module boss(clk, adcDout, reset, data, waddress, we, pe, romCS, ramCS, led0, led1, led2, lcdCS, lcdRS, lcdReset, nadcCS, a17, a18); input clk; input adcDout; input reset; inout [7:0] data; output [16:0] waddress; output we; output pe; output romCS; output ramCS; output led0; output led1; output led2; output lcdCS; output lcdRS; output lcdReset; output nadcCS; output a17; output a18; reg [16:0] address; reg [7:0] dataOut; reg printEnable; reg writeEnable; reg rlcdRS; reg rlcdReset; reg adcCS; reg a17; reg a18; wire [16:0] waddress; wire we; wire pe; wire romCS; wire ramCS; wire led0; wire led1; wire led2; wire lcdCS; wire lcdRS; wire lcdReset; wire nadcCS; //`define HARDWARE_PRINT //`define REAL_HARDWARE `define CALLBACK_BASE 'h1E58B `define INIT_CALLBACK 'h0 `define PRINT_CALLBACK 'h1 `define PRINTCHAR_CALLBACK 'h2 `define PRINTNUM_CALLBACK 'h3 `define READ_CALLBACK 'h4 `define STATUS_CALLBACK 'h5 `define QUIT_CALLBACK 'h6 `define EXCEPTION_CALLBACK 'h7 `define OPER_LARGE 2'b00 `define OPER_SMALL 2'b01 `define OPER_VARI 2'b10 `define OPER_OMIT 2'b11 `define STATE_RESET 0 `define STATE_FETCH_OP 1 `define STATE_READ_TYPES 2 `define STATE_READ_OPERS 3 `define STATE_READ_INDIRECT 4 `define STATE_READ_STORE 5 `define STATE_READ_BRANCH 6 `define STATE_DO_OP 7 `define STATE_READ_FUNCTION 8 `define STATE_CALL_FUNCTION 9 `define STATE_RET_FUNCTION 10 `define STATE_STORE_REGISTER 11 `define STATE_PRINT 12 `define STATE_DIVIDE 13 `define STATE_HALT 14 `define STATE_PRINT_CHAR 15 `define OP_0 2'b00 `define OP_1 2'b01 `define OP_2 2'b10 `define OP_VAR 2'b11 `define OP0_RTRUE 'h0 `define OP0_RFALSE 'h1 `define OP0_PRINT 'h2 `define OP0_PRINTRET 'h3 `define OP0_NOP 'h4 `define OP0_SAVE 'h5 `define OP0_RESTORE 'h6 `define OP0_RESTART 'h7 `define OP0_RETPOP 'h8 `define OP0_POP 'h9 `define OP0_QUIT 'hA `define OP0_NEWLINE 'hB `define OP0_SHOWSTATUS 'hC `define OP0_VERIFY 'hD `define OP0_DYNAMIC 'hF `define OP1_JZ 'h0 `define OP1_GETSIBLING 'h1 `define OP1_GETCHILD 'h2 `define OP1_GETPARENT 'h3 `define OP1_GETPROPLEN 'h4 `define OP1_INC 'h5 `define OP1_DEC 'h6 `define OP1_PRINTADDR 'h7 `define OP1_SWITCHBANK 'h8 `define OP1_REMOVEOBJ 'h9 `define OP1_PRINTOBJ 'hA `define OP1_RET 'hB `define OP1_JUMP 'hC `define OP1_PRINTPADDR 'hD `define OP1_LOAD 'hE `define OP1_NOT 'hF `define OP2_JE 'h1 `define OP2_JL 'h2 `define OP2_JG 'h3 `define OP2_DEC_CHK 'h4 `define OP2_INC_CHK 'h5 `define OP2_JIN 'h6 `define OP2_TEST 'h7 `define OP2_OR 'h8 `define OP2_AND 'h9 `define OP2_TESTATTR 'hA `define OP2_SETATTR 'hB `define OP2_CLEARATTR 'hC `define OP2_STORE 'hD `define OP2_INSERTOBJ 'hE `define OP2_LOADW 'hF `define OP2_LOADB 'h10 `define OP2_GETPROP 'h11 `define OP2_GETPROPADDR 'h12 `define OP2_GETNEXTPROP 'h13 `define OP2_ADD 'h14 `define OP2_SUB 'h15 `define OP2_MUL 'h16 `define OP2_DIV 'h17 `define OP2_MOD 'h18 `define OP2_WRITEREG 'h1E `define OPVAR_CALL 'h0 `define OPVAR_STOREW 'h1 `define OPVAR_STOREB 'h2 `define OPVAR_PUTPROP 'h3 `define OPVAR_SREAD 'h4 `define OPVAR_PRINTCHAR 'h5 `define OPVAR_PRINTNUM 'h6 `define OPVAR_RANDOM 'h7 `define OPVAR_PUSH 'h8 `define OPVAR_PULL 'h9 `define OPVAR_GETTOUCH 'h1E `define OPVAR_BLIT1 'h1F `define PRINTEFFECT_FETCH 0 `define PRINTEFFECT_FETCHAFTER 1 `define PRINTEFFECT_RET1 2 `define PRINTEFFECT_ABBREVRET 3 reg forceStaticRead; reg forceDynamicRead; reg [3:0] state; reg [3:0] phase; reg [16:0] pc; reg [16:0] curPC; reg [15:0] globalsAddress; reg [15:0] objectTable; reg readHigh; reg [4:0] op; reg [1:0] operNum; reg [1:0] operTypes [4:0]; reg [15:0] operand [3:0]; reg [2:0] operandIdx; reg [13:0] branch; reg [7:0] store; reg negate; reg delayedBranch; reg divideAddOne; reg [15:0] returnValue; reg [6:0] opsToRead; reg [6:0] currentLocal; reg [16:0] csStack; reg [15:0] stackAddress; reg [16:0] temp; reg [15:0] random; reg [1:0] alphabet; reg [1:0] long; reg nextLoadIsDynamic; reg lastWriteWasDraw; reg adcClk; reg adcDin; reg [7:0] cachedReg; reg [15:0] cachedValue; // xp<=adcConfig[0]?0:'bZ; // yp<=adcConfig[1]?1:'bZ; // xm<=adcConfig[2]?1:'bZ; // ym<=adcConfig[3]?0:'bZ; // XP dataOut[6] // XM lcsRS // YP dataOut[7] // YM lcdWR initial begin state=`STATE_RESET; forceDynamicRead=0; forceStaticRead=0; writeEnable=0; printEnable=0; phase=0; readHigh=0; nextLoadIsDynamic=0; adcCS=0; a17=0; a18=0; cachedReg=0; cachedValue=0; lastWriteWasDraw=0; end assign waddress[16:2] = address[16:2]; assign waddress[0] = adcCS?adcClk:address[0]; assign waddress[1] = adcCS?adcDin:address[1]; assign data[5:0] = (writeEnable || printEnable)?dataOut[5:0]:6'bZ; assign data[6] = (writeEnable || printEnable)?dataOut[6]:((adcCS && operand[0][0])?0:'bZ); assign data[7] = (writeEnable || printEnable)?dataOut[7]:((adcCS && operand[0][1])?1:'bZ); assign romCS = !(!adcCS && !printEnable && !writeEnable && !forceDynamicRead && (forceStaticRead || address[16]==1)); assign ramCS = !(!adcCS && !printEnable && (writeEnable || forceDynamicRead || (!forceStaticRead && address[16]==0))); assign pe = adcCS?