but I agree with ${him} for the sake of building a relationship. *set diplomacy %+20 *set car "Jeep" "Sure, that makes sense." You pack up ${his} big-ass Jeep and head out. $!{He} insists on driving, of course. *goto GasStation #${He}'s probably right, but I resent ${his} tone of voice, so I argue. *set diplomacy %-20 *set car "Civic" Right. So what do you say? *choice #"Yeah, but running out of gas will get us killed, and my Civic is more fuel efficient." "Fair enough," ${he} says. You expected ${him} to argue more. Looks like you're taking the Civic. You pack it up and head out. *goto GasStation #"We won't get far enough to need off-roading capability in that big gas-guzzler. We're taking my Civic." *set diplomacy %-20 "Fine, have it your way," ${he} says. You expected ${him} to argue more. Looks like you're taking the Civic. You pack it up and head out. *goto GasStation *label GasStation *page_break *if GotKid Out of the corner of your eye, you see Kayden playing around with what looks like a smartphone. "What are you doing, kid?" "I thought my phone fell out of my jacket when I was up the tree," Kayden says, "but it didn't. And I thought maybe the internet was still there. And it is. Look, Facebook has a zombiepocalypse survivor group! That way you can tell people you're okay. I'll put my name on it, and yours, *if (GotDoctor = true) and ${Doctor}'s, okay?" "Sure," you say. "Hey, this is weird," Kayden says after another few minutes. "What's weird?" "So, there's all these posts, from the last few days--they're from all different people, and they all say, 'I'm still okay!' and 'Not zombified yet!' Except there aren't any from yesterday or today. Except from one ${man}-- ${Student} Murray. $!{He}'s posted over and over again, every couple of hours, the same status--'COME GET ME! If you provide transportation to TODOPrisonname Prison, I can keep you safe from zombies on the way! I know what I'm talking about--look how long I've stayed alive!'" Kayden bends over the phone, a look of concentration on ${his} face. "I'm going to message ${him} and find out where ${he} is." *goto GasStation2 *elseif (GotDoctor = true) and (car = "Civic") Beside you in the passenger's seat, ${Doctor} is messing around with ${his} smartphone. "What are you doing?" you ask. "Internet," ${Doctor} says briefly. "Useful tool, have you heard of it? I figured I'd just check and see what was out there. . . Yeah, look at this. Googling 'zombies' turns up all kind of useful stuff. Looks like the ${tempsafespot} is still up and running. . . Oh, and look at that. There's a 'zombiepocalypse survivor' Facebook group. Of course there is. Huh. . . that's interesting." "What is?" "There are lots of posts over the last few days, from lots of different people, and they all say, 'I'm still okay!' and 'Not zombified yet!'" "And?" "And there aren't any more recent than midday yesterday. Except from one ${guy}--${Student} Murray. $!{He}'s still there, and every couple of hours ${he} posts the same status--'COME GET ME! If you provide transportation to TODOPrisonname Prison, I can keep you safe from zombies on the way! I know what I'm talking about--look how long I've stayed alive!' Idiot doesn't say where ${he} is, though. Well, maybe I can figure it out. . . " *goto GasStation2 *elseif (GotDoctor = true) and (car = "Jeep") Driving with one hand, ${Doctor} pulls a smartphone out of ${his} pocket with the other, and tosses it to you. "Here. Why don't you see if the internet's still there. Might be some useful information." You poke around, and discover that the internet is indeed still there, and that there are a number of results returned when you Google "zombiepocalypse." One tells you that the ${tempsafespot} is still up and running. Another is a Facebook group, of all things. Zombiepocalypse survivors. It isn't a bad idea, really. Status after status, all over the last few days, all saying things like, "I'm still okay!" and "Not zombified yet!" You think about adding your name to it. Not that you use Facebook for much, but you do have an account. Then you notice that all the status updates stopped about noontime yesterday. Which can't possibly be good. Except for one ${guy}. ${Student} Murray is apparently still there, because ${he}'s updating ${his} status every couple of hours--the last time only twenty minutes ago--with almost exactly the same words: "COME GET ME! If you provide transportation to TODOPrisonname Prison, I can keep you safe from zombies on the way! I know what I'm talking about--look how long I've stayed alive!" What do you do? *choice #Tell ${Doctor} about ${Student}. ${Doctor} seems mildly interested. "Where is ${he}?" You check. "Doesn't say." *choice #I message ${Student} to find out. *goto MessageStudent #I let the topic drop. *goto GasStation2 #Message ${Student}. *label MessageStudent You send ${Student} a Facebook message. "Hey, I saw your post. Where are you?" Almost immediately, you get a reply. "The refuse center just off exit 13 on the interstate. Where are you?" TODO Is refuse center the American term? You think you know where he means. The refuse center is certainly out of your way if you're headed straight for ${tempsafespot}, but it's not hours out of your way. *goto GasStation2 #Nothing. *goto GasStation2 *else *goto GasStation2 *label GasStation2 *if car = "Jeep" "Shit," ${Doctor} mutters. That puts you instantly on alert. "What?" "We're, um. . . " $!{He} looks sheepish. "Almost out of gas." How do you respond? *choice #"We're WHAT? You didn't freaking check before we left?" *set diplomacy %-20 ${Doctor}'s face turns red with anger or embarrassment or both. "No, I didn't." How do you respond? *choice #"This stupid all-terrain vehicle you wanted us to take is going to get us killed. We would have been okay with my Civic." *set diplomacy %-20 $!{Doctor} looks even redder. "Well, it doesn't matter now." $!{He}'s right there. What do you say? *choice #"Oh my God, we're dead, we're so dead. We're going to get stranded and eaten." *goto Stranded #I don't say anything. I just check the apps menu to see if there's a GPS app that can take us to a gas station. *set diplomacy %+20 *comment is this really diplomacy? is it courage? cool head? And there is. *goto GPS #"Oh my God, that's it. We're going to get stranded and eaten." *label Stranded *set courage %-20 *if GotKid In the back seat, Kayden starts to cry. ${Doctor} looks exasperated. "No, of course we're not. My phone has a GPS app. Go to the main menu and open it and tell it to find us a gas station." *goto GPS #I don't say anything. I just check the apps menu to see if there's a GPS app that can take us to a gas station. And there is. *label GPS You read out the directions, and ${Doctor} manuevers the Jeep into a deserted gas station along a lonely stretch of highway just as it begins to splutter and choke and stall. *goto GasStation3 *else You see a gas station coming up on your right, and out of reflex you look down at your gas gauge--the smart thing to do when you're driving through back country roads. It's just over half full. Under any other circumstances, you'd stop and fill up. But these aren't any other circumstances. There's no way to tell whether zombies will swarm out of the woods if you stop to fill the tank. What do you do? *choice #Fill the tank. It's deserted around here; few people mean few zombies. And getting stranded because the car has run out of gas could be tragic. You manuever the car into the parking lot and alongside a gas pump. *if GotDoctor ${Doctor} looks at you. "We need gas," you say. "I thought we took this little tin can because it's fuel-efficient." You grit your teeth a little. How do you respond? *fake_choice #Pleasantly. #Sarcastically. "It is. But it needs fuel first." *goto GasStation3 #Keep going. There's something about the look of the place that gives me the creeps. *goto Refuse *label GasStation3 You get out of the car. Seems quiet enough. *if GotKid "I'm hungry," Kayden says from the back seat. *if GotDoctor ${Doctor} looks with distaste at the gas station. "What they sell in there isn't really food, but it's better than starvation. Here--" $!