! Stick it to the man ! Fletch Man Fletch "Fletch" Kitchen with name 'fletch', description "He's kind of funny-looking, now that I think of it. I'm so used to just thinking, ~oh, there's Fletch,~ but it's -- I mean, he's all skinny, and his little glasses, and stuff. But then he wears these black jackets like he's some kind of bruiser or something. Whatever.", color [; return $000000; ], bgcolor [; return $CCCCCC; ], switchedTo [; self.chooseNode(self.sceneNode()); ], NPCbefore [; Kiss: "It'd probably scare him or something."; ], forget [; if (self.lastheard>5) self.chooseNode(self.sceneNode()); if (location~=parent(self)) self.chooseNode(self.sceneNode()); ], sceneNode [; switch (parent(self)) { Kitchen: return FletchHouse; Rally: return FletchRally; RallyLimbo: return self.node; default: return self; } ], notice [a; switch (a) { Bat: ; Flyer: ; StoreFront: ; Sign: ; Mask: FletchRallyMask0.tryActivate(); Corpse: FletchRallyCorpse0.tryActivate(); } ], ignore [a; switch (a) { Bat: ; Flyer: ; StoreFront: ; Sign: ; Mask: FletchRallyMask0.deActivate(); Corpse: FletchRallyCorpse0.deActivate(); } ], moveToRally [; move self to Rally; if (Gary in RallyLimbo && random(100)<50) move Gary to Rally; ], number 0, each_turn [; switch (parent(self)) { Kitchen: if (random(100)<50 && player.lastspoke>3) { self.number++; switch (self.number) { 1: "Fletch exchanges a few brief words with Gary that I can't quite hear."; 2: "~Gary,~ says Fletch.^ Gary looks over at Fletch and says, ~Hm?~^ ~Are you gonna take the keys or you want me to? I mean, when we get to the rally.~^ ~Mmm,~ Gary says hesitantly, bobbing his head from side to side, ~I'd really prefer not to bring the keys into the actual rally at all, but it seems too risky to just leave 'em under the van or something.~^ Fletch raises his eyebrows as if to say, ~So the upshot of all this. . .~^ Gary shrugs. ~I'll take 'em, I guess.~"; 3: "Fletch wanders over, grabs some grapes from the fridge, and pops them into his mouth."; 4: "Fletch catches Gary's eye and taps his own wrist."; } } Rally: if (player.lastspoke>1) { if (Mask has worn && FletchRallyMask1 hasnt visited) { self.chooseNode(FletchRallyMask1); <>; } if (random(100)<50) { self.number++; switch(self.number) { 1: if (Gary in location) "Fletch exchanges a few words with Gary."; else "Fletch mumbles to himself."; 2: "Fletch scratches his nose."; 3: "Fletch sneezes."; 4: if (Nora in location) "Fletch talks with Nora for a little bit."; else "Fletch peers into the crowd."; 5: "Fletch yawns and stretches."; 6: self.number=random(3); } } } } ]; ! ! Part 1 ! Holder ->-> FletchHouse; NLine ->->-> FletchHouse0 "'sup, Fletch?" with content "~'sup, Fletch?~ I say.^ He nods at me. ~Not much, not much. You?~", after [; FletchHouse1.deactivate(); FletchHouse2.activate(); ], forget [; if (Fletch.lastheard>1) Fletch.chooseNode(FletchHouse); ]; RNLine ->->->-> FletchHouse0x0 "About the same." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~About the same,~ I say. He nods again."; NLine ->->->-> FletchHouse0x1 "Just waiting for this show to get on the road, or whatever." with content "~Just waiting for this show to get on the road,~ I say, ~or whatever.~^ ~Show on the road. . .~ he says thoughtfully. It's weird how he does that all the time. Like, you say, ~Nice weather we're having, huh Fletch?~ and he'll go, ~Nice weatherrrrr. . .~ like he's savoring your words as he repeats them. ~Are you ready for the show once it gets on the road?~ he continues."; RNLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse0x1x0 "Gets on the the road. . ." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Gets on the road. . .~ I say, mimicking him.^ He gives me a kind of sheepish little grin and says, ~Right on.~"; RNLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse0x1x1 "Totally." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Absolutely.~^ ~Right on,~ Fletch says."; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse0x1x2 "Sure, man. Are you?" with content "~Sure, man. Are you?~^ He chuckles. ~I've been ready since 6 o'clock. I was up at 5 helping Gary clean this place out.