9 '$DYNAMIC 10 REM 'Red Tag Clearnace' (Version 1.50) by Paul Panks 12 SCREEN 0: CLS 14 COLOR 12: PRINT "Red Tag Clearance": COLOR 13: PRINT "*** "; : COLOR 5: PRINT "Version 1.50 "; : COLOR 13: PRINT "***": COLOR 15: PRINT "By"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ":"; : COLOR 8: PRINT " Paul Panks": PRINT 15 COLOR 7: PRINT "You are in search of the latest bargain at Speaksville Mall when" 17 PRINT "it hits you! Your brother Thomas wants the latest video game for his" 18 PRINT "Gamestar console. The game, 'Hamster Adventures', costs $50 and you" 21 PRINT "only have 35. That is 15 more than you have on hand.": PRINT : GOSUB 4999 23 PRINT : PRINT "The only way you can afford a copy is to locate a pricing gun" 24 PRINT "with the 'Red Tag Clearance' label affixed to it. One of the" 26 PRINT "managers of the video game store in the mall has this" 28 PRINT "label -- but you forgot to ask your brother who was on" 29 PRINT "shift today!": PRINT : PRINT "Too late to turn back, you'll need to ask around and use your" 32 PRINT "wits to both dodge the security camera (relabeling a priced item is" 33 PRINT "a crime!) and label the game before the day is over.": PRINT : COLOR 10: PRINT "Good luck!": PRINT 38 GOSUB 4999: CLS 40 DIM vb$(20), wd$(25), ob$(66), ex$(66), ao$(66), de$(73), rn$(73), na$, kn$, oe$, c$, noun$, verb$ 42 DIM lo(66), m(73, 6), rm, x, y, si, i, ct, dy, h, hp, m, mp, f, n, v, gp 50 FOR x = 1 TO 66: READ ob$(x), ao$(x), ex$(x): NEXT 51 FOR x = 1 TO 73: READ rn$(x), de$(x): NEXT 52 FOR x = 1 TO 17: READ vb$(x): NEXT 53 FOR x = 1 TO 66: READ lo(x): NEXT 54 FOR x = 1 TO 73: FOR y = 1 TO 6: READ m(x, y): NEXT: NEXT 55 oe$ = "Obvious exits: " 56 CLS : gp = 50 57 COLOR 7: PRINT "Are you playing a saved game? "; : COLOR 8: PRINT "("; : COLOR 15: PRINT "y"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "/"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "n"; : COLOR 8: PRINT ")"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ":"; : INPUT "", ry$ IF ry$ <> "y" AND ry$ <> "n" THEN GOTO 57 58 IF ry$ = "y" THEN GOTO 800 59 PRINT : PRINT "Alright, what is your name, man?"; : INPUT "", na$ 60 PRINT "And what will you be known as (i.e. brave,": PRINT "weird, pimp, cool, etc.):"; : INPUT "", kn$ 61 SLEEP 1: PRINT : PRINT "Alright, you're ready to rock, man!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Remember, find the game and price it with the": PRINT "red tag clearance before the mall closes!": SLEEP 3: CLS 75 rm = 46: dy = 1: hr = 9: m = 1: h = 150: hp = 150: m = 25: mp = 25: lv = 1: ex = 0: na$ = "dunric": kn$ = "brave": al$ = "lawful": sc = 0 99 IF dog = 1 THEN lo(28) = rm: COLOR 8: PRINT "Dog follows you...": SLEEP 1 IF tg = 1 THEN y = 0: FOR x = 1 TO LEN(rn$(rm)): GOSUB 2000: COLOR y: PRINT MID$(rn$(rm), x, 1); : NEXT: PRINT IF al$ = "" THEN al$ = "Lawful" 100 IF tg = 1 THEN y = 0: FOR x = 1 TO LEN(de$(rm)): GOSUB 2000: COLOR y: PRINT MID$(de$(rm), x, 1); : NEXT: PRINT 101 IF tg = 1 THEN y = 0: FOR x = 1 TO LEN(oe$): GOSUB 2000: COLOR y: PRINT MID$(oe$, x, 1); : NEXT 102 IF tg = 0 THEN y = 0: COLOR 15: PRINT rn$(rm): COLOR 7: PRINT de$(rm): COLOR 7: PRINT oe$; 103 COLOR 6: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 7: y = 0: FOR x = 1 TO 6: IF m(rm, x) > 0 THEN COLOR 15: PRINT " "; ob$(x); 104 NEXT: COLOR 6: PRINT " >": COLOR 7: PRINT : IF rm = 46 THEN COLOR 14: PRINT "Type 'toggle' to toggle funky display on or off" IF rm = 16 OR rm = 17 THEN IF eg = 1 THEN PRINT "There are eggs splattered all over the sign here." 105 FOR x = 7 TO 66: IF lo(x) = rm THEN COLOR 8: PRINT ob$(x); "." 106 NEXT 107 IF lo(38) = rm AND sp = 0 AND lo(10) = -1 THEN sp = 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Uncle Fred looks at your pricing gun.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "He says,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "A pricing gun, eh? Those are easy enough to operate."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 2: _ PRINT "Fred takes the pricing gun and shows you how to use it.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF dog = 0 THEN IF lo(28) = rm AND lo(8) = -1 THEN dog = 1: PRINT "The dog sniffs your sandwhich.": PRINT "The dog starts following you around!": SLEEP 1 FOR x = 1 TO 25: wd$(x) = "": NEXT: ct = ct + 1: IF ct >= 60 THEN COLOR 12: ct = 0: GOSUB 9200 COLOR 7: IF st = 1 THEN RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 35) + 1: IF i > 25 THEN PRINT "Man, you feel stoned off your feet!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "'Elephant power!!!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You hop around on all fours!": SLEEP 1: tg = 1 IF eg = 1 THEN RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 50) + 1: IF i >= 48 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT "Shit! Here comes security!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You shouldn't have egged Berky's!": COLOR 7: SLEEP 1: PRINT "Well, game over, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 9000 COLOR 6: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 7: INPUT "", a$: IF LEN(a$) = 1 THEN GOTO 120 IF a$ = "dial number" AND rm = 1 THEN GOTO 9600 108 y = 1: wa = 1: FOR x = 1 TO LEN(a$): IF MID$(a$, x, 1) = " " THEN y = x: wd$(wa) = LEFT$(a$, y - 1): wa = wa + 1: wd$(wa) = MID$(a$, y + 1, x + 1) 109 NEXT: wd$(wa) = MID$(a$, y + 1, x + 1) IF a$ = "save" OR a$ = "sav" OR a$ = "save game" OR a$ = "sav game" OR a$ = "sv" OR a$ = "sv game" THEN GOTO 7000 IF a$ = "help" OR a$ = "mercy" OR a$ = "help command" OR a$ = "help commands" THEN GOTO 8000 110 IF a$ = "score" OR a$ = "sc" THEN GOTO 375: ELSE IF a$ = "look" OR a$ = "lk" THEN GOTO 99 111 IF a$ = "in" OR a$ = "inv" OR a$ = "inve" OR a$ = "inven" OR a$ = "invent" OR a$ = "inventory" THEN GOTO 400: ELSE IF a$ = "toggle" THEN IF tg = 0 THEN tg = 1: PRINT "Funky display is now on.": PRINT "To turn off, repeat the 'toggle' command." _ : GOTO 107 112 IF a$ = "quit" OR a$ = "bye" OR a$ = "goodbye" OR a$ = "good bye" OR a$ = "exit" THEN CLS : COLOR 7: PRINT "Thanks for playing! :)": COLOR 10: PRINT "dunric@yahoo.com": SLEEP 5: END: ELSE IF a$ = "toggle" THEN IF tg = 1 THEN tg = 0: PRINT _ "Funky display is now off.": PRINT "To turn back on, repeat the 'toggle' command.": GOTO 107 113 v = 0: FOR x = 1 TO 17: IF wd$(1) = vb$(x) THEN v = x 114 NEXT: IF v = 0 THEN PRINT "I don't understand you.": GOTO 107 115 n = 0: FOR x = 1 TO 66: IF wd$(2) = ob$(x) OR wd$(2) = ao$(x) OR wd$(3) = ob$(x) OR wd$(3) = ao$(x) THEN n = x 116 NEXT: IF n = 0 THEN IF v <> 10 AND v <> 11 THEN PRINT "You can't do that here.": GOTO 107 117 ON v GOTO 130, 140, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 212, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 290, 130 118 PRINT "I don't understand your command.": GOTO 107 120 IF a$ = "?" THEN GOTO 375: ELSE IF a$ = "l" THEN GOTO 99 121 IF a$ = "i" THEN GOTO 400 122 IF a$ = "q" THEN a$ = "quit": GOTO 112 123 IF a$ = "n" THEN n = 1: GOTO 130 124 IF a$ = "s" THEN n = 2: GOTO 130 125 IF a$ = "e" THEN n = 3: GOTO 130 126 IF a$ = "w" THEN n = 4: GOTO 130 127 IF a$ = "u" THEN n = 5: GOTO 130 128 IF a$ = "d" THEN n = 6: GOTO 130 129 PRINT "I don't understand your command.": GOTO 107 130 IF a$ = "gonorth" OR a$ = "gosouth" OR a$ = "goeast" OR a$ = "gowest" OR a$ = "goup" OR a$ = "godown" THEN PRINT "I don't understand your command.": GOTO 107 131 IF a$ = "go north" OR a$ = "north" OR a$ = "n" THEN n = 1 132 IF a$ = "go south" OR a$ = "south" OR a$ = "s" THEN n = 2 133 IF a$ = "go east" OR a$ = "east" OR a$ = "e" THEN n = 3 134 IF a$ = "go west" OR a$ = "west" OR a$ = "w" THEN n = 4 135 IF a$ = "go up" OR a$ = "up" OR a$ = "u" THEN n = 5 136 IF a$ = "go down" OR a$ = "down" OR a$ = "d" THEN n = 6 137 IF m(rm, n) = 0 THEN PRINT "You can't go that way.": GOTO 107 138 IF n = 1 THEN IF lo(32) = rm THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The Jock stops you!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Jock says,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "What the fupp are you doing looking at my girlfriend?"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": GOTO 107 IF rm = 39 THEN RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 10) + 1: IF i >= 8 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "fupp!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(honk! honk! SCREEEEECCCCHHHH!)": SLEEP 2: COLOR 7: PRINT "You were run over by a car, too late for it to stop!": SLEEP 2: PRINT _ "Well, you died...": SLEEP 2: GOTO 9500 IF rm = 5 THEN IF n = 4 AND lo(24) = rm THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The Old Man stops you.": PRINT "Old Man says,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Hey, I know you! You're that punk kid Annie warned me about."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 49 THEN IF n = 4 AND lo(27) = rm THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The punk stops you!