zren.bat - sample batch file to show you how I use zren_.exe zren_.exe - rename files according to their characteristics Unzipped files will be renamed to the proper z extension, a z and the version (.z1 etc). The filename will not change other than that. Zip compressed files will be renamed to include the version and release number. You will have a zip containing for example zork1.z3, and the zip name will be "zork1 v76 (19xx)(Infocom) [840509].zip" If you add zcut processing, you can sort through a huge number of files at once. The batch file included takes files which were 'zcut', gives them the proper .z? extension, zips them up (you need to have pkzip 2.5, or else change the batchfile), and renames the zips. I wanted this because 1) I didn't want to change the data file names 2) I wanted them zipped so that any bitrot would show up when unzipped 3) the zip names indicate version and serial number directly from the file. It checks the file to see if it's a zip file first, so you can have zip-compressed files named Zork.compressed or Zork.z or Zork.gz, and also have story (data) files named .zip, and it won't cause problems (ZRen does not work with gzipped files, .gz is only an example). Comments or questions to balzano50@hotmail.com Please note I am not the original author of zcut, and while I understand how it works, I cannot answer many questions about it.