*[Galaxy Tower] **[How do I get out of here?!] ***[Hint 1]Well, the Galaxy Tower is notorious for slow elevators, so that won't work. ***[Hint 2]It would take forever to take the stairs. ***[Hint 3]Since you're a superhero, you could probably do something heroic like jump off of the building. ***[Hint 4]To get to a place to jump off, you must change into your superhero outfit and go to the helipad. ***[Hint 5]Also, you never just jump into something; get a view of the situation with the telescope. ***[Hint 6]Then just "jump"! **[How do I use the telescope?] ***[Hint 1]The telescope is in the southwest corner of the gift shop on the roof. ***[Hint 2]It is coin operated. ***[Hint 3]You must get two coins, and then view the images in the telescope sequentially. ***[Hint 4]Don't look at something unimportant, you only have a limited time! ***[Hint 5]Look at the foot, the footprints, the ball, the thing, the wall, the lot, the street, the dumpster, the car. **[How do I get the first coin?] ***[Hint 1]The coin is jammed in the gumball machine north of the bar. ***[Hint 2]You need to pry it with something. ***[Hint 3]A fork won't work. ***[Hint 4]A knife won't work. ***[Hint 5]Where's the spoon?? The waitress forgot to give it to you. ***[Hint 6]Ask the waitress about the spoon. ***[Hint 7]Pry the coin with the spoon. ***[Hint 8]Take the coin. **[How do I get the second coin?] ***[Hint 1]The gift shop clerk probably has a coin... ***[Hint 2]Ask clerk about the coin. ***[Hint 3]Then ask him again. ***[Hint 4]And again. **[How do I change to my heroic alter ego?] ***[Hint 1]You must find a private place. ***[Hint 2]The bathroom stall is pretty good but... ***[Hint 3]It's kinda messy. You gotta clean the toilet. ***[Hint 4]Put the acid capsule in the toilet, then go back in and flush it. ***[Hint 5]Now you can type 'change' in the last stall. **[How can I get the bartender to give me a drink?] ***[Hint 1]Don't worry about the bartender! He's too busy with other customers. Besides, HEROES DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! *[Downtown Porthaven] **[Whooh! This is big! Where do I go from here?] ***[Hint 1]You have a lot of options--and you can do them in any order, pretty much. ***[Hint 2]First, check out the alley on the east side of the Galaxy Tower. ***[Hint 3]Check out and play with the fish statue in the planter, and then check out the park on the east of Porthaven. ***[Hint 4]Check out the construction site to the north. ***[Hint 5]Check out Scurvy Fred's... and read the newspaper clippings for a clue. ***[Hint 6]Check out your duplex. There's an order form for Sea Monkey food in the recliner pouch... ***[Hint 7]Maybe you should mail that off to get some of your superpower food! **[How do I take care of this fish statue?] ***[Hint 1]You need to work the fish off of the pedestal. ***[Hint 2]You need to pull it... ***[Hint 3]And then push it... ***[Hint 4]And continue that a few times. Then take it. **[What's this cat doing in the alley?] ***[Hint 1]The cat has chased his favorite prey into a dumpster. ***[Hint 2]Scare the cat, and you can rescue Ratman, who may give you some clues. **[I saw a Nostalgia Shop... What's that?] ***[Hint 1]Enter the Nostalgia shop by going to the south corner at fifth and pine and entering the shop. ***[Hint 2]Before you go in, make sure you're wearing something on your feet to counterract the deadly shag carpet. ***[Hint 3]In the back here is the vest that you need to help the little old lady cross the street. ***[Hint 4]That's all! **[How do I help the lady cross the street?] ***[Hint 1]She needs a real hero... Or maybe just a crossing guard. ***[Hint 2]Crossing guards usually wear orange vests. And... ***[Hint 3]They usually have reflective tape on the vests (for visibility, of course). ***[Hint 4]Pull the tape and then tear it off of the crushed cone in front of the Galaxy Tower. ***[Hint 5]Put the tape on the vest. ***[Hint 6]Now just cross the street and the cars will stop for you. (Go north) *[Construction Site] **[Poor Ernie won't die down there, will he??] ***[Hint 1]No! Not if you get down to save him in time! **[This isn't one of those lame "Adventure Game" mazes, is it? I hate those! I'm not playing anymore!] ***[Hint 1]Wait wait! It's not that bad. There's just a few