GOAT Stubborn Billy ? A hungry GOAT wanders back and forth across the hallway. He looks hungry.|But perhaps you shouldn't FEED the animals. ? true false false * * ^ FEED Goats eat plenty of refuse, but you carry|none of the eats this picky billy seems to like. $ HAS HERRING SPIT Against your better judgment, you feed|the GOAT with the HERRING you've been carrying.|He bleats cheerfully and lets out a grateful "Baa."| You pet him for a few minutes, hoping to make a new friend.||And then, it happens.|||The goat runs around like mad and explodes into a cloud of entrails.|For some reason, a very hefty SWORD is left in his wake.||What was that about a road paved with good intentions? DESTROY DESTROYITEM HERRING SPAWN SWORD $ HIT . $ DO IT SPIT The old goat doesn't like being attacked. | It simply turns around, and gives you a swift kick in the stomach. HURTPLAYER 6 $ KILL . $ DO IT SPIT The old goat doesn't like being touched. | It simply turns around, and gives you a swift kick in the stomach. HURTPLAYER 6 $ PET . $ DO IT SPIT The goat likes that very much. $ ^