! Stick it to the man ! LibraryMessages ! AuthorsChoice Object LibraryMessages "[LibraryMessages]" with before [; Answer,Ask,Order,Tell: "[To talk to characters, use SAY X, where X is an option on the dialogue menu.]"; Attack: "That'd be the last resort; I still think there's a peaceful way."; Blow: "I'm gonna blow ",(a) lm_o,"? Right."; Burn: "I'm not one of those ~burn, baby, burn~-style anarchists."; Buy: "Buying implies capitalism. I don't support capitalism. Hence, I don't buy. I do, however, support life -- more so than I oppose capitalism. Hence, I buy to promote life, if necessary. But this -- this isn't really in that category."; Climb: "Man, I lived in a tree for 4 months at that environmentalist, tree, live-in, y'know, thing. Climbing is sort of old now."; Close: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't think I can close ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: rfalse; 3: "Okay, I closed ",(ItOrThem) lm_o,"."; } Consult: "Nothing interesting in there."; Cut,Dig,Rub,Tie: "What the fuck for?"; Disrobe: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I'm way ahead of you -- I'm not even wearing ",(ItOrThem) lm_o,"."; 2: "Uh, okay, I'm not wearing ",(ItOrThem) lm_o," anymore."; } Drink: "I don't see anything drinkable."; Drop: switch (lm_n) { 1: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," right there."; 2: "I don't have ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 3,4: rfalse; } Eat: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't like to put shit like ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o," into my body."; 2: "Delish."; } EmptyT: switch (lm_n) { 1: print_ret (CThatOrThose) lm_o, " can't contain things."; 2: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o, " closed."; 3: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o, " empty already."; 4: "That wouldn't be very fucking useful."; } Enter: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I'm there already."; 2: "I can't enter ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 3: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," closed, though."; 4: "The physics of that don't work out."; 5: "Okay, I'm there."; } Examine: switch (lm_n) { 1: "It's, like, dark."; 2: "Looks pretty normal."; 3: rfalse; } Exit: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I'm not in anything."; 2: print_ret (The) lm_o," ",(IsOrAre) lm_o," closed."; 3: "Okay, done."; } Fill: "There's no filler, if you know what I mean."; FullScore: switch (lm_n) { 1: "The score is Capitalist Oppressors: 1 / Anarchists: 0 -- but it's not over yet."; 2,3,4: rtrue; } GetOff: "I'm not on anything."; Give: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't have ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: "Giving stuff to myself? Shit, that's just stupid."; 3: "I'm not giving ",(ThatOrThose) noun," to ",(ItOrThem) noun,"."; } Go: switch (lm_n) { 1: if (lm_o has container) "Not while I'm in ",(the) lm_o,"."; else "Gotta get off ",(the) lm_o," first."; 2: "I can't go that way."; 3: "Can't seem to climb there."; 4: "Can't seem to get down there."; 5: print_ret (The) lm_o," ",(IsOrAre) lm_o," in the way."; 6: print_ret (The) lm_o," leads nowhere. Some funky Winchester thing, or something."; } Insert: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't have ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: print_ret (CThatOrThose) lm_o," can't contain other stuff."; 3: print_ret (The) lm_o," ",(IsOrAre) lm_o," closed."; 4: "Gotta take ",(ItOrThem) lm_o," off first."; 5: "Fuck, man, I can't put something inside itself!"; 6: rfalse; 7: print_ret (The) lm_o," ",(IsOrAre) lm_o," full."; 8: rfalse; 9: "Okay, so I've got ",(the) lm_o," in ",(the) second,"."; } Inv: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I'm empty-handed."; 2: print "I've got"; rtrue; } Jump: "Well, whoop-de-doo."; JumpOver: "But there could be deadly spikes or beasts on the other side! Get real."; Kiss: "No."; Listen: "I'm not hearing anything spectacular. . ."; LMode1,LMode2,LMode3: rfalse; Lock: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I can't lock ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," already locked."; 3: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," not closed yet."; 4: print_ret (CThatOrThose) lm_o," won't fit in the lock."; 5: "Okay, locked."; } Look: switch (lm_n) { 1,2,3,4: rfalse; 5,6: if (lm_o==location && lm_o ofclass AutoRoom) rtrue; else rfalse; } LookUnder: switch (lm_n) { 1: "Too dark; can't see shit."; 2: "Nothing interesting there."; } Mild: "Fuck yeah."; ListMiscellany: rfalse; Miscellany: switch (lm_n) { 1: rfalse; 2: "I was done before I started!"; 3: " I'm dead "; 4: " Anarchy triumphs "; 5,6,7,8: rfalse; 9: "What the fuck, suddenly it's dark?"; 10: "That was fucking profound."; 11,12,13,14: rfalse; 15: "Oops my ass. Forget it."; 16: rfalse; 17: "It's too fucking dark in here to see. This sucks."; 18: print "me"; rtrue; 19: "I'm stunning. Really. But I let Brad worry about my looks."; 20: rfalse; 21: "[Repeating nothing doesn't do much good.]"; 22: "[,You can't start with a comma.]"; 23,24,25: "[To talk to characters, use SAY X, where X is a number from the dialogue menu.]"; 26: rfalse; 27: "Wait, what?"; 28: print "Um, I got the part about wanting to "; rtrue; 29: "What number was that?"; 30: "I don't see anything like that."; 31: "Shouldn't there be a bit more to that?"; 32: "I don't have that."; 33: "I can't really do that to more than one thing at a time."; 34: "That's a little too complicated for me, I think."; 35: rfalse; 36: "What? It's not like I was going to include that anyway."; 37: "I fucking prefer not to ",(address) verb_word," inanimate objects."; 38: "Do what?"; 39: "I don't think I need to worry about that."; 40: "I can't see ",(address) pronoun_word," (assuming you mean ",(the) pronoun_obj,")."; 41: "What was that gobbledygook at the end?"; 42: if (lm_o) "There are only ",lm_o," here."; else "There aren't any."; 43: "There. That wasn't very hard."; 44: "There aren't any."; 45: print "Who, "; rtrue; 46: print "Which, "; rtrue; 47: "I can't ",(address) verb_word," them all."; 48: print "Um, "; PrintCommand(); " who?"; 49: print "Um, "; PrintCommand(); " what?"; 50: if (lm_o>0) "Score ",lm_o," for anarchy!"; else { lm_o=-lm_o; "Shit, score ",lm_o," for capitalism, oppression, and all that crap."; } 51: "[Your list of commands has been cut short due to some game event.]"; 52,53: rfalse; } No: "Right on! Just say no to capitalist shit!"; NotifyOff: "[Score notification off.]"; NotifyOn: "[Score notification on.]"; Objects: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I've dealt with:^"; 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10: rfalse; } Open: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I can't open ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," locked."; 3: "What for? ",(CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," already open."; 4: print "Okay, it's open. In there I see "; if (WriteListFrom(child(lm_o),ENGLISH_BIT+TERSE_BIT+CONCEAL_BIT)==0) { "nothing."; } else "."; 5: "Okay, opened."; } Places: "I've been to: "; Pray: "I don't believe in that crap."; Prompt: rfalse; Pull,Push: switch (lm_n) { 1: "Can't; ",(ItsOrTheyre) lm_o,", like, solid."; 2: "I can't move it."; 3: "Okay. What did that accomplish?"; 4: "~Pulling someone's leg~ is just a figure of speech."; } PushDir: switch (lm_n) { 1: "That wouldn't do shit."; 2: "Push it where?"; 3: "That won't work."; } PutOn: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't have ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: "How the fuck I am supposed to put ",(the) lm_o," on itself?"; 3: "I'm not putting anything on there."; 4: "That would be quite a fucking feat."; 5: rfalse; 6: "There's no room."; 7: rfalse; 8: "Okay."; } Quit: switch (lm_n) { 1: "Yes or no."; 2: "[Are you sure you want to quit?]"; } Remove: switch (lm_n) { 1: print_ret (The) lm_o," ",(IsOrAre) lm_o," closed."; 2: "I don't see ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o," here."; 3: "Okay, done."; } Restart: switch (lm_n) { 1: "[Are you sure you want to restart?]"; 2: "[Restart failed.]"; } Restore: switch (lm_n) { 1: "[Restore failed.]"; 2: "[Game restored.]"; } Save: switch (lm_n) { 1: "[Save failed.]"; 2: "[Game saved.]"; } Score: "The score is Capitalist Oppressors: 1 / Anarchists: 0 -- but it's not over yet."; ScriptOff: switch (lm_n) { 1: "[Transcripting already off.]"; 2: "^[End of transcript.]"; 3: "[Attempt to end transcript failed.]"; } ScriptOn: switch (lm_n) { 1: "[Transcripting already on.]"; 2: "[Starting transcript of"; 3: "[Attempt to begin transcript failed.]"; } Search: switch (lm_n) { 1: "It's too dark."; 2: "There's nothing on ",(the) lm_o,"."; 3: rfalse; 4: "Nothing interesting there."; 5: print_ret (The) lm_o," ",(IsOrAre) lm_o," closed."; 6: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," empty."; 7: rfalse; } Set,SetTo: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," not, like, settable."; Show: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't have ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: "No reaction."; } Sing: "I think it would be better for everyone if I didn't."; Sleep: "I'm not tired."; Smell: "Smells like air."; Sorry: "Sorry my ass. Forget it."; Squeeze: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I'm not squeezing ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: "Wow, what a turn-on. What was the point of that?"; } Strong: "Damn right. Stick it to the man!"; Swim: "There'd have to be some, um, water."; Swing: "What would that accomplish?"; SwitchOff: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I can't switch ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," already off."; 3: "Okay, I turned ",(ItOrThem) lm_o," off."; } SwitchOn: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I can't switch ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o,"."; 2: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," already on."; 3: "Okay, ",(ItsOrTheyre) lm_o," off now."; } Take: switch (lm_n) { 1: "Got ",(ItOrThem) lm_o,"."; 2: "I've got a pretty good handle on myself already."; 3: "That wouldn't be cool."; 4: "I'd have to get ",(OffOrOut) lm_o," of ",(the) lm_o," first."; 5: "I've got ",(ThatOrThose) lm_o," already."; 6: if (noun has pluralname) print "Those belong "; else print "That belongs "; " to ",(the) lm_o,"."; 7: if (noun has pluralname) print "Those are "; else print "That's "; " part of ",(the) lm_o,"."; 8: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," not here."; 9: print_ret (The) lm_o," is closed, so I can't reach."; 10: "I don't think that'll work."; 11: "I can't move it."; 12: "I've got too much crud already."; 13: rfalse; } Taste: "Pretty bland."; Touch: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I'm not touching ",(ItOrThem) lm_o,"!"; 2: "Nothing unusual."; 3: "I'll leave that to Brad."; } Think: "As if I wasn't."; ThrowAt: switch (lm_n) { 1: "That'd be pointless."; 2: "I've never had much of a throwing arm."; } Unlock: switch (lm_n) { 1: "There's no lock."; 2: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," already unlocked."; 3: print_ret (CTheyreOrThats) lm_o," not fitting in the lock."; 4: "Okay, ",(ItsOrTheyre) lm_o," unlocked."; } VagueGo: "Which way, though?"; Verify: switch (lm_n) { 1: "[Game file verified as intact.]"; 2: "[Game file did not verify -- it may be corrupt.]"; } Wait: "Hum de dum."; Wake: "Maybe if I was sleeping. . ."; WakeOther: "Sleep is valuable."; Wave: switch (lm_n) { 1: "I don't have ",(the) lm_o,"."; 2: "Okay, I'm waving ",(the) lm_o,". Whee."; } WaveHands: "Fucking why?"; Wear: switch (lm_n) { 1: "Um, not my size."; 2: "I don't have ",(ItOrThem) lm_o,"."; 3: "I'm wearing ",(the) lm_o," already."; 4: "Okay, I'm wearing ",(the) lm_o,"."; } Yes: "Right on."; ]; [AuthorsChoice a; if (a==-1) return 8; "First of all, I'd just like to say a little something. I've written some stuff on this theme before, and people tend to react with ~that's unrealistic~ or ~it's too biased towards your own beliefs.~ (Unless they're anarchists or communists or whatever themselves, in which case they say, ~Fuck yeah!~) So, basically, just keep in mind with this game that, yes, it is a game. It's not meant to be a totally accurate reproduction of reality. It's important to also remember that TV shows and movies and all that mass media you get thrown at you are also unrealistic. I'm just writing something I want to share -- I don't necessarily agree with all the beliefs the characters hold.^ I'd like to acknowledge Andrew Plotkin for making Glulx, which is just great. Also, thanks to Brendan Barnwell for the GxScript library, which I used in this game.^ Um, beta-testing. There wasn't much. Hopefully you haven't already realized that. This is a big game, and I didn't really realize how big it was going to be until pretty late in the writing, so I wound up finishing it way too close to the deadline. However, immense thanks go to Roger Carbol for beta-testing even at that late time."; ]; [Banner; print "",(string) Story,""; print "<1>",(string) Headline,""; print "Post-competition release^"; print "Inform 6.21 (G0.36) Library 6/10^^"; ];