(operand[0][3]?0:'bZ):(!printEnable || !clk); assign we = !writeEnable; assign led0 = !address[12]; assign led1 = !address[13]; assign led2 = !address[14]; assign lcdCS = !printEnable || !clk; assign lcdRS = adcCS?(operand[0][2]?1:'bZ):rlcdRS; assign lcdReset = rlcdReset; assign nadcCS = !adcCS; task StoreB; begin if (phase==0) begin cachedReg<=15; nextLoadIsDynamic<=0; address<=operand[0]+operand[1]; writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=operand[2][7:0]; phase<=phase+1; end else begin address<=pc; writeEnable<=0; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end end endtask task StoreW; begin case (phase) 0: begin cachedReg<=15; nextLoadIsDynamic<=0; address<=operand[0]+operand[1]*2; writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=operand[2][15:8]; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin address<=address+1; dataOut<=operand[2][7:0]; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin address<=pc; writeEnable<=0; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end endcase end endtask task StoreRegisterAndBranch; input [7:0] regNum; input [15:0] value; input doBranch; begin state<=`STATE_STORE_REGISTER; store<=regNum; returnValue<=value; delayedBranch<=doBranch; phase<=0; end endtask task StoreResultAndBranch; input [15:0] result; input doBranch; begin if (store>=16) begin address<=globalsAddress+2*(store-16); end else if (store==0) begin address<=2*stackAddress; stackAddress<=stackAddress+1; end else begin address<=csStack+8+2*(store-1); end dataOut<=result[15:8]; writeEnable<=1; state<=`STATE_STORE_REGISTER; returnValue[7:0]<=result[7:0]; delayedBranch<=doBranch; phase<=1; end endtask task StoreResult; input [15:0] result; begin StoreResultAndBranch(result, negate); // negate means won't branch end endtask task StoreResultSlow; input [15:0] result; begin StoreRegisterAndBranch(store, result, negate); // negate means won't branch end endtask task ReturnFunction; input [15:0] value; begin returnValue<=value; phase<=0; state<=`STATE_RET_FUNCTION; end endtask task CallFunction; input doubleReturn; input noStoreOnReturn; begin negate<=doubleReturn; delayedBranch<=noStoreOnReturn; phase<=0; state<=`STATE_CALL_FUNCTION; end endtask task DoBranch; input result; begin if ((!result)==negate) begin if (branch==0) begin ReturnFunction(0); end else if (branch==1) begin ReturnFunction(1); end else begin pc<=$signed(pc)+$signed(branch)-2; address<=$signed(pc)+$signed(branch)-2; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end end else begin address<=pc; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end end endtask task LoadAndStore; input [16:0] loadAddress; input word; begin if (phase==0) begin store<=data; forceDynamicRead<=nextLoadIsDynamic; nextLoadIsDynamic<=0; address<=loadAddress; temp[7:0]<=0; phase<=word?phase+1:2; end else if (phase==1) begin temp[7:0]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end else begin forceDynamicRead<=0; StoreResultSlow((temp[7:0]<<8)|data); end end endtask function [16:0] GetObjectAddr; input [7:0] object; begin GetObjectAddr=objectTable+2*31+9*(object-1); end endfunction task TestAttr; begin if (phase==0) begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+(operand[1]/8); phase<=phase+1; end else begin DoBranch(data[7-(operand[1]&7)]); end end endtask task SetAttr; begin case (phase) 0: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+(operand[1]/8); phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin dataOut<=data|(1<<(7-(operand[1]&7))); writeEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin writeEnable<=0; address<=pc; state=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end endcase end endtask task ClearAttr; begin case (phase) 0: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+(operand[1]/8); phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin dataOut<=data&(~(1<<(7-(operand[1]&7)))); writeEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin writeEnable<=0; address<=pc; state=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end endcase end endtask task JumpIfParent; begin if (phase==0) begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+4; phase<=phase+1; end else begin DoBranch(operand[1]==data); end end endtask task GetRelative; input [1:0] offset; input branch; begin if (phase==0) begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+4+offset; phase<=phase+1; end else begin StoreResultAndBranch(data, branch?data!