{He} gets out of the car and says to you, "I'll pump, you go pick out whatever stuff you usually eat. Get me some bottled water and some nuts. Or plain granola bars. Something without high-fructose corn syrup." What a pain in the ass. *choice #I leave ${him} to pump gas, and I go to get munchies. *goto GasStation4 #Since ${he}'s so particular, I send ${him} to get munchies. With how much of an edge in your voice? *choice #None at all. The best way to handle this jerk is pleasantly. *set diplomacy %+20 "Since you know exactly what you want, why don't you go get the food and I'll pump the gas?" you say pleasantly. ${Doctor} gives the gas station another contemptuous look and goes inside. You pump the gas. *goto GasStation4B #Just a little, to hopefully communicate that ${he}'s crossing a line. "Since you know exactly what you want, why don't you go get the food and I'll pump the gas?" you say, in that over-precise tone people use when they are annoyed. ${Doctor} doesn't seem to notice it. $!{He} gives the gas station another contemptuous look and goes inside. You pump the gas. *goto GasStation4B #Edge, nothing. I snap back that I'm not ${his} servant. "Right, we need to get something clear. I'm not your servant, and you don't give me orders. Now, since you're so particular, you go get the food. I'll pump the gas." The expression that crosses ${his} face is something between amusement and maybe respect. $!{He} heads for the gas station. *goto GasStation4B #Edge, nothing. I communicate calmly and directly that I would appreciate ${him} making requests instead of issuing orders. *set diplomacy %+20 "Right." You face ${him}. "${Doctor}, we need to get something clear. You keep speaking to me as though I work for you, or something, and you can just tell me what to do. If there's something you would like me to do for you, I would appreciate it if you would say, 'Would you do x please' instead of 'Do x.' Am I making myself clear?" TODO how should this play out? I think there are people you just have to alpha-dog, where this direct-communication would only garner more mockery - a genuine bully. I could be wrong. *goto GasStation4B *if (GotKid = true) and (GotDoctor = false) What do you say? *choice #"Okay, why don't you go inside and pick out some munchies. Get some bottled water, too." *goto GasStation4C #"Okay, I'll go inside and get some munchies after I pump the gas." *goto GasStation4 #"Okay, we'll go inside and get some munchies after I pump the gas." *set KaydenGasStation true *goto GasStation4 *if (GotKid = false) and (GotDoctor = false) You fill the tank, and then you think about other things you might need. The food sold by gas stations isn't really food, but it's better than starvation. But there's something about the deserted look of the place that kinda gives you the creeps. Do you go inside? *choice #Yes. *goto GasStation4 #No. *goto Refuse *label GasStation4 You walk into the gas station, in search of munchies. And you find--probably you should have expected this--a zombie inside, also in search of munchies. In fact, the zombie has found munchies. The zombie appears to have someone cornered in the very back of the store, between the ice cream cooler and the shelf of artifically-flavored-and-colored "potato" chips. But the zombie doesn't seem to have actually started munching yet. It turns its head as you enter and studies you with interest. You're not quite sure why you'd seem like more attractive prey than the cowering ${man}, but it's possible that you do. To judge by the (sort-of) expression on (what's left of) the zombie's face. It sweeps its long hair out of your eyes to look at you better. This one seems to have been a teenage girl. *if KaydenGasStation "Kayden, run!" you say, and ${he} does. Now it's just you and the zombie and the cowering ${guy}. So what do you do? *choice #Try to save the cowering ${guy}. That's very brave. Heroic, in fact. You have a plan, right? *choice #I'll make a lot of noise and dance around a little, to distract the zombie long enough for the cowering guy to run out the door. And then I'll figure out how to escape myself. *set courage %+20 *label WhichWay You look around the gas station. You are standing almost in one corner, with the counter and cash register behind you. The zombie and its potential victim are in the opposite corner. Along the wall to your left is a display of frisbees, beachballs, and wiffle balls and bats. Past it, in the left-hand corner, is a freezer with bags of ice. Along the wall to your right are shelves containing cat food cans, condiments, lighters, bags of charcoal, bags of hot dog and hamburger buns, and lighter fluid. (On some more relaxed occasion you might pause to wonder what the cat food is doing in the cookout display.) Perhaps out of fear regarding the lighter fluid, there is a fire extinguisher over the shelves. In the middle of the store, more towards your left than your right, are some rickety-looking stands holding candy, maps, and newspapers. Before you can decide quite what to do, the zombie charges across the center of the room at you. Which way do you run? *choice #Left. You dart to the left, and the zombie pursues you. What do you grab? *choice #A whiffle bat. You seize a whiffle bat from the display, and whirl to hit the zombie in the head with it. *if handtohand >= 50 It's much too light to be a great weapon, but you wield it well. You crack the zombie solidly across the forehead, and it reels back from you a little. "Run!" you call to the cowering ${guy}. $!{He} doesn't. You back around the candy-and-newspapers display, trying to keep it between you and the zombie. You don't manage all that well, but between your fancy footwork and hitting out with the bat, you at least manage to keep the zombie from touching you. You've got it enough off-balance to escape yourself, you think, if only the person you came to rescue would-- "RUN!" you shout again. This time, the cowering ${guy} gets slowly to ${his} feet and wobbles towards the door. *if gender = "female" You notice out of the corner of your eye that she's wearing high heels. Of course she is. You hit the zombie harder out of frustration. *page_break The zombie seems to be getting irritated with being hit in the face over and over. It growls a little, and lunges for you, hands going for your throat in a determined manner. You drop the bat and run, nearly colliding in the doorway with the formerly-cowering ${guy}, who still isn't moving anywhere near as fast as ${he} needs to be. You grab ${his} arm and drag ${him} along with you. *goto Escape *else A whiffle bat isn't a great weapon, and you don't wield it particularly well. Your first swing doesn't even connect with the zombie. Your second grazes her arm, but doesn't slow her down at all. She reaches for your throat with two long-fingered, long-nailed, dirty-nailed hands. You try to duck around the candy display, but too late. Holding your throat firmly in her hands, she opens her mouth wide for a big bite. Your last thought is to notice that she's wearing braces. *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #A bag of ice. You tear down the left-hand wall to the ice freezer, wrench it open, and pull out a bag of ice. *if athletics >= 70 A bag of ice is a really heavy thing to throw at all, still less with any accuracy, but you've got strong arms and a good eye--you manage it. It knocks the zombie off-balance, and the zombie sits down hard. You're not sure if she looks surprised by it, or if that was always how she looked before she died. "Run!" you call to the cowering ${guy}. $!