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Punk says,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Man, fupp you! What's your big problem, dick head?!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 139 rm = m(rm, n): COLOR 15: PRINT "You move "; ob$(n); "...": SLEEP 1: GOTO 99 140 IF lo(n) = rm THEN IF n > 6 AND n < 21 OR n = 31 OR n = 40 OR n = 41 OR n = 42 OR n > 61 THEN IF ic < 8 THEN ic = ic + 1: lo(n) = -1: PRINT "Taken.": GOTO 107 141 IF ic >= 8 THEN PRINT "You are carrying too much.": GOTO 107 142 IF n < 7 OR n > 21 AND n <> 31 AND n <> 40 AND n <> 41 AND n <> 42 AND n < 62 THEN PRINT "You can't pick that up!": GOTO 107 143 PRINT "You can't pick that up (too much weight).": GOTO 107 150 IF lo(n) = -1 THEN lo(n) = rm: ic = ic - 1: PRINT "Dropped.": GOTO 107 151 IF lo(n) = 105 THEN PRINT "You must unwield that first.": GOTO 107 152 IF lo(n) = 205 THEN PRINT "You must remove that first.": GOTO 107 153 PRINT "You can't do that.": GOTO 107 160 IF lo(n) = -1 THEN IF wd = 0 THEN IF n > 8 AND n < 12 OR n = 15 OR n = 18 OR n = 30 OR n = 39 OR n = 40 OR n = 43 OR n = 9 OR n = 10 OR n = 11 OR n = 13 OR n = 64 OR n = 65 OR n = 66 THEN IF wd = 0 THEN wd = 1: lo(n) = 105: PRINT _ "Feels ackward, but ok...": PRINT "You wield "; ob$(n); ".": GOTO 107 161 IF n = 40 THEN IF lo(41) = -1 THEN IF wd = 0 THEN lo(40) = 105: wd = 1: PRINT "You wield the 9mm handgun.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You slap a clip into the gun. Ready to fire, biatch!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 162 IF n = 40 THEN PRINT "Damn, biatch! You need bullets to use this bad boy!": GOTO 107 169 PRINT "That cannot be wielded.": GOTO 107 170 IF lo(n) = 105 THEN lo(n) = -1: wd = 0: PRINT "Ok.": GOTO 107 171 PRINT "That cannot be unwielded.": GOTO 107 180 IF lo(n) = -1 THEN IF n = 12 OR n = 18 OR n = 19 OR n = 21 THEN lo(n) = 205: ac = ac + n: PRINT "A bit ackward, but ok...": PRINT "You wear "; ob$(n); ".": GOTO 107 181 PRINT "You can't wear that.": GOTO 107 190 IF lo(n) = 205 THEN lo(n) = -1: ac = ac - n: PRINT "You remove "; ob$(n); ".": GOTO 107 191 PRINT "You can't remove that.": GOTO 107 200 IF lo(n) <> -1 THEN PRINT "You aren't carrying that to use!": GOTO 107 201 IF n = 7 THEN PRINT "You drink from the slurpie...": PRINT "You feel better!": h = hp: m = mp: GOTO 107 202 IF n = 8 THEN PRINT "You eat a bit of the sandwhich.": h = h + 10: GOTO 107 203 IF n = 9 THEN PRINT "On what? Uncle Albert's ear?": GOTO 107 204 IF n = 10 THEN IF sp = 0 THEN PRINT "You've never used a pricing gun before!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Go get Uncle Fred to help you out!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 205 IF n = 10 THEN IF sp = 1 THEN GOTO 207 206 : 207 IF n = 10 THEN IF lo(14) <> rm AND lo(14) <> -1 THEN PRINT "You need the red tag clearance.": GOTO 107 208 IF n = 10 THEN IF lo(16) <> rm AND lo(16) <> -1 THEN PRINT "You need 'Hamster Adventures' in order to price it!": GOTO 107 209 IF n = 10 THEN IF rm <> 8 AND rm <> 9 AND rm > 7 AND rm < 12 THEN PRINT "Shit! You were seen by a security camera!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Great going, bozo!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Now your brother will have to pay full price!": SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "Better luck next time!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 9000 210 IF n = 10 THEN IF rm <> 8 AND rm <> 9 AND rm <> 10 AND rm <> 11 AND rm <> 12 THEN PRINT "You can't set the price here!": PRINT "(You must be inside Video Stop!": GOTO 107 211 IF n = 10 THEN PRINT "You set the price to 'clearance' and take it up to the counter.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "walk": SLEEP 1: PRINT "walk": SLEEP 1: PRINT "walk": rm = 9: SLEEP 1: PRINT "'That'll be $22.53', says John": SLEEP 1: GOTO 9000 IF n = 12 THEN PRINT "For what? A new home for you and the rats??": GOTO 107 IF n = 13 THEN IF rm = 16 OR rm = 17 THEN eg = 1: sc = sc + 25: PRINT "Man, you hate Berky's!": PRINT "Ever since those piss ant little fupps ripped you off": PRINT "last month, you've been egging for some revenge, baby!": SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "You chuck a few eggs at the sign outside!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "SPLLLAAAAATTTTTT!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "That'll teach 'em!": GOTO 107 IF n = 13 THEN IF rm = 5 OR rm = 8 THEN PRINT "Man, you can't egg Video Stop, you silly dipstick!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Get your fupping brain in gear before the day's over, punk!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 13 THEN PRINT "You'd love to throw some eggs around, but you're on a time budget, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 15 THEN PRINT "You can only WIELD the fupping rock, not USE it!": GOTO 107 IF n = 18 THEN PRINT "Man, what the fupp are you gonna do with a Surge Protector?": SLEEP 1: PRINT "How about WEAR the fupping thing!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 31 THEN PRINT "Well, you're on the Planet Earth (somewhere)...": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Great going, dipstick!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 43 THEN IF rm = 46 OR rm = 47 OR rm = 48 THEN PRINT "Well, you picked up a bunch of cars...": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 43 THEN IF rm = 49 OR rm = 50 THEN PRINT "Yes! You found some gold!": SLEEP 1: gp = gp + 50: GOTO 107 IF n = 62 THEN PRINT "You must READ the book, silly!": GOTO 107 IF n = 63 THEN PRINT "You play with the marble a bit...": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Your wounds have been healed somewhat!": h = h + 10: SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 64 OR n = 65 THEN PRINT "You don't see a way to use the "; ob$(n); "!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Jesus, man! Stop fupping around with shit you have no knowledge of!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 66 AND zm = 0 THEN zm = 1: PRINT "You raise the skull into the air!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "A ray of light engulfs you!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 8: PRINT "A Shadow Warrior appears at your side!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Shadow Warrior says,'"; : COLOR 8: _ PRINT "I am here to serve you, master..."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 66 THEN PRINT "You have already summoned the Shadow Warrior!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 PRINT "You can't use that here.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Man, stop wasting time before Video Stop closes!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 212 IF rm <> 44 THEN PRINT "What the fupp?!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Are you crazy, man!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You can't climb that here!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 213 COLOR 15: PRINT "You climb up the tree...": COLOR 7: SLEEP 1: rm = 45: GOTO 99 220 IF lo(n) = -1 OR lo(n) = 105 OR lo(n) = 205 OR lo(n) = rm THEN PRINT ex$(n): GOTO 990 221 IF n = 0 THEN GOTO 223 222 PRINT "You can't examine that here (or you don't see it).": GOTO 107 223 IF st = 1 THEN RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 35) + 1: IF i > 25 THEN PRINT "You are too "; : COLOR 1: PRINT "s"; : COLOR 2: PRINT "t"; : COLOR 3: PRINT "o"; : COLOR 4: PRINT "n"; : COLOR 5: PRINT "e"; : COLOR 6: PRINT "d"; : COLOR 7: PRINT _ " to examine anything up close!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 1 THEN IF a$ = "examine phone" THEN PRINT "What the fupp? It's a PAY phone! You put quarters in, dickbreath!": GOTO 107 IF rm = 1 THEN IF a$ = "examine phones" THEN PRINT "Well, they're normal pay phones...": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Holy smackers, bitch! Stop wasting time!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Anyway, to use, type: "; : COLOR 10: PRINT "dial number": COLOR 7: GOTO 107 IF rm = 2 THEN IF a$ = "examine people" THEN PRINT "Well, all kinds of people are here...fat, skinny, big, tall, young, old...": SLEEP 1: PRINT "If you're girlfriend were here, you'd probably find a place": PRINT "to make out or something...": GOTO _ 107 IF rm = 3 THEN IF a$ = "examine people" THEN PRINT "Not a whole lot of people are eating in this section.": PRINT "Man, did you let one loose or what, biatch?!": GOTO 107 IF rm = 5 THEN IF a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine stores" OR a$ = "examine video stop" OR a$ = "examine stop" THEN PRINT "Most of these stores are overflowing with people!