=0:negate); end end endtask task FindProp; begin case (phase[2:0]) 0: begin store<=data; address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+7; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin temp[16]<=0; temp[15:8]<=data; temp[7:0]<=0; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin address<=temp|data; phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin address<=address+2*data+1; phase<=phase+1; end 4: begin if (data==0) begin // end of search (get default) address<=objectTable+2*(operand[1]-1); phase<=phase+1; end else if (data[4:0]==operand[1]) begin // found property address<=address+1; if (data[7:5]==0) // only 1 byte phase<=6; else phase<=5; end else begin // skip over data address<=address+data[7:5]+2; end end 5: begin temp[7:0]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin StoreResultSlow((temp[7:0]<<8)|data); end endcase end endtask task SetProp; begin case (phase[2:0]) 0: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+7; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin temp[16]<=0; temp[15:8]<=data; temp[7:0]<=0; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin address<=temp|data; phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin address<=address+2*data+1; phase<=phase+1; end 4: begin `ifndef REAL_HARDWARE if (data==0) begin // end of search state<=`STATE_HALT; end else `endif if (data[4:0]==operand[1]) begin // found property if (data[7:5]==0) begin // only 1 byte dataOut<=operand[2][7:0]; phase<=6; address<=address+1; writeEnable<=1; end else begin dataOut<=operand[2][15:8]; phase<=5; address<=address+1; writeEnable<=1; end end else begin // skip over data address<=address+data[7:5]+2; end end 5: begin dataOut<=operand[2][7:0]; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; address<=pc; writeEnable<=0; end endcase end endtask task FindPropAddrLen; begin case (phase[2:0]) 0: begin store<=data; address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+7; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin temp[16]<=0; temp[15:8]<=data; temp[7:0]<=0; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin address<=temp|data; phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin address<=address+2*data+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin if (data==0) begin // end of search StoreResultSlow(0); end else if (data[4:0]==operand[1]) begin // found property StoreResultSlow(address+1); end else begin // skip over data address<=address+data[7:5]+2; end end endcase end endtask task FindNextProp; begin case (phase[2:0]) 0: begin store<=data; address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+7; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin temp[16]<=0; temp[15:8]<=data; temp[7:0]<=0; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin address<=temp|data; phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin address<=address+2*data+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin if (operand[1]==0) StoreResultSlow(data[4:0]); `ifndef REAL_HARDWARE else if (data==0) // end of search state<=`STATE_HALT; `endif else begin // skip over data if (data[4:0]==operand[1]) operand[1]<=0; address<=address+data[7:5]+2; end end endcase end endtask task GetPropLen; begin if (phase==0) begin address<=operand[0]-1; phase<=phase+1; end else begin StoreResultSlow((operand[0]==0)?0:(data[7:5]+1)); end end endtask task Pull; input return; begin case (phase) 0: begin address<=2*(stackAddress-1); forceDynamicRead<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin temp[7:0]<=data; stackAddress<=address>>1; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin forceDynamicRead<=0; if (return) begin ReturnFunction((temp[7:0]<<8)|data); end else begin if (operand[0]==0) stackAddress<=stackAddress-1; StoreRegisterAndBranch(operand[0], (temp[7:0]<<8)|data, negate); end end endcase end endtask task Print; input [16:0] addr; input [1:0] effect; begin temp<=addr; state<=`STATE_PRINT; returnValue[1:0]<=effect; delayedBranch<=0; phase<=0; end endtask task PrintObj; begin case (phase[1:0]) 0: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+7; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin store<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: Print((store<<8)+data+1, `PRINTEFFECT_FETCH); endcase end endtask task RemoveObject; begin case (phase[3:0]) 0: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+4; /*obj.parent*/ phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin if (data==0) begin phase<=(operand[1]!=0)?6:9; end else begin phase<=phase+1; end temp[15:8]<=data; writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=operand[1]; end 2: begin writeEnable<=0; address<=address+1; /*obj.sibling*/ phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin temp[7:0]<=data; writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 4: begin writeEnable<=0; address<=GetObjectAddr(temp[15:8])+6; /*parent.child*/ phase<=phase+1; end 5: begin if (data==operand[0]) begin // found object dataOut<=temp[7:0]; writeEnable<=1; phase<=(operand[1]!