~^ Gary slaps him on the shoulder. ~And thanks for that, man. This place was a total mess.~^ ~It was, it was,~ Fletch replies, smiling slightly.^ Gary pokes me in the bicep with several fingers. ~Get this,~ he says. ~This whole floor --~ he gestures sweepingly at the expanse of linoleum ~-- was covered with dust 2 centimeters thick.~^ I chuckle. I admire Gary for his determination to go metric, but 2 centimeters just sounds so, like, scientific.^ ~And covered with rat shit!~ he continues. ~We found 3 fat rats in here!~", after [; Gary.chooseNode(GaryHouseRats); Gary.lastheard=0; <>; ]; RNLine ->->-> FletchHouse1 "Good morning." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Good morning,~ I say to Fletch.^ ~Morning, morning.~^", after [; FletchHouse0.deactivate(); FletchHouse2.activate(); ]; NLine ->->-> FletchHouse2 "What's the plan for, like, meeting and stuff, at the rally?" has ~on with active false, content "~What's the plan for, like, meeting and stuff,~ I say, ~at the rally?~^ Fletch raises his eyebrows and wrinkles his mouth, shrugging with his face. ~I guess we're going to play it by ear.~"; NLine ->->->-> FletchHouse2x0 "That's unusual." with adopting FletchHouse2x1, content "~That's unusual,~ I remark.^ ~Yeah. . .~ he says apologetically. ~It's -- I mean, there's the potential for major problems, but we basically don't have a choice. We don't have any kind of equipment like we've sometimes had before.~"; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x0x0 "How come?" with content "~How come?~ I ask.^ He shrugs. ~Just didn't get it. I was going to go into town last night and pick up some stuff, but the whole area was already full of cops.~"; RNLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x0x0x0 "So? They're not going to arrest you for buying a fucking walkie-talkie, Fletch." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~So?~ I say. ~They're not going to arrest you for buying a walkie-talkie, Fletch.~^ ~Oh, I -- actually, I wouldn't put it past those fuckers. But anyway, I was more worried about if they -- well, first of all, they might recognize me today if they saw me yesterday. Which is not too big a deal, but it's just not a good practice to let cops get to know your face like that. Second, they might recognize the van, which is a bigger deal, 'cause then they might find it and tow it while we're at the rally. Plus, I don't know, it's creepy; I mean, there were tons of cops there. I'm worried; if there were that many just fucking around last night, the rally today is probably going to be a fucking pigsty.~"; RNLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x0x0x1 "Fuck." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Fuck.~^ ~Fuck yeah.~"; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x0x1 "So we're going to communicate secretly with bird calls?" with content "~So we're going to communicate secretly with bird calls?~^ He chuckles. ~Well, we --~^ Gary cuts in: ~Say, that's an interesting idea. Do you know any bird calls?~", after [; Gary.chooseNode(GaryHouseRats); Gary.lastheard=0; <>; ]; RNLine ->->->-> FletchHouse2x1 "No walkie-talkies or anything this time?" with newnode FletchHouse2, content "~No walkie-talkies or anything this time?~^ ~Nah,~ he says. ~I mean, you remember last time, when the pigs confiscated 'em. I mean, fortunately we managed to give the other guys a heads-up so they'd know to shut up, but it could be a serious problem if the cops were listening in on our talk.~ He sighs. ~Plus, it's expensive to lose good walkie-talkies like that. So Gary and I figured we'd pass on that this time.~"; NLine ->->->-> FletchHouse2x2 "Uh, is that gonna work?" with content "~Uh,~ I say, ~is that gonna work?~^ ~I fucking hope so,~ he says. ~I mean, most of the guys aren't even bringing watches, 'cause they're afraid they're gonna get stolen or broken or something --~^ ~Yeah, I'm not bringing one. Mine got cracked last time.~^ ~Right. But then it's like, how are we going to know when it's time to head back to the van?