{He} doesn't. You grab a second bag of ice and use it as a club, whaling on the zombie's head and shoulders until it stops moving. TODO long-term, squemish should be affected by how many you kill; up front, squeamish should make you more squeamish "Run!" you shout to the cowering ${guy} again, but ${he} still doesn't. When the zombie is still--at least for the moment--you drop the ice on its head, run to the far corner, physically haul the ${guy} to ${his} feet, and drag ${him} out the door. *label Heels *if gender = "female" She's wearing high heels. Of course she is. *goto Escape *else A bag of ice is a really heavy thing to throw, and you just don't have the upper body strength to manage it. It falls on the ground between you and the zombie. You turn to grab another one, but you don't get all the way back around before the zombie is right there, grabbing your shoulders and sinking her teeth into the back of your neck. The last thing you hear is her satisfied and really quite disgusting slobbering sound. *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #Neither--I duck around the display, planning to push it over. *if (engineering >= 50) and (athletics >= 50) Your above-average skill at judging spatial relationships mean you wait until just the right moment, and your upper body strength is adequate to the task. You push over the display at exactly the right moment, and it falls on top of the zombie, pinning it to the ground. Splat. The zombie makes an irritated noise from beneath the display. You can see a hand flailing along the floor, flipping candy bars out of its way as it searches for purchase. There is no time to waste. *page_break "Quick, run!" you say to the ${guy} in the corner, but ${he} doesn't. So you run to the corner, physically haul the ${guy} to ${his} feet, and drag ${him} along with you to the door. *goto Heels *elseif (engineering < 50) and (athletics >= 50) You turn out to have sufficient upper-body strength to push over the display, but you misjudge the timing by just a little. Instead of squashing the zombie flat, only its legs are pinned. *label GoodEnough Still, that's good enough. You can escape if you're quick about it. The zombie makes an irritated noise. "Quick, run!" you say to the ${guy} in the corner, but ${he} doesn't. So you run to the corner, physically haul the ${guy} to ${his} feet, and drag ${him} along with you to the door. *goto Heels *elseif (engineering >= 50) and (athletics < 50) You judge precisely the right time to push the display over in order to squash the zombie beneath it, and you give it a shove. And it rocks, but does not fall. *page_break You push it again, desperately, and this time you manage to get it over. It partialy traps the zombie beneath it--you were hoping for a full splat, but only its legs are pinned. *goto GoodEnough *else You give the display a shove. It rocks, but does not fall. *page_break You push it again, desperately, but to no avail. The zombie lunges around it, reaching for your throat with two long-fingered, long-nailed, dirty-nailed hands. You try to back up, but too late. Holding your throat firmly in her hands, the zombie opens its mouth wide for a big bite. Your last thought is to notice that it's wearing braces. *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #Right. You dart to the right, and the zombie pursues you. What do you grab? *choice #Cat food cans. *if athletics > 50 A cat food can is a pretty reasonable weapon, actually, when wielded by someone with a good eye and a strong arm. Which you are. You hit the zombie square in the forehead with a can of Salmon Melange (todo come up with the most out-there name possible for the cat food), and follow it up with a can of Tuscan Whitefish With Field Greens. The zombie reels back from you. This one appears to be a teenage girl. "Run!" you call to the cowering ${guy}. $!{He} doesn't. You back around the candy-and-newspapers display, hurling cans of cat food whenever you have a clear shot and succeeding in keeping the zombie off-balance. You could escape yourself, you think, if only the person you came to rescue would-- "RUN!" you shout again. This time, the cowering ${guy} gets slowly to ${his} feet and wobbles towards the door. *if gender = "female" You notice out of the corner of your eye that she's wearing high heels. Of course she is. You throw a can of Florentine Tuna With Mushrooms particularly hard, out of frustration. *page_break The zombie seems to be getting irritated with being hit in the face over and over. It growls a little and lunges for you, hands going for your throat in a determined manner. You throw the last cat food can randomly, and run. In the doorway, you nearly collide with the formerly-cowering ${guy}, who still isn't moving anywhere near as fast as ${he} needs to be. You grab ${his} arm and drag ${him} along with you. *goto Escape *else A cat food can is a pretty reasonable weapon, actually, when wielded by someone with a good eye and a strong arm. Unfortunately, you possess neither of these things. Your first shot (a can of Salmon Melange) goes wide. Your second (Tuscan Whitefish With Field Greens--who names these things, anyway?) grazes the zombie's arm, but doesn't slow her down at all. She reaches for your throat with two long-fingered, long-nailed, dirty-nailed hands. You try to duck around the candy display, but too late. Holding your throat firmly in her hands, she opens her mouth wide for a big bite. Your last thought is to notice that she's wearing braces. *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp #The fire extinguisher. *set engineering %+20 Great idea. You aim the thing at the zombie and let it have a facefull of foam. The zombie makes a noise of extreme irritation--though not pain, you notice. It waves ineffectively in front of itself, stumbling forward, trying to find you by its other senses now that you have blinded it. It doesn't seem to occur to the zombie to reach up and wipe the foam out of its eyes, but that's fine by you. You move as quietly as possible to sneak around past it and to the door. *page_break *if stealth < 50 You catch your food on the candy display and fall on your face. The display sways and falls on top of you, and the fire extinguisher hits the floor with a clatter. Curse your lifelong clumsiness. You try to get up, but the zombie is right there, grabbing your shoulders and sinking her teeth into the back of your neck. The last thing you hear is her satisfied and really quite disgusting slobbering sound. *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *else *set stealth +%20 Sweat pours down your face, and your hands feel so cold you almost drop the fire extinguisher, but you manage to make it around the blind and fumbling zombie. You have a clear shot to the door. But the cowering ${guy} still hasn't move. You gesture frantically, and ${he} finally drags ${him}self to ${his} feet and stumbles towards you. *if gender = "female" She's wearing high heels. Of course she is. The clop-clop sound attracts the attention of the zombie, who turns its head at once in your direction. You grab ${his} arm and drag ${him} through the door with you. *goto Escape *if engineering > 50 #A lighter and the lighter fluid. *set courage %+20 todo maybe this is bloodthirst instead, or something - maybe we want