[ TestStyles val; val = $0->1; if (val & 4) { print "Interpreter claims that emphasized (bold) text IS available.^"; } else { print "Interpreter claims that emphasized (bold) text IS NOT available.^"; } if (val & 8) { print "Interpreter claims that italic (or underlined) text IS available.^"; } else { print "Interpreter claims that italic (or underlined) text IS NOT available.^"; } if (val & 16) { print "Interpreter claims that fixed-width text IS available.^"; } else { print "Interpreter claims that fixed-width text IS NOT available.^"; } new_line; style bold; print "Test of emphasized (bold) text."; style roman; print "^...normal font...^"; style underline; print "Test of italic (or underlined) text."; style roman; print "^...normal font...^"; style reverse; print "Test of reverse-video text."; style roman; print "^...normal font...^"; font off; print "Test of fixed-width text (using ~font off~, which sets a header bit)."; font on; print "^...normal font...^"; @set_text_style 8; print "Test of fixed-width text (using ~@@64set_text_style 8~)."; @set_text_style 0; new_line; print "^Now we will try combining styles. The Z-Spec does not require interpreters to display combined styles, so the lines below may not have all the styles they say they do.^^"; style bold; style underline; print "Test of bold, italic text."; style roman; new_line; style bold; style reverse; print "Test of bold, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; style underline; style reverse; print "Test of italic, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; style bold; style underline; style reverse; print "Test of bold, italic, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; print "^The following are all printed with ~font off~ (that is, the header bit remains set, even though ~style roman~ statements occur.)^"; font off; style bold; print "Test of fixed, bold text."; style roman; new_line; style underline; print "Test of fixed, italic text."; style roman; new_line; style reverse; print "Test of fixed, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; style bold; style underline; print "Test of fixed, bold, italic text."; style roman; new_line; style bold; style reverse; print "Test of fixed, bold, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; style underline; style reverse; print "Test of fixed, italic, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; style bold; style underline; style reverse; print "Test of fixed, bold, italic, reverse text."; style roman; new_line; font on; print "^End of styles test.^"; ];