=0)?phase+1:9; end else begin address<=GetObjectAddr(data)+5; /*follow sibling*/ end end 6: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[1])+6; writeEnable<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 7: begin temp[7:0]<=data; writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=operand[0]; phase<=phase+1; end 8: begin address<=GetObjectAddr(operand[0])+5; dataOut<=temp[7:0]; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin writeEnable<=0; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; address<=pc; end endcase end endtask task Random; begin case (phase) 0: begin if ($signed(operand[0])<0) begin random<=operand[0]; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end else begin random<=random^(random<<13); end phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin random<=random^(random>>9); phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin random<=random^(random<<7); phase<=phase+1; end default: begin state<=`STATE_DIVIDE; delayedBranch<=1; divideAddOne<=1; operand[1]<=operand[0]; operand[0]<=random&'h7FFF; phase<=0; end endcase end endtask task PrintNum; begin `ifdef HARDWARE_PRINT case (phase) 0: begin negate<=0; operand[1]<=1; operand[2][2:0]<=2; operand[3][3:0]<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 1,2,3,4: begin operand[1]<=(operand[1]<<3)+(operand[1]<<1); printEnable<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 5: begin if (operand[0]>=operand[1]) begin operand[0]<=operand[0]-operand[1]; operand[3][3:0]<=operand[3][3:0]+1; negate<=1; printEnable<=0; end else begin printEnable<=negate; dataOut<=operand[3][3:0]+48; operand[3][3:0]<=0; operand[1]<=1; operand[2][2:0]<=operand[2][2:0]+1; phase<=operand[2][2:0]; end end default: begin printEnable<=0; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end endcase `else operand[0]<=`PRINTNUM_CALLBACK; operand[1]<=operand[0]; operTypes[1]<=`OPER_LARGE; CallFunction(0, 1); `endif end endtask task PrintChar; input [7:0] char; begin $display("Print char: %d\n", char); `ifdef HARDWARE_PRINT printEnable<=1; dataOut<=char; state<=`STATE_PRINT_CHAR; `else operand[0]<=`PRINTCHAR_CALLBACK; operand[1]<=char; operTypes[1]<=`OPER_LARGE; CallFunction(0, 1); `endif end endtask task SRead; begin operand[0]<=`READ_CALLBACK; operand[2]<=operand[0]; // Am swapping arguments just to save space on FPGA operTypes[2]<=`OPER_LARGE; CallFunction(0, 1); end endtask task WriteReg; begin case (phase) 0: begin lastWriteWasDraw<=(operand[0]=='h22); if (operand[0]=='h22 && lastWriteWasDraw) begin rlcdRS<=1; phase<=4; end else begin rlcdRS<=0; phase<=phase+1; end end 1: begin dataOut<=operand[0][15:8]; printEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin dataOut<=operand[0][7:0]; if (operand[0]==0) phase<=4; else phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin rlcdRS<=1; printEnable<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 4: begin dataOut<=operand[1][15:8]; printEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 5: begin dataOut<=operand[1][7:0]; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin printEnable<=0; address<=pc; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end endcase end endtask task Blit1; begin case (phase) 0: begin forceDynamicRead<=1; rlcdRS<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin dataOut<=0; printEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin address<=operand[0]*2; dataOut<=34; returnValue<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin rlcdRS<=1; printEnable<=0; if (operand[1]==0) begin forceDynamicRead<=0; address<=pc; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end phase<=phase+1; end 4: begin store<=data; dataOut<=data[7]?operand[3][15:8]:operand[2][15:8]; printEnable<=1; phase<=6; end 5: begin dataOut<=store[7]?operand[3][15:8]:operand[2][15:8]; printEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin dataOut<=store[7]?operand[3][7:0]:operand[2][7:0]; store[7:1]=store[6:0]; returnValue<=returnValue+1; if (returnValue[2:0]==7) begin operand[1]=operand[1]-1; phase<=3; address<=address+1; end else begin phase<=5; end end endcase end endtask task GetTouch; begin case (phase) 0: begin adcCS<=1; adcClk<=0; adcDin<=1; operand[1]<='hffff; operand[2]<=1; phase<=1; end 1: begin operand[2][3:0]<=operand[2][3:0]+1; if (operand[2][3:0]==0) begin // Max clock rate for ADC is ~ 1MHz so divide our clock by 16 adcClk<=1; operand[1]<=(operand[1]<<1)+adcDout; phase<=(!operand[1][9])?3:2; end end 2: begin operand[2][3:0]<=operand[2][3:0]+1; if (operand[2][3:0]==0) begin // Max clock rate for ADC is ~ 1MHz so divide our clock by 16 operand[0][8:4]<=(operand[0][8:4]>>1); adcDin<=operand[0][4]; adcClk<=0; phase<=1; end end default: begin adcCS<=0; StoreResultSlow(operand[1]&'h3FF); end endcase end endtask task DoOp; begin case (operNum) `OP_0: begin if (phase==0) $display("PC:%h Doing op0:%d Store:%h Branch:%h/%d", curPC, op, operand[0], store, branch, negate); case (op[3:0]) `OP0_RTRUE: ReturnFunction(1); `OP0_RFALSE: ReturnFunction(0); `OP0_PRINT: Print(pc, `PRINTEFFECT_FETCHAFTER); `OP0_PRINTRET: Print(pc, `PRINTEFFECT_RET1); `OP0_SAVE,`OP0_RESTORE: DoBranch(0); `OP0_RESTART: state<=`STATE_RESET; `OP0_RETPOP: Pull(1); `OP0_QUIT: begin operand[0]<=`QUIT_CALLBACK; CallFunction(0,1); end `OP0_NEWLINE: PrintChar(10); `OP0_SHOWSTATUS: begin operand[0]<=`STATUS_CALLBACK; CallFunction(0,1); end `OP0_VERIFY: DoBranch(1); default: state<=`STATE_HALT; endcase end `OP_1: begin if (phase==0) $display("PC:%h Doing op1:%d Operands:%h Store:%h Branch:%h/%d", curPC, op, operand[0], store, branch, negate); case (op[3:0]) `OP1_JZ: DoBranch(operand[0]==0); `OP1_GETSIBLING: GetRelative(1,1); `OP1_GETCHILD: GetRelative(2,1); `OP1_GETPARENT: GetRelative(0,0); `OP1_GETPROPLEN: GetPropLen(); `OP1_INC: StoreResult(operand[0]+1); `OP1_DEC: StoreResult(operand[0]-1); `OP1_PRINTADDR: Print(operand[0], `PRINTEFFECT_FETCH); `OP1_SWITCHBANK: begin a17<=operand[0][0]; a18<=operand[0][1]; state<=`STATE_RESET; end `OP1_REMOVEOBJ: begin operNum<=`OP_2; op<=`OP2_INSERTOBJ; operand[1]<=0; end `OP1_PRINTOBJ: PrintObj(); `OP1_RET: ReturnFunction(operand[0]); `OP1_JUMP: begin pc<=$signed(pc)+$signed(operand[0])-2; address<=$signed(pc)+$signed(operand[0])-2; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end `OP1_PRINTPADDR: Print(2*operand[0], `PRINTEFFECT_FETCH); `OP1_LOAD: StoreResult(operand[0]); `OP1_NOT: StoreResult(~operand[0]); default: state<=`STATE_HALT; endcase end `OP_2: begin if (phase==0) $display("PC:%h Doing op2:%d Operands:%h %h Store:%h Branch:%h/%d/%h", curPC, op, operand[0], operand[1], store, branch, negate, $signed(pc)+$signed(branch-2)); case (op) `OP2_JE: DoBranch(operand[0]==operand[1] || (operTypes[2]!=`OPER_OMIT && operand[0]==operand[2]) || (operTypes[3]!=`OPER_OMIT && operand[0]==operand[3])); `OP2_JL: DoBranch($signed(operand[0])<$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_JG: DoBranch($signed(operand[0])>$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_INC_CHK: StoreResultAndBranch(operand[0]+1, $signed(operand[0])+1>$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_DEC_CHK: StoreResultAndBranch(operand[0]-1, $signed(operand[0])-1<$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_JIN: JumpIfParent(); `OP2_TEST: DoBranch((operand[0]&operand[1])==operand[1]); `OP2_OR: StoreResult(operand[0]|operand[1]); `OP2_AND: StoreResult(operand[0]&operand[1]); `OP2_TESTATTR: TestAttr(); `OP2_SETATTR: SetAttr(); `OP2_CLEARATTR: ClearAttr(); `OP2_STORE: begin if (operand[0]==0) stackAddress<=stackAddress-1; StoreRegisterAndBranch(operand[0], operand[1], negate); end `OP2_INSERTOBJ: RemoveObject(); `OP2_LOADW: LoadAndStore(operand[0]+2*operand[1], 1); `OP2_LOADB: LoadAndStore(operand[0]+operand[1], 0); `OP2_GETPROP: FindProp(); `OP2_GETPROPADDR: FindPropAddrLen(); `OP2_GETNEXTPROP: FindNextProp(); `OP2_ADD: StoreResult($signed(operand[0])+$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_SUB: StoreResult($signed(operand[0])-$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_MUL: StoreResult($signed(operand[0])*$signed(operand[1])); `OP2_DIV: begin store<=data; state=`STATE_DIVIDE; delayedBranch<=0; divideAddOne<=0; end `OP2_MOD: begin store<=data; state=`STATE_DIVIDE; delayedBranch<=1; divideAddOne<=0; end `OP2_WRITEREG: WriteReg(); default: state<=`STATE_HALT; endcase end default: begin // 'OP_VAR if (phase==0) begin if (operTypes[0]==`OPER_OMIT) $display("PC:%h Doing opvar:%d Operands: Store:%h Branch:%h/%d/%h", curPC, op, store, branch, negate, $signed(pc)+$signed(branch-2)); else if (operTypes[1]==`OPER_OMIT) $display("PC:%h Doing opvar:%d Operands:%h Store:%h Branch:%h/%d/%h", curPC, op, operand[0], store, branch, negate, $signed(pc)+$signed(branch-2)); else if (operTypes[2]==`OPER_OMIT) $display("PC:%h Doing opvar:%d Operands:%h %h Store:%h Branch:%h/%d/%h", curPC, op, operand[0], operand[1], store, branch, negate, $signed(pc)+$signed(branch-2)); else if (operTypes[3]==`OPER_OMIT) $display("PC:%h Doing opvar:%d Operands:%h %h %h Store:%h Branch:%h/%d/%h", curPC, op, operand[0], operand[1], operand[2], store, branch, negate, $signed(pc)+$signed(branch-2)); else $display("PC:%h Doing opvar:%d Operands:%h %h %h %h Store:%h Branch:%h/%d/%h", curPC, op, operand[0], operand[1], operand[2], operand[3], store, branch, negate, $signed(pc)+$signed(branch-2)); end case (op) `OPVAR_CALL: if (operand[0]==0) StoreResultSlow(0); else CallFunction(0, 0); `OPVAR_STOREW: StoreW(); `OPVAR_STOREB: StoreB(); `OPVAR_PUTPROP: SetProp(); `OPVAR_SREAD: SRead(); `OPVAR_PRINTCHAR: PrintChar(operand[0]); `OPVAR_PRINTNUM: PrintNum(); `OPVAR_RANDOM: Random(); `OPVAR_PUSH: StoreRegisterAndBranch(0, operand[0], negate); `OPVAR_PULL: Pull(0); `OPVAR_GETTOUCH: GetTouch(); `OPVAR_BLIT1: Blit1(); default: state<=`STATE_HALT; endcase end endcase end endtask `ifdef HARDWARE_PRINT task DoPrint; input [4:0] char; begin if (delayedBranch) begin store[4:0]<=char; operand[1]<=phase+1; delayedBranch<=0; phase<=6; end else if (long==1) begin operand[3][4:0]=char; long<=long+1; end else if (long==2) begin printEnable<=1; dataOut<=(operand[3][4:0]<<5)|char; long<=0; end else begin phase<=phase+1; if (char==0) begin printEnable<=1; dataOut<=32; end else if (char==4 || char==5) begin printEnable<=0; alphabet=char-3; end else if (char>=6) begin printEnable<=!