tradeoffs like dragon, between squeamishness and bloodthirst Your hands shake as you unscrew the cap. The zombie prowls purposefully towards you. You swing the lighter fluid container, flinging the liquid inside in a long arc through the air. A good healthy splash lands on the zombie, which blinks at the liquid in its eyes. You swing the container again, pouring lighter fluid on the floor, in a straight line between yourself and the zombie. Then you flick the lighter on, touch it to the lighter fluid, and jump out of the way. *page_break You don't watch. You don't want to. Instead you stumble towards the cowering ${guy}, who still hasn't moved, physically haul ${him} to ${his} feet, and drag ${him} with you out the door. *goto Heels #I jump over counter. Behind the counter is the cash register, packets of cigarettes, lottery tickets, and no way out. The zombie comes straight for you. And your eyes light on the final item on this side of the counter: a sawed-off shotgun. *page_break *if firearms > 50 Which you, fortunately, know how to use. todo describe how you actually use it, because damned if I know. The zombie is closing. You only have one shot. But you only need one. You blow its head clean off. It topples backward, and you're pretty sure it will stay dead. Just in case, though, you lose no time in running for the cowering ${guy}, physically hauling ${him} to ${his} feet, and dragging ${him} out the door with you. *goto Heels *else People use these things to blow zombies' heads off, right? In movies? You're pretty sure they do. Unfortunately, you're less sure as to how. Todo describe making a beginner's mistake with loading the gun or whatever You look up from your fumbling just as two long-fingered, long-nailed, dirty-nailed hands shoot out and grab you around the throat. The zombie pulls you half over the counter. Holding your throat firmly in her hands, she opens her mouth wide for a big bite. Your last thought is to notice that she's wearing braces. *set dead true *goto_scene Wrapup #I'll attack the zombie directly. Right, then. You'll need a weapon. *goto WhichWay #Run like hell. *if KaydenGasStation You follow Kayden out the door and race with ${him} to the car. You're both inside and driving away in record time. The zombie does not follow you. The prey inside was much easier to eat. *goto Refuse *elseif GotDoctor "What. . . ?" ${Doctor} says, gas pump in hand. "Zombie!" you say, and ${he} drops the pump, screws on the gas tank cap, and runs for the car door. You're quite a way down the road before your heart settles down, and only then do you realize that ${Doctor} stopped about halfway through the process of filling the tank. Still, better than nothing and much better than being zombie food. *goto Refuse *else You sprint for the car and slam the door behind you. With another squealing of tires, you're off down the road. The zombie does not follow you. The prey inside was much easier to eat. *goto Refuse *label GasStation4B You've barely started pumping when ${Doctor} comes tearing back outside, dead white. "Zombie!" ${he} snaps, and you scramble to get inside the car. You're quite a way down the road before your heart settles down, and only then do you realize that you didn't actually get food or gas from this encounter. Still, better than nothing and much better than being zombie food. *goto Refuse *label GasStation4C You've barely started pumping when Kayden comes tearing back outside, dead white. "There's a zombie after me!" ${he} shrieks, and you scramble to get inside the car. You're quite a way down the road before your heart settles down, and only then do you realize that you didn't actually get food or gas from this encounter. Still, better than nothing and much better than being zombie food. *goto Refuse *label Escape *set GotUseless true *if GotDoctor = true You're quite a ways down the road before your heart settles down, and then ${Doctor} *if car = "Civic" insists that you pull over. *if car = "Jeep" pulls over to the side. $!{He} quietly but firmly instructs the ${man} you rescued from the gas station to strip and be examined for bite marks. ${Doctor} finds none, to everyone's relief. The ${man} introduces ${him}self as ${Useless}. *if GotDoctor = false You're quite a ways down the road before your heart settles down. After a while you pull over, and you and the ${man} you rescued strip to prove to each other that you haven't been bitten. It seems like the thing to do. $!{He} says ${his} name is ${Useless}. "Where are we going?" ${he} asks. You explain about the ${tempsafespot}. "Oh." $!{He} sounds disappointed. "Why?" "I was hoping we were headed for the interstate. Do you know about ${Student} Murray?" $!{He} waves a smartphone. *if (GotKid = true) or (GotDoctor = true) "Yes." *if (GotKid = true) and (GotDoctor = false) "No." "I've been following the Zombiepocalypse Survivors group on Facebook," ${he} explains. "There aren't, um, aren't so many of them posting as there used to be, but ${Student}'s still updating ${his} status every couple of hours." $!{He} shows you the smartphone screen. ${Student}'s status updates are all almost the same. "COME GET ME! If you provide transportation to TODOPrisonname Prison, I can keep you safe from zombies on the way! I know what I'm talking about--look how long I've stayed alive!" "I've been messaging with ${him}," ${Useless} says. "$!{he}'s at the refuse center off exit 13. That's where I was headed when my car ran out of gas, and then I hiked to the service station, and then. . . " $!{He} shrugs. "Then I got backed into a corner by a zombie. Just my luck. So, um, what do you say? I mean, if you don't want to, I understand. . ." Do you sidetrack to rescue ${Student}? *choice #Yes. *goto Refuse #No. *label NotRefuse You head for the ${tempsafespot}. Nothing unless untoward happens the rest of that day, and by evening, you can see the ${tempsafespot} in the distance. TODO If tank not full, run out of gas. Can't make it to desired tempsafespot, shunted to one of the others. If you choose not to be shunted and continue on your way, die in the woods. From zombie coyotes or something. *finish *label DidntRescueUseless *if GotDoctor = true and car = Jeep After a while, you notice the Jeep is headed in the wrong direction for the ${tempsafespot}. You point this out to ${Doctor}. $!{He} looks at you in surprise. "I'm going to the refuse center to pick up ${Student}." What do you say? *choice #"Were you going to discuss that with me first?" "Well, no, actually," ${Doctor} says. "It's clearly the right thing to do. We're not too far away now." *goto Refuse #"Hey, wait a minute. That's a terrible idea." "No, it's not, actually," ${Doctor} says. "It's clearly the right thing to do, on a number of different levels. And we're not too far away now." *goto Refuse #"Decisions like that should be made jointly." "It's my car," ${Doctor} points out. "And it's clearly the right thing to do. We're not too far away now." *goto Refuse #"Okay." "We're not too far away now," ${Doctor} says. *goto Refuse *elseif GotDoctor = true and car = Civic "We should go pick up that kid at the refuse center," ${Doctor} says. "$!{He} sounds like ${he}'d be useful to have along. And ${he}'s still there--I texted ${him}. Shouldn't be hard to find." What do you say? *choice #I agree. *goto Refuse #I disagree. "I don't want to take the risk," you say. "It's more important we get to ${tempsafespot}." ${Doctor} looks at you furiously. "Wait, what? This kid's stayed alive all this time. Clearly ${he}'d be useful. It's absolutely worth the risk. Here's the turnoff for the interstate--turn right, right now." What do you do? *choice #Turn right. todo affects relationship with Doctor *goto Refuse #Keep going straight. "Turn around," ${Doctor} says coldly. "It's my car," you say, and keep driving towards ${tempsafespot}. *goto NotRefuse *elseif GotKid "Are we going to get ${Student}?" Kayden asks. "We've been texting. $!