****************************************************** 1/10/93 I would like to suggest the following two changes to the SHOWCONTCONT function in ADV.T. My changes are marked on the lines with the comment "rjn". The original code seemed to require that in order to supress listing of contents, a quiet surface would also have to be a quiet container. I was having some difficulty with this, so I made the changes marked. Any comments? Am I missing something here? Let me know via E-mail on this board (High Energy Software). showcontcont: function( obj ) { if (itemcnt( obj.contents )) { if ( obj.issurface and not obj.isqsurface ) { "Sitting on "; obj.thedesc;" is "; listcont( obj ); ". "; } else if ( obj.contentsVisible and not obj.isqcontainer and not obj.isqsurface ) // rjn { caps(); obj.thedesc; " seems to contain "; listcont( obj ); ". "; } } if ( obj.contentsVisible and not obj.isqcontainer and not obj.isqsurface ) // rjn listfixedcontcont( obj ); } ******************************************************************** I also think the following should be added to class: surface. When you "look on" or "look in" a surface, the message that nothing is found seems to be always returned because doLookin passes to the superclass and the contents don't seem to get evaluated. Again, someone correct this impression if I am wrong....but these changes seem to solve problems I'm having with surfaces. verDoLookin( actor ) = {} // rjn doLookin( actor ) = // rjn { // rjn self.ldesc; // rjn } // rjn **********************************************************************