A Walkthrough to Film at Eleven By Bowen Greenwood (greenwood@lvcm.com) 1: Starting out in the newsroom, ask your boss, Harry, about the mayor, just to get a little background. Ask Rachel the camerawoman about him too, just for sport. 2: Go north twice, breezing past Mitsey, since she adds no value to the game except comic relief. Though if you have time, stop and see what you can get her to say. 3: Ask the cop about the mayor. He stonewalls, and tells you to ask the Chief of Police instead. Ask him about the Chief. Aha! A clue! 4: Per the cop's instructions, go west once on your way to meet the chief. Then go south once. Encounter Debbie. 5: Ask Debbie about the Chief, she'll tell you where he is. While there, ask Debbie about the mayor, too. And about the intern, if you want. She tells you where to find the intern, though it's not hard. 6: Go see the Chief by going west from Debbie. Look around in this room, many clues! If you didn't find them yourself, spefically those clues are the resume on his desk and asking the chief about the mayor. 7: OK, fortified by a conversation with the chief, it's time to go meet the mayor! Alas, it's not as easy as it looks. Go east back to Debbie, and ask her about the mayor again. Note that she mentions needing an appointment to see him. So ask her about an appointment. She rubs her thumb back and forth against her fingers - the international symbol for "fork over the dough." 8: You checked your inventory at the start, right? You looked in your purse and saw the cash, right? So, take cash from purse, give debbie cash. Voila! It's amazing what you can accomplish by greasing the wheels. 9: South to the mayor. Look around the mayor's office, many clues here. Anyway, the mayor stonewalls you. But at some point he should mention something about wanting a drink. If he doesn't, look in his trash can. There's an empty whisky bottle. All of this is intended to communicate the fact that the mayor's a boozehound, and can be bribed with alcohol. 10: Off to the bar! North twice, east twice, and you're in front of the good old Cloakroom. Enter by going south, and encounter Sam the bartender. Read his menu. Buy the full bottle of bourbon rather than the individual servings, as Sam won't let you run out with his glasses. Get the cigarettes too if you want. They'll matter later. 11: Back to the mayor! North once, west twice, south twice (Now that you've bribed her, Debbie lets you have the run of the place) and you're back at our friend the mayor. Give him the booze you just bought. Inspired, he decamps for the bar post haste. 12: Now check out his office again. You can find things now that you couldn't find before. In particular, examine the bookcase. A door! Now, have you noticed that all the ceilings in City Hall are in disrepair? Did you notice that this ceiling in particular is mentioned as having a loose panel? We want to check that out, but we can't from the ground. 13: Get on the mayor's desk. (he won't let you do that while he's present.) Now examine the panel, then push it open. A diary and key! Hmmm... I wonder where there's a place to use a key...? (The south wall, duh...) The diary tells you that Jack Walker knows something important... (Note that you can also get the key by going to the bar, turning on your tape recorder, and asking the mayor about the chief. Then bring the tape to the chief and play it. He gets mad at the mayor for what he says at the bar, and gives you the key to the secret bedroom) 14: having examined the bookcase before, you can now "unlock secret door with key", "open secret" and go south. Lo and behold, a secret bedroom! Fool around here if you want. If you're so inclined, you can play with the hot tub. Just don't forget that your deadline is at five PM (If you actually reach it, you must have tried!) 15: The only important thing in the bedroom is the computer. Get it. You can try fooling around with it if you want, but it needs a password. We haven't got that in this walk through yet (if you got it in the game before trying the walk through, bully for you! But since you've started the walk through, let's finish it this way. :) 16: Hrm, how to get the password.... Well, this might be one of the hardest things in the game to catch, but I tried to put it out in plain sight as much as possible. Remember, you have some competition for this story. The infamous Jack Walker of the Daily Post is also trying to ferret out evidence of the mayor's affair. Remember, the diary told us he'd been in the mayor's office... 17: OK, so we need to find Walker. Logic dictates two possible courses. 1) Look in your immediate surroundings since they're more convenient, or 2) look for him at the newspaper. As it happens, both can be considered true, from a certain point of view (as a great Jedi knight once said). If you look around city hall, you'll quickly find him in the file room, in the process of interviewing Vikki. Unfortunately, he won't tell you anything (reporters can be very competitive!), so that does no good. Besides, he's talking to Vikki, which is bad, since you don't want him to get her story first. 