(alphabet==2 && char==6); if (alphabet==2) begin case (char) 6: long<=1; 7: dataOut<=10; 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17: dataOut<=char-8+48; 18: dataOut<=46; 19: dataOut<=44; 20: dataOut<=33; 21: dataOut<=63; 22: dataOut<=95; 23: dataOut<=35; 24: dataOut<=39; 25: dataOut<=34; 26: dataOut<=47; 27: dataOut<=92; 28: dataOut<=45; 29: dataOut<=58; 30: dataOut<=40; 31: dataOut<=41; endcase end else begin dataOut<=char-6+((alphabet==0)?97:65); end alphabet<=0; end else begin printEnable<=0; store[7:5]<=(char-1); delayedBranch<=1; end end end endtask `endif task FinishReadingOps; begin case (operNum) `OP_1: begin case (op[3:0]) `OP1_INC, `OP1_DEC, `OP1_LOAD: state<=`STATE_READ_INDIRECT; `OP1_GETSIBLING,`OP1_GETCHILD,`OP1_GETPARENT,`OP1_GETPROPLEN,`OP1_NOT: state<=`STATE_READ_STORE; `OP1_JZ: state<=`STATE_READ_BRANCH; default: state<=`STATE_DO_OP; endcase pc<=pc+1; end `OP_2: begin case (op[4:0]) `OP2_INC_CHK,`OP2_DEC_CHK: begin pc<=pc+1; state<=`STATE_READ_INDIRECT; end `OP2_OR,`OP2_AND,`OP2_ADD,`OP2_SUB,`OP2_MUL: begin pc<=pc+1; state<=`STATE_READ_STORE; end `OP2_LOADW,`OP2_LOADB,`OP2_GETPROP ,`OP2_GETPROPADDR,`OP2_GETNEXTPROP,`OP2_DIV,`OP2_MOD: begin pc<=pc+2; state<=`STATE_DO_OP; end `OP2_JE,`OP2_JL,`OP2_JG,`OP2_JIN,`OP2_TEST,`OP2_TESTATTR: begin pc<=pc+1; state<=`STATE_READ_BRANCH; end default: begin pc<=pc+1; state<=`STATE_DO_OP; end endcase end default: begin // `OP_VAR pc<=pc+1; case (op[4:0]) `OPVAR_CALL,`OPVAR_RANDOM,`OPVAR_GETTOUCH: state<=`STATE_READ_STORE; default: state<=`STATE_DO_OP; endcase end endcase end endtask always @ (posedge clk) begin case(state) `STATE_RESET: begin case (phase) 0: begin printEnable<=0; random<=1; forceStaticRead<=1; address<='h6; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin address<='h7; phase<=phase+1; pc[15:8]<=data; pc[16]<=0; end 2: begin address<='hA; phase<=phase+1; pc[7:0]<=data; end 3: begin address<='hB; phase<=phase+1; objectTable[15:8]<=data; end 4: begin address<='hC; phase<=phase+1; objectTable[7:0]<=data; end 5: begin address<='hD; phase<=phase+1; globalsAddress[15:8]<=data; end 6: begin address<=0; phase<=phase+1; globalsAddress[7:0]<=data; end 7: begin dataOut<=data; writeEnable<=1; phase<=8; end 8: begin writeEnable<=0; address<=address+1; if (address[15:0]=='hffff) phase<=9; else phase<=7; end 9: begin writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=0; address<=address+1; if (address[15:0]=='hffff) begin writeEnable<=0; phase<=10; end end 10: begin rlcdReset<=address[10]; rlcdRS<=1; printEnable<=0; address<=address+1; if (address[10:0]=='h7ff) phase<=11; end default: begin cachedReg<=15; address<=pc; forceStaticRead<=0; stackAddress<=64*1024/2; csStack<=65*1024; operand[0]<=`INIT_CALLBACK; operTypes[1]<=`OPER_OMIT; CallFunction(0, 1); end endcase end `STATE_CALL_FUNCTION: begin case (phase) 0: begin $display("Call function %h", operand[0]*2); address<=csStack; writeEnable<=1; dataOut<=(delayedBranch<<2)|(negate<<1)|pc[16]; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin address<=address+1; dataOut<=pc[15:8]; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin address<=address+1; dataOut<=pc[7:0]; phase<=4; end 3: begin end // pointless phase but for some reason saves gates 4: begin address<=address+1; dataOut<=stackAddress[15:8]; phase<=phase+1; end 5: begin address<=address+1; dataOut<=stackAddress[7:0]; phase<=phase+1; end 6: begin address<=address+1; dataOut<=store; phase<=(operand[0][15:3]==0)?phase+1:10; end 7: begin address<=`CALLBACK_BASE+5*(operand[0]&7); writeEnable<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 8: begin address<=address+1; operand[0][15:8]<=data; phase<=phase+1; end 9: begin operand[0][7:0]<=data; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin cachedReg<=15; csStack<=csStack+38; address<=2*operand[0]; state<=`STATE_READ_FUNCTION; writeEnable<=0; phase<=0; end endcase end `STATE_RET_FUNCTION: begin case (phase) 0: begin csStack<=csStack-38; address<=csStack-38; forceDynamicRead<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin pc[16]<=data[0]; negate<=data[1]; delayedBranch<=data[2]; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 2: begin pc[15:8]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 3: begin pc[7:0]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 4: begin stackAddress[15:8]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 5: begin stackAddress[7:0]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin forceDynamicRead<=0; cachedReg<=15; if (negate) begin phase<=0; end else if (delayedBranch) begin state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; address<=pc; end else begin StoreRegisterAndBranch(data, returnValue, negate); end end endcase end `STATE_READ_FUNCTION: begin case (phase) 0: begin if (data==0) begin state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end else begin opsToRead<=4*data-1; phase<=phase+1; end currentLocal<=0; pc<=address+1; address<=address+1; end default: begin if (opsToRead&1) begin if (currentLocal<6 && operTypes[(currentLocal>>1)+1]!