{He}'s at the refuse center--" Kayden reads carefully off the screen. "--near exit 13 off the interstate, and ${he}'s waiting for us." Are you going to get ${Student}? *choice #Yes. *goto Refuse #No. Kayden looks at you with wide eyes. "Are we going to leave ${him} to get zombified?" Are you? *choice #Yes, I am leaving ${him} to get zombified. todo damages relationship with Kayden *goto NotRefuse #Oh, all right. We'll go get ${him}. *goto Refuse *else *goto NotRefuse *label Refuse Spring flowers are blooming along the either side of the exit ramp--azaleas with flowers the size of your hand, bright red and gold tulips rippling in the late afternoon breeze. It should look lovely--New England at its finest. But there are cars crashed and deserted all along the interstate, and you're pretty sure that's a hand there among the tulips, and it really isn't lovely at all. *if GotUseless "Ohhhhh God," ${Useless} moans. *page_break The refuse center is visible just up ahead--a large cement complex with one very tall tower. TODO Describe what is done here. You pull into the parking lot--a largish lot, about three-quarters full of cars. And FREAKING OVERRUN with zombies. They prowl through the lawns to either side of the parking lot, presumably hunting geese or squirrels. Some of them are draped against the ground-floor windows and doors, apparently trying to work out how to get in. A herd stumbles through the parking lot, pushing at the cars with interest. The smartphone cheaps. "Are you guys here?" the message reads. "I can see your car. I'm on top of the tower." As you tilt your head to look at the top of the tower, four zombies who had been pounding at the front door turn to look at your car instead. What do you do? *choice #Get the hell out of here while the getting is good. *if (GotDoctor = true) and (car = "Jeep") "Absolutely not," ${Doctor} says, and starts texting back. *goto Tower *else *goto NotRefuse #Text ${him} back. *goto Tower *label Tower The phone rings almost as soon as the "send" button is hit. "Hi," the voice on the other end says, tinny through the speakerphone. "This is ${Student}." "${given_name}," you say, keeping a wary eye on the various hordes of zombies. "You want to be careful," ${Student} says. "This place is full of zombies." As if you had missed that fact somehow. "Inside and out. I think a couple of people came into work infected. The incubation time from a bite is about an hour, as far as I can tell from the sample size I've had to observe. If you're not killed. If you are, the incubation is almost instantaneous. Anyway, it spread through here pretty fast. I knew my only chance was to get up to the tower and barricade myself in. I've seen all the movies--I know how this works." $!{He} sounds pretty proud of ${him}self. Has ${he} noticed that ${he} has put ${him}self in a position where there are several floors and a parking lot full of zombies between ${him} and safety? You say something to this effect. "It's okay," ${Student} says. "I have a plan." *page_break "I've had a lot of time to observe them. They're really distractable. They go after the nearest shiny thing. Or loud thing. And I can see everything from up here. So here's the plan. "There's a truck on the other side of the building from where you are. The keys are in it. A big one. I can tell you which ways are clear to get to it, and I can tell you where to hide, to avoid zombies. You sneak to the truck, start it, get it pointed downhill, and fix a block of wood or something to hold the gas pedal down. Maybe get the horn to beep too. The zombies will all flock after it, and as soon as they're drawn away from your side of the building, I'll come down the stairwell and out the door and we'll get out of here." "What if you meet any in the stairwell?" "I don't think I will--there's nothing interesting for them there. And I have a tire iron. I brought it to work just in case. I was following the outbreaks on the 'net. I've seen all the movies." *if GotDoctor "I think I hate this plan," ${Doctor} says. The plan doesn't seem absolutely stupid to you, but it does seem really risky. "Got a better idea?" you ask ${Doctor}. "Drive away from the door, blare the horn, attract attention. They'll follow us. We can run them down and then get back to the door to meet ${Student}." *if GotDoctor = false The plan doesn't seem absolutely stupid to you, but it does seem really risky. You try to think of an alternative, but all you can come up with is to be the distraction yourself--drive away from the door, blaring the horn, and attracting the zombies' attention. You could then maybe run them down with the car and get back to the door to meet ${Student}? This also seems really risky. What do you want to do? *choice #Follow ${Student}'s plan. "Okay," ${Student}'s voice says quietly in your ear--how _you_ got the job of setting up the diversion, you're not entirely sure. "You're clear all the way down the north side of the building. Stop when you get to the corner." todo all these descriptions will need to be improved You stay close to the concrete, inside the shadow of the building. The wall to your left feel cold and clammy. You feel pretty cold and clammy too. You aren't sure whether to tiptoe or sprint. You just walk fast, instead. "It's okay," ${Student}'s voice says. "I can see everything. You're fine. Okay, let's talk about the corner, since you're almost there. I was hoping they'd have moved off, but there's a group of about five on the lawn, near the duck pond. (TODO Duck pond is a placeholder, since I'm clearly thinking of a corporate environment, which this is not. What would the facility have? Is there a dump of sorts, where there might be rotten food?) They've got their backs to you, so I think if you're really quiet, you should just be able to get down the east side of the building without them noticing. Or you could sprint and hope for the best." *choice #If I run, they're more likely to notice and chase me. I'll sneak. *set stealth %+20 TODO should it be possible to fail this? You keep one eye on the path ahead of you and one on the backs of the zombies who are gathered in a circle and enthusiastically chomping on something. You don't even want to think what. You feel like you've aged a decade by the time you make it out of their earshot. *goto Plan2 #If I fail at sneaking, they're more likely to notice in plenty of time to catch me. I'll sprint. *set athletics %+20 TODO should it be possible to fail this? You take one deep breath and run like hell. Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see one head turn, but it doesn't bother following you. It goes back to chomping on whatever it is chomping on. You don't want to think too hard about what that might be. *goto Plan2 #Try running zombies over instead. "Well," ${Student}'s voice says doubtfully, ". . . okay. . . If you think that'll work." *if car = "Jeep" ${Doctor} guns the engine and you go screaming across the parking lot, *if GotUseless ${Useless} screaming in the back seat, zombies staggering and then running after you. You watch nervously in the rearview mirror. They pour from all sides of the building, from crevices and cracks like rats. You've collected quite the pursuing zombie horde by the time you hit the other end of the parking lot and ${Doctor} swings the wheel around. $!