The LHA format Disclaimer: The description below is a mere extrapolation from the files and programs I have encountered. LHA is used to compress multiple files into a single archive. There is no signature at the beginning of the archives but you can search for the usual '-lh?-' compression method signature - the archive starts two bytes before the first instance of this string. Normally archives start at the beginning of the file but there can be different extractors prepended to the archive therefore you should not rely on the start offset of the archive being constant. However, the standard C64/C128 LHA Extractor by ((C) by Chris Smeets, 1990) is 3721 (hexadecimal $0E89) bytes long and it relocates itself to be able to work on any Commodore machine, independently of the address it was loaded to in the memory. The archives contain one or more blocks that consist of a file header and the compressed data of the file. The original file data is compressed using LZW compression bundled with a dynamic Huffman algorithm and is protected with a 16-bit CRC checksum. The file header has the following structure: POSITION DESCRIPTION $00 Length of the header, without the header checksum (LEN) $01 Header checksum $02-$06 Compression method signature (the ASCII string '-lh?-', where '?' is a number showing the method) $07-$0A Size of the packed file data $0B-$0E Size of the original file data $0F-$12 Original time stamp of the file (MS-DOS format) $13-$14 Original attributes of the file (MS-DOS attributes along with some extended attributes; usually $0020, only the Archive attribute is set) $15-(LEN-1) Original name of the file LEN-(LEN+1) CRC checksum of the file The header checksum is computed by simply adding the bytes in the header (bytes $02-(LEN+1), from the compression method signature to the CRC checksum) without carry. The number in compression method signature tells the method used to compress that file: '0' means that the file is stored without any compression, '1' is the normal compression for Commodore LHA archivers and from '2' on compression methods are only used in the 2.xx releases of LHA for DOS but not in Commodore LHA archivers. The old version 1.xx compression routines of LHA are absolutely compatible with Commodore LHA archivers: the compressed file is the same or, if not, it is still decompressed by the C64/C128 LHA Extractor. The number is related to the size of the string dictionary window of LZW compression and on Commodore machines the window size cannot be as big as on computers with more memory. The MS-DOS time stamp format packs the last modification date and time into a long integer: POSITION DESCRIPTION $00-$01 Time of last modification: BITS 0- 4: Seconds divided by 2 (0-58, only even numbers) BITS 5-10: Minutes (0-59) BITS 11-15: Hours (0-23, no AM or PM) $02-$03 Date of last modification: BITS 0- 4: Day (1-31) BITS 5- 9: Month (1-12) BITS 10-15: Year minus 1980 The file name is a Pascal-style ASCII string, its length being its first character. Commodore LHA archives append a zero byte and the filetype (ASCII uppercase character D, P, S or U) to the file name in the headers of non-program files and sometimes in those of programs, as well. Note that LHA archives are not designed to store relative files. You can read through an LHA archive with the following algorithm: 1. Determine the start of the archive, e.g. by searching for the signature '-lh?-'. 2. Read in one byte from the file. It tells you the length of the following header (LEN). If it is 0, then you have reached the end of the archive, stop. 3. Read in the checksum and the header (LEN+1 bytes). Now you can process the header and the file. 4. Add the length of the packed file size to the current file position. By seeking there, you get to the next header, go to step 2.