{- Mrifk, a decompiler for Glulx story files. Copyright 2004 Ben Rudiak-Gould. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You can read the GNU General Public License at this URL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html -} module Mrifk_print ( ppRoutine, ppObject, ppQuotedString, ppVerbs ) where import Mrifk_code import Mrifk_grammar import Mrifk_objects import Mrifk_memmap import Mrifk_storyfile import Mrifk_strings import Mrifk_util import Char (ord,isDigit) import Data.Array import Ix (inRange) import Maybe (fromMaybe) import Numeric (showHex) {--------------} ppRoutine (addr,type_,params,body) = (if type_ == 193 then [] else ["! Stack-parameter routine"]) ++ (if all (== 4) params then [] else ["! Local lengths: " ++ unwords [show n | n <- params]]) ++ (unwords ("[" : nameRoutine addr : [nameLocal n | n <- scanl (+) 0 params | _ <- params] ++ [";"])) : indentBlock (ppStatements body) ++ ["];",""] ppStatements x@(Print _ _ : _) = let (prints,rest) = break (not.isPrint) x (isRet,rest') = case rest of (NewLine : Eval "return " (Imm 1) : rest') -> (True,rest') _ -> (False,rest) in (ppPrints prints isRet ++ ";") : ppStatements rest' ppStatements (x : xs) = ppStatement x ++ ppStatements xs ppStatements [] = [] ppPrints [Print "" s@(ImmString _)] True = ppExpr 0 s ppPrints prints isRet = let prefix = if isRet then "print_ret " else "print " args = map ppPrint prints in prefix ++ join ", " args isPrint (Print _ _) = True isPrint _ = False ppPrint (Print prefix val) = prefix ++ ppExpr 1 val ppStatement (Label addr Phantom) = [] ppStatement (Label addr _) = ["<." ++ nameLabel addr ++ ":"] ppStatement (GInstr (name,loads,stores,branches,_) args) = let prefixes = replicate loads "" ++ replicate stores "-> " ++ replicate branches "label" printableArgs = zipWith (++) prefixes (map (ppExpr 99) args) in [join " " (('@' : name) : printableArgs) ++ ";"] ppStatement (Eval cmd expr) = [cmd ++ ppExpr 0 expr ++ ";"] ppStatement (Push expr) = ["{{{PUSH}}} " ++ ppExpr 0 expr ++ ";"] ppStatement NewLine = ["new_line;"] ppStatement (IfThenElse cond thenClause []) = ("if (" ++ ppExpr 0 cond ++ ") {") : indentBlock (ppStatements thenClause) ++ ["}"] ppStatement (IfThenElse cond thenClause elseClause) = let elseClauseText = ppStatements elseClause elseText = case elseClauseText of (line@('i':'f':' ':_) : lines@(_:_)) -> ("} else " ++ line) : lines _ -> "} else {" : indentBlock elseClauseText ++ ["}"] in ("if (" ++ ppExpr 0 cond ++ ") {") : indentBlock (ppStatements thenClause) ++ elseText ppStatement (JCond cond label) = ["if (" ++ ppExpr 0 cond ++ ") " ++ ppJump label ++ ";"] ppStatement (Jump label) = [ppJump label ++ ";"] ppStatement (Give obj b attr) = ["give " ++ ppExpr 0 obj ++ (if b then " " else " ~") ++ nameAttr attr ++ ";"] ppStatement x = ["{{{" ++ show x ++ "}}}"] ppJump 0 = "rfalse" ppJump 1 = "rtrue" ppJump label = "jump " ++ nameLabel label ppExpr prec (Assign dst src) = parenIf (1 <= prec) (ppExpr 1 dst ++ " = " ++ ppExpr 0 src) ppExpr prec (Call func args) = parenIf (11 <= prec) (ppExpr 10 func ++ "(" ++ join "," (map (ppExpr 0) args) ++ ")") ppExpr prec (Binary left op right) = let p = binopPrec op in parenIf (p <= prec) (ppExpr (p-1) left ++ binopName op ++ ppExpr p right) ppExpr prec (Unary op opPrec expr) = parenIf (opPrec <= prec) (op ++ ppExpr (opPrec-1) expr) ppExpr prec (PostIncDec expr op) = parenIf (9 <= prec) (ppExpr 8 expr ++ op) ppExpr prec SP = "sp" ppExpr prec (Imm n) = ppValue n ppExpr prec (ImmString n) = ppQuotedString (evalFrom n decodeString) -- FIXME: quote ppExpr prec (Mem n) = "mem" ++ show n ppExpr prec (Local n) = nameLocal n ppExpr prec (SpecialName x) = x -- ppExpr prec foo = "{{{" ++ show foo ++ "}}}" {--------------} ppObject treeDepth n (Object name attribs props) = "" : firstLine : indentWith (map ppProp props) ++ [" has\t" ++ ppAttribs attribs ++ ";"] where firstLine = "Object" ++ take (3*treeDepth+1) (cycle " ->") ++ nameObject n ++ ' ' : ppQuotedString name ppProp (n, private, vals) = unwords (nameProp n : map ppValue vals) ++ ";" ppAttribs attribs = join " " [nameAttr attr | attr <- attribs] indentWith [] = [] indentWith (firstLine : lines) = (" with\t" ++ firstLine) : map ('\t' :) lines {--------------} -- FIXME: leaves something to be desired ppValue val | val <= 16 || not (inRange wholeFile val) = show val -- FIXME: negatives? | otherwise = case byteAt val of 0x70 -> nameObject val 0x60 -> ppDictWord (dictWordAt val) 0xC0 -> nameRoutine val 0xC1 -> nameRoutine val 0xE0 -> ppQuotedString (evalFrom val decodeString) 0xE1 -> ppQuotedString (evalFrom val decodeString) _ -> show val {--------------} ppQuotedString s = '"' : ppString s ++ "\"" ppString "" = "" ppString (x : rest) | x == '\10' = '^' : ppString rest | x == '"' = '~' : ppString rest | x <= '\x153' = (informEscapes ! x) ++ ppString rest | otherwise = informEscapeChar x (ppString rest) ppString' "" = "" ppString' (x : rest) | x == '\'' = '^' : ppString' rest | x == '"' = '"' : ppString' rest | x <= '\x153' = (informEscapes ! x) ++ ppString' rest | otherwise = informEscapeChar x (ppString' rest) -- correct behavior of showHex requires GHC 6.2 informEscapeChar x rest = "@{" ++ showHex (ord x) ('}' : rest) informEscapes :: Array Char String informEscapes = accumArray (\a b -> b) undefined ('\0','\x153') $ [(x,[x]) | x <- ['\32'..'\126']] ++ [(x,informEscapeChar x "") | x <- ['\0'..'\31'] ++ "^~@\"" ++ ['\127'..'\x153']] ++ informSpecialEscapes informSpecialEscapes :: [(Char,String)] informSpecialEscapes = [('\xE4',"@:a"), ('\xF6',"@:o"), ('\xFC',"@:u"), ('\xC4',"@:A"), ('\xD6',"@:O"), ('\xDC',"@:U"), ('\xDF',"@ss"), ('\xAB',"@>>"), ('\xBB',"@<<"), ('\xEB',"@:e"), ('\xEF',"@:i"), ('\xFF',"@:y"), ('\xCB',"@:E"), ('\xCF',"@:I"), ('\xE1',"@'a"), ('\xE9',"@'e"), ('\xED',"@'i"), ('\xF3',"@'o"), ('\xFA',"@'u"), ('\xFD',"@'y"), ('\xC1',"@'A"), ('\xC9',"@'E"), ('\xCD',"@'I"), ('\xD3',"@'O"), ('\xDA',"@'U"), ('\xDD',"@'Y"), ('\xE0',"@`a"), ('\xE8',"@`e"), ('\xEC',"@`i"), ('\xF2',"@`o"), ('\xF9',"@`u"), ('\xC0',"@`A"), ('\xC8',"@`E"), ('\xCC',"@`I"), ('\xD2',"@`O"), ('\xD9',"@`U"), ('\xE2',"@^a"), ('\xEA',"@^e"), ('\xEE',"@^i"), ('\xF4',"@^o"), ('\xFB',"@^u"), ('\xC2',"@^A"), ('\xCA',"@^E"), ('\xCE',"@^I"), ('\xD4',"@^O"), ('\xDB',"@^U"), ('\xE5',"@oa"), ('\xC5',"@oA"), ('\xF8',"@/o"), ('\xD8',"@/O"), ('\xE3',"@~a"), ('\xF1',"@~n"), ('\xF5',"@~o"), ('\xC3',"@~A"), ('\xD1',"@~N"), ('\xD5',"@~O"), ('\xE6',"@ae"), ('\xC6',"@AE"), ('\xE7',"@cc"), ('\xC7',"@cC"), ('\xFE',"@th"), ('\xF0',"@et"), ('\xDE',"@Th"), ('\xD0',"@Et"), ('\xA3',"@LL"), ('\x0153',"@oe"), ('\x0152',"@OE"), ('\xA1',"@!!"), ('\xBF',"@??")] {---------------} ppVerbs :: [([String],[GrammarLine])] -> [String] ppVerbs = concatMap ppVerb ppVerb (verbs,grammars) = -- FIXME: check meta "" : unwords ("Verb" : map ppDictWord verbs) : map ppVerbGrammarLine grammars ++ [";"] ppVerbGrammarLine (GrammarLine tokens action reverse) = tab 7 (" * " ++ unwords (map ppVerbToken tokens)) ("-> " ++ nameAction action ++ if reverse then " reverse" else "") -- FIXME ppVerbToken (ElementaryToken s) = s ppVerbToken (Preposition p) = ppDictWord p ppVerbToken (Attribute n) = nameAttr n ppVerbToken (ParseRoutine prefix n) = prefix ++ nameRoutine n ppVerbToken (Alternatives tokens) = join "/" (map ppVerbToken tokens) ppDictWord w = '\'' : ppString' w ++ "'" {--------------} parenIf True x = '(' : x ++ ")" parenIf False x = x nameObject :: Int -> String nameObject 0 = "nothing" nameObject n = case tableLookup n objectNames of Just name -> name Nothing -> "unknownObj" ++ show n objectNames = makeLookupTable $ -- earlier in the list takes precedence map guessObjName objects guessObjName (n,obj) = case obj of Object "" _ _ -> (n,baseName) Object desc _ _ -> (n,baseName ++ '_' : makeIdent desc) where baseName = "obj" ++ show n makeIdent name = map helper name where helper c = if isLegalIdentChar c then c else '_' isLegalIdentChar c = inRange ('0','9') c || inRange ('A','Z') c || inRange ('a','z') c nameProp n = maybeIdx commonPropNames n $ maybeIdx indivPropNames n $ "prop" ++ show n nameAttr n = maybeIdx attribNames n $ "attr" ++ show n nameAction n = maybeIdx actionNames n $ "Action" ++ show n nameRoutine :: Int -> String nameRoutine addr = fromMaybe ("routine" ++ show addr) (addr `tableLookup` routineNames) routineNames = makeLookupTable $ -- earlier in the list takes precedence [(addr, nameAction n ++ "Sub") | addr <- actionRoutines | n <- [0..]] nameLocal n = "local" ++ show n nameLabel n = "label" ++ show n maybeIdx array n def | inRange (bounds array) n = fromMaybe def (array ! n) | otherwise = def indentBlock = map indentBlock' indentBlock' ('<':rest) = ' ':' ':rest indentBlock' rest = ' ':' ':' ':' ':rest join sep [] = [] join sep xs = foldr1 (\x y -> x ++ sep ++ y) xs tab :: Int -> String -> String -> String tab n x y = x ++ makeTabs (n - length x `div` 8) ++ y makeTabs n | n <= 0 = " " | otherwise = replicate n '\t'