{He} mows back through the crowd of zombies. Bam! they go, and splat! under the wheels of the big-ass gas-guzzling Jeep. The ones that aren't hit back off just a bit, seemingly out of respect. It really does seem as though they have enough intelligence or instinct to back away from they perceive as predators. How are you feeling about this, by the way? *choice #I think I'm going to throw up. I completely understand. *set courage %-20 *page_break *label NotTruck In any event, you make it back to the door (a somewhat reduced, but now recovering, zombie horde stumping along a little ways behind you) just as it opens and a young ${man} shoots out of it. $!{He} is wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, and has an overstuffed backpack strapped to ${his} back. Must be ${Student}. *if GotUseless $!{His} eyes go wide in terror as ${he} reaches for the back door and it doesn't open. "${Useless}!" *if GotDoctor ${Doctor} shouts, *if GotDoctor = false you shout, and ${Useless} jumps. "Open the door!" "Oh!" ${Useless} fumbles to unlock and open the door. "I'm so sorry! You didn't tell me I had to unlock it! I didn't know!" ${Student} makes it inside just ahead of a zombie's straining jaws, and you tear out of the parking lot. *goto Student #Yeah, got another one! I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Rock on. *set courage %+20 *goto NotTruck *else You gun the engine and your little Honda goes screaming across the parking lot, *if GotUseless ${Useless} screaming in the back seat, zombies staggering and then running after you. You watch nervously in the rearview mirror. They pour from all sides of the building, from crevices and cracks like rats. You've collected quite the pursuing zombie horde by the time you hit the other end of the parking lot and swing the wheel around. *if reflexes > 50 *set reflexes %+20 You manage to hit a couple of them and to manuever the car so that the rest have no chance to swamp you. The ones that aren't hit back off just a bit, seemingly out of respect. It really does seem as though they have enough intelligence or instinct to back away from they perceive as predators. *goto NotTruck *else Your reflexes just aren't up to this task. Or maybe your car isn't--rather than it plowing through the zombie horde, the horde stops it as effectively as a brick wall. And then there's a wall of zombies on every possible side to the car, smashing through the windows. You hit your head hard on something--you're not sure what, but it's probably a good thing that you're not conscious to know what happens next. *set dead true *goto_scene WrapUp *label Plan2 "Okay," ${Student} says, "now you have to go through the TODOreallydisgustingthing." Describe TODOreallydisgustingthing in detail. Wading through body parts, or something - lots worse than just garbage. Your silence seems eloquent. "I know," ${Student} says, "I'm sorry, but it's the only way through totally free of zombies." There's something interesting about that word choice. "Is there a way through almost free of zombies?" "There's only one if you go TODOtheotherway, but. . ." Right. So what are you going to do? *choice #I'd rather fight a zombie than wade through that sickening mess. I look around for a weapon. *set courage %-20 Right you are, then. You find a length of iron. A pretty good weapon, actually, if you can only manage to use it effectively. Student reminds you to get wood too, you'll need it later. This zombie hears you coming and jumps at you--Student can't warn you because you've put phone in pocket to be able to fight. You need decent hand-to-hand to not die. *goto Truck #This is disgusting, but being eaten by a zombie would be much worse. I wade in. TODOjuicydescription. You get wood from the disgusting place. *set courage %+20 *goto Truck *label Truck You reach the truck. TODODescription. Following ${Student}'s instructions, you open the door and fish the keys out from under the seat. You start the truck up, parking break carefully engaged. You use the wood to jam the accelerator down--the engine roars and screams, and there must be zombies coming to investigate the noise--and use duct tape that's under the passenger seat to tape down the horn. Then you let loose the hand break and jump. It hurts when you land on the concrete. But the truck is chugging away downhill, horn blaring, and from cracks and crevices you didn't even know were part of the building, zombies poke their heads up and out like rats. Or gophers. And then they start after the truck. "Quick, get into the TODOdisguistingthing!" ${Student} hisses through the speakerphone. "None of them will go that way, it's not the shortest distance!" You grit your teeth and do it. TODOjuicydescription, again. "Right, you're clear to the front!" ${Student} says. "Just run for it! I'm going to too! I'll see you at the door!" *page_break As you come around the corner to the front parking lot, you nearly collide with a young ${man} wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, and carrying an overstuffed backpack. "${given_name}?" ${he} says as you both run for the car. "That was amazing!" "Thanks," you say. "It was a great plan." As you slam the car doors behind you and careen out of the parking lot, you think to ask, "How did you know there would be duct tape under the passenger seat?" "Oh," ${Student} says, "I put it there. That was my truck. Duct tape has a billion uses, especially in a zombie scenario." *goto Student *label Student ${Student} turns out to talk a _lot_. "First rule of the zombiepocalypse," ${he} says in a self-satisfied sort of way. "Get to somewhere high. Second rule: plan your distractions well. Right, so where are we going?" "${Tempsafespot}," you say. *if tempsafespot = "prison" "Fantastic!" ${Student} says. "That's totally the right place to go. A prison is absolutely where you want to being during a zombiepocalypse--it has guns, it has food, and you can lock it down. Going to a mall is a beginner's mistake, really. It might seem like a good idea, but all that glass--it's not secure. . ." The car heads for the prison, ${Student} talking the whole way without even pausing for breath. *finish *else "Oh, no, no," ${Student} says. "We should go to TODOPrisonnanme Prison. They're still okay--I'm in touch with a guy there." $!{He} waves ${his} phone. "And a prison is totally where you want to be during a zombiepocalypse--it has guns, it has food, and you can lock it down. Going to a mall or a church is a beginner's mistake, really. It might seem like a good idea, but all that glass--it's not secure. . ." So what are you going to do? *choice #Go to the prison. "Great!" ${Student} says, and continues to explain the advantages of a prison even though you've already agreed with ${him}. For several miles. *finish #Go to the ${tempsafespot} like I was planning. ${Student} frowns, and spends several miles trying to persuade you otherwise, but eventually settles down. You did save ${his} life, after all. *finish *label Back Once you're well into the woods, you stop to listen. You don't hear any rustling or anything, so you walk more slowly. Soon the trees begin to thin, and you can see glimpses of apple trees on the other side. This must be the outlying edge of Coursers' Farm, though you've never come at it from this direction. When you go to their farmstand, you always go by road. A few steps more, and you can see the farmhouse, some distance away. Beyond that is the long dirt road that leads from the farmstand to the farmhouse, and beyond that (though you can't see it) is a paved road. Are you going to head for the paved road, or go warn the Coursers? *choice #Warn the Coursers, of course! They may need my help. *set courage %+20 Very brave of you! Because they may also already be