PILL Blue PILL the blissful ignorance of illusion There is a dark blue PILL here. If you INGEST the PILL, |the story ends, you wake up in your bed|and believe whatever you want to believe. ? false false false * * ^ INGEST . $ DO IT YOUR_WINNER SPIT You take the pill and fall to your knees.|You can't believe you fell for another trap.|You drift off into a heavy sleep...|||||||You wake up in your own bed in a cold sweat.|That was all just a terrible dream...|Or was it?|After you make yourself breakfast, you happen to walk into your living room.|Your trophy cabinet has all your old loot, |plus the swag you swiped from the undersewers.|"Was it all really a dream?" you wonder aloud, staring out the window.|There is a small white mailbox there.||THE END $ EAT . $ DO IT YOUR_WINNER $ ^