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Get your ass inside and see what's for sale, pimp!": _ GOTO 107 IF rm = 6 THEN IF a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine pets unlimited" OR a$ = "examine pets" OR a$ = "examine unlimited" THEN PRINT "This store sells dogs and cats. Mostly.": GOTO 107 IF rm = 7 THEN IF a$ = "examine counter" THEN PRINT "It's made of wood and termites love it.": GOTO 107 IF rm > 7 AND rm < 13 THEN IF a$ = "examine backroom" OR a$ = "examine back room" OR a$ = "examine room" OR a$ = "examine video stop" OR a$ = "examine video" OR a$ = "examine games" OR a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine counter" THEN PRINT _ "Many of these items are on sale.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Man, find the damn pricing gun!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 14 THEN IF a$ = "examine center court" OR a$ = "examine court" OR a$ = "examine room" OR a$ = "examine mall" THEN PRINT "This is center court. There are a few plants here.": GOTO 107 IF rm = 14 THEN IF a$ = "examine plant" OR a$ = "examine plants" THEN tg = 1: h = hp: m = mp: PRINT "You eat some of the plants...": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Holy shit, these are the RIGHT kind of plants, man!": st = 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 17 THEN IF a$ = "examine sign" OR a$ = "examine berky's" OR a$ = "examine berkys" OR a$ = "examine counter" OR a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine people" THEN PRINT "Ah shit! Berky's is the local hangout": PRINT _ "for all the old farts in town!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Cafeteria food makes you want to puke, bitch!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 19 OR rm = 20 THEN IF a$ = "examine counter" OR a$ = "examine radio house" OR a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine house" THEN PRINT "This is Radio House, the local electronics store. Nothing too fancy": PRINT "( or inexpensive, man )!": _ GOTO 107 IF rm = 23 OR rm = 24 THEN IF a$ = "examine the card shop" OR a$ = "examine card shop" OR a$ = "examine card" OR a$ = "examine cards" OR a$ = "examine shop" OR a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine counter" THEN PRINT _ "This is the local 'Hallmark' clone. There are cards and other shit": PRINT "sold here. Whoopie! What a jip, man!": GOTO 107 IF rm > 24 AND rm < 29 THEN IF a$ = "examine sink" THEN PRINT "Jesus, man! You're looking at your reflection in THE WOMEN'S RESTROOM!": GOTO 107 IF rm > 24 AND rm < 29 THEN IF a$ = "examine stalls" OR a$ = "examine stall" OR a$ = "examine toilets" OR a$ = "examine toilet" OR a$ = "examine wall" OR a$ = "examine walls" THEN PRINT "Cool! One of the stalls has the following message:": SLEEP 1: _ PRINT : COLOR 6: PRINT "...For a good time, call 555-1256. Jenny. 36C": GOTO 107 IF rm > 29 AND rm < 41 THEN IF a$ = "examine parking lot" OR a$ = "examine parking" OR a$ = "examine mall" OR a$ = "examine wall" OR a$ = "examine street" OR a$ = "examine car" OR a$ = "examine cars" THEN PRINT "What's so special about it?": GOTO _ 107 IF rm = 41 OR rm = 42 OR rm = 43 THEN IF a$ = "examine park" OR a$ = "examine benches" OR a$ = "examine bench" OR a$ = "examine tree" OR a$ = "examine fountain" OR a$ = "examine statue" THEN PRINT "You notice some coins underwater in the fountain." _ : SLEEP 1: PRINT "Well, you thief some away...": SLEEP 1: gp = gp + 3: GOTO 107 IF rm = 44 THEN IF a$ = "examine tree" OR a$ = "examine branch" OR a$ = "examine trees" OR a$ = "examine leaves" OR a$ = "examine leaf" THEN PRINT "Well, the tree has many features (including a treehouse).": SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "The leaves are a mixture of green and yellow, and the branches": PRINT "are twisted with age and time. There's also a treehouse here.": GOTO 107 IF rm = 44 THEN IF a$ = "examine treehouse" OR a$ = "examine tree house" OR a$ = "examine house" THEN PRINT "The treehouse is located at the top of the tree.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You'll need to 'climb tree' in order to reach it.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 45 THEN IF a$ = "examine tree" OR a$ = "examine treehouse" OR a$ = "examine tree house" OR a$ = "examine house" OR a$ = "examine trees" OR a$ = "examine leaves" OR a$ = "examine leaf" THEN PRINT _ "It's pretty old, but still sturdy enough to lie in...": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm > 45 AND rm < 49 THEN IF a$ = "examine parking lot" OR a$ = "examine parking" OR a$ = "examine street" OR a$ = "examine car" OR a$ = "examine cars" OR a$ = "examine mall" THEN PRINT "You notice nothing out of the ordinary.": GOTO 107 IF rm = 49 THEN IF a$ = "examine fred's" OR a$ = "examine freds" OR a$ = "examine slurpie machine" OR a$ = "examine machine" OR a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine shop" OR a$ = "examine counter" THEN PRINT _ "You are inside Fred's. The slurpie machine looks old and crusty.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "The counter is near the machine towards the front.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 50 THEN IF a$ = "examine fred's" OR a$ = "examine freds" OR a$ = "examine slurpie machine" OR a$ = "examine machine" OR a$ = "examine shop" OR a$ = "examine store" OR a$ = "examine counter" THEN PRINT _ "You notice nothing out of the ordinary here.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Oh wait, there's some cash on the counter here...": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You thief some up...": SLEEP 1: gp = gp + 10: GOTO 107 PRINT "You notice nothing out of the ordinary.": GOTO 107 230 IF rm = 5 THEN IF a$ = "read sign" OR a$ = "read signs" THEN PRINT "One says,'Video Stop' and the other says,'Pet's Unlimited.'": GOTO 107 IF rm = 16 THEN IF a$ = "read sign" THEN IF eg = 0 THEN PRINT "The sign reads,'Berky's'.": GOTO 107 IF rm = 16 THEN IF a$ = "read sign" THEN PRINT "The sign reads,'Berky's'.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "There is egg splattered all over the sign!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Gross, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 22 THEN IF a$ = "read sign" THEN PRINT "Well, one says,'Radio House' and the other says,'The Card Shop'.": GOTO 107 240 IF lo(36) = rm THEN IF n = 42 THEN IF sy = 0 THEN PRINT "Drugie says,'I can sell you a few...you know...rocks, but you're gonna have": PRINT "to beat me up for a better price!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "Drugie says,'Look man, I'm not Santa Claus or nothing!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Drugie says,'Go fupp up Sally for me and maybe we can talk.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF lo(36) = rm THEN IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(22) = 998 AND sy = 0 THEN sy = 1: PRINT "Drugie says,'Cool, man! Great going!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Drugie gives you some drugs in exchange for a blow job.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Damn that felt good!": SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "Drugie walks away, smiling to himself deep inside.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(22) = rm THEN PRINT "Sally whispers,'Hey! You want drugs? Go buy it from the drugie across": PRINT "the way! He'll sell 'em to you!": GOTO 107 IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(23) = rm THEN PRINT "John smirks.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "'Man, fupp your ass!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "John throws you out of Video Stop!": SLEEP 1: rm = 5: GOTO 99 IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(38) = rm THEN PRINT "Fred screams at you!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "'What the FUPP man! Are you stupid or somethin'?!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Get your fuppin' brain back in that head o' yours, man!'": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 7 AND lo(7) <> -1 THEN IF rm = 49 OR rm = 50 THEN gp = gp - 0: lo(7) = -1: PRINT "You manage to buy a slurpie without paying!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Oh, the perks of being the nephew of Fred!": SLEEP 1: ic = ic + 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 8 AND lo(8) <> -1 THEN IF rm = 49 OR rm = 50 THEN gp = gp - 5: lo(8) = -1: PRINT "You are charged 5 gold coins for the sandwhich.": ic = ic + 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 42 THEN IF rm <> 49 AND rm <> 50 AND rm <> 8 AND rm <> 9 THEN PRINT "Your offer to buy is refused!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 7 THEN IF rm <> 49 AND rm <> 50 THEN PRINT "Only Fred's sells those!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Go to Fred's and maybe we'll have a deal!": GOTO 107 PRINT "You can't buy shit here!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Places to buy or sell are at Fred's or Video Stop.": GOTO 107 250 IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(36) = rm THEN PRINT "Drugie laughs at you.