! Stick it to the man ! Danielle Woman Danielle Limbo has ~proper concealed with short_name [; if (self.known==Yes) print "Danielle"; else print "girl"; rtrue; ], name 'danielle' 'girl' 'nondescript', description "She's kind of nondescript -- or maybe she just looks nondescript standing with him, because he's dressed in black and looks all eye-catching and everything.", color [; return $FFFFFF; ], bgcolor [; return $CC99FF; ], switchedTo [; self.chooseNode(self.sceneNode()); ], NPCbefore [; Kiss: if (self.known==Yes) "No way."; ], forget [; if (self.lastheard>5) self.chooseNode(self.sceneNode()); if (location~=parent(self)) self.chooseNode(self.sceneNode()); ], sceneNode [; switch (parent(self)) { Rally: if (self.known==Yes) return DanielleRally; else return DanielleRallyUnknown; RallyLimbo: return self.node; default: return self; } ], moveToRally [; move self to Rally; move Zac to Rally; ], number 0, known No, each_turn [; switch (parent(self)) { Rally: } ]; Holder ->-> DanielleRallyUnknown; NLine ->->-> DanielleRallyU0 "Hi." with content "~Hi,~ I say to the girl, not really sure why.", after [; Zac.chooseNode(ZacRally); <>; ]; Holder ->-> DanielleRally; RNLine ->->-> DanielleRally0 "So you guys are, like, just friends, or what?" with newnode ZacRally, content "~So you guys are, like, just friends,~ I ask Danielle, ~or what?~^ ~Me and Zac?~ she says -- her voice is like a telephone operator's or something -- ~Well, you know, we're, uh -- we have a pretty serious relationship.~"; NLine ->->-> DanielleRally1 "You're kind of quiet over there." with newnode ZacRally, content "~You're kind of quiet over there,~ I say to Danielle.^ She smiles. ~I don't talk much.~^ Well, duh."; NLine ->->-> DanielleRally2 "What are your, like, thoughts? I mean, why are you here?" with newnode ZacRally, content "~What are your, like, thoughts?~ I ask Danielle, trying to get her to say something. ~I mean, why are you here?~^ ~I believe in communism,~ she says, like it was some mythical beast, ~but really, I'm just at this rally 'cause Zac's here. I don't really do the whole rally thing, usually.~";