~"; RNLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x0 "Are there any, like, big public clocks?" with newnode FletchHouse2x2, content "~Are there any, like, big public clocks?~^ ~I don't really know. But anyway, that's kind of lame. There's any number of things that could get in the way of that kind of timekeeping.~"; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1 "We could look at the sun." with content "~We could look at the sun,~ I suggest.^ ~I guess that's what we're going to be doing. It's not actually that bad of a plan. I know Gary and I can get a pretty good idea of what time it is by the sun, and Pilar, and you. I'm worried about Nora, though.~"; NLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x0 "I think everybody is." with content "~I think everybody is.~^ ~Well, it's hard not to. I mean, she's definitely dedicated and into the cause and all that, but she's so. . .~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x0x0 ". . .little?" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~. . .little?~^ ~Well, yeah, but that's no big deal. It's just that she's so -- she's so, like, new. Y'know? She hasn't got the hang of stuff yet.~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x0x1 ". . .innocent?" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~. . .innocent?~^ Fletch rolls his eyes. ~You know she's not innocent, by any stretch. Still, it's hard not to think of her that way, isn't it?~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x0x2 ". . .fragile?" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~. . .fragile?~^ He grimaces. ~That sounds corny. But I guess I know what you mean. You feel like you could break her in half, in some funky metaphysical sense or something.~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x0x3 ". . .bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~. . .bright eyed and bushy-tailed?~ I suggest, half-joking.^ ~Heh,~ he says. ~Yeah, sort of. Perhaps. . .~ He pauses impressively, pulling down his glasses to look at me over their rims in mock melodrama. ~. . .too bright-eyed. And too bushy-tailed.~ He chuckles."; RNLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x1 "Me too." with newnode FletchHouse2x2x1, content "~Me too.~^ ~I hope she'll be all right. She's never been to a rally before, has she?~^ ~Some little ones. Local stuff. Nothing like this.~^ Fletch sighs.", after [; FletchHouse2x2x1x0.deactivate(); ]; NLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x2 "Oscar's looking out for her." with content "~Oscar's looking out for,~ I say hopefully.^ ~A good thing too.~ He chuckles. ~What a combination. Are they, like, hooked up?~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x2x0 "I don't think so." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~I don't think so.~^ ~Hm,~ he says."; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x2x1 "Not that I know of." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Not that I know of,~ I say.^ ~Huh,~ he says."; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x2x2 "I don't know." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~I don't know,~ I say. What the fuck does he care? He's watched people like Nora and Oscar come and go, and hook up and then unhook -- lots of times.^ ~Yeah, yeah. . .~ Fletch says."; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x2x1x2x3 "Are they?" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Are they?~ If they are, that's news to me.^ He shrugs hastily. ~Oh, I have no idea. I mean, just, they're together a lot, so I was just wondering.~"; NLine ->->->-> FletchHouse2x3 "What, we're just going to wander around and hope we manage to link up again at the end?" with content "~What,~ I say sarcastically, ~we're just going to wander around and hope we manage to link up again at the end?~^ ~Hopefully not,~ Fletch says, ~but I'm afraid you may be right, some. The only way I can see to avoid it would be for us all to stay together, and that would, well, suck.~"; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0 "It would?" with content "~It would?