=`OPER_OMIT) begin dataOut<=currentLocal[0]?operand[(currentLocal>>1)+1][7:0]:operand[(currentLocal>>1)+1][15:8]; end else begin dataOut<=data; end address<=csStack+8+currentLocal; writeEnable<=1; currentLocal<=currentLocal+1; end else begin pc<=pc+1; address<=pc+1; writeEnable<=0; end if (opsToRead==0) begin state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end opsToRead<=opsToRead-1; end endcase end `STATE_FETCH_OP: begin phase<=0; operTypes[2]<=`OPER_OMIT; operTypes[3]<=`OPER_OMIT; operTypes[4]<=`OPER_OMIT; curPC<=pc; $display("Fetching op at %h", pc); if (!reset) begin state<=`STATE_RESET; a17<=0; a18<=0; end else begin case (data[7:6]) 2'b10: begin // short form op[4:0]<=data[3:0]; operTypes[0]<=data[5:4]; operTypes[1]<=`OPER_OMIT; if (data[5:4]==2'b11) begin operNum[1:0]<=`OP_0; case (data[3:0]) `OP0_POP: begin cachedReg<=15; stackAddress<=stackAddress-1; end `OP0_NOP: begin /*nop*/ end `OP0_DYNAMIC: nextLoadIsDynamic<=1; `OP0_SAVE,`OP0_RESTORE,`OP0_VERIFY: state<=`STATE_READ_BRANCH; default: state<=`STATE_DO_OP; endcase end else begin operNum[1:0]<=`OP_1; state<=`STATE_READ_OPERS; end end 2'b11: begin // variable form op[4:0]<=data[4:0]; operNum[1:0]<=(data[5]?`OP_VAR:`OP_2); state<=`STATE_READ_TYPES; end default: begin // long form op[4:0]<=data[4:0]; operNum[1:0]<=`OP_2; operTypes[0]<=(data[6] ? `OPER_VARI : `OPER_SMALL); operTypes[1]<=(data[5] ? `OPER_VARI : `OPER_SMALL); state<=`STATE_READ_OPERS; end endcase end operandIdx<=0; pc<=pc+1; address<=pc+1; end `STATE_READ_TYPES: begin operTypes[0]<=data[7:6]; operTypes[1]<=data[5:4]; operTypes[2]<=data[3:2]; operTypes[3]<=data[1:0]; address<=pc+1; if (data[7:6]==`OPER_OMIT) FinishReadingOps(); else begin state<=`STATE_READ_OPERS; pc<=pc+1; end end `STATE_READ_OPERS: begin case (operTypes[operandIdx]) `OPER_SMALL: begin operand[operandIdx]<=data[7:0]; address<=pc+1; operandIdx<=operandIdx+1; if (operTypes[operandIdx+1]==`OPER_OMIT) FinishReadingOps(); else pc<=pc+1; end `OPER_LARGE: begin address<=pc+1; if (!readHigh) begin operand[operandIdx][15:8]<=data[7:0]; readHigh<=1; pc<=pc+1; end else begin operand[operandIdx][7:0]<=data[7:0]; operandIdx<=operandIdx+1; readHigh<=0; if (operTypes[operandIdx+1]==`OPER_OMIT) FinishReadingOps(); else pc<=pc+1; end end default: begin // OPER_VARI case (phase) 0: begin if (data==0) begin stackAddress<=stackAddress-1; end if (cachedReg!=15 && data==cachedReg) begin operand[operandIdx]<=cachedValue; address<=pc+1; operandIdx<=operandIdx+1; if (operTypes[operandIdx+1]==`OPER_OMIT) FinishReadingOps(); else pc<=pc+1; if (cachedReg==0) cachedReg<=15; end else begin if (data>=16) begin address<=globalsAddress+2*(data-16); end else if (data==0) begin address<=2*(stackAddress-1); end else begin address<=csStack+8+2*(data-1); end forceDynamicRead<=1; phase<=phase+1; end end 1: begin operand[operandIdx]<=(data<<8); address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin forceDynamicRead<=0; operand[operandIdx]<=operand[operandIdx]|data; address<=pc+1; operandIdx<=operandIdx+1; if (operTypes[operandIdx+1]==`OPER_OMIT) FinishReadingOps(); else pc<=pc+1; phase<=0; end endcase end endcase end `STATE_READ_INDIRECT: begin case (phase) 0: begin cachedReg<=15; store<=operand[0]; if (operand[0]>=16) begin address<=globalsAddress+2*(operand[0]-16); end else if (operand[0]==0) begin if (op[4:0]!=`OP1_LOAD) stackAddress<=stackAddress-1; address<=2*(stackAddress-1); end else begin address<=csStack+8+2*(operand[0]-1); end forceDynamicRead<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin operand[0][15:8]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin forceDynamicRead<=0; operand[0][7:0]<=data; if (op[4:0]==`OP1_LOAD) state<=`STATE_READ_STORE; else if (operNum==`OP_2) state<=`STATE_READ_BRANCH; else state<=`STATE_DO_OP; address<=pc; phase<=0; end endcase end `STATE_READ_STORE: begin case (op[4:0]) `OP1_GETSIBLING, `OP1_GETCHILD: state<=`STATE_READ_BRANCH; default: state<=`STATE_DO_OP; endcase store<=data; pc<=pc+1; address<=pc+1; end `STATE_READ_BRANCH: begin if (!readHigh) begin if (data[6]) begin branch<=data[5:0]; negate<=!data[7]; state<=`STATE_DO_OP; end else begin branch[13:8]<=data[5:0]; negate<=!data[7]; readHigh<=1; end end else begin branch[7:0]<=data; readHigh<=0; state<=`STATE_DO_OP; end pc<=pc+1; address<=pc+1; end `STATE_DO_OP: begin DoOp(); end `STATE_STORE_REGISTER: begin case (phase) 0: begin if (store>=16) begin address<=globalsAddress+2*(store-16); end else if (store==0) begin address<=2*stackAddress; stackAddress<=stackAddress+1; end else begin address<=csStack+8+2*(store-1); end dataOut<=returnValue[15:8]; writeEnable<=1; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin cachedReg<=store; cachedValue[15:8]<=dataOut; cachedValue[7:0]<=returnValue[7:0]; dataOut<=returnValue[7:0]; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin DoBranch(delayedBranch); writeEnable<=0; phase<=0; end endcase end `STATE_DIVIDE: begin case (phase) 0: begin negate<=operand[0][15]^operand[1][15]; readHigh<=operand[0][15]; if ($signed(operand[0])<0) operand[0]<=-operand[0]; else operand[0]<=operand[0]; `ifndef REAL_HARDWARE if (operand[1]==0) state=`STATE_HALT; else `endif if ($signed(operand[1])<0) operand[1]<=-operand[1]; operand[2]<=1; operand[3]<=0; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin if (operand[1][15] || operand[0]<=operand[1]) begin phase<=phase+1; end else begin operand[1]<=operand[1]<<1; operand[2]<=operand[2]<<1; end end 2: begin if (operand[1]>operand[0]) begin if (operand[2]==1) begin if (negate) begin operand[0]<=-operand[3]; end else begin operand[0]<=operand[3]; end if (readHigh) begin operand[1]<=-operand[0]; end else begin operand[1]<=operand[0]; end readHigh<=0; phase<=phase+1; end else begin operand[1]<=operand[1]>>1; operand[2]<=operand[2]>>1; end end else begin operand[0]<=operand[0]-operand[1]; operand[3]<=operand[3]+operand[2]; end end default: begin StoreResultSlow(delayedBranch?