ALAN ADVENTURE LANGUAGE Release 2.6 The Alan System is a special purpose language for creating interactive fiction or text adventures. It consists of a compiler which compiles Alan source to an intermediate form and an interpreter that interprets such an intermediate form. The Alan System is request-ware. The complete system is available without charge through electronic mail on request from Send an e-mail message with a single line like: SEND for a distribution package including demos and executables for , where currently should be replaced by one of: size packed and encoded (compiler + interpreter package) AMIGA 119k + 97k SUN4 170k + 98k SOLARIS2 PC 150k + 95k MAC 200k + 108k HP 320k + 222k You can request the the documentation by sending a single line email message containing: SEND where should be replaced by TEXT or POSTSCRIPT. Text is sent as plain text (187K) and PostScript is compressed and uuencoded to 192k. The current PC version supports MS-DOS only. Archives are distributed in various formats depending on platform. You may add the word ALAN or ARUN after the platform name to indicate if only the compiler or only the interpreter package should be delivered. Otherwise both will be delivered. E.g. SEND AMIGA ALAN will only send the compiler package for Amiga, whilst SEND MAC will deliver both the compiler and the interpreter packages for Mac. If you have the interpreter package you need only to request the compiler package from the above address (SEND ALAN). The interpreter package contains the interpreter and some examples and is freely distributable. The documentation is also freely distributable (but copyrighted). Please forward this to friends or copy it onto any FTP-sites. But remember that the compiler may NOT be copied or redistributed. For complete copying conditions refer to the file COPYING in the distribution. The interpreter packages can also be found on the Interactive Fiction archive at NOTE however that compiler packages are NOT freely distributable, each delivered package will automatically be registered on the requestor. You may contact the authors on the following email addresses: Happy Authoring! The ThoNi & GorFo Adventure Factories