zzzzz eeee aaaa l z e e a a l zz eeeee a a l zz e a a l z e e a aa l zzzzz eeee aaa a lll zeal 1.1 readme jeremy condit -------------------------------------------------------------------------- this archive contains two executables, zeal and xzeal. these executables don't depend on any other file in the distribution, so if all you want is the executable, you can delete everything else. (might want to flip through the README first, of course.) these programs should work fine on a redhat 6 system. specifically, these programs should run on a linux 2.x systems with glibc 2.1.x. zeal also requires libncurses.so.4, and xzeal requires libX11.so.6, libpng.so.2, and libjpeg.so.62. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- zeal is linked against glkterm 0.7.7, and xzeal is linked against xglk 0.4.10. both of these libraries were written by andrew plotkin, and their complete source can be obtained from the following url: http://eblong.com/zarf/glk/ the compiled glk libraries are included in the lib directory for convenience; if you don't know or don't care what they are, you can safely ignore/delete them. note that since the zeal source is not included, you should probably distribute the zeal source alongside this package if you redistribute this package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- the latest version of this package and the zeal source should be available from either of the following urls: http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~jcondit/zeal/ ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/