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "'Man, what kind of fool do you take me for?'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "'Get lost, punk!'": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(22) = rm THEN PRINT "Sally whispers,'I'll give you 100 for those.'": SLEEP 1: lo(42) = 1022: ic = ic - 1: PRINT "You sell Sally the drugs for 100 gold coins.": gp = gp + 100: SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "Great going! You just made your first drug deal!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Your brother will be so proud of you!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 42 THEN IF lo(23) = rm THEN PRINT "John frowns.": PRINT "'What the fupp, bitch?!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "John calls the cops on your ass!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "The cops take you away to jail!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Game over, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 9000 IF n = 42 THEN PRINT "You can't sell the drugs here!": PRINT "Try at Video Stop instead!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF rm = 8 OR rm = 9 THEN RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 50) + 1: PRINT "You sold "; ob$(n); " for"; i; "gold coins.": lo(n) = 1022: ic = ic - 1: gp = gp + i: SLEEP 1: PRINT "Since John is the Senior Manager at Video Stop, he takes possession": PRINT _ "of your goods!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 7 AND lo(7) = -1 THEN IF rm = 49 OR rm = 50 THEN gp = gp + 10: lo(7) = 1038: ic = ic - 1: PRINT "You sell the slurpie for 10 gold coins.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "That's almost twice the normal amount!": SLEEP 1: PRINT _ "Fred ust really like you or something!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 8 AND lo(8) = -1 THEN IF rm = 49 OR rm = 50 THEN gp = gp + 7: lo(8) = 1038: ic = ic - 1: PRINT "You sell the sandwhich back for 7 gold coins.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Wow, what a great deal!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 IF n = 10 OR n = 16 OR n = 17 OR n = 18 OR n = 19 OR n = 20 OR n = 21 THEN PRINT "They don't take pricing guns here!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Man, this is retail! They don't buy back their old shit!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 PRINT "They don't accept that as valid merchandise, man!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Wise up or something!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 260 IF n = 7 AND lo(7) = -1 THEN PRINT "You can't EAT a slurpie! You DRINK the damn thing!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 261 IF n = 8 AND lo(8) = -1 THEN PRINT "You eat a bit of the sandwhich.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Your wounds heal somewhat.": SLEEP 1: h = h + 10: GOTO 107 262 IF n = 13 AND lo(13) = -1 THEN PRINT "Yuck! These eggs are rotten, man!": SLEEP 1: h = h - 10: GOTO 107 263 IF n = 15 AND lo(15) = -1 THEN PRINT "What the fupp? Are you really going to eat a rock?!": GOTO 107 264 IF n = 21 AND lo(21) = -1 THEN PRINT "The elephant is not food, man!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "At least not on these shores, baby!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 265 IF n = 42 AND lo(42) = -1 THEN lo(42) = 1036: ic = ic - 1: PRINT "You eat the drugs.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Shit! Your head is starting to spin!": SLEEP 1: st = 1: PRINT "You are stoned off your ass, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 266 PRINT "You can't eat that, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 270 IF n = 7 AND lo(7) = -1 THEN PRINT "You drink a bit from the slurpie.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "The cherry flavor is one of your favorites!": SLEEP 1: h = hp: m = mp: GOTO 107 271 PRINT "You can't drink that, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 280 IF lo(n) <> rm THEN PRINT "That isn't here to kill, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 281 IF n < 22 THEN PRINT "You can't kill something that isn't alive.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Well, maybe if you're drunk or stoned enough, that is...": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 282 IF n = 28 OR n = 29 THEN PRINT "What the fupp?! Hurting an animal is a crime, man!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 283 IF n = 31 THEN PRINT "You can't kill something that isn't alive.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Well fupp, pollution is killing the earth, so why not you??": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 284 wp = 0: FOR x = 7 TO 66: IF lo(x) = 105 THEN wp = x: PRINT "You are wielding the "; ob$(x); "..." 285 NEXT: IF wp = 0 THEN PRINT "Fupp man! You're wielding nothing!": SLEEP 1: dm = 2 286 IF wp = 40 THEN dm = 25: IF lo(41) <> -1 THEN PRINT "Shit! You don't have the bullets!": dm = 4: SLEEP 1 287 IF wp = 9 THEN dm = 5 288 IF wp = 10 THEN dm = 6 IF wp = 11 THEN dm = 3 IF wp = 13 THEN dm = 15: PRINT "Awesome! You have dozens of eggs here!": SLEEP 1 IF wp = 15 THEN dm = 20: PRINT "Yes! This rock can REALLY fupp somebody up!": SLEEP 1 IF wp = 43 THEN dm = 18: PRINT "This feels more like a golf club, man!": SLEEP 1 IF dm = 0 THEN dm = 2 mh = n + wp + dm 289 COLOR 7: RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 25) + 1: PRINT "You are fighting "; ob$(n); "...": PRINT ">": IF i <= 5 THEN PRINT "You missed "; ob$(n); ".": SLEEP 1 IF wp = 40 AND lo(41) = -1 THEN IF i >= 6 AND i <= 10 THEN PRINT "BLAM! BLAM! You shot "; ob$(n); " in the chest!": mh = mh - 150: SLEEP 1: PRINT "Man, "; ob$(n); "'s bleeding badly!": SLEEP 1 IF st = 1 THEN IF i >= 6 AND i <= 10 THEN PRINT "You feel stoned!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You start UNLOADING the clip at "; ob$(n); "'s chest!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 100: mh = mh - 100: mh = mh - 100: PRINT _ "You REALLY fupped up "; ob$(n); " now!": SLEEP 1 IF i >= 11 AND i <= 15 THEN IF wp = 9 THEN PRINT "You STAPLED "; ob$(n); " to a fupping wall!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 50 IF i >= 11 AND i <= 15 THEN IF wp = 10 THEN PRINT "You DEVALUED "; ob$(n); " by 25 dollars!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "PLAM! PLAM! ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 25: mh = mh - 3 * dm IF i >= 11 AND i <= 15 THEN IF wp = 11 THEN PRINT "You just POKED "; ob$(n); " in the forehead!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "BLOOD starts pouring out of "; ob$(n); "'s head!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 75: mh = mh - 2 * dm IF i >= 11 AND i <= 15 THEN IF wp = 13 THEN PRINT "You PELT "; ob$(n); " with a dozen eggs!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "PLAT! PLAT! PLUNK!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 35: mh = mh - dm IF i >= 11 AND i <= 15 THEN IF wp = 15 THEN PRINT "SMACK!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You SMASHED "; ob$(n); " with a bone-crushing sound!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 85: mh = mh - 4 * dm IF i >= 11 AND i <= 15 THEN IF wp = 43 THEN PRINT "WHAP!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You SMACKED "; ob$(n); " upside the head!": SLEEP 1: mh = 1 IF i >= 16 AND i <= 20 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " dodged your attack.": SLEEP 1 IF i >= 21 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " deflected your blow.": SLEEP 1 IF i >= 21 THEN IF dog = 1 AND lo(28) = rm THEN COLOR 8: PRINT "Dog BITES "; ob$(n); " in the knee!": SLEEP 1: mh = mh - 25 IF zm = 1 THEN IF i >= 21 AND i <= 25 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The Shadow Warrior "; : COLOR 8: PRINT "CASTS DRAIN"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Life has been sucked from "; ob$(n); "'s body!": mh = mh - 75: h = h + 25 COLOR 7: PRINT : COLOR 8: PRINT "Your Hit Points:"; : COLOR 15: PRINT h; : COLOR 7: PRINT "/"; : COLOR 15: PRINT hp COLOR 8: PRINT "The "; ob$(n); "'s Hit Points:"; : COLOR 7: PRINT mh PRINT : RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 50) + 1: RANDOMIZE TIMER: t = INT(RND * 100) + 1: IF i <= 10 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " missed you.": SLEEP 1 IF t = 12 OR t = 13 OR t = 14 OR t = 15 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " says,'"; : COLOR 6: PRINT "Owwww! Stop hurting me!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": PRINT : SLEEP 1 IF t = 16 OR t = 17 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " says,'"; : COLOR 6: PRINT "NOW you'll pay for that!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: PRINT IF t = 18 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " laughs at you.": PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " says,'"; : COLOR 6: PRINT "Is that the best you've got?!