18: OK, so if he won't dish the dirt, maybe we can get it from him some other way. Off to his office! From the file room it's W, N, E, N, which gets you to the lobby of the newspaper. There we encounter Theresa. 19: Look at Theresa's desk, take note of the crushed paper. Examine it (she won't let you take it) and discover that it's a crushed cigarette box. Oho! Someone here might be desperate for a smoke! 20: Did you buy cigarettes when you were at the Cloakroom? If so, give her one. If not, go back (S, E, S), buy the smokes, and then give Theresa one. She leaves her post to go poison herself, and you're free to wander around the Post (though of course you're trespassing there, so don't get too comfortable!). North, through the Post Newsroom, north again, into Jack Walker's office. 21: Examine the desk, open it, get there folder from therein. Instead of examining it on the spot, why not get out of there and go back to the paper lobby (S, S). We don't want Theresa to come back from her break and find us snooping! So, once in the lobby, open the folder and examine it. Hrm, "royam"... 22: Now, just for sport, examine Theresa's message pad. Bah! Royam written there too! Why did I have to risk my neck trespassing in their office if I could have just got the information right out here? Because this is my walkthrough, and I want you to see as much stuff as possible! :) But in the game, I thought I'd give several different ways to find things. 23: Anyway, in Jack's folder royam is written underneath a note about the computer. so, do you suppose it might be... nah, it couldn't... well, maybe... it's just crazy enough to work! royam is the password! :) 24: fiddle with the computer until it asks you for a password (switching it on works well for this, if nothing else will). Enter the password. 25: Oho! What's this? A nude picture of some blonde girl! Well, what blonde girls do we know? You, Mitsey, and the mayor's lovely intern Vikki Valentine. Which of them, do you suppose, we're interested in? Actually, if you tracked down Walker at City Hall before breaking into his office, you will have already met Vikki, so you'll have no doubt as to who the picture is. Suppose she'll be happy to find out that ol' Bart is posting nude pictures of her on the Internet? Let's go ask her... 26: Back to City Hall (specifically the file room)! From the paper lobby, the directions are S, W, S, E. Uh oh, Jack's still here talking to her! And she won't pay any attention to us at all while Jack's there. That bastard! 27: Hrm... what to do, what to do... Hang around the file room long enough listening to the two of them, and Jack will eventually mention that he's expecting an important call on his cell phone. Now, he probably wouldn't trust YOU if you called him, but who would he trust... 28: Theresa of course! (If you pestered her enough when you talked to her before, she might even have suggested to you that she could call Jack. But she's not just going to call him for anyone. However, someone who was really nice to her and gave her a smoke earlier... 29: Back to the paper lobby (W, N, E, N) and "theresa, call jack". She does, and he leaves the file room to head for his office. Back to the file room via reverse directions. (Sorry for that detour, you could have had her call him when you were down here before, but I tried to write this from a perspective that was at least somewhat like actually playing the game). 30: If Jack is still in the file room when you get there, he will leave shortly. Wait a turn or two, and he announces his departure. Now, Vikki will talk to you. Show her the computer. She freaks out, and is ready to go on the record! 31: Vikki should begin following you. If she doesn't, type "Vikki, follow me". Then W, N, W, S, S to the KTKO newsroom! There, we find Rachel and Harry awaiting us. "Rachel, film" gets you one in the win column. Or, if you just wait one turn with Vikki, Rachel starts the filming on her own. Aftermath: Funny ways to die: 1) Keep taking clothes off and putting them on in front of Harry or Mitsey until you get fired. 2) Ditto the cop or the police chief until they lock you up. 3) Go to Sam's and get drunk. 4) Sleep with Jack or the mayor. 5) You can also die by getting caught by Theresa or Jack in the offices of the Daily Post when you trespass, but that's not nearly so funny. Acknowledgements: My deepest, deepest thanks to Jay Abney, who not only did 75% of the beta testing for this game, but who also provided the advice and guidance of an expert programmer. My programming experience before this game consisted of mediocre C++ applications which were always half written by the MFC wizard, so Jay was a HUGE help. Thanks also to Adam Cadre, whose famous game I-0 was an inspiration to me in writing this. I meant to leave a copy of Ready, Okay! laying around somewhere in the game as a little tip of the hat, but the aforementioned Mr. Abney told me that idea was far from original.