zombies. *goto Trap #Warn the Coursers, of course! I bet they've got food and guns and useful supplies. TODO affects stats - you're demonstrating that you're out mostly for yourself - would this be bloodthirst? *set bloodthirst %+20 Very practical of you. *goto Trap #Head for the paved road, thanks. I'm not about to risk going into that farmhouse. What if they've already turned? *set courage %-20 Very practical. Not particularly brave, but we can't all be brave. *goto Trap #I'm staying right here. . . . really? For how long? Until the zombies eat everything in your neighborhood and start hunting squirrels in the woods? And find you? Let's try that again. What's your plan? *choice #Warn the Coursers, of course! They may need my help. *set courage %+20 Very brave of you! *goto Trap #Warn the Courses, of course! I bet they've got food and guns and useful supplies. *set courage %-20 Very practical. Not particularly brave, but we can't all be brave. *goto Trap #Head for the paved road, thanks. I'm not about to risk going into that farmhouse. What if they've already turned? *set courage %-20 Very practical. Not particularly brave, but we can't all be brave. *goto Trap *label Trap You take the first step forward. . . . . . and something grabs your ankle and pulls you down. And then up, with astonishing strength. *page_break You find yourself upside down, dangling headfirst a few feet off the ground. There's a band of tight, hot pain clamped around your foot. Oh shit, you think dazedly. Zombies can set traps? The distinctive chi-chink of a shotgun comes to your ears. Oh, shit, you think. Zombies can use shotguns, too? *page_break But the old ${man} who steps slowly into your field of vision, shotgun aimed at your head, doesn't have the drooling, fixed-eyed look of the zombies in your front yard. $!{He} doesn't have the sagging, rotting flesh, either. $!{He} looks, in fact, pretty healthy. $!{He} is observing you closely. "Lucky you didn't run into the bear trap," ${he} says. How do you answer that? *choice #"Yeah, I guess so. That snare was really well-hidden. Yours?" *set diplomacy %+20 A good choice of response--diplomatic and demonstrating command of both logic and the English language. The old ${man} grins a little. "You bet your behind, they're mine. No zombie's getting closer than this to my land." *goto Inspection #"A BEAR trap? What the hell is the matter with you? What do you think you're doing, setting up dangerous things like this in the woods? Get me down from here!" The old ${man}'s eyes go steely. "I think I'm protecting my land from zombies. And trespassers." *set diplomacy %-20 *goto Inspection #It's sort of difficult to know how to respond, under the circumstances. I stay quiet. There's a silence, while the two of you stare at each other. "How long ago were you bit?" ${he} barks. "Bit? No, no, I haven't been bitten at all!" "No? You were awful quiet there for someone not turning zombie." "I just didn't know what to say," you explain rather lamely. *goto Inspection *label Inspection The old ${man} circles you again. "Don't seem like you want to eat me," ${he} says. "But you could be bit and just not turned yet. Safest thing is probably to leave you here." You don't think much of this idea at all. You envision yourself hanging here as a horde of zombies swarms through the woods. You envision them all trying to eat you as you dangle helplessly. They'd start with your head, you're sure. They'd try to take bites out of you as you swung back and forth between them, like bobbing for apples. *page_break "On the other hand," the old ${man} goes on, "that wouldn't be very neighborly, if you're really not bit. Guess I'd better let you down." $!{He}'s near a particularly large oak tree now. $!{He} shoots out a hand--still keeping the shotgun trained on you--and does something to the tree, and the pain around your ankle vanishes. To be replaced by a pain in your head, after you fall on it. "Now strip," the old ${man} orders, shotgun pointed at your head. "Prove you're not bit." You don't have lots of choices right at this moment, so you comply. And the old ${man} smiles. "Well, good, then! Good for you. You'd better come inside the perimeter. I'm ${Survivalist} Courser, by the way. And you are? Nice to meet you, ${given_name}. Careful where you step, now. There's a few more snares where that came from." You follow in ${his} footsteps veryveryvery carefully. On the way to the farmhouse, ${he} points out five bear traps, four trapping pits, three snares, and two deadfall traps. "Knew they were coming," ${he} says, in reference to the zombies--at least, you think so; you suppose it could as easily be in reference to the government or the Commies or something. "Can't be too prepared." *page_break In front of the farmhouse, a Jeep is waiting, about three-quarters packed with stuff. The farmhouse itself is empty and silent. "Where's the rest of your family, ${Survivalist}?" "Won't be coming back," ${he} says shortly. "I had to stay until I was sure, but I'm leaving now. There's a group of survivors dug in at TODOPrisonName Prison. I'm off to join them." "Why bother with all those traps, then. . .?" "I told you, had to wait until I was sure my family wouldn't be coming back. Had to slow the dead critters down. But the traps won't be enough against a real big horde. I'll do better at the prison." $!{He} puts ${his} shotgun in the Jeep, where it has, you notice, several others to keep it company. Along with plenty of ammunition, and boxes of MREs. Which you think are food, or sort of food. ${Survivalist} looks up from ${his} packing job at you. "So will you, if you want to come." Do you want to go with ${him} to the prison, or do you want to fend for yourself? *choice #I'll go with ${him} to the prison. $!{He}'s got food and guns and a Jeep and seems to know what ${he}'s doing. You help ${Survivalist} finish packing the Jeep, and the two of you head off. *set car "Jeep" *page_break *goto KidBack #$!{He}'s got food and guns because ${he}'s clearly crazy. I don't want to be trapped in a Jeep with ${him}. I'll fend for myself. *label StealACar "Suit yourself," ${Survivalist} says, in a tone that suggests ${he} regrets taking the time to free you from the trap. "Main road's that way." You start the trudge up the long dirt road toward the farmstand. It feels like there are eyes boring into you from behind. Probably because there are. You're sure ${Survivalist} is watching, at least. You hope there aren't dead eyes watching too. *page_break TODO instead of "without incident", should have to fight off a zombie or two on the way, to emphasize that staying with S is in fact safer choice. No zombies if you leave later. But you arrive at the farmstand without incident, and there you see an abandoned Honda Civic. With the keys in the ignition and gas in the tank and everything. *set car "Civic" You glance around nervously for the reanimated corpse of the former owner. And then you take the car and get the hell out of there. For a long time, you don't pass another car or a person. Or any pieces of person that might indicate recent zombie presence. *goto Kid *label KidBack You're almost at the town limits, and there aren't many building lining the street now. Mostly woods and fields. You're getting into REAL farming territory. Sometimes you see a car abandoned on the side of the road, but you don't see any people. There aren't many people out here, which you hope means fewer zombies. . . . . . except there are three of them, right there in front of you. *page_break On the left side of the road is a large oak tree. I mean, a _really_ large tree--it's locally famous; the base is something like twenty feet around. Three zombies are pressed up against the base, looking up into the branches like dogs who have just treed a squirrel. Which is an apt comparison, you realize a moment later. High up in the branches is a little kid. A ${boy}, maybe nine or ten. As you come closer, you see that one of the zombies is jumping, and another trying to crawl up the tree trunk. The third seems to be experimenting with all the moving parts necessary to actually climb the tree, but hasn't worked them out yet. Still, it's very likely only a matter of time. You can see the kid's face clearly now. $!