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: PRINT IF i >= 6 AND i <= 15 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " hit you very hard!": SLEEP 1: h = h - 75: h = h + ac IF n = 36 THEN IF i >= 16 AND i <= 20 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " UNLOADS his clip at you!!!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!": SLEEP 2: h = h - 300: h = h + ac IF i >= 16 AND i <= 20 THEN IF n <> 36 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " SMASHED you with a bone-crushing sound!": SLEEP 1: h = h - 75: h = h + ac IF i >= 21 THEN PRINT "You dodged the attack.": SLEEP 1 PRINT : PRINT ">": IF h < 50 THEN IF m >= 5 THEN m = m - 5: COLOR 14: PRINT "You cast HEAL...": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Your wounds healed somewhat.": SLEEP 1: h = h + 25 IF mh < 50 THEN mh = mh + 15: COLOR 14: PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " cast HEAL...": COLOR 7: SLEEP 1: PRINT "Their wounds have been healed somewhat.": SLEEP 1 COLOR 7: IF mh < 1 THEN PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " sustained a fatal blow!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " died.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You killed "; ob$(n); ".": lo(n) = 998: GOTO funky death = 0: IF h < 1 THEN death = 1: PRINT "You sustained a fatal blow!": SLEEP 1: h = hp: PRINT "You died.": SLEEP 2: GOTO 9000 SLEEP 1: GOTO 289 funky: ee = 0: ee = ee + dm + n + wp + i: ex = ex + ee: IF ee > 50 THEN ex = ex + 150: PRINT "You gained a level!": lv = lv + 1: hp = hp + 25: h = hp: mp = mp + 10: m = mp: PRINT "You gained"; ee; "experience points and"; dm + i + n; "gold coins.": gp = gp _ + dm + i + n: ee = 0: GOTO funky2 funky2: FOR x = 7 TO 66: IF lo(x) = 1000 + n THEN lo(x) = rm: PRINT "You found "; ob$(x); " on the corpse!": SLEEP 1 NEXT: GOTO 107 290 COLOR 12: PRINT "I don't understand your command.": GOTO 107 300 COLOR 12: PRINT "I don't understand your command.": GOTO 107 310 COLOR 12: PRINT "I don't understand your command.": GOTO 107 375 PRINT "You are "; na$; " the "; kn$; "!": PRINT "You have"; h; "hit points (of"; hp; ") and"; m; "magic points (of"; mp; ")." 376 PRINT "You have"; ex; "experience points and"; gp; "gold coins." 377 PRINT "Your alignment puts you in the category of "; al$; "." 378 GOTO 107 400 ic = 0: FOR x = 7 TO 66: IF lo(x) = -1 OR lo(x) = 105 OR lo(x) = 205 THEN ic = ic + 1 401 NEXT: IF ic = 0 THEN PRINT "Alas, you are empty handed.": GOTO 107 402 PRINT "You are carrying"; : COLOR 8: PRINT ic; : COLOR 7: PRINT "items." 403 FOR x = 7 TO 66 404 IF lo(x) = -1 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT " "; ob$(x) 405 IF lo(x) = 105 THEN COLOR 11: PRINT " "; ob$(x); : COLOR 12: PRINT " (wielded)" 406 IF lo(x) = 205 THEN COLOR 10: PRINT " "; ob$(x); : COLOR 5: PRINT " (worn)" 407 NEXT 408 GOTO 107 800 PRINT : INPUT "Enter your name"; na$ 801 PRINT : PRINT "Alright, man! Hold on while I load it up...": SLEEP 1: PRINT 802 CLOSE 1: CLOSE 2: OPEN na$ + ".sav" FOR INPUT AS #1 803 INPUT #1, st: INPUT #1, th: INPUT #1, eg: INPUT #1, dy: INPUT #1, h: INPUT #1, hp: INPUT #1, m: INPUT #1, mp: INPUT #1, sy: INPUT #1, ic: INPUT #1, wd: INPUT #1, sc: INPUT #1, ex: INPUT #1, lv: INPUT #1, gp: INPUT #1, ct: INPUT #1, wp: INPUT #1 _ , i: INPUT #1, n 804 INPUT #1, zm: INPUT #1, sp: INPUT #1, hr: INPUT #1, m: INPUT #1, rm: INPUT #1, na$: INPUT #1, kn$: INPUT #1, dog: FOR x = 1 TO 66: INPUT #1, lo(x): NEXT: CLOSE 1: CLOSE 2: PRINT "Done.": SLEEP 1: CLS : GOTO 99 990 IF n <> 31 AND n > 21 AND n < 39 OR n > 43 AND n < 62 THEN GOTO 992 991 GOTO 107 992 PRINT "The "; ob$(n); " is carrying:": si = 0: FOR x = 7 TO 66: IF lo(x) = 1000 + n THEN PRINT " "; ob$(x); ".": si = 1 993 NEXT: IF si = 0 THEN PRINT "Nothing.": GOTO 107 994 si = 0: GOTO 107 2000 IF y = 8 THEN y = 7: RETURN 2001 IF y = 7 THEN y = 15: RETURN 2002 IF y = 15 THEN y = 8: RETURN 2005 RANDOMIZE TIMER: y = INT(RND * 15) + 1: IF y <> 15 AND y <> 7 AND y <> 8 THEN GOTO 2000 2020 RETURN 1000 : 1001 DATA "North","north","North is a direction." 1002 DATA "South","south","South is a direction." 1003 DATA "East","east","East is a direction." 1004 DATA "West","west","West is a direction." 1005 DATA "Up","up","Up is a direction (look at the sky)." 1006 DATA "Down","down","Down is a direction (look at the ground)." 1007 DATA "Cherry Slurpie","slurpie","A cherry flavored Slurpie." 1008 DATA "Turkey Sandwhich","sandwhich","This is a turkey sandwhich (with lettace and tomatoes)." 1009 DATA "Heavy duty Stapler","stapler","This heavy duty stapler can staple large stacks of paper." 1010 DATA "Industrial Pricing Gun","gun","This pricing gun can afix prices to ordinary merchandise." 1011 DATA "#2 Pencil","pencil","This is a #2 pencil. Useful for poking things, or writing, whichever you fancy." 1012 DATA "Trash Can lid","lid","This lid can be worn as a shield (for deflecting projectiles)." 1013 DATA "Eggs","eggs","These eggs are Grade AAA. Fresh from the farm!" 1014 DATA "Red Tag Clearance","tag","This is it! The Red Tag Clearance!" 1015 DATA "Rock","rock","This is a large granite rock, jagged at the edges." 1016 DATA "Hamster Adventures","hamster","Here it is, 'Hamster Adventures'. Priced at $49.99." 1017 DATA "Gamestar","gamestar","This is the latest video game console, Gamestar. Your brother has two of these!" 1018 DATA "Surge protector","protector","This is an eight-outlet surge protector." 1019 DATA "S-Video cable","cable","This is an S-video cable. It is used with the Gamestar for video." 1020 DATA "DVD player","player","This DVD player is marked on sale for $59.99!" 1021 DATA "Carved Elephant","elephant","This is a rare carved elephant, imported from India. It has jewel encrusted trunks!" 1022 DATA "Sally","sally","This is Sally, an assistant manager at Berky's. She's 20 and single, whoo hoo!" 1023 DATA "John","john","This is John, Senior Manager at Video Stop. He looks mean and ugly!" 1024 DATA "Old Man","man","This is an old man walking beside his wife. He carries behind his ear a pencil." 1025 DATA "Old Woman","woman","This is an old woman walking beside her husband." 1026 DATA "Kid","kid","This is a small kid playing video games. He normally has a slurpie." 1027 DATA "Punk","punk","This is a punk teenager kid. He has pink hair and a pierced nose." 1028 DATA "Dog","dog","This is a Siberian Husky. It has blue eyes and a gentle disposition." 1029 DATA "Cat","cat","This is a Persian cat. It has black fluffy hair and yellow eyes." 1030 DATA "Chicken","chicken","Pets Unlimited sells chickens?!" 1031 DATA "Globe","globe","This is an ancient globe of the world. Ancient by 1998 standards, anyway." 1032 DATA "Jock","jock","This is a high school wrestler from the local school. He is normally with his girlfriend." 1033 DATA "Cheerleader","cheerleader","This is a cheerleader from the local school." 1034 DATA "Jack Smacker","jack","This is Jack Smacker, the local bully. He is normally in trouble with the law." 1035 DATA "Creep","creep","This is the local pervert. He is often flashing himself to old ladies." 1036 DATA "Drugie","drugie","This is a crackhead drugie from nearby Ghettoville. Maybe he has some good stuff??" 1037 DATA "Sales Associate","associate","This is a freshly hired sales associate. He doesn't even have a name tag!" 1038 DATA "Fred","fred","This is Fred, who also happens to be your uncle! Maybe he can give you some extra cash??" 1039 DATA "Metal Crowbar","crowbar","This is a deadly metal crowbar (perfect as a weapon)." 1040 DATA "9mm pistol","pistol","Pimpin', biatch!!! The drug runners right hand man! A 9mm gloc pistol!" 1041 DATA "9mm clip","clip","A clip full of bullets for the 9mm hand gun! Yes!" 1042 DATA "Drugs","drugs","A few rocks of cocaine! For the ride home, supposedly..." 1043 DATA "Metal detector","detector","This is a metal detector. Good for finding metal." 1044 DATA "Brother Thomas","thomas","Your brother is here, apparently passed out drunk! Oh well..." 1045 DATA "Your mother","mother","Well, it's your dear old mother. She's been slaving all day, it seems." 1046 DATA "Your father","father","Your father just got home from work, smelling of cheap perfume..." 1047 DATA "Prostitute","prostitute","It's a prostitute! She looks sicky and coughs quite frequently! Shit!" 1048 DATA "Whino","whino","This is just some drunken whino passed out on the street. Who cares?" 1049 DATA "Homeless Derrick","derrick","This is some homeless guy named Derrick. He has needle marks on his arm." 1050 DATA "AIDS Patient","patient","This is an AIDS patient. He is sick and has a very low T-cell count!" 1051 DATA "I.V. User","user","This is an I.V. Drug user. He appears to have Hepatitis B." 1052 DATA "Crack Addict","addict","This is a local crack addict. He appears to be mumbling something." 1053 DATA "Bio scientist","scientist","This is a famed Bio scientist. He specializes in AIDS and Bubonic Plague." 