(operand[1]+divideAddOne):operand[0]); end endcase end `STATE_PRINT: begin `ifdef HARDWARE_PRINT case (phase) 0: begin delayedValue[15:8]<=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 1: begin delayedValue[7:0] <=data; address<=address+1; phase<=phase+1; end 2,3,4: begin DoPrint(delayedValue[14:10]); delayedValue[14:5]<=delayedValue[9:0]; end 5: begin printEnable<=0; if (delayedValue[15]) begin alphabet<=0; long<=0; case (returnValue[1:0]) `PRINTEFFECT_FETCH: begin address<=pc; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end `PRINTEFFECT_FETCHAFTER: begin pc<=address; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end `PRINTEFFECT_RET1: begin ReturnFunction(1); end `PRINTEFFECT_ABBREVRET: begin address<=temp; delayedValue<=operand[0]; phase<=operand[1]; returnValue[1:0]<=returnValue[3:2]; end endcase end else begin phase<=0; end end // branch to abbrev 6: begin address<='h18; phase<=phase+1; temp<=address; operand[0]<=delayedValue; returnValue[3:2]=returnValue[1:0]; returnValue[1:0]=`PRINTEFFECT_ABBREVRET; end 7: begin address<=address+1; operand[2][7:0]=data; phase<=phase+1; end 8: begin address<=(operand[2][7:0]<<8)|data+2*store; phase<=phase+1; end 9: begin address<=address+1; operand[2][7:0]<=data; phase<=phase+1; end default: begin address<=2*((operand[2][7:0]<<8)|data); phase<=0; end endcase `else if (data[7] || returnValue[1:0]!=`PRINTEFFECT_FETCHAFTER) begin if (returnValue[1:0]==`PRINTEFFECT_FETCHAFTER) pc<=address+2; operand[0]<=`PRINT_CALLBACK; $display("Print from %h\n", temp); operand[1]<=temp[0]|((returnValue[1:0]==`PRINTEFFECT_RET1)?2:0); operand[2]<=temp[16:1]; operTypes[1]=`OPER_LARGE; operTypes[2]=`OPER_LARGE; CallFunction(returnValue[1:0]==`PRINTEFFECT_RET1, 1); end else begin address<=address+2; end `endif end `ifdef HARDWARE_PRINT `STATE_PRINT_CHAR: begin address<=pc; printEnable<=0; state<=`STATE_FETCH_OP; end `endif default: begin $display("HALT"); operand[1]<=(pc>>1); operand[2]<=operand[0]; operand[3]<=operand[1]; operand[0]<=`EXCEPTION_CALLBACK; //operTypes[0]<=`OPER_LARGE; operTypes[1]<=`OPER_LARGE; operTypes[2]<=`OPER_LARGE; operTypes[3]<=`OPER_LARGE; CallFunction(0,1); end endcase end endmodule module main(); reg clk; reg adcDout; reg reset; wire [7:0] data; wire [16:0] address; wire writeEnable; wire printEnable; wire romCS; wire ramCS; wire led0; wire led1; wire led2; wire lcdCS; wire lcdRS; wire lcdReset; wire adcCS; wire a17; wire a18; integer file,readData,i,j,numOps,cycles,stateCycles[15:0],opCycles[255:0],ops[255:0]; integer touch,touchX, touchY, touchZ; reg [7:0] mem [128*1024:0]; reg [7:0] dynamicMem [128*1024:0]; assign data=(!romCS ? mem[address] : (!ramCS ? (!writeEnable ? 8'bZ : dynamicMem[address] ) : 8'bZ ) ); initial begin $display("Welcome"); file=$fopen("rom.z3","rb"); readData=$fread(mem, file); $display("File read:%h %d", file, readData); $fclose(file); touch=$fopen("touch.txt","r"); adcDout=0; reset=1; numOps=0; cycles=0; mem['h1E57F]=1; // Suppress game select screen as it's slow for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) stateCycles[i]=0; for (i=0; i<256; i=i+1) begin opCycles[i]=0; ops[i]=0; end //$monitor("%h %h %h State:%d(%d) Op:%h Num:%h OperType:%h%h%h%h OperIdx:%d Operand:%h %h Store:%h Branch:%h", clk, data, address, b.state, b.phase, b.op, b.operNum, b.operTypes[0], b.operTypes[1], b.operTypes[2], b.operTypes[3], b.operandIdx, b.operand[0], b.operand[1],, b.branch); for (i=0; i0) $display("State:%d %d", i, stateCycles[i]); for (i=0; i<256; i=i+1) if (opCycles[i]>0) $display("OpCyc:%d/%d %d/%d=%d", i/32, i%32, opCycles[i], ops[i], opCycles[i]/ops[i]); file=$fopen("ram.dat", "wb"); for (i=0; i<'h20000; i=i+16) begin $fwrite(file, "%05h: ", i); for (j=0; j<16; j=j+2) $fwrite(file, "%02x%02x ", dynamicMem[i+j][7:0], dynamicMem[i+j+1][7:0]); for (j=0; j<16; j=j+1) $fwrite(file, "%c", (dynamicMem[i+j][7:0]>=32)?dynamicMem[i+j][7:0]:46); $fwrite(file, "\n"); end $fwrite(file, "\nBitmap:\n"); for (i='h1b500; i<'h20000; i=i+30) begin for (j=0; j<30; j=j+1) $fwrite(file, "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", dynamicMem[i+j][7], dynamicMem[i+j][6], dynamicMem[i+j][5], dynamicMem[i+j][4], dynamicMem[i+j][3], dynamicMem[i+j][2], dynamicMem[i+j][1], dynamicMem[i+j][0]); $fwrite(file, "\n"); end $fclose(file); $fclose(touch); $finish; end boss b(clk, adcDout, reset, data, address, writeEnable, printEnable, romCS, ramCS, led0, led1, led2, lcdCS, lcdRS, lcdReset, adcCS, a17, a18); endmodule