! Stick it to the man ! Grammar extensions [FlushSub; "I can't really flush ",(ThatOrThose) noun,"."; ]; Verb 'flush' * noun -> Flush; Verb 'start' 'drive' * noun -> SwitchOn; [FoldSub; print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) noun," not foldable."; ]; [UnfoldSub; print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) noun," not unfoldable."; ]; Verb 'fold' * noun -> Fold; Verb 'unfold' * noun -> Unfold; [AboutSub; "This is the post-competition release of Stick it to the man. Questions, comments, feedback, etc. are welcomed at hfield@@64joinme.com ."; ]; Verb 'about' * -> About; [KickSub; "I don't want to kick ",(ThatOrThose) noun,"."; ]; [StandSub; if (parent(player) has supporter) <>; "I'm already standing."; ]; Extend only 'stand' replace * -> Stand * 'up' -> Stand; Extend only 'get' first * 'up' -> Stand; Extend only 'fuck' replace * noun -> Kiss * -> Strong * topic -> Strong; Verb 'nuzzle' 'caress' 'massage' 'stroke' 'tickle' = 'touch'; Verb 'lick' 'nibble' 'french' 'tongue' = 'kiss';