1054 DATA "Lab Technician","technician","This is a female lab technician (with blond hair). She has nice tits, man!" 1055 DATA "Human Embryo","embryo","This is an aborted Human embryo. It is smelly and red looking!" 1056 DATA "Mortician","mortician","This is a local mortician. He is doing a Y-incision on a corpse right now." 1057 DATA "Common thief","thief","This is just a common thief. He probably ripped off a store." 1058 DATA "Policeman","policeman","This is an overworked policeman. He is nodding off in his charm." 1059 DATA "Police Chief","chief","This is the Police Chief. He is flipping through some papers in a file." 1060 DATA "Fireman","fireman","This is a local fireman. He is playing cards with his fire buddies." 1061 DATA "Librarian","librarian","Man, what a stuck up bitch this librarian is! What a fupping windbag!" 1062 DATA "Book","book","This is just some fupping library book no one cares about." 1063 DATA "Marble","marble","This is some kid's lost marble. Maybe you can find a use for it??" 1064 DATA "Syringe","syringe","This is a drug user's syringe. Man, what a score!" 1065 DATA "HIV Virus","virus","Fupp, man! Don't touch this shit or you'll die of AIDS!" 1066 DATA "Human Skull","skull","Some dead dude's skull. Who the fupp placed it in here??" 1100 : 1101 DATA "By the Pay phones (In the Food Court)" DATA "You are near the pay phones in the food court. There are people here eating." 1102 DATA "In the Food Court" DATA "You are in the food court. There are many people here chowing down on food. Somepay phones are also here. To the west are more people eating food." 1103 DATA "West of the Food Court" DATA "You are in the food court at Speaksville Mall. There are many people here enjoying lunch. To the south lies the Northern part of Speaksville Mall. There are a few shops alongside it." 1104 DATA "North section of mall (by the Food Court)" DATA "You are north of Pets Unlimited in Speaksville Mall. To the north stands a food court." 1105 DATA "North section of mall (by Pets Unlimited)" DATA "You are by Pets Unlimited in Speaksville Mall. To the west stands Video Shop, the focus of your search! It has several rows of games and the Gamestar (the latest game console)." 1106 DATA "Inside Pets Unlimited" DATA "You are inside Pets Unlimited. There are dogs, cats, and other assorted pets here on display. Perhaps you could take one home with you??" 1107 DATA "At the front counter (Pets Unlimited)" DATA "You are at the front counter of Pets Unlimited. A sales associate is usually here. To the west lies the entrance." 1108 DATA "Inside Video Stop" DATA "You are inside Video Stop, the local video game store. Your brother wants you to purchase 'Hamster Adventures', but you only have $35! You'll have to find theRed Tag clearance and avoid the security cameras, too!" 1109 DATA "At the front counter (Video Stop)" DATA "You are at the front counter inside Video Stop. Both John and Sally, the managers of Video Stop, are usually here attending to customers." 1110 DATA "By the western wall (Video Stop)" DATA "You are by the western wall in Video Stop. Rows of games for the Gamestar are on display here. You even see 'Hamster Adventures', priced at...wow! $49.99?? What a rip!" 1111 DATA "By the northern wall (Video Stop)" DATA "You are by the northern wall inside Video Stop. Rows of S-video cables adorn the wall, alongside Gamestar controllers. Some of them are pricier than others." 1112 DATA "In the back room (Video Stop)" DATA "You are in the back room inside Video Stop. Some of the sales associates take their breaks here, others at the food court across the way. The only exit is back south." 1113 DATA "North of Center Court (In Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are north of Center Court in Speaksville Mall. To the north are several shops, as well as the food court." 1114 DATA "Center Court (In Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are at Center Court in Speaksville Mall. You can head east or west out of the mall, or north towards the food court. South of here lies a card shop and Berky's, the only restaurant inside the mall." 1115 DATA "West of Center Court (In Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are west of the Center Court inside Speaksville Mall. Berky's, the only restaurant inside the mall, lies to the west. Center Court is east." 1116 DATA "West of Center Court (by Berky's)" DATA "You are by Berky's inside the mall. Sandwhiches and soup are made here, fresh from Speaksville Farms, a local dairy. To the west lies a parking lot." 1117 DATA "Inside Berky's" DATA "You are inside Berky's, a local restaurant inside Speaksville Mall. Servers are helping customers and watching cooks prepare food. The only exit is back north." 1118 DATA "At the front counter (Berky's)" DATA "You are at the front counter inside Berky's. A cash register is here, filled with new bills." 1119 DATA "At the front counter (Radio House)" DATA "You are at the front counter in Radio House, a local electronics shop inside the mall. To the north stands the front counter." 1120 DATA "Inside Radio House" DATA "You are inside Radio House at Speaksville Mall. It is filled to the brim with the latest electronic gadgets and do-dads. To the east lies a pathway in the mall." 1121 DATA "South of Center Court (In Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are south of Center Court in the mall. To the south lies a few shops, including The Card Shop and Radio House." 1122 DATA "South of Center Court (by The Card Shop)" DATA "You are by The Card Shop in Speaksville Mall. To the west lies Radio House, a local electronics store." 1123 DATA "Inside The Card Shop" DATA "You are inside The Card Shop in Speaksville Mall. It is filled with cards and eccentric decorations and imported (handcrafted!) figurines." 1124 DATA "At the front counter (The Card Shop)" DATA "You are at the front counter inside The Card Shop. No one is here most of the time (probably doing something with said boyfriend in the back room!)" 1125 DATA "Inside a stall (Women's Restroom)" DATA "You are inside a stall in the Women's restroom. You really shouldn't be in here, but then again, when you've got to go..." 1126 DATA "At the sink (Women's Restroom)" DATA "You are standing before a sink in the Women's Restroom. There is a mirror here." 1127 DATA "Inside the Women's Restroom" DATA "You are inside the Women's restroom in Speaksville Mall. Shame on you for entering here! There is a sink up ahead, alongside some stalls." 1128 DATA "Inside a stall (Women's Restroom)" DATA "You are inside a stall in the Women's restroom. There isn't much here except for a toilet." 1129 DATA "East of Center Court (In Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are east of Center Court in Speaksville Mall. A Card shop is nearby." 1130 DATA "East of Center Court (By the Restrooms)" DATA "You are by the restrooms in Speaksville Mall. East of here lies a parking lot (heading into sunlight)." 1131 DATA "East of Center Court (In Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are east of Center Court in Speaksville Mall. To the east lies a parking lot (near a small park)." 1132 DATA "In front of Speaksville Mall (in a parking lot)" DATA "You are near Speaksville Mall in a parking lot. Several rows of cars are here, some of them parked too close together." 1133 DATA "In a parking lot (near Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are in a parking lot near Speaksville Mall. To the west lies the entrance to the mall itself." 1134 DATA "Inside a stall (Men's Restroom)" DATA "You are inside a bathroom stall in the Men's restroom. You've really got to go, so find a place and lay it down!" 1135 DATA "Inside the Men's Restroom" DATA "At last you have reached the restroom! That drink you had really got to your bladder fast! Find a place to go...quickly now!" 1136 DATA "At the sink (Men's Restroom)" DATA "You are starring at your reflection over the sink in the Men's restroom. It feels good to be able to see how you look, but remember, time is a-ticking and your brother is counting on you!" 1137 DATA "Inside a stall (Men's Restroom)" DATA "You are inside a stall in the Men's restroom. It is mostly bare, save for a toilet in the middle. But find a place to go, will ya!" 1138 DATA "In a parking lot (near a sidewalk)" DATA "You are near a sidewalk across from a parking lot near the Speaksville Mall. A park stands to the west, obscured by a large oak tree." 1139 DATA "In a crosswalk (across from a parking lot)" DATA "You are walking in a crosswalk against the light. You'd better hurry, before a car comes along and runs you over!" 1140 DATA "On a sidewalk (near the local park)" DATA "You are on a sidewalk near the local park. You can hear birds chirping and cars honking their horns. To the west stands the park, obstructed by large oak trees next to wooden benches." 1141 DATA "In a park (near a large oak tree)" DATA "At last you've reached the park. It is beautiful here, almost as lovely as the mall. Which reminds you...you'd better get back to the mall before it closes!" 