rooms to go through. ***[Hint 2]Many adventure game pros drop items in the rooms that they go through that way it's easier to map rooms because-- ***[Hint 3]You know which ones you've been to and which ones you haven't. ***[Hint 4]Or... ***[Hint 5]You could always just ask the workers for a map, but that's not very challenging. **[How do I see down here?] ***[Hint 1]Ask the workers for a flashlight. *[Scurvy Fred's] **[How do I go to the back of the store?] ***[Hint 1]Scurvy Fred won't let you back while he's still there. Check out the news paper clippings. ***[Hint 2]Maybe if he thought he might have a shot at Big Willy he would leave the store. ***[Hint 3]Show Fred the photograph that the photographer gave you. **[How do I open the garage-style door?] ***[Hint 1]You need a key... ***[Hint 2]It's in Scurvy Fred's register. ***[Hint 3]If you cleaned the mess for Scurvy Fred, he tossed you a quarter. How did he open the register? ***[Hint 4]Hit the register. ***[Hint 5]Look in the fish. ***[Hint 6]Get the key. ***[Hint 7]Unlock the door with the key. ***[Hint 8]Then, uh, open it. **[What do I do out back of the store?] ***[Hint 1]Search the barrels. **Anything else? ***[Hint 1]Get the hook in the trophy case. *[The Duplex] **[How do I get into my neighbor's apartment?] ***[Hint 1]Get the key for the sliding glass door. ***[Hint 2]It's below the porch. ***[Hint 3](Enter the hole under the porch) **[What do I need to get in there?] ***[Hint 1]The only important item in your neighbor's apartment is the rope. ***[Hint 2]He won't mind if you borrow it. ***[Hint 3]You'll just need to untie it from the table. **[What do I do in MY apartment?] ***[Hint 1]There's not much to do yet. Probably the first thing is to mail off the Sea Monkey food order form. ***[Hint 2]It's in the recliner pocket. ***[Hint 3]Just put it in the envelope, and put the envelope in the mailbox. ***[Hint 4]Then forget about it, the USPS takes forever to deliver. It'll be there when you need it, though. *[The Beach] **[How do I walk under water?] ***[Hint 1]You need the weights found behind Scurvy Fred's respectable establishment. **[What do I need those hipwaders for?] ***[Hint 1]Those would be perfect for entering the Nostalgia Shop immune to the shag carpeting. **[What does Jeremy have to do with this whole convoluted situation?] ***[Hint 1]Uh, nothing. He's just a decoration. *[The Mansion] **[How do I get through the gate?] ***[Hint 1]Don't bother with the gate. I'm sure you've noticed the branch hanging over the fence on the south side. ***[Hint 2]Get the rope from your friend's duplex and tie it to the hook from Scurvy Fred's. ***[Hint 3]Tie the rope to the branch. ***[Hint 3]Just go up and over. **[How do I get through the steel door?] ***[Hint 1]You need to punch it. ***[Hint 2]BUT, you need some super strength. ***[Hint 3]Eat the Sea Monkey food, then punch the door. **[(Where do I get that food?)] ***[Hint 1]You need to send away for it. See the hints in the Duplex for more info. **[What do I do in this basement?] ***[Hint 1]There's only one place to go. Through the mirrored door! ***[Hint 2]You need to push the button in to go through the door. ***[Hint 3]The button just pops back out. This is a different type of button. It's not really a button. ***[Hint 4]It's a "button like projection." ***[Hint 5]After you push the button, turn it. **[What do I do in the bathroom?] ***[Hint 1]All you really NEED to do is type 411 on the phone. ***[Hint 2]You could also look behind the shower curtain and read the screen to get some hints for later. **[And what of the upstairs?] ***[Hint 1]Drop the smoke capsule. ***[Hint 2]Pull the fire alarm. ***[Hint 3](Remember to call the SHOE first) *[The Park] **[How do I get the cat out of the tree?] ***[Hint 1]All you need to do is pull it so he can climb off the top. **[What if the cat is not on the tree?] ***[Hint 1]You didn't scare him out of the alley. ***[Hint 2]Go back to the alley at the east of the Galaxy Tower, and scare it. **[Who's this photographer nut?] ***[Hint 1]He's a nice guy, really. He'd be willing to take a photo of anything interesting in the lake. ***[Hint 2]If you could get a picture of a big fish in the lake, you could show that to Scurvy Fred! ***[Hint 3]Throw the fish from the planter off of Hemlock