*page_break *set chapter + 1 *if (chapter = 3) CHAPTER THREE: THE DUNGEON OF PERPETUAL SCREAMING *goto post_title *elseif (chapter = 4) CHAPTER FOUR: THE DUNGEON OF PERPETUAL SCREAMING *goto post_title *else CHAPTER ${chapter}: THE DUNGEON OF PERPETUAL SCREAMING *goto post_title *label post_title There are many kinds of screaming. A baby screams and cries to get the attention of its parents, because it is hungry, tired or hurting. A man's scream can be born from fury, from pain, from sadness or from suffering. There is nothing more disheartening then a scream of hopelessness, the desperate outcry of a broken heart. *line_break There are many kinds of screaming and they all mingle in a cacophony around you. You press your hands against your ears, trying to shut out the despair, but it is of no use. You don't hear the screaming, you feel it. It permeates your very soul. *line_break Desperately clinging to your sanity, you stumble forward, through the darkness. *page_break You wander for aeons, enduring the screams. Your soul is shrivelling. *line_break Finally, you slump against a wall, drained of all energy. The screaming is as loud as before, but there is no emotion left in you. Without it, the sadness ebbs away, the despair dulls. The screaming becomes but a murmor. *line_break "Master?" Necro sounds concerned, not something you have come to expect from the skull. "Are you all right? *choice #"What -is- this place?" *label what_is_this_place "The Dungeon of Perpetual Screaming. We have been here before, but of course you don't remember. We really shouldn't be here." *choice #"How do we get out?" *goto how_to_leave *if ( lily_thief ) #"We need to find the water lily." *goto find_the_lily #"I'm feeling better." As soon as the words leave your mouth, you know they're a lie. You don't feel anything anymore. *line_break "I know the dungeon can be tough, but you must pull yourself together so we can get out of here." *choice #"What -is- this place?" *goto what_is_this_place #"How do we get out? *label how_to_leave "Well, there are really several possibilities ..." *goto the_girl #"We need to find the water lily." *label find_the_lily "Are you sure we need it? There are things here ..." *goto the_girl *label the_girl *line_break "Necro!" A soft voice, like that of a child, but dripping with the seriousness of an adult. *line_break "Oh no. No no no. Not her! Please!" *line_break You turn around to see a little girl standing in the darkness before you. She is wearing a white dress, her hazelnut hair in neat ponytails. She sizes you up with a quick glance, frowns, then steps closer and pulls up the sleeve of your shirt, revealing the tatto of the skull. *line_break "I am glad you came back, Necro" she whispers to the skull, leaning in closely. "There are so many games we can play. And your friend can play with us." *line_break A shiver runs down your spine and you feel a sliver of dread. *goto_scene teaser