1142 DATA "In a park (by the benches)" DATA "You are in a park by the benches. The afternoon sun is beginning to sink towardsthe horizon. You'd like to lolly-gag here, but you've got to get to Video Stop before closing time!" 1143 DATA "In a park (by a large oak tree)" DATA "You are standing before an old oak tree in the local park. It is twisted by age and time, the remnants of an old forest. Atop the tree you notice a small treehouse." 1144 DATA "Near a large tree (in a park)" DATA "You are about fifteen feet away from a large oak tree. There is a small fountainhere. Waters pours out from an ornate jug upheld by a statute (into a motted basin below)." 1145 DATA "Atop the tree (in a treehouse)" DATA "You are atop the old oak tree in the local park. Evidently some kids built this treehouse here as refuge from their parents." 1146 DATA "Outside Speaksville Mall (in a parking lot)" DATA "You are outside in a parking lot near Speaksville Mall. It extends north near Fred's Mart, the local quickie mart owned by your uncle." 1147 DATA "In a parking lot (near Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are in a parking lot near Speaksville Mall. Rows of cars are visible in neatlittle rows across the width of the parking lot. The only exit is back inside." 1148 DATA "In a parking lot (near Fred's Mart)" DATA "You are in a parking lot near Fred's Mart (the local quickie mart in town). Theysell slurpies there, as well as sandwhiches." 1149 DATA "Inside Fred's Mart (by a slurpie machine)" DATA "You are inside Fred's Mart (near the slurpie machine). You have several flavors to choose from, including cherry, lime and coke. Fred is usually behind the counter here." 1150 DATA "At the front counter (in Fred's Mart)" DATA "You are at the front counter inside Fred's Mart. Fred is usually here, taking change or talking with customers. You'd better pay for that slurpie, mister!" 1151 DATA "Outside Speaksville Mall (Southern Entrance)" DATA "You are standing outside the mall. To the south stands a small parking lot." 1152 DATA "Small Parking lot (South of Speaksville Mall)" DATA "You are standing in a small parking lot near the mall. To the south lies Elm Street. But beware! It has been overrun with thugs and drug users!" 1153 DATA "On Elm Street (in East Speaksville)" DATA "You are walking on Elm Street. It has delapidated recently from drug users and local pimps moving into the area. 'Show' bars abound on this street." 1154 DATA "Near the high school (east of Elm Street)" DATA "You are by the local high school. It is not as great as before, thanks in part to the local pimps and thugs moving into the area." 1155 DATA "In the high school library" DATA "You are standing in the library within the high school. Rows of books adorn the interior of this mammoth room. A librarian is usually here as well." 1156 DATA "By a wall (in the alley)" DATA "You stand before a wall in the alley. You'd better move, before some thugs try to mug you. The only safe path is back south. Head that way now!" 1157 DATA "In the alleyway (behind the school)" DATA "You stand in an alley way behind the school. This is not such a safe place to be, especially during the daylight hours. Thugs do their pimping here." 1158 DATA "By an alley (behind the school)" DATA "You are in an alley behind the school. The ground is littered with trash and smells of refuge from years past. People have urinated here, it seems." 1159 DATA "On a sidewalk (in front of the high school)" DATA "You are standing on a sidewalk in front of the school. To the west stands an alleyway, heading past rows of vacant lots." 1160 DATA "On a sidewalk (near Elm Street)" DATA "You stand on a sidewalk near Elm Street. As recently as a decade ago, this street was the pride of Speaksville. But drug runners have had their way." 1161 DATA "On a sidewalk (before a Police Station)" DATA "You are standing in front of a Police station. The sidewalk bends to the west here, towards a rundown section of town." 1162 DATA "Inside the Speaksville Police Station" DATA "You are standing inside the Speaksville Police Department. There aren't many officers on duty here. Nevertheless, some lockers stand to the north here." 1163 DATA "By some lockers (inside the Police station)" DATA "You are by a row of blue lockers inside the police station. Officers come here to store their vests and equipment. A staircase ascends upwards to the second floor of the police station." 1164 DATA "In a secluded lab (upstairs of the main station)" DATA "You are standing in a small technicians lab, where Biology scientists work in the crime lab, solving forensic riddles. To the east lies a restroom, while north of here lies a small infirmary." 1165 DATA "Inside a restroom (in the Police station)" DATA "You are standing inside a small restroom. There is a small basin here where you can wash your hands. It is meticulously clean here." 1166 DATA "On a sidewalk east of town (by a Fire Station)" DATA "You stand before a Fire station in eastern Speaksville. Currently, only one fire engine remains inside. The rest have gone out on calls across town." 1167 DATA "Inside the Fire Station" DATA "You are inside a Fire station. A pole is here, descending down to a garage below. The sound of a nearby television set rumbles in your ear." 1168 DATA "On a sidewalk (before your house)" DATA "You are standing on a small sidewalk just before your house. Your parents appear to be at home, as well as your brother. Perhaps you could swing by to say hello." 1169 DATA "In front of your house" DATA "You are standing before your house. It looks aged and worn, for the paint looks faded and dusty. However, this is home to you so you'd better stop by just to say hello!" 1170 DATA "In a crowded hallway (in your house)" DATA "You are walking down a crowded hallway inside your house. Your parents appear to be watching television in the other room. As for your brother, you'd rather not guess what he's up to..." 1171 DATA "Inside your parent's bedroom" DATA "You are standing in your parent's master bedroom. They appear to be watching television at the moment. Perhaps it would be best to leave them alone to their daily routine." 1172 DATA "Inside your brother's room" DATA "You are standing at the door to your brother's room. Looking in, he appears to be asleep at the moment..." 1173 DATA "In the infirmary (inside the Police station)" DATA "You are standing in a small infirmary inside the police station. A few individuals are here, receiving basic medical care from a nurse. To the west stands two solid metal doors, marked with the words: 'Mortuary. CAUTION!'." 1200 : 1201 DATA "go" 1202 DATA "get" 1203 DATA "take" 1204 DATA "drop" 1205 DATA "wield" 1206 DATA "unwield" 1207 DATA "wear" 1208 DATA "remove" 1209 DATA "use" 1210 DATA "climb" 1211 DATA "examine" 1212 DATA "read" 1213 DATA "buy" 1214 DATA "sell" 1215 DATA "eat" 1216 DATA "drink" 1217 DATA "kill" 1300 : 1301 DATA 99,99,99,99,99,99 1307 DATA 49,1025,20,12,1023,42,50,24,45 1316 DATA 9,10,19,11,20,24,9,34,5,5,8,49,6,6 1330 DATA 7,23,14,14,50,25,40,19,50,1026,1036,1036,1036,22 1344 DATA 72,71,71,60,58,57,73,60,59,64,64,65 1356 DATA 73,73,62,62,67,55,55,54,1051,1053,73 1400 : 1401 DATA 0,2,0,0,0,0 1402 DATA 1,0,0,3,0,0 1403 DATA 0,4,2,0,0,0 1404 DATA 3,5,0,0,0,0 1405 DATA 4,13,6,8,0,0 1406 DATA 0,0,7,5,0,0 1407 DATA 0,0,0,6,0,0 1408 DATA 9,10,5,12,0,0 1409 DATA 0,8,0,0,0,0 1410 DATA 8,0,0,11,0,0 1411 DATA 0,0,10,0,0,0 1412 DATA 0,0,8,0,0,0 1413 DATA 5,14,0,0,0,0 1414 DATA 13,21,29,15,0,0 1415 DATA 0,0,14,16,0,0 1416 DATA 0,17,15,46,0,0 1417 DATA 16,18,0,0,0,0 1418 DATA 17,0,0,0,0,0 1419 DATA 0,20,0,0,0,0 1420 DATA 19,0,0,0,0,0 1421 DATA 14,22,0,0,0,0 1422 DATA 21,51,23,20,0,0 1423 DATA 0,0,24,22,0,0 1424 DATA 0,0,0,23,0,0 1425 DATA 27,0,0,0,0,0 1426 DATA 0,0,27,0,0,0 1427 DATA 30,25,28,26,0,0 1428 DATA 0,0,0,27,0,0 1429 DATA 0,0,30,14,0,0 1430 DATA 35,27,31,29,0,0 1431 DATA 0,0,32,30,0,0 1432 DATA 33,0,0,31,0,0 1433 DATA 38,32,0,0,0,0 1434 DATA 0,0,0,35,0,0 1435 DATA 37,30,34,36,0,0 1436 DATA 0,0,35,0,0,0 1437 DATA 0,35,0,0,0,0 1438 DATA 39,33,0,0,0,0 1439 DATA 0,38,0,40,0,0 1440 DATA 0,0,39,41,0,0 1441 DATA 42,0,40,0,0,0 1442 DATA 0,41,43,0,0,0 1443 DATA 44,0,0,42,0,0 1444 DATA 0,43,0,0,45,0 1445 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,44 1446 DATA 47,0,16,0,0,0 1447 DATA 48,46,0,0,0,0 1448 DATA 0,47,0,49,0,0 1449 DATA 0,50,48,0,0,0 1450 DATA 49,0,0,0,0,0 1451 DATA 22,52,0,0,0,0 1452 DATA 51,0,0,53,0,0 1453 DATA 0,0,52,54,0,0 1454 DATA 55,59,53,0,0,0 1455 DATA 0,54,0,0,0,0 1456 DATA 0,57,0,0,0,0 1457 DATA 56,58,0,0,0,0 1458 DATA 57,0,59,0,0,0 1459 DATA 54,0,60,58,0,0 1460 DATA 0,0,61,59,0,0 1461 DATA 62,0,66,60,0,0 1462 DATA 63,61,76,0,0,0 1463 DATA 0,62,0,0,64,0 1464 DATA 73,0,65,0,0,63 1465 DATA 0,0,0,64,0,0 1466 DATA 67,0,68,61,0,0 1467 DATA 0,66,0,0,0,0 1468 DATA 0,69,0,66,0,0 1469 DATA 68,0,0,70,0,0 1470 DATA 0,71,69,72,0,0 1471 DATA 70,0,0,0,0,0 1472 DATA 0,0,70,0,0,0 1473 DATA 0,64,0,0,0,0 4998 END 4999 COLOR 14: PRINT "*** Press any key ***": COLOR 7 5000 a$ = INKEY$: IF a$ = "" THEN GOTO 5000 5001 RETURN 7000 PRINT "Saving "; na$; "..." 