! Stick it to the man ! Window stuff Window SITTMMainWin with type BufferWin, winIdentify [; rfalse; ], indent [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleQuote: return 18; default: return 0; } ], paragraph [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleNormal,StyleQuote,StyleUser1: return 5; default: return 0; } ], justify [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleNormal: return JustifyLeft; StyleHeader,StyleSubheader: return JustifyCenter; StyleQuote: return JustifyFull; default: return -1; } ], fontsize [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleHeader: return 2; StyleSubheader,StyleAlert: return 1; default: return 0; } ], weight [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleEmphasized,StyleAlert,StyleHeader,StyleSubheader,StyleUser1: return 1; default: return 0; } ], oblique [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleNote: return 1; default: return -1; } ], proportional [hinting; switch (hinting) { StylePreformatted,StyleQuote: return 0; default: return 1; } ], color [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleHeader: return $0000FF; ! 0000FF StyleSubheader: return $990099; ! 0080F6 StyleAlert: return $FFFF00; ! FF0000 StyleInput: return $000099; ! 000000 default: return $000000; } ], ! 096673 bgcolor [; return $66CCFF; ], ! 00FF60 reverse [; return 0; ]; Window SITTMStatusWin with type GridWin, winIdentify [; rfalse; ], fontsize [; return 2; ], weight [; return 0; ], oblique [hinting; switch (hinting) { StyleNote: return 1; default: return -2; } ], proportional [hinting; switch (hinting) { StylePreformatted,StyleQuote: return 0; default: return 1; } ], color [; return $2864FF; ], bgcolor [; return $F9F05A;], reverse [; return 0; ]; ! Entry point routines (not handled by Entry) [InitGlkWindow phase; if (phase==GG_MAINWIN_ROCK) { SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(indent); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(paragraph); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(justify); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(fontsize); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(weight); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(oblique); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(proportional); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(color); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(bgcolor); SITTMMainWin.winStylehint(reverse); } if (phase==GG_STATUSWIN_ROCK) { SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(indent); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(paragraph); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(justify); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(fontsize); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(weight); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(oblique); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(proportional); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(color); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(bgcolor); SITTMStatusWin.winStylehint(reverse); } if (phase==1) { SITTMMainWin.winUnStylehint(); SITTMStatusWin.winUnStylehint(); } rfalse; ]; ! Replaced routines [DrawStatusLine width length offset; if (gg_statuswin==0) return; if (location==0 || parent(player)==0) return; GlkWinClear(gg_statuswin); GlkWinSet(gg_statuswin); width=GlkWinWidth(gg_statuswin); length=PrintAnyToArray(-1,0,location); offset=((width/2)-length)/2; GlkWinMoveCursor(gg_statuswin,offset,0); print (name) location; length=PrintAnyToArray(-1,0,Game,timeOfDay); offset=(width/2)+((width/2)-length)/2; GlkWinMoveCursor(gg_statuswin,offset,0); Game.timeOfDay(); GlkWinSet(gg_mainwin); ];