This is the Alan Standard Library 1.00 Alan is an easy to use adventure text authoring tool. And this library makes the library even easier. The library consists of one top level file (library.i) which in turn imports the four files: - locations.i - classes.i - verbs.i - messages.i You could probably also benefit from looking through the QuickRef.txt which is included. Acknowledgements: Thanks to Thomas Nilsson and Göran Forslund for ALAN. Also thanks to Thomas for continous and patient support and encouragement throughout the project. Thanks to Steve Griffiths for feedback and suggestions for improvement, the earlier versions of the library on which this version is based, and for the Score notification code snippet. Thanks to Alan Bampton for the 'xwear.i' extension which has been assimilated in this library. General features: - the library consists of four files: classes.i, locations.i, messages.i and verbs.i. - classes.i defines various object and actor classes - locations.i defines the default directions (exits) and also various location classes and attributes - messages.i lists all the standard runtime messages in the ALAN system, for easy editing and translation - verbs.i lists all the verbs, which are considerably more numerous than previously. Also commands other than verbs are here, such as 'verbose', 'inventory' and 'about'. - in labeling parameters in syntax statements, tailored (mnemonic) parameters are used as much as possible to ease up code-reading and for clearer intention-revealing: e.g. eat (food), kill (victim) with (weapon), push (obj) with (instr). Many verbs still have (obj) as the direct object parameter, but in many cases this is something different. - objects are now implicitly taken if they are not carried already and if they pass all the usual checks: e.g. 'eat apple' -> (taking the apple first) You eat the apple. - Alan Bamptons 'xwear' extension has been assimilated, disallowing clothes to be put on or taken off in an improper oder, e.g. you can't put on a shirt if you are wearing a jacket, etc. - Steve Griffiths's score notification code has been assimilated. You can disable score change messages through the 'notify' command. - liquid handling should now be quite thorough: - taking a liquid will take the container of the liquid automatically. Both 'take juice' and 'take bottle' have the same effect. > take juice (the bottle of juice) Taken. In the same way, 'pour' (but not 'empty') works for both liquids and containers ('empty' only works for containers): > pour bottle on floor You pour the contents of the bottle onto the floor. > pour juice on floor You pour the juice on the floor. > empty juice on floor You can only empty containers. - also it is possible make mixtures: commands like 'pour blue potion in red potion' are enabled - actors have postures standing (the default), sitting and lying_down, with checks disabling many actions when sitting or lying_down. - also in a dark_location, actions requiring seeing are disabled. - distant objects cannot be manipulated (through the attribute '(NOT) reachable') - NPCs will automatically follow the hero if they are given the attribute 'following'. - verb checks are mostly listed so that logically improper actions are disabled first: CHECK obj1 <> obj2 ELSE "You can't put something into itself." and after that, checks requiring seeing are listed: AND obj1 NOT IN obj2 ELSE SAY THE obj1. "is in" SAY THE obj2. "already." - some verbs accept new syntax: it is possible to say both 'look at object' and 'look object' (according to what e.g. the latest version of Inform allows, as well), and the verb 'switch' (without 'on' or 'off') will switch an object on if it is off, and vice versa. - plural handling is now implemented throughout the library (e.g. 'You see nothing special about the door(s). It is (They are) currently closed' etc.) - optional classes for indoor and outdoor locations: all indoor locations (rooms) automatically have floor, walls and ceiling, and all outdoor locations have ground and sky. - several new object classes: background, scenery, lightsource, supporter, weapon, sound, door, window... - examples of use in between the codes, to facilitate the author's work process. + lots more. See for yourself and have fun! Comments and questions, any kind of feedback is welcome, even crucial for further improvements. Send your feedback to the e-mail address given at the website, or to anssi.raisanen (at)