UP Up Button ? ? ? true false false * * ^ PRESS A buzzing tone emanates from the speakers.|The floor indicator light highlights the fact that you can't go any higher. $ UNTRUE ELEVATOR SPIT The elevator doors close and the cab ascends the shaft.|You tap your feet for a few minutes until the doors reopen. SET ELEVATOR SETSOUTH CAVE REMOVEITEMFROM ELEVATOR CAVE REMOVEITEMFROM ELEVATOR MONTYHALL SPAWNITEMIN ELEVATOR CAVE $ CHOOSE A buzzing tone emanates from the speakers.|The floor indicator light highlights the fact that you can't go any higher. $ UNTRUE ELEVATOR SPIT The elevator doors close and the cab ascends the shaft.|You tap your feet for a few minutes until the doors reopen. SET ELEVATOR SETSOUTH CAVE REMOVEITEMFROM ELEVATOR CAVE REMOVEITEMFROM ELEVATOR MONTYHALL SPAWNITEMIN ELEVATOR CAVE $ GO A buzzing tone emanates from the speakers.|The floor indicator light highlights the fact that you can't go any higher. $ UNTRUE ELEVATOR SPIT The elevator doors close and the cab ascends the shaft.|You tap your feet for a few minutes until the doors reopen. SET ELEVATOR SETSOUTH CAVE REMOVEITEMFROM ELEVATOR CAVE REMOVEITEMFROM ELEVATOR MONTYHALL SPAWNITEMIN ELEVATOR CAVE $ ^