7802 CLOSE 2: CLOSE 1: OPEN na$ + ".sav" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 7803 PRINT #1, st: PRINT #1, th: PRINT #1, eg: PRINT #1, dy: PRINT #1, h: PRINT #1, hp: PRINT #1, m: PRINT #1, mp: PRINT #1, sy: PRINT #1, ic: PRINT #1, wd: PRINT #1, sc: PRINT #1, ex: PRINT #1, lv: PRINT #1, gp: PRINT #1, ct: PRINT #1, wp: PRINT #1 _ , i: PRINT #1, n 7804 PRINT #1, zm: PRINT #1, sp: PRINT #1, hr: PRINT #1, m: PRINT #1, rm: PRINT #1, na$: PRINT #1, kn$: PRINT #1, dog: FOR x = 1 TO 66: PRINT #1, lo(x): NEXT: CLOSE 1: CLOSE 2: PRINT "Done.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 8000 PRINT : COLOR 15: PRINT "Help commands": SLEEP 1: PRINT : COLOR 7 8001 PRINT "You play this game by entering in a verb and noun sequence.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "For instance, to use the pricing gun, type:"; : COLOR 8: PRINT " use gun": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7 8002 PRINT "Valid commands are:": SLEEP 1 8003 COLOR 14: PRINT "1. go 2. get 3. take 4. wield 5. unwield 6. wear 7. remove 8. use": PRINT "9. climb 10. examine 11. read 12. drop 13. buy 14. sell 15. eat 16. drink": PRINT "17. kill 18. quit 19. score 20. save 21. inventory 22. look": SLEEP 3 _ : PRINT : COLOR 7: PRINT "If you need help, e-mail the author at: "; : COLOR 10 8004 PRINT "dunric@yahoo.com": PRINT : COLOR 7: GOTO 107 9000 IF h < 1 OR h < 0 OR death = 1 THEN CLS : GOTO 9500 COLOR 7: IF gp < 22 THEN PRINT "He scowls.": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You don't have enough money!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "'Out of my store, you jerk off!'": SLEEP 1: PRINT "You are thrown head first out of Video Stop.": SLEEP 1: rm = 5: PRINT _ "Go get some more cash before the store closes!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 9001 gp = gp - 22: PRINT "You have successfully purchased Hamster Adventures!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Your brother will have a hard on for weeks now!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Great going, man!": SLEEP 1: PRINT : PRINT "THE END": SLEEP 2: CLS : GOTO 9500 9200 hr = hr + 1: m = 0: IF hr = 13 THEN hr = 1 IF lo(31) = -1 THEN PRINT "It is now "; : COLOR 12: PRINT hr; "o'clock." 9201 IF hr = 5 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT "Shit! Only 1 more hour until the mall closes!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 8: PRINT "Hurry your ass up!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7 9202 IF hr = 6 THEN COLOR 12: PRINT "The mall has closed...": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "FUPP!": SLEEP 1: PRINT "Well, you'll have to explain to your brother how you": PRINT "messed you in getting 'Hamster Adventures' for him...": SLEEP 3: COLOR 7: _ GOTO 9500 9203 RETURN 9500 PRINT : PRINT "Your final stats were:": PRINT 9501 PRINT "Hit points: "; : COLOR 8: PRINT h; : COLOR 7: PRINT "/"; : COLOR 8: PRINT hp 9502 COLOR 7: PRINT "Gold coins:"; : COLOR 8: PRINT gp; : COLOR 7: PRINT " Experience (exp):"; : COLOR 8: PRINT ex 9503 COLOR 7: PRINT "Score:"; : COLOR 8: PRINT sc: COLOR 7: PRINT 9504 PRINT "Great going, man!": SLEEP 1: PRINT : PRINT "THE END" 9505 PRINT : COLOR 10: PRINT "dunric@yahoo.com" 9506 SLEEP 10: END 9600 IF gp < 5 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The pay phone beeps,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Please deposit 50 more cents."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'" 9601 gp = gp - 5: COLOR 6: PRINT "You deposit .50 cents into the pay phone.": SLEEP 1 9602 PRINT : COLOR 8: PRINT "Enter number to dial (area code first):"; : COLOR 14: INPUT "", fon$ 9603 IF LEFT$(fon$, 3) = "928" OR LEFT$(fon$, 3) = "602" OR LEFT$(fon$, 3) = "480" OR LEFT$(fon$, 3) = "520" THEN GOTO 9605 9604 COLOR 7: PRINT : PRINT "Invalid area code. Valid ones are 480,520,602 and 928.": SLEEP 1: GOTO 9600 9605 IF fon$ = "928-555-1256" OR fon$ = "928555-1256" OR fon$ = "9285551256" OR fon$ = "928 555 1256" OR fon$ = "928 5551256" THEN GOTO 9610 9606 COLOR 11: PRINT "(the phone is ready...)": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: IF MID$(fon$, 4, 1) = "7" THEN n = 36: GOTO 9650 9607 RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 10) + 1: IF i > 3 THEN COLOR 8: PRINT "FUPP! "; : COLOR 7: PRINT "The phone's fupping busy!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(click)": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 9608 COLOR 11: PRINT "(ring, ring!)": COLOR 7: PRINT "It's "; : COLOR 8: PRINT "RINGING"; : COLOR 7: PRINT " man!": SLEEP 1 9609 PRINT : COLOR 7: PRINT "Voice: "; : COLOR 15: PRINT "'Hello?'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "You say,'"; : COLOR 8: GOSUB 9690: COLOR 7: PRINT ".'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Voice: '"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Who is this?!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1 _ : COLOR 11: PRINT "(click!)": SLEEP 2: COLOR 7: PRINT "Man, that was awesome, baby!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 9610 COLOR 11: PRINT "(someone answers!)": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Voice: '"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Jenny here..."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "You say,'"; : COLOR 8: GOSUB 9690: SLEEP 2: COLOR 7 9611 gosub9690: SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Jenny says,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "What, baby? What'd I do??"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(click!)": SLEEP 2: COLOR 7: PRINT "Man, that was awesome, baby!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 9650 COLOR 11: PRINT "(ring, ring!)": COLOR 7: PRINT "It's "; : COLOR 8: PRINT "RINGING"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ", man!": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(someone answers!)": SLEEP 1 9651 COLOR 7: PRINT "A voice says,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Is this "; na$; "?"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1 9652 COLOR 8: PRINT "FUPP!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT " What do you say back"; : INPUT sb$: IF sb$ = "yes" THEN GOTO 9654 9653 COLOR 7: PRINT "The voice answers,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Who is this? How'd you get my number?"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(click...)": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "Damn!": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 9654 COLOR 7: PRINT "The voice answers,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Good. Did you wack Sally yet?"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": PRINT : COLOR 7: PRINT "What do you say back"; : INPUT sb$: IF sb$ = "yes" THEN GOTO 9656 9655 COLOR 7: PRINT "The voice answers,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Don't call back until the job's done."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(click...)": SLEEP 1: GOTO 107 9656 IF sy = 0 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The voice answers,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Don't lie to me. I've got men all over the place!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 1: COLOR 11: PRINT "(click...)": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT "You are feeling very nervous!": _ SLEEP 1: PRINT "You'd better get out of town before he comes looking for you!": SLEEP 2: GOTO 107 9657 IF sy = 1 THEN COLOR 7: PRINT "The voice answers,'"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "Good job, man. Find the drugs in the tree house near the park."; : COLOR 7: PRINT "'": SLEEP 2: COLOR 11: PRINT "(click...)": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: PRINT _ "Alright! Now let's go get the drugs!": SLEEP 1: lo(42) = 45: GOTO 107 9658 COLOR 11: PRINT "(click...)": SLEEP 1: COLOR 7: GOTO 107 9690 RANDOMIZE TIMER: i = INT(RND * 15) + 1 IF i = 1 THEN PRINT "Fupp you!" IF i = 2 THEN PRINT "Can I suck your finger?" IF i = 3 THEN PRINT "I'm gonna bite your ear off!" IF i = 4 THEN PRINT "I stole your grandma's panties!" IF i = 5 THEN PRINT "WWWAAAHHH!!!" IF i = 6 THEN PRINT "Who's your daddy?" IF i = 7 THEN PRINT "This is Speaksville Security. May I help you?" IF i = 8 THEN PRINT "911. What is your emergency?" IF i = 9 THEN PRINT "Sorry, you've got the wrong house." IF i = 10 THEN PRINT "Did I ever tell you about my sister?" IF i = 11 THEN PRINT "Don't mess with Zelda!" IF i = 12 THEN PRINT "Who IS this?!" IF i = 13 THEN PRINT "Who ARE you?!" IF i = 14 THEN PRINT "You're ugly." IF i = 15 THEN PRINT "I hate you, too!" COLOR 7: RETURN