!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! HugoFix Library Grammar v3.1.03.1 by Kent Tessman (c) 1995-2006 ! for use with the Hugo Compiler ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This grammar file is automatically included by GRAMMAR.G if the DEBUG ! flag is set. ! ! NOTE: The following verb definitions follow the somewhat non-standard ! practice of each calling the same verb routine (DoHugoFix), primarily ! to cut down on the sheer number of verbs. DoHugoFix is responsible for ! differentiating which debugging command is intended based on word[1]. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifclear _HUGOFIX_G #set _HUGOFIX_G xverb "$", "$ca", "$fd", "$on", "$pm", "$pr", "$sc" * DoHugoFix xverb "$ac" * anything DoHugoFix * anything number DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix * number number DoHugoFix verb "$at" * anything "is" number DoHugoFix * number "is" number DoHugoFix * anything "is" "not" number DoHugoFix * number "is" "not" number DoHugoFix xverb "$au" * HugoFixAudit xverb "$de" * anything DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix #ifclear NO_OBJLIB xverb "$di" * DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix * anything DoHugoFix #endif #ifclear NO_FUSES xverb "$fd" * DoHugoFix #endif xverb "$fi" * DoHugoFix xverb "$fo" * DoHugoFix * anything DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix xverb "$kn" * DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix xverb "$mo" * number "to" "$loc" DoHugoFix * anything "to" "$loc" DoHugoFix * number "to" number DoHugoFix * anything "to" number DoHugoFix * number "to" anything DoHugoFix * anything "to" anything DoHugoFix xverb "$mp" * anything DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix xverb "$na" * number DoHugoFix xverb "$nr" * DoHugoFix xverb "$nu" * anything DoHugoFix xverb "$on" * DoHugoFix xverb "$ot" * DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix * anything DoHugoFix * "$loc" DoHugoFix xverb "$pc" * DoHugoFix * "$all" DoHugoFix * "$all" anything DoHugoFix * anything DoHugoFix * "$all" number DoHugoFix * number DoHugoFix xverb "$pm" * DoHugoFix xverb "$rr" * DoHugoFix #ifclear NO_SCRIPTS xverb "$sc" * DoHugoFix #endif xverb "$uk" * number DoHugoFix * anything DoHugoFix xverb "$wn" * word DoHugoFix xverb "$wo" * number DoHugoFix #endif ! _HUGOFIX_G