~^ ~Well, I mean, it's kind of crazy having 8 people -- how many of us are there? 8? 9. -- 9 people just locked together into this big, like, clump. Plus it makes it easier for them to incarcerate us all at once.~"; NLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0x0 "Incarcerate? What the fuck are you talking about?" with content "~Incarcerate?~ I say, giving him a funny look. ~What the fuck are you talking about?~^ ~Incarcerate means imprison, Iris.~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0x0x0 "I mean, who suddenly gives a fuck if we get 'incarcerated'?" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~I mean, who suddenly gives a fuck if we get 'incarcerated'?~^ ~I think everybody does, Iris. I mean, sure, civil disobedience and all that, but I'd really rather not make it too easy for them to haul us away.~"; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0x0x1 "I know that." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~I know that,~ I say. What the fuck is this? Because he's a college grad he thinks I don't know the word 'incarcerate'?^ ~Well, so -- ah, forget it,~ he says."; RNLine ->->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0x0x2 "I fucking know what it means, Fletch." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~I fucking know what it means, Fletch.~^ ~Oh, shit, don't get all pissed off, man. I'm just saying we're a bigger target if we stay together, okay? Sheesh.~"; RNLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0x1 "Dude, it's solidarity!" with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Dude,~ I say, ~it's solidarity~^ He gives a token chuckle. ~Right.~"; RNLine ->->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x0x2 "Whatever." with newnode FletchHouse, content "~Whatever.~^ He just nods."; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x1 "How so?" with content "~How so?~^ ~Well, it'd just be, like, everybody's sort of tied to everybody else, you know.~"; NLine ->->->->-> FletchHouse2x3x2 "I guess." with content "~I guess.~^ ~Yeah, yeah. . .~"; ! ! Part 2 (Not present) ! ! ! Part 3 ! Holder ->-> FletchRally with sharing FletchRallyStuff; RNLine ->->-> FletchRally0 "Hey, Fletch." with newnode FletchRally, content "~Hey, Fletch,~ I say.^ ~Iris,~ he says, nodding in acknowledgement."; RNLine ->->-> FletchRally1 "What's the situation?" with newnode FletchRally, content "~What's the situation?~ I ask Fletch.^ ~What are you talking about?~^ ~I mean, y'know, are we leaving, or are we all good, or what?~^ ~I dunno. I'm in no hurry to leave. I don't think we have, like, a consensus or anything.~"; RNLine ->->-> FletchRally2 "Where's Gary?" has ~on with newnode FletchRally, content "~Where's Gary?~ I ask Fletch.^ ~Ah, he's around somewhere.~"; Holder ->->-> FletchRallyStuff; RNLine ->->->-> FletchRallyMask0 "That your mask, Fletch?" has ~on with newnode FletchRally, content "~That your mask, Fletch?~ I ask, kidding him.^ He doesn't get it. ~What? No, man.~^ ~I'm kidding.~^ ~Oh,~ he says. ~Heh.~"; Holder ->->->-> FletchRallyMask1 with switchedTo [; "~Whoa, who's in there?~ Fletch says to me. ~Is that Iris?~^"; ]; RNLine ->->->->-> FletchRallyMask1x0 "Yeah." with newnode FletchRally, content "~Yeah,~ I answer.^ ~Crazy.~"; NLine ->->->->-> FletchRallyMask1x1 "Who?" with forget [; if (Mask hasnt worn) Fletch.chooseNode(FletchRally); ], content "~Who?~ I ask, totally fooling him.^ ~Oh,~ he says, ~I thought you were somebody else.~"; RNLine ->->->-> FletchRallyCorpse0 "Fletch, that guy is dead!" has ~on with newnode FletchRally, content "~Fletch,~ I say, ~that guy is dead!~^ He's standing there shaking his head slowly. ~Holy mother of fuck.~"; ! ! Part 4b ! Holder ->-> FletchPost; RNLine ->->-> FletchPost0 "Good rally?" with newnode FletchPost, content "~Good rally?~ I ask Fletch.^ ~Good rallyyyyyy,~ he responds."; RNLine ->->-> FletchPost1 "You didn't see Kyla and Jen anywhere?" with newnode FletchPost, content "~You didn't see Kyla and Jen anywhere?~ I say to Fletch.^ ~Well, not recently, no.~";