INTRO S.O.S. Son of Stagefright, the SEQUEL c 1989 Mike McCauley Distributed as ShareWare - Not Public Domain This is your big day. You've studied method acting, improv, mime, dance, movement, CPR and all the rest and now you're itching to take your place down center like all the famous actors and actresses before you. You've heard about an audition down at the old theater at the lower end of the far reaches of the wrong side of... -Well, anyway, you thought that it had been closed after a series of very mysterious accidents and disappearances following their 13 week run of the `Scottish Tragedy'. (If you don't know that one, just ask any actor.) When you arrive, the line of hopefuls wraps around the block. By the time you get signed in, the only seat left is up in the balcony. Hour after hour the readings drone on and on and on and on and on * and * * * z-z-z-Z-Z-Z-Z-z-z-z-Z-Z-Z-Z-z-z-z * * You wake with a start. What time is it? Did you miss the call for your reading? You hear what sounds like muffled laughter somewhere. Looking around for its source, it occurs to you that something is disturbingly wrong. Finally it sinks in. There isn't a living soul in sight. Dust and cobwebs are everywhere. There is only one thought racing through your little brain... "I WANT OUT!" END_INTRO MAXIMUM_SCORE 19900 MAX_LIVES 0 ROOM 2 THE MOMENT OF DECISION SPECIAL 108 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD NO END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 2 Oh, by the way, the game has been set up for you to play it as an ACTOR. Would you rather be an ACTRESS? (Please enter YES or NO.) END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 3 Little Room WEST 4 UP 69 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 3 At the bottom of a stairway you see a doorway West and some smudged graffiti on the wall: "GLASS CUTS DIAMOND" and "DYSLEXICS OF THE WORLD, UNTIE!". END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 4 Carpenter Shop SOUTH 7 EAST 3 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 4 There are small piles of sawdust in the corners. You see a door to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 5 Library WEST 6 SOUTH 14 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 5 You find yourself in the library. The shelves are mostly empty now. The stage elevator is in a small alcove to the West and a short passage is to the South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 6 Stage Elevator EAST 5 UP 73 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 6 The stage elevator is now at the basement level and opens to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 7 South Side of Shop NORTH 4 SOUTH 12 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 7 You see high shelves with unfinished repair projects and a storage room South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 8 Basement Hallway SOUTH 15 EAST 9 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 8 The hall continues South. To the East is the one-way passage back to the pit. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 9 Secret Place EAST 13 LOCKED_DOOR ROOM_SYNONYMS read show tell reveal END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 9 You arrive at a small cranny (or is it a nook? I never know) at the West side of the pit. You see, "Our Secret Place" inscribed above a small lens. Looking into it, you see nothing and decide it must be some sort of electric eye. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 10 Organ Room EAST 11 SPECIAL 13 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD 4 FOUR END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 10 You find yourself in a cramped little room with curved walls. Something massive occupies almost the entire area. As you make your way around to the far side, you see this is the theater organ. The controls for raising the entire assembly up to stage level for performances have been gutted and are completely unusable. You can still see the narrow passage to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 10 Examine and read the "stops", then press the one mentioned in the music book. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 11 A Narrow Passage WEST 10 UP 79 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 11 You have come to a narrow passageway with a ladder leading up to the stage and a crawl way through to a slightly less cramped area to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 12 Storage Room NORTH 7 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 12 You step into a storage room. Small, useless scraps of wood and old hardware are lying about. A plank sits atop a particularly unstable pile of clutter. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 13 Orchestra Pit NORTH 10 WEST 9 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 13 You find yourself near the podium in the orchestra pit. The pit extends to the West and there is a small, almost hidden crawl way to the North. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 14 Music Room NORTH 5 EAST 44 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 14 Looking around, you see that the room is bare. You see the Library North END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 15 Over the Gap NORTH 8 SOUTH 19 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 15 You are balancing precariously on the plank over the deep gap. Under your weight, the ends slip and settle into the ground, wedging them tighter. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 16 North End of Hall SOUTH 109 (*hall) DOWN 86 (*audience) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 16 You stand next to the top of a stairway. Looking North, you see a pair of completely unmarked sliding doors standing open. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 17 Homonym Closet SOUTH 21 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 17 You are in the homonym closet. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 18 In Hall by Stream SOUTH 27 EAST 19 ROOM_SYNONYMS east swim wade dive LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 18 The hall continues South, but the rest of the walls are blank. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 19 Dead End WEST 18 NORTH 15 ROOM_SYNONYMS west swim wade dive LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 19 You have come to a dead end. North is the plank over the gap, but there are only blank walls in the other directions. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 19 You must go West. Just remember how pail you got last time you breathed water. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 20 Basement Store Room EAST 45 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 20 This WAS a sealed-off store room. There is now a large hole in the East wall. (An awful lot of mouse holes here, but no mice.) END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 21 North Side of the Boiler NORTH 17 SOUTH 25 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 21 Squeezing along between the boiler and the wall you come across a room to the North labelled "HOMONYM CLOSET" END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 22 Storage Room NORTH 7 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 22 The storage room floor is a disaster. Junk and clutter lie everywhere. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 23 Spotlight Booth EAST 107 (*booth) WEST 97 (*booth) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 23 The spotlight booth has doors East and West. There is no glass in the window to the North (to avoid blinding the spot operator. By, the way, don't try going through the window. It won't work.) END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 24 In a Cave SPECIAL 27 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD SESAME OPEN LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 24 You are in a cave that is completely blocked by a large boulder to the West. The ground below has a fresh cavity where you fell from the hatch far above. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 24 Sorry, time for me to watch a spicy Children's Television Workshop show on PBS. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 25 By the Boiler NORTH 21 EAST 26 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 25 You squeeze past the gently hissing boiler. There is a maintenance walkway that runs beside the boiler toward the North. Stairs are to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 26 Boiler Room Entrance WEST 25 UP 93 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 26 Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you can see something massive to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 27 Fork in Path NORTH 18 SOUTH 31 EAST 28 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 27 You have come to a fork in the hallway. You can go North, East or South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 28 Narrow Hall EAST 29 WEST 27 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 28 You have a small problem. The hall narrows to the East and jammed into the tightest spot is a very genuine-looking guillotine. Its heavy frame extends from wall to wall and from ceiling to floor. The razor-sharp blade is poised high above an ominous wicker basket. The only way East is through the frame. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 28 Well, what've you got to lose? Oh, sorry. Poor choice of words. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 29 By Brown Door WEST 28 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 29 To the West is the guillotine that gave you so much trouble. Actually, there was nothing to worry about. The blade was nailed up. It couldn't fall. (If you can't trust your programmer, who can you trust?) East is a doorway. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 30 In a Big Room EAST 43 SOUTH 36 WEST 29 SOUTHEAST 42 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 30 You are in the Northwest corner of a big room just East of the greasy door. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 31 In a Nook NORTH 27 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 31 You find yourself in a nook (or is it a cranny? I could never tell). END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 32 On the Roof NORTH 56 (*upper) SOUTH 33 (*roof) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 32 You have come to the Northern edge of the roof. Most of the way to the North is blocked by the wall that encloses the high flyloft over the main stage area. There is a short set of steps (also North) that lead to a narrow upper roof. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 33 South Edge of Roof NORTH 32 (*roof) DOWN 65 (*catwalk) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 33 The afternoon sun bakes the theater roof. Looking over the sides, you see nothing but deserted streets in all directions. There is an open hatchway. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 34 In a Hallway SOUTH 39 WEST 38 NORTH 39 EAST 40 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 34 You are in a long twisting hall with side doorways to the North and South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 35 In a Hallway SOUTH 41 EAST 36 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 35 With the shattered mirror to the East, you turn South to see an odd room with even odder stains on the walls and floor. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 36 In the Big Room NORTH 30 EAST 42 NORTHEAST 43 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 36 The wall to the West has a door frame. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 37 THE R-E-A-L EXIT EAST 38 UP 37 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 37 You are at the end of a very, very, very, very long hallway. (That certainly was a long hall, wasn't it?) There is DAYLIGHT streaming down a coal chute! END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 38 In a Hallway NORTH 39 EAST 37 WEST 39 SOUTH 40 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 38 You are in a long twisting hall with side doorways to the West and South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 39 Transporter Room SPECIAL 100 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 39 You see doorways to the West, North and East and... WAIT A MINUTE! This CAN'T belong in this game! This place looks exactly the transporter chamber from a Constitution Class Federation Starship. (NCC 1700 series) From just out of sight, someone orders, "Energize, Scotty". END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 39 I didn't write that game. I only know how to get out of trouble in parts of this one. You'd better get out of here, fast! END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 40 In a Hallway NORTH 40 EAST 34 WEST 39 SOUTH 39 SPECIAL 41 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD HELP LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 40 You are in a long twisting hall with side doorways to the West and South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 41 Collapsed Room NORTH 35 WEST 40 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 41 The walls have stopped in their tracks, so helplessly warped that they will never move again. (You do believe me, don't you?) A twisting hall goes West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 42 In a Big Room NORTH 43 WEST 36 NORTHWEST 30 SPECIAL 42 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD south LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 42 You come across a surprise. There is a door to the South with a large EXIT sign above. This time there is a window that shows a stairway on the other side leading directly up to a back alley. The door doesn't seem to be locked. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 43 Big Room SOUTH 42 WEST 30 SOUTHWEST 36 (*mirror) LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 43 You are now in the Northeast corner of the big room. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 44 Bottom of Elevator Shaft WEST 14 (*music room) SPECIAL 16 (*hall) KEY 286 (*cable) ROOM_SYNONYMS CHANGE_LOCATIONS climb up grab scale END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 44 You find yourself at the bottom of an elevator shaft. You can see light coming through the gap between the doors to the West. Looking up you can barely see light filtering through another set of open doors two floors above. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 45 Ruined Boiler Room EAST 26 (*stairs) WEST 20 (*store) LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 45 The twisted wreckage of the boiler is everywhere. There is barely enough room to make your way past it to the East or West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 46 Dark Hall EAST 84 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 46 Just as you step into the room, the fire door closes behind you, plunging you into inky blackness. You can't even find an electrical outlet. Oh, bother. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 46 You gotta find the PROPer way to keep that door open before entering the hall. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 47 Charred Hall EAST 84 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 47 The destruction from the fire has completely blocked the hall. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 48 Narrow Hall WEST 27 (*fork) SPECIAL 48 LIGHT 252 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD east END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 48 Now you REALLY have a problem. The hall is completely blocked by the guillotine. You are forced to go back West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 49 Collapsing Room LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 49 The walls of the room are inching inward at an alarming rate. A desperate search of the walls, ceiling and floor reveals no escape routes. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 49 Seen any good movies lately? I personally don't think they make them like they used to. Oh, are you in a hurry or something? You seem awfully nervous. Anyway, to make a short story long, one of my favorites is an old Jack Benny movie - you do seem awfully antsy - called A HORN BLOWS AT MIDNIGHT. It's about this angel that has to play a trumpet at the right time to make the world come to an end, but he keeps getting things all backwards... Oh, all right, I can see you're not paying attention anyway. Just go back to whatever you were doing. Something about a pressing engagement? END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 50 Women's Dressing Room EAST 59 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 50 In the Women's dressing room. The hall door is to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 51 Green Room SOUTH 60 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 51 You have found the "Green Room" - the lounge where actors wait between scenes. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 52 Grid SOUTH 54 (*counterweight) EAST 53 (*window) SOUTHEAST 55 (*chest) SPECIAL 52 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD down climb descend END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 52 Your have made it to the Northwest corner of the grid. You see the window back to the East. To the South you see the tracks and opening for the curtain counterweight. Against the North wall you see the ladder that goes 80 feet straight down to the stage. It makes you dizzy to look down. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 53 On Grid by Window SOUTH 55 (*chest) EAST 56 (*window) WEST 52 (*ladder) SOUTHWEST 54 (*weight) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 53 Once through the window, you take a quick glance down through the steel beams. There are wide spaces between them to allow the rigging to operate. The view of the stage 80' below is enough to make you keep your eyes ahead. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 54 By Counterweight Track NORTH 52 (*ladder) EAST 55 (*chest) NORTHEAST 53 (*window) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 54 There is a hole in the grid large enough to clear the curtain counterweight (or you to fall through if the curtain is up and the counterweight is down). END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 55 Corner of Grid NORTH 53 (*window) WEST 54 (*weight) NORTHWEST 52 (*ladder) ROOM_SYNONYMS EXAMINE UNTIE END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 55 You see the window at some distance to the North and the opening for the curtain counterweight to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 56 Upper Roof SOUTH 32 DOWN 110 ROOM_SYNONYMS down climb descend END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 56 You've reached the roof over the wings. The hot sun makes you neck prickly. You see the top of an air shaft with a ladder leading down. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 57 Men's Dressing Room NORTH 59 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 57 You find yourself in the men's dressing room. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 58 Top of Grand Staircase EAST 108 (*balcony) DOWN 98 (*lobby) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 58 You are standing at the top of a gently curving staircase leading down to the lobby. You see a small balcony to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 59 Hall SOUTH 57 (*mens dressing) EAST 60 (*hall) DOWN 76 (*stage) ROOM_SYNONYMS turn try install use END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 59 At the South end of a hall, there are doorways to the West and the South and the top of a narrow spiral stairway. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 60 At a Turn in the Hall NORTH 51 (*green) SOUTH 62 (*hall) WEST 59 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 60 The hall continues to the West and South. There's an open door to the North. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 61 Prop Loft EAST 62 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 61 Looking around, you see that this is where props (items small enough to be carried around on stage - guns, books, pencils, etc.) are stored. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 61 You want to play around with magic tables in a place like this, go right ahead. Who knows, might be fun. Just don't come crying to me if you loose something. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 62 In The Hall NORTH 60 (*hall) SOUTH 67 (*costume) UP 63 (*catwalk) WEST 61 (*loft) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 62 The hall ends with doorways to the South and the West and a ladder built into the East wall leads up through an access hatch into the ceiling. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 63 On a Catwalk EAST 64 (*sag) DOWN 62 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 63 The catwalk allows the techs access to the stage lighting hung above the audience ceiling. You bend low to crawl along, trying not to think about the 30 foot drop through the flimsy structure if you should loose your footing. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 64 Middle of the Catwalk EAST 65 (*catwalk) WEST 63 (*catwalk) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 64 The catwalk continues West and East. The boards creak under your feet. Looking down, you see a dangerous SAG. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 65 East End of Catwalk WEST 64 (*catwalk) UP 33 (*roof) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 65 At the East end of the catwalk you find a short ladder leading up to the roof. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 66 Pun Closet WEST 109 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 66 You are in the closet. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 67 Costume Loft NORTH 62 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 67 Garment racks line the walls. There is a definite smell of well worn clothing. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 68 Hall EAST 84 (*fire door) WEST 88 (*rehearsal) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 68 In an East-West hall. The fire door is propped open to the East END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 69 Corner of Offstage Area SOUTH 72 (*stage door) EAST 70 (*upstage - apple) SOUTHEAST 73 (*stage - elevator) DOWN 3 (*little room) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 69 In the Corner of the offstage area, you see the top of an old wooden stairway. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 70 Upstage Area SOUTH 73 (*center stage - elevator) EAST 71 (*north wings - skate) WEST 69 (*north off stage - stairs) SOUTHEAST 74 (*wings - soft drink machine) SOUTHWEST 72 (*off stage - stage door) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 70 The upstage area is dimly illuminated by streamers of light filtering down from the flyloft and work grid above. Specks of dust dance in the light. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 71 Corner of Stage-Left Wings SOUTH 74 (*wings - soft drink machine) WEST 70 (*upstage - apple) SOUTHWEST 73 (*stage - elevator) SPECIAL 71 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD UP CLIMB ASCEND SCALE END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 71 You have wandered into the narrow stage-left wing space. The main stage is to the West. You can also see more wing space to the South. There is a ladder extending 80 feet upward into the gloom above. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 72 By the Stage Door NORTH 69 (*off stage - stair) EAST 73 (*stage - elevator) NORTHEAST 70 (*upstage - apple) SOUTHEAST 78 (*down center) SOUTH 77 (*down right) LOCKED_DOOR END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 72 There is an unpainted red brick wall to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 73 Center-Stage NORTH 70 (*upstage - apple) SOUTH 78 (*down center) EAST 74 (*wings soft drink machine) WEST 72 (*off stage - stage door) NORTHEAST 71 (*wings - skate) NORTHWEST 69 (*off stage - stairs) SOUTHEAST 79 (*down left) SOUTHWEST 77 (*down right) DOWN 6 (*elevator) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 73 The center of the vast open stage area is strangely silent. It almost seems you can hear faint echoes of past performers. There is an elevator built into the stage floor. Luckily it is in the "UP" position now. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 74 An Alcove off the Wings Area NORTH 71 (*wings - skate) SOUTH 79 (*down left) EAST 80 (*chair) WEST 73 (*stage - elevator) NORTHWEST 70 (*upstage - apple) SOUTHWEST 78 (*down center) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 74 This seems to be a small rest area that continues to the East in the middle of the wings. The main stage is to the West. The wings extend North and South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 75 Behind the Stairway EAST 76 (*stairs) SPECIAL 81 KEY 208 (*door) LOCKED_DOOR ROOM_SYNONYMS PUSH OPEN END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 75 A thin wash of light barely penetrates the cobwebs covering a small window high on the wall. Failing to reach it, you turn your attention to the door to the South with faded gold lettering on even more faded green paint. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 76 Bottom of Stairwell WEST 75 (*outside stage managers office) EAST 77 (*down right) UP 59 (*hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 76 Looking around, you see a spiral stairway leading up, a door around behind the stairs to the West, and the stage to the East END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 77 Down-Right SOUTH 82 (*apron) EAST 78 (*down center) WEST 76 (*stairway) NORTHEAST 73 (*center stage) NORTH 72 (*stage door) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 77 Near the right proscenium arch you see the tracks that guide the counterweight for the main stage curtain and a faint glimmer of light to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 78 Down-Center NORTH 73 (*center stage) SOUTH 82 (*apron) EAST 79 (*down left) WEST 77 (*down right) NORTHEAST 74 (*wings) NORTHWEST 72 (*stage door) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 78 This is the center of the stage, closest to the audience, where all actors hope to take their big bows some day. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 79 Down-Left NORTH 74 (*wings) SOUTH 82 (*apron) WEST 78 (*down center) NORTHWEST 73 (*center stage) DOWN 11 (*organ room) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 79 Near the stage-left proscenium arch you notice something dark about the floor. Looking down, you see that it is a trap door - an OPEN trap door. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 80 Off-Left WEST 74 (*wings) ROOM_SYNONYMS pull tip move lift push touch sit turn LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 80 You squeeze between old flats (stage scenery) off-left (OFF the main stage playing area and to the actor's LEFT while facing the audience - a little theater terminology there). END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 81 Stage Manager's Office NORTH 75 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 81 The transom over the door admits just enough light for you to make out a small desk taking up most of the floor space. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 82 Stage Apron NORTH 78 (*down center) EAST 86 (*stairs) WEST 84 (*fire door) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 82 This is the apron (the extension of the stage in front of the curtain line). The main stage is North. You see the audience to the South and curving steps at either end of the apron starting off East and West before turning Southward. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 83 (*alternate catwalk 64) Middle of Catwalk EAST 65 (*catwalk) WEST 63 (*catwalk) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 83 The catwalk continues West and East. There is a firm BULGE in the boards, and a mysterious wisp of GAS just dissipating above. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 84 By Fire Door EAST 85 (*audience) NORTH 82 (*apron) WEST 46 (*dark hall) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 84 The curving steps to the apron are to the North, and the audience to the East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 85 Front Row of Audience SOUTH 91 (*center) EAST 86 (*stairs) WEST 84 (*fire door) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 85 From the front row of the audience you can see the stage apron clearly to the North. You can move along the aisles in other directions. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 86 By Stairs NORTH 82 (*apron) UP 16 (*hall) WEST 85 (*AUDIENCE) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 86 You are at the base of a very plain spiral stairway. The curving steps to the apron are to the North and the audience to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 87 Closet SOUTH 93 LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 87 This looks about like your typical closet (minus the coat hangers). END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 88 Entrance to Rehearsal Hall EAST 68 (*hall) WEST 89 (*rehearsal) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 88 You are at beginning of the rehearsal hall. There is a short hallway East. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 89 Rehearsal Hall EAST 88 (*entrance) WEST 90 (*rehearsal) ROOM_SYNONYMS OPEN LIFT PULL END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 89 You are now in the center of the EAST-West running rehearsal hall. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 90 Rehearsal Hall EAST 89 (*rehearsal) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 90 You are now at the West end of the rehearsal hall. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 91 Center of Audience NORTH 85 (*1st row) SOUTH 94 (*lobby) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 91 You are now in a middle-ish aisle in the audience area. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 92 Storage Closet WEST 108 (*balcony) ROOM_SYNONYMS THROW FLIP LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 92 By the soft glow of the light, you can almost make out a faded message scrawled on the wall: "", or something like that. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 93 Store Room NORTH 87 (*closet) SOUTH 95 (*coat) DOWN 26 (*boiler) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 93 You have come across a store room. A stairway leads down. A closet is North. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 94 Courtesy Area NORTH 91 (*audience) SOUTH 101 (*lobby) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 94 You are at the lobby courtesy area. The auditorium is to the North. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 95 Coat Room SOUTH 104 (*lobby) SPECIAL 93 KEY 227 ROOM_SYNONYMS pull move remove lift LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 95 The coat room is almost empty. The Dutch door to the South stands open. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 96 Kitchen Closet EAST 99 (*snack) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 96 You find a shelf in the closet. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 97 Sound Booth EAST 23 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 97 Ripped wires and broken racks show where sound equipment used to be mounted. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 98 Lobby SOUTH 100 (*restroom) EAST 101 (*lobby) UP 58 WEST 99 (*snackbar) ROOM_SYNONYMS PUSH OPEN END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 98 At the West end of the lobby, there is a grand stairway leading upward and a doorway to the South. You also see the snackbar to the West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 99 Snack Bar EAST 98 (*lobby) WEST 96 (*closet) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 99 In the snack bar you see doorways to the North and West. All the equipment is polished and clean, but you find nothing of interest in the cabinets. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 100 Rest Room NORTH 98 (*lobby) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 100 This is another restroom like all the others you've seen. I'll spare you the colorful description except to mention that someone has scratched, "KEEP SECRETS UNDER YOUR HAT" on the wall. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 101 In the Lobby NORTH 94 (*reclaim) EAST 103 (*vend) WEST 98 (*lobby) LOCKED_DOOR END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 101 The East end of the Lobby opens to the foyer. You see the courtesy area to the North and a doorway to the South. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 101 It would take an EARTHQUAKE to unstick that door. (Reminds me of the joke about the two businessmen that met on the beach in the Bahamas. The first said that he was there on the $2,000,000 insurance money he collected when his factory burned down. The second said that he was there on the $20,000,000 insurance money he collected when an earthquake leveled ALL his factories. The first one then asked, "How do you start an earthquake?") END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 102 In the Janitor Closet NORTH 101 (*lobby) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 102 You are in a dusty work area. It looks sloppier than your hall closet. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 103 Foyer SOUTH 105 (*restroom) EAST 104 (*coat) WEST 101 (*lobby) SOUTHEAST 106 (*exit) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 103 The foyer widens out to the East and South. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 104 East End of the Foyer NORTH 95 (*coat) SOUTH 106 (*exit) WEST 103 (*vend) SOUTHWEST 105 (*restroom) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 104 You see an open Dutch door to the North and other doors across the room to the South and Southwest. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 105 By A Restroom NORTH 103 (*lobby) EAST 106 (*exit) NORTHEAST 104 (*coat) LOCKED_DOOR END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 105 Looking around, you can see doors across the room to the Northeast and East. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 105 I'm not helping you get in there, you pervert. (A bunch of thespians!) END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 106 By Main Exit NORTH 104 (*coat) WEST 105 (*restroom) NORTHWEST 103 (*lobby) LOCKED_DOOR END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 106 You've gone as far as you can this way. You are at the front of the foyer. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 107 Lighting Booth EAST 109 (*hall) WEST 23 (*spot) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 107 Here, the stage lighting and effects are controlled. Doors lead East & West. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 108 In the Balcony EAST 92 (*closet) WEST 58 (*stairs) SPECIAL 108 ROOM_SYNONYMS MAGIC_WORD sit END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 108 You find yourself in the balcony. You look down over the railing to the North, and see the entire audience and stage apron area. There is no one in sight and no sign of any activity. Looking around, you see a staircase to the West and a small storage closet to the East with a switch just inside the door. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 108 Asking for help already? This is going to be one LONG game. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 109 South end of Hall NORTH 16 (*hall) EAST 66 (*pun) WEST 107 (booth) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 109 At the South end of the hall you find doorways to the East and West. The one to the East is labelled, "MR. BARD AVON'S PUN CLOSET". The West doorway is labelled. "TECHIES (pronounced TEYK-EEZ) ONLY!" END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 110 Rogues Gallery NORTH 117 (*plant) SOUTH 112 (*janitor) EAST 116 (*pirate) WEST 114 (*agent) NORTHEAST 118 (*barber) NORTHWEST 115 (*actor /125 actress) SOUTHEAST 111 (*witch) SOUTHWEST 113 (*critic) UP 56 (*air shaft) LIGHT 252 ROOM_SYNONYMS UP CLIMB ASCEND SCALE END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 110 You have come to a central gallery opening onto eight small rooms. You hear strange yells, mumbles, cackles, screams and mad ravings coming from the rooms. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 110 This Rogues Gallery was put in for those of you who just can't stand having an adventure game where you don't get to kill some creature. Have fun. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 111 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 EXIT 110 LIGHT 252 ROOM_SYNONYMS turn click tap knock END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 111 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 111 There is no water around so you'll have to escape like Dorathy FINALLY did. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 112 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 ROOM_SYNONYMS READ GIVE SHOW EXIT 110 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 112 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 112 He's probably so ticked off because he can't remember where he put something. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 113 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 EXIT 110 ROOM_SYNONYMS READ GIVE SHOW LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 113 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 113 All a theater critic knows is critiquing, so give him something to criticize. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 114 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 EXIT 110 ROOM_SYNONYMS READ GIVE SHOW LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 114 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 114 You know he's lousy at getting you work, but he's a whiz at fine print. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 115 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 ROOM_SYNONYMS read show tell reveal EXIT 110 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 115 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 115 Learning the secret of your success would just kill that ham. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 116 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 EXIT 110 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 116 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 116 He has only one weakness that I know of. He fancies himself a music lover. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 117 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 EXIT 110 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 117 END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 117 As I recall the plot of that show, there is NO way of getting away from that plant without feeding it - and it has very particular tastes. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 118 A Small Side Room NORTH 110 SOUTH 110 EAST 110 WEST 110 NORTHEAST 110 NORTHWEST 110 SOUTHEAST 110 SOUTHWEST 110 ROOM_SYNONYMS READ GIVE PAY SHOW EXIT 110 LIGHT 252 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 118 You are in a small side room. The exits all lead back to the main gallery. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 118 You'll get a CLOSE shave whether you like it or not, and you will PAY for it. END_HELP_DESCR (*CREATURES CREATURE 300 cat theater There is Judy, the theater cat. LOCATION 0 WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS judy puss pussy kitten kitty END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 300 She is thin and sleek, and like most theater cats, probably knows a lot more about drama than you do. Show her kindness and you'll have a new friend. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 301 MARY MERRY There is Merry Mary LOCATION 17 (*homonym) WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS MERRY-MARY MERRY END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 301 Obviously a figment of your imagination, probably based on your 5th grade Eng- lish Grammar teacher. She seems (or "seams"?) to expect you to do something. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 302 genie magic The genie stands in a cloud of greasy smoke. LOCATION 0 MAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 302 This time he is wearing formal evening attire and a bright yellow bib that clashes with his green teeth. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 303 genie magic The genie is hanging from the rafters ahead LOCATION 0 MAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 303 This time his outfit looks like a costume reject from Doctor Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. (His shoes are sizes 10, 2 and 4.) END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 304 genie magic The genie pirouettes on the stage in a cloud of recycled smoke. LOCATION 0 WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS leotards tights tutu tiara roses END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 304 This time she (yeah, I know. You got to watch out for genies, they change on you.) is wearing leotards, tights, tutu, point shoes and a tiara and carrying a big bouquet of roses. Looks like a Prima Donna ready to take a final bow. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 305 cat theater Judy is purring softly in your arms LOCATION 0 GROUPMEMBER WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS judy puss pussy kitten kitty END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 305 She is a creature of simple tastes. Treat her nicely, feed her and don't frighten her and she will be a friend for life. (9 lives, if you're a cat.) END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 306 packrat small A packrat has emerged from a crack in the wall LOCATION 87 (*lamp) THING CREATURE_SYNONYMS rat END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 306 It eyes you suspiciously at first, then standing up on its hind paws, it strides boldly over and squeaks, "Let's make a deal". END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 307 frog green There is a medium-large frog sitting on the floor LOCATION 50 THING CREATURE_SYNONYMS toad END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 307 It may be a toad. Frankly, I really can't tell them apart. Whatever it is, it does seem to be hopping mad about something. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 308 frog hairy The frog hops up to your side and stares intently into your eyes. Location 0 POINTS 1000 GROUPMEMBER THING CREATURE_SYNONYMS toad END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 308 Something seems different about the frog now, but you can't quite place what it is. It just seems to keep trying to make eye contact. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 309 girl beautiful The girl is standing by your side Location 0 POINTS 2000 GROUPMEMBER WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS woman friend companion bride END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 309 She blushes slightly as she sees you looking her over, then she sizes you up. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 310 princess beautiful The princess is walking arm-in-arm with you. Location 0 POINTS 7000 GROUPMEMBER WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS girl fiance woman friend companion bride END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 310 She is the girl of your dreams. (You are probably dreaming all this anyway.) END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 311 guy handsome The guy is standing by your side Location 0 POINTS 2000 GROUPMEMBER MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS hunk man friend companion groom END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 311 He blushes slightly as he notices you sizing him up, then he checks you out. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 312 prince handsome The prince is walking arm-in-arm with you. Location 0 POINTS 7000 GROUPMEMBER MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS guy fiance hunk man friend companion groom END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 312 He is the man of your dreams. (You are probably dreaming all this anyway.) END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 313 dog scruffy ToTo looks up at you and wags his tail LOCATION 0 GROUPMEMBER MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS Toto END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 313 What the heck. Might as well let the little guy have a cameo appearance. He hasn't been able to get any work since RETURN TO OZ. (I promised you a rescue.) END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 314 Plant Hungry A HUNGRY man (and woman) eating plant is creeping toward you. LOCATION 117 HOSTILE TIME_THRESH 6 THING CREATURE_SYNONYMS flytrap avocado vegetable pod vines warts END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 314 It stands over 9 feet tall. The main pod is covered with multi-colored warts, and has jaws big enough to walk into (if you were so inclined). Gnarled vines extend into the entire room and are slowly inching toward you. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 315 Barber Demon An insane barber is motioning to you to come sit in his chair. LOCATION 118 HOSTILE Threshold 12 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS razor END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 315 His red eyes are sunk into grayed sockets and his arms are crusted with the blood of previous customers. In his right hand he brandishes a gleaming, silver-handled straight razor. "You are next," he snarls. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 316 Captain Pirate A pirate captain confronts you, waving a cutlass. LOCATION 116 HOSTILE Threshold 12 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS hook sword pirate cutlass END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 316 He is wears a long violet coat over a lacey shirt and black knee britches and sports an enormously oversized hat with a pink ostrich plume. In his right hand he waves a sinister cutlass and he has a HOOK in place of a left hand. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 317 Witch Wicked A witch turns from her cauldron and raises her gnarled hands ominously. LOCATION 111 HOSTILE Threshold 12 WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS cauldron END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 317 Probably just the kind of old crone who would go around turning people into frogs (or toads). She looks you over approvingly and starts gesturing and muttering an incantation. You feel your eyes starting to bulge END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 318 Janitor Theater The theater janitor was looking around the room. Hearing you, he looks up. LOCATION 112 HOSTILE Threshold 12 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS cigar END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 318 He was looking for something, but has now turned his attention to you. He appears to have guessed that you know more about him than he cares to have made public. Chomping on his cigar, he rolls up his sleeves and heads toward you. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 319 Critic Drama You come face to face with the drama critic who panned your last three shows. LOCATION 113 HOSTILE Threshold 12 MAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 319 This is the guy you always suspected was out to get you. Now you are sure of it. He grins maniacally and comes at you with poison pen raised. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 320 Agent Your This guy looks just like your agent (The one you haven't seen lately). LOCATION 114 HOSTILE Threshold 12 MAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 320 Now you know this must be some kind of weird nightmare. Your own agent is after you. He is rolling up a stack of your head shots and publicity releases and seems intent on using them as a club. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 321 Actor Egotistical Oh, great, now you find Fred Fleetlips, the worlds most egotistical actor. LOCATION 115 HOSTILE Threshold 12 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS fred fleetlips ham scrapbook clippings END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 321 This is the guy who has edged you out of more good parts than you care to think about. Now he's coming right at you waving his scrapbook. Either he's going to bore you to death with his clippings, or he means to attack you. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 322 Actress Catty Oh, great, now you find Helen Hipclicks, the worlds most conceited actress. LOCATION 0 (*room 115 alternate) HOSTILE Threshold 12 WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS helen hipclicks ham scrapbook clippings cat bitch END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 322 This is the prima donna who's edged you out of more good parts than you care to think about. Now she's coming right at you waving her scrapbook. Either she's going to bore you to death with her clippings, or she means to attack you. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 323 Bear Smokey There is a bear in a ranger hat and jeans burying embers with a shovel. LOCATION 47 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS smokey shovel embers jeans END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 323 He turns momentarily and says, "Remember. only you can prevent rehearsal hall fires." He then goes back to his work. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 324 zookeeper old An old man dressed in a zoo keeper's uniform looks up at you. LOCATION 110 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS keeper man END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 324 He spits in the corner and says."You know, not many people come down this way any more. A lot fewer go back. These rooms hold about the nastiest bunch of characters you'd want to tangle with. Try 'em if you like. Ain't no skin off my nose." He then settles back in his chair to watch. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 325 zookeeper old An old woman dressed in a zoo keeper's uniform looks up at you. LOCATION 0 (*alternate for 324) MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS keeper woman END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 325 She spits in the corner and says."You know, not many people come down this way any more. A lot fewer go back. These rooms hold about the nastiest bunch of characters you'd want to tangle with. Try 'em if you like. Ain't no skin off my nose." She then settles back in her chair to watch. END_CREATURE_DESCR VERB PUSH PRESS RUB POLISH PET STROKE PULL MOVE TURN SPIN PLAY BLOW ANSWER PUT PROP SCREW DEPOSIT GET UNSCREW OPEN PRY SLIDE CRUMBLE EAT NIBBLE BITE TASTE Dummy_Verb1 DEBUG Dummy_Verb2 NEWROOM Dummy_Verb3 POUR PUMP Dummy_Verb4 DISSOLVE MELT Dummy_Verb5 MARRY Dummy_Verb6 PROPOSE Dummy_Verb7 FEED Dummy_Verb8 GIVE TRADE PAY Dummy_Verb9 BREAK Dummy_Verb10 BUY PURCHASE Dummy_Verb11 GREASE Dummy_Verb12 OIL Dummy_Verb13 CUT SCRATCH SAW Dummy_Verb14 SHAKE Dummy_Verb15 KISS SMOOCH Dummy_Verb16 DARN DAMN SHIT HELL PISS CRAP DRAT Dummy_Verb17 KICK YES Dummy_Verb18 DEPOSIT Dummy_Verb19 SIGN Dummy_Verb20 PLUG Dummy_Verb21 FONDLE FUCK BALL DIDDLE FINGER FRENCH Dummy_Verb22 COMMANDS END_VERB NOUN 200 mirror wall A full length mirror is mounted in the door frame. WEIGHT 16 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 36 (*big room) PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS reflection glass END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 200 You see your own reflection in it. You look tired. (Is that a zit?) END_NOUN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 200 The mirror seems not to mind being touched. In fact, it seems somewhat reluct- ant to let go of your hand. Oops, wrong story. This is just a plain mirror. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 201 boiler hissing The boiler knocks and pounds - small jets of steam hiss from the seams. WEIGHT 16 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 25 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 201 You hear the rush of flame in the firebox. The boiler spits and sputters as if the safety valve weren't working. It looks ready to blow at any second. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 202 table dressing There is a dressing table against the wall UNMOVABLE LOCATION 57 (*mens) READABLE TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS lipstick mirror END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 202 The table has a mirror and a small drawer. There is nothing lying on the table. A quick search shows that there is nothing behind nor under it. There is something scribbled on the mirror with lipstick. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 202 "THE MAKEUP THEY GIVE YOU IN THIS PLACE WOULD GIVE ZITS TO WROUGHT IRON!" END_TEXT TURN_DESCR 202 The table slides a few inches, then a foot drops into a knothole in the floor. END_turn_DESCR NOUN 203 desk courtesy The well-appointed courtesy desk stands by the wall. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 94 READABLE weight 16 LOCKABLE LOCKED CLOSABLE CLOSED KEY 246 (*key) NOUN_SYNONYMS lock banner END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 203 The locked desk stands under an imitation red velvet banner. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 203 The banner above the courtesy desk says, "Lost and Found Desk - RECLAIM Here". END_TEXT NOUN 204 book thick You see an unusually thick book LOCATION 43 (*big room) READABLE WEIGHT 4 TURNABLE POSITION on the floor NOUN_SYNONYMS title titles cover covers WEIGHT 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 204 It seems to be one of those double books with a separate story starting at each cover and meeting in the middle. There is a title on each cover. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 204 The front cover says, "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS" and the other front cover says, "JOSHUA AT JERICHO". END_TEXT TURN_DESCR 204 Turning the book over, you see that the front cover says, "JOSHUA AT JERICHO" and the other front cover says, "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS". END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 205 chain steel A hardened steel chain has one end built into the concrete wall. UNMOVABLE WEIGHT 15 LOCATION 4 WEIGHT 15 NOUN_SYNONYMS link links END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 205 It seems as if the janitor in this place doesn't trust anyone with his tools. There's no lock on the chain. It'd have to be cut to free anything from it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 206 chair massive At first you hardly notice a massive chair against the wall. WEIGHT 15 UNMOVABLE PULLABLE LOCATION 80 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 206 A closer examination shows that something is built into the base of the chair, but the only access is from the back and the chair is tight against the wall. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 207 bottle delicate You see a small, delicate bottle, like the one Major Anthony Nelson found. LOCATION 0 (*out) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS remover base dissolver writing END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 207 It has a broad base with some writing, fluted sides and a non-drip spout. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 207 Turning the bottle over to read the label sends the contents dribbling out all over your particulars. (Well, what am I supposed to call it? Children may be watching. Besides you know I mean.) Anyway, you manage to right the bottle in time to save some of the contents, and after wiping it carefully on your sleeve, you hold it over your head to read, "GUM REMOVER" on the bottom. END_TEXT NOUN 208 door faded It has a small, dingy transom above and dirty hand prints all around. UNMOVABLE READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE LOCATION 75 TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS latch handle lock transom lettering END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 208 The door (like most of the others in this place) seems to be warped from disuse. The handle does seem to still be useable and there is no obvious lock. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 208 "Stage Manager's Office" END_TEXT NOUN 209 Dictionary abridged An old abridged dictionary sits on the desk. WEIGHT 16 UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS binding pages LOCATION 81 END_NOUN NOUN 210 door stage A thin ray of light creeps in under the stage door. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 72 READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS handle scrawl exit latch lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 210 The paint is pealing off the door and the latch is reddened with rust. There is a faded scrawl under the "EXIT" sign. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 210 "Through these portals pass the biggest hams in the world." Anon. END_TEXT PUSH_DESCR 210 A good way to build muscles - isometrics, but it has no effect on the door. END_PUSH_DESCR PULL_DESCR 210 You pull as hard as you can, but all you get is rust-covered blisters. END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 210 It twists in your hand till it almost comes off. but the door won't budge. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 211 bugle battered A battered bugle is lying there. LOCATION 0 (*rat) PLAYABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS HORN WEIGHT 8 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 211 It's seen better days. It is battered and dented. Fortunately, it has no keys to stick, so it is still useable. The dents only mellow its baroque timbre. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 212 crowbar iron There is an iron crowbar LOCATION 4 (*shop) POSITION chained to the wall NOUN_SYNONYMS bar WEIGHT 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 212 It's in good shape and looks like it could do a job on anything it could reach. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 213 door restroom There is a restroom door to the West, but it is securely locked. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 105 PUSHABLE PULLABLE TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS handle plaque latch lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 213 It is a plain looking door with a small plaque at eye level. END_NOUN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 213 It simply doesn't budge. END_PUSH_DESCR PULL_DESCR 213 You pull as hard as you can, but it doesn't yield. END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 213 The handle twists in your hand till it almost comes off. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 214 doors exit The main theater doors are to the East. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 106 READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE TURNABLE PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS word handle latch bar lock door design END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 214 The main exit doors are heavy brass monstrosities left over from a former age of theater construction. There's an ornate word worked into the design. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 214 "EXIT" END_TEXT PULL_DESCR 214 Exit doors open outward. Check National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 101, "Life Safety Code", Chapter 5, "Means of Egress", paragraph "Any door in a means of egress shall be of the side-hinged or pivoted swinging type. The door shall be so designed and installed that it shall be capable of swinging from any position to the full use of the opening in which it is installed. Doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel:" END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 214 It does no good. There is a panic bar on the door, but no latch or handle. END_TURN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 214 Always looking for the easy way out. What's this younger generation coming to. You can't get out this way. It would take THREE WISHES and a MIRACLE to get out of this place. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 215 door exit There is an exit door on the South wall UNMOVABLE LOCATION 42 (*big room) READABLE OPEN NOUN_SYNONYMS latch exit handle bar lock hinges END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 215 This is too good to be true. There is no lock on the door, no rust on the hinges and the stairway to the alley is clearly visible through the window. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 215 "EXIT" END_TEXT NOUN 216 door brown There is a medium sized brown door at the East end of the Hall UNMOVABLE LOCATION 29 (*hall) LOCKED NOUN_SYNONYMS handle hinges hinge latch lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 216 The door and latch don't seem to be a problem, but close inspection shows that the heavy, wrought iron hinges are badly in need of lubrication. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 217 doors sliding There are sliding elevator doors on the East wall UNMOVABLE LOCATION 14 PUSHABLE PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS elevator latch handle lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 217 The old doors allow easy access to the next room. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 218 door pit There is a locked door on the West wall. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 14 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS latch handle lock label END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 218 Judging from the label, I'd say it goes to the orchestra pit. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 218 "TO ORCHESTRA PIT" END_TEXT NOUN 219 door room The door to the East is securely locked. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 13 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS latch handle lock label END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 219 Just a wild guess, but judging from the label, I'd say that door may lead to the music room. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 219 "TO MUSIC ROOM" END_TEXT NOUN 220 door fire There is a solid steel fire door built into the West wall. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 84 (*fire door) WEIGHT 3 READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS latch handle closer labels lettering letters lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 220 The door is a very proper fire door, with UL and ASME labels, a self-closer and very official 2-1/2" lettering. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 220 Looking at the door, you see that the lettering says, "FIRE DOOR, DO N-O-T PROP OPEN". The labels have all sorts of official garbage on them that only fire marshals and insurance inspectors understand. END_TEXT NOUN 221 bulb dim There is a single dim bulb. LOCATION 92 IS_LIGHT POSITION hanging overhead NOUN_SYNONYMS light switch WEIGHT 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 221 One of the new on/off capacitor types that glows very dimly without power. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 222 drawer small There is a small drawer WEIGHT 16 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 57 (*dressing table) CLOSABLE CLOSED POSITION in the dressing table PULLABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 222 The drawer slides easily. It is stained and scratched. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 223 gap deep A deep gap looms ahead to the South. WEIGHT 15 OPEN UNMOVABLE LOCATION 8 NOUN_SYNONYMS pit hole chasm edge head leg sesame END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 223 It is only a few yards wide, but just too far to jump. The sides, as far down as you can see are sheer and offer no hand holds at all. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 224 seat theater Your seat (THEATER seat, that is) has folded into the upright position WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 108 PULLABLE PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS bottom cushion END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 224 It is a typical metal shell theater seat with padded back and folding bottom. END_NOUN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 224 You push the $NOUN$ down, but it springs back upright again. END_PUSH_DESCR PULL_DESCR 224 $VERB$ing the $NOUN$ to the upright position, you see something underneath. END_PULL_DESCR NOUN 225 hacksaw soggy The soggy hacksaw still drips water from the safety valve. LOCATION 45 (*new boiler) NOUN_SYNONYMS saw READABLE WEIGHT 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 225 A simple K-mart blue-light special tool. Not worth the hassle of hiding it that elaborately. At least it was rust-proofed. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 226 cutter bolt There is a double-fulcrum bolt cutter LOCATION 0 (*rat) POSITION under your left foot WEIGHT 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 226 The jaws on this baby would do you proud on even hardened steel. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 227 coat ratty On the wall behind the counter there is a ratty coat hanging on a nail. WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE PULLABLE LOCATION 95 NOUN_SYNONYMS nail wall END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 227 A closer examination shows that the coat is actually nailed TO the wall. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 228 hatch wooden There is a wooden hatch on the floor WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE CLOSED LOCATION 89 (*rehearsal) PULLABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 228 It is so massive that I doubt you could open it by yourself. END_NOUN_DESCR PULL_DESCR 228 You try till your lips turn blue, but it won't budge. END_PULL_DESCR NOUN 229 hotdog long There is a foot long hotdog LOCATION 99 EDIBLE POSITION on the grill NOUN_SYNONYMS dog frank weenie frankfurter weiner WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 229 It seems like any other foot long hotdog you find in a deserted theater. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 230 machine drink There is an old soft drink machine in the corner WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 74 OPEN READABLE PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS button buttons panel panels slot ledge END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 230 Amazingly, the machine seems to still be operational. There is a coin slot, two back-lit message panels (only one of which seems to be lighted), and the small ledge where the sodas would come out. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 230 "Soft Drinks - 25 cents" - Hmm, must be an OLD machine. END_TEXT PUSH_DESCR 230 You push the selection button, but the machine only buzzes spitefully and flickers the first panel. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 231 makeup stage There is a kit of heavy stage makeup LOCATION 222 (*drawer) READABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS kit greasepaint paint sticks stick label WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 231 There are a few sticks of very high quality professional heavy greasepaint in the kit. Just your skin tone, and a national brand label. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 231 "Freddie Krueger Special Halloween Assortment" END_TEXT NOUN 232 knife sharp A very sharp knife is lying there, blade upwards. LOCATION 96 (*closet) POSITION on the shelf NOUN_SYNONYMS blade WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 232 It is a large bread knife with a serrated blade. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 233 violin broken A violin sits on the shelf waiting for its broken bridge to be repaired. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 7 (*work shop) WEIGHT 8 PLAYABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS fiddle END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 233 Too bad it never got fixed. Except for the crack in the bridge, it's in good shape - even still has all its strings (real genuine cat gut. Actually, cat gut is made from sheep intestine, but that still doesn't make cats any less nervous - and doesn't do much for the sheep either). END_NOUN_DESCR PLAY_DESCR 233 Let me explain it to you this way: ³ ..,,,.. 1. The violin is out of reach, ³ ///////~\\\ 2. You ain't got a bow, ³ (''~~~ ``\ 3. You ain't got a union card, ³ { (0 ) >--< } 4. I know your taste in music, ³ \ __<__ / -AND- ÃÄÄÄ \ \___/ / 5. It wouldn't accomplish anything anyway.³ \_____/ END_PLAY_DESCR NOUN 234 apple juicy There is a suspiciously good looking apple sitting there EDIBLE LOCATION 70 (*upstage area) TURNABLE POSITION on the work table END_NOUN TURN_DESCR 234 As you turn the apple around, it glistens, almost as if from an inner glow. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN_DESCR 234 An apple this good looking evokes uneasy memories of childhood fairy tales. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 235 oilcan small You see a small oilcan with a long spout and pump handle LOCATION 0 (*rat) READABLE PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS oil can spout handle WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 235 A familiar looking little thing. Turning it over you notice something engraved on the bottom. You also notice oil dribbling down into your left shoe. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 235 "IF FOUND, PLEASE RETURN TO TIN WOODSMAN, C/O EMERALD CITY, OZ." (Obviously, just a prop...isn't it?) END_TEXT NOUN 236 quarter 1946 There is a quarter. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 4 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS coin END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 236 This is an old solid silver jobby. They don't make 'em like this any more. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 236 "E PLURIBUS UNUM" (One from many) END_TEXT NOUN 237 reclaim homogenized There's a genuine left-handed fuzz-lined homogenized reclaim. LOCATION 203 (*desk) READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE PLAYABLE POSITION inside the desk TURNABLE WEIGHT 20 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 237 Well, it's actually kind of hard to describe a reclaim. It's like trying to tell someone what it felt like the first time you waipled or sailed a grudgeon. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 237 KEEP OUT OF THE LIGHT - DO NOT GET WET - DO NOT FEED AFTER MIDNIGHT END_TEXT PLAY_DESCR 237 Placing your lips on the rubbery osculatoria, you play a mournful sea chantey. END_PLAY_DESCR PULL_DESCR 237 As always, the lateral dendrites slip easily between your fingers. END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 237 Twirling like a majorette, you prance around the room. Sparks, streamers and puffs of steamy vapor pour from the spinning reclaim. END_TURN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 237 Being a ticklish sort of thing, the reclaim quivers gently at your touch. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 238 snowshoes highheeled A pair of very odd snowshoes are lying there. LOCATION 102 WEARABLE TURNABLE PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS shoes shoe snowshoe heel heels slipper slippers WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 238 These might be just the thing to keep from sinking through soft snow or cracks and crevices and cravasses and such. (But ruby red sequin finish - and 4 inch SPIKE HEELS? I think that janitor has been over the rainbow once too often.) END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 239 peephole small There is a peephole in the wall to the East. WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 102 NOUN_SYNONYMS hole peekhole END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 239 Why, that dirty old man! There's a hole in the wall between here and the other restroom. Fortunely, he wasn't very bright either. He drilled into a storage cabinet and all you see are cans of Sani-flush and a reel of recording tape. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 240 organ theater You are sitting at the keyboard of the massive theater organ. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 10 (*organ room) READABLE PULLABLE WEIGHT 8 PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS keys keyboard stop stops instrument END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 240 The massive instrument has been lovingly maintained. The keys smell of Bon Ami, the gilt labels on the stops still gleam and the ornamental vase still holds fresh tulips...(strange, that reminds of a joke somehow). END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 240 The stops are arranged to the right and above the main keyboard and are simply numbered, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc." A simple touch would activate them. END_TEXT PULL_DESCR 240 You pull out all the stops. (You've been just itching to do that some day.) END_PULL_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 240 You push tentatively, smiling with some perverted satisfaction at the sight of the greasy fingerprint you left on the hand polished surface. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 241 tape recording A 7 inch reel of good quality sound recording tape LOCATION 0 PLAYABLE READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS reel recording label WEIGHT 8 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 241 A properly labeled reel of audio tape with the ends tucked in neatly. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 241 KEEP AWAY FROM MAGNETIC FIELDS - RECORDED AT 15 IPS END_TEXT PLAY_DESCR 241 You don't seem to have a reel-to-reel tape deck on your person. END_PLAY_DESCR NOUN 242 machine vending An old vending machine stands against the wall WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 103 OPEN READABLE PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS button buttons slot return ledge END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 242 It's an old model that appears to dispense some sort of paper through a wide slot. There is a coin slot, a few buttons and a broken coin return. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 242 "INSURANCE 25 CENTS" END_TEXT PUSH_DESCR 242 Without first depositing a quarter, all you get is a hollow clank. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 243 policy insurance There is a neatly printed insurance policy. LOCATION 0 READABLE POSITION sticking from the slot NOUN_SYNONYMS insurance WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 243 There is a front page with large clear lettering, then 27 pages of fine print. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 243 It's BOMB INSURANCE. The fine print says it expires in #VAR11# turns. END_TEXT NOUN 244 plank sturdy It would turn the tables for you to get that plank down (and vice versa). UNMOVABLE WEIGHT 20 LOCATION 12 (*shop) PUSHABLE PULLABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS board END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 244 It is 12 feet long and looks strong enough to support your weight, but also looks heavy enough to crush you if it were to fall on you from up there. END_NOUN_DESCR PULL_DESCR 244 You start toward the pile, but even the gentle breeze stirred up by your arms causes the pile to tremble and a shower of nuts, bolts and old painting materials makes you think better of that idea. You retreat to the far side of the room to rethink your strategy. END_PULL_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 244 As you approach within reach of the pile, even the force of your breathing starts a gentle tremble in the stack, pelting you with nails, faucets and cotter pins. You decide to retreat and reorganize. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 245 book music There is a very thin music book LOCATION 5 READABLE TURNABLE POSITION on the East shelf NOUN_SYNONYMS page WEIGHT 4 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 245 It has only one the page left - no wonder it's so thin. END_NOUN_DESCR TURN_DESCR 245 Turning the page over, you find the back to be blank. END_TURN_DESCR TEXT 245 "4...SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME" END_TEXT NOUN 246 key small You see a small key WEIGHT 4 LOCATION 0 (*rat) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 246 It is a small, unimpresive key. It could fit a desk or the like, but you have the sneaking hunch that it would also have fit a treasure chest. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 247 gum chewing A wad of chewing gum is stuck to the bottom of the seat. WEIGHT 20 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 108 PULLABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 247 This is a real big one. END_NOUN_DESCR PULL_DESCR 247 You only succeed in getting bits of it under your fingernails. END_PULL_DESCR NOUN 248 box magnesium A small magnesium box sits on the floor LOCKED CLOSED WEIGHT 20 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 93 NOUN_SYNONYMS bolt bolts lid lock hinges top END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 248 The box is secured to the floor by hardened steel bolts. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 249 diamond sparkling A exquisite multi-faceted diamond catches your eye. LOCATION 0 POSITION in the shattered box NOUN_SYNONYMS stone gem jewel WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 249 What a hunk o' ice. Bet that baby'd put a dent in your mortgage payment. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 250 skate roller A single "one size fits all" roller skate is sitting there. LOCATION 0 (*rat) READABLE WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS LABEL WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 250 This is one of the good old-fashioned American label, all-metal models with adjustable clamps to dig into the soles of your shoes. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 250 "Made in Japan" END_TEXT NOUN 251 crate packing There is a heavy packing crate LOCATION 32 (*roof) READABLE CLOSED NOUN_SYNONYMS LID TOP WEIGHT 20 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 251 It is a large wooden packing crate with a heavy lid. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 251 PROP FOR `THE MUSIC BOX' - LAUREL & HARDY; A MENSA/MESA PRODUCTION END_TEXT NOUN 252 lamp old There is a plain living room lamp. LOCATION 0 (*rat) PUSHABLE IS_LIGHT OFF NOUN_SYNONYMS plug switch cord light WEIGHT 15 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 252 The shade is slightly stained and there are minor dents in the base. END_NOUN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 252 You rub and rub but only wear through the gold tone finish on the cheap lamp. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 253 knob door There is a battered brass door knob LOCATION 0 (*shop) POSITION rolling on the floor TURNABLE WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 253 It is a simple utilitarian knob. END_NOUN_DESCR TURN_DESCR 253 You twirl the knob on your finger for a few minutes, but eventually, even you tire of such useless activity. (Now I know what to get you for Christmas.) END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 254 bucket oaken There is that famous old oaken bucket LOCATION 0 OPEN WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS pail WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 254 It has no handle, making it a little awkward to carry, but you can manage. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 255 button red An ominous red button is at eye level on the wall WEIGHT 2 LOCATION 107 (*booth) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS lettering END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 255 It looks a lot like a panic button. There is shiny lettering around the edge. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 255 "CURTAIN CONTROL" (See how easy I make things for you?) END_TEXT NOUN 256 chest treasure There is a wooden chest tied to the grid by a snarl of rope. LOCATION 55 (*grid) WEIGHT 20 UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED NOUN_SYNONYMS treasure lid top lock rope ropes knot knots snarl END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 256 You haven't seen anything like this since the Gordian knot. Actually, you didn't see that either. You only read about it. You remember, the knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia, that was cut in two by Alexander the Great? Oh, well just go on about what you were doing. Just ignore me. I'm used to it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 257 drink soft You see a can of soda LOCATION 0 (*machine) READABLE POSITION on the small ledge NOUN_SYNONYMS can soda WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 257 PLAIN WRAP SODA! Oh great! What kind of a low budget game is this anyway? END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 257 "PLAIN WRAP BRAND" END_TEXT NOUN 258 hat pointed A pointed blue hat sits there OPEN LOCATION 0 (*rat) READABLE WEARABLE POSITION on the floor NOUN_SYNONYMS star stars moon moons symbols symbol splinters stains seams WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 258 It is an old hat made of some soft material, decorated with moons and stars and odd symbols. There seem to be water stains and what look like splinters from broomsticks imbedded in the seams. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 258 You cannot make heads or tails of the symbols. You look inside the hat for a label, but find only a few strands of black mouse fur. END_TEXT NOUN 259 page rainsoaked You see a rainsoaked page from some book lying on the roof. UNMOVABLE WEIGHT 4 LOCATION 33 TURNABLE READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 259 It has been out in the weather so long, it has almost melted into the roof. END_NOUN_DESCR TURN_DESCR 259 You try, but are unable to pry the page up, let alone turn it over. END_TURN_DESCR TEXT 259 It's a page from ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES, too rainsoaked to read. END_TEXT NOUN 260 table work An old work table leans and tilts at odd angles UNMOVABLE LOCATION 70 TURNABLE PUSHABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 260 It has seen better days. The legs are pulling loose, the top is warped, and it has had every conceivable shade of paint spilled on it over the years. END_NOUN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 260 A gentle $VERB$ against the front of the table causes it to twist even further out of kilter. It groans softly in protest. END_PUSH_DESCR TURN_DESCR 260 Try as you might, you cannot lift the table enough to budge it. Besides, in its dilapidated condition, you are likely to end up with a pile of fire wood. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 261 table multiplication There is a small scrap of paper with the multiplication table on it. LOCATION 0 WEIGHT 3 READABLE TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS paper tables END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 261 The simple grid of multipliers and products brings back memories of 3rd grade. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 261 "1 X 1 = 1; 2 X 2 = 4; 4 X 4 = 10" (Must be written in Hexadecimal) END_TEXT TURN_DESCR 261 The gentle breeze cools your fevered brow. Nice try. At least you won't get a hernia turning a little scrap of paper. But I'm getting board by all this "turning" business. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 262 table woodworking A gouged and battered woodworking table is against the Wall. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 4 (*shop) TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS bench workbench END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 262 It has seen a lot of use. Its heavy oak top has gouges from many a tool. END_NOUN_DESCR TURN_DESCR 262 I tell you, you're bucking for one prime hernia trying to twist around something this massive. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 263 table magicians An oddly decorated magicians table sits in the corner UNMOVABLE LOCATION 61 (loft) READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS felt square velvet drape draping symbols hem END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 263 This is a perfectly ordinary magicians table, as magicians tables go. Maybe a little TOO perfectly ordinary. It has the required black velvet draping, felt square on top, and golden symbols - like some almost familiar language - decorating the hem. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 263 At first you can't make out the meaning of the hem's decorations. Then as you start walking around to the other side of the table, it hits you...Its written upside down. Clumsily standing on your head, you make out the repeating legend, "..ACEPRIZEDPOSSIONONTABLEPLACEPRIZEDPOSSIONONTABLEPL..." END_TEXT PULL_DESCR 263 Tugging on the draping, felt square and the table itself do no good, somehow it almost seems able to actively resist your attempts to move it. END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 263 The table obligingly starts to spin and bob merrily, emitting little puffs of whiffle dust and tinkling like a set of miniature sleigh bells. After a few seconds, the dance ends and you see that nothing has changed. END_TURN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 263 You push and poke, then decide to put your back into it. You shove mightily on the table edge, but a sudden pain in your back convinces you to stop. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 264 book paperback There is a paperback book with the cover torn off LOCATION 100 (*restroom) READABLE POSITION on the sink NOUN_SYNONYMS paperback WEIGHT 4 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 264 Seems to have been a book of fairy tales. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 264 Looking at the index you see entries such as: "SNOW WHITE AND THE 1001 ARABIAN KNIGHTS MEET HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE, THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE" (I hate sequels and spin offs, don't you?) END_TEXT NOUN 265 Pluto plaster There is a small PLUTO. LOCATION 0 (*homonyms) WEIGHT 4 NOUN_SYNONYMS statue dog END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 265 Close examination reveals it to be a cheap plaster statue with one chipped ear. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 266 recorder tape One tape recorder is all that's left of the equipment. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 97 (*booth) READABLE OPEN WEIGHT 8 PLAYABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS deck player console END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 266 It is a professional quality reel-to-reel machine. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 266 It is set on 15 IPS (inches per second). END_TEXT PLAY_DESCR 266 IT is a wee tad difficult to play the thing without a tape. END_PLAY_DESCR NOUN 267 ring solitaire There is a very convincing 24 carat ring. LOCATION 61 (*loft) WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS stone gem jewel POSITION hanging on a wall peg WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 267 A simple yet tasteful setting - a single, faceted stone in a 4 prong base. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 268 pager pocket There is a small pocket pager. WEIGHT 4 WEARABLE LOCATION 1000 (*on belt) POSITION on your belt WEIGHT 9 PLAYABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS beeper message messages END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 268 It is a simple little device to forward important messages to you. END_NOUN_DESCR PLAY_DESCR 268 There are no messages for you at this time. END_PLAY_DESCR NOUN 269 Suit SCUBA A name brand SCUBA suit lies dripping OPEN LOCATION 67 (*loft) WEARABLE READABLE POSITION on the floor NOUN_SYNONYMS scuba tanks brand WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 269 A wet suit and Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus with full tanks. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 269 "AMITY SURPLUS" END_TEXT NOUN 270 spear punny A spear stands in a corner of the closet. WEIGHT 10 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 66 (*pun) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 270 It seems to be waiting for you to make a move. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 271 spotlight cold A large follow spot stands by the window WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 23 READABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED NOUN_SYNONYMS spot light lid hatch END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 271 For some reason the spotlight doesn't seem to work. You see that it is hard- wired into the wall. A quick check with your wetted fingers shows that there is power in the line. You then notice a small lid on top of the spot. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 272 socket porcelain You can see the socket OPEN WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 271 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 272 It seems to take a standard size bulb. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 273 steak juicy You see (and smell) a juicy steak LOCATION 0 EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 273 I don't want to talk about it. I'm on a diet. Luckily, you're only a fictional character in a computer game. You don't have to worry about things like that. Enjoy! END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 274 stream rushing A stream comes from a gouge in the floor then flows under the West wall. WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 19 NOUN_SYNONYMS water waters surface END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 274 The water churns and boils as it rushes along. You cannot tell how deep it is or where it goes after disappearing under the wall. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 275 stream calm The water on the floor is as calm as glacial lake (but warmer). WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 0 (*switch for 274) NOUN_SYNONYMS water waters surface END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 275 A beautiful sight. Through the rainbow colors of the oil slick, you see the reflection of the next room under the West wall. You can wade there easily. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 276 stream rushing A stream appears from under the East wall then drains down a grating. WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 18 NOUN_SYNONYMS water waters surface END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 276 The water churns and boils as it rushes along. You cannot tell how deep it is or where it comes from before appearing from under the wall. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 277 stream calm The water on the floor is as calm as glacial lake (but warmer). WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 0 (*switch for 276) NOUN_SYNONYMS water waters surface END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 277 A beautiful sight. You can see the hall you came through reflected in the oil slick on the puddle of water. You will have no trouble walking right through. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 278 script torn You see a torn script LOCATION 88 (*rehearsal) WEIGHT 4 READABLE POSITION on the floor NOUN_SYNONYMS lines END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 278 It seems to be part of a play set in France during the early days of World War I. You can make out a few of the lines. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 278 "SEND A DOG UP IN A CRATE LIKE THAT? NOT UNTIL MAKING THE CATWALK PART WAY!" END_TEXT NOUN 279 window dirty There is a double-hung casement window in the wall to the West. WEIGHT 18 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 56 CLOSED NOUN_SYNONYMS sash glass pane panes END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 279 The window is not locked. It would be large enough to crawl through, but a few determined tugs show you that it is stuck tight. Looking through, you can see the widely-spaced steel beams that make up the grid over the stage. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 280 secret dark You see a small scrap of parchment with a secret written on it. LOCATION 91 (*audience) READABLE TURNABLE WEARABLE POSITION on seat 86 NOUN_SYNONYMS parchment WEIGHT 9 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 280 This might be a prop left over from a spy drama - or maybe it's the real thing. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 280 Oh, no you don't! If you read it, it won't be a secret any more. END_TEXT NOUN 281 sign official There is an extremely official looking sign LOCATION 90 (*rehearsal) READABLE WEIGHT 15 POSITION on the West wall NOUN_SYNONYMS LETTERING LETTERS END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 281 Yep, that looks official alright, and it's neatly lettered. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 281 "DO NOT READ THIS SIGN" (You obviously have little respect for authority.) END_TEXT NOUN 282 cookie fortune It is a fresh fortune cookie LOCATION 0 (*exchange for steak 273) CLOSABLE CLOSED EDIBLE NOUN_SYNONYMS pieces END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 282 If you can believe everything else that's happened, you can believe this too. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 283 fortune paper There is a fortune LOCATION 282 READABLE POSITION in the broken pieces NOUN_SYNONYMS paper saying END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 283 It is a typical inscrutable saying. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 283 "YOUR FORTUNE MAY RIDE ON YOUR WEIGHT." Must be for some sumo wrestler. END_TEXT NOUN 284 note penciled There is a penciled note on the bottom of the seat WEIGHT 16 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 0 (*swap for gum 247) READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 284 It appears to be a note the janitor wrote to remind himself about something. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 284 "REMEMBER TO GET THE HACKSAW FROM THE SAFETY VALVE AND FIX IT SOME DAY BEFORE SOMEONE BLOWS THAT #~}/@! BOILER." (Bet I know where you're going!) END_TEXT NOUN 285 VALVE SAFETY The corroded safety valve spurts like a steam calliope. UNMOVABLE WEIGHT 16 LOCATION 25 (*boiler) CLOSABLE POSITION on top the boiler NOUN_SYNONYMS steam END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 285 Hot, rusty steam hisses and spurts toward your eyes, threatening to blind you. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 286 cable frayed The frayed elevator cable hangs just out of your reach. WEIGHT 19 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 44 NOUN_SYNONYMS rope END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 286 It looks strong enough to hold your weight (maybe). END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 287 plank sturdy There is a 12 foot plank LOCATION 22 POSITION at your feet NOUN_SYNONYMS board WEIGHT 20 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 287 It is fine grained and has no knot holes. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 288 bulb dead There is a burned-out bulb. LOCATION 0 POSITION in the socket WEIGHT 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 288 The once mighty capacitor filament is but a charred stump. This is an ex-bulb. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 289 door knobless The door to the dressing room has no knob. LOCATION 59 READABLE PUSHABLE PULLABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 289 It doesn't seem to actually be locked. You just can't open it without a knob. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 289 "WOMENS DRESSING ROOM" END_TEXT PULL_DESCR 289 You can't seem to get a grip on it. END_PULL_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 289 The door holds firm. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 290 door janitors The door to the South is locked UNMOVABLE LOCATION 101 READABLE CLOSED PUSHABLE PULLABLE TURNABLE LOCKED NOUN_SYNONYMS latch plaque handle lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 290 It is a substantial door with a substantial double cylinder dead bolt lock. There is an official looking plaque on the front of the door. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 290 "JANITORS CLOSET" END_TEXT PULL_DESCR 290 Tugging on the $NOUN$ does no good END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 290 You fiddle with the $NOUN$ till your wrists hurt, but it holds firm. END_TURN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 290 Bashing the door with everything from your feet to your head does no good. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 291 door fire The fire door is propped open UNMOVABLE LOCATION 0 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 291 You did such a good job propping the door open it will never be closed again. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 292 hotdog 1/2 There is a 6 inch hotdog. LOCATION 0 NOUN_SYNONYMS dog weiner frank weenie frankfurter WEIGHT 5 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 292 You can still get some milage out of a 6 inch hotdog. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 293 chest treasure There is a wooden chest LOCATION 0 (*grid) LOCKABLE LOCKED CLOSABLE CLOSED KEY 246 NOUN_SYNONYMS treasure lid top lock WEIGHT 20 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 293 It looks like a pirate chest. Something thumps around inside when you move it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 294 door restroom There is a restroom door to the South. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 98 PUSHABLE PULLABLE OPENABLE OPEN TURNABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS handle scrawl exit latch plaque END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 294 There is a small plaque on the door at eye level. END_NOUN_DESCR PUSH_DESCR 294 It opens easily at your touch. END_PUSH_DESCR PULL_DESCR 294 A gentle tug shows that it opens away from you. You then push it open. END_PULL_DESCR TURN_DESCR 294 The handle turns easily, allowing you to open the door. END_TURN_DESCR NOUN 295 machine drink There is an old soft drink machine in the corner WEIGHT 17 UNMOVABLE LOCATION 0 OPEN READABLE PUSHABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS button buttons panel panels slot ledge END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 295 Amazingly, the machine seems to still be operational. There is a coin slot, two back-lit message panels (both of which are lighted), and the small ledge where the sodas would come out. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 295 The first panel still reads, "Soft Drinks - 25 cents" The second is flashing, "Recycling Ordinance - SIGN for Drink" END_TEXT PUSH_DESCR 295 You push the selection button, but the machine only buzzes spitefully and flickers the second panel. END_PUSH_DESCR NOUN 296 door stage Daylight gushes in throught the wide-open stage door. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 0 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS handle scrawl exit latch END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 296 You can walk right out into the back alley. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 296 "Through these portals pass the biggest hams in the world." Anon. END_TEXT NOUN 297 trumpet valve There is nice E flat valve trumpet LOCATION 0 (*rat) POSITION leaning in the corner NOUN_SYNONYMS HORN PLAYABLE WEIGHT 8 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 297 The trumpet is in amazingly good condition. By the style, you decide it was probably made over 3,000 years ago and used by ancient armies as they sieged and attacked walled cities. You always were such a good music historian. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 298 counterweight curtain There is the curtain counterweight WEIGHT 19 UNMOVABLE OPEN LOCATION 54 NOUN_SYNONYMS weight weights surface top hollow END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 298 It is made of a stack of heavy metal bars, bolted together and pulled up and down by cables. It has a broad upper surface with a small hollow. END_NOUN_DESCR SPECIAL 13 As your fingers touch the organ stop labelled "4", you hear a scraping sound behind you. Twisting around on the organ bench you see that a small panel has opened in the wall behind you and is already starting to re-close. Hastily you turn to vault over the bench but only succeed in falling in a heap, jamming your head between the wall and the almost-closed panel. This, however, stops its forward motion allowing you to pry it back enough to free your bruised scalp and crawl unceremoniously through before it once more hisses shut. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 27 Nothing happens when you utter the word. You are so embarrased you try to hide behind a small rock outcropping. Suddenly, the sand underfoot starts to funnel away under your weight, and you find yourself sliding down through a narrow fissure into a familiar basement hallway. Your companion follows. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 41 Since you asked so nicely, I'll let you go back to the collapsed room. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 42 To your surprise, the door opens easily. In your eagerness, you race forward at full speed, but run into a solid barrier where thin air should be and are hurled back into the room. Dabbing at your bloodied nose, you get up and go over to see what type of force field you encountered. Only then do you notice that the Stairway is only a well-done painting and the entire door assembly is a set piece left over from some show. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 48 Sorry, I just can't permit that. You've done enough damage around here as it is. Who knows what would happen if you were to try lifting that blade again. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 71 You start briskly climbing the ladder, but about 20 feet up you realize what acrophobia is all about. After clinging to the ladder helplessly for a few hours, your arms finally give out and you fall back to the stage below. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 81 After several attempts you manage to $VERB$ it enough to get through. You enter the little room ahead and after waiting a second for your eyes to adjust to the light, you find yourself in a small, dim office. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 93 A gentle tug causes the coat to slip slightly to one side. Through the eruption of moths you see that the coat is covering a doorway North. Pushing the coat to the side like a drape, you go through. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 100 As you bolt for the doorway, the world shimmers from view and you experience a sensation not unlike that which you felt when you rode a drunken bull elephant down Alameda Street in Beautiful Downtown Burbank last July wearing only the epaulets and scabbard from your Order of the Most Esteemed Aardvarks Lodge ceremonial uniform, playing your uncle's Ukranian raisin-bladder bagpipe and yodelling the dirty version of Supercalifragilisticexpialidosious in protest of Disney's not releasing FANTASIA on videotape. Thought I didn't know about that, did you? I have ways of finding these things out. Anyway, when the world un-shimmers, you find yourself in a new location. Whoopee, big surprise. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 52 A few dozen rungs down the ladder, you suddenly realize just how long a drop 80 feet is and cautiously crawl back up to the grid. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 16 You dance and leap on your toes, but are unable to reach the cable. Just when you are about to give up, you recall a stunt you saw in a movie. Taking off your belt, you whip it upward in your best Indiana Jones style. Amazingly, as in the movie, the tip of the belt wraps itself three times around the frayed cable and catches securely. (Aren't you glad I saw that movie too?) Summoning all your strength, you start hand over hand up the belt and cable until you reach the doors at the top of the shaft and swing yourself over to safety. END_SPECIAL SPECIAL 108 Feeling the need to gather your wits (such as they are) about you, you sit back down for a moment to collect your thoughts. After mulling over your situation and coming up with a blank, you get back up. The seat bottom again retracts. END_SPECIAL