street into the pond. ***[Hint 4]Show the fish to the photographer. *[The Mall] **[How do I get into the mall?] ***[Hint 1]If you haven't called the Oversight Committee in to apprehend Mayor Pemper, don't bother yet. ***[Hint 2]Otherwise, you just go north from the construction site. **[How do I buy the diamonds for Aquagirl?] ***[Hint 1]Easy. Just go into the jewelry store and type 'buy diamonds'. ***[Hint 2]Well, you'll need some cash, I guess. ***[Hint 3]Get it from the ATM **[How do I get cash?] ***[Hint 1]Put the card into the machine and enter the PIN. ***[Hint 2]Just follow the directions on the screen from there. **[That's great, but what's the PIN?] ***[Hint 1]PIN's are very often birthdays of special people. ***[Hint 2]Aquagirl's a special person. ***[Hint 3]What was her birthday again? Today! ***[Hint 4]What's today... It's May 8. ***[Hint 5]See the planner, she was born in '79. ***[Hint 6]So the pin would be 5879. **[How do I get a hat?] ***[Hint 1]Don't worry about the hats. *[Apartment Complex] **[How come I can't get in?] ***[Hint 1]Before you go into the complex, you might as well have a suitable birthday gift. ***[Hint 2]Diamonds would do good but... ***[Hint 3]They need earring settings. Check the beach, the tide has gone out. **[How come I can't get in the door?] ***[Hint 1]It's locked. ***[Hint 2]The manager will let you in, though, seeing as how you're a superhero. ***[Hint 3]Knock on the window. **[How do I get into her apartment? It's locked!] ***[Hint 1]You need the key, obviously! ***[Hint 2]This is in the manager's office. ***[Hint 3]He won't LET you have it, but if you can scare him out... ***[Hint 4]Chew the blood capsule. **[What do I do in her apartment?] ***[Hint 1]The only thing you can do is with the 'dogear'. ***[Hint 2]It's like when you're reading a book, and you fold the page back, except reality has been folded back. ***[Hint 3]Pull the dogear, and you'll make a hole in reality. ***[Hint 4]Don't enter it, though. ***[Hint 5]Look at the back of the hole. ***[Hint 6]Enter that. *[The Beach (again)] **[The only important thing here is in the kelp in low tide.] ***[Hint 1]Search it. *[Dark World] **[Hey, the screen went black!] ***[Hint 1]Indeed it did if you have your HTMLTads settings properly configured. **[How do I get out of here?] ***[Hint 1]You need an item on your belt. ***[Hint 2]You need to cut the plastic. ***[Hint 3]You've certainly noticed your belt buckle, right? Take it off the belt. ***[Hint 4]Push the 'h' depression. ***[Hint 5]See the blade that came out? ***[Hint 6]Use that. **[Where do I go from here?] ***[Hint 1]You need to find Aquagirl. ***[Hint 2]Go into the props room. Notice that the area beside the desk has been cleared. ***[Hint 3]Push the desk. ***[Hint 4]Enter that portal. *[Prison] **[Where do I go?] ***[Hint 1]Have you tried going down? ***[Hint 2]Notice the platform at the south west room of the cave. ***[Hint 3]When you step on this, you are transported whereever the sphere is currently floating. **[What good does the sphere do me?] ***[Hint 1]In case you didn't notice, the sphere goes through places in the grey prison that you can't. ***[Hint 2]Time it so that when you get on the platform it takes you to the room you need to go. **[So now I've found Aquagirl, now what?] ***[Hint 1]First, get her to follow you. ***[Hint 2]Aquagirl, follow me. ***[Hint 3]Then time your step onto the platform so that it takes you to the room just past hers; the exit. **[Now we're out of the prison?] ***[Hint 1]Yep! Just take her to the large platform and GET OUTTA THERE! *[End Game] **[In a large warehouse?] ***[Hint 1]Right. The big sphere is a portal between the nightmare world and this one. ***[Hint 2]If you don't do something quick, all of those ghoulies are gonna come through and terrorize Porthaven. ***[Hint 3]The large sphere is controlled by a remote. ***[Hint 4]It just follows whereever the remote goes, pretty simple. ***[Hint 5]Get the remote and go south. **[I can't get out of the warehouse!] ***[Hint 1]You need to get the remote first. ***[Hint 2]If you put the remote through the mailslot, the sphere will go and take the wall with it. ***[Hint 3]Go through and pick up the remote. **[The large sphere is about to burst with evil!] ***[Hint 1]Yes, so you better hurry!