{He} looks terrified, and ${his} mouth is open as though ${he} is screaming for help. $!{He}'s looking at you. What do you say to ${Survivalist}? *choice #"We've got to help that kid!" $!{He} glances at you. "Damn right. Get the shotgun out of the back. I'll drive, you shoot." *goto Shotgun #"Step on the gas before the zombies start chasing us!" *set RelSurvivalist %-20 $!{He} looks at you in disgust. "No, we're going to get that kid down first. Get the shotgun out of the back. I'll drive, you shoot." *label Shotgun *if firearms <= 50 Perhaps you should mention you can't actually shoot a gun. *choice #Yeah, I probably should. "What do you mean, you can't shoot a gun?" You explain again that you mean you don't know how to shoot a gun. "Oh, for-- It's not that hard! Look, that's the dangerous end. You point it at the zombie and then press down that little lever and--" Do you think you're going to be able to hit those zombies your first time shooting a gun? *choice #Sure! *set RelSurvivalist %+20 *set firearms %+50 "Good ${man}," ${Survivalist} says approvingly. "Wrap your hand solidly around the forend." "The what?" "The wooden part under the barrel. Put the stock--that's the end the bullet DOESN'T come out of--firmly up against your shoulder. Take the safety off." "Where's the--" "The little switch near the trigger. Right. Now point the dangerous end. When I tell you to, pull the trigger--and hold the gun firmly when you do it, because it's going to buck. Pull the trigger gently. All right. Aim for the female one, and I'll tell you when to fire." The car approaches the tree, and the zombies turn their attention from the kid to you. "Three," ${Survivalist} says, "two... one..." *page_break "Fire!" You press the trigger, and the gun kicks back against your shoulder. Hard. And the zombie does not fall over. You missed. "That's okay," ${Survivalist} says. "Try again." This time, the female zombie's arm twitches. "You hit it!" ${Survivalist} says. "Good!" $!{He} stops the car. The female zombie advances purposefully toward your window, arm dangling, teeth bared. "You're going to have to blow its head off. We're not moving; it won't be that hard. Aim for the head. Relax. Put your finger on the trigger. Three... two... one..." *page_break You don't quite see what happens to the head, but you do see the female zombie's body drop down flat onto the road. TODO what does this do to squeamishness/ humanity? Maybe you throw up if you're squeamish, or can choose to freak out and make S take over, or not. "Good!" ${Survivalist} says. "Okay, quick now, switch your aim to the young male. Don't worry, I'll get us out of here if you miss. You've got two shots. Breathe easy, brace the gun, and on three... two... one..." That time, you hit the head on the first try. You see the shower of brains go up as the zombie falls over. Then ${Survivalist} hits the gas hard and you whirl away. "We'll come back for another pass," ${Survivalist} says. "Put more shells in the gun." $!{He} glances at you out of the corner of ${his} eye. "You don't know how to do that either, do you. Okay. Pull back on the fore-end, so the receiver is open. Right. There are shells in that box at your feet. Take four out. Flip the gun upside down. See the hole in the bottom by the trigger? Put the cartridge in, metal bit to the back, then push it up the tube. Right. Do the same thing with the other three." $!{He} is driving the whole time ${he} is talking, one eye on your hands and one on the road, jerking the steering wheel so the Jeep veers around in circles. This is probably so the last remaining zombie can't catch up, but you're not sure, since you're attention is focused on the gun in your hands. "Okay," ${Survivalist} says. "I'm going to spin us right around, and you'll have a perfect shot. Blow its head right off. Ready? Now!" The Jeep spins in a circle. *page_break And you find yourself face-to-face with a grinning, snarling, drooling zombie, not more than an arms'-length from your open window. You blow its head off. It falls over. "Nice," ${Survivalist} says, and, leaving Jeep in neutral, jumps out and runs over to the tree to get the kid. You okay? *choice #. . . no. I stare down at the things that used to be human beings, and then I get the car door open just in time to throw up. todo affect humanity / bloodthirst stat *goto SurvivalistKid #. . . yeah. That was. . . that was upsetting, but it was necessary. I'm glad we saved the kid. todo affect humanity / bloodthirst stat *goto SurvivalistKid #Hell yeah! That was awesome! todo affect humanity / bloodthirst stat *goto SurvivalistKid #No. We need another plan. "You shoot," you tell ${Survivalist}. "I'll drive." *label YouShoot train up reflexes instead *goto SurvivalistKid #Nah. Really? . . . okay, whatever you want. Narrate doing a really bad job of shooting zombies. ${Survivalist} is disgusted, and you are finally forced to admit the truth. You switch places. *goto SurvivalistKid *else if hobby = hunting elseif hobby = videogames different experience if you've only hunted deer versus you've only ever played video games *label SurvivalistKid S brings kid over to car. *goto TheKid *label GasStationBack *if GotKid Out of the corner of your eye, you see Kayden playing around with what looks like a smartphone. "What are you doing, kid?" "I thought my phone fell out of my jacket when I was up the tree," Kayden says, "but it didn't. And I thought maybe the internet was still there. And it is. Look, Facebook has a zombiepocalypse survivor group! That way you can tell people you're okay. I'll put my name on it, and yours, *if (GotDoctor = true) or (GotSurvivalist = true) and ${Alpha}'s, okay?" "Sure," you say. "Hey, this is weird," Kayden says after another few minutes. "What's weird?" "So, there's all these posts, from the last few days--they're from all different people, and they all say, 'I'm still okay!' and 'Not zombified yet!' Except there aren't any from yesterday or today. Except from one ${man}-- ${Student} Murray. $!{He}'s posted over and over again, every couple of hours, the same status--'COME GET ME! If you provide transportation to TODOPrisonname Prison, I can keep you safe from zombies on the way! I know what I'm talking about--look how long I've stayed alive!'" Kayden bends over the phone, a look of concentration on ${his} face. "I'm going to message ${him} and find out where ${he} is." *goto GasStationBack2 *else *goto GasStationBack2 *label GasStationBack2 There's a gas station coming up. Survivalist pulls in. We should fuel up while we can. You get out of the car. Seems quiet enough. *if GotKid "I'm hungry," Kayden says from the back seat. "Have an MRE," says ${Survivalist}. "Blech," says Kayden. There are probably munchies inside. You want to go get some? *else Survivalist offers you choice of going in for munchies or pumping gas. *choice #Munchies. *goto GasStation4 #Gas. Two shots, Kid. Flip around Useless and Kid for this encounter. Same story (people in car turned out to be zombies). Make Useless childlike and annoying - does that make you feel protective or homicidal? *finish