========================================================================== Lazy Wizard's Guide to Passing the Very Final and Super Difficult Magical Exam ========================================================================== Created by Lenard Gunda (lenard@7hrsmn.io) version 1.0.0 for the 2022 Interactive Fiction Competition Welcome to the Lazy Wizard's Guide! ----------------- Requirements ----------------- Lazy Wizard's Guide can be played in your browser. It supports the following browsers: Microsoft Edge (Chromium) Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari (Lazy Wizard's Guide requires WebAssembly support that is provided by these browsers) There are no operating system restrictions. Should work on anything. Mobile devices are not officially supported. Although the game will work on an iPad or iPhone or Android device, it is not optimized for it and you can run into problems with the onscreen keyboard. For tablets, an external keyboard should solve the problem. Also Android seemed to work better in our testing. ----------------- To play the game ----------------- Start your favorite browser (see supported browsers below) and go to: https://lazywizardsguide.7hrsmn.io/ --------------------- How to play the game --------------------- Lazy Wizard's Guide is a parser based text adventure. You need to type in the commands you want it to execute. If you are new to this kind of game, you might want to start by typing in: > help That will give you a short overview and pointers to more topics you can read. Hopefully this gets you started on your adventures. > help movement > help look If you still require help, try googling "how to play a parser based text adventure". That might give you some more tips. --------------------- Save progress --------------------- Remember to save your game from time to time, although the browser based system will do its best to auto save your progress. You can use the save command to save a game and the load command to restore a previous save. The auto save system will try to save your progress after every command. If you navigate away from the page or accidently refresh the page, the game should continue where you left off. Note: the game saves progress into the browsers local storage. If you have disabled local storage or if you set up your browser to clear local storage when you close the browser, you might lose your progress in this game! --------------------- Getting stucked? --------------------- If you feel stuck with the game, I suggest you try the built in hint system which is designed to help you out. Your friendly exam jinn will be able to help you out here. Although you do get an achievement for completing the game without hints. If you are totally stuck and the hints will not help, there is a walkthrough included as well. ----------------- Contact ----------------- You can get hold of me, the author by emailing to: Lenard Gunda Feel free to submit feedback, comments or questions. I think I can answer with hints as well, should you get stuck :-) ----------------- Credits ----------------- Created by Lenard Gunda (lenard@7hrsmn.io) Big thank you goes to the testers who helped me polish the game and fix numerous bugs and typos: - Andy Joel - Jesse Ryhänen - Jussi Paalanen - Lauri Kotilainen - Mike Russo - Tamas Gunda ----------------- Version history ----------------- Here are the changes made to the game. v1.0.